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Misty Brightdawn is the biggest poochie in the entire history of the mlp franchise.
>Worse than Glimmer.
>Forced, not even in the g5 movie.
>One-note, always sad and crying now.
>Promoting generalized anxiety disorder and schizophrenia as personality traits to children.
>Replacing Fluttershy in g6.
What else can I say? I hate her, she is also a blatant case of DEI mandate.
Bigger poochie than sunset how?
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Oh well lookie what we got here.
/MLP/'s favorite punching bag back for more.
I bet she's just a little whore who just loves all the attention she gets.
Well let's not keep her waiting, onto the regularly scheduled abuse and torture show.
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>Replacing Fluttershy in g6.
Misty is a straight upgrade. Fluttershit is terribly written with one-note episodes about her becoming more assertive over and over and over again. Hate g5 all you want, but Misty is at least better than piss horse.
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>Misty is a straight upgr-AAAAACK
...in Dumbsville.
The fuck you just say? I dare you to say that again right in front of her face.
Best keep your mouth shut less you wanna end up joining Misty on this thread.
Replaced sprote in the M6!
>The Fastest G5 thread
>The only G5 thread that produces OC
>All unified by our shared hatred of Misty
We won BIGLY.
You heard me, you're a shit stain on the franchise. You deserve to be mauled by an animal.
I love these
Fluttershy felt very forced, she has no chemistry with the group and sticks out as an eye sore and annoyance whenever she's on screen. Ironically she feels more poochie than Misty.
>"I sure hope my ears are acting funny today, because it would be a shame if I started hearing some ponies talking bad about my wife. Oh the things I would do to them if that were the case."
But enough about every version of Misty.
Not canon btw.
What is a poochie?
Die faggot.
Biggest forced general on the board.
Even discord had better writing than fluttershit.
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But enough about the Misty and /G5M/ threads.
The Misty thread is already dead.
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>G%ers countersignaling best waifu
pixelated edits are not oc, retard.
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>permanent character
>poochie is literally written out of the show and sent back to his home planet
no one here knows what the fuck a poochie is or even remotely uses the term correctly
Silence, Mistyrat.
If we use the definition in that pic we can just as easily say Sunny is a poochie as a permanent character made as an improvement over G4 which obviously backfired.
No, you should be shown for how pathetic you are. Filling up a thread with nothing but forced shitposting isn't content.
>Pretending to be dumb
Concession accepted.
Cope and seethe, POOCHIEstyrat,
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>Secondaries think this is worth a general.
Quiet poochie.
I hate the black ponies
You lose.
>People having fun instead of just bumping the threads with fanart
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These threads are the vast majority just strawman diarrhea-posting to get to bumplock. And then you tourists claim it's da fastest thread .
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anyways I used the official tell your tale toonboom rig to behead misty, sorta low effort but whatever
>T-that *sniff* doesn't count b-because... *sniff* because... i-it *whimper* j-just doesn't, o-okay? Crawl back to the actual forced /G5M/ thread. The only reason why it was created was because Misty leeches couldn't support their threads and invaded others.
Her farts stink
Well, yes, but that's also how Misty naturally smells.
>Offboard troon doesn't know how to greentext
she’s not that bad
>Broken record
...because she's actually worse.
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anotha one
dbshitposter exposed, you lost.
>He says /dbs/ as if it's a bad thing
>He also uses /dbs/ memes
DBSposting has a long and storied tradition is Misty threads, you know if you posted in them. It's ironic how Mistyhaters post in threads about Misty more than the people that claim to like her kekaroo.
sunset is less of a poochie than glimmer
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They should've replaced Misty with Posey. She's way better than poochie
Just keep it the M5.
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Yes, you're a bad thing. You don't like Faust, g4, G5, or pony. You only care for conflict using Misty as a vehicle for it, forced or artificial. So get the fuck off the board.
>You don't like Faust so you don't like ponies
Yawn. Next dumb argument, please.
shit generation with shitty fluttershy replacement
>Cucks Sunny from her MC position

Misty? Won btw
It's funny how these Fimfags act like Faust invented ponies or something. Sad creatures.
dbshitters in the archives already stated they wanted more war with g4fags and were disappointed it wasn't as good for shitpost fuel. You are a nigger.
>So butthurt he's stopped trying to argue and has just devolved to frothing at the mouth
>Misty replaces Sunny
>It is a known fact that black and brown things, whether they be inanimate objects like toys or animals like puppies, don't sell
>Generation dies
Though I will give Misty credit for one thing: she killed the generation fast enough before they had a chance to canonize all those horrible story elements from the leaks. I'm at least thankful for that.
As someone who never watched any of that G5 shit besides the first movie, I have a question: While I’m sure that Misty was a horrible character, so was everypony else. What was so uniquely bad about her?

And correct me if there’s any misunderstandings here, but wasn’t a character like Misty necessary? They were clearly just trying to recreate the Mane Six, and every one of them had a parallel originally besides Fluttershy. Similarly, just like the original Mane Six, we had two of every species, besides a second Unicorn.

I have a feeling that with the Unicorn role being determined to be an outcast in the movie’s story, cutting out the second one made sense for that movie. But I assumed that they always intended for a character like Misty to exist. I literally said to myself when I saw the movie “Shouldn’t there be a Unicorn with a personality like Fluttershy’s?”

So, can someone explain to me the problem? Again, I HATE G5, so I’m not defending anything in it. This is merely a question of why Misty is considered uniquely bad.
She was an ok character as the goofy Opaline's minion. Even if a shy unicorn could've fit in, Misty was somewhat daring and creative as Opaline's minion. Once she was part of the main cast, she became a full crying cunt and her character started rambling around. One day, she represented the empathy element, another she was the heir of all ancient Equestrian magic for no fucking reason (even when Sunny and Zipp were the most interested in it), and another she was just straightforwardly depressive and schizophrenic, contrasting with her resilient prior personality.
Nobody actually hates Misty here. It's all a meme. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. So if they truly hated her they wouldn't be here.
>Nobody actually hates Misty here
Can you kindly fuck off? I hate Misty because there was no fucking reason she was chosen to be in the ancient Equestrian magic room when Zipp was the most interested in.
>Were you built to be a detective and magic researcher? Too bad, the schizo nigger-coded needs protagonism.
>Doesn't deny it, switches to diversion tactics
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Posey should've worked with Opaline.
You wouldn't treat a traitor with indifference.
The last thread was fun, but now it’s just edgy memes.
Either or if only it ends with Posey bucking Misty into next year
It's just a ratnest for g5 hate.
Speak for yourself.
If Misty has one million haters, I'm one of them
If Misty has five haters, I'm one of them
If Misty has one hater, I am that hater
If Misty has no haters, I am no longer alive
If the world is with Misty, I am against the world
Till my last breath, I will find Misty utterly deplorable
I remember a time when we all loved Misty, which was Pre-S2 of TyT
M*sty is hated on in her hate thread.
Who asked?
Speak for yourself, faggot. I've hated Misty since CH4.
>Literally said that /dbs/posting and Misty threads are intertwined
>duurrr you dedn't deny et
No, I don't remember that because it didn't happen.
Basically a fanfic where someone self-inserts themselves as an OC and makes them friends with cast. Not only is she a bad character but dragged down everyone else.
Mwah, I love you sunny bunny
You feel that passion inside don't you anons. Deep down you really care for her. This is how it feels to love.
i hated rebirth misty for some time, but ended up liking her
Personally, I’ve developed a Misty hate fetish, because so many of the ways I’ve seen her get abused in writings her and fan art turns me on. I’ve already came to the idea of the bullies from the G6 leak discovering that she’s Black-coded and purchasing her as a slave (which Misty hadn’t been aware was legal on campgrounds, but now can never be undone). They’d subject her to all kinds of sexual abuse and humiliation.

So, yeah, I do love her abuse even though I still can’t say I hate her like the rest of you do. I’m still down for it.
Your terms are acceptable. Next thread will include "abuse" in the subject.
>Cries about abuse of cozy
If by passion you mean smoldering hatred, sure?
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Thank you.

Hey, it all makes sense when you think about it. I believe that Cozy Glow was allowed to abuse anypony she wanted and that there was nothing wrong with it at all. Of course abusing her in return is pure fucking EVIL!!! It teaches non-abusive people to abuse in return. If Misty ever abuses anypony, she’ll need to be destroyed just as much as the evil, evil “heroes” of Season 9.
Speaking of the “zigger” thing, does anyone else agree that the “Black” ponies in G5 (Misty and that other one with white spots) are likely part-Zebra? That would explain how races can still exist in MLP and how Misty could legally become a slave in the new reboot. I imagine even 1% Zebra DNA makes them legally property of ponies.
I swear that Sprout was meant to join the m5 and got replaced by Misty. Just look at the video game's ending that came out before the show
>In less than 24 hours we managed to surpass the week old /G5M/ thread
WE DID IT, BROS! Not only did we show our powerlevel but we also proved everything postive that involves that subpony withers and dies.
Sure, do whatever headcanon you want. There is a an 80% chance it will be better than what the hacks Hasbro had writing for them could come up with.
fuck you
i love you still
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
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i lovv u though
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Anyone that likes Misty is an enemy and will be stomped out like the insects they are. No mercy.
You are pathetic.
Misty didn't get any bonus this year coming to an end.
But enough about Misty.
What the hell is it with Sunnyfag and the G5M thread? I just wanted to post gilf mares and no names there.
Just make your own thread. Is you IP range-banned from posting images?
>because it didn't happen.

Bullshit. Pre-Betrayal Misty was tolerable, and people liked her as Opaline's daughter
I think tolerable and likable are not synonims. I'd personally agree on the tolerable thing. Didn't like her much back then, tho. She used to have so much spotlight trying to abduct Sparky (I hate that dragon too)
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>Over one hundred posts in one day
Nope. That's just revisionist history.
Misty isn't as hated then, she was there but she wasn't annoyingly terrible posy Opaline.

I was there, Misty was, to the greatest extent, liked by then.
It's not a sunnyfag, its a dbshitter
No she wasn't. People were complaining about Misty as early as when she first appeared in the goddamned cliff hanger of the first special.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with the fact that no one likes Misty lol.
You're full of shit, Misty was so loved that '''''''people''''' complained about how many threads she had in the early episodes.

Not the same as being hated, she wasn't hated as much as now pre-Opaline defeat.
>More historical revisionism
People saw her hair style and immediately pegged her as the Negro pony. You couldn't even mention her without someone bringing it up.
She was hated long before that.
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this is not the bizarro-/mlp/ thread
The ponycorn episode is everything I hate about Misty
M*sty has a Sunnyfag hater.
>Misty isn't as hated then
*Misty hadn't been as hated back then
Then she became part of the main cast, changing her personality into a annoying always crying character that happened to have too much screentime crying. On the top of that, she took away the possibility Zipp or Sunny would inherit ancient Equestrian magic.
So she *is hated now.
In CH2?
She was always annoying.
What if Cozy Glow met Misty and pretended to be all innocent as she revealed her birth certificate, pretending that Misty must’ve misplaced it and that she found it for her. But in actuality, she was just doing it to publicly reveal that Misty is a zigger to everypony, resulting in her immediate enslavement.
It's kinda hilarious this board had little or none resistant to accept Misty is black just in order to have yet another way to insult and abuse her.
>Opaline's retarded slave who steals things is black
Their words, not mine
What if Cozy was forgotten forever? That would be more funny.
I would kneel (on Misty's neck).
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i love you my little sunnyflag poster
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>"Hi Anon!"
>"Want to make Misty seethe with jealousy?"
Do you want to bite Misty's neck iykwim?
did the sunnyflag poster kill themselves after i posted
he died under the weight of Pigg

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