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Previous thread: >>41650808

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map, Bulletin and Leaderboard

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Open Pony Census

>List of known Open Pony Marketplace Vendors

>Baltimare design/planning channels:

>Live Baltimare stream
That's me in my dreams.
When shit's irreparably fucked or getting too horrible I usually wake up
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4th for creatures
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Give me some winter activities ideas
So far I have
>hoof skating on ice
>snowball fights
>igloo building
>ice fishing
4th for fans of the fandom. It's amazing how many furries that don't give a shit about MLP are still on our bandwagon.
sup sid
Sleigh rides
here's a free snowball fight system. the throw animations are silly but it still works well with popens, plus it's mod
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they don't want you to know this but there is no lower limit to how much you can scrunch your popen
Oh neat, thank you
Wake me when Avastar updates to support it
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A little over 11.5 collective years.
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Whoops wrong 1000xxx filename
im honored to be featured in your 1000th screenshot
Why are we being mean to popens?
cause theyre retards thats why, this is some sl secrets tier shit boomers with human avatars would be discussing
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Come take a look at my goods, traveler. You won't find deals like this in the bazaar.
This watch can tell you more than the time, if you've got the coin.

First time trying this out. The only real object there is the torch, the rest of it is all local GLTF.
Just report it
Which one?
soff soft
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The new hangout building is nice but there are nowhere near enough cushions compared to before
needs more breakable glass too
Name me some popens and I'll say something neutral about them
There are enough, remember that the majority of ponies use cushions solo. So just sitting on the ground is fine
Only cuddlers get the right to be comfortable
I hope its just a winter thing because I liked the one quote was working on
the main hangout is still around, just shifted up into the sky
It is, don't you worry. I moved it into the sky just for the winter. An anon a few threads ago asked for a winter lodge, and thus the winter hangout was born.
I shall supply more cushions next I am on!
This one has more breakable glass than the Quote hangout!
Can be nice or mean
Photos are not good not terrible
Middling fruit
Ok avatars
rara btfo'd in lunas kek what a loser, ran off like a pussy too. rara has been running around starting shit off sim lately, must be drinking too much. if he wasnt sim owner he'd be banned for being a retard long ago.
he went to lunas to harass someone and others jumped on him about wearing diapers and being a nazi and he ran off
Comedy gold
Actual clown.
it was over voice chat
That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me
first the moon meadows discord, now lunas. why is rara going out of his way to antagonize people?
being at lunas rn makes me want to kill myself
Rara stop being a massive faggot. There's no way this is actually how you behave now.
hes always been a piece of shit as long as ive known him but he is starting to get less stealthy about it.
Lilac Breeze
baka how am I supposed to gather dirt on the nicer ponies if no one ever gossips about them
Because they don't really have anything to gossip about, them being nicer ponies and all.
everyone has dirt, anon
name someone and ill see what i know about them
Some dirt is dirtier than others... Big difference between "said something weird once" and "is consistently an asshole to everyone"
Many of the nicer ponies appear the same to me. Choose a cuddle animation, spam some cute gestures, some TTS spam and that's about it, just with a different coat of paint. Isn't much to complain about too
>what i know about them
Doesn't make sense to do this because what you know of them could very well just be your opinion.
what else are they supposed to do
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You're bad at being neutral
He's a based sigma, you wouldn't get it
Go for it:
Asian female, married to her spouse irl whom she met on SL. I have never seen her be unkind and I have seen her go out of her way to be kind in the face of aggression. I don't know anything bad about soff.
>Threadshitters have ran out of things to threadshit about and need new material.
Maybe you guys should find something else to do instead.
quads speak the truth
Frosty Pines
shes at all the pony parties, not just baltimare ones.
I do :)
threadshitters just need to find something to complain about and pile onto, no matter how small and insignificant
as an occasional participant in such activities, it's just the little joys one gets from the misery of others when life isn't going your way
Half the time it feels like the whole sim loves me and the other half it feels like they all hate me. schizo moment for sure and I dont expect everyone to like me but it is an odd feeling
weak, i have it worse and i do the oppositee
making others happy just to occasionally get something back makes me feel like I'm worth something
when my wife shoves her marecock down my throat I swallow her entire load like a good horsie but when I squirt my marehood juice into her mouth she spits it out?? Why???
>the little joys one gets from the misery of others when life isn't going your way
Bringing others down to make yourself feel better just isn't the way to go about it. It's so much more fulfilling to make others feel better and to try and brighten up their day.
I'll swallow all of your mare juice.
Relationships in SL are incredibly dysfunctional. Doubly so if it's more communal like what we have in Baltimare. You can make friends in SL but you better have something else to bond over because you will be setting yourself up for social pvp and mental anguish.
and heartbreak
>check marketplace
>new batch of pokemods posted flooding the page
>"here we go again..."
I plan on making more of those, I hope you'll enjoy. I was thinking of making Vaporeon after yet another Pikachu.
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I like them idec. I use the parts for other avis.
Ok desu (I saw your posts in the op discord)
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I hate it here
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Scramble is one of the biggest gossipers in the community and seeks out dirt to shit talk ponies on for it's own sake. Just a two-faced loser. The rest have "dirt" as well but don't really deserve mentioning.
Literally didn't happen and you're retarded for believing this shit.
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That's how I see it too but I guess some are either wired up in a completely different way or never really tried to get high on making others happy.
If I said retarded dumb shit about someone behind their back, especially if they don't deserve it I'd feel like complete shit. One of the biggest energy gainers for me is making things others enjoy, then observe their reactions maybe even from the distance and if they laugh and are having fun then I did a good job and feel incredibly energized. Energy that actually helps me through the day. It's not even a wHoLeSomE cHuNgUs shit, it's just simply how I feel/work and I know there are others who are also functioning this way.
I love you anon! Thank you for trying to brighten mood of other ponies! I'm trying to do that as well when I can.
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is there no alternative to avastar?
why did lindenlab never publish official tools to make content creation easier? I mean they basically rely on community created content so, what the fuck
there's Bentobuddy, but there's just no cracked version of it as far as i know
It may have more glass but less surface area which is especially true for the 3 main entryways popens take
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waow ty for featuring my photo. heres one i took a couple months ago when i was first starting out popen photography to show u how much u can improve in a short time
i use a cracked version of bento buddy with the latest version of blender. only use it for exporting and everything else i just keep vanilla. here's a copy https://files.catbox.moe/juhfpj.zip
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Flat Fuck Friday in 2 days
What's the best bone to attach my flat popen to?
Alt Left Ear
I wonder what dance Tea Love is doing in that video...
It did, cope with the fact you made a fool of yourself even in a circus of clowns. You're an embarrassment rara. I'm sure you'll do something stupid publically like this again next week.
Chest if you want some animation, Avatar Center if you want to truly just be a flat fuck
ponytown sway
my problem popen hasnt come online in a long time and im feeling so much freer... or i just realized she might be on another alt. nevermind never relax. women are changelings. i wonder if other women in baltimare feel bad theres so many malicious psycho bitches or if they band together and just call the rest of us sexist.
I literally just ignore women, has worked 100% of the time for me so far
Can't imagine feeling bad or having trouble because a woman may be online
I wish ponies would reach out to me and ask if I'm ok when they see other people being mean to me but that's not something ponies here do, it's everypony for himself.
Are you guys still drawing flatfucks?
Before pumpkin got banned I told her to leave me alone and fuck off so she started griefing/spamming the sim around me with particles while marble watched. The jannies are pussywhipped.
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After the chilling cold and frost rolls up and the signs of winter show, why not cuddle up with your fellow popens upto a nice warm fire with some hot choco to warm up with?

Also sorry about not annoucing this the past few days i had a massive dementia moment and completely forgot about this twice even when i made the title and all yesterday


Also dont forget the experimental monthly nonestop nutsy theme

Nice seeing you're still doing photos, Amble.
Hope you keep on going!
By the way, MP4 support is getting introduced apparently so that might help those who are still having problems with WEBM.
(Still no audio though so it's another kinda useless update)
if you're preparing your flat fuck avatar for friday, this is useful:
just unequip everything you don't need and then wear that avatar hider with your flat fuck popen
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>It's serves to completely eliminate the human hidden within your popen
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I wish I could draw that well
you guys are really good
There's a good fork of Bento Buddy, just have to Google around.
Boo fucking hoo
If you can't handle a little ribbing you don't belong on this site
I want other ponies to be mean to you though.
who are you?
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I broke it...
How the fuck do you break solitaire wtf
>wanting ponies to ask you if you’re ok
No you don’t.
I've seen it run out of memory. I DM'ed the creator about it and he just talked shit, lmao
i usually do if it's that bad but i also don't like getting involved in personal drama
if anyone ever needs a shoulder to lean on i'm there for that though. reach out, most of us are actually decently friendly
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yay i'm so ready!!!
You have no idea what anon is talking about. I don't think they meant playful ribbing.
i dont want to get further shit on by posting myself. i can handle abuse anonymously because its all empty but once my name is used i want to die.
i didnt.
I get you, anon. I deal with that too, probably why I'm extremely distant from most popen. Makes me less of a target, if they know nothing about me.

Just have to keep yourself stable, even at the worst of times
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Are there any popens that play SL on an AMD graphics card? I was looking for possible upgrades for my current NVIDIA GPU, and found one that has higher base clock speed and double the VRAM of my current one, but it's from AMD. I've heard at least once that AMD cards have poor performance on SL, and I want to confirm if that's really the case.
I use an amd card and I don't have any issues
the windows and linux drivers will be different though so it might be worse on windows
This never happened lol
I use Windows 10. Are Windows AMD drivers usually way worse than Linux ones?
I have no idea, I don't have a windows+amd machine to compare it to
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just fucking log off nigga
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This only applies to normal ponies, jannies get to ban ponies when their poor feelings are hurt
thank you for the advice this post helped me feel less alone
It did happen to me, but it may as well have not happened because I'm not a popular pony.
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(egg head)
No it didn't
Never seen or heard of this happening before. While it does fit her mean-spirited streak, I'd rather not believe rumors without receipts.
Pumpkin and her AIDS infested bf started trolling MM and Luna's after getting banned so I wouldn't be surprised were it true.
everyone here is pussy whipped if a woman even looks at them
not true because no one gives a shit about me hanging around, we just stay chill. only certain whores bring that out of people. but keep thinking that way neeerd
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powy > drama
Generally, because AMD drivers have been open sauce'd for decades, the linux community overal have fine tuned those cards performance in their distros quite well. Mileage may vary depending on the distro and maintainer however, but most of the popular ones should be fairly efficient in their usage of resources.
On the other hand, Windows has an active and very robust contract with Nvidia and Intel to provide them with regular updates to their drivers, so they have been much better for windows overal compared to linux. However, just recently Nvidia was forced to release the source for their drivers, due to a hacker dumping it all after not getting paid for ransom, so it's not quite as bad as it used to be for Linux+Nvidia nowadays, but not quite to the level of performance that AMD has quite yet.

It all depends on your hardware though. Realistically, something that's just a bit old but not obsolete will have the best drivers depending on your platform. Both the absolute newest and the oldest of shit will have awful drivers due to lack of support or just poor fine-tuning.
Pumpkin and Gilded never went to MM but I know she did troll elsewhere.
my favorite marelet
gilded shot my dog and kidnapped my daughter
you aren't "one of the good ones" you're just another loser that'll get labeled a whore as soon as you upset the wrong autist
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Except i was at work when you claim this happened
Is this doordash lmao
Why do you try so hard? You know this won't get you unbanned.
Nice doordash hour flex.
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I was thinking about the issue with mechanical parts and deformers and you can sort of get around it by resizing/moving the meshes if you have the animation file but it is so goofy and janky that I have this barely just working.
Dallas is a cutiepie
why are you feeding them
There were multiple witnesses, they just aren't board users because it was at Lunas.
are you doordashing drunk, rara????
Proper OpenPony Alicorn Body when.
Proper OpenPony 'Big Mac' sized Body when?
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that would be so cool
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>Tree gets LoD'd into a toothpick the moment you step more than two meters away from it
Those trees are the worst. Cute shot besides that though.
This post is because you're gay innit
The fact that this is a black ops 2 emblem makes it at least 2 times funnier
Added a few more cushions, trying to keep it in style with Quote's pillow placement theme means much in the way of space gets eaten up.
I want to fuck this mare.
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Do you prefer upright ears or airplane mode?
Airplane mode if I'm using headwear that would clip through upright ears.
Upright ears otherwise.
airplane looks too girly, i'm an upright stallion
>turn on stream
>just in time watching ponies getting thrown into JAIL
They were probably too horny
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holy fuck the room is getting crowded
Calling for SUPERMARE to free mu niggas
wtf afkers have rights! we need a fair trial!
They have the right to remain silent which they're already making use of
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