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>WILD HARVEST It’s the Annual Harvest Festival and Cocoa and Perla have teamed up to compete in the biggest pumpkin competition taking place at Candi’s Carnival. However, Perla’s teeny garden patch suddenly goes from zen to zany...
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>yuaeSXVjz7E: Premieres in 9 minutes
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>sweaty mares
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Also Cocoa being a bimbo.
What is her deal? Always absentmindedly causing mayhem
The cocoa has electrolytes, it helps the plants grow.
can you OD on tea???..... i had like 4 cups of tea back to back and i feel weird.....
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>anon said he wanted to brush my mane
>tilley overpowers you and forces you to cum
How do you respond without sounding like you like it
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i love candy so much bros
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>change the contest at the last second to ensure victory
The fuck? That's cheating.
>The clubhouse WON'T open?
It's an unsafe design when you thing about it. Like, Perla has to be INSIDE it when it closes, because it doesn't have a fucking door.
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In the end EVERYONE is a winner. I assume; they never have time to show the whole contest.
>you are now aware that the comment section is on
Doesn't it implied it was a team?
When is Cherie going to do something french?
When are they going to do something smart?
>twilight is sent to wild to educate the bimbos
What happens?
Bimboitis is infestive and she will learn to relax
Another series is ruined
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>anon lacks imagination
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Hey now, Finley likes purple. Insult purple and you insult her.
>hey Perla, sårry I'm late
is Cocoa Canadian?
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She realizes the Wild crew are better friends than she and the Mane 6 are, and is put to shame.
Kek. The whole show is from a canadian studio
>look how much it's grown!
Perla talking about Anon's peepee
didn't know that!
>The whole show is from a canadian studio
this also explains the weird way Candi pronounces "story" in MY VLOG MY VLOG MY VIDEO LOG
>throwing twilight in everything
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That's... not how pumpkins are supposed to grow. There's a stem on the top, and remains of a flower at the bottom. Stem is obviously connected to roots, it doesn't just end in a random leaf. Did they never seen a pumpkin before?
And strawberries don't grow on bushes either but we let MLP have that one because it's cute
Creamy mane
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Silly anon, that's not how Twilight works.
She learns, she grows, watching the Wild friends would only make her more powerful. She'd take what she learns back home and grow from the experience.
You can not shame her.
Crossover anon, it's called a crossover.
Because they're all equines.
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and me
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>tilly is secretly a genie
>cocoa breaks the 4th wall on a daily basis but no one seems to notice
Coco is a schizo. Dreamer (not Tilly, you silly) loves fucking with her and causing sleep paralysis.
That chair has a crusty three foot long skid mark on it
So does your face.
No, she has #relatable #adorkable panic attacks, magically figures out the solutions at the last moment based on literally nothing, and then trots around morally lecturing everypony and acts like a stuck up cunt who knows shes the main character.
Jealous much.
>acts like a stuck up cunt
You sound like you suffer from a severe case of narcissism, anon.
You're looking at me for that, when you should be looking at your waifu
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Twilight helps others grow and they help her grow in return.
You're just sitting in a corner crying about a fictional horse.
>Twilight helps others grow and they help her grow in return.
This board is for people who have actually watched MLP
Which you obviously haven't.
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Stop trolling and go back to whatever board you came from.
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No, you're stuck with me forever.
Once again the twinigger sharts up another thread. We should tell janny to do it's job, but that would be useless because this is janny doing the sharting.
Anon, it's not a twinigger, it's a guy who knows that people get mad when the character is mentioned.
Don't give a response and they go away. Try being smarter.
Its very obvious its a twinigger stop trying to fool us that its not.
It's not. You're just dumb.
Yes you are
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Don't let your toes stick out the blankets at night or the twinigger under your bed will GET you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111
Janny mad
Yes, I am smarter than you.
vaxx status?
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>I Dreamer Genie
Clever motherfuckers those showrunners be.
Why do schizos always repeat the same script, minor variations at best? It's like it's either that or word salad, sometimes both.
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Woooooo, I'm the twinigger. Give me your friendship~
How many boosters did you get?
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I've been boosting on your mom.
Wow you are still wearing a mask
I like this creeping walk cycle Cocoa does here.
>Anon comes to Wild
>mares go into heat just from his presence
>Anon whips out cock
>Finely spontaneously orgasms
The end

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