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What will you do with your pony stuff when you grow old?
eat it
Just toss it into the ocean like I do with old phones and computers :)
I will be buried with it
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I have a cutie mark tattoo that I will live with forever. As for my stuff, well it probably end up in a box and be shuffled away until it is exhumed by my family after my death.
Can't be from Ben. It lacks all the tags and names everywhere in the pic
Well, the Mary I bought from Bad Dragon will remain close to my bed until I'm unable to use it, and then it will go in a dumpster. I don't have any actual mlp stuff.
How is the Mary? I bought the Rowan and it’s alright, but I thought about trying the Mary.
get the American Meat horse toy instead, it's much better and comes with ponut.
t. degenerate who owns both
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I'm already old
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I had really high hopes for the Rowan, but I’ll look into that “American meat horse” lol. I appreciate the recommendation.

Long story short i broke the anus on the Rowan the first night I got it.
>nonny's cocky-wocky is strong enough to break a lesser brand's butt
I have a few BD toys that have never done me wrong, but I would assume what happened with my Rowan was user error.

That’s why their masterbator toys don’t come with a warranty. I’m not proud of what I did.
Old farts put these things on their shelves and occasionally use them as props for skits and other forms of 'adult' toy play.
my home office is my space and it will be covered in pony merch til I die or my pony merch wears out and can't be replaced
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I don't plan on getting old. I already know what I'm gonna do with my marecoin when I kick the bucket, but I still need to figure out where my plushies are gonna go.
>I don't plan on getting old
Based vampire.
I'll never not be a horsefucker, so I'll want my friends to put everything on a funeral pyre and set it all alight. I don't want any of my plushies to waste away in a thrift store. Better to be reduced to ash.
>not having your plushies in your coffin next to you
Coffins are too boring, and I wouldn't be able to fit all of them in. Cremation on a pyre or a Tibetian sky burial would be better.
>Imagine NOT having your bones to be grinded into a bone meal to be used as a food supplementary for real ponies
Put me in a sarcophagus and seal me up in a labyrinthian crypt with my pony treasures like a pharaoh.
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Take it to Equestria
Keep it, because I'm not a fucking coward
How old are you?
This. The thought of my LS plushie eventually rotting in some landfill is horrifying. I'll get cremated and so will my pony stuff.
Is it cruel to have my life-sized waifu buried with me? I plan on doing it when we die.
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I'll give it away to random people to ensure pony never dies.
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Well you're not alone.
34 and a wizard
Besides some stuff that I intend to keep close to me till the day I die, I intend to give it all away, poni is happiness and I want other people to experience a piece of the happiness that poni gave me
33 next month and I still love mares
You're young...
bros you’re so not old
youth lasts as long as you let it
until like 60-ish, at that point you’re old, no appeal
hello, fellow same-ager
>not old
Alright grandpa time for bed
You're not old. Don't let zoomers say otherwise
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bruh im 29
Fuck, I'm 20 but I hope I don't become a wizard too, but it seems inevitable.
Which cutie mark?
find another pure anon here and then take each others' virginity
it doesn't count if you do it with a guy. r-right??
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I remember watching an mlp reactuber in 2014 or so saying that they would never leave the fandom even if the show ends. I remember thinking to myself that's impossible, that people's interests change and the fandom wouldn't last forever.
10 years later, he's disappeared from the face of the earth and I'm still here.
Simple, I don't actually own any pony stuff.
>implying that the ride will end
Why not?
Toys have a limited lifespan before they start growing mold or wears out, so i think i won't fear having it at the end of life, because they'll be in the bin long before that
Man so many brony musicians i used to listen to have just droped off the face of the earth like this dude called spinning rhythm channel gone ect
Display my figures and dvds cuddle my plushies like im doing down idk love pony for ever and ever!
>Why not?
Well I don't own a lot of merch in general for things I like, plus I wouldn't really know what to get.
that would be gay
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Its something I fear almost as much as dying itself as much as I love my lil vinyl figures I dont want them to rot in some storage box or landfill but I also dont want them to suffer next to my rotting corpse either I do plan on having MLPFiM full series play on loop next to my death bed as I slip into the void
I don't really have a huge pony collection, but I have a couple shirts and a Twi plushie. It is worth it though, and it pisses off my roommate as a plus
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Sit back and look at all the weird-ass shit Gen Alphas and Betas will be doing that make me look normal by comparison.
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>be me, 19
>find a girl even more desperate and autistic than I am
>lose virginity to her some months later
>keep up the relationship for a few months even though I don't like her, still try to be the best boyfriend I can, also regular sex
>it backfires because when I finally do break up with her, she melts down since she thought I was basically her only shot at love
>get a 300-word text from her 10 months later out of the blue
>delete it without reading
Sorry for blogposting but 3dpd is totally unironically not worth it in the long term. Have sex once (if you can) to break your illusions, but once you do you'll go right back to fucking ponies. It's maybe 30% better than just jacking off, and most of it is the emotional aspect. You can achieve the same or better sensation by hardcore waifufagging. Also don't lead women on if you plan to break up with them, there's no such thing as a soft landing so just do it fast and hard. Learned that the hard way.
>have sex once to break delusions
I could've banged a girl with oneitis for me. She'd have flown 1200 miles to ride my dick. I wanted to be cautious and I always had an understanding of how things are. I didn't need to break any delusions. Eventually we broke off and now I'm 26 and still pure for my waifu.
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>getting old
>having grand kids
highly unlikely
that's not even old
desu, don't bother yourself with the kind of stuff.at some point in your life you would rather have free time off at work
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Stress out
We've become schizos
>Have sex once (if you can) to break your illusions
This is so true. Funny how guys worry about having sex so much until they actually get it. All it takes is one or two tries to realize how worthless it really is, but nobody is convinced until they try it out.
It is, but having an emotional connection with someone isn't. Unfortunately, it seems like having one with a woman is pretty much impossible in this world.
i don't want to have sex. i want to make love
It's often the case that people who craft stuff have more interest in their craft than the subject matter of any particular project. Conversely, people who are exclusively interested in ponies often have mediocre dedication to crafting. Or maybe it's just me being a consumer.

>MLPFiM full series
>s8 comes on in your final moments
>"damn, this is kind of shit"
Thought about that for a long time. I dunno what life is gonna bring, I just hope I'll be able to keep some of it over the next 50-60 years. Maybe I'll give a good chunk of it away to nostalgic losers like me when we all are decrepit. If I had the choice? I'd want to be buried with my plushie. Hopefully she'll find it funny when I tell her about it in Equestria.
That said
Never gonna happen. My parents had 4 kids and none of us have turned them into grandparents.
there's a lot of life still left to live anon, you never know what is coming down the barrel
I will never have sex with 3dpd. I am already married to Marble. That would be cheating.
Don't worry, she's used to it.
Gave it all out to my niece

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