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It's that time again lads - over half-way there edition.
Post cute and wholesome pony pictures to expunge impure thoughts.
Or just be a faggot and encourage other anons' impure thoughts about mares (remember, this is a blue board,) your choice.

Previous: >>41612744
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Certified big chungus wait that's illegal moment
>There's an A so therefore everything is A
Wow, logic!
Are you still in game OP?
my fetish is being loved by a mare
The point is that's the same logic the other guy was using, he thinks NNN is "a Reddit thing" just because there's a Reddit board about it.
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I've done nothing but take L-Arginine, Zinc and Selenium for sixteen days.
I like reading erotic literature and captions, not JOI though
Am I too far gone, teach?
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for the first half of the month I was trying and actively failing constantly
now I stopped caring and all of a sudden I haven't even fapped at all in multiple days which is extremely abnormal for me
i dun geddit
To truly succeed is to not have to try anymore. You've done it anon, you're free!
I failed twice about a week ago.
You know I'm gonna be totally honest, the only reason I even consider it is the art style, the way mlp is drawn is so simple and appealing, nobody wants to say it but they know this one truth:

As Long As The Art Is Good.

Then anything can be fappable, that's a fact no matter what if it's drawn well and has an appealing art style it will be lewdable, It's human instinct to breed attractive looking things, goddamn we are still just animals huh... I long for the day we discard earthly desires that shackles us and attain immortality, to truly ascend to godhood, glory to mankind!
its an emelie from bad dragon
its my first time buying a toy and my friend that preaches their product quality
If you want Bad Dragon, then Mary or Rowan. If you're willing to accept other options, American Meat makes good horse toys.
The main fetish I developed with an irl girl with whom I broke up years ago is actually deep kissing. Something about it sets my neurons off like crazy, I always get rock hard no matter the context. Other than that, dark lipstick/mascara and lingerie are fucking hot. Guess who my waifu is, haha.
Also add sunflower lethicin powder to that. Mix it with yoghurt because it taste kind of bland.
It's part of the holy grail of cum production.
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I definitely did not just lose inside an onahole while hugging a daki as tight as I could
that definitely didn't happen
there's no way for me to feel this good
it's just not possible
so it didn't happen okay
Nuh uh I'm cool and based.
based and brappilled
The only effect no-nut November has is to increase the number of people with September birthdays. (do the math)
Oooo! That looks like a fun one anon!
As the owner of a Sugar Star, I can say the color and texture is outstanding! BD really does exude quality. However... I can't wholeheartedly recommend Sugar Star if you're, uh, "gifted" down there... Unfortunately for me it was just waaay too tight, like to the point of being uncomfortable/unusable. I even chose the "super soft" option too! If I were to do it again, I would probably go with Mary. Regardless, it's super exciting you invested is something fun for yourself! Enjoy anon!
W-We could make room for more...
But I'm still the rightful owner of the silly filly!
sounds like i should keep mary in mind for the future
also i dont suppose anyone here has a recommendation for a quality vibrating cock ring
the few i have tried all tore kinda quickly
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>the gayest faggots on the fucking website
Anon's log: Day 19, yesterday, my right ball was hurting a little but it's fine now.
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The first week was tough but I've been too busy lately to be horny. Only time it's an issue is when I'm trying to fall asleep.
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I have a few recs.
Check out either the Lovehoney Desire or Tenga SVR. They are both a bit on the higher-end price wise, but I can assure you they are extremely high quality and will last. Especially if you're experiencing tearing with lesser rings. heh, girth.
The SVR, while having a somewhat unusual shape, is actually very well engineered. It's more on the buzzy side of the vibration spectrum, so if you're into that type of high frequency stimulation, just go with that one.
The Desire is more traditionally shaped, albeit perhaps a bit thicker than average. But it's also very sturdy and feels quality. I think I prefer the material the Desire is made out of compared to most other rings I own. Also, I LOVE the deep, rumbly vibrations the Desire can produce! But that's verging onto personal preference territory. Objectively, you can't go wrong with either, you'll just have to pay a bit more for the quality. Hope this helps anon!
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Don't worry anon, I'm not going anywhere! Besides, it can be even funner with friends!
thanks pal, ill look these up
This thread is just one big proof that abstinence turns men gay.
statistically speaking, the opposite is true
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Oh, a sleepover would be fun!
So anyone here who actually wants to fuck mares?
And stallions.
And anons.
Is Mare Fair discussion banned here now? All the relevant posts got deleted.
Gay meetups and erping~ are banned.
But only partially apparently, or maybe janny was just too lazy to scroll up to the rest
That word still does not mean what you think it means.
My headcanon is that the janny was too disgusting for even the diaperfags, so he now dedicates his time to purging every fun anon group he can find.
>captcha: P0RNWJ
Sounds about right, yeah.
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Please be patient, they do it for free. Retarded janny started to delete almost every post, going from top to bottom, until he got bored and left. Literally no other reason why this post would get deleted >>41656595, but then not these followups >>41656681 >>41656922

Also no other reason why an innocent joke post like this >>41656494 would get deleted
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Yeah! We can stay up late, eat junk food, watch scary movies, and best of all... snuggle! It'll be super fun!
No fun allowed
ALL fun allowed!
Unironically why would you expect to be able to do THIS on the board
This kind of shit is exactly what grooming discords are made for, go there
Meeting up is not grooming, anon. It's just not what this board is for.
This thread will never hit the bump limit kek
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Go to >>>/d/analgen
I mean this with no ill intent, they have all the info you're looking for.
To the anon who I said I was going to post my other half of the message and everything got deleted, I will put it where this pony leads me. Hope you can help me there.
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Wish you fuck weren't so gay. I have no one to talk to about my struggles with not fapping. No joke my bar of soap had some wrinkles that looked like horse puss. I'm seeing knots on trees that look like horse pussy. Taking a shower shouldnt be getting me horny. Yet at the same time it's been getting easier to deny myself porn. I can feel lust clawing at me but it's like it's another person I can ignore if I want to instead of an insane need to jerk off. I'm a long time addict but I don't want to waste my life on porn.
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Anon's log: Day 20. It's starting to become too easy to hold pee for long periods of time. Maybe this is the real reason why not fapping can lead to prostate issues. More observation is required.
congrats at fighting your addiction anon, I've experienced horse pusseidolia too. It's such a common organic shape, pure beauty and not even necessarily in a sexual way.
im neither gay nor struggling as much as others seem to be with this challenge
but i have realized i mostly fap due to boredom
Not if people only talk about IRL gayshit and nothing else, it won't
>struggle for almost two weeks
>lose nearly halfway in
>determined to keep going
>now that I've lost the streak, lose two more times in the next few days
>ready to fucking give up at this point
>suddenly have barely been horny at all for over a week at this point
this isn't supposed to work like this
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I'm glad there are some other anons still in the fight or are willing to try after failing. We are all gonna make it bros. I think about how disgusted my waifu would be if she knew some random was perking off to depraved images of her. When I get to equestria I want nothing but pure thoughts and conscious when I meet her. I love her so much.
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The beast inside you is well fed. If you go long enough it will demand you feed it again. You have to starve out the fire and deny it oxygen.
>verification not required
I'm not doing this to have pure thoughts.
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Rate my dinner, anon.
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Anon, you need some protein. That's barely even a snack.
cute winnie the poo plate fag
I rate it 8 horsepussies out of 10.
I lost again. Lost on day 8, but decided to give it another go. Had a lewd dream. Woke up and my waifu overtook my brain and demanded sex. I tried edging in the hopes of sating her, but went just the slightest bit too far. I tried to stop it by pinching the head to hold it back, but it was already too late. The pressure built, and I’d shot my load straight into my urethra. When I finally let go, it all just oozed out, leaving me with the most unsatisfying orgasm I’ve ever experienced. I was literally still horny afterwards, but I couldn't maintain my erection long enough to at least lose again but in a more satisfying way. I'm fucking despondent...
>pinching the head
Nah senpai, you want to induce a cramp in your thigh. Squeeze your legs together and strain a leg inward until it hurts.

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