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gaben is a ponkchad, we won bros
Pinkie Pie is literally the most normalfag choice.
Nearly every celeb or e-celeb says she's their favorite pony followed by Fluttershy. Basically the less a normalfag knows about MLP the more likely is he'll choose Pinkie. Just saying how it is, I like her still
i've yet to see a celeb choosing applejack. it seems like picking her is social media suicide for some reason
Huh, I thought people were bullshitting when they told me Gabe Newell has a favorite pony. Guess they were right.
You may be right, but I don't care, I love her!
Qrd on why everyone fellates this guy? Is he a nice person, or is he just the provider of gaymer gay goonsesh gaymes?
He owns valve and steam.
If thats true, then why does the pyro have a pink unicorn huh?
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The only celeb I can think of is Linus, if you can even count him as one.
Damn, you don't know life son.
Half-life, steam and various other things that shaped the video game industry in a good way have his name on it
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>Well his wife is Asian so he might go more exotic.
Ted Cruz likes her.
Celebs aka TV thots don't lime Southerners.
He's based
I wonder if there's any celebrities who secretly like ponies.
A bunch were public about it during the fandom's golden age, but I'm sure there's a few that kept it to themselves or got into it way after it was cool.
I'd think picking Dash or Twilight would be more typical choice
Nah Pinkie is definitely there, they're basically the normalfag trio. Its basically those three>Fluttershy>Rarity/Applejack>anything else.
Pinkie's the face of a lot of early content for a good reason.
He owns pretty much the only giant corporation that's both a) private and b) not owned by a financial deep jew or some sort of investment firm.
The idea of a corporation not being abjectly evil is just so foreign nowadays, because of the way publicly traded firms work.
>discord embed

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