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>Its not my fault my eggs have dried out! I still have experience! We hags can offer you love, warm meals come back Anon! Don’t let me die alone and unloved…
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>eggs have dried out
Anthrocentric meme. You map the flaws of "human" w*men onto mares because you cannot comprehend their splendor.
FPBP. Horses don't hit the wall.
I wonder why that is, though. How did human females evolve to run out of eggs, but other animals don't.
Because having children is an extremely taxing process for the human body. It’s risky for an older woman.
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Nah, it's too late. You've been replaced with an upgrade.
Is she really that old?
Likely an evolutionary advantage for social species to force the older females to care for younger, able bodied ones instead of competing with them. Menopause would serve as an indirect motivator.
>>41668519 (You)
To add to this, an idyllic world like Equestria could be assumed to not have such a problem if you want since friendship being literal magic could be enough to have older mares care for younger ones without the need for a natural pregnancy inhibitor.
What I'm saying is that I can and will plap Nightmare Moon until we have enough foals to populate an entire city.
The only mare whose eggs even might have dried up is Celestia.
Apes and some species of toothed whales are the only ones that go through menopause. Why the cetaceans when they’re classified as ungulates eludes me.
Prove it.
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But Shimmy is her daughter though.
shut the fuck up
That Poochie OC is nothing to no one.
So you're telling me Granny Smith could still be pumping out foals?
If you could do it without breaking her hips, I guess.
Oh, so just like you.
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Mouth shut, hoofs up. That's an order!
I don't think hitting the wall is the same as the carton being empty. Hitting the wall is about appearance and general demeaner I think, and even young women hit the wall sometimes. (i.e. Brittany Venti)
get ready for three and a half inches of love
We didn’t. We progressed as a civilization beyond dying in our 40s
Can you just adopt a foal or something
Hags belong to colts
Nice ass, Bell Bell.
It's insane how this hag was one of the prettiest mares in the series when she was young.
It's the consequences of the female always being capable of pregnancy. Without it, the male would have to wait until the female is in heat to concieve a child. In a species as highly social as ours, it proved evolutionarily advantageous for the female to always be DTF and capable of cheating on her partner at any given moment.
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Delete this post right now. I'm not joking.
The wall is basically the "Best if used by" date on the carton. Some of the eggs, maybe even most of them, are still good, but if you're at the grocery and have access to ones that are fresher, why risk it?
>this myth
Life expectancy being 40 didn't mean that was when you died. If you made it to adulthood you made it to old age. The amount of child death dragged the average to the 40 figure.
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Not true. They just need a bit more moisture before the scrambling begins.
Human development is also much more complex to replicate repeatedly
I'd take that flashback with a grain of salt, considering that Ponyville was founded hundreds of years ago.
Horses only live for like 30 years, Anon, their lifespan isn't long enough for them to hit menopause.

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