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The year is 2045. The southern United States lives under PONY RULE. All human males are MARED. Human men live to serve their ungulate mistresses in vast breeding facilities. Welcome to Earth's PONY FUTURE.

Anon Faggot remembers life before the revolution – before the government-issued mare wives in frilly lingerie. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of New Equestria, where he hides his step-brother Incognito from the clutches of the brutal New Equestrian army.

As voluptuous mare soldiers prowl the countryside searching for virile human men, Anon will stop at nothing to protect Incognito's purity. In his business suit, Anon gives his tender human body to a gang of pitiless mare soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is poor Anon prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable horsefucker fantasies.

Acclaimed author and pro mareschizo, Anonymous presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. His powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one interspecies mare-on-man action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The MARES have their way with Anon's human body, riding and bouncing and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.

Experience the true power of mares in black jackboots, flirty skirts and fishnet stickings. Prepare to cum. Explore the mind-bending world of PONY FUTURE, the first book in Anonymous' brand new series.
This is the type of books they sell in adult pony stores
This is the type of smut they're letting into our schools since Princess Twilight started her friendship school program.
>The year is 2045. The southern United States lives under PONY RULE. All human males are MARED. Human men live to serve their ungulate mistresses in vast breeding facilities.

I ejaculated at this point
How i sign in to be MARED?
Don't threaten me with a good time
Push me
And then just touch me
'Til I can get my
Push me
And then just touch me
'Til I can get my
Satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction
Push me
And then just touch me
'Til I can get my
Push me
And then just touch me
'Til I can get my
She was never qualified to be a teacher! Absolutely shameful.
she was educated by the god-princess herself
You talk a lot of things for someone that loves to be surrounded with human boys. Say you want all of them for yourself ?
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>Prepare to cum
I'm not prepared.
Does that mean there would be desperate men from other parts of the world such as Europe or Asia would flock to New Equestria in droves to have sex with mares?
this and the number of salty women that would emerge would make the majority of interspecies relationships heavely taboo. so the mares would just break your mind with superior pussy.
They would claim it's technically zenophilia and would ignore the claims of zoophilia from women. Also would open up the possiblity of taking home mail-order marebrides across the ocean, like what you normally see in areas such as in Thailand and the Philippines today
>>41683499 (Me)
I mean xenophilia
Why would ponies want to read smut that's focused on the mares?
>mares make up to around 75% of the pony population
>the concept of a man getting MARED as a species traitor makes mare horny
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The last thing New Equestria needs is Indians
Yeah but the summary makes it sound like the focus is how sexy the mares are. The protagonist should be a mare that rapes anon, not the other way around.
So you're saying I get assigned to marry one mare for free? What's the drawback?
No, you are just a sex slave for any mare that wants to fuck you.
It's actually a rare piece of literature that explores the human side of the history and subvert the cliches of the main MARED stories. some say that it was even written by a real human who got MARED in his last moments of free will
These marecel power fantasies are so pathetic
Everyone knows human men are for Kirin only
Do you rike hoomen mren, scalehead?
Try to not cause another forest fire when cloppping to mares dominating human man scalehead
Arminius will liberate us
Say that to my face not online see what happens
You'll become black and angwy? You are aware that human men don't like dark colored females right? LOL
Talking a lot of shit for a hot head, wanna watch me breaking a human so you can stinguish your fire ?
Bitch, aren't you married?
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>Human men don't like beta pony females
Cope. This is what every human is going to see when he goes to Equestria
>Got descaled
Kek. Even K*r*ns know that human men only want ponies.
>to get some human d she had to get descaled
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Keep coping. Pony "mares" can't even last 5 second in bed, and humans just prefer warm Kirin pussy. It's a fact.
That's why you have to fantasize about your little "MARED" stories, while us Kirin just live it out in reality.
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>The year is 2045. The southern United States lives under PONY RULE. All human males are MARED.
You're all a bunch of marecel losers. Go outside and meet a stallion. It isn't that hard to get one wrapped around your hoof, m'kay?
>get mildly annoyed
>burn the human's dick off
oh yeah you kirins are real attractive
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>Betrayed Civilization for his tribe
>Directly caused a Punitive Campaign... against his own people
>Said tribe then killed him for petty reasons

no, he would probably be killed by those he was liberating.
The sky is blue, the tide turns, the sun rises in the east, gender role reversal is to be found literally anywhere but its designated thread, the pope wears a funny hat
posting in a based thread
I accept your concession
There's only like thirty kirins in the whole world.
Quality over quantity
I want to break human boys
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Kirins want to be pony so bad. Why is that so?
I have questions
>If I wrote a book off this prompt and self-published it to Amazon is there any way I can keep myself anonymous? I dont know how Whitney Ryan was able to do it?
>How long would you guys want it to be?
>How do I avoid being murdered by hasbro's corporate death squad?
>do you think it would sell and get enough traction for me to land a publishing deal as a novelist? (serious)
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Human men want to be inside Kirin so bad. Why is that so?
Human here we love nerdy mares
Hands or gtfo
How could you even think that of me? You must be drunk. Who am I kidding, you always are!
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Quit posting, Autumn. Our tribe is way too small to take on all 4 billion hooman men just to cuck the ponies anyway. And they don't like polygamous females.
Oh go take a dip in the stream of silence you double nirik
Ohh Ms cherri I'm drunk, hella drunk but not so drunk that I wouldn't notice how you look at them. Some of the boys struggle to walk once you are finished with them, we both know about our earth mare strength Ms, you gonna end up hurting one of those boys one day.
>do you think it would sell and get enough traction for me to land a publishing deal as a novelist? (serious)
Me on the right.
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You're sure going to get dragged there one day. Can you ever even shut up? You're going to burn your PC, by the way.
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Meet me by the opera house you brown fuck, I'm gonna kick your ass
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How about you go to the forest to save same hoomin boy from a hungry beast instead of setting yourself on fire? You know, the traditional kirin way.
Or else some pony tourist or a less combustible kirin is going to take him for herself.
I hope all your bread burns
Nirriks out there thinking they can get human man to fuck them.
Everyone knows that humans are gryphon only
Gryphons? More like GRYPHAGGOTS, am I right?
Opinion discarded
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I know that you’re unhappy
You're a light stuck in a shadow
Busy being too damn aggro
Do you really care if they all know,
There's so much happening,
There's no shame in who you wanna be,
Or be with, it's your fantasy,
But turn it into reality,
You're worried about your family,
Scared of what you think they'll say,
Let's leave opinions in yesterday,
And go live in ecstasy

These conversations with (yourself)
Feelings you (don't share with anygryphon else)
This isolation
Is bad for your health~
Let me explain this to you

Gryphies can be lesbian too
Whether you like it or you love it
Whether you're kissing or you're touching
Don't hide the lust, I know you covet
Gryphies can be lesbian too
There ain't nothing you need to hide
DL games won't really survive
Tomorrow you might not be alive
Gryphies can be lesbian too~
THIS IS SLANDER. Man prefer cloaca than your dirty cunts
Maybe yuri fetishists do, gryphaglady.
>do you think it would sell and get enough traction for me to land a publishing deal as a novelist? (serious)
Unfortunately, unlikewise with turdcocks, the fetishization of cartoon mares and wanting to be dominated by them is not encouraged by the mass media.
Humans are predators, smart, yet frail ones.
The thought of breaking and taming a human male with their pussies is incredibly arousing to mares, even if it's pretty easy.
nah, I might be a loser but I'm not a glutton for punishment.
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What kind of demands for humanity are New Equestria going to make at the U.N General Assembly?
You VILL get punished by getting your balls drained by marepuss.
Scritches and tummy rubs.
The last thing anon said before becoming addicted to mare pussy
I don't know how I missed this thread but this is so awesome, where does Queen Chrysalis fit into this story?
Nothing. They just go there to call the UN a bunch of fags.
Why every time I see an anon x pony story it always goes to "mares are simply attracted to humans" or some bullshit like that? It's not even "mares are charmed by this quirky loser" it's just "biological/magical bullshit means that anon is extremely attractive with no downsides whatsoever" don't you feel bad? Don't you feel like you should at least charm mares with your own merits? Don't come at me with "ehh I'm a loser, I have no qualities, I need some retarded biological explanation to succeed" you have enough of an ego to write this bullshit, you know you have something in you that would put a smile on a mare's face and a spring on her trot, go write about that and stop stealing scripts from blacked bullshit, you're better than that
Nigga is the enemy of fun.
Anon you will get MARED and your girlfriend will watch the mare milking you with her pussy
Pretends to be a human woman to grift the scared couples for love. Actually likely secretly bounces on human cock in her true form.
Oh I see, it's 3rd worlders of course
img source?
Filename on derpi.
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I want femanon stories in this universe
>but who gives a shit about roasties
anime website.
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Very cool idea, yes. However, some of the mares should be wearing diapers
The perspective of a femanon would be just as boring as the perspective of a stallion. They would have no connection to maredom aspect.
>thats boring, who would ever care about anyone like that
woman moment.
Do you really want to read greens about cucked women?
Nirrik propaganda
I like reading anything where women thrive or fail in the expected male roles.
thats why RGRE or moral reversal or /mlp/ in general which is about cute mares doing cute adventure things is fun to me.
Well I'm guessing the womens' role in MARED Earth is either getting endlessly jew'd by grifters feeding on the outrage of mares seducing, ravishing and raping human men or the Princesses forcing them to work on the uranium mines.
And yes a lot of the outrage comes from 4B.
if you actually look at that formula it's not too different from most anonfics now.
>endless jewing and seething
>turn off tv
>appreciate horse
or if theres no horse, usually because of anon.
>be annoyed by horse who's just trying to be frens
>slowly learn friendship.
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>(((gryphter))) calling anything propaganda
很多笑声. Ironic.
And how they're going to appreciate horse and slowly learn friendship, I wonder. I'm guessing getting STALLIONED.
these stupid krillin posts make me laugh every time
Little chance of commercial success, women are the primary consumers of erotica
I think no one ever wrote a actual MARED story where human woman get fucked.
>biological/magical bullshit means that anon is extremely attractive with no downsides whatsoever"
Seethe harder. Human cock was made for pony pussy.
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Why would anyone ever write that, besides faggots of course.
>human woman
2d women are not important.
Femcels can't help but cope and watch videos from MARED.COM
>and how will it end?
I dont really care as long as its cute. it can be romantic or platonic.
Nigger would watch his wife getting fucked if it was cute
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>Sheboon would watch her husband getting fucked
FTFY. Black boys are built for TZC.
>you know you have something in you that would put a smile on a mare's face and a spring on her trot
its usually in her
A human woman getting fucked by a horse is the most normalfag of horse related fetishes.
I don't like this kind of fiction, they act like mares are some kind of rapist something that is false and changeling propaganda. a human male could walk arround naked and no mare would take him by force
That's just asking for it. All it takes is for one mare in heat to catch nakedanon's scent and he's literally screwed.
Of course not! no meenie mare would take anon, the musky, sweaty, salty, human by force!
Ok, you've convinced me. I'm not going to wear any clothes the next time I walk through ponyville.
>mares are some kind of rapist something that is false and changeling propaganda. a human male could walk arround naked and no mare would take him by force
Okay but the first one is hot and the second one is not.
I wouldn't mind writing about life of an average woman in New Equestria/MARED Earth, but I doubt anyone besides (You) and maybe a couple of fags actually want to read about a cuckquean's shartventures as a second-class citizen. Especially if a good part of the story is a lore dump about Earth (if set in 2045 rather than 2025) in a Dude Sex-like setting undergoing Equestrianization in a sort of transition period with (controlled) social media grifting, chimpouts and the hoomies losing the lands still uncontrolled by New Equestria to ponies.
People would rather read about a human men simply losing to mare pussy.
Better not king, I have limits and a entire long story about cuckqueen misadventures is just cursed. if it is short and funny is a thing but long and serious is other thing.
This sounds like furry porn that's been reskinned with ponies.
Well it is an actual rewrite of nigger porn, and since niggers are pretty much anthro chimps, you're not far from truth.
However, don't tell me that isn't based.
What you heard.
mared is a myth
No mare will be better than woman pussy, your cock was made for human pussy young man
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Spotted the coping monkeigh female.
Spotted the coping ponigga
say to me why you don't go with your own man? why the need to steal our man ?
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>n-no u
Also because there's much more mares than stallions, besides hooman boys are cuter anyway and they're absolutely unable to resist marepussy.
no man would want to fuck your cunt dodo pony.
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>more monkeygurl cope&seethe
Have se- oh wait, you can't.
LOL. Men saw a better deal and rightfully flocked over to the mareside.
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Skinnie queens will win against those filthy farm animals
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Poniez are da orkz in a lot of wayz, including all da friendshipz. Post that screencap.
Actually inspired by this because I thought it was cute.
I would buy every book in that series.
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The PONY mare is the epitome of female dominance and feminity.

Let's start by looking at her body. Her body is sexy. Her domineering snowpity makes her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is voluptuous, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of health and strength. She is then covered by her soft coat. This coat reminds us of her cuddleness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the steaming winters of Equestria, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The coat reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The PONY mare's demeanor is one of alphaness. She is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively demanding of cuddles. Her behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly species (monkey bitches)

The summit of expression of her feminity on her body is her vagina. The MARE vagina is tightest of all the species. As the vagina is the penultimate symbol of femalehood, this alone would suffice to make the PONY mare the most feminine of females. This tight pussy is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to more than drain all the contents of the balls. Its controllable tightness ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent Equestrian womb will immediately accept the semen of the man the PONY mare fucks.

In total, the PONY mare expresses this feminity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she unleashes the entirety of her lusts and desires upon her partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the PONY mare is the epitome of feminity.
gettin yer cutie mark tattooed somewhere on yer hubby's body is 100% necessary don't want nopony thinking that big fat human cock belongs tah anypony but yerself. Though make sure ya can cover it up or else yer granny will ask very uncomfortable questions
what kind of uncomfortable questions appul?
FOOLS the enemy is trying to steal your seed and (you) allow it
I'm writing the first chapter now. You horsefuckers better buy my $1 book so that it becomes #1 on Amazon's bestseller list for the day it releases. I'm aiming for at least 32k words. Maybe 64k
That's absolutely absurd! I would never hurt a foal nor a child!
You touched me in my nono parts when I was young! I never had a woman because I got addicted to mares!
>I never had a woman because I got addicted to mares
You say like that's a bad thing.
>t. mare soldier
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>Stacy used to be a successful model woman citizen of the 2040s
>A materialistic individualist, knows that she lives only once so she worked on that all the opportunities she could experience in her life would become realizable
>Everyone among her friend circle knew that wageslaving in hope of "builiding a career and climbing up the ladder" was only a waste of time that didn't actually guarantee a financial security, so she should live for herself
>So Stacy started an OnlyFans account
>Shortly after, she started to live like a queen
>She raked in some crazy money, being able to rent expensive, spacious, comfortable apartments in an elite neighbourhood
>She had sex with the handsomest men, who eagerly fullfilled all her kinks
>While an endless stream of money from her subscribers was flowing into her bank account
>But all that changed one day, with an alien invasion no less
>Mass media often portrayed aliens as some kind of funky humanoids, but these looked more like horses than humans
>Their leaders, a couple of ancient winged unicorns, were called to the UN General Assembly soon upon contact
>The horses have publically denounced the "leaders" of the humanity at the said assembly
>Leading to a good part of the 1% being turned into stone
>Including Stacy's home country's political elite, its allies and its geopolitical rivals
>The statues of all the presidents and prime ministers are now garnishing the capitals of the countries they've used to rule
>Establishing a "New Equestria" in the place of those nations, controlling most of their land aside from some outskirts
>New Equestria now controls like half of the land of the Northern Hemisphere, its Eurasian and North American parts of it being linked by the Arctic Ocean
>The "Old" Equestria immediately began to colonize the land and is aiming to have the entire Earth under their control
>Some would think that there would the hot, hung stallions taking the women for themselves while the men watched
>Those people never have been so wrong
>Instead, most of the colonists are mares
>And on top of all that, the New Equestrian government issued mare wives to human men in exchange of permanent housing in spacious cottages and mansions, often built by the new settlers as a part of the "Equestrianization" of the human lands
>That thing have divided human society even more
>There are a lot of men who accepted the ponies
>They supported the Equestrian colonization and the marriage with mares
>As soon as there were pony settlers in Stacy's city, there were lots and lots of men with mares
>Playing together outside
>Doing the sappily romantic couple things like dating, hugging and kissing in the park
>Ponies were unescapable
>Apparently there were a lot of them in the Old Equestria due to very long period of prosperty and peace, but due to a recent magical anomaly there weren't a lot of stallions
>And as mares would often say, it's that they find the "humie colts" very cute anyway
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>Mainly, the alien ponies were the "featureless" ones, the winged ones and the single-horned ones
>But there also were the rarer kinds
>The ones who looked like the featureless kind but they looked like they were made out of crystal
>The zebras, stripes and all, were mostly seen running the "new" kind of drug clinics were they sold potions
>The leathery winged kind with protruding fangs, Stacy saw them during evening at times
>She even saw the other kind of the unicorns a couple of times, but those had leonine manes and their horn appeared antleresque
>She read that those could turn into fire
>Of course, there were also a lot of men expressing their distaste at the "species traitors who betrayed the natural order created by *deity_name*"
>They had a lot of support, particularly from the women whose pool of potential partners have drastically shrinked down due to the mares taking them, and scared couples
>Every time since the takeover and then there were protests against the New Equestria's policies of encouraging the human-pony marriages
>And they became even worse when the consequences of a such union became apparent around a year after the takeover
>When a mare got impregnated by a human, she either a had a fully pony filly, or a fully human boy, but they couldn't give birth to fully human girls
>While this fact have destroyed the previous take of that humans cannot interbreed with ponies, much less the alien kind, it only added fuel to the protests as it raised concerns about the future of women
>Stacy, as a woman that got severly impacted by the closing of OnlyFans and who was concerned about her own future, has been protesting and donating to the organizators since the start
>She saw multiple men being overpowered and dragged by the pony cops
>Including one with what looked like military augmentations
>There were only a couple of times that Stacy saw a live augmented person
>The mechanical implants became available only like a couple of years before the invasion
>Those were insanely expensive and thus were only available to the ones that really could afford them
>Such as the elite military corps, anti-terrorist agencies or the expensive building projects for the 1%
>Those implants gave the humans new possibilities of expanding their physical abilities, the people who had them were much stronger than an average man
>But it was still nothing compared to ponies
>Enraged, the augmented military veteran tried to attack the cop mare, only for her to easily overpower him and drag him to the van
>Those protests were not so secretly used by the New Equestrian government to convert more men
>A lot of male protesters, who often wrote about the day of revenge coming soon, would often a complete 180 on their rhetoric
>Encouraging men to interbreed with mares
>Posting their selfies where they had collars on their necks
>Many of those accounts have appeared to be far too organic to be Equestrian plants doing demoralization
>women: down with the patriarchy!
>"No!, not like that!"
Enjoy the Maretriarchy ladies
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>The Internet have changed in a way since the invasion
>Some websites like OnlyFans had to be closed, much to Stacy's dismay
>It was her main source of revenue, and she have been burning her money to the various "protest organizators" without gaining any in turn
>To the point she soon couldn't even afford to pay her rent
>And there's also that asshole with his alien horse who had moved in recently
>Stacy hated that couple and how awfully smug they were
>Previously that house has been occupied by a nice old man named George
>But in exchange of good ol' George moving into a peaceful home in mainland Equestria to live his last years in, his house have been given to a man-mare couple for starting a family in
>The schmuck, who acted like just like every pony lover and his girlfriend, the green pegasus with a pink mane (she could recall that her name is Merry May, but the species traitor's name evaded Stacy) have disgusted every fiber of her being
>Sometimes the horse would smugly say that the lonely Stacy doesn't need to frown, that there's still a lot of fish in the pool
>That kind of a mock comfort felt like an insult to Stacy, like salt to the wound
>Despite all the increasing outrage, it looked like the men were only succumbing to the mares
>All those broken protestors
>The entirety of X's front page was occupied by those people
>As if those MARED and pony supremacy videos being spammed all over the Internet weren't revolting and demoralizing already
>Stacy watched only one such video, dropping it before it ended, feeling a mix of rage and disgust
>Not like sexually submissive men weren't Stacy's thing (unless it was yaoi of course), but it seemed almost all the pony-human content was about mares dominating men
>Stacy couldn't grasp it, she thought men were supposed to be the strong ones, to be able to guarantee protection to women
>But all the MARED porn made it look like every man harboured a submissive streak
>The video started with the couple being obnoxiously lovey-dovey, with the mare being overly comforting and maternal to her man
>Talk about mommy issues some men have
>Then it escalated into the mare wearing seductive clothing, the man dropping on his knees, begging her to take him
>The mare used her man like a living dildo
>Moaning sexually as she praised him and his body, occasionally dropping some teasing degradation
>While he kept going on how good her pony pussy feels, begging her to fuck him harder
>Stacy winced and closed that tab
>Clearly the type of video appealing to both mares and men, promoted by the government and often used as a propaganda to encourage interspecies relationships
>Time to check what's on X
>Most of the old social media was still around
>Elon Mask, the 73-year old tycoon, somehow adapted to the new norm whilst the majority of his fellow billionaires underwent severe repressions, their businesses either being nationalized or bought by the Equestrian upper-class
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>Some say that the owner of X, or Twitter as 25+ year old accounts still called it, has his life at hornpoint, which is why it still exists as a platform where demoralization and grifting thrives
>Also while being one of the most influential people at the time of the invasion, he had to concede some of his thriving businesses to the Equestrian aristocrat Fancy Pants, among many others
>But really, he must thinking of something, right?
>Especially with his business being taken away from him
>He would strike when the horses drop their guard
>With such thoughts, Stacy checked on some "Tirugb Tirugvi", someone who have been organizing some protest on a scale never seen before
>She has been following them for quite awhile
>They've announced the date, time and place the protests were going to start
>June 3rd, at 12:00 PM EST
>Rejoiced, Stacy donated some more of her money to Tirugb Tirugvi
>She couldn't wait for that day
>Finally, the women and the good men would break the cuffs imposed to them by ponies!
>Stacy laid on the bed with good thoughts

>Days and weeks have come and gone then
>3rd June have finally arrived
>Stacy couldn't really afford to go to a protest that was supposed to be held in another city
>She didn't even have money to even pay rent for her apartments anymore
>She didn't want to go live in a capsule pod hotel
>She remembered when she lived there, never again
>Little to no space, and next to no privacy
>But she had to go live there, but...
>All the capsule pod hotels were abolished by the New Equestrian government for the reasons of "discouraging the further human self-destruction by limiting themselves to unlivably small living spaces"
>The same government also have sent Stacy a letter
>Which stated that since she doesn't have permanent housing, she will be sent to what used to be Kazakhstan to mine uranium
>Stacy couldn't ever handle such an opportunity
>Dangerous mining in an another side of Northern Hemisphere, far away from her city
>From even her family
>The government sent such letters to many single women that didn't own their own home
>Stacy already have met Jessica, her old school friend
>Possibly for the last time in her life
>Jessica had to go to Qaidam Basin to mine local minerals there, and was on the way to join her future "coworkers", a team of women dressed in appropriately gloomy clothing
>She needed to find somewhere to live in this city
>Stacy opened X (formerly Twitter) on her phone
>Checking for Tirugb Tirugvi since it's the day
>Their account is deleted
>People are commenting that there's nothing at the site of the supposed protests
>Some say that they just stole all the money, while others insist that the Equestrian intelligence agencies got Tirugb Tirugvi
>Stacy put her phone on the couch, letting a heavy sigh out
>How close, and yet again nothing happened
>Stacy decided to go outside on this warm, sunny day
>There's something that ponies brought with themselves, controllable weather
Okay I'm listening.
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>All the extreme, unpredicted weather became a thing of the past
>Since then, weather has been carefully planned, and the forecasts became weather schedules
>Stacy went into the park, full of mare-man couples
>It seems like there's more and more ponies in the city as the time passes
>And many of them have the filthy species traitors beside them
>There are ponies and humans with strollers, taking their spawn for a walk as well during this sunny Saturday
>There's a man with the weird, scaly purple unicorn
>Those are combustible, could wreck havoc if pissed off, right
>Stacy came to the man, intending slap his butt
>But within two meters of the man, she felt a force throwing her through the park
>The scaly unicorn turned her head, giving Stacy a sideways glance
>Stacy felt landing on something soft
>She looked at the unicorn stallion, who was apparently responsible for her soft landing as his horn glowed
>"Be careful, miss. Humans are pretty fragile, you know." the unicorn said
>Most mares and their men laughed
>The scaly unicorn also snickered, sitting on a bench with her boyfriend
>He gave her a peck on the cheek, and she reciprocated kissing him on the lips
>Stacy got off the pillows, which then proceeded to disappear
>The unicorn nodded
>Stacy felt embarrassed
>All the big pony eyes kept looking at her, the mares whispering things to each other
>Those make her feel uncomfortable
>They look like they see through one's entire being
>She feels uneasy
>But she knows how to keep her cool
>The stallion still looked at Stacy
>She focused on his square snout
>She makes a gesture, intending to press her finger on his snout
>Without hesistance, she quickly does so, causing the stallion to scrunch
>She then went away from the park
>Shortly after, she stumbles upon a meat-serving restaurant
>Those became highly popular and weren't owned by ponies, but by rather different species from the same place
>They looked like they were lions but with heads of eagles, their forearms being claws
>This particular one looked like it needed a kitchen worker
>Stacy had some knowledge with working at the kitchen
>Honestly, better that than the uranium mining
>She's been greeted by the restaurant owner
>A griffon male
>"Good day, mister. Do you need a worker?"
>"Why yes! Of course I do. We feed a lot of you humans, you know. I had a human girl working for me until recently, but she's now gone. She said that she's been forced to work in the middle of nowhere now because she doesn't own a home."
>The griffon grunts in disappointment
>"So, we need some to look after the kitchen here. Prepare the orders and keeping the place tidy."
>That's exactly what Stacy needed to hear
>"I can do all of that. Hire me, please."
>And he did hire her
>On this vey same day, just mere hours later has been preparing the ordered food
>There's a lot of humans coming to have a lunch
>Sometimes, the men would come with their mare girlfriends
How will this end?
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>Despite the stereotype, ponies didn't freak out over humans consuming meat
>Aside from banning horse meat from being produced and sold, most mares were rather accepting of their humans' carnivorous nature
>The day went fast
>The restaurant was about to be closed, as Stacy asked her new boss about if there could be an another bed
>Thankfully, there was
>The griffon was flattered by that his human worker decided to sleep there
>Stacy explained she also needs to go far away from the city as she's single and doesn't own a home
>She said that she needed protection so the authorities wouldn't take her away
>The griffon agreed to help her out and to keep her safe in his restaurant
>Since then, she has been working every day in the restaurant
>Receiving pay that she could spend on her own necesssities
>The days, then entire weeks came and went
>Stacy actualy enjoyed her menial (and rather traditional for a woman) job
>She felt like she finally found the place in her life
>Preparing quality food for restaurant, making it more successful than its competitors
>Maybe she could afford her own house soon
>She knew that her previous, egoistical lifestyle didn't do her justice
>When OnlyFans closed, she simply wanted to settle down, to find her perfect man that could help her carry on her old materialistic habits
>She hated mares because she was simply jealous of them taking the men that she wanted to have
>She have finally realized that this isn't the right path
>But her actually being helpful to everyone is
>She heard her boss get up in the early morning
>The door closed as the griffon went outside
>Stacy got up from her bed, following her boss
>Through the deserted streets of the city
>Feeling the cool morning breeze, before the summery heat settles in
>The city have changed a lot since the invasion
>There's now a lot of pony-oriented stores, such as the horn care one replacing the local Gamestop
>The highway running through the city have been replaced by high-speed train
>There were not much cars around anymore as it used to, and the city's public transport has been largerly replaced by the carts and trains
>Aside from the protests, which have became quieter since the early spring, many of them being held by the same kind of people Stacy used to be, the crime have been reduced greately
>Stacy reached the bench on the waterfront, where her boss sat on
>She took a seat, and he enveloped her with his wing
>Stacy thought her griffon boss was cute
>Maybe she will ask him out one day
>If there's many men who are okay with being in romantic relationships with someone of another species, why should she be any different
>She leaned against her boss
>Watching as the sun rises from the river
>Enjoying the moment
>Stacy didn't even notice as hours came by
>The griffon took a look on his wrist watch on his bird arm
>"Let's go, Stacy. We have a lot of work to do today."
>She couldn't wait for a yet another day
>Working for her purpose
And yeah, this is over. The ending is kinda shid, Stacy just suddenly learns out what her purpose is and stops being this much of a cunt.
natekiggers my beloved, I really liked the lore parts of this one in particular
Today I started a MARED story and finished a BEAKED story.
And I like it
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>I had a human girl working for me until recently, but she's now gone
I thought this was going to take a way darker turn for a moment
>t. mare soldier
Plot twist: That griffon is Tirugb Tirugvi who did the grift, feeding on the outrage because that's how griffons are.
I just want a mare despite the year.
I just want a mare, to pass gas in the air.
sex with mares
They'll never get my virginity.
Sometimes I wonder if the glimmer brapfag is really just one anon
There is only one genuine one: me.

As of late though there's been some brownoid pretending to be me, I have a sneaking suspicion it's the "Ultimate RARISCHIZO" guy since I pissed him off months ago and no one was paying attention to his fake flutterschizo act so he decided to be me to get more attention and to get back at me some how. He'll get bored eventually.

Fact: human men are built for PPC (Petite Pony Cunt).
Good green
>humancels coping
>ponygods riding monkey meat
I love the taste of young meat
>riding and bouncing and cursing
They'd better be doing actual magical curses cause ain't my ponies acting like that.
This is all betamare cope if we did "invade" the human world you'd all be kicking dust and avoiding eye contact when a man approached you're virgins here and you'd stay that way over there
What kind of curses a mare would say to a human ?
Pony pussy slut
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>rgre but on earth
>Ponies imposing Equestrian culture and morals upon the conquered species
Soubds based.

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