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Latecomers is now open. Don't miss your chance to sign up!

Secret Santa is back in action!
Come celebrate Horsemas with your fellow anons; spill your horrid desires to an internet stranger, and spend a few months being a little less awful than we usually are.

>How’s this thing work?
Read the FAQ!
The short form:
Gifts are given Round Robin style (A gives to B gives to C who gives to A) while cards are exchanged traditionally (whomever you give a card to should send one back to you). You will be randomly assigned anons by email after the signups are over so please keep an eye out!

Click a link at: https://horsemas.anonfilly.com/

Schedule of events and deadlines:
Oct Past: Signup doc goes live.
Oct 31st at 11:59pm CST: Signups close. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Nov 1st onwards: Gift assignments will be given out. After gift assignments are finalised card assignments will be given out, please be patient.
Dec 1st - 10th is the latest suggested mailing period. Consider mailing on the early side if you’re shipping internationally.
Dec 2nd: Signups for latecomers close

FAQ here : https://fag.anonfilly.com/
Have thoughts/suggestions? The suggestion box is here: https://reeeeeee.anonfilly.com/

Coordinator email for comments/concerns/general inquiries: ponyclausmlp@gmail.com
Card Ambassador and assistant dragon supreme: thecardslut@gmail.com

Holy shit, anon, this is the best time in the whole event! Post WIPs! Discuss gift ideas! Get to know your santee! Sneak into their house. Sniff their dirty clothes hamper! Practice a craft! Waiting for stuff to arrive in the mail? Write a song or a green. Draw something for your santee. Pass out some (you)s to some nice gifts or content. Lick your santees gifts. Run a giveaway. Have fun!
Be sure to check in regularly to keep communication good. You don’t need to address your santee with a nametag on if you’d rather it be a SECRET santa, but it’s probably a good idea to make a check in post with your nametag on every once in a while to make sure your Santa knows you’re around and alive.

Previous Thread: >>41649141
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>Security Breach
>Strawberry Shortcut
>Saddle Tank
>Quiet Reflection
>Shoofly Shush the Changeling

Sorry in advance and Merry Christmas!
fuck, im not even close to be done with my gift, It hopefully will be ready before December starts.
Reposting because new thread

>Benevolent Bedlam
>Big Finish kek
>Puddle Jump
>Crow's Feet the Griffon
>Holofoil Halter

Somehow missed the email two days ago, but y'all are my cardees! Benevolent Bedlam and Big Finish y'all's cards are probably going to be late due to y'all being eurofags, but I'll put extra stuff in there to make it up to you!
I received my card assignments a while ago. It's my first time. Am I expected to call out who I got? And what's generally expected of me? I plan custom made cards with art of their waifus and some spiriting words. Would that alone be enough or a disappointment?
You don't have to do a call out, but some may want to just to let their cardees know that they'll have something heading their way. The only thing that's expected is that you send out a card to them. The card exchange is just that, a card exchange. However much effort you put in is up to you, but a card with waifus and words is always welcome.
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for the texas anons who didn't see in the last thread y'all ok with this?

Dec. 7, Austin, Texas meetup
Make at Rosie makerspace 12-3pm
Emerald Tavern 3:15pm - 9:15pm(latest)
Brass Collar >>41659391
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Alright lads and ladettes, I went ahead and did some rolls to choose the winners of the zippo giveaway. The winners are as follows:

Anonymous: >>41642052 (since you didn't post with a name, you're getting the v1 version without the clover/little faggot reee'ing)
Fillycakes: >>41637811
Jubilee Junction: >>41637814
Peppermint Preen: >>41646589
Chikun of The Sea: >>41656714

Winners can email me at pulsar dot patterns at gmail. Also, if there's anyone who really, really, really wanted a zippo, feel free to email me and we can discuss about it. I'll be back later in the week to give away some waterbottles, as seen in the last thread.
Card Assignments:
>Matte Finish
I see your OC, do they have a name? And is that Logical Leap getting bullied by your OC in one of those images?
>Highball Hoofshake
You asked for lewd fellow glimmernigger. Prepare.
>Twin Tales
Oh yeah, that adorable filly OC! She's cute. She can always use more art.
>Pine Peaks
Limited ponies on outside. I understand. But what would've been on the outside will be on the inside to compensate.
>Banjo Boogie
>don't have art of my OC
C-can you uh, give me anything to go by? Like... colors. Is this Gregdash just a recolor of Dash?

The alliterative names satisfies me deeply. A few of my OCs follow the same naming conventions
Cards! Hello everypony
Brass Collar
Narrow Gauge
Dancer Do
Store Brand Soup
Happy Heartsong
I will do my best make you guys some nice cards!
Nice! I am not one of these, but I will be tossing you an email. She is my spirit retard after all. Thank you for doing this!
Alright frens, time for a bigger giveaway! It's a 32oz/~1L insulated stainless steal water bottle with a full body Twinkleshine engraving! This was more of a test engraving since I'd like to expand pass just doing wallets, and is the first bottle I have worked with. Twinkleshine turned out pretty well in my opinion.
>How do I enter?
Since this is a bigger item, I am gonna be a little harsher with entries. I'd like you to draw Twinkleshine! It doesn't have to be crazy and /bale/ style entries are certainly welcome. Extreme low effort stickmares won't qualify, but it certainly doesn't have to be high skilled if you're new to drawing.
Since I also am really fond of another white and pink mare we're married even ^:), I will give two entries to anyone who draws Tolly from the With Tolerance ARG. You can find references for her here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1_9knzx-bc9DsV-lWAKwdLJU2JaCs9FB9
Reply to this post (or the following ones as we go through threads) with your entry drawing with your holiday ID on, and I'll get you added to the list of entries
>How will a winner be picked?
By random choice via pickerwheel, which I'll screen record and share with the thread when the time comes to pick a winner
>What's the deadline?
Hmm, let's say November 24th at 11:59PM CST so ~5 days from now!
>Current entries:
Oil Lamp, Eiderdown, Security Breach, Jubilee Junction, Insomnia the Changeling! I hope you all can expect cards from me in due time. I'm happy to have you all as cardees!

Sign me up for The Incredible Jingley! And I'm curious to see what you can draw, so go for it
Rolling Stocking Big Finish Narrow Gauge Buffer Bump Strawberry Stirrups you all gonna get some cards! I can't promise any pretty art...mostly because I suck at art... but I'll try to give something personal for (You).
Fiddle Yard Frost sorry I haven't been around lately, work's kicked my ass. About to start on the last part of your gift, hopefully I'll have it in the mail by next Monday at the absolute latest.
Pump Trolly Holly you got me da big excite. No worries about things being late or delayed, I get it mang.
>fuck, im not even close to be done with my gift
Same, I'm panicking, crafting on my lunch break at work to try to desperately speed things up
Same except I keep not getting back to it and finding a million other things to work on that aren't important.
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posting the creatura again if anyone feels like drawing her, I love all of the honse doodles we've had in these threads
I'm enjoying underbark
Got package today, thanks Santa
Just finished all my cards for /a/, gonna try and finish my /mlp/ cards this weekend.
Man, I signed up for too much this year lmao.
You didn't do /MLP/ cards first
? You didn't forget about anime all together to spoil your pony brothers? Shame on you Anon.
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Tomodachi wa Mahou is the best anime series
My card assignments for /mlp/ literally only came in 2 days ago.
Thank you, this will make it easier
>Me when I've licked one envelope and have ten more cards to make and seal
I still need to figure out what kind of glue to get since my envelopes don't have an adhesive strip on them and the postmaster told me to stop using tape.
Why would he tell you to stop using tape? And what kind were you using?
Email sent ^:)
Sorry brodie, got Texas Brony friends I'm meeting up with around that time. ^:(
IDK if I already said that was good, but I can do virtually any weekend
Imagine lighting the fireplace beneath her. The first wisps of smoke rise, tickling her snout and making her let out a little sneeze. She tries to wriggle out, but only gets more stuck, starting to sweat as the heat climbs in stark contrast to the cold outside.

Then, once the fire's fully taken hold, her movements grow more rash as her lungs fill with smog. Her throat burns and tears start to well up as she begs for someone to save her, dropping her sack. Unfortunately for her, the sack is full of much coal for this home's resident, and the added fuel sends a cloud of thick, acrid smoke to finish her off. The last thing she hears is a ladder hitting the roof's edge next to her.
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Do not think you're safe.
I'll take name suggestions. I've been going with "Best Filly" for her name until I can think of something better. She's 100% bullying leap there heheh. She's stuffing Leap's soul into the plush she made (the plush has a sleeve).
If I may also ask, is she related to twilight or pinkie pie?
I like to think of her as Twilight's adoptive daughter. Maybe in a TwiPie ship. She has an unnerving affinity towards soul magic/necromancy stuff.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie are my two favorite ponies.
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CARDS! Prepare for much wonder! I plan on stepping up my card game this year.

>Matte Finish
>Dairy Air
>Worm on a String
>Wigwag Whistle
>Winter Wink
>Premarital Preening
>Winter Web the Spiderpone
>Fiddle Yard Frost
>Perfect Score
>Snuggle Slug the Changeling
>Banjo Boogie
>Beefsteak The Minotaur
>Five-Ever Stamp
>Locks Myth
>Peperomia The Changeling
>Squeaky Hinges the Bap
>Fumble Buns
>Blue Jay
>Chikun of the Sea

>Matte Finish
>Fumble Buns
>Winter Wink
>Foggy Night

You are my card assignments. I got a new printer with fresh ink, so get ready for passionately designed cards.

I also hope the anon who got me as a cardee saw my post in the last thread.
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I love this so much your art is fantastic!!!!!!!
Also dont hold dragonponies by the tail it's rude >:(
but also someone save her!!!!
1. Something along the lines of "not secure enough" or "not sufficient". 2. Just some standard clear tape I found in a drawer.
>Candlelight Archive
>Pomander Prance
>Comfy Dithering
>Turntable Toboggan
>Pudding Jump

(You) are my cardees this year. I might try something a little different this time around, we'll see. Looking forward to spreading some cheer!
Oooh! Oooh! That's me! Anyway, if everyone's posting their card assignments, I'd better post my five:
>Matte Finish
>Banjo Boogie
>Marvellous Moo
>Five-Ever Stamp
>Beefsteak the Minotaur

They will be mailed out shortly!
Hey Narrow Gauge, your gifts are in progress, I'm hoping to get stuff shipped out in a week or two.
That is most certainly milk, look at the name.
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[Day 11 to 18]
Hello hello hosres! I have some news about the presents, so be prepared. :3

Glad to know Sopapilla, thanks for anwser me, I will include something to another event! Finally I have all the materials to the gift, so in this week I will dedicate to make the principal project for (You).
Oh, and some gifts I tried to make by clay from the best mares you like are on their way.
Lastly, I checked some post office to verify if the presents are allowed, due to my local country doesn't. It seems that ur gift will arive sooner than I anticipated haha.

Thank u so much Garish! I will wait for some news, and I hope everything here is fine. I can't wait to see what surprises you made. :D

>Lightning Punch
Hello Punch! I'm your cardee in this year. I have some ideas to capture with your fav mares, maybe utilize some ink, color papers and stickers go perfect to this. If you want something let me know!
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I just now got the joke that it's a cookie being dipped in milk that's so genius that it flew right over my silly little dragonpony head but also you're supposed to dip MY cookies in milk not ME
you're a cookie dracony now
>They're eating her...!
>And then they're going to eat you too...!
>I also hope the anon who got me as a cardee saw my post in the last thread.
Duly noted. And probably followed because my original idea will likely be too hard to draw
though maybe I try to combine my idea with your design seeing as they're not mutually exclusive.
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I thought 6 rolls would be enough, but I'm already out of wrapping paper..... And I still have to wrap most of the cardees gifts.
AAAGH sorry I haven't been lurking as much. Busy time for me.
Caramel Swing! I am fine with you doing this! Just as long as you can get it out!
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guys the machinery that I was gonna use to finally produce my santee's gift has broken. I think all I can do now is purchase items to send my santee. I really didn't want it to come to this because they said they'd prefer something made by me and I feel I will disappoint them. What do? I want to give them a buncha stuff in exchange for not receiving something handmade.
Well, if money's not much of an issue, maybe look into getting a short term membership to a makerspace and get trained on a piece of equipment. There's always learning how to sew so that you can make a plushie, don't even need embroidery machines for eyes/cutie marks, use felt and look up tutorials. Maybe learn how to use resin and make a simple charm. You could also make a shadow box/small pone diorama. There are a lot of ideas that you can try, look around and see if there's anything near your current skillset and go from there.
we are halfway into this, now is not the time to start a new project with a new skillset
Desperate times will call for desperate measures.
Aight sick, good to hear it ill probably get it ordered Thursday, should give it plenty of time
And Cardees! Looking forward to seeing that autism stream in, here's hoping the sorting office doesn't chew up my cards again this year
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Yeah, that stuff isn't good for shipping, but I'm not sure why your brain defaulted to glue after that.
Use packing tape. It's in the name!
Finally sorting out my cards...
>Garden Party
>Dusty Bin
>Cauliflower Custard
>Broccoli Time
>Gandy Prancer
Your who I'm sending my cards to this year! I'll be sending tiny little extras but I sure hope we all love Tesco Christmas cards. I know I do.

And Store Brand Soup! I've bought all your bits now and I'm just waiting for them to arrive and to pop some autistic touches on them. I'll keep you updated, just wanted you to know you do have shit on the way. Nothing worse than being kept in the dark.
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Reporting in with a new update! The sticker book is on the way (albeit a bit later than I would have liked) and will be delivered tomorrow! This means that the following people will be getting their letters very soon.

>Mystery Flavour
>Proper Package
>Slack Action
>Store Brand Soup
>Rolling Stocking

This also means that my secret santee will be getting their goods sent off as well. All will be revealed soon!
I'd slurp that mare's spaghetti if you know what I mean
Why can't they come too?
You don't get to bring any friends
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Pumpkin Spice Schnapps don't look at the spoilers.
Just know that everything for your gift is going smoothly. Just waiting for a few more things to arrive and to finish what I'm doing before shipping it all out to you.

One down. God knows what I was thinking when I started making these, this one came out more autistic than I thought she would. She looked rough when I started, but the more I look into her eyes, the more I love her, even if she's looking very Numget. Need to get cracking on the other one now, hope I can get her done before December and I can make everything else that I had planned.
Nice work anon!
Candlelight Archive, your gifts are ready to be shipped out. I need to be honest, after trying and failing multiple times to wrap your gifts, I've given up on it. I may give it another shot before shipping, but right now I'm staring at the table with all the wrapping paper I wasted and I'm not too thrilled to try again. Regardless, hope it all still makes for a good Christmas.
>Pin Puller
>Broccoli Time
>Candlelight Archive
>Store Brand Soup
>Security Breach
>Swizzle Stick
>Dancer Do
>Raspberry Jazz
>Juicy Doodle
>Frozen Lake
>Eighth Notch
>Narrow Gauge
>Gandy Prancer
>Lamplighter the Moth Pony
>Buffer Bump
>Hush Puppy the Diamond Dog
>Happy Heartsong
>Amber Glow the Kirin
>Heavy Halbard the Canterlot Guard
>Icicle Slither the Lamia

Great to have you as my cardee!
there is none man. Never designed, never drawn. Just dont worry about it. If anything inspires, let it inspire images of my beautiful wife instead.
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Hey my dears and darlings. I needed to take a day off the inbox yesterday, so I know I’ve got a stack of things waiting for a response. I just hit work for my extra long shift of the week so I might not get to y’all until this evening, just wanted to let you know I’m not ignoring you. Thanks for understanding. Love you all.
Oil Lamp - your gift turned up today. I was expecting it to be good but HOLY SHIT it's turned out amazing.
I am just waiting on a few other items and I hope to have it shipped by the 29th at the latest. You're going to absolutely love it!
(The real question is; can you resist temptation to click on the spoiler if I were to post it in the thread?)
I love this, bro.
Self-care is important, especially since you're the MVP of Horsemas. Thanks for putting up with us retards.
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Ooo, Thank you for the update, Santa, Now you've got me excited. Looking forward to the autism.
Looking forward to the cards too from the various Cardees who are posting my name.
I'll mail you a polaroid photograph of my genitals(urinating appendage).
Surely that will invigorate you.
We both know I couldn't
I’ve finished 2/10 cards so far, but I can’t ship them until I get an Amazon order of stickers so I can throw in some mares
Remember to send email.
To claim a code you'll:
0. Look at this entire post before doing anything. Reading only required if you are literate.
1. Read the replies to the post first to see which games have already been claimed.
2a. Post in the thread With Your Name On and state which game you want, so that other Anons are aware that a game is being claimed by a fellow Horsemas participant AND so I know to expect an email from you.
2b. Afterwards, as an engagement check and anti-bot measure, you must also answer my question, either in-thread (highly encouraged) or in the email if you'd prefer to keep it secret for some reason.
3. Finally, send me an email mentioning your /ss/ name and the game you're claiming. It doesnt matter if you've emailed before, I need both in the body of the email, though if you have a dedicated /ss/ email that works too for the name.
>If you're planning on signing up for latecoomers, unfortunately you'll have to wait to get a name. Git rekt.<

This thread's game drops are:
Frog Detective 1+2 (both are short so they're just going to be slapped together)
Song of Horror Complete Edition
The Wild Eight
Boomerang Fu
King of the Castle
Amanda the Adventurer
Mediterranea Inferno
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga (personal favorite, big recommend to any SRPG fans)
Victoria 3
The Callisto Protocol
Humankind Definitive Edition
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
>If no one is interested in any of the games, I'll cycle them out after a thread or two<

Every thread you can claim one game, so to the Anon that claimed a game last thread, you can claim another now! Except it's possible because this is the second one.
Email for claiming (follow the instructions above): spicethegingerbread@gmail.com
And for this thread's question: You wake up after a long bender and realize (You) are now the owner of a fancy chariot, a new man-sized house in that it is a house that is precisely in the shape of (You) T-posing, and have a massive bag of bits spilling over that you used as an ill-fitted pillow. "Well we found him. Geeze, who let you drink again?" Who is most disappointed yet aware that you shouldn't drink equine alcohol?
Hardmode: What did you drink, how much do you think it was, and who pissed your pants?

PSA: Do not use any cock.li (this includes horsefucker) emails. They're autofiltered by google.
Wasn’t there some kind of big archive mega folder of past /ss/? I want to check my cards from last year so I don’t send the same horse to a cardee this year, I figured I’d switch up the pone I draw
This maybe? https://mega.nz/folder/Yt9GACbD#noHGc3W-vMsLLLiT5wPFUg
claiming boomerang fu
>Who is most disappointed yet aware that you shouldn't drink equine alcohol
>What did you drink
all of the cider
>who pissed your pants?
hopefully me
Repost from last thread
>Kitten Kerfuffle
I am happy to say I have most of your gift together! There is one item that I had special ordered just for (you) that I think you'll love, but I am not sure if it will make it in time. Would you like me to send everything I have here and send out the late item on it's own if it shows late, or put it all together for you in one possibly delayed package? This item is the main part of the gift I will add. The item just shipped out today.
uhhh i did but sureee ill send another for the callisto protocol tooo :o
also wait wat same question today?
Apologies, but I am a returnfag who participated in the secret santa circa 2017. Can I still be involved in sending other anons cards? I do not need to receive any myself, I feel the spirit and I wish to spread the love.
Why not?
It's a secret santa. We won't know if they aren't involved.
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Fluffy Feathers, I have the last part of your gift on its way to me. If all goes well I should be able to have it all wrapped up and sent your way before the end of the month.
You got it.
I only have four emails total. One from Obtuse Caboose, Almond Heart, Snuggle Slug, and I see the one you sent me a half hour ago.
Sent. And yeah, same question. I don't expect anyone to read through all of that crap.
we are all brothers in mares my guy, and I already reserved the private room in the Emerald Tavern for 3:15pm and according to their FAQ reservations are a default 6 hours. all friends are welcome as long as the group isn't over 8 people
thanks! I used to play this game all the time with my brother but we lost the files, it's gonna be good playing it again
Honestly the effort is all that matters! I’m excited to receive them either way <3
Mystery Flavour, good news, Ive finally received your main gift, the less great news is that I am bit behind the diy smaller gift so the gift sending will not be ready before next week/start of December.
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Twilight's disappointed cause she knew Trixie would be a bad influence on me.
Trix and I ended up getting fucked on half a bottle of scotch she picked up during her last show in Trottingham. Turns out we're both lightweights despite her bragging about how much drink she can handle. Though thanks to whatever harebrained scheme she came up with, I guess I'm loaded now? Also, I don't think it's piss that we're both covered in.

Don't want a game just wanted to have fun with the question.
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>ginger pop
>Winter Wink
>Banjo Boogie
>Locks Myth
>Marvelous Moo

You're on my list!
>sorry I haven't been around lately, work's kicked my ass.
Same. Glad to hear from you though.
Hey Cookie
Sorry I haven't been active recent been up to ears in work recently. Candidly, I feel kinda bad because of how active you are.
I'm waiting on the remaining things I ordered to be delivered. I plan to have it out as soon as I can!
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>Sorry I haven't been active recent been up to ears in work recently.
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Alright, I'm a little late on calling you out, but:
>Worm on a String
>Banjo Boogie
>Gleaming Giftwrap
>Moon Cup the Batpony
>Marvellous Moo
You'll be getting a card from me! I hope you like it!
Heyo! Festooned Feathers, Sibilant Scales the Lamia, Puddle Paddle, Locks Myth, Swizzle Stick, Security Breach, Juicy Doodle, Kettle Corn, Loving Light (holy shit), Bread Crumbs the Griffon, Store Brand Soup, Pickle de Gallo, Brass Collar, Strawberry Stirrups and Frozen Lake, I got you guys for cardees! As soon as the postal workers get their asses back to work I’ll send you guys a bunch of letters.
So is Valentines Day anon back? Is that happening this year? Please say yes I loved that.
Card assignments have already gone out but if you'd like to exchange cards, I'd be down to add one more to my list. You'd need to contact CardSlut to give him your info and I'll let him know I'm fine with him providing mine.
>the item I was the most concerned about shipped just today
I might just get everything in time after all. Well there's that one thing I got from a small Etsy seller I hadn't heard of before and haven't heard a thing of yet, but that's a small if neat item. It gets here if/when it gets here.
To my Santa in the last thread, sorry I didn't see your post until now. As for wearing stuff in public I have a necklace I bought years ago I wear pretty much everywhere, but mostly because it's subtle enough that most people wouldn't recognize it. Not sure about if I'd wear anything else though.
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Email sent! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
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Don't feel bad, I still have to paint a gift for my santee! (But also yay, excited!!)
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I still have to paint 5 gifts for my santee and my paint hasn't even come in yet
Hey Holiday Hostler, is your list of background mares set in any particular order, or just however you thought it up as you wrote it?
So excited!!
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And uh, why would I want them?
If you email CardSlut, you can tell him I'm fine with an exchange of addresses and info as well.

I know I'm late with the giveaway this thread, I'll have it posted within a few hours.
They were trying to grab your presents. They work for the mercenary - the masked mare.
Pony Claus?
>but I'm not sure why your brain defaulted to glue after that.
The adhesive on normal envelopes is basically glue. I just figured if tape wasn't good enough then some elmer's would work.
Also sorry S'mores Souffle there is a shipping issue but it *should* be here for me to send to you before Christmas
Cool PS I got you too Holly Hype kek
Dinky Hostler, I work on your stuff
I don't seem to have you on my list. Are card assignments not mutual this year?
I'd like to get it all at once.
Thank ya homie
Difficult as it may be, I avert my eyes and eagerly wait.

Just abut everything is fully in motion for you now. Still waiting on shipping, getting stuff from across the pond takes a while but will certainly be worth the wait. Also still workshopping my other creative idea, it's not quite up to what I'd consider an acceptable standard yet.
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guys guys guys im a MARESCIZO LOL
I don't have a scale to use and i want to use pirateship so i dont get fucking broke, what do you bros recommend? will post offices measure and weigh your packages free of charge if you dont purchase a shipping label? or ups?
guess the weight
I use kitchen weight. Usually close enough, and if you are on the upper range, just next to the next weight tier I round up to the upper/next range. But I assume you can go to post office and have them check. Just say you want to know weight to see if you can add more to package.
Maybe try a FedEx/UPS store and see if they can weigh the package and give you an estimate, then use their measurements for pirateship? Worse comes to worse, take the package to a gym and use their scale.
HQ version of Snuggle Up (Holiday Classic Edition)
Amanda the Adventurer looks like a lot of fun.

I'd say it's either Applejack or Twilight. Definitely a barrel of 5-year-aged Apple Family Cider that RD and I would have acquired. Maybe 250 bits or 500 silver bits. Rainbow Dash pissed my pants.
go full schizo and kit up the produce section at the super market
Yay cant wait :3
Is this a virus
Is there an HQ version of the original Snuggle Up lullaby song?
You'll have to ask the original singer. He's around here somewhere but doesn't use a trip
As much as an earworm can be
Question for the dashfags: would this be a good enough image to put on a bottle? It's a pretty decent black and white image, but I wonder if some may not like it as it is RD cosplaying as Cid Highwind from FF7.
It's Chuckles. Yo Chuck, when you read this can you post an HQ version of snuggle up?
You got it
The best thing about dash on a bottle is you can then dent the bottle and she's accurate
I like it. Don't know who tf Cid Highwind is, but this feels in character for Dashie, so I approve.
Yeah that looks pretty sick
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Game Giveaway Time!

To claim a code you'll:
0. Read this entire post before doing anything.
1. Read the replies to the post first to see which games have already been claimed.
2a. Post in the thread With Your Name On and state which game you want, so that other Anons are aware that a game is being claimed by a fellow Horsemas participant AND so I know to expect an email from you.
2b. Afterwards, as an engagement check and anti-bot measure, you must also answer my question, either in-thread (highly encouraged) or in the email if you'd prefer to keep it secret for some reason.
3. Finally, send me an email mentioning your /ss/ name and the game you're claiming. It doesnt matter if you've emailed before, I need both in the body of the email, though if you have a dedicated /ss/ email that works too for the name.
>If you're planning on signing up for latecoomers, sign up already so you can get a name and join.<

This thread's game drops are:
First Class Trouble
Disciples: Liberation
In Sound Mind
Crown Trick
Crusader Kings III
Legend of Keepers
>The more games that are claimed, the more new ones get added for the next thread<

Every thread you can claim one game, so to the Anon that claimed a game last thread, you can claim another now!
Email for claiming (follow the instructions above): foggynightmlp@gmail.com
And for this thread's question: Now that cards are out and latecoomers have gotten it up, are you feeling that pressure as the calendar ticks down and you make things and wait for others? Or nothing but cheer thinking of what the santees and cardees will get?

Answer for last thread's hardmode question I like: "Is the number of lying Linkies I'm talking to equal to the number of doors to Equestria on my right?" which takes a bit of thinking but always works out since the liar can only lie about the final result.
PSA: Do not use any cock.li (this includes horsefucker) emails. They're autofiltered by google.

Yeah I'm late, sue me, shit came up.
Mother fuckin House MD ass ending to Chommpys heartwarming adventure

Happy Horsemas Ilean
Hey Perfect Score,
One last update before sending out your gift (hopefully next week). Stupid Amazon sent me the wrong item, but I think you will still like it a lot. Im afraid to try and return it and get a refund because it took a few weeks to get here in the first place.
Still waiting on your last gift and then Ill box it all up and ship.
I'm seriously kinda freaking out about my gift for my Santee. I was going to make a DIY thing because I'm really strapped for cash right now, but I got NO ideas. Usually I've thought of something by now, but NOPE. What is a DIY item you would like to receive? Please I need ideas!
I hope you write your Santee a story
If you wanna work with some airdry clay you can try making a figure, or you could hotglue some cloth and make a silly lil mare plush!
>Goodie Goodie Gumdrops the Your Name is too Long Please Why
>Holly Hype
>Heavy Halbard the Canterlot Guard
I'm getting cards in the mail as I finish them, and you three are going out in the morning. Hopefully the journey to your respective countries doesn't take too long!

>Security Breach
>Kettle Corn
>Icicle Slither the Lamia
>Candlelight Archive
>Store Brand Soup
>Speed Limit
>Pomander Prance
I'll be working on your cards tomorrow. If I can finish a couple per day I can hopefully have everyone in the mail by Monday.
Okay, I did actually bust out my air-dry clay the other day, but i'm terrified it will break in transit. I've had that problem before
A nice autistic card with their favorite pony and your favorite pony drawn fucking on the card goes a long ways.
Personally I would enjoy a paper pony cutout, like where each color of the pony is cut out from cardstock and layered so that its in the shape of my favorite five-legged mare.
A ransom note using newspaper clippings about how their favorite pony is shit would be a lot of fun too.
Here ya go!
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guys which of these two do you think would make a better stem on a Twilight Sparkle themed pipe?
can someone please let me out of the milk vat
Are you soft and chewy yet
I'll take Crusade Kings III please.
And yes, I am very much feeling the pressure. I've been very lazy lately and have slacked on cards.
No, I'm cold and wet :(
Heyyy Spragger Flagger its your santa! I should have your gift posted by this time next week! I couldn't get you everything thing you wished for but i hope what i could get you will make you happy!
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That goes very hard
took me a bit to realize her teeth are holding the cigarette and not japanese weird lips
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Cinder Dick do NOT click the spoilersssssss

i'm still a bit rough with making figures but i dont think it turned out too bad
My first instinct when seeing the post highlight with my name is to click on an image, glad I read to not do so before I did. I'll wait until Horsemas to find out.
Your Santee is a lucky man
Dear Santa,
I hope you are not dead.
Love, Moustachio.
Fug. Just tried it and the lines on the image are a bit too thin right now. I'll need to play around with the image a bit more and try to see if I can thicken the outline just a bit more.
wow, her dick is HUGE!
Beginning to grow hatred of nightmare moon ...emo pony dislike
Holy shit look at that house cock
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What the fuck.... holy shit I sure feel bad for anyone who can't see this right now lmao
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Ooh, descenders? I love biking! My Hyper bicycle is absolutely decked out in poney decals, would love to try the game.
As for the question, I'm totes not worried at all! I've got, like, 90% of my santee's gifts stuffed right in the box!
Okay I haven't begun on the final craft and maybe I'm a little worried.
I'm looking at this empty snow globe, and the care and safety label says not intended for use with water. What the fuck do you put in there then??
Why is the thread obsessed with House tonight
Baby oil I think
>A ransom note using newspaper clippings about how their favorite pony is shit would be a lot of fun too.
Ayylmao. I'll see if I can snatch an old newspaper somewhere.
>your poni fucking their poni
If I did that, there'd be drama. Especially if I did that to my Flutterfag.
You already eyed that clay, you know it's what you've got to do. Now face your fear and mold it into a poniponi, Dashfren. Trust your gut feeling, commit to your intentions; it's all a sort of loyalty.
Top. Lower one feels too moonie for your purposes.
Cold and wet? Why would we want that? You stay in your milk. It's good for your bones and scales, and what doesn't kill you, yadda yadda. Draw your OC, however crudely, to save it from the milk.
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if she is still in there when i get back from the dentist tomorrow drastic measures will be taken
Maybe you need MORE milk. ^:)

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