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Previous Thread: >>41664900
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8
Sunset Shimmer sings - https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
Okay, so, following from >>41717999 and >>41717999

The idea would be to set up a collaborative project between all Sunset-focused artists. With a tentative deadline of April 1st-3rd to celebrate My Past is not Today.

Some potential ideas would be to have each artist draw an outfit of her, we know she has enough, and then setting up a gallery. We could even have one drawing of her Phoenix form where each light feather of her wings references these drawings.


Another idea was to have all artists draw a Sunset, and have all the Sunsets in the same pic. Their contrasting artsyles being the main draw.

The idea would be to contact as many as we could who would be interested to participate just for the sake of Shimmy. And once they show themselves to be serious about this, use that to convince others who prefer to keep to themselves. Barring that, we can commission them. This is a celebration of them and what they've done for her as much as it is one of Shimmy herself.

So far, the artists considered are:
* Adgerelli
* Albertbm
* Anonix123
* Calmbreezes
* Cadenreigns
* Dreamz
* Dusknebula
* Inuyuru
* Keeerooooo1
* Light262
* Lord--opal
* Lzjian79
* Mashoart
* Maxhooves
* Mojot
* Naughty_ranko
* Nayaasebeleguii
* Niban-destikim
* Nire
* Peel a na
* Pettypop
* Ponut Joe
* Reiduran
* Rockset
* Sozglitch
* Sunsetslight
* TJPones
* TheRatedRShimmer
* Tzc
* Xiangquxiaomaguo
* Xjenn9
* Zharkaer
>Ponut Joe
Has anyone even heard from him? He kinda fell off the radar a while ago.
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She takes Christ Mass very seriously
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Based God-fearing Shimmy.
This is a genuine question for a game, not just another meme

If Sunset were to masturbate in front of you, solely for your viewing pleasure, putting on a show and going full performance

Would you rather see her fingering herself as she would when she's alone or using a dildo and acting as if it was your dick?
Ponut is fucking dead. He cringed time ago.

Sorry I ask the obvious, this is something I haven't seen before like this. You are proposing to promote a collab to celebrate My Past is not Today. Sounds nice and at least 6 of those would accept. But many would ask "who is making this?", "how would it be organized?"
Either is good, but I feel like watching her finger herself would feel more intimate to me.
How would Sunset feels when she learns the details of events that Twilight told her about?
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>No, Nonny, the reason consoles have failed isn't because of some indescribable evil, it's because the "Golden Age of Gaming" took place before the advent of easily-accessible mobile devices and social media. MyStable launched in 2003, true, but it wasn't until Manebook tried entering the digital market in 2006 and Mars Sugarmountain's company failed that it became popular. Back in 2005, the ZCube Revolution launched in time for Hearth's Warming, which is why so many people have fond memories of playing Corona 2 online multiplayer on a system dedicated to its own network social media and communication platforms while also indirectly supporting small indie websites like Hen's Nest to make parodies like Black vs. White: The Water Canyon Sagas. By the end of 2006, even though MyStable had become more popular, it still wasn't easily accessible outside of being at one's own computer. We still had the Gamecenter 3 and the Contendo Free come out in 2006, an entire year before Wreath Chores announced the uCall and revealed the world's first smart phone in 2007. Both of these gaming platforms also had their own dedicated media and connectivity platforms, even if the Free looked like it was graphically behind the other two. It was this perfect moment in history where people were simultaneously connected yet disconnected that made the Golden Age of Gaming so important. The reason there's another gaming crash coming is because everyone is TOO connected AND the consoles being used aren't trying to maximize in-console communication functionality. All of the major companies--Contendo, Kiddie, and Minisupple--try to price-gouge customers for online functionality while also creating games that increasingly lack couch co-op options. At the same time, we've hit a roadblock with polygon counting, ray tracing proved itself to be just a meme, and games in each genre are continuing to just be more clones of each other, making gaming redundant since one could just play an older purchased game and get the same experience. It's like getting Battleball 2024 when Battleball 2023 is the same game, just with different rookies and starters. There's also the issue of everyone using the same engines to create games rather than creating their own unique engines because companies want to save time in training new hires. Games now don't just play the same, they all look the same, too. So at the end of the day, we're stuck with video games that are boring to look at, boring to play, difficult to play with others, don't offer motivation to communicate in-game anyways (I HATE being told "visit our Chaos for the bugfix" so much!!), and then when one DOES try to talk about games on MyStable, they get bombarded with a bunch of crazy gibberish from yahoos that should've been disconnected DECADES ago, but because of how EASY it is to connect online now, REAL friendships aren't being made, just PARA-SOCIAL FANTASIES OF DESPERATE PEOPLE NEEDING LOVE!!!

>... Does that answer your question?
Are you talking to yourself?
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no its sunset shimmer talking to you
Why does the artist like to draw milf Shimmy?
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shes not a milf shes just overweight
lowkey the best active Shimmer artist
Does Sunset even consider Cadence a rival anymore? Also I found this.

>not a milf
We can fix that.
Yeah, I'd fuck her. But, I'd prefer her with smaller booba (maybe on the upper end of B or lower C; I really like that size). Also, she's sexier as a pony.
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I'll do it... I'll take the responsibility of getting Sunset pregnant and having a child with her, starting a life-long family that produces two more children that possess unique magical qualities about them that sets them apart from their peers...
Do you guys have good holiday based greens and fan fics that you like?
You mean I. *I* will cum inside and impregnate Sunset Shimmer.
What happens if she's infertile?
I can live with only cumming inside Sunset.
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I'd be nice if this happened, tho is a little ironical and funny to say "My Past is not Today came out today 10 years in the past"
That would make her 11/10 in my book.
What if all artists had their Sunsets coming out of those boxes like pic related? Easier to organize, easier to arrange, and each get to shine while still being part of a whole.
It's be hard to justify the project itself without the Phoenix theming but I'd still be up to organize it if we can get the ball rolling with Sunset artists willing to help or willing to be commissioned.

Does anyone know if any of them is willing?
How does Shimmy feel about life after high school?
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>"Uhm, excuse me, can you point me to the ice-cream shop-"
"At last."
"I must say, I am disappointment in your progress. I imagined you would be here sooner. Tell me, did it trouble you to murder your brothers?"
>"Uhm... wow. I think you have me confused for someone else--"
"No- I had faith in you. In your ability to hate. In your self-righteous indignation."
>"....I'll just be leaving then."
"Eternity is relentless, Sunset. When I first stole into this chamber, centuries ago,"
>"The mall?"
"I did not fathom the true power of knowledge. To know the future, Sunset... to see it's paths and streams tracing out into the infinite..."
"As a man, I could never have contained such forbidden truths... But each of us is so much more then we once were."
>Sunset, far too awkward and afraid of the sheer autism displayed before her, is frozen in place.
"Gazing out across the planes of possibility, do you not feel with all your soul how we have become like gods? And as such, are we not indivisible? As long as a single one of us stands, we are legion..."
"That is why, when I must sacrifice my children to the void, I can do so with a clear heart."
>"What on earth are you talking about??"
"These chambers offer insight for those patient enough to look - in your haste to find me, perhaps you have not gazed deeply enough."
"Our futures are predestined - Moebius foretold mine a millennium ago. We each play out the part fate has written for us."
"We are compelled ineluctably down pre-ordained paths. Free will is an illusion."
>"OH MY GOD, WHAT?? Do you need help??"
"How could I not? One must keep his friends close, Sunset- and his enemies even closer. Can you grasp the absurd beauty of the paradox?"
"We are the same. Elements of Harmony, and Autism. With our holy wars... our obsession with Equestria's domination... Who better to serve me than those whose passion transcends all notions of good and evil?"
>"The Elements are not evil!"
"You may have uncovered your past but you know nothing of it. You think the Elements were noble, altruistic?"
"Don't be simple. Their agenda was the same as ours."
>"Okay... you must be playing some kind of prank. A game. Where are the cameras, huh?"
"Destiny is a game, is it not? And now, you await my latest move."
>"You know what? No, I won't I see the shop from here. Goodbye crazy man."
"You nearly had me, Sunset... But this is not where - or how - it ends."
"Fate promises more twists before this drama unfolds completely."
Is this a metal gear reference?
I need this guy to draw crotchboobs.
Would it be like a pack, a big pic collab or what you have in mind?
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If you're counting Shimmer artists who contributed a lot to Sunset as a character, shouldn't you include her?

She's been in a fuckton of projects and done a lot for Sunset in art, animation and voicing
She's a felon so no.
I've been mentioned among the above. I don't mind drawing something for the shake of Shimmer. My Past is not Today is a great song after all. But I don't really understand the task. You want us to simultaneously post a Phoenix Shimmer, make a collage, or something?
I don't like it, so no.
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Why not?
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>family dog died
>uncle had a stroke and can't remember our family
>aunt's cancer is no longer in remission
>grandma died after breaking her hip
>sister's nervous disorder is triggering
>mom's suicidal depression came back
>dad still won't talk to me through all this due to a pride thing
>all of this happened in the past three days
>I have five major business projects due this week because I'm the only competent member on the task force

Thanks for listening to my blog.

What did you mean by pride?
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>this post
>this post

Damn, not the best of times for Shimmerfrens, eh? Keep your heads up guys, as you know it gets better.
Stay strong, Anon. It a rainy season (pun intended).
You will always have Shimmy to back you.
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Man that brings me back, Sciset Diary was my favorite Tumblr ask blog in the late-fandom era
Never understood this ship?
They're good friends so they must be gay for each other. That's the whole ship in a nutshell.
Is this wubcake?
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They have a really deep connection beginning from when Sunset initially rescues Sci-Twi from being Midnight Sparkle. To the point where Sunsets almost tears up when she realizes Twilight doesn't remember her in Forgotten Friendship
>Twilight doesn't remember her in Forgotten Friendship
Never understood how that work.
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Nairdags is also a fan of Sunset - can't forget about him. Incidentally, he is taking commissions right now.
Unf, gyaru Shimmer.
Still working on the Christmas green, it should be done soonish. In the meantime, what's a Christmas song that makes you think of Sunset? For me it's Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
How about letting people enjoy things?
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And how are they not? They're just asking why people like that ship you double nigger.
Not that overly repetitive poster in particular, which is why I hadn’t quoted >>41722276
What, you think it's Paco?
What do you mean think? He makes it obvious on purpose. But that’s besides the point.
For the number of years he’s been “asking” why people enjoy Sciset among other things he only wants to annoy people about, I’d imagine he’d have let it go by now like literally anyone who was confused by the ship genuinely. It seems like he wants to keep this crummy bread and circus of his going until there’s no more thread or board to do it on, so pardon me for criticizing him for that.
A collaborative piece between the most prominent Shimmer artists with all of them drawing Sunset in their style.

That's all we have right now. Everything else is still up for discussion. >>41720932 had a good idea of having everyone in their own little boxes.

It doesn't even have to be for My Past is not Today. It could be for Friendship Games. The point is to celebrate Shimmer and the artists who brought her to new heights.

I'm going to assume you're either Rockset, Peel or TRRS. If you're into the idea or can come up with a better one, I'll get started with the logistics asap.
I'm the one making it. As soon as a clear goal is decided I'll start asking around.

I admit that she did indeed do a lot for Sunset. Almost all fanmade Sunset videos are voiced by her. She's got fanfic readings, raunchy audios, comic readings, she even appears in the fucking pony WatchMojo. And her art is cute.

However, I'm not stupid. Most other artists wouldn't collab with a convicted felon who assaulted people, as important as she is. People want to feel proud when looking at the bigger picture, and she sticks out like a stain.

I'll be adding him to the list.

Sometimes life hits you like that, Anon. Sometimes it hurts, you'll figure it out. You'll get through it. I know you will.
Other ideas floating around is to have one Sunset in the middle, with her Phoenix Wings around her. And every feather of the wing would have a Sunset from a different artist.

If anything that could be a good cover for the gallery.

If we don't get to convince/commission enough artists, we can just do https://derpibooru.org/images/2516967 and have them surround a single Sunset.

The important thing is to love Shimmy. Above all else.
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>”Ho-Ho-Ho! Merry Christmas, Anon!”
Oh yeah, that guy. He does draw a mean Sunset.
What's the chances that Shimmy will have to work for the holidays?
My two favorite cartoons combined? Yay!
>I'm going to assume you're either Rockset, Peel or TRRS.
Maybe. I'll send DMs to my acquaintances to check if there's some interest.
>If you're into the idea or can come up with a better one, I'll get started with the logistics asap
My major concern is the framing of a single idea in several different styles in one picture. Either the box idea or a collage, drawing exclusively Phoenix Shimmer would look odd from color perspective. I'd look like a pattern because every Shimmer would be colored almost the same.
At once, I can't imagine a collage, but a Phoenix Shimmer with a frame or background of different drawings with different styles, situations and outfits is easier to me to imagine. Each of those drawings should be *after* My Past is not Today, showing how much she evolved and felt happy after her redemption. That way, the big picture feels less like a color pattern. To me, it could work if the interested drew Shimmer showing off how happy she became, preferably with different outfits and an easy background at most. Then, everyone could post their input after a couple of days.
Am I the only one who thinks that Phoenix Sunset is better than Daydream Shimmer design wise?
I'd pick that one as well if I had to, but honestly I don't like those transformation things in general.
>I don't like those transformation
Why not?
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She looks so mysterious here...
I hadn't seen that from Hadley before. Where did you get it?
Why you are the delusional one?
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IDK, it's just "meh" to me. I fell in love with MLP for its overall cuteness and charm, but I've never really been much into magic/fantasy stuff.
Fair. They're these two sides of EQG: the blatant Magical Girls and the goofy slice of life. If EQG's format had been correctly addressed, I would've loved to see more slice of life. We had some in the play shorts. It was funny imo.
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Okay, so, I managed to find a way to include all ideas.

All artists get to draw a Sunset Shimmer. Different outfits are encouraged, but at the end of the day anyone can draw her however they want.

The files get sent to me, so I make a commemorative piece to show off all of your works, and then we put it all together into a single Sunset Phoenix one.

If that's okay with you, I'll begin the proper organization and messaging. Would you mind if we used a Discord server for better organization?
Take a shit Anon. You'll feel much better afterwards.
But regarding magic - one thing came to my mind today.
Do you think anything interesting would happen if girls switched their geodes? Or if someone outside of Mane7 wore them? I remember their specific powers appearing in Legend of Everfree before they got those pendants, but then we see some of girls forgetting to wear them and having no power at all in Movie Magic.

Is there a fan fic where Shimmy wearing AJ's pendant have superpower strength?
The geodes act more as catalysts for their innate powers. Fluttershy was always good with animals, Applejack was always strong, Sunset has always been intuitive, etc.

What each geode do is activate their powers. If they switched them around, nothing would happen, they'd just lose their powers the more they distanced themselves from their geode.

Rainbow was able to use superspeed to get out of Camp Everfree because the geodes were at the cave. After a certain point, she lost her powers, and had to get closer to the camp to get them back.
How many shoes does RD have to spend?
That tends to be a double-edged sword when it comes to a project born in the board, but would be specially useful for the Japanese Shimmerfags. As long as it's only used as a repository and you keep updating in the thread, be my guest.

>Captcha: V0WHY
Every magical artificial tends to react to their user and their intentions. I don't think anything happened further than being difficult for them to use their powers. Probably they'd have weaker magical power.
Probably get "corrupted".
I don't know how many of the suggested artists actually come to this thread. Peel and AnontheAnon I know for sure browse this thread, and we've at least had someone pretending to be Rockset if it wasn't actually him. I do get that Discord servers can somewhat take away traffic from a thread, but I definitely think it would be a good idea to at least make use of one to organize something of this magnitude.
I wasn't impersonating Rockset kek, I just said I may be either of those three. What I can say for now is that TRRS, LZjian79 and Peel seemed interested to contribute.
Would you guys invite Wubcake?
Wubcake would invite herself Anon, like it or not.
Pretty sure she doesn't know about this site.
I'd say it would be better to leave her out. Wouldn't want other artists deciding not to join because there's an actual pedo on the project.
Mhm. Thanks for a little brainstorming.

To my bed? I'll think about it.
Peel has a small Sunset server from people of this thread. If he's interested, maybe we could ask him to use it?

It feels kinda wrong leaving her out
But I doubt the project would even take off with her in it.

If you guys are doing the costumes idea, I counted Sunset having 28 costumes. Not counting artists who will probably overlap in their choices, there's enough for everyone!
>To my bed?
You can do better anon.
kek sorry I just can't resist any occasion to make an inappropriate joke.
>If he's interested, maybe we could ask him to use it?
Use it if you want it. It's an open server after all. Just don't make any drama kek
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BOOBset Shimmer.
Not bad for AI.
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As someone who hates AI, it's been really, really difficult to come to terms with the fact that it can make source accurate Sunset lewds better than most artists
What does Sunset even thinks about Princess Luna?
I feel that, though I'm more lenient on AI than a lot of people seem to be. It's a tool, just one that a lot seems to misuse.
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Uotapo deserves to be on the list. He's been drawing Sunset literally hundreds of times over a decade.
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>better than most artists
Show accurate only lewd enthusiast here. I suppose most artists just choose to make their pics somehow original. Drawing characters looking exactly like in the source material could probably get boring quickly, but I'm sure someone like Metalhead97 (his style is very close to that of the show (at least used to)) would make a pic without weird expression and feet shoved straight into your face if the customer insisted on it (and paid enough).

I feel like lewds are the only thing AI is actually good for. You still have to put some effort to make any generated pic look decent, but I guess one can turn a blind eye to a little fucked up hand when horny enough, haha. You can also quickly gen many pics focused on specific kink without wasting anyone's time.

Anyway, our almighty AI Anon is an example of good usage of that tool. He gave me a lot of boners and I feel super gay because of that lol
It's not that it gets boring. It's somehow tiring because it requires specific techniques and tools that ironically can make the pic more difficult to make than a self style. On the top of that, the anatomy can be a hell. Canon one doesn't even work well to make them run, let alone a complex sex position. However, there are ones like Frosty_hornier who managed to make a very good outcome extremely close to the canon, but slight variations should be done.
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I just love Sunset Shimmer so much.
Those very thicc thighs aaaaaa my dick
What I had in mind was that I guess artists might also just want to make their style unique. Trying to replicate something else doesn't let you do that. The "expressing yourself" thing is what makes many people want to create in the first place.
t.not a visual artist, but somehow an artist in a sense

Right, good example of show accuracy, just checked his art.

Is no one going to mention Cloppy Hooves?
Would she visit Celestia and Luna for the holidays?
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She will show them her boobies.
But why though?
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Are you serious?
But their not lesbians nor bi. Also Shimmy is not a thot.
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You are correct, Anon. But Shimmy's bust is so glorious that she just wants to share with her mentor how well endowed she is in the human world.
This nigga really do be just asking the most wild man shit you've ever heard
You're mocking him, aren't you?
He does it on purpose solely to annoy anyone he can. Don’t even indirectly reply to him, it’s all bait.
And you know this how?
>t. paco
Still see that he lives rent free in your narrow mind.
You're missing out hard time on several artists. You need to invite more artists even they're not Sunset-specific. Because I know several artists who do love her but don't draw her due to lack of ideas.

I'm just saying. You could get a lot more out of it if you opened things up.
Oh! No no no no... PACO, LOOK, A FAN FIC!
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Is there a green where most of her peers who gent to Equestria get laid?
Paco wouldn't know the meaning of "get laid". He would say "get sex" or something alike.
Okay and?
God I miss that mf Ponut Joe
Or “do the penes in of vagene” followed by mumbling about how he swears he’s traditional, to convince himself he has a personality.
Is there any way to contact him?
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Have a Shimmy a friend painted IRL for me.
Did anon ever wrote that green where Shimmy goes to a graveyard?
How nice of him or her.
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Me too

I'd bet anything that he's still making art under some different alias, but I wouldn't know where to start to track him down
Didn't you just post this?
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Best ship
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Sci Twi knows feminism is low E.
Indeed they are.
It's no SunPie.
Does Bevin even like this ship?
I do not trust her.
Even Bevin agrees!
Why not?
Beautiful saggers.
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Sunset has the best saggers.
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Is this the Sunset Sagger thread?

Sunset's saggers are always welcome.
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Does Shimmy like experiencing winter alone or with someone?
I think Sunset would prefer to hang out with her friends during winter.
Have we ever figure out if Shimmy is sercetly Celestias' daughter?
Can anyone edit this image (https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2024/12/15/3508405.jpg) so the guy is green?
I wonder if Sunset ready to spend quality time with the two sisters.
My best attempt, but I'm no artist:
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Great attempt, Anon. Green is always better than black or white.
Thanks, this is the first time I've ever tried my hand at editing anything.
Pinkie loving Sunset's tits is such a dumb meme but I love it.

Same. Though I like to simply call it "Pinkie being a sane person".
She's a multishipper. She's drawn Flashshimmer too
Is this the one that said Shimmy is bi?
What makes you think that?
Considering how she used to wake her up to go to magic school, it's safe to think she at least took some maternal role.
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That was Katrina Hadley. Series co-director with Ishi Rudell.

But they were all part of the same crew and multishipped a lot. They all shipped Sci-Twi with Sunset, Sunset with Flash, Flash with Timber, and Timber with Sci-Twi.

And Applejack with Rarity. The only ship that I think only Katrina was a fan of but have no evidence the others were is Flutterdash.
Does anyone take her word?
>What makes you think that?
Who's out there cumming in Celestia?
Why me of course. But really you're telling that Celestia didn't find love let alone give into her urges all that time?
>not in the show
>actual lesbians say no
>implying polygyny
They just can't keep losing.
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>"Welcome home, Nonny boy~."
>"Want to touch them?"
Queen of the Changelings you trying to hard.
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Oh my God, Shimmy! What happened to your hands?
Why is the collar bone so massive?
Remember, do NOT reply to the troll.
Still see that he still lives rent free in your head.
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>Flash with Timber
Bevin was the one who drew the comic where Timber and Flash made out
>fujoshi Sci-Twi
What's even the appeal?
Wankers. It's like yuri except women don't like looking at vags.
All of Sunset's body fat is concentrated in her breasts.
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Sunset looks cute with short hair.
Do you know if that artist has any other socials?
Nope, just stumbled on them today.
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POV: You’re about to get a face full of snowball!
God that's cute!
God Sozglitch always knows how to get me to smile. Looking at makes me instantly happy.
Same, Sozglitch is one of the best artists around.
If Sunset is Celestia daughter how would it make Luna feel?
Ummm... it would make her feel like an aunt I guess.
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Oh hey, I found the first ever Sunset Shimmer I drew with my own hands.

I thought I lost her. Now I'll carry her with me forever, just in case.
That's an adorable picture of Sunset, Anon. Thanks for sharing it with us!
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It's basically the same character twice
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She really does!
God, I just want to kiss her right on the lips.
Uhhh... Maybe...
I hope she's planning on growing them back.
>Sunset was wearing her boots all day
>no socks of course, so she's built up a nice sweat
>her moist feet sitting against the soggy insoles
>she slowly takes off her boots as she looks at you suggestively
>you can smell the strong musk of her sweaty feet
>your chub is growing rapidly
>she places her foot against your bulge
>you can feel her warmth through your pants
>you are at full mast now
>she dexterously unzips your dick with her toes
>anon jr sprouts up and out
>seemingly having a mind of its own, it twitches in the direction of her toes
>like a predator she firmly clamps her feet against your cock
>the sensation is so strong that you almost cum
>she smirks knowing full well how close you already are
>she slowly begins to jerk you off with her still moist feet
>you dick twitches in ecstasy as she continues stroking you
>your head begins to spin as you become completely ensnared by the scent of her feet
>you sit there unable to move as she rubs your cock
>Sunset is biting her lip, she's getting turned on at the thought of you cuming on her feet
>she picks up the pace
>you groan in pleasure, completely at her mercy
>your dick cannot take much more
>as she furiously takes your dick in her feet, you begin to erupt
>you yell out as your cock violently shakes and throbs with her unyielding foothold
>you continue to yell in pleasure as you shoot ropes upon ropes all over her feet
>she uses her toes to wrap around the head of your penis, guiding more cum to sprinkle her assorted toe rings and red painted nails
>the last thing you remember is her giggling before you pass out

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Alright, these are the artists I'll be reaching out to. I really doubt most of them will even care, some of them have been dead for years. But hey, I'll spam their socials to make sure I did all I could.

Have I missed any you particularly like?
Fuck, I forgot the names of the 8th row

Sadscruffy, Sozglitch, Sunsetslight, SunsetZG3 and TJPones

Though you know like half of them already
You mentioned Inuyuru before I think? I have a direct line to him, I could ask him on your behalf if he'd be interested in joining.
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>Sunset was wearing her boots all day
OK, you got me interested.
>she slowly takes off her boots
Stopped reading there LOL

But I really love that pic you posted.
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Please do. I'll send him a proper message later. But until I do, it'd be nice to have a friendly face propose the project first.

Added a couple more that were mentioned privately.
Red pen notebook sketches anon! I'm so happy to see you again. These Shims give me life
At the moment, LZjian79, TRRS, Peel a na, and Nire have shown some sort of interest. Sozglich (saldy) kindly asked to not be considered.
It's a shame about Sozglitch not wanting to join, but I know he's a busy man. But it's good that Peel, More, and LZjian are on board. I hope we can get more high tier artists on this project.
Yeah, why not. Sounds like fun
You can add Inu >>41742043 to the list, I hope you can get more on board, anon!
That's great news, Anon!
Is there a way to get in touch with him to send him the details? He has the DMs blocked on X for people he doesn't follow.
It seems like he's in the thread right now Anon.
Not organizer anon, just another drawfag. Seems like this >>41724590 is the reference so far to work with. I still don't know either where to deliver kek
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That was me, too! Thanks for kind words!

What great news to wake up to. Glad to have you on board, Inu!

I was gonna send messages with detailed information on who to contact and where to organize each other later today. There's a certain level of secrecy to this, mostly as a way to keep it organized and on the right tracks.
Sorry I dozed off. And yeah I'm down. Emails fine as I'm not really on x anymore. Inuyuru@gmail whenever
maxhooves is making a sunset animation
I want to cum inside Sunset Shimmer
It’s her! Sanseet! Sanseet Simmer!
I thought John Joseco left years ago.
He's been on and off for years now. No telling if he'll want to join, but I'd say it's better to ask just in case.
Ew why does her voice sound like that?
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Tried painting a cool Shim sham
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Lover of all the mares!
This looks so cute! I liked her eyes shape.
Very cute. Good job Anon.
AI. It still fails at tone and emotion, though imo it still sounds better than even the best Fan VAs.
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Nice work anon, I like the vibe I'm getting of looking into a flame and seeing her outline within
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If any of you know Maxhooves, let him know this:

"Maxhooves, hijo de remil puta muchísimas GRACIAS por tanto, perdón por tan poco. Conseguiste una actriz de Sunset con acento, es de acá también o justo dio la casualidad? En todo caso, muy buena elección, te banco mucho. Si supiera tu mp te pasaría guita sólo por gusto porque no tengo un sope en dólares para el Patreon"
The true Gigachad of pony fandom
Holy fuck that is adorable!
I miss Eifie. What happened to her?
It's not AI. If it was AI it would actually sound like her. It's a human VA but she's clearly ESL
Seconding this. The hard Ts and accent give it away. I'm thinking Uruguayan?

It's still a remarkable performance, the voice is very similar, the delivery is very Soichet-like and it's a very strong delivery for an ESL performer
Yeah, after a second listen, I think it may be something like a recording passed through SoVITS or a similar voice changer. It's more than just a regular fan VA, the tone of the voice is spot on for Shoichet, but the pronunciation of words is absolutely that of an ESL speaker who's never read an English script professionally or semi-professionally, and not a wholly AI-generated voice
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What is Sunset's views on law, order, and punishment's?
Against, against, and for.
Shimmy fights Princess Twilight when?
This Sunday
She's been all over that spectrum. At this point, the only law she follows is hers.
How would Sunset feel about the fate of the legion of doom?
Mixed feelings overall, but if it's what the Rainbow Laser wanted then oh well. If she learns it only depowered them, she starts digging deeper into the mess. Ends with her going Daydream Shimmer on Discord's ass. But if she never gets that information to begin with, then eh, she trusts Twilight's judgement on the matter and she's too busy at CHS anyways.
Maybe it just me but I always felt that was going be to a conflict between Princess Twilight and Shimmy. Also I always felt like Shimmy has a naturally tendency of digging deeper.
I do headcanon this myself but it really does depend on how and when she learns. Maybe Twilight is venting about it in the book when Sunset isn't particuarly busy or maybe Sunset's too busy with either her final days at CHS or even already pursuing her dream college/job by the time Twilight decides to mention some details. We don't see Shimmy at the coronation so there has to be some in-universe reason behind it, and I'm inclined to believe she was either simply unavailable at the time, or already had mixed feelings about Twilight getting everything Sunset wanted once upon a time. There's a lot of potential for angst going around.
Forgot to add that this is without accounting for Celestia being the one to personally stone the trio. Sunset barley felt willing to face her again in Forgotten Friendship and now that they're back on good terms, she's opposing her judgement again? Sunset may have apologized, but we never get to see her and Celestia talk it out more, so if Sunset skips that step the inevitable argument could quickly get too personal and risk leaving their relationship more strained than before.
>in-universe reason
Good one anon.
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Cute Holiday Shimmer
How does Sunset feel about breast implants?
Isn't this the one who made a controversial comic?
That's John Joseco, what are you talking about?
Read it again anon.
JJ drew a comic a while back where Sunset fucks half of CHS in an orgy, so that's probably what he's referring to.
Do you have the link for it.
Here you go.
So that's what has gotten Paco so traumatized. lmao
... That's it? That's the controversial comic?

Call me when someone commissions a comic about their self-insert shipped with Pinkie Pie yet fucking the child Pinkie Pie babysits, said child being written out of character as a bratty slut
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I want to rage alongside her, and break a few controllers.
I thought he meant Molestia.
Yeah, controversial as FUCK
Isn't this a bit early to be doing this?
The anniversary is in April and we're still in December...
Is Sunset even keeping in touch with Princess Celestia?
Maybe you shouldn’t feed it replies next time. It’s never looking for actual discussion anyway.
Why are you lying?
Angry shimmer is a cute
That holiday thickness dropping again soon lads~
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What would happened if this was true? >>41751664
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it’d be interesting to just see her and Discords interactions
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I unironically think they'd end up teasing-outsmarting each other until they'd fuck the shit out of each other to break the tension

Especially since both are too stubborn to let the other know that they got each other mad
What would Shimmy do if both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia decide to visit Shimmy during the holidays?
Eh I don't see Discord fucking anyone outside of Fluttershy and even then it's a tossup.
I’ve always seen him as asexual desu
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You did it, you crazy son of a bitch. Really kickstarted this project huh?

They're not even hiding it anymore, huh?
Is there a poem where Shimmy dead but borns again?
I don't get it.
Neither do I.
God, that's a cute Santa Shimmer.
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I hate that you have to make an account let alone log in.
God I love his Shimmer so much
He truly gets what makes her so effortlessly appealing like no one else
Just use nitter.poast
Doesn't work.
Gross tumor tits.

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