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Born to silly is a name of the charity project chosen by anons in the last thread where we discussed the whole idea.
Thread in question >>41657236

In short.
We have the mascot, the name for the art pack, some new cool art and a few dates ranging between Christmas in december and March next year.

The things we still need to do: establish the exact date, establish one or few places we could donate money for kids (Foster homes/Orphanages), get more drawfags involved and get more new cute horse art on the thread.

Technical side of things are currently in works.

Last thread summary: https://ponepaste.org/10522
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Ignore xitterniggers, love Silly Stuffing.
On a one hand, I'm against abortions because it gives women a choice. On the other hand, I'm pro-abortions because it's killing babies.
I didn't even realize the Silly Stuffing thing/ thread turned into a charity art pack event. To me it seemed like there simply happened to be some interest in her because of that YouTooz thread at the start of the month. Someone pointed out that offboarders were raiding the board because of an artpack, and I was scrolling the catalog days ago wondering where the fuck there's an artpack. You better label it as such more obviously next thread, write ART PACK all over the OP pic and in the subject field. I want board projects to succeed.
People don't deserve to know if they don't LURK
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I like what i did
Very cute!
Tiny Apel
That's the spirit !
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>verification not required
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>xitter nigger trying to be buddies with us
I'll still post art maybe but I don't trust this tourist offboarding retard, can't we get a trusted nor/mlp/erson to run this?
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The nigger is also still trying to shill his dicksword. Fuck tourists I hate tourists so goddamn much they're even trying to run our board projects now
Turns out, I actually read the thread linked in the OP when it was just a few minutes old. These weeks have been so fucking miserable for me, my mind drew a blank. I'd like to contribute a drawing but I can't promise anything. Do I need to meet specific requirements as per image dimensions etc.?
I don't think summaryanon is a tourist, but I also have no idea why would he include that link in the paste.
OP is either a plant, an offboarder or a retard and I do not trust him
Summary is not mine, if you would be a less of a faggot you would understand this by scrolling through last thread.
Beats me, I was really excited to participate in this art pack but I've got no trust on OP, it's a literal who and nobody can trust him because he hasn't been part of anything before, if there was someone more famous like twifag, purp, wolvan, or the other namefags that were behind /mppp/ and marecoin organizing this then I'd be super happy, but this NaziHorseMolester guy is a literal tourist from Twitter and by his posts over there I'm assuming he's also underage.
Always remember: Everyone can be a friend, no matter their origin platform.
>wants to take everything offboard
>tripcode reeks of someone trying too hard
>Amy New coincidentally tweets about the dicksword
Gee ya think
Fuck off tourist, pass the reins to a real horsefucker, you ain't welcome here
Go back, faggot.
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>that image
thanks for proving my point, tourist.
Maybe fuck off back to ponychan, if you even know what that is.
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I will KILL Silly Stuffing
Yeah, go away, we hate the show and all that friendship bullshit here.
Summaryanon here.
I do not like D*scord. I do not like it at all.
Unfortunately, it's something I'll have to keep an eye on because someone will inevitably post something relevant there.
Their Dicksword is a... primary source of sorts. It's the same reason why, for example, the paste on DataBytes leaves links to the original Foalcon Advisory, or the "other" /mlpol/ thread. or >Derpi; it does not matter whether I or you agree with what they've done or are doing, all that matters is that it is relevant.
...With that said, I should probably (no, definitely) have nitter links for the tweets that sparked this, alongside a link to this thread, and some cleaned up wording in general.
P.S.: as someone has stated beforehand, I am not NHM. Just clarifying that.
It's a completely different case from Databyte, you're legitimizing the tourist's Discord instead of archiving it for archive's sake. This NHM faggot will only drag this project down and by putting up his niggcord link on your summary it only legitimizes as an actual place to organize it, which will hurt the artpack in the long run.
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Are you sure about that?
>pack already over before it even truly even materialized
Could always just make a new thread and leave the obvious xitter tourist out of it.
kinda mid honestly, I fucking hate it, sorry I'm just being honest and objectively right. Other anons are just sugarcoating it to not make you embarrassed or cry, but this one has plenty of blunders skill-wise. 4/10, could've been worse, you got the potential
Yes, it's still needed to recruit Wolvan. Even with his twitter obsession and circlejerks he is a more reliable handler than the pedo scum.
The only requirement is that image is on topic of celebrating life-giving and happy families. Though you're better off waiting to submit it until pedo twitterdiscordtrannies patachu/darkdoomer (Silver !Spoon/CYj.) and diamondtiara (NaziHorseMolester !jKQAnekoBo) are purged.
And if you weren't a lying child-lusting scumbag you'd still have enough brains to remove the link from the summary.
"Keeping an eye on it" does not require having the link in there, in fact, REMOVING it is beneficial to reduce the chances of
>someone inevitably posting something relevant there
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I blame OP.
OP is always a faggot, he can't keep getting away with it.
Look at this tourist, lmao. Clearly he wasn't here for Marenheit, you ain't gonna demoralize us chief
Go back
what is Marenheit?
ligma balls
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Yeah, looks too much like ponies and not a single case of vitiligo
Bros… what is xhe gonna do to our le based offboard sekritclub… I'm s-scared…
Thank you for clarifying the theme to me. I'll definitely wait for the organization to be placed in trustworthy hands.

I hope that by 2026, I'll be in a better position in life and contribute to board projects more, possibly even helping with organizing things. All I could do in my current position is send Wolvan a message and probably be ignored for days because we're not that close, only been roomies at cons. I don't know shit about good charities to pick, nor about the paperwork needed to handle money matters correctly, and I'd mistrust anyone who's not only inexperienced but acting as if it were nothing to worry about, AKA a retard.

i'M sorry for mental brek down but fuuck these people are so mean and toxic. Am I the only sane person here?
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trust, wait until the next thread then stuff will happen
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>diamondtiara (NaziHorseMolester !jKQAnekoBo)
>implies that I'm a summeryanon
>tells summeryanon to remove the link after implying it's me
did you know that I am a retard?
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*gulp* She's gonna call us chuds again bros... I'm so scared...
Anon, I think you forgot to choose the proper flag
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>these people are so mean and toxic
You'll become the same soon.
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In response to recent (justified) criticisms, the Dicksword link has been removed. For the greater success of the project!
Kek, will still be keeping an eye on this.
did you know that I am a retard?
The specific person is irrelevant. Patachu, diamondtiara, whurz, baconard, NHM the dicksword creator, they're all friends, they're all pedophiles, and they all need to be purged because where there is one there will all of them be. Especially since THIS IS A PACK ABOUT FOALS, handily explaining why a bunch of people aroused by youth and depictions of youth would be trying to take over it.
These people sound based as heck.
thanks anon, I knew you'd understand
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Fuck if I care about foalcon, I do care about the fact they're untrustworthy, retarded, ESL tourists that should not even glance at the reins of a board project. Their only role is to see, not speak.
So, can we now get to the point where we will get ideas for what place to donate to ?
Which foster homes/orphanages ?
I'd like to hear some propositions.
You're not leading shit, fuck off.
Maybe you show that you're not completely useless leach and actually do something yourself?
incoming pro abortion artpack that gets done quicker and raises more money than the offboarders can
Celestia, i love horsecock... So juicy and tasty..
where is the >>41658873 anon when you need him the most...
"decide and make everything by yourself, but I am still a "lead"" ok faggot, maybe at least make yourself appear like you're doing major decision as an organizator of this project.
Oh, nvm I mean... Celestia, i love horsecock... So juicy and tasty...
They know their worth, a project run by offboaders isn’t worth their time
That explains so much
They ruin everything. Faggot should learn his place and fuck outta here.
What's wrong with have English as a second language? Are you racist towards non-main English nationalities?
Go back
What's wrong with being a newcomer?
>namefagging offboarder cant manage shit
>thread consists of constant bickering than any progress
>xitter fags are itt samefagging with bait posts
kek its actually over
Donate to the catholic church
Anchor Ridge has already been put up, we’re already past that discussion.
>thinking orphanages and foster care are good for children
I guess if your goal is to harm them do fund those
Ok, Fair point.

Foster Love sounds like an idea, they claim to be nation wide, but I would have to look deeper into this and know what exactly the money may go for etc.
>kek its actually over
Good. Muh lifers were always a joke, it's funny to see you fail.
Need an email for us drawfags to send the art to.
Donate to Ukrainian charity funds for victims of war. Actual helpful donation for people who fled from the eastern regions that look like no man's land now.
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Today I will remind them
Based and all, but uh... no. The goal of this project is to counter the Ponies for Planned Parenthood, and I don't see how donating to Ukrainian refugees helps further said cause.
I haven't seen you faggots make any suggestions for the pack, encourage any artist to post, or even talk about what (you) would contribute to the pack.
>Xitterfags delegitimising the project organiser to cripple it from ever starting off
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Alright faggots, let's ignore the fact OP is a literal retard, nigger is not the organizer and will never, especially since the faggot's got 0 experience with board projects
I'd advise my fellow drawfags to not post anything until the organizer has been sorted out, cause hell fucking no I won't post my drawings until we've got a real organizer taking the helm (everybody knows the xitter tourist won't be calling the shots for a project this important).
If you've got the contact of a trusted namefag, like Corp/Twifag, Wolvan, Purp, LunarHarmony, do reach out to them asking if they could handle things from here on out.
>Name of the art pack
Born to Silly
Foalcare, family love, life
Anchor Ridge, seem like a fine organization from what I've looked into it.
If (You)'re from the Appalachia area (North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania) do give them a call to get a bit more info on this and return to the thread with what you've found out.
Name-your-price with $5 minimum
February 13th, with a one week grace period
First things first, I'd like to say that splitting the art pack into two would be a punch in the gut, it'd give artists more than they can chew, and we'd spread ourselves too thin.
I vote we make it SFW-encouraged, but NSFW is allowed.
Would it beat up a bit of the spirit of the artpack? Yeah but so would it beat up the spirit of /mlp/ by not allowing some sprinkles of utter degeneracy.
So if you're as much of a faggot to draw incest and foalcon instead of loving mares with their foals, go ahead, as long as you're helping us out to raise some money for charity that shouldn't be a concern.
I don't know shit about coding nor the web, but I do remember people like firlin and 15. If you've got their contact reach out to them and ask if they can help us out.

Anything else we should discuss? I think having this a general blueprint would be a nice, I'd love discussing things but let's not forget about the fact we're trying to get shit done, and getting shit done sometimes means being decisive.
>nooooooo every board project has to be exclusively organized by muh speshul namefags
Yes, you literal nigger, someone is supposed to handle the money people will throw at the artpack, and hell fucking no I won't trust anyone to handle my money.
Maybe we can get Snowpity Inc. to sponsor this?
unironically yes
Seethe faggot, I’m not giving a cent to anyone who doesn’t already have a good reputation, let alone you
I don't think it's this time yet, technical side of things is moving foreward, so that's good but I think we should establish the date and place to donate to first.
Obviously sending art via email will be possible.

I don't see how that fits the theme of art pack
You're not that guy, you ain't calling the shots. Fuck off my board you fucking nigger.
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No way, is it >>41658873 anon himself?
We're so back!
Will be waiting for further developments on this before making any updates to the paste (also because I'll be sleeping, kek). An anon in the previous thread said he may have contacts to Wolvan, so, for now, that's our best bet.
I still prefer the idea of having a separate SFW and NSFW art pack, with them releasing at different, relatively-far-apart dates (hence making that "punch" at least a little weaker), but other anons may disagree with this.
No, I’m the drawfag that suggested Anchor Ridge on the previous thread.
I saw some retards want to make this associated with nazis to own teh libs. I won't make any more Silly Stuffing if so
who is?
Thank you for sorting things out
>Trusted namefag
This, we need to have proper organisation of things as big as this project, not blindly follow or listen to anons with no direction

No Twitzer
The xitter niggers want that, they aren’t in charge of shit, even though those attwhores would love to
I think picking a charity has a lower priority for two reasons: First off, you need an art pack and you need a working orga team handling the finances before donating can even happen; inserting X or Y bank account is the smallest hurdle. Secondly, whatever charity is picked might get harassed by vengeful Twitter folks, even Day's End had gone through bullshit because of publicity painting a target on them. Why paint a target on a charity as early as now if NOTHING has actually been set up yet?
I'm the team leader now
Mate if others see that this project is lead by a twittourist named NaziHorseFucker, and this spreads around other platforms, no one will want to listen or participate in it
Will all of you retards settle down if I contact a namefag and try to bring them onto the project?
I could care less about OP being from xigger or whatever. But having the charity leader's name being "NaziHorseMolester" might not be the best idea
no, but do it anyway
It's a good name, it represents all of us.
nvm i just checked, half of those namefags are already in the server (i think)
Well, currently no one. It's a state of anarchy of sorts. If we succeed in bringing Wolvan, that may be the new project lead. Or, maybe the initial anon who told "listen up retards" will come back and bring order. It's unclear for now.
Depends on who that namefag is, but sure.

Okay, will be off to sleep. (Un)surprisingly, this means that the summary paste won't be updated for the time being.
Anon, you can't say that, now xitter NHM will mock at you, and say everyone is a faggot but him
Who's in charge?
So far? No one, but don’t shy away from throwing ideas out until we find a reputable namefag to lead the charge
Born To (sic) Silly is a shitty name. Ponies for Life or riot.
So, are we now gonna move forward now ?
Made a site btw. There's nothing yet
Is this pack just for the sole purpose of owning the libs or is it about the charity
Both I think, it's 2 righteous cause as far as I'm concerned
Can’t it be both?
>Going to make up I have a namefag in my server
>pleeeese let's move forward
I don't think you have learned anything so far.
Until your so called namefag doesn't post here he's in charge of the money, it didn't happen.
Berry nice, cheers to you
It's both
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Read through the previous thread and my instincts say to not contribute, but I still wish you guys luck on it
>t. Anon who does not draw at all
what the fuck is this? We make a cute OC in a completely different thread and now she's being cooped for some retarded twitter charity drama? Leave Silly Stuffing alone.
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see, finally someone's positive about it!

yeah idk what kind of motivation they had to make a donation thing to encourage murder of human beings, all we can do is to send a message : give life a chance.
here's a first contrib to the thing. will make more like this.
yes it's gloomy, design-ish, no big smiles or party cannons, not feeling it'd be in the mood.
if you have more ideas i'm a taker ofc.

ps : again, ignore the troons.

your pills, trizo.
Quality stuff, very nice.
yeah it would be appreciable if even the bluesky crew would be as much productive rather than trying to fuck up the thread. we started this project and we're not going to abort it like they do with their lives.
ok in the meantime i gotta go it's getting late !
Wow holy shit that's pretty good
Stop whining, this is a chance for her to become something more than a FotM waifu. And it'll stop offboarders from trying to co-opt her.
oh the ironing
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>we're not going to abort it like they do with their lives
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something is brewing
Can't wait to see the full thing
Yes it's nice, it's cute when no one knows who made it but fuck off, you're cancelled, you draw foalcon, gore, banned for nazi BS. You're fucking this project, even anonymously people can recognize you drew this, why even are you doing this?
Just fuck off, please.
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>you're cancelled, you draw foalcon, gore, banned for nazi BS.
Depends. Are you gonna move forward with submitting yours and your buddies' patachu, whurz, etc cheezepizza collections to authorities, requesting maximum sentence, and serving entirety of it?
Until then, no.
To play devil's advocate a little, they probably have a good number of orphans over there.
Your desire to involve yourself with the pack is exactly why you should be completely excluded from it, pedophile.
Yeah, they're in Zelensky's basement.
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An Aryanne a day keeps the offboarders away.
"Born to Silly" is a nonce dogwhistle, stemming from the gay pedophile code "willy", short for "wild and silly", a corollary to "cunny" (which needs no introduction).
Oust these child molesters and restore the rightful name of this pack:
Ponies for Life.
>Ponies for Life.
Ponies for Life.
>Ponies for Life.
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>offboarder doesn't know about Silly Stuffing
I was in that thread, and I fought back against your degenerate name there as I do here.
>I might be a pedophile, but at least I'm not a JEW.
The efforts to derail and cause chaos further affirms that the pack will make twittertroons seethe hard if it succeeds. Don't get demoralized.
No you weren't, nigger.
Yes, I was:
it's all so tiring
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>zero mention of your schizo babble
>random joke post with no elaboration was "fighting back"
I was still medicated back then.
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listen faggots, you all have been feeding the parasprites here. For every (you) they are given, is time taken away from art making, project planning, and filly posting. YOU ALL HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO CEASE FIRE!!!! let the touristards shitfling to the response of no pony. further advice: if you work a laborious job job, take any time you have to brainstorm what art you will make over the weekend. DO NOT use your free time to give in to the raiders. why did you all have to go ahead and make me say the quiet part out loud. Do better.
I can't draw, I'm just to troll libshit
>your pills, trizo.
>I love troons and endorse their faggotry
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Will the lewds have futa alts? I want to see her cumming so hard that her stuffiing shoots out.
Add pregnancy to the themes, please. I don't want to be the only guy who does something with it for the pack. Also, if February is the latest we can push this off, then let's do it. The schedule is way too busy otherwise.

The mascot has been successfully forced. Congratulations, this looks great.
Put your rariflag back on.
I contributed to Silly Stuffing's design. I approve of her usage in this art pack. I am also a nazi.
I'm wondering if I can just draw the mascot plushy? Do I have to do "family" oriented things? That stuff is pretty boring to me, and I ordinarily contribute to other board projects.
Any form of Silly Stuffing art is ok honestly
Okay, some more questions. Recommended image size/resolution or anything? And where do we send submissions too? Can someone make an email on protonmail maybe to give us a destination and then put it in an open MEGA folder?
>image size/resolution
14x88px minimum. Don't use JPG, that's for brownoids.
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Uh "Silly" "Stuffing"? SS? The rabbit hole goes deeper than you think
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What an adorable little far right dogwhistle
I'm just making generic Silly Stuffing art for the heck of it
where do we submit silly stuffing art
Nowhere until, we have something official made by Wolvan or Corp.
There's still this discord
Kill yourself NHM
There will be no l00ds
>I gonna draw
>I don't want to put my name in the mud
Artist here, we all have styles that are recognizable, I'm not falling for the bait prompt, we're not like them.
Who cares. It's for charity. Shitlibs or /pol/cels can seethe all they want but you'll always be able to shut them down with "I'm making money for charity". The only way to counter is to make money for charity.
It's a plushy, seek mental help.
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Not an argument.
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it's over, anon, go home
Anons this guy is baiting us he's most likely going to take the money and run or hell donate to Planned Parenthood it's so fucking obvious you can't trust this guy he's name fagging
With the most stupidest name ever and it's obvious he is just using that name because he's a newfag or he's just a Twitter fag to try to fit the stereotype to trick us and he's trying too hard this guy glows brighter than the sun

>Anons if you do care about doing something don't do it with this fag in my opinion we should start our own thing away from born to be silly because it's just a scam
It's already been decided we're not letting that NaziHorseMolester retard run this, take a chill pill my guy
Start a thread and and post it here then.
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Log out nigga. Youre DONE.
No more computer. We reading books from now on.
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Idk if this project will survive leadership drama but assuming it does I see a lot of promise. Actually I think the pack has the potential to appeal outside of /mlp/ if the art if normie friendly. By that I mean
1. SFW only.
2. No OCs that trigger NPC panic mode. That includes Aryanne and Luftkrieg.
I know that's not ideal for many artfags but we're already almost there with the family focused theming of the pack. Like it or not spite is a big motivator and given this whole project exists as a reaction to Peter and Amy New doing a leftism I can see this pack getting heavily signal boosted outside of /mlp/ on the backs of that origin story if normie friendly enough.

Now I am not demanding we do things this way, I'm just another faggot on a slow board with an opinion. I'm just saying the potential is there to go wider and raise bigger money with just a little restraint. And I also see some proposing a NSFW followup bonus pack which would be a good place to go wild for those that are edgy and those that are edging. So yea, think about it.
This is the best way to go about it, so it’s going to be countersignaled quite a bit
I think we should exclude anonfilly as well, she's kind of a redflag to normies depending on their circles. You're definitely right about everything else though. /mlp/'s strings on this should be invisible.
Anon, Amy Mewl has already decried this pack as the next holocaust. There's no hiding it now.
>Newfag here, were there this many seething twitter tourists here during Marenheit?
There was much, much more seething, like one or two orders of magnitude more. BLM was the combat wing of the Dems, it was the USA election year and some autists from the Mongolian throat singing forum dared to oppose the Dem agenda.
There were multiple articles, even in big newspapers telling their audience that My Little Pony fans have a Nazi problem.
Oh, and if you wonder why some people are so hated here, check who gave the interviews to these newspapers.
based but the art pack isn't going to have ny lewds
Cringe, the art pack will not have futrash
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So im thinking maybe three pieces a better version of picrel a silly stuffing cuz she looks real cute and fun to draw and a sfw or nsfw piece depending on the final say so on that matter
>excluding Aryanne and Anonfilly
>/mlp/'s strings on this should be invisible
Which means it will not be an /mlp/ project. I can't say for everyone else, but I don't have motivation to support a generic art pack.
Dyx and other /mlp/ OCs could be included. The strings have to be invisible, otherwise it wouldn't be able to gain traction with normies, plus it'd be far easier to get actual artist on board. A lot of them are turned off by anonfilly and aryanne for political reasons or for their own reputation. It's for the best.
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I see this objection but we can't make all the strings invisible, this is still an /mlp/ led project. She's board mascot, she's filly, and is mostly involved in cute innocent scenarios. I think she's fine.

This is going cute places.
>sfw or nsfw piece depending on the final say so on that matter
We're leaning SFW but responsibility for leadership is still shaking out.

>instead of saying nothing I will offer demotivation
thanks Anon
I'd hold off on Silly Stuffing. She's kind of already been tainted by the rest of the thread. Keep drawing though, it might be a while before we can get someone like Wolvan or Corp on board.
NTA but there's nothing wrong with anonfilly and the only people who complain already have a hateboner for this board and should be ignored
What artists you're talking about exactly?
Have they already said they would get in if, because if not, removing anonfilly and aryanne is simply going to frustrate the artists you already have.
How about 2 artpacks then
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>We should pander to people who don't like /mlp/
How about we include Anon himself? He's the face of /mlp/
I didn't have any one artist in mind, but actual artist. Don't get me wrong, the header and the other little bits of art in the thread are alright but we need quality.
Yes, those are the people that will be donating.
Some will be upset no matter what happens. Just look at replies in this very thread. This is why we need clear leadership to emerge. From what I see that will only happen if the good rep namefags come forward and either take control or give NHM their blessing. Either path will upset some people but I repeat myself.

One a clear leader emerges they can establish the firm rules of the pack, and if we're going to have the ambition to try to go wider in reach.
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>green faggot (XX) bad
>green faggot (XY) gud
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
Sorry, I wasn't aware /mlp/'s charity projects were all carried by "people" like Wootmassa.
We need someone to reach out to Corp or Wolvan directly.
>everyone outside of /mlp/ hates /mlp/
No but they were carried by normies and normies don't like anonfilly or aryanne.
Do It yourself fag.
When in all heavens has /mlp/ ever needed offboard help to get great artists or suspiciously wealthy donors?

Corp is already in the tranny NHM server who is only expecting. I'd pay only to watch him accept to have an extra headache with Amy New.

Wolvan or Lunar might take the shot, but the problems stills
>Taking the responsability of an artpack triggered by an offboard xitter drama hardly anyone here cares
In the past there's been hype for projects like this. This project from its inception has been plagued by twitterfags, /pol/fags, and general arguing over leadership. The only way to generate hype for this project would be to get big name artist.

The whole idea for this pack is a nothing burger. Why would a trusted namefag bother unless there's some kind of hype for people to contribute?
Marenheit is right there
>the whole idea for this pack is a nothing burger
this. plagued start aside, i don’t really see that many people willing going to support the pack this time around
Marenheit was the exception, not the rule. Shit, it wasn't even /mlp/ that carried that, it was /pol/fags doing it to own da libs
>been plagued by twitterfags, /pol/fags, and general arguing over leadership
>The only way to generate hype for this project would be to get big name artist.
Ok, you are the nigger who implied offboard help.

Let's get this shit straight
>Board has enough good artists
>Those artists have a wealthy donor base
>Both those artists and donors would expect the most cared OC and background ponies in the board.
This pack will only work out when a well accepted namefag offers to lead this senseless shit, so that person could reach out board artists who will pull board donors. Nothing of this has to be with baning Anonfilly. In fact, it's counterproductive. This lame project indeed has potential, but fails when NHM and Darkdoomer don't get they are not welcome here either.
>Blatant twitterfags vanish
>"Concerned anons" appear out of nowhere
Parapsrites take many forms
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Smells alot like manufactured consensus in here. Almost like anons think they can pick and choose who is on the ride or not.
Don't care for pointless drama, I want to draw, and I will draw loving fillies in a loving family.
Anon making spaghetti Os for Silly Stuffing would be a good drawing to include in the pack I think
>nu-mlp cannot resist the urge to reply to the one extremely blatant samefag for more than a couple of minutes
And if y'all think Aryanne became a think cuz of derpi and the marenheit sotuation, lurk moar
Based Toffee Swirl poster
It'd be funny if it weren't so sad
this is an image board and not all of us have Twitter, give screenshots
Stop taking the fucking bait jesus christ
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i was gonna say getting someone like jack on board for this would be nice but the longer i look through this thread the sadder i get
Would he care tho? He was at marefair but didn't bitched about ary
You should blog about it yo
Replies getting deleted?
So are all these guys actually dangerous retards or is this just another schizo seething about 2d? I'm way to tired to learn all these shitcord names and artists if there is any actual artists even.
this post wasnt deleted so my question shouldnt have been either zigger!
Every couple hours the twitterfags are getting mass banned
Same thing happened in the last thread
You're ruining the project. At this point I confirm it's over.
I like the calming, wonderful feeling of a loving, happy family.
W-where does the footget milk come from?
This is abhorrent.
where are the ANTS!?
I know, but that's why I love her.
People have been euthanized for less.
You got your shit mixed up
I'm going to commit an hero. This is what I get for posting late.
Best argument for abortion yet
Do not abort the footgets.
It just makes them stronger
Fire it is then.
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Whether it happens or not I still wanted to draw her
She's so silly!
Footleg my beloved

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