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Previous thread: >>41801599

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map, Bulletin and Leaderboard

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Open Pony Census

>List of known Open Pony Marketplace Vendors

>Baltimare design/planning channels:

>Live Baltimare stream
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I don't agree on a full ban because they're honestly not that obnoxious, but barky and spot should at least change their avatars to something pony related.
Um they have hooves chud
let there be more


I say, be very careful which soda machines you drink from in Baltimare, lest you wind up reenacting videos for ancient pony music
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filthtrip successful
thanks for showing up popens


Thank you lover of horses for these pics too
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>when you see a homosexual
ember hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Is this some sort of hard-vore sim?
is there any more?
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What the FUCK
I hate to tell you this but goats are canon
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They don't look like that though
S9 is not canon and Grogar is a unique character. Shit like draconequus OCs would be highly suspect too if not outright banned, this is no different
I'll be a goat later just for you anon
Update for the Anon that was looking for a ninja outfit.
I tried but it just ended up looking like an islamic state executioner
That's arguably better.
MLP has always been about creatures. If you watched G1 (Which Faust used as a basis for FIM) you'd know this. You honestly look so retarded complaining about things not being "pony related" when even G4 has humans in it. I wish this fandom wasn't full of people who know literally nothing about the franchise.
okay so make a body on the pony rig to make goats look more canon, problem solved
otherwise, honestly, shut the fuck up no one cares
>G4 has humans in it
I don't recall G4 having humans, but I get your point sort of.
He's probably talking about EQG which the ponies in equestria reffered to as the "human world" excplicitly on one occasion even though they aren't normal humans.
Yeah, that's around what I was thinking.
But that was a spinoff for a different market or to convert people to a different market.
It's mostly a DEI initiative by definition since the creator was vehemently against it and it was mandated by ((((higher forces)))). Also the species/gender/race transformation aspect is front and center, which makes it very obvious which movement mandated it. There's nothing you can really do about it except ignore, report, move on whenever it gets spammed.
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>the jewish conspiracy did EQG and creatures
Doesn't really make a difference if Faust was against this stuff specifically. She stopped working on the show very early specifically because of this reason. Lauren is not MLP. MLP is a toyline with media that is meant to help sell those toys. Faust leaving after two seasons because she didn't wanna give into the demands of ">we need a pink alicorn princess so we can sell more toys!" kind of proves this, and unironically her leaving the show did not prevent this and instead just made it easier for these things to happen because she wasn't there to attempt to say no.
meant to say ironically instead of unironically oops*
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Can you make lindens by setting up a kissing booth somewhere? Or hoofholding if necessary
anon, that is prostitution
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EQG is dumb shit but Gilda went to flight camp with Dash, the Diamond Dogs were in s1, the changelings in s2, and Faust even wrote a concept for a deer episode. It's been "creaturequestria" all along. The whole premise was a world where all ungulates are sentient, just look at the work she did on TFH.
Also.. Faust had considered doing a special featuring Megan from G1. (Bonus points for the absolute chad who asked her about this) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs_xAVjNA_s
>My Little Ungulate
thats it
im gonna be an unguearly
Oh yeah season 1 had the buffalo too, as well as sentient cows, sheep, mules and donkeys.
I always thought it was weird that the giraffes weren't sentient but I think that was just a fuckup because it was a late season
Completely unrelated to the fact that eqg is objectively DEI, objectively pushes the trans agenda, and objectively does not, has not, and will never be part of /mlp/.
This >>41815357
But the answer is yes
I sat at a kissing booth for fun once and for fun I got paid a bunch to give kisses
LOL I didn't know people above the age of 16 still said this unironically. Shouldn't you be boycotting this game alongside all the others on the "cringe woke DEI" game list?
You're trolling but please elaborate.
Is it DEI because it has purple and green skinned people? And who is trans in EQG, is it Trixie?
>be someone's avatar pony
>the human controlling you is sending you to to all sorts of unspeakable things so he can siphon all the lindens into massive horse dildos he stuffs up your butt when he's not prostituting you
We truly live in a society.
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I would never do this to my horse. I care for my horse like I care for myself.
>the pony controlling you is sending you to to all sorts of unspeakable things so he can siphon all the lindens into massive horse dildos he stuffs up your butt when he's not prostituting you
that sounds hot I hope it happens to me
What the fuck does EQG have to do with trannies?
>will never be part of /mlp/
>half of /mlp/ is eqg threads
I used Quote's color quote booth for kisses once
>What the fuck does EQG have to do
It doesn't, anon is making shit up to get (You) to respond and derail the thread. Because he got banned, or just has zero friendsā€”or bothā€”and is buttmad about the 3D chatroom. Post popens and ignore the /pol/ tourist madness
>objectively DEI
Did you know the director for EQG who also storyboarded for FIM really wanted there to be lesbian ships in it, especially Sunset x Twilight, but it never officially happened because Hasbro pushed back hard against Hadleyā€™s vision and didnā€™t want any gay relationships in it, which was also why they kept bringing back Flash Sentry. Hasbro went out of their way to cuck the director out of gay relationships in EQG, dude.
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The characters look 100% trans. Don't you have eyes?
lmao absolutely 1000% rent free
I need to get kneaded too
Anon you fucking retard the characters look like ayylmao cartoon deformed technicolor skinned humanoids
They have zero fucking relation with actual humans, whether trans or normal
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I remember that booth!
Stop taking the bait fuckers
Just found this really really early HH webm in some random folder I didn't even know I still have
I wish they were still alive...
Ocean was visiting a couple weeks ago, Middy is still alive, Quote was here on New Years.
Anonny on the other hand... yeah....
Quote and Nonny both hop on once in a blue moon at most. Maybe Quote ever so slightly more frequently, just maybe, but they're both practically nonexistent except for giving very rare signs of life.
I frankly believe its always the same faggot replying to himself.
What did she mean by this

I actually would have preferred if she smashed the bottle on my face, thanks
its her filmed hitting my dick with that bottle
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I'm almost jealous of this friendship
felt the same for a long time, hanging around lonely like a total chump but somehow still got lucky and it's been going great for many months now. never say never, you could also get really lucky even if totally retarded
Thanks for the cool Camarea position, princess. Very pretty
Since all ungulates are allowed now that means I can wear my macro blue whale avatar and take up 70 percent of the sim at all times right
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thanks, I now remember the videos of the exploding whale carcasses that buried entire cities
Baltimare will soon be covered in bloody whale gore and it's all your fault anon
Theoretically we could do a LIVE find the popen some time with Camarea streaming from that position
I came.
i found one popen in that pic
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she's back
If I see you, I am recreating this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34
oh no time for constant local chat spam again
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Kidnapped already.
gentlemen, how can we ship maremare and camarea
In boxes, duh
this is the face of a mare about to announce "fuck jannies"
im loaf powy
I'm not, gerael is one of the ugliest horses on-sim (this means not counting things like goats or dragons, but honestly I genuinely think gerael is uglier than even spot) and has the most annoying tts script of all
That's not even getting into the allegations of being a tourist furfag cliquefag, because it's all circumstantial, and just the way he objectively looks is more than argument enough for me

There are plenty of very sweet friendships between actually cute and cool and sweet ponies to be jealous of
Looks like you hate everyone
Gerael was better when he wasnt tall and goth,
He should go back, it'll be like when lumi (pink) went back to original size and everyone liked it a lot more
when someone's pony design is ugly, but you're uglier on the inside
whenever I see ponies in an onsen I want to lovingly rub them dry with a towel once they step out
>nooo you can't hecking criticise avatar aesthetic designs
people act like you just called a disabled child ugly, but this is a game where you can build an avatar any way you want and you have full control to change any aspect of your appearance at any time, if you're ugly it's 100% your fault and it's completely within your power to not be ugly
Pony styling is subjective
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you must be rubbing a LOT of ponies
Today I actually woke up with a "yippie" playing in my head. The out of schedule anon pony whatever day party was too much for my little brain
I want to rub a LOT of ponies
But I am to shy
pretty sure many here wouldn't mind getting rubbed
you can derender "ugly" ponies ya know
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In two hours, 10:00AM SLT, we're doing an escape room again
Prepare your flanks for around ~3 hours of adventure and puzzle solving with horses
I keep muttering yippie to myself and trying to press Y in other videogames
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Remove the want
I wish we had proper rubbing mechanics
Right now the best thing we can do is awkwardly adjust and then use manual posing huds to try to move our hooves or jankily repurpose an unrelated animation (I don't even know if any look good). I think the closest thing to actual rubs are in that bathtub thingy

Proper massage animations when
You didn't even bother to read the rules or register in the matrix.
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Also some basic information and tips we noticed from last time
>every puzzle must be done individually, your progress is getting tracked by an attached HUD
>you can die in the game, when it happens, you will have to restart. Restarting is done by detaching and reattaching your HUD (in some cases, allowing you to skip to the last puzzle you tried to do, if you teleport to the start with the HUD)
>Teleporting that is not done by the HUD isn't allowed, and is punished by death
>as I noticed sometimes you can click-and-drag interactables
>There's prizes at the end, but you can only obtain them if you successfully escape (with the HUD on)
Full how-to-play here if you're autistic
Done, you're unbanned
Grogar is from g1, he is canon as fuck
You stick out like a sore thumb, you will not get unbanned. All your posts here and any attempts at getting unbanned are going to be screenshotted and laughed at for months.
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Sim Wide PiƱata!
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the bikers are returning the marecubes one by one
They love them
number is 63 manually returned and counting
laugh if they reported each one (and then i will get a temp ban)
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167 total
what's the report? would that even be volatile enough to be considered greifing?
i shat a bunch of funny cubes on their sim which is like level 0 griefing but still technically griefing
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I could never fuck Rose, those eyes would be staring at me the whole time...
Judging me...
Mothpopen confirmed
those false eyes would scare me shitless if i were a bird/hungry opportunistic pegasus
That means it's working!
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have you ever played high?
My gpu is shit I only play on low
Comfy cake munching
what's your favorite sound clip?
for me it's
funnily it sounds so angry for some reason
Cut off tyler one scream or flutter scream (siren)
the tingting in the camarea stream really woke me up for a sec
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what did that person even mean by this? apparently someone from outside since camarea is kinda known to not reply
Speaking of sounds, does the tts for your name work for you? Interestingly I got so used to it that whenever I hear it somewhere inworld even when music is running it really gets my attention and almost feels like when someone calls me by my actual name in rl. This comes really handy every time I'm not actively staring at the screen.
Yes, the TTS for my name grabs my attention immediate. I respond to it basically as if it were my real name.
No one calls me by my name so my tts never gets used
tts is awesome I love gmod culture polluting SL
what are you talking about
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"I could be the dolphin of your dreams"
i want to touch her (affectionately)
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Its not gmod culture, its Moonbase Alpha culture.
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It did until ponies started using it as a descriptor, and then later another pony that shares the same name has dulled it as well
Used to be brain neuron activation for me, now it's like "am I being talked at or is someone describing another pony"

yes you probably can figure out who I am based on this
highest level of popen literacy without tts
I like to alternate quickly between the definitive and the euphoric CUM
watching tv with anons is so comfy, i should do it more often
Gamingu or I hope you fall down.
for some reason I autistically like the way the tts says "llmao"
also "vro"
cloudy's sounds can be too much at times but the "BUN" one is an absolute classic
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Hey hey fellas, Marzie here. My PC got fucked and been too overwhelmed to get back into things.

Last time my heretical ass posted anthro and got assblasted, so to compensate I present you with Marzipan ass. Enjoy!
get raped
When, where, by whom, and where are they buying me dinner?
>those forelegs
You NEED to eat a burger and work out a bit
But how will strong stallions pick me up into full nelson to rape my ass if I'm too heavy!?!?111
those stallions simply need to git gud then
I don't even know who you are
Sometimes I don't know either...

(Was briefly around for early-mid 2024 until work overwhelmed me, wondering if some peeps I knew are still here)
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anyone else going into other pony's homes and nibbling on their couches?
Stay the FUCK away from my couch you freak.
You're a sleep pyralysis demon.
ill fucking slap you if i ever catch you
I only have a horseplay bed
>nibbling on their couches
i only sninff them
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No but now I may consider it
Time to do a sex furniture census.
I havenā€™t bought any sex beds in 3 years, I just have others rez them out for me.
I am the equine beggar
You are a fucking homeless stallion that serves dick?
What the fuck?
me too, I don't own any sex furniture
I am!
I have one but it never gets used since I'm too shy to ask ponies to let me dominate them
baltimare moment
see what you should do is seek out other doms who have pets and stuff and just casually ask to borrow their pets
do you not know about gmares..?
wait are you telling me that gmares had tts first and nonny made SL the first tts cubes because it was in gmares? wtf
tts names and gestures have been around a very long time for opg. I don't think its a gmod thing. But no I dont know about gmares because I dont play gmod.
Yes, yes I am. Squatter's right to dick mares
I love ponies carrying around things like bags and stuff.
Very based
got cmere'd the first time yesterday and it felt really good
Opinions on small butt popens?
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as always, proportions are key. if it fits well to the rest then it's fine. just avoid ending up looking like some vietnam pony
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The term you're looking for is 'perky', anon.
perky butts are for pinching
Cute and still very plap-able.
The butt reduction kit is a crime against popenkind
to have a big butt someone else needs to have a smaller butt.
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peak physique
Yes but to be fair you need to be physically fit to literally fit in jet fighters
what is stopping you
This unironically, nothing makes me harder than a plump mare paired with a skinny mare. Hhhh
I have said it before, I like being a skinny popen because it makes the fat popens look fatter.
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marble and snowstorm to standing next to eachother
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Where is that arcade??
Between the Dockyard and the church
Oh shit they're back
i miss when the hangout looks liked this
I like all its versions.
Back then it looked way more like a chaotic SL sim (in a good way) but now it's more like an actual town you can live in. I'm also a big fan of trees, so...
>darn prim cat is attacking camarea
Yeah they're smelling the minerals in Camarea
I still don't get how there's so much drama between you faggots literally 99% of what happens in Baltimare is afking by the fire where does it even happen
And there isn't that much drama, especially since a lot of the dramawhores got banned. Sure, they like to try and revive it with threadshitting, but there's really not that much going on.
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I might want to cook something for upcoming summer season
Drama is more subtle now
Watch for things like banned accounts on home land
whatever it is dont forget to add a cameltoe
Victorian era inspired swimsuit but skimpy
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well we're a little over a week into the new year. Did you go to Royalcon?
Here's an updated calendar to include a party going on this Saturday. Here is the flyer for the event. https://files.catbox.moe/phz0qs.png
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Neighponese school swimsuit! Unless it already exists and I just haven't looked hard enough, in which case, please enlighten me.

popen competition swimsuit when
this this this this this this this
are we a hivemimd? i've been thinking about making swimsuits the past few days
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Looks like no karaoke tonight popens!
See ya tomorrow for some early marebox for EU popens
The more time we spend together, the more our minds fuse into one.
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I'M REALLy GONNA FUCKING DO IT THIS TIME I'M GONNA Kmove havok wars back to Saturday because there's basically no winning with weekend scheduling and I want to watch the movie with the other ponies sometimes and also having havok be last thing on a sunday has been lowkey killing my soul
wtf stop provoking my lust
loaf Rose!
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i loaf u 2 anon

More like

I've always wanted something like this

You have no idea what you're talking about
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Likely tourist has been given free spiders.
It is not my fault if the spiders take over the rest of the city
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tail dock piercing anchored slingkini
with crotchless/non-teat covering variants
my butte cheekes?????
my rumpe???????
I wish for this. Do it so I can stare at mare ploota more accessibly.
you can take any (mod) clothing and slap a latex material on it after the fact, you know
Wouldn't have the cool seams and typical latex creases though.
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fair point actually
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Flobber went to sleep like a good mare.
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Escape room successful
Next is probably gonna be on saturday after havok but I'm not sure yet
Sorry for the sudden and inconsistent notices, I'll try to figure the time out today
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incredible work anon
i dont have a horsecock
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Oh hey that me

Horselover here, bringing bad news for the Bungle anniversary party. I've been hard at work all week trying to finish stuff up and while almost everything is prepared I kinda realised that I actually have a full schedule IRL for the next few weeks on fridays and saturdays. I'll see if I can maybe still set it up on a saturday instead anyway but most likely it'll have to be moved even further. oopsies
can't do a sunday or a day off? I'm sure people would attend outside of normal party days
Yee, I might just do that too if poners can handle that.
after moving havok to Sunday i realized how much i fucked myself lmao
just say if you need me to rearrange shit for you big mare
*moving havok to saturday
sorry I'm retarded
just strap a scale plane to your crotch and go for it. planetration.
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Rest up, I know that cranium has things planned.
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I did! I think it was a really fun party on saturday
Speaking of events, no Wheel of Popen this weekend unless somepony really wants it at a odd hour. I'll host again on the 18th at the usual time. Also remember event popens, the 4CC starts SOON. The first three matchdays are the 24th-26th, with /mlp/ playing on yet to be determined days.
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>three events during the same timeslot
But you know which one you should join, don't you, Anon?
I know exactly which!
I'm announcing another event in the same time slot, uhh...
Primstackers! You are given a bunch of physical cubes, and must stack them manually. Highest stack after seven minutes and twenty one seconds wins.
I will announce the fifth event for Saturday: Everyone will be invited to watch my popen jerking it!
If the drama doesn't reach the ears of an average popen like me, then it can't be much of an issue now can it?
"It" being me (a different popen)
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wtf anon
Are you rolling the can out a few miles?
imstill in the process of waking up and for a very brief momen I thought marj had coolglasses on
anon is 450lbs and it takes them at LEAST 2.5 hours to roll the can (and themselves) from the front door to the driveway
flubebr cute!!!!!!
looks like they would call me names
Holy fuck Seth is MUTATING and literally blocking the sun. Look at those shadows
I completely forgot about the trash and marebox im such a fucking disaster of a pony nevermind I guess
Those shadows are terrifying
>playboy bunny ears gone horribly wrong
Anon i...
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weekend escape room is a no sorry ponies
I'm gonna try next week love your little pony ears and pony snoots and pony hoofa they are so soft
That's not how drama works and you might be genuinely retarded. Some ponies take absolutely awful behavior lying down and don't screech about it.
Then it's not drama now is it? It's just somepony being shitty.
Drama, by definition, involves arguments or disagreements and rumours thereof. If somepony acts like a jerk and then nothing further happens, that's not drama, that's just somepony being a jerk.
Fucking hell, it's spreading
>It's only drama if the victim fights back
I don't believe this is the definition most people would use. If someone is being actively hostile to someone, or engaging in social PvP, then that is drama, regardless of how the target reacts. By your definition, talking shit about someone behind their backs and trying to manipulate opinions about them isn't drama, which I'm sure most would agree that it is.
>manipulate opinions about them isn't drama
This is how you know it's threadshitter post
NEW TAMERS KINO in 33 min!!!
>It's only drama if the victim fights back
That's not what I said. I said it's only drama if there's some kind of hubbub about it.
Talking shit about someone behind their backs generally becomes drama because it has consequences and those consequences eventually end up blowing up. It's possible for talking shit behind someone's back to result in no drama, for example if literally everyone completely ignores that person (e.g. if RV were to message people right now about somepony or other being bad or something, most likely everyone would ignore it and it'd cause no drama... unless people start posting about it in the thread and there's inevitably an argument about it, which honestly does seem likely, but imagine nobody posts about it - then there'd be no drama).
It's also possible for a victim to "fight back" but there to be no drama if the two of them literally just keep it between themselves. Again it's not very likely to happen because there will always be rumours, but in theory it's possible.

The word drama literally comes from greek threatre and literally refers to theatrics. One guy being evil isn't enough to cause drama. Now usually one guy being mean causes knock-on effects that end up in a bunch of drama (whether from the victim or from just onlookers and the rumour mill), but again in theory, if it was literally just one guy being mean and nothing else happening, no, that's not enough to be drama.
Unbelievable. The horny is off the charts.
Finally, an accurate description of how horny that stallion is
Shut up and take the L you disingenuous faggot
>no argument
I accept your concession.
Other anons properly characterized your argument for what it is and your response was an irrelevant history lesson. So no I won't help you threadshit a back and forth beyond this.
tl;dr there's private drama and then there's public drama
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party is in horse heights in the original secret cave
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Cave popen? CAVE POPEN!
the fuck is h2h doing in the background kek
Grab any one! We're in a cave anyway.
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Cave popen dance
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>Rainbow Dash's mom hanging out with her arch nemesis
uh oh
that looks like a canterlot party dance
Viking themed party when?
Shit party. Fucking hate the distorted music, can somebody turn that shit off?
request something then, anon, you have keyboards and a brain to pull suggestions from
I like this party, the tourist shelf above really adds to the atmosphere.
I am talking about the effect on the music, you stupid gorilla nigger.
Party is in a CAVE you double nigger
You should be seeing two vertical lines up in the right corner. That turns the stream on and off. You should also be seeing a big X further up and to the right. Click that. You're welcome.
I am not on this shelf so I am not an elf
well aren't you a ray of sunshine
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Kek. My little POOny
what is happening
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trips of hhhh
describes what's going on in her mind
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I loaf mares
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drunk milfs hhhh
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i see you lurking opal
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>Ryzen 5 7600X
>64GB of ram
>RTX 4070

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i love this one thank you photopopen
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Need to be careful with this flank.
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Had to switch to wide shot. These mares need to stop eating so much cake...
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ffmpeg -r 60 -f image2 -s 1920x1080 -i rotated-pano_frame%05d_color_corrected_gradblend.jpg -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p test.mp4 \
&& ffmpeg -re -i test.mp4 -c copy -f flv udp://
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You wake up in the morning after a party and the first thing you see is picrelated. Your actions?
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mods this is a penis
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Nini popens
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get creative
I just feel kind of isolated from everypony, idk what's wrong with me. For awhile I was enjoying trying to be more social, but then drama happened and ponies left and idk, I just am not enjoying things. Not that I enjoy anything irl either.
Are you me?
[Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 37903ms behind
oh shit thats minecraft nvm. i forget the ffmpeg equivalent
Good, you deserve it.
Interestingly, a couple I know who have exactly that problem usually absolutely ignore me even if i just try to communicate with them.
clearly you're not worth their time or not interesting enough to them.
Yeah really if you're lonely get used to it or leave, no one here will ease your pain.
All of my pony friends help me feel better
so did middy get a new alt or something? i dont trust her absence.
Well yeah that's just like irl, but where else would I go?
I like the idea of talking to ponies and being social, usually enough to even bitch about not being more social, up until I actually have to hold conversation, then I go back to hating it.
Middy was playing Jackbox earlier. Of course she's alting.
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As promised, the mini Anon Pony party video WITH SOUND

Who left?
>but then drama happened and ponies left

Wait, is that why a pony I usually constantly see online hasnā€™t been on for days?
>Viking themed party when?

I'd love that.
But before that we need a pirate popens vs ninjas event
just turn them all into ninjaviking pirates
Oh god.
probably not, anons can get busy and not everyone has drama following them, chances are someone else might know if you can't get in contact with them outside the game yourself
Thinking on it, lampwick and nommy have basically disappeared too
go fuck yourself
go love yourself
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Marj spam.
nommy is always in Cloudsdale with sky line
That is indeed weird with your settings.
Don't set avatar quality to unlimited btw. But other than that I don't see anything that should be fucking you.
I love spam
It do be like that sometimes
Not anymore after what happened
Itā€™s a shame, they were a nice little known couple until then
The problem is that you assume everyone is off put by your presence. When you see a group of ponies sitting together, you assume sitting down with them will be a bother to them, instead of considering how they might be happy you joined and grew out of your shell, or maybe they will be indifferent, but certainly not mad. Drama can happen, it it can be damaging, but you learn from it and move on. Maybe someday fences will be mended. Until then though if you constantly dwell on it, all consumed by it, and choose to be distant from others in the aftermath of drama, those other friends you still have will have a hard time being around if that continues for long enough.
fucker why bring that up
everyone in this sim is so fucking fake
yes, even you
especially me!
Can't wait for this place to fucking burn <3
That a good life advise.
im sorry anon i lied to you im not actually a pony in the real world
Lampwick has a real life though, that's why he's seldom on.
Woh! You to? I was start thinking I am along among nohooves here.
no no he's got a point
it is in fact always time for spiders
I've never felt so spiritually in tune with someone before as I am right now with Acura
what was the song at the shaky cam part? that shit goes hard
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holy shit maymay
thank you very much
And everyone was busy rolling her dice when she showed up again
rightfully so.
popens with clickies on them deserve to get clicked numerous times.
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>new pony shows up
>instantly jump on them with my mouse cursor
>clicking from top to bottom of the horse to check if there are any clickies
>accidentally teleport on top of them because forgot to deactivate double-click teleport
Song at 0:30?
Free me from the disco ball!
You became the disco ball. This is your life now. Your destiny.
eepy popens
Eepy but also wrangling Blender at the same time. It can be so janky sometimes.
what are you guys working on at the moment?
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I have more cursed screen.
The competent Baltimare commission on sex is ready to recognize all this as heresy.
What the absolute fuck.
Normal day in Baltimare
Don't know about you guys but personally I wouldn't stick my dick into something like that
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You can actually see his soul getting extracted
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tags: all the way through
but how can i unsee this
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you don't
By overriding the memories with ponies
>ears floppin
>nose wigglin
literally all I need
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wtf that's our slave workforce, you're not supposed to interact with them in THAT way
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how much LI on this motherfucker?
havent uploaded it yet, but im gonna aim for like, 2 or 3
You guys still bake ambient occlusion into the texture? I personally really dislike baked-in oc. It makes things kinda look dirty in an unintended way.
that sounds excellent, sublime

this is another reminder havok wars today at 13pm SLT (an hour from now)
very nice
stop peeking through my keyhole
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Treat your Mocha cutout with care
Popens should just be like Seth and Marj, forcing themselves into every gathering then immediately afking.
it is tough to maintain a feeling of belonging because many ponies come and go as well. i've not seen the pink mane photopopen around since gooey dropped him for the latest conquest. that shy popen with the orange mane and bushy tail went missing also.

idk, it might help to take a short break and come back with no expectations and treat the past as if it hasn't happened.

most feel isolated and just saying hi or booping a stranger's nose makes a big difference to you and them.
Do you prefer longer or shorter manes?
Long, luxurious, flowing manes.
>and just saying hi or booping a stranger's nose makes a big difference to you and them.
can confirm.
if I come online and others boop me and/or say hi my evening is more or less already made. if someone tells me they're happy to see me again I'm melting.
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i prefer shorter manes but i think long is more timeless
Acura could probably easily do this
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>lumi uses snoofa dance
>pensive stroke successfully attracted
He can't resist her agile snofa
reminds me of that webm of him literally going wild over that
wtf a bappu just bit camarea and drew some blood
Sometimes I think this community is too small to weather relationship drama.
Sometimes I sometimes
It is, which is why it's best to avoid that kind of drama entirely
Think of the community; Don't fall in love
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Love the anon pony events. I enjoy
>you have alerted the hat pony
so over for red
Thank God I keep shit to myself mostly and that my relationship is pre-sl and also irl and also i got them to make a pony with me because it's fucking fun
I can't imagine dating someone from the sim you're all a little crazy
according to my studies the amount of sl-sex-having is proportional to drama
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That's actually a fun little idea.
Also keep coming them inworld game ideas.
there are about 63-66 sexo beds and 3 safe beds
ebony's parcel has the most sexo beds at 5
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>tfw you realize drama is one of the very few actual STDs you can catch in SL and drama mongers/enjoyers are the bugchasers
>about 63-66 sexo beds
kek thanks for doing my job. About what percentage of parcels had them? Did you also count things like the hot seats and showers? Did you count things like blankets and pillows that have sex animations loaded into them?
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Why include the safe beds?
it's not about the length, we NEED more fluff. short, long, just make it fluffy or curly or messy
SeƱor Clue here.
Still not sure if im going to be able to host Marebox tonight, if not expect it a little bit later than usual at around 8 or 9 PM SL TIME. If not ill keep you guys informed!
I second this, I would love some messy manes
I've had quite a bit of sexo and I'm not in any drama.
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This week in Havok:
The Council Of Havok Has Gathered Again Edition.
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Also, I couldn't just choose one pic, so here you go.
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And for good measure.
>It's another Hind win
I have very little sexo, and have a lot of drama
I'm used to it. You eventually get a sixth sense when someone is being fake, the only response to this imo is to cut through the fake and address what they actually mean.
Not understanding nuance is a symptom of autism
Yep popens sorry no Marebox tonight i will host tomorrow tho!
Tends to be
There's a reason real-life societies aren't big polyamorous goonfests

I like this has a forced perspective effect that makes the popen in the background just look stupidly tiny
That's not forced perspective, he really is that tiny
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Scream! 9 legs
I hope I will receive at least free mare for this Grid Drive
the bed looks like it's on the ground, and makes the brick wall look much shorter, and thusly makes him look stupidly tiny, as opposed to the first picture where he just looks smal
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Based off the deleted posts, it looks like Blupon was the recent spammer kek
angy touristo

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