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This is the ideal Anonpony. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

All Anonstallion/Anoncolt stories and art welcome.

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/10582 (R63 Shining Armor)

https://ponepaste.org/10481 (Rainbow Dash)

https://ponepaste.org/10633 (Celestia, Fluttershy)

https://ponepaste.org/10631 (Zecora)
learn to love yourself please.
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Nice sage, bitch. Where did you find it?
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edgemare wife...
I really should ponepaste this shit before the read dies again.
>You ignore the peanut gallery and focus on Fluttershy.
>Well, she isn't punching you in the face after that nuzzle...
>"Anon, I-" She takes a deep breath before continuing.
>"Never want to see you again?" Twilight quickly jumps in and grabs you with her magic. "Sure thing Fluttershy! Haha! What are friends for?!"
>The unhinged mare carries you to the door and prepares to toss you out like a sack of garbage.
>Twilight's eye begins twitching as a deranged grin forms across her lips.
>It's strange, Twilight is usually the voice of reason in delicate matters such as this.
>You seem to have grossly underestimated the gravity of this situation.
>Fluttershy isn't just an average ordinary mare.
>She's one of the MANE FREAKIN' SIX, not to mention she's helped save Ponyvil- neigh, ALL OF EQUESTRIA on a regular basis!
>The true weight of your fuckup begins to dawn on you.
>Maybe you really ARE too reckless. Maybe you really ARE too dependent on others.
>There will be time to dwell on this self-defeating attitude later.
>Alicorn magic is far more powerful than that of a regular unicorn's, so struggling your way out isn't an option.
>Nothing to do now except close your eyes and prepare for a turbulent landing.
>"Wait! Please don't throw him out, Twilight!"
>Fluttershy reaches out a hoof in protest to your rude removal.
>Her friends stare at her in awkward silence, unsure of how to respond to their friend's outburst.
>"What's going on Fluttershy?" Twilight speaks up. "Why on earth do you want this stallion here after what he did to you?!"
>Fluttershy frowns and sits up in her bed. "Because he's not the one causing trouble!"
>The mood of the entire room suddenly shifts from pure tension to an awkward silence.
>Her friends stand there awkwardly and shuffle their hooves on the ground.
>"Poor Anon here has been trying to talk to me about the accident but all of you keep picking on him!"
>The 5 mares exchange glances and then lock eyes on you.
>"I'm sorry everypony, but if you insist on being such silly fillies then I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave!"
>She pouts in the cutest way imaginable and points towards the door.
>Nopony dares to speak in the moment.
>Wow, this is the most assertive Fluttershy you've ever seen! Note to self, never piss her off...
>"You're right Fluttershy, we've been acting like a mob this entire time." Twilight sighs and releases you from her magic. "I'm sorry."
>"Well shucks, when ya put it that way Ah guess we were gangin' up on poor Anon." Applejack confesses. "A'hm sorry too."
>"Oooo! Is this the part where we become sad now?" Pinkie Pie exclaims while putting on her best sad face.
>"I suppose I did lose control in the heat of the moment." Rarity admits. "I'm sorry as well, Fluttershy."
>Rainbow Dash grits her teeth and tries to ignore the sentimental sorries of her friends.
>"Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy crosses her hooves and frowns.
>She sighs in defeat. "I-I'm...s...o...r...r...y too Fluttershy."
>"Thank you." The yellow mare smiles with approval.
>Rainbow Dash makes a "I'm watching you" gesture with her hoof before closing the door behind her.
>It's just you and Fluttershy now, but tension still lingers in the air.
>You approach Fluttershy and place your hooves on the bed's guardrail.
"Fluttershy I-"
>You take one look into those beautiful cyan eyes of hers and choke up immediately.
>Confound these frazzled nerves!
>Fluttershy places a hoof over yours and smiles.
>"Yes, Anon?"
>Oh Celestia give you strength.
>Come on you stupid foal. USE. YOUR. WORDS.
>Her smile ignites your heart with the grace of puring gasoline on a dumpster fire.
>You quickly slap yourself with your free hoof.
>Your shouting forces the startled mare to recoil in surprise.
>Tears stream down your cheeks as you wrap your hooves around Fluttershy and hold her tight.
"I thought it would impress you..." You nuzzle into her soft mane and sob like a foal.
You sound as insecure as the ptfg niggers who want to lose their dicks when ponying, anon. You should hit the gym, and until then, shift-click.
YAY! Its back!
I really should ponepaste this shit before the read dies again.
Yes, you definitely should do that!
>I really should ponepaste this shit before the read dies again.
You're right.
Dew it.
More zeeb coming tonight after work.
But, that story is nearing its conclusion. I guess I can continue my other story here after it. A kirin is fine, too.
>more zeeb
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fluttershy would never do that
Post your favorite greens

What if I asked her nicely?
>changed the eyes
that is what she wants you to think but in reality she will almost always do that
Sounds like you want the Flutterrape thread down the hall.
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[x] Bottoms up!

>You snagged the cup and sniffed at it.
>It had the scent of freshly ground pepper masked beneath the sweetness.
>The zebra had a hint of a smile on her lips as she cocked her head.
>You shrugged.
“Bottoms up I guess.”
>Lifting your cup to your lips, you watched her do the same.

>It tasted sour.
>Like lemon juice.
>And burned in your throat.
>You coughed.
“Bleh. So what’s this thi-”

>”In the swirls of the potion, a scene so clear.”
>You saw a hazy vision of Zecora’s rear swaying in front of you.
>You wanted it.
>To rut her.
>”Of desire so deep – and love so dear?”
>She spun to face you, then hopped to the side to reveal a tall orchid behind her.
>Her lips moved as if speaking, but you heard nothing – yet still knew she was telling what kind of a flower it was and invited you to smell it.
>”Two hearts entwined, like stars in the sky.”
>You strode closer and leaned in.
>Sniff, snif…
>A most pleasant flowery scent.
>The pollen stuck to your nose and you sneezed.
>Zecora let out a giggle and smooched your cheek.
>”Guiding each other, as the years go by.”
>She pulled a large bag full of fragrant herbs from somewhere and tossed it onto your back, then waved a hoof to get you to follow.

>You were splayed out on the floor.
>Zecora’s towered above you.
>Her hoof came down and…
>She booped your snoot, then poked at your front hoof.
>You stuck your hoof into hers.
>She, with remarkable ease, pulled you up onto your hooves.
>You still felt a bit dizzy.
>”A foal you wish to sire, but is that all you desire?”
>She took a step back.
>”I am looking for one to hold dear, but I fear all you see is my rear.”
>She wiggled her behind for emphasis.

What would you like to do?

nice ponepaste, was nice to read.
>She booped your snoot
Boop her snoot back!
>A foal you wish to sire
A little to soon to be talking about a foal, dont you think? Can a pony and a zebra even have a foal?

They have real-life horse-zebra hybrids.
Let's make a simple, but effective statement. Give her a hug.
A long, warm, genuine hug, with no sexual shenanigans or so.
Yeah, they exist but they're sadly all sterile like mules.
Sounds cute
Lets give her a bunch of cute little zonies.
Anon needs to explain why he likes Zecora., preferably while making ass puns the entire time.
Good idea
That wasn't bad. I can't say I particularly care about yanderes, but Moondancer is a rare treat.
Sad thread that only exists because of fear of being called a tranny in $(current_year).
Ayyy based. Been waiting for this thread.
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>What would you like to do?
why, rape, of course
God, all of the Mane Six is so fucking unlikeable here. They don't even give Anon time to explain, they immediately assume the worst and try to kill him, and Fluttershy doesn't threaten to cut them off for that? I would've been a bit more furious if my friends tried to MURDER MY BOYFRIEND for something that wasn't even his fault.

The fuck?
Read this one yesterday, it's really good. I know it's been over a year, but if the Anon who wrote this is here, please continue!
Sir, please do not rape the zeeb.
neat, I just finished reading this today around 2 hours when you posted that comment to where it ends at chapter 10, bit of a shame not to finish it since its really good.
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>all of the Mane Six is so fucking unlikeable here
Just like in the MLP movie!
>foreskin fine
Hey, it somehow got updated since I read it last time years ago!
"Rainbow Dash was right." You sniffle. "I'm too reckless and stupid for my own good."
>Suddenly Fluttershy pushes you away and frowns with the force of a thousand Nightmare Moons.
>She tries to slap a hoof across your face, but it ends up feeling like a soft tap instead.
>Nevertheless, you're in shock that Fluttershy would attempt to do such a thing.
>"Please don't say such terrible things about yourself!"
>She cups your face with her hooves and leans in.
>Your wings stretch and stiffen as her delicate lips caress your own.
>Is this really happening?! Oh Celestia she tastes so delicious!
>Looks like your wings aren't the only thing stiffening. Hopefully Fluttershy doesn't notice.
>Her lips soon part from your own, leaving you almost entirely speechless.
>You swear there's a small stream of smoke emanating from your mouth.
"H-Holy bits."
>The mare giggles and places a hoof on your bewildered face.
>"Feeling better now, Anon?" She asks in a silky voice.
>You frantically nod your head.
>"I'm glad to hear that." She sighs with content and nuzzles into you. "I'm also glad you came to see me."
>Your face must be as red as a tomato at this point.
>The gentle mare's affections have awoken something inside of you.
>A primal desire to love and protect this pegasus at all costs.
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it's not that simple.
>Going smoochie with Flutters
Oh, the others will hate Anon for this.
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it's not a rape; she said "I do"
t. jew
it cant be that hard... right?
No, my foreskin is fine.
It's at least the start.
zecora writefag where are you?! this thread will die before you can finish your fapfic!
>2 days since the last post
Give him time. 2 days isn't critical yet.
dios mio...
Post some story ideas. I feel like writing.
Zonies are sterile though. There'll be no interbreeding beyond the first generation.
I am slightly offended. That would definitely be true had Stellar Flare been chosen, but with Zecora?
But, I'm having a hard time deciding how to proceed since the vote is evenly split between two lines of approach.
>Stellar flare was an option?
Wtf! There is nothing wrong with zecora, but stellar is top UNF and the queen of milfs!
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It was the very first choice, between Cheerilee, Zecora, and Stellar Flare.
>wanting used goods when you could sow your seed in virgin valleys
why tho
I suppose it's only been implied instead of stated outright, but...
i doubt that
There's nothing wrong with dating a widow.
It's never said in the show, but it is kind of implied.
>"You don't have to break a silly record to impress me."
>Would've been nice to know a couple days ago.
>"Just be yourself!"
>You look right into her big beautiful eyes and smile.
>"Daaaaaawwwwwwwwww! They're so adorbs together!"
>Your eyes shoot open as you turn towards the door, which is now ajar with 5 pony heads peeking out from it.
>Pinkie Pie is making one of those "that's so cute" kind of faces, which is a sharp contrast to the scowls of disapproval from the rest of her friends.
>"Pinkie!" Her friends shout in unison.
>"What?" The pink mare crosses her forelegs and pouts. "They ARE adorbs!"
>Fluttershy gasps and withdraws from your tender embrace.
>"G-Girls?!" She squeaks as she buries her head under the blanket. "You were supposed to wait outside!"
>"Well we did..." Twilight poofs into the room and trots towards you and Fluttershy. "Until we heard some strange noises."
>Rainbow Dash zips into the room and leers at you. "Would you happen to know anything about that, ANON?"
>You frown and remain silent.
>What happens between you and Fluttershy is none of their business.
>You look to your newfound lover for support.
>How the buck do you explain this...this...THING you have with Fluttershy?
>"Anon is my c-coltfriend now." The gentle mare blurts out beneath the blanket.
>The room falls silent.
>Even Pinkie Pie, who seemingly approved of your lovely-dovey shenanigans, stares in shock with her jaw firmly planted on the floor.
>On the one hoof, you were hoping to announce this budding romance in a more subtle manner.
>On the other hoof, it's very rare for a shy mare like Fluttershy to get straight to the point like that.
>Are her feelings for you somehow changing her?
>Only time will tell.
>But, I'm having a hard time deciding how to proceed
Then go with the safer option. Pushing it will only wreck the scenario.
I want to give Flutters so many foals
how much foals?
>breaking her limbs is what gets them together
I mean it's memorable if nothing else.
Stallion bump.
The prostate?
If you want to. I'm not huge on anal.
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Nightguard Anon X Luna
Now that could be interesting. The question is which Luna are we talking? Early redemption Luna, or a later, more settled Luna?
From page 10, mostly.
>getting your prostate bumped from page 10
That's a big stallion.
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I've decided on which way to go and got started with writing it yesterday, but now I'm sick so no promises on when I'm done. Have an image that requires extensive editing I don't have the energy for right now.
Take all the time you need to recover we will be eagerly looking forward to more when you're ready. Also, cute zeeb.
Get well soon, Anon. Don't push yourself.
Sir, this is the straight thread.
See >>41821647
For you.
Ah... well... Still straight I suppose.
Straight going to page 10, right now.
>The girls try to speak, but only silence emanates from their group.
>You can only imagine the thoughts running through their minds right now.
>Of course Rainbow Whorse is the first to break the silence with more of her bull-headed ranting.
>She pulls the blanket away and angrily points a hoof in your direction.
>"Ooooo a clown? I wouldn't mind dating a clown." Pinkie licks her lips and ogles you like a lovestruck schoolfilly. "Especially one as cute as Nonny here..."
>"P-Pinkie!" Twilight scolds the amorous pink mare. "You're not helping!"
>Twilight grabs Pinkie and poofs her out of the room.
>You gulp nervously and quickly turn back to Fluttershy.
>The LAST thing either of you need is a stupid love triangle ruining this relationship before it even gets off the ground.
>Wait, was that a pegasus joke you just slid into that thought?
>"But Darling!" Rarity steps forward to give her unwanted opinion. "Are you sure you want such a reckless brute as your special somepony?!"
>Rarity trots over and begins tugging at your messy mane. "Especially one with such a scruffy sense of style?"
>"Mmhmm..." Fluttershy sits up in her bed and quickly nods. "Anon is a wonderful stallion once you get to know him!"
"H-Hey! Easy on the mane Rarity!" You smack her hoof away and blush. "I didn't exactly have time to clean up this morning."
>"Hmph!" Rarity turns her nose up with disgust and saunters over to Twilight's side of the room.
>That just leaves Rainbow Whorse and Applejack.
>Oh horsefeathers. What toxic ingredients will THEY add to this awkward sundae?
>Rainbow Dash continues to glare at you in silence while her country bumpkin friend steps forward.
>"Anon, Ah'm gonna be honest with ya." She tilts her hat back. "We were mighty angry with ya after finding out about Fluttershy's broken wing."
>You prepare to apologize once again, but Applejack silences you with a raised hoof.
>"Personally, Ah don't think yer some kinda ruffian who goes around hurtin' ponies for the fun of it."
>You shake your head in agreement.
>"Fluttershy sees sumthin' in ya that we can't quite figure out." She motions to her angry friends.
>Rarity and Twilight turn to stare at you with puzzled expressions while Rainbow Dash stares out the window.
>"We may not like the idea of our friend Fluttershy dating the feller who put her in the hospital ta begin with..."
>"But this is her decision, and no matter the outcome..." Applejack takes off her hat and holds it to her heart. "...we'll respect it."

https://ponepaste.org/10448 (ongoing)
>Applejack is the voice of reason
Quality moment. Far too many people miss that side of her.
more like going straight into a mare
>we may not like the idea of our friend dating the guy who raped her

Kek true to life
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woah now buddy, cool it with the rainbowphobic remarks
>back legs crossed
>wink wink
>making foals
UNF! These threads are quickly turning me into a Flutters fag.
>great with animals
She's prime wife and mother material, Anon.
absolutely WOULD (make many foals with fluttershy) haha
Isn't that reading a bit too much into it? She wasn't forced into anything.
It is, but it just reminds me of IRL women who seek out the people they should be attracted to the least if they were actual logical beings.
There's logic to it, it's just not the kind of logic that cares for long-term planning or consequences. Causes pain = attraction.
Yeah, so it's emotional, which is the opposite of a rational decision.
Rainbow Dash is trash. Hate her voice
You'd be crazy not to.
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flutterbutter would not appreciate you talking about her pal like that
>At the gala, but spilled spaghetti instead
I can see it happening.
What happened to that green where anon raced rainbow dash?
I know sunn irl and he told me you guys don't give him enough (You)s when he writes, so he canceled the story.
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t. the only writer allowed to cancel stories for not harvesting enough (You)s
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>Be a unicorn stallion named Anon.
>End up in Equestria with barely any magic.
>Turns out being a unicorn who can’t use magic is kinda lame.
>Need citizenship to stay.
>Princess Celestia gives you three options for citizenship.
>1 Bake a million cakes for 'charity'.
>2 Travel across Equestria and write a 500-page thesis on friendship.
>3 Join the Royal Guard.
>You’re not much of a baker, and writing that much sounds like torture.
>Not exactly an ideal choice, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
>Training is brutal, but you push through it.
>No magic, no problem, just work harder.
>Somehow, against all odds, you make it.
>Get assigned to the Night Guard.
>Probably because you’re weird and don’t fit in anywhere else.
>Whatever, at least you got a job now.
>New life, new purpose.
>Adjusting to the nocturnal schedule is rough.
>Start doing your usual guard duties.
>Patrolling, escorting, standing around looking serious.
>One night, while stationed outside her chambers, Princess Luna actually talks to you.
>"Thou art Anon, yes?"
>Luna actually knows your name?!
>Nod like an idiot.
>She notices you don’t use magic.
>"Is this by choice?"
>Explain that it just… doesn’t work right.
>She doesn’t judge, just nods and moves on.
>Weirdly validating.
>Start talking more often.
>Casual greetings turn into real conversations.
>She tells you about her struggles, her regrets, her past.
>You tell her about your own doubts, frustrations, and the whole ‘barely functioning unicorn’ thing.
>One day, you realize you actually consider her a friend.
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>Then, one night, everything goes to hell.
>Some rogue magic-wielding nutjobs decide to attack the castle.
>They’re after Luna!
>You just so happen to be the unlucky guard posted outside her room when it all starts.
>Dark magic blasts down the hallway.
>There’s no backup yet, just you and your weak-ass magic.
>Still, you don’t run.
>You fight.
>Not the strongest, not the fastest, but you refuse to back down.
>Hold the line until reinforcements arrive.
>By the time the fight ends, you’re exhausted, bloody, and bruised.
>But Luna is safe.
>That’s all that matters.
>After that, everything changes.
>Your name starts getting passed around the Night Guard.
>Even Luna starts treating you differently.
>One night, she looks you in the eye and says.
>"Thou art more than just a guard, Anon… thou art a friend."
>mfw you finally belong
>A few weeks later, Luna invites you to the castle gardens after your shift.
>Says she wants to ‘enjoy the night’ with company for once.
>Lowkey honored, but try to act cool.
>You sit with her beneath the stars, talking about random things.
>She mentions how different Equestria is from what she remembers.
>Tell her you understand what it’s like to feel out of place.
>For the first time, you see her smile in a way that isn’t guarded.
>More invitations follow.
>Some nights you talk, some nights you just enjoy the quiet together.
>She even asks you to spar with her once, claiming she needs to ‘stay sharp’.
>Surprisingly, you hold your own for a bit.
>Get absolutely destroyed by an alicorn’s magic and skill.
>Still, she compliments you on your tenacity.
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>One night, she takes you to the Dream Realm.
>Apparently, she can bring others into dreams if she wishes.
>It’s surreal floating through endless dreamscapes, watching over sleeping ponies.
>She teaches you how to sense the disturbances, how she battles nightmares.
>Even lets you try to dispel a minor bad dream yourself.
>Almost mess it up, but she helps you fix it.
>She actually laughs at your attempt, a genuine, soft laugh.
>you made Luna laugh!
>Over time, the Night Guard starts seeing you as more than just ‘that weird unicorn who can’t use magic'.
>You’re one of them now.
>Still can’t do much magic, but who cares?
>You’ve got a purpose, a home, and a friend who makes the long nights worthwhile.
>One night, as you stand at your post, Luna passes by and pauses.
>She looks at you for a long moment before saying softly.
>"I am glad thou art here, Anon."
>For once, you don’t feel like an outsider.
>You belong.
>Things get… complicated.
>You start to notice how much you look forward to seeing Luna.
>She’s always been important, but now? Now it’s different.
>You think about her even when she’s not around.
>You dream about her.
>One night, she accidentally enters your dream.
>It’s a really, really awkward dream.
>You and her, together, sharing a moment that’s… way too intimate.
>she sees everything.
>Wake up in a cold sweat.
>She’s standing there, looking absolutely flustered.
>Time to move to another dimension.
>Apologize profusely, utterly mortified.
>She doesn’t say anything for a moment… then she admits something.
>"Anon… I too have strong feelings for thee."
>Brain.exe has stopped working.
>She likes you? A literal princess? The mare of your dreams (literally)?
>Can’t believe this is real life.
>After a long moment, you both agree to take things slow.
>No need to rush into anything.
>But before you leave, she hesitates, then steps closer.
>She leans in, eyes searching yours.
>You barely have time to react before she presses her lips softly against yours.
>The world stops.
>You just kissed Princess Luna!
>The days after are some of the happiest of your life.
>Even the Night Guard notices something different about you.
>You and Luna spend more time together, balancing duty and personal moments.
>The bond between you only grows stronger.
>One evening, as you both sit under the stars again, she leans against you.
>It’s quiet, peaceful.
>She murmurs, "We shall face eternity together, Anon."
>For the first time in forever, you feel truly complete.
>mfw you found love in the night.
Anyone else have any story ideas?
>"We shall face eternity together, Anon."
Someone's about to get magic'd. That stuff doesn't happen just like that.
How about Anon goes to Ponyville and somehow gets a job in Sugarcube Corner where he has to work with Pinkie, trying to hide his origin from her Pinkie Sense as he tries to get a grip of the town?
Awesome green, dude. Thanks!
pretty god damn good green.
Tried writing something freeform without a concrete idea in mind. It’s not much, but I like the character. Much potential. After the fact, he could be a prime candidate for exploring self-destructive behavior through the vehicle of shadow magic. Could be interesting. I have to brainstorm about it.

>You are Anon, though it hardly matters. You’ve gone by many names over your life, mostly online handles that stuck with varying degrees of permanence.
>But you digress. A perk of your overactive brain. One thought nudges another in an avalanche of pure mental thought. (And, as with a real avalanche, it’s generally just as destructive. You find.)
>Anyway, here you are. And you are a horse.
>Ponyland, they said. Follow your dreams, be happy, they said.
>Honestly, after the novelty wore off, normalcy wrapped around you again like a slightly damp blanket. A bit gross, but not so bad that you feel the need to address it in any meaningful way. "It’s fine," the thought dominates your general malaise.
>Not that your current occupation is any less boring than staring at a monitor. Maybe your shrink had a point back then: you’re just depressive, and your screeching rants about society were really just that; Cope.
>You’re getting sidetracked... again.
>You’re making your bits through artisanal™ blister steel. Layer of coke, iron, coke, iron, coke. Seal the stone coffin, close the cementation door, and let it broil for a few weeks. Then ship it off and find some petty satisfaction in knowing your formative years spent on historical reenactment weren’t entirely wasted.
>Good thing those savages in the royal guard are still using lumpy lame bronze or sad iron. Otherwise, you'd probably have to resort to farm work.
>Speaking of strenuous labor, you *did* try refining your blister steel into actual steel. You even attempted to fashion tools, armor, and weapons yourself. But without mechanical power, you just can’t be bothered. Hammering steel by hoof? Once was enough. Let the poor saps at the royal armory fold it a thousand times. You’re paid well enough for the novelty of shitty blister steel; you’re not incentivized to do anything beyond that.
>Technically, you have the means to build a windmill to power a trip hammer. But what’s the point?
>What is the point, indeed.
You know what they say about the industrial revolution. It would be tricky to introduce new technology in Equestria. Though their tech level isn't very consistent either.
Short, but good. Neat green, Anon.
So it seems.
A mare is more than just her voice though.
Only 20 images? Rookie numbers, time to pump those up
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somepony's been playing vintage story
Maybe anon needs to find a blacksmith mare and work with her
>"Thank you, Applejack." Fluttershy fidgets with her blankets and smiles.
>Twilight suddenly snaps out of her stupor performs a silly double-take between you and Fluttershy.
>"But I-" It seems like she wants to add her two cents to this mess.
>She shakes her head and sighs in defeat. "No, Applejack's right."
>You can only imagine what was really on her mind.
>"Fluttershy is our friend, and we should trust her judgement."
>"I apologize for giving you such a hard time, Anon." She trots over to you and extends a hoof. "We just want what's best for Fluttershy."
"So do I."
>You reluctantly shake her hoof and return to Fluttershy's side.
>Just a few minutes ago these mares wanted to draw and quarter you.
>Now they seem more at peace with the idea of you dating Fluttershy.
>You really should thank Applejack for playing the mediator.
>Without her, you're sure the rest of her friends would've torn you apart.
>Quite possibly in the literal sense.
"Thanks for having my back, Applejack." You smile at her. "You're a true friend."
>"Now don't get all sappy about it, Anon." She blushes and hides her face behind her hat.
>"Just take good care of Fluttershy and that'll be thanks enough fer me."
>Suddenly a clock chimes somewhere outside, sending the 5 mares into a panic.
>Twilight poofs a small clock out of thin air and gasps at the time. "Oh no! We're going to be late!"
>Rainbow Dash sighs with relief but makes sure to give you one last 'I'm watching you' gesture before leaving. "Last one to the balloon is a rotten egg!"
>You'll be sure to "catch up" with Rainbow Dash later. She doesn't get to hide from her feelings THAT easily!
>"Y'all take care now." Applejack waves to Fluttershy, tilts her cowboy hat and trots after Rainbow Whorse.
>"Get well soon, darling!" Rarity carefully hugs Fluttershy. "And if Anon gives you any more trouble..."
>Rarity turns to face you, stands on her hind legs and assumes a...kung fu stance?
>"I shall correct him!"
>"T-There's no need for that, Rarity!" Fluttershy squeaks in protest. "Anon won't cause anymore trouble. Right, h-honey?"
>You quickly nod in agreement, much to her delight.
>Rarity raises an eyebrow, but knows there's no time to continue harassing you.
>"Remember Anon, when it comes to relationships, patience is key." Twilight adds while loading up her saddlebag and going over a small checklist.
>"Taking unecessary risks is a foal's errand!"
>You salute Twilight and begin trotting back and forth in front of Fluttershy's bed as though you were some kind of guard.
>Fluttershy can't help but giggle at your tomfoolery.
>"We'll be just fine Twilight." She reassures Twilight.
>Twilight smiles and flies out of the room.
>Rarity grabs the remaining saddlebags from the nearby table hastily departs with Twilight.
>The door is set alight with purple magic and quickly closes behind them.
ded general
The whole board is dead anyway
I'd wager that if it's gotten people interested in the concept of Anonstallion then we aren't dead, just living forever.
Really? I think it's doing pretty well.
That was a good read. Thanks for sharing.
Pic is of OP, a glorious winged faggot
It's too late for me.
FAR too late.
I wouldn't even know where to begin.
>Do you do drugs?
>Traffic children?
>Rob banks?
>Murder people?
>Steal from others?
If your answer is no to any of these questions, then congratulations, it's not too late for you.
Same here. I'm just waiting for it to end so I can be in Equestria.
Anon, you still have much of your life to go through. It's not like a portal to equestria will open up anytime soon.
>Anon, you still have so much more suffering to endure
Yes, I know.
>do it for her
Doesn't sound like a faggot to me.
No way fag
Or ever, while we're at it.
The portal is within your grasp anon. You just need to take the plunge
A plunge to where?
a plunge back to reality, of course.
That's where I reside all the time, sadly.
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There's not much Anonstallion/Anoncolt art out there, here have this Snake art I found
Yeah, we need more Anonstallion stuff.
I just want more art in general, theres so much of anonfilly but none for anoncolt/stallion
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i cant remember if i linked my last anonbug story or not here but here it is
the start
and the continuation

more to come SOONtm
>All the mares are lewding Butterscotch
It's a wonder he hasn't suffered from a heart attack yet.
Good, need more
>start link doesn't work
>consider jumping out window
is the start on ponepaste or something?
if so I can get a name/link

There's also a browser extension of some sort that completes "dead" links, if you don't want to bother with desuarchive.
thanks bro, I'll look into it
Heh, one-eyed snake.
pretty good read, keep us updated when you continue it!
>one-eyed snake
For a moment I thought this was a metaphor for horsecock.
Any update on green?
It is, thats why its funny.
which one?
Been a while since we've had a Zecora update. I know the writefriend was sick, but we haven't heard anything since then.
I'm around. I've been recovering, slowly. Got a tiny bit done yesterday but I went to work today for the first time since last Wednesday and now I'm completely exhausted and don't feel so good.
Good to hear you are still around and kicking. Take your time, anon.
Soup and ponies, friend. Soup and ponies heal all.
>Anoncolt thinks he can manipulate ponies by acting cute
>Ponies see him as a weird manipulative kid
>Anoncolt doesn't realize that because intense autism. Doesn't get what he wants, only normal colt things
Truly a classic household medicine.
into a mare and have a loving family with lots of foals
That's a plan I can get behind.
So do you imagine Anoncolt as a reincarnation or more of you being suddenly transported/transformed into a kid pony
Either one works desu
I'd imagine more on the reincarnation so anon after his death in the human world makes up for the lack of activity as result of being a NEET and finally decides to do something and fully enjoy his new life in Equestria.
I think reincarnation is better because it would work a lot smoother. Like, do you imagine an Anon could seriously handle being changed to a different species and getting turned into a youngster again?
>lack of activity as result of being a NEET and finally decides to do something and fully enjoy his new life in Equestria.
Wow, Wizard powers truly exist
Still holding out for green.
You'll have some tomorrow. I wanted to have it done today but I've been surprisingly busy.
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Ain't we all...
Nice, looking forward to it.
Holding out for a hero
Superanon will save us.
where did you get this picture of me?!
No, that's me.
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[x] Boop!

>Your lips curled into a sly smile as you made no effort to hide you staring at her shapely butt.
>You took a step closer and…
>She went cross eyed for a second as she scrunched her snoot.
>And broke out laughing.
>”That one coming, I did not see!”
>Her charming laughter only rung out for an instant as she wrapped a hoof around your withers and pinned you to her side.
>”Perhaps there can be something between you and me!”
>You hooked a leg and slung it around her neck, then nuzzled her cheek.
“There’s nothing there that I can see.”
>You wiggled the wing pinned between your bodies.
“But maybe that’s just me.”
>Pulling away from you, she rolled her eyes as she scooped up your cup.
>”For a moment you have to hold while I prepare something bold.”

>She headed off, only to return a moment later with the same cups, rinsed clean, and a clay bottle on a tray.
>”Come, have a seat! You’re in for a rare treat!”
>Setting the tray down on a small table, she then dragged two low stools from the alcove she mixed the potion in and set them on opposite side of the table.
>You took a seat just as she pulled the bottle open.
>It made a loud plop.
>A heavy scent of spices, mixed with the stench of strong alcohol, wafted from it.
>She poured both of you a modest helping.
>”From clouds so high, and the winds so free. The pegasus ponies, a sight to see.”
>Her lips curled into a sly smile as she lifted her mug for a deep sip.
>”Won’t you tell a tale of your kind to me? Of why on the ground you wish to be. Did soaring the skies get old, if I may ask a question so bold?”
>You lifted up your mug and lifted it to your snout.
>It stung as you took a deep sniff.
>Whatever spice it had was something you’d never had before.
>Taking a sip, you winced as it burned on your tongue.

What would you like to do?

Apologies for all the delays!
Kinda obviously veiled question in regard to why he's interested in her. He could tell her that whilst the skies are wide and free, they don't harbor any treasures like the ground. Or something along these lines.
Down the whole drink in one go
This is good
Not letting this slide.
slide into what?
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We need more art
The mystical archives.
Yeah hopefully with a better waifu
Eh, Rainbow is fine.
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RBD is trash. She would make a TERRIBLE mother.
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She would calm down a lot if she had a foal. I bet she would make a great mom.
This. A foal would trigger her mother instincts.
Up from the bottom.
Now we here
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the need to plap increased by the square of my cock
>Down the whole drink in one go
Wouldn't that come across as rude? Booze like this must be an expensive rarity in Equestria. I figure it's not something you chug like a cheap drink.
You know she came around in the episode, right?
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Sure, after a lifetime of resenting her parents for being too overly supportive.
Resenting is a bit much. She kept her distance and that's not great, but her blowing a fuse was a moment of weakness.
Lucky stud.
Lucky ol Sun
When he's hammered after a few drinks, maybe.
Precautionary night up.
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What's up with Raven? She isn't happy at all.
"Alone at last."
>You sigh and try to process everything that just happened.
>"I-I'm sorry about all of this, Anon..."
>Fluttershy whimpers and pulls the blanket over her head once again.
>"My friends are usually not this um, o-overprotective of me!"
"It's okay Flutters."
>You trot over to the bed and give the mare a big hug.
"If my best friend got hurt, I would resent the pony that hurt them too."
>You gently pull the blanket down, eager to see your marefriend's beautiful face again.
>Her blush is so cute!
>"Are you okay with....b-being my coltfriend?" She asks. "Even after everything that's happened?"
>You look into her eyes nod without hesitation.
"Honestly I should be asking YOU that question!"
>The two of you share a good laugh.
>After all the drama that just unfolded, you and Flutters really needed one.
"Welp, this was an...interesting visit...but it's getting late and you need your rest..."
>"Anon, may I have-" The mare leans in until her snout is almost touching your own. "J-Just one more?"
>Hopefully that's a rhetorical question, because there's no way in Equestria you'd give up a chance to show Flutters just how much you love her.
>Your lips tenderly embrace hers, and soon your tongues are doing the dance of passion inside her mouth.
>The mare melts in your arms and eagerly cuddles you in return.
>Your eyes widen in surprise as the heat of the moment begins to overwhelm you.
>It pains you to do so, but you withdraw from the kiss with a soft *POP*.
>"A-Anon?!" She squeaks in shock.
>Fluttershy instinctively leans forward, desperate for more of your tender affections.
>"Why did you stop?!"
>The hurt in her eyes is like a knife plunging into your heart.
"Believe me Flutters, I didn't want to stop."
>You affectionately nuzzle her neck, earning a coo of approval from the amourous mare.
"But if we had kept going, I would've ended up rutting you right here and now."
>Her face flushes a deep shade of red.
>"Oh my, I'm so sorry for getting you worked up like that!"
Yeah, that should wait until the bones are mended again.
really good green anon, Keep up the good work!
when a beautiful mare is sucking your face, it's hard to fight those primal instincts to mate regardless of injuries.
If it's your injury, maybe. You should stay clear enough to grasp that you shouldn't harm your mare though.
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Anyone have that drawing of Flutter & Anonstallion fucking behind the cloud? Forgot where I saw that. And it's not anywhere in my files like I thought.
Eh, he still looks fruity.
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A rare Anonstallion art piece
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Never mind, found it in the archive.
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Pony magic
Man, that's some broken ass german.
>Du verdammter ungebildet stechen
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.
t. Kraut
What a cute couple
The artist definitely used a translation tool as it says "Of course you can't speak German. You damn uneducated prick."
My gaydar is tingling.
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A lot was lost when Anonpone died
You mean the thread?
The CYOA aggregator
He sounds like a fag too though.
>You damn uneducated prick.
Ah, that makes more sense than a damn unedcuated stab.
why is Celestia wearing a globe?
She got really into that Daft Punk song about a month ago and now she sings/hums it all the time.
So that you don't have to.
At first I thought this would be Rainbow Dash. And still would it if weren't for that file name.
That's what living the life looks like.
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That only works with green ponies though.
Isn't anon green?
Anonpone is. The original Anon only has these colors as a stand-in because he could be anyone.
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[x] Down it goes!

“There’s a lot to see up in the clouds, but I came down to see what’s down here and among the first things I find is something precious.”
>You flashed a smile at her as you swirled your mug and the remaining drink in it in your hoof.
>”Something more precious than the treasure of the sky, for someone like you who can fly?”
>Nodding, you lifted the mug to your lips.
>Zecora drew a sharp breath and stuck her hoof out at you.
>But, she was too late.
>You chugged what was left in one go.
>You managed to gulp it down before it hit.
>The fire and burn.
>First in your mouth and then in your throat.
>Your eyes began to water and you started coughing.
>You couldn’t see, but did hear a loud wooden clunk followed by something getting pulled off a shelf.
>”Here, try this balm. It will make the fire calm.”
>A spoon was shoved to your snootle.
>Figuring she knew what she was doing, you opened your mouth and let her pour it in.
>It tasted like… olive oil?
>But, it did make the worst heat cool as you swirled it around in your mouth.

>You found yourself lying on the floor.
>Zecora stood above you, holding a clay pot and a wooden spoon.
>She let out a sigh and set the spoon down as she saw you regain coherence.
>”That drink is best enjoyed slow, so all you feel is a pleasant glow.”
>You scrambled back onto your hooves and wiped your face with a fetlock.
“I didn’t think it’d be quite that strong.”
>The zebra offered a mellow smile as she shoved the pot and spoon back onto a shelf.
>”It is my best so why shouldn’t it put you to the test?”
>Her stool had fallen over in all the commotion so she picked it up and set it upright before pulling the clay bottle out from somewhere and placing it back on the table.
>”Your first time was rather so-so, but how about another go?”
>You were starting to feel the effect of all the booze you’d drank, but maybe it’d still be okay?
“I don’t see why not.”

>When sipped a little at a time, it still burned in your mouth but wasn’t intolerable.
>Not what you’d call pleasant, still.
“I’ve never had anything like this before. What is it?”
>Zecora took a sip of her drink and gulped it down.
>Her tongue peeked out from between her lips as she turned to stare at you.
>”I am glad you ask, for making it is quite a task.”
>She glanced at the bottle on the table between you.
>”First, the soil you must till to get something to distill. Once it’s out of the still, you mix the spices and let it sit still. The magic is in the light of two full moons, weave that into thread and add two spoons.”
>Covering her mouth with a hoof, she let out a chuckle.
>”’tis peppers but solid moonlight that burns so bright.”
>Well, that was far more… exotic than you expected.
>Nevertheless, it was making you feel a bit woozy – and her too, no doubt.
>She stared at you with half-lidded eyes and a sly smile on her lips as she traced the edge of her mug with a hoof.

What would you like to do?
Okay, now she's making first serious advances. Guess it's time to play along. Get closer to her. But slowly. Step by step. Rushing it would only spoil the mood.
I think it's much more better if it wasn't a stand-in and more of a literal green bald dude with a attitude of the average 4channer.
"Don't sweat it, Flutters."
>You grin and pull the blanket up to her chin.
"But you should focus on recovering before we get too frisky."
>You gently pat the misshapen wing tucked under her covers.
>She flinches at the sudden contact with her broken wing.
>"Oof!" She stifles a cry of pain.
"Oh crap, I'm sorry Flutters!"
>You quickly pull your hoof away and prepare to leave but stop just shy of the doorway.
"I'll visit you every day until you're healed."
>You take one last look at the sleepy mare and smile like a dork.
"I promise."
>"I'd like that Anon." She nods in approval and settles in for some much-needed rest. "Very *YAWN* very much!"
>That pony is just too damn precious!
>You blow her a kiss and close the door, eager to get home and prepare for your darling marefriend's eventual return.
>Three weeks later...
>Fluttershy is officially discharged from the hospital today.
>You and her friends excitedly greet her as soon as she enters the hospital lobby.
>Flutters' friends happily talk with her and begin to shower the happy mare with all manner of gifts.
>Rainbow Dash gives her a sporty headband with matching leg warmers.
>Rarity gives her a beautiful spring dress with matching mane ornament.
>You can't wait to see her in that.
>Applejack gives her a hoof-stitched pillow shaped like an apple.
>Insert witty apple pun here.
>Pinkie Pie gives her an invitation to some kind of "Fluttershy is Flying High" party.
>Hopefully the pink pony has an invite for you as well, because her parties are truly the greatest in all of Equestria!
>Lastly, Twilight Sparkle gives her...a book about safety around stallions?
>You can't help but raise an eyebrow.
>She humbly accepts the presents and soon they're all hugging in joyful reunion.
>Truly a heartwarming moment if you ever saw one.
>You look down at the bouquet of daffodils you bought and sigh.
>On the one hoof, you know for sure that these are her favorite flowers.
>But on the other hoof, you know they can't possibly compete with the extravagant (and much more personalized) gifts from her friends.
>a book about safety around stallions?
I wonder who'd write a book like this.
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>Italian flag on the crown
Is there a reason for that?
>Idiot! You should've gotten her something better, like a tea set or homemade quilt decorated with cute animals.
>"Hello again, Anon!"
>Fluttershy's voice immediately snaps you out of this little panic attack.
"O-Oh um, hi F-Flutters."
>You stammer and slowly back away from her, ashamed of the inevitable letdown your gift will cause.
"I hope you're feeling better now..." Your mind trails off.
>The excited mare takes one look at your floral offering and immediately tackles you to the ground with a heartfelt *SQUEE* of appreciation.
>"Oh Anon, they're beautiful!" She carefully holds the bouquet in her right wing. "Thank you so much, honey!"
>You lay there in disbelief as she affectionately nuzzles you.
>This is all playing out like some kind of fairy tale. Why is that?
>Oh right, Equestria and all that pish posh.
>You hug her tightly and sniffle when her friends slowly approach the two of you lying on the floor.
>"Should we give y'all some privacy?" Applejack playfully jokes.
>The rest of their friends groan and roll their eyes.
>Yep, looks like they're still not fond of you.
>Soon the snuggle time ends and the two of you rise to your hooves.
>"Thank you everypony, for coming to see me." Fluttershy smiles.
>Her friends all jabber at once, each one trying to say "you're welcome" in their own unique ways.
>It's a sweet sentiment to be sure, but hearing five ponies talk all at once sounds like a garbled mess of white noise.
>The excited mares finish their verbal assault on your ears and prepare to leave for the day.
>Strangely enough, you catch Rainbow Dash looking your way, her eyes almost sorrowful as they stare into your own.
"What's up, Rainbow Dash?" You ask politely but firmly.
>The pony opens her mouth to speak, but quickly turns away and grabs her duffelbag.
>"I gotta go. See you later everypony." The rainbow menace quickly waves to her friends and flies out into the open sky.
"What was that all about?" You turn to Twilight for answers.
>If anypony knew Rainbow Dash inside and out, it's HER.
>The purple alicorn is unusually quiet, which is odd considering she loves answering questions with her endless fountain of knowledge.
>What the buck is going on here?
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morning bump
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Hey I don't think anybody remember because it was like two months ago but I promised to make art of Anon but I tried and couldn't finish because I got angry about not being good as I wanted. Well, I made another one to compensate. Hope you like it
What was the prompt?
For what? This started practicing with a pose with a screenshot from the show and added Anonstallion to make a full picture. Or do you mean as in AI?
Also as a bonus: https://files.catbox.moe/4kyit1.png
Very good drawing, Anon!
Never mind. I thought you made this art as a prompt for something. Completely AI unrelated.
It appears you've mistakenly drawn Trixie with a vagina and not a fat swinging cock. Pls fix.

Also it's ugly
You only says it's ugly because you only like futa. If you retract I'm gonna consider it. I was gonna do it anyway.
>futatranny complaining about ugliness
projecting, much?
t. nigger
What has gotten Anon smirking with such a cheeky face?
He's looking at Twilight and about to call her a slur.
Crack, I would assume.
Urge to mount the cute Zebra is rising! Drunkenly lean towards her and smell her. (In great detail describe how she smells.)
Still gotta read it.
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very menacing picture, very nice.
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>Tamed the wild strawberry
You gotta admire the tenacity of that stud. That can't be easy.
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Why would Twilight suspect stallions though? She has never shown any signs of that.
Wym, didn't you read the rest of the green?
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Last bump before I crash.
Oh, I didn't catch that she wrote it in a night.
lucky anon!
quite the bump on anon's head it seems.
Made me kek, thanks.
I don't get the reference.
>"Anon, what are you doing?"
>"What the buck?!"
>"Hey, at least I'm not drinking, Twibble."
>"Yes, but this... is hardly a good substitute. Where did you even get that?"
>"Yeah, right behind Zigger's Sandwich Shop, there's a white pegasus out there selling it."
I bet Zecora could brew something that can get you high as well, but without causing any addictions.
quite the good green, greatly enjoying it so far.
>You sit there lost in thought, wondering why Rainbow Dash was acting so weird lately.
>Everypony knew she hates your guts for what happened to Fluttershy, but that's water under the bridge now.
>"Honey, is something wrong?" A small voice calls out to you.
>You look up from your hayburger to see Fluttershy sitting at the opposite end of the table.
>"You've hardly touched your lunch." She motions to your mostly full plate.
>Is it even worth bringing up the RBD shit at this point? Would anypony else see what you've seen?
>Perhaps you were just overreacting to small insignificant things in the moment.
"I'm fine dear." You quickly reply. "Just thinking about life is all."
>One blink later and she's suddenly standing right next to you, her eyes full of concern.
>She places a hoof on your face and whimpers.
>"A-Anon please, don't hide your feelings from me."
>There's just no hiding things from her, is there?
>You sigh in defeat and place you hoof over her own.
"It's Rainbow Dash. She's been acting very weird since, well, you know." You point at her left wing.
>You're glad her wing is all better now, but the pain of hurting somepony you love will NEVER fully disappear.
>Perhaps you're just using Rainbow Dash as a scapegoat to avoid your own guilt.
>"Honey, please look at me."
>You turn to face your marefriend and recoil at the sight of her stern expression.
>"You can't keep beating yourself up about that." She insists.
>If only you had been more careful, maybe you'd still be in the Wonderbolt academy AND dating an uninjured Fluttershy.
"You're right babe, but it still bothers me." You confess.
>She moves in and catches you off-guard with a tender kiss.
>"I know honey, but together, we can move past that bump in the road."
>Her humble smile has your heart melting on the spot.
>Perhaps she's right, it's time to start thinking about the future.
>HER future. YOUR future.
>Yes, you can see it now.
>You. Fluttershy. A cozy cottage. A romantic wedding. A passionate honeymoon. The smiling faces of your eight foals.
>Given how kindly she treats you and everypony else, this wonderful mare will no doubt make an amazing mother.
>The smiling faces of your eight foals.
Damn. He's certainly not lacking in ambition.
>eight foals
Rookie numbers! We can do better than that!
two dozen foals
That would be an academy record for sure.
Their foals will be numbered as the stars in Luna's sky.
That's the spirit.
Yes, of course
If one of the Mane Six would have so many foals, it's definitely her.
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Still a great edit. Ten times better than the original.
It keeps him afloat though.
For every a new star is created
Do you prefer a short anonstallion or tall anonstallion? Or regular height?
its all in hight difference.
Slightly taller than average. Just a touch.
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We all should know mares love a good tall anonstallion.
God, that's hot.
Any updates on greens?
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The Zecora writefriend is MIA. That is all.
Is it time to panic yet?
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The writefag is down with pneumonia. Please wait warmly.
Damn, take your time to recover, writefriend.
Oh man thats a throwback
Anonstallion needs to be green for this pic to be top kino.
I really hate the question mark face on Anon pony. I get it on human Anon, but it's not necessary on a pony. It ruins the pic for me.
Really? It's not all that obstructive if you ask me.
Man that fuckin' sucks, hope you get over it soon bud.
It just looks weird. Even without the question mark face having Anon as any color other than green feels wrong.
Would if I could, gotta think of an idea first. In the meantime here's sketch I started.
That Lyra?
It's supposed to be Anon. Apologies if it looks like ass; I really gotta brush up on my fundamentals.
>stallion snout
>is this a mare?
Where did anon get an AK-47?

what kind of stuff would you most like to read?
Avtomat Koltashnikova 47
I didn't read that much into a sketch.
>not being able to sniff out a mare with incredible efficiency
Lovey dovey vanilla. I'm a basic bitch like that.
same for me, nothing more great then anonstallion having a loving family with a mare
This >>41904954
Whatever happened to the RD writefag with the anon who passed out after flying too high?
Celestia turned him into a stallion and took him to Equestria with her. We will never see him here again.
Really? Dang, that was a really good green paste and I was waiting for more.
Lucky guy.
Lucky bastard...
Is this why writefags tend to disappear after a while? Are they napped by ponies?
Luna keeps intradimensionally siphoning their souls because Celestia told her to go "make" some friends.
Damn, that's crafty.
very nice sketch, anon!
If it works, it works.
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You'd be surprised.
Do you think Scoots would be a gun nut?
Why thank you! Can't promise you it'll be eye candy, but hopefully I can finish it by the end of the week.
Kek, there's an idea for a green. I mean she seems like the kind of kid that'd have a BB gun, so it ain't too big of a stretch?
She does have a habit to tinker too. It would make sense.
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would you a filly?
No. And definitely not this one.
Yes. And definitely this one.
the question was rhetorical.
you dont get a choice this time.
>you dont get a choice
W-w-what?! I cant believe Cozy Glow would kidnap Anonstallion...
I would impregnate my mare waifu and raise our foals together (including fillies), sure.
kill yourself
No and I'd smack the shit out of her for talking like that.
Anon is kind of a big green doormat, not surprising he'd get bullied and pushed around by little foals.
Kill her? No, she needs therapy
Anon, she happily risked to doom the whole world to an existence without magic to further her own crackpipe plans of gaining power. Abduction is nothing special to her.
What would Cozy Glow want from Anonstallion to abduct him? Does she think Anon being from another world means he knows something in gaining more power?
To exert power in some way. That's all she's after.
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god, you fags cant even keep your own thread bumped
Then let it die.
No, this thread is too good for that.
Nah, I like this thread.
Nah. I love the Anonstallion threads, I love the concept and the greens I read that come from here are really great to read. So Anonstallion is eternal and here to stay!
Haha, stallion goes up.
Up into the air with his pegasus wings, right? ...Right?
Yes I would lovingly adopt and raise her
holy based
Yeah, that works too.
>Be Anon.
>Be an earth pony stallion, not by choice.
>Thanks, Twilight.
>5 months ago, you were a regular-ass human doing regular-ass human things.
>You're a green-coated horse with a black mane, a tail, and a question mark on your butt.
>If that isn't an existential crisis waiting to happen, you don't know what is.
>Walking down the dirt path outside Ponyville, your new home in sight.
>Celestia, in her infinite wisdom (and guilt), gave you a house as an apology for Twilight’s little 'accident'.
>Also, she didn’t want you mooching off Twilight anymore because apparently you were "driving her insane".
>You call it payback for turning you into a damn pony.
>Either way, free house.
>You were told it needed a lot of work, so you expected a dump.
>Instead, what you got was a damn fine little cottage just outside of town.
>Two story structure, wooden beams, and a thatched roof that actually looked solid.
>Front porch with a creaky swing that had some charm.
>Windows weren’t shattered, only a little dusty.
>Even had a decent-sized yard, a little overgrown but nothing you couldn’t handle.
>Some of the shutters looked loose, front gate hung a little crooked, and you could see a crack in the stone foundation, but overall?
>Nicest damn place you’ve ever lived in.
>Now, to actually get inside.
"Come on, you stupid lock...".
>You fumble with the keys in your mouth, dropping them for the third time.
>Grumbling, you sit down, pick them up again, and attempt to twist them in the lock with your hoove.s
"I swear to Celestia, being an earth pony is the worst. No magic, no wings, just dumb hooves. This sucks."
>You glare at the key, as if sheer willpower will make it cooperate.
>Five agonizing minutes later, you finally hear the click of success.
>Pushing the door open, you step into your new home.
>The air is stale, dust particles floating in the sunlight filtering through the windows.
>Wooden floors, some slightly warped but fixable.
>Stone fireplace in the corner, perfect for cold nights.
>Kitchen looks functional, if a bit outdated.
>Some old furniture covered in sheets, and a staircase leading to the second floor.
>Even has an old rocking chair in the corner, which may or may not be haunted.
>More than decent.
>Now, time to air this place out and-
>Your ears perk up.
>The sound came from upstairs.
>You freeze.
>Either you’ve got squatters or this house comes with ghosts.
>Neither of those are high on your list of ‘shit I want to deal with today’
>Steeling yourself, you cautiously trot up the stairs, each step creaking slightly under your weight.
>The noise leads you to one of the rooms at the end of the hall.
>Pushing the door open, you find-
>A filly.
>Small, trembling, and curled up in the corner near an old dresser.
>Brown coat, blonde mane, big brown eyes staring up at you in sheer terror.
>A white diamond marking sits between her eyes.
>She looks like she’s been living here for a while, fur matted, ribs just barely visible under her coat.
>Your heart clenches.
"Uh... hey there, kid. You lost or somethin’?"
>She doesn’t answer, just shrinks back further.
>You sigh.
>You don’t know jack about kids, but you do know when someone’s scared out of their mind.
>Taking a slow step closer, you soften your voice.
"You hungry?"
>Her ears twitch.
>You back off a little, making yourself look less threatening.
"I got some apples and carrots in my bag. You want some?"
>Carefully, you nudge the saddlebag off your back and place it on the floor, opening it to reveal the fresh produce.
>The filly stares at the food, her little stomach rumbling again.
>Her hooves twitch like she wants to move but doesn’t quite trust you yet.
"Go ahead."
>After a long hesitation, she slowly creeps forward, eyeing you warily before grabbing an apple and taking a hesitant bite.
>The way her expression softens at the taste makes your chest ache a little.
>She chews quickly, clearly starving, but still keeps one eye on you, as if afraid you’ll take it away.
>You sit down, giving her some space.
"So, what's your name, kid?"
>No response, just more quiet munching.
>You sigh and grab a blanket from your saddlebag, unfolding it and gently placing it beside her.
"Look, I don’t know where you came from, but you can stay here tonight. I’ll figure out what to do in the morning."
>The filly freezes at first, staring at the blanket, then at you.
>Slowly, she pulls it around herself, still watching you warily.
>You let out a tired chuckle, lying back against the wall.
"I’m not gonna bite, kid. Just get some rest."
>She hesitates, then gives the smallest of nods.
>Morning arrives, and the filly is still curled up in the blanket, sleeping soundly.
>You stretch, cracking your neck, before deciding that you need advice.
>Sweet Apple Acres isn’t too far, and Applejack’s always been good at giving you straightforward answers.
>You gently nudge the filly awake.
"C’mon, kid. We’re getting breakfast."
>She blinks sleepily, hesitant, but eventually follows you.
>The walk to Sweet Apple Acres is quiet, save for the sound of your hooves on the dirt path.
>Applejack spots you from the porch, giving you a curious look as you approach.
"Mornin’, sugarcube. Who’s this little one?"
>You let out a breath, glancing down at the filly, who shuffles nervously behind you.
"That’s what I was hoping you could help me figure out. Found her in my house last night. No idea where she came from."
>Applejack’s expression softens instantly, her protective instincts kicking in.
>"Well shoot, poor thing looks half-starved. Come on in, we’ll get her some grub."
>Inside, Applejack sets out a plate of apple fritters, the smell making the filly’s stomach growl.
>She hesitantly starts eating while Applejack turns back to you.
>"Reckon we oughta check around town, see if anypony knows her. Maybe even take her to the hospital, just to be sure she’s alright."
>Applejack kneels beside the filly, speaking gently.
>"Hey there, sugarcube. What’s yer name?"
>The filly hesitates, looking between you and Applejack before murmuring softly, "Verity."
>You and Applejack share a glance.
>At least now, she wasn’t just some nameless lost filly.
>And that made things feel a little more real.
>After breakfast, Applejack leans against the table, crossing her hooves.
>"Tell ya what, Anon. Ah’ll head into town and ask around about Verity, see if anypony’s missin’ a filly. In the meantime, y’all should take her to the hospital, make sure she’s alright."
>You nod, appreciating the help.
"Thanks, AJ. I owe you one."
>She waves you off with a smile.
"Just doin’ what’s right. Ah’ll meet y’all at the hospital when Ah’m done."
>You and Verity head out, the filly sticking close to you, wary of the passing ponies.
>At the hospital, Nurse Redheart greets you, quickly setting up an exam.
>The doctor confirms that she’s malnourished but otherwise unharmed.
>She’s given a small meal and a warm blanket, relaxing slightly for the first time.
>As you wait for Applejack, you can’t shake the feeling that Verity doesn’t have anywhere else to go.
>Applejack arrives a little while later, shaking her head.
>"Ain’t nopony in town claimin’ her, sugarcube. Ah asked all around."
>Verity stiffens slightly, ears flattening.
>You glance at her, then at Applejack.
"So what now?"
>Applejack sighs, looking between you and the filly.
>"Well... looks like she might be stuck with you for a bit."
>Verity’s eyes widen slightly, looking up at you with uncertainty. You sigh, knowing this responsibility just got a lot bigger.
>You and Applejack sit outside the hospital, the afternoon sun casting long shadows as you discuss what it would mean to take care of Verity.
>She listens quietly, sitting close by, ears perked as if waiting for a decision to be made.
>Applejack offers to help with food and basic supplies, even suggesting a job at Sweet Apple Acres if you need more bits.
>She reassures you that you won’t be alone in this.
>The thought of having a filly in your home and adjusting your life weighs heavily on you.
>You’re not sure you’re ready for this responsibility, but looking at Verity, her small frame, her cautious but hopeful eyes, you know she needs someone.
>Verity doesn’t say much, but she stays close, clinging to your side more than before.
>When Applejack ruffles her mane with a reassuring smile, the filly barely reacts, but her tail flicks slightly in what might be appreciation.
"Alright... You ready to go shopping, kid?"
>Verity hesitates for a second before nodding, taking a small but significant step closer.
>She’s beginning to trust you.
>Applejack smiles at you both.
>"Ah think that’s a good idea. But before y’all do, Ah’d suggest stoppin’ by Twilight’s place. She might have some advice on what to do next."
>She gives you a firm nod, then turns to Verity with a reassuring look.
>"You be good for Anon, alright? He’s a good fella."
>Verity glances up at her, ears twitching before giving a small nod.
>Applejack tips her hat, wishes you both luck, and starts walking toward her home, leaving you alone with Verity once more.
>One Week Later.
>Life with Verity has settled into a cautious routine.
>She’s still quiet, still wary, but she’s starting to talk a little more, just short responses and nods, nothing too much.
>She still hesitates before speaking, as if gauging whether she should say anything at all.
>The house is looking better, mostly thanks to her.
>Turns out, Verity has a knack for fixing things.
>You came home one afternoon to find her frowning at a wobbly chair, screwdriver in mouth, determined to make it stop wobbling.
>She doesn’t complain, doesn’t comment, just fixes things quietly and efficiently.
>You took up Applejack’s offer to work at Sweet Apple Acres.
>It turns out that kids are expensive, and the small allowance you were getting from Celestia wasn't enough for you and Verity to live off of.
>Applejack still makes sure you’ve got what you need to take care of Verity.
>Verity comes with you to Sweet Apple Acres while you work, mostly keeping to herself, but always staying within sight.
>Applebloom, ever persistent, keeps trying to befriend her, offering to show her around the farm, inviting her to play, even bringing her little gifts.
>Verity doesn’t say much in response, but she doesn’t push Applebloom away either, which is probably the best sign of progress you could hope for.
>Twilight has been looking into any records or reports on missing foals, but so far, nothing concrete.
>One evening, after a long day, you decide to make something simple for dinner, mac and cheese.
>It’s cheap, easy, and something even you can’t mess up too badly.
>Verity pokes at the bowl at first, hesitant.
>Then, after the first bite, she freezes.
>You raise an eyebrow.
>She gives a quick, almost embarrassed nod before going back to eating, this time at a faster pace.
>You smirk.
"Didn’t take you for a mac and cheese fan, kid."
>She swallows and shrugs.
>"S’good," she mutters.
>You take the win.
>From that night on, mac and cheese becomes a staple in your household.
>Small steps, but they’re steps forward. And for now, that’s enough.
>You glare at the key, as if sheer willpower will make it cooperate.
>Five agonizing minutes later, you finally hear the click of success.
Did anon just open the door with the power of his anger?
I'm not sure if I'll continue this, I had a bit of inspiration I needed to get out.
A Verity green?! In the year of our lord 2025?!

Well if inspiration strikes again, then please do!
who's verity? just an oc for the story right?
Quite a good green so far Anon, I hope you continue it!
cute stuff, good enough as is, but I won't say no to more
Making the filly Verity is extremely cringe. Have an original idea please.
Have fun waking up with a knife in your back.
good thing healing magic exists in equestria.
>not knowing /ourgal/
>who's verity? just an oc for the story right?
This nigga serious?
Yeah pretty much
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Doing my part.
You're my hero, anon.
>Sun beats down like Celestia herself is testing your endurance.
>Muscles ache, hooves sore, sweat and dirt clings to your coat like a second skin.
>You buck another tree, feeling the satisfying thud as apples rain into the baskets below, you're getting good at this.
>Just another day at Sweet Apple Acres.
>You pause, wiping your forehead, chest rising and falling with steady breaths.
>The orchard hums with the sounds of rustling leaves.
>You hear hoofsteps in the dirt, familiar and steady.
>Applejack approaches, her trademark smirk already in place.
>"Take a break, Anon. Come look at somethin’."
>You flick an ear, and glance at her.
>Not about to argue, you know she wouldn’t pull you away unless it was worth it.
>Wipe the sweat off your brow, shake some dust from your hooves, and follow her.
>The ground crunches beneath you both, a faint summer breeze carrying the scent of apples.
>She stops near the fence, nodding toward the open field ahead.
>4 little ponies dart back and forth.
>Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and… Verity.
>They’re kicking around an old ball, hooves thumping against the ground in an impromptu game of soccer.
>The air is filled with high-pitched laughter and playful shouts.
>But what really stops you in your tracks is Verity.
>She’s laughing.
>A real, unrestrained, filly laugh.
>Her short, scruffy mane bounces as she runs, her little hooves moving without hesitation.
>Her brown eyes are bright, shining, carefree.
>No fear. No hesitation. No guarded look in her eyes.
>Just a filly, playing.
>You feel something tighten in your chest, something warm and bittersweet.
>This is the first time you’ve ever seen her like this.
>You’re so lost in the moment that you don’t even notice Applejack watching you.
>She gives you a knowing nudge.
>"C’mon, sugarcube. Let’s grab some cider and cool off in the shade."
>You nod, stealing one last glance at Verity before following her.
>The large apple tree near the barn offers blessed shade, the thick branches shielding you from the afternoon sun.
>You collapse onto the grass with a relieved sigh, back pressed against the cool earth.
>Applejack chuckles and passes you a bottle of Sweet Apple Acres cider.
>You crack it open and take a drink, crisp, sweet, refreshing.
>You’re pretty sure this cider is the closest thing to divinity on this farm.
>Applejack leans back against the tree, tipping her hat forward.
>"Nothin’ like a cold drink after a long day," she sighs, stretching out her hooves.
"Nothing like cider to make me realize I’m slowly dying."
>You mutter, rubbing a sore shoulder.
>She snorts, lifting her hat just enough to shoot you a smirk.
>"Ya signed up for this, partner."
"I signed up for honest work, not to be slow roasted under Celestia’s personal sun lamp."
>She just chuckles and takes another sip.
>You sigh, sinking deeper into the grass, letting the exhaustion settle.
>After a while, she speaks, voice thoughtful.
>"Summer’s almost over. School’s startin’ soon.Might be a good idea to sign Verity up."
>You roll the cider bottle between your hooves
"...Yeah. That’s probably the right call."
>Silence lingers between you two, but it isn’t awkward, just heavy, thoughtful.
>Applejack side eyes you.
>"Ya worried?"
>You let out a low chuckle.
"What gave it away? The thousand yard stare or the dramatic silence?"
>"Kinda hard not to be, considerin’ how ya look like you’re starin’ into the meanin’ of life through that cider bottle."
>You huff, shaking your head.
"I don’t know what I’m doing, AJ. I keep hoping Twilight will find something, somewhere Verity belongs. But every day, it feels more and more like she doesn’t have anything to go back to."
>You swirl the cider bottle in your hooves, hesitating before speaking again.
"I’ve tried to ask, y’know? Not to pry, not to force it. Just to understand. But every time, she just… freezes up."
>Your grip tightens slightly on the cider bottle.
"She shuts down, and then she won’t talk for the rest of the day. She gets all quiet, starts looking at the ground, and just… hurts."
>Applejack stays quiet, just listening.
>Your ears flick back slightly.
"...I think about adoption, sometimes."
>The words feel heavy, real, like speaking them out loud makes them more than just a thought.
"But what if I mess it up? What if I can’t give her what she needs? What if she grows up resenting me?"
>Applejack watches you for a moment, then suddenly-
>She slaps a hoof against your back so hard you almost spill your cider.
"OW! Jeez! What the hell was that for?
>"Anon, if I had a bit for every time Apple Bloom’s called me the ‘worst big sister ever,’ I’d own half of Canterlot."
>You rub the spot where she smacked you, coughing slightly.
"That bad?"
>Applejack smirks.
>"Kid once wrote a whole letter to Princess Celestia about how I was ‘crushin’ her independent spirit’ ‘cause I wouldn’t let her eat ice cream for breakfast."
>You stare.
"What did the Princess say?"
>Applejack leans back, smug as ever.
>"Told her to listen to her big sister. Then sent me a royal decree sayin’ I was ‘hereby granted full authority over ice cream-related governance.’ Still got it framed."
>You actually laugh, shaking your head
"...Guess I really don’t have an excuse to complain, huh?"
>"Nope," she says, tipping her hat.
>The laughter fades into something quieter, warmer.
>She leans against you slightly, her shoulder pressing into yours, solid and steady.
>"Ain’t nopony got all the answers, Anon. But I see how ya look at that filly. Ya care about her. And if ya care enough to worry about messin’ up? Ya already doin’ somethin’ right."
>The weight in your chest eases just a little.
>you let out a slow breath, really taking in the moment.
"...Thanks, AJ."
>She bumps your shoulder, grinning.
>"Anytime, sugarcube."
>You sit there for a while, cider bottles resting in the grass, just enjoying the peace.
>The sky is painted in hues of orange and pink, the air finally starting to cool.
>Verity walks beside you, her small hooves dragging just a little.
>She’s tired but happy.
"Did you have fun today, kiddo?"
>She nods, blinking sleepily.
>You kneel down, lowering yourself.
"Hop on."
>She hesitates, just for a second, then clambers onto your back.
>Small hooves wrap around your neck, cheek resting against your mane
>Feel her sigh, warm breath tickling your fur.
>"Tomorrow," she mumbles, barely awake.
>"I can play again, right?"
>Smile, adjusting her weight.
"Yeah, kiddo. You can play again."
>Silence for a moment...
>"...You smell weird."
"I’ve been working all day, Verity."
>"You should fix that."
>Huff a tired laugh, shaking your head as you keep walking.
"What do you think you and your friends should do tomorrow?"
>you ask, glancing back at her.
>No response.
>You stop, tilting an ear back, only to realize her head has gone slack against your mane.
>A tiny, slow breath escapes her, peaceful and steady.
>She’s fallen asleep, nestled gently against you.
>A small smile tugs at your lips as you start moving again, keeping your steps slow and steady.
>Just as you think she’s fully out, she shifts slightly, mumbling something almost inaudible.
>"You really need a bath."
>You snort. "Yeah, yeah, I know."
>The little filly on your back doesn’t respond this time, she’s truly asleep now, her breathing soft and even.
>With a small, contented smile, you walk home, carrying the little filly on your back.
Thank you for the continuation! It warms my heart to see Verity happy.
Ooh, something new to read after work.
That was a good green, made my day a bit more happier. Thanks, anon!
>Big wing Scoots I wouldn't mind that.
This anon would only last one day alive with Cozy Glow.
>he doesn't know
>One day
That's optimistic.
Yes,my cock will fix her
Why whould you? That's the king league of terrible taste.
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Early morning bump
What filly would be better then?
Thank you for your service, kind anon forehead.
You're implying you would be able to use heal magic before you'd die from Cozy Glow's stabbings Julius Caesar style.
>a single filly stabs like a senate's worth of people
I mean, if there's one who'd be so savage, it would be her.
double checked, naisu
Source op please

Pretty sure that wouldn't be the first time.
Pneumonia anon, you okay? Please give us a life sign.
Artist is nookprint on both deviantshart and shitter.
>pic unrel
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Fuck wrong reply, sorry other anon
It's okay, these things happen.
The fever's been gone for a week now and I'm finally starting to feel like I can breathe again, but my chest still hurts since I think I bruised it by coughing so much.
Writing will resume shortly.
>that works too
wait what is the other thing that works?
Alright, I dig it so far. Now, Anons, what's the story behind this Verity character.
/MLP/ raised a bunch of money on a art pack and donated the money to a horse charity. Verity was one of the horses. https://files.catbox.moe/ahigsi.png

Hope you guys ordered your Verity coin.
Don't forget to mention that it was the 2020 art pack that caused the derpitards to rage.
Cute Epona
That's adorable.
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Indeed she is! Epona's the first pony I ever loved, now that I think about it. Since I was a boy...
Based Epona appreciator.
That's very cute!
That's a long time
Stallion bump.
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Anon is flying with Rainbowshine, how adorable!
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Not bad considering he just got those wings.
Dude's living the life.
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Anon having a nice lovely date with Diamond Tiara.
I prefer that anonstallion is more of a stallion who's grown up in Equestria with the attitude and personality of a 4channer than anything related to the image you posted. It gives much more freedom in making greens like having Anon be a snobby elite from Canterlot and such.
>Anon gets isekaied into a foal in Equestria, then tries (and fails) to abandon his 4chan ways.
>AB in the distance
Does she do it out of curiosity, or because she has a crush on Anon?
I'd imagine she's trying to find ways to sabotage the date so she can get Anon with her instead.
Quite so, got a good mare with him that he could make and raise foals with.
I'm not sure if Applebloom would reach such lows.
Yeah I agree, I only posted it 'cause it's part of that "series."
It's better than the edit at least.
Very adorable.
We need more art
I don't know if you're talking about mine, but yeah it's pretty shit, kek
I'll get back to actually drawing shortly, sorry
I mean the one that turns Anon into a filly.
Stallion bump
Agreed. I can't draw for shit though.
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i gotchu bro
Thanks for the effort.
Fuckin' nice.
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where the fuck did the zecorafag go? where the fuck did the flutterfag go?
Zecorafag was down because his lung was packing in. I hope it hasn't gotten worse.
I hope he get better, but I want to know where is the dashfag, I really like his story and I was hoping for more
Any moment now, I'm sure of it.
Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.
Same thing, different time zone.
Still on the quite side, I see.
Yes, quiet.
The 3 storyfags disappeared. Not much left to keep this thread alive.
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anons come and go
its the nature of a general thread
specially one as niche as this
Still kind of a downer though. This is a fun thread.
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I promise I'm gonna start posting more, I've just got a a crap ton of personal stuff on my plate right now.
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I just wanted to share the links to these greens before the thread dies, in case anyone wants them.

I'd love to write more for the thread, but unfortunately, I'm not the most creative person. If you have any story ideas or prompts, please share them.
Anonstallion falls in love with Celestia. The royal court is beyond shocked to find out the dear princess fell in love with such a common earth pony.
>a crap ton of personal stuff on my plate
The eternal pain of the writefag. I can relate.
Doing my part to keep the lights going.
>Three months.
>It's been three months since you injured Fluttershy and got kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy.
>That horrible day still weighs heavily on you.
>Shattered dreams leave deep wounds in one's soul, but Fluttershy is doing her damnest to help you recover.
>To make matters worse, there was no 'Plan B' should the Wonderbolts career not take off proper.
>Right now you're just drifting in and out of dead-end jobs to keep food on the table.
>More importantly, you're saving up bits for the wedding. YOUR wedding.
>Fluttershy loves you with all her heart, but that didn't stop the ol' nerves from rattling as you popped the question.
>When she said 'YES!", it felt like your heart would explode (in a good way).
>The two of you shared a tender embrace and soon began planning your dream wedding.
>You remember Fluttershy humbly requesting a small ceremony in Ponyville featuring all of your closest friends and family.
>Big crowds always made you feel uncomfortable, so a smaller wedding is absolutely okay in your book.
>Her friends were naturally feeling uneasy after you two announced your engagement, but in the end they were happy as long as Fluttershy is happy.
>Except for Rainbow Dash. Something was VERY off with her.
>She grumbled a quick "Congrats", stared at you with disdain, and then took off into the skies.
>Damn, she must be holding one serious grudge to still be THIS upset with you.
>"What do you think, honey?"
>Your fiancé's voice pulls you back into reality.
>She does a little "Ta-Da!" gesture with some of her animal friends, motioning towards the table in front of them.
>Upon the tabletop rests a rather curious decoration: a bouquet of various flowers arranged into the shape of two ponies.
>Those ponies look awfully familiar...
>"Harry and Angel worked really hard on this." She adds. "It will be such a beautiful centerpiece at our reception!"
>She suddenly blushes and looks down at the floor. "I-If that's okay with you, honey..."
>You walk over to the shy mare and take one last look at the floral centerpiece.
>Truth be told, it is a well-designed piece in its own right.
>You can only imagine how long it took her animal friends to finish such a masterpiece.
"It's perfect."
>Fluttershy lets out a contented "Squee!" while she lovingly nuzzles you.
>The wedding was...interesting to say the least.
>Pretty much all of Ponyville (and even some of Cloudsdale) showed up with or without invitations.
>At first you were worried about how the fuck one couple was supposed to plan such a massive shindig.
>Soon enough, Fluttershy put those worries to rest as her friends gathered to help with the wedding planning.
>Pinkie Pie and Applejack would handle the catering.
>Rarity would create the perfect outfits and wedding decorations.
>Rainbow Dash would use her connections with the Wonderbolts to host the entertainment.
>Your fiancé would provide the music with some help from her woodland friends.
>And lastly, Twilight would organize the whole kit and caboodle from top to bottom.
>This was happening. It was REALLY happening.
>The day of your wedding couldn't have been scheduled better.
>There is a zero percent chance of rain, snow, or any other foul weather that could ruin your special day.
>All of your friends provided their wedding contributions without a hitch.
>The "guests" seem to be just as excited about your marriage to Fluttershy as you are.
>You stare at your reflection in the mirror of the groom's dressing room with a mix of excitement and anxiety.
>Rarity really outdid herself with your tuxedo. You looked like a million bucks, especially with this sharp red tie!
>"Everything alright, old boy?"
>Dr. Hooves trots up to you from the doorway dressed in a sharp brown striped tux with that trademark scarf wrapped around his neck.
"Oh, hey Doc. Yes everything's fine." You fiddle with your tie. "Just a little nervous is all."
>"Perfectly understandable Anon." The stallion reassures you with a pat on the shoulder.
>"Marriage is a BIG step, not to be taken lightly."
>"Just remember, we're all here for you!"
>"Thanks doc."
>You couldn't ask for a better best 'man', or best friend.
>Suddenly the loud chime of the town square clock tore through the changing room.
>"No time for thanks! Come Anon! Everypony is waiting!"
>Dr. Hooves grabs his briefcase and hastily gallops out the door, and you follow soon after.
>The sun was shining brightly upon the wedding venue with nothing more than a gentle breeze to intervene.
>You nervously smile and wave as you make your way through an ocean of excited ponies to reach the altar.
>On the left side you see your best man Dr. Whooves and Spike, the self-appointed ringbearer.
>On the right side you see the 5 bridlesmaids all lined up and waiting, their sparkling color-coded dresses shimmer in the afternoon sun.
>And just beyond them is your soon-to-be wife Fluttershy. her white wedding gown flowing in the gentle wind.
>Your fiancé was beautiful at the best of times, but that dress pushed her bewitching good looks to a whole new level.
>She watches you emerge from the crowd and greets you with a smile.
>Oh Celestia if smiles could kill, you'd be six feet under right now.
>You take your place beside her and wait for Mayor Mare to begin her 'Justice of the Peace' spiel.
>The mayor quickly clears her throat to get everypony's attention and begins.
>"Fillies and gentlecolts! We are gathered here today to honor and celebrate the marriage of Anon Y. Mous and Ponyville's very own animal whisperer, Fluttershy!"
>The crowd stomps the ground and loudly cheers at you from every angle.
>You were praying to Celestia that your stage fright wouldn't rear its ugly head and ruin this moment.
>Why oh why couldn't this have been a smaller, quieter wedding like the two of you wanted?!
>Keep it together Anon! KEEP. IT. TOGETHER. For Fluttershy's sake, KEEP IT TOGETHER YOU STUPID FOOL!
>You take a deep breath and try to relax, but your frazzled nerves would not submit so easily.
>'Is Fluttershy just as nervous?' You wonder.
>You take a glance at your blushing fiance and silently beg her for some kind of help.
>She beams at you and trots closer, almost as if she knew just what to do.
>The gentle pegasus could pacify a rampaging dragon with a smile like that!
>"Do you have the rings, Anon?" The mayor asks calmly.
>You spin around and beckon to Spike.
>The dragon looked like he was in another world.
>Is...Is he ogling Rarity?!
"Psst! Spiiiiiike! That's your cue!"
>Spike sees your panicked face and quickly collects himself.
>"Oh right! My bad!"
>The young doofus practically trips over himself as he presents the rings.
>"Do you Anon, take Fluttershy to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The mayor asks. "To keep her in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"
>Mayor Mare's question snapsd you back into reality.
>You look around and realize everypony was eagerly awaiting your answer.
>You take a deep breath, look right into Fluttershy's beautiful eyes, and carefully place her ring around her neck.
"I do."
>Your wife's face lights up like a Christmas tree, as though your words were the most important thing in the world to her.
>"And do you Fluttershy, take Anon to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"
>Wow! With a vow like that, you'd think the MAYOR was the one getting married!
>You watch in silence as Fluttershy reaches for the remaining ring and tenderly places it around your neck.
>With the job done, she slowly steps back and smiled at you.
>"I do!" She happily exclaims.
>You smile harder than you've ever smiled before. If this was a dream, you truly hoped to NEVER wake up from it.
>"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife!" She motions a hoof towards Fluttershy. "You may kiss the bride!"
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oh yeah, thats the good stuff right there.
>Straight to the marriage
He returned when the thread needed him most.
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Whoops, forgot to add a timeskip.
Dashfag, standing by
death in the family kind of left me depressed to the point even pony couldn't pick me up, will try to get something done friday or saturday
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fuck it, update now

>You weren't sure if you were lucky or not
>On the one hoof, you found the book you needed
>On the other hoof, you couldn't read it
>It's not like you were illiterate by Equestrian standards
>You'd checked
>This book was just old
>Really old
>So old it was in a part of the library that was around before Twilight moved in
>Written in something called Old Ponish
>It might as well have been written by a schizophrenic russian with how legible it was
>Still it wasn't all bad
>You finally got that book of laws you were looking for
>Now you can say you know your rights and mean it
>You also picked up a few other books while you were at it
>A book on flying tricks
>Now you can keep up with Rainbow when she starts one of her rants
>Also a book on the Wonderbolts
>Which meant you could keep up with Rainbow on her other rants
>Then there was the first Daring Do books
>The third and last thing Rainbow ever ranted about
>Now instead of giving half-hearted affirmative noises, you might be able to have a full conversation with her about these things
>While you hadn't finished any of these massive books that Twilight had given you, you'd gotten a head start on enough of them to make a considerable pile around you
>A pile you happened to stack around yourself
>Then, with Spike's help, turned into a book fort
>One that he'd generously helped reinforce with comic books
>The Power Ponies
>You'd managed to convince him to temporarily part with the less valuables comics in his collection
>There's a jolt of pain in your wing
"Damn it-"
>You tuck the errant wing back into your side
>"Anon, again?"
"Do you mean the wing or the language, Twilight?" You ask the purple unicorn
>Still sitting across from you two with an unimpressed look, she magically lowers her own book
>"Both. I'm starting to worry, you could seriously hurt, or even cripple a wing if you keep it up"
"I know!" You groan at the mare. "But I don't know how I'm doing it. Certainly not on purpose."
>You two stare each other down for a while
>Her with a doubtful glare
>You with a challenging gaze of your own
>You remain stalwart and she slowly falters
>Her ears dip up and down
>Her muzzle scrunches
>Her head turns from side to side
>As if to inspect you from different angles
>Slowly though, doubt of herself begins to creep onto her features
>It's asked softly this time, her words dipped in worry
"Yes! How many times do I have to say it!?" You ask, exasperated
>Her book finally drops
>A hoof comes to her muzzle in thought
>A moment passes
>Then another
>She's just staring off into space now
>You're about to speak when you feel a clawed talon on your chest
>"Dude. Just let her be, she'll be like that for a bit"
>You look between the young dragon and the mare
>Then decide you'd rather find out how the Power Ponies beat the Mane-iac
>Spike was right when he said she'd be like that for a bit
>You got through two more comics by the time she snaps out of her thoughts
>"Anon, I think I have an idea"
>When did she get there?
>You lurch back a little as she's all but an inch from your muzzle
>She has a smile that's both mischievous and excited
"Alright what-"
>Before you can get the words out, she's grabbed your leg in her magic and pulling you behind her
>Down into the basement of her tree you go
>Into some kind of lab
>She sets you down in front of a machine and helmet filled with blinking lights
>"After I used this on Pinkie Pie a while ago, I lost more than a little trust in it, but maybe it'll help us figure this flying thing out"
"Well, the flying thing is pretty simple, you just-"
>Spreading out your wings, you smirk as she lightly glowers at you
>"We both know that's not what I meant"
>With a snicker you click your wings back into place
"So what's this dohickey do?"
>"I'm gonna use it to scan your brain, then I'll be able to see what's causing your constant flight."
"An unconscious desire to fly?" You offer. "I don't do it on purpose, but the reason seems obvious"
>"Possibly, but I think there's more to it than that"
>You briefly turn over the helmet in your hooves
>It's dozens of multi-coloured bulbs are annoyingly bright
>And you can faintly hear a soft, constant clicking noise coming from it
>This feels like a bad idea
>But you're bored
>And have nothing better to do
"Strap me in, I guess" You say as you place the helmet on your head
>The buckle is a bit harder to connect with hooves
>What you wouldn't give for an opposable thumb right now
>A quick shimmer of magic from Twilight and a click fits it into place
"So, what now?" You ask, glancing around the room
>There are fancy formulas written down
>On the table are a bunch of chemistry looking equipment
>All rather boring
>"Now we simply monitor your brain"
"For how long?"
>She gives a non-committal hum and shrug of her shoulders "You can't rush science, Anon"
>That was certainly true
>Seconds become minutes
>And the minutes go on and on
>Minutes becomes hours
>Hours become day
>Days become-
"Ugh, Twilight, how much longer? It's been like, three months!"
>"It's been three minutes" She replies, unimpressed
"It's called hyperbole, Twi"
>She gives a half-snicker at the nickname
>Eventually Spike comes around, comic books in tow
>With something to take your mind off the boredom, you read
>The villain rises
>The heroines rise harder
>Quips are said
>Classic stuff
>You can't help but wonder about how the pictures are done
>Are all comic artists in this world unicorns?
>Can earth ponies use their hooves to draw? Their mouths?
>Every time you have an answer for these ponies, you get more questions
>It sucks
>You're half-pulled from your comic by a distant thump
>The new ears that came with this pony body were sensitive
>It was annoying
>You'd feel them flick and tickle your head over some irrelevant distant sound
>Though, maybe this sound wasn't so irrelevant
>It thumped again
>And again
>Enough for you to pull your muzzle out of the comic page
>Twilight and Spike are either unbothered or too absorbed to notice
>You decide to wait and see which
>Again and again
>Thump after thump
>Closer and closer
>Twilight yelps, dropping the quill she'd been using to take notes as she whirls around to the source of the noise
>Rainbow Dash
>"Hey, Dash" Spike says casually, not looking up from his comic
>"Hey Spike. Twi, do you know where- Anon?" The prismatic mare asks, tilting her head at you
>You nod to her
"Sup, Prism"
>Her face falls to an unimpressed glance before a chuckle washes over her briefly
>With a casual ease she glides into the room, her eyes roaming over your new helmet
>"What's with the gizmo?" She asks, poking it sharply, earning a light smack from Twilight
>"Rainbow! This is delicate neuro-scanning equipment, please don't break it."
"Smart thing to scan my brain"
>You tap the helmet, chuckling at Twilight scrunching her muzzle at you
>"What brain?" Dash asks with a smug grin that you happily return
"Yeah, it must be hard to understand something you don't have, Dash" As you lean forward, so does she, both your grins growing
>"Well do you understand-"
>"Could you two please not?" Twilight says, putting herself between you two and pushing you away from each other
>You and Dash chuckle
>Out of your peripherals you notice Dash taking a few glances at you
>"So, you finally got off your lazy butt?" She asks
>Yep, she missed you
>Dare you assume, missed you
"Well, I had to come collect my winnings, Dash"
>"You said twice as high as me" She reminds you
"Alright..." You tease out. "But don't blame me when the factory learns that you're a stick-in-the-mud over semantics like Twilight here"
>"Hey!" The purple unicorn protests
"Sorry" You mutter to her as Dash flaps to gain some height on you
>"Fine." She jabs you with a hoof. "You can have your bits, but I want another race, speed this time"
>"Dash!" Twilight complains. "He just got out of the hospital, don't put him back!"
>"Relax, Twi." Dash says, flying with her forehooves behind her head and her hindlegs crossed. "I'll bring him back in one piece. Besides, he seems fine to me."
>You're flying again
>Damn it
>The machine your helmet was connected to is going crazy
>Twilight's eyes widen in wonder as she tears the paper away
>"I've never seen readings from the subconscious like this, it's incredible. Also, Anon."
>You groan and click your wings to your sides again
>"It'll take a while to get through all this" Twilight mutters to herself
>"Like, a few hours?" Dash asks
>Twilight hums, clearly not having heard
>Dash smirks
>"So, it'd be cool to take Anon out to town, right?"
>Another hum from Twilight
>Her smirk widens
>You gain your own
"Your treat, Twilight?"
>She hums again
"So we'll get the places to send the bill here, cool?"
>Another hum and Rainbow silently wheezes as she pushes a hoof to her muzzle to stifle her chuckles
>With a few flicks of her hooves, she frees you of the helmet and grabs you under your legs
>As you fly out, the helmet clatters to the ground, finally startling Twilight out of her gaze
>But it is too late
>You're already out of the library
>"Rainbow! Don't let him fly today!" Twilight's voice slowly fades behind the two of you
>With her out of sight, Rainbow lets you onto your hooves as you two head into Ponyville
"So, admit it," you start, and Rainbow turns to you, curious, "you missed me"
>Your smug grin and laugh causes a flash of annoyed amusement to cross her face as she takes a faux-dive at you
>With a hop to the side, the two of you go back and forth as you begin strolling through the town
>The fresh air feels good on your feathers

Nice update! And sorry about your loss.
Thanks for the update Sunn but soory for your lose, is never easy but I hope you get better.
The legend returns! Great update, Sunn. Thanks for posting it.
That sucks sunn, but I'm glad you're back. Looking forward to more of this awesome story. I don't even like rainbow dash but I'm absolutely thrilled by this green.
>More green
Thank you, writefriend. Good stuff.
Page 9 bumo.
what a blessing, an update on my favourite paste on Anonstallion. Super great!
Le Bump
The return of the classic.
Any good Anonstallion stories on fimfiction? Self-insert OCs acceptable too as long as I get to pretend I'm a stallion with my waifu
God bless you, sunn.
uhhh yeah what he said
>Any good Anonstallion stories on fimfiction?
No, Unfortunately.
It's a rarity everywhere, it seems.
So close to 500
Now one step closer.
I've been enjoying this one.
Thanks anon, I'll give it a read and share my thoughts. It looks like it's being updated around once or twice a month
Neat, more green. Have a 4chan updoot.
Almost there.
This Anon looks like he has a duck beak.
Well, he is an odd one.
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Nice try but the bump limit is dead.
new thread when?
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never. i'm closing them down.

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