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File: Death of the Mareless.jpg (330 KB, 1280x1118)
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>thie mare walks up to you and states when and how you’re going to die

Does make you sad? Angry, fearful? Horny?
How I feel depends on if I die sooner rather than later
If you tell someone when and how they're going to die you basically ruin the rest of their life because they'll be anticipating it
If future predictive technology becomes a thing, telling someone when they're gonna die should be tantamount to murder or rape itself since both prematurely ruin someone's life
id cum in her mouth instantly as shes speaking.
>grabs her by the tail and rape
>tells me how I'm going to die
>cutie mark is a symbol of rebirth
I'm going to Equestria!
How do you know?
>I know, it will be today.
But like, how do you know?
>Because it will be today.
Right, but I want to know, how do you know it will be today?
>Anon, I'm literally ponysonification of the concept of life and death if you don't stop asking me how do I know I will personally take your soul right now.
How do you know if you're really the ponysonification of life and death?
>Because you just can't shut up
So if I die because you kill me because I won't shut up, then does that really count as a prediction? *dies*
>Sweet Celestia, I really tried to warn him... They always go this way...
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>can appear anywhere, anytime in any form to mess with you or joke with you
>appears as a pony to comfort you
Theres worse ways to die.
Angry that this looks like shit for a ponyfication of dcs death
I call her a demon and cross myself.
What does she do with the souIs of foolish anons?
Meh. If she told me my death was later than sooner, it'd technically absolve me of casualty. I could jump off cliffs for my media page or speed on highways with the assurance nothing would go wrong. I'd try raping her if I knew I wasn't going to die in that very moment.

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