Does the board actually hate Anonfilly?If so, why?
Didn't we have this thread already or am I delusional
>>41809032Just look at her. Green. The color of EVIL.
>>41809032It started out as a funny "haha wuh oh this cute filly is acting like a grown autist"but then unironic faggots took it over>>41809035first day?
>>41809032I hate everything.
>>41809035I don't remember having one>>41809042Why>>41809040Who cares though, she's still the best /mlp/ mascot
>>41809051Nah I prefer Emily to this faggot.
>>41809051>WhyWhy not?
>>41809060>EmilyLiterally who?
>>41809064>Duuuuh whose that? There's a history to this board before I got here today?Bless your heart.
>>41809062>Why not?It's kinda gayAnonfilly and Aryanne are pretty much much the only /mlp/ mascots that are known by the overall fandom. Aren't they?
>>41809066I've been here since we were shitting on scruffy for making this a sfw board, never heard of Emily before
>>41809032Because is popular, including with offboarders and xitters. That's the only and main reason. Next question
>>41809096Based. I love her for that reason alone>But muh troons larp as her!Literally who cares what a tranny does, I don't even consider trannies canon
>>41809074>Search Emilya on the board>Zero resultsIt's over (for your waifu)
>>41809074i like board-tan designs but you can't compare a nohooves board mascot to a pony self insert. they serve two different functions
>>41809104>board-tanIs this a new thing? I don't remember this board ever having a tan>NO HOOVESHow was this even allowed. I will never accept it. Anonfilly is the /mlp/ mascot.
>>41809032Trying too hard to be cute, like the Minions or the Star Wars round robot, like it's screaming at me to find it cute, or jiggling keys in front of my face. Actual ponies never do that, they're just cute naturally..
>>41809118Ah, so basically Anonfilly has normie appeal, and that bothers you
>>41809111every board has a tan, some are just more recognized than others. she was cared about to a minimal degree maybe 10+ years ago, but most boards just don't use their tan anymore. her design isn't very appealing, though
>>41809123it's a fun designIt was used in the /co/ Board Geeks comicIt's probably >no hooves because it was made by /co/ to complement their board-tan
>>41809123That's fascinating actually, I wonder why the other boards don't use their tans much
>>41809124this is the correct answer, i totally forgot about Board Geeks. most boards still have a tan, but it's definitely old school at this point
>>41809111bro I got here in 2019 and even I know about our board-tan
It's your own fault /mlp/tan got replaced by Anonfilly as the mascot. /mlp/tan ended up irrecoverably moving away from ponies. Around 2016 you let the board culture be dominated by e-celebrity bullshit, nohooves and politics trolling. Anonfilly was the only leverage we had to fight back.And today, surprise surprise, the true pony fans are still here, still rallying around Anonfilly. While the bandwagoners have vanished.
>>41809136Don't talk to me with that tone newfag>>41809141Mlp tan makes no sense as the mascot anyway, she's not even a pony. Anonfilly is great because she has both normie appeal, and it's tied in to 4chan culture
>>41809141>True fans will blindly love the tranny OCPbbbt.
>>41809188>Letting troons live rent free in your headI'll just enjoy Anonfilly while you seethe, cope and dilate. Trannies won't ruin OUR HORS
>>41809195Nah, in the beginning it was 'huhhuh oh no I'm in trouble with Twilight for doing grown retard shit' but it's undeniably your loud n proud fag OC.
>>41809195That's just your typical nohooves apologist. They are closely associated with the LGBTQ for a reason, you know.
>>41809212>>41809214Admit it, you are just mad OUR horse is more popular than your shitty waifuFilly Anon is BASED, ORGANIC AND NON DEI
>>41809032I dont, I just prefer anonstallion over anonfilly.
>>41809224It's the same thing, I don't even see them as differentIt's just Anon but hors
>>41809224this poster is a faggot who self inserts as a horse
>>41809229I like the idea of filly being Anon's poni daughter who inherited his autism.
Anonfilly also works because Anon has basically become a /mlp/ thing itself for... what 5 years now? longer?Allmost all other boards are overflowing with wojak shit
>>41809321It's funny how that works, if anything is /mlp/ that has stayed the most pure to the sites culture Anon came in as a visitor, but never left
>>41809032No, only offboarders hate the board mascot
>>41809335Yet they know her, which is why she is so special. Its rare to have a board mascot be known outside of the place of originThey know Ary too. We must protect these two horses at all costs.
>>41809294That's cute
>>41809258>crying about self inserts while browsing /mlp/tourist-kun...
>>41809446look at this FOOL, misinterpreting my post.
I love that this board never lost its soul throughout the years
>>41809032It's just another board OC, I like it but not that much. It pains me a little that newfags think this is the board's mascot instead of the 3 or 4 actual board mascots that already existed before this faggot was even created
>>41809032I was slightly involved in brainstorming the original prompt that spawned anonfilly, in a story where discord brought anon to equestria and acted as a parental figure. I regret it completely. She's caused too much damage to the anons I love, as a vector for memetic infection. As soon as she had a presence of her own, apart from the story, she became a dump for libido, for people to project their repressed fantasies into, and immediately that libidinal surplus created an environment for degenerates to pretend to be anonfilly and recieve the libido in genuine homosexual, even pedophilic flings. That kind of situation is fundamentally unrelated to pony, yet parades the pony as an idol and damages everything pony-related as a direct result. Any good mascot would have spawned this horrid state of affairs, but it would have been much better to just not have a good mascot.Also, the same situation exactly goes for the pony-suiters like Cadencefag. It's just an inanimate idol that mythologically makes a space for the cultivation of a frothing, animalistic, stupid degeneracy. Get that shit out of mare fair.>>41809040this hits the nail on the head really; the inevitable corruption of things autistic people enjoy too much.
>>41809636>3 or 4 actual board mascots that already existed before this faggot was even createdLike who?
>>41809636She's not the first or only mascot, but she is certainly the most recognizable and commonly used these days
>>41809668That's silly, Anon. You can't fight against rule 34, that's just to be expected in everything, everywhereAnonfilly remains the undefeated OC loved by both autists, and normies alike, and that's why she's Queen Marelet, she is the best representation of 4chan culture for poneWho else even comes close? Snow pone? lol
>>41809716nothing you said is related to the post you replied to
>>41809720Yes it is, Anon is saying he regrets being part of Anonfillies creation because it lead to degenerates, and I am arguing that's silly cause rule 34 will always existThe Fact Anonfilly is memeable beyond the board is proof she's a good hors, and it was worth it
>thread arguing about board mascots>not one mention of her
>>41809724Yep, don't even know who she isI only know Anonfilly, and Aryanneand I've been here since 2013
>>41809749Milky is great too, so is AryanneI met normie chicks that for some reason knew who those two ponies were
>>41809724I did it >>41809749
>>41809716and yet Anonfilly never won a single Miss /mlp/ poll
>>41809060Who the fuk is Emily?I know Ary, Floor, Anon... Dot..?That's it.. don't really know any others
>>41809778She's won them all in my heart, best pone the will always be her cause she, is us, and we are the bestI am going to start inserting tiny Anonfillies everywhere, and in every board to do a completely filly take over of 4chanRule 15 de dammed
I wish to be the little filly
>>41809123I am not sure why her design reminds of of animated James (the fart fellow)
>>41809749>Newfag thinks milky was a board mascot, or even made by the board at all>Same for ary>Same for floorb who is just a weeb ponified
>>41809188>>41809141>>41809195>>41809221anon stallion is better>>41809224this is the way
>>41809035there was one up a while ago with the same op pic
>>41809888Are you implying that it's not a body that defines one's gender?
>>41809123it took me forever to dig this upi rember em
>>41809933How did we end up taking over /b/s tan, kek
>>41809940because b is a wasteland that dosent care
>>41809032Anonfilly has started as /ptfg/ trash and continues to be to this day, simple as. It didn't have to be this way, though. Anonfilly would've been way better if she was Anon's pony daughter instead of transformed Anon.
>>41809224>trannystallionWhy can't Anon be Anon instead of some freak that pretends to be Anon?
>>41809961why cant anon be a hoers?
>>41809947She's neither of those things to me
>>41809965Because that won't be Anon. Anon is human first and foremost, he cannot be anything else.
>>41809947You made me wonder how old /ptfg/ is really. And of course desu is down right now.
>>41809967>, he cannot be anything else.That's non sense, Anon is not even real to begin with
>>41809906anon is better than both of them
>>41809973Kill yourself now.
>>41809967why is the depiction of a fanfic self insert so precious to you?
>>41809973Then who's been making all the posts if not Anon?
>>41809035You mean one where OP is gay and inhales cocks?Yes. Almost every thread.
>>41809989Why is destroying all that is sacred so precious to you? Why do you want to destroy Anon? Why do you want to replace him with a fake pony that merely pretends to be him?
>>41809989You should wear a flag or a name.
>>41810000You should check yourself anon nice digits
Anonfilly is fine but I hate the fact these delusional misanthropic dickheads from /ptfg/ try to claim her as their own.I’ve got nothing against TF as a fetish but I do have a lot against the average Discord using, dick sucking, unironic trannies from /ptfg/
>>41809996you act like hes a concrete published character, he can be whatever you want with whatever personality you want for the story hes inacting like a version of him that you dont like is attempting to replace him is preposterous >>41810000yours dosent surprise me
>>41809032Eight days a week I go without even thinking about anonfilly.
>>41810013It's not preposterous when Anon really is being replaced, /ptfg/kun. Isn't this is what you guys have been doing this whole time?
fillies up inside yafinding an entrance where they canfillies up inside yafinding an entrance where they canboring through your mind, through your tummy, through your anus, filliesfilliesfilliesfillies filliesfilliesfillies fillies fillies
>>41809698>>41809749Seriously? Did you faggots even lurk at all?
>>41809969mid-late 2012, iirc
what's with the people obsessed over what anon is and talk about the boogyman thread that haunts them? I dont care what you prefer anon to be human or a pony when he goes into the MLP universe but to be a faggot and say stuff like "oh you like anonfilly/stallion? you're [insult] because human is way better and [headcanon made up]", I don't care that you prefer human anon in MLP. I like anon as a anonstallion and I dont care whatever bullshit you pull out of your ass to try to make you feel superior.
I dislike TF as a fetish, but I also feel that humans have no place in Equestria as a setting, and they break all the design rules just by being there. When the only means of travel to and from the human world involves transformation, it stops being fetishy and starts being... well, "canon" is a loaded word, but at the very least official.Anonfilly is fine as a mascot, or as a representation of the average user's rascally, misanthropic nature. She's a weird little goblin. Anon (the human) is fine for comedic, fish-out-of-water situations, and I give him all the seriousness of a crossover fic. Anonstallion is the one that makes the most "sense" on the face of it, but also carries some unintended baggage (/ptfg/, gay content, the self-insert seriousness and perceived autism of having a stallion OC...)tl;dr they're all fine situationally
>be muttmerican>think about trannies 24/7Such a sad existence
>be shitskin>think about americans 24/7Such a sad existence
>be living>think about thinking 24/7such a sad existence
>>41810100>>41810109>>41810112the triumvirate
>>41810112isn't that just what the ancient greeks did?
>>41809040NTA but in ways like this it is my first day. Been on the board for two years and I still don't know the full story of why anonfilly pisses people off so bad. To me it just seems like a harmless OC meant to represent the board ethos, like green anon except cute.>then unironic faggots took it overI assume this is meant literally tho? Is anonfilly like a tacit troon self-insert (or that they want to claim it as their own, like they always do)? Is that related to the hate?
>>41809032Anonfilly is the perfect board mascot. She is like the board incarnate. Lots of people hate certain aspects of the board, and so they rail against her. I think that's the long and short of it. We fight amongst ourselves all the time, but I have never seen anyone who wasn't some twitter/tumblr anti-nazi social justice warrior actually sperg out over anonfilly in real life. She is everywhere at the conventions and you know who is one of the boys the instant you see that horse.You see Anon, we here on /mlp/ are like the Jews of the fandom. A bunch of deranged sexually deviant lunatics with way too much money, organizational talent, and artistic ability. We lead the way in this shit. And just like the Jews, we fight amongst each other non-stop, and for good reason. Some of (You) are gay homosexuals. Some of (You) are foal-loving autists. Some of (You) are trannie-wannabe sadomasochistic brainwashing sex-slave obsessed, rape-loving maladjusted freaks. Some of (You) are genuinely fucking autistic. Some of (You) like stuff I don't. And so we squabble, and we shitpost at each other and call each other names and make threats and go on rants. And by God, if you came from the outside and got yourself right in the middle of it all, you'd think we were different as could be. But that green horse is /mlp/, and inside of her fucked up little head is a part of her that hates herself. Why do some people hate that filly? Because she is perfect for this place. Fuck you.
>>41810251It's simply whiny autists mad about things they don't like and also making up retarded things to get mad about.
>>41810251>Is anonfilly like a tacit troon self-insertnah it's genuinely not that or the other alternative really. It's a rhizomatic thing, the opposite of tacit. The hate and the things she's used for that attract that hate bubble up from our community's collective unconscious, just like the good parts and genuine energy. Both add together to propel her into popularity and controversy. It does little good to search for concrete reasons, because it's more subtle and psychological than that - she's just a focal point, a crystallization of a collective complex; and the reactions to her, good or bad, are the same.
>>41810271p.s. that being said I wish anons collectively had more ego strength to resist collective complexes like this but the main thing I've learned is that you cannot trust the average anon to have a strong healthy ego
Anonfilly is funny since it's a holdover from 2000s-era 4chan joking about wanting to be the little girl, but as with all things early 4chan the part where it's a joke got forgotten.
>>41809294and his way of speaking
>>41810094I just want to be a mare
>>41809040This pretty much, anonfilly had a quasi-grounded character before getting taken over by self-insert troons. explains her very well and should be referred to more.
>>41809947Wrong, kill yourself
>>41810084You see anon, many anons around here are deeply autistic, and they struggle to understand that anon isn't them, just a placeholder character stolen from /b/, so when you change anon into a stallion, they see it as a direct attack against them
>>41810462can I get sauce please?
>>41810255>Why do some people hate that filly? Because she is perfect for this place. Fuck you.This. And it's about time we got some recognition for how superior we are
>>41810722It's so funny, you got some spiritual war going between troons and those that think Anonfillies are troon inspiringI am just here being based knowing Anonfilly is literally the concept of Anon as hors, and that's all it needs to be
>>41810745Some people take this board too seriously, they think the internet is real life
>> isn't? ;;;;;;;;;;
>>41810722>>41810745actually it's moreso that self hating troons took anonfilly and started attention whoring, whining, and making low quality posts with said character while also constantly going on and on about wanting to be a mare. Surprise surprise, that gets annoying after a while. It doesn't help that anyone else who uses anonfilly as more than just another oc is always some literal faggot with shit taste.
>>41811039I don't care about troons, and my tasted are superiorI am here with the mission of showing the entire world pony supremacy is a real thingTroons be dammed I just wanna ponymog everyone
>>41811025I can assure you that the internet is SRS BSNS
>>41811257There should not be a single board in 4chan that does not know who Anonfilly is
>>41810255People hate that so called "filly" because of >her /ptfg/ inspired origin. I 120% guarantee everyone(bar /ptfg/) would've loved Anonfilly if it weren't for that.>>41810094If you think humans have no place in Equestria then you have absolutely no business being on this board and the same applies to everyone else like you. Go be cancer somewhere else.
>>41810462>An Anon who’s been turned into a filly.Literally the first sentence. If you guys didn't want to deal with mentally ill men then you wouldn't be invoking /ptfg/ like it's done here. Anonfilly never ever should have been literally Anon. Even her just being some random bratty jerky filly who coincidentally looks similar to Anon would have been great if not the way to go.
>>41812003>muh boogyman thread, everyone i dont like is from boogyman thread so i am superior>if you hate human in equestria you're [insult] and you should leave now because you're hurting my feelingswhy are you like this you little spastic cunt, you sound like you live with yer parents with how disabled you are
>>41812099>atypical cookie-cutting false paraphrasing And followed up with a half-assed b8.why are you like this you little spastic cunt, you sound like you live with yer parents with how disabled you are
>>41812106>glimmerfag is seethingas per usual for them
>>41812110This is too easy. You're not even trying at this point. Can I get a 'P?' 'R' 'O' 'J' 'E' 'C' 'T' 'I' 'N' 'G'
>>41812003The show runners kept to the aesthetic of removing humans wherever possible. They were so against introducing humans that minotaurs, centaurs, cyclopes, harpies, all had the human parts swapped in for other animals. It, like Danny Ingram's music, was a constant throughout the show's run. Imagine getting something wrong that even the late-season mercenary dipshits got right.If you want to put in Anon because it's funny then that's fine - Anon is often funny and that's why he's great - but if you think he fits well in the setting then you're deluded. He's funny and works well because he doesn't fit. That's the point; he's just some random dickhead in a magical pony world.
>>41810488I am right and the ponepaste link in >>41810462 proves it right away. How else is anyone supposed to understand the first sentence right after brief introduction? If Anonfilly really isn't /ptfg/faggotry then you guys are doing beyond abysmal job at proving it.
>>41812124If you think Anon doesn't fit the setting then, boy, you are more deluded than a fair chunk of deluded Anons we have here which is quite the achievement in my opinion. After all, there is nothing more pure than love between man and mare. If you don't think so, then, there is nothing for you other than occasional show discussion and maybe EqG + Canterslut threads.
>>41812254Its more of a difference in perspective or portrayal regarding the transformation between anonfilly's original and current iterations; the original/traditional anonfilly's situation being more rooted in psychological torment for story fuel and the /ptfg/ crowd warping it for self-indulgent fetishism.The character guide outlines the traditional Anonfilly, which is mainly highlighted by a very great dissatisfaction with his own transformation, not an indulgence in it, which is the primary divider between the orthodox Anonfilly's character and the current disgraced Anonfilly. Anonfilly is very much /ptfg/ trash these days but to say that the character started that way is history revisionism and a great disrespect to /mlp/'s cultural legacy. Dumb bitch.
>>41812268It's not history revisionism when it's been /ptfg/ since its very start. /ptfg/ meaning "Human transformed into pony". There is no difference between Anonfilly of the past and of the present, they are the same thing. Literally the only time "she" was different is when there was a genius Anon who realized that the filly doesn't have to be a transformed man and could instead be that man's pony daughter. This was also the only time Anonfilly was ever good. Since then, "she" continued to be pure cancer that people for some reason tolerate and even encourage.
>>41811039No, there's no more in that, only you being too autistic and taking any change to anon as a personal attack
>>41812263You are the very definition of "fan of the fandom">yes but my meme says-If you can't accept AiE for the lighthearted wish-fulfillment comedy it is, you're probably too autistic to pull a single mare anyway
>>41812282anon, try reading my post again. anonfilly was fine until trannies started using her as their mascot and spamming their woes and gay shit everywhere with her as the face of it.
>>41812282>No>attributes a bunch of assumptions to the posterincredible rebuttal.
>>41809906Better at sucking horsecocks.
You'd better be nice to this mare, or else!
>>41812323I don't think you know what fan of the fandom even is. Hell, I bet you barely even watched the show and even more barely browsed the board. Please, try to lurk some more and also (re)watch first three seasons at bare minimum. And for the love of God, please learn how to love mares and especially yourself.>>41812329Anonfilly wasn't ever fine except when "she" got a well deserved ban. Mods never should have unbanned "her" threads and in fact should have went even further.
>>41812552>Mods never should have unbanned "her" threads and in fact should have went even further.I love Anonfilly so muchI am 6'2'' and straight btw
>>41813263this anon has incest sex with his filly daughter
>>41813275Nah, I just see Anonfilly as Anon but horsI don't get myself involved beyond thatShe's the boards mascot to me
Terri softmare is the one true board mascot
>>41809032I didn't even know people didn't like anonfilly as much as they do, I will say though now that I think about it anonfilly/anonstallion are just TF kinks. imo humanon is and will always be the peak of AiE. anonfilly can be really funny as a one off for AiE like some other anons have said with twilight doing some sort of ironic punishment bit especially if the anon in question is like peak dickhead shitposter. but for the most part it's just actual fetish material.
>>41814220like this is the shit i'm talking about this is just TF humiliation bullshit. has it been this the whole time? I really only like the memes of anonfilly still being a Grade A 4channer not some self insert sex stuff.
>>41814269Gonna be honest, I don't really care about any of that, much like I don't pay attention to the horrible fetish art that exists of other MLP characters. I will continue to enjoy depictions of Anonfillies (plural) as stupid little gremlins.
>>41814447See now that's based I'm adoptign this mindset, gremlin mode is the only good version of anonfilly
>>41814447This is the depiction most people see Anonfilly as, I think it's the genuine artists that cannot comprehend Anonfilly not being a ptfg thing
>>41814625Are you implying Anonfilly is not a ptfg thing? Because you can't be any more wrong if you believe so.
>>41815065Anonfilly is whatever I want her to be, because she is Anon but fillyIt's that simple>Giving up the things you love to troons, and degeneratesI would never do this
>>41812329You let trannies dictate what can and can't be posted, instead of pushing back you ran away, fight back you coward
>>41815523no i just never used anonfilly in the first place, it was just less cancerous.
>>41809032people get real mad when you mention the fact that fillyanon is still just a trans self insert oc. if you're inserting as not only a woman as an man, but a *child*. it's pretty telling. now I'm a lefty pol zoomie, so you keep to yourself or don't harm me and we are good. but anon filly gets shoved down your throat, no diddy, constantly.
>>41815754>people get real mad when you mention the fact that fillyanon is still just a trans self insert oc.I am white straight male, and I love Anonfilly(Admit it, you are just mad she's more popular than your waifu)
>>41815754>now I'm a lefty pol zoomie, so you keep to yourself or don't harm me and we are goodAnd this has been such a reliable hallmark of a coalition that has managed to charge rent on everything
>>41809668anon what the actual fuck are you bitching about you unironic fucking niggermoralfag cope disguised as conservatism
cum inside anon
>>41816452that's gay as hell you faggot
>>41816597balls no touch
>>41815777i don't speak boomer old man. >>41815760>straight>whiteso youre gay and hispanic got it. inserting as a girl makes you gay.
>>41815777Trips of truth
>>41809032No, only nu-/mlp/ hates anonfilly
>>41809032When I tried to hug her she kicked me in the balls and bit my dick off
>>41817031Pics? I need proof
>>41817031false, this never happened. anonfilly would never do anything evil
>>41817031>bit my dick offcongrats now you're anonfilly too
anonfilly is so cute. anyone who hates her is evil, cruel, and disgusting.
>>41818352>cuteShut up faggot
>>41809906reminder that the original has the stallion locked in a cock cage.
>>41816722still gay you utter faggot
>>41818502Unf nonny plap plap plap
>>41815760Tranny in denial.
>>41809032Ugly as fuck babies first color scheme and for some reason people don't just accept this but they use and worship this thing. Yet people here will otherwise have the craziest standards for pony designs made by fans. Basically it's ugly and the behavior of the board users is hypocritical. If we had a better looking board mascot I'd actually use it. I don't like censoring Aryanne so that one doesn't count. Anything else has the problem of not referencing the board in it's design.
>>41819077>blah blah blahNobody cares retard. You are the reason why the board is dead.
>>41809032>violently sobbing as she shakes pennies from her piggy bankWhat the fuck anon where did you install the camera in my room, this is a two party consent state you knowAnyway I like the filly. She's cute. And relatable.
>>41809064>>41809066>>41809074I'm not part of this discussion but I'm an oldhead and I always just knew her as /mlp/-tan. Emily's a cute name though. Would consider putting hoof shoes on her and roleplaying.
>>41809933>/trash/ trishI ain't a furry, but....she makes a pretty decent OC for some kinks
>>41815523based pic. I wish I had a baby-poop green fabrique nationale rifle with fancy recoil compensation tricks so I could save Rhodesia.Also, true take. Letting go of the filly solely because of the salt around trannies is exactly the attitude that led to Trixie losing her genuine fandom.
>>41811101Sorry, but griffon supremacy > pony supremacy
>>41819373>IP address in tel aviv
>>41809032i like this character every time i see heri dislike that people give her the backstory of being a guy before. fuck that.
>>41819598>implying femanon is a realistic explanation
>>41819688NTA but why does it have to be "anon from our world enters ~the magical land of Equestria~" every timewhy can't it just be a shitposty goblin pony who already exists in that world. Equestria's version of anon
>>41819802I think neet/misfit pones kind of fill that role. although if anonfilly is born in equestria then where are her parents? I feel like that would be a big deal for a foal.
>>41820422Anonfilly as 'pure-bred' Equestrian leaves sour taste for me, even more than transformation fetish shit. The whole thing how she is and how she acts is alien to the horse realm and that makes things funny.
Anonfilly is kind of a dick...
>>41821719What is this from?
>>41821635I don't really see her as that eitherShe just exists in a weird meta space like Nasa and Fair Flyer and Tracy and the other board-related mascots
>>41821719Snootgame anon still looks weird to me
>>41822348cause he's w*hite instead of green. Can you really be apart of the anon race if you're not green?
>>41809123Same with anon. Most boards don't even know what a -tan is, or seethe about it being some anime thing because what do you know? Allowing cancerous outsiders to invade and outnumber the original population of a location. Now you've got newfags that hate anime (what the site was originally built to discuss). Now you've got newfags hating anonfilly for retarded culture war reasons because they don't know what they're talking about. now you've got newfags hating on anonfilly because they're the same breed as the "hmofa" spammer cancer and insist on being a human in all fantasy scenarios, because like hmofaggots are furries in denial, the ones here are afraid of being seen as the same thing.
>>41809032I like this fic with her
>>41823013and has eyes.
>>41809064I HATE YOU SO MUCH
>>41825789I don't think about you at all
>>41809032No I love HER
>>41809933>/adv/We need to bring advice animals back.
>>41809334>Most pure to the site's cultureThat'd be between /jp/ and /m/.
>>41809032Really? Good. Here are some reasons why I've always disliked here:1. Mediocre design.2. It reeked of misanthropy, which reeks of furry/GenZ. Coincidentally around the same time the /mlpol/ April Fools' occurred where 2016/cancerfags from both boards were surprised there was common ground.
>>41827885*her**(And the point about the April Fools' is showing that, if they weren't complete newfags, it wouldn't be a surprise.)
>>41827885>furries and gen Z are the only people who can be misanthropesI have a grandpa who would love a chat. Long as you don't mind seventh day adventist talking points. Either way, I don't really expect Anonfilly to be masterfully designed. The idea is supposed to be that she's an anon through and through, with the personality to (mis)match with her feeble pony body.
>>41827778On a good day, sure. More so /m/ than /jp/. And in terms of a healthy catalogue, /ck/ seems better than both.
>>41827918>furries and gen Z are the only people who can be misanthropesI never said that, you know I never said that, or learn to better comprehend what you are reading, and don't put words in my mouth. And a shit design is still shit.
>>41809032she's sexy
>>41809141I love the mental gymnastics TFfags and Anonfillyfags do to deny how trans coded Anonfilly is. It drives them fucking insane when you point it out because they know deep down there's no counterargument. Also the true pony fans just rally around regular old boring Anon.
>>41828230>He thinks I need a counter argumentBeta boy move, real chads just enjoy Anon Filly, and laugh at destiny debatecucks >Green horse?>Yeah, fucking based bro
>>41828281open dem legs, beb