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/mlp/ - Pony

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What types of original species that were popular from this board or generally? These are the ones on the top of my head
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Idk if this counts but Slimepony? I do like it though
Batponies are technically original species.
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I love Droner
Cute goo pony
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>mfw #2 in professing my love droner
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Bird ponies are pegasi but extra silly.
You have 2 that are the same
really like the soda ponies
Do...do they lay eggs
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Sometimes! But mostly they just nest, birdbathe, and beg for bird food.
I see you, stealth Strange Waifu Thread...
I miss thingpone
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Does she wobble if booped?
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Not terribly original, but Tatzlponies...
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Probably the best use of AI, since it normally generates eldritch abominations anyways.
whats the prompt?
On PurplesmartAI: score_9, ((pony)), (thingpone), orange mane, orange eyes, (brown skin), solo, female, full body, tongue out, smiling, pretty, weird, brown tentacles, eldritch abomination, body horror, mutation, fangs
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It's the Year of the Snake.
Have a cutie-pie snek barista.
How long did it take you to prompt this
I didn't, I got this from an image board. It had a link to the original prompt on it.
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It would be extremely wonky.
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I have a custom race I like to call Foresters.
The fuck is this cringe?
I would like a machine brewed coffee and the special.
You must be new here
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She's a big pony.
More art of those and it'll become a booru tag
I tried to add it as a tag to my drawings and it kept getting kicked back to "unicorn" lol.
hear me out
I feel like this is a gateway into furshit but you guys aren't being obnoxious, degenerate faggots so who knows.
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If going by frequency of furshittification of the characters themselves, the most "gateway" original species are bat ponies, followed by snake ponies/lamias, followed by shark ponies.
If going by furshittification of the owner/artist, any fetish-focused species such as tatzlponies (vore) or snake ponies (also vore/coiling) do it, but they tend to create new furry characters wholesale, instead of acting like invasive species and claiming that "this furry character is totally a formerly-pony character instead of separate", and so aren't anywhere near as obnoxious.
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What's the pool pony lore? I think they work a lot better as something a pony can be temporarily transfigured into rather than a natural pony tribe. Guard unicorns might learn the spell to make ponies weak and weightless without hurting them.
Now this crosses the retarded furry deviantart autism line that makes it uncomfortable.
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You're missing the third option: they can also be artificial, like the plush ponies, robot ponies, golems, et cetera.
Would be worse if anon used the unedited image!
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I try not to let autists with hyper fixations ruin things for me, but yeah, it is pretty hard with inflatables. It's best to think of things in terms of how they'd work in the setting, rather than only seeing the reason an artist would draw it. It's good to call art out when it doesn't fit well in equestria too.
I can't see a reason why some wizard pony would spend the time to make an artificial inflatable pony unless he was into it, so I don't like that option. Other kinds of artificial ponies are cool though.
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>unless he was into it
"something a pony can be temporarily transfigured into" is far more "into it" than artificial inflatable pony-golems, anon.
The same logic also applies to pretty much all other object ponies except statues (guards) and ragdolls (Calvin & Hobbes except "Hobbes" is definitely animate), too.

Immediately going for "a wizard did it" is pretty narrow-minded too. There's so many options for artificial inflatables beyond a wizard intentionally making one: magic accidents, wild magic imbuing sufficiently pony-like objects with life, Discord playing a joke...
I like the spell option because transmutation is already such a prevalent type of magic, with the orange frogs and teacups and so on. It fits into the same category of disabling spells as Trixie deleting Pinkie's mouth. I'm not imagining ponies intentionally turning their friends into pooltoys.
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Well that's pointless. Everyone knows pool unicorns can still cast magic.
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Not this one!
Body mares are adorable.
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>Balloon pony
I get to blow Twilight Sparkle
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I mean, /mlp/ is basically the fetish board anyhow, so...
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I remember when people used to draw the soda/glass ponies.
Droner droner gimmes dat boner
Bored of this now.
This is why the strange waifu general died.
Yeah, thinking it's better to make threads for specific species. All this is good for is surveying species, it doesn't lead to much discussion.
Together ape strong!
It was fun while it lasted
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I'd fuk that lanky moth nosed unicorn.

It took me 15 minutes + captcha to make this post. Thanks gookmoot.
If it weren't for the pooltoyification, this would be a pretty decent unicorn design desu. Clearly an Irish unicorn.
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You're in luck! Her default state isn't pooltoy (though she's much better that way).
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>tfw under-represented
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Droner droner gimme dat boner
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Celestial entity pone?
Deep sea kaiju, I thought.
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>the boopening
as long as she's not drowning people, she's got my support
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She's a big ol' kaiju who wants hugs and chips
You should be able to force a tag once you have enough images.
What differs them from unicorns? No cm? Upbringing and caste? Something else?
They do look like just unicorns, one does not simply make a new race because spechiul
I thought that was artist style, along with the necc, like the old pointy ponies
So like an unicorn/giraffe breed then?
Have you tried talking to the booru staff? They're people, you know, you can (and should!) discuss such things with them.
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No, she's a stupid fish.
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And I wouldn't have her any other way.
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Would Anon ever seek Orchid like his white whale to conquer in deep oceans?
Droner said she likes the company back
Call to seapony
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She was lap-sized when created and got lots of pets and affection because of her nature.
Over time she swelled to titanic proportions because the people who created her wanted to use her as a weapon.
But she returned her sweet nature and still hasn’t gotten the message that she’s too big to lay in someone’s lap and get a belly rub anymore.
Or to kiss her handlers.
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>So to pet monsters we created monsters of our own. The Jaeger program was born.
They are from a different world. Instead of using friendship magic, they use love magic. A few portals shenanigans caused them to encounter Equestrians- it wasn't good.

Foresters are large creatures. While ponies tend to be around 3 ft tall, these guys are comparatively huge at 4 to 6 ft. The tallest match Celestia in height.

They have distinctive pointed hooves (some of you liked calling them Knife Hooves). They walk around like ballerinas, their innate magic basically holding them up. They barely leave hoofprints.

Typing in the phone is poo poo so that's all I have for now.
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>Violence out of jealousy
>Causing millions in collateral damage being this insecure

Instead of browsing 4chan, Ultramare, why don't you go outside and attempt to make people actually like you. You have a bit of Orchid in your DNA, so you're bound to have some good qualities.
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Orchid got too excited during training once, so a Jaeger pinched her ear until she cried.
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Unf cute kaiju mare
Droner said that while there was a strong interest among some members in the community. The group has been working on a new project.
Jack's command of color is severely underappreciated
He colors a burger patty with a yellow highlighter and somehow it just works
I concur.
Do snowponies count?
The blood mare is so helpful!
So they're closer to trad unicorns than typical equestrian boneheads?
She's B+!
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peetzer pone
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A burger made of FIVE MARES?
100% yeah
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reddit incarnate
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Cry about it
Why were airplane pones mostly drawn lewd?
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Because they're pure sex.
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>thing that started as a joke but is now maintained by the fetishists it attracted
you tell me, Anon.
Can I turn her white with enough cum?
I want to stretch her cheese
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they were nice
If I spread her legs it'll be so cheesy
Simpler times to be sure

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