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marecon is an online con by and for /mlp/inos, similar to /mlp/ con
it's been around a few years, but went through a soft rebrand last year
check out our website to find archives of last year's streams

to be decided, hopefully in this thread. Please discuss.
I think I've generally been looking at late February or March, but depends on what works best for the most people (and especially the people running panels or going to the HQ)

a link to the cytube channels and more information will be available at https://www.marecon.live/ (not updated for 2025 yet)
if you watched last year, you'd probably remember "marecon HQ", an airbnb that anons from the planning threads pooled money to rent for the weekend and run the con and several streams from there. It proved to be a great success and a lot of fun, so we want to do it again, but it's still up in the air where exactly it should be. Could be anywhere in the US from virginia to san francisco, it's still to be decided, depending on the date chosen and where it'd be easiest for people to get to
if (You) are interested in being at marecon HQ and helping make marecon happen, fill out this form https://forms.gle/nZXbh8imnmfzVWH28

idk it's fun

I'm purp, marecon's organizer, but marecon is made possible by anons like (You)! Come help us make marecon 2025 something special! Keep an eye on the thread for details on the help we need, give suggestions or offer help in here or feel free to contact me at purp.pone@protonmail.com
official updates only from this tripcode
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anchor post
um salt can be used
>to be decided, hopefully in this thread. Please discuss.
This weekend, I hope you're prepared.
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unf dashiecon plap plap plap plap
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Do famarely feud again
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So awesome Purpie, thanks for posting
On the day of the planned online con cytube will most dramatically shut down indefinitely due to financial issues with keeping its servers alive.
moar wetbrain
also considering doing another live draw cyoa(that will likely devolve into comical fetish abuse for success), what kinda interest is there in that. last time a few anons said they really enjoyed the anonfilly adventure and all
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hey guys, can i come to the con this year?
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hell no!
Harrisburg area
We have Wawa and Sheetz (this isnt a trick to lure Anons in for pelvis crushing between the two sex-starved mares)
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accept my staff
Marecon deez nuts
I vote we keep it late february/early March.
My proposed dates: Feb 28th to March 2nd; Friday through sunday
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we could need a dashie on our team...
shot you a form fillout
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I’d like to suggest that we rig one of these cameras up to Purp so we can have a live purp reaction in the corner of the screen for the entire weekend.
Can we have an all mare staff this time? I don't want to see any humans.
they need anons because mares dont have thumbs, silly
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the reaction for entire duration of con:
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Panel that just documents the daily life of an Anon
I am posting Twinkleshine and nopony can stop me.
>wake up
>jerk off to ponies
>go to bathroom
>get dressed
>go to wage slave
>wage slave
>come home
>shitpost on /mlp/
>jerk off to ponies
>go to bed
pretty exciting, I know
That's literally my day-to-day anon wtf
>get dressed
>only jack off twice

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