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This is the ideal Anonpony. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

All Anonstallion/Anoncolt stories and art welcome.
Anonfilly is better because I like self inserting as the female
Should've gave it at least a week before making a new thread.
Ur gay
If he didn't, I would have made it. I got a green to wait eagerly for updates on.
Previous thread: >>41584285
That's Anonmare
Sorry replied to the wrong thing like a dumbass>>41695669
Unironically tranny general
How would you avoid getting boners being surrounded by real mares without any clothing? Would be even being badly seen to have that kind of reaction?
I think about this way to much. I bet all the mares laugh and like teasing stallions when it happens.
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Yay greens
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>p-please be considerate of the dozens of coomer threads that want space on the catalogue!
Yeah no.
I bet mares smell nice
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>How would you avoid getting boners
Literally impossible, especially when they're directly teasing you.
Why is she like this?
Masturbate twice a day
If you became a pony, what race would you be, bros?
And by that i don't mean what would you want to be, but take a look at yourself, your culture, your body, your own person etc and try to say which pony race fits you best
Personally, i'd either be a bat or a changeling
t. Romanian
I'd want to be a pegasus but I'm so boring, bland and down to earth that I could only realistically be an earth pony.
Any greens where Anon stallion gets gelded?
Why would you want to remove his balls
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need i say more?
I am autistic and retarded so probably bat
she just hit her first heat
I'm love starved, not well liked, and can blend into a crowd, so probably a changeling.
I love planes and flying around, so probably a Pegasus
Either unicorn or griffon. Worst of two worlds.
t. Polish
Alicorn because I want to be the best and I don't care how self-indulgent it is.
Fatherless behavior
That was a fun thread
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I do not care for Anonfilly
She insists upon herself
>Unremarkable guy in every aspect
Yeah, that would be a donkey for me.
You sure? Are you some sort of barely-sociable outsider?
What am I saying? You're posting on 4chan.
Unironically tranny oc
A non sequitur
Why not be a big buffalo or bison
Would she get better after getting knocked up?
I think so
Avoid? Not going to happen. WOULD rail every chance I get.
She has a valid point to make, she's insistant!
Damn straightforward, Anon.
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>take a look at yourself, your culture, your body, your own person etc and try to say which pony race fits you best
come on, anon
you know why
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what are some good pony exercises to help maintain your physique? and to impress mares?
GIWTWM; such a lucky stallion.
Basically what you posted. A workout that's also a bonding experience.
Anon has massive wings!
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I can think of one.
That's the last step, but yeah.
If Twiggy did that Anonstallion would break his back and end up in the hospital!
Unicorn, they're all Jew-coded.
I would not spank her, that's rude
What's jewish about them?
That would mean they could be any human culture at any point in history.
That's terrifying
The only ones where this really works are the Flimflam brothers. Not so much for the rest of them though.
The neuroticism
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I'm blackity-black so i'd be a zeeb
The other way round would be lewder.
honestly im not sure,im a nerd so i say unicorn.
maybe kirin? or that race sombra is
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doing that one in the clouds makes for good altitude training
Look at all the feathers she loses. That's not good for flight.
pegasus or earth pony, but probably leaning more toward earth pony based on my likes. id LIKE to be a pegasus but if I was forced to be an earth pony I wouldn't complain too much either
You sound like a pegasus.
She's just molting Anon, it's perfectly natural for a pegasus her age. If anything Stallion Anon should offer to help preen her wings for her.
Oh he is preening her for sure in that cloud.
Fluttershy is so happy!
where'd you get this picture of me and my wife?
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I think I'd be a pegasus with a mix of earth pony. I've thought about this before and looked at my parents, and if they were ponies my dad would definitely be a pegasus while my mom would be an earth pony. Physically I'm average in size, with a somewhat of a slender body type, except I have really thick thighs and strong legs. I also enjoy going fast, though in a controlled manner so a pegasus would make the most sense.
I am basically giant palpatine and would be a big mac sized male chrysalis type
your jealousy is noted
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whatever the hell this guy was
This sounds like crap though.
To make him more passive.
But that's gay. And mutilation is for faggots.
You'll be the first one I geld, faggot.
where can I find Anonstallion stories to read
Why does it keep redirecting me to this thread?
because this thread has lots of big faggots,like OP
Twilight should cast a spell on his balls to make them bigger, heftier, heavier, and full of cum to agitate him instead.
Go fuck yourself.
appreciate it, anon
A Clydesdale
Unlikely. He's got a cannon barrel for a dick and his nuts are equally big. Draft horses are packing.
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Anon horse.
based nookprint
he's literary me
Best outcome, really. A pony life, simple and clean.
Hello motherfucker :))

I'll let you guys pick for me to see how well you know me.
Beaknigger. Obviously.
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These threads are as dead as the old /greens/. It's time to let go.
>It's time to let go.
No. Not yet.
Not yet
He's Slavic?
Not yet.
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let go anons...
Not yet.
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let it die, anon...
No, not yet.
if a thread dies to bump limit it should always be repeated
if a thread dies on its own it should not be repeated
not a hard concept
4 more years
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4 years? Why that specifically?
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>"You got this Anon, you've trained most your life for this moment. Now go over there defeat your father in single combat and fuck your mother, and after today you'll be a stallion!
>where can I find Anonstallion stories to read

Unfortunately, we only have one story actively in progress right now, though it's a really good one. We had a few other writers, but they’ve gone MIA, sadly. Fimfic does have some good stories, but most of the human-to-pony ones involve dudes turning into mares/fillies, and many of the others are poorly written. I remember liking this story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/463533/fine-print but it isn't Anon.
>Discord was behind that shitpost
That makes a lot of sense.
There is this story that is of a Anoncolt that is somewhat good, I never finish it but I read a lot of it and I like it

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this makes me think, what if (You) end up as a bat but your wife is not a batto? Batpones are presumably nocturnal, would you be able to change your schedule to align with normal pones or would that be unhealthy in the long run? And if not, how would it affect your life with your pony family?
I'm already a night owl nothing would change
Just bite her and give her PonyAIDS, then you're both bats.
That's not how this works, Anon.
According to the show, it is.
That sounds like Haber, discarded
"Private Anon, g-get over here! Y-your captain needs you right this instant!"

Would (You) join the guard for citizenship in Equestria?
no thanks i'm straight.
I'll do my part.
Why is Dashie confused? She is aware of what sex is?
I've made some (most of my output) art of Anonfilly. I should do some with this stud. Don't expect pro quality, I am a starter.
But that's a mare.
it's a stallion
Check it up on a booru of your choice. This pic is R63.
Any art of Anonstallion is welcome and appreciated.
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i stand corrected and erected.
>"Private Anon! Report to my quarters at once!"
>Your ears perk up at the sound of Shining Armor's voice thundering over the loudspeaker.
>Oh great, what did you do THIS TIME?
>"Oooooo somepony's in trouble!"
>Your fellow guard playfully punches you in the shoulder and laughs.
>"She's probably going to give you 40 lashes for falling asleep on duty last night!" Another guard chimes in.
>You roll your eyes and sigh.
>This is the third bucking time this week that you've been summoned to the Captain's quarters.
>Memories of the previous summons come flooding back into your mind.
>You physically cringe as you remember the first summon.
>Shining Armor bitterly chastised you for flirting with a guardsmare while on duty.
>For crying out loud it's not like you let Discord sneak into the Princess' private vault or something!
>The second summon was for rejecting her invitation to the guard's special training session a few moons ago.
>It wasn't mandatory so why bother going?
>Why is this particular mare so 'by the books' with the guard duty stuff?
>It's just a job for paying bills...right?
>"Anon! Need I remind you of the punishment for ignoring a direct order from the Captain?!"
>Her booming voice sends you frantically galloping to her quarters on the opposite end of the courtyard.
>Celestia help you.
>You practically tear Shining Armor's door from its hinges and scramble inside.
"S-Sorry I'm late Captain, but I-"
>Your jaw drops to the floor.
>There stood the Captain, panting like a beast in heat while presenting her bare rump to you.
>Thick love juices gushed from her winking pussy as she beckoned you to come closer.
>Holy bits.
>"Private Anon, g-get over here immediately!
>She shakes her rump and moans.
>"Y-your captain needs you right this instant!"
You certainly have my attention.
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Nice, I need more
Oh yeah, Anon is in for it.
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>get new idea for new green
>havent finished the last one i started
Inspiration can be a bitch like that sometimes.
>Quick! Think of something, ANYTHING to dissuade her from-
>Your erection stands tall and proud, much to the horny mare's delight.
>You look down at the fucking traitor with a mix of disdain and surprise.
>Shining Armor isn't exactly ugly by any means, but her abrasive personality is more than a turnoff.
>"A-Anoooooon~!" She shrieks with frustration. "Are you disobeying *MMMF* a direct order?!"
>She tries to display an angry face, but her estrus quickly twists it into one of silent desperation.
>Welp, you're faced with two choices.
>Give the poor guardsmare what she needs, or rot in solitary confinement for a dozen moons.
>"An*OOOHN*~! Pwease don't make me beg~!"
>Shining Armor erratically stomps her hooves on the floorboards, setting off a cacophony thumps and creaks that threaten to tear down the entire room.
>She seems incredibly strong for a unicorn...
>You silently trot over to her jiggling hindquarters and sigh.
>"Yes Ye~s YEEEEEEEEEEES! Good colt!"
>Are those....are those HEARTS in Shining Armor's eyes?
>What is this, some kind of cartoon?!
>You line up your tip with her dripping wet folds and lightly poke them.
>Dayum, she's wetter than the muddy obstacle course you're forced to complete every day!
>Shining Armor whinnies in agony and begins bucking her ass cheeks against your crotch, eager to devour your stallionhood.
>"Hurry Private!" The mare moans angrily. "I can't stand this damned estrus another minute!"
>A wicked thought creeps into your mind, forming a sadistic smile across your face.
"Oh Captain, it simply PAINS me to see you in such a sorry state!"
>Her face flushes a deep shade of red.
>"How DARE you try to *MMMF* put the moves on me, P-Private!"
>Surprisingly, her voice sounds more excited than irritated.
>Your eyes widen when the pieces come together. It all makes sense now!
>Her bitter jealousy of other guardsmares.
>Her disappointment in your rejection of her private training lessons.
>Her tendency to focus on you more than the other guards (for better and for worse).
>This menacing mare had a CRUSH on you!
"Okay, I get it Captain..." You somberly reply.
>You squeeze your tip just past her pussy lips and stop.
"But before we go any further, you need to tell me the truth."
>You stare right into her bright blue eyes and wait for her response.
>"W-What do you mean Private?!" She bites her lip and averts your gaze. "I've never lied to you!"
>You shake your head and slowly begin to remove your tip from her gooey snatch, earning a sharp yelp of disapproval from your frustrated Captain.
>"Nooooo~! P-Please don't pull out!!!" She shrieks.
>Her lower lips desperately cling to your dick and try to suck it back into her warm walls of flesh.
"Then tell me the truth!" You growl with impatience. "Why are you such a hardass towards me?!"
>You continue to withdraw from her squishy prison.
>"MMMF!" Shining Armor moans in response.
"TELL ME!" You scream over her stubborn silence.
Damn, he actually turned this around. I didn't think he'd do that.
Anon stallion can be a clever son of a bitch when he needs to be.
>Shining Armor sighs in defeat turns to face you.
>"Private Anon, you have no idea what potential you have as a royal guard..."
>She gently backs up so you can hear her better.
>"...and as a *MMMF* c-coltfriend~!"
"Coltfriend?" You raise an eyebrow. "Who are you and what have you done with the Captain?"
>You trot backwards to increase the distance between your goods and hers.
>"You blasted idiot!" She breathes in and tries to hold her composure.
>"Are you truly oblivious to just how kind....and funny....and h-handsome you are?!"
>Her sudden swooning is making you feel confoused.
>"Don't even get me started on your stallion musk..."
>She continues backing up while swaying her juicy ass, desperately trying to get you back inside of her.
>"It's enough to make a mare sick~!" She smiles sheepishly. "Lovesick that is..."
>Your jaw reaquaints itself with the floor as you try to process her (admittedly cute) confession.
>"I can't imagine how many guardsmares have tried to court you since joining our ranks."
>Are you being pranked? Is this a changeling in disguise? Perhaps some kind of wet dream?
"C-Captain please...stop saying such mushy things!"
>You try to hide your own blush, but Shining Armor proceeds to press the issue (and your dick).
>"Oh Anon, the truth of the matter is-" She pauses abruptly.
>What the hay?! Where did this wall come from?!
>The manic mare firmly presses you against the wall with her ass.
>"I've got you right where I want you~!" She grins.
"Oh bits..."
>You gasp as she pulls your cock inside her inch by inch.
>"Oooooh yesssssssh~!" She throws her head back and rejoices with a series of mewls and whinnies.
>The last of your meatstick disappears into the Captain's moist depths, leaving your balls pressed against her dripping pussy.
"Oh Caaaaaaptaaaaaaaainnnnn..."
>Your eyes are already rolling back into your skull. Her walls are wrapping so tightly around you.
>"Shhshhhshhh!" She puts a hoof to her lips. "Good guards remain quiet while their Captain is speaking."
>Shining Armor feverishly bounces on your dick with a steady rhythm that has you moaning almost instantly.
"C-Captain please *NNNGH* be more gentle!"
>Your pleas are more or less denied as the Captain
>"Ah ah ah private!" She shakes her head and giggles. "You're not in charge of this mission."
>"I AM!"
>The room is soon filled with a mix of your moans and the Captain's whinnies as she picks up the pace with her bouncing.
>Damnit, you can't budge even an inch away from her in ANY direction.
>Your ear perks up.
>Is...is that the wall?!
>Your resistance to her sexual assault continues to crumble, along with the wall behind you.
>"Who's your mommy, Anon?!"
>The Captain has lost her Celestiadamn mind.
>"WHO'S. YOUR. MOMMY~!" She demands again.
>At this rate she's going to cause a cave-in.
>It's time to end this before the two of you end up fucking in the afterlife.
>You're on the edge of cumming and she seems to be well aware of it.
"Y-You are..." You mutter under your breath.
>Shining Armor suddenly stops her gyrating and gives you a serious side eye.
>"What was that, Private?"
"Please don't make me say it again, Captain." You quickly look away from her.
>You can't believe she's blueballing you over a stupid thing like this.
>"Speak up, Private..." She begins pulling away from your trembling body. "...or I won't allow you to cuuuum~!"
>She teases your cockhead right as it's about to exit her dripping folds.
>NOOO! Not when you're so close to blowing your load!
"Y-You're my mommy!" You shout while tears begin to drip from your eyes.
>"That's right my little colt."
>She grins mischievously and re-hilts herself on your aching cock.
>"AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" She pulls away one last time and slams her ass deep into your crotch.
>You explode inside of her with the force of a thousand earth ponies, instantly filling up her womb with your sticky spunk.
>Her erotic cries coax a few more splurts of baby batter from your balls.
>She collapses to the floor in a puddle of your love gravy, and your weakened legs send you falling after her.
>The two of you try to catch your breath in the afterglow.
>Did that really just happen? Does Shining Armor really see you as her coltfriend?
>"Tank you sho mush Anooooonh..."
"Don't thank me *huff* until you explain why you *pant* c-chose me over all of the other guard stallions!"
>chose me over all of the other guard stallions
I sense a twist coming.
>You watch her head roll from one side to the other in orgasmic bliss.
>"Oh Anon, you still don't get it do you?" Her sparklig eyes look right into yours.
"No Captain, I don't." You pout and cuddle into her from behind.
>"It's like I said before Private..."
>She reaches back and steals a kiss from your unsuspecting lips, causing you to blush even harder.
>Damnit, she always seems to know when your guard is down!
>"You're everything a mare could want: kind, funny, strong, h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e..."
>Shining Armor uses her magic to poof you in front of her and wraps her hooves around your belly.
>"...and you really know how to "bite back" so to speak, when somepony is giving you a rough time."
"Coming from you Captain, that means a lot..."
>Now it's your turn to steal a kiss from her.
>She gasps and shudders at your sneak attack, but closes her eyes and quickly reciprocates with a smooch of her own.
>Uh oh, she's already reverting back to her regular hardass self.
>"You charmer you~!"
>Shining Armor rests her head on yours and sighs happily.
"Does this mean what I think it means, Captain?"
>"Mmhmm." She nods against your cheek. "We are now officially an item my dear Private."
>"Oh how silly of me." Shining Armor giggles. "I meant LIEUTENANT."
>Your eyes practically pop out of their sockets as you roll over to face her properly.
>"That's right." She nods again with a warm smile. "After a grand performance like that, how could I NOT promote you?"
>Damn. You not only get to fuck your bitch of a Captain on the regular, but to receive a promotion on top of that? This day just keeps getting crazier.
>Shining Armor snaps you out of your thoughts with a gentle rub against your crotch.
>"Of course, that means you'll have train even harder now."
>She licks her lips at the sight of your cock springing back into action.
>"T-To set a good example for our guards I mean!"
>The Captain blushes and quickly removes her hoof from your nethers.
"Very well, Shiny."
>You can't help but grin as Shining Armor blushes at the sound of her new nickname.
Yay, a promotion
Anon really just fucked his way to a promotion; what a slut.
A promotion and a family in the making. Dude scored twice.
The story must go on
The story must end
>The sound of a ringing bell sends Shining Armor scrambling to her hooves.
>"Oh blast it!" She frantically cleans herself up and repairs the wall with a quick spell.
"What's the hurry, S-h-i-n-y?"
>You lay out on the floor and stretch.
>"We're late for the afternoon assembly you buffoon!"
>The Captain hastily grabs you in her magic and quickly cleans the sweat, semen and marejuice from your body.
>"I'll not have my Lieutenant addressing his subordinates looking like some tattered ruffian!"
>The frazzled mare trots over to you and begins nuzzling into your neck, face, and other places.
"Uh Captain, what are you doing?" You stare at her in bewilderment.
>"Marking you with my scent of course!" She snaps back.
>Her strong scent quickly sticks to your coat like glue, and honestly the smell is not unpleasant.
>"There!" She gives you one final look and sighs with satisfaction. "Now the guardsmares will know you're officially OFF the market!"
>Wow, the Captain really is playing for keeps.
>Her over-the-top affections are almost scary. How long has this poor mare gone without intimacy?
>Seeing Shining Armor get all flustered at the mere THOUGHT of other mares stealing you away from her is pretty cute though.
>Soon you hear the sounds of guard ponies gathering in the courtyard outside, eagerly chatting among themselves as they wait for their Captain to make her entrance.
>The Captain dons her armor and helmet while redressing you at the same time.
>She sure knows how to multitask, but that shouldn't be much of a surprise for a pony of her rank.
>You snap out of your thoughts as she plants a gently kiss on your lips.
>Damnit, that's the third time she's caught you off-guard today!
>"Look alive my dear Lieutenant." She trots towards the entrance and magically opens the door. "Your public awaits."
>You gulp nervously. Being a member of the royal guard was one thing, but being a leader? Well that's a nightmare of a different color.
>"Don't worry Anon, I'll be right beside you." She turns and gives you a reassuring smile.
>There's no turning back now.
>Breaking the dear Captain's heart by abandonment would likely result in your neck sharing a similar fate.
>You trot after Shining Armor but she stops in the doorway.
"C-Captain?!" Your voice shakes in the uncertainty of the moment.
>"One more thing, dear..." She nuzzles into you one last time before straightening up. "Start thinking of foal names~!"
>Your right eye twitches at the implications of her words.
>Are you really on the road to fatherhood after just one round of sex?!
>Shining Armor senses your uneasiness and places a hoof on your face.
>"Oh please Anon. With how much spunk you pumped into me, it's impossible for me to NOT be pregnant."
>You can only hope the Royal Guard offers good paternity leave.

THE END - https://ponepaste.org/10582
Short, but neat.
Thank you, Anon.
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I made some alterations to anonfilly cause she looks fucking disgusting. I tried to make her white coded and turned her into a full grown mare. She was already cute as a filly, but she really grew up into her own as a mare.

I present to you my version of AnonMARE.
Why does she glow in the dark, Anon?
Holy UNF! What I wouldn't give for a mare to neigh my name during sex.
11/10 green.
She grew up to work for a triple letter agency?
>literally glowing
great, she's a fed
Imagine getting your mark as a glowie. What a nightmare that would be.
At least it's an equestrian one so everything is kinderfied
What would that look like?
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>i am not bumping your thread, fuck off
Every fucking time I look at these unflattering images and think of the femanons lurking this board I think of:

Yes... truly a fine specimen to marry, aren't you anonfilly?

Anons what do you think it says about me when I delude myself into thinking every single last one of you especially the males are beautiful gorgeous human beings and I purposefully try to beautify every last one of you? What do you think that says about me? >>41723048
>hoof holding means you are literally holding their middle finger
Horses are funny like that.
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R8 my Anon horse dude
Good job.
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What an ugly child, he looks like a bastard just like his father. ;) Bet you must be real proud of spreading your disgusting genes around, Anon. -_- real proud.
Why do you breed if you hate yourself? just for the sake of it?
Dude is living the life.
Spying from bushes with binoculars and rummaging through garbage. Hiding behind potted plants and pillars
So what regular ponies do on occasion too.
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if thats the artist i think it is his anon stuff is the best even if a lot of his other work is footfag centric
I didn't need to know that.
I am jealous
ya would have know sooner or later brother
Yeah, that's true.
does any1 remember that limestone pie green? what happened to it
if i had a nickel for every really good artist who is sadly a footfag i would have to nickels
What about diapers?
hm probably a bit more but i cant recall anyone
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Sadly far too widespread.
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Do it yourself, faggot.
Not now
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ive been writing this anon bug story for the longest time
finally got the "first chapter" done and just posted it
>didnt post it here because its about bug and its like five posts long lol
You stand in the clearing, your hooves sinking slightly into the soft grass, the familiar smells of Equestria filling your nostrils. The sun is just beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of pink and gold. Your chest tightens as you look at the figure standing before you, the one delivering the life-altering news.

"Good news," Celestia says, her voice steady and emotionless. "After ten long years of you being stuck here in Equestria and as a stallion, I finally found a way to change you back into a human and send you back to Earth."

Your ears flick forward, your eyes widening. You blink, processing the words. It was what you’d wished for when you first found yourself in this strange, magical land. To be human again. To return to the world you once knew. But now? Your thoughts immediately turn to your wife and foals,the life you’ve built here, the bonds you’ve forged. The life you… love.

Celestia continues, her tone hardening. "I’ve already informed your wife and your foals that you were going back. They… they are all sad that you’re leaving, but I made them understand that it’s what is best for you, to be reunited with your old friends and family."

You open your mouth, but no words come out. Your mind is a whirlwind of emotions, your heart pounding. You imagine the look on your wife’s face, the tears in her eyes. Your foals, confused and crying, because their father was abandoning them. How could you leave them?

"What’s that?" Celestia asks, noticing the growing turmoil in your expression. "You don’t want to go back?"

You shake your head furiously, your voice finally breaking through. "No! I don’t want to go back! I can’t… I can’t leave them!

Celestia's eyes narrow, she looks down, almost smugly, before speaking again. "I’m sorry, but I’ve already started the spell. I can not stop it. Any second now, you’ll be teleported back to your old home."
"No! Please!" Your voice cracks as you lunge forward, but an unseen force holds you back. Tears stream down your face as you struggle against the inevitable. "You don’t understand! They’re my family! They need me! I need them!"

Celestia's expression doesn't change. "Please stop crying and don’t worry. I will make sure your family is looked after and cared for. They will be loved, and they will remember you. Always."

The air around you begins to shimmer, the telltale sign of powerful magic taking hold. The ground beneath your hooves seems to dissolve into a swirl of light.

"No… please…" you whisper, your voice barely audible over the hum of the spell.

Celestia takes a step back, her voice hardening slightly more. "Goodbye. It has been fun, and we will always remember you."

The light grows blinding, enveloping you entirely. Your tears float weightlessly in the magical glow as your form begins to fade. In your final moments in Equestria, you scream, a cry of desperation that echoes through the clearing. And then… you are gone. Celestia's smug expression falters, replaced by a sorrowful gaze. As she turns to walk away, she murmurs to herself, "If I can't have you, then no one will."

In the distance, a mare holds her crying foals close, her eyes fixed on the fading light, silent tears streaming down her face. "Goodbye my love" she quietly whispers to herself.

The end.

Your turn
Noob artfag here. Sorry I didn't advanced too much but I was with a lot of work and a flu this week. I just got a tablet and now the stuff I was working on it could be a little better. Thanks for your patience and the wonderful thread.
That was actually painful. Like stab in the heart level painful.
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why do you find the need to take up so much of my screen?
Alright faggot. You asked for it.
>The pain surging through your wings is almost unbearable.
>"Just one more!"
>Fluttershy continues to cheer you on while nestled on your back.
"F-Fluttershy!" You gasp. "It's *WHEEZE* just too much!"
>Your wings are trembling to support the weight of two ponies.
>"You can do it, Anon!"
>'doitforherdoitforherdoitforherdoitforherdoitforherdoitforher' you frantically think to yourself.
>This mare believes in you, so you should too!
>You take a deep breath and try to lift yourself once more.
>The tall training platform beneath you shudders as though it's going to collapse, but you can't stop now.
>This is it. All of your hard work comes down to this one last pushup.
>Suddenly your front legs slip over the edge of the platform.
>You fall from the platform and crash to the floor, sending the petite yellow pegasus flying across the training room.
>"Oof?!" Fluttershy cries out in pain as she violently collides with a large training weight.
"Fluttershy!" You stumble over and try to help the gentle coach to her hooves. "Are you okay?!"
>The frazzled mare looks into your eyes tries to nod, but is quickly cut off by a sharp groan of pain.
>Her left wing hangs limp against the ground, and after a close inspection, you understand why.
>It's broken.
>Tears well up in your eyes. You gently hug the trembling mare.
>This wasn't supposed to happen.
>You look up to see your fellow cadets gathering around and murmuring amongst themselves.
>"Poor Coach Fluttershy!" A blue pegasus stallion exclaims.
>"I always knew Anon was a klutz." A pink pegasus mare snidely remarks.
>"Who invited this clown to Wonderbolt Camp again?" Another cadet chimes in.
>The sound of a whistle shatters the tension, taking the angry cadets' attention off of you.
>"What the hay is going on over here?!"
>Your ears perk up to the sound of a familiar voice.
>"Cadet Anon!" Rainbow Dash lands next to you and angrily stomps her hoof.
>"Are you slacking off again?! Don't make me bring out the wing weights!"
>Her sour demeanor quickly dissipates after seeing Fluttershy's crippled wing.
"Coach Dash, I..."
>She puts a hoof to your mouth and shakes her head.
>"You'll have plenty of time to explain yourself later, but right now we need to get Fluttershy to the hospital."
>You silently nod in agreement and grab a stretcher from the supply closet.
>"Alright, listen up everypony!" She turns to address the crowd of concerned cadets. "Wonderbolt training is hereby postponed until further notice!"
>The group of pegasi are understandably upset, but pony health and safety always comes first.
>It's Rule #1 at this training academy, and everypony knows it.
>In what feels like the blink of an eye, Coach Rainbow Dash flies outside and returns with two pegasus paramedics.
>They gently place Fluttershy onto a stretcher and fly off to the Couldsdale Hospital.
>"Way yo go, Buckhead." A red stallion slaps you upside your head and angrily flies home.
>The rest of your fellow cadets stare you down while making their exit from the academy.
>Now it's just you and Coach Rainbow Dash.
>"My office. NOW."
>You gulp nervously and follow the rainbow pegasus into her office.
>"Alright Cadet, it's time to spill the beans."
>She angrily slams the door and seats herself at the nearby desk.
>You fight back tears and turn to stare at the wall, the trash can, the office window, ANYTHING dodge Coach Rainbow Dash's angry eyes.
>"WELL?!" She slams a forehoof on the desk.
>There's no running from the truth, not this time.
>You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself.
>The last thing you want it to break down crying in front of the Coach.
Pretty good start. I'm looking forward to more.
WTF? I hate Celestia now!
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"You see, Coach Fluttershy was helping me with some w-wing pushups..."
>"And?" Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow.
"W-Well, my hooves slipped and we both fell off of the t-training platform!" You sniffle and look down at the floor.
>"That explains the loud crash, but it doesn't explain why Coach Fluttershy got hurt and YOU didn't"!
>She accusingly points a hoof at you.
"Coach Fluttershy was sitting on my back to act as a counterweight."
>Rainbow Dash's eyes widen.
>"What?!" She jumps out of her chair and hovers right in front of your face. "WHY IN EQUESTRIA WOULD YOU FORCE HER TO DO THAT?!"
"I didn't force-"
>"You KNOW better than to put your fellow ponies at risk with such dangerous stunts!"
>You raise a hoof to interject but she's in full lecture mode now.
>"What were you trying to accomplish with such a boneheaded move?"
"I was trying to break the academy wing pushup record, Coach."
>The multicolor mare freezes in shock.
"I'm sorry Coach, it was a stupid idea. I see that now." You wipe tears from your eyes.
>Rainbow Dash gradually calms down and returns to her desk.
>"It's not ME you should be apologizing to, Cadet."
>Damnit, she's right. What were you thinking, hurting such a sweet and innocent pony like Fluttershy?!
>"Look Anon, I'll be frank with you." Rainbow Dash pulls a paper from her drawer and begins writing something.
>"You have potential as a Wonderbolt, even if you are too reckless, too impulsive, and too dependent on others to succeed!"
>She slides the paper across the desk.
>"It's for your own sake that I've put up with your nonsense all these moons."
>You look down at the document and quickly skim it.
>"But putting a pony in the ER is the last bucking straw, Anon."
>Your ears droop.
>"As the Head Coach of the Wonderbolt Training Academy, I hereby discharge you from the Wonderbolts."
>Your hooves shake.
>"Effective RIGHT NOW!"
>Your heart sinks.
>"Now go clean out your locker."
>Your vision is quickly overtaken by saltwater as you fly out of Coach Rainbow Dash's office.
>This is it. Your life is officially OVER.
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>good start
thanks man
I see we're going for uplifting themes in these greens.
stop bumping this thread. there is nothing but misery and despair here.
>nothing but misery and despair
You could say that for the majoriyt of /mlp/ these days.
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a wasteland is an apt analogy
not many people from before remain but the ones that survived or were to stubborn to die off stuck around and shine through when they need to
is it worth finishing?
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Please don't die little thread
Of course
I'd say so
why is anonstallion so fruity
Who doesn't like fruits?
say fo-shizzle for us.
You may have a point there
This ain't the stallion thread, pal.
He's based on (You)
Erm ackchyually its the (Anon)stallion thread and I do see an (Anon)stallion in that pic
>You begin the agonizing flight home with duffel bag in tow.
>Today is the worst day of your miserable existence, and it's ALL. YOUR. FAULT.
>Joining the Wonderbolts was your lifelong dream.
>You remember your foalhood, often begging your parents to attend every single Wonderbolt show they organized.
>Who knew that years later the legendary RAINBOW DASH of all ponies would see you practicing one afternoon and recommend you join the training academy!
>It's how you learned to believe in yourself and work hard.
>How you met Fluttershy.
>How you found the inner courage to ask her out on a date.
>All of that means nothing now.
>You practically divebomb the front door to your house and quickly fly to bed.
>Fluttershy's friends are going to hate you forever once they find out YOU put her in the hospital.
>You didn't even mean for all of this to happen, but would they really see it that way?
>For all you know, Rainbow Dash could twist the story to make it sound like you WANTED to hurt the sweet yellow pegasus.
>You shouldn't have talked Fluttershy into being your coach.
>You shouldn't have tried to break the wing pushup academy record.
>You shouldn't have signed up for Wonderbolt training at all.
>All you can think about now is Fluttershy, and how badly you hurt her.
>One thing's for sure: whatever kind of relationship you started with her is dead and buried now.
>Still, you can't help but feel the need to go to the hospital tomorrow and check on her.
>After all, (You)'re the reason she ended up in there in the first place.
>The sun slowly sets on the horizon, casting a shadow of darkness over your room.
>The many Wonderbolt posters adorning your walls disappear into the darkness, no doubt a metaphor mocking your dishonorable discharge.
>'Please dear Celestia,' You silently pray. 'Please let this all be a bad dream!"
>Your eyelids grow heavier, and soon you drift off to sleep.
>Rainbow Dash could twist the story to make it sound like you WANTED to hurt the sweet yellow pegasus
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't do that on purpose. She might be emotionally agitated enough to perceive it as such though.
RBD discharged Anon outright for hurting Fluttershy even though it was an accident. She's a real cutthroat bitch.
As if she hasn't made mistakes
From what's implied in the story, this wasn't his first stunt.
Can you fuck off with your gay shit?
I guess the green of the high-flying anon is dead? What a shame, I was really hooked on that story.
Which one?
This one >>41692005
God, I hate you complaining impatient fucks so much. Give the poor writefag a break and try writing a story yourself for a change.
Angry little mare.
It was mostly meant to show there's still interest, after being drowned out by the horny greens since then. No one had mentioned it since the last thread died after all.
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Is it gay to ride on the back of another stallion?
Current position: kinda gay
Slightly further back: very gay
Only when either of them pops a boner.
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stop being gay and post some anonstallion greens.
Don't have any in store, unfortunately.
>Your eyes shoot open at the sound of somepony, or someTHING, trying to beak your front door down.
>With a grunt of effort, you roll out of bed and head downstairs.
>It's probably a mob of Fluttershy's friends ready to tear you limb from limb.
>You open the door to find...Rainbow Dash?
>"Hey Anon."
>You raise an eyebrow.
>"Look, I know we aren't exactly on the best terms right now, but the truth is-" She pauses as her confidence suddenly falters.
>The flustered mare stares at the ground and takes a deep breath.
"The truth is what, Rainbow Dash?" Anger begins bubbling up within you. "That you're GLAD I'm out of the Wonderbolts?!"
>"T-that's not what I-"
"That I'm the laughing stock of Cloudsdale?!"
>"Anon, wait-"
>She raises a hoof interject but you're not having it.
"That Fluttershy will never want to speak to me again?!"
>"SHUT THE BUCK UP AND I'LL TELL YOU!" She screams loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood!"
>You end your rant for the time being, but continue to glare at the rainbow horse with eyes full of rage.
>"Ahem, as I was saying..." She straightens up and looks you right in the eye. "The truth is, you need to come with me."
>She motions for you to follow her, but you stand firmly in your doorway.
"Why on earth would I follow you?" You reply bitterly. "There's nothing left that you can take away from me."
>Rainbow Dash growls with annoyance and facehoofs.
>"That's not what I meant you dweeb." Rainbow Dash's face is turning beet red.
>"The truth is, Fluttershy wants to see you down at the hospital."
>Your mouth hangs open. Your wings stretch out. Your eyes widen.
>You can barely form a response. Is she being serious?!
>Why would Fluttershy want to see you, especially after you...HURT HER?!
>"I'm serious, Anon! She said she wants to see you."
>She looks just as puzzled as you are.
>"Why she wants to see YOU of all pegasi is anypony's guess..." She mutters under her breath.
Fluttershy wants to see us!
So there is a ray of light on the horizon.
It will we mess it up?
Let's stay optimistic for once.
I've got an anonstallion story brainstormed, but it's pretty ambitious and my free time's already being taken up by moving to a new apartment and writing for fingerbang
>ambitious anonstallion story
Those are my favorite kind of stories!
Well that took a turn for the better.
>You're ready to kick this bitch over the rainbow, no pun intended.
>However, Fluttershy wouldn't like it if you hurt her friends, even if it might actually be justified.
>Rainbow Dash has a big mouth, and one day it'll get her into big trouble.
>But enough about this whorse. It's time to start thinking about Fluttershy.
"Alright, let's go." You sigh and lock the front door.
>"Ugh, FINALLY!" She rolls her eyes and takes off into the sky, leaving you standing on your porch like a dimwit.
"I don't know why, but I'm starting to hate that mare." You grumble to yourself.
>With one strong wing flap you're soaring through the air, eager to catch up with Rainbow Dash.
>"C'mon slowpoke!" She teases you while doing a double twist flip. "Don't tell me you've lost your competitive edge already~!"
>Rgh, this annoying mare really knows how to push your buttons.
>Your wing flaps become stronger with every passing second, and soon you're neck and neck with Rainbow Dash.
>Fluttershy consumes your thoughts as you absentmindedly soar through the clouds.
>Why could she possibly want to see you?
>M-Maybe she wants to break up face to face? Perhaps it's a trap so her friends can all chew you out at once?
>You wipe a tear from your eye and try to focus on the sky, but fear continues to cloud your heart and mind.
>What you said before was wrong, so VERY wrong. There IS still something left to lose...
>The hospital quickly comes into view on the horizon.
>You gulp nervously and begin to descend, much to Rainbow Dash's annoyance.
>"Giving up already?" She sneered as she lands next to you. "You're no fun."
>You ignore her and enter the administration wing. Thankfully it's not overly crowded.
>The kind receptionist directs you to room 222 on the second floor.
>You don't hesitate to leave Rainbow Bitch in the dust and frantically gallop towards Fluttershy's room.
>Wow, it feels like you made it in 10 seconds flat.
>You raise a hoof to knock, but stop short when you hear multiple voices conversing inside.
>This can't be good.
>This can't be good.
That's not sure yet.
If you niggers don't mind gay shit then I have an anonstallion story I can share.
How gay are we talking?
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Anonstallion romances a trap.
This one, to be precise.
Keep it up! I'm really enjoying it!
I don't know, it could work, depending on the delivery.
Anon is turned into a stallion and finds the lack of human dexterity extremely annoying but can’t turn back because of how much better pone sex feels in a pone body. The longer he stays a pony the more things he finds to love about it but really the sex is what does it and he genuinely cannot give it up. It’s not even unhealthy or turning into an obsession! He’s not addicted or desperate it’s just… It would be like giving up your sense of taste and smell. Or like eating nothing but grey, semi-solid gruel for the rest of your life. What kind of life would that be?
>be unicorn
>problem solved plus great sex
Anon is an earth pony in this example though. He can’t do telekinesis.
>be anon
>have skill issue
Many such cases. Sad!
Post it, fag!
Why would pony sex be better then human sex? How would it feel any different?
Because horse bits are better. I can't post evidence though.
Pony bits are literally magical (even earth ponies can do magical stuff) and are made to fit perfectly together. Pony bodies are made to fit perfectly together. And just for fun, Anonstallion’s existing pp size to body size ratio sort of transfers over to his pony body making him unbelievably well hung even among literal stallions.
>existing pp size to body size ratio sort of transfers over to his pony body making him unbelievably well hung even among literal stallions
I can't quite follow that. Horse dongs are incredibly long and big on average.
I’m imagining he’s the pony equivalent of incredibly but not inconveniently well hung, in length and girth. Could give an Alicorn an incredibly good time.
Right, forgot.
Here, part 1 and part 2.
Slightly working on part 3.
Oh, that's a lot of text. More than I expected.
Sigh, would.
This is why the Anonstallion thread will never be popular or otherwise well received. All you faggots do in here is talk about cock.
Better than wanting to be a little girl
He should find ways to masturbate
This is true, but you make the mistake of thinking everyone wants to be a little girl instead of railing said little girl or posting her pussy.
To be fair, Horsecock is a league of its own. Others can't compete.
"Ugh, it feels good to be out of there"
>You spread your wings wide as you stretch back and forth
>You never liked hospitals
>Doctors were fine
>And you weren't gonna say no to getting healed
>But the buildings just weren't your thing
>Having wings didn't help
>Any building could make you feel cramped now
>You trot on the spot to get some of your blood flowing
>Now you just needed a quick flight
>"Anon, no"
>What could she read minds now?
>You look to the side to see Twilight
"Come on, just one-"
"But it's just-"
>You knew that tone
>A "no nonsense" tone
>"The doctors only agreed to let you out if you didn't fly for a day"
"But my house is in the sky!"
>That makes her pause
>"Well... maybe Rainbow Dash can fly you up to your house"
>You groan and drag your hooves down your face
>Now you're getting antsy
>And your wings are twitching
>They long for the sky
>So do you
>What, you're supposed to keep yourself on the ground for a day?
>How do other ponies do this?
>Your brows furrow
>You never did get those books
"Hey, you live in the library, right?"
>The question seems to catch her off-guard briefly before she nods
>"Golden Oaks, why?"
"Cause I need some books on the princesses, laws and... some other stuff I'll probably remember when we get there"
>This seems to spark her memory of your previous conversation before you crashed out and she excitedly nods her head
>"I'd be happy to make some suggestions on what to read"
"Fan-tastic," you drag out, only slightly sarcastically, "I doubt I'll be doing much else today"
>"Oh no need to be like that," she rests a comforting hoof on your withers, "reading can be a nice way to wile away the hours"
"Said the mare without wings" You grumble
>She seems to take it well though
>There's a smile on her face as she rolls her eyes
>With the hospital behind you, you slowly come to a horrifying realization
>Walking is unbearably slow
>How do ponies waste time when they can't fly
>Better question
>How did you waste time when you couldn't fly
>Listen to music or talk
>Seeing as you weren't in the mood to start one of the spontaneous broadway numbers these ponies insist on, talking seems to be your only option
"So..." you begin, already lost on what to say
>She's looking at you
>Why couldn't you have just shut up?
"How long have you lived in this horse town?"
>"Ponyville" She corrected you
"Yeah, that" You agree, disinterested in whatever pun the town had
>"Well, I've been here for one of their Winter Wrap Ups, and two Nightmare Nights, so roughly a year and a half? Honestly though, it feels like longer"
>You nod and hum along with her as she begins to recount many long and boring anecdotes from her time here
>As it often does you find your head craning up to gaze skyward
>Rainbow and the rest of the team are doing a good job today
>Mostly clear skies with only the occasional cloud passing overhead
>It was practically picturesque
>These next days are going to be real test of willpower
>The wind softly rustles your face and you feel your wings instinctively twitch outward, your feathers, rustling
>Instinctively they want to caress each drawn-out breeze and glide along them
>The inherent draw to the sky you've felt ever since you landed in this new body pulls at your mind again
>As your thoughts begin fading to give way to the instinctive flex of your wings, you become vaguely aware of something at the edges of your pervading consciousness
>Or rather someone
>Her voice
>Right, you left her back when you were paying attention
"WHAT!?" You snap back to the suddenly yelling mare
>Honestly it's not lik-
>You’re flying
>With a doubletake you confirm that your eyes aren't lying
>You're a little bit above the ground, gently flapping
>When did this happen?
>You click your wings to your side and land, your knees feeling a little weak as you do, almost buckling
>Twilight is quick to support you though
>"Anon, what happened!? You suddenly started drifting off the ground, and you weren't answering me!"
"I don't know, alright!"
>The simple fact of the matter was that you really didn't know
>You never even noticed your hooves leaving solid earth
>And her agitated tone isn't helping
>With a slight twist of a feather in your ear to clear the ringing you move ahead of the mare
>Looking back at her, you see her watching you cautiously and with worry
>You groan and roll your eyes as you point your wings out towards the town again
"Look, I got lost in thought and started floating, big deal, Twilight, can we go now please?"
>"It could be a big deal..." You hear her mutter to herself as she picks up her pace and trots past you
>The walk to her library is mostly uneventful
>Aside from one other instance of unconscious flying
>Luckily you catch yourself before Twilight does
>Your hooves lift an inch off the ground before you force yourself down again
>Okay, that was weird
>But nothing to worry about
>You just missed flying
>Who wouldn't
>You give a few waves and greetings to some ponies who stop to say hello to the two of you
>Not just Twilight
>But you as well
>It's weird
>Especially considering you don't know the names of most of these ponies
>The ones you do know the names of, you're more inclined to have a proper conversation with
>They're mostly mindless back and forths, exchanges of them checking on you, and you asking them how they've been since you've been gone
>Applejack turned out to be a good mare to trade barbs with when you both weren't throwing things at each other
>Her family was also nice enough
>Somehow you ended up invited to dinner with them
>You don't even know how you did it
>Rarity is another one you run into
>Apparently your little race with Rainbow Dash had "inspired" her
>Despite not being fashionable, apparently, she wanted to try her hoof at flight suits
>She even offered to give you one on the house if you modelled it
>Not really your style, but it could be fun, and you're starting to learn to just go with the flow of these ponies, so you agreed
>Sadly, out of all of Twilight's friends, the only one you wanted to meet was one of the ones you didn't bump into
>According to Twilight, something's kept Rainbow busy the past few days
>Strange, considering she seemed to have more than enough time to visit you in the hospital
>Whatever, you'll use it to take a dig at her the next time you're at Hot Stuff's
>Eventually the two of you come to a stop at what looks like a tree that's been gutted and had its insides turned into the books that now line its walls
>In the nerdiest way possible, but still brutal
>"Spike! We have a guest" Twilight calls into the library, and a tiny voice responds
>Also, guest?
>This is a library
>Aren't you a customer?
>Time to learn what you can about those princesses
>Luna's definitely gonna be your focus
>Hopefully she has a 'How to bullshit a Princess 101' in here somewhere
>First Edition if you're really lucky
>"What's goin' on, Twi? Oh- hey- you're that Anon guy, right?"
"Yyyyyep" You answer absentmindedly as your eyes swim across the book titles
>'The Millennia of the Sun'
>'Celestia: A Monarchy'
>'Sunrise to Sunset'
>'A Family Tree: Tended by the same Sun'
>Can't you go two books without this white horse staring back at you?
>"Anon!? Again!?"
>You snap out of your thoughts as you look over to Twilight
>That's a wall
>And you're way too high up again
>Looking down you confirm that you, once again, have subconsciously taken flight
>She's giving you that look again
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming down, don't get your horn in a twist." You let a small pause linger as you land and smirk at her. "Get it? Cause your horn has-"
>"I got it, Anon"
>She doesn't laugh, but you do
>God, you're funny
"You got anything on Luna?"
>"Anon, I don't think that's what we should be focusing on?"
"Oh really?" You begin pulling books down to emphasize your point "Because it seems like asking for a significant book on one of your rulers, and for her not to just be a footnote in the biographies of the other is too much to ask for." You take the books out by your hooves and wings as you look from alabaster cover to ivory cover. "But if I want to know what type of cake Celestia ate on a sunday three hundred and thirteen years ago, I have multiple choices to find out, and scholars arguing if it was coffee or red velvet."
>As you let the books drop from your grip, the faint sound of magic fills the room as Twilight catches them and returns them to their rightful places
>"Anon, would you please just-"
"She was banished some thousand years ago, right?" You recall from when Rainbow recounted her 'epic duel' between herself, Nightmare Moon, and the girls. "I could have sworn she mentioned you had books here detailing a time before the reunification of the tribes, there must be something..."
>Twilight's voice, mixed with her poking your side finally jolts you from your thoughts
"Hm? Oh, sorry Twilight. Got a little lost in thought there"
>You were glad to lose yourself in thought for a time
>When you'd dropped those books, you could feel Twilight's glare burning holes into the back of your skull
>She seems to relax though and a gentle smile comes to her muzzle
>"It's okay, Anon, just be a little more careful with these books please" She gives a small nod as she leaves to deeper into the library, hopefully to help find what you're looking for
"Of course, Twilight" You call after her
>"And use a ladder if you need to reach the top shelves!" She yells back at you
"Yes, mom!" You mockingly call back to her
>For a while you spend your time rummaging through the shelves again
>It really was remarkable that there was so little available on Princess Luna
>On the borderline between impressive and inane
>It's only after you slot what feels like the fiftieth book you've gone through that you realize you're being watched
>Looking over your shoulder you see a small purple dragon and an owl sat beside him
>Spike, if you're remembering what Rainbow told you correctly
With a curt upward nod, you greet the dragon. "Hey"
>"'Sup" he says, returning the gesture. "So, you're the new guy?"
"I guess I am" You reply as you begin your search through another shelf
>"How long have you known Rainbow Dash?"
"Generally? A few months. Personally. A few weeks tops"
>"What’s it like flying?"
"How many of these questions do you have, dude?" You ask, turning away from your search
>He shrinks back a bit and you feel a small twinge in your chest
>You didn't even use a harsh tone
>It was curiosity mostly
>"Sorry," he says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, "it's just, most of the ponies I know are all girls, and Big Mac doesn't really talk that much"
>Little guy wanted another dude to talk to
>You can't blame him
"No problem to me, Spike, lay the questions on me"
>"Really!?" He asks with a slight bounce of excitement
"Really really" You say with a sure nod as you continue your search
>"Alright, so, flying"
"It's like... swimming, but not as heavy"
>"Cool..." His voice trails off and you can tell he's losing himself in daydream land before snapping out of it. "Why do you want to know about Luna so much?"
>Flashes of your previous dream with her, and what she might have seen in that dream cross your mind
>And the looks she gave you
>Like she wasn't looking at you
>But at YOU
>It was unnerving
>Enough to send a shiver down your spine even now
"No reason..." You lie
>Thankfully Spike takes the lie and continues
>"Okay, well then, do you like Rainbow Dash?"
>You're suddenly struck with the urge to fly yourself into a wall and go back to the hospital

sorry for the long wait, christmas and family stuff kept me busy
Gayest OC ever.
Everybody in this thread will be sent to a cobalt mine on the Congo.
A bus will pick you up tomorrow, do not miss it.
I like this green, thanks for writing it.
How are you going to pack so many people on such a short bus?
Lovely stuff. Hope you keep it up!
A bit heavy on the ass for my tastes, but it's neat. Will read part 3 when it comes out.
Fuck yeah, an update of this green make my day, thanks Sunn
Nice, Im keep waiting for the next part
Nah, I rather post ponies.
oh yeah, that's the good stuff right there.
Your mother
It's not gay when it's a stallion.
Which story is that? I thought for a moment this was the one where Fluttershy gets hurt when the hospital was mentioned. But that's clearly a different one.
But nobody here has agp
Depends on the intention of the ride.
Oh no, Anon hit his head too hard this time and developed something nasty.
>He looks like a pretty version of me
Not sure how to feel about that. But definitely would.
A horn?
Also he can't be, you're not pony and I doubt you've got an arse and hips the size of the moon.
You’re back in Equestria.

The bright sun warms your fur, and the wind carries the sweet scent of wildflowers. You hear laughter, light and joyous. Turning your head, you see them. Your mare, her eyes sparkling like they always did when she was happy, she lies beneath a great oak tree. Waving to you, her hoof patting the ground beside her beckoning you to join. Your foals are close by, chasing each other in dizzy circles, their giggles filling the air.

You walk toward them, your hooves pressing into the soft grass. You can feel the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the breeze, the earth beneath your hooves. Laying beside your wife, you plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. Your foals notice you, they come galloping over, your colt leaping onto your back with a squeal of delight while your little filly nestles against your side. Your wife leans into you, her soft fur brushing against yours. You feel whole. complete.

But then, the warm light fades into an oppressive twilight. The laughter ceases, replaced by an unsettling silence. you call out to them, but your voice feels muffled, as if it can’t pierce the air. They’re still there, but they’re slipping away from you, fading into shadows.

“No!” you cry, running after them. Your legs feel heavy and sluggish. The harder you try to reach them, the further away they seem to get.

And then, just before they vanish entirely, you hear her voice, your wife’s voice, soft but clear.

“Don’t give up, Anon. We’re still here. We’ll always be here.”

You wake with a jolt, your breath ragged and your heart pounding. The faint light of morning seeps through the blinds of your small apartment. You rub your face with your hands, human hands. For a moment, you sit there, staring at the wall, letting the remnants of the dream wash over you.

Her words echo in your mind. 'We’ll always be here.'

You don’t know if it was just your subconscious trying to comfort you, or if somehow, it was truly her. But for the first time in a long while, you feel a flicker of something you’d almost forgotten.

That's true. But the rest comes very close.
He's definitely rocking the look much better than me though.
Could it be? Is that a redemption in the making?
Bumping for potential.
Any more planned out?
Yeah, unfortunately, I forgot how challenging writing can be, and the short little ending I had planned is turning out to be bigger than I expected. Hopefully, I can finish it and have it posted before Christmas.
>and the short little ending I had planned is turning out to be bigger than I expected
As a fellow writefag, I can fully relate to that pain. Looking forward to it, Anon.
She doesn't know you can do it with guys.
Seconding this.
We'll show her
You and who?
And myself
Selfcest? Now that's brave.
Eagerly expecting green bump.
That's giving me hopes for a good ending too.
And foolish
Don't you mean bald and fewlish?
Not letting this thread slide.
Le Bump for green
Le seconding that.
Because horse anatomy is superior.
Sure why not
ded horse let it die
Unicorn, I'm a wizard irl
No, there's still a chance for green.
Might as well play this out now
There's no sense in beating a dead horse. But we're nothing if not senseless. We're riding this dead horse all the way to the finish line!
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Dashie is rocking the festive spirit with her hubby.
wrong anonstallion is eternal
shame I can't self insert as anon stallion, this feels like a waste of potentially good content for me. Especially since not much waifufag content even gets made for fluttershy.
dashfags have a monoply of waifufag content
i know ive seen it, some of those comics are pretty based.
Because Fluttershy is taken
...on opposite day
by me.
Come on, use your imagination.
I don't want to be a pony.
Your loss
Stallion bump.
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>Pinkie isn't even surprised
That's our Pinkie
More for the rest of us, I suppose.
Because I don't see teat bulge I'm going to assume that's a dickmare Ponk.
No, stop being a faggot and thinking of dicks Anon. Here's the links to the rest of the set of pics with colt Anon and Pinkie Pie.
You are a tranny. But it doesn't make you any less of a mare. Snowpity certified and ready for claiming when you go to Equestria
Eh... Polish so trader culture historically and all that... Unicorn? From my personality a batpony. My eyes are damaged after an accident so I don't see shit in sunlight (glasses don't help) and I need to be asleep in the midday to sleep well
My stars, I wish for similar teasing/oblivious/innocent lewd with the other 5.
So vanilla, it's based.
very VERY nice.
Some update on the gren front?
Do you prefer Anon in Anonstallion stories to have once been a human, or would you rather he has always been a pony?

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