Previous Thread: >>41544702A wintry welcome editionTwilight's favourite books: Reading: music playlist:
>>41684514She has big eyes.
>>41684514>We was always lookin' for somepony named 'Charlie'...
>>41684844Charlie is gone... They took Charlie...
>>41685106Would that reading were so easy for us humans.
>>41685106The Devourer of Books
>>41685146thats what you do in skyrim. that's why spell books disapear after you "read" them.
>>41686397>leonine tail
>>41685663Why is she so angry?
>>41686961Hayburgers banned forever
>>41687737Knowledge is cemented by practice. I can help with that.
>>41687737>Her wings.Kek.
Twi was my original waifu, back in 2010-2011.I don't waifu her anymore (don't really waifu anypony), but she* still has a special place in my heart.*All versions of her.
>>41689040>All versions of her>non-autistic oldfagRare
>>41689526Based drawfren
>>41689526I really like your style.
>>41689526it's like christmas whenever i see new art from you pop up. thanks, man
>>41690426>wet TwiUnf
>>41689824>>41690002>>41690011i'm also working on this one
>>41689526>>41690864My heart is melting.
>>41690864I KNEEL
Someone's trying to slide something.
>the thread is getting slidit's over
>>41692269You can't slide the purp
>>41684514twiggy puggy
>>41684514A cute twig!
>>41689040why'd you stop waifuing her?
nighty night sweet twilight
>>41693911Twiggy Piggy!
>>41693665WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
>>41694768Why is she dressed like that?
>>41694768Cute rockstar purp!
>>41696145Please set bookhors free from the prison of goin up stairs!
>>41696167She's almost there.
>>41697237>ptWhat does that mean?
>>41697293Pinkie Twi, obviously.
>>41698044What happened to her ears?
>>41696167You can do it yourself, just close the gif.
>>41699490Such smooth animation.
>>41699628Why so scrunchy?
>>41699490Why does her flapping her wings downward coincide with her bobbing down, and the upstroke coincide with her rising? Shouldn't it be the other way around? What were they thinking??
>>41701860>What were they thinkingThey weren't.
>>41703419Reminds of Yoshi's Island for some reason.
>>41704449>leonine tailUgly as fuck
>>41706114>girlsTwi, there are no girls here.
>>41701860It's just animator brain. You see a character's limbs making a big motion, you wanna reflect that same motion in the rest of their body. They just forgot about lift being a thing. Alternatively it's proof that pegasus wings are entirely magical, take your pick.
>>41707514Excessive coffee consumption is bad for your health, Twilight.
>>41707171>Alternatively it's proof that pegasus wings are entirely magicalPegasus magic is canon though.
Why can you get banned for a bump now?
>>41708142>talks about health on 4chan
purp shitpost for my fellow purp enjoyers
>>41709962Holy based
>>41709962that gave me a kek
>>41709962Glad to see you're still around.
>>41709973(° 。°)
>>41709962Based drawfren
Twilight is dead and ger legacy is in ruined and she basically ruined RDs life by making her not able to fly
>>41711628>Twilight is deadAlicorns cannot die.>she basically ruined RDs life by making her not able to flyWhat the fuck have you been smoking?
>>41709962Hell yeah, homie
On a scale from 1 to 10, how racist was the School of Friendshipâ„¢?
>>417124101. It sucked.
>>417125191 as in "it was too racist for me"or1 as in "it wasn't racist enough"???
>>41712750You're on 4chan, which do you think he meant?
>>41712774i simply had to make surethere have been instances of "woke" on 4chan in the past
>>41712774obviously both
>>417124100It's fucking trash, what the fuck were they thinking?!
>>41714081So comfy
>>41714081Spike is using binoculars for a better view of Rara's crotch
>>41714893Based Spike
>>41684513I like how I viewed this thread and instantly I get an ad about horse hooves.
>>41701839I like this one a lot. One strives to become the highest version of themselves, and the other longs to go back to the past, where they were happier and had friends.
>>41717098I don't get it.
>>41717239It's comparing different personality types by indicating they effectively speak different languages.
>>41717635All personality type tests are pointless. They are simply reskinned Zodiac signs.
>>41717898>All personality type tests are pointlessBased.
>>41717615Hey, I'm the one who should have made the first move!
>>41715487>picThese are cats, not ponies.
>>41715487Furfag shit
>>41720803Let my wife read in peace, you little brats!
Do her duties as the Princess of Friendship include friendship with benefits or is that more Cadance's territory?
>>41721815>or is that more Cadance's territory?Yes
I love Twilight Sparkle!
>>41723095Aren't we all?
>>41725305What city is this?
>>41726240Looks like Paris.
>>41726681Cute as ever!
>>41727238What's she singing?
>>41728098Based racist Twiggy
What is she plotting?
>>41729189she's simply advancing Equestrian (unicornish) national interest
>>41729189Preparing Christmas presents.
>>41729189Whatever is necessary to defend the national revolution.
>>41729792Don't you think that's a bit radical?
She desires the borgor
>>41731750A burger with meat? Are you sure about this?
>>41731750That's a very cute purp, would smooch
>>41731827She’s an omnivore
>>41731827It's made the humane way, by summoning meat from the flesh dimension.
>>41733091You made me imagine a universe filled with meatball planets with bacon rings, grand nebulae of fried and baked chicken, kebab comets, clouds of sliced ham swirling around black holes, and pulsars spewing hamburger and jerkey into deep space.
>>41733673Bacon grease stars with ancient meatball satellites colonized by sentient brisket. Beef stock giants inhabited by vast bovine intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the jerky where the dimensions intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!
>>41734463Twiggy, this is antisemitic.
>>41734692Huh? What did you say?
>>41735012Ñ‚cccc Don't blow your cover.
>>41731750>>41735126Twiggy Piggy!
>supervises your friendship
>>41736296Twidrone a cute.
>>41736296>bottom light on>bottom light off
>>41734065Well, I never would have expected to see you here, Dr. Breen.
I'm disappointed we never got a sex scene with Twilight and Celestia in Tamers despite the heavy implications
We got G4 with this awesome protag...just to have her replace with a sociopathic unlikeabe wanna be alicorn......what a sad reality
>>41738414You're honestly missing out on some kino storytelling, character drama and comedy. Maybe one day you'll grow past your apprehension and appreciate Tamer's mlp series for the absolute cinema it truly is.
>>41738414Don't bite the bait of the shiteaters that are his fans.
>>41739944large render
>>41739944Her dress somehow reminds me of the futuristic space clothes that people in the 1960s thought we'd all be wearing by now.
>>41741050hi purp!
>>41740291What's happening to Spike in the background?
>>41740614>people in the 1960s thought we'd all be wearing by nowWe failed them...
>>41742985We sure did. Also, we need more Twilight in futuristic space clothes.
>>41736396k e k
>>41736396>>41743557I don't get it.
>>41744191Nade drop drones used in contemporary conflicts use the light toggle function to drop their payload.
>>41745804Huh, so that's how it works.
>>41746064She looks at me with such contempt. Hot.
>>41746484What's she shooting at?
>>41749820Wtf is this REAL?!?!?!
>>41749612Cute, but Cutie Mark is wrong.
>>41750970all of tara strongs characters sound the same so might as well be.
>>41749820>>41751722Fun fact: My first ever boner was inspired by Princess Clara, voiced by Twilight Sparkle on the evening of November 30th, 2005.
>>41753714Kill yourself
>>41753714>futaBas->coldbloodedtwilightKill yourself
>>41753074Maybe it'd be cringey but Harley Quinn Twilight / Joker Anon could be a fun pairing
>>41754750/mlp/ needs sound webms so bad
>>41684513FLASHED edition when?
>>41755932This is slander
>>41755937Cry to Weird Al about it.
>>41755943You blinked first by being an EQGnigger
>>41756406No, she's warm and fuzzy.
>>41756929Unf I want to pull that candy cane out and taste her minty ponut.