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Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Previously on PTFG:

https://ponepaste.org/10537 - Moth on the bulb by OrwellRedenbacher - New & Complete!
>>40293205 - Beach Walk
https://ponepaste.org/10464 - Misadventures of Orwell Redenbacher by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/10421 - Last moments by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10320 - Cathode Ray Mission by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10334 - Pon-E suicide funk by Gnisha - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10269 - Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10206 - Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/9446 - Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer
https://ponepaste.org/9707 - Anu by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/10203 - Cardboard Cutouts by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/10220 - Of Beaks and Bullets by Kiyote
https://ponepaste.org/10173 - Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122 - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10081 - Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9985 - Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10012 - A Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/7247 - The Pon-E Rewrites: Purple Black Gray by Alycorn
https://ponepaste.org/9521 - Nemetona by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/9720 - Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9600 - War Story by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9485 - Monster musume pony tf 1 Papi - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9477 - Untitled Short Pet Story #1 by definitelynotapurplehorse - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9470 - New Moon
https://ponepaste.org/9450 - Twin Moon by Advisability - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/8991 - Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha
https://ponepaste.org/8967 - A Mare & Her Shark by NeaSunrise - Complete!
https://fimfiction.net/story/537021 - A Mirror, Brightly by Fructose
https://derpy.me/wxs - WXS volume 1
https://fimfiction.net/story/535796 - The Montana Outbreak by Neighpalm
https://fimfiction.net/story/532512 - Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari
https://ponepaste.org/8902 - Cannon for sale by Pinkening
https://ponepaste.org/8904 - Experiment R41NB0W D45H by Le Operator
https://ponepaste.org/8325 - Horsegirl by Neighpalm
https://ponepaste.org/8210 - My First Maregasm by anonfilly

Archive of over 600 stories, as well as additional links and materials:
Past threads index:
Unrated TF image dump thread:
Recommended stories for new readers:

Previous Thread:
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tf shit i kind of get i'd love to have a stallion bro it'd probably make for some fun convos but i don't really get why all of you insist on being girls? why not just be a stallion? you'd probably be more respected
I'm not gay
>not the image I suggested for OP
Now where's a question for you. Would you feel old and nasty if you were a pony with grey hair?
I'm gay
1. Submissive agp fantasies.
2. Desire to be closer to your favorite characters by being like them.
3. Wanting to enjoy a mare's social role, be more emotionally vulnerable, openly childish in some ways, but still valued just for being. A bit sad that some anons can't imagine this without being a girl.
4. At least for me personally, when I fantasize about being male in equestria, I prefer to imagine myself human, so it's not relevant to this thread.
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Sounds like the kind of question asked by someone who's insecure about their hair turning grey. Why don't you be a chad like me by embracing becoming a silver fox, and be insecure about your receding hairline instead?
I'd be totally okay with having a grey mane, or even white. There are plenty of ponies that are young and/or in great shape for their ages that also boast some shade of grey - Fleetfoot, Daring Do, Linky, even Silver Spoon.
Grey (and greying) manes are certainly more prevalent with older ponies, but given how common it is with young ponies I doubt there'd be much of a stigma.
If anything, there could be some positive stigma since Mayor Mare was willing to dye her mane - an act worthy of being called a scandal - to obtain a grey appearance.
Clearly we need more stories about happy, successful people becoming ponies.
Is your fetish thread dead? You even have the b8 OP file up but there just doesn't seem to be anything going on in here.
>inb4 doomer newfag
What do you have against Grassy Pastures?
Thank you for asking
>ten thousand character long post describing how much of a cuck and a fag you'd have to be to headcanon TF instead of staying human
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sorry hard to type with hooves
What kind of story do you want from that set up?
>Accomplished athlete, firefighter, or person in another "Manly" profession gets pone'd and yoinked to equestria
>Hates it at first, isn't able to wrap his head around it, trying too hard to remain detached, misses his life
>Pony friend gets him to open up a bit and start taking equestria for what it is
>His unique human perspective allows him to help his new pony friends a few times, but also causes problems when he fails to question it
>He slowly adopts a more equestrian perspective, and see it's benefits
>He gets the chance to return to earth and takes it
>What he learned in equestria sticks with him, he's grown as a person, but is hit with unexpected cultureshocks from just how much he's changed
>Misses hayburgers. May revisit equestria again
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Why does this artist only draw one theme?
forcing anon mare to cum so hard that she farts
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Added to the story archive.
Wait, she was lonely and friendless, so she decided to become something that requires love to live? Is she really that stupid?
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Yes, I've been indirectly exposed to this "world" and there's a girl who wants to become a fish despite the fact that she seems to have a stable friend group and would, at best, be released into a stream never to see anything but the underside of a body of water again. Seems like all the trannies in question are thinking more with their cocks than with any sort of reason, it's really annoying. We need more good tf comic ideas but the animal hrt group has been a mishandled mess from the beginning
>animal hrt
God, premarin is so erotic
I wonder, how deep into marehood could you go within your dreams? Could you use lucid dreaming to force yourself to sink so deep that you spend a considerable amount of time as a mare, while fully believing that you aren't dreaming and being fully cognizant of your surroundings?
Ikr, god. I want a mare to force me to drink her piss until I become a mare too
I essentially already dream like this, minus the mare part. Higher realism and cognizance makes it much more difficult to recognize the illusion, I can even read parts of books and do math problems in my dreams and the illusion is difficult to notice because by the time something shifts it's a minute detail on the previous page. I can't use techniques to make myself a mare because it's not something I can toggle, just the default.
Which writefags to read?
Check the OP for the new stories!
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You should read mine.
What's your name?
Can link some stuff you've written then? I'm fucking starving over here
What kind of stories do you like to read?
Sure. The link is in the OP. >>41682584
Okay... if this is a bid to get me to read all the stories in the OP it's not gonna work because I wrote some of them. Can't you just tell me who you are?
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Something humorous, I guess. I've had enough of petfaggotry wishfulfillment.
I like this story quite a bit - primarily for its humorous aspects - and if you're the kind of person who's read a lot of pony TF already, that makes the experience all the better.
Not him but I like unaware TFS with reality shifts
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I'd be more than willing to be a colt, but every cursed knick-knack, doodad, thingamajiggy, whatchamacallit, or what have you keeps turning me into a mare, consarnit!
she'll get tired eventually
Why would you want the victim to not know that they've transformed?
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are drones allowed here?
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Yeah, i'm not sure what kind of methods lucid dreamers would use to become someone or something else than their own default self in their dreams
>saw an image of an anon turning into a pony pussy/reverse transformation
is there more of this?
Equestria is a matriarchy
yes. this thread is kept alive by one bump slave.
I mean most of the tf/tg art is nsfw
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personally im a fan of off screen/instant tf
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I wish I were a mare
Are there any like instant tf fimfics where Anon finds a portal to Equestria, but transforms instantly into a pony when passing through it? Kinda like reverse EQG
Oh yeah? Take a look in the mirror.
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yeah didn't work
try casting your spell properly next time
Because it's my fetish. Having the ultimate power over someone's body and mind. Having secret knowledge no one else has.
i dont jerk off to being a pony but i do jerk off to having sex as a pony perhaps with a human!
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I feel like there should be more transformation where ponies aren't the end step
ptfg. known 4chan extremist, will forcible make you into a pony. Pony conversions are up 250% and soon we fear all of American will be made pretty little ponies....
I think Well of Pirene is the most well-known story that hits on this trope, but it's not exceptionally rare as far as pony TF fics go.
any chance this extremist might go international?
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I've seen people talk about the Chinese MLP:FiM scene growing in recent years.
I often wonder if there's a burgeoning contingent of Chinese people interested in becoming a pony that don't interact much with the generally-western side of the fandom that I do.
I've spoken with some Chinese pony TF fans, but it's only been a couple of them.
I love seeing people of other nations and cultures get into ponyshit. We need to disseminate pro-pony propaganda in India and it'd fix all of their problems.
I don't think I've ever met a single pony fan from India, let alone a TFfag. But there's almost a billion and a half people there; surely one of them goes to sleep praying for Ganesha to turn them into a little mare when they awake.
>take her last bits
>buy an ice cream
>eat it in front of her
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Hey abbo hey abscissa hey abdominal hey abstracted hey abnormal hey absolution hey abdul hey abbo

Get a job faggot
Mares are more respected than stallions, both here and in Equestria.
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>on an air mattress in a large bright room
>knock on my door
>a lot of knocking
>get up to open it and it opens automatically swinging inward before i get to it
>two people in the doorway smiling
>a tall blond woman and my mother behind her
>"hi there anon, i have a gift for you." says the blond woman
"what is it."
>"its fifteen dollars here, since you and another patent were the only ones that signed up for the give away, you won."
>she towers over me
>i must be the height of a colt
>i take the ticket from her in my hooves as she leans down to give it to me
>it looks like one of those raffle tickets that comes off a big roll, turning it over theres a column of letters on the back written in glitter gel pen
>some of the sandy glitter comes off on my hoof
>the blond says nothing and walks off
"where am i?" i ask my mother
>"you really should stop taking those drugs anon."
>since they arrived in the doorway someone had been playing an loud repeating riff on a bass guitar in the background
>seeing im bothered by it she goes to find the source to stop it for me
>the door shuts as i walk back into the room to cacophonous yelling beyond it in the institution hall as soon as it shuts
>i walk to the large bright windows of the room to look out them
>and then i wake up
i had been dozing off listening to music earlier
didnt expect a tf dream like that just now
i havent even thought of anything tf related in the longest time
most of the tf dreams i have feel accidental like that too
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There's this https://poneb.in/bsWZvY0i
Are a couple
>"When I get to Equestria, I'm going to be a complete cunt!"
The result:
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Hey abbo, ablordess, abstbejdjfnbfjsjs, abe, hey abbo, hey abduction, hey about, hey abs, hey abscissa

Get a job
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No problem. Mayor Mare is still hot.
There's definitely something to consider about our frens outside of the anglosphere.
0 for 2 here, this anon spouts LIES and SLANDER!
That's crazy, no-one ever gets to turn back into a human.
If you go deep enough to find Luna the dream world becomes the real world and vice versa.
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comfy story inspired by this https://youtu.be/Lo01VEwaV-c?si=egN73YC7GChby_Sd

>be me, laying in bed, trying to go to sleep
>listening to a ponyville ambience video
>vivid imagination starts painting a picture of me, rhythmically trotting about, my tail swishing in the wind as I explore my surroundings
>the afternoon sun feels so warm on my fur
>it’s almost like I can really feel my ears flicking and turning to listen closely to my hooves clicking on the pavement
>find a warm spot on the grass to lay and watch ponies go by, finding comfort in listening to their mundane conversations
>slowly I feel my eyes closing for a short nap, my breaths getting longer and deeper


>I open my eyes to see two hooves laying on my chest
>…and the sudden craving for oats
I can’t still be dreaming, right…?!
>slowly, I get up from the bed, but my body feels so different that I end up falling on the floor, right on my flank
>my bedroom seems so different for some reason… and I can hear faint chatter and hooves clacking outside
>the sudden noise of me falling alerted some(pony?) upstairs, the door swinging open with a familiar face approaching me
“are you okay, anon? I heard a commotion up here”
>a long pink mane and tail, buttery yellow fur… Fluttershy!?
>I shook my head in disbelief, blinking rapidly to wake myself up from this dream
what’s going on? how did I get here in…ponyville?!
>the quiet mare looked at me with soft, kind eyes and offered a hoof to help me up
“it’s a long story… but Twilight said that your mind’s eye is very powerful and if somepony demonstrated enough focus on any given topic, it will become a reality.”
>her hoof is soft and fluffy in mine as I grab it and attempt to stand up
>although I am a bit wobbly, it feels almost natural to be standing this way, with my four hooves on the ground
“um…h-how about we go downstairs for a cup of tea and I can try to explain it all?”
>her warm smile assures me that everything will be okay
Focus overwriting reality? The existential crisis of knowing I live in a subjective reality would drive me mad.
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It would be cool if this but Celestia.
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Kek that’s true. I kind of meant it as in how magic works in mlp, like there would still be limitations to what you can and can’t do
It's a little cute, but what does our mystery pony look like?
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I wouldn't think of it as being any more subjective than the reality you're currently in - so long as nothing is retroactively being changed.
Now, yes, waking up in Equestria is a big change, but at its core it's no different in principle from falling asleep drunk and being unsure how you got there come morning.
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This is some good shit, anon!
More like Abbortion.
Seriously though, love you bro.
I wrote some of them too, but they (I'm guessing they are OP) are so fruity they'd be 22 of the 23 flavours in Dr. Pepper.
>I wrote a story with gay
Anon, do you realize how little that narrows it down?
Just double checked, none of the stories I wrote are actually gay in focus.

The anon who I was talking is definitely 200% gay.
Try Ranger.
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Zamn, just realized. Is Bort still around?
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Hey abbo hey abscissa hey ab hey The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

Oh yeah I forgot to say, get a job
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The weather outside is frightful but the pony TF is so delightful.
A small bat pony filly starts appearing in your dreams. Every night the dreams become more vivid. After a month only now do you being to find yourself somewhat lucid in them, able to clearly remember her words.
>Nonny Moose. Nonny Mooooooose. I am New Moon, your new goooodess. Wooooo.
She makes spooky noises and talks as such.
>I want to remake this world in my image. I deseeerve to. Let me remake yooooou in my image, nonny moooose. And you'll get magic powers and stuff in exchange.
>I won't be happy until everybody on this planet is a bat pony loyal to me. And that includes you so bow down to me! Please.
She drops the act about halfway through, seemingly tired. She lifts her head with pride but keeps one eye open to nervously watch if you actually bow to her.
>I gently ruffle her mane.
D'aww, you're such a cute goddess. Do you want me to read you Machiavelli for bedtime?
>I'm being serious! I can really make you a bat pony like me! Don't you want to be a bat pony?
>The stupid spell... it was only supposed to send me into the dreams of people who wanna be bat ponies...
New Moon starts pouting in frustration.
>And I don't need you to read me bedtime stories! For your information, my Dad already does that.
>And guess what else? My Dad also already told me about the... the machi... the mecha-villians so I know not to be a mecha-villian. I'm a good god who's nice to bat ponies..
Oh I want to be a bat, I just don't want to bow to you until I know you deserve it. "It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles", after all. To remake the world in your image without getting into unessicary fights, you have a lot to learn about leadership and " mecha-villans". Probably starting with not introducing yourself with ambitions for world domination.
>I already told you my Dad says stuff like that to me all the time, okay?
>And I call it being 'honest'. I don't lie to anyone. I'm a god. The world is gonna change for me. Those are just facts.
>I never started any fights, either. the humans were mean to us. And I defeated their evil organization cause I'm a god! I even forgave the ones who became my bat ponies.
>I won so hard that now my dad's negotiating with the president.
New Moon finally regains her prideful stance, puffing herself up as she says that.
>so like, the more bat ponies are around, the more we can get out of them. Though personally, I think everyody's gotta become a bat pony for there to be peace. So... I gotta make a lot more bat either way, okay?
>I shake my head
No, you aren't winning, you've made most humans scared of you and scared of bat ponies. You need to get people to trust you and your rule to treat them well. When you force people to become bat ponies, they're going to remember that you didn't give them a choice. You need to take things slower. Focus on building your kingdom to be strong and loyal rather than building it to be big.
>You don't understand. Humans were always afraid of me. They always hated me. If you won't help me, I'll find someone who will.
New Moon shoves something into your hands then walks off into the darkness. The object is just a small, metal bat medallion.
You awake suddenly and don't get long to wonder if that was a dream. The same, small token she put in your hand has manifested in reality. On the back is a sketchy website adress. The kind you'd immediately assume was from a scammer.
who is
I attach the medallion to my belt buckle and pretend to be batman.
Nothing happens. Days pass. However, you start to hear reports on the internet of other people seeing New Moon in their dreams. Reports of bat pony sightings are becoming increasingly common. Footage of a few even appears on Youtube. But the news is determined not to report on any of it.
So, show accurate anon, tis the season for MLP-ified reindeer TF, yes?
im not showstyle I just found it on derpi
sad days
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>"Hey abbo"
>Your laptop fan howls on your desk, the musty smell of british humidity fills your nose from a worn out AC
>You idly check the /PTFG/ thread again. Nothing new, other than this annoying asshole going
>"Hey abbo"
>You lazily start reading the next line, head feeling even heavier than normal
>You should probably get that checked out, but you know how the NHS is
>"Hey abbo"
>You read the next line of this stupid fucking copypasta
>Its all just a game to see how this person is going to tell you to get a job
>as if you haven't fucking tried in this economy
>"Hey abbo"
>Your head is absolutely pounding
>maybe you really should get that checked out
>or at least take some pain meds or something
>"Dear Madam abbo, my fair lady"
>You blow a strand of pink hair out of your eyes
>You should probably get a haircut or something
>welfare money isn't enough to get that as much as you want, but
>"Hey abbo"
>You feel an uncomfortable feeling around your groin
>yeah, you should definitely get this checked out
>but only until after you finish reading this
>"Hey abscissa"
>You check your posture. Is it you, or did your desk raise up?
>or are you shrinking slightly?
>"Hey abscissae"
>Your skin starts feeling very itchy
>You look down to take your shirt off, only to see that your hands are-
>You get off as best you can off your chair, standing upright feels unconfortable, but
>Your pants and underwear slide off just in time for a pinkish tail to join your growing pinkish hair
>It sounds like its coming from somewhere in the room
>wings shoot out of your back, ripping your shirt
>its all happening at once, you're unsure why, or how or if you should call for-
>The feeling, it creeps up your neck
>you let out a high pitched, feminine squeal
>thats definitely not your old voice, not that you really liked it, but its definitely was not that"
>Whats going on?
>You start frantically galloping around, slipping and falling on clothes and garbage in your small apartment, looking for whats going on
>Who the fuck is saying that?
>You look wildly around, seeing nobody
>You run into the bathroom, hopping up and using your front hooves to look at yourself in your bathroom sinks mirror
>A pony, eyes rapidly turning to a pinkish purple, looks back at you
>You faint
>"Abbo you fag!"
>You wake up in a bed
>Your eyes dart around the room
>It looks like a homey apartment, math books and medical textbooks scattered around}
>"Wh, wha-"
>"Oh good you're finally awake"
>You finally notice the white pegasus mare near the bed, hair colored in orange and white streaks
>"cmon abbo, we got work in an hour, and I don't want to be late again"
>You sigh
First thing I've done for the thread, wrote it in under an hour. Also get a job abbo!
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>It happens just a few days later. The emergency presidential alert system!
>The president reveals that yes, bat ponies are real. But only bat ponies. The government isn't keeping anything else from you.
>He explains that they are extra-dimensional horrors. An invasive species spreading like a disease! They are pure evil and must be hated at all costs.
>If a bat pony bites you, you turn into one. You must avoid the bats at all costs. Anyone turned into a bat will be arrested.
>Soon the president is declaring martial law, placing everyone under quarintine until they can 'figure out what's happening'.

>You go to youtube, finding several videos posted by bat ponies. They get quickly deleted but keep coming. You see one with New Moon in the thumbnail but she's not the only one. It seems there's more than one group of bat ponies... you wonder who to listen to.
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Not sure if anypony cares, but I think I might leave Interstate as abandoned. If anypony does care, I hope this leaves them with some closure. If (You) wanted to know more about the outline of where the story was going, I can divulge details because honestly I think that'd probably be more interesting than the long-form content. Some things look better in your head, which is an irony that probably shouldn't have been lost on me given the nature of the story. Also haven't been feeling the setting lately, human life is depressing and it's a long way home.
This is sad news. It was a fun story.

I'm not copying 9,300 words into the thread or ponepaste today, you'll have to make do with a fimfiction link.
we all go home one day, just have to hold on until then
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>You clutch your rifle in your hands
>the thunder of artillery around your trench begins
>The sounds of boots, a hundred men
>your hands shaking
>your mind racing
>the sound of brass
>voices crass
>bullets fly out of your rifle as quickly as you can fire
>as the enemy breaches through the wire
>and then it all stops
>no more thoughts

>You clutch your rifle in your hooves
>the thunder of artillery around your trench begins
>It feels like it never ends
>The sounds of hooves, a hundred strong
>Whatever peace is not for long
>A new body, in a new land
>but some horrors, never end
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Did anyone have this story, because it popped up next to it while I was looking for another one but the link is broken and the author no longer has it.
Yeah dw I gotchu
thank you anons
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Well fuck. Species war is not a good thing. Well let's see how new moon is handling this, I hope she realizes the gravity of her situation and isn't panicking.
Like a true hero, you sit around at home watching youtube videos all day

It doesn't strike you as if all the bat ponies are united.

One of the first is from a red haired mare with a big herd of bat ponies behind her.
>Hello. If anyone is watching this, I want you to know that not all of us are on the side of the bat ponies transforming people against their will. My colony has only transformed humans who wanted it or under dire self defense.
>We only want to be left alone to live in the woods. Myself and the few who were born bat ponies were brought here against our will as foals by a magical portal mishap.

They all seem to keep that part of the story straight.
Next you click on a video that has a drawing of New Moon on her throne just like you saw in the dream. Though it isn't New Moon talking but a couple of... bat pony priests or something.
>Over the coming days, many of you will recieve an offer from our goddess to ascend your humanity! All bat ponies have amazing powers,but Princess New Moon can grant you truly miraculous abilities.
To demonstraight, they bring in a pony with a missing front leg. One of his friends casts a spell and the leg begins to slowly regrow.
>New Moon is inevitable! She has already defeated the one group of humans with magical powers. Your best already failed to stop her and bat ponies will dominate one way or the other.
>Accept her as your goddess now and she will remember you in the glorious new world she will bring about.

It was hard to find anything from the actual ponies fighting against the government, but eventually you think you find New Moon's father. In a video, the imposing stallion is standing in front of New Moon, frustrated like she'd just been scolded, talking to the camera.
>Citizens of Earth. I never wished to be your enemy. A group of evil humans sought to torment and destroy my people. I have fought and vanquished them.
>The vast majority watching this video have no stake in this fight. Our war will be over as soon as you realize that. Yet still your government seeks to destroy us for fear of what we may do.
>Know this: We will stop fighting as soon as we are no longer being attacked. Our kind has already spread too far. Our magic has grown too much. You cannot stop us by force, only by peace. It is your own leaders who threaten you only.

Meanwile, the president repeatedly promises to never surrender or compromise.
Let's see if we can find anecdotes from any humans that have had close encounters with the bat kind before we do anything hasty. And maybe, just maybe we should take apart the batman costume and go to that website.
I have come to turn you all into ponies.
I'm already into ponies.
Like to the pony police?
i think this every time i wake up
don't wake up then
because they're either trannies or reppers.
wtf is a repper
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tranny who represses their tranny-ness
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what a shitload of fuck
im not repressing my trans-ness its just that i'm trans species TURN ME INTO A PONY RIGHT NOW
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Had to download the art to then upload it to 4chan so I mashed a few buttons (exactly 2) buttons
>that pic
Would (you) serve the equestrian guard in a shitty 5 year war if it meant you get to be a pony? Lets say the war is hard and ponies (specially former humans) have a high chance of dying.
Why's that? Squeamish about the middle stages of transformation?
not that anon but
I just want to be a pony
the how is totally irrelevant to me, fetishizing it is something I understand but don't care about
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The tf does nothing for me, I don't really care about the process itself. I'm not squeamish but I'm into what comes after. For a lot of people the process seems to be what they like about it, but I like the implications of afterwards. Losing your humanity and all, and being forced to learn to cope with that in whatever situation you're forced inevitably into.
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I've given you permission multiple times now, Celestia.
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please go di need this
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Knowing my shit ass luck, I'll probably become some kind of weird pony flesh golem unwilling to die and persist due to the insane amount of time I got into deadly freak accident and somehow getting out alive. I should be 30 times dead over already. I guess my pony transformation would reflect my endurance and unwillingness to die.
You'd make a pretty solid mudhorse then, Anon
She needed that money for the potion to turn back into a human.
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futafag here to show y’all a wip because I’m kinda too lazy to finish it
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Hey, i'm just happy that there's more cute ponies and woman to stallion is quite the rarity for this thread
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There's always more info to be had, we investigate deeper!
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takes one to know one
seems like you really want people to be trannies
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I want to be a stallion so I can fuck Braeburn. He would obviously be uninterested in me if I was a mare.
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That's awesome
Anons, why would anyone ever want to be an Earth pony? Wouldn't being a pegasus or a unicorn be way better?
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Super strength and endurance. Earth ponies can pull off some Popeye level shit.
I dunno, anon, being able to teleport and do all sorts of crazy shit with magic seems more fun than that. Really powerful unicorns can lift Kaiju-sized monsters like the Ursa Minor, too, so that strength advantage seems like it only applies for average Earth Pony versus average unicorn.
I'd take the freedom of flight and weather control powers over super strength, too. Kicking boulders to bits is neat and all, but why move mountains when I can go see the world instead?
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to be that kind of unicorn you have to study all day
do you want to be a nerd nonny
erfs are cuter because they're just little horses and so they make good pets that won't fly away or poke you
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Thanks for sharing. Hope you get more pony dreams.
>You decide to spend the next two days sitting in the dark, reading about bat ponies.
>The government does not seem to be doing well against them for the most part. The news media triumphantly shows how the army managed to clear out several of the smaller 'colonies', slaughtering every last bat pony.
>However, information on the internet contradicts that. The army only seems to be able to kill the peaceful bat ponies who refused to transform people against their wills. Over time, it seemed only those willing to weaponize that ability would be left.

>The main colony, where New Moon lived, appeared untouchable. It was expanding rapidly in every direction, had taken over an entire city already. The army suffered several humiliating defeats trying to invade the city and missiles were proving ineffective against magic. There were rumors they'd result to launching nukes soon...
>But you can find colonies easily enough, marked as places to 'avoid'. They seem to be everywhere. Three within an hours drive of you. Some people estimate there will be a million bat ponies by tomorrow.
>And yet despite all of this, no bat ponies have appeared outside the US yet. In another video Eldest claims he has agents in every nation but will only activate them if those nations become hostile to his people.

>You find some humans who have talked to, even interviewed bat ponies. They seem like normal people for the most part, just scared out of their minds giving they were targeted for genocide at the moment.
>Apparently what triggered all of this was that the bat ponies destroyed the one organization of humans that could use magic. Now the government was overreacting.

>the latest video is a bat pony talking to a human willing to risk interviewing them about New Moon.
"The power to transform people into bat ponies comes from her. So like, the ones who were born that way don't have it, but the ones transformed by her or ponies transformed by her do. They just have to bite you.
"The main thing is, New Moon transforming you can give you a more powerful cutie mark but you become obsessed with her. But with each 'generation' it becomes weaker. So you get transformed by her, transform someone, then they transform someone... the last person in that chain will barely be her simp."

>There's a knock at your door. You open the blinds... its the police. You heard rumors they were looking for people who New Moon visited.
Should we sneak out or talk to them? I feel like there is no way that talking to them can go well. Maybe we can just deny having talked to new moon, but they clearly have a reason to suspect us. Since were inevitably going to end up turned into a bat or working with the bat ponies until we become a bat, there's nothing to gain here other than a few more minutes in our home. Hide the medallion at least, on our person is probably best.

Long term, do we want to get turned by new moon, or someone distant from her? As a player, I really want to give Anon the obsession and spend lots of time with her, but it doesn't make sense for him to seek out her bite specifically.
Strap me into a pod and engage the batmareification protocol. I am ready.
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Nonny a Day #038

sketch: 13 min
ink: 15 min

Nonny need brushie...
She needs more than brushing, she needs trimming.
No-one wants to be an earth pony.
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me i do
Really liked that one, anon. It's good to have something out there and zany once in a while. Are you planning on continuing it?
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>I wanna be a pony too!
What would your cutie mark be and why, anons?
A spiral.
Growth, obsession and spinning around until I get dizzy.
would pringles cans be a good approximation for hooves
I have no idea so I don't have one on my oc. I guess I consider myself a writer, but that's not what my expertise is in on paper and I sometimes wonder if I'm talented at anything
a little bird
i love them
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well it was worth the attempt. very very hard to type with and looks a bit odd. blanket hoodie as to loosely emulate a coat. filters because i'm paranoid.
A hoof is nothing more than the middle finger, isolated and enlarged.

If you want to simulate hooves, get a quarter-sized keyboard and type using only your middle fingers.
Holy based...
It'd be impossible to know, but I could make a few guesses.

I write and I have a passion for fantasy. If that's my special talent, I could see a spider holding a pencil as my cutie mark, or maybe just a sketched dragon on paper.

I think that money is an issue of critical importance and careful saving is required to build the wealth you need to impact the world. I wouldn't like it, but I could see myself with a moneybags cutie mark.

I am enough of a degen, that there's also a risk that ends up my cutie mark too. Too many fetishes to pick one, so maybe just a love heart or a love heart with a twist like a latex coating or devious horns.
I really like it when a story has a good piece of cover art to create intrigue about the setting. Starscribe's generally pretty good about doing so.
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Pringles cans are the natural enemy of hooves.
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Nonny a Day #039

sketch: 12 min
ink:12 min

sleepy nonny
Filly activities are tiring.
I do like a good piece of cover art, it shows that a story has interesting potential.
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If you want to get turned into an established character from the show, how would you like meeting the original to go? Like, if you became Pinkie would you want her to panic at first and assume you're from the mirror pool before getting to know you? If you became rainbow dash would you want her to get excited about the possibilities of having her own clone? How would you like the mental changes or lack of mental changes in your transformation to influence your first impression?
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I think I'd rather have Twilight (or someone else who the established character trusts) be the one to break the news, even if it only gives them thirty seconds to process what’s about to happen before meeting their doppelganger.
If I were to meet a body double of myself, I’d be very creeped out; thinking they were a changeling would be one of the better of many distressing scenarios.
Granted, this all requires getting Twilight to trust that I’m the real deal and don’t have any evil intentions, but let’s be honest, we were probably going to cross that bridge eventually anyways.
It does limit the kind of shenanigans the established character and I can accomplish that would’ve otherwise been possible if the duality were a closed secret, but... I like not getting promptly burned at the stake.
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Imagine if getting turned into them also alters your personality, or maybe even just your mannerisms so much that all of her friends won't believe you're not the real her until they see you and her together in the same place. Like, you could tell Twilight you need her to help you find the real mare, and she'd just be confused. "Well that doesn't make sense, you're right here." You'd have to groan and accept impersonating her for a bit to get any answers.
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I feel like it’d be an ominous sign if I ended up in Equestria and had the same appearance as an established character.

>With a brief gust of wind, a blue blur passed through the edge of your vision and took a seat in the grass next to you.
>You still couldn’t understand how “Rainbow Dash” had gotten so good at flying despite having only been in Equestria for a few hours.
>Being able to flap your wings and hover – that was one thing; you’d picked that up quite quickly as well.
>But as she tucked her wings behind her and idly preened a few feathers that must’ve become dislodged in a corkscrew roll, it was uncanny how... comfortably pegasus-like she was.
“Did she... Did she tell you anything?”
>Your words hung up mid-sentence, surprising you with how meek and gentle they sounded.
>You were met with an exasperated sigh and a voice crack.
>“Not a thing! And if Twilight can’t do anything for us, I don’t know who we can turn to!”
“Well, did she have any books or scrolls or something? Something explaining why we turned into look-alikes of her friends, and not some new ponies?”
>“Of course she-”
>Rainbow caught herself mid-sentence, furrowing her brow and putting a hoof to her chin.
>“I mean, it’s Twilight! She has a book for everything, right? She just has to!”
“Did she know which section to check, and just didn’t find it while you were there? You were only gone for a couple minutes.”
>You decided to forego mentioning that this was a new high note in a previously unheard-of symphony of impatience for her.
>Something was off about the whole situation, and the lack of answers couldn’t have been the only thing driving her impulsiveness.
>“I mean, she didn’t do any searching for one...”
“She didn’t? But... But we need to know why this happened!”
> “I know, I know! But she said doppelgangers are just an old mare’s tale, and that they belong in filly’s bedtime stories!”
“So she must have something, right? Even if it’s just a storybook? Something? Anything!”
>Rainbow’s gaze wandered, averting her eyes from the pleading look you were giving her.
>“Nothing... nothing off the top of her head. She’d need to jog her memory, she said.”
“Oh... please, Rainbow...”
>“Either she doesn’t believe us, or she doesn’t want to. And that’s that.”
“So what are we supposed to do? We just have to sit around until the real Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy show up, right?”
>“Yeah, about that...”
>Dash’s words were drawn out and uneasy, which wasn’t reassuring when combined with her refusal to meet your gaze.
>“She said that the best way to get answers would be for me to fly up to Cloudsdale. Apparently there’s some... Junior Speedster’s signup & paperwork... thing this afternoon.”
“So Dash will be there today? That’s perfect!”
>“Well, it might’ve been, but Twilight implied pretty strongly that ‘I’ need to go, real Dash or not. And whether my bona fide pony self does... well, that’s up to her.”
>She sighed mightily before continuing.
>“And if that’s what it’s going to take for somepony to start giving us answers, then I’ve got some Wonderbolts & pegasus foals to meet.”
>As Rainbow looked upwards, you put a hoof on her back, trembling only slightly as you impeded her.
“You don’t need to be the stand-in for her boring work, doing all the things Dash doesn’t want to do just to make Twilight happy! There’s got to be something else we can do!”
>Dash’s melancholy eyes traced the ground. She’d undoubtedly been told the same things you were when you met Twilight earlier.
>“It’s just a few hours of doing Dash’s chores, then I’ll be free of this body...”
>She looked at her foreleg a bit, then back at one of her outstretched hindlegs.
>“...even if it is a pretty awesome body.”
>She took a step back, and before you could say anything else, her wings flared outwards and propelled a wave of air downwards.
>In an instant, Dash was airborne, leaving only a cloud of dust in her wake.
>As her profile shrunk ever smaller into the clear blue sky, you contemplated what to do next.
>If your impression was correct, Twilight’s veiled offer to Dash was equally as unpalatable as when she’d made it to you earlier this morning.
>Helping to find someone worthy of being a Twilight doppelganger would probably only prolong this situation for both you and Dash, not to mention dragging someone else into it.
>You collapsed to your haunches, overcome with the guilt that part of this could already be your fault, even if certainty eluded you.
>Perhaps it was you who brought Rainbow here... perhaps it was Rainbow who brought you here... perhaps it was entirely somepony else pulling strings.
>When you first arrived and still felt like... well, not Fluttershy... you would’ve marched right up to Twilight at this point and unwaveringly demanded answers.
>The very thought of doing so was the reason you were trembling, and a soft whine escaped your muzzle.
>After a few moments, you mustered up the strength to stand, then looked back toward Ponyville center where Twilight undoubtedly still was.
>...And promptly turned around toward the edge of town where Fluttershy’s cottage was nestled near the forest.
>As you began the short trek, you spoke softly to yourself.
“You can do this, Fluttershy. Just a few hours. Watching Angel for a bit, sweeping, then Twilight will help us. You’ll see.”
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How this turns out entirely depends on the pony you turn into
>Rainbow Dash
Solving the problem yourself before needing to ask for help
No, I'm not Sci Twi who got hit on the head with a rock and forgot I came from earth. Yes, we can resolve this if we work together
>Pinkie Pie
Awkward but not entirely unpleasant, still needs to be resolved
>Any of the CMC
Awkward, uncomfortable, needs to be resolved
>Big Mac
Welcome to ANXIETY HELL, both the worst possible scenario and also the second most likely circumstance to end up having sex with yourself
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I'm very intrigued. I hope not!Fluttershy and not!Rainbow are alright. More people turning into ponies is good, but it would be bad if they were tricked into it.
>You try to not answer the door, but remember too late it's marshal law. You hear them beging breaking through the door downstairs! You're in trouble for sure.
>Your first instinct is to at least hide the meddalion, but as you lift it in a panic you feel it become hot in your hand, you become dizzy and fall back onto the bed.
>A moment later... a familiar filly is sitting across from you in your room. Only she isn't really there, you know. New Moon exists before you in your minds eye only, but so much more vividly than how you'd normally imagine things. Both there and not at the same time.
>It has to be some kind of dream magic.
"Hmmm. I think I remember you." She looks up at you way too smug. "The meddalion will summon a dream-construct if you get scared enough. I can save you from whatever's happening. But you know what I want in return. I really, really want you to be a bat pony after last time."
>It sounds like they finally managed to break down your front door.
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Personally I'd take the offer without too much hesitation. At this point, there doesn't seem to be much of a realistic choice.
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your reminder
Yeah, I agree. The question is how to do it. I think we should apologize to New Moon first. Anon had hoped he could do more for bats as a human first, and he's glad she decided to rescue him despite blowing her off.
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>born orphaned as anonfilly
>grows up into anonmare
>meets anonstallion and has a one night stand
>has an anonfilly of her own because of this
>cant care for the filly so she gives her to an orphanage
>somewhere along the line she gets turned into anonstallion
>meets an anonmare and lays her and leaves her because he dosent want to take responsibility for the foal
>he and the mare he knocked up both live their lives and die without ever knowing their filly
>their orphaned filly grows to be anonmare and the cycle repeats
A hypothetical: You die, and reincarnate in Equestria. But you can choose your mother. Whom do you choose? Rules are as follows:

1)You cannot fuck your mom
2)No picking Celestia/Luna. Sorry guys, it'd make the choice way too easy
3)You will become the same race/species as your mother
>Stem cells...
>You don't know how to make them
"Can we make them?"
>"It was an area of concern. There were many. I was hungover for the last trial if I recall, so don't expect too much out of me."
"Right. Been there."
>You think, and sigh.
"Any leftovers?"
>"I'd tell you if there were."
>From scratch, then.
"Let's test her with small amounts of light and see if she responds well. If she doesn't, I rob a Planned Parenthood like an episode of South Park on a bad trip. If she does, let's find her a good owner who'll understand her special needs."
>You procure a flashlight from upstairs and shine it into her eyes, holding your breath.
>She holds steady through the questionnaire without any signs of abnormality.
>You release a long sigh.
>"You're not giving her the best quality of life."
>It irks you that he'd say that in front of her.
"I'm doing the best that I can."
>"Breed taught you better."
"Oh, you're a Vonnegut glazer too? 'Breed' fired my ass. And yours too if you didn't forget."
>"I need to know I can trust you with further endeavors. This is my life's work, and I only ever intended to do it correctly by my own hands."
"You can trust my aim, if the smoldering corpse outside is any-"
>Spanish is crying.
>You bring her in close, shushing her as you run a hand through her soft coat.
"It's okay, you're in good hands."
>"Going to... sell me."
"You'll still be in good hands."
>"How... how do I know?"
>You tilt her muzzle up and look into those green eyes.
"You're going to have to trust me, can you do that?"
>"Don't... saved my life but... scared..."
"We're all scared. That's what life is, isn't it? A series of anxieties punctuated by momentary, fleeting pleasures?"
>She tilts her head, tears still bubbling over the sills of her bushbaby eyes.
>Right, ESL.
"Life is scary. It's still beautiful, and I want you to live a good one."
>In the simplification you lost some of the defeatism.
>Probably for the best.
>"Do my best."
>With a scritch behind her ear;
"That's all we can do."
Two fucking years. I'll be honest, Anonpone dying and a few problems with my brain coming to a head killed my interest in this story for a while. You can read some of them here, though I won't reveal which ones are penned by my hand. I've not really come back to continue it, but conclude it. I'll use a different ponepaste for that, I think you'll at least find it interesting. Coming up is a teaser of what's to come.
In finality:
I'd like this to be an entry point for the petfags who didn't really vibe with the story initially. I get it. In trying to reread it it hardly feels the same as it used to. I'll try to divulge everything you need to not waste your time on something that's mostly a ghost.

>An unremembered name.
>An orphan.
>A zero-tolerance policy.
>A failure.
>A freak.
>Mall cop.
>Gun nut.
>Impending lay-off.
>Let's take it back a few days. To where something good finally happened in your miserable life.
>You bolt awake.
"What's happening? Are you okay?"
>"Yeah, yeah I'm alright girl. You looked scared, everything alright?"
"Oh, yeah..."
>"You don't have to sleep at the foot of my bed now, you remember? I smoked the peace pipe with our pursuer."
"Oh, yeah..."
>You rub a little sleep from your eyes, but you're still so tired
"I want to. It makes me feel more useful. I want to thank you for all you've done for me, plus I'm an insomniac at the best of times."
>"You would've stayed up if that were really true."
>You hide your face in your hooves.
>Doc has a weird sense of humor and a weird way of comforting you, again, even at the best of times.
>"Oh, I didn't mean it like that. Something with my head... I should probably get it looked at."
"No, you're right. If I were really such an insomniac I'd have had less trouble staying awake for tonight's watch. If I needed coffee I'd have asked for some. I fucked it."
>"Wanting a night's sleep isn't selfish. Come here."
"Are you sure? I always-"
>He scoops you up and pulls you in close to his chest.
>The light of the moon envelopes the both of you as you nestle into the soft fabric of his pajama t-shirt.
>You wrap your forehooves around him like you've done it a million times...
>Is it really true that less than a week ago you were...
>Yes, but it does feel unreal.
>"For this next week, I want you to stop thinking you need to protect me so much, alright? You're good at it, lots of credit to you. But I can tell it's wearing on you."
>He ruffles your camo mane and you let out a little sigh of relief
"If you really want me to, you're my owner after all. What you say goes."
>"Damn right. Oh, and also..."
>He pushes himself further under the covers, until your head is just barely poking out from beneath soft sheets.
>"It's a week 'til Christmas."
>You haven't thought about Christmas in a while. It's not like you had anyone to spend it with.
>You had a cynic outlook on it all, it's a consumerist holiday after all. Jesus wasn't born in the winter.
>But now that you have someone...
>It's an enigma. You don't know what to think of it all.
>Regardless, you find the idea of spending time with someone comforting... potentially mutliple someones.
>Doc said you were all going on a 'business trip' tomorrow with that guy who's been trying to kill him.
>He says you don't have anything to worry about, that he couldn't bring himself to hurt ponies, but he still kinda freaks you out.
>It's not like Doc is perfect, but he saved your life. That's worth a whole lot to you.
>"Well, this is goodbye for now then."
>Doc and his weird drug-dealer friend shake hands. You don't really get what his deal with the man is.
>He's not an addict.
>You recall something about there being a financial incentive for friendship, you get it. You've been there.
>It sucks and doesn't last after finances are more stable.
>But people who sell drugs have tempers.
>You'll worry about the implications of it all later.
>The man who has told you to call him 'Master' (you won't) loads Spanish, catatonic in the daylight, into the back of a beat-up rental truck.
>You think the last truck got torched. It's probably a sore subject.
>Moony and Greeny follow. Moonflower makes a good mom.
>The windows are tinted on the wagon Doc has borrowed from his friend. The seats are a bit uncomfortable, but at least you won't be confined to below the window sightlines like the rest.
>You've been told the views along the way are breathtaking.
>Everything packed, you climb up into the passenger seat.
>"I'm going to put on the radio for a bit, yeah? Keep us awake."
"You might want to grab some coffee or an energy drink."
>"I will, this is just until I get through town."

(also this isn't going to be a CYOA going forward, gotta earn my (You)s from now on)
id never leave my anon wife, this is slander
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"Spoiled rich" so I can fuck my sister.
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get sillied, idiot
applejack, she's a strong hardworking mare that would put her all into being a good mother and raising me right
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>You appologize to New Moon about before, not realizing how bad things would get for you. You promise she'll get your loyalty if she gets you out of this.
"Oh don't worry, everypony realizes I'm right eventually. Just let the police take you. I'll have somepony rescue you on the way to the quarentine. Don't worry about them getting that medallion."
>New Moon backs away toward the window, begining to vanish, she says one last thing.
"Oh, and don't try to go back on your word or I won't forgive you a second time! You're mine now."
>the police arrive a moment later, as instruted you surrender yourself. They roughly seize your medallion and drag you into the car.
>As they drive forward, they roughly interrogate you, reminding you that this is an extinction-level threat!
>apparently, you're to be quarentined along with anyone else who contact New Moon. There must be some camp for them all somewhere.
>Long before you get there, a wall of fire appears on the road. The car swerves and sidelines a phone poll.
>As everyone recovers, you get up to see your door melting.
>A mare with orange hair and black fur is standing on the other side.
"Follow me."
>You do so, the cops scramble for their guns and open fire, but another wall of flames appears between the two of you.
"Kekeke. They're really useless, huh? But we'd better get out of here before the army guys show up. They can be bad..."
>She starts off toward the woods, you follow slowly, the mare appearing frustrated by your slowness, often prodding you along to go faster.
Shoulda been this pic.
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Already a story about it
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>you will go to equestria and become a mare
>I will stay human in equestrian and i will fuck your soul out of your body
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sex with anon
There was a story similar to this
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Well, well, well! I'm glad to see that you've finally woken up, Dyla... ahem... I suppose it's Diana now. So, tell me, do you like your new body? I think you're just thrilled. Our nanites really can work miracles, don't you agree? I can proudly say that at this very moment, you are entirely, 100% a real mare, down to the chromosomal level. No one will ever suspect a thing unless they know for sure. Because ALL of this is absolutely REAL - your hooves, your udder, and your... reproductive system. In other words, you don't just look like a mare, you ARE a mare. So, if you ever decide to let some handsome stallion mount you, you, like any other mare, will get pregnant and give birth to a real foal. Shhh. Now, now, calm down, girl. Keep in mind that your brain is now completely equine as well. The only thing that allows you to retain your human consciousness is the supracortical structure made of those same nanites. This doesn't mean you aren't subject to natural equine instincts and reflexes embedded in your mare hardware, though... Anyway, if you behave like a bad mare, we'll simply deactivate the machine part and you'll become just an ordinary unintelligent animal and most likely will end up as a broodmare. So, be a good filly and diligently do everything required of you. Then, once the experiment is over, your hooves, tail, and udder will remain just an amusing experience from the past...
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AI slop detected.
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Not just similar; I think it's meant to directly reference a story.
As for which one, I'm about 90% sure that it's "Ten Rounds", which is a classic among TCB fics for anyone who hasn't read it.
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Nonny a Day #040

How does one reboot their Nonny?
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Nonny a Day #041

G1 Nonny
Ice water applied directly to the forehead.
Crank her tail. Tweak her central nervous system.
If you woke up as a little filly and find out your parents have actually summoned you via arcane magic and are fully aware you're not originally a pony because they wanted a filly to sexually abuse would you just accept this or try to run away and find a way to make it in this new, harsh world?
Depends on the nature of the abuse, but 9/10 cases I'd be completely down. I'd call them perverts than ask them to lock me in chastity to make me really helpless.
weird prompt
i guess a little >rape is a fair price
unless it's like chained in the basement tier
That's a fine vintage.
It'd be too tempting to abuse this power.
Was it Fallen?
Was meant to reply to: >>41699909
I like the snake ponies. If fluttershy gets to secretly be a bat, why can't Rarity or Rainbowdash secretly be a snake?
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Nonny a Day #042

Nonny takes the skies!
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Nonny a Day #043

Retro Nonny!
She's new to flying. She's gonna fuck up the landing.
Steamboat Filly
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I want to break free!
Even worse than gender dysphoria.
Species dysphoria.
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telling your doctor you have one of these will get you treatment, the other will get you thrown in an asylum, we live in a society
if you have species dysphoria i consider you a pony and will treat you like that
We are the ancestors of the ponies who will one day get their hooves and we need to cultivate the groundwork of understanding and love they deserve
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Nonny a Day #044

Evil bar!
Behold, the age of people posting art exclusively on a site that hard-limits all images to 2000 pixels. for fuck's sake
What's she gonna do? Bite it in half?
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>Click. Sound, movement. Sound and movement. Another click, with sound and movement.
>Another chess game against a friend you met through PTFG
>They’ve been getting better! But you’ve still never lost against them
>They’re taking a while with this move.
>It’s only their second move!
>At least they’re getting better.
>You have a dull headache… your back’s a little sore as well.
>Shouldn’t impact your performance.
>More sounds, movements.
>The clicks are second nature. You’re just putting the right pieces in the right places.
>A blunder. Their blunder
>Time to strike.
>Queen trade. King is out of position, was in check, can no longer castle.
>Enemy rook captured. It would be near impossible to come back from this.
>Your friend is typing to you.
>Hard to see with all this hair in your face.
>”Well now I’m at disadvantage so you’ve pretty much won.”
>They’re not wrong.
>They’re taking a while, you can eat more of the donut you almost forgot about.
>They respond in due time, with sound and movement.
>Classical. You can take some time to eat the donut.
>You’ll both eat the donut and make a move.
>This is extremely difficult for some reason.
>The donut is delicious. Lightly glazed, pink frosting on top. Rainbow sprinkles.
>You’re going to win the match AND have a tasty donut.
>This really excites you for some reason.
>Your back feels a lot better. You feel a phantom sensation.
>Movement, sound, wind… wind??
>Oh, that must just be the air vents. But what’s the movement and sound…?
>Ooooh, back is delightfully tingly! It’s like a ton of weight is being taken off your shoulders!
>More movement and sound! You’re used to the wind now.
>Right, you have a chess game to finish
>...this is going to be extremely hard to do with hooves.
>Donut is gone.
>You feel something in your gut.
>Who gave you that donut?
>Relax, you’re in a chess game with a friend.
>What’s the worst that could happen?
>You delicately make a move. Check again.
>Hair is constantly covering your eyes.
>Are you getting smaller? The desk seems bigger.
>...did someone put something in my donut?
>You thought nothing of it, it’s been WEEKS since this chess game.
>Much better opening this time. They’re learning their defenses.
>Controlling the mouse has gotten very difficult by this time. The same chessmate keeps losing, but they’ve definitely improved. They are starting to match your wits!
>You have only gotten better too!
>This game is really lasting a while!
>What fun!
>You brush the hair out of your face with an appendage. It’s becoming super natural to you
>It’s all becoming super natural to you.
>They blunder
>Welp, probably my time to shine
>Your friend agrees. “rip” is all they say
>Capture. Capture. Capture. Capture. Movement, clicking, noise, all secondary now.
>They know it’s going to be over
>...long game
>Whoops! Just a tired blunder near the endgame!
>Did your hoof slip or something?
>Were you brushing your hair again, like a silly pony?
>You’re hungry…
>Your PTFG blunders after a few more clicks
>”...that’s it I think.”
>You feel really happy for a lot of reasons now.
>You have much more energy than you used to.
>It’s definitely over time. You remember when this virus first started…
>Well, at least you’re doing alright. You don’t feel sick at all.
>You’re better than ever.
>Eating less, gaining muscle, losing fat.
>Your spine gets nice tingly feelings all the time now!
>You’re winning more games than usual.
>Playing more games than usual.
>Brighter mood.
>Less anxiety, less depression.
>You already know what you are.
>...that chess game felt really good
About one week later
>You’re still winning. That won’t ever change.
>You’re playing the pony again.
>You are now also what you know you are.
>For you? Just some pega that’s good at chess
>For them? Just some really intelligent gamer you met from PTFG. You think from their art they are some kind of pegasus too. Blue and white.
>This game has gone on for 40+ rounds.
>Messages: “Argh, did it again!”
>Blunder on them. Probably just thinking too fast. Being ponyish, basically.
>Head in the clouds instead of on the chessboard.
>Click, move, sound, check.
>It’s gg from that point, but they draw it out to mate.
>”How come you’re so much better at chess than I am, pony friend?”
>”Oh you know”
>You do
>”It’s my special talent.”
Doc drives, you absentmindedly listen to Blink-182 and Panic at the Disco on the "alternative" radio station.
>What next, The Cure?
>Lovesong actually does come on next, and you giggle a bit.
>"Want to change the channel?"
"Nah, just amusing. I've heard music that would probably give a college radio DJ a hernia."
>Doc laughs.
>"I'm sure you have. I'm gonna pull off for a coffee before we hit the highway, do you want anything?"
>You think for a moment.
"Is this a Starbucks?"
"Could I get one of those bagels with cream cheese?"
>He nods and walks inside, the Master joining up with him.
>A few minutes later, Doc walks out with a coffee and a bag, and the Master walks out with a coffee.
>The door squawks as it opens, and Doc gently places the bag in front of you.
>You open it up as best you can, eager for the treat, but your ears fold with disappointment when you look inside.
"Uh, sorry. Can you give me a hand with this?"
>He takes a look and winces.
>"You would think they'd foot the labor of spreading the cream cheese."
"One would think..."
>He gives you back the bagel in a corrected state, and you affectionately nuzzle his hand as thanks.
>"Well, Dr. Robotnik is following us not the other way around."
"Just like old times."
>He laughs and runs his hand along your back.
>"You've got a handle on that bagel? Ready to get going again?"
"Sure thing."
>The orange tips of the early-morning mountains gradually blue over the next few hours.
>You and Doc talk about anything and everything.
>School, work, home life.
>Movies and television.
>Science and engineering.
>High explosives.
>Eventually, the roads stop snaking and everything gets a lot flatter.
>The look in his eyes kinda leaves.
>He gets over into the left lane, accelerates 20 over the speed limit.
>You don't particularly worry until he starts hitting the warning bumps.
"Doc, you okay?"
>He says nothing, just keeps staring into the distance. He's driving on the median now, the way an ambulance does.
"Doc, please tell me what's going on."
>"Plastic deformation. Yield strength."
>You take a deep breath, look over to the right, then pull the steering wheel hard with both your forehooves.
>This seems to snap him out of it, whatever "it" is.
"What happened?"
>"I don't know. It felt right."
"You were fully lucid."
"Are you okay to keep driving?"
>"I'm okay. Don't... mention this please."
"Whatever you say to me is a secret, but um..."
>He sounds a but miffed, you put your face in your hooves.
"He probably saw, he's following us."
>"Oh. Yeah."
>It's another two hours before you all stop again.
>When you do, you can only watch on with horror as the Master sucker punches Doc in the middle of a gas station parking lot.
>You want to run out, make sure he's alright, comfort him as he writhes on the ground in pain, but you're under strict orders to never leave the inside of the car until arrival.
>When he finally composes himself enough to get up, you see him pick up a note that was left at the scene of the crime.
>He reads it, visibly winces, and walks back to the car.
>Once he's inside, the watergates open. He doesn't say a word as you cry your eyes out and hug him and tell him how worried you were.
>He sighs and pulls out the note. It's short.
>"I barely care what happens to you, so long as it doesn't affect her."
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Blessed story thank you for the green
i admire the ms paint wingless edit anon it shows great constitution and character
Wallmixer-coded post
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I fucking miss that tranny
>You will never meet your waifu
I see these claims as equally likely. If anon can meet his waifu, then it would also be possible to turn into a pony
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god I wish that were me
Would really like to know the thought process that went into this one. The idea of Bald Nonny is an... interesting choice.
>It's a while before the next real stop
>You're allowed outs in secluded areas to relieve yourself in the grass or next to a tree
>By now, it's dark again. Dusk.
>You left in the cold early morning twilight.
>It's a crackhouse, basically.
>It also seems to be an app rental.
>You watch both Doc and the Master check the place carefully for cameras before entering, probably doing the same inside.
>After about 10 minutes, they exit with a bag each full of scrapped cameras and start unloading.
>You ponies are allowed out to stretch your legs.
>Green Thumb seems to have fallen asleep, as she's rubbing her eyes with a forehoof and holding on to her Moonflower plushie.
>The real deal is watching her carefully. You trot over to them.
"How're y'all holding up?"
>She sighs, but gives you a more genuine smile than you'll usually get out of her.
>"Fine. Things are going to be okay, just kinda sore from riding in the truck bed. The pillows and blankets help with the cold, but it's still bare metal underneath."
"Doesn't sound too comfy."
>You'd offer to swap places with her filly so the poor girl doesn't have a rough ride, but you doubt Moonflower would appreciate it. The two have been inseparable.
>Someone had the foresight to put medical eyepatches on Spanish, you can see the Master removing them.
>In this darkness, she seems fine. Docile, happy.
>The eyepatches will need to go back on once you get inside and have the lights on again.
>The six of you eat a dinner of frozen pizza at a ratty table like a true fucked-up family. It's pretty much dead silent other than the sound of chewing and the two humans present periodically getting up to feed different ponies.
>You and Moonflower have your technique down well enough to get by without help, but Spanish is hopeless with her induced blindness and Greenie is a literal child who already had somewhat poor coordination.
>You wonder if the Master will ever figure that out.
>You wonder if he'll try to kill Doc again if he does.
>You bite into the pizza again and make a face.
>There's a bit of meat on it, it must be a factory error.
>You remember when you used to love pepperoni, now you can't even get a single piece in your mouth without feeling an intense desire to spit it out.
>So you spit it out on the plate, nobody seems to care or blame you.
>Another night sleeping at the foot of Doc's bed on guard, he said you could sleep this time but given the sketch factor of the area he'd like you to remain on guard.
>You're not sure if you'll be sleeping for a while.
>It's cold and you're feeling a bit tired... but also paranoid.
>Doc is already asleep, and it's not like you'd be betraying him if you got up and stretched your legs a bit more.
>Careful with the creaky door, and you're out.
>Making your way to the kitchen, you're greeted by the Master.
>Neither of you have really talked much, but you walk over to him and he puts down his glass to stroke your mane.
>It feels really nice...
>"You want to watch some television? Usually helps me calm down."
"Yeah, okay."
>He flicks on the old CRT tube and you hop up on the couch next to him.
>"Any requests?"
"Don't suppose ponies are on this late?"
>"Nah. Not unless a local station shows them. Let's check anyways."
>You just kinda watch him as he flips through channels.
"I was kinda terrified of you for a while."
>He laughs.
>"I have that effect on friends to those who cross me."
"You punish them?"
"What's the worst punishment you've ever given out?"
>He laughs again.
>"What you already got, pet."
"You were planning to kill my owner, weren't you?"
>"That or turn him. Figured he had it coming. Thought twice when I saw you."
"Your note earlier..."
>"I care about ponies. Even if I disagree with their owners, the right to care for a pet is theirs. So long as the pony is taken care of, never hurt. Never put in harm's way."
"So, you wouldn't have turned him if you saw me? There was never a risk?"
>"No, it was the unique situation you put me in that changed my mind. If I had gotten my guy in, I'd probably have that drug dealer killed. Take you and your master back to my place. Care for you and lock him in my basement until I made him a mare. Sell you together if a buyer wanted it. Sell you separate if one didn't."
"He had a mare oc?"
>"He had a filly oc. Same difference and I promised never to do more fillies. Zephyr is going to kill me..."
>He chuckles at that, and the channel flipping stops.
>"Well, what do you know."
>It's a season 9 episode of My Little Pony. You haven't actually seen it yet.
>You find yourself curled up on his lap as you watch. It's cold, and he's warm.
>He drapes a nearby frayed blanket over your back and you feel cozy as you fall asleep to the background noise of Twilight's friendship school...
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Swap bodies with Candybutt, be mounted by Shining and get pregnant with Flurry Heart.
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Why did you stop?
We need more body swap content
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>friends and acquaintances know all about my pony obsession despite me trying to keep it lowkey
>they're starting to jokingly refer to me with equine anatomy
fuckers don't know what they're doing to me
Oh god that would be so awkward.
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>>they're starting to jokingly refer to me with equine anatomy
Elaborate anon. How fucked are you?
unironically probably raped and dead in a ditch somewhere
Can you give me the rundown on who this is?
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>"Hey Anon, your hooves must be getting sore from all the trips you've been making between the production floor and your stable"
After reading your post, I thought at first that someone saying this to me would get tiresome and annoying instantly
The fact that I haven't been able to get the thought of this out of my head in the hours since indicates much to the contrary
I just want to be a pony and be accepted for it bros
Sorry to disappoint, wallsy is currently online on steam with the same tf profile pic they've had for ages: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073459673
Writefag who wrote a decent few greentexts that lurkers thought "god I wish that were me" in regards to and then vanished off-board without a trace. Many such cases!
>I just want to be a pony and be accepted for it bros
There gonna tease you more when they find out you want to be a mare
To be completely honest I'm one of the degens who'd rather be a stallion, but there's not much difference in the eyes of normies
Either way, I think that having a preference indicates a level of deliberation that goes beyond just, "I'm drawn to the cute & friendly world of ponies :)"
It crosses over into, "This is me, but me as a pony" and that's more than a lot of people are willing to stomach
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well i think it's awesome stallions are cute and necessary
and on the brightside when ur posting penis emojicons u can do a big
8==|==D instead of a puny 8==D
>You feel strange as you wake up into the early morning orange gradient.
>You... fell asleep in a man's lap who wasn't your owner.
>Embarrassed, you climb off the sleeping olympian and scamper back to your Doc's bedroom.
>What have you done?
>It was only sleep. You didn't fuck him.
>Did you want to?
>You climb back into bed and close your eyes, but no more sleep comes.
>"Rise and shine."
"Mmn... do I really shine?"
>A chuckle follows your remark.
>"I suppose you're more special in your resilience to shine. Come on, it'll be time to hit the road soon."
>You'd find the remark rude if not for your camouflage coat.
>Breakfast is cereal with re-hydrated milk. It's...
>and quiet.
>Soon it's time to get back in the car.
>Doc stops at a bowling alley. He offloads a pallet of something to one of the guys who works there.
"What was that?"
>"Month's worth of weed. For a favor. Something called blue dream."
"You have any extra?"
>He pauses.
>"Maybe, if you're a good pony."
>You've been driving through breathtaking mountain backroads for hours and hours.
>The road is maintained decently well, it's not like the car needed an engine snorkel to keep going.
>It's still somewhat quiet between you and Doc... you hope he's okay but you'd rather not ask. Doesn't seem like a good pony thing to do.
>The phone starts to ring.
>You can hear the Master's voice faintly as it's picked up.
>"-false foliage-"
>"-after the second curve coming-"
>"-be there soon."
"He likes his secrets."
>"Ha. I didn't find this way directly either, I only discovered that it existed after I went through some satellite cam data. Even then, you can only really see the road if you know to look for it."
>"Isn't it 'intergasting?'"
"It's retard-speak. Don't appropriate my culture."
>"Well, my little invalid, we're on the 'home' stretch. Take a gander."
>You put your forehooves up on the dashboard and look up. Just over the ridge of the road, you can make out a really nice house.
>You're nervous as you pull in.
>What if the residents hate you?
>This could be a very, very miserable Christmas if that's the case.
>The door pops open and you hop out onto the cold ground, shivering a bit as you watch the others be unloaded.
>Nobody advances as the Master opens the door.
>and shuts it.
>You can hear muffled yelps of excitement, crying, skittering hooves...
>He's well-loved. So is the company he keeps.
>Finally, he opens the doors.
>"Bit of an odd arrangement this time. From left to right, these are ̵̺̆ ̶̨͓̥̕͝ ̴̝̤̑̾ ̷̱̣̈ ̸̺̥̃͝ ̵̡͙̜̈́̽́̎ ̸̝̑̿̊ ̷̨̟̝̓̇̒ ̸̪͚̼̋̌͘ ̸̯͛ ̶̠̖̝̱̈́ ̷̛̮̮͔̻̏͑ ̷͍̗̘́ , Friendly Fire, Green Thumb, and Moonflower."
>The smiles drop on both mares' faces as soon as they see Doc.
>"Master, you brought him back here? He hurt Zephyr! He stole from you!"
>The white pegasus flits her wings, seemingly in agreement with the tan earth mare.
>"Admittedly, this wasn't quite what I expected when you told us you were bringing ponies home. I thought if he was coming back, he would no longer be a he."
>Doc narrows his eyes.
>"Now listen here-"
>In a jolt of courage, you walk forwards and hold out a hoof to the pegasus.
"I'm Friendly! Nice to meet you...?"
>She shakes your hoof, but doesn't take her eyes off of Doc.
>"Master, why is one of them a filly?"
>The tan one drops her scowl upon noticing the filly, trotting over to her and cooing at her.
>"Hi! I'm Autumn! You're so pretty, I love your mane!"
>Moonflower actually seems to take this in stride, shocking you.
>"She's a little gardener, like me. Moonflower, happy to make your acquaintance."
>"We've been thinking of starting a garden, isn't that right Zephyr?"
>"Uh, yeah."
>The Master clears his throat.
>"There's one last pony, but she's undergoing treatment currently. She'll be moved to the dark room, Zephyr, can you grab the air mattress for her?"
>Zephyr, clearly eager for any excuse to get away from Doc, bounds back into the house.
>You look back to Doc and point in her direction, he just nods.
>You gallop to catch up with the aerialist.
"Need some help with that air mattress?"
>"I think I've got it."
"Come on, I've been cooped up in a car for the better part of two days now. You'd be doing me a favor if you let me help."
>She gives you a wry smile as she works the closet door handle.
>"This whole thing is an anomaly. ̵̺̆ ̶̨͓̥̕͝ ̴̝̤̑̾ ̷̱̣̈ ̸̺̥̃͝ ̵̡͙̜̈́̽́̎ ̸̝̑̿̊ ̷̨̟̝̓̇̒ ̸̪͚̼̋̌͘ ̸̯͛ ̶̠̖̝̱̈́ ̷̛̮̮͔̻̏͑ ̷͍̗̘́ is an anomaly. The filly is an anomaly."
>She jabs you, gently but firmly, right in your side.
>"You, you are a fucking anomaly."
>You feel a pang of hurt shoot through your chest.
"What... how could you tell?"
>"Master never picks ponies with coats as busy as yours. Master never brings home ponies that have targeting reticles... on their fucking rumps."
>You stare at her in shock as she pulls the deflated mattress down from the third shelf.
>You feel like you're kin. You and the goddamned mattress.
>"But that's just my two cents."
>Like an earthen dam cracking, you break down.
>It's humiliating, messy, and probably a pain to deal with.
>It stops Zephyr in her tracks though.
>"Maybe you're not such an anomaly..."
>"Hey. HEY. It's okay. You're okay."
"I- I- I didn't ask for this."
>"I know. None of us did. It's okay, hm."
>She smiles and brushes your mane out of your face a bit.
>"You have really pretty eyes..."
"You... don't have to gas me up."
>"Gas... you up?"
>An ugly laugh interrupts your ugly crying.
"Like... complimenting me. Saying I'm better than I am."
>"Nah, I mean it. Also I should probably be a bit more up to date on slang... it's been a while since I was human."
>"Zephyr, is the mattress-"
>The Master looks at the two of you and then just walks away.
"We should probably get this thing set up now, sorry for distracting you."
>"Don't worry about it. Hey, wanna do something after dinner? I think you'll like what I've got in mind."
What would you do if you swapped bodies with pinkie pie, and you knew that if anyone finds out before a month passes and it becomes permanent, you instantly swap back and get jettisoned from equestria?
There are several parties all throughout, and in the last week Maud is visiting, which can blow your cover.
Pinkie gets your body as long as you're in hers, and if you swap back you'll have to deal with what she's done. The magic mirror is real and connects to our earth, but all of the other events of the eqg movies are mostly inaccurate.
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It's dark. Darker than your bedroom usually is, and not usually this... cardboard-y? A panic begins in your stomach as you realise you've awoken somewhere strange. You're about to start hyperventilating, but your breath catches in your throat when you hear muffled voices. There's a lot of excitement, laughter, and conversation. You stay as quiet as possible, trying to listen to the voices until suddenly a light floods into the room from above, and your eyes start trying to adjust.

"Merry Christmas Anne!"

"Oh my god a pony" the woman holding you up by your torso squeals, "he's adorable!" Who me? Yes you. The first thing your eyes can resolve is this young lady's face. She's definitely some kind of Asian, but you're not really sure from where. Her hair is about what you'd expect, straight, black, and she parts it down the middle. You on the other hand are a far less ordinary sight. Your body, as far as you can see, is that of a tin-grey pony, right down to the little grey muzzle that blocks your field of view noticeably more than your human nose did.

The girl, you can only assume is named Anne, pulls you tight into a hug that just about squeezes the life out of you. She looks to a man in black brimmed glasses, "what's his name?"

The man, seemingly pleased with his gift, answers chipperly, "up to you, he doesn't have one."

My name is "neigh!"
Uh, I mean my name is "neeigh."

"Hello to you too, little guy! You're so chatty!" At least your neighing prompted her to unsqueeze you just a little. "I think your name is... Jet."

Well, that's not the worst name you've ever heard. I guess you're Jet now. Anne sets you down on the carpet, and you turn to face the three sets of eyes beaming at you. Uh, I guess you're free to roam around. There's a pile of presents under the tree, but it looks like the only one that's been opened is the one you were pulled from; one of them smells... delicious! You nibble at the package a little before Anne stops you. "Nono Jet, don't eat that," Anne says as she abducts you back into her lap.

"You had better open that one before he does," chimes an older woman, who passes the present to Anne. Anne holds the present at arms length as she unwraps it, and you look on with great interest. Its... A bag of... of... something. There are words on the bag but, you can't read them, you can't read. It's dawning on you that your transformation might be more than just skin-deep.
With the more palatable gifts removed from your reach, Anne lets you roam around again. You collect a petting from each parent as you make your way around to them. The mother, smells of scented candles and wears a cinched, floral dress. She pets you like she's smoothing out a crumpled note- a little rough, but not unpleasant. The dad however is a thorough backscratcher, he's not afraid to get his nails right up into your fur, which really hits the spot. You wish it would last forever, but eventually Anne's dad gets tired, and you have to find someone else to scratch your butt.

You decide to venture out of the den and check out the living room, hopefully there's a window that can tell you where the blazes you are. Anne hovers behind you, spectating your expedition. You find a couch, a TV, and a huge window, but annoyingly the curtains are drawn. You plod over and see if you can reach your head under the curtains, but you only manage to brush them with your nose. You fling your head around trying to move the curtains, but it doesn't get you very far before Anne grabs you by the barrel. You make a small squeal in protest as Anne lifts you up to her chest.

"Here you go little guy, you wanna see outside?" Anne peels back the curtain, and you stick your snoot straight into the opening. The sun is rising over what looks like several grassy acres of land divided into paddocks and dotted with the occasional gum tree. The paddocks are mostly empty, save for an occasional horse or llama. You try to neigh at the two horses closest to the house, but they can't hear you through the glass window, you're not really sure why you thought they could. "That's TJ and Stranger, mum and dad's pasture pets. They might be a bit too big for you to play with," she says with a goofy grin, seemingly amused by the thought.

Anne puts you back down. You already kind of miss the warmth of being held, but at least you've learned something about where you are. You have no idea how you'd get home from here, but to be honest, you can think of worse places to be than here. You're not even sure you have a home. Maybe this is home now.

Anne goes back to the den, leaving you unsupervised. Guess the excitement of the new pony must've worn off. What could be more important than you? You resolve to follow Anne to the den.

Anne's mum notices your arrival, "aww look Anne, Jet's already following you around!" What? No! You were just seeing where she went, you're not some kind of lost puppy.

Anne turns around holding a collar and leash, still twist-tied to their cardboard packaging. "Aww, I wasn't going far, Jet," she coos. Anne frees a hand to comfort you with gentle petting, not that you needed comforting... Maybe just a little.
Anne sits down next to you and unpacks the collar first. It's a simple, black, polyester design with a plastic buckle, you've probably seen ones like it a million times before, but this one is for you. Anne reaches over to you and wraps the collar around your neck, she adjusts it a little before closing the buckle with a soft click. You hoof at it a few times, but it doesn't come off. Anne. Anne help. It's on me. You're making just about the most helpless expression of all time at Anne.

"Aww Jet, you're okay it's just a collar, we can take it off when we come back inside." Anne gives you a comforting stroke down your mane, but you still feel a little uneasy. You sit close to Anne while she unpacks the leash, which is soon clipped to your collar, and you find yourself heading outside.

As you step out onto the verandah, TJ and Stranger take notice of you almost immediately. They briskly trot up to the fence and neigh their hellos at you, and you reply with a much smaller neigh of your own; you much prefer this exchange to the unanswered call from the window. You beeline at top speed for the fence to meet your new friends-- *ACK* ...right, the collar, duh. You wait for Anne to catch up, she's in no rush, but she seems more than willing to let you go where you want to. You drag Anne over to the paddock where TJ and Stranger are waiting, and they crane their necks down to you. You touch noses through the fence, and with a little hoof stomping and neighing, you consider yourselves properly introduced. Anne seems thankful for the fence, since a stomp from either horse on top of you would turn you into a little grey pancake.

Your attention shifts from your new friends to the hay nets hanging on the wooden wall that makes up a small part of the pasture fence. You wander over to the wall and push on it with your forehooves, but the nets are on the other side, you're not really sure why you thought that would help. You do however notice your shadow cast clearly on the wall, a thin black line connects Anne's shadow to yours. Your shadow is definitely one of a small horse, but... something is protruding from your mane. You cross your eyes in a futile effort to see what it is, but you're pretty sure you just discovered that you are in fact a unicorn. You rub your head on Anne's leg, trying to get a feel for where your horn is. Ah-ha! You definitely have a horn, it's not particularly long or sharp, but you can feel it when you push it against something.

Anne notices your rubbing and squats down to you, "such an affectionate little guy Jet, are you an affectionate little guy?" No. But your tail betrays you with its involuntary wagging. "I think you are, yes you are, yes you are." You can't help but concede the point by rubbing your face into her incoming petting hand, you suppose being misunderstood is just part of being a pet.
Anne eventually relents on her petting onslaught, and you resume exploring the ranch with her in tow. Past the paddocks, you find a green sprawl of seemingly unused land that leads up to the front fence. You've been craving something to eat all morning, and finally snout meets grass. The blades are crisp and sweet with an almost savoury aftertaste, you nip away at them for long enough that Anne makes herself comfortable in a soft patch nearby. With your hunger finally sated, you can't help but do the same, pulling your legs in and rolling over in the soft grass.

The sun warms you like a little grey baked potato. Life is pretty good right now, even if you've lost track of your humanity, maybe it's a worthwhile trade for this moment, a moment you gladly fall asleep in.

i love it
>part 1
im excited
thank you anon i consider this my hearthswarming present
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Probably swap back, I want a cool pony like Rainbow Dash
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>Everypony gets dinner on the floor. It's good, reheated frozen vegetables and a few apple slices for dessert. Your pony tongue loves it.
>After everything is cleaned up, Zephyr whispers something to Master, who nods.
>"Come on, it's pretty dark already. Perfect time for it."
>She grabs a satchel on her way out the door.
>The two of you trek for a little while along a dirt trail, Zephyr motions for you to stop at a flat outcrop.
>She gets a few mechanical parts out of the satchel and begins to screw them together with surprising efficiency. You hope you get that good with your forehooves and mouth someday.
>When it's assembled, you can see that it's a small telescope. The eyepiece is low to the ground for observation.
>"Lay down next to me, Friendly Fire."
>You shimmy underneath the telescope and Zephyr wraps a forehoof around you casually.
>"Look at the sky, not through the scope yet. Just take it in."
>You do.
"It's so... clear."
>She nods.
>"We're the only light source for many miles. I think the closest is a firewatch station 40 miles east..."
>She gets to work at the telescope, adjusting it as she looks into the eyepiece.
>Eventually, she smiles at you.
>"Take a look now."
>You peer into the scope and gasp.
"Mars, right?"
>It's a little bit small, but still recognizable and beautiful.
>"Master and I like to come out here and look at the night sky a lot. Astronomy is basically just physics and trigonometry, so he's really into it. I like watching him geek out about it."
>Her face shifts to a little bit more solemn of an expression.
>"I like to think about how all my friends from over the years are out there, somewhere. They can look at the same night sky."
"You see a lot of ponies come and go, hm?"
>"Yeah... it's part of the job as one of Master's favorites. Autumn and I play a different game, but it hurts us both the same when we have to say goodbye. You're going to be the same, aren't you?"
"Wha- what do you mean?"
>"I'm not stupid. That guy you came here with, you rode in with him. Sat in the front seat. The other ponies weren't knocked out. They're being handled by your guy's rules, not Master's."
>She adjusts the telescope again.
>"You're being handled by very few rules. You're favored."
>She pushes your head, making you look her directly in the eyes.
>"You're going to have to watch them go. It's going to hurt, so so badly. You won't be able to see them again, probably ever, but you can't let them go. You just have to wish them the best, okay?"
>Apparently it's her turn to cry, you wrap a hoof around her and she pulls you in, squeezing you close like a big stuffed animal.
>She laughs through the tears.
>"Why are you the one comforting me? I've been through it more, I should be more desensitized..."
>"Because ponies don't get desensitized. You're tightly-wound little bundles of emotion. For better or for worse."
>You look up, seeing Zephyr's Master standing above you.
>"Zephyr, I'm going back inside. Show her Venus, why don't you?
>Zephyr wipes the tears off of her face.
>"Could you take the telescope then?"
>You're confused as the telescope is lifted.
"Won't we need it to see it up close?"
>"No, of course not. In fact, Venus can be as close as we want her to be."
>Zephyr pins you to the rock and locks her muzzle with yours, aggressively pushing her tongue inside.
>You're on-board, honestly, but she'll probably find it hotter if you struggle a little.
>You find it a bit hard to stand up after Zephyr gets off of you.
>To spare the details, you're feeling very warm despite the outside temperature.
>"Did you enjoy Venus?"
>You snort.
"You'll have to show me Venus again sometime soon."
>She laughs.
>"Glad you liked it. We can't have you getting too mopey, right?"
>She embraces you again, this time non-sexually.
>"I'm sorry about earlier. Saying you're an anomaly."
"No... you're right."
>"I made you cry, that's not me."
"You've been under a lot of stress lately."
>"So have you. Didn't make what I did right."
"No, I... I really am an anomaly. There are things about me that you don't want to know. I'm not a good person."
>"Neither was I, particularly. You're not a good person currently because you aren't a person. Being a pony takes some... shrinking pains."
>You're curled up on the couch, on top of Doc.
>He's snoring, and despite your fatigue from 'stargazing' earlier, you're having difficulty sleeping.
>A look across the room at the other couch reveals that Moonflower is having a similar issue.
>You carefully get off of Doc and trot over to her.
>You hop up on the couch and sit next to her.
"How're you holding up?"
>"Fine, you know... better than dead I guess. That's probably what I would be if Poindexter over there hadn't intervened."
>It's silent for a while.
>"You ever think about second chances?"
"Well, more recently. I suppose we both got one."
>"Yeah, ha. You've got your future as some nerd's pet and I've got mine as someone's wife..."
"Is it better than what you had before?"
>"Hell, I don't know. Things weren't perfect, but at least I had the control. At least I had the agency and the drive. There's something to be said about being busy, it keeps you sane."
>She scratches her flank, right above the flower mark.
>"They say that a lot of people just drop dead after a cushy pensioned retirement. They watch TV and sit around all day and just... stop having a will to live."
"I think Vonnegut said something similar. I don't remember the exact wording."
>"You and him and Vonnegut, god."
"Borrowed his copy of Mr. Rosewater on the way up. It says a lot about the rich, the poor, the insane..."
>"What's the takeaway?"
"Help those where you can if you have the means, I think."
>"That's a good moral."
"It is."
>You lay your head down on Moonflower and she lets you.
>Pretty soon it's morning.
write note to pinkie explaining context (and to say thanks for everything and stuff because she is the best)
go to sugarcube corner
eat a a cupcake
get sidetracked
go try and see Twilight to get help
get sidetracked
finally go see Twilight
try and explain the situation
Twi doesn't believe me
demonstrate I'm not pinkie by using my experience of years of masking how retarded I am from earth to stand perfectly still looking at a wall for an hour
Twilight believes me and I immediately go back to my old body
return to my body where I am naked on all fours in my kitchen surrounded by police and covered in cake batter
play it off as a psychotic break down
realize I only ever truly felt alive when I was pinkie
feel stupid for not checking the EQG portal because I didn't think EQG was canon
feel like the stupidest pony ever for not securing my portal to equestria
drink 10 pints of larger and consider rope based portal to equestria
phone call
its Twilight who did use the magic portal who wants to debrief me on the weirdness
go to equestria
invite some of my depressed tfw no hooves friends to come with me
probably get sworn to secrecy but I'll make sure I get as many ptfg type horsefuckers in before immigration to equestria full time
go become a small time party pony
have lots and lots of foals and care for them all to serve the equestrian race
introduce fluttershy to monster energy and my chemical romance to complete the cycle
die in peace
If that happened to me I'm not sure if my daily anxiety level would go up, down, or rapidly fluctuate as I feel like a pony and then realize I'm not a pony several times a day. That's very nice of them either way! Crazy to think anyone who doesn't even care about MLP would just start proactively treating you like a pony, that's so thoughtful!
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I don't know if it's a courtesy thing; they could very well be trying to mock OP. For someone like me, it’d be mentally taxing, just not in the way any coworkers would have anticipated.
Instead of responding with, “But I’m not a pony >:(” it would be, “But I’m not a pony :’(”
i would say "you are a pony" and brush your mane in the middle of the office and feed you carrot slices
how to obliterate a ptffag in 3 simple steps
It's literally tranny-adjacent. We had a thread for becoming bimbofied equestria girls back in the day.
I am not a tranny myself, but if I were able to choose I'd rather be a mare. Male body is so fucking disgusting and I feel like I lost at life for being a man. It's even worse for ponies. Mares are cute while stallions are all chad thundercocks with massive square jaws, a feature I hate
That picture reminds me of the fic "Royal Duties". Speaking of which, what other story do you recommend similar to that one? Where the human becomes a known pony and hides his identity (either for all or most of the story) rather than just shouting to everyone that he is not that character.
Not really sure if anybody cares but I'm gonna take a night or two off. Kinda sucks since it's a Christmas story, but I wasn't going to be done by Christmas anyways. Hope one or two lurkers have at least been enjoying
I am
What anon, do you seek a story where you are a pink bimbo getting fucked by Chad Thundercock in your royal cunt? The jokes write themselves so I will refrain from making them, it'd be a waste of energy
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You guys made me an unrionic tranny. The rest of the board was right. Ever since reading Royal Duties I can only get off to imagining myself being Cadence fucked by Shining Armor.
I absolutely despise you. You also made me a faggot. Now I want to die. I was a stupid, stupid teenager.
Merry Christmas, mare. I hope you enjoyed your present.

The only thing people got wrong is that the /ptfg/ to tranny pipeline is always bad
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It's okay qt, here, have a carrot.
I didn't get any presents. I got a fucking mental ilness. And you just gave me the weirdest tingle between my balls and ass. That's the extent of my degratation. I am basically orgasming from the image. Can someone just kill me already?
>your gooch tingled
That's a new one lol. But seriously, it's not the end of the world anon. You're not gonna inevitably cut off your cock and groom kids just because you feel things at the notion of living like a cute pony.
Yeah. I just can't get off to normal shit and am depressed all the time. And my gooch tingles and I feel my spine fire up ll the nerves when you call me a mare. Not a big deal at all. End me.
But is your gender-confusion the source of your depression? Or is it something else that is simply exacerbated by your feelings? Unironically, I'd be happy to talk you through your feelings if you want. Do you want to cobble together a Session or something? I'm no therapist but I've been there.
I am a miserable tranny. Life was way easier before realized what I am. I was depressed anyways. But now I should genuinely should end it all. I am too ashamed of myself to function. Every other night I get wet dreams akin to Royal Duties. And then I wake up and everything is terrible again. I am such a fucking mistake. I've been in professional therapy for ten years and it can't help me. But thank you for your concern anon
>professional therapy
>trusting people whose job it is to get you "well" enough to keep working for The Man for an exorbitant chunk of your paycheck
It's not about reaching the sweet spot of "just miserable enough not to try changing anything out of fear it'll get worse, but not miserable enough to shoot up a synagogue." Here, since we're already here and we haven't moved it to DMs, let's just hash things out here. Thread's over 400 posts, I'm sure other anons aren't gonna be too beaten up about this aside.
>life was way easier before I realized what I am
Anon, I was happier and more fulfilled while living out of my car, when I had the spare money and the personal freedom to be what I want to be. It was escaping California for a while that let me actually introspect and ask whether what I felt was gender dysphoria or not. Without political bias or baggage heaped on top. Because you're not a statistic, you're not the antichrist, you're just some person. So don't lump yourself in with the pride parade pictures and the drag queen story hour pedos, don't start with the assumption you're an unworthy untermensch. Because you're not. Clarity of one's thoughts and overall personal acceptance do a lot to relieve depressive symptoms. Mindfulness is, in my mind, step one to that.
>I am too ashamed of myself to function
Why, because you want to be princess candyass in your dreams? What about this brings you shame? You can't just hate yourself so hard you stop feeling your feelings, so confront your own reasoning for what's shameful and depressing.
>Every other night I get wet dreams akin to Royal Duties. And then I wake up and everything is terrible again.
If the terribleness is going from pony life to life in modernity, I can relate. But if the terribleness is just shame, I have to reiterate, there's nothing to be ashamed of in feelings.

TL;DR, it's okay to feel bad, but don't feel bad for feeling bad. Just take a step back and reassess, without judgment.
wait species dysphoria is real? i thought you guys were just jerking around (and jerking off)
I don't know if that's what depressanon is experiencing, but they do seem to be at the least experiencing gender dysphoria.
Thank you anon. You are genuinely helping a lot. I suppose it's natural I want to feel loved and to escape my crippling loneliness in real life. It's just the whiplash with waking up in cold bed alone. I stared to believe that I should consider myself the same to all the freaks because that's what people on both sides say. I know I am not a bad person, but I needed reassurance. Thank you anon. I need to stop being ashamed of living. Thank you from the bottom of my heart anon
Well, probably not. I mean I'd rather be a technicolor pony than a human but I don't really lose sleep over that, they aren't real. If I got to be a mildly attractive woman with a loving husband I'd be 100% content. As I said, I am a tranny and a faggot, not that delusional. It's just an unfortunate set of conditions that lead me to waking up from feeling my absolute best as Candyass in my dreams to my absolute worst as myself in real life
It is natural to want to feel loved. When you've been touch-starved for long enough it's not unnatural to want to get loving headpats and compliments, even to fetishize it and obsess over it.
Tell you what anon. I'll drop my discord tag. You don't have to add me, but if you want to it's here.
Either way you have a good crimus, okay?
they're just like haha anon check your hooves you mightve stepped on gum and i don't want that on my carpet
they also pretty much always call my hair a mane for some reason. at first they'd emphasise it for comedy sake but now it's like a silly nickname that they glaze over and occasionally call extra attention to
and one of them got me a bag of carrot sticks once which was actually nice lol
it's all minor all things considered but man
oh also a great uptick in horse related idioms such as calling me a workhorse
yeah i'm like retarded so i frequently imagine myself but as a pony a lot. as in, if i'm lifting heavy groceries id go man i wish i could just carry these on my back hmm I wonder how this pavement would feel on hooves hmm wonder how that guy who always waves at me would treat me if i was a pony
it's the idea of mundane existence that makes me happy
haaha don't think it's quite like that and they'd baker act me if i told them i genuinely wanted to be a small cartoon horse
They're unintentionally supporting your equintiy? HAHAHAH STUPID HUMANS LOSE AGAIN
I hate that I know this image is technically a double tf. Can't believe I listened when Holly told me to watch MIA.
Not trying to be rude, but to an extent your fate was sealed the second you started lurking this board. /mlp/ is like a backdoor pilot to being a faggot/tranny, I don't think there's anything wrong with that though. 4chan has always been a site for freaks, I don't hate /pol/ as much as most trannies do but they've twisted up the site's narrative for years to be about something really retarded.
Yeah it is, I want to be a pony more than I want to be a girl but I do want both.
I just looked up the eating+carrot tags on twibooru kek, I haven't watched MIA
Ditto to what carlos anon said
If you ignore the fact it's crazy isn't it understandable though?
All the best ptfg stories probably have some elements of this knowingly or otherwise. Pet stories (that aren't revisonist/subversive of typical wish fulfillment ones) are usually filled with it, take away the element of a gender change and you still have a story where the protagonist is stripped of their human traits and get to relish in their pony ones.
Trying to be better as a human and more like a pony as a human is one thing but its either imitation or just the feeling your mind, wants, desires, etc are in the wrong body shape. It honestly feels sort of crazy to have to explain it here but I know a lot of anons think they wouldn't mind what body they have, or see it as a kink exclusively, or claim to see it as an abstract thought exercise or they are actually just trannies and don't care about becoming a pony specifically over other stuff.
I'm thankfully not dealing with species dysphoria, but I do feel a type of bodily dysphoria. Working toward my ideal self image just don't ask for my regimen because I'm not bulking up in that way haha.............
Many people treat it as a sex thing and when I've done nofap long enough or otherwise did x or y self-help thing I should stop feeling the way I do, but the feeling's been persistent since I was a preteen, even before I got on social media. My mental health has overall waxed and waned, but I've always been stuck between family/work/social expectations and my own wishes for myself..
Gender Dysphoria is just an excuse. You have things you want to do and be, why let being a boy get in the way of that? Don't put an impossible obstacle in front of trying things and improving yourself. Even if you could become a woman, you'll never be happy until you free yourself from trying to live within society's mold.
Anon from the post above yours speaking. I don't. I have plans, and I'm okay with settling for close enough when it comes to the wild stuff. I don't plan to get any kind of surgery done. Most of the people I've talked to don't want surgery or anything either.
It's good that the surgery and pills are being less accepted because of how bad they can fuck people up, but even just waiting for a "social transition" to be complete before you allow yourself to be happy is bad too. You cannot control other people's perception and expectations of you. That's why so many trannies enter the death spiral where they're never enough of a woman. It isn't good to buy into that or yourself with people that encourage it.
*...buy into that or group yourself with people that encourage it.
I do put finding internal acceptance over social transitioning in my list of priorities. Pretty much what I said in >>41768879 .
Pills are being less accepted? Then how the hell do trannies troon?
my gender is horse, disregard sex, acquire hooves
We probably have pretty similar perspectives then. It's just for all those reasons that I refuse to call myself trans or use medical labels to say I want to be cute. I'm curious why you do, and why so many other people do as well.
Generally by demanding that people use their pronouns and threatening discrimination lawsuits. I think that's mostly activists though, it's hard to find the line between people that are trans for cred, and people that actually want to be girls. A lot of them still use pills too.
Eh. I suppose for some people it's a matter of degree/conviction and for others it's solidarity for The Community(TM) but I just don't care much to argue for or against the label. People will look at me like I have two heads if I say I don't really have a concrete label or don't care about pronouns. I'm me first, a human teddy bear second, and "femme" third. Is that a weird order to categorize? Eh, whatever.
Damn that's rough. It must suck for normal trans people. That being said, if my child tells me "Dad, I want to be a girl/boy" I will poke around a bit in their mind and try to see if it's genuine. Not too much, I'd rather my child suffers the consequences of being braindead than of having an unlvoing parent. My parents refused me support multiple times when I needed it, I won't let it happen to my child. It genuinely worries me since my less abusive... father I guess is a male troon since recently. And I heard it tends to run in family
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>My parents refused me support multiple times when I needed it, I won't let it happen to my child
God what a mood.
That's what I love you lot for. People accuse you of the weirdest shit, but at the end of the day you are just a bunch of biggest cinnamon rolls around
Well yeah, at the end of the day, most of us are touch-starved, arrested-development, terminally-online faggots who just want a sense of community or kinship with people who *get* us in some way. And what could be a better icebreaker than us almost universally wanting to be and/or hug and/or fug the cute pony?
There's so much baggage with The Community (TM) and all the terms associated with it. And they keep trying to claim any other terms tangentially related. I hate them. Tying yourself to the community is committing yourself to a different but equally restrictive set of expectations as trying to live as the stereotypical man conservatives want everyone to be.
Couldn't have said it better. I guess I'm just skittish about this place becoming as bad as /lgbt/ or some of the discords I've been it.
I don't know anon. I love soap operas, treu crime, shitty romance novels, dewing and cooking. I am basically the benchmark "woman" traditional gender role and I genuinely love all of these things. And in addition to that I can't realize myself until I am treated and look like a woman, it's a huge relief. Like this all-encompassing fear and sense of wrongness is gone. Am I an activist for that? I swear by my mother's opinion "gender roles existed for a reason. It was bad they were so restrictive, but they came from natural desires of the majority"
idk. There comes a point where having to explain yourself just becomes tiring. My family still thinks I had a brief crossdressing phase in high school and that's all they will ever know, because trying to unpack anything was impossible with their rigid rules from on high. We're talking "but I did eat breakfast" tier. Talk about a Roman philosopher, WaS hE a ChRiStIaN tHo? Talk about feeling more at home with long socks and plushies, BuT jEsUs SaId He MaDe ThEm MaN aNd WoMaN. Say anything about astronomy or animals, get a blank stare or a Kent Hovind talking point.
I don't think gender roles are inherently oppressive, I don't think that rubbing against them necessarily makes you trans, but, I'm overall happier when I feel like a walking talking girly plush. For all intents and purposes, I fit the bill. Doesn't mean I like the social constructivists who just wanna disrupt anything that has an institution around it regardless of merit.
>I can't realize myself until I am treated and look like a woman
As cliché as it is, you will never be a woman. None of us will be, no matter how much we want it. I don't think you can get a lasting happiness until you interrogate where that fear around being yourself as a man and find a way to make peace with it. Labeling yourself a woman is just a shortcut that won't hold up when the cracks in the label show. You need to give yourself permission to be and act "femininely" because you are yourself, not because you have a woman's general role.

You should try to separate hobbies and other things from the gender roles you've associated them with. Lots of men like romance and cooking and all kinds of things that you're stereotyping as for women. If you loosen those stereotypes and recognize them as the heuristics that they are rather than prescriptions on how to live as a gender, I believe it'll give you a much healthier perspective.
It might be something you can work through for you, but it was impossible to me. At the end of the day, I hated my body the most. My body changed and the time when I was growing boobs was the happiest time of my life. I love them. The fact I got electrolysis and don't have to shave anymore is the most liberating feeling ever. Every single step that I tske makes me feel better. I don't want to sound like my word is final and all that, but yes I believe that you have two extrmee genders and the vast majority of people are one or the other, with some being in-between. I knew I could act feminine. It was something my parents were fine with. I could even wear dresses but it felt like a public humiliation with a masculine frame. I am aware that all the surgeries are dangerous and all that... but they make me so fuckig happy. I love my boobs, I love my butt, I love my face. Nothing in the world could make me regret that
If your surgeries worked for you, that's good. I don't want to live in a world where men are expected to modify their body so extensively to wear what they want though. You shouldn't have to get boobs to wear something pretty.
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No ponies only troon jkjk
Would you like to be turned into a hate symbol anons?
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I mean yeah, totally agree. It's just that I had a really, really massive bodily dysphoria (since my friends basically had treat me like a woman since I was always very feminine personality wise)
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Me first, me first!
Anyways, this conversation has grown somewhat out of the scope I thought it'd reach. Sorry if other anons are uncomfortable around the topic, and sorry to depressanon that I can't really follow who's saying what enough to contribute much of anything to this. Have a crimbus poner for your time, everyone.
Is it something you wanted, or is it something your friends made you feel like you needed?
it's still an upgrade so yes
Something I wanted really badly since I was a child.

But enough of that shit, is this general satisfied by the Friendship is Optimal scenario? I always forget which ones tolerate what
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well yeah but atleast women are real i can atleast see the excuses of ooh this fuckers got a female brain in a male body or whatever the fuck they say but ponies don't really exist
The only thing that got me to stop trying to be a neet is the prospect of something like CelestAI being able to exist. I'm retarded but I am going to dedicate my life to this. I used to have a spiritualist tilt, but only to cope with the fact that I'd never be a pony, and needed an out. But now, there's an actual way for me to be an actual pony within my actual lifetime, with the added benefit of eternal satisfaction of values through friendship (and other ponies) of course. You don't understand how badly I need this.
Female brain is pure bullshit purity test nonsense cooked up by the den of schizophrenics which is /lgbt/
it ignores that the circumstances of your upbringing, the complete biology of your body, and loads of other factors go into that. It tries to make a very messy thing some easy essentialist type factor.
There are mental changes and possibly even ways of thinking that come with trying to act a certain gender role but also the same could be said for going from a mindswt of abundance to survival or just over time changing your worldview as the world does.
But usually it's the stuff that haunts you for years that feels to be a part of who you are for certain that determines big stuff like gender, and even though it can change its hard to argue when it's been years and all you ever wanted was whatever being a tranny offers.
So just replace being trans with being a pony. Yes, someone who wakes up and whose first thought is "tfw no hooves" isn't having the same thoughts as a pony born and raised in equestria with a pony body, with pony biology and a pony societal role, but that doesn't disqualify anyone because its kind of unavoidable.
The simple version is its the point in pon-e stories where the main character realizes their pony name and from that point forward despite everything their humanity is done for. Anons posting about species dysphoria are at that stage but they don't have pon-e. That's the real pony brain.
>Female brain is pure bullshit purity test nonsense cooked up by the den of schizophrenics which is /lgbt/
This. If a male can have a "female brain", then what makes it female? It's just a type of brain that can occur in both sexes.
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