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Hearth's Warming Edition

Post pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!
Previous thread: >>41622041


mobius !9PEUyNz5zw

Ex Waifu Ex Machina

YouTube playlist:
Dash clips:
Songs of Dash:
Spotify playlist:

/dash/ index: https://ponepaste.org/1400
Index backup: https://pastelink.net/31lnq
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Horsemas thread!
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dashie for hormsemas
Twily is prettier than Rainbow Dash and she doesn't stink
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>"You're gonna get it now, Anon!"
>"Prepare yourself to get the licking of a lifetime!"
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Jokes on you, I like the way she stinks.
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I'm so excited for Horsemas this year! Been looping /mlp/ songs all week. Especially the Horsemas album
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I love Horsemas, and Dashie
Dash stinks so good. She's got that ozone, petrichor, spicy sweat kinda stink that I want all over my sheets and my couch and my shirts. I want people to notice her stink on me and I want them to know that I know they notice.
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12th for where's the thread recap?
cute little cookie thief
recap: she's awesome, cute and we all love her
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Previously on /dash/:

- BGM released some music about Rainbow and Scootaloo having a totally normal time at the arcade: https://youtu.be/Q99otBIPTqM

- Eel drew some cute Dashes
Moonlight Pone: https://derpibooru.org/3452759
Dash x3 and a Anon: https://derpibooru.org/3457159
Dash x6 and Anon x2: https://derpibooru.org/3468154
Cutting onions: https://derpibooru.org/3468155
Reading to Rainbow: https://derpibooru.org/3469228
Rainbow enjoying ear scritches: https://derpibooru.org/3484914
Preening Rainbow: https://derpibooru.org/3487430
Graceful Slumber:https://derpibooru.org/3497389
Dasher Thrasher: https://derpibooru.org/3500261
Workout with Dash: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1731/95/1731954403187.png
RD and Anon enjoying nature: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/72/1732721153460.png
Dash Sketch: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/72/1732721487483.jpg

-Plushiefags kiss survey Results:
I don't (too difficult to keep clean)
Snoot and lips
Under her ear
On the neck
Behind her jaw

- Get: >>41630000

- Dash at the spa by Anonymous: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1337/73/1337739837653.png

- Anon gives Dash a loving haircut: >>41631695

- 2,447 screenshots of Rainbow Dash, spanning seasons 1-3 and part of season 4 (Great work Anon!):

- DHM Checks in with a sketch and shares a pic he keeps in his wallet: >>41645621 >>41645637

- Napping Cutie: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1694/63/1694632306069.png


- Friend Aqquired by Theonlyone: https://derpibooru.org/3493848

- Dash on the tree: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/82/1732820150731.jpg

- Dashie AI acoustic bops

- Dash in natural habitat: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1597/29/1597299754836.gif

- Dash Anon cuddle from /bale/: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/18/1733181978573.png

- Pilot Anon checks in: >>41701330

- Dash Keeping cool: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1442/95/1442953701726.png

- Military Pilot Dashfag relays important information: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/38/1733383427420.jpg

- Anon draws a dash to make your day better: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/44/1733441420703.png

- Wonderbolt Dash by Maonyman:
NSFW: https://derpibooru.org/images/3502663
SFW: https://derpibooru.org/images/3502698

-Finnish Dashfag pics:

It gives you wings: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1609/65/1609658538323.jpg

Sorry I didn't have one ready
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massive thanks for doing these
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Thank you based Anon!

It's probably just my autistic self thinking this, but these recaps really make the thread more 'meaningful' compared to the image dump type threads lot of the other waifu/pony threads tend to be. And it's something the Anons in those praise the Dash thread for. It makes the whole thing feel like one big continuous rainbow dash fan club when the discussions, ideas and original creations from the previous thread carry over.
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Mieles kävi vielä eilen, että ois tälle iltaa koittanu kysästä. Onneks en, kun tänään töissä verkkoremppa venähtikin ja olin vasta seiskalta kämpillä. Mutta koitetaan täs joo ennen joulua saada aikasiks.
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excellent recap
please do not spray the big blue horse
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Happy to help!
Now I just need to update the thread index I have fallen behind on
Whoops, can't forget >>41734130
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this horse needs lots of love
Itse olen todennäköisesti tulevalla viikolla kaikkina iltoina + viikonloppuna käytettävissä, joten miten vaan itselläs aikataulut antaa periksi niin passannee mulle
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Caffeine + extra set of wings make pony go zoom zoom
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Also if anyone has new draw requests, I'm all ears. And to the Anon who asked for a scene from those audio tracks, it's up next.
kek, was hoping someone would draw this
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such a cutie
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>Cologne anyone???
You haven't been at Galacon before I take it?
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Rainbow in the rubbish? Terrible meme desubh
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Wonderful wife material in the recycle bin?
I'm gonna carry this mare to bed
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I genuinely wonder if the people who draw this shit actually enjoy it, or if it's just some sort of protest. Like why don't you just make an OC at this point, they're so drastically different from the character.
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You've got em, I want em. Post those Christmas Dashies NOW
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I drew Dash getting an education, this is what she does at the back of the class
Now that's a fun place to be.
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where did she get an air fryer
god that's adorable
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I accept
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pone is not for collar
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pone is for harness
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someone should drop a big ass mega file full of rainbow dash art, that would so hot and cool am i right? right anons?
It's okay to do it some of the time, but only in private.
Like this? >>41632326
I mean yeah but no cause thats not art
>Over 2,000 screenshots of the prettiest most sacred mare to exist
>not art
Faggot detected.
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every single one of these is art
im gonna touch you
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some more abstract than others
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and some are just funny
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like this?
such a powerful butt
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They don't and it's not. They do it to "fit in" in a group that is actively toxic, while sabotaging their own skills because such generic, identical-to-all-other-idiots art style == you can be easily replaced.
They also get off on destroying things you love.
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some might say too powerful
As the artist of the original drawing I can confirm that I viscerally hate you (yes, you) and I spend my time trying to ruin specifically your day by drawing your favorite characters in a way that you dislike.
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NTA but I really hope you're just baiting, because holy fuck is that pathetic. Talk about rent free. Why would you take precious time and effort out of your life for people you hate?
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onnistuisko huomenna? tarkotus ois olla viimestään neljältä kämpillä, ja sen jälkeen illan kalenteri tyhjä
merr crimus to all and to all a good nut
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Käypi, oisko esim. kuudelta jonkun juottolan luona?
kuudelta passaa, miittinki vaikka baarikadulla ja katotaan mitä keksitään
Reading this thread really made me realize what a pos I am. Dashie is absolute top tier, no other character could inspire people to follow their dream and make something out of life so effectively. I am an absolute waste of resources. She is pure, I am filth.
tehdään näin, ollaan vaikka tässä langassa yhteydessä mitä/missä/milloin huomenna/spoiler]
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You're not the only one feeling this. It's funny how the more I try to do something with my life, the shittier I feel.
For me it's not even that; I have a well paying job, I've achieved most things I've wanted to. Yet I continue to be a shitbag to her.

As for you Anon, all I can say is that failure is the first step to success. Anything worth working for in life often comes with failure, you just have to keep trying until you succeed.
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Oh, well I'm happy to hear that, really. For me it's not that I really even have failed. Well I have imo, but on paper I haven't. It's just that even if I do good, I feel like shit, like someone else would have done better. And thus, it feels that I'd never be good enough for her.
You don't have to be the best. In most cases, there will be someone better than you. Dash doesn't want the best, she just wants someone who loves her and is loyal. Tank wasn't "the best" at anything yet ultimately he was the best pet for her and she loves him unconditionally. As long as you're not an awful person like me, you'll be fine.
What makes you think you're awful?
I started the Rainbow Dash needs her ego raping out of her thread, need i say anymore?
You just want to rape her? A fantasy is just a fantasy even if it is a dark one. Maybe there is something more there you'd like to elaborate on.
REAL rainbow dash redesign
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It's not just that, I want to rape her so viciously that it completely breaks her, so that I can rebuild her from the ground up.
I don't know why I fantasize about it, she is already absolute perfection the way she is.
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I know it's just a lame >no u - type thing to say but do you perhaps feel as if you're reflecting how you feel about yourself in these fantasies? As in, you feel like you are in need of a rebuild of your inner self but it would take something extreme and possibly external to accomplish that?
And why do you feel that? From an outsiders perspective you seem to have things in order, so why do you feel that you are such an abhorrent being? How does that manifest in your day to day life?
I'm satisfied with my life for the most part, and I'm well liked by the majority of people I meet, no one has ever expressed their dislike for me, I make an effort to be nice, heck when I left my last job all my colleagues asked for my number so we could stay in touch, fuck knows why.
>Why do you feel that you are such an abhorrent being?
I don't, I just despise my conflicted feelings for Dashie, why do I want to defile the pony I love most.
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I thought the cloud markings were nice. Here's a little experiment I did. Dashie's original design stays perfect.
I like her tail feathers, but she looks too masculine.
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eating a hayburger with no honey mustard
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I genuinely do not understand the unironic appeal of >rape
It destroys someone, and why would you ever want to inflict that suffering on someone? I genuinely do not understand the appeal.
lähen tos puolen tunnin päästä liikkumaan kohti baarikatua
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Ite lähen kans kohta hissukseen siirtymään siihen suuntaan
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I'm trying to figure that out myself. Psychology is complicated, I'm a seemingly nice person on the outside yet troubled on the inside.
oon tässä vihtori parkkihallin kyltin alla
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So, an update. We just met.
It was meant to be. How'd you get along?
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Proof from the other side of the table. It was really nice to meet a fellow pony friend. Not something I'd ever imagine finding here, but Friendship really is magic.
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lets fucking gooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Pretty much what you said, it was nice and an interesting experience.

We got along well, mostly talked about things other than pony, getting to know each other.

We also don't need to use spoilered posts here to communicate anymore so that's a plus.
this is what it's all about boys
Internet hate machine hard at work
For the most part /mlp/ is nice people pretending to be nasty, real life is nasty people pretending to be nice
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of course the rape guy has the best art I can find of dash
I want to rape her, I still love her
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>Yet, these hooves will never hold anything.
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What would you get her for Hearth's Warming?
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more draws of her, because i'm fuckin' broke kek
Very sweet drawing, I know she'd love that!
JACKED edition when?
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