What color is her marehood? Keep in mind your answer must be consistent with Nightmare Moon. If you answer black, that means NMM's is purple. If blue, then black.
>>41663330Both Luna and NMM have coal black gentials. Why would thy change?
Doesn't matter, it'll be pure white by the time I'm done with her.Verification not required.
>>41663350IQs below 85 stay the fuck out of my thread
>>41663330>Luna showing Celestia how much anon nutted inside her
shut up virgo im not peepin that fishy gash when im fuckin balls deep blastin it
>>41663330The color of Luna's pussy varies from pitch black to light blue (like S1 Luna's coat color) depending on the phase of the moon. During new moon it's pitch black, while the moon on her flank and her mane and tail glow ethereal blue (also, glowing stars shine brightly in her mane, tail, and dark splotch of her cutie mark and near her pussy). During full moon, her pussy is lighter blue and Luna glows all over in the dark. Finally, when she winks her pussy in the dark, either during full or new moon, it shines brightly. These are facts which I have independently verified.
>>41663330Most likely yellow