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There is nothing more pure than the love between man and a mare

Remember to take a bit of time each day to think about the little things, and how important they are.

Old thread: >>41501534

Ongoing greens:

Shape Your Home by PoneGreen
https://ponepaste.org/477 (Part 1)
https://ponepaste.org/478 (Part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/479 (Part 3)
https://ponepaste.org/480 (Part 4)
https://ponepaste.org/4581 (Part 5)
https://ponepaste.org/8319 (Part 6)
https://ponepaste.org/10382 (Part 7)
https://ponepaste.org/4466 (April Fools' interlude)

Completed/on hiatus/ded greens:
GET OUT OF MY HEAD by Anonymous

Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman
https://ponepaste.org/4197 (part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/5562 (part 3)

A Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy (née YukkuriPaleHorse)

The Recruiter (epilogue) by pentapony

Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6

Stories by Pentapony

Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething

"Fleetfooted" by SadBoy

Stories by Aftercase

Stories by AnthonyC4

Stories by Horse Story Anon

Stories by YukkuriPalehorse

Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts & Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider

Stories by Trandhal: https://ponepaste.org/user/trandhal

Rocks out of the Quarry: https://poneb.in/aX2C686i

Stories by Tsar Anon: https://poneb.in/BnjZqwM3

Stories by Angry Wino: tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx

Stories by Crabs of Steam: https://poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam

The Broken Carousel (Part 1): https://ponepaste.org/1541
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 1): https://ponepaste.org/1543
(Part 2): https://ponepaste.org/1542
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 2): https://ponepaste.org/1544

This Heart That Fears


Low Self-Esteem AJ

All I want from christmas

Couch Surfing

A collection of misc. green since the 1st thread
>Remember to take a bit of time each day to think about the little things, and how important they are.
Your mare will make you do that by default. You couldn't ask for a better reminder.
Well, having a couple additional reminders couldn't hurt. Maybe four or five.
Entering proofreading phase now. I hope to get it done quickly.
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>Inflamed, you and the changeling queen stare each other down.
"You shouldn't be here," you speak up, after a few seconds of tense of silence.
>"Shouldn't I?" she asks, feigning innocence. "You invited me, did you not?"
"I gave you explicit instructions to camp your army in the Everfree."
>"And I did."
>She approaches the immobile legate, examining him curiously.
>"Besides, I wanted to see for myself the mighty Legion the Emperor has built for himself."
"Imperator," you correct her through gritted teeth.
>"Whatever." She leans in to study Harald's physique, as if fascinated by every detail.
>Incapable of reacting, Harald remains absolutely still.
>Until today, you couldn't imagine a creature capable of restraining him, especially not in such an absolute yet effortless way.
>Is he conscious? Is his mind wailing in agony?
>Over the years past, you've familiarized yourself with Equestrian magic. You can rattle off the basic physical principles of any given spell — particularly their most effective counteractions.
>But changeling magic is something else.
>You can't discern whether it's a variation of the same natural phenomenon, or a different fundamental force altogether.
>Transfiguration is hard-coded into their DNA, you know that much. What would take a master unicorn an intense amount of focus and skill is nothing for a common drone.
>Pony spells are broad. Changeling spells run deep.
>So, it begs the question, how much more is Chrysalis capable of at the proverbial flick of a wrist?
>You want her on your side. She just needs to play ball.
"What did you do to my guards?"
>"They're fine," she answers. "I convinced them to take a much-needed nap. You shouldn't make the poor things stand outside all night, you know. It's positively cruel."
>She gets those last few words out so facetiously you'd think she could feed off the sheer act of teasing you.
"Let him go."
>"You're no fun," she says, rolling her eyes. "But if that's what you want..."
>She releases Harald from her hex. Almost immediately, he roars, priming to swing his club straight at her head.
>Mid-swing, however, he stops short and drops his club, his rage shifting to a vacant, slack-jawed expression.
>His eyes swirl with glowing concentric rings, and his stance lists back and forth, shifting unsteadily under his own weight.
>Never before has he looked more apelike.
>"I don't think we'll get much done with him getting in between us," she tells you, her horn glowing the same shade of green as his hypnotized eyes.
>Directing her attention at him, she gives him a firm order. "Give us some privacy."
>Mumbling something in the affirmative, he picks up his club and leaves obediently, scarcely lucid of his surroundings.
"Mind control is in your playbook."
>"It's easy for the ones with weak constitutions," she explains, coming over to you.
>You pause.
"How do I know I'm not already under your spell?"
>She smiles and raises a hoof to your breastplate, tracing the grooves. "You don't."
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>You quickly assuage yourself of that concern. There's no way she could be controlling you right now. The mere fact that you're outraged by her indiscretions precludes that from being a possibility.
>Either she doesn't want to, or she can't.
>"I know what you're thinking," she says, throwing you off-kilter. "There's no need to worry."
>You stand firm, eye-to-eye with her, showing no signs of weaknesses. Because you know this game. She's probing for them.
>"I'm a big-picture gal. I don't need you. I want what you can offer. And you've offered a whole lot."
>Slowly, she begins to circle the war table, studying the various positions you've set up as she continues.
>"But the more I thought about it, the more I wondered: why is he so willing to give me Canterlot? What's he *really* after? I thought and I thought, but it just didn't make sense. The seat of power for all of Equestria, and that's your first offer? That's what you bring to the negotiating table? You must be desperate."
>She stops and looks up at you inquisitively. "You don't strike me as desperate, Anonymous."
"I'm not."
>"I've done my research. Don't get me wrong. This—" she motions to the Ponyville front, "is a mess. But it's not unwinnable. You could take the town in a day. You've got the numbers for it. But instead you come to me, and you offer me Canterlot. With an offer like that, I expected you to need me a whole lot more than it looks like you do."
>Refusing to give her any insight into your plans, you decline a response.
>"Anon," she intonates curiously, "what's your endgame here?"
>Your next words are chosen carefully.
"Equestria is about to undergo a transformation. You can either help me be the steward of change, or you can rot in the Badlands for the rest of eternity."
>Chrysalis snarls, her fangs curling over her lip. "Don't feed me that nonsense. Save it for your suckers out there. You're after something, and if you expect the aid of my kingdom, you'll tell me exactly what it is."
>Grabbing some parchment, you turn away dismissively and take a seat at your desk.
"You know, Chrysalis, if you're too blind to see the point of what I'm doing here— if Canterlot isn't big enough a jewel to spur you to action— then I have no need for you."
>Though your eyes remain set on the parchment as you scribble logistic estimates for the coming days, you can still sense the wrath of the irked queen.
>"Call me blind?" she rebukes, stamping her hoof. "Oh, you couldn't be more wrong. I have the eyes to see far further than that ill-conceived truth you're working so hard to stretch. I'm capable of gleaning so much more than you'd ever be willing to show me. It was nothing more than professional courtesy when I offered you the chance to be frank. But if you'd rather play this game, and treat a queen as nothing more than a mere pawn..."
>She sneers. "Well, then, I'll show you what that gets you."
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>Hearing a burst of smoke, you glance over your shoulder only to see the dissipating green vapor.
>You overplayed your hand. She's gone, and so are the changeling units you needed to pad your numbers.
>It was a calculated move. You're not dead in the water without her, though at times it feels like it. The campaign is still winnable, particularly if Ramses comes back with news of success.
>If he doesn't, though, you're officially in dire straits.
>Perhaps you ought to have been more forthcoming. You're inciting a revolution, certainly, but that's not the whole truth, is it?
>Yet you know she can't be trusted with the truth. She's a viper. She'll turn on you the moment it becomes convenient.
>Would it be convenient, though?
>Equestria would far sooner give in to your demands than align themselves with the changelings against you.
>Still, any number of things could go south with your alliance. She could get backed into a corner and trade intel against you to save her own skin.
>Better to keep her in the dark about what you can. Even if it means she refuses to play.
>Returning to your bookkeeping, you try to focus on the preparation that needs to be done. Your ancillaries need orders to carry out if the machine is going to keep running smoothly. It all relies on you as a functioning head.
>Without you doing your duty, the entire operation comes to a screeching halt.
>You can do this.
>You can.
>Just concentrate on the task at hand.
>Part of you wants to go check on Harald.
>He must be fine.
>Chrysalis wouldn't do anything concrete to draw your ire, especially not one as dramatic as harming your legate. She's smarter than that. She's all talk.
>She knows you're capable of winning without her aid. If she didn't, she wouldn't doubt your intentions.
>Making an enemy out of you this early in the game is downright foolish. You'd just come for her next.
>No, her veiled threat was an attempt at showmanship, and you don't appreciate it.
>You're fully convinced that she plans on acting as deus ex machina, saving your hide at the next misstep.
>She'll turn up again, clearly intent on cultivating more leverage than she has now.
>Because the fact of the matter remains — she wants Canterlot. She was all too happy when you first offered it to her.
>If she wants to think the offer's too good to be true, that's her prerogative.
>When she returns, the offer will still be the same. You're not sweetening the pot. She's not all-powerful, despite how highly she thinks of herself.
>She lost her campaign. You'll succeed where she failed.
>Hell, you might even reduce the offer when she turns up again, if you're doing well enough without her. If you can really turn things around with the zeppelins, you'll rebuff her altogether.
>Wouldn't that be nice? Absolute victory through sheer might, without the need to make concessions.
>But don't get ahead of yourself, Anon. You have a long way to get there.
>It's possible. Tempest will never concede defeat, but the princesses are another story.
>When you met her, you told Chrysalis that your army could never take on the princesses alone, but that was a half-truth.
>Because a war is not won through battle alone. In a game of wits, you can outmaneuver the princesses.
>They're spineless. They can be intimidated. They levy more power than any other creature in the world, but lack the courage to wield it.
>You've heard all the stories. They've never killed anyone; they don't have the stomach for it. They can't imagine what it's like to inflict pain on someone, no matter how despicably evil.
>They could have decimated Chrysalis, Sombra, and the Storm King. But princesses don't have what it takes to do what's necessary to keep civilization afloat.
>So they imprison. They banish. They petrify. They do everything short of ensuring their enemies won't one day rise up again.
>And that's what makes them weak.
>Yet they do recognize hopelessness. That's one thing all those villains were able to exploit.
>You can make Twilight afraid of you. You just have to get past Tempest first.
>That's the hard part. She'll do anything to stop you now. She's different from the princesses. She's strong. Came from nothing and clawed her way to the top.
>At one point, she stood against Equestria, a traitor to her kind. Now she's their commander, their arm through which they maintain strength.
>Tempest is capable of doing what it takes to win a war against you. She has the mettle to withstand a bloody battle.
>She's got more than just defensive magic in her toolkit. She will mar, maim, and mutilate every last legionary you throw her way, and she'll do it without flinching.
>She's the only thing standing between you and greatness.
>The next hour or so is composed of writing up orders. Though you probably ought to get them to your ancillaries, you decide it can wait until dawn.
>You're utterly exhausted from the ordeal that today has been, and are in serious need of some decent rest.
>Removing your imperial cloak and armor, you adjourn to your private quarters in the rear of the tent.
>Sprawling out on your bed, you ponder the consequences of recent decisions, and how best to remediate them.
>Just as you reach for the covers, however, you sense the ground rumbling beneath you.
>Sitting back up, you hear the faint sounds of approaching commotion.
>You clamor to your feet and emerge from your private quarters to see Harald bursting into your tent.
>The look in his eyes tells you everything you need to know.
>The battle cry of horns sounding the alert ring out throughout the castrum.
>Grabbing your cloak and armor, you join Harald in exiting the imperial tent.
>Your legionaries are scrambling to organize under direction of the centurion officers.
>The smell of smoke permeates the air, the black of night illuminated by flaming tents toward the north edge of the orchard.
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>Harald tosses you a shield. "They're bombarding the castrum."
>Together, you set off toward the center of camp, intent on directing the defensive from the arsenal.
"How did we not see them coming?"
>"You pulled the damn scouts!" he roars.
>How could they have known? Were they probing for an opening?
>Suddenly, you stop.
"This isn't Chrysalis, is it?"
>"Not that witch. It's the ponies. They hit forward camp ten minutes ago. A legionary got out. He says most of them have been taken prisoner. Everyone else fought to the death."
>God damn it!
>It doesn't make sense. Ponyville doesn't have the numbers to take your castrum head-on.
>Ferro and the other praetorians run up, springing fully armored and battle-ready from their tents adjacent to yours.
>"Orders, sir?" Ferro asks.
"Get me to the arsenal."
>You set off again, Harald at your side and the squadron following you up.
"We need those mines. If we properly set up the withdrawal to the West Orchard, we can feint and send your legion to launch a counterattack on Ponyville, forcing them into a retreat. I'll take Ramses' and Zenobia's units and funnel their battalion back toward the road, straight into the explosive charges. They'll disperse long enough for your legion to penetrate th—"
>Your directions are interrupted by a flaming mass soaring overhead, towards your position. As you leap out of the way, the boulder-sized agglomeration of tar and hay smashes into the tent beside you, toppling it and lighting it ablaze.
>Picking yourself back up, you draw your sword and rally the panicking legionaries around you.
"We've prepared for this contingency, boys! Find your century and take position!"
>"Come on," Harald tells you, bounding for the arsenal. You chase after him.
>They've got Greek fire. They're going full scorched earth.
>You were shocked to see them willing to raze the orchard upon your arrival. Now they intend to finish the job, burning down your army along with it.
>You won't let them get that far.
>Getting to the hill, you command Harald to press on.
"Get every cohort in formation and charge on Ponyville. They'll withstand a direct assault. Spread thin and siege from wide angles."
>He nods and barrels past legionaries scurrying to find their units.
>You run up to the depot, only to find Kyra one step ahead of you, a loaded cart in tow.
"East Orchard, before the road. Lay them two-and-two."
>She gives you an assured nod. "You'll be glad we did things my way."
>You turn back to the praetorians. "Make sure she gets there safe and help her. Follow her instructions to the letter."
>Ferro hesitates. "Let me escort you. The enemy could intercept before y—"
"I don't want to hear it," you cut him off. "I need all twelve of you on this, it's too important. The centurions have to form up their units and I can't trust anyone less than an officer to get it done."
>"Yes, sir," he replies. "We'll get those mines out."
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>Kyra takes off, galloping in the opposite direction. Even with a full load towed behind her, the praetorians struggle to keep up on foot.
>As you climb the hill, you spot Laurel yelling out orders, her supply clerks handing off high-grade armaments to each Optio responsible for equipping their century with advanced munitions beyond the standard weapon and shield.
>Though tempted to step in and coordinate the arming effort, your eyes are drawn to the watchtower.
>Desperate to get an assessment of the situation, you head for the structure instead.
>Laurel sees you approach, but makes no attempt to interfere as you scale the tower steps.
>Ascending the spiral staircase, your view of the castrum improves, and you can gradually see the extent of the assault. Flaming tents dot the camp, with the entire northern boundary engulfed in flames, creating a wall of smoke obfuscating Ponyville.
>Your legionaries throughout the camp rush westward.
>As you climb up into the nest, you're met by a staggering sight.
>The Equestrian army, thousands strong, march their way toward you, the vanguard breaking off from the main body to engage any legionaries they encounter.
>Most of your soldiers are cut down where they stand, utterly overwhelmed and too disorganized to make an effective dent in their formation.
>These numbers are far beyond anything Ponyville could supply.
>Tempest's reinforcements have arrived en masse.
>Looking around the nest, you exchange your shield for a pair of binoculars and raise them to your eyes. She's here. You know it.
>Scanning the advance units, you stop upon seeing her familiar figure at the very front.
>Tempest herself, leading the charge, blasting beams from her horn at every poor soul she sees.
>Suddenly, she stops, and raises her chin.
>Though she stands more than a thousand yards out, she gazes up at the tower, as if suddenly made aware of your presence.
>Locking eyes with her through the binoculars, she furrows her brow and yells something indiscernible to a guard to her left.
>The guard casts a spell directly at the watchtower, and you grip the rails, bracing yourself, albeit confused; the effective range of offensive spells is much smaller than the distance between you.
>But the only thing that hits the tower is a faint pillar of light. Nothing especially bright, just barely illuminated enough to stand out against the night sky.
>Looking up, you try to identify the source and reason for the luminous column.
>But a voice yelling from the ground below interrupts you.
>"Anon, watch out!"
>Glancing down, you spot Laurel's eyes transfixed on something in the distance.
>A flaming projectile soaring toward you.
>The guard isn't infantry. She's the goddamn artillery spotter.
>With only a matter of seconds before the Greek fire impacts your position, you leap over the railing in panic, falling twenty feet to the roof of the arsenal below.
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>The projectile collides with the side of the tower, shattering the wood and engulfing the structure in flames.
>The remaining supports splinter and buckle under the pressure, causing the nest to gradually tip toward you.
>As the tower comes down onto the roof, you dive to the far end, rolling away from the shrapnel.
>The fallen tower slams into the arsenal, fracturing into millions of flaming pieces, showering you with many of the smaller slivers.
>Bits of flaming tar catch on your cloak, and you scuttle to put it out.
>As you do, Laurel calls out, "Are you okay?"
>Poking your head off the rooftop, you reveal yourself to her.
"I'm fine!"
>"It's the Imperator, you idiots!" she yells to her clerks. "Help me get him down!"
>Banding together, they help you lower yourself off the arsenal. As Laurel drags you away from the smoldering mess, you glance over your shoulder to gauge the building's integrity.
>"It's fine," she says, anticipating your concern. "I built it to stand, like you asked."
>She sets you on the ground at the base of the hill as you hack up your lungs from tar and smoke inhalation.
"Ramses and Zenobia are gone. I have to command their legions."
>You attempt to get up, but she plants her hoof against your breastplate, pinning you down.
>"You're not going anywhere. Your leg's a mess."
>You glance down, only just now realizing the excruciating pain coming from your left calf. You came down on the leg hard when you leapt from the tower.
>"Get me a medic!" she yells over to her clerks. Turning her attention to you, she gingerly lifts the limb up to inspect it. "Where the hell are your guards, anyway?"
>You lay your head back against the grass.
"Helping Kyra lay a defensive perimeter."
>"Yeah, and that leaves who to take care of your sorry behind?" she asks. "This is *so* not my job."
>Gazing up at the sky, your head is swimming in adrenaline. The starry night would almost be a peaceful sight if it weren't for the sounds and smells of the carnage sieging your camp.
>A medic runs up to you and inspects your injury. "It's fractured," he tells Laurel.
>You don't hear him. You're concentrated on the sky.
>The twinkling stars seem almost indifferent to the conflict going on beneath them. Oh, how it must feel to be among them, an essence of the universe, rather than a being shackled to the mortal world below.
>Your senses dulled, you scarcely feel the splint being drawn over your leg.
>A world so alien and unfamiliar from the one you started with. A universe so much bigger than you had ever supposed. How small it feels, to be bounced around from realm to realm, so helpless to the influences of the cosmos.
>Even if you make this world your domain, it's ultimately nothing. A drop in the bucket. A far cry from control over your existence.
>"Stay with me, pal."
>You pick your head up, forcibly dragged out of your reverie by Laurel tapping at your armor.
>Your leg is set and dressed. She and the medic help you to your feet.
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"I need to get to the West Orchard."
>Laurel shakes her head. "They've pushed too far. There's no safe path left."
"They're awaiting my commands."
>Brushing her off, you take two steps, limbering delicately.
>"Look at you," she scoffs, "you can hardly walk, let alone fight your way through their battalions."
"They need me," you insist.
>"They know enough to fight back without orders. We've handed out all the arms. The centuries are fully equipped. The enemy's advancing on us now, we have to get you to safety."
>Come on, think. You've got nearly two full legions out there without a commander. They're too disorganized to properly engage, and Harald is depending on your feint maneuver to give his legion an opening.
>If you can't fight your way there, you need someone who can.
"Get me to the road. We'll rendezvous with Kyra and the praetorians."
>Laurel and the medic place their heads beneath your arms to prop you up as you limp away from the arsenal, the sounds of battle growing louder and closer with each passing minute.
>As you navigate back through the castrum, not another soul can be seen. At least it looks like the troops made it to their positions.
>But the scene is a mess. Supplies strewn about the camp, dropped where they were at the sound of the initial battle horn. Tents ablaze from stray catapult shots, with thick, black plumes of smoke trailing upwards.
>As you approach the imperial tent, you hear the clamoring of an enemy squadron to your left.
>Laurel stops you and shuts her eyes, employing her heightened Kirin senses.
>"They don't know we're here," she says. "But they're cutting off our path to the road. We have to retreat south."
>She nods her head to your right, leading deeper into the orchard. Away from Ponyville.
>"Yes," she insists. "I'll get you to the quarry. I have a hideout there where you'll be safe."
"I'm not fleeing," you protest through gritted teeth.
>The thought of deserting your post makes you sick.
>"I'm keeping you alive!" Laurel argues. "The centurions know what they're doing. It'll be okay, but you need to lay low until we push them back. We're too vulnerable, staying out in the open like this."
>You let her lead you around this far, but here you draw a hard line in the sand. You're not abandoning your army, even if it kills you.
>She stares you down a few seconds, frustrated with your stubbornness.
>Finally, she relents. "Fine."
>She slips out from under your arm, leaving you supported by the medic, and takes two steps back.
>Her coat darkens and her horn lights ablaze as she looses the Nirik within her.
>"We'll do it your way," she grunts through her teeth, fangs painfully sprouting out. "Get moving."
>With that, she charges off, weaving through the tents, disappearing in the direction of the approaching squadron.
"Laurel!" you call out.
>But it's too late. She's departed in a half-witted attempt to head them off before they can intercept you.
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>The medic pats your back with his weasel-like hands, and you set off again, limping along as he helps you advance.
>You're well-aware of the destructive powers that the Nirik possess. But Laurel's not a fighter. She's an explorer. She's hardly capable of taking anyone on hand-to-hand, let alone an entire squadron.
>Now she's gone off to help you see your plan through, and there's little you can do to stop her in your injured state.
>Maybe she was right. Maybe it's best to retreat to a secure position and trust in your officers' abilities.
>Harald's still out there. He's seen more battle than anyone on the field, especially you.
>Commanding an army of this scale, though, is a different game altogether. He's not just a tribal chieftain anymore. He's a legate, leading thousands. Is he really capable of stepping up to the task?
>"A bit further to the road," the medic says.
>Kyra should be laying the mines just outside the castrum, in the wooded area between it and the road. From there, the praetorians can escort you to the West Orchard, where you'll funnel the enemy battalion back into this line.
"What's your name, boy?" you ask the medic.
>"Otto," he replies.
"How long until my leg heals?"
>"I don't know. Days. Weeks. I'm not a doctor."
>Of course.
"How much medical training have you had?"
>He hesitates. "Not a lot," he answers sheepishly.
>You wince as you place a bit too much weight on the leg with the previous stride.
>"I'll tell you what, though, it's not gonna get better if you keep going like this. The splint is temporary fix. You need to sit down."
"Yeah? Why don't you look around and find a comfy spot for me to do that?"
>Embarrassed, he doesn't answer.
>After another couple minutes, you reach the road. Peering out north, you try to spot Kyra in the trees.
>"We should get out of here," Otto says. "It's too open."
>You agree with him on that one.
>But you're determined to find your praetorians. Only they can get you back to the Legion.
"We'll double back and follow the castrum perimeter."
>Otto doesn't move.
>Glancing down at him, you repeat yourself.
"Let's move."
>But still he stays motionless. Until he speaks.
>"I'm sorry," he whimpers.
>Slinking out from under your arm, he darts off, leaving you to collapse on the road.
>Fucking coward.
"Wait!" you yell after him.
>But he doesn't listen. As you're left kneeling on the ground, you can only watch as the creature scurries into the nearby thicket...
>And promptly explodes.
>The boom is deafening. A heap of plant matter and viscera blasts into the air, raining down on the road in front of you. You shield your head from getting struck by stray tissue and branches.
>When the dust settles, a weak voice calls out from behind you.
>Turning back, you spot Laurel hobbling toward you on the orchard path. The flames of her Nirik form dwindle as little more than embers upon her blackened skin.
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>Pulling your sword from your sheath, you use it as a cane to hoist yourself up and meet her.
>"I distracted them," she smiles. "Took out a few, and pulled the rest away. I actually lost them. And you just had to go screw it up, didn't you?"
>As you come up to her, you spot the gash on her flank, the blood seeping down, staining her whole leg red.
>You reach out, but she pushes you away. "Go."
>Other voices call out from the castrum. "This way!" they yell.
>"They heard the explosion," she utters, her voice strained. "They're coming. Run."
"No," you object. "Come on. We'll lose them in the forest."
>Again, she pushes you off. "I'm not going anywhere. They're looking for me. You can still get away."
>Suddenly, she slumps down, too weak to keep herself up.
"Laurel..." you whisper, kneeling down in front of her.
>"Do me one thing," she murmurs, shutting her eyes. "When you finally conquer Equestria, take a sec to remember the girl who worked her ass off to get you there."
>You let out a chuckle as a tear rolls down your cheek. As you stroke her mane, she rests her head tenderly against your leg, drawing in her last breath.
>And with that, all that remains is her still, lifeless body.
>The voices call out again, this time closer. "It came from over here!"
>You waste no time pulling yourself together and getting back up on your feet.
>This is not the end of the line for you.
>Using the sword to support yourself, you stagger across the road and into the woods, taking cover in the overgrowth.
>From your position, you watch as the squadron comes into view.
>They converge on Laurel's body on the orchard path, inspecting it. You spot at least eight ponies.
>And a man.
>He kneels down and rolls your ancillary's corpse over. The ponies watch uncomfortably as he checks her pulse.
>The first human you've seen in over a decade. It almost doesn't feel real.
>Whether he's a resident of Ponyville conscripted into Tempest's militia or one of the reinforcements from another city, you don't know.
>What you do know with absolute certainty is that he was brought here, like you, without his knowledge or consent, for the sole purpose of being partnered up with a mare he never even knew existed. His soul mate.
>You and he are kin, in some sick, twisted way.
>Same story, different endings.
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>A sharp pang radiates through your leg and you unconsciously falter slightly, shifting your weight.
>Twigs snap beneath your feet, and the squadron looks up in your direction.
>"Something's in there," the man says. "Check it out."
>You can't stay. They'll find you. Your only chance is to run.
>So you do.
>Taking off deeper into the woods, you hear them alerted by the sudden rustling, and the party charges after you.
>As you push through the overgrowth, an explosion booms behind you.
>One of them must have crossed into the thicket between the path and the road.
>Others shriek out in terror, causing a panic and buying you time.
>Pushing further, you wield your sword for the dual purpose of supporting yourself on each stride of your bad leg, and slashing through the brush on each stride of your good leg.
>Soon, though, the sword gets caught in some roots. Rather than take the time to free it, you leave it behind.
>Forced to hobble on your fractured leg, you draw your dagger from your belt and utilize it to clear a path ahead as best you can.
>Only after a couple minutes of this frenzied escape do you realize where you've run off to.
>Confident you can no longer hear anyone still in pursuit, you stop long enough to find yourself deep in the Everfree Forest.
>Trudging into a clearing, you collapse onto your knees beside a small creek, leg throbbing with pain.
>You lift the clear water into your hands and rinse your face of the sweat, soot, and blood that stains it.
>Once finally cooled off, you pause to take a drink. As you lift the water to your lips, however, you catch something in the distance.
>An all-too-familiar set of glowing green eyes staring back at you.
>"Miss me?"
>You try to rise to your feet, but the blinding pain sets you back down.
>"Aw," Chrysalis says, emerging from the shadows. "Hurt yourself, did you?"
"You did this," you growl.
>"What, that?" she asks, tilting her head toward the direction you came. "I wish I could take credit."
"It was you. You sabotaged me, you vindictive little bitch."
>"Harsh words." She steps up to the creek, dipping her hoof in the cool water. "I don't know what to tell you. Those ponies were just too eager to be rid of you. I would have intervened, of course, but I recall a certain someone saying he has no need for me."
>You scowl up at her.
"They're your changelings in disguise, aren't they? A false flag operation."
>She scoffs and turns away. "Be serious. Pitting my army against yours, leaving the victor weakened and susceptible to attack from Ponyville? How would either of us benefit?"
>Her against you. A Pyrrhic victory. The winner still loses.
>Her reasoning is sound, but that doesn't mean she's innocent.
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>Chrysalis hums a tune as the treetops start chittering and shuddering for as far as you can make out.
>"No, I'm not nearly as unruly as you are. My subjects have been camped here the entire time, as requested."
"You had Ponyville attack, then."
>"Come now, could I really have orchestrated this? In what world would those sweet little ponies trust a word out of my mouth?"
"So I suppose it's just a coincidence you threaten me, and my army is attacked hours later."
>She stops in her tracks, growing weary of your accusations. "Do you want to know what *really* happened, Anonymous? Because the truth is a lot simpler than the treachery you accuse me of."
"Spit it out."
>"You waited too long to make your move," she explains. "Equestria rallied, and they caught you with your pants down. It's as simple as that."
>Ignoring her critique, you struggle to pick yourself up off the ground.
>"Aw, poor thing," she coos, watching you. "If you need my help, all you've got to do is ask."
"Fuck off."
>Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis casts a spell, mending your leg.
>Now finally able to rise to your feet, you stare her down.
"You really have nothing to do with this?"
>She nods earnestly.
>Looking over your shoulder, you try to hear for any sounds of battle, but you've wandered too far to make anything out.
>It could already be over by now. It could have ended in a decisive defeat.
>"We both said some hurtful words back there," she admits. "But we're out of time, so let's face facts. Fighting each other only benefits Equestria."
>You turn back to her.
>"Do you want to win?" she asks.
"More than anything."
>"Then let's work together."
>You hesitate.
"I'm not amending my original offer."
>"I wouldn't dare ask you to," she replies, getting closer. "It's a generous reward. I only want to know I can trust you."
>She leans in and whispers in your ear. "Can I trust you?"
>You nod.
>"Good," she smiles. "Because you have nothing to hide, do you?"
>You shake your head.
>"Of course not..."
>You shut your eyes as you feel the heat of her breath on your neck.
>It's soothing. Almost peaceful...
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>She raises her forehoof to your cheek. Though her chitin is cold and hard, it's smooth and gentle as it caresses your face.
>"Now tell me," she purrs, "what do you really desire?"
>All sensation of weight leaves your body. It feels like you're floating.
"I want to go back."
"To Earth."
>Memories start to flash vividly before your eyes. Memories of a simpler life, where every day wasn't a struggle to scrape by in a desert city on an alien world.
>"Well, there's only one way back, isn't there? The way you came."
"The portal."
>Memories of people and places that feel like a lifetime away.
>"And where do they keep it?"
"The Crystal Empire."
>Memories of who you used to be.
>"So that's what you're after..." She smiles, stroking your cheek. "That wasn't so hard, was it? Trusting me?"
>Memories you cling to.
>"It's all coming together now. You don't care about Canterlot. It's just a stepping stone to what you really want. Everything your heart desires lies in the Crystal Empire. I can get you that, my dear."
>She starts to pull away, but quickly freezes.
>"Wait. That's not all. There's more. Something deeper."
>She pushes into you, pressing her chest against yours.
>"Something at odds with this desire of yours."
>Chrysalis digs her snout into your neck and inhales. "Love."
>Her eyes light up. "Here?"
>Suddenly, different memories appear. Not of Earth, but of Equestria.
>Memories you left behind.
>Memories you don't want to relive.
>Memories of her.
>All at once, the weight returns to your body, and your senses are restored.
>In one fluid motion, you draw your dagger and hold it to Chrysalis' throat, pinning her against a tree.
>She squints at you angrily, but doesn't try anything. "Don't—"
"Quiet," you cut her off. "You almost had me. You almost made it real."
>The changelings start hissing, enraged and distressed.
>You push the blade harder, digging microscopic cracks into her exoskeleton. She winces.
>The hissing grows louder. They start flittering about.
"You had to push it too far. Couldn't resist yourself. Just had to go poking where you don't belong."
>The beating of their wings grows so loud you can barely think.
>But you don't need to think.
"The gambit's over. Cut it out, or I swear I'll slit your throat."
>A defeated expression washes over her, and she sighs.
>The world around you shimmers away. The Everfree Forest is no more.
>The only thing unchanged is you and Chrysalis. Just you and your knife, pinning the changeling queen against a column in the imperial tent.
>Finally, you release her, and she slides down to the floor.
>You toss the weapon aside and walk off, shoulders tensed in exasperation.
>All she can muster is a devilish smile.
>"Can't blame a girl for trying."
The mares are little.
Mare pee.
Very cool new chapter, but it still leaves us with more questions than answers. It feels very confusing, but its still enjoyable.
Little reminder can be powerful too.

Man, Anon just keeps on getting worse and worse with every passing update. This murderous treacherous moron really couldn't ask to come back to Earth, could he? Nooo, he just had to flood Equestria with these disgusting creatures of his and some pony traitors too! I hope Anon burns in Hell before he inevitably dies and get replaced by someone who truly deserves pony love.
odds are he got someone else's match killed already
nice bat
she looks like she'd marry a human man
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I love apple mare so much I wish I could be a lounge for ponies in Equestria, naps in sunny fields or lap lounges on park benches anywhere and everywhere a comfort spoil for ponies
More like horny emergencies.
I mean, what's an earth pony supposed to do when she loves tooting her own horn?
And here is chapter 166. Originally intended to be a fillet, it somehow went its way to become a full chapter of its own. That's usually not a problem, but with my current speed, it doesn't, shall we say, boost the overall progress. Anyway, let's get to the links and then right to the text, shall we?
Main story:
Side story:
Hope you enjoy it.

>The ponies of Equestria who called Firefly one of the most tenacious and determined Pegasi of her time, along with her husband, of course, would once again have been proven right in their decision to trust in the mare.
>If they could see her now, at least.
>For Firefly progresses rapidly after accepting your offer.
>No matter how tricky the challenges are which #deca.mare and you throw at her, in relation to her knowledge level at the respective point in time that is, she eagerly rises to the occasion.
>And, more often than not, with remarkable results as well.
>Firefly aces many of your lessons during the following weeks.
>Even when she struggles, she pushes herself just a bit more until she improves.
>And Sky Squall is almost always with her.
>In fact, it is him who guides Firefly through the first steps of many lessons.
>Since he has gone through the same learning process relatively recently, he is able to share his impressions and experiences with her to help her along the way.
>Which Firefly gladly accepts every time.
>And the two are, just as they always have been, at their peak when they are working and practicing together, trusting each other unconditionally in everything they do.
>Their bond is as visible as it is unmistakable.
>But at the same time, their mutually honed discipline does not allow their actions to get visibly affected by their love for one another.
>When the situation calls for it, they are as professional as a pony can be.
>Even now, in your familiar small circle, they prefer to maintain this attitude while they practice together.
>For Sky Squall and Firefly do not want to slack off.
>So much so that they even keep you on your toes from time to time.
>Afterwards, however, things change to a degree.
>When the four of you are done with your plans for the day, you usually gather in a simulated place of your mutual choice to spend a couple of hours in a more relaxed environment before all of you go to sleep.
>In these moments of respite, both Sky Squall and Firefly become a tad more laid-back than usual as well.
>Simply because there is no one around who might be looking up to them and perceive them as role models.
>And you are just about to gather once again, albeit in a rather unusual location this time.
>For Firefly had a suggestion that is pretty unusual for her, yet entirely possible within the simulation.
>So you prepare the setting and step through the door, arriving at the proverbial bow of the mother ship as it orbits the planet.
>You stand close to the forward edge of the outer shell, with a wide panorama view on the planet and the direction in which the vessel is flying.
>A campfire has been lit nearby, burning cosily and happily in defiance of the laws of physics.
>Four cushions and several boxes with ample food are positioned around the fire as well, providing you with everything you need for a calm get-together with your friends and family.
>You let your gaze wander for another moment before you call the others.
"Okay, it's set up."
>Firefly is the first pony who follows you through the door.
>Sky Squall is following her right away, with #deca.mare being closely behind the stallion in turn.
>And Firefly in particular marvels at the scene as the door to the deck vanishes into thin air.
>You grin.
"So, you like it?"
>The mare stares at the planet as she replies.
>"I do."
>She pauses for a second.
>"It really puts things into perspective."
>The mare turns to you.
>"This is the exact scale now?"
>You give her a nod.
"Yep. That's how big we are in comparison to the mother ship. And Equestria, for that matter."
>As you say the name, the magenta Pegasus turns to the planet again and eyes a familiar continent.
>She does not have to say anything.
>You spot the signs on your own.
"That's why you wanted to be here, eh?"
>She nods.
>"Right. To see it with my own eyes, even here as an imitation, is something else. Watching this through the 'eyes' of one of the ships... it's not the same."
>You go on for her.
"Because the perspective and scales are different."
>The magenta mare nods again.
>"It's fine to work with them when it's necessary. But if I had to choose, I'd always prefer my own point of reference."
>Sky Squall smiles and wraps a wing around her back.
>"That won't change, love. Because we're still Pegasi. And we always will be."
>She reciprocates the gesture with her own wing and the two start to lean against each other in the process.
>And you believe that you might have spotted just the mere hint of a tiny smile on the face of the mare.
>Not her usual confident grin that she may show in practice matches or other contests, but one of another, more smitten kind.
>It barely seems to shine through for a brief moment before her expression changes to a more calm, yet still relaxed one.
>And without saying another word, the pair walks to the campfire site.
>They make themselves comfortable on two of the cushions.
>#deca.mare and you do the same a few seconds thereafter as well.
>The four of you reach for the boxes and hand each other some food of your choice.
>Once everyone has something to eat, you exchange friendly glances and start to eat and talk casually.
>Starting with Firefly.
>"Anon, Decanter?"
>You are about to respond, yet #deca.mare is just a smidge faster than you.
>"Yes, Firefly?"
>You cannot say why, but you think that #deca.mare chimed in on purpose.
>As if she had felt that she should speak in this case.
>And considering what Firefly is going to ask, this would be a fair assumption.
>"Speaking of being Pegasi, how long until my new body is ready?"
>Definitely #deca.mare's expertise.
>"The gestation process is coming along nicely. At the current rate, I would say the body is ready in two weeks."
>The magenta Pegasus nods briefly.
>"Not counting the 'special procedure', I assume."
>#deca.mare shakes her head and takes a bite before she gives Firefly an answer.
>"No, that is going to take an additional day or two because you did not want the alterations right from the start."
>Firefly shrugs.
>"That's fine."
>Then she looks at Sky Squall.
>"If it means that we can do it together, I'll wait."
>Once more, it is fascinating to behold how the famed first commander of the Wonderbolts, the go-getter mare herself, is showing her romantic side in private moments like these.
>And she is not quite done yet.
>"It'll be strange though. We'll both have our bodies back, in the best years at that. But we're also restricted to a very confined space in the physical world."
>You chime in.
"Not as much as you believe, Firefly. There's nothing wrong with a visit on the surface. Extended ones too, every now and then. You just have to keep in mind that your trips have to be subtle."
>Which is the very opposite of what the mare is used to.
>Staying in the background after a full life of being at the top will be tough for her.
>Still, it is also a challenge.
>One which she is not going to fail.
>You can fully count on her in this regard.
>She eyes you and smiles confidently.
>And the magenta mare looks as if she could read your thoughts right now.
>"Very well. If that's what it takes."
>Eager as always.
>But you have to dampen her enthusiasm a little bit.
>At least for now.
"Patience, Firefly. Your body isn't ready yet, and we still have a lot of stuff to go through anyway. Enough to keep us busy for a while."
>Again, the mare grins.
>This kind of remark merely spurs her vigour further.
>And Sky Squall is quick to comment on that as well, lightly laughing as he does so.
>"Careful, Anon. If you motivate her too much, she'll drag you back to the deck to get an extra lesson."
>Perhaps a bit overblown, yet not all that far away from the truth, considering the eagerness of the mare.
>Yet you shake your head and smile in turn.
"No, not today. You wanted to maintain your natural cycle, right? And you've got to rest and sleep for that."
>Firefly shrugs.
>Then she bites into her grass and vegetable sandwich.
>A rather simple dish at first glance, but a welcome snack for a pony nonetheless.
>"I wouldn't want to miss these moments anyway."
>The mare looks at Sky Squall and cracks a smile.
>"Right, Sky?"
>Firefly does not wait for an answer and embraces the stallion with a wing.
>And he is happy to follow her example again.
>The two wordlessly share the rest of their sandwich as they lean on one another.
>And they do not need any words to be together like this.
>It is just as familiar and ordinary to them as flying.
>Evidently so.
>Yet as you watch the two Pegasi, you do not think about the fact that this habit is a highly private one, especially according to their own personal standards.
>Because another thought crosses your mind.
>You cannot help but think that their display is oddly infectious.
>And you are not the only one who seems to think so, as #deca.mare promptly decides to tilt her body in your direction.
>You assume at first that she is trying to lean on you to emulate the other couple.
>But this notion is a very short-lived one, since #deca.mare is not aiming for your side.
>Instead, she puts her head on your lap and rolls on her back.
>She is now looking, quite literally, up to you with a warm smile whilst her hooves dangle freely in the air.
>And you swiftly stabilise her head with one arm and lightly touch her chest with the other.
>Then you smile as well.
"Someone's extra cuddly today, hm?"
>You pause deliberately.
"And I'm pretty sure I know what gave you the... inspiration."
>You briefly look at Sky Squall and Firefly.
>They are both eyeing #deca.mare and you now, albeit without interrupting their own thing as they do so.
>And it is Sky Squall who responds with a grin.
>"Guess we can't help it. Inspiring others is simply our talent. Even now."
>His grin widens.
>"We'll see whether we have enough talent to bring you closer in the real world too."
>You raise an eyebrow.
"As if you would take no for an answer."
>The golden Pegasus shrugs.
>"I guess you got me."
>#deca.mare turns her head to address the stallion directly.
>"I admire your persistent enthusiasm, Sky. But this is not merely an issue of inspiration."
>She pauses and blinks.
>"On the contrary. Motivation is... not lacking. The problems are elsewhere, as you know."
>Firefly laughs calmly.
>"That doesn't matter. Proper motivation is still the first step on the way to get the results you desire."
>She turns to Sky Squall.
>And she gives him the warmest smile that you have ever seen on her face.
>"Nopony knows that better than us."
>Firefly tightens her hug.
>Her implications are unmistakable, and deliberately so as well.
>Sky Squall starts to nuzzle her in turn, further solidifying the obvious.
>And you for your part wonder whether you should say anything.
>Especially in regard to the final impulse which ultimately brought them together for good.
>Firefly already does that for you, however.
>"Though you played a part in it as well."
>You are still not sure how to reply.
>And she uses your brief hesitation to take the initiative again.
>The magenta mare takes a breath and speaks up.
>"Speaking of results and playing parts, there's something I'd like to know. Purely out of theoretical interest."
>You have no idea where this is going, but you will answer her questions to the best of your ability.
"Okay, sure. What is it?"
>Firefly waits for a second or so before she goes on.
>"You two had no intentional role in our relationship and how Sky and I got together, right?"
>You nod and answer that very simple question right away.
"That's right. Every, shall we say, 'tangential involvement' from our side was purely coincidental."
>Which is the truth.
>But this was surely just the opening question.
>Firefly blinks.
>"I caught myself at having a thought."
>The voice of the mare sounds extraordinarily serene and pondering for once.
>Very atypical for the usually resolute Pegasus.
>But as strange as that may appear at first glance, you do not misinterpret the situation.
>Because one look into her eyes tells you that her mentality has not changed, even when her demeanour has shifted somewhat.
>From what you can tell, she really is just earnestly thinking about a point which keeps occupying her mind.
>A point that she is about to reveal.
>"Let's suppose for a moment that you had a proactive role in it. Would you have brought us together?"
>Your tongue is faster than your mind and relays that thought without considering whether that would be a good idea.
>Firefly grins.
>"You heard me. Would you?"
>The topic piques the interest of Sky Squall as well.
>"Interesting question. Would you? Would we have been an ideal pair in your eyes?"
>Absolutely no minefield ahead at all.
>None whatsoever.
>Whilst your mind reels from contemplating all the ways in which you could commit a faux pas now, a more level headed part of you takes over and plays for time.
"That's... honestly... I don't know what to say."
>You inhale.
"And what made you think of that to begin with? Is... everything fine? You know... between you?"
>Both Firefly and Sky Squall start to laugh in unison as you say that.
>And as if to put an emphasis on the fact that you may have suggested something silly, they share a kiss at the end of their laughing fit.
>You try to put on your best poker face and look at #deca.mare.
>She appears to be somewhat puzzled too, albeit not quite as much as you.
>And judging from #deca.mare's reaction, there seems to be nothing to worry about.
>Which is a good thing.
>However, it does not offer you any real clarity either.
>Firefly is aware of that too.
>So she decides to ease your bewilderment.
>At least a little bit.
>"We're fine, Anon. Like I said, it's only a theoretical to ponder."
>You blink.
"A pretty strange one though, don't you think?"
>The mare tilts her head.
>"Is it really? When you consider all the circumstances that led to the point where we are now? And how easily it would have been for things to go differently?"
>She pauses.
>"It's hard to believe that everything just happened at random."
>This is a bit hyperbolic, but you get her point.
>Firefly cannot believe her luck, proverbially speaking.
>And, by extension, the luck of all of you as well.
>You take a breath.
"It wasn't all, 'at random', Firefly. Some things were, partially at crucial stages even, but many other were the result of elaborate planning. Like the creation of Equestria, for example. It was preceded by a long-winded process of planning and studies. This world wouldn't exist without such hard work. Though it's true, it also took a few strokes of luck which actually made it happen. They're opposites, but both were equally important. None of us would be here if either of them had been absent."
>You pause and think about this subject for a moment before you proceed.
"To make an analogy, I would say it's a mixture... a brew... a concoction. It needs several different ingredients to gain its flavour, but they must be applied in proper amounts, and at the right moments."
>You look at the magenta mare and realise that your thoughts have drifted a tad too far away from the original topic.
>But this is alright.
>Because it provides you with an answer that you did not think of before.
>You collect your thoughts and go on.
"I suppose relationships have a similar contrast. Yours work because you're so similar. You're both driven, able, and share all your interests and hobbies. In that, I'd say you are a very good couple, yeah. And if I were the one who had to, well, 'match' you, I think I could have done that with a great deal of confidence. Purely theoretically speaking, of course."
>Firefly nods.
>"Of course."
>You smile warmly and proceed.
"Though the opposite can sometimes work just as well."
>Then you look at #deca.mare.
"Consider us. The differences between us couldn't have been greater when we met. But you see how that played out."
>#deca.mare, still resting on your lap, smiles as she hears your last comment.
>She raises her upper body and her head to kiss you, intentionally imitating what the two have done just a few moments ago.
>And you go along with it.
>Gladly so.
>Firefly and Sky Squall stay quiet whilst you are busy with each other, and patiently wait for you until you are done with the kiss.
>As you eventually part again, you keep looking at #deca.mare for a few more seconds before you raise your voice again.
"As I said. The complete opposite. But just as fine."
>#deca.mare chuckles.
>"And it works."
>Your smile returns once more.
"Like a charm."
>You take another long breath before your gaze slowly wanders back to the two Pegasi.
"The point is, neither is inherently more right or wrong than the other, and it's likely that a similar pairing would've been possible for you too."
>You pause to give them a little while to think about your words.
"But it really doesn't matter. You came together on your own. Well, for the most part. You achieve much as a couple. Constantly. You have a family. And you're happy together. Success across the board. For both of you, and everyone involved. That's all that counts."
>You inhale.
"Thinking of what could have been instead is fine and fun on occasion, but when you overdo it, you'll only drive yourself crazy. And if you ask me, you two are good as you are."
>Another brief pause.
"I believe... that's the best answer I can come up with."
>A moment of pondering silence follows.
>Before Sky Squall starts to laugh again.
>Yet unlike his previous fit, it also sounds as if it contains a notion of wry amusement.
>You turn to the stallion and address him directly.
"Sky? What's up?"
>The golden Pegasus inhales before he responds.
>"The irony, Anon. The irony."
>You raise an eyebrow.
"What irony?"
>Sky Squall slightly tilts his head.
>"If you really think about it, I would have been better off if you had done it for us. The same end result, but it wouldn't have taken a bad experience for me to act on it. Maybe it would have prevented... the embarrassment altogether too."
>You consider what to say, as #deca.mare chimes in.
>"This is not correct, Sky. The end result would have changed."
>The stallion lowers his head to eye #deca.mare.
>"What do you mean?"
>#deca.mare smiles warmly at him.
>"I mean your family in particular. It would not be what it is today if the chain of events had been different."
>Another pause, then she tells him what she means.
>"Starting with your first foal. We were, admittedly, indirectly and unintentionally involved in that, as Anon implied."
>The stallion sighs.
>"It never ceases to astound me how our times together are so commonly known."
>#deca.mare shrugs.
>"Let me assure you again that we had nothing to do with these observations. And they are not necessary to connect the dots either, Sky."
>Now it is #deca.mare who chuckles again.
>"The foaling was due eleven months later. It is not hard to spot the correlation. The math speaks for itself in this case."
>She takes a breath.
>"But to get to the point, you would not have become a future father on this day if the events had unfolded differently. And your family as you know it today would never have existed."
>#deca.mare pauses yet again.
>"Assuming that you would have come together in an alternate scenario, you two would have founded one eventually. I am convinced of that. If I had to guess though, I would estimate that it would be smaller, depending on how long it would have taken for either of you to make the first move."
>The next pause.
>"But even if we had played matchmaker for you, there is no guarantee that the result would have been comparable to what you have now. There are simply too many unknown factors to determine this in any accurate manner."
>You smile reassuringly and take over.
"If you want a piece of advice from a semi-expert, don't fuss about it. That's what I meant with overdoing your thinking. You'll lose your sight if you analyse every little moment and choice to death."
>The stallion nods.
>"I get what you're saying. Though it's hard not to think of the 'what if', you know?"
>You nod with a grin.
"Yeah, we do."
>You suddenly feel the urge to kiss #deca.mare again.
>And you do not hold back.
>#deca.mare is more than eager to join in as well, leading to another fairly long kiss.
>And you elaborate as soon as you part for the second time.
"The pull of the present remains stronger though. We're happy with what we have. And if I think of the cards with which we two had to play early on, things could have gotten a lot worse in many ways."
>You inhale deeply.
"But considering the flip side, the process which led us here couldn't have been much more gratifying. Only marginally so at best. We had some bumps on the way, but that was it."
>You blink.
"I think I'm starting to go off on a tangent here."
>Then you take another breath as you collect your thoughts.
"Anyway, to sum it up, we're here, everything worked out, and the end result could hardly be better."
>You laugh.
"That's good enough in my book. And it should be good enough for you too."
>Sky Squall takes a breath.
>"I suppose you're right."
>He turns to Firefly with a happy sigh.
>"Well, do you think we can live with a 'good enough' for once?"
>She grins cockily in return.
>"For once. You're the best 'good enough' I could ask for."
>The golden stallion stifles a light chuckling fit.
>"You too, my dear. But..."
>Sky Squall acts as if he is trying to hide something.
>"... that must remain a secret. Our good reputation as role models is at stake when we're caught slacking."
>Both of them laugh quietly before they share another kiss.
>Firefly responds right after that.
>"I'd risk my reputation for you any time, if I had to."
>Sky Squall's light smile becomes gradually warmer.
>"And I'm glad we think alike."
>The two ponies nuzzle each other in silence, still not caring in the slightest that #deca.mare and you are right next to them.
>And neither of you says anything either, as you do not want to needlessly interrupt the couple.
>Instead, you get gently tapped on the nose by one of #deca.mare's still dangling forehooves.
>She has not left her comfortable spot on your lap, and she does not seem to plan on doing so any time soon.
>You lower your head to look at her directly.
>#deca.mare smiles heartily as well, almost mirroring the expression of Firefly, minus the mare's cheeky undertones.
>The positivity of the couple must have swept her along once more.
>And you are completely fine with that too.
>You carefully grab the forehoof that #deca.mare idly presents to you and hold it with one hand whilst you massage her back as gently as you can with the other.
>It does not amount to much in this position, but it is the thought that counts.
>Both #deca.mare and you can appreciate the moment for what it is.
>And this is, as you have iterated to Sky Squall just a moment ago, good enough for both of you.
>You spend the next couple of minutes like this, simply enjoying the moment together whilst the stars shine all around you and the little fire crackles calmly on its little spot on the hull.
>Sky Squall and Firefly do the same, as they are just as fixated on one another as you are.
>Though you are fully aware that this cannot last forever, no matter how pleasant and calm the moment may be.
>And it is Sky Squall who ends it eventually, as he starts to snicker.
>Moderately, yet seemingly out of the blue.
>So you react accordingly.
>The golden Pegasus sighs light-heartedly.
>"You present me with a problem, Anon. Both of you."
>You focus on the stallion again.
"Oh, we do?"
>He takes a breath and nods.
>"You see, I'm grateful. I mean for... almost everything that you two have done. Or better, what you have enabled us to do."
>He pauses.
>"You have provided us with the chances and opportunities we needed to become, well, us. And we're more than willing to help you out now."
>You blink, as there must be more to this.
"But? Where's the issue?"
>The stallion laughs yet another time.
>"All this talk about family and possibilities... it almost makes me want to do it again."
>Now it is you who sighs.
"Again? Sky, please. Think of our capacities."
>Sky Squall is openly amused by your reaction.
>"Don't worry. I keep my promises, Anon. But I can't deny that it remains... a tempting thought."
>Firefly seems to be inclined to agree with her husband.
>"Later, dear. We have an eternity ahead of us. We'll get the chance."
>The magenta mare pats him on the back.
>"In the meantime, we help the family we already have. Behind the scenes."
>Firefly looks at #deca.mare and you.
>"And with the occasional visit, whenever the time is right."
>Firefly addressed both Sky Squall and the two of you with the last part.
>So you nod and repeat your stance.
"Sure. Nothing speaks against it, as long as it remains an incognito trip. Equestria isn't ready for any big reveals yet."
>The Pegasus mare shrugs and keeps smiling.
>"Right. Yet."
>Firefly inhales.
>"Let's see if we can help them to get there a little faster."
>Then she stretches her wings and takes another deep breath.
>"Tomorrow. After a good night's rest."
>The gaze of the mare wanders to the planet.
>And much like its physical counterpart, large parts of the Equestria in this simulated world have already been embraced by the onset of dusk.
>The end of another peaceful day in the realm, and by extension, the end of your day as well.
>Firefly goes on without averting her gaze.
>"It's almost time."
>You eye the planet as well before you agree.
"Yeah. Shall we leave then?"
>The Pegasus mare considers your suggestion for a second, but ultimately shakes her head.
>"No. Let's stay here for the night."
>You blink.
"Here? I didn't think you'd consider that."
>She shrugs in response.
>"Oh, why not? It's homely. We have lots of space, the stars are right above us, and our home is always in sight. It's almost like a nap in the skies."
>Firefly taps the hull with a forehoof.
>"Granted, the surface isn't as soft as a cloud, and the breeze isn't the best either. But it's better than sleeping in a constricted room."
>You cannot help but laugh for a moment.
"Sky said it. You're a Pegasus. Through and through."
>She takes your remark as a compliment.
>"Thanks. I'm happy to hear that."
>With that said, Firefly prepares herself to go to sleep, and Sky Squall is happy to do the same.
>And in a typical Pegasus fashion, they make themselves comfortable with the few things they have in reach, as they lie down belly first on the bare hull, side by side.
>One wing placed on the back of the other, they both close their eyes after sharing one final kiss for the day.
>Neither of them is dozing off immediately, however, and Sky Squall addresses you whilst keeping his lids shut.
>"We wouldn't mind if you want to stay too."
>The faint outlines of a smirk appear on his face.
>"Or go back to your fancy bed. That's fine as well. We won't judge."
>You snort.
"Goodness, are you trying to turn even sleep into a challenge?"
>The stallion likes the idea.
>"If you feel up to it."
>You eye the mare on your lap and give her a confident smile.
"#deca, shall we show these two flappers that we're every bit as tough as they are?"
>And #deca.mare nods in agreement.
>"With pleasure, Anon."
>It is settled then.
>You spend your night on the simulated hull, with no bed or anything like that.
>Just you and #deca.mare.
>And a pair of confident Pegasi beyond the small fire.
>So you lean backwards until your back touches the hull beneath you.
>Then you signal #deca.mare to adjust accordingly.
>But not by letting her sleep next to you.
>No, you do a little more.
>You gesture #deca.mare to climb properly on top.
>Which allows her to use you as an impromptu cushion whilst she covers your midsection in turn, sharing her warmth with you in the process.
>A win-win for both of you.
>Once this is done, there is only one thing left to do.
>After all, you do not want to let the day end with a snide remark.
>As obvious as the banter was, you prefer to conclude with something more cordial.
>Out of principle.
"Good night, you two."
>Firefly answers for both of them.
>"Rest well over there."
>With that out of the way, you are ready for your nap.
>You put one hand on #deca.mare's back and use the other as a makeshift pillow for your own head.
>Then you close your eyes and feel how #deca.mare is lowering her own head to nuzzle the side of your face.
>It is the last thing you remember before dusk is officially making way for the night on the Equestrian surface.
>Simulated and physical alike.
Done and good night. Thoughts and such are of course appreciated as always. I will read them when I'm not posting in a state of borderline coma.
Oh boy, that's what happens without proofreading. It's filler, obviously.
as you said, it's filler but it's a nice little double-date for them.
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Mare of the future.
Best hater caps?
Very true.

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