The funniest part about making Glimmer's anti-cutie mark thing be an actual ideology and sincere belief rather than just a tool of control is that it requires her to be either extremely ignorant or extremely racist. She has to either have not taken non-ponies into account at all and basically not known they existed or she has to believe that they were always going to have conflict despite not having cutie marks because that's just an inevitability for creatures.
Blah blah blah farts
Kill glimmerniggers
>>41815352So what you're saying is that Starlight is into human men?
>>41815840Only if they like farts.
>>41815845Wow! That's exactly what I am.
>>41815352Glimmer is a tool
>>41815845Lucky me!
>>41815840That's the opposite of what was said.
>>41815352All farts should smell the same.
>extremely racistNo wonder a lot of 4channers have come around on her.
>>41815352Her ideal was equality. The removal of cutie marks was an instrument of that, not the end goal. She doesn't admire dragons or griffons, or any other markless species because none of them hold to rigid equality like she wants.
>>41816282No, her whole hangup was that cutie marks were to blame.
>>41816291And that's why she also was making everyone wear the same clothes, same haircut, same homes, ect?
>>41816316As of the S5 finale her core motivation is from cutie marks. Everything else is downstream of that.
>>41816241Absolutely not, there's a spectrum of delicious mare fart stench.
>>41816473Fart connoisseur
>>41816473All. Farts. Should. Smell. The. Same.
>>41816246As a 4channeler I would love to come on her
>>41815352Her ideology is about equality bro, think about WHY she fixated on cutie marks, it's because they're a source of inequality in ponies. And she can't really be racist because her town has all three tribes which by default have different skillsets, so she is okay with the slight differences from different races which should extend to creatures too. It's only the inequality within race that matters because it'd be silly for a stallion to compare their sex drives to humans, that's just a category they have to accept that they LOST against superior BHC.
>>41818282>think about WHY she fixated on cutie marksBecause her nerd boyfriend got his and moved away. The whole thing about equality was bullshit, she was just angry she missed out on Sunburst bursting inside her.
>>41818304Because he was more talented than her. Poor Glimmy was a late bloomer.
>>41818174Are all glimfags fart fetishists, or are you just samefagging to hell and back?
>>41818325It's not a fetish, it's the meaning of life.
>>41818325I'm the only one an actual fart fetish, and an who actually waifus Starlight. It'd be safe to assume 99% of other Glimfrens do not share my interests. The other Glimflags are just Anon's pretending because it's funny to them, or, in the case of one particular individual(>>41818174 who is the "The Ultimate RARISCHIZO" aka the fake Flutterschizo) are doing so because I just so happened to have mindbroken them months ago and are pretending to be me partly to """spite""" me and because he wants the attention I've been getting.
>>41818325>>41818334>>41818554all me btw
>>41818558No. Me!>>41818554This is the second time this accusation fell on me and I don't even know what you're talking about. I'm just fooling around, having some fun on this currently boring board and I find it amusing that there are at least two other Anons doing the same.
>>41818554>I'm the only one an actual fart fetishPatient zero. I'm pretty sure the other Starlight flags pretended to like glim gas. Anons calling them out isn't going to ruin your interests, insult your likes or tarnish your reputation