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Winter Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41646078
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first for gib /hhh/ invites pl0x
What is /hhh/?
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can somepony make Armenian Cory into a stallion? I think he really has potential here to be a husbando to one of you lucky fags.
mare cocks > stallions
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Homo Horse Hangout, a dicksword circlejerk more isolationist than the DPRK.
Consider: feminine stallions being topped by hung mares.
>Consider: feminine stallions being topped by hung mares.
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A superior form of taste.
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Interesting, I had no idea this existed.
Who's the artist
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>new jedayskyvoker comic page
I think this is my breaking point with this artist. The decline into degeneracy this dude's been doing for the past few years has been awful and downright depressing to watch, but I think this has finally done it for me. I didn't want to hate the comic from the outset (the prettyboy stallion is pretty attractive), but once the plot of the thing itself was revealed and got underway, I knew it was going to be the end of it all. And it has been. And it sucks because he used to be one of my favorite stallion/gay artists, but with the overuse of shading, the overly fetish-y latex and bondage, and now a string of gross subject matter (don't even get me started on that vinyl comic), I just can't do it anymore. Debating on filtering him at this point. And I mean, I know nobody cares about my thoughts on this, but goddamn it man, I just have to vent it out somewhere. It didn't need to be like this.

TL;DR: it is what it is
I really liked his earliest stuff but didn't care for basically any of it from the moment he started doing comics at all (or the stubble on all his horses). But then I'm very vanilla and dislike most fetishes.
I want hitch to make me his bitch
>not enough anons interested in stallions
It's a refined taste.
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I can appreciate stubble if its done well, but it's too easy to make it look ugly bastard-tier
Thanks man
this artist's little comics are based. he should make more
>a dicksword circlejerk more isolationist than the DPRK
I swear half if not the majority of the staff on there aren't even horsefuckers either, let alone the majority of the people that talk there
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>implying that isn't already what I clop to
>implying I haven't shot plenty of ropes to that exact picture
The times are tough, stallion friends we need to post more.
Also Merry horsemas!
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I hope you guys asked Santa for some stallions under the tree.
Hot cocoa with stallion
I asked for a stallion under ME!
Oh my
Fa la la la la
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merr chrismas
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Merry Christmas stallionbros!
All I want for Hearth's Warming is for an artist to draw my fetishes without sliding into extreme and disgusting levels of them. Just once!
What are your fetishes?
The only real way to make sure an artist doesn't go too far is to draw it yourself. I guess you know what your new year's resolution can be.
Is it gay if I want to suck on a stallion's candy cane?
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He's a pretty boy.
Ah the wonders of Equestrian healthcare.
Please help me doctor Dick!
Felt. Maybe you just have to draw or write it yourself though..
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if only I had gotten big mac for christmas...
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I would let him fuck me the whole day. Doctor's orders.
Stallions belong in the kitchen
Mmmm that apple is ripe and juicy.

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