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White Mare Holy Grail!
Okay fag.
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I believe in white mare supremacy, by far the prettiest mares in the world, followed closely by yellow mares.
Dark colors need not apply.
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I guess you want the entire hive reformed.
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im gonna cum
chudfaggotry is not friendship.
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>Aryanne chose me to lead the revolution?
>Ok, I'm going to bat for you, Aryanne
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nice Hitler dubs for best pone
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beach pic
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I don't know what's written but I think it's a good thing
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superbly real
mane looks eggy and gross
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I return to post mare art!
an superb smiling ary
five stars
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real shit
Hey, that's really good!
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The sketch dumping resumes
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Yes moar content
Be a man and take that mare out onto the beach
Aryanne loves her tankie gf and their nazbol daughter!
SO Cute!!!!!!
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Sieg heil!
Mistakes into miracles
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pls tell me it's breivikstallion
you can think whatever you like, me however, i know who that is
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This haunts me, what is she thinking?
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new thing
>first day in euestria
>get captured by the pony gestapo
>told youre a horse fucker now
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Good deal
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just got my gsg stg44, now if only I had a livesize aryanne to pose with it, soon

I think if I did have an aryanne lifesize and I took her plinking with the stg44 I would unironically get shot
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Siiick. Just go shooting innawoods if you really want to bring your potential l a r g e Aryanne plush. Do try to avoid getting gun grease/oil on her if you do.
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LMFAO this is so true
Sombody should ponify this
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ravin' amre
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Fun mare
No party like an aryan party
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best pone
Raving horse
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How the FUCK am I supposed to go and do anything productive with myself when there's this cute little shit sitting on my bed at all times just asking for it?
"it" naturally referring to loving cuddles
This is becoming a serious dilemma for me.
Carry her with you. She loves upsies.
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I used a reference for this one. It's really hard to me to draw properly thicc ponies without references for whatever reason.

I do like to give her upsies, but unfortunately I can't take her with me around the house unless my roommates are gone.
What a pretty mare.
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Cute, I would caress her.
Ready for the holidays
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>tfw the bread is unleavened
Why ponies scream at bread? Is just bread.
post her peeing
Bread is offensive
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Moar drawing of Ary1
on me
See her early works in the altboorus.
Aryanne Hoofler anyone wrote stories about her?
Theres a few but they suck ass, are cringe or the only exception on ponepaste that isnt the above, is just sad. I'd write some but I cannot greentext for shit
Well the bar is non existant or somewhere deep in disgusting mud as far as I know.
She's a good character for a beginning amateur writer in my opinion.
Ary, no!
on the one hoof yes because OCs are a bit of a blank slate, on the other she's a very polarizing character and its hard to write well for her without having someone be REALLY angry about it
Yeah point taken, It's pretty ironic, personally I could only see family friendly stuff working out for her.
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she's having a bad influence on the friendship school!
Get Claude to write it for you after you find a good Aryanne Hoofler character card?
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Hi, guys. I tend to only draw Ary on special occasion, so here's this mare 'waving hi'. She's really happy to see (You).
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If you're familiar with what this is referencing, then you're probably old.
I fucking love this one so much!! I've been thinking about it for a while and didn't realize I don't have it on this PC.
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>mare 'waving' back
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Oh god, I'm old!
Eyy, what up dude. It's good to see you publicly posting your edge pone drawings.
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I'm just a 2hufaggot
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happy easter I guess
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would (You) ship Ary with any of the mane 6?
I'm thinking she'd fit best with AJ, on account of their both being earth pony master race
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>less than 3 weeks until new year
man, this year just went by fast.
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The only good Aryanne ship is me x Aryanne
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Clever girl
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She's cute, CUTE!
Magical horse mare!
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You know, all hasjew had to do was follow the damn train, insted of the boring gay bug we could have had female little changelings capable of turning into this.
What a friendly mare!
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They didn't voted for Aryanne, they voted against derpy!
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worldwide pone love
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That's a big turtl
As big as a tank
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this is so sad
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nazi mares on teh moon!
I like moonman when is about McDonalds' memes. I still don't know how he became an alt right symbol.
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Very nice. I like a picture where I can look at it and feel what it would be like to run my hands over her. Not a ton out there I feel, and it's a shame because they have such cute little bodies. No sexual even, it's just they're lovely and I really want to give them pets. But also sexual.
Nice dubs. It's cute. Always kinda vexed me that you never see Aryanne in a good old fashioned heterosexual relationship with a nice young white colt. She should be getting married and having lots of foals, you know?
Have a very ironic image of Aryanne that doesn't see much use these days.

Post her pregnant to ensure the future of the pony race.

Here's something older I wrote for Mahrenheit 451:

If you don't like the story, or don't feel like reading it, the comment section is entertaining by itself.
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>the comment section
superb kekfuel
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Thanks! I will admit that is absolutely me self shipping, but I also have a marriage license with her name on it so-
pretty sure I'm allowed to do that at least
It says 'Freedom and Bread.'
That's a good slogan. Everyone loves bread.
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ill bump your mom
But that was to be expected.
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oooooo burn
These portraits bring a smile to my face Anon, though I suppose her jokes aren't as good as her in action. Definitely not a thing I want to see as a creature myself in pony land though, but she's such a pretty mare...
so lood
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much snowpitty to be seen from this mare, yes
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Cute mare meeting her idol.
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thats one very ready mare wew
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You do kit out your mare, right?
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pretty lookin hoofa
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I need a good idea for a Christmas drawing of best pony. Any of you got anything?
>as a creature myself in ponyland
Just get honorary pony status
hell yeah I do, not like I'd leave her defenseless, that's actually her rifle, mines beside the bed lol.
Could always do something like her and her friends exchanging gifts, or enjoying the warmth of a fire w/ a Christmas tree?
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long ary
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I finally got myself a sketchbook since I'm visiting family and therefore away from my computer. I'd day this turned out pretty good considering I almost never do physical drawings. I'm gonna try to color it with colored pencils, but I'm posting the linework on its own in case that goes horribly wrong.
Long Ary is long

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thats gonna be dope with color
Nice pic
You love to see it.
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This is the best /mlp/ thread. The colors of the rainbow combined together creates White anyway. White is always right!
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I love Aryanne. Heil Adolf Hoofler!
Thank you Rainbow Dash, very cool!
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this horse loves Christ
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Merry Christmas, faggots. I hope you're all having a comfy day. I know I am.
I'll try to get a drawing done in the next 24 hours, but it's pretty safe to assume it'll be late just like all of my holiday drawings.
Thanks anon! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. Where did you get that Aryanne mare? I love it and I absolutely need one.
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Frohe Weihnachten!
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I mean, uhh, internet? You'll have to commission a plushmancer if you want a lifesize Aryanne plush.
LMAO of course. I'll try to see if I can commission a plushmancer like you said, to make me a lifesize Rainbow Dash with some swastikas on her. I will create a based Rainbow Dash and Aryanne thread for both of us to send our pictures when I finally receive mine. This is going to be awesome!
>some swastikas on her
Where would you put them?
I was thinking inside the cloud on her cutie marks to keep it more inconspicuous and I think it logically makes sense to place it there. I will need to obviously cook it up on Photoshop first to make sure it looks perfect.
Welp, I'm definitely not getting the Christmas drawing done before the end of the day. Fuck. I really need to start my holiday drawings earlier than the night before. Here's hoping I get it done before the end of the year.

You should turn the lightning bolt into the Schutzstaffel bolts while you're at it. Two lightning bolts are better than one.
She should be the official christmas mare
File deleted.
>You should turn the lightning bolt into the Schutzstaffel bolts while you're at it. Two lightning bolts are better than one.

That would look nifty.
Merry Christmas, you cute silly mare.
>file deleted
What happen
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What that a gift?
noooooo gm38 filters contain asbestos aryanne noooo

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