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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.

Previous thread: >>41535571
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Best most prettiest horse
I love her so much.
made for hmd
It's complicated, isn't it? Sometimes it feels like a curse, to fall in love with a goddess. She stole my heart.
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My Wife
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made for smooching
that and more
I just wish she was here with me. I hate other people, and this existence.
>what anon sees every evening for the rest of eternity after exchange
more nightgowns
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That's not a good mindset to have.
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whats so meh
made for having twins
she woulsnt like taat you hate other people that might not deserve it
What does her whinny and neigh sound like?
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rather horsey, i'd imagine
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>she forces you to learn proper equestrian with the fillies and colts (she is the teacher)
>honeymoon with celly on a private beach
>somedays she wakes up early and just enjoys the view of the sea, feeling extremely happy with her life
extremely cute
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probably really soft
Smuglestia is a treasure.
When Celestia wrote the old history books, do you think she referred to herself as white or pink?
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Young celly, anyone?
Celestia in the 80s?
teen celly? yes please
Define young.
a green about Celly and Luna dealing with the first major villain of their rule when??
depends how young
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>Celly and Luna dealing with the first major villain of their rule when??
I autistically fantasize about this often. I'm the villain in these scenarios.
I think I can guess how you imagine that they deal with you
Guilty conscious? Or just a glutton for punishment?
What is Celestia's reaction to Canterlot getting sacked by the Goths?
An exceedingly slow warning to the protagonist to seek help from someone that gets cut off before she can finish and actually provide the information
and what are your motivations
>Anon in Equestria becomes Anon in Equestria's Past after one of PurpleSmart's magical experiments goes wrong
>Young Celestia falls head-over-hooves for him because reasons
>Starswirl manages to send him back to the future before shit can get too out-of-hand
>Doesn't even get to finish thinking that "At least that's over," before getting jumped by Present Celestia
not that anon, but i'd wind up a Nox-tier villian siphoning magic in a desperate yet futile attempt to bridge the gap between worlds and return home
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>I think I can guess how you imagine that they deal with you
They team up and get me rock hard if you know what I mean
>Guilty conscious? Or just a glutton for punishment?
>and what are your motivations
Jaded monkey man loses last additional bit of hope he didn't know he still had, and he wants it back
she calls twilight
Go on...
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Boop on, boop double on?
Sounds interesting I would read a green about that. Especially for the eventual redemption and marriage.
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>great again
S'always been great, though.
why are they wearing socks
Sounds like a good end to me.
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is she a good driver?
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Is she good to drive?
Yeah man! Only had like, 3 or 4 tallcans.
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Happy Thanksgiving!
I want turkey now leg now
whats the pony equivalent of thanksgiving?
Horses aren't good drivers in general.
Technically hearthswarming as a kind of thanksgiving/christmas fusion
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>"...Anonymous, is that Rum Cake?"
>"Did someone in your family make Rum Cake?"
No :(
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God I wish
Does she try to get smashed by rum cake?
i want to boop noses with celestia
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Would Celly even be susceptible to alcohol?
>Celestia as written by Armando Iannucci
Sadly she's too front-and-centre to be a Malcolm Tucker, but a foul-mouthed Raven Inkwell going around cleaning up clusterfucks does speak to me.
>she's too front-and-centre to be a Malcolm Tucker
She being Celestia, I mean.
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I'd share if you were here, I took a big piece.
all ponies are
joblestia would die if she had beer
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I don't know. But I want to cuddle with drunklestia.
To this day one of the best images.
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So what does she get sloshed on? Hard to imagine it's wine, a mare her size is gonna need some strong shit. I don't doubt for a second she makes her own moonshine, if not downs straight up ethanol.
>makes her own moonshine
That seems like it'd be more Luna's thing.

>only thing that can get Celestia drunk is Luna's moonshine
>the Nightmare Moon incident and her sister's resulting banishment meant Celestia had to go cold turkey on top of losing her only family and having to rule all Equestria by herself
Why would brewing moonshine only be for Luna? Because it has moon in the name? You realise moonshine isn't an actual drink right? It's just bootleg alcohol.
Fine wine. I don't see someone as regal and self controlled as Celestia getting "sloshed". A moderate glass of the finest wine for discerning enjoyment, rather than guzzling back everclear/windshield washer fluid to get shittered like some back alley bum.
>Inb4 teetotaler
>someone as regal and self controlled as Celestia
Keeping in mind that she deliberately gets the Grand Galloping Gala trashed every year.
There's trashing others and then there's trashing yourself anon....
sun butt.
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She's a big white horse goddess with a mischievous streak, I'm not gonna be talked down from the idea that she guzzles the hard stuff she brews strong enough to cause a microbial holocaust until she blacks out every once in a while. Ponies in general seem to be alcoholics going by what happens in Cider season, which isn't surprising since actual horses literally distill booze in their gut as a side product of digestion. Sunnybuns isn't some pansy aristocrat.
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Celly has been the sole ruler of Equestria, for at least a thousand years, having to deal with all the bullshit that a developing society comes up with on her own.
You can bet your ass she drinks like a horse.
i fucking love her so much it hurts
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i want her to hurt me
emotionally or physically?
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I love Celestia. She is my based retard who couldn't stop her sister from being autistic without banishing her for 1000 years. Am I retarded for liking her? Sure. She has no character except being the messiah who is laid low by the proof that she's just a regular person...but I also find Daybreaker sexy, so that's fine.
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it would make it feel real
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We have to lure Celly back to page 1
would she eat a steak?
To be clear, Celestia is beyond pony norms.
Would blood dissuade her from a meal?
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>tfw you're the stupid fucking nigger that led heavy infantry into the woods and stole them from the Empress (by getting them all killed in a tragic tree accident)
Pretty sure she wouldn't do that. It doesn't feel like it would align with her values.
If the meat is already dead, she'd gladly eat it.
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cute celly
Shit is too based
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love this guys stuff
the model is evolving
This model looks similar to the ones that Clopician uses.
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first sunday of the last month
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You don't have any grey hair. I do.
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i want some buns
Celly is LIVE bros
Fine wine.
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I would join her
>all the time
Literally. She's fricking immortal.
And that's a good thing.
Until you remind her that while she is, you're not
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>"I can fix that."
Wouldn't it cause problems if she could just make people immortal whenever she wants?
How curt.
The way I see it, she can't actually make you immortal per se. What she can do is 'share' some of her remaining life with you. But since she's immortal, she loses nothing, unlike if a normal, albeit highly magically skilled, pony performed the same spell. Alternatively, age regression. It's not technically immortality and going back to before I'd fucked up my back would be nice.
It's a soul-binding thing that can only be done to the person she loves.
There's gotta be a law against binding someone's SOUL without their consent
Why did you immediately assume it would be non-consensual?
she makes the rules
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Because the premise of the picture that started this is that Anon is a crabby old man who won't leave his house and make friends
Oh, right.
Well anyways that doesn't matter because Celestia can consent on your behalf.
no, why?
besides she wouldnt go around making anyone immortal, only the important people in her life like her loved one
Because it's the princess version of >rape.
>badly rattled and at a loss for anything else to do, you turn off the lights and go to hide in a closet
>who knows- maybe she'll get bored or hungry and bugger off?
>you're contemplating whether to go check if she's still there when suddenly there's a scent of vanilla and a soft voice right next to your ear
>"Found you, Sunshine."
Ever do I wait for the
>Celestia's unreciprocated obsession with some stallion/(You) but she's increasingly dismissive of boundaries and it's not cute and actually a slow-burn cat/mouse psychological horror
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What is Celestia doing right now?
Me of course, her husband.
The horror part kind of doesn't work when you like her though.
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Well of course, the horror is what makes the obsession hot by making it intense.
i shouldnt but
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What are they talking about?
probably fausticorn wondering when she will have great-grandfoals to spoil
Skipping a generation there aren't you?
celestia's parents are queen singularity and papa
white (black and white hole respectively)
>Two random ass OCs instead of the show creator
then ignore me if it makes you upset
i'm an anonymous faggot on the internet
you're an anonymous faggot on the internet
but we're both here because we love the sunhorse
Touchy, touchy
telling her how cute our foals would look
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eggnog made with sun milk
god bless AI
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Unf. Would share a candy cane with.
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I bet you can't even nollie tre' flip into a fs grind and fakie double flip out of it, poser.
Is she going to teach me if i say no?
Sure. Teaching others is a large part of what she does.
What do you think Celestia's chariot license plate reads?
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Anything to appear younger to Anon.
Older mature mares trying to be hip are my fetish.
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i wouldnt even respond, too busy kissing it
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when is the next one
They should've gone with cushions here. Chairs work poorly with ponies.
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big flanks
As sneaky as a sunbeam can be, I suppose.
What's up with her tail? What pose could she be in to produce this result? My best guess would be on her back with her hind legs tucked in, ass facing the sky?
She lowered her dock to hide the tail, but a little bit just keeps floating up
the real question is
will you have foals or kids with her? if foals, alicorn or unicorns?
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Triplets. One foal, one human, one satyr. The foal and the satyr are alicorns, the human is straight up magical. I will not elaborate.
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is she?
>purple porker
>not the heaviest
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One ton of mare
perfect for healthy and strong foals
Racer C.
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>green shots
Smells like changelings.
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universe mare
universe mare
size of the entire universe mare
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Why does she swing it so much? The second panel is literally the very next frame after the first panel by the way.
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its dangerous
It really is. It covered like 2 or 3 feet in 40ms from almost a stand still. That thing's a battering ram.
>Second frame
I was right! They did make her butt bigger as the series progressed!
imagine the bump she could give you with that
I want her to bump me into the sky until I disappear in a flash like fucking team rocket
i want her to bump me so hard i crash against a wall leaving a hole in the shape of my body
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i love her
What did she see?
She saw (You)
Oh come on, I'm not that bad, am I?
Warning: Do not let sit on your face!
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>How may I help you today, Princess CeCeCe?
youre not my boss
What if she lies squarely on you?
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Alicorn metabolism, right?
would she share it with me?
Of course. She's just as slim as always.
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does the 'alicorn metabolism' help with alcohol tolerance, as well?
Yeah shut up you're loud I can't hear the paper.
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The Fat Princess!
What happens if Celestia forgets it's Sunday? How do you tell her?
i bake something good for her that says its sunday
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You mean delightfully thick.
Drunklestia can be fun though. See A Drop of Moonshine for example.
My fat Princess
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probably not
>human cheeks
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what is she dressed as in here?
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A Bōsōzoku maybe?
Every day is Sun Day!
Why does the fandom give bugfags a pass for the same things it shits on sunfags for?
Such as?
like what?
I have no idea what you mean.
we both get a pass
I know of bugfags getting a pass for their bullshit while sunfags are given more trouble for less, but I don't think there's overlap between the two.
why should i care
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cant we be friends?
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Historically they've kept to their side and we've stayed on ours.
Crazy there's no /moon/ thread. At least I have sun though
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Yeah, I can't recall any large drama between the two threads. And I'm fine with that.
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Lol because all their threads are busy revolving around body horror and terrible fetishes.
I honestly don't care as long as they do their shit over there.
id love making a scarf for her
>Sunbutt dressing in your clothes and imitating you mockingly
I believe it, and it would make me love her more
Who is she impersonating you to?
Wasn't there a pic where Anon tries to wear her regalia too?
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Oh boy, what have you done this time?
Ate all the eggs. Her cakes will be terrible.
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Did you know that blood can serve as a substitute for egg yolk?
>I want you inside me Anon
>No not like that, though I still do want to take in one of your bodily fluids…
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The only normal post during these hours. Everyone else like "Nah put yo blood in her cake, goofy ahh" and my dude right here sticks with the tried & true ASS shot. Thank you.
Egg yolks will free us all.
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Can I warm my hands up in Celestia's ponut?
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yes, it's very hot
why with that?
you should warm your hands with a hug
this but their teats together
Gotta educate that there Twi-ly
Not sure if Luna looks concerned or envious.
Can you toast marshmallows in her ponut too?
This anon gets it.
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i want her to hurt me
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>she grabs your fist in her magic and makes you hit yourself while telling you to stop hitting yourself
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i'll take it
What would happen id I licked the tip of that sword?
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You'd be chosen for "bravery in the face of mortal danger".
Chosen for what? ...Who knows?
I have a hunger that only Celestia or Fleur or Rarity can sate
It will be hot, that's for sure.
me too but not excessively
i would be eating it everyday
Celly has no mouth.
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>okami is getting a sequel with blockman directing
how will she eat
what would she gift (You) for christmas?
Teleport the cake right into herself.
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Eternal sun
She who is without a second
Biblically accurate Celestia?
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>Depart from my sight, accursed one
>Writhe in the pit I hath prepar- Oh, it's just you Twilight.
I want to make out with Celestia's ponut.
I don't get how anyone can come up with the idea to see this kind of, uh? anatomy(?), as holy. This looks as if she came straight out of a Lovecraftian nightmare story.
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>Don't question my ways, blasphemer.
>Now take your body of harmony, drink the friendship wine and shut it.
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Pre-christianity, god and angels were more on the side of eldritch by default, they weren't holy because they were beautiful or benevolent, they were holy because they were completely alien to human conception and representative of the creator's will. It was only with western adoption after christianity that they began to be depicted in human friendly terms. The pantheons of most religions have traditionally been unfriendly to humans if not neutral, and rarely benevolent.

Early humans liked the idea of being stepped on by things beyond their comprehension it seems.
or maybe they were high as fuck on some strange plants and their imagination ran off with their brains
>Early humans liked the idea of being stepped on by things beyond their comprehension it seems.
Yes that's what I'm getting at, don't go stirring yourself into atheist hysterics.
>Early humans liked the idea of being stepped on by things beyond their comprehension it seems.
Guess that's got something to do with their environment. When your life is difficult and everything is trying to kill you, benevolence does not seem to be a theme of the world. Then again, that has never really changed either.
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any "biblically accurate" thing is people misinterpretin the bibble
for a while you had actual idiots believing that conventional angels did not exist in the bible when that wasnt the case and when this beautiful mare exists
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>imagine having to pay attention to a thread dedicated to you
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>Early humans liked the idea of being stepped on by things beyond their comprehension it seems.

I want Biglestia to come stomp me.
That sounds painful.
i want to ride on her back
She'll (gently) stomp the knot out of your back.
I want this Celestia to sit on my face.
imagine the cake she eats
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cozy Celly
Why is Young celestia pink?
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She used to eat a lot of shrimp.
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A new Celestia art pack just came out:
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Weapon's grade sexy.
i want to be cozy with her reading a book
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>Celly's feathers act like that of a flamingo
It's kinda strange, but I could see that.
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Feed the Princess
I like the solar spirit piece, she has rape face.
>tfw thinking about commissioning some pregnant sunbutt
>the artist does one size: big
Should I do it, lads?
I didn't think bahnbahn even drew pony anymore
No, Bahnbahn still draws ponies, at a variety of sizes. I have a commission with her planned to get a size between normal and hyper for an old commission of Princess Celestia she did. No, I'm thinking of Whiterabbit95. He's already drawn her twice, but both times were anthro, whereas I'd want the princess as she truly is.

Nice choice of image, by the way.
go for it
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Take cover, Empress
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that reminds me of one of my favorite flawed stories, anon is some modern dickensian orphan in london and he ends up coming back to equestria via portal(along with his bully) shit happens and it turns out that anon is like a mary sue who was celestias first love when humans were still around in equestria or something. anyway he has aminesia about that and basicaly she is trying to get him to remember and also fully love her again, also a ton of mary sue shit happens. its not a great story but i kinda like some of the ideas
i dont know if she gets shit faced faced but i do think she allows her self to buzzed around friends/*you"

my head canon is she is like 6 foot tall at head, like almost normal horse sized. everyone else is like 4 or 3 feet
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She is always taller than (You) so she can call you her little human
Sounds like Zamairiac. He mostly does yandere.
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she can do it herself
How big are we talking?
Here's the first Princess Celestia he drew:

Here's a similar Princess Luna:
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well the ponies ones are ok i guess
How to get more vitamin Celly?
“Hey Celly, when I put on my shoes I should be around face level with you but I never am, do you do something to get taller around me?”
I'm fine with that.
maybe not
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I don't think she would openly eat cake in the throne room.
>Feeding cake to pony sun princess in sexy socks.
I wish I could do this.
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Incognito Celly please
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
Basically the comic version of Sunny Skies All Day Long.
Would you cheat on Celly with her bros?
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Maximum incognito
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>"Your sister Luna, whatever happened there."
Jesus Christ Carmine..
with that pegasus version? No
with Daybreaker... i must say no too as hard as it is
You can hardly call either of them cheating. They're both Celestia.
who is this? she is cute
Yeah but if you didn't know that then it'd still be you at least trying to cheat on Celestia.
I wonder if she'd do that to try and test you.
nah i dint think she is the type to test if you are faithful
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>Yeah but if you didn't know that
I could kind of buy that with the Pegasus one. Daybreaker, not so much. You'd have to suffer from a massive stroke to miss the connection between her and Celly.
she does on sundays
How does Celly react to being jump scarred?
She bucks you into the upper atmosphere
What if some pony (or just some thing) else did it?
She'd buck them into the upper atmosphere
Too late, lol. I guess I just won't share it with you guys once it's done. Since the guy offers a second character for no extra charge, Princess Luna's also in it.
>jump scarred
Ouch. Please refrain from scarring sunny buns.
not well
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>Saved by the filter
Praise be
Her bits wink just as much.
Saved by never clicking on Derpi links. Which tags were it?
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How does she pull off 'adorkable' so well?
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Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop
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Big pone that occasionally behaves like a little pone, which makes it a little more awkward and adorable.
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Also, Celly is supposed to be this multi-millennial old monarch, ruler of the most prosperous species on the planet, literal goddess of the sun, etc. etc... So, every little cute thing she does is amplified by the contrast.
by being tall
Does that mean that surprise birthday parties are out of the question?
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Where did Celly go wrong in raising Twilight?
maybe more
>anthro, hoers, huge areola, hyper pregnancy, impossibly large breasts
>anthro and hoers in one
People who do that ought to get stoned.
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I see my favorite thread with my favorite princess is up
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do sunfags really?
>1000 years go by
>Celestia regrows the "moon" into lush landscape
>Turns it into the Equestria we know today
>Luna's planet dies off due to lack of sunlight
>She becomes the mare on the moon once again
I like to think Celestia shows up unannounced to ponies weddings just to snag a slice of the wedding cake, and it's this behaviour that started the tradition of having cakes at weddings for them, the ponies started having them made more elaborate and tasty to attract her attention so their marriage could get her blessing.
Okay but where do the ponies come from?
They came via the snow pussy
She can make almost everything look adorable somehow.
would you do the same?
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I wouldn't take a picture, the flash might wake her up
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I would probably do more
Nah, I'd just enjoy the cuddle.
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everyone without the celly flag is a traitor to the thread and board, and WILL be summarily executed
In a sexual way?
She speedran evolving them. The only difference is that the new ponies were a bit shorter than the old ones.
I'm no flagfag
not true, shw won my heart
Celestia is a sexy jobber so its ok.
yeah. thats it. i wouldnt put that story fully as yandre. she straight up loves the mary sue and is basicaly bending over backward to make him love her again though she clearly lies about different stuff. that being said, i dont think celly is the type to do that to someone she loved, i feel like if long gone young love anon came back, she probably would lose her shit forwhile but basicaly sit him down and talk to him for like 2 days straight to see if he remembered anything or if he still loved her and etc.
Did she take over the world WITH SMILES?
What is that?
thats how it is
I mean there are mentions of an agency called SMILE. So that's not out of the question.
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>"Heh, you know if you can't produce anymore SMILE, Kaido-Lestia's gonna kill you.."
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What would your Celestia be?
Depends, did I go down with the knife or not?

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