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Do rarifags really?
i dont know
My wife Rarity would never give birth to a filthy human!
adopted for slave labor
My wife Rarity would never rise a gay femboy
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Please stop tranny.
unf mommy rarity
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I made my choice
do you, by chance, have programming socks?
Based and princesspilled
Rarity dresses you in style, not turn you into a femboy
I wonder how many 4channers would be furious if Rarity finished their outfit and it was a beautiful antique suit instead of the flowing dress they were clearly imagining.
I love suits too, but I want a pretty dress...
I am sure Rarity would understand if I asked for one.
Rarity turned me into a femboy. So yes
Only if you ask very nicely, and you make it clear that you still love the suit.
i bet that she would peg you
I legitimately look like Ralof from skyrim with long hair
Change the Poochie portrait for Aryanne and it would be perfect.
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Ruined it.
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p.s.: buy the Aryanne coin we are making chud
I had long hair from late high school to right after high school and it looked like fucking shit my family said I looked like a hobo.
kek, no, but you made me choke on my water with that last thing rarity said hahaha, thanks for the laugh anon
Poser fag.
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You'd think a board with no mods would be fun but you fags are so goddamn gay.
some minimal moderation is necessary like removing spam
They're slipping if they're missing this.
>Board with no mods turns everyone gay
What does this say about the mods
They are homophobic. Easy.
>No mods
They always ban me everytime I post "bump" because of "flooding".
thanks for the tip
I've been wearing my hair long since 2019. For the first year, I barely took care of my hair and looked like a hobo. In 2020 I cut my hair bald (it was so bad that I had a thick layer of lard underneath the hair on my head). By 2021 I re-grew my hair and I think I look great.
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WTF is this thread!?
por que no las dos?
>a board with no mods
How do you take care of hair and skin as a man? Nobody taught me this stuff, and when I look online everyone's trying to sell a product.
Check out >>>/trash/72174064
Ask on LGBT. Trannies that take care of themselves are porbably the most determined people in this area and by god, I have never been anything close to cleanly shaven before I listened to their advice (I have really hard facial hair)
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In the shower exfoliate your skin by scrubbing dead skin off with a loofah/sponge and body wash. Apply some lotion after your skin has dried. Use a pumice stone to make your feet softer and remove calluses.

Avoid hot water when showering and don't use a rough towel to dry your hair. Instead have two separate towels. a
A softer towel for hair and another one for your body. Use conditioner and actually follow the instructions and let it sit for a few minutes. Usually I exfoliate while the conditioner does it's job. If your hair is damaged and frizzy then apply some coconut oil a few minutes before taking a shower. Remember you can trim your eyebrows and make them thinner with tweezers and a special small scissors. I don't really need to shave anymore thanks to hrt but use shaving cream and do it after a shower. Use shampoo sparingly because it can damage hair.
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it's actually surprising how many trans are fascist and even nazi
4channers are going to remain 4channers even after they decide they want a pussy.
it just shows how naive and impressionable tgirls are
actually a feminine trait
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I've never met a trans chud. Although I briefly dated a chud who kept trying to force me to watch and finish Europa The Last Battle despite it being twelve hours long. After a while the obsession with Jewish people and black people got exhausting to listen to. Every conversation regardless of topic somehow devolved into a conversation on Jews and I wasn't having fun anymore. Most chud blame their lack of success in relationships on Jews, blacks or Western women. Frankly it's because you're not fun to be around.
i've talked to a few online. they were all strongly political and anti-black/jew. they often "jokingly" posted nazi memes but the amount and dedication to them went beyond the ironic shitposting
i've also seen a video of two trans fucking under the snek flag and a bunch of other similar flags. interpret it however you like
so no one's going to mention that rarity is a jiraifag?
I like you lunanon. You are nice and you give good advice.
I wish I knew you before, maybe I'd troon out sooner. Though my parents weren't cool and only made me wore dresses instead of letting me
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whoa it me
and also a very important friend of mine who I hope is reading this thread and having a good time in that cruddy part of evropa
I want to believe is a girl, but I learned long ago that reality is dissapointing.
Good tips, double dubs.
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You are a magnanimous and kind nonny. Your advice is actually quite appreciated.
What if I've had severe scalp eczema my entire life and no amount of cold, hot, or lukewarm water seems to help it recover in over 20 years? I tried letting it grow out, I tried toweling with a separate softer towel, I've recently been getting it buzzcut shorter every haircut in the hopes that it helps the skin air out....lately my scalp's cracking and bleeding unless I wear a hat to work.
Why tf is there more trans/sissy shit those days?
Did I miss a memo or something?
Many such cases, the absolute state of the board
if I wasn't balding this would be great advice
Trammers fans...
Prepare for more after the movie drop
>watches a show for little girls
>surpirsed it turned some of them into girls
Yeah, no. That's um... so unexpected. Totally
What a helpful how-to-eventually-suicide manual, OP.
Happy 41% day.
HRT did to the autistic community what crack did to the ghettos.
we can only hope there'll be a war on it soon
>sees a happy person with a supportive mother
>Reeeee kill yourself! You will hang yourself tranny! You will fucking die! No! Your treatemnt won't help you! It's all Big Farm and you will suffer! You will hate everything I hate, just because I am comfrotable in my body means precisely that you have to be too
Retard. I am nearly crying everytime I see a trans man being happy about his changes and multiple times I've went "quick, get this poor child on HRT" in my head when seeing preteen boys, then remembered he is probably fine with that.

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