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Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 377, and WE'RE HOME!
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And above all else, enjoy your stay at /paj/
File: 70722060_p0.jpg (284 KB, 1536x1536)
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>We’re finally home
>PP on the first
This is a magical season!
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Pinkie Preview Prophecies

>Pinkie throws an absolute cinema of a holiday party.
>Baby Flurry is cold outside.
>Fluttershy is hoping for a silent night.
>Time Turner was dying, but he got better.
>Spike has short king problems.
>Donut Joe doesn't want to be confused for his brother Cotton-Eye Joe.
>The Crusaders encounters Mareriah Carrie!
>Feast of fanservice!

>Tia? Gotta question.

"I feel you have many questions, as do I. For the wonders of the universe are as splendorous as ever could be imagined. Truly we are as scholars who have found fire, and know its warmth. We have changed the world, and the world has changed us in turn! We have learned, Applejack! We have learned! So share your question with me so that we may both learn ever more! Question me!"

>Why's it snowing?


>Why's it snowing? Did we schedule for this?

"Huh. Actually, yes? It seems like this is on schedule, our time table has just gone completely askew. It all matches up, see for yourself."

>Does that say, blizzard?

"We do have a blizzard scheduled, yes."

>We have a blizzard scheduled, you said. A blizzard.


>Why in tarnation are we making blizzards!?

"Well, you see, the cold is needed for creatures to hibernate."

>First off, plenty of creatures live in tropical climates.


>Second, even iffin' we say we gotta have snow, and Ah' mean a lot of snow, where does the blizzard come in!?

"It's a natural thing."

>Not when it's shoved there by ponies it ain't. Who's bright idea was it to make a gaddang severe weather situation happen!? This is like scheduling a rockslide! Sure, it can happen, but we ain't supposed to make it happen!


>Lemme guess, ya' wanted to-



"I'm happy to be home too."

>Uh. Yeah. Yeah, me too.

"And yes, there is a bit of silliness with that idea, isn't there?"

>Lot of silliness, and danger.


>But Ah' reckon iffin' its that bad, Ah' can just ask ya' not ta' do it.

"Because we're friends."

>Because we're friends. Hoo. Almost lost mah' head there.

"I want to feel normal too. But alas, we're not a very normal bunch."

>Reckon not.

"So, why don't you ask me what you really wanted to ask?"

>Fine. What do ya' want for Hearths Warming?

"I would like one of those little variety cake packets, the type that come in baskets."

>Ah' can make it happen.

"And for yourself?"

>Think you can replace mah' chair? That things givin' me a kink.

"I most certainly can. Wonderful to finally be home, isn't it?"

>Ya' know what? Yeah, yeah it is.

"Oh my, look at that, a smile."

>And it's all your fault.

"Oh, I know. I knoowwww."

>Wanna jump off the balcony with me?

"Do I!?"



"It's good to be home!"
They are back baby!
They are back baby.!

>Place looks just like we left it.

Her words felt a touch ironic with the crumbling inner castle walls pouring dust upon her hat, but the mare smile on as if nothing of note had happened.

“In fairness, there was a war even before the Harmony War.”

>What’re we callin that one? Pre-war war?

“I believe I’ve heard scholars float the idea of the War of Queens.”

>That’un sounds more like it was just queens fighting, or a drag show getting out of hoof.

“Well, we are trying quite hard not to have it be named the Changeling war. It would put a bit of a bad spot on those we’re trying quite hard not to demonize, they did come through for us after all.”

>Ain’t like the drones were on their side Ah’ reckon.

“Exactly. So while technically this was a war against changelings, Queens will have to suffice.”

>We are kinda puttin’ it on Chrysalis there.

“She’s used to it.”

>And Eighteen, Ah’ guess? Did she go back to normal?

“I’ve heard nothing to indicate it, we’ll have to wait and see.”

>Can’t say she don’t deserve the promotion.

“I too enjoy having another tall in the mix, it’s lonely up here.”

>Only cause ya ate yer way to the top.

“How offensive, I like to spread the rumor I slept my way to the top.”

>Only as an elaborate assassination technique, Ah’ reckon.

“That would be a rumor I’m trying to quash.”

They had to step over what seemed to be a chunk of Greenspit, and curiously enough spider-webs, before they could make it deeper in the castle.

>Gonna try to find out where everyone’s been, maybe we can put together some kinda… logic…

She’d frozen in front of a very familiar set of doors.

“Hmm… do you regret it?”

It took a second of thought, and not a second more than that.


She kept walking with a smile.

>Wouldn’t trade it for the world.

She spared only a glance back to the ballroom, and all the memories inside.

>Now, let’s find out how much of our infrastructure survived.

“Back to the grind already? My oh my what a studious princess you are.”

>Someone has ta be.

There were new ones to make, after all. With whatever came next.

>… so did that all actually happen?

“Say it fancy.”

>Erm… hark, doth my eyes deceive? Or truly were we brought to bear in battle now resolved, to find ourselves in a light once more in victory? Or was mine sight but a dream, a vision of a crazed mind and nothing else? Hark! What is real, what is true, and what is but a sign of mine mine so broken?




>… soooooo?

“I have absolutely no idea.”

The rooftop felt pretty cold today, and it had very little to do with the snow.


It had more to do with how cold the spot next to the silly grey mare was.

"Uh, hey."

The mayor by default tried her best to fill that spot, but just couldn't quite fill the big gap left behind.


"So, that was weird, right?"

>Very weird.

"Crazy, even!"


"So uh..."

She didn't know what to say at times like this, she never did.

"Look, I know I'm the crazy one who says crazy things, but I also know that maybe you're not in the mood for crazy right now."

>Hm... not really.

"Good, so I'll just-"

She almost made it out, before a grey foreleg wrapped around her.

>But I'm always in the mood to hang out with a friend.

She certainly couldn't leave now, everyone would think she was a jerk.


So, perhaps, it was best to just see the sun rising on their world once more.

"...I'm gonna miss her too."

And say goodbye.
>Musca went from never being known to mourned

The best anyone could hope for...
>… so ya think Twis okay?


>Sooo, who's gonna, you know...

"She is going to squeeze very hard and cry on whoever it is."


"But it should be someone close."

>Like a teacher!

"Or a friend!"


"...we both know she's going to break ribs."

>Reckon we do.

"So, how will we resolve this-"


'Sister! Thou hath returned! Oh what a wonderful sight to see, truly we are elated thou hath rejoined us with-'


>"NOT IT!"

'...wait what?"

>Looks like ya' need to go have a talk with Twi about her feelings.

'But... but thou both know her better than I!'

>Right, but... we called not it.

"You didn't. Ergo..."

'...Glad to have you baaaackkkk...'
"Autumn Blaze"


"Oh shoot, we were like, okay, weren't we? Did we just go back to everything being destroyed? I distinctly remember this place not being destroyed like two seconds ago. What happened? Did we just re-destroy it? Or?"


"Mare it's gotta suck to be you right now."
"Lucky Strikes"

>They did it... those sons of bitches actually did it! Good job, guys!

The two diamond dogs themselves didn't moving the big rock from the entrance to the city was all that impressive, but they appreciated his enthusiasm and proper use of terminology.

>With that, the road for supplies should mostly be clear so Canterlot can help everyone else!

"Or, rather, they can help us. Because Canterlot is a magnet for getting exploded."

>We will need some stone for the uh... hoofprints.

"The Titans always thought "Oh, I'm so big!" But never realized "Oh, I'm so big." Jerks."

>Well she did try exploding the city, I don't think she was considerate.

"May she rest in not so much peace."

>Thank goodness she didn't come back in the Harmony War or we would've been right squished.

"I dunno, that Rainbow Power made it feel like I could knock them out myself."

>Sure did, sure did...

"...thinking about him?"


"Thinking about a guy? What will your marefriend think?"

>Wonder if that means I'm open for a threesome. Dunno why, she can't handle me alone, first thing we did was have vigorous and wall destroying "We survived" sex.

"Some secrets are supposed to remain classified, Captain."

>I like giving morale boosts.

"I believe that would be the threesome she would want."

>I'll have to consider it. Anyway! I still need to discuss things with one of the many princesses running around.

"About him?"

>No no, other him.

"Other him?"

>Him who I hope dearly isn't going to get a big head when I suggest they get a promotion.

"Oh dear, Dazey is going to be right cheesed about that one. He's going to lord it over forever."

>True true, but it's either this or I give the princesses a look of deep favoritism to one particular gender.

"Considering how they took a certain someone getting wings..."

>Don't even start, you know as well as I do they're bastions of fairness and equality, they just have a fun way of showing it. Point is, I think we can at least move him up decently high for this, give him a bright shiny medal or something.

"Seems inadequate, honestly."

>Well I don't think Celestia's handing out Alicorn powerups anymore, must've run out of wings and horns to dish out.

"Darn, I thought my time had finally come."

>Such is the life of us grunts. Look over these guys while I'm in charge, Colonel.

"Uh, captain? I'm a..."


"...noted, sir."

>Good. Now, lets hope nobody asks why he skipped CW one through four, and hope he doesn't go mad with power... nah, he only almost caused two international incidents, I'm sure he got it out of his system.

"Always inspiring confidence, sir!"
Kind of ironic more of these guys are more loved by people born long after they died and or by kids they actively abused
>Lightning Dust

The current Captain of the Wonderbolts, in all her well awarded splendor, had the most unreadable of expressions as she looked from one of her most trusted of Air Force soldiers to the other. Both were rather stone faced themselves, putting on an air of professionalism even in the face of the ludicrousness of it all. By honor of duty, they'd been bound to report to their commanding officer and deliver the news of all they knew had transpired. Though they could not give the whole picture, Soarin' and Fleetfoot felt their report gave, at the very least, enough of a broad strokes for her to understand the breadth of what had happened under the canopy of the Tree of Harmony, and in the cosmos beyond.

Captain Lightning Dust hadn't so much as blinked the whole time, soaking it all in with an almost academic stoicism while the sequence of events grew more and more absurd, until finally they explained why those strange memories of a world of changelings wasn't quite as farfetched as she might imagine. Finally, the conflicting imagination of hers made just a bit more sense than merely a paranoia induced fever dream. She had enough of those, it seemed.

Now that they had finished, they could only stand there in formation, waiting for what was to be done next. No doubt cleanup, repairs, and assisting in others would be top priority. They had already made sure they knew the location of each of the Princesses so they may advise which one would be best suited to hear her as they discussed their next act. It was a lot to take in, they knew that, and they were more than willing to wait it out while she took in all that information and did the very best with it she was able.

Because, like it or not, she was their Captain, and they would stand there as a proper air force should, and wait.

And wait, and wait, and wait.

By the time an hour had passed, with no sign of movement or even breath worryingly enough, a touch of worry finally managed to spur one of them to shift.


That was not a good noise, nor was that a good twitch of the eye.

"Captain? What would you like us to do next?"

'We told you everything we know, if you want to find out more you'll need to discuss matters with the Princesses.'

"We're here to help you, Lightning Dust, just give the word, and we'll head out. Wonderbolts stay together!"

'Till the end!'

The bravado seemed to have finally awoken something in her, and at last they watched with relief as Lightning Dust moved.

She placed both hooves on her desk, stood up as straight as she was able, squared her vision right on her two most stalwart of Wonderbolts, the soldiers who would face the world for Equestria. She dusted herself off, straightened her military uniform, and finally, she was ready to act, as she knew she should.

>I fucking quit.

She turned around, opened the window, and jumped out.

Stunned silence was all she left in her wake.

"...she's going to fly, right?"

>I can’t believe we made it out of that war with only one casualty!


“… one and a half.”
Can you blame her?
She's had a rough time...
I had to look that up. Strategist? Really?
I think it’s just a title they need to give him something.
no window?
Stained glass is expensive.
And breakable, considering that it keeps getting exploded.

>Princess, your Stained Glass Window expert called.


>And she says if you try to make her cram everyone in there she will break her own creation and cut you with them.

"...challenge accepted."

>Of course I didn't freaking call you!


'You're telling me the biggest war in reality happened and you didn't call me!?'

>We were losing like 90 percent of it!


>BBB you ain't gotta be like that.

'You met your MOTHER!?'

>I Interviewed my mother!

'...anyone ever tell you that you might be a workaholic?'

>I have been informed I'm going to die before I'm thirty by at least three doctors and five different security guards and wildlife experts, yes.


>That's why I had to call the big guy.

'Fine, fine... did you at least get some cool shots?'

>Oh buddy... front page is about to be fire.
Goddamn right

>So should we visit Chitania in the dungeon?

"Really? You threw her in there? I'm shocked you took command so quickly!"

>N... no, Ah' mean where you put her.

"I didn't put her anywhere."

>Well, Ah' didn't either!





(Hi! I'm Sunny Starscout, I've never seen a pony like you, want to be friends?)


>And this is my favorite coffee shop.

"This pleases me."

>Don't drink the coffee there.

"But it is your favorite?"

>Because they have coffee cake that will literally make you want to give up on the afterlife because heaven is a place on earth.

"This pleases me."

>And that's my favorite corner. It's my favorite because you can't see anyone giving you a side eye from there!

"This pleases me."

>And that's my favorite park. It's my favorite because there's like one and the forest worries me, there's crocodiles made of rock in there.

"This pleases me."

>How's it like being able to walk again, buddy?

"I would not know, I mostly float."

>Ha ha! And they say you don't have jokes!

"They're correct. Humor is challenging."

>Oh, you! Come on, I need to show you my favorite edge still.

"Why is it your favorite?"

>Because I didn't want to jump off it!


The being of flame glanced over his shoulder, swearing he saw the ever so brief glimpse of a smiling, motherly face, there and gone in an instant. Strangely, he felt an odd sense of pride from another in that moment.

>You coming?

He could always question that later.

"...this pleases me."

He had so much more to see.

>One out of four ain’t bad!

>...did we do anything with Sunset?

"We weren't even near her!"

>We were everywhere!

"Except there technically."

>We ain't dodging those allegations.

"Well it's not like she can get too far."


~...I'm sorry, what was your name again? Ovaltine?~

(How would you like to bring disharmony to the nation?)

~I have bad news on that front...~
~Fire alicorn you say? Well I have bad news, that puts you about six down from their strongest...~
It’s not even in the top 10 sometimes.
it’ll be a short rebellion.
Gonna be real awkward when she managed to turn off all the magic
>We did it! We saved the world and brought harmony to the world! HUZZAH!

~like 20 years later~

You knew it was going to happen eventually
>We can only do this huggybuggy friendship shit for so long
Look next generation is going to rebel against their parents somehow.

Flurry! Princess of fuck you mom!
Or if she wants to really rebel fuck your mom
>Fuck it Ah’ quit!

“You can’t quit, I quit!”

~Well if she quits I quit!~

(I don’t want to be here anyway!)

And that’s how Equestria fell


"Saved the world I'm pretty sure? I managed to touch the Queen first. It was happy memory time, honey!"


"Yes, we do. And still do."



>I hate you.

"No you doooooon't."

>I want to hate you so much right now.


>Why can't I hate you cute stupid face.

"Cause I'm your hooonneeyyyy."

>Ugghghg... just kiss me.


>...did we do anything with other Shining Armor?

Didn't they just... make him go home?
Rarity is all that remains…
And nobody questions why that world ended
But do they mourn it
Just keep him and make him do Shinys paperwork
"Mr Cake
'Ms Cake'

It felt so good to step into that store again. To smell those sweet pastry smells, to hear the cooking and the baking that was legendary in Equestria. Seventy Seven felt as if he hadn't been there in years.

>Mr Cake? One of your best coffee cream donuts, if you would.

It felt amazing to sit down in the little stool again.

"Coming right up, Captain!"

>I don't know why you bother calling me that, I'm as much a captain of the guard here as I am a hoofball league.

'Oh, deary, you're being too hard on yourself! You're a hero, we've heard!'

"Yes. Heard."

'But didn't get to participate in.'

Pointedly, the changelings eyes swished over until they landed on a certain set of toddlers.

"We could've found a babysitter."

>For a war?

'We have a lot of babysitters!'

>Not how it works, so you know.

"We know, we know, we heard all about it from the other half of Ponyville that got to participate. Isn't that right, Turner?"

In a booth some distance away, Time Turner's foreleg rose up to give a friendly wave before coming back down.

>We might need to set up a trauma hotline or something.

'Why? You guys one.'

>There were a lot of times we weren't winning. Lot of times it looked like we were done for.

"I don't think it's that bad. Lyra looks fine."

They could hear her peeling, manic laughter from here.

'See? She's a jolly soul!'


The whole of the counter shifted when a certain weight sat next to him.



>Anything to report?


>She's just sitting on the roof, you said? Must be recharging her batteries, guess that was a lot even for her.


>Yeah, I'm glad we made it out okay too.


>Yes, obviously, what kind of stallion do you take me for?


"...so can you understand him?"

>Understand what? He's a bear making growling noises.

He didn't care if he didn't need food to survive.

>Don't be ridiculous

These treats were to die for.

>Berry Punch


"Because if we gave a "cash reward" to everyone who participated in the war, we'd have zero treasury, runaway inflation and a crashed economy all at the same time."

>I didn't say it had to be a big one!

"How big did you mean, then?"

>...like, enough for me to get three bottles?

"How expensive of bottles?"

>Not very!




>To like... the six million bit ones?

"Berry, no."


"Tell you what, if you let me pick the bottles, I'll buy you five and we can call it square-"



>I just wanted to feel like I got more..



"You realize I'll be arresting you for public intoxication at this rate, right?"

>I drink alone.

"...wow, uh, sorry?"


"Seven bottles, right..."

>So we're just supposed to go back to normal!? Whoops, guess we won, everyone! Return to your normal lives!

"Guess so."

>We were in a WAR!

"Two wars."







>... Can I set something on fire?



"No one will blame you. They'll pay for your therapy."

>...this is my one shot.
Let her smile!

>I'm about to become more powerful than nations.
The crying corner bout to become a crying stadium
Silver Spoon was ready for this
It’s all according to plan.
>Silver Spoon
“Filthy Rich”

>I told you so!

“Honestly I never doubted the neurotic messes of our population would eventually need large scale therapy, but you setting up your network and getting established years before anyone could hope to take off was apparently inspired. Your crying corners are going to be booked for years at this rate. Well done! You are by far the best investment partner I’ve even been with!”

>Praise me harder daddy.



“…do you ever use these services by chance?”

>Why would I?

“Just a thought.”
Just admit you want Dts dad

>Dts dad, is actually really rad.
He’s open to polygons!
>Silver Spoon

>You will call me mommy.

“How did you know about that kink!?”


She’ll be yo mama
>Spoiled might be up for it to keep her hubby

>...did that shit really happen or did I go crazy?

"Depends, did you like that pony?"


"If the answer is yes it was all a hallucination."

>...weren't you in Canterlot-

Shotgun go!
I think we’re too early for that. He has to get her first.
Him in one hand and then the egg in the other.
I mean he’s a dragon he comes with firepower

>I refused to let you mingle with ponies!

"Didn't... didn't you sign a peace treaty with them?"



He shuffles behind himself, and eventually picks up some paperwork.


>Shit I did do that, didn't I?

"You got beat up by a robot-"

I hope everyone remembers Luna being awesome now that it’s over
She got to be the one to summon Rainbow Power, she's fine


"Is this the part where you load up a shotgun and force me down the isle?"

>...n... no?


>The fuck would I do that for?

"The wedding?"

>I do not know what that is.

"Wait, you mean you never got married to Embers mom?"

>Stop making up words!

"Oh... then what's the gun fo-"



>...is it finally safe to come out?


>Probably not...
Yep, she got to be a princess for real.
Now she can retire!

Going out on top baby!
Makes more sense than the show.
She was just done by then.
Didn’t she get summoned?

>I choose to believe that was all a hallucination
Right? Luna in this one would just be like “yeah no shit I did a lot”
And she deserves it!
Celly too!

>So... reckon we need ta' have a discussion now, don't we?

That it had taken this long for them to gather spoke volumes about the sheer chaos that had unfolded. The Mane Six, as they were so called, in their round table desks that had somehow survived it all, or been restored to order via the divine intervention of a need to see Paperwork take over their lives once again. Six mares who had multiple times held the fate of the world in their hooves.

One, among them, the entire universe. On more than one occasion.

"Yeah... we do."

How ironic that said mare was not their unspoken leader, who did not meet their gaze. Though the occasional hoof rested on her shoulders to grand their support, it did little to return the light back to eyes that seemed dim in the middle of it all.

"We've got a lot to talk about."

'I'll start. What the actual ponyfeathers was that, AJ!? You became like... I don't know, like a go-'

>Up up up! No usin' that word now, Ah' wasn't that high.

'Are you kidding me!?'

>Just don't wanna offend the gal up there that gave me a boost, is all.

~A boost? You punched through planets.~

>Now that ain't true... Ah' could barely even see a dang planet, tall as Ah' was.

'Not helping your case!'

(Darling, we're a little concerned about you. Are you suffering, oh I don't know, an existential crisis now that you've returned to a mere pony, where once you stood among the stars? Does the world feel small to you? Constricting? Like these very walls are closing in around you? Do you remember your name!? Do you know who your family is!? DO YOU KNOW-)

>Ah'm fine, Rar.

That was very hard to believe, and their looks made it very clear they were not up to the task of managing that belief.

>Ah'm serious. Honestly the whole dang thing feels like a fuzzy blip, like Ah' wasn't even there or somethin'. Ya' know how ya' read a book and ya' remember stuff that happened, but when ya' try ta find the page it takes forever because ya' can't remember everythin' about it?


>Ain't nothin' like that, but Ah' ain't got a better example.

It was almost funny. Almost.

>Ah' wish Ah' could tell ya' Ah' remember how ta' summon the ability to be so honest the world follows along, but Ah' can't. Gave me the choice of spendin' the rest of existence up there, or down here. Ah' picked right, Ah' figure.

Just like it was almost inspirational. Almost.

{Well duh, no way was anyone as fun as us up there! We've got parties and apples, both at the same time even! You think Applejack's turning that down? Come on! She's not made for a life without Apple Parties, why'd you think she went into politics?}

Leave it to Pinkie Pie to somehow manage to be both of those things, effortlessly.

~So, um... what did you do, world wise? I'm not sure how this all went out.~

>Just fixed everythin' out of the bubble and sent ya'll home, simple enough.

Simple, she says.



>Ah' ain't got a friggen clue, mah' brain when Ah' pulled it off was bigger than the dang sun. Ah' don't even think iffin' ya' told it ta' me now, Ah' could contain all that information.

'But like, how did you do it, in general? Did you just delete them? Mind wipe them? Just delete everything else, create a whole new universe and then put us back in it?'

The orange hoof waved back and forth uncertainly.

>For sure not the delete thing, it's still everyone we remember. You think Ah'd be okay talkin' to a clone of Granny? Hardly. But other than that, we mostly just undid what buggin' did herself with the punches, most if it wasn't hard. Ain't like she was all that great at it. Just had ta' kinda, Ah' dunno, unwind what she did? Like pullin' at a string ball or... nope, not like that either. Dang, it's hard ta' explain concepts Ah'm not even smart enough ta' understand Ah' did!

{Well duh, creating stuff that makes sense is hard! Why do you think I avoid it like the plague?}

(Because yours is more fun?)

{I can have lots of reasons! Like why AJ didn't just delete and start over}

>Course Ah' didn't ya' think Ah'd wish what happened ta' me on anyone? Ah'm just lucky Ah' got the chance, iffin' ya'll hadn't sent those memories into the ether Ah' would'a just been deleted mah'self. That there wasn't pleasant! Ya'll really saved mah' flanks on that one, Ah' want ya' ta' know that. Ah' might've been the one swingin', but without you girls havin' mah' back this would've all been for nothing. Ah' would'a lost for sure iffin' Ah' didn't have mah' friends.

'Well, that and Shining-'

The noise was enough to make her snap her jaw shut, too late. A stiff head and jutting eyes swung over to where the noise of pain came from, and pointedly avoided the admonishing gaze lingering on her from the rest of the table.

"N-no, it's fine. It's... it's fine. You shouldn't have to avoid talking about him, because of me. He was there, he deserves to be remembered. He... he-"

A hoof on hers was too much, and she couldn't speak anymore from the closing of her throat.

>He saved me, Twi. He knew what he was doin', he knew what it would cost him, and he did it without blinkin'. He saved us, Ah' just wish... Ah' could'a returned the favor.

The lavender striped hair nodded in swift, jerking motions, tears squeezed from shut eyes and staining the desk with every jerking motion.

'Think we all saved each other, at some point. And I'm counting them.'

She jutted out to the rest of the world, as if it explained it all.

(Indeed, darling. We've many to remember as heroes on this day. Luna, for certain, deserves to have her praises sang for rallying everyone together and saving us.)


~Don't forget Chrysalis defeating that original changeling, without her we wouldn't even be able to fight her at all. That anti-magic stuff is a load of hooey. I don't know who made up this whole "there's a power that just turns off all magic" out there, but they deserve a chiding for it!~

{Proooobably shouldn't forget Delight for getting to the tree in the first place, if that thing got taken out by that other changeling, we were doomed. Would've popped back into this world and been like "Whoops got deleted!" That dude deserves at least a pizza party, here!}

>Plenty ta' remember in all of it. Heroes in it all who came together, folks who kept going when they had to. Weren't soldiers, weren't just ready for a fight, but heroes. We're gonna remember them. The ones who fought with us...

That hoof squeezed just a little tighter.

>And those... we couldn't bring back. There's plenty of good folks to remember in all this.

"And plenty to blame for it happening in the first place."

The slight danger in her voice was enough to chill the room a few temperatures more, and it had nothing to do with the snow softly beginning to fall outside.

>Yeah... ya' ain't wrong.

Her hat grew heavy as she bowed her head, and she realized she couldn't put it off any longer.

>Guess we need ta' talk about this, don't we? We won the fight, won the whole dang war even. To the victor go the spoils, as they say. So now, we gotta ask ourselves...

She looked off into the distance.

>What do we do with...them?

>Shit I almost got away!

>Sooooo can I just say sorry and then we have a good old time and run out into a field before jumping to freeze frame?


>I put that down as a maybe
How can we get Tamers to make a video for this?
Or stone, happened in the show
we probably shouldn’t repeat that.
Come on everybody loved that idea.
Super popular

>Just gonna hit the old dusty traaaaaailllll-


>Dang it.

“Didn’t work for me neither

>… is someone gonna take me home!?
Wait if he goes home will it be his home or back to asploded?
That's actually a good question, since even if Fasut was resetting, why reset to Glimmers bad future instead of the one Salt made? They're equally never should have been
Or just reset to the two days before Alterjack got taken out of her world and stop the first world war from even happening.
Right before Glimglam did her shim sham does seem like the most logical point, any moment after AUJ goes through the portal is a mess of resets and redos

>...which universe is this?



"I think this was reset like six thousand or some such."

>Why this one?

"Why not, honestly? They're all terrible."

>...is that Derpy-

"PRINCESS Muffins thank you!"
Princess Derpy was a thing
There was a lot of threads for one point somebody spammed them.
Good as anything I suppose.
It sparkles!
Christmas magic!
It’s always fun to see it this time of year
Get some presents boy!

>Maybe some holiday music will cheer me up!

~I'm, dreaming... of a whiiitteee Hearth Warming-~

>Quick, change the channel!


~Baby it's cold outside-~


~Never gonna let you go-~


~Alll I want for Hearths Warming, issssss... youuuuuuuu-


>That last one was unrelated.

>Dear mister Santa... Ah' don't wanna new Shiny this year.


>Iffin' ya' could gimme back the old one, Ah'd really appreciate it. Ah'll be yer' friend!


It’s present time.
Merry Christmas /pa/ls!

The familiar crunch of snow was so soothing beneath her hooves.

The smell of the grass, the sight of the blanketed trees, the mist lingering on the ground. It felt unreal, so much like a dream. Stepping into a world so alien, yet she knew for a fact that couldn't be further from the truth. This was not an alien world, this was not a new universe or strange place to be found.

This right here?

>Howdy, all!

This was home.

"Well iffin' ain't mah' granddaughter, finally come down ta' see her folks! Thought she forgot all bout us in this craziness!"

Home. Home home home. What a wonderful world.

'Applejack, we got presents! Yeah, we got one for you too, course we did!'

Home, where her heart truly was.


Home, where her soul would rest one day.

'Big mac brought his marefrieennnndd.'

"Now don'tcha be startin' nothin', we finally got all mah' kin here and Ah'm bout ready ta' loop de loop in joy! Why I feel thirty years younger, even if mah' hip don't!"

'Aww, Granny, Ah' was just havin' fun!'

Home, where she would always belong.

>All your kin, ya say? Well, Ah' dunno, what about.

Home, where the doors opened wide, ready to invite her in.

>Ah'll be...

Where all her family was waiting, with smile.


From near and far they'd gathered here, and she could finally smile on their faces. Her own true family's faces.

She's lost a lot this time. Gained some stuff too. Almost lost her way, found it again. And now, finally. Here she was, at the end of the road.

>Howdy all...


>Happy Hearth Warming.
>Pinkie Pie

>Finally hoooome for the holidays! And for real this time! None of that out of order stuff!

“I never know what you’re talking about.”

>But now it’s canonical lack of understanding!

‘I’m so happy to finally get that again, I really did miss you.’


(We all doth miss our child, for thou art family.)

{Indeed, now let us partake in merriment and family, whole at last.}


*Just a warning, I have a colt coming down.*

>Same! Cheesy will be here soon!

“I invited a guy but don’t know if he’ll make it.”


>Soooo, happy to be here-


>I missed you guys!

>… hey, um, I’m home-




>… y-yayyyy! I missed you guys so much!


Oh how he cheered on this festive night, bringing candies and presents to all, oh what a delight!

“Wow, there’s more presents than I expected here. I… I fear for our treasury.”

There was jolly old songs and plenty a cinnamon stick, and nary among them could you find a cruel trick!

‘You!? I need to do this for my hive. My. Hive. Do you have any idea how many of them there are!? I don’t even have a treasury, I have a wait till the holiday fund, HAH!’

So many were gathered, all wearing a smile. It hadn’t been like this, not in a while!

~Oh oh oh! A new neck massager! And one that’ll actually fit my weirdly huge neck! This is the best! Oh, someone knows just what to get me...~

It’d been too long since they all sat and enjoyed themselves, warm by the fire. They’d really been dealing with too much, from evil queens to even a god spire!

^GASP! Ah’ gots a portable malleymaker?! For the road!? AH’ CAN GO CAMPIN’ AND MAKE MALLEYS! This… this changes the game. AJ Two is a free spirit, she’s gonna go far now!^

Really too much for all who gathered here. They’d been far but wished to be near!


^Yes, sissy, you can chew on it, that’s what it’s for.^

They’d been scattered across the world, from one side to the other. Bereft of their time that they really should have spent with one another.

(New socks? TALL SOCKS! GASP! They fit my freakish legs now! How did you know that’s what I wanted? I didn’t repeat it that much!)

But now they were here truly family one and all! Family who had been through the worst and didn’t fall!

{Heh, punching bag. Because I can actually punch this year. This used to be a cruel joke. This, this is my happy time.}

They’d seen the storm and came out the other end. They’d been there through every twist and even every bend!

*A pile of new suits? I don’t burn through them that fast-wait shoot yes I do. Wow, how much did I spend on those this year? Someone knows me better than me. I like it.*

Now here they were on this most merry time. Spending it with another, simply sublime!

#Shampoo? But this is for-oh… oh, that’s actually rather encouraging, and sweet. I see you.#

It may not last forever, who know if it will even happen again! There might be another fate should they not one day win.

-AHHHHAHAHA! We got matching tentacle covers!-

_Brilliant, my friend, brilliant! Perfect for our Pontification!_

But that was for another time, worries could wait. This was not the time, it was a very special date!

+Awwwwhaw, you got me my reagents! I can taste magic, again! You guys… you didn’t have to.+

This was a time for family and friends one and all. This was a time not to worry about what may fall.


$I’m just happy I fit in this year. New pair of glasses? That’s cool. New pair of glasses I get to open with you guys? Priceless.$

So be merry they cried, as they all shared their gifts! Be holly and jolly no matter where time shifts! They had a connection to each other, one stronger than steel! They had something together and they all knew it was they feel! They were the CE Crew, as they were so lovingly named. They were the unlikely ones who’s memories should be framed! Those who came together and found love in this snowy place. Those who came to put a smile on one anothers face! From the Princess of Love to dear little Two. They were there to bring smiles true and true! Give cheers and give thanks, they made it past the fight. Give praise and give love, they made it through the night. The long battle was over and the war with it too! Now, it was just time to close their eyes, and count to blue.


They looked to that corner, with smiles and glimmers of tears in their sight.

>Thank you… for being the best gift of all.

He did not know if they could see or hear him, on that Hearth Warming Night.

Happy Hearth Warming, may you find as much love as this colorful crew!

And off with a dash, a dance, and a prance to what may come on a year most new!

(Hondo flanks)

>Happy hearth warming, Sweetie Belle!

“Yaayyyy! No abandonment this year! I got my sister back!”

>You do indeed!

(Oh? Where was she?)

>GAH!… where have you been!?

“Shouldn’t that be your line?”

{Why, did she go somewhere?}


({Happy hearth warming!)}

>… you know what? I’m just rolling with it. It’s good to be home, everyone!

~Does that mean we have to move?~

*Its warm in here and cold outside.*

(Dear, is that a living doll of you and a solider of darkness born to wage war eternal on the forces of good?)


{How unique! Your college admission is a shoe in!}

(Well done!)

>… most wonderful time of the year.
(Ms Shy)
{Mr Shy}
>You have no idea how happy I am to finally be home!

She downright pranced in the doors, eyes beaming and smiles glowing.

"I'm so happy you're back, sis! Really!"

(And we're happy he's not going to be asking for any kind of handouts from you.)


"I mean it, sis! I've done really good with the shop! We're thriving!... Were thriving..."

His chest deflated as he looked to the table.

{Oh, right...}

And the extra plate they set.

>Oh... I'm sorry, I-

"It's alright, we know she was always like, a part of you, right? It was like... just having you, but more, right?"

He tried to force a smile, but didn't quite manage.

(I'm going to miss that dearie, she was so... lively.)

They felt the same.

{But, we do at least have an extra guest this year, don't we?}
~Do you mean it, oh father of the Flutters? Am I truly invited?~

No greater proof was needed than the fact her father never blinked.

(Of course, dear, you're welcome down here.)

"Yeah! And I promise no more asking for chaos stuff, cross my heart?"

~Oh joy! Oh how wonderful it is!~

He snapped his arms out and dragged everyone in close for the biggest hug he could manage.

~Oh, everything is just... hm...~

He shifted and he shuffled.

>Something wrong?

~Why, in fact, there is! Something is very wrong. Oh what is it, what is it?... Oh! I see! Something's missing!~


~Of course!~

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, there was no longer a gap in his hug.

~There it is!~

A body had filled that emptiness.

*...hello, everyone.*




{Well, I'll be!}

A certain leather clad yellow pony, with a grin on her face.

>But, how!? Shining eradicated the chaos in that dimension! It was all gone!

~Oh true, very true... buuuut.~

He reached out, and poked the original in her chest.

~He didn't get rid of you, my dear. There was always a place to hide, in the end! One that he couldn't take away, without erasing you too.~

>So... so...

*...I'm back.*


He hugged her, tightest of all.

>...Happy Hearth Warming, Discord.

And the family could, at last, spend the joyous time together.

~Happy Hearth Warming to you, too!~

>Well, at least there's a high chance Limestone'll join me in the 'coltfriendless on Hearth's Warming' corner today...~

Knock knock knock!

>...Please don't tell me that's-

"Soundcheck! C'mon on in!"

>Dang it!

~Sorry if we're intruding.~

"Intruding? Pshaw! Limey told us you were coming, so it's no problem at all! Ain't that right, Limestone?"


"Huh. A key must be stuck..."

>Oh, this is just UNFAIR-

"Wait! Did you say 'we'?"

~Yes. I brought my younger brother.~

The camera pans to another unicorn, who stands at least a head taller than the stallion.

=Hmph. Hello.=

~He's single and has never kissed a mare.~

=Did you really have to tell them that?!=

~Since you insisted on sticking your nose into my business and inviting yourself on this trip, yes.~

>...I think I can work with this.

Within the much too small apartment of a certain changeling, many a merrymaker filled it to the brim.

And among them, one quite merry and bright.

>Merrily merrily doth we sing, for one and all we are back again! Ring the bells and deck thine halls, bring glory to all of us who did not fall!

"Oooo almost got the rhyming, almost."

'Do you suppose he does not wish to step on my hoof? Or did he mean for it and his dreams went up with a poof? He tries so hard sometimes and wish to sing with me in tune. But alas, those chances do sometimes pop like a balloon.'

~Trixie's pretty sure he just read it from a book like he normally does. He's silly like that.~

*Cuz is a silly guy, but he's our silly guy!*

+Indeed, thou all did wonderful in the battle of your life, we bring praise to thee as we share a portion of our evening.+

*Awww, you aren't staying for the whole party!*

+We cannot, we've others to meet up with, and our sister as well of course! Back from standing on high, it would be remiss if we did not at least get her a present.+

>Of course mine teacher so bright, we were happy you came down at all. Thine presence for even the briefest moments is as a star shining in the sky!

*...was I supposed to write that one down too?*

>We do not advise it.

*SHOOT! Sorry, cuz, I'll try to remember the best fancy talk!*

"Awwww, you're a good Cousin, trying to help him out."

'Though such a thing he likely should not say aloud. Even if the passing of the torch does make me proud.'

~Trixie just missed something and now she hates it! Why do you guys do that when she's going to town on the potatoes!?~

"They're good potatoes and you're not sharing."

~Trixie is probably going to have to share something with you she kind of wanted for herself, let her have this!~

"I think I'm the one who's technically sharing, since I was first."

'Girls girls, there is no reason to care. What matter is if we can share. After all, we have no problem with each other. Or the dark and spooky cloud of another.'

(Was... was that?)



{And you lot used to make fun of me for doing that.}

+We've no idea what that was about, and we've little care to learn it.+

(Just some gossip.)

{Oh? I heard a rumor about that, so many wonderful ideas passed by! Most of them involving you-}

(Entirely unreleated.)

>Sombra, mine guest so welcome, does thou wish me to hold thine hoof so thou may partake in-


{...Hm. I see, does he-}

>Tst! Speak not of such things at the table, for this is a sacred time, and not one to be tarnished with such! We are thankful we hath made it through the worst, the darkest of moments, the most harrowing of trials! We stood as one and lived, learned, and loved together, and now we look forwards to the future!

He raised his glass, and looked across the table. So many faces brought a smile to him like he'd never held before.

>To victory, and our-




He shuffled away from the crowd, wracking his brain as to who it could be. A nosy neighbor? An acquaintance he'd long forgotten? Who could it be?

The only way to know was to answer the door.


And try not to have a heart attack from the ones on the other side.

It might've been a dream, it might've not happened at all. Perhaps it was a miracle that would be gone in the morning.

_Mind if we spend some time with you? We don't have a place to be tonight, and I... I kinda missed you._

But the yellow unicorn with red stripped hair and all her merry little friends were there, if only for a moment.

>...of course.

And the apartment grew ever more cramped as the little place grew ever more filled.

Filled to the brim, with the most wonderful gift of all.

>Happy hearth warming...


>Now now, there's no need to push, everyone settle down!

He felt a chuckle rising in his chest as he watched village charge towards their presents like crazed children, every one on the hunt for that special little box that bore their name. He'd ensured every single one had been accounted for, not a one left out from his "Trio" of favored fighters to the Quarray Eel, to even a massive case that could only belong to a certain star bear to pluck up and shake with glee. It had taken time and quite a bit of funds, and hard work to make up for the lack of funds, but he'd managed to make it all happen with the brief time he was given. To do anything else was crazy, after all, they'd earned it after their efforts to save the world. He watched with pride from his big chair, pointed off the top rim of the highest house in the trees, sipping on hot coco and just enjoying the sight of it all.

"Oh, do be careful Jojo! Don't trample anyone!"

To his right, a certain mare he'd once only seen as a means to an end, a scientist he must woo to steal her knowledge before he left her behind, who he now could not imagine a life without.

'Heh, looks like someone found the wood treats. Tolllldd you soooo.'

To his left, one he used to deride and insult as a "Flake", thinking her beneath him for her lack of true hive and loyalty, whom he now would follow into any battle and would respect until his final days.

~Me say Him find present before Her, what you say?~

And resting atop his head with her fuzzy little chin was none other than the first real success he had. One who would be food, who would be nothing more than a servant, who he now could only see as the wonderful creature she was and had become. Her own being, with or without him, who could always make him smile.

(I found it first.)

A brilliant bird.

{Nuh uh! Me am find first!}

A Timberwolf who had found her courage.

These were the things that a once forgotten changeling had found in his life. These were who he shared his morning with, on the day of giving.

These were the ones who made him finally understand.

>Every one of those hospital visits...

He may not have deserved to be chosen to stand in for a better warrior on that day of an invasion.

>Worth it.

He would cherish it all the same.




"...parties waiting inside, mom and dad are wondering where you went."

>Oh... I suppose I'm waiting.


>I feel like... my presents running a little late.



"And if it never arrives?"

>That'll be a shame.


>I have hope.

"...all you can have these days. You think it'll be a good gift?"


She smiles a sad smile.

>It'll be the best gift in the world.

"Happy Hearth Warming, Twi."

>Happy Hearth Warming, best little brother forever.
Hopefully soon.
Hope everyone had fun!

>Why are you doing this?

"Because I'm hungry and also want to see my parents."

>That doesn't require me to be there.

"Yeah. So?"

>So why are you dragging me along?!

"Because I want you to be there with me and my friends."

>So you can have me executed in front of them as some sick pony celebratory ritual?

"One, we don't do that. Two, I don't have the authority to execute you. Three, you're too strong to be executed by anyone execept a Princess. And four, if you were going to be executed it would have happened by now."

>A false hope. A lure to get me to relax my guard. A lie to-

"Hey. Firestarter?"

>I told you not to call me that 'name'.

"Just a placeholder until you actually tell me yours."

>I told you, I don't have-

"You don't have to be on edge."

>...Yes, I do...


>Are you dense or just mocking me?

"I'm just asking. I've got more than idea, yeah. Kinda hard not to considering you tried to kill me."


"But that hatchet's buried, as far as I'm concerned."

>Good for you...

"And whatever's waitting back in your world, whatever's got you feeling anxious at the idea of going back once everything's sorted, well... I'm not gonna lie and say everything's going to be ok. I don't really know the situation over there or what you've done, but I... just want you to enjoy yourself. Even if it's just for one day. Or one moment."

>...I hate you...

"Well, you're gonna love my Dad's cooking."

He did it. He finally did it!


After so many failed attempts, after so much planning and birbing to guide the flow of traffic away from his sacred allowance of mistletoe, he'd finally done it:
Spitfire had finally walked under it with him!

>Yes! YES! YES-

~Alright, alright. If we're doing this, let's make it quick. Otherwise you'll be kissing the floor instead.~

It was a light jab. An expected hint of exasperation. He knew she wouldn't refuse a kiss, as it is custom...


But he wanted to do this right.


>I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I don't want you to feel like you're forced to do this with me. I really... I want us both to be OK with this. With a kiss kiss, rather than a peck on the cheek. I'm OK with that, but if you're not, well... I'll do whatever will make you comfortable. Whether it's a peck or... walking away.

The him that had first arrived in the Crystal Empire would be strangling him right now. Settling for a peck was one thing, but settling for nothing? He'd be screaming and shouting about how foolish he was to even entertain the idea!

But that stallion no longer existed, even if he still felt anxious at the thought of letting this opportunity slip away. This one wanted to do things right.

Even if he had to make such a dramatic sacrifice.

~...Well, shoot. Now I feel kinda bad.~

>Oh, whatever for, my dear firebird?

~For this.~




He stared at her, blood rushing to his face from sheer embarassment.

~I know, I know. My unmatched beauty has left you speechless! It's a curse, really, that I-~

And then he collapsed, fainting.


"That took a turn."

From around a nearby corner, out stepped Spitfire.

~Yeah, I was expecting a quick and easy pranking, not a heartfelt confession and a dead dude!~

"He's not dead."

~I feel traumatized like he is, so I think I deserve some extra payment-~


~Damn! You still owe me your desserts.~

"Yeah, yeah. You'll get 'em, just like we agreed."

~Nice! Need help burying the body?~

"Again, not dead."

~Carrying, then.~

"Nah. You've done enough."

~That I have. That I have.~

Chrysalis nods, before walking away.

The pegasus let out a sigh before looking to the fallen stallion. Then to the mistletoe hanging above them.


She leaned down, close to the stallion.


And picked him up.

"C'mon, big guy. Let's put you somewhere comfortable."

After all...

"No sense doing it if you can't hear me say 'yes' first."

There was always next time.
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Happy Christmas PostEve


>Now, sis. This ain't what it looks like.

"Ah knew it! Ah knew it wasn't real!"

>This is all just a big ol' misunderstandin'!

"You've been lyin' to me this whole time!

>Ah have not! Ah was just speaking my version of the truth, is all. To protect ya!

"NO! The truth is... y'all do like strawberries and those cookie crumbs on yer face prove it!"

>Ah was just keepin' up appearances! Ah had to pretend to eat one!

"Ya ate ten."

>Well, did ya expect me to just let 'em go to waste?!

>Ahhhhh, feels good to be home again, finally!

At the end of a long, long, long table, the current denizen of Harmony City found himself grinning from ear to ear as he looked down the long, long, looooong table laid bare in the middle of the street. A poor choice, some might say, due to the snow falling upon it, but there bluntly wasn't a building big enough for all of Harmony City to gather as they had, stretched end to end on the grand table that would put the one in the Empire to shame, enjoying a meal together as one. Somehow, the pony and his changeling companion had ended up at the head of the table for reasons only those who had all but shoved them would know. They weren't ones to question it.

"Ooof, I am soooore though."

>You okay, buddy? You took a beating back there.

"At least I didn't get sucked dry, like you!"

>Ooof, no kidding, gotta watch the fangs next time.

"And I've gotta watch those hooves, my shoulders are killing me!"

>Isn't it funny we know there's going to be a next time? We just can't keep away!

"Yeah, yeah, but at least we got to share with everyone this time!"

>We did! And look at this, everyone's coming together like you and me on a saturday night!

"With less blankets, though."

>We're gonna need one at this rate! I forget how to be warm sometimes when I'm not next to you.

"Changelings are pretty hot, like you said!"


"...So, you going to finally say yes?"

>I dunnoooo, it's a big change.


>Our whole lives get turned upside down.


>Buuuuut... it would be pretty amazing, wouldn't it?


>So, you know what? I'm thinking yes... you and me together.

"Really!? Finallly! You and me... Co-mayors!"

The table groaned.

>Now why'd they do that?"

"They asked us to be mayor!"

>I never understand folks sometimes.

Even so, he smiled as he cut the Hearth Warming roast.

~He gets that obliviousness from you, Gregarius.~

(Oh honey biscuit, you do hush, I'm proud of my little buttercup!)

~Hrm... I guess I'm proud of him.~

(There you go!)

It was the best Hearths Warming, ever.


>So do we have a event where we get and give gifts to each other?

"There's Steal Stuff Thursday."


"It happens on wednesday."


"They'd see it coming otherwise!

>Awwww, you got me the candle holder I wanted!

"Awww, you got me the new drill so I can fix the door!"

~Bawww woogotta twuk! A TWUK! Vrrmmrmmmrmrmr.~

>Thanks, honey!

"Thank you, honey!"


"Yep, we all got everything we wanted this holiday!"

>Well, almost everything!

"Oh no, what did I forget?"

>Oh, you didn't forget anything, just... hold on.

She puts her hooves over the baby's ears.

>I want another baby.



"Oh no your biological clock-"


~Twuk coooooo~
Soooo, diplomacy?
They already have a peace treaty
Which means they are open to talk.
D knows sky star and pearl now
And AJ learned a lot about them
It’s gonna be creepy how much she knows them in and out before their first meeting
>Yeah we can skip this stuff, Novo, Ah know more sides of you than you know

“… oh my

>You managed a peace treaty!? WITH DRAGONS!?

"Well they tried to explode the city first."


"But we accomplished our goal! HUZZAH! Thou knows what that means?"

>I retire?

"Well no-"


"Ha ha, very funny, sister."


I mean at this point if Celly said "fuck it I'm retiring" who could possibly stop her? Even AJ would be like "You made up for the messups, enjoy acapolcolt."

>No, seriously, Ah' know way too much about you.

"Oh my."

>Specifically how ta' make ya' stop being such a gaddang shutin.


>...did ya' hope for a sexy thing?

"I did."

>Ah'... Ah' know about that too-

"OH MY!"


>She knows the in and outs of the seaponies
>And the dragons
>And Griffons
>And Buffalo
>But she won't know shit about the Yaks or diamond dogs or abyssinians

Record ob repeat
That works so well for the one.
Cheat code activating
I mean, she knows what they look like turning to ash.
>Ah also know how to kill you all.

>Not that Ah would!
>Lucky Strikes


"Mental health week. Mennntall. Heallllth. Nobody's asking for a vacation, that would be silly."


"Week off."


"Look, everyone's reaalllly stressed about the whole thing. Like, you know?"

>I was there!

"Right! You get it."

>Who's going to be left to actually DO GUARD THINGS!?



"We have them. They're there."


"Robots, beep boop bop."

>We're not leaving our entire guard force to peacetrotters so everyone can have a break.

"You are creating a very stressful environment. Maybe you need a mental health week? Ehhhh?"


"Look it's either this or they quit en mass because we just fought queen ghosts then living queens and had to save the actual literal universe. They would absolutely cash in their retirement."

>...I'll send the paperwork upstream.

"Someone elses problem! I like how you think! Now... who do you think I should try to go have sex with?"


"PJ is obviously having another threesome and I wasn't invited and I will be damned if I let her take the lead on this! And Blueblood told me no!"


"Yeah I was mostly joking but like, I've had a really hard day. So I'm just gonna go out and see what I can find, someone's down!"


"Please approve my vacation this is my last shot."



>Uh buhhhhh.

"I feel you."

>There we are.

It would seem silly to most, what the strange pair of once deposed, and attempted despot, of a prince and his many legged changeling companion were doing. How odd it would be to stumble across such a pair at all, the prim and proper one who was willing to step over others and the horrifying monster that only sought smile and tickles. Yet, there they were, companions all the same unlikely as they were. Sharing in adventures and events most shocking alike.

Sharing this moment, at the edge of the mouth of a cave.


A cave the Spiderling could only faintly recall, a cave that held many many memories for her all the same. A cave that, once upon a time, she had entered inside.

She had not been alone, on that day.

"You think..."

Once upon a time, there had been a grand monster who had brought fear and terror to any who had witnessed her, horrors and monstrous acts that would chill the hardest of hearts. Wielder of forbidden magics that transformed her body and twisted her mind. She stood above those in the dark, and made them hide away.

"You think she'd like it?"

A mother, who so loved to tickle her little child and dote on her with all the love she still had in her heart. One who had prevented a catastrophe at the cost of her life, even when she grew maddened by the day. One who had seen doom approaching for all the world, and chose to fight to her very last breath to save them all.

>Oh, Arana...

Now, all that remained of her, the only sign of her existence, was a bit of stone with some markings. A drawing, carved as best that could be made with long spider limbs. A message to those who would pass by to remember the one who had given up everything so her daughter may see another day.

>I'm sure she'd love it.

A tombstone, for the one named Sciderella, who had chosen to go back into the void of the Hivemind, rather than fight against the world her daughter had come to love.

"Yeah... yeah, she'd love it."

How cruel it was, to make a child say goodbye twice.

"Just so long as she knows... I'm happy."

How wonderful it was, to see her smile one last time.

"Goodbye, mommy..."

He held her as she cried.

"I'll miss you."

And said his thanks, to the one who had made the hardest choices. A monster, a terror.

A mother, until the end.
No yeah that one hurt
>Just because you're bad girl doesn't mean you're bad girl
At least someone remembers

>Well hello, fellow could'a been.

The reporter raised an eyebrow at the one coming up behind her, never unnoticed even though neither changeling imagined the other one a threat. Being those funny little bug monsters they were, they were experts at sensing and supposing their foes, to say nothing of their own skills as an infiltrator and soldier, respectively.

It was really the name that made the spunky young ling lower her hooves, and stop framing the wreckage in front of her for the most keen of shots.

"Should I be offended? I thought I had a few more years in me before I slipped into obscurity."

>Not has been, could'a been! Big distinction!

"Well I never wanna go off bad information, what's the difference?'

>Potential for a crown, I guess?

"Ohhhh, you mean...

She raised her hoof high before bringing it to her own head.

>Yep, could'a been a Queen. Figured you'd have taken the shot, personally. You seemed more like a go-getter.

"Guess I just didn't want my last memory to be, you know... gnaw gnaw gnaw."

>Heh, least you had the option, my mom... probably never would love me like that, even in the end.


Notably, the changeling put away her microphone. She knew when to go off the record.

>I think she came around to me a little bit, by the time the wave came, but... yeah, think I just could never make that last jump to being the kid she always wanted. Really, should've punched Thirteen at least once, would've increased my chances.

"Considering the universe shattering that happened when someone hurt Sunset's other ling..."

>Not saying I'd survive.

"At least you're telling it like it is!"


There was a silence after that, an understanding they really couldn't share with any, save each other. That last chance had been right there, staring them in the face, and now it was well and truly over.

>Never gonna be Queen of Punches, I guess.

"Or Queen of Reporting... but I got to say goodbye, this time."

It didn't feel any better.

>...so! Your colt and mine seem to get along.

"Best Camerapony does! He's a real social butterfly when he gets the chance."

>Oh yeah, he seemed the type. My guy's got more a face for a crowd. Guard, you know?

"One of a kind!"


"So... you know. Off the record."


"...any wedding in your future?"

The ling smiled, and adjusted her headband.


It was nice to have a friend.
Figure someone would’ve!
plenty did. Just not anyone we know.
Queens running around has been a bit of a overdone.
Coulda been queeeeen

Yeah it could’ve been Queen!

>...You seem like a cool guy.









>It's really fucking weird this is our first interaction.

Funny that 42 chose to keep being a drone that can punch instead of a queen
Look she didn’t want her kids fighting over the throne
>Momsie could’ve had two queens

>I’m gonna be honest, I was worried you’d give her a noogie.

“… your fears were well founded.”

"This is idiotic, you know.'


"Disrespectful even, some might say!"


"Downright a slap in the face, historically!"


"And yet, and YET, here we are."

>Here we are.

"And I must ask, why."


She didn't respond, not right away, at least.


Instead Vermillion just added another little name to the picture hanging on the wall of her family home. A little fork, off from a certain name quite far from her own.


She wondered if they would be mad at her.

>It's just...

Or, if they'd understand why Angamiana deserved to be there.

>History, I suppose.

"You're an idiot."


But she wasn't one, to forget family.
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Damn, looks majestic!
You made me look up the Kanji for Apple and left me disappointed.

Nice art all the same.
apple is りんご, I couldn't remember the kanji for horse, 馬, but it's pronounced うま
I am disappointed no longer!
>The Japaneighs don't know what all that shit with the godfight was
>But they're gonna make a good painting, because the know painting!
If anyone knows about godfights it's them
I want to make a haiku for some reason.
>appul all over
New art? Love to see it.
Looks like a mid episode title card.
Right before the big power up yeah
Simple yet effective
She hasn’t forgotten her rapist gramma
>Ah' reckon Ah' look good in black and white!

"Better than orange?"

>Now lets not go overboard...
It’s nuts how many we never did
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I went overboard
Proving her point!
Oh wow, nice use of watercolor… esq… I don’t actually know shit about art. It’s pretty.
I’m sorry I’m too busy noticing cat

You did that to distract me!
Is it a cat or a mouse? It’s very chubby
Whatever it is, it's cute!

I did not expect this to be physical. Neat.
Eh, some folks just work best together
There is no overboard, only success
Suffering from success
Morning thread
She’s an orange apple goddamn it

>Dear santa…

.>Didn’t fit in the sleigh did he? Ah’m willin to do a pickup

>Two, you can't ask Santa for that.

"Because it ain't a healthy thing ta' dwell on?"

>No, because Santa goes off Genie rules! No asking for infinite presents, no making others fall in love and no bringing back the dead!

"Ohhhh... how'd ya' find out about the love thing?"

>I didn't.

She cuts her eyes over to Chrysalis, who threw up her hooves.

"What about the other thing."

>Some of us already have parental problems...

Applejack throws up her hooves too.
I mean she would know, she met him.

>...feels weird to be ringing in a year without a war currently goin' on.

I mean... in ponies...
Funny enough real world was less chaotic when it started...

>Alright, new year coming up! Whole new me! More Princess! More love! Maybe I'll even get back into dating-BAWWWWWHAHWWWWWWWWWWWW... okay we'll put a pin in the last one. How much longer could I do that anyway?

~~~~200 years later~~~~

"Hey, Princess? We're wondering if this is the year you get back into dating-'


"Next year maybe."

>Caddy he'd be dead by now anyway-


>He wasn't ageless! He wasn't immortal! He-


>...I feel like you were doomed at this point.
>Princess of love is immortal but has a true love who is mortal

Set up to fail
Happy new years /pa/ls!
Happy new year!
What a year
Hey at least we made it home

>Happy new year, Tia!

"GAH! is time progressing as it should again!? DID WE FIX TIME!?"

>Well we did say we were gonna fix everything.

"...so what year is it."

>Pretty sure Appleblooms in college...
>Diamond Tiara
"Spoiled Rich"

>So, uh... happy new year.

"It's a new one, alright."

>...no bubbly drink this time?

"I'm trying to cut back on parties."

>Oh. That's good, I guess? Drinkings bad for you, daddy said.

"Yeah... your father said."

>...So, uh-

"You um..."


"You want to go get some ice cream?"

>Spoiled actually improved in this timeline
>Silver Spoon

>DAMN! I think I missed my shot.


>If she was pure bitch I could've totally swung him. I mean look, love her or not, there's a point where you're just like "I can't let my daughter grow up with this as her mom", you know? But if she actually improved, you cling harder! You can fix her, you cry! Who cares if there's someone out there who doesn't need fixing! You can fix her, so that's all what you need! So close! I was so close to being all "You can't fix her" and he would believe me! SO CLOSE! But now, BUT NOW! GAH!

"...I think you have daddy issues."

>Damn right, my issue is he's not my daddy!

"Okay no."

>Art thou hiding, mine overachieving student, or doth thou simply wish to make an entrance even more grand this time around, befitting a hero?

It felt odd to hear that term used towards him, rather than aimed at whomever it was that was out to fix whatever mistake he'd made. The Elements of Harmony were heroes, Princess Applejack was a hero, even Sebjek was a hero. He could admit that. But now, the pegasus found himself struck silent as he stood on that train station, watching the snow gently falling on the tracks. He didn't have a response, not even when the pompous changeling took his place beside him and settled in as if they were old friends, rather than a pair who had met barely a few weeks prior.

It felt like a lifetime ago, by now.

>Nothing to say? Surely thou art not too famous for mine lower stature now.

"N-no! No, I..."

The smile on the dark face was enough to put his heart at ease. The last thing he wanted was any implication he found himself "Above" others like him, even if it had clearly been in jest. Though he stuttered and though he sputtered, the changeling only smiled on in patient silence.

"I dunno, I'm just... overwhelmed, I guess. I've gotten some notes already, just some congratulatory stuff or thanks. Princess Luna said she wanted to thank me personally, even."

>Oh ho! How disappointing it must be for thou not to get such an invitation from Celestia herself, who knows what she might give in thanks.

He didn't even realize he'd socked the changeling in the shoulder until he felt the familiar tingle normally reserved from punching a solid wall. It felt so natural, he hadn't even questioned it.

>I jest, of course. I'm merely surprised, mine supposition was that thou would be among those most willing and able to leap into their newfound fame.

"It's not like I don't appreciate it and all, but..."

The dark head nodded, content to let him sigh out his frustration.

"I dunno, I feel like I lucked into this instead of deserving it. It was so random! I hadn't planned on getting knocked into the dreamscape! I hadn't even known it was possible!"

>Indeed, tis a shocking turn of events.

"And now because I managed to run the right way, blink the right time... ponies act like I saved the world."

>Likely because thou hath done so, no?

"I mean, I helped, but..."

Tellingly, he looked to the stars.

>Ahhhh, I see now. Thou worries that the praise feels less earned, after the princesses fought so hard.

"They are the ones who saved us, in the end."

>And we saved them, in turn, tis that not the truth?

"I know, but..."

>...what exactly doth thou fear, mine overachieving student?

He took some time to answer, watching several flakes of white fall gently down to their final rest so he may clear his thoughts.

"Not living up to it, after this? Especially after..."

It occurred to Twenty Nine that his once student had kept glancing upwards.

To the space between stars.


>Mine student, if living up to one such as he is the bar, then I fear I shalt never know success in mine life. Really, how often does one gain the chance to strip the power of a god and clutch victory! And if I shalt take the day off at the spa mine chance shall never come again. A great fear in mine heart.

"That's not what I mean. I mean, you know... I'm worried I won't, I dunno, earn it?"

A strange thought, one he could not respond to before the pegasus continued on.

"He gave up a life as a prince with a whole bunch of mares hanging off him, two adorable daughters, a county that loved him... but ponies are calling me a hero."

>Tis not a zero sum game.

"I'm just saying, I lucked into it... he chose it. Just like she chose it, you know? Don't you... wonder?"

A visible sigh escaped from the darkened lips, and soon the green eyes joined him in looking to the sky.

>Mine st-... Miles, tis a fact of life that thee...

After a long pause, he finally gave up.

>...Yeah, I miss my mom. A lot.

He finally said what he'd been holding in.

>She was so... stupid, to go down fighting to protect me not once, but twice! Twice, she chooses me over living again! And it frustrates me because now I'm supposed to live a life she'd be proud of, when I don't even know if I'm capable of living a good life on my own! I know what I am, and I'm just...

The silence that followed said it all.

"We have way too many self sacrificing heroes out there who actually have to do the sacrifice part."

>Indeed, t'would be easier if they threw us in the way.

"I'll keep fighting for you till the end-CHUCK!"

It hurt to laugh.

It was a good pain.

>You did good, Delight. And if thou should spend every day after this in crime and decadence, thou shalt have at least one person standing over thine bloated corpse in a casket saying "I still liked the fellow."

A good, if far too short, pain.

"You changed a lot, Twenty Nine. I used to hear a lot of stories about you and why you weren't allowed within twenty feet of the Empire. Like, the whole Empire."

>Every word was truth, I regret to say. But, I suppose that is the crux of it all, isn't it? If a overly pushy changeling can learn to change his ways...

A gentle, hole ridden hoof rested on the pony's shoulders.

>Then a screwup who nearly caused wars can save the world, and deserve his praise.


They felt there was more to say after that, both of them knew there was more to say. But, sadly, the train was coming.

"You here to see me off?"

>Hm? Oh, take no offense, but no. I'd no idea thou were even here. It seems in the mixup of it all, someone ended up on this side. I'm here to see him off.


Tink, tink, tink, came up the stairs, and it made sense.


A certain scraggly, dark maned and quite large stallion marched his way to the edge of the train station, snow still sticking to the crystaline structures hanging off him that replaced his body.

His face hollow, as he approached them both.



He stopped at the voice, letting the changeling draw near. Never moving when he reached up, to place a hoof on the side of his face.

>He would be proud of you.

It was only when the magic of the light of a thousand loving children crossed his dark face, that he was allowed to cry.

Delight could only watch as he slumped forwards, the chitinous limbs quick to wrap around his large neck and hold him up. He did not whimper nor sob, no sign at all of his sadness save the tears he could not stop.

>Do you wish me to come with you?


He finally returned the hug, in the end.

'I... need some time alone on the trip there. I need to think about what I'm going to say.'

A hug that was just a bit too tight, despite his words.

'I wouldn't be able to hold back if you were there.'

>I understand.

The train to the Empire pulled up to the station, the one to Ponyville coming close behind it, and reluctantly, the changeling must let go. More reluctantly, the once dark king of the Empire released his hold after one final nuzzle to the dark cheek.

He was quick to head into the train, and quicker still to not look back. He wasn't quick enough to keep the crystals from falling to the ground, before he made it out.

>...Be good, mine student.

Delight started, having forgotten he himself was even there as the changeling moved past him, and toward the train to ponyville.

>And tell thine mother you got straight A's, from at least one teacher.

He didn't even question how the changeling knew. He just waited for his own train coming down the bend, to take him home.

>And remember!

One last call, before it pulled from the station.

>Thou doth not need to earn thine praise for living!

One last reminder.

>Thou shalt always have it, from this prissy changeling at least!

That things, sometimes, changed.

"...I wonder if dad's cooking anything tonight..."
>29 literally was just Johnny Bravo, but fancy, and for royals only
>Now he's a wisened character who occasionally gives advice because Luna whipped him into shape
>Because Applejack wouldn't work with Luna
Weird turn of events.
"...so did he fuck the zebra or what?"
Inquiring minds want to know!
I mean probably by now
he has the time.
And the motive.

"Oui govna, why you lookin' so sad for a fella on one'a these here funny tubes, why I ain't never seen somethin' so impressive!"

>I took thee on an airship flight.

"You gollywanka, I'm a pegasus! I did that kinda flyin' for breakfast! Literally, and right true them birds had some sharp beaks! Bloody wank'as!"

>They were just protecting their offspring.

"Wouldn't know nothin' bout that!"


"So, what's gotcha down now?"

>Mine child, I am not "Down", I am merely in pensive thought upon mine questioning of past events, and the future.

"Ohhh, cause ya' mum died again?"

>That is... related.

"Wouldn't know nothin' bout that, my mum might still be kickin' around for all I know!"

>Tis been a hundred years, I doubt she hath lived this long.

"Well they do say the good die young. Righteo!"

>I suppose so.

"...thanks for not forgetting me. Everybody got right flipped round by all this mess happening, figured I'd just be left waiting by the tracks a second go round!"

>Thou shalt not be forgotten, and nor does thou deserve such.

"Ya' say that, but I did some right ghoulish things I did, worked my way with a knife more than once!"

>And I was once a creature of the dark, stealing the very love of a heart by deception and trickery. To have a shameful past is not to deserve a cruel future.

"Righteo, I reckon..."

>...The stop is coming up.


>Did you wish to ride again? I would sit with thee for another stop, and another still if thou wishes it so.

"Nah... nah. Can I tell ya' somethin', mister funny lookin'?"

>Of course.

"Didn't lie to you. The trains they built looked so cool, I always wanted to ride on them when they were finally finished. Never made it that far, I didn't."


"But that ain't why I stuck around. I wasn't waiting just to ride a train..."

The changeling felt a tingle at his side, where the ghostly presence laid.

"I just really wanted to ride it... with someone who cared. Thanks for bein' better than I deserved."

The flash stung, as it often did. He did not let go of his grip, until the last of the light faded away.

>Thou deserved more...

He could only hope the little pegasus could hear him.

>...Thou hath improved thine stealth.


A certain short, plot loving ling dropped down next to him unceremoniously, dusting off his night guard armor and trying to look regal before the doors opened.

~Awesome, cuz! I am the night!~

>Tis daytime.

~Nighttime lives in the heart, cuz. So! Who're we seein' first?~

>There is someone I had in mind...

Ponyville lied on the other end of those doors. It was good to be home.

>Sooo, new year! New possibilities! New anything! Maybe even... a new coltfriend?

"I'm happy for you."

>...I don't swing that way.

"Then terrible news, I'm not ditching Shining."

>But he's dea-


>You set me up for that one! THAT WAS A SETUP!

>...So I'm not hearing a noooooo
Look dude this is his ONE SHOT

>Sissy, it's the new year, ain't ya' finally gonna talk?


>Oh, hey... wow! That uh... wow, didn't think ya' could right there. So, uh, how are you?


>...No way is that the one thing ya' can say.


>I demand a recount.
>Mommy? Sissy can talk now, but she just says the one thing.

~She's a child, not a parrot. I'm sure that-~





~...I'll get some crackers.~

>Not the move Ah'd do but you do you mommy.
Typical lack of father figure, turning to piracy
And already spouting something her mother doesn’t approve of.
She just wants free movies.
How would that work back in the day? Magic?
Magic orbs

>What do you mean, cease and desist!?

“Apparently folks are recording movies on your orbs and selling them.”

>They're memories! It just showed a memory! THAT MOVIE LIVES IN THEIR BRAIN!

“Well they want to nix any unauthorized reproduction.”


“That’s a you problem.”

>… The FUCK
… that’s a legit problem tho
Does that mean all changelings watch free?
Only if they read minds. Which, I do not advise..

>I call upon you, my darkest ally. Thing from the shadows, that whom can take even more love from the happiest heart than I! The most wicked of mind bound to the most callous of soul! I CALL UPON THEE IN THIS TIME OF NEED!

"We just use the term "Intellectual IP Lawyer' these days."

>I thought you guys were nice.

"No noooo, exclusively here to make the process of owning a thing more complicated and watching a thing more costly."

>Miss Glitz

>You didn't call me!? I could've been a huge help then!

"...In the... war?"

>Yes! Really, you go but I don't?

"I didn't want to be there! I didn't know Maud calling me meant I was going to go all super laser fight!"

>Well when you found out, I should've been informed.

"Of the super laser fight!?"



>And furthermore-pffttt oh, dearie, I'm just yanking your chain. That sounds horrible!

"It was! IT REALLY WAS!"


"...but what?"

>Didn't you learn to be more assertive and less scared of everything?

"I did that actual years ago."


"...learned I'm terrified of giant laser bugs?"

>Well that's something! Lessons all around!

"This was an experience.

>Dang it, we were so close to finally having the Gun Club back together!


'We were so cool versus Sunset...'


>But no, SOMEONE has to be all mopey because their brother and true love died, respectively!

"...like... both?"

'Both as in two different, er, creatures.'

"That makes sense."

~Poppet, they'll be back soon, they just need to mourn.~

>Well I want to talk about how cool we were!

"We were bloomin' awesome, we were!"

~We did get to showcase our power.~

'And we all got laid!'


Except one.





>Meeting adjourned.

"We didn't do anything-'

Is 7 still not gunclub?
I mean…

They can help
Oh my
Probably]y legal!
Like they wouldn’t, the degenerates
~It’s alright poppet, you have something we all don’t!~

>Lots of money?

~Also no.~

>Ohhhh, parents!




>Was… was that not what you meant? Um…


~I meant the rocket launcher.~



>That too.

>...You all can write!?

"Not what I expected for a reaction, honestly."

"This is exactly what I expected for a reaction!"

"I thought it was possible but didn't want to commit."

"I didn't care what reaction we got, it was the giving that I cared about, personally."

"See?! Distinct! Unique! And none of us needed tatoos!"

"That was a personal attack and I will have my revenge! Someday! If I don't forget!"

"He's gonna mix us up."

"Well I wouldn't if we would just get tattoos like I said to! Come on! Answer is right there!"

"Sooooo, as the delegate in the room-"

"Wait why's he a delegate?"

"He asked and we all said no."

"Because it sounded hard! I didn't know we'd also get to do fun stuff!"

"This is the price of ambassadorship! Why do you think we sent JJ's guy to do it in Harmony City?"

"Because we didn't wanna die and he was expendable."

"That too!"

>Wait, wait wait... this says...

"Yep! Miss Citrine, for your success in being the best connection between the wider hive and the populace of ponies since the guy who's currently making our Queen cry, we would like to formally offer you dual citizenship... to the Hive."

She didn't know how to respond, truly.

"Just to clarify that means you get all the legal stuff. That does not mean fighting, other kind of dual. The two kind... the number, not the, not the her..."

Except, smile.

"Thanks... for being the best camp councilor of all time."

It was all worth it.

"""""YOU'RE THE BEST!""""
>She's officially a camp councilor of a NATION

>I think I need a vacation.

It would've been a wonderful thought, had a one Inkwell Raven only the courage to follow through with it. Such a dream of spiriting off into the ether with a smile on her face was one she had to keep herself from falling into when faced with the mountain of paperwork that must be done. Meetings, scheduling, duties of the royal assistant that could not be cast away in favor of a few spirits and a sandy beach on some far away coast. She was a dedicated worker, one who had seen this world through it's darkest hours and now stood within the castles admittedly cracked and damaged walls, ready to assist her princess as only she, the highest assistant in the land, could.

Now all she had to do was not start throwing back a bottle of whatever her admittedly nice salary could afford before she even decided to look in the direction of her work, because she knew if she took one sip it was all over.

>Alright, start first and slow, before some other disaster decides to strike.

She had meant it in jest, but surely she should have known it would summon forth something from the ether. A clink, a clank, and a rattle of something very big wearing a lot of armor sounded from down the hall. Before she had even been able to swallow back her scream, she heard it near too quickly to do more than throw on a professional face, and turn around.


The thing looking down on her was not an unfamiliar one. In fact, the first time she had seen such a thing was farther back then she could recall at a glance, when she first lead the figure and the changeling they had been guarding to the holding area of a certain blue, dog barking mad scientist. Screwloose had raised such a ruckus that day, it had almost overshadowed the fact a massive thing in Griffon armor had stomped through those halls that day. Almost.

It was rather hard to remember that helmet, or the eyes behind it.

"What am this."

The pony remained unflappable as she looked to the parchment being waved in front of her, one she recognized instantly as a work she herself had seen delivered earlier this very day. While not one of the first things she'd done, it was among sending out an absolute mess of notes across the land to all who lived beneath the umbrella of Equestria so they may know the damages, and deliver thanks where needed. This particular note had been neither of those things, but deemed important by one of the Elements of Harmony. One that, to this day, the dark haired mare did not know to call Princess or not. It had been unique enough she'd barely needed to glance at it before understanding right away, and looking back to the confused gaze boring down on her.

>That, Miss Buttercup, is an official recognition of citizenship for Equestria.

The sharp clawed gauntlet shook, and the way her eyes widened almost brought a smile to the pony's face.



>We were able to trace back your lineage and determine that the area of Everfree you were born in is in fact part of our jurisdiction due to its placement between two of our towns. Marking that an area outside of our nation would cause far more problems than it would help. As such, we have decided to rectify your lack of ability to gain proper paperwork in order to gain a valid birth certificate, understanding that your situation would not allow such a notary in the middle of the dangerous woods, and have granted a temporary one to ensure there is no confusion on citizenship or country of origin. Though we were only able to broadly guess the date of birth by magical testing, if you are able to give a more exact date you may file a note to the address listed on the bottom and have it changed. Accepting that, as a child, or cub if you prefer, you would not be able to know what day it is when you were born, we are willing to accept this as the official one for future record keeping.

The massive creature just stared on, and for a moment the Raven began to worry how lost the poor thing must be. She'd used a lot of technical jargon out of habit, she wasn't one to dumb things down for any individual and often chided them for asking such rather than educating themselves.

This was the one time she might feel different.

"Me am..."

It made her heart all the more elated when the paper was turned around, studied again, and those eyes came back to her.

"...But... but me am a-"

She almost lifted her helmet, only to hesitate at the last moment. An idea had struck her right before she'd followed through with it.

>A manticore, yes. It is listed on your species on table six.

Eyes jolted down again, flew around the page again, and stopped.

"So... so me..."

Finally, at last, she was able to take the helmet off.

"Me... citizen?"

>Indeed, with all the rights that affords you. You have the right to live free of persecution just as much as a diamond dog or griffon would be.


The catlike face was almost childlike in her uncertainty.


>Our Princess has recognized anyone whom the very core of Harmony itself deemed worthy to stand with us and fight in the Great War has proven not just to be sentient, sapient, and anything in between, but a friend true and true, and a heroic soul that must not be denied unjust treatment as might befall one considered lesser than. You proved yourself in that battle, Miss Buttercup, and we recognize you and your companions accomplishments. I would like you to past that along to Bubbles, Blossom and Bunny, among all others I did not catch the name of, should you get the chance. They have earned their citizenship. They, like you, may call this place home.


The Manticore stood there in silence for a while, looking over the page over and over. Taking in what she was now considered, what she had become. A mere beast not too long ago, one who had never imagined a life where she could dream at all. A monster, a circus pet at the very best, and now here she stood with all the same boons that would be granted to a pony.

She no doubt had questions, many questions, but while Raven wished to stay there and help her through, every step, sadly she could not.

>If you'll excuse me, I've a lot of work to get to.

She had a whole country to deal with.


But, she supposed, she could wait for one last question. Considering her "Benefactor" had saved her, personally, it was the least she could do for one last, quick bit of aide before she must go on and slog through her work.

One last question, and she'd be done.

"Does that mean me can get married?"

>...Yes. But also, WHAT!?
"Am me legal?"

>Okay, so, the thing with ponies is Cutie Mark is considered okay?

"Me no get those, ever."

>Right. Griffons are... lax.

"Me have bat wings, not griffon wing. But me am part cat..."

>Maybe dragons?

"How old them need be?"

>Well the Princess dated Spike, and another Princess is dating him, so...

"...how old that?"

>Concerning actually. Dragon ages are very confusing.

"...me am old enough for big guns, that old enough?"

>I don't think there's a minimum age on that.

"Feel like there should be."

>You know if I didn't think the filly would shoot me...


>...We're just not gonna bring it up. Try not to get groomed!

"Can do!"
So the pred village are citizens?

How… how does that work
Applejack looks down at the paperwork in front of her.
Fluttershy smiles on.
Applejack looks down, again.
Fluttershy smiles on.
Applejack opens her mouth, only to close it without a sound, and look down.
Fluttershy takes a sip of her tea.

>...what in TARNATION DID YA' DO!?

The ringing stopped, in time.

"The right thing, I feel. They proved themselves that they're willing to fight for Equestria, and Harmony recognized them as friends. Real friends. Ergo, they're citizens."

>But... Ah' just... ya' can't...

"They were born on Equestrian soil."

>Ah' know that! Ah' get that! Because they were in friggen EVERFREE!

"I don't judge."

>They aren't even supposed to be sentient!


>Don'tcha Twi on me! Ah' don't need the specific reason ta' scream at'cha!

"It's distinct, all animals are technically sentient, while Sapience-"

>Ah' said no Twi'ing! None of it! Just... did ya' think this through at all!?

"I filled out the paperwork and everything."

>How are we even supposed to recognize them, as a place!?

"They have a town complete with housing, plumbing, and food production. They've been self sufficient for a while."

>How do you know that?!


>...how do you know that.

Gently, the yellow pony took a sip.



>How long.

"You know, not that long."

She took another sip.

"Cosmically speaking."


"I did promise to let him see what happened, and it worked out! Apparently the Ursa Major is the whole reason a Titan didn't just destroy Canterlot."

>Ah' saw the friggen bear, okay!? She's huge! And apparently can think for herself!

"She's a big fan of Marecarina if you were wondering."

>Ah' wasn't, but good to know! Ah' just... Ah'... does that mean you're in charge over there?

"Oh no, I mostly served a more mareitarian role, making sure everyone was well treated, well fed, no brutal science experiments, stuff like that."

>So who IS in charge!?

"Seven, obviously."



>Yer' sayin' Seven is in charge over there.

"He does seem to be."

>So iffin' he's in charge, who's in charge of him?

"In the village? Nobody."

>In general.

"Well I guess in general the one in charge of him would be-oh... ohhhhh..."

>And ya'll gave yer' blessing, verbally and through actions, that he can just have a place there.

"I did do that."

>And yer' a princess.



"To be fair, I said they're Equestrian citizens only, he would only be, I dunno, a mayor? A governor? Not like, a king."


"Oh no, he just made them think! It's fascinating work, he's been keeping me up to date on their progress and the mental magics he's employing might be even more advanced than anything Twilight's even done-"


"Oh dear. Is the conversation over?"


"But the tradition!

>Ah' got one eye left and Ah' feel like we just scratched the dang surface.

"I'm not sure how much more there is, he started an experiment to make essentially a farm animal for love so he granted sapience to a bunch of very large and powerful predators who now see him as a leader and in some cases maybe father figure and in one case maybe something else I don't know Buttercup is an odd one and then he turned them into a force powerful enough to fight off the thing that took down our entire army once upon a time and he's still completely subservient to Chrysalis and they've been shown willing to follow him into battle, all inside of a chunk of our own land."



>Now it's over, yeah.


So does... Chrysalis own it? 7? Like a mayor doesn't own the place they look over. Sure, he defacto rules it, but that's more a "Nobody is going to attack him, specifically, because they like being brained", he doesn't like own it.

...is Sci-Waifu the new ruler?
>Chrysalis still, TO THIS DAY, has no idea Seven did all this
Accidentally fixed it?
I mean it was intentional
She’s gonna lose her mind when she can, you know… talk

"So uh... does this make you their daddy?"

>What? No, I didn't sire any of them.

"But you're like, the reason they can think."

>You don't call the doctor who delivered a baby or their first grade teacher their parent.

"I guess."


"I'll call you daddy."


"Don't play that game YOU HEARD ME!"




>........which one are you, again?

>Cheese Sandwich

>Soooo, partyland relaunch?



A part of her wondered if it was all her fault.

The Queen of the Last Hive knew such things, ultimately, were foolish to think of. She knew better than anyone that trying to dwell on or change the past was, at best, an idiots comfort, or a desperate fools drink. She laughed off attempts to look at what had been and try to change it, she'd even laughed off the ideas that past sins should weigh one down.

That was all before, when she'd made it out on top. So long as she could keep going, she could just keep laughing it all away. This was different. She'd lost something, this time. She'd lost something real, personal and deep. It would have been a deep wound if a single changeling had been lost. If one of those she'd called friends had fallen, she'd no doubt be full of sorrow. If it had been someone even closer, her heart would still ache.

This was worse than those, somehow.

She was without the one that had done so much. The one she could always count on. The one she saw in her final moments as she took on the very progenitor of her race. That face she had only seen in her memories, that she would now never see in flesh and blood again.

It hurt, truly. For all she had gained, for all she now held close to her, she felt this was truly the worst that could be taken from her. The one soul who had ever made her speak loud, and speak truly.

Now, he would never hear her say those words, that the rest of the world could hear.

>...I love you...
See the problem is he totally would've gotten laid and ended the world that way, we established this
>Wait but it's been up as Partyland 2 for a while-

The end of all things…
Which is feeling... likely...
he had to be stopped.
Poor girl, got to punch a god and still feels bad
More like her god so not so cool
Got bitchslapped by god
I mean Salt literally brought about the end of the world so at the very least a vasectomy would not be uncalled for

>I am willing to trade my husbands balls for the rest of him.



Nothing like an invasion that nearly destroyed all of reality to make one appreciate what they'd ignored before.

Standing atop a high balcony of the Crystal Castle, his weight leaned over the railing so he may take in every glimmering breathless sight, Tiempo, the alchemist and once proud wielder of Sorcery found himself in a bit of a morose state. It was beautiful out there, to be certain. Wondrous, glorious, downright shining in his eyes. The land had been fixed in no time at all, and he could now see it in the splendor it deserved. It was a shame not even something like that could put a smile back on his face, not considering the fact that no matter how much they'd repaired, there was still something missing from it all. Something, they could never replace, nor fix.

>How is she, Sunburst?

If his once student was at all shocked he'd detected his presence without turning around, he'd managed to hide it so well he hadn't even lost a step. He just kept his easy pace until he too leaned over the railing of the balcony, just to get that slightly better view.

"About as well as you could expect."

>So, not good?

"That's a bit of an understatement."

He knew it was coming, but it hurt to hear all the same.

"You can't expect her to be in any better condition, her or..."

>Pretty much everyone, yeah. I take it Princesstia is taking it particularly hard?

The sharp intake of breath through flared nostrils answered that question.

"Cadence hasn't left either of their sides this whole time. Guess she's trying to make up for lost time."

>Can't blame her for wanting to hold onto what she has now.

"Or for being worried what'll happen if they walk away. It's been a hard time for her."


"...she said thanks for looking after Two, by the way. Pretty much gave you full reign of the castle if you feel like it."

>Officially, you mean?

"Yeah, not a lot that held us back before. Guess it's just a little more public."

>Or she doesn't feel like losing anyone else anytime soon.

"...that too."

Both stallions sighed, almost as if they'd practiced it.

>Spitfire hasn't talked to anyone since we got back. She just took off somewhere, probably venting her heart out.

"Eighteen hasn't left Cadence or the kids this whole time, she makes them stay near her when she does their paperwork."

>Last I heard Forty Two fwooshed and well... nobody's seen her. Think she feels personally responsible for it, somehow.

"And of course..."

Both eyes trailed up to the very peak of the Crystal Castle. They couldn't see her, not from here, but they could feel her presence.

"It's gonna be a while before they're okay."

>If they're ever okay, you mean.

He let out a slow puff of remorse before he finally turned his back on the grand city, his gaze now squarely pointed down the empty hallway in front of him

>You know, it's weird. I feel like, despite all we've done here, I barely even knew him.


"Seems like you're being too hard on yourself."

>Well, barely is probably a stretch, a big one, but I feel like we never really connected personally, me and him. I never took him up on those offers to play OnO, I never really talked with him about stuff that wasn't Two related. I didn't know him like they did. But...

"...still miss him?"

>Of course I do, that guy was one of the best ponies I've ever met. I could've met him one time and I'd be willing to follow him into battle, and obviously Two loved him more than anything. For that alone, I kinda wish...

"It'd been you?"

He didn't say it.

>I feel like she'd cry less if it was me.

He didn't need to.

"But you know she'd cry, right?"


Eventually, his once student joined him, and turned to face the castle.

"I'm not going to say anything about that, wishing self deletion rarely goes well as far as thought processes go."


"But, I will say that I think a lot of others would've taken the option too, if we had gotten it. But we didn't... he did. And whatever we say we might do, he did. I can say don't wish it was you, but I can also say... I hope we are as willing to do it as we say we are. Feel like the world will be a better place, then."

>...So, the student has at last surpassed the teacher.

He didn't chuckle, like he normally would have. But, in the end, he smiled.

"I hope he can see us, wherever he is. Whatever he is. I hope he knows we're proud of him."

>... I hope he knows we miss him.

Behind them, the city shined on.

In front of them, the castle lights felt just a bit more dim.
Poor guy
>Forty Two vanished

She's not gonna take this well...
More brain punch.
She teleported into the world.

She’s with him now
>I have become… the punch itself.



>Thats for being a self sacrificing idiot!

>...so are we... in prison? Dead? Deleted from reality?

"I think I was going to Hearths Warming in a... maybe canon story?"

'I'm pretty sure I'm dead, I'm an alicorn still and nobody's letting that run around.'

>...I wonder what's going on back home?


~Oh hey, Shining's gone!~

~Lets all talk about the things we don't like about him!~


>They must miss me so.

Spitfire, better than most, knew what everyone had been expecting when a certain punching changeling had vanished in flame.

They likely thought she'd gone off somewhere to brood, to hang her head and let some kind of stoic shadow cross her face. To stand with her arms crossed atop some snowy mountain with perhaps only a single morose tear to roll down her face. That was how she liked to present herself, always strong, always hardened and unbreakable, even when she could be easily shattered. She already knew what they were all imagining when she'd gone away, and likely already started scouring the nearest spire that looked really cool up against the moon.

She knew better.


She had known exactly were to go, before the first embers had faded.

"I'm back. Sorry if you don't recognize me, I'm the one who had to be wheeled off the stage because stubbed her hoof that one time. Trust me, hurt me even more than you think it did."

She had already taken her favorite seat in that dark club before the first line had come from the stage.

"If you're worried about my routine, don't be. I'm still me, I just now am able to punch any hecklers I don't like. Would I? Should I? Dunno, it's been a crazy week for me personally. Rest of you probably went bowling or something."

There she was, the only light in the room upon her, a strained smile on her face.

"Got to meet my mother again this week. For those of you who think I was lying, I assure you, she was still dead. For the rest of you worrying, yes, it was a near death experience. Took that much to finally say she liked me. And you thought your tiger mom was bad after that B plus you got. What else, what else... oh, probably my longest friend got a promotion recently, she's really moving on up in the world. Literally. You ever have a sibling who gets a growth spurt and makes you call bullshit? I never did, but I now sympathize with you if you have. More of her to love, right? And woo, there's a lot to love. I'm starting to worry everyone else is going to outgrow me."

She paced around the stage, oblivious to anything else around her

"Even the kid! Our sweet little child, she can turn into a tank. A tank! Can you believe it! She got a super mode before I did. I'm jealous, but I'm also going to ask her to ride around and set things on fire, I'm only a mare. She finally made up with her sister, I said I was worried about that. So put that at ease, she's best big sissy like she wanted to be. All it took was punching her own mother in the face. Biological! To clarify! And before you complain, yes, we got to hit her too. I got to punch her in the brain, so satisfying. Abusing someone else's brain for once, look how far I've come! Parental abuse is a fine art..."

She paused, tapping on her chin while she mulled about.

"What else, what else... should I talk about the tree? Getting shown up by a fellow puncher? There's a lot to talk about... a lot to stall with..."


Eventually, she gave up, and sighed.

"Guess you all want to hear about the other thing, right? It kind of got caught up in all the craziness but, uh... the love of my life died."

She stood there in the silence, staring out into the darkness.

"I was real mad at him for a bit. I finally got my muscles back and he runs off into nonexistence. Coward! I wouldn't have hit him that hard! They're called lovetaps for a reason you know!"

Microphone shaking in her hoof.

"He never got to see me be fixed, even though he always believed I could be. He kept saying, you'll heal, you'll get better, just keep going! I would've punched him but, you know, hurts me more than it hurts him. Physically, not emotionally, he's a very emotional stallion... was a very emotional stallion."

Smile fading fast.

"Some of you are probably thinking I should be out there trying to make them feel better or something. Hug a bug, at the very least! You'd think! But that's why I was here the first time, wasn't it? I came here because I was sick of being just punchbug, I wanted to make some smiles happen. Tell some good jokes! Get some laughs! I couldn't land a hit, so I might as well land a barb, right?... guess I didn't succeed there, either. You guys have been super quiet."

Silence, her only answer.

"I bet they think I'm out just punching random iceblocks or something. Ragggghhh, loss, rage, that's the punchbug we know! But I'm not... I'm not angry at him. I'm not mad he did what he did, I understand completely. I think I understand better than they do, even. I did it myself more than once. I was ready to do it, and I didn't want them to feel bad for it. It was what it needed to be, and I know that's what he was thinking. He did it because he loved them... because he loved me. Some crazy changeling who showed up at his door one day and kicked his ass, that's who I was. Rargggh, punch, hrm all stoic and strong, that's who I showed the world... he saw a silly little ling who tried to put on makeup one time, and made her feel special. I think that's why I came over here, this time. I wanted to show him he was right, I was more than just a punchbug. I was more than just... Forty Two. I was someone he trusted... someone he loved. And in the end I just wanted to finally be able to say, to all of you..."

The smile that came back was a sad smile.

"I loved him. I really loved him, and if he would only have come back I would've done my best to make him the happiest on earth, just like he made me the happiest changeling in the world. I loved him, and him being gone, makes me wish... I hadn't survived those times I tried it, myself..."

A pause to let it all sink in, before she fought on, as she always had.


"... but I can't be so sad to give up, because I love them too. I'm lucky, so very lucky, to have more in my life, and though I'm going to struggle and though I'm going to want to lay down and feel defeated, I can't. If it was just him, I think I'd find some way to join him in the end, but I have a lot of others who I love, and who love me. And for them, I'll be at least one thing he knew I was. I'll be the dependable punchbug, and sometimes... I'll try to bring the laughs, too."

At long last, she put the microphone down.

"...thanks for being there for me."

She didn't even hesitate to open her forelegs and accept the embrace from the fiery yellow pegasus.

>Anytime, girl. You know I'm your standup buddy.

Tears in her eyes, she sighed into the hug.

"And you know I'll have your back... if he can't."

>You ready to come home yet?

"...no, not yet."


"Of course not... you still need your turn, after all."

She could barely believed it when the microphone was placed into the yellow hoof.


And one so dear to her, took her seat.

>...you all know me as Spitfire, or those of you with dirtier minds probably know me as something else. But hoo buddy, have I had a week that's left me feeling way more screwed over. You ever had to punch out someone's mother in the face? I did that a lot, she even died a bunch of times! Really, the worst I put up with as a wonderbolt was just some wing sprains! But oh, then this stallion comes into my life! Then this guy shows up, and you know...

Somehow, through it all, she smiled.

>Things got crazy...
At least they have each other
>Punchbug doesn't rage or cry or act all stoic
>She goes and tries to bring comedy because she learned while she was powerless

She truly is the Element of Laughter.
Awww, Spitty
Shes the other fav
Everyone loves 42
I mean, yeah?

Self explanatory
Is 42’s fav as well probably
Her best friend
She was already her favorite ling before this even started
In addition to fellow captain she’s the only one who supports her standup
Likes everyone

42 is the universal fav
“Lightning Dust”

>So, uh… hey.

It wasn’t her smoothest landing, but Rainbow Dash was nothing if not someone who tried her best to make a flop look good.

“Fuck off.”

Nobody ever claimed she succeeded all the time, and she doubted the mare sitting on the edge of a cloud, looking out over Canterlot with a frown, would have been all that impressed even if she had. Lightning Dust wasn’t one for appreciation.

>So, just so we’re clear, Applejack has decided that your, uh… verbal request is not counted as an official resignation, just yet. So you know, if you happen to have come to your senses after hitting the ground… haven’t taken the little name down from the door yet, is all we’re saying.

“Go away.”

Not the most appreciation she’d gotten, but it also wasn’t the worst. She was a mare with a history.

>Look, Lightning Dust, we know you’re stressed, we know you might be overwhelmed considering everything that happened, but despite all this we looked over the records of the two weeks we were gone, and frankly? You did fine. Kicking you out because even more stuff happened and you got overwhelmed felt unfair, especially-

“Why’d she send you?”

The emphasis on the last word did not go unnoticed.

>Well, for one, I can fly. Big deciding factor in this cloud based thing you’re doing. Second, I guess, I know you? I mean we know each other. Worked together and all that.

“But you’re not a Wonderbolt.”

>…not presently, true, but-

“So fuck off.”

What had been a gentle nudge was rapidly moving into official territory, with the unspoken addition of she could figure that out when she stopped moping.

>Okay look, I know you and I aren’t on the best of terms-

“I don’t care about that.”

>Oh… is it because I’m not a Princess? I totally get it, half my friends are princesses and frankly I should just be Princess of awesome anyway, but this is still pretty official. AJ’s just dealing with a lot and Celestia is too in addition to moping because her unofficial coltfriend-and we all know he was!-died, and oof you do not want to know how that’s hitting Twilight right now. Fluttershy apparently started a whole thing with smart animals and Rarity doesn’t know who you are, so… you know, kind of left me to find you. We’re being nice here, you backflipped out a window saying you quit, the breaking thing alone would be grounds for some note along the way if nothing else here! So you know…dust yourself off, ask for a week or two off if you need it, because holy hayburgers do I understand if you do, and just… get back to it? This is what you wanted! You’re the fastest rookie to captain, ever! Techically. I mean I don’t know how I… Nevermind, point is, we get it and we’re being nice here, you earned that much. Maybe not much more, but we’ll give you this. So, you know… what’cha say?


She hoped for an answer at all, really. Something besides painful, empty, silence.

>Okay look, I’m gonna be straight with you, I was halfway to just filling the order myself and kicking you to the curb. After the shit you pulled with me and your frankly worrying paranoid behavior, getting a lick in while you quit like that was so, so tempting. You don’t know how much I wanted to see it hit you later that you willingly gave up the best position ever because of a couple bad weeks. The worst weeks, I admit that. Weeks that would’ve put anyone, even me, thinking about an early retirement. Shoot, the fact you managed to wait until that point was downright impressive, I would’ve been thinking about jumping ship as soon as the world wasn’t a bubble. But for all the shit you did wrong, and it’s a lot, I know what it’s like for someone to kick you when you’re at your lowest. Spitfire knows it too, better than either of us, and the one thing she kept saying to me over and over was how much she just wished she got her second shot. One chance to prove she could handle it and it wasn’t doom and gloom. We kicked her while she was down, you kicked me at the bottom, and you know what? I’m ending that cycle. Here you are! At the bottom! Stressed to all ponyfeathers and about to give up your dream for some very understandable reason, but reasons you’re going to regret later. You’re at the bottom. But I’m not going to kick you now. Nope. Instead…

She reached out.

>I’ll carry you back up, if you want it. Wonderbolts need to stick together, past present and future. We need to have each others back when they hit the ground, so we can take to the skies again. What do you say?

The hoof hung there, untouched.

>… so that’s it, then? Don’t even want to try?

No matter how long she waited.

>Lightning Dust, the Wonderbolts-

“Nobody called me.”

Eventually, the hoof lowered to the ground.

“In all the Wonderbolts, all of them… I don’t have a single friend. They saved the world, and they didn’t need me. Nobody wanted me…”


Eventually, Dash took her place sitting beside her.

>Yeah, I… I have some experience there too. I still remember when I lost my job, and…

She had a lot to say there, but couldn’t find the words.

>That kind of sucks.

“I spent the whole time there doing everything right, making sure everything was perfect so nobody had any justifiable reason to get rid of me. If you and your little friends kicked me out, I figured at least I could get the world mad at you in exchange. I spent all my time making sure you couldn’t get rid of me…

There was a heaviness in her throat.

“I didn’t even wonder if I should make sure someone would miss me if I was gone.”

>…I know the feeling.


They sat there, watching the sun shine over an Equestria safe at last. Finally free of war and torment, hopefully for good this time. It had been a rough tenure, for the both of them. Both knew, sitting there, that the option to resume said tenure was on the table. None would question a brief breakdown being undone, it would be cruel to do so. Lightning Dust could return to her duties, perhaps even hailed as one of the best now that she’d weathered the heaviest of storms. Likewise, Dash was under no delusion she couldn’t simply take back her own position now that it had been abdicated. The Hero of Equestria, having learned her lesson, returned to the position she’d given up willingly with cheers at her back and a newfound sense of duty. She doubted even a Wonderbolt would stand in her way, or think themselves more deserving. She’d saved the world again, after all. And she was merely taking back what she’d given up.

Either of them, if they wanted, could return to that dream they’d held for all their lives. Either of them, if they wished, could be in charge once more. The final glory was right there, ready for the taking, if only they’d spread their wings and fly to it.

It was right there, for either of them.

“…You think Spitfire might want her old job back?”
Can’t hurt to ask
Think, uh, think that ship sailed.

>We just go down the Wonderbolts until we're out of them


Minutes later.

>Dang it

"And time for a MAN to take over!"

Hours later

"Dang it."

Thunderlane looks around.

~...am... Am I even a... Screw, it! LETS DO THIS-~

Seconds later

~Dang it.~
at least someone would be excited.
Talk about speeches though.
Loud, brief, to the point.
Not very descriptive though.

>I feel slightly unqualified for this position.
>Crystal Pegasi

>So, are we like, good now?

"I'm not that shit was awful."

>I mean yeah, no, it obviously wasn't a great time but are we done with the big things?

"How much bigger do we get than fighting GOD!? Like the actual one, this time! Not some chunky bit they hit each other with GALAXIES!"

>Sounds like we're topped out, yeah.

"Yep. So, uh... what next?"

>...reboot the whole thing with less interesting characters and a heavy empahsis on current day politics with current day technology and trends?

"I see this lasting a long time!"

>Whelp, we made it to the end, somehow.



"...so should we, I dunno, finally say our names?"

>Nobody cares.







~Will you idiots just admit you're sad he's gone?~

The mare currently getting her hooves rubbed had absolutely no care for this fooey, she had been in a happy zone having learned all sorts of new things about the biology of changeling Queens before they'd come in, huffing and puffing. She'd been with her beloved little Pervert, he'd been happy to see her and that made her all giddy in ways she was all too happy to admit, and then those two had entered and her whole vibe was ruined. Now she was going to have to end the world all over again to get her vibe back.

(I think they are, in their own way.)

~No they're not, they're moping about and telling themselves "Well now nobody will ever believe us when we say he's a jerk" or some nonsense, when in reality they're just upset that they never got a chance to say they were sorry because they know he'd have taken back to being their friend in a heartbeat. They missed their shot and they'd rather act all sulky than admit it.~



(Think that stung a bit.)

~Well they're idiots for waiting this long. Unlike me, I never wait to say what I want. Like stabbing someone in the eye, cutting them open, or asking them important questions that they should be asking because time is ticking and if you want to anchor these beautiful hooves down you need to hurry up.~

(Or if you want to keep hold of a certain someone you don't want to admit you just love.)

~That too.~

He looked at her. She looked at him.

(...so do you wanna ask first or should I ask first?)

~I do like being in charge, most of the time. However...~

While they smiled, the two friends beside them only sighed ever more.

>We were idiots.

"And assholes.

>And insecure.

"And failures in a lot of ways."

>And damn it...

"...we sucked as friends."

>You... you think he's gonna, I dunno.

"Seems like a no here."

>But if he does?

"...I'll buy every hyperspace hyperwar figure I can find."

Plans often fell apart, no matter how they wished them to come to fruition.

~So, your place or mine?~

Often reminding, to live in the moment.
Soooo everybody gettin' married?
Nobody to blame but themselves.
Everybody except the actual engaged guys..
Fate is a bitch
They get it best of all last!
I mean... options still there...
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I bring VA funded pony art!

I'm tempted to commission one that's just DT casting EXPLOOOOSION!
do it.
Oldie better Goldie meme wise.
Finally the government money put to good use.
Love it love it

Steal them ponk
I genuinely don’t know if Caddy should’ve been darkness considering Darkness talks a game but can’t ever actually go through with it when the time, or her being a goddess means Aqua fits
>It's just her pulling the trigger on tabble
>Spike tries to steal
>Nothing to grab
Oh my
>...I'll take YOUR VIRGINITY-


>Now see this is troubling for one
They don’t even have those.
Well not anymore!
>Crystal Pony

>...so we just missed all that shit, right?

"Did you not want that?"

>I mean... I like friends...
>Everyone BUT Shining in the CE Crew gets married
>They all have sex without him

We are cruel
But just gods.
They do fit either or.

>But at least I know they're happy, and..


>I have discovered I can't masturbate, I have no mouth and I must scream.
>Rainbolt Red

>Well everyone, we saved the day!


>And we got to showcase our power, defeating even a Titan, as a team!

'But you-'

>TEAM! And we got to fight on the battle to save the universe and even helped defeat the first Queen, ever!

~Even though that was mostly Chrysalis-~

>TEAM! We stand together as a victorious! TEAM! RAINBOLTS-

(And you got to find out your mom's name.)

>TOKU-wait what.


"...think you broke the things back there.

>Wait hold up what mom what.

'Did you not mention that?'




~That's right, we asked you to tell him her name, what the fight, dude!? How could you forget something like this!~

(Hey, yeah, we did ask you!)

'You were right there!'


>You didn't tell me about my MOM!?

"Well I mean uh... I... forgot the name she said?"



~What is wrong with you!?~

(Fucking! Blue!)

~...It's Cerealis, by the way. She saved you from the exploding thing. Yep. Queen Cerealis, that's your mom.~

>I finally know her name! And that she likes me! This is the best day! Fucking... Yellow, mare, she's the best.


"...So am I-"


Turned that one around.

Somewhere in a seemingly endless journey, the crunch of leaves had given way to the softer sounds of snow laden grass.

The figure who emerged from the forest did so on limping hooves, ones that moved so slowly as to turn what could've been a daunting if manageable walk into one that took what felt an eternity. Had it not been for the supplies on their back, the bitter cold of the nights that had passed would surely have been their end. An effective bit of survival gear, only the best of the best, had kept them moving and walking towards the end of their destination.

There, in the distance, it could at last grace weary eyes. If it had been real or a mirage of exhaustion and hunger, it would not have mattered. Steady, slow steps still carried on solid and sure, until at last the madness had either taken hold or it was indeed the sound of treated wood beneath those tired hooves. With every clopping step, the short stairs were gradually ascended and the bench could at last be claimed.

There was no train yet at this station, yet no worry wormed into a hardened heart. It would come, if only they could wait.

"Miss? Are you okay?"

Sour, yet slightly sad eyes turned to the mare behind the glass of the ticket station, their sight cloudy enough to barely make out the visible concern on their face. A bitterness welled in a tightened throat, yet it never made it out alongside a single rasping word.


The mare nodded and ducked back into her little room, no doubt to procure some form of supplies meant for this very situation. So close to those mountains in the distance, there was little doubt that said mare had been trained for hikers showing up worse for wear, especially in this inclement weather. There would be first aide kits and snacks soon enough, as if that would do anything to aide in what truly ailed the one she wished to help. If that poor mare had only known.

A tired head leaned back against the hard wood of the bench, rolling about with hair sticking from matted sweat and filth that could not be mentioned, the poor soul barely even realized that there had been a news stand next to her. Papers from across Equestria rested on the metal bars, some recent, some very old indeed, and one among them that caught glistening eyes.

Almost on instinct, the hoof reached out and snatched the newest of their number, still slightly warm from the side of a pony carrying a delivery bag it had rested in no doubt only minutes ago at the very most. News distribution had apparently turned quite rapid in these recent months. It was the only way to explain the front page, telling of events that had happened only very recently now resting here, in the middle of nowhere with nothing to see but a nice hiking trail. At least, that's what the ponies had thought. If only they knew of the civilization that had lived just out of sight, just over those cresting hills.

A civilization that might not be there anymore.


The front page told of a grand victory by the Heroes of Equestria, and those names were quite long indeed. Many a soul who had been there on the eve of the final battle, apparently called by friend or relative through some magic of Harmony. Fighting against Changeling Queens and rouge elements alike, eventually culminating with the two Princesses of Sun and Apples, freshly returned, challenging the highest for the fate of reality. It was a long tale to be certain, the entirety of the thick paper was almost entirely dedicated to it and the war just previous where the dead Queens had risen to take back the world. Page after page was flipped through, seemingly never ending, providing information unseen and unknown to any who had not been there, and the holder of that paper was very much included.

It was some time before the end of it all was finally reached. The victories, the spoils, the thanks to one and all, and a promise the next issue would contain one of a kind interviews with the Changeling Queens themselves.

The Hive Gazette was apparently well connected, it seems.

It was only on that last page that the footnotes were present. Short, brief little stories that were promised to be expanded on now that the fighting was done. Little events that had meant a lot to the rest of the world, yet simply could not compare to the grand spectacle that had befallen this world. Little more than a sentence dedicated to them, half of one at that most times. And buried in those crammed in single notes, barely visible unless one looked for it specifically, was a single blurb among them all. A single sentence, to say so much.

~Fawntaine Futuristics in shambles, with its factory destroyed and countries far and wide demanding answers for missing weapons!~

That was it. That was all it said. A whole lifetime of work now destroyed, and it wasn't even worth a whole two sentences. It didn't bother explaining what was destroyed or who exactly was angry. They didn't know the hanger where the mightiest weapons in all of Equestria had been built was now a smoldering ruin. They didn't know of a grand clash for who may stand atop a burning kingdom. They didn't even know, seemingly of the demise of what could have been the savior of the land.

They didn't know of the rubble, melted to scrap, laying on the mountainside.

Reputations shot thanks to a certain plan that stabbed allies in the back, the last anyone had seen was a hero flying past them as if none below mattered, never knowing what lied in the mind above it all. Every weapon destroyed by unkillable spirits, none now sure if they could be trusted at all, the capital needed to even start again now impossible thanks to the lack of any and all who might have considered coming for aide. Materials gone. Employees fleeing. Fear and distrust across the nation and into the others with it.

And, worst of all, their return.


A certain pair of princesses who hated the owner so, who now were untouchable in word and in praise thanks to their victory, no doubt ready to slander the last flickering candle of hope out. None would argue them, and none would deny them their decision to see the company that had vexed them so burned and the earth salted, if there was anything to remain to do so at all. They may as well simply step to the side, the other abandoned nations would see to its complete demise in litigation or fire soon enough. All the while, smiling, knowing their victory had been completed without a single raised hoof to be made. No laws, no legal battles, merely letting it all implode in on itself in that crucial moment by the actions of a single crazed soul. Likely said maddened fool had a backup somewhere, yet it was only for them to know, lost in the flame of defeat. No money, no power, nothing.

Fawntaine Futuristics, was about to end, if it had not ended already.


Only one thing remained to show of all of it.

"Do you want a drink?"

A burned hoof, still feeling the licks of flames that broken the impenetrable, shaking still with the shock of a grand fall and break, watched by eyes that had been so certain they had seen their end approaching.

Had it been cosmic luck, a change of fate, or perhaps a higher power that let them live long enough to take hold of that vitamin drink, never would they know.

"By the way..."

All they knew was that they had survived the impossible, both the explosion and the long walk to civilization.

"Your face looks familiar. Have you been in the papers?"

They had lived just long enough to raise the bottle.

"...I'm nobody important."

And toast to the foes of Pennydrop, and their final victory in the end

"Just another Earth Pony, wishing for power."
Oh shit, she’s not dead
This implying Chittagong saved her? Because… why
So she'll always remember, who saved her bacon.

Hopefully this means Penny finally gives up her white whale
Damn AJ destroyed her without even doing anything

>It's all ruined... I have nowhere to go... I guess I need to ki-



In a flash the mare was whisked away fast as lightning, so quick she could barely even blink before she knew it, and found herself in the middle of a gym room. She was not alone.


Her ex-associates, the mare she'd tried to explode, her most hated foe, someone she didn't know, and bizarrely enough an alicorn version of Shining Armor sat next to her in the round table seats.


The scooting sound of a chair drew her attention to the front, where eventually that damned princess Applejack finally set down her seat, turned it around, and sat down like the cool teacher when she regarded the group.

"So... ya' ruined yer' life tryin' for power..."
>You are REMARKABLY unexploded for someone who exploded.

Sunset stares at her.

We explode very little actual bodies
we’ve grown soft.
We must kill again to show our power.
I pick Rainshine to mess with Chitty
>Sooooo... who the fuck is that?


>Neat... why?

(You have no idea...)
She has suffered enough!
Rainshine knew what she was getting into

Made to explode
>Literally nobody knows who the fuck glimmer is
"Autumn Blaze'

>So, how far along are we on medical science?

"Good news! Our medical science on fire burns are second to none, for obvious reasons!"

>What about shrapnel?

"...Okay so the concept of rapidly shooting metal, which we barely use, into a body is.... lacking.'

>I want my goddamn big bug.
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call me and aqueous buck breaker cuz fuck water colors
I can’t imagine they’re great with radiation either
When you've had enough of this shit and need to be fancy drunk!
>this is my little teacup short and stout, I’m not quite drunk yet so get the fuck out
I applaud you for that one
So is that...

Applejack Daniels?
I think it came out fine
But it says so much with so little!

You can just feel the paperwork beneath her hooves!
That looks like cereal.

I relate.
Always good to try new things
You know what you did.
we all know.

>This is some BULLSHIT, I finally do good pony things and I DON'T GET TO BANG NO SHINY! I did everything right and all I want is a liiiiittle Shinybanging, not even like an all out thing, liiiitttle Shiny banging. Maybe even just call it a Shiny Tapping if it makes you feel better! All that buildup and WHAT DO I HAVE!?

"Howdy ya'll, Ah'm gettin' married!"

>...you absolutely have to be FUCKING KIDDING ME.

"Ah'... don't... know..."
Celly obviously. No bubblehorse to steal her away!
"Ain't like you got many other choices-"

>Ya'll could've had a happy marriage but ya' messed it up and ITS ALL YER FAULT!

"Applejack I just forgot to take out the trash it's not a big deal."


>Caddy can we still get married I don't wanna get shown up.


>...I mean not, like, right now.



"I'll think about it."

>Best I'm getting!... aw shucks I used to say that all the time this is gonna take foreeever...
She will never win
Never say never....
How time flies

>...so are they comin' back or what?

"I think they got tired of us."

>Oh... so is yer' brother...

"Probably fiiiiiiine, no reason they'd kill him for some kind of petty revenge, right?"


Nahhh, just leave him between dimensions because according to him that's fine

We can use THAT op!
Mother of god
After all this time… it returns…
Only on the hub

>...It's quiet...

"...too quiet..."

>...Oh no, what did he get into this time!?

"I told you we shouldn't have left him alone I TOLD YOU!"

>He's probably screaming at Luna right now and about to get executed!

"I told you!"

>I just wanted a coffee! I JUST WANTED A COFFEE!

"I TOOLLLD....."

>...Hey, uh, Starscream? Buddy? What'cha got there?


"Oh shit he said words."

>Plans for what?

~I realized where it all went wrong.~

"I forgot he can like, talk talk. He's not like, an invalid, he can just speak words, he just chooses to curse a lot instead."

>Went wrong where, big guy?

~They can't hear me.~

"Just say the word and I teleport him."

>To where?

"Out of time and space."


"It worked for the other guy!"

>Worked how!? What do you mean, worked!? What worked about-you know what, I'm ignoring that. Who can't hear you, Scream?

~They. The ones who aided in her escape.~

>...wait, who?

~Nightmare Moon. The Stars shall aide her in her escape...~

>...you know I'm just now realizing he might have a reason to be screaming. I figured it was just, like, a mental tick.

"Wait, didn't the poem literally say they would help her escape? And they did. So uh... what's the deal with that?"

>Literally never explained.

"Never explained!? How... but... the freaking stars came together and aided her escape and nobody questioned what that means!? Did they do it? Did harmony move them? Was there a time limit and they were just locks? This is the whole reason we're all here in the first place, the first big thing we ever fought in our lifetimes, and NOBODY questioned it!?"

>Guess not.

"...this whole time I was calling him the crazy one but I'm pretty sure now it's the rest of us that are crazy."

>Does seem like it. So uh... how you gonna help them hear you, exactly?

Smiling, the pony held up the rolled up paper he had been working on.

>...oh no.

Proudly showing plans... for his rocket.

"I'm... gonna see where this goes. See? We can all learn?"


~They will hear me scream.~

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