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Lately a few individuals organized a """charity""" stream called "ponies for planned parenthood", in total they raised 1355.69$ for abortions. It's not really a big amount of money for a """charity""" and they probably expected more, but whatever, that's not the point.
Leaving aside all moral aspects, this is the funniest shit I've heard about lately.
Imagine making a charity for abortions. No idea how braindead one have to be to do this, especially in the brony fandom, but it gave me a few giggles and an idea.

It reminded me of the Marenheit 451. A charity made on 4chan, here, in place where it all started for us.
Marenheit raised almost 23k $ for Days End Farm Horse Rescue.
It gave us a lot of good horse art and helped at the same time.
Imagine if we would be able to repeat that, but this time we would donate the money to some orphanage.
Maybe additionally create some OC representing this event and make a charity auction for it's plushie, idk.

What do you think anons ?

"""charity""" in question: https://x.com/DraftHorsesYT/status/1858180134706041253
Her body, My choice
as they say,
>22 artists (almost a full bingo) manage to raise what is 3 furry commissions' worth of money over a hours-long stream
Absolute fucking kek.

And yeah, while there's strings attached (see: Mare Fair association giving the horse rescue problems via some lefty shitwad slandering them to other rescues in the area), another pack for the sake of helping is a good idea. Doubt it'd work out with an orphanage, however thematic, though, since people are here for horses.
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>OC representing an orphanage charity
She was made for this.
And OF COURSE it's Peter New

I love the idea, we should get on it and show that friendship is about life.

This thing is so grim it reminds me the degen tranny who wanted anons to make porn of some deat child's OC and mail it to the grieving parents.
is she cruel and a pineapple? if not don't talk to me
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Christmas is getting close but hey that could be an idea.

Gotta think of something like that. Inspiration is not my best but motivation's in.

(Also there's a backup on mlpl/sp)
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I would support that also.
She's the chosen one
I was thinking mostly about the orphanage cuz dear Peter New inspired me with that shit kek.
Also I think it would be nice to maybe buy some horse plushies for kids.
Mare sounds like a cool gift for christmas imo.
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wew freaky coincidence
straight up she was made for this with her backstory
if anyone actually organizes this orphanage fundraiser i hope they use her as the figurehead
this. plenty of ponies, maybe a huge batch from aliexpress, find a mare that looks cute and heartwarming. and that's the idea.

need an idea for a title. ponies for life, or something.
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Pony Life????!
>Suggesting an artpack for the orphans because you got angry at Big Mac
I'm in kek

Plus, the fact abortists say right-wingers don't care about children when they are born, and suddenly 4chan (their imaginary enemy) giving plushies to orphans in Christmas sounds hell funny.

I'd be hard to pull drawfags so suddenly, but some bucks is better than nothing.
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Oh I know! "Life Is Magic!"
>my parents are dead
oh okay. hm
>because you got angry at Big Mac
that cunt is a voice, he aint mac
I think that's a wonderful idea, I'm a drawfag myself and I'd be more than willing to get together with other drawfags and raise some money for a good cause.
Who cares what they say ? i.e, I'm right wing.
Peter's a tard there's nothing new about this (badum tss!) also, there's nothing wrong about not wanting unborn children to stay alive.
I'm with you Anon, I just need inspiration.
A bit disappointing that the only pony artist I recognize on this list of literal who’s (besides the ones who would obviously be on it like Punkitt and HorseWizard) would be in support of something like this. Although, they never announced that they would be on it either, which has me wondering if most of the literal who’s only agreed to be on for the recognition rather than the actual cause
I think there are a lot of themes to counter that bullshit charity they did.
>Preggo mares
>Foals being loved by their parents
>Family photos (Twilight and her family on a vacation, etc)
>Buttom Mash fucking his mom
Haha, I'm all for this charity, but I'm glad you enjoyed the Maggie art I made. Maybe I can chip in an art for this one too.
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Some artists will do anything to get clout and good publicity like this. I mean, supporting nonmedical abortion is awful. But this is a political stance they want to show to look good in the eyes of "the good guys"
Lots of leftist artists also did not take part in this horror so let's also note this as a sign of hope.

That would be neat but no porn if possible, OP mentioned Marenheit, it was about free speech. This one is really about life and I think , even if it starts with porn, we should have a theme about family.
Fuck it's raining.

Yes I like the idea of something wholesome, with family and more...

Okay as long you're not the guy who got himself documented right after paying Pata a few hundred bucks.
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I do think we should get a more wholesome theme, and anything sexual should just be about foalmaking sex. Like Night Light filling up Twilight Velvet with his semen, it's sexual but it's got wholesome innuendos.
Put me in too.
>for a PLANNED PARENTHOOD charity drive
Bad PR is still PR, right?

You're wrong, though - all of these desperately-asking-for-postnatal-abortion rejects of society support the goals of this charity drive. And only a third of them are literally whos in the art sense.
>extended family and friends lending their support to parents
>>the just-showing-signs-of-pregnancy dam thanking them profusely while in the trashcan an abortion certificate is visible
>orphans getting adopted
>mare-iage ceremonies strictly between mares and stallions
>real Nurse Redheart (with geneva violation cutie mark) destroying the changeling pretending to be her to kill ponies' foals
>Princess Luna getting rid of foal abusers using her knowledge of foals's dreams
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>orphans getting adopted
>mare-iage ceremonies strictly between mares and stallions
>real Nurse Redheart (with geneva violation cutie mark) destroying the changeling pretending to be her to kill ponies' foals
>Princess Luna getting rid of foal abusers using her knowledge of foals's dreams

Yes love the idea!
This, we should do an art pack with cute horses if the theme is gonna be helping kids. Putting there porn is just not fitting so it should be an absolute minimum.
Would foalcon be a step too far?
This always has happened, and this specific group is no exception. If you notice, the amount of literal who's has been growing in this group.

AkiNeko and some other artists of that group started to harass at worst or unfollowed at best some of the leftists who either attended or defended the artists who attended Mare Fair.

Artists talk each other and this is the consequence. Not even leftists want to be involved with Amy or Akineko.
Big mac, Aj and AB are orphans, the collaborative ocs are kind of too.
Yeah... I dont think thats a good idea tbf.
Save it for summer. Nobody has money now. Hell, give it a year. Let the economy recover under TDog that way we have the funds to throw at it.
>retarded baby murder charity
I want a list of names to boycott. Now. Who else besides these nobodies already listed participated?
That's the whole irony of the thing, the message of this family especially hits hard. Making something that sends a message like >fuck you this is the spirit of friendship, Merry Christmas!

Indeed, I can't even plan a gift or decent food for xmas as all the bills;, taxes and more are arriving for the year, plus the power bill explodes. Yeah we have better time to plan this for later, make it bigger than ever.
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Several steps too far.
Style best describable as "funko pops in 2D". Ugly, overdoing it on neoteny while missing what makes chibi tick. If "child abuser" could be represented by an art style, this would be it.
literally who? Similar problem with the style, AND draws watersports/scat to boot. Anyone who does that isn't right in the head.
"You'll never get to experience this if you abort your foals!"
>Save it for summer
Nah, that's the point, it's a good time for this.
Soon we will have Christmas, we can have Christmas pony bros charity for kids.
Cute. Her design might be a little too complex with all the different colors tho for some people
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Killing babies aside, imagine donating $1000 to a (((charity))) that already gets $400M a year and spends 1/3 of it on management salaries.
That's just embarrassing.
Let´s do it.
These ideas are really good, cmon anons, fill the thread with what you would want to see !
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>fill the thread with what you would want to see
I want to see more Silly Stuffing lewds.
being serious for about 2 seconds PP is where i get a lot of care because im a poorfag, they do STD checking and pregnancy care and free condoms and IUD/arm implant insertions and removals. i took my female friend there when she was teen pregnant like 15+ years ago, she wanted to keep it and married the guy too. good place. nice people.
They are really desperate to kill babies, aren't they?
I think the path forward is clear.
>Our mascot will be Silly
>Our charity will be for an orphanage
>We will do a SFW art pack (wholesome and probably crimbus themed)
>Mares, mares, and more mares
I'm in.
Cool. I love writing stories about pregnant mares who love their foals, so I can contribute that way.

I wanted to make a thread like this, but the moderators have been deleting threads like this, and even posts about the event, so I guess we'll see what happens. The last art pack organized here was Winter Wrap Pack, and I'd love for there to be a new one.
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Yeah, totally.
I want to see some new wholesome art.
Mares, happy fillies, silly fillies doing silly things etc.
But the question still stands. To which orphanage could we donate to ?
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Tennessee Children's Home Society, or whatever they call themselves these days.
Considering their theme was literally about ending pregnancies, I think a lot of artwork with pregnant mares having foal showers, spending time with their loving husbands, and spending time with their other children would be great. Pregnant mares can be for cute, not sexual, ironically.

Yeah, Christmas is way too early for something like this. Even the new year, which could be used to celebrate new life, is probably cutting it close.
It true that they do some good in the world, but they push abortion way too hard. They're also horribly racist in that they push different services based on ethnicity. The idea of the organization is good, but the reality is heavily corrupted by the "progressive" movement.
Hmm... yeah, that sounds good.
They have also multiple locations so we could donate to multiple of them instead of just one.
Huh, I didn't know there were multiple versions of this drawing. I like this one better. Speaking of which, I'd gladly contribute to this pack if I'm allowed to draw my pregnant wife reading fairytales to our 5-12 Aryan foals.
Good idea, put some foalcon, incest and Aryanne that should show them.
wtf do you see how anon is holding her hoof? that's lewd as fuck!!!!!!
>Marenheit raised almost 23k $ for Days End Farm Horse Rescue
What the fuck
That's ten minutes away from my house
Make sure to get plan Bs and plan Cs in case the first is unavailable or sabotaged.
Fuck off nigger, you can jerk off you your favourite filly porn later. The idea of the art pack is to make it wholesome and cute.
Yeah trve, we should also get one or two more charities to look for.
This one would be the first in mind doe, it really have a lot of locations and all.
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Despite the dripping sarcasm, it unironically would. Using the powers of (fictional) evil for good is a powerful concept, but anons here are adamant on keeping it ultra-conservative to own the libs and get artists to draw content for them. This is not the libertarian fight that Marenheit was.
your twitterite satanist post has inspired me to be a better person.
Where do I give money?
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I don't even care about this drama I just want more Silly Stuffing
is she made out of dead foals?
She is a wholesome plush, dude. Not everything has to be edgy.
She's a filly plush that was made from the leftover fabric scraps of other plushes
She's a stuffed filly that was made from the leftover skin scraps of aborted foals
now she blesses orphan children. and curses woman that aborted
So, is this going to be forever bitching about OP stream or are we really going to do an artpack?
Silly Stuffing is cute, but Bundle Joy's destiny is carrying foals to term for others.

I'm surprised this thread hasn't been deleted yet. I'll participate, but getting it done in a month and a half seems a little short. I don't remember how long people had for Marenheit 451 or Winter Wrap Pack, but those would be good models to follow. Maybe aiming for January is a good idea.
Look, just because I hate babykilling doesn't mean I like pregfags.
if we do a pack then id participate
You wont speak shit about raribasedpreganon in my watch.
I think it does, but I think abortion should still exist and be encouraged for niggers to self-genocide with, and for other eugenic reasons such as birth and mental defects.
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Life begins at conception and ends at birth; the rest is purgatory.
So am I ready to draw. Less than a month is crazy, that's why I'm asking. But it's possible.

Being on artpacks, a couple of weeks might be enough while this is serious shit and not just whining.
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>I don't remember how long people had for Marenheit 451.
It was 1.5 months
>Art pack timeline:
>Project start – 27/06/20
>Art submissions deadline – 15/07/20
>Donations deadline – 08/08/20
Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/marenheit-451-charity-art-pack
This argument is meaningless because every single cell satisfies the scientific definition of life.
The legal definition is completely arbitrary and in different times and places varied from "a zygote is a human" to "a child is only given a name at a certain age and only then he/she is considered a human".
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Anons coming together? check
Good cause? check
Bsky.fags will be seething? check
Cute mare families? check

All the makings of a high road happening. I'm not an artfag but I'll donate.
lmao. Give me crypto donation addresses and I'll match that pathetic total in one shot for the lulz assuming bull run continues
This will end in nothing
This will end in something
This will end in everything
This will end
I may not be an artfag, but I'll donate my shekels to a cause like this.
This will start with one thing
I don't know why, it doesn't even matter how hard you try
Oh yeah here's a reminder that the creator of Planned Parenthood originally wanted to exclusively abort Non-White babies. Yet it's these people who want to support it? I find that so funny that 4Chan are being the technical progressive ones here XD

This is a cause I can get behind. Albeit just on an anonymous board like 4Chan Since the hyper-Progressive crowd would lynch me for not supporting baby-killing.
kek this obviously ended up as a whining thread rather than a useful artpack
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wow no art after nine hours? it's over
now go and read the thread and see good ideas have been posted

Hey artfags I propose cozy Christmas themed wholesome family good times art like pic related
>verification not required
honestly many of these ideas are great. no reason to not do multiple
silly stuffing, good representation for orphans and those who are unwanted by their parents still getting love
ponies with families, the idea here is obvious. family is important
lastly.. I think we should NOT include pregnant ponies for the biggest reason of many people are highly attracted to this sexually and I think we should seriously not put anything lewd at all into this as that's just weird
planned parenthood provides services other than abortion
come on faggot, you KNOW it's all about mass killing babies as a sacrifice to baal
> think we should seriously not put anything lewd at all
Makes sense, operation has maximum impact if it just remains undeniably rated G wholesome through and through. There be extra salt this way too.
>marriage strictly between mares and stallions
>no foalcon
>no incest
>no loving procreational sex
>no Aryanne
Lol, this purity spiral.
If by "services" you mean "taking the kids they didn't manage to kill and pumping them full of hormones and puberty blockers", then you're absolutely right.
Ah yes they also help people troon out.
gonna have it be a mormon art pack at this rate
hope we get a lotta soaking pics ya know
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ok listen up retards:
we have a very important mission on our hooves here, STOPING THOSE ABORTIONS! we need to come up with a name for the art pack, a date it will release, what kind of content there will be(and the quantity of each type), and a price. So let's start with step one.

Step 1: name the artpack.

I will volunteer a name to start. I propose, "Born to Silly." in honors of Silly Stuffing.
>>marriage strictly between mares and stallions
>>no foalcon
>>no incest
They have nothing to do with raising children, so they have to go.
>>no loving procreational sex
This one depends on whether the pack is SFW or NSFW. I would prefer the NSFW arts to be in the pack, but in a separate folder.
>no Aryanne
These restrictions are just nonsense. Aryanne literally want the future for the pony foals and pregnant mares carry children inside them.
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In America they don't even have reproductive health? This is a new one to me.
save the stuffing (the stuffing is babies)
It's a brainstorming but i'm sure we'll go somewhere.

Also cremation of the newborn, shredding, and more, we know.

That'd be cute!

Too close for Christmas.

I'm sure it's going to be epic, there's already a bunch of drawfags itt
I like the ponies for life
Nah, no pills, no condoms, and lots of retards. it's really about sending a message.
SS (Silly Stuffing) Life Squad featuring Aryanne.
Better plan it indeed.
You're fucking delusional. Put your bleeding heart away for one moment and realize that most people all around are struggling. Use your fucking head. If the intention is to show up these babykillers, wouldn't a spontaneous and poorly planned event that underperforms just as much as they did or even worse make US look like clowns?! Holy fuck dude.
Exactly. Christmas is too early. I didn't exactly plan to spend as much as I am for ss as it's my first time. Naturally, I'm not equipped for another round of spontaneous giving. Not if I wish to use what I have saved for my big planned purchase I put off for a year already.
i dig that
>implying 2 mares can't raise a foal that isn't scootaloo
>implying that same foal can't go on to make its own family
>implying that family tree can't become a family circle
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>a family circle
>I propose, "Born to Silly."
Aborting humans is good. Only pony lives matter. Make abortions mandatory for all.
Pony Parenthood Pack
Born to Silly is perfect.
>Silly Stuffing in a little Full Metal Jacket helmet
No body said anything about Aryanne.
As long as the art is cute you can draw her, its just the fact that its better to keep an artpack cute and wholesome so no lewds.
>a date it will release
What about first of June?
>first of June
That's the next level of procrastination.
If you think that New Year is too close there are at least International Women's Day (March 8th) and International Mother's Day (March 21st, Spring Equinox).
Yeah like Aryanne can be cute. sure, I dislike real Nazis. I repeat REAL Nazis, not a drawing. I have an ultraliberal friend who finds Aryanne adorable if that says anything XD
Mother's Day is good and thematic.
Yeah sure, they try to help out trans people or something, but nothing will unwash it's original sin of it's founder being a pro-eugenics white supremacist piece of human garbage that founded it to encourage Non-Whites to abort their children. Abortion is fucked up but than there's advocating for abortion for white supremacist reasons. There are plenty of organizations out there that help out trans people, if you want to help out trans people, than support them without supporting baby killing.
ikr? I think it's a perfect time.
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>ponies for planned parenthood
What the fuck is this shit and how can I help with this little reprisal?
So do lot's of other clinics, guess what PP's biggest seller is?
I can't care less what xitters do on their free time, but if you are suggesting to rise money for the orphans, I'm all in. It's good to make a good thing for a change.
Are you lost? Fuck off, faggot.
Depends on who I'm trolling today.
How crazy, the PP failed but is inspiring you to make a pro life campaign that is gonna succes and actually help people. Crazy how if it wasn't for them doing something it would never happen in first place.
Yeah, the butterfly effect is real.
What's the point of this passive aggressive comment? OP taking back their thread, and delete it because it's hypocritical to rise money as a come back?
Fuck off faggot. OP is doing right now more than you.

>Born to silly
Seconding. This is perfect.
They need to make more retarded shit and fail so we can do better initiatives that actually do something.
Uhn sorry if it came up as aggressive and sounded like wanted to dismiss the porpoise of the mission. I wanted to say that is gonna be ironical if this ends up succeeding and was caused by the existence of something against our mission and political views.
Seconding Mother’s Day
Imagine knowingly donating money to help people murder their unborn children and having the gall to call it a charity
Subhuman filth
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Also something extra fucked up about using the characters from a children's show to promote it.
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Why aren't the horseshoes interlocking?
Yeah, Mother's day sounds good if New Year is too close. I think its possible to organize this and do the whole thing in 40 days, but at the same time after Christmas and New Year everyone will be broke, so maybe it would be better to wait till Mother's Day and do it then. Get everything set up and running and don't rush things.
This and
Fucking this
>Why aren't the horseshoes interlocking?
Because horseshoes are connected to hooves by nails, not by interlocking. So on this pic they are also connected with gold nails.
You didn't come off weird, that guy is just autistic.
how did it fail? they raised money for a cause they wanted.
Aryanne need to be involved somehow, she attract attention like nobody's business and make all the evil people reveal themselves.
And the Olympic rings are connected through interlocking, not being nailed together.
Aryanne is 100% permitted, you can make cute art with her and Luftkrieg. Only thing I would avoid would be nsfw. We can have cute fillies, Mare moms with thier foals and preg mares. But nsfw and lewds wouldnt fit the theme at all.
>kids themed art pack
yep, the art pack would need to be SFW (or at the very least have separated special edition for the soft smutty pics).
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I get that were doing a thing against abortion, and you're running with that Silly Stuffing - but aren't we forgetting somepony? I get that Verity is an orphan and may be a highlight for the fate of unwanted children and may be used to 'justify' the abortion ideology. So if she is to be appearing, it needs to be curated to highlight that
>orphans can live happy fulfilling lives
If I were to have the privilege of being a part of this art pack - and if it were SFW puritan, I'm drawing Verity with her adoptive mother Aryanne and Anon being a happy little family.
ok faggots the art pack is named Born to Silly unless another name gets more support, so let's move on to step 2: pick a release date. Christmas Eve, Christmas, New years, June 1st, March 8th, March 21st.
I only take slight issue with that title given that the consensus wants the least amount of silly business, as in it sounds more like a comedy artpack than wholesome christian chungus kino.

3 in favor of Mother's Day so far
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What if this was made into a competition? Born to Stuff (nsfw) vs Born to Silly (sfw). Perverts vs Puritans: find out who's really more charitable.
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Stop taking the bait. Take note of the evil people revealing themselves, then ignore them.
Strike iron while it's hot. Both Christmas and New Year's are thematically appropriate, so I vote Christmas Eve with backup date of New Year's Eve.
>but money
There's plenty of people who aren't buying many gifts for their family and friends, and who then can make some orphans happy. And even just 5-10 bucks counts, especially if many people donate - orphanages aren't swimming in money, unlike abortion clinics.
That sounds really good, I'd love to see that
It's the name of the mascot, silly stuffing, it's childlike, it's for childrens, it all make sense and having Jesus or christian stuff in the art pack would just add to the wholesome if you ask me.
Personaly, if the project is to give silly stuffing plushes to orphans and collect money to save them from abortion, I'd want it to be more provocative, like "Aryanne Hoofler's little SS unit (SS here would mean Silly Stuffing)"
Agree with this anon
and vote for New Year's Eve
Ponies for Life is a good name. It gets the message across and has some class, isn't so obviously a joke. It's simple and informative.
I vote New Years. Gives some extra time for it to all coales, but stays in the season. Ideally want to have it done before school starts again.
I agree. Like you said - strike iron while it's hot.
Procrastination won't help us but rushing it won't either.
To New Year's Eve we have ~ 40 days.
Marenheit was organized in 1.5 months so it is possible.
Worst case scenario it would be a bit later than New Year's Eve.

Christmas eve. As fast this thing is going, 2 weeks and a half sounds like a reasonable amount of time to hand in something decent without burning out, to be sold all December until New Year. Giving money before Christmas would be a dream, but I don't think orphans would reject a gift only because it arrived 2-3 weeks late.

I'll ask something that will pop up eventually. Are G5 and eqg allowed?
Nobody cares about G5 (so it won't give the pack any benefits; even abortionfags, the people you'd expect to shill for G%, used FiM to advertise) and eqg isn't ponies.

So I'd say that G5 is allowed but discouraged, while EQG isn't allowed period.
Finally! I love abortion because it means less zeebs around! With kess zeebs, less crime!
I didnt know peter new was actually le based! Kino!
I feel like it's pretty weird to raise money for children using porn. Maybe it can go to two different charities? Also nsfw would probably win in a landslide.
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>insisting on forcing this to happen as soon as possible instead of giving people, their wallets, and the economy time to recover for the biggest showout
You guys are bleeding heart retards. Don't expect me to drop absolutely everything to do as much as possible to contribute. Especially if you insist on being retarded. I'll help when is convenient and do the bare minimum if you keep up this trajectory.
Say a date with this argument.
Just later. I liked the March idea. Not too far away, and out of the Christmas fallout of Jan and early Feb.
20 of april, it's the birth day of hitler no?
I'd worry more about the flame dying out than worrying about a holiday financial squeeze. Sure some Anons are on a shoestring budget but many of us have good jobs and quite a bit of disposable income. New Year's Eve has my vote.

t b h I'm more concerned about choosing a trustworthy charity.
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Born to Silly is a perfect name.
As for the date, I suggest somewhere around June, maybe June 15th? Saying that since it'd be a few months after Tax Day fucks up everybody in the ass and people will probably have more disposable income to throw at an art pack after the fact.
>So I'd say that G5 is allowed but discouraged, while EQG isn't allowed period.
I like barbies and I agree with this. The G4 agrarian setting adds to the wholesome chungus quality we're looking for here.

I would take Ponies for Life over Born to Silly. The story is delivered immediately with PfL, BtS is too cryptic.
Or maybe subtitle it. Ponies for Life: Born to Silly.
Or save it for a future wholesome SFW charity pack if (when) this succeeds.
While it's true it's possible to complete something even for this weekend, I'd be on expense of quality, disposition of drawfags, and people's wallet that will compete with Christmas itself. A good drawfag may decline because he'd be making their eve commissions, and some wealthy donor may give the half because they already decided what to spend on.

It can be March, 8th to let people chill post Christmas spending
Ponies for Life is such a boring title
Sillybros we are so back
idk how many artfags are in college but it seems like a bad idea to push this into 2025. At least winter break makes up for holiday business.
Might as well push it to next Christmas at that point.
It'd be nice if you suggested a date too then
To us it is more boring but it is concise and will resonate better in the mind of normies.
>Ponies are pro-Life? wtf I thought these guys were tranny manbabies?
>Oh inside joke, doesn't concern me, scroll to next post
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I don't think normies' opinion on a 4chan artpack matter much
I figured word would bleed out into the normiesphere (rw horsefuckers are already linking this thread on X) but if not then whatever. they're both good names, I just think simpler is better.
With this time period being pretty busy (next week being thanksgiving, alongside christmas), feel it might be unreasonable to think having this done before the end of the year seems unreasonable

>but Marenheit was done in 1.5 months
Don't feel that's reasonable with that not only being in the summer, usually where people have more free time, but it was during covid, giving people more free time than normal.
Mid January to have the submission deadline, and have donations be done by February (maybe have the donation set to be given on valentines day)?

Also 'Born to Silly' is a perfect name,
1. New Years
2. 11/17/25
3. 01/19/25
4. 02/07/25

I wasn't just kidding about delaying to next year. About now would be a good end date, if only it had started earlier.
Valentine's day sounds good, its between both New Year's Eve and Mother's Day
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Ponies for Life is a much better title, and I say this as someone who's as far from a normalfag as you can get. Wit trumps references, every single time.
What about "silly for life"
That's less resonant, and implies a more comedic tone than what we're going for.
I really don't see why you're so adamant about namedropping our mascot in the title.
I'm not, I actually like "Born to Silly" it's a good name.
Pretty sure I'm not. I'm anti-abortion and a brony so I'm pretty sure me being on this thread makes sense
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Ok anons, OP here, we need drawfags.
Leaving this here if you would like to join: https://discord.gg/2j3TBx23
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Fuck off offboarder nigger, everything organization-wise will be kept on the thread.
None of this offboarder shit
You're either an offboard saboteur or you've learned nothing from the post-Marenheit police pack. If you never heard about it, this is exactly why.
>everything organization-wise will be kept on the thread.
i fucking hate off boarders
It's just a first invite link if any drawfags are already decided and they know that they would want to contribute in the future.
Organization is gonna happen here.
the pack is already dead in the water enjoy your discord circlejerk drama
thats why you use trips for things like this
You must be new here, that’s not how it works.
t. Drawfag
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actually kill yourself
Can anyone get in contact with past tripfags who organized and coordinated art packs? Wolvan comes to mind
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It's not hard to organize in the thread.
>Discuss the pack in the thread
>Have drawfags post art in the thread or have some anon make a burner email for submissions
>When it comes time to put up the pack have the same anon use that burner email to host the pack on some site
>it's really shrimple
>unable to accept invite
Good going, retards.
This, but unironically.
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kill yourself.
ok faggots. I feel the overall thread is mixed on a lot of things here, one of those being the release date. Now I could tally up all the responses in favor of each date, but I would like to propose an idea first. Ive seen several artpacks have yearly follow ups, so I just thought, what if we have two art packs give to the same charity. The first being a SFW filly art pack, allowing people to spread a good message without having my little pony porn getting involved. The next one can be a month and a half or so later, and it can be NSFW. I think this one may generate more money both because the first art pack will have drawn attention to it and second because its porn. Getting back to the dates, I think February is a relatively good timeframe to release, but at the latest it should be March.
The monies will go to what and where?
Wolvan's child slaves, of course.
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No actually the guy is legit, and I think it's not a bad idea of making a thing like that.
I'm also thinking of opening a magma board if anyone feel like drawing a thing or two for the project, like a big image even with scribbles and sketches.

This time SHALL BE DIFFERENT. let's just not let anyone unwanted in.

Let's have both; this thread isn't eternal, ther'es also a backup on /sp/
don't be mad, it's like that.

That could be an idea, yeah, then all you guys need to get is ideas and desc to make the images.
I've got a few suggestions:
>Tennessee Children's Home Society
Suggested before in the thread
>Tim Tebow Foundation
High rated charity for orphans and sexually abused children in the Jacksonville metro area, Florida
>Anchor Ridge
Charity for orphans in Appalachia
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Does stomping on changeling eggs count as abortion?

My vote's for the Tim Tebow Foundation. Florida probably needs it most.
I want a story where anon stumbles into the changeling hive intent to kill the bug queen only to get distracted by cute babies. the adult changelings and bug queen keep trying to get him to put down the babies so they can kick his ass/kick him out but he just keeps saying "dawww" and rocking the bugbabies in his arms
Now that's a nice art idea.
>reddit spacing
>defending offboarders
>doesn't > to highlight the part of the post he's responding to when responding to it twice
Holy 'Tarded Trippin' Tourist Batman!
You seem hostile to the project more then anything else, may I interest your retarded troon ass into buying a rope?
Please read again these posts:


It's clear nothing of quality will be done alone on 4chan also Patachu and NHM are both admins, it will be good.
If you don't know who they are, >(You) better fuck off.
You bitcha ss nigger leave silver alone or I will get your sorry ass
I'm NOT a discord tranny fan but seeing how the threads and projects goes, and potential trollings it will be necessary.
SilverSpoon is literally DarkDoomer/Patachu btw.
patachu isnt gonna fuck you anon
I just don't want the project infiltrated and destroyed by troons. I could swear I saw a post earlier saying some anons posted this thread to shitter.
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you got a Tinder?

that too.

nobody gives a fuck. Conservatives don't give a fuck about horsefuckers, only the retarded ones, and generally they believe Trump is an illuminati and Musk is projecting a mon hologram.

Is that your reference?
Can we work on something, if you have ideas again,
I'll try to draw stuff as soon I have free time.
I like this idea, can't draw or write for shit but I'd pay money for a drawing of my waifu being a lovely mother or maybe the mane 6 watching their kids play together. I just hope you guys can postpone it to at least next year because my wallet took a big hit this month between christmas gifts and a new plushie
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As a relatively new ponyartfag how do I go about making art for the art pack? :0c I'm itching to finally be part of pony movement since I missed out all those years ago
>picrel some example of my work if needed
So if I want to contribute, do I just volunteer and send the art to an organizer for approval? I wasn't able to do anything for Mareneheit but I'd like to do something to contribute. Help the message.
I'm literally a nobody so I may submit it anonymously if acceptable, but I think that's what I'm gonna do.
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Damn ts looks good! Im over here drawing the worlds best Rainbow Dash meanwhile.
You draw it, then you either post it in the thread (if it's a charity kind of artpack where getting images isn't the goal) or send it to organizer (if it isn't and images are supposed to stay private until pack is released).
>don't want it infiltrated by troons
Organize it somewhere with full visibility and consequently accountability, i.e. the board.
>don't want it destroyed by troons
Don't let open and proud pedophiles like patachu anywhere near the pack's management so that troons have fewer options for slander and takedowns.
>picks posts voicing their opposition, which is somehow bad
>It's clear nothing of quality will be done alone on 4chan
>nothing ever
>implying you have to know some namefags on an anonymous website
I choose to believe this is all a big troll, to save my sanity.
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She does not look like hawk tuah girl!! Also I really really REALLY want to be part of something nice for mlp I never had the skills or equipment back in the early days but now that I do i can't think of nothing I want more than drawing my precious Applewaif and showing that MLPFiM is still one of the biggest fandom titans around
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I'm gonna assume that there will be an official thread made withen the near future for this movement and not specifically this thread?
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Youre right. The hawk tuah girl looks like Apple Jack, its the other way around.

Also, go for it!!!! I support you. You dont need to do anything, dont feel pressured. I believe what you can do is something good that only few persons are gifted with
Get in touch with the Discord, apparently that's the official place.
Based Diamond Tiara was one of the first ponychads to follow me on zitter
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I want to do it! I NEED to do it ! I missed out on so much in the past I won't miss it again! I'm rearing to go this is how I secure my place in Equestria!! (Also I just love being able to draw my favorite pony)
Ignore >>41660085 and anyone else who posts about Discord, it's a honeypot as demonstrated by >>41660038
Everything can and should be done within the thread
>Tennessee Children's Home Society
That was a joke. They were involved in child trafficking, and haven't existed for 70 years.
>Tim Tebow Foundation
Big, so need it less, but they could probably absorb any accidental bad press better. Safe bet.
>Anchor Ridge
They probably need it.
Do you mean February for pack 1 or 2?
OP literally made the Discord you tard

Based artstyle tho
most obvious offboarder award
I rest my case
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Yeah I think Anchor Ridge would be a better choice since they're a smaller charity. Their work seems legit from what I've seen, besides the fact that a lot of low-income families in Appalachia are still displaced from the floods.
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On the title debate how about "Born to Silly: An Unbridled Celebration of Life" as compromise.
Advertise with the subtitle whenever possible.

>Being a man who enjoys something "meant" for little girls contradicts the conservative notion of masculinity.
FiM ended up showcasing moral and virtuous behavior with sincerity in a time where irony poisoning was ruining everything else in entertainment media. This is what FiM actually was and this appeals to both genders and especially conservatives, even if "meant" for girls. As Lauren Faust famously said, she wanted to write stories anyone could enjoy. When do we solicit Lauren for a contribution to this pack? :^)

Kek Amy New already trying to take the high road. We'll see how long that lasts.

I like Tim Tebow Foundation since it's openly Christian and lefties hate TT.
But supporting a smaller charity would be nice, and Appalachia is still reeling from Helene, so I'd take Anchor Ridge.
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Why do so many of you faggots feel the need to link to /mlp/ on twitter every time there's a new board project? Just because histrionic whiners like Amy New and Wootmaster feel the need to shit on /mlp/ every chance they get doesn't mean that you have to step up to the plate and engage in meaningless twitter drama. All you're doing is drawing in more offboarders and angry assholes.
Keep board projects and board attitudes on the board.
Kill yourself stupid nigger, nobody is joining your falseflag shitcord
I can see it now.
"Sir, looks like we have a donation from one 4chan".
"A who?"
"All it says is that planned parenthood made them angry so they're giving us money".
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Good job whoever twitter nigger decided they were buddies with us.
fuck off to twitter, you aren't part of this. Board projects stay on 4chan.
Fuck Discord. I'm so excited for another pack organized here.

I guess Born to Silly is fine, even though I don't care about this OC. Congratulations on forcing it until it stuck.

Getting it done within this year is too early, so I vote for Mother's Day.

Someone in the changeling threads recommended a story idea to me: I've been commissioning artwork of Queen Chrysalis gestating live young rather than eggs, they're visible through that membrane around her stomach, and someone thought it would be cute to have a story about a changeling caretaker for the newborns and young getting them to behave by telling them the queen will eat them if they don't. All the young see is the queen walking around with a big belly full of babies, and they lack the knowledge to understand she didn't eat them. The story would be cute things like that, focussing on the gentle aspects of the changeling hive instead of the brutal rape and other things that go on there.
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lol at Anons bitching about a possible influx of Twitter tourists.
Afraid of battle?
Can we get a trip going to better coordinate?
This is a fucking vore anon what the fuck
How are you all this heated over a small-time charity? Even LTG's cognitive isn't this brittle.
>nooo only leftards are allowed to raise money for what they believe in!
>nobody is joining your falseflag shitcord
I have a strong feeling the server owner is the legit OP. They are just dense enough to not understard nor consider anons hate being on X spotlight.
Because that's diamond tiara, the pedo retard so utterly incapable of NOT spilling his spaghetti that he 1: registered on KF under that same username and 2: got banned from there in short order for defending pedophilia.
Literally all he'd need to do to avoid it would be to stop posting when told off, but he's unable to and HAS to keep doubling down to have the last word.

Accepting him - or his friend patachu aka silver spoon aka darkdoomer aka the retard who literally can't stop namefagging and shilling his circlejerk altboard - anywhere near the pack's management will ruin the pack.
Also, he will absolutely keep trying to shill the discord and sabotage the pack out of spite for being excluded, so watch out.
>OP literally made the Discord you tard
And this is why when dealing with board-organized artpacks, secure tripcodes are required.
Sounds good.
>On the title debate how about "Born to Silly: An Unbridled Celebration of Life" as compromise.
Also sounds good, horse puns are best puns.
And I have a strong feeling you're the same nigger who made the discord
Bruv calm down, this only came about as a response to the other charity, if this came about on it's own I would've believed in your motives. Sit down little bro.
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>sit down lil bro frfr no cap ong
Go the fuck back.
I guess without context it doesn't make much sense. Nevermind, I'll think of something else.
Make me, little man.
Explain to me what you find charitable about infantcide
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nah fuck you leatherman
Is there any organisation that actually save childrens from being aborted or even try to do that?
Gay ass niggers deptroather of fags faggots maximus homo sexus get the hell out
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Stop sethening anons, that's what they want.
There is a lot of troon nigger faggots visiting 4chan from time to time and one of them is AmyNewBlue.
This would be posted on X sooner or later and they will get bored anyways.
Just ignore these retards and let's have a brainstorm instead.
Hop on dc if you're decided
Go back on Xitter faggot
I know the context and it's still a fucking vore
Is there a consensus on the timeline for the pack?
>email to send the art
>date of deadlines, i.e. submission deadline, and donation deadline
>the amount of time accepting donations
>the charity(s) the money will go to
Think that's all the main points, that still need to be decided upon.
Since it seems as though the theme of the pack is fairly settled, being a SFW pack, primarily about fillies and the love of family.
>ukraine, palestine and rainbow flags

Anyways, I would be happy to see this go through. It would not only help people in need, but provide us with some nice new art. Honestly, I can't see how anyone would not want this to happen. It's a good thing overall. Just pick a charity and draw shit.
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Amy New can't into these digits
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>you wouldn't need to donate to orphans if you let us make reckless hedonistic decisions
Kind of a shitty thing to imply, New.
Who's to say the PP charity isn't a "heated" response to Trump getting elected when he has shown no signs to even touch it? I remember an lgbbqt charity was organized as a response to Marenheit as well. This is just how impassioned activism is man, so believe what you want to believe.
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>hop on dc
Nobody is joining your trooncord
That's the point, it have only pros and 0 cons.
We can have a lot of new wholesome horse art, make some kids happy and make retards mad.

Troons from xitter joined the lobby for now but they will get bored eventually and go back to fingering their neovagina. Just give it some time.
We already have a lot of good ideas on the thread and it's just gonna be more of them so we are on the right path.
digits you say?
Impostor faggot nigger
Delicious salt.
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Give us 1 good reason as to why anyone should join your obvious honeypot of a discord. Also saying tranny/faggot/etc won't make you stand out any less.
>deletes post because he forgot to remove his flag from previous falseflag
Try harder
Finally, someone actually did something. Also checked.
If Amy New is reading this, can you ask Peter to wear a Big Mac fursuit and fuck me with a horse dildo while he does the voice, thanks!
>the helmet
They don't need to, I just left it here if any drawfag know that he is already decided and would like a contact, all the planning when it comes to dates, ideas, orphanage etc. happens here, so you don't need to join if you don't want to anon.
Adorable as fuck.
I like to suck dick and balls.
you are just as much as a faggot as amy new for shilling your trooncord and being a shitter user
And what would they like a contact for? Name a single thing that your discord offers. You aren't backing down are you?
I like getting fucked in the ass by men.
Anon, I think you forgot to change identities
What a coincidence, me too!
>forgot to change a tag
Jeez you really are one braindead troon
Sorry I should specify only mare dicks and mare balls.
No I just have undiagnosed schizophrenia and was too retarded to make a tripcode
Once again I am asking you to name a single reason why anyone here should join your shitcord
I love this website
No email yet.
What >>41659889 says seems best to me. Have one for New Years (ish), and a follow up in February or early March.
Anchor Ridge is being considered now for the charity. I have no real idea what the deadlines should be, but after Christmas for both seems advisable.
Fuck trannies.
Anyways, I guess we've got ourselves a starter for the pack.
If you have any other ideas for the below please reply to this post, we'll have an anchor on the next thread to post artworks, greens, stories, and whatnot
Also, I feel like I need to say something:
Drawfag or not, do participate in this, /mlp/ is great because we're all equally retarded, all skill levels for art, music, writefagging, and any other gobbledygook is 100% welcome for this Art Pack, so don't feel intimated by other users skill level.
Anchor Ridge
Families, life, foalcare
I feel like SFW would be more appropriate but it wouldn't be board spirited to let NSFW out of this, so I think it'd be better to allow NSFW involving the themes.
You disgusting filly fiddlers
Post the drawings on this thread, if it exceeds the file size limit, or if it's NSFW, post it on catbox.moe or pomf2.lain.la and link it up here.

Again, if you've got any other suggestions for any of the above, feel free to reply to this post so we may discuss this artpack, let's not allow offboarders to sabotage a board project.
>it wouldn't be board spirited to let NSFW out of this, so I think it'd be better to allow NSFW involving the themes.
If the degens absolutely insist on a NSFW component, make it a completely separate pack. The main pack should be innocent and wholesome.

Marx once again with a good diagnosis but a terrible solution.
>Families, life, foalcare
Please add "cute scenes with pregnant mares" or something like that.
Oh, I know! What if discord makes an NSFW pack, while 4chan makes a SFW one? Or vice versa? Both parties will be busy doing something and in the end there'll two packs instead of one! And everypony will be happy.
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I fear we may spread ourselves to thin by making 2 separate art packs, most artists make one or two pieces and call it a day, asking for people to draw two different pieces for two different art packs is a total jab on the gut, they’ve all got lives they need to take care of.
It’d also be pretty bad for the donors, having to pay for two art packs is pretty retarded.
t. Drawfag
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>we're all equally retarded,
Nuh uh, I am the retardedest
Anyways, I have a few silly ideas, and a good cause is what I need to get off my ass and draw more
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Fuck off to Twitter this ain’t your lawn
sorry hon but you're not here to decide, we're coming with a surprise art pack charity for orphans that don't includes fucking nazis. I'm from bsky not x.
Then just go all in on a SFW pack.
Ignore xitter raiders.
Just assume you don't control 4chan and fuck off. Patachu is a unironic zionist.
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Reminder to ignore offboarders.
Shouldn’t be too hard, and you know exactly why.
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The real offboarders are on Discord, you don't want an art pack ran by fascists.
To break off the Xitter offboarders, we need a deadline for the art pack, does February 13th sound good? (plus a one week grace period)
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It's difficult when perfectly crafted normie libtardation appears right in front of you
Can we not derail the topic like the offboarders being mad and focus on the charity?
also I know the right person to take care of collecting the revenues from the art pack.
Sounds good to me
That's a good point.
It's not like we are sending the pack to the kids. It isn't a big deal, ultimately, if it's a bit pervy.
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I know, I feel like replying to these fucking retards to let them know how obvious it is to tell them apart, but it’ll only hurt the art pack.
Think about all the kids and families who are suffering from poverty and natural disasters, you’re gonna help them out by focusing on discussing the art pack and giving out ideas instead of further derailing the thread.
>>41659866 is a good example
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>Think about all the kids
Anchor ridge looks okay from the little I've looked into it so far but I think we should still look around before we decide. Also any anon who has a minimal amount of social retardation could call them to clarify anything that seems concerning
>>NSFW vs. SFW
I think SFW is a lot more fitting, so I'll vote for that. I think most smut connoisseurs would be fine with drawing SFW only
This post will convince 0 (zero) people to join your discord
I don't think that's a raider, I think that's just a resident habitual baiter Does it really still count as a raid if they've been at it daily for years on end?
K I'll just leak the PFL's pack for free and post it on every booru.
Let's...Not...In fct that's very problematic.
I don't use discord.
>you don't want an art pack ran by fascists.
I do. Offboarder here, I want to buy fascist art pack to save the foals. Got a anti abortion charity I can donate to anyway?
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They are still salty about Marenheit. Never forget that.
Do not let them distract you.
I wanna contribute to the art pack but I feel my skill a piece of shit. Sorry.
Post a drawing, maybe it's not that bad.
Board projects are not some drawfag cabal trying to show themselves off, it’s about everybody coming together to make something awesome, all skill levels are always welcome on board art packs
Do we want orphanages specifically, or any children's charity?
holy shit ive been looking for that
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>They are still salty about Marenheit.
They are also salty about /mppp/ for making Aryanne.
And both projects were made on /mlp/, not in Discord or Twitter, so I strongly insist on keeping the discussion in /mlp/ threads.
I think there should be a sfw artpack called, "Born to Silly: Stuffed Edition."
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It's not about how the art looks, but what the art represents.
Besides, I'm a shitter too and I still plan on participating
so does this mean there is 2 packs being worked on simultaneously that are unrelated to each other
Why would we want to be accepted by normie conservatives?
We can have our own opinions and not be beholden by what some faggots think we should be
oh wow, i know you. you randomly "stole" one of our videos and a bunch of people wouldn't stop telling me about it. i thought the screenshots were fake because it was the gayest fucking try hard name I've ever seen. aren't you unironically a pedophile and fucking brown? i guess it makes since they want an nsfw "family" artpack then. might as well go full mask off at this point. the needless moralfagging is a bit cring init?
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>donating to orphanages to "spite" the left
>doesn't stop the donations to planned parenthood
as a leftist all i can say is... ok.
please don't donate to your local food bank too while youre at it. that makes us very mad too. grrr.
>implying leftshits aren't still seething about a dying filly being saved
When donating people understand the necessity to be "leftist".
I always donated and will donate for this project. Even if it's adult.

No only one on /mlp/, there's just shitheads trying to steal the project from /mlp/.

Any children's charity, can be outside US.
My honest opinion is I'm more mad how some _humans_ will care more about a nonhuman horse they never saw than a random child they never met.
My honest opinion is that you're a faggot.
Who are you talking to? If your problem is with the screencap I took it from https://x.com/amynewblue/status/1858955176369156516
That being said, if you're referring to the NaziHorseMolester guy Who presumably made the server, I don't know who's allowed to make invites in discord servers it would fit that he's a brown pedo, given his behavior in the thread so far

To be fair there is a very real demographic of people on both the left and the right (i.e. habitual twitter users) who seethe uncontrollably when [opposite team] does something nice because they view everything as an optics game. The majority of people don't really care
What kind of art is encouraged?
Why were my posts deleted? Genuinely confused.
Strictly speaking they were offtopic, but since the other political posts weren't deleted yours was probably reported by somebody
The mods don't care about this board and only really delete stuff that was reported
That's not going to work.
Offboarders want to act like they're the bosses moving aside on Discord to undermine ITT, better do nothing at all than leave NSFW and foalcon artists in charge.

Weird perhaps staff can clarify what's going on.

Who TF is NHM anyway, besides a X guy being popular there, I mean again come on, bronies and conservatives are two enemies, they'll find out who they voted for soon.
>they'll find out who they voted for soon
Are there going to be horsefucker deathcamps?
>perhaps staff can clarify what's going on.
talking about offboarders
>perhaps staff can clarify what's going on.
Oh my god you xitterniggers aren't even trying
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>perhaps staff can clarify what's going on
Baiting or retarded?
So much drama is gonna slow down shit you idiots
We know :-)
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Is that hard to not use Discord and ignore xitter? Just organize and get money is that easy.
The point of the discord wasn't to take the project off the board. My bad if it looked like this. The idea was to get some of interested drawfags to know more or less who is interested etc. I got this idea from streams during marenheit when they were streaming whole drawing stuff on voice chat and also getting money this way.

It's not the "trying to steal the art pack" but rather just the fact that I rushed things.
I'm sorry that you think planned parenthood is a good cause. Get well soon
In all likelihood it will all be SFW. Silly Stuffing seems to be the de facto mascot of this pack so some art of her would be a good place to start
>bronies and conservatives are two enemies
Retard. Fuck off Zigger.
>at minimum for the pack
there has to be at least one pic of mac with his mare holding their foal
incel pie crying in the background optional
How about mac and belle looking confused holding a foal with a grey coat and marble looking smug in the background
>trying to force cuckshit into a good spirited artpack
Marble deserves happynes you monster
What celebrity are we going to get to help with the art pack?
Sam Hyde
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What kind of argument is this?
Yup, so far this thread gave us a lot of ideas, there were like 3 different orphanages proposed, we got a mascot, a few dates we may look forward to and one art of Silly.

We should continue this and get more art of the mascot.
How about Marble with her own bf haging out with Mac and Belle?
>everything has to be an argument
it was a joke you fucking slopehead
How about I rape you in the ass after a nice spaghetti dinner
>I can only have fun by watching my wife getting fucked
Not all bug fags but always a bug fag
It's that a deal?
Meet me at pissing mare falls
ugh watersports
unf watersports
meh watersports
can you repeat the watersports?
>propose mean spirited idea that definitely doesn't stem from a cuck fetish
>get told to fuck off
>i was only joking!
Nice try.
>So much drama is gonna slow down shit
Not really, if the organizing is done on /mlp/ then anyone can ignore it and just draw whatever they want.
I don't give a damn about contributing to art packs to fight some retarded political debate which isn't affecting poni, but twitterfags smearing their shit all over the board is starting to make me want to.
The Anonymous Hacker known as 4chan.
So when are we doing this thing? If I have time I might be able to brush up on my skills.
>they'll find out who they voted for soo
Crypto wallets have surely become heavier now, so I hope the charity we choose will also have the pleasure of finding it out.
You have time until Christmas at least, so two more weeks.
And here I thought all the bugfags were based
Aryanne Hoofler, The Saviour Of The Pony Race, The Champion Of Free Speech and The Great Ward Against Offboarders.
This, we need the nazi horse and she needs to make orphanage great again, so that the dumb sluts with at least a tiny bit of shred of dignity will at least concider not murdering a child and putting it in adoption insted
This is the first I'm hearing of Peter New being cringe. What has he done in the past?
nothing more than mediocre farts in the wind that aren't of note.
chrysalis made you sit in the chair one too many times and now youre taking it out on us? tsk tsk tsk. you know better to use mom's image in vain
Yep. Can't be the only one who's noticed the board quality lowering ever since this thread popped up.
So, foalcon art pack?
ITT: a bunch of normalfaggot bronies trying to get free art.
i am going to animate the traditional jesus mary and joseph family style with ponies
wish me luck!
Remember to make him circumcised.
there's nothing that will come out of this thread : We're talking about a vendetta from a few conservative bronies against an art pack raising awareness for planned parenthood, which includes abortion, adoption, contraception. That got people mad and they want to do the opposite.
If you cared for life: Demand ban on firearms, demand war to stop, protest the Palestinian genocide.
There is 0 honesty here.
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Twitter isn't sending their best right now
You're right, this political bullshit thread should be deleted and you should all fuck off. This has nothing to do with MLP.
Patachu/Darkdoomer is a jewish guy. And he did donate for Tsahal a few times.
And you'd trust them with a donation, let's fucking not. We're making our art pack. I've reported their Discord channel.
Kek does Twitter know about this?
Unfortunately. See >>41660216
The /pol/ offboarders who made the thread love twitter.one even posted a screenshot of it.
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ok faggots, things have been moving along here quite well. can we all get a quick idea of who is and isn't going to contribute art. reply to this post with the kind if art (you) plan on contributing(animated, sfw, nsfw, etc, etc.)
I plan on animating a sfw silly stuffing animation.
I’ll contribute with incest foalcon.
Anon, you're anon. I'm also anon and I'm going to draw motherly ponies playing with their foals.
Sfw art of Silly Stuffing
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One or two sfw silly stuffing drawings
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I'm Anon... and you are too.
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listen here, you know what I meant. I meant to know how many artists are joining. DONT BE WISECRACKING ON ME BOY!!!
I'll contribute with a story about a pregnant mare or few.
I want to draw Pear Butter with the apple family.
>Verification not required.
Let's see...ideas... Fanfics about a mother mare, artworks about Silly Stuffing, soothing music aimed for babies like lullaby, mini pony campaigns, I got nothing else in mind

What else are we known for
being gay autists
we rape
>verification not required.
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I'll contribute whatever drawfaggotry I can muster.
I can sympathize with this sentiment. However, I also understand that rubbing Peter New's nose in it is a big part of what we want to do, and, well, it wouldn't work after the carpet is cleaned, would it?
I'm willong to throw a few hundred down on whatever this ends up being, personally. And with enough other anons to hit bump limit in a single day? We got the resources to do a hell of a lot better than one grand, no matter the date.

I would personally have a laugh if this were put out on inauguration day, since orange man getting elected was their reason for their charity.
Imma going to do SFW only, at least one drawing Silly Stuffing doing something wth Derpy and Dinky. And a second drawing but I'm not sure of what.
A good one would be Scootaloo adopted by Rainbow Dash and having sex with her.
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Yeah this.
Inauguration day or valentines would be perfect cuz they ain't too early nor too late - we can organize everything.

Thread is a lot of determined drawfags from what I can see so we are on the right path.
We would still need someone for donation stuff, website etc.
All I can do is simple html+js+css and maybe some even simpler php/sql but that's about it, not a webmaster kinda stuff.

Oh, and it would be nice to come up with some ideas for the art pack cover.
We can just do a happy anon filly holding a Silly plush and looking at you, but that's only my proposition and I think drawfags have way more here to say than me. Maybe we can get some simple sketches of the ideas for cover or something, idk.
Hello DataByte
I honestly got lost refused to read bullshit since Amy New's minions raided the thread. I dont know how much the theme changed, but I was thinking in a pic of Luna babysitting foals and fillies.
holy cute! how reminds me of Children of The Night.
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Yeah this sounds cute as fuck.
I wonder how much art we could get with Luna putting foals to bed, or reading them stories etc.
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I was thinking of something cute with Derpy and Dinky since we never see any type of "father" around with them Dinky could be an adoptee to Derpy or something along those lines with Derpy saying "You may not be mine but I am yours" something sappy I'll hammer it out as I wip up stuff and get an idea board going
Love this idea
unf, luna bedding foals~
I DID get the idea from Children of the Night. Say, when OP said orphans, but anons assumed family ideas, I thought it was kinda contradicting.
Orphans' reality is not having a nuclear family as crude as it sounds. So I wanted to display (and encourage people to do so too) that, if you happen to be alive, you can find people who will honestly love you. You can happily be born to silly w/o a family and yet feel loved.
I think we can have both. Happy families and The foal orphans getting adopted etc. It's just that the second option is way more fitting. Like e.g. Apple family could adopt another foal or CMCs helping foals to get their cutie marks in an orphanage I think that could also be really wholesome.
There is a lot we could do.
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anon NO
Ye, ye, I didn't want to imply otherwise. I meant to say there are more ways to understand this and still be fitting.
Apple Family adopting foals is definitely a wholesome idea too!

Now, regarding this...
I'm assuming you are taking Marenheit as reference to have a record the artpack existed in an static web page. The easiest thing is to get an ITfag, but if you are willing to lurk yourself, the frontend it's the easiest thing nowadays.The most important thing is to find a host service, like Hostinger or such that already give you all the backend and cybersecurity services, and that be cheap (those services provide mail hosting too).
>Donation stuff
You mean the one who will post it in pages such as itch.io?
yes nazi horse guy. from what i can tell he's a haspanic pedophile... oh shit Fuentes, is that you?

and I'm sure there's some people upset at the motivation but even the screen caps shown were just amy saying the name is awful, obviously, but that orphanage funding is needed. so far the only onions raging about the other side is here.
>host service
Yeah, only one I know is hostinger tbf, shit ain't cheap also the domain stuff and all the backend for it like you said. Finding some ITfag would be the best case cuz I know shit about it. Once I did put a site on Hostinger and once on Wix but these were just simple aka portfolio sites, nothing fancy, 0 actual backend when it comes to services.

>You mean the one who will post it in pages such as itch.io?
Idk, maybe.
Marenheit was on ejunkie right ?
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Whatever hosting you lads go with, make sure it's not a censorious shithole that will cave to Xitterite shenanigans
Yeah, trve, gotta keep that in mind
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Trying to draw a little appul and a big momma pear
Can do. I'm not the best designer, tho. But I already have a server that is used for several pony-related services.

Cute appul

Yeah, would be nice to get in touch. Design doesnt matter really, it can be simple.
The most important part is to make it work.

Dm me on X if you decide to, handle -> @PonyRapist
$1355 is a lot, given most of these artists are from third world shitholes. They're also furry-adjacent and fandom irrelevant, so that's probably a lot for them.
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It's trying so hard
The absolute seethe from these retards tells me thia art pack is a really good idea. Marenheit all over again.
The all around anti-libshit pone
>Silly stuffing
The anti-libshit pone specialised against feminists?
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hard to keep feeling like its just a coincidence she was made
divine intervention man
>Bundle Joy
The surrogate whose special talent is having foals?
>inserting politics in ponies is le bad
>but its okay when I do it
Gay. Inshallah both you and the twitterfags will be raped
>children's charity donations are political
go back to /lgbt/
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I love silly stuffing!!!
Her frankeinstein appearance.
>she's terrifying to evil womens and to those who've hurt or abandonned childrens, her very presence tourments and pain them, her patches reflects the dreams their childrens should have had.
>she's comforting, warm and a comical silly air head pone that make litteraly everyone else feel better.
It's like she's from an old european fairy tale!
Imagine the scene, some human kid anons and/or filly/colt Anons geting bullied by the stereotype modern women, then she appears from under a bed, the woman is instantly paralysed in fear, while all the youngling Anons all start playing with her and her comedic silliness make them laugh.
Ok I would be down drawing for some silly plushgore involving this OC.
litterally started by a self described nazi because of his hatred for women and leftist? how could anyone mistake it as political
The heart hooves are adorable
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Possible wip dunno if im sold on this pose/idea yet
maximum cute
Infinite hugs for Silly
Looks very lovely
it looks wholesome, cuddly and yes, I love it !
it's a challenge, but the colors, the patterns, the vibe.
yes visually she has a thing, ok after work i'm getting on it, been too lazy so far sorry bout this.

oh yes, that would be a neat backstory here

maybe like;, she's a haunted being by the souls of million unborn children and seek revenge on life or something.

I have a host, well i can host a few pages explaining the project with links and stuff .skip the Wix and other stuff it's not needed.

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