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Tamers12345 is dropping his last mlp video soon. His G5 crossover underperformed so badly he went back to making Sonic Underground videos.
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>t...two more weeks til tamers mlp is over I s...swear
14 years and cartoon horses are still making /co/ seethe
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He already said he is gonna be doing both at the same time.
C'est en faisant n'importe quoi qu'on devient n'importe qui.
Return of the king
>g5 kills ponies again
they are a menace
people are missing the
part, it might mean MLP christmas episode then SU episode
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>g5 kills literal shiteaters again
they are a blessing
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Didn't tamers literally kill G5 and coincide with Hasbro shares dropping through the floor
lol your generation is dead
It's over for tamercels?
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So, how long will this run last before he inevitably puts higher priority on ponies again after realizing there’s no audience overlap between both series?
SU wins again unsurprisingly. MLP will get the Christmas episode (which will underperform) and SU will get record numbers when all the ponyfags realize how much better SU is. This will mark the end of MLP and the permanent return of SU.
Never because he's not giving favoritism to any of his work. He treats them equally. Like a Chinese parent.
SU is his love project
Pony is just his way towards fame and money
>Chinese parent.
You say it as if Chinese parents don't put their sons above their daughters.
G5!!!!!! You monster!!!
Right, SU would be the so since it's literally for boys and MLP is the daughter since it's literally for girls.
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>Plot twist: Hasbro actually sent Tamers an C&D and Tamers has reverted back to SU and is gonna ghost MLP fans asking when's the next new MLP vid.
Cool fanfic bro.
>No actual date
>no Season
>Not even a coming soon
You insist that SU will have any of what was making mlp popular: The art, the writing, the much more continuous plot.

You should really take a look into reality from how he choose to draw the Bartelby silhouette, SU will return to form to keep it distinct and unchanged, while pony stays the way he's been running it: Season based, plot focused and long video times.

Picture it more like how it's been: SU will be videos averaging 10 to 20 mins+ on average, longest and movies being just barely passing 30, pony will be 20 to 30 mins average per episode, movies spanning 1 hour.

The honest reason fact is SU will return so Tamers can get started on working with MLP S2 after Christmas. It's been growingly evident MLP takes a bit longer production wise on average.
enjoy your half-assed Thanksgiving episode
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Keep seething.
>caps lock instead of holding shift
>has instead of have
the ESL is painful, slav or jeet?
says the guy creaming himself over an outline and a vague promise of one (1) video in the next 365 days
You were delusional once and had the chance to learn for several months after coping about not getting any of your so called guaranteed tradition episodes.

He stated long ago that when pony Season 1 was done SU would return, we are approaching the holiday special and final movie of the season. This is the promise he has kept and was always going to.
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This image implies SU is gonna suck MLP's big ________
Check how many spaces that is anon, count them
I started with MLP and then I went back and watched his sonic underground stuff. I love both dearly and will watch either of them, day of release, w/o fail.
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use the correct image next time florafucker
I prefer MLP but was introduced to SU first by a wide margin, I treat tamers like a TV show. He's the weekly watch so it's on release or the day after or I've got no other ongoing shows
>Not using Bartelby or tamers himself
Absolute retards
I'll give his new SU stuff a chance but the old stuff just isn't my speed. I really like the way he writes pony specifically, and if some of that bleeds over I'll be happy but otherwise I'll skip it.
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>hooking ponyfucking retards onto his content so when he goes back to SU, they'll still watch it
>some will complain but eventually they'll learn to love bartleby
the man's a genius
You gotta watch it until you get it. Once you do, the new stuff will be even funnier to you
Go G5 (woke by design we all know who gm berrow voted for) go broke
given view counts, that is one of the most illigical statements you've said to date. IF it were true the count difference in bare minimum the last 3 would be at least close or even with any of the pony vids which just isn't the case. If it has no pony certain people will in fact just not watch
daily reminder that the More Than a Night ending alone has outperformed any SU video released in the last 2 years
>you gotta watch it til you get it
uhhhhhhh, nah
Tamers is the only new pony content I've watched since the movie in 2017, sorry wrestlefag. I watch more wrestling content than pony content but that's mostly because Wrestling Bios is a fucking content machine
hahaha, WOOOO!! yeah!
He said it himself, ponies were just to increase his sub count. People aren't just going to unsubscribe. After 16 pony videos in a row, people will continue to watch just because it's Tamers. You lost, ponyfag. But I'm sure by now you don't care, seeing as you've been losing since you decided to start jerking off to cartoon horses over a decade ago. What a fucking faggot you are.
I don't feel like a loser, I only get told I'm one by someone who's been arguing on a board about something he hates for over a week
as I've said I saw some SU first but saw no reason to actively look for the videos so unless a friend put them on I wasn't as interested. When MLP dropped and said friend showed it to me I was far more interested and actually started looking because the quality jump was intense and the quality kept going up.

SU is good but MLP was great, from start of an episode to the ED there are virtually no low points even if the episode's mains tory isn't one of the ones I was actually interested. I can say this because I binged 90% of the channel on repeat for several weeks and SU has more lows or overly repetitive jokes that wouldn't be so bad if they weren't back to back either one episode after the other or more than once in a short span during a single episode. The plot of SU is also often less interesting to go through till actual arcs start and even then they end up sorta side tracked too often.

Not even Sonic's big moment with that fight against the Russian was played totally straight even compared to the Soarin v Big Mac battle.
He literally none of that. He just said that Pony was doing better and that during the crossover SU was the weaker half even by his own omission.

I'm sorry your creator literally found more fans and decided to give MLP superior treatment but he'd tell you not to be a faggot about it all the same
holy /co/mblr invasion
First off, not reading your essay long explanation about how pony farts are better than the love of Bardonic.

>Soarin v Big Mac battle
You're a big fag, aren't you.
we all knew they were here and waiting. Gonna be twice as funny when the view count doesn't really change
>not reading
you can just admit you're illiterate mr. namefag.
>Hating the ship Tamers12345 liked enough to even collab for and give the Bartelby vid treatment
I see you aren't actually a fan, just a disingenuous faggot
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>bronies really believe tamers is on their side
is it really so wrong to enjoy the idea of sucking mare farts out of a ponut?
>seething this hard over Tamers getting another interest
You proved that you didn't deserve halloween, thanksgiving, or chrismas, bet you aren't even on his patreon. I remember when you faggots got upset you could no longer have your names in the credits for free
he's absolutely right, which is impressive for someone who supposedly wasn't here for MMC, EQG, Glimmer, creaturequestria, and season 9
>I see you aren't actually a fan
I've been watching Tamers since the battle with the boys movie, so I'm more of a bigger fan than you horse fuckers. But okay, Enjoy your last MLP vid before it enters its hiatus while SU gets the spotlight back. Ejaculate to your hearts content.
What I meant to say is I've been throating cock for 3 days straight and its starting to hurt, what do I do?
>Since battle of the boys'
so you aren't a real fan, got it, just some late hop on who wants to act like a bigshot when you aren't even a fart in the wind. A retard till the end
Just like your mother.
Is what your mom read while I was banging her.
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>More than 365 days of leeway to make true of the statement
MLP as a cartoon flopped with bad ratings. The only thing that cultivated was an ONLINE dedicated fanbase and not the public Hasbro wanted in the first place.
god I love giant mares
kinda crazy to think that there's an outside chance the fandom made more money than the cartoon, between art commissions, conventions, fan merch etc
There isn't an outside chance, it's a guaranteed statement of fact. Because Hasbro wasn't willing to lean into the brony audience they castrated themselves financially. Hasbro has a history of not making what their audience wants. It's why later seasons of EQG surpass FIM, because Hasbro had clamped down on FIM and killed almost all possibility of creativity. Meanwhile, the writers and artists for EQG, largely abandoned by Hasbro, were free to cater to the brony audience, and more.
>/co/ seething about tiny equines again
I guess these threads are good for more than just reaction images. Here's hoping you fags spend the next year coping that the next video will definitely be non-pony while I just keep collecting pictures of cute mares.
Tamers has brought a really interesting group of really retarded tourists here. I mean look at this namefag >>41752566 asking something like that on /mlp/ of all places.
>barbieshit mentioned
i hate barbieshit but it unironically boosted hasbro toy sales which is what they wanted since the start.
I think GOH is a good idea that was too late implemented but they also over expected their demand.
And yet even then, Hasbro's unwillingness to spend money to make money cost them a tidy sum that they could have gotten if they stopped following the American business model and started making figures like they do in Japan and China.
imagine if Hasbro let Olyfactory or a similar plush manufacturer make life sizes at the height of the fandom, literal money printer
So you do admit into being a manchild. Lol you're all more retarded.
I pull six figures and this fandom makes me feel poor, I think you're barking up the wrong tree with "manchild" friendo
You still watch a show meant for little girls.
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yeah but I get paid big money when I do it. How does it make you feel that you'll never be as successful as a bunch of "manchildren"
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You still watch a show meant for little girls, bro.
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>cartoon reaction image
I got bad news for you bud
So is yours
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You're a tranny? I already figured.
Literally by any definition not a flop. Yes it sucked in the end, but it did not flop. It was flagship show and got tons of merch.
if you're going to post selfies please do it on /soc/
>Tamers12345 is dropping his last mlp video soon
Based, finally this shit is over
The scale is so different that its hard to compare. Hasbro was taking in around a billion throughout 2014-16 in global sales. the amount of money trading hands betewen bronies is harder to tell, and there are also less of us. I see the relationship between the two economies as having been symbiotic
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Anyone saying the Christmas ep will be his last MLP video is getting their hopes up.
>SU art quality isn't making the mlp jump
I feel we are gonna end up seeing where the higher art effort goes
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>there’s no audience overlap between both series?
Speak for yourself. i enjoy both his SU and MLP videos.
same, but I pretend to only like one or the other in these threads to stir up conflict.
He's quite right, the overlap is near non existent as has been shown through sheer numbers, some people will watch both, most won't stick around or will only be around when it's pony vids
No shit? Fuck me, I thought you were from /co/mbler, but with every post it's becoming clearer the place you need to go back to is reddit.
Yeah yeah, why don't you go put on your gay little pink dress and throw yourself a tea party with your little plushies of your horse 'waifus'.
I thought the G5 episode was the funniest mlp vid he's made. I've never seen G5 but his version of the characters were pretty good and honestly I want to see them more than the G4 cast a little bit. Maybe just because G4 parodies are a little played out.
The dresses go on the plushies, not me, dumbass.
>G5 improves tamers
>G5 removes tamers
I fucking kneel
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Based, pics?
I wouldn’t say that (bowling exists) but it did feature some of his cutest pony designs so far
I hope more mares get unshorn fetlocks or at least distinct hooves
a sonic underground fan has no right to shittalk anyone for having waifus
I feel like this guy work motivated me a lot to get more invested to make pony art, I even got a drawing tablet to make shit. Why could it be?
Can confirm his G5 video was the only time I laughed. He should just drop the playschool cats.
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This guy really blurs the line between artist and autist.
no episode this week
it's so over ponybros.......
He scrapped the MLP christmas special so he can premiere the perfect SU christmas special he's ever made.
Hes prob gonna switch back again when he starts making... whatever the other stuff is. aint no body watching that
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I love this one
>bad ratings.
No one gives a shit about what a couple hundred mentally ill 4channers think about the show.
This. Bronies are only loyal to ponies. Countless creators have tried moving on from ponies and have found that the audience that supported them didn't blindly follow. If Tamers is expecting to grow his SU channel off the back of ponies he's going to be in for a rude awakening.
I keep seeing tamers' hands as twintails for some reason and it makes him look cute.
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>kiwitrannies still seething about Tamers having more success with his pony videos
I can't tell if this video aged poorly, or if it's actually aging perfectly with how the G5 episode is falling short.
Thread is full of /co/
Will you ever stop dilating?
G4 is never coming back, so you suck Tamers dick just so you can see more of your horse girlfriends.
bro I liked the G5 episode, I just think it's funny that tridashie made an episode where flawless kills G5 only for tamers to use G5 himself.
literally who?
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Now go back
>no episode today
Over Its
He's putting extra effort in to make the Pinkiedash scenes as cute as possible so it's coming tomorrow.
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Even with that goofy mustache mouth how does he manage to always make Rainbow Dash look so hot
she looks like a sexy bitch you would want to hatefuck. I bet Pinkie will try and rape her in the new episode.
Fuck I wish. Then this fotm shit would finally pass.
>Delayed by a day
I have a feeling this episode is going to be a real good one if Tamers feels the need to spend a little more time on it.
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I don't want to see Izzy ever again unless she's being abused while making cute faces.
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His holiday specials are always kino
>christmas episode
I would've preferred an SU christmas special. I wanted Bardonic to save christmas, not Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
>haven't seen Flora since July
I'm going to kill myself. Trixie just isn't the same.
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I didn't ask?
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Flora and Trixie really aren't that similar besides their shared colors. Unless Flora is going to end up growing a pair and acting more assertive like Trixie.
i adore this image
You are brown.
me too
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This is my favorite tamers fanart
Put a buttplug in it, nobody also asked for your opinion. And that's the bottom line, cause I said so. YEAH.
kill yourself namefag
Fuckkkk yessssssssss
I really liked that one anons idea about an entire episode of just nurse redheart giving ponies therapy.
>mustache mouth
Kim Possible put the bar very high for me, i see fat lips, big fat lips, like the incredibox ones
Good let's hope he stops making mlp content permanently so his discord stops spamming his slop here.
>Delayed because plastering fx over a video is hard
We can finally see how much of a hack he is
>everyone I don't like is a kiwitranny or carlos
Tamers discord shills have weak memes
based. Tamers is trying to groom kids on youtube by lying and not marking his videos as adult.
Some anon could just make his own Nurse Redheart spin-off series set in the Tamer's mlp universe.
Spineless nigger.
But his videos aren't adult.
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It would make for a pretty good filler episode and I certainly wouldn’t object to more nurse cake.
what is in the horse feed
This is just anthro you furnigger.
If Tamers got a C&D then that means Carlos won.
Lying tamers shill. You're probably Hebrew.
Didn't you call Carlos a "tamers shill discord meme"?
Are you showing your hand now?
Was this not you?
>has the archive ready
Huh, almost like tamers shills are very organized to defend and shill him on 4chan.
So did Carlos win? Did tamers get a C&D from Hasbro? Or is he giving up because shilling doesn't make his content good?
Wow, tamers fans are very organized to have an archive ready like that. Almost like the sharty pretended to faildox him to paint him as a victim, to get bronies to support him, while they are the ones shilling him here.
Do you know how easy it is to just type in "desuarchive" into Google and then search "carlos"?
You and the Sharty (probably one and the same) lost, by the way
It's accurate.
Projecting what?
I'm winning because I get to see funny pony cartoons and I'm going to see Sonic Underground again soon, while you cry and moan about people liking something you don't and try to get it banned, but alas, you are completely powerless.
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Sorry you aren't saying anything. Have a good night, fellow brony!
Typical spineless shartynigger, see you in like an hour when someone else posts about Tamers, you find it in the archives and then shit yourself over it.
>more projection
Sorry bro you're like an energy vampire. If you spent as much time shilling tamers as making good content then I'd probably like tamers.
Wow I highballed when I said I'd see you in an hour
Tamers is excellent at comedy but his drama sucks ass. He keeps trying to introduce serious romance/drama into this series and it just doesn't work. He needs to stop that shit.
Tamers is excellent at drama but his comedy sucks ass. He keeps trying to introduce shitty fart jokes into this series and it just doesn't work. He needs to stop that shit.
You jest, but the shit and fart jokes are exactly why his videos are popular. That kind of childish and crude humor meshes with MLP very well.
Thank Celestia
Why people from this board fellate a scat fetishist so hard is beyond me
We used to deride this type of (literal) shit
well i wanted another trixie episode and with sunset again but we cant have it all
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I kind of agree but I think it works sometimes. Trixie and Twilight have worked pretty well so far even if I don't really like the direction Twilight's character is going in. The princest plot is still pretty fresh but I like what's there so far, and pinkiedash has also been pretty good. The Soarin, Braeburn, and Big Mac plot was also going pretty well until the S&B movie even if the hot pot episode was a bit rough imo. The recent G5 episode was pretty weak though. Probably because it tried to pack a lot of drama into one episode. I think Tamers might be having some trouble with the expectations for his new videos. People have been praising him as the savior of mlp so I think he feels like he needs to deliver on these impactful character moments each episode. Which is much different from how he went about making the SU episodes, where characters had a lot more time to develop slowly in between the more comedy focused episodes. And you can see more of that in his earlier mlp episodes as well. Pinkie and Dash roller-skating is a pretty good example of this I think. It's just one moment where they look at each other in a video almost entirely focused on comedy.
>the paragraphs of analysis over low quality fetish slop have returned
>it's low quality fetish slop because I say so!
What is with the lack of spines around here?
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Honestly even though people don't like them as characters I think it only really works with braeburn soarin and big mac The three were like this melodramatic gay drama sideplot which made it weird and unique in comparison to Tamers other work and it was always the B plot. But then he started pairing up the main six and shipping twilight/trixie rainbow/pinkie, applejack/rarity, celestia/luna. Which granted, people may like these ones better but everythings already been done with the 3 stallions (incest, age difference, love triangle, homophobia, bdsm, assault, alicorn/magic drama) Theres not really any more unique forms of shipping that can be done.
Mate, I haven't posted. Did someone else make a good post-chain or something?

Lets go counting.

1 post slightly above you with a single full paragraph

A second post most of the way up the thread talking about su and responding to 2 people.

And lastly a 4 line post.

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Quit being passive-aggressive.
I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I can understand why people enjoyed their story, but to me it just ended up feeling kind of messy and not in a good way. I especially disagree with the idea that the stallions have exhausted any possible good drama that may come from the other ships. Even if the circumstances end up being similar, the focus should be on how each character reacts to the scenario they're in. Which is part of the reason why I didn't like the stallions' story, I just don't think they are very interesting as individuals.
wait a minute, where is that second interview?
Considering he's been busy with the Christmas episode and he will be busy with the return of SU, and also considering that he's basically doing the interview himself and only getting questions fed to him from that faggot Spec, it'll probably be a while
>making stuff for views
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The vitriolic hatred for braeburn on /mlp/ is really funny. It's like a mirror image of how Angel Dust from Hazbin is talked about on /co/ to the point that if Tamers was any bigger I truly think we would be getting half hour long documentories on youtube about how Tamers is "romanticizing abuse" and "Braeburn is poor representation"
There's a way that gay guys fall in love with women that i sense heavy in how he draws izzy. Its so beautiful.
So you admit tranners shit is just hazbin hotel with a thin pony skin?
Sorry, I'm (and most people are) not gay. I can tolerate lesbians, but fags are too much.
what if Im not gay but I have this fantasy where I wear an anon suit and control your plushie so it pleasures you, is that ok?
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Fun fact: Just as Stinky was actually in the background of every Sonic Underground video, Wallflower Blush was also in the background of every MLP video Tamers has made!
anybody else find it really funny that the antitamers guy uses the Babs flag of all fucking things
He used someone else at the start but I don't remember who, it might have been Twilight?
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Carlos used Trixie because he was too stupid to realize how obvious that decision was.
anime ed's tamers really should do (but he wont)

1) tobira no mukou e (fma)
2) blood teller (mirai nikki)
3) jama wa sasenai (slayers next)
4) dango daikozoku (clannad)
5) motteke sailor fuku (lucky star)
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I was on ponytown last night and was playing with other Braeburns when 2 other sliterally dressed as Lyra and BonBon started going off on the Braeburn's about this exact thing
It's not that they're "poor representation", it's that they're incredibly accurate with impossible endings. In Braeburn's case, there is genuinely no way that anyone involved is getting a happy ending, but the forced happy ending Tamers made retroactively makes all of the violence, abuse, trauma, and psychological damage seem "good" since all of it led the three of them to that "happy ending".

There's a massive disconnect on both sides of the aisle because Tamers, for whatever reason, let them end on a positive note (unless he chooses to do more with them later). Ironically, both pro- and anti-gay parties despise the three-way for the exact same reasons, but they aren't willing to reconcile that they have something in agreement. For example, for pro-gays, the happy ending undermines the serious work needed for overcoming familial, social, and spousal abuse; for anti-gays, the happy ending justifies their distaste for homosexuality because (from the outside looking in) gays LOVE being horribly abused and constantly need that drama and suffering just to thrive. Both sides want to see all of that abuse gone, and both use the happy ending to validate their feelings, but the dramatically different conclusions derived from it is why we haven't had any serious discussion in weeks. No one seems to be aware of the disconnect, or at least not enough people.

Perhaps Tamers is a genius and wanted to make everyone make fools of themselves by making a happy ending happen out of nowhere? Or perhaps Tamers is oblivious as to what that happy ending actually entailed? It doesn't matter, I guess. No one wants to be honest these days. They just want to be "right"... whatever that means.
>both pro- and anti-gay parties despise the three-way
I like it which means your claim is debunked
I hope it never happens; fuck spec
Rainbow Dash got those DSLs.
Does Pinkie have a marecock then?
that just means you're retarded
>but the forced happy ending Tamers made retroactively makes all of the violence, abuse, trauma, and psychological damage seem "good" since all of it led the three of them to that "happy ending".
to me, the point of all that is that you have to fucking move on and get over it
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>couldn't sleep because I got drunk and went to bed too early
>now I have to wait 9 hours until I am graced with Tamerskino once again
Time to break out the brandy and egg nog, maybe I'll also down that can of Steel Reserve I saved from last night to start. Also hot dogs.
Gather around anons, in this bittersweet times some threads are slower (particularly in vg) because people have social lifes n shit, lets gather around the tamers animation this day to warm our souls
He started releasing episodes right around the time there were rumors that G5 was getting canned.
It looks like they're going on a trip. I hope we get to see the Pie family in this special, especially Marble.
What is this COPE? Tamers already confirmed he will make more G% stories focusing on Sprout. The dogs are here to stay and will have more focus than Spike will ever get KEK
He is autistic. Its like trying to force Chris Chan to stop wearing Sonichu accessories
He already said sonic underground never left for him because he blasts sonic underground in the background all the time, the only ones that suck it are his SU fans while he reaps pony fame
Thats why MLP will never replace SU. Even if it only have 1 viewer Tamers is too autistic to stop promoting the show. I think he just additionally cought the brony bug and now also obsess in MLP lore. Im pretty sure he already watched entire of FiM and G5 but larps as someone who doesnt watch the show
In tamers videos Pinkie was abandoned by her parents so her siblings either don't exist or she doesn't know them
Premiere’s up
I fucking knew it would being a PinkieDash/Soarburn double date episode
Bronytamersbros... this is our 9/11...
Rarity... Fluttershy... My Black Kween...
Never destined to have a dedicated episode ever again
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Wow I literally do not care anymore lmao but at least now my afternoon is freed up!
gay episode let's gooo
>manehattan wasn't actually destroyed
tamers you HACK
wow new episode smd its a christmas one. I really ho
>it has the fags in it
glad he used that as a thumbnail
ill wait until after its aired and scrub through any fag scenes so i dont get sick eating while watching
gay stallion episode let's goooooooooooooooooooooo
well at least i know i can easily watch this one AFTER the premiere
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>/mlp/ mistakenly assumes Twilight is the main characters just cause she' the main character of the cartoon
>When Soarin and Bartleby are clearly the Sonic and Bartleby of mlp
>Arguably the main characters
>People get mad when half of the videos are about the central figures (Bartleby and Soarin)
Make it make sense
>When Soarin and Bartleby are clearly the Sonic and Bartleby of mlp
How dare you besmirch the good name of Bardonic by comparing them to these weak fags.
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These are all me btw
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thank you tamers. it's nice that we can respect each other even if I hate gay (male) ponies.
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>robbed of another kino featuring rarity, chrysalis, cadance or virtually anypony else
>pick the boring fags whose arc already ended
they are going to fight again....
>another movie
Hour long YESSSSSS
This just tells me S&B was made as bad as it was on purpose.
It's gonna be another bait and switch like the last video. Screencap this
It's probably going to involve most, if not all, of the characters. Soarburn and Pinkiedash are just going to be paired up together.
All you're saying is tranners only knows how to be a one trick pony.
GIGAChad Tamers doesn't take shit from chuds
>yfw it's actually another bait and switch premiere
>Tamers somehow brings in G1
The video description clearly states it's mostly going to be about Pinkiedash and Soarburn, unless it's another bait and switch. That said, it sounds like the former's more important than the latter, so I think people should chill out a bit.
I just hope its fun
last episode was a ok but lacked something
It was another Generation introductory episode
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>we're about to see 2 more weeks of /mlp/ crying and shitting about gay horses
Couldn't have made it more obvious you're an offboarder.
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I'm not, now what?
It's a Christmas Special, of COURSE it's gonna have a lot more ponies than just these four. We might even get an update on what Trixie's been up to. Also
>MLP The Movie
Yeah this is gonna be comfy as fuck, just look at what he did for last year's special. He made the whole SU cast look cute, that should've been impossible.
Don't care not watching this homoslop
>implying the entire SU cast isn't normally cute
that episode was bad
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>yfw it's actually another bait and switch and it's a SU episode
kek gottem
it's tamers using ponies to skin his OCs
Spineless nigger rears his ugly head again.
He posted previews of the episode. Obviously not.
>new episode
>reee homo tranny episode! dropped, ignored, unsubbed!
>fucking homo tranny psyoping gaslighting propaganda!
>new episode
>reee commie jewish chemtrails genocide!
>fucking reee squared! angery_copyspaghetti.rtf.doc
>new episode...
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>its a secret crossover episode
Has 2snacks come back from Hololive hell yet? I need more 2 Best Sisters Play.
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I wonder if people realize that the ONLY reason they're going to show up again is because he's going to show their relationship falling apart. Tamers isn't the kind of person that just keeps characters in stasis. They're probably miserable and Braeburn has been secretly going behind his back cause his two inches can't satisfy his inner slut.
start up the cytube watchalong
I'm going to miss the premiere
I like S&B but we already got a satisfying conclusion. Do we really need more of them? Hopefully it's a small cameo and the movie focuses on Pinkie and Rainbow Dash.
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Whattaya eatan/drinkan for the premiere /mlp/?
Diet Dr Pepper
Egg nog and brandy and Santitas chips, also have some cherry sours on standby.
You bitch
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>Reminder that Tamers audience is predominantly woman now
>Reminder that Tamers doesn't make this content for you
>Reminder you are the minority
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I hate braeburn so much it's unreal. Not because he's gay, but because he's an insufferable unfaithful drama queen that Tamers doesn'thavethe guts to adequately punish.
>eating anything while watching a Tamers video
I know better not to.
his entire farm got burned into the ground and twilight forced him to relive abuse through soarin, wtf else do you want?
What the fuck is this, a furry?
It was pretty obvious from the start it was intended for women when the show is nothing but gay abusive drama.
Lying spineless nigger
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I'm curling my toes in anticipation, why can't time go faster? I'm about to fucking burst.
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Is gonna be a Mi>nty kind of Christmas~
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For soarin and big mac to both decide that their lives would be better without that little shit. He's toxic.
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Dep lre as always
My Little Pony is a show for little girls
gay horses
Gay horse show
>Big Mac is there
Soarburnbros I don't feel so good...
They are VERY cute together.
It's happening!
This is already better than S&B
these fucking whores
Truthful courageous hu-white
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>pie x dash, derpy and faggot horses
I fucking love derpy
pinkie is too based for this gay world
Trixie isn't the Flora of this series, it's Derpy
you ever just share a toilet with a bro?
Derpy is so fucking goddamn cute, my god!
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>mfw retards and faggots
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my beautiful retard
This might be the funniest episode he's ever made
big mac x derpy
someone make a fucking gif of that RIGHT NOW. You know what.
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Cute cute cute
Both of them
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Derpy is literally me
this is kinda gay
>its another braeburn sorain and big mac episode
>"When is Sonic Un
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surprise twilight sparkle
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>The news reporter has massive teats
This episode has been pretty mid so far, he shouldn't have gotten my hopes up by calling it a movie.
Is this another brony eceleb song?
shit just got 20% gayer
Are you kidding? This is eaisly the best episode since DoTS, it's hilarious
This is a million times better than S&B so far no question
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I need Derpy headbanging.
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Nice one eared cat, faggot.
Derpy is fleecing everyone right now.
I need Derpy
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>I keep missing Tamers releases
>There's no cytube watching it
Thread is kinda comfy to be fair, but sometimes it's fun to see chat freak out when something unexpected happens.
why cant these gay horses just be normal
Holy fuck i actually got chills
Yeah, legit intense. Tamers is such a king.
evil soarin still exists
thats it?
Rate the eepisode
>less than one hour
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What the FUCK
I was prepared for a hour+ video. He called it a movie!
>what is rewatch stream
7/10, a solid showing. That cloak is going to haunt me tonight.
>SoarinxBraexMac hinted at
>PonkxDash stuff
>DashxDerpy hinting
Hell yeah
I loved it actually; it's what S&B should have been
cytu be bootlegmlprewatch
4/10 bait with fag horses that people would endure for longer to get to the real content, except it wasn't a movie.
ok that last clip got me good
>the movie
Best parts were Derpy and anytime the faggots weren't on screen
10/10 will watch again
gay horses are here to stay
Honestly 6/10
the fags really drag things down
I want to cum inside and impregnate the mares/10
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I enjoyed it. I give it a 8/10.
my pants are full of shit
rather dogs than fags/10
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7/10. Solid.
Some drama, some faggotry, full comfy. Plus plot hook for more episodes and shipping hints.
9.8 out of 10, I felt like the newsreporter Mommy bit went on for too long but that was great
im always right
>More g5 ponies
I'd say 5-6/10. It was decent but felt too slice of life for me (fitting for a christmas episode, but stil) and it wasn't as funny as some other episodes. The bowling episode + DoTS are still the best
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god this fruity twink is so fucking hot
I need a scene that explicitly shows that Braeburn, Soarin, and Big Mac have all fucked.
10. Fucking hillarious and scary.
cant believe it but id rather see more g5 being bullied than gay stallions
3/10, went way too long on some bits
Best episode he's ever done around Braeburn and Soarin. Loved the Soarin/Big Mac teases, derpy, MOMMY, dashie/pinke, the hood at the end actually jumpscared me since I had it on fullscreen
Tamers always calls his Christmas specials movies even though they're 30-40 minutes long. They're specials, like in between normal epsiodes and big movie events
Very divisive episode. I think people are really feeling the fag fatigue
>all these faggots complaining about gay stallions in the series made about gay stallions by a guy that ships two gay hedgehogs in his other series
I need the Shining+Cadence+Chryssy threesome episode.
Tamers had G3, G4 and G5 ponies interact seamlessly in one episode. That's actually kinda impressive.
it was pretty ok. I was hoping for more pinkiedash but the stallions were still pretty funny and occasionally cute. Braeburn continues to be my least favorite character though, and the musical performance was a huge waste of time. I would have loved it if Soarin's hallucination was actually real but PTSD could still be interesting. It might not be just PTSD actually because I don't know what exactly was going on with Soarin in the everfree with the eyes staring at him. It's keeping me interested in their story when I thought I would be totally out of it.
10/10, big mac entering in & closing on the door, big mac humping soarin in a loop, derpy flying into a pool of shit, there are so many good jokes throughout this episode
excuse me but the series started with mares being gay, not stallions, the bwst episodes involve mares and barely any stallions
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Tamers makes some of the gayest shit I have ever seen in my life.
turned it off when it was fags being fags
Pretty good, 7/10. Romance needs to be implied now instead of continuously focusing on it. We just had the Braeburn + Soarin movie so they don't need to be so verbose about their feelings anymore, but they don't shut up about it sometimes.

Otherwise I liked it.
DoTS really was the peak and everything else just going down
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And it's fucking kino.
Bartleby is NOT a hedgehog you fuck.
Definitely up there as one of my favorites, Big Mac thrusting into Soarin on national tv and granny smith still denying that anybody in her family is gay was hilarious

the song in this episode
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maybe he ain't talking about Bartleby
Whats the context of the mobile game that has big mac emoting like crazy?
The models look too good for the shit gameloft makes
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5/10. It being called a movie really didn't do it any favors, also after S&B I'm just not really jiving with the Soarburn stuff anymore. That whole ship turned out to be a rare miss for Tamers after that forced happy ending. Other than that the teases we got at the end were legitimately intriguing (and also pants-shittingly horrifying), the post credits scene and Big Mac and Soarin "fucking" got a good laugh out of me, and I want more Derpy in my life. I just hope that Tamers goes back to SU next because the pony fatigue is getting to me.
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ponka was so adorable in this episode
Kek. That post credit scene was hilarious.
its not even that i dislike the stallions being faggots, shinning was one and the episode was hilarious
the problem is that the fags that are always being focused on are: boring, bitch a lot and waste way too much screen time reminding you how gay they are
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I need Derpy headbang gif.
Reminded me a lot of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nll1F_zd9RU
Setting up a new arc I see.
So, any new thoughts on which one is the pedophile?
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Say something nice about our heroes.
Is tamer's mlp series a shojou series I need to know. Or well has at least a lot of shojou elements.
Starsong 100%. Toola Roola just has a piss fetish.
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best retard
Can I post the Big Mac/Soarin news clip or would I be banned? It's not sex but will the mods mistake it as such like all of ponyville did?
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Did it get you?
it got me just a little bit
Does anyone know the song from the forest scene?
yeah the top right of my head tensed up hard
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That caught me by surprise, legit scared me.
This bit where Soarin' suddenly was bleeding in the middle of a forest was weird too.
Any loremasters got any clues on what it might have been?
Full agree.
Only reason I wouldn't rate this ep above an
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Two stallions taking a piss.
It's the same credits song from the Twilight Commits Arson episode
The Big Mac costume is possessed by an evil spirit that haunts Soarin. That's why Braeburn found it outside the closet,
It's the same as the ending credits song for the arson episode. Likely another teaser that the evil book will come into play again.
>the thud after Big Mac unzips
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Cute, the Soarburn art in the ending was inspired by fan mail he got
I don't know how Tamers did it but it was unsettling/uncanny enough and just dark enough, and just on screen long enough to actually get me. Whether it was Tamers intention or not you're left with a false sense of security after the magical forest scene where it jumps back into reality, so you don't expect the weird shit to keep going. Unironically good horror writing
It should be fine maybe, nothing on the episode is red board worthy
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Maybe Flawless is involved? The mind control spell had Twilight share minds with Soarin. So maybe a part of Flawless is inside Soarin now.
Just read Braeburned
who the fuck is shivey
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Pretty fucking good, actually. Best episode since DoTS. Would be a 9 if the events of S&B actually felt like they would naturally lead into this episode. Amazing how a solid episode involving the gay horses could have been made after that shitshow.
There was a demon in the book and suddenly this becomes black clover
the costume seems to be cursed/possessed in some way
probably some residual fucked up thing about his time as an alicorn/the spell
it might have something to do with flawless too, mostly because there are no leads on anything else yet as far as i know
another thing might be that soarin is actually having schizo delusions and nothing that happened in the episode is real, the only real part being the forest scene
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>purple eyes
>cute smile
Tamers Soarin is so hot!
Bardonic is great because its funny and Bartleby is awesome. Braeburn and Soarin have too much melodrama surrounding their ship, it becomes tiring watching them keep fucking up their own relationship. I don't care about them and how they want to fuck big mac. It's retarded and keeps happening, Tamers should focus on better characters
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I liked it.
>soarin is actually having schizo delusions and nothing that happened in the episode is real, the only real part being the forest scene
This is what I thought was happening at first. It would have been kino if this was the case, but I don't think it is. Soarin seems used to it based on his reaction, and the fact that we can see the other characters watching Soarin have his episode makes it unlikely that their world is the fake one.
I can't tell if Big Mac is intentionally egging him on or not. The scene where they come out of the bathroom together and Big Mac is comforting Soarin about his small dick size makes me sus
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Wing boners before gta 6 is crazy
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>Soarin: I want to learn how to love you since we're family
Did Soarin forget what Big Mac does to family?
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Did you just take a photo of your computer monitor?
Can't watch it right now but Tamers almost always hits hard with his holiday specials so i'm sure it'll be good.
TV :3
That faggot coltcuddler knew what he said
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Fuck off whorse, it gives his picture soul. Like he's taking a picture of his monitor and the year is 2002
>the movie
>it a regular episode lenght
I feel betrayed
Thank you half full glass (optimist) enjoyer
Thank you!
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>"so tie my love in a tight tight knot~"
Could still call it a short film so sure it can be a movie
what's the rewatch stream again?
was getting some 'za
The fuck is 'za.
Use the English language that Queen Elizabeth gifted the world.
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You pony bitches are spoiled
Damn it's almost as if Tamers likes drawing the ponies more.
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Less stallions and more mares please desu
That would be pretty sweet.
Maybe Twilight could be possessed in some fashion? She's in need of a real fall and redemption.
We've already got the show for that.
>tamers likes this
>tamers hates that
Bitch, are you Tamers? If so, post a pic and timestamp to prove it. You aren't? Then stop speaking on his behalf retard.
Somebody post Starsongs feet
You alright schizo-kun?
Take meds pls.
He's already said that drawing ponies is way more fun for him, see his interview.
The only thing that mad bitch brought to this shithole rock we call home is suppression of anti-colonialism and the myth that decolonisation was a planned process.
>the fabric of the right eye looking like it's crying
what does it mean?
can't, she's anthro in that shot
also i don't want to because it's not sleet's feet so i don't care
Anti-colonialism should be made to fuck off. The Brits did nothing wrong by trying to tame savages.
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I''l take the hit for you, brother.
I remember him saying it was easier to draw ponies cause of no fingers but I don't remember him saying they were more fun to draw. If you timestamp the interview where he says that then i'll happily concede and apologize.
Pony is pony
More stallions and less mares please.
Careful anon, it sounds like you havent had your daily dose of bull semen today
Derpinkie is endgame
Just hit 1K

Also how many of you read those news captions? Fun lore and Jokes Also 0% unicorn crime
When did I say otherwise? The purpose was to educate some anons that tamers has titled a lot of shorter videos as movies before
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not canon and gay
Uhh, yeah, that's totally a woman. I'm a woman too, and so is my boyfriend.
My heroes, they always save the day
Wait what is Bartleby then?
Some bullshit 99.9999% of tamera fans give 0 shits about
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if it wasn't for his promise to return to SU, this could have felt real bad
He's a mink
I just can't care about the gay men. Maybe I should just stop donating?
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this was the best part of the episode
>I just can't care about the gay men
Why not?
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Why is this guy literally me?
>maybe i should stop donating
What the fuck were you expecting when you donated, you pillock.
Soarin in his old man glasses and sweater is so fucking cute I'm gonna die.
It's just not interesting or relatable to me.

I was donating in 2019 in response to battle with the boys...

It was still fun to watch and felt like it's gonna set up more of S2's big arcs. So far we have:
>Trixie's return with Luna
>Flawless looming
>Phantom pain soarin/Sexmac
>Big Mac x Soarin
>Whatever is happening with the CMC
>whatever is going on with the bug and wedding couple

We also will have a derpy arc as she is now the newest main cast side member.

I feel the funniest joke is either the final one where Breaburn manages to hospitalize Soarin or one of the Derpy moments. That one final joke was probably their best showing in all their relationship honestly
I almost considered watching this in VR with a Trixie avatar but I'll hold on that till the actual Trixie return episode/movie.
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On the topic of the money, what's gonna happen if the probable(60% margin of error) mass unsub to his patreon happens? Yes, this is a real question rather than a dooming thing, because while we all know he enjoys drawing both and always planned to return to SU after MLP was done as he said many times, what exactly are the odds that the funds start affecting the SU quality and length?

I have had a visual of the fact pony's art quality and writing jumped higher and higher from total SU to Tamers having to plan out plots and forcing respect on their time enough to not clutter anyone movie and even doing whole ass hour long ones as a consequence of Patreon money turning into MLP quality funding. Logically said overdraft of funding should leak into SU but if it suddenly dips hard enough what's gonna happen to the average lengths and SU money used to fund his ability to solely rely on weekly vids to keep up pace?
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This is what I'm supposed to be entertained by? At least Bardonic had class and kept it private from the world. This is distasteful, hedonistic, and fueled solely from a position of repressed hormonal urges. Tamers' life must have gone downhill from the wholesome representation Bartleby and Sonic provided us.
The ride will never end
Is this what the faggot kids call, "concern trolling"?
Battle With the Boys portrayed Bartleby fucking Sonic's ass by a simple .png of a tent moving with loud grunting and slapping sounds. That's funny while also respecting their privacy. There is no respect here. There is no humor here. Yet you're so brain-rotted you think that -I'm- the problem, when I'm the only one who realizes that something's wrong with Tamers if he doesn't realize his own degrading.
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I enjoy gay horses
Oh god it's the anti-faggot guy again, please stop.
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I need her to violently rape me
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But they're not fucking, they're fighting.
She wouldn't touch you, she's obviously meant for findom.
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Here are all the news stories that roll by on screen for anyone curious, because they're funny as hell
Not an argument, so I accept your concession. Hopefully you'll also get the mental help you need since all you can do is call people names without voicing a logical argument.
>l-love isn't logical
This isn't love that we're seeing, which means you should be able to logic your way through justifying it, fetishist.
its too bad this will be the last episode until half of 2025
biggest laugh in the episode for me
Listen, retard, they aren't actually fucking there, they're fighting, and the manipulative media edited it to look like they're fucking, so enough with the retardation.
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it's not going to be soarin, just the spirit of hate in the big mac suit.
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Her consent is not important. She WILL violently rape me if she knows what's good for her.
That's funny, because when Braeburn totally get covered in Big Mac's ejaculate when trying to fellate the pocky sticks that Big Mac and Soarin were presenting to him (it was just a gay man dogwhistle mayonnaise) that scene got Tamers in trouble. But now it's okay, because it's totally NOT gay penetrative sex, it was just what it looks like and what everyone wanted it to be? Hmm. Interesting mental gymnastics you've got there, fetishist.
God tier. Tamers delivers absolute gold again. The Thrack song was a high point for me.
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What were the creepy voices saying when Soarin' showed the spell book in this scene?
Pretty sure this book is related to that weird forest scene and the creepy haunted Big Mac suit.
Next you're going to tell me that Freddie actually thinks that Coolsville sucks, fake news libtard
Schizo Soarin with green goblin-esque hood which he talks to would be pretty based
Now you're changing the subject because you missed the point. If you want to represent the gay community, I would encourage you to become more intelligent first. So far, you've only made fags seem both fanatical and retarded, on top of being gay.
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I just realized the marking on the book is the same as the one on Braeburn's femboy sweater. It's all connected
I feel like if Tamers commits to it he could pull off some legit creepy shit. Also I noticed that this is the second plot thread across MLP and SU that involves possession of some kind (the Big Mac cloak in MLP and Ms. Prettybottom in SU). I can't wait to see how both play out.
>doesn't hit her girlfriend
>Makes tender love to her gf and last longer than even their god
>Had her gf screaming into the night sky
>Did it in front of the corpse of their love spawn
>Left such a positive impression that her gf is a nicer person to even her friends

>Beats on Rainbow and then lies
>Beats on the people she tells said lies
>Shuns Derpy (literal crime that should get the death penilty)
>Reruins Derpy's eyes on purpose after fixing them by accident
>Bands Pegasi's wings

Big Mac
>Growing as a stallion
>Always the bigger man these days
>Will stop at nothing to help his cousn's lover
>Didn't even freak out in their one fight for chrismas and held back on the Big mac Punches
>Didn't tweak out when watching them kiss
>Gave his blessing
It's official Pinkie is just the worst friend, she is right to feel threated by the Mighty and beautiful Derpy.

I just noticed it but every important relationship so far has a 3rd person involved: [Big Mac x Soarin x breaburn], [Trixie x Twilight x Sunset], [Dash x Pinkie x Derpy], [Chrysalis x Shining x Cadence] it's weird honestly. Who will be the 3rd for Rarity and apple jack or Sweetie and Scootaloo?
It's part of why I find this so boring it's just forced conflict that doesn't need to exist because tamers can't come up with a better plot point than third wheel causes conflict it's all so tiresome
Can you please put on a name and//or trip so we can block you
>[Trixie x Twilight x Sunset]
This isn't a thing though, at least not yet.
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The most interesting part to me is the eyes, meaning that there are at least 8 other figures here. Also it's not just a scenery transition, but Soarin's clothes change as well + the blood. Meaning this is a completely other instance and makes me question if anything in this episode is real, or if it's all just in Soarin's head and the real Soarin is somewhere else.
Cept Derpy doesn't do shit to instigate, Pinkie did and has been since day one. We have no clue what Sunset will do and the bug has made no actual moves yet, hell she has been nice to cadence in person.

The only times where the 3rd is an issue is the gays and...well actually just them so far. Pinkie was always an asshole, so her acting like a bitch isn't really all that surprising for the episode given G5 gave the info that she is territorial on top of having a dislike of Derpy since the crossover
It's already set in stone as Tamers has laid for the ED where Twilight reaches for both Trixie and Sunset's hooves. The Entire ED was focused on all 3
Sorry. I was generally angry when i sent that
Another difference between you and I: I subject myself to something that I don't agree with so I can articulate why I don't agree with it. You have a hissy-fit and demand that other people don't invade your safe-space so you can never be invalidated.
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I hope Twilight is the victim next.
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>When the music starts
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You really need a woman, G.
at least 6 eyes are covered by those in his movie(7 if you want to count celestia) but the 8th and 7th are unknown implying he's perceiving more than just some old grudges possibly unless his mind was actually demonizing those in the room, the news duo and piss x pedo make 8 with twilight included, so the question is what 8 are most important.

The 6 from the movie are Twilight, Pinkie, Brea, Big, Aj, and Spitfire.
Derpy is gonna steal RD from Pinkie through the power of being a retard that isn't a completely awful person*. *despite the fact that she started boasting about how much better she was than everybody when they gave her even a modicum of sympathy She really is MLP's Flora.
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Ignoring all the complaints about gay shit I would actually be fine if Tamers focused on these 4 as the main characters of his mlp series instead of Twilight and the main six. Let trixie come back and have her special and let her be with Twilight. But these four work so naturally together and since Braeburn/Soarin and Pinkie/Rainbow are set in stone pairs, it feels less like shippy shinanigans and more like a weird adult friend group where everybodies a loser but they all have vastly different bank accounts so they being losers differently
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could be tied to soarin's christmas wish, "i wish i could go outside without everybody watching and taking pictures of me."
I'm guessing either Soarin is still in the ball or Twilight's magic permanently traumatized him to where he doesn't know if anything is real or not and the big mac cloak is him slowly figuring out that it's probably not real and he just ignores it.
Sounds like garbage from the CW like dawsons creek or gilmore girls
I do wanna see more of them together, I hope the ending is implying more stuff with them in the future
>Braeburn wants a kid
That kid's gonna get abused and molested his whole life.
she can't be MLP's flora because she is genuinely retarded instead of the only (mostly) sane person in the entire series being turned insane
i miss flora
i miss mindy
i miss sonia
i miss aleena
>i miss mindy
Mindy might be a retarded whore but she is one of the nicer characters in SU.
I only miss the third and fourth
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dashy was literally dressed just like mindy you fucking moron
i ONLY miss flora
and knuckles
and bartleby
and aleena
and manic
and chuck
well i miss a few of them what of it
>1 of 3 shots of starsong cannot be posted in /mlp/ because anthro TAMERS PLEASE YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS
post them on co/
Sweet jesus, Soarin really is just going to be the most tragic character Tamers ever wrote.
Imagine Tamers drawing Big Mac brutally penetrating Soarin frame by frame in ms paint. This frames are still sitting on his computer and everything. His family doesn't know he's drawing this.
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I'm pretty sure the illusion is gone now as we have had more than one episode where much more of the world is shown and as the news shows celestia's power was in fact contested and being questioned to this day. Then there's derpy who wasn't even in there.

The illusion was only able to be held by twilight and still needed ponies for him to actually touch like how Big mac was in place of Breaburn. It's more than likely proximity to the book and her perceived giving up of the powers, he can't just give them away as Celestia said originally that a spell needed to be done to actually undo the link.

A larger theory is that it's Flawless: She's still alive and now attached more to Twilight possibly like a mental parasite since she's hiding from Luna and Soarin is still tethered to twilight's mind slightly. Celestia herself said it back in the movie: Soarin can't be fixed, it's implied to be beyond her as well since she was just gonna seal him away(she said she did seals on plants 7 times specifically in the past, Soarin would have been the 8th in this case); it's possible Flawless is trying to use Soarin as a medium to attain alicorn powers and a new physical from since he last one was destroyed. In theory, she's trying to manipulate him to flare up his latent magic while drawing on the book and her mother to come back several times stronger than she was since before she couldn't actually face the alicorns.

There's also a note that he was doing fine till recent and only recently Twilight has been in his area combined with the book being a slightly recent grab, he didn't say when they picked it back up but it likely happened after he gave up the power since it's still covered in ash
tamers is actually a 50 year old rich gay man irl and uses some neighborhood kid to pretend to be tamers to deflect suspicions
Imagine he showed up in like 10 episodes it's revealed he really was sent to pluto and this was all in his head and he makes his grand return as NIghtmare Pluto
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SU sisters....
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Am I crazy or is the pony interviewing Granny Smith using the DK Rap voice?
The lack of mother/mother/daughter incest porn with these three is disturbing.
I absolutely disagree. Having these 2 couples together will just lead to more cute relationship moments, which can be nice, but I don't think it's what the story needs right now. Tamers should focus on fleshing out the cast as individuals so he has more material to work with in future episodes when they all come together. The most exciting thing in this episode for me was Soarin's weird forest moment and the Big Mac outfit because it might actually give Soarin something to work with that doesn't involve his relationship with Braeburn. Besides that, it would be boring to focus on the same 4 characters over and over again when Tamers has the entire MLP cast to work with. If tamers really plans on working on MLP videos for as long as he can, then reusing the same 4 characters would only increase the risk of the series becoming stale and formulaic.
My most concerning thing is why Twilight looked so pissed after he went back to normal
He said in the live chat prior that he’ll be alternating between SU and MLP for 2025, so we’ll see plenty of both for the coming year, don’t worry.

He probably should have just done that to begin with, but I digress.
Well anon, Flawless is mostly only Trixie sexual, she hates her other mom and is now only with her because cool mom(and aunt) are too close to the one person who could actually feel her presence. I still think that's the entire reason she's hiding within Twi honestly

You'd have to ask someone like art anon. One anon said he was gonna try to do marecock edits of those movie frames like the ponut edit for the maid Luna during the film, he never returned. Can't forget there was also the fact that while Flawless was popular 80% of the people who even drew her fan art had no fucking clue what she was from to being with as even Tamers found out as several of them knew nothing about where she came from
What weirds me out is that the cloak shouldn't even be there since it represents something they've moved past, seemingly changes form and pops up in places it shouldn't be even though the cloak itself was hand made by Braeburn and itself was never magical.

The book itself could be fucking with the cloak though.
She's hungry Anon, before Soarin started tweaking out she was already upset and asking about food. Not to mention she's still angry at dash for fucking up her hair and trying to bail. her anger is already known as to why
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>mfw I have to wait 4 weeks for each new mlp video
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Soarin is the true main character
>like the ponut edit for the maid Luna during the film
Where do I find this
Every time Tamers puts out an episode I relapse and masturbate to cartoon horses again
Nah this was kinda smart, making a bunch of MLP episodes allowed him to hook a new audience, since he knew the SU people would come scrambling back anyway when he starts putting out those episodes as well. Now the people who are hooked on the MLP stuff won't be as turned off by SU being trickled in as well because they'll be used to Tamer's style.
It wasn't magical originally but it also wasn't a coat originally, when Soarin left it was all he had with him and much like his horn and his chains it was likely affected by the same dark forces. The fact Celestia couldn't just depower him and similarly with Flawless couldn't just erase the issue, its likely that while he says he gave up the power he unknowingly is still taping into it via the negativity. Earlier he was frustrated with Chess and was willing to lash out a big mac as well as be the one to attack, he's more violent than he used to be and still not being fully honest.

Those emotions and the stress are likely forcing the magic to go somewhere but since he's trying to refuse them, it's all going to the one thing he associates with that time the most: Capmac. His disillusionment is likely that magic reaching it's tipping point and leaking back to him
tamers pony x danganronpa crossover when?
Schizorin is the main antagonist, Trixie is the main hero, Derpy is the main side character

Celestia is the final boss
we've been over how that isn't the case anon, the number don't lie with how even in the gap periods Su vides haven't been actually climbing to match meaning people aren't double dipping and some are only watching the pony ones but not touching the SU
If tamers actually makes all soarin's experiences just a schizo delusion I will kneel through the earth and into the sun.
>Braeburn finally farted
Made it an instant 10/10 for me, lol.
I dont know if I can take so much suffering on my favorite stallion.
The Ace Attorney X MLP crossovers are still my most favorite fanworks but if Tamers does an entire Danganronpa crossover arc that will top it for sure. The Tamersverse would make it work since the justifications to have ponies killing each other is way easier.

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