Why didn't she just pull the feather off?
It would be extremely painful
>>41663306there's a bone in it
>>41663360She's a big mare
>>41663360You would discover its filled with anthrax
>>41663413For you
>>41663408that's a bird wing not a magical flying horse wing
>>41663492good answa
>>41663492True, real wings are forelimbs so biologically accurate pegasi would have no front legs
Do pegasi have hollow bones?Horses aren't exactly light, so they need less bones to get off the ground.And what happened to Twilight's bones when she got wings?
>>41663594Twilight never got wings. Is that a dream you had?
>>41663664Anon, it's time to let go. Fighting it will only hurt more.
>>41663773>Schizo Anon tries to wave off another Anon by blatantly lying and using a poorly edited image
>>41663408Yes it isIt’s not a visual gag it’s a consistent thing.They legit have some kind is big creepy feathered hand
>>41663369Ya'll got bones in your shit then?
>>41663897So wingjob is real. And it's a act of deep intimacy between the pegasi and her human
>>41663889>didn't edit her horn or neckYou have to schizo better than that, kiddo.
It would have worked better if her leg was trapped, but maybe Hasbro said no because they didn't want to scare the kiddies.