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Literally me
admit it. you're the creator
Why is Dash blushing?
>Literally me
I believe you're a janitor but that's as far as it goes
Where are the ponies? What the fuck is this retarded garbage?
The new janitor, soon to be molester.
What was the point of that?
anon, humanization of ponies existed even before of equestria girls
I'm willing to bet that the humanization of ponies is older than he is
i really should have notifications on for their channel
theirs is some of my favorite recent work from the fandom
reading that after writing it makes me realize i sound like a massive shill lel
Anon is so hot, even as a janny
The point is that Rainbow is so damn arrogant that she can't stand someone new in her proximity NOT knowing of her feats.
>no hooves
overrated? he is pretty unknow to be that
Did you make this, OP?
He's pretty shit is what he is. Back when he was doing pony instead of /co/faggotry anons here would fawn over how comfy it is, but it was always shit
What is trans about this, faggot, I hate trannies. No one has ever cared about humanized, see kanashiipanda
Hey Janny, since you're itt, can you stop being a faggot and delete the eqg shit threads while you're at it? Thanks

This animation is very cute, thanks for sharing!
no but he can delete your post instead
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Do you guys prefer the colorful skin of EQG or more natural skin tones?
i like EQG ones
these feel just right desu
The skin tone never really bothered me with the EQG designs, it was more their freakish proportions. The skin tone can look good. The recent AI maud thread, much as I hate barbies and wish they were confined to one thread, did look pretty appealing from a no hooves perspective. Seeing them as full humanized is too great a departure from the show for me to really like, I'd rather just a pony version in that case.
>Luna is tan
>Celestia is pale
what animation style is this?
it looks like a "lazy" version of boiling lines
i keep forgetting that word
Is anon canoically attractive? because I understand ponies having interest in a human regardess of his looks, but teen girls interested in a janitor?
KidWizard absolutely posts here.
And /an/.

I like his stuff, even if he does >no hooves.
Natural skin tone, as long as they're all white. Jap niggers fucked it up as usual.
Yes. Jokes aside it's
Pony > humanized FiM > pony-colored humanized FiM > humanized EqG > EqG
for me, so anything you do is great.
Hasbro using the pony colors for the skintones was a great decision because it stopped women and blacks from attaching themselves to whatever character had the misfortune of being the token black. I like the natural skintones they gave in the Kotobukiya figures, the special editions they made using the EQG colors didn't look as good as the regular ones, but if it's to stick to EQG's artstyle, it doesn't work, the designs use too much of the pony designs to work with human skintones
why does his pony vids attract less views? they appear good enough quality to be 20k views at least.
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Why are those highschool girls hitting on a guy clearly on his mid 20s?
That's just what they do.

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