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For those who are ESL too, do you watch the show in english or in your own language? And when you go to Equestria, do you prefer the ponies to sound like the voice actors from your country or the original voice actors, but in your own language?
In English and in English. But Polish mares are nice too.
>Season 9 screenshit
I watch it in English and Spanish so that I can have twice the pony. I generally prefer English, though, as a language and for pony.
The Russian dub was so fucking terrible it motivated me to learn English.
i like both spanish and english because the voices work really great the chara ters in both
i also tried the spaniard dub and its ok but s9 is missing, for better or worse
Same here. At this point I've gotten used to both of them, so while of course I tend to prefer the original, I wouldn't mind going to a dubbed Equestria.
I only watched the first season once in my native dub, after that I always only watched in in English.
To some extent, it's how I learned English in the first place, since I didn't really have a use for the language before.
EFL and I watch pon exclusively in Japanese these days because its how I pitch it to on the fence weebs
My local dub sucks. Ponies speak English, period. Sometimes I imagine mai waifu speaking my language with either his original voice or the dub voice for fun, but it all defaults to English.
>english or in your own language?
>do you prefer the ponies to sound like the voice actors from your country or the original voice actors
Original English
>, but in your own language?
Wait... That's actually really interesting and I'd like to hear it.
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Big thank (You) to whoever created this. Made me laugh a lot.
>me during 9tth grade
>struggling to barely not fail English classes
>get into MLP
>watch the German episodes on YT
>German episodes get taken down rather effectively, though many English episodes still remain up on YT
>Fuck it, watch an English episode then
>Make through easier then expected, looking up some occasional words
>Continue watching in English, German dub also kinda sucks in comparison
>massively improve over the course of a year

So yeah, English all the way
Flutters had aneurysm
I want to decipher their own unique horsey language. Isekai without any language barrier is just, boring. Unfair. How would I know I deserve to be with ponies if there was no struggle?
There's one exception: sometimes I daydream about singing songs in my language to them. Naturally, I want them to get it without lengthy exlanations. I cheat with magic. There's a labyrinth-like place in my imagination where fate and doom get fucky. If you know what you're doing, you can find a clearing where Babylonian curse holds no power. It looks different every time but there's always a place for our campfire.
How were the songs
watch fully in english and prefer the original vas, the indonesian dub is so insanely trash that I either only watch in english or german for poni variety
I always watch productions in their original languages if possible, because all dubs in my native tongue suck ass, and also I find that things just work better with original performances. There's always something small or subtle that dubs do differently, giving scenes different feelings, and even when I have only rudimentary French, Italian and Japanese understanding, I can pick up on those.
Slightly better translated than spoken text but with poor rhyming and amateur vocals.

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