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This is the Born to Silly Art Pack Collaboration Thread

We’re working together to create a charity art pack in support of Anchor Ridge, a non-profit dedicated to aiding families and children in need across Appalachia. Every contribution helps make a difference!
This thread is our hub for organizing ideas, sharing concepts, discussing themes, and showcasing art. Our focus is on celebrating foalcare, family love, and the joys of giving and preserving life, bringing heartwarming creativity to this meaningful cause.
So, let’s maintain a positive and respectful atmosphere! Every artist, writer, and contributor is generously dedicating their time and talents to this project. Thank you for being part of this effort!

Previous thread : >>41673242

>Summary from SummaryAnon:
Silly Stuffing!
>Art archive
>Upload your contribution to the pack
February 13th, with a one week grace period.
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First for don't take the bait
“ let’s maintain a positive and respectful atmosphere!”
I like the passive aggressive vibe it gives, there's progress...
Question that suits the topic-do anyone know how many artworks were in the Planned Parenthood pack, and an example to compare the quality and roughly estimate the competition?
The planned parenthood thing was just a lame charity stream with Peter New as a guest
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That's it? Tried to search and so far ID'd 4 to 5 artists, while here we already have 8 different including a few unexpected guests but eh.
All that to hear a guy replying Eeyup to a purple haired troon.
I'll see if a few of my drawfrens can be convinced to donate a pic.
>Jew makes the thread shilling his own art as the OP image
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From the last thread
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when deadline? Can we draw somewhat lewd fillies?
Deadline is Feb. 13, with a one-week grace period. I think outright lewd is discouraged, but suggestive is probably okay.
>only wants to bandwagon if this has others participating
go back lil bro
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>we're so much better than those degen leftys
>also can we please draw the foals being raped!

Lol. I have no problem supporting things to keep kids safe who are born that's important. But this entire thing is retarded. Orphanages aren't even a thing in America anymore. It's not even the most effective way to support the kids. Hell, it's antithetical to the theme of the pack being family. You're celebrating how great childbirth is and families by... giving money to kids who were abandoned or abused by their families lmao? Not to mention the amount of rape that goes on in these places, with the head nigger in charge suggesting one that was notorious for child rape. And again I can't laugh harder at the fact you faggots can't help but keep crying about needing to draw the foals getting raped. Like "Hey Timmy isn't family great and amazing? I know yours raped you and abandoned you to the state, but they're perfect! Here's an art pack of parents loving their kids, unlike yours. But it's okay, here's a section of the parents raping the kids, just like yours!" lmao.

Please consider literally any other charity. Maybe something that helps families who aren't abusing their kids, who have no money? Reminding them how joyous parenthood can be despite the hardship. And maybe, just maybe. Containing your autistic behaviors enough, to not shove nazi and child raping themes into the pack.
That this project rustles your jimmies enough to make you samefag this hard makes me feel like we're really on the right track. Go dilate.
>everyone i don't like is the same anon
Do not the fillies.
At this point, you faggots can insult/troll/bait/derail whatever, these two are my motivation.
Thanks Anon!
I'm not against the project. I just said to not take the bait and here you are taking it
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Which bait? It's a thread, when a project is ongoing and the other thread dies of bad bumping another takes it and the project continues. How new are you?
You got anything to contribute? Do it, and post. If not, please sit down and shut up.

Still rearranging that pic, anything else I should change or edit before I submit it to the pack?
Have you not been paying attention to the constant influx of twitterniggers shitting up all of these threads? All I said was to ignore them, you raging autist.
Translation: I'm taking a sidequest and shill a board project outside /mlp/, they did that on the first thread and opened a secret Discord.
Offboarders are the one keeping this project alive. Stop hating.
>Anything else I should change?
You can add anti-aliasing, I guess.
Care to elaborate?

If you suggest that scootaloo artist
But that's not representative of the community's skills and intents.

You too, fetish art is weird, can you people NOT sneak in, as your style will be easy identified and having a Derpibooru page full of porn.
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Aye I can do that, normally I dont for WIPs.
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The point of
is to not argue or engage conversation with the trolls, subjects and opinions not worth sharing = Irrelevant to the thread.
if you have artwork ideas I'm finishing a thing or two, for the family, love and life theme, or anything completely different.
Sure, the more the merrier
>artwork ideas
Silly Stuffing comforting a sad filly
Artist here, that's how it works, the more we are the better it will be, thanks and keep it up!


Yeah that would be cuter since I don't know what to do with AJ rn. thanks for the idea!

In retrospective, yes. The baiters and twitter trolls can fuck off. They put efforts itt since the beginning, giving terrible advices especially insulting great artists, but best is to ignore them.
>care to elaborate?
DarkDoomer, aka Silver Spoon. Who's been almost killing the project as soon as it started since his unironic french Jew ass wanted to take it out of the board and into the Discord, because of the filename , and the fact a redditspacing flaggot linked the new thread on the old thread, I can 100% guarantee Silver was the OP for this thread.
It's not the end of the world, but it's really a shame someone so disgusting as that Jew is still trying to be under the limelight.
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Take your meds anon, Silver/DD never wanted to be in charge of anything, just being a drawfags and invite more drawfags on the project.
Damage control mode I see
>Never wanted to be in charge of anything
So much so that they actively derailed two thread back and tried to shill their retarded fucking dicksword server at any chance they got
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think i'm going to develop a bit the idea. gotta have to add landscape art and everything, sigh. but hey.

*grabs the filly* don't talk to the large man-woman with green hairs and get in there !
Looks promising
I don't understand a thing, I'm sorry, do this person supports Israel's crimes? Got evidence or anything, if this is real this is very serious.

It's a fight between conservatives and people like us who want politics kept out of the fandom.
Myself I had a friend ready to start this thread with more charities and options (vote for AI or not) But this one popped up. We aren't defeated yet!
Shoutout to the fags arguing about nothing, I'm not reading it but thanks for keeping the thread bumped
>But that's not representative of the community's skills and intents
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Oh shit I forgot, it's shabbos, that means I must stop here, was about to add the BG and all. You finish it, Nono ! Apply yourself !

So is this guy with us in this room; right now?
Pretty good job so far!
footnote: no one knows what this paragraph means
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Don't take your meds. Write a greentext about Jewish SilverSpoon trying to take the control of the filename of the thread, whatever you're into, that's some good stuff. We need stories for the pack, you're onto something, and this doesn't derail the thread!
>She jews
>Anon screams and Silver Jews her.
>She likes silvers so jew, but Anon nons, unghastedly bothered by the brontide of Tsahal's army coming to save her
>tfw Anon is green
>Anon autisms anon but Silver can't stop jew
>Oh no we're gonna die, says Anon!
>Silver exhausted her smile as the runtrous machines appears to be the Go-Go-Gestapo dancers on tanks following Aryanne's army,
>She whispers the orders to heavily armed stallions
>They're coming to commit holocaust activity
>Silver Spoon's jews are defeated by the flames from the nazi flamethrowers one by one
>I refuse such a defeat! I will jew, I have a million dollar of hebrews!
>Jesus wept and asked what's the meaning of all this.
>Discord:What are you doing in my house? Come on, I'm having fun, in My House, you can't always do that Christ, don't you got better things to do? Save the world?
Autism, and that one guy who wanted to be the OP so he can shill his AI slop in the art pack and Soros-funded NGOs.
And finally 2, 3 anons who still bring content, you are based.

>Not to mention the amount of rape that goes on in these places, with the head nigger in charge suggesting one that was notorious for child rape.
Do you have sources or evidence, or is it your autism speaking, not bothered to search this, if it's true, it will have to change.
If you're not (completely) retarded, give decent suggestions to who we can or should donate.
Why are we not doing this then? The project is stall because autists wanted to keep it on board but it's not progressing because of the autists.
Let's vote! Offboarders welcome.
What's your take, DD? reopen the Discord, or shill this art pack around?
SummaryAnon said you got in touch with Wolvan, I'd like to know his opinion too before I share this, I'm not quite enthusiast about it but what if it works?
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Fuck off this is a board project, this must remain a board project, if it dies it dies.
I'd rather this project fail instead of seeing it hijacked by nazis and christcucks.
If you take it you can't take the art made for THIS BOARD.
Fuck off, fuck you.
Please don't betray us cause you did good so far
But think about it.
I'm going to be level with you Anon: Art I made for this pack belongs to this pack, not for this board.
If nothing happens here, BornToSilly will outlive those threads, it's not a problem at all! Do you understand?
This thread is better and clarifies the do and don'ts, only a couple of retards posting in, the twitter trannies did give up. What is the problem?
Summaryanon here.
Haven't updated/posted in quite some time, mainly because not a lot has happened. Still, new thread's been linked since yesterday, and a section for this thread has been made in the chronology as well.
Rechecked the logs, it was H3LLM4R3 who contacted him. I think you are confusing Wolvan with John Elway.
It seems the images weren't properly archived (a shame), but I do remember well enough that Wolvan's main condition joining for the project is that it would be organised *only* on the threads, no Discord in sight.
In any case, if you just want more artists on board, you don't need a Discord to contact them. Shilling is enough.
What the fuck is wrong with you, let's fucking not do that! Do you want the place saturated by people from Twitter or Discord? What part of Board Collab on /mlp/ is hard to understand?
>tells anon that there's no need for a Dicksword
>What the fuck is wrong with you, let's fucking not do that! Do you want the place saturated by people from Twitter or Discord?
Yup, it's ESLing time.
Yeah, it will be good to have Wolvan as the org.
Though, he doesn't need to do anything immediately - the real work will start after the art pack is finished and we need to collect the money.
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I approve, sorry for trashing offboarders but if we can grow, let's do it.

Alright it's on a good way.

But reading the posts here, shilling this thread will make it grow. More noise but we dealt with them.
This. Let's focus on art and ideas, let's follow the OP.
Also, OP, ponify this with silly and twitterfags

This is cute. Thank you Anon.

Do samefags know how obvious they are?
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Why do you even care, Stefán, it's a charity based in the United States.
>But it is collab of us, the 4chan, do not do it, I'm dick your mother, eat you're dead!
What about an ad banner on 4ch
>calling all artists for BornToSilly , a fundraiser for life and family
something simple and catchy.
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Princess Celestia would be proud of you guys
we're doing this by her teachings!
image idea: Celestia comforting a filly.
The eyes of a child, so innocent and pure
A child's heart is full of song
Take their tiny hooves and lead them to the light
As adults, we see the pain in the world
And it sometimes don't seem right

But through the eyes of a child
The world seems magical
There's a sparkle in their eyes
They've yet to realize the darkness in their soul.
The beauty of their smile
Adventurous and wild
Life is kinda gay, but it doesn't seem that way
Through the eyes of a child
Anon, that's beautiful.
Thank you !
I'm not the author by the way, it was a random anon who wrote this a few months ago: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41063749/
But it's a beautiful poem indeed
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Don't worry anon, i'm not gonna give up or let it down. After the time i’ve put into this project recently and the motivation (You) gave me, there’s no way I’d let it down, run around or hurt you. I’ve been here since the start and I’ll stay til the end, no matter how tough the road gets and how our opponents can do ( not much, really. )
You’re right to be cautious and I get this with the rumors and bullshit, but trust me when I say I’m still here because I believe in us. I believe in what we’re doing in the cause we’re fighting for, for the anons who want this to go somewhere, and believe in this too, and in the potential we got to pull it off.
For sure it’s been a bumpy ride, yet nothing ever go smooth or as planned. sometimes you gotta push through the noise and chaos to create something worthwhile.
this isn’t just another draw thread, this is something that ought to be bigger than this. we’re still in this together, and as long as we keep creating, writing, crafting, etc, and many other works anons -even the most unexpected artists joining it - have put effort in this taught me more than humility but drives me to keep it up, work hard on what i can do for it and i'm confident this project will succeed.

My take ? I trust in what this board can create when we do things together. I’m for keeping this onboard, where it all began.
As usual, I’m just here to contribute and to see where it leads, wherever you go or whatever happens, we're still more than ever, united as one, divided by zero. It has always been our stuff.
Man. that's inspiring, and based !
That's an impressive lot of bollocks, but I'm going to assume that means yes.
How much would be a banner that runs an ad banner for one month? About twenty bucks. I have seen ads for some porn AI generator lately with RD, so pony seems okay, I guess.
Who is the filly that is inside the >pic related costume?
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well I'm glad you asked anon i do, and i laugh everytime.

"Tennessee Children's Home Society was a chain of orphanages that operated in the state of Tennessee during the first half of the twentieth century. It is most often associated with Georgia Tann, its Memphis branch operator and child trafficker who was involved in the kidnapping of children and their illegal adoptions."
luckily other anons told him he was a retard. but thats the level of incompetence going on. again i still say an orphanage is retarded. we don't really have them anymore, and it doesnt even fit the theme. i should also point out how funny it is this is again being done and championed by euro cucks. they would know that orphanges aren't a thing in america if they were american, they also would know planned parenthood doesn't even do abortions in a lot of places even where its legal, nor do they just do it for free m, or in most places offer even assistance in paying for it but tell you to go ask another charity to do it lmao. if the euro cucks are so obsessed with america that they need to choose an american charity. churches would be far better. help families that are together not ones being abandoned in the first place. churches lead, food banks clothing shelter etc. most are if not anti abortion strongly urging the person to gove birth.
>but thats the level of incompetence going on.
you said it, he's european, how do they know about the right thing to donate? It's our job to find this, you retard.
Here's my ideas:

The Elliott Institute
The National Right to Life
Students For Life
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Those threads been up for a while and I think this one is going to a better direction. Not bad for what it’s trying to do, but here’s some advice.
>Look into NGOs or other orgs that align with the cause, there are always groups out there that love small creative initiatives like this.
>Go outside and don't be afraid to ask around. Send some emails, throw in a pitch, maybe link them to examples of the work and ideas so far. Even if 90% say no, one or two yes could make a big difference.
>Reach out to other artists. Plenty of people in fandom spaces are looking for fun charity or collab projects. Post on Twitter, altboorus or even Discord servers tied to the show/fandom (not just /mlp/, widen the circle a bit). You don’t need big names, just a couple more contributors who care, motivation is important.
>Plan long-term. You’re not going to build Canterlot in a day. Have a strategy, even if it’s small steps. Organize stuff properly (Any news of the orgs like Wolvan and others?) make it look professional where it counts, and be clear about goals. It makes it easier to avoid burnout and keep people interested.
>Ignore trolls. Yeah, I get it, trolls trolling trolls keeps the thread alive, but it also drags down the energy. Focus on quality updates and real progress like ITT, not just bumping for the sake of it. Better to slow down and be productive than let the thread turn into a mess of noise.
I pay taxes.
What more charity do you want?
Taxes prevent generosity, putting governments in even more control.

Will try to know more about those orgs.

I like this.
Go back to draw already!
Are you murcan? Name a charity, find something we should act for. It must be evaluated and reviewed here.
>name a charity
we voted for it, good decision I guess but do the voters had a lot of options the last time? >>41713960 could need more but food suggestions, I'll be asking around.
still good going with the pack and awesome art so far, artists can not be anon, trannies who want AI will accuse legit artists to use AI.
expect more trolls if this takes off for good.
ideas are always a good thing. so far a lot of anons voted for Anchor Ridge. we didn't really have any other good propositions and it seemed like a nice one.
we could discuss these 3 + Anchor Ridge and compare them all to find the best option. i remember someone mentioning one disadvantage of Anchor Ridge in the previous thread >>41677074 .
>they aren't doing a good job keeping up with revenue transparency
it's still a good option but if we can get a better one then why not ?
Bruv, this whole ting is proper daft.
The idea’s sound, big up life and family and all that, But the way it's moving? Long. Bare money and graft getting dashed for no reason.
So we got some mad lad from Poland, another one in France following 'im, another guy in UK. Meanwhile, yanks, the ones catching the bag from this whole thing ain’t even clocked in. Now NHM’s dipped, who’s steering this ship, No one, senpai. It’s all vibes, no direction.
Safe, OP, for believing in this wholesome madness. Big respect to the artists for putting their heart and sovl into it. Props to you, Anon, for holding out hope. But honestly? This ain’t just silly, it’s retarded. Safe.
>Now NHM’s dipped, who’s steering this ship, No one, senpai. It’s all vibes, no direction.
NHM never led the project properly in the first place. All he merely did was making the initial thread; when he actually tried to take hold of the project with the Dicksword and all, he was promptly told to fuck off from leadership, advice which he eventually did follow.
There are plenty of people steering the ship. There is Wolvan, the leader who NHM himself recognised. There's John Elway, he's apparently the one in charge of finances. There are the website and summary anons, the former collecting art, the latter keeping news regarding the project up to date.
>This ain’t just silly, it’s retarded. Safe.
The demoralisers say it's retarded, directionless, dead; and yet, the project preservers and moves on.
...Also, no need for the second "safe".
>churches would be far better. help families that are together not ones being abandoned in the first place. churches lead, food banks clothing shelter etc. most are if not anti abortion strongly urging the person to gove birth

This, why pick the US, we got so much to do in Europe, let's move this to a better goal.

All of those lads are literally whos. If there's no more orphanages there, who's gonna get the money? Ask em to post and clarify, like here's the plan!
>Wolvan is literally who ?
you are an offboarder
I love them
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the post that smells like crack.

>why pick the US
good question tho. but suggest something else!
i don't know your eurofag shit. this is being lead by a bunch of esl retards, but they're going to know their countries better than me. just tell us the charity and make the pitch. it's retarded to have all these issues about teaching them about taxes having someone hold the money and hiring lawyers for it.
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I'm not american either. this is why I feel so detached from this now, it almost sounds like a scam now even if I know the OP's intentions were legit and based on good faith.


Let's see what we have in Europe :

>see the EU logo as a funder
oh dang it

https://righttolife.org.uk/ right to life

>Pregnancy termination is still a criminal offence in Germany under section 218 of the Criminal Code, with serious consequences for access to abortion

>Poland has strict abortion laws
>Bogusław Kiernicki is doing things, I can't translate it well, perhaps NHM will help us there.

https://afc-france.org - association for christian families
https://enmarchepourlavie.fr - ngo for preventing abusive comfort abortions
https://www.alliancevita.org - another NGO militing for common sense contraception

https://www.provitaefamiglia.it - association for life and family and bioethics.

So far I'm reading these and this is twisting my stomach, abortion, assisted suicide, and sites that promotes 'abortion' ends up suggesting it's a choice, with the EU fundings logo at the bottom...sorry for lecturing how you guys are doing it wrong, I think this is a serious stuff.
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almost finished, can you believe it?
So nice and pastoral
silly pone face
So you weren't kidding, awesome art.
you're doing the meme anon. why the fuck are you so hyper fixated on finding an anti abortion charity? that concept in of it self is exceedingly niche, rather than charities that support families that are struggling? the theme is about loving families and celebration of life? this right now is just spite driven faggotry. no one wants to have kids if the econmic preasures of doing so will ruin them, if they can't find housing or food. news flash. if you're wealthy you will always circumvent the rules. focus on those less fortunate. i would focus on if not a specific local church specializing in food banks and clothing drives. foundations who main objective is underprivileged families
why are you posting lesbians?
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correction : you are wealthy BECAUSE you circumvent the rules.

oh you like it? ok; hmmm . there, finished.
does she really need glasses?

horses can not be lesbians, it is a lie.
>Bogusław Kiernicki is doing things, I can't translate it well, perhaps NHM will help us there.

ok what do you want me to translate exactly ? i searched for Bogusław so i'm guessing you mean national march of life, but i don't know what does it have to do with the charity. it's basically pro-life and anti-abortion national christian march. retards also give it a label of anit-LGBTQ cause for some reason faggots connect abortion with anal sex. i guess it may be about the fact that we don't allow faggots to marry nor to adopt kids, but that's not the point.
whatever you have found Bogusław is a politician and we all know what politicians do.
in Poland we had a few incidents with this already. our politicians are fucking retarded and they spend a lot of money on fucking propaganda in tv. that may sound like nothing but they already did accuse foundation "Wielka orkiestra świątecznej pomocy" for stealing from their own charity. (it collects money yearly for kids with cancer). also there were other incidents when money actually did disappear and politicians were involved in this. so even if he organizes some charity some of it may go to their own pocket and i'm not a big fan of it.
someone also suggested a few other ides for the charities in US >>41713960 cause my first voting for it had literally 0 alternatives >>41674166 even doe Anchor Ridge doesn't sound that bad from what i saw so far maybe we can find some better options. i'm just sceptical about searching for it in europe cause then we would have to find some trustworthy anon from europe to hold the money and that would just makes things way harder. it doesn't make sense especially now when John Elway agreed to handle the money.
that's impressive.
why are you doing it here where less money gets to the charity? youre litterally all esl euros. i hate how you people keep treating America like you're American. just do it in fucking Europe and let us organize our own thing for our own people.
>less money
How ?
John Elway is literally from US retard.
yes. and. ecause you retards are dumb, your subjecting yourself to various taxes, preemptively having the person keep money to pay for it, then talking about hiring tax attorneys for the simplest of things. rather than paying little or no tax according to the europoors in your own countries
>hiring tax attorneys
I don't remember any of this, I'm pretty sure someone only mentioned getting an advice from lawyer on the previous thread.
>paying little or no tax according to the europoors
Inflation made it so everyone have high taxes right now. No matter are they eurofags or no. I have literally no idea what the difference would be but I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as "no tax" or "little tax" even in europe. Another thing is that we would have to find some trustworthy eurofag on board which only complicates things further.
Were already peaking
This is the nail in Timsplosion and DraaftHorses's coffin, with the bonus development.
wtf are you talking about you brain dead retard? you think its a global inflation crisis? america is at 2.4% inflation rate which is litterally around where you want to be for growth. the uk litterally doesnt tax charitable donations as long as it's within 4x your taxes. which is just what i see on google. im not euroqueer. you just seem ignorant about finances in general. figure it the fuck out you lazy nigger.
Yes they don't have the tax and issues we have in EU. cost of life is worse in EU than US
>no one wants to have kids if the econmic preasures of doing so will ruin them
Aborting a living being from your womb for economic reasons is the most inhuman shit ever, all that because retard want to keep buying a new smartphone, watch netflix with UberEats.
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>all that because retard want to keep buying a new smartphone, watch netflix with UberEats.
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Exactly what this guy said! No one understood a damn thing, but thanks for joining!
Any idea of what to draw that have not been done yet?
Silly Stuffing pushing a filly on a swingset. Bonus points if there's a second frame where an adult pony looks over and Silly goes back to being a doll.
Silly helping an orphanage mare take care of a bunch of foals.
Aryanne enlisting ponies in SS (Silly Stuffing) Life Squads.
these ideas are fucking bangers holy shit
Yeah I like em, also working on a few pics, may take one later
Does it have to feature Silly? If not, maybe adult Scootaloo helping out or entertaining a bunch of orphans. Maybe reading a story.
Anon filly, Dyx and Luftkrieg playing uno in orphanage while Silly plush sits somewhere in the background.
It doesn't have to future Silly.
As long as it fits the theme it's ok.
if i go to the site and upload a picture of my penis, will it be in the art pack please?
Post nose.
yes good idea
Maybe not but this will give your IP, location, brand of camera, local time and many information you can't imagine especially the sensor noise about where you are and who you are. If you want a kind advice for you : Do not.
Art pack is dead, shitterniggers and euroqueers killed it
It's not retard
youre a nigger. no it doesnt, you can do fuck all with the meta data. and if anons want to flood it with pictures and believe this retard metadatecleanser will do it for free. or upload to any free image hosting site and redownload. you can check the metadata as well for free in many places.
>you can check the metadata as well for free in many places
Where ?
i just wanted to know if i could do it, i wasnt actually going to post my pp.
nigger google is free. you don't get a bump sage in every field.
Why not ?
I don't get it.
What do you not understand retard ?
This whole project is one big joke and nobody cares about it. It's just a fucking "let's own the libs" bullshit and don't make any sense.
Nsfw is disallowed too so no sexy mares in the pack. It died before it even started.
These captcha waiting timers are getting out of hand this anon >>41723235 had to wait for two whole weeks before posting, it's insane.
is this allowed to make for the art pack?
A mare breastfeeding her foals?
Keep telling yourself that anon
Lemme play devil's advocate: Does it matter who OP is if he's running a charity? Take for instance the derpitrannies who were grumbling over the Marenheit art pack. Even with the proceeds going to charity, they continued to whine like the little bitches they are because le not-sees were just gloating. I'm sure a lot of us did just want to rub their faces in it, but the money still went to help the horsies.
As an actual Jew, I'll give you some advice: when not many people like you, take help where you can get it, and don't ask questions.
show some gratitude you schizo faggot
>be SilverSpoon the Jew
>since time immemorial ever since throwing a stone at Christ as he carried his cross, I've been doomed to wander the earth
>my one goal in life: make sure no fun is allowed
>I've been doing a pretty good job up until now, but with my dastardly Jew brain, I've foreseen my ultimate foe
>truly his unique mix of schizophrenia and autism know no bounds and has foiled me in one thread after another!
>daaaaamn hiiiiiim!
>yet... could it be? does he have The Sight?
>masaka! he is but a lowly anon!
>let's see him see through this cunning plot
>step one: I slide his favorite EqG threads
>step two: Mossad the Assad
>step three: with anon's greatest ally out of the way, I'm free to enact my masterstroke!
>I seize control of the filename and take everything to discord! bwahahaha
>your move, kid...
This thread is really full of jews.
I'm not jewish...
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Alright repeat after me :
>Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha’olam,
>Asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu al hat’vilah...
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can you niggers stop saying this shit is dead, IM TRYING TO ANIMATE HERE!!!!!
Holy fucking based this shit is alive !
I love what I see.
Hey, as long as they're bumping.
Looking forward to the animation!
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am i being gaslit by you kikes or is this 2+2channels shitty coding in action. because all i see is a sketch of a leggless pocket pussy cumwrag? it's not animated for me.
Shut the fuck up nigger. Drawfags have drown a lot of cool stuff so far and as you can see we are gonna witness animations in the pack also which is fucking amazing.
she doesn't even have fucking legs lol? its not even an animation, its just line art, which is weird. as someone who leads animation projects... why would you do the line art before the story board? whats the animation even about? again. no legs is she just going to get used by a father for artificial insemination? i get the watermark is a joke but it still fucking makes it hard to actually see the pocket pussy. nah this pack is cooked lmao.
>struggles to understand basic concepts
Must be all those jews in your brain, kek
Silly up
You don't know what the pipeline for animation is like, and that isn't it.
Describe the pipeline of animation please
you wouldnt get it lmao
You would have to have 2 IQ to have lineart before your having a rough animation planned out. There's no key frames, for motion, no animation. And trying to do line before keys is how you end up with shit.
Animation is not for the mongo who can't plan ahead.
OK, thanks for the bump, fren
I'm guessing it's something like
>figures to see the shape
>simple sketches
And obviously everything just progress to the next part when u already have all the key frames done with the previous one.
Key frames are drawn as extremes like a ball at the top and a ball hitting the floor, then you draw frames inbetween the extremes like a ball in mid air and a ball . Keep drawing more until it's smoothed out, without looking retarded and only THEN do lineart. Storyboarding is another thing done before even rough keys, with small thumbnails planning on how you want the animation to go.
Oh yeah I forgot about in-betweens part.
Going from 6 fps to 24 fps with these basically.
What the hell are you doing, anon! Are we drawing cute stuffed ponies or purifying the masses? Get a load of this freakin momser here...
Animating takes time, and for trying it I get that. Keep it up Anon!
When silly foalcon clop ?
if dubs she is
get fucked
I have a request, can someone make a reference sheet for Silly the mascot with front, side and back views please and maybe top and underside if different with patches?
just look up the og picture and take creative liberties to fit what youre trying to draw.
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bump, more stuff to finish and i'll be afk all weekend
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Kek is this (You)?
He's just like me fr fr
where's the cumjar?
oh god yes
Bump, but also keep in mind, we still have the mlpol backup as this takes time to create art, and not everyone is posting on this thread
what this anon said
literaly me
Silly up
If only I could buy some Sillies.
god animating is so hard when housing a kitten you found under your porch a few nights ago during the rain.
That’s very specific anon
Is there something you’d like to share with the class?
Take care of the kitten, he just have adopted you.
well, I hope youre sitting when I tell you this anon, but...
Welcome to pet owning, they are prone to newtonian experiences and other silly stuffs, keep your home clean, close the toilet lid, keep a clean litter, don't overfeed and in return you get lots of love.
You have a good heart anon. This kitten have chosen you to trust. Don't let him down.
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Silly is made of random patches, there can't be two identical sillies, you gotta innovate in the designs and patterns.

It's incredible, I should hate this thread for derailing, offboarding and I really wanted it to die but it's still up, and for over one week now.
Any news of Wolvan, NHM or John Elway?
Protip : if you want your project to succeed, don't shun namefags, artists work for free, they deserve to be known. Don't force anonymity.
John Elway is getting info how to deal with taxes more or less. He still needs to create some kind of separate entity like LLC to hold the money.
Hopefully we will get some new info this week.
It really takes a while.
Agreed, drawfags are doing great job. Afterall without them this project wouldn't exist. They deserve to be known if they don't want to stay anon.
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I gotta swallow that pill but I can't disagree, and if we don't open it will be a failed project. Still IDK what NHM really is about now or what to think of the guy but this thread is better than the Tamers spam going on.
Aight now imagine if Tamers posted here instead of the 8 other threads reeing about him!
please pay the cat tax, sir
>imagine if Tamers posted here instead
This would fuck up literally everything and thread would become once again one big mess kek
It would be chaos, but epic.

It's never gonna happen Anon. Nothing ever happens.
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holy bump
Silly up
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I like having cute mares help less fortunate children, so this is good thread.
Silly up
i could see trixie doing that in her free time
ya know in secret like
Very nice
>Hopefully we will get some new info this week.
hoping for real
can we get artfags to check in and say how theyre doing? Ive got my animation a quarter done thus far.
I made a few more Silly's and submitted them in the art pack already
The Secretive and Wholesome Trixie
Silly up
Cute filly I wanna see her preganant

Anon we need to think if something cute, not weird!
Keep your pedophillia out of the charity pack for kids
Can she even become pregnant, actually? Is Silly an actual filly or a sentient plush? The coat seems to suggest the latter, but that tongue suggest the former.
Silly is a plush, the tongue is just another bit of fabric.
It would be adorable though if she sewed herself a smaller Silly.
So THATS how they reproduce
I love Silly
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I'm starting to get the idea, and visually it doesn't have to be porn, just magic, like another silly, part of herself.
Yes, that can work! I'm on it whenever I can! If you have more ideas like angles, colors, and more, anons, I'm all ears! Also maybe elements around, a scene or something?
Maybe Silly could take a patch from herself and sew it onto the smaller Silly to give her life. It could be a heart-shaped patch from one of her hooves to make it more symbolic.
Those self righteous cunts can go fuck themselves.
Anon can you draw that Ponk as a futa ?
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Huh. Explain.
It's OK to make a good action, and encourage it.
This thread and project is a good action.
When an Artist participate in any project for free you respect the Artist. It's not a competition, it's not selling a futa art pack, it's for children.
Think about your comment again.
We're whites here.
I'm not even any organizer or even artist, but so far, my God that's going good! I wanna thank them.
xir you are out of your containment again
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Okay you're right, I'm giving this a bump. LEt's get this pack done, bros!
Silly up
Idea is cute - will take a while to make so be patient
Anon how big is her futa cock ?
Can you show us ?
Yes, I just converted.
Yep I'm reworking this one as it suits the theme perfectly.
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i cant wait for all the art to be done
No one's drawing Silly with a cock, anon
They will.
No one's drawing Silly with a cuck, anon
They should.

Silly with a small futa cock should be allowed
then draw it
Silly up
He must be Ryan Gosling because that’s literally me
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you got ponies on yo phone?
here's also a question or a thing for artists, since this pack is aimed to help kids, what would you draw to make an orphaned kid feel better? cause they will show your stuff you know.
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Uh oh
I may have submitted meme shit in there
Scootabuse obviously
>Uh oh
Yeah we see that.
A filly staring longingly through a window with Silly putting her hoof on her shoulder.
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alright bros, I need a little help here, call it a collab if you must, but I need perhaps a bg for me animation. trying to wrangle my time into getting it right has been rough. if anypony is willing, would love me a bg. Looking for a scene inside a house with an anon facing away from the viewer, crouched down with his arms open ready to embrace a filly hug. I can add more to it, I just need a headstart on the main content, I have more details that are daunting to get to.
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kinda this size and perspective, she is a filly after all(so the bigger the better)
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drop all possible details and style, if you have refs or anything, i'll try to make it when i can !
I going to have her running from an open Christmas present box, into the arms of anon. The box is diagonal from anon in the scene, under a Christmas tree with a few miscellaneous boxes throughout. you can add more details past that if you like, be it some furniture or a wall with a window and some pictures, but its not necessary.
where you bros
do i have to color...? ugh
Look at her go
how you feel like, good job for a first
busy with Christmas.
I feel like I'm not half way done. gib me cute pone pic to keep me going anon.
Idea for the drawfags: ponies giving gifts to orphan foals
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Here you go anon, keep up the good work
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>cute pone pic
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I will not reply to baits
>But what if...
Checked the art archive, and I have no idea what schizo's talking about, unless there's a porn version of this image (which gave me feels ngl) and I don't want to see it or care about it.
thanks anon
Man. This piece hits hard. The raw emotion in Big Mac’s face, with that style and the expressions tells you everything without saying a word.
The sketchy, light/dark contrast style gives it a rough, hard feels. The foal's ghost adds this gut-punch of loss. I wish i could express that.
Silly up
>More autistic floating fillies
This aint it chief.
That was the initial idea before Pata came with Silly stuffing or something as the mascot I like both.
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Just had that idea and had to draw it.
Baby Nonny!
Why yes that's cute!
look at that cute lil fagger
This is the cutest thing ever!
I love how concise and symbolic this is. And also very cute.
Artist here, watching it again, good job. I would see a legend for this, maybe shaded and less flat, maybe even decals, it's perfect!
>pink heart
>green tube and pone.
um? based, secret race mixing art symbolism!
How's the project?
Nigga can't have 2 days without exposing his cock fantasies
This is so cute and wonderful. Thank you anon for existing in this world.

Thank you being a part of it!

Gonna have to modify a few little things to it but yeah I came home after the christmas eve and thought of that. Soo, got onto Magma and sketched a thing.
What is the symbolism here?
The foal is connected to a heart by a umbilical cord, so it's literally a child nourished with love.
I get the physics here of Anon hugging the heart but making it rounder on her side would work better.
Uniformize thickness of lines.
More accent, thicker. if this is not the next thread's OP image,we're doing it wrong.
This is clean, have strict filly vibes but cures the brainrot.
it looks nice but what's the concept of it?
If I get the vision of the drawfag, it's a foal inside a mare's body and her umbilical cord connected to her. It's not scientifically accurate-at all-but it's adorable!
The Magician,

The Determined poster,

The Poet,

The Visionary,

The Perseverant,

The Entertainer,

The Melancholic,

The Optimistic.

I think y'all faggots make quite a wild bunch, I like where this is going.

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