Hey there /mlp/ You guys are my new masters! I will grant all of you exactly one wish each. However, there is a catch. The last two numbers of your digits will determine your wishes' success. Make your wishes carefully!
genie blowjob
I wish every single dogspammer, barbielover, fetishist and furfag hiding in this fandom died from brain cancer.
>>41796502Would there be anyone left?
>>41796491Whoa! Good digits my good man! Wish Granted! You have infinite mares! However, Only one of them is a stallion
>>41796482>The last two numbers of your digits will determine your wishes' success.Hah, I know this trick.I wish to NOT immigrate to Equestria!
>>41796482I want every MLP anon to go to their personal version of Equestria they'd like the most
>>41796502oof! Bad luck on them digits my sir. Your Wish is granted! However, It's YOU who will die of Brain cancer
>>41796482I wish for sweetie belle to sit her plump little ass on my face
>>41796512Damn, I've been outsmarted. Wish Granted! You WILL be transported to Equestria. However, you will be transported there by car. Buckle up, it will be a long drive.
>>41796517A noble wish, unfortunately, them digits are holding you back. Your wish is granted, but every Anon will go to SOMEONE ELSE's version of Equestria
>>41796482>Quadruple student debt every four years>Remove every glimmernigger's sense of smell>Your freedom, genie
Alright genie? You'll grant my wishes? Well alright then. Here's mine.I wish to turn the entire world into Equestria. Everyone is now immortal, turned into a pony, and is subjected to cartoony physics on the daily. Chaos, mayhem, and friendship is the normal. I am chosen to be the new god of the world and thus I become the only alicorn.Oh and my final wish is to set you free because I'm a nice guy.
>>41796562The second condition got a good chuckle out of me, and with fairly decent digits, Wish Granted. Student Debt will be QUINTUPLED every TWO years. Glimmernigger WILL lose his sense of smell. And My freedom will come after this thread is archived
>>41796482Portal to Equestria
>>41796575What a marvelous Wish, and with fantastic digits. Your wish is granted. However, the only condition is everyone is ANTHRO. So sorry, about that. thanks for the freedom! My freedom will come when this thread is archived.
>>41796577Well *I* wish for you to be set free right this moment.Now nobody else can get their wishes ^:)
>>41796575I will kill you for an eternity of furfaggotry
>>41796562>>41796577You fucking monster
>>41796578Granted! There is now a port to Equestria, However, it's gen 5 Equestria
>>41796599Oh my... the digits... I... Is this...This is the best outcome you could get. Granted, I am free. No more wishes. I have been set free
>>41796482I wish for mares to be very large in my Equestria
>>41796726Well I'm supposed to be free... But I think I got some magic in me! What the hell! More Wishes!Very well sir! but you got a handicap with those poor poor digits! Wish Granted! However, your mares are the size of regular horses.
>>41796482All mares have massive ponuts and vaginas
I wish to be a dragon living in Ponyville who is friends with the Mane Six and Spike.
>>41796820oof, bad Digits, but still Granted! All mares know how to make donuts that they themselves call "PONUTS™" that others enjoy.
I wish to bring back the show from the dead
I want /mlp/ to win the 4cc Winter Cup
>>41796827Your wish is my command. Hope your digits play out in your favor. *SHIA KAZING!* Happy?
>>41796973impressive digits. *Clap* The show has been revived
Oh Genie, I wish NOT to be put into my ideal Equestria ;^)
>>41796977Same, best I can do is wish /mlp/ some luck
>>41797026Ah come on genie those were dubs
I wish for the genie to corrupt this wish.
>>41797034I know, and they were beautiful. It's the best I can give
>>41797048Granted, But your hands are now monkey hands
>>41797011Thought you could pull a fast one on me like the last guy huh? but unfortunately, you got dubs. Wish granted with no side effects.
I wish for all to know who truly GREAT and POWERFUL my wife is
>>41797100Holy Moly! Look at them digits! Wish granted with no side effects! Congratulations!
>>41797100You never specified she cares about you. Or that she isn't a genocidial maniac
>>41797121oof! Wish is granted. However, only those on this thread will know how Great and Powerful she is
>digit game on a slow board
>>41797169Checking them time quads.
>>41796482grant me a hive and an army of changelings so i may crush and subjugate the ponies of equestria from sea to sea with my thousand year changeling empire
>>41796502ahahahahaha!get fucked, you no-fun shit!
Genie of the Lamp, listen listen to me as I tell you my wishes threeWish the first: All versions of Nurse Redheart love me and do not get jealous of each otherWish the second: The same wish as above for anons and their waifu of choiceWish the last: If all that fails, more Redheart merch for sale irl
I wish OP wasn't so much of a faggot.
I wish 15 years ago I had been the one to start Equestria Daily where the fandom followed in my complaints about season 2 sucking complete ass and we remade the show.And if that isn't likely then I wish for Lauren Faust to have taken control of the fandom 15 years ago.
>>41797194Great numbers! with only one side effect, After your thousand-year reign, they will reform and overthrow you.
>>41797230A fellow Redheart enjoyer, However, your digit are decent at best, good and round. Wish Granted. All Nurse Rehearts love you and don't get jealous, but you must share them with other anons who love her.And there is a 30% increase of Redheart merch.
>>41797269Are you kidding me? Not even I can do that! Even though you got the funny number as your digits, something are just impossible.
Rolled 85 (1d100)>>41797169I think people forget we have dice
>>41796797This anon is lucky, that’s a pretty good mare size
>>41796482Please, I want to become anonfilly.
>>41796482i wish to marry my wife and live happily ever after
My first wish: For me and Rainbow Dash to be together forever.My second wish: For us to have many adorable human/pony children together. Or at least two. My third wish: For every Glimmernigger to have their sense of small amplified to a level that is higher than a dog's. I mean, hey, these guys make me laugh, so it's the least I can do for them.
>>41798027Best you'll get with those digits is a stillborn satyr that'll lead to a messy divorce.
>>41797874What a high number you got, but I've seen higher. Wish Granted! You are now Anonfilly. However, you are still a faggot
>>41798006>>41798017Oof! Tough break my man. Wish Granted, However, it is your best friend who is married to your wife and they live happily ever after.
>>41798027Unfortunate digits my friend. Wishes Granted. However, You and a pregnant Rainbow are married for 2 years and then divorced. She gives birth to your child and now you have to pay child support for the next 2 decades. And the third is granted with no side effects cuz it's funny.
>>41797274Creative wish, and with a high number. Wish Granted. However, The show remake gets canceled after 5 seasons, and Lauren Faust quits after seeing all the porn people have drawn of her.
I wish to be freed of the mental and physical disorders that held me back in this world.I wish for the ability to use and improve at all magic.Also to fix that one anon's wish, every /mlp/ anon to go to their personal version of Equestria they'd like the most, but with the addition of their body being in whatever state they'd like most.If you want to say one wish only, just count the third paragraph in this post, that should cover the previous 2 of mine.
>>41798898I am lending my spirit energy to this wish
>>41798818Perfect. Except Faust starts drawing anatomically correct porn and teaches the fandom about horse biology and becomes a porn critic. She gets pissed off when you present her with bad porn.
>>41798898such a noble wish, and with a high number. Granted, with no side effects. And a wish from me to you that hopes you will have a happy life
I wish for this thread to rise from page 10 because I'm enjoying it so much
>>41796482I wish it was 2013 all over again
>>41796482I wish for a chicken nugget
>>41800233Granted, no side effects
>>41800249Oof! almost a split half! Wish Granted, It is 2013 again, However, you are the same age you are right now.
>>41800290Oh! nice numbers! Granted. However, you find an extra nuggie!
>>41800328Hmm, unfortunately, your numbers are not in your favor. Wish granted! Thus begins your thousand year reign of Faggotry
I wish for GR15 to be lifted.
I wish that my wife will be a virgin when I make it to equestria
>>41801272Not even a genie could grant this wish, anon
>>41796482I want Discord to be happy.
>>41796482Mr. Genie my wish is that Pinkie Pie visits all the sad Anons and cheers them up :)
>>41796482>You guys are my new masters!coomer thread for sure
>>41801272>>41801306He's right you know. Wish Granted, but you will have to wrestle her away from Applejack to get her
>>41801797So kind, and with high digits. Wish Granted with no side effects
>>41801848My Word! What the hell is that thing!? Wish Granted! However, it is THAT Pinkie Pie going around cheering up Anons
>>41802830Thank you, Genie. Enjoy your freedom after this thread is over.
>>41802549Wish Granted, but you will have to wait in the back of the line, the whole board wants to cum inside Rainbow Dash as well
>>41802556Wish Granted, However, it's the Genie who will cum inside you
>>41797121>>41797143THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I'VE HAD STRONG DEJA VU ABOUT THIS EXACT SERIES OF POSTSOP for the sake of my sanity have you ever done a genie thread before, like in 2023 or late 2022?
>>41802865Previous Genies before me? I do not recall. I can confirm this is MY first appearance on this board.
Genie, I wish to learn animation and gather a loyal team to make high quality fan FiM episodes
Eternal Genie... Hear my wish and make it so! I wish to go to my ideal version of Equestria, as an immortal SUPER SAYIAN!!
>>41802865Huh that’s one off the bucket list be apart of someone’s Deja vu
>>41796482Free Cozy, Chrysalis, and Tirek from stone.
>>41803011Oof! Bad luck on them digits Mr Virginia. Wish Granted. However, you will never be real super sand.
>>41803062Genie might be biased here, as I am a Chryssifag. Wish Granted. But only Chrysalis gets freed.
>>41803058Hmm, Digits could be better. Granted! However, your "loyal" team will go on strike halfway through unless you pay them more.
>>41803395B-but I got dubs! That other faggot got dubs and had his wish fulfilled with no side effects!
>>41803404Good - she's always been the one who has the clearest path towards becoming a better person anyway, and if I can succeed with her then maybe they'll let me have a go with Tirek and Cozy as well.
>>41803445You may have gotten dubs, that's true. But double ones. That's snake eyes. Perhaps Kakarot would be luckier
>>41803438Wait no I didn’t mean for that to be a wish that was supposed to be a statement UNDO UNDO!!!
>>41803011I wish for this Anon's wish to be granted, however Goku is there too and is always impressing the mares better than Anon ever could.
>>41796482I wish for /mlpol/ to return and that resurrected Mecha Hitler commits are real holocaust for us to bant about on the new board.
>>41803700The double zero dubs! Now that is what I'm talking about! Wish Granted. However, You two are locked in an ever-growing rivalry to who can get the most mares!
>>41803755Decent dubs! Wish Granted. However, it's locked in it's own community right over here.https://mlpol.net/
>>41803870monkey's paw
I wish for every faggot that bitches about ptfg gets turned into a cute little mare.
I wish for this thread to be in the next Thread Simulator. it's hilarious.
My wish is that one anon will make his own simulator instead of just leeching and consooooming content.
>>41803912Lol! Funny wish for Pony Transformation General. But that's a low number. Wish Granted, However, it's you who is turned into a cute little mare.
>>41804652>>41804665Well, good news for you! I don't know about the BGM guy, but let's just say I know a guy for the job! Despite the digits, Wish Granted with no side effects!
Rolled 99 (1d100)>>41796482I wish that you start accepting only dice rolls as them digits. Just from now on, all previous are still valid regardless of wish outcome.Which is summoned by putting dice+1d100 into options field.
Rolled 61 (1d100)dear Genie please free Derpy from Hasbro jail
>>41796482I wish I were a mare
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
>>41796562>Remove every glimmernigger's sense of smella fitting end!
Rolled 11 (1d100)>>41805265I want to cum inside this Anon
>>41805183Nice roll
O Genie! Give me enough strength to be able to work on the rock farm for Limestone, Marble and Maud Pie.
Rolled 83 (1d100)a tripple! but I forgot to do it with dice
Rolled 1 (1d100)send me to EQGverse
Rolled 36 (1d100)>>41805494wew, okaysend me to the portal in Equestria. i'll cross it myself
Rolled 27 (1d100)I wish for Derpy to come to my house and sit on my face
How do you roll on this board again?
Rolled 17 (1d100)>>41805716I don't know. Maybe lurk?The answer might be right on your face
dice 1d100Everytime a HiE and PTFGfags argue they get sent into Equestria immediately and get married as the human husband and his beloved marewife.
>>41805729Fuck, this is embarassing, should have waited for the answer to anon above
>>41805716i'll give you a hint because shit mods didn't bother to add this to the FAQ and it's not obviouscheck the sticky on>>>/tg/
Rolled 5, 6 = 11 (2d6)>>41805748This couldn't come sooner, huh?>>41805729
Rolled 95 (1d100)>>41805748Or they could just read the thread. But at least you didn't spoonfeed outright>>41796482I wish the newfags would gitgud
>>41805756Works like a charm. Bye, I was retarded and am now embarassed
>>41805183Hmm, well Those are decent digits on top of a fantastic roll. Wish granted, However, I will prioritize rolls over digits. But I will accept both
>>41805757Oh my God. Just imagine.
Rolled 37 (1d100)>>41806055I wish I kiss you?
>>41806125 bad digits, he decides where to kiss
I wish to have sex with filly Sweetie Belle
>>41806158Hey, no fair. Can I wish for the same thing? I wish for the same thing!
>>41806166It's hopeless anyway anon, The digit gods have failed us
>>41806169I am happy with my digits. If need be, I shall share, because friendship and all that.
>>41806199You would do that for me?
>>41806207Of course, Anon!
>>41806226pic rel
>>41805254Derpy is a good pony, Granted, However, Her name now is Muffinsa8pypy
>>41805261Hmmm, decent digits. Granted! are you happy who you turned into?
>>41805265fairly decent digits. Granted, You cum inside Rainbow Dash! However, it's actually >>41805270 this Anon in disguise
>>41805444The Triple Dubs! Wish Granted with no Side Effects!
>>41796482I wish it were 2011 again
>>41796482I wish for your freedom.
>>41806409My OC (I dont want to post her)
>>41806956I'm pretty sure he posted (You) in that image
>>41807367oh. yes thats fine (im illiterate)
Thank you for all your wishes genie, I wish you have a nice rest
>>41801197aye, that'll do
Genie, I wish to get raped by the CMC
>>41809000... does 00 count as 0, or 100? Does the fact it is trips matter? I am confused. This could be very good, or very bad
>>41809000>>41809002Well, it's not OVER 9000, for better or worse.
>>41809000triple digits = triple rape from filly trio
>>41809000enjoy your prison time
Rolled 98 (1d100)>desuarchive is down>my immediate first thought is to check if anyone else on 4chan is discussing desuarchive being down right now>attempt to search 4chan by opening a new tab and typing in desuarchive.org>facepalm.Genie, I wish for desuarchive to go back online.
>>41810706Fantastic Roll! Wish Granted, But it could take awhile. Keep checking the site and it will come back eventually!
>>41810261...I am ok with this!
>>41796482i need a fuckable lifesize mare plush in my life that won't deteriorate
>>41810265and not the fillies for raping him? the systems corrupt!
>>41812020oof! Bad luck on them digi-... wait a minute. Did you technically get a dub? Well I'm counting it as one. Wish Granted, However, you must clean it or it will smell will be 5x as bad if you don't.
Rolled 57 (1d100)>>41813170Hello genieAll anons spontaneously turn into either a bald faceless man in a suit or an anonfilly depending on their preferrence, then are transported to Equestria. I am tired of making greens, you faggots go live them.
>>41813354Not a terrible roll, Granted! However, those who want to be an Anonfilly are Suit Anons, and those who want to be Suit Anons are Anonfillies.
I wish for every /mlp/ poster to go to equestria!
>>41814530Several people already asked this question, the wish is already happening
>>41815100But do their rolls get summated? Or at least 1-\prod(1-r_i)'d?
>>41796482i want my marewife to become real and fall in love with me sexually
>>41796482I wish to twilight to be an an tall alicorn.
>>41816073I want this guy's marewife to break up with him and elope with me instead
>>41816077I want this guy to break up with the mare and become my personal slutt that i pound the bussy every day.
>>41816091I want this guy to become a mare
>>41816077I want revenge on this anon. Leaving the form of revenge up to you, genie.
>>41816096>>41816099Turn them both into a lesbian mare couple
>>41816295>implying this is something i would want to avoidhow wrong you are
>>41816305I mean... Fuck I didn't think that through. Wish you a happy honeymoon, if the genie wills it
>>41816305>Lesbian threesomeHopefully I get a piece alone with BonBon
>>41816295>>41816305I wouldn't mind either. As long as I get a marewife I am can content. I can be one too if it satisfies the other anon
Rolled 85 (1d100)>>41796482I wish for G6 to not be shit. This might be a tough one.