This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.Gotta Go FAST Edition>why alternate boorus?Changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus arose to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on>why alternate text, fanfiction, and fanfiction archival sites? has been deleting greens uploaded to it. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format. FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be "unacceptable" as late as Jan 22 of 2024.Overview: (outdated)>general purpose by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR] by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc] by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]>specialized by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] -- -- Hot glue>greentext, fanfiction, and fanfiction archival by Not Twifag/FloorbIAS ( (Text search) by Floorb>video>file (read-only since January 2023)>Latest Developments:*FoalFetch is being worked on, but slowly. Downloads for stories were added.*Floorb is working on a project to archive pony from Twitter, DeviantArt, and maybe other sites. Volunteers welcome.*Ongoing comment and image spam on the various altboorus.*A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste, which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles, their authors, and tags (but not its actual content) was patched.*The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as "unacceptable" (mainly foalcon) by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom (FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru, ect.) they "found" to be associated with said material. In response, Floorb has created For keeping up with the ongoing drama, see*TPA/Ponybooru server restoration completed after going to shit. Hobune instance also updated.*Ponerpics image back-forward buttons broken (again)*Foalbooru brief hostile takeover/server issues? Resolved?*Floorb finally bulk-imported missing images onto Twibooru, image processing queue bloated due to such.*Total Spammer Death solution in place on Twibooru.*Tantabussy importers under consideration.Previous thread:>>41787243
Twibooru down rn
Any updates on horsewords?
>>41841045I swear, if it turns out Floorb is giving himself electroshock therapy again...
>>41841041Why did you cut off the other boorus from the thumbnail ?
>>41841092They died off-screen.
Last time I changed the OP image, the thread got nuked for my trouble, and last time I suggested we remove a dead booru from the OP, I got shouted down.
>>41841179business as usual
You guys want anything? French fries?Give me ideas n advice.I'm planning on setting up a Discord channel where I will foster 2 communities: a normal one and an elite one. The elite one will have every equivalent channel set to read-only for who isn't selected by me, as well as private channels to discuss n shitpost in.The subject matters will be comics, cartoons, films, fanfiction×books, traditional games and just 2 normie channels for videogames. Here's the twist... Videogames and ponies will be able to be discussed as is normal, but they will receive special moderation. You might think I mean that I will favor ponyfags and /v/irgins but no. No, in the normieboards I will treat them not only as second rate citizens but even criminals, I will treat them the way an atheist treats religion and religion treats porn.Instead here's the doubletwist... elite game design and elite pony threads will be favored and treated like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein are discussing ponies n video games, ironically I will expect a lot more out of /v/irgins and ponyfags than I expect out of other people. That is why ponyfags and /v/irgins will be very rare in the elite channel, but they will be the creme de la creme.And get this... I will make a porn channel.. where you cannot directly post porn... and you are required to write scientific essays about biology.You guys have any preferences like bots n shit?What are your ideas and advice?
>>41841257>You guys want anything?
>>41841045>>41841073>idfk what's going on, server was being really weird, 35+ load average despite nothing using any real CPU and no I/O delay>rebooted the server and it won't come back up>it's 6 AM and I have work tomorrow, this can wait
We now need an altbooru for AI as an aternative for Tantabus.Tantabooru(Derpi) staff were caught doxing.
>>41841483FYI, see>>41841124
>>41841279AI channel, gotcha.
>>41841455>Not Floorb>Not Not TwifagHi Corp. Can it be chinks ddosing twibooru now like they did with ponerpics?
>>41841483>>41841511Anyone who has ever visited a website without a VPN has had their information apprehended by the owner of the server/website.It's what you deserve to be treated like since the 90s because you GEEKS go as far as calling divulging your name & address "violence".I for one welcome any derpibooru faggot, especially Orange of Ponychan to have some tea & crumpets with me in my shithole of a country.
>>41841483>were caught
>>41841558>tea & crumpetsNo, mr. Jormundangr, don't think I will.
>>41841045It was down with "Too loaded" error or something like that. Then it was up, then it was down again with 5XX error.
>>41841577And has been returning 5xx error the whole time.
>>41841483surprise surpriseyet I was called many names when I said it will be just derpi with a different name
>>41841045>>41841455I figured it out now that it's not 6 AM. Server ran out of disk space. Cleared some ancient database backups and we're back for now.
>>41841974Will importer import missed images from other boorus?
>>41841483>We now need an altbooru for AI as an aternative for Tantabus.This. Please, Twiboorufags.
>>41841483Non-spammy AI images are already allowed on all alt-boorus, tho.>But muh 9 variants of every promptRedundant.
>>41841041Why did you remove foalcon booru's banner?
philomena is getting a real reverse image search system:
>>41842066Shut the fuck up.
>>41841974A few images around id 3432403 did not get processed
>>41841483>>41842266>>41842046Brown. The only thing we need is a full flushing of your septic spills. Too bad the altroons are cucks
>>41842445>waaaah waaaaaaaah mares are being archivedweee wooo weee wooo
>>41841483>Derpi staff was caught doxingGee, who could have seen that one coming?
>>41842457>wahhhhh waaaahhhhhhhhhh my aisharts aren't being archived enoughPoo problem, Not mine.
>>41842477>everyone that disagrees with me is jeet!weeewoooweeewooo
>>41842480>Jeets are the biggest consoomers of aislop >Jeets are the biggest prodoocers of aislop>Jeets are the biggest whiners when aislop gets push backHmm.
>>41842486I accept your concession that you are a nigger, an offboarder, and belong back on derpi.
>>41842488>Jeets are the biggest scammers with aislop>Jeets are the biggest proomoters of aislop>Jeets are the lowest IQ so aislop appeals to themLol, lmao even.
>>41842486>>41842495I mean you are not strictly wrong polfag but it doesn't apply to ai ponies because it's still ponies. And archiving ponies is a good thing.
>>41842514>muh archive fallacyI would rather have 1 unique drawing of pony than 1000 slop prompts of the same shit. It's a waste of bandwidth and I don't care if you have proompted 1000 in a batch like indians often do, it's still not worth a whole booru.
>>41841974Can you make the "prompter:*" tags highlight similar to the other highlighted ones?
>>41842514Archive the models, not the prompts.
>>41842585I kinda have a hard time looking at the models on my picture frame.
>>41841974Here's a solution for hard disk space:Get rid of the fucking AI garbage.Ponybooru seems to be the only alt who isn't going full retard as they are not archiving it unless it has some very special interest and some work instead of a prompt.I'd preserve any shitty, low effort drawing over soulless garbage.
>twibooru went down because of running out of disk space>immediately "people" surface and try to push for twibooru archiving low-effort, unlimited-quantity, disk-space-wasting AIslopMakes you think.
>>41842637>There is now 60 thousand proompts on Twibooru, and it's only increasing, jeets wan't to be able to have their sharts with impunity . Why is this worthless shit worth keeping around again?
>>41842637>not archiving it unless it has some very special interest and some work instead of a prompt.Are they evaluating the work themselves or just importing what derpibooru considered worth keeping ?
>samefagging this hard
>>41842666> jeets wan't to be able to have their sharts with impunity .
>>41842559Learn to use filters, noob.
>>41842670I was talking about you, faggot.
>>41842768>Just filter my server waste bro, just buy more so I can upload my slopJeet IQ, the only thing you do is pass the blame and bill off to someone else. Kill yourself.
>41842942Imagine not having enough harddisk space in 2025.
>>41842942You seem to care about twibooru a lot, I hope you did donate to it?
>>41842460are you retarded? they accidentally imported comments without anon on, and fixed it as soon as they discovered the issue. no "doxing" here. it's like saying "ponepaste was caught doxing" because of the time they got hacked and peoples emails got leaked. it was a mistake.
>>41842963so yes, you're retarded, got it. bet if twibooru did it it would just be an honest mistake, right?
>>41842979Twibooru doesn't have a history.
>>41842951>host for me you bastard bitch benchod
>41843012>noooo don't host all that ai art even though the top scoring posts are mostly ai nowadays it is too hard for me to add -ai content to the search box
>>41842979>bet if twibooru did it it would just be an honest mistake, right?Twibooru doesn't get privileged access to un-anonimized database dooomps
>>41841052I want to hear news on this, and on foalfetch as well.
>>41843074>INDIA SUPER POWER 2025Shut up nigger.
>>41842982More accurately twibooru doesn't import comments.>>41843075
>>41842204Hype. Hope it will come in less than 1 year.
>>41842979Twibooru still has the benefit of the doubt, if nothing else. Derpi has proven over and over that you can't trust them, ever.
>>41844663Part of me wishes Twibooru was even slightly malicious so I could punish Floorb for it.
>>41841974To be more precise on >>41842439The affected images are
>>41842952I'd rather pay up to 2K funding an open and non-biased Tantabus alternative, shartists making $$$ monthly selling commissions can easily pay the fees for a new Twib server.
Ponepaste archive search is fixed and some other stuff that may or may not been related to it (on mobile)!Thank you Floorb!
>it's an AI vs not-AI episode againOh my Celestia.
>>41845243>I'd rather pay up to 2K funding an open and non-biased Tantabus alternative,>shartists making $$$ monthly selling commissions can easily pay the fees for a new Twib server.So which is it you subhuman? Are you paying for your safespace or are you passing the bill?
>ai is bad
stop dying
>>41847619I spend way too much time masturbating. My only breaks are when something breaks: usually my favorite booru, sometimes my mind.
>>41846860Isn't it funny how dramas like this always pop up in this thread shortly after Derpi has done some shit again?
>>41848122Totally not the derpi drama thread, doe.
>>41845144Still unfixed. Maybe report them on the site?
>>41848707Go ahead.
>>41848738Nah, I don't want to solve that many captchas.
>derpibooru doesn't allow MP4 uploads>but they still serve them are they like this
>>41848920Because mp4 is a shit codec that takes up too much space. Also fuck mods for allowing mp4s on this site.
>>41848122>Furbooru projection
>>41848950Anon, you are clearly on first high hill of the Dunning-Kruger curve.MP4 is not a codec, its a container. You can put whatever codec you want into it. Including h265 or AV1.
>>41849982Take my cockdeck up your tight little container, slut~
How much bandwidth/connection speed does it take to run a booru site?
It's mlp I swear!
>>41850540common furpibooru L.
>>41850540They're gryphons, mlp canon species, but with zoophurry multiboob complex and the same "make them big like human tits" autism milky way faggots and wapa clones are obsessed with. That's at least more mlp related than the pokemon recolors twibooru is allowing.
oh my god he's still going impotently instead of using the admin email
>>41849611Come on, the Derpi damage control brigade is too obvious to miss.
>>41850540It says anthro griffon, griffons are canon. what's the issue ?
>>41851514Does this mean I can start uploading full on furry dragons with 0 connection to mlp besides being a dragon? After all, dragons are in mlp.
>>41851537Yes, but only on derpi.
>>41851540here you go, more
>>41851537you have filters. this is such a cry baby issue. what kind of helpless nigger whines about an image from 2 months ago with no views, that he has the tools to not see.
>>41851633>2/3rds incestI didn't know furfags were this based.
>>41850767>>41851514Usually I'm all for archival, but in this case I don't see any MLP connection, not even a tenuous one. Here's character ref: don't see ANYTHING mlp-related in those: not in the description, not in tags, not in the comments. It's not griffonization of pony OC, and it's not mlp-style griffon, it's not from MLP fanfic/fancomic/fan-animation.
>>41851742Both artists have drawn pony pics, and derpibooru uploaders are kind of autists when it comes to archival so they would find any excuse to say that it's MLP related so the archive is more complete (in this case the griffon race seems good enough for them). Derpibooru would benefit a lot by having a danbooru-style approval system so these low quality/not MLP related pics get flushed automatically after a while.
>>41851808>danbooru-style approval systemCancer
>>41851808I think derpi already has an approval system? And altboorus don't really need it because not many people upload to them directly.
>>41851846derpi's approval system was supposed to be used ONLY as an anti-CP measuse. Of course, this being derpi, mods already abused system to remove non-CP pictures before they were even published.
>>41851861>already abused systemHow do you know that?
>>41851861>source:my assTheir approval system is only for unregistered uploads or new users until they upload enough. I've seen more than enough lolicon shit and random furry or anime crap show up after approval and deleted minutes later as it should be.The images can be seen by just going to their ID directly, it's how the alts grab images before approval.
>>41851864because i uploaded from time to timeif it does not alighn with their views you get the banhammer too
>>41851875Example image?And how do you know your shitpost was deleted before approval and not just seconds after? Do you sit there F5ing every second for an hour like a tard?
>>41851864>>41851874I remember it as a fact, I don't really remember from where I know it.
>>41851882>I remember it as a fact, I don't really remember from where I know it.Are you retardedThe fucking state of things, holy shit
>>41851877>post a link to a deleted imageAnon I...
>>41851896>i uploadedDid they upload it from their dreams? Did they delete the image off their machine? Did the source die?Never mind that twi pulls images before they're approved.
>>41851900>Never mind that twi pulls images before they're approved.There is a 30 min delay for tagging. If derpitards nuke it before that its gone.
>>41851864Imagine still giving them the benefit of the doubt. baka fr senpai
>>41850767>They're gryphons, mlp canon speciesMight as well upoad the entire furaffinity's griffon collection on derpi then.
>>41850540>>41851742I guess this would be a use case for that mlp tag people were complaining about in the previous thread. But it would be a lot more practical if instead it was a tag for non mlp related stuff.
>>41853154>Do not use this tag. If an image isn't even barely pony related, report it for rule #3.Whats their angle here ? Do they want to avoid dealing with the hassle of checking every tagged image ?
>>41853138I'm pretty sure some derpi poster is actively fighting the urge to do that right now.
>>41853194>report it for rule #3Well, there's your problem. No one reported the images, so they're still up.
>>41854629But then why do they leave the forbidden tag in those images instead of autistically removing them like they usually do with other inapropriate tags?
>>41854239Yes sir.
>>41855131Like they do with which tags?
>>41848122That's fun ( not really anymore) I manage another imageboard, and I confirm shills and trolls are pretty active. One persistent issue involves one guy, always with the same ISP (Vodafone DE) who engages in samefagging to push pro-derpibooru bullshit but also anti and talk to himself for several posts along with posting in AI thread, filled with bad grammar and seem to steer them in a specific direction. It’s hard to tell what this anon is trying to do, but there's effort.
>>41856181>I manage another imageboardHave you tried exposing him?
>>41856425This. Dox him. No mercy for obnoxious shitposters.
>>41856425>>41856526>It's okay when WE do it
>>418566034chan moderators call out samefags all the time, wtf are u on about?
>>41856526>trying to get rid of someone by doing something actually illegal
>>41856613This thread /just/ had a shitfling about how bad derpi was for deanonymizing by accident and you're advocating it on purpose. Can you go one day without being a massive hypocritical piece of shit?
>>41856622>doing something illegal to get rid of someone doing something illegalCalled justice where I live.
>>41856741shitposting is not illegal unless you're an aussie or brit thoughbeit
>>41856743Disrupting online services is not illegal? Wonder what kind of shithole you live in.
>>41856622>collating publicly available information is illegalOh no, someone better tell Google. And Amazon. And all other services that do just that. Oh wait, I guess NSA is also illegal now.>>41856634Derpi revealed private information instead of pointing out public information. But yeah, >>41856425Doing that using the private information would be the same thing Derpi did.
>>41856949How the hell is someones ISP and IP, 'public information'?
>>41856949>NSA is also illegalAren't glowies generally de-facto above the law?
>>41856949>Oh wait, I guess NSA is also illegal now.I mean, it is.
>>41856949I I have been doxed too. it was years ago I did a donation to help Derpi.I fucked up. Was rich enough, get my badge, hoped it would last forever, things changed.
>doxingRemember the early IRC days where your IP address was public and the server (or the client) resolved it to the ISP + country?Good days.
>>41856996>imagine thinking thisIP addresses used to be publicly posted whenever you made a post on old message boards. Of course a zoomie like you wouldn't know that.
>>41857135It doesn't do that anymore? I don't get where this whole "IP addresses are private information nobody can know!!!" hype suddenly came from (years ago).
>>41857259The server can be configured to hide it. Some (quakenet) only hide it if you auth when connecting.
>>41857255>>41857135Just because something used to be normal doesn't mean it's not retarded to do it now. Passwords were transferred using plaintext, is it good idea today?Just like you don't want anyone to know your phone number or email unless they have a good reason for it. It's a piece of puzzle, alone it might not be that harmful but why would you wanted anyone to know it for no reasonStop being a dumb fuck
>>41857397How do I know you are a zoomie?
>>41857397Other than knowing someone's potential zone even having their IP address is borderline useless unless they happen to have been in public leaks, and even then it would be unreliable. However...>>41856949>publicly availableUnless you freely gave an entire Discord server admin access to your site I doubt the law would consider doxxing your users fair game.
>>41857435I'm not saying it's some ultimate piece of information, but publishing it can only (potentially) bring you trouble (even though it probably won't)When all you need to do is set your admin tripcode and list all the posts by the shill, which will have literally the same effect
>>41856634>deanonymizingPosting that samefags are samefags is not "deanonymizing".
>>41858012It IS deanonymizing, but it's not an attack on privacy. Though you could argue that's semantics.
>>41856181Issue a public ban and mark all his posts as a "samefag". Repeat until he fucks off. You do have a rule against steering shit, right?
>>41858048It's crazy that after all these years people still believe every "my uncle works at nintendo" story on this site.How many boards with more than 5 posters still even exist in this fandom?
>>41858090I can name a few. But instead I'll tell you to lurk moar ^:)
this board need poster IDs
>>41858452No shit
>>41858452shit idea
>>41858645Post hands
Is Ponepaste down for anyone else?
>>41856425>>41856526No, we should not do this, we can't do that. Only fight and suggest things vaguely as usual. I know who this is but still,anonymity is a right, if we want to stay an anonymous board - even if someone plays with the rules with different narratives, can't post this or hint this in the board you manage.Expose even a manipulative sociopath and you give him what he wants, and we lose the trust an anonymous board must provide.Admins and mods must respect the rules, or you no longer have anonymity on any image board.Flags and IDs can give a hint in some cases or threads as in mlpol, but this is not anonymity. Trolls and shills are getting skilled with copying a style of posting to act as non-ESL or sound stupid, creating a character samefagging.
>>41858897Same here.
>>41857135Been and still do use IRC, and no, the right servers doesn't show your IP for over a couple of decades now.>>41857108Enjoy your badge, and your duck. You paid for that.
>>41859031>anonymity is a rightThat can be revoked.
Ponepaste works once more, woo!...But my edit did not save. Dammit. Oh well, wasn't too much, will back up next time.
>>41856181... so you're doing what you guys accused derpi of but, ya know, actually doing it? gathering information on user posts with identifying information about them for wrong think? then threatening them with a vauge will they won't they, post about releasing the info.
>>41860069we're the good guys tho so its ok
>>41860069>for wrong thinkFor purposely shitting up the site, has nothing to do with "wrongthink" my dear Derpi shill.
>>41860128so if derpi says its because it's shitting up the site then you're fine with them doing the same thing?>>41860107oh shit i didn't know you guys were chill like that.
>>41860166Stop being disingenuous. You know there's a huge difference between someone posting the wrong opinions and the shit >>41856181 described.
>>41860195he's calling him a derpi shill and threatening to dox him for it lmao. you people have no morals
>41860259Look how afraid it is
>>41860195>>41860259The supposed guy doesn't even exist and it's just anon taking the thread for a ride
>>41857259I don't know either, probably zoomers not knowing how the Internet works.>>41857396>>41859080It's extremely trivial to decloak people on IRC. If the cloaks are ip-hash-based (the default,) it's just a hash-cracking problem that can be done offline. If the cloaks are chosen or otherwise not based on the IP (eg: a vanity host,) it's still trivial, just a bit slower and you need to do it with some help from the IRC server.
>>41860289Doesn't matter, shows everyone else who isn't sociopathic what is approved around here.
>>41860330It doesn't matter what anyone says. All that matters in your judgment is whether anon releases the information or not. The rest could all be trolls trolling trolls.
>>41860289>>41860342it doesn't matter if it's fake if everyone in the thread is agreeing and justifying it.
>>41860358>it doesn't matter if it's fake if the falseflag is big enough
>>41860359>It's fake!, just ignore the election tourists
>>41860359you're retarded. it's showing your lack of moral consistency. the scenario could be fake we have no proof of it being fake or true. but the shouts from the people here to reveal the info are real. so given then scenario we know how you swine act.
>>41860372>but the shouts from the people hereWhich could just be falseflags.YOU are retarded.
>>41860372>you>your>consistently acting as an outsiderI'll give you this, derpitard-you are at least not pretending to be anything else.
>>41860379Guilty conscience much?
>>41860379lmao, everyone is just false flag>>41860383yes kike, I'm not part of your larping nazi group jackoff sessions. why would i use we?
>>41860391>noooo don't archive me
Do the boorus have apng support?
>>41860431no not these ones because thry can barely keep them online lmao
>>41860431Yes, though thumbnails may break.
>Another round of shitpostingFeels like the thread has hit a hornets' nest.
Is it hypocritical to file DNPs on boorus that support them because I disagree with the concept of DNPs and don't want my art to be posted to deletionist websites?
>>41860819Thiugh I hate DNPs... yes.
>>41860819I'm a bit 50/50 on that. Personally I wouldn't want to provide Derpi with content. But it's the fastest way to spread things because all the boorus import from there.
is boxless single?
Let's talk about tagging. I understand it correctly that:Anthro underage would be tagged:- "foalcon" in ponerpics- "lolicon/shotacon" in twibooru- I dunno about ponybooruI remember that someone in this thread suggested using separate "anthro foalcon" tag, but it didn't catch on.
>>41861598Underage anthros aren't entitled to the "foalcon" tag any more than female anthros are entitled to the "mare" tag. If it's show-species uoooohfuel, it gets "foalcon". Yes, this includes Spike.
I wish artpacks ceased to exist. You've got troves of pony art--albeit mostly fetishistic--going unarchived, which is only made worse by the inevitable takedowns of older content.There's no justification for locking your art behind lock and key, it is a direct assault on pony.
>>41862183Don't most artpacks get leaked to Twibooru?
>>41862205"Most" isn't good enough. Despite our valiant leakers, so much art has been and continues to be lost.
>>41860819>>41861534yes it is. youre literally proving why it's useful and good to have. honestly it just makes it better for everyone to have a good relationships with the users making the content for you. and alleviates potential lolsuits for some. it's utterly ridiculous to sue someone for infringement for uploading your art, but there are plenty of cows and vindictive people out there. i still have a single long gray hair from dealing with this issue myself. and thats only with a few special individuals. i can't imagine potentially dozens. and while i know people think having the server in another country stops them. if you are in america acting as an angent you're open for litigation. it's time and money not worth dealing with. so keeping that stuff archived but on a non gui based site is the best compromise. still has searching still has the files. but no one cares because theres no normal pretty picture interface. >>41861598this is good but also not. if i do sweetie belle and foalcon i kind of expect all loli and pony. i feel like foalcon should still implicitly link to loli, since both are what the user is a lot of times looking for. if i do foalcon sweetie belle and pony, then only horses should show up. i think implicit searches are really important for finding material. you could easily set up a filter per user to disable relational linking. though idk how customized these people have made their boorus considering how often they all go down and fall apart. my view on search is always the reverse pyramid. wide to narrow. >>41862211leakers are a natural part of the internet. but always remember not to be a kike and live by the golden rule. if you cum you should support that artist should you have the means. sampling before you buy within reason is fine, but let's support the horse makers as best we can lest they become... furfags. or worse! go to fucking hazbin hotel.
>>41861631It's always annoying to search lolicon/shotacon, expecting pure humans (and ayys) only, then seeing all those anthros.Also historically it was tagged "foalcon" back in 2013.
>>41862183money? paying bills? i like free shit but not everyone has infinite time and not everyone wants to draw everything. think of it like this. you like McDonald's right? of course you do you fat fucking cheese gargling pig. but who the fuck wants to work at McDonald's? no one. now who wants to work at McDonald's because they need to pay rent? see?i know sometimes retards don't understand time is also money because they do fucking nothing. but let me explain it like this. imagine you had a job, inconceivable i know but try. it's shitty. pays shit. and is manual labor. you come home tired as fuck. you want to eat, and go to bed. thats it. working on horses is the last thing on your mind. you have a few hours to do all this before needing to go to bed so you can do it all over again tomorrow. and when you do get more time to relax that time is now being fought over by everything you want to do. games, women friends and horses. and horses don't always win. art still gets made but way way slower. and eventually stops. now if you know if you make this cute picture you get 200 shackles at the end of the month from horse fans. meaning you don't need to work as many hours and or can buy the shit you want. now you're happy to do it. and now after a while you feel indebted to the community for helping support you. now they're hooked and can never leave.
>>41862273loli -pony -anthroi solved it for you. you're welcome
>>41862268>lest they become... furfags.Fuck off, Zizzy. You're worse.>>41862284Take comms, you fucking ingrate. That results in a net gain of pony, compared to the net loss paywalling curs inflict.
>>41862284>feel indebted to the communitylol>they're hooked and can never leavelmao even
>>41862183While I agree the archival part is bullshit, there's a lot of art that otherwise wouldn't have been created if it weren't for an art pack going on.
>>41862284Schizo babble.Get a real job.
>>41862746>do it for free goyokay kike. >>41862356ah yes. so take coms. instead of 100 people paying 1 dollar to get 10 pictures. 1 person paying 100 dollars to get 1 picture, and then have it be private.
>>41862885>and then have it be private.Nobody is saying this.
>>41861598ban them on all boorus and then you won't have to sort out the tagging. Anthro underage is just furry shit.
>>41862211>>41862746>>41862183>>41862356God, you are pathetic
>>41862979Get replaced. ^:)
I see the thread is still getting sabotaged without stop. Yay.
>>41863421i knew indian hands wrote this. i could smell the shit from here.>>41862939it's their commission. they can juat not post it ans probably won't
Is this pony-related?: OC's backstory/lore involves living in Ponyville and being a boyfriend to Diamond Tiara- Drawn in MLP-styleCons:- FNAF stuff, so likely not a "canon" pic to the OC lore- Anthro wolf isn't really a native Equestrian species- Solo pic, not really a part of the setI'm inclining towards "no, not pony-related". What do you think?
>>41864449No, not pony related.
>>41864449catbox it, faggot. I'm not making an account on that shithole.
>>41864452Got it. I'll skip that one.>>41864455
>>41859248let's discuss this, when someone is samefagging. other than going >>s pointing at the samefag who denies it. is it morally acceptable to do this?
>>41864467Just ban the person. What's the "problem" with that?
Anyone discussed how Ponybooru copied Derpibooru and now have an approval queue? BUT they also copied e621 and it's not an anti-CP feature, but general "muh quality control feature"? BUT they also never approve anything, so the front page and are basically stale, showing out of date data for multiple months?How in the wide world are they expecting to survive with antagonizing basically everyone with all kinds of views, is beyond me.
>>41864541>Public Relations
>>41864541>>41864556>PonybooruYou lost me there.
>>41864476okay there is another rule. did twibooru access that image when it was deleted off of derpibooru one year prior? Did the full image link still work back then? I don't know what it is as it's deleted now and the full image link is deleted too.
>>41864630't see that missing full image around those parts either.
>>41863835Most people who take commissions just let the buyer decide what you should draw, and then you post your wirk publicly.
>>41864630How it likely went: derpi deleted an image upload post in 2019, the full image link was still alive a year later, then year(s) after that all full image links of such delete posts also got deleted. Look back in time to verify, whenever this works again:*/*>Wayback Machine failed to return archive information.
>>41864663no. not always. and i say a lot of the times they want it private especially if its a fetish
>>41864449no not pony related also, jesus. i didn't need to see that man. why didn't you put a warning.
>>41864784this is a good time to say "thank you" to our valiant moderators, making mincemeat of monstrous minges such as this.
>>41864797THANK YOU BASED DERPI MODS!you go through the bulk of all of this shit so the faggot larping nazis can snatch your work because they are unable to create anything themselves.
>>41864933>still allows blatant furshitBait used to be believable
btw derpi just nuked 90% of ai imagesi know they planned to do itthis is just a statement that it happenedthe comments, upvotes, favs, etc all erased
>>41864541quality control is needed honestly, I have probably a dozen or more """artists""" on my blocklist in depribooru because they upload shitty edits or downright awful art en masse.
>>41865178And nothing of value was lost. And no, I'm not talking about the slop itself, I mean updoots and coomers in the comments.
>>41865188>quality control is neededYou have filters. This is your quality control. Staff should only intervene if shit is not tagged properly.
>>41864457> the fuck
>>41864987>>still allows blatant furshitBut enough twipedobooru
>>41865227just your average furry arti fucking hate furries
>>41865206so then allow furry and just filter it lmao?
>>41864987the funny thing is you think this is bait.
>>41865352If you have a problem with furries why do you use derpibooru?
Holy shit, the entire thread is chummed water at this point.Explains why they wanted to purge AI from Derpi, i guess.
>>41865357who said i have a problem? i just said use a filter if you don't want to see them? besides pony by deffinition is furry
>>41865360>le AI boogeyman
>miss>finally download the warc.gz's to try it out>Webrecorder Player only opens one part at a time>try to concatenate all the parts together like suggested>just balloons it to over twice the size, ~97GB large>player can't even index it, just fails>try to browse a quest anyway>second page image is broken>neat.jpgAm I doing something wrong? Is there another proper way to combine the files together so they work properly, like using the other meta or cdx files somehow? Or do I have to search the .cdx file and open THAT part every time it links to a dead image/page? I'm a bit at a loss.
>>41865360Nice try, Derpimod.
>they can see the bait, chum more!
A bit off topic, but does anyone know how long the YouTube "sign in to confirm you're not a bot" block lasts typically?
>>41864630floorb is a derpi mod, mods can access (most) deleted images, do the math
>>41866376"Floorb" never leaked anything from Derpibooru, even when he really should have if he didn't want his soul to rot in hell. So unlikely.
>>41866446lmaololDo you think derpi doesn't know floorb runs twi or what his access as a mod grants him for it?How dull are you? Why do you think twi has a "no community" policy and hides comments by default?
>>41866459>Why do you think twi has a "no community" policy and hides comments by default?If you watched any /mlp/ general slowly degenerate into circlejerking, discussing offtopic shit about their shitty everyday lives, spreading rumors about each other, you'll know why Twibooru does not have comments.
>>41866254Until the algo says otherwise, usually. That can take anything from a few days to months.
>>41866724That's what concerns me. I've also heard reports of YouTube auto blocking entire ranges. I suppose I'll give it a day or two and see if it goes away, if not maybe try a new IP. All I did was download a channel with yt-dlp. So be careful out there Anons. I just hope that I can get unblocked before marecon otherwise it's really going to screw over my ability to record the events.
>>41865178Not on my watch. I downloaded their database dump a day before the 2025-01-06 deadline:In Internet Archive ( Wonder why isn't using their older onionsite address - maybe they lost the public+private keys to it? )In IPFS (independent of semi-stupid (readme)http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion/ipfs/bafybeib4rnk67xapjxk764mufu2ckhjcfmwvlttt5hctwsmxjihz4z4peq/1737618947.210470159>>41865199Your values are inferior to mine.
>>41866841What's the current right way to run an archive site? Keep the entire database in ipfs or something? Are there any good research papers about it?
>>41866841Do you happen to have a full fimfic archive with the deleted stories ?
Have you people seen this issue with 4chan's image encoding ?
>>41866841That's great, but is it searchable by mortals? Tanta has the scores for example in the description, but if I can't order the results by it its not useful at all.Ponerpics's order by derpi score is what I'm looking for. If poner re-imports the scores that would be great.
ponepaste's tag search is seemingly very bare bones. I can't search for more than one tag or omit tags either.
>>41866841>>41865178btw you are a literal retard, they ported the ai images to another booru. favs comments ect all in tact
>>41867773btw you are literal retard, see >>41867334
>>41867773care to point out where are the upvotes and the comments?eg in this to point out how can I sort by upvotes made on derpi while staying on tanta?fucking derpitard retarded gaytranny fagtron
>>41867826Not my problem.Maybe you shouldn't have prompted so much shart?
>>41867834Derpi didn't even make the importer, go cry at someone else you low functioning autist.
>>41867851>total straw man of the argumentgo cry somewhere else derpitard
>>41867903>Total retardIf you could read above preschool level you would see that the comments are temporarily removed after your pants shitting over deanonizing comments and the retard making it will revise the script.
>>41867922>cherry picks points from an argumentIf you could read above preschool level you would see that you won't be able to order by derpi score.
>>41867379IIRC, that issue was on the list, somewhere.
>>its fucked and mods cant fix itlooks like it was somehow fucked during import, no idea how since processing logs are blankI just reuploaded the image
>>41868475>It's slopShould have just left it deleted
>>41868529I too hate the low quality shit that current day AI pumps out, but I'm not going to delete it because I don't like it.
>>41868475IIRC at first it was a paste with a derpibooru link in it or something.
>every time desu has problems /mlp/ archive is inaccessibleThis board really needs its own independent archive with admins who actually give a shit
>>41869130Nobody besides Rome wants the legal hassle of hosting 3DPD horse cunt.
I'm thankful for derpi's continued efforts to keep me banned, it prevents me from getting too sloppy with my OPSEC.
>>41869130>admins who actually give a shitIronically Twi's admins trying to improve the site results in it breaking a lot more than Poner with its total apathy.
Imagine being so utterly useless that your main contribution to a site struggling to grow its content is talking down to the very artists keeping it alive.
>>41870670>seething too much to capture all of itGet back to flipping burgers, lib(eral art)shit.
>>41870670I believe Mr Megalith here had many times the opportunities to not get in this debate or not fuck up, but God damn it what a retard.
>>41870670>t. Megafag
>>41870670I don't see the issue. He sounds way better than your average Derpimod.
>>41870670Tag images? Remove spammers? Remove duplicate your importer is flooding the site with?Let me see. HmmModerationWe have received 1,420 reports. Out of these reports, 52 reports are outstanding and awaiting action.>On the last 250 reports we've received, it's taken us on average 129 hour(s) between a report being made and the report being resolved.I don't think any ponerpics mod or even assistant should be posting or arguing in the forums right now.
>>41871065Boorus don't need mods. Just remove the CP and other illegal stuff and you're done.
>>41871065Yes this is why derpi won. I gave up with their endless dups, ponerpics is completely incompetent.
>>41870777This, maybe it's friday evening, he's alone, got drunk and need to be a dick.>>41871148Poner was neat but this seems like another nail on its coffin.
>>41871170>another nailit's been fucked for a long ass time, but every time I brought it up I would be called a derpishill when I was posting art first to poner. The tribal retardation is most likely why it's been avoided for so long. I liked poner more then the other alts but only they have this problem
there's so much art in these chinese tiktok alternatives that got popular latelytoo bad that no one seems to upload them as much
>>41871201like what places?
>>41871201Doesn't matter, you can create anything with AI nowadays anyway there's no need to collect anymore.
>>41871182What tribal retardation? Explain! What's going on?
>>41871293>Poo baiting
>>41871293AI can't generate traditional art.
>>41870556>Twi's admins trying to improve the siteIt's been years since the last new booru feature>Poner with its total apathyThere's been efforts, they just didn't bear fruits.
>>41871403Is this a common tag on duperpics?
>>41871148At least poner's user who does the imports wrote actually functioning importer with actually persistent reboot-independent queue, unlike Twibooru's importer, which skips images every time someone sneezes.
>>41871403Why isn't he using the >undo changes by this usermhmm indeed. Alright eyebleach time!
>>41871839No, but it should be on hundreds, even thousands, of images.>>41871843>functioning importerWhich fails to provide booru page the image was sourced from, making it retarded.
>>41872098>Which fails to provide booru page the image was sourced from, making it retarded.It supplies the same source as the original image.
>>41872143Which does not have tags, because that source is not the booru page it was sourced from, meaning the circlejerk of absolute failures can't even update the tags that way. It also fails to set the source to the original booru page if there wasn't any, which means all "x exclusive" (and equivalent) images end up unsourced.
>>41871148>Yes this is why derpi won.They did? I haven't noticed.
>>41871356Skill issue
>>41872149Just ask for a feature request."If 'image have "* exclusive" tag' AND 'it does not have a source URL', then 'add booru page as a source URL'"
>>41872149>>41872206multisource would solve this
>Upload a 8-months-old pic on ponerpics>Image mysteriously immediately appears on derpibooruWell, one good thing about that is all alt-boorus import from derpibooru
>>41872774Ponybooru quietly supports multi-sources, unlike twibooru, which bragged about developing it and then left us all hanging.
>>41872881No energy, working a full time job, help welcome
>>41874096I feel you, RL shit is a pain.
Is there a tool I can use for quickly copying and building a favorites list from one booru to another ?
drama butt
>>41874096I know there used to be a Matrix room for Twibooru, but Matrix for me is extremely janky, everything loads for ages. I think that room no longer exists, or I just can't connect to it.
Ponepaste down rn
Some times I contemplate zipping up the individual months in the Image archive directories to avoid having to deal with 98 Million files littering my FS. But this introduces the drawback of not being able to conveniently view the files on the web without writing a custom plugin for h5ai.>>41866841>>41865178Here's some daily database backups (missing a few when running out of space unexpected):>>41866898>>41869132There's no legal hassle, no one cares about that stuff. It's not even hidden well.The most unusual thing that ever happened was someone uploading nude selfshot photographs of a pubescent girl to the upload form.
>>41877418>spoilerNot at all a targeted attack.
>>41877418>post this when you could have posted ponies instead
>>41875496So there isnt anything like that ?
>>41874716it's stand on my own retard... right? we sung this all the time in church as a kid. was i saying it wrong this whole time lmao>>41879144no retard. how do you think that would work? if they don't have the same id then theres nothing to even link em
>>41879167>if they don't have the same id then theres nothing to even link emThere could be if a lookup table was made with the equivalent ids from the same image in each booru.
WTF is happening with the imports? It seems like imports between alt-boorus all broke during last week. Only derpibooru imports work.- ponybooru to ponerpics - broke- ponerpics to twibooru - broke- ponybooru to twibooru - broke
>>41875496I think it already exists. Search archives from 2020
>>41879323You mean the desuarchive of this general ?
>>41879334Yes. It was called "Derpibooru Alternative Thread" back then. But desuarchive can't search posts by threads' title, so you either have to search on the whole board (Date Start: 2020-06-09, Oldest Posts First), or manually search inside threads one by one.
>>41879338This is what I found so far:
>>41879205you understand you just doubled your database. all this for a site with 4 daily users.
>>41879349Twibooru already does this. Though it does not link more than one booru, so usefulness is limited.
>>41879349>you understand you just doubled your databaseWhy doubled ? You are just storing the id numbers, not the entire images.
>>41879353multiple links have been formed if a merge from two imports is made, but this is rare
>>41879368So Twibooru already does this, but in that case its to have a quick lookup table in case duplicates are imported ?
>>41878232cry about it
>>41879309>ponybooru to ponerpicsIt's not actually broke, it's just moving very slowly through a large block of images that aren't being processed on ponybooru. I'll see about jumping it ahead tomorrow.
>>41879357It's hard to discuss technical matters with retards. Best to just not bother.
>>41879167>how do you think that would work? derpibooru_id:X on twibooruID match for bulk-imported images on ponerpicsif non-bulk importer wasn't A RETARD, you could check description for the derpi image ID on ponerpics and ponybooru>>41872206No ifs. All images, including retroactively, must have descriptions edited to include the original booru ID/URL.>I didn't save this dataBOO FUCKING HOO, DIPSHIT, YOU SHOULD HAVE AND NOW YOU GET TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF.>>41879349>>41879512Dunning-Krueger.
>>41879671stop whining and lrn2api.
Were (you) there?
>>41879671>you could check description for the derpi image ID on ponerpics and ponybooruEvery image there has the derpi ID in its description ?
>>41879671>>41879353>Dunning-Kruegeryou niggers ape jeets codes and still can't get decent up time. i did forget though, you guys don't have your own user base at all. so i guess you're not getting any unique or exclusive uploads to you. if you did your ids would possibly conflict with future imports from derpi. making relationships nonsensical. id 1234 is the last derpi imported ID. then user A uploads something directly to twi. it's 1235. but if user B uploads something to derpi and its 1235, this would conflict upon next sync. idk if derpi is sequential. i doubt it is, but you have a chance of this happening that makes it a headache. then you have the whole cross reference issue. you need the users account and their twi account. you would need to call derpis api with the users key, to even pull their favs. then you would need to run this periodically at least, for all users. even if theyre inactive. not sure if derpi would like you doing that. all though realistically a once a day sync is probably fine after initial syncs. but doing all this on sites with 5 users a day, with an uptime of liek 70%. is retarded.
>>41880277>id 1234 is the last derpi imported ID. then user A uploads something directly to twi. it's 1235. but if user B uploads something to derpi and its 1235, this would conflict upon next sync.Im not getting why this would create a conflict. They have the same numbers but each would be associated with a different booru in the lookup table. If it got in that situation wouldnt it just lead to a non breaking 1235 derpi -> 1235 twibooru association ?>you would need to call derpis api with the users key, to even pull their favs.Is there a way to find the favs page id with only their username as a parameter so you dont have to use more than one key for scraping ? Like for example use this username to get the following id 3A481596 that is used in the favs page url
>>41880364Hang on I mixed up the fav exampleusername Tom416 3A527738
>>41880277You don't understand what you're talking about, so please stop acting like you do. None of the posts you're replying to were made by me or any other Twibooru staff as far as I'm aware. We use a separate database table for associating IDs with other boorus. It looks something like (image_id INT, location TEXT, id_at_location INT), where a typical row would look like (3, 'derpibooru', 1), indicating that image ID 3 on Twibooru is image ID 1 on Derpibooru. Also, if you're curious, by my metrics the uptime is about 98.9%, and our daily unique active users are about 50,000 - apply my typical "half our users are bots" rule and that works out to more like 25,000 in reality. If you want to help increase those numbers, feel free to volunteer. I hope I could help clear up any misinformation. >>41880364>Is there a way to find the favs page id with only their username as a parameter so you dont have to use more than one key for scraping ?I don't know if there's a way you can do it with the API, but you can absolutely do it by just screen scraping the "faves" link from a user's profile page, and getting the user ID that way.
>>41879904what was it?
>>41880607Derpibooru panel Ponycon 2017
>>41880718I think I was at a Derpibooru panel for Bronycon... 2017 or 2018 or something. That was a different lifetime, I wonder if there's any video of it floating around and how cringe it was if so.
>>41880549>I don't know if there's a way you can do it with the API, but you can absolutely do it by just screen scraping the "faves" link from a user's profile page, and getting the user ID that way.Im going to try asking there if it isnt a more accessible info. But do you think that would be the step with the biggest hassle in this "import favorites" idea ?
>>41880833*try asking there to see if there isnt a more acessible way to get that info.
>>41880549>no youre wrong ... because you just are!thats great that you guys keep two IDs for both sites, that thing i litterally said you would need to do for it to work. that doesn't link the rest retard. I'm also simply explaining an issue with said scenario especiallywith it not being seperated. and scraping sounds like the least efficient way to do it, especially for a highly circumstantial thing like this. >50k usersthe highest up voted image is 2 for like multiple pages. with no favs. you can say ypu have 25k or 50k but the interactions on the site are so low. it would be hard to believe 50k total legitimate hits a month, let alone 25k unique daily people again please see previous link.
>>41880918have you hit your head recently and/or as a child?
>>41880947yes. tragically I died.
>>41880918I'd be interested in seeing some on-site analytics; I get analytics from Cloudflare as-is, but keeping the data myself could be interesting. Currently looking at a Ruby gem that does all that. If I add it, I'll add it to the privacy policy, but the TL;DR is that it doesn't attach visits to users, and it masks users' IP addresses so all users in the same IPv4 /24 or IPv6 /48 are considered the same - essentially, it's the same data Cloudflare already tracks and gives me, but it's actually less granular, and stored on our end instead of Cloudflare. I'd probably set up a job to clear the data monthly (speaking of: I should probably do that for the existing IP history, except maybe every year instead of every month.)Kind of in the same vein: I just removed NewRelic, because no matter how many times I yell at them they won't stop emailing me trying to squeeze $10 out of me for their paid plan.
>>41881018bro are you alright? that felt a bit unhinged mate, maybe have a cigey or something. when you say 50k unique active users. that means 50k different users actively interacting with your site features everyday. 50k unique hits would be those touching your page for the first time, not counting their subsequent pages. 50k impressions/hits is all traffic from all sources at all times durring that day. think you got your terminology confused there. that's alright, happens to the best of us.
>>41880379It's 527738, Anon.
>>41880918>>50k users>the highest up voted image is 2 for like multiple pages. with no favs. you can say ypu have 25k or 50k but the interactions on the site are so low. it would be hard to believe 50k total legitimate hits a month, let alone 25k unique daily peopleIt does seem unrealistic but a lot of people don't make accounts, a fair amount have got to be bots or scrapers too.
>>41881064My bad, I mixed it with the url encoding.
>>41881078when you say active that means interacting with the site. passively viewing a page would be hits.
>>41881098nigger by the nature of the site you have to interact with it to use it
>>41881055Oh no, the hit counter is significantly larger, in the neighborhood of 3.5 million per day. I think you may be the confused one.
>>41881105nigger. saying active users means something different then saying went to a page. bots crawl pages all the time. this doesn't make them active users>>41881112you're claiming at minimum 25 unique and active daily users lol? please define uniqe active daily users.
>>41881112also fimfiction right now has 915 active users. with yesterday having 1.5million total hits. you are claiming twibooru is infinitely larger.
>>41881127Unique IP addresses that are not bots (ie: do not have a bot user agent and don't perform excessive numbers of requests) that make more than just one request to one page from an external source. (eg: use the search function, view tags, next/previous images, etc.) It's a small site, but it's not as small as you think. Derpibooru's metrics I believe are an order of magnitude larger, though I haven't seen them in years.
>>41880277You are high up on the first peak of the Dunning-Krueger curve.>you guys don't have your own user base at allAlso obligatory derpitard for this.Btw, gtfo be a retard somewhere else.
>>41880549>50k a dayHuh, that's way more than I imagined. My estimate was a few thousand max based on the lurker to poster ratio. That means there is 1 contributor (upvotes/favs/upload/whatever) to 1000 lurker.
>>41881137lmao. yeah you're way over counting and misuing the term active. please post stats. again fimfiction is only 900 users and 1.5million hits yesterday. youre no where near bigger let only trippling them lol
>>41881377you have already been proven wrong in 7 other different ways with everything else you've said, so I'm gonna believe the guy who runs the site, kiddo. back to derpi.
I decided to continue to work on multi-source, because if I'm going to add a useless thing nobody asked for (analytics) I better add a useful thing everybody is asking for first. I remember where I ran into a block earlier: I need to rethink how source changes work, and migrate the old source change data to the new schema in a way that makes some amount of sense. The new format I'm thinking about is having the source URL, and whether it was added or removed, in each source change - but the issue is how to manipulate the old source change data to fit that format. I'm thinking I'm going to have to iterate over every source URL in the history for each image, and "add" the first one, then for each subsequent change 'remove' the previous one and 'add' the new one. Now that I write it out, it's not that hard.
>>41881516Thinking about it more, I could also just have a 'legacy' column for each source change, update the existing ones to that, and deal with it later.
Derpi did a panel at ponycon holland 2024, the tranny has it's face blured and 13 minutes in "4chan is le bad"Why do all the derpi mods have a massive chip on their shoulder? It's like it's a requirement to be a mod there.
>>41881551Please make those kinds of posts there: . This thread is for development.
>>41881439proven wrong where lmao? this is just actual skitzoid babble if you think twibooru is getting 3 million hits and 20 to 40k unique active users a day. they would nearly be getting on average 90 million total hits a month. even troons live in reality more than this lmao.
>>41880718thanks man
>>41881516This is coming along well, going to go ahead and make a fresh database backup, and might deploy it out tonight if all goes well. The importer will come later.
>>41881778glad to hear, keep things up yo
>>41881790Pretty sure it's ready, but I'm tired and don't want to deploy a major change right before I go to sleep, so I'm probably gonna wait until the morning. Might think of more things to test by then, too.
Looks like Foalbooru is having issues again, this time the server is just down completely.
>>41882155You mean foalcon?
>>41880549>>41880833Looks like you can just use the username directly to get the image IDs from their favorites gallery" faved_by:username"
>>41881516Lol what you are describing is what a certain ALM system does with items. Its results in so so so many bugs, and its a huge performance bottleneck for stuff that changes often. But I guess it works for a low number of changes.What I would do, is just pick a separator character and cram the multiple values into the same field. For search separate them and add an entry for each of them separately in whatever search engine you use.
>>41882864What bugs? It's basically the same system as tag changes, only with strings instead of tag IDs. As long as you don't need to mass-rollback I don't see where bugs would pop-up.
>>41882871When more structured stuff gets stored in these (which would be better stored in a graph db) while also trying to keep compatibility and the ability to view the historical data as a snapshot shit hits the fan.But keep in mind the SW I work on is a result of a 20 year old evolution with hundreds of devs.I'm not saying this way of storing stuff is bad for a booru, but don't try to shove complex things into this datastructure. If the first hint of "well I need to work around this and that to get feature x to work with this schema" occurs, just look for a different solution.
How swarthy does a human have to be to be tagged with "dark skin"?
>>41841041Can you copy comments?
>>41883146>shitpost tagMeh. Tagging is one of the few things where this kind of stuff bothers me. Because tagging is meant to bring some order into the collections.
Is there a better way to sort ponepaste? I want to search for greens of a specific character but don't want my search to be filled up with tons of fetish /ptg greensTried using the same syntax you would use on a booru but it doesn't work
>>41884116That tag is meant to be used when it is used in dialogue or other text. Same for "faggot" tag.
>>41841041Proposal to put into the OP.Because I keep forgetting about it.
>>41884419Oh, I see. Never mind then.
>>41884235Not as far as I know. The sorting system is fairly basic yet.
>>41882629Yeah, the one that says Pathos runs it.
I wish for a GameDevTycoon+Zoo Tycoon game about 4chan.
>>41879904Holy shit all bronies are immigrants/minorities?
>>41886341Explains why we get so many brown tier posts.
>>41884235What specific improvements would you like to see? What would a better sorting and/or search system look like to you? Anyone is welcome to answer this.
>>41886883Well for example, removing certain keywords in search would be nice. I.e. Pinkie Pie, -fetish, -ptfg
>>41886839do you ever think before posting something? serious question
>>41881778>>41881813Anons I'm scared, this is a big change. Making a backup and then I'm gonna send 'er, expect 10-15 minutes of downtime soon.
>>41865583alright since nobody was of any help here, a friend and I figured it out.basically a program called py-wacz scans the archive files inputted, makes a metadata file that identifies where each file lies in each warc.gz part, and zips them all up into a single .wacz container file.then, the program that can read it,, first reads the index file to figure out where all the components of the webpage it's trying to display are located, pulls ONLY those elements from the part files, and displays it just like the webpage would have been if the site was still alive.therefore, you don't need to open one or multiple 5GB+ files at a time, making it pretty lightweight, and everything is displayed correctly without having to look for it all yourself. it's gotta be how Wayback does it now, too, with how things load much, much faster on there's also got both a standalone desktop version for fully offline use (although it's very much advantageous to also follow along with the threads on desuarchive in my onion, otherwise you might miss a lot of context/discussion/etc.) and an in-browser one. it's not lightning fast for bigger pages, but it's way fuckin better than having to search the .cdx file and find everything yourself. ( I'd host the file itself, but it's over 45GB, so rather than that, the next post will contain a description of what to do to create the .wacz file and read it so it works exactly as if you were browsing the site. it's also super detailed so that it's possible for anyone who wants to do this to be able to, regardless of expertise with computers. it/py-wacz can also be used to combine archives of the same site/blog/whatever together that were made at different times, and then in the display program, you can switch between the different date captures within the .wacz. these two programs together are pretty neat little things all around.
>>41887088alright so the process goes like this:- download all warc.gz parts from new_warc folder (can grab the metadata and .cdx files if you want for completeness, but MAKE SURE they're in a different folder at least for this process, maybe another folder within where the regular warc.gz part files are)- if on windows, open a Linux VM OR set up Windows Subsystem for Linux, which will install Ubuntu on your system (parts starting with > are for WSL specifically)>open Windows Powershell>type "wsl install" and go through the process of setting it up>then if it doesn't open WSL for you or you gotta restart, while in Powershell, just do "wsl">while in WSL, update Ubuntu just in case>"sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade"- then install pipx, which will install the components to be able to install py-wacz>"sudo apt install pipx">"pipx ensurepath" (allows pipx to be called from any directory, may need to restart after this as well)- then install py-wacz>"pipx install wacz"- next part is using py-wacz to read the warc.gz part files, create the index file, and wrap them all in a single container file- first, navigate to where you saved the warc.gz files using cd (change directory)>"cd '/mnt/c/[Path/To/Folder]'" (including the 'quote marks' is necessary or else it won't go to that specific folder. change /mnt/c/ to /mnt/d/ if the files are on another drive)- then run py-wacz on the files>"wacz create -o [NewFilename].wacz --detect-pages -f ./*.warc.gz"- you can also add other arguments to include more information in the .wacz (like --text to make all the text searchable, although it might balloon filesize, etc etc, check the github page for more info)- it'll take a while, but be patient and eventually the .wacz file will be built. you'll know when it's done when the prompt pops back up behind the blinking cursor, and the file's size is that 45GB+ and no longer 0KB>you're all done in WSL/Powershell so "exit" and then "exit" again- download and install or go to open the .wacz with it- type "" into the address bar and you're off!if anyone has any questions or doesn't understand why or how to do something, reply and I'll let you know. also keep in mind that I installed WSL forever ago so I forget the whole process involved in it, but I recall it being pretty straightfoward. after WSL is installed, I'm pretty sure you can also just click the WSL shortcut that pops up in your Start menu instead of re-opening Powershell after restarting, but whatever, was easier and simpler to do everything in one place imo.
>>41887085The migration is taking longer than expected for some reason, please hold...
>>41887131We will await further
>>41887131Multi-source is now live on Twibooru. It's a bit barebones on the UI side, but it works. I'd rather have a barebones feature released now and make improvements down the road, vs delaying it longer.
I want a Civilization+Zoo Tycoon+Game Dev Tycoon 4chan video game so badly.Imagine all the autistic websites as nations or companies competing with each other.
>>41887149Will source_url continue to work like normal on the API? (I see the new source_urls field for multi)
>>41887191It will continue to exist indefinitely, and show the oldest-added source URL.
>>41887149Going to also roll out a Rails version upgrade, so if anything weird happens that isn't related to sources, let me know.
>>41887246does a 5xx count
>>41887279No but the hundreds of them I'm getting per second do, figured out the issue and fixing it now
So, I've worked a bit on server-side analytics info for Twibooru. I haven't implemented it yet because I want to gather feedback first. Pretty much everything is explained here: important part to note is "The same analytics data is also, and always has been, collected and made available to site administrators by our frontend proxy provider, Cloudflare. The data we collect directly on Twibooru is less granular than the Cloudflare data." - that is, we're not planning to be collecting any additional data that hasn't already been collected since the site's inception, we're simply moving similar data on-site, so I can do things like generate more custom graphs that anyone can see.Thoughts?
>>41886886The current search system is horribly inefficient, and it needs an overhaul to really support this. Right now, data on all public pastes is sent in one big chunk to the client (I think it's around 2MB of JSON now) and filtering is done entirely client-side. For people without JS, it's done in the traditional way with SQL queries on the server side. I think I need to move it all to one main search engine, and have the client-side JS code query an API on the server side to get search results, rather than all searching happening client-side in JS. Right now it's already kinda slow, but the more complex it gets, the slower it'll get.
>>41887344>Thoughts?Meh>>41887149>Multi-sourceGood. Will imports import all sources now?
>>41887392I've just made a change to the importer that should enable this. I also fixed a bug where the source field wasn't showing on the upload page.
>>41887344T BH I don't care about moving data on site. Do what you will.>>41887359This is what I really care about, is there a possible way to just copy Twibooru's search engine? Obviously some kinks have to be worked out, but you can simply replace artist tag with writers tagIt would help people filter out things they don't want to see
>>41887479Twibooru is written in Ruby, PonePaste is written in PHP - it would be a big porting effort. I've made some efforts to at least get fulltext search with ElasticSearch, but that's on the backburner for now.
>>41887482Damn. What about outsourcing an open source search engine. Like Sphinx > perhaps something from Github? Like TNTSearch?>
>>41884439Fix the pages
>>41884439>search for a specific green>get appropriate results>click on one>get taken to an entirely different greenDafaq?
>>41887344source urls from multisource display below the existing source buttons currently
>>41887344Would it be possible to automatically restore the sources that were erroneously discarded upon merging duplicates?
if the admins of every pony booru entered a no-holds-barred cage match, who would come out triumphant?
>>41889579Derpibooru would win by killing the rest of them off with their diaper stink.
>>41888958Is that supposed to be bad? Not 100% sure what you mean.>>41888969Yes, but not easily.>>41889579Not me. Maybe Twifag with his superior weight class.
>>41890111It's a deviation from the norm. Not a complete problem, just a UI inconsistency.
>>41887344>claimed 20 to 50 thousand active daily users>claimed 90 million page views a month from users>65 total thread replies>10 new users in a day>over 1/3rd images with no interactionswhat did floorb mean by this?
>>41890206my mistake.>nearly 2/3rds with no interaction
>> really don't use the site, do you? The forums were turned on once, for a day, as a joke.
>>41890226disregard the obvious derpi shill, retard
>>41890226yeah I don't? no one does. thats the point retard? were ratings also only turned on for a day? or new registrations or galleries? like the obvious lie is just so weird. making a place for even more autistic faggots to jerk themselves off to how anti [other thing] they are is fine. no need to cap on the stats. stand proud, your power level is quite high, and your (((aura))) practically glows.
>>41890273zip it up when you're done nigger.pointing out the absurd claims of 20 to 50k "active DAILY users" and 90 million monthly legitimate page views. is clearly just derpi conspiracies. of course with all that high activity only 10 people have made an account in the last day.
>anonymous site has fewer actually registered usershe hasn't even used bait, he's just tossing the rod in.
>>41890288don't you have some evil nazis to go ban or something
>>41890282Why are you commenting about a site you don't even use? I told you I cut the number in half to account for bots - the official, tracked number of page views is around 103M/mo, but cutting it in half is more like 50M. Do you want my Cloudflare login? Do you want SSH access to my server? I could probably give you both of those and you'd still claim I was lying. What's your goal here exactly? To entertain me? Because if so, it's working so far, but quickly getting boring.
>>41890335I'm honestly beginning to wonder if there's some kind of misunderstanding here. What I define as a site hit is either a) any request to any app-served page (eg: an image view, search results, tags, etc) or b) a request to a CDN-served image page that doesn't happen as a result of viewing another page on the site (eg: someone got directly linked an image and clicked the link).Does that align with what you have in mind?
>>41890335you sound so mad lmao. yes I'm sure, 50 thousand (though cut in half to account for bots, despite them all having the same markings as "real") unique daily active users are on your site. all those users, with practically none of them faving, or liking a single post, but they are all super active and invested members lol. so is all the slop twi freeboots from other sites just so shit all these people just don't want to interacting with them? but also not so bad they don't want to down vote them either? if all these people don't fav, like or comment or have accounts and preform no active functions. Your deffinition of active users is retarded. all this with most 3rd party trackers pegging your site at around the 1.5k ish range of real traffic. and thats monthly.
>>41890370>the raped
>>41890382unf harder baby plap me harder daddy unf~
>>41887246I noticed the fetch option on the reverse image search page stopped working last night. Dunno if it's related or if it's been like that for a while, but all I see after hitting "fetch" is a purple bar and clicking Reverse Search gives me a 5xx error page.Uploading the image instead works just fine though.
>>41890455Huh, it seems to be working for me right now. Can you give me the URL you're trying to fetch, so I can test it and see what's wrong?
>>41890456Just tested with a random image from this thread.'m on mobile right now btw but last night it also happened on desktop.
If you could change one single thing about Derpi to benefit altboorus, what would it be?
>>41890583nothing, fuck em. they aren't worth shit.
Which features are badly needed in Philomena? I remember Anons suggesting a bunch of stuff back in 2020, but I don't really remember what exactly.
>>41890801DNP forms that automatically redirect you to a shock site.
>>41890812This reminds me, searchable DNP with public changelog history would be nice. That can be sorted by change date.
>>41890814Unless you mean setting up an independent index of all DNPfags, you'd have "artists" screeching at you for keeping tabs on their aggressive deletionism. The whole point of DNPs is to deprive others of information, after all.
>>41890583Minimum amount of 15 tags needed to upload images.
>>41890817>you'd have "artists" screeching at you for keeping tabs on their aggressive deletionismSounds like my idea of a fun time.
>>41890583close it down
cool way of farming ideas they'll now discard or heavily deprioritize
>>41891221>no longer have an easy source of imports from the "just wanna grill" crowd>have to deal with mass influx of users and the associated spammers and scammersThe death of Derpi would be a net positive, but MAN would it complicate things.
>>41890583All the admins and mods to replaced, allow freedom of speech/stop the: keep the comments apropros bullshit. That's it, it would be a very usable site if these requests were met.
>>41891365litterally have used derpi forever and have never experienced more than a minor inconvenience. and i actually upload my own stuff. how is derpi at all affecting you this deeply?
>>41891369nothing but cp spam follows
Don't respond to it.
>>41891595Still gotta bump the thread though.
>>41890801A favorites importer ?>>41875496
>>41890583Move it out of clearnets to un-issue all possible legal issues once and for all. Make it federated, then p2p. Watch centralized webz burn and crumble under the weight of their own sins from a safe distance.
>>41891365Yeah, the biggest problem is that the idiots would migrate over to the altboorus. And then the whole shitshow would start anew.
>>41892362Why you don't use the userscript?>Yes, there was userscript for that:>>Should work for all Philomena boorus.
>>41892790Didnt know there was this one, thanks dude!
>Page nein
Hey Floorb certificate for foalfetch expired.
ponepaste down
>>41895128Literally died the instant I tried to make a paste.
>>41895128Someone seems to be currently booting both PonePaste and FoalFetch.
>>41895282Hey Floorb, is foalfetch using an incomplete archive ? Cause I had an issue where I couldnt find any stories from a really old author, but they still showed up on fimfetch.
>>41896314The story there is that it's based on Fimfarchive, which makes a new archive quarterly. I have the entirety of FimFetch ripped as well with the intent of merging the data in at some point. Just had a lot on my plate last year and this month.
>>41896352So for now at least it might be missing very old stuff that was removed from fimfarchive ? Cause the author I had trouble looking for wrote stories back during 2011.
>>41896352>FimFetchWasn't that the platform that got censored?
Alert for all fan-site owners: letsencrypt is going to deprecate OCSP stapling, which could fesult in hundreds of thosands sites effectively going down in a few months (May 7th), includong yours!
>>41896812Looks like this is their announcement of this: there a way to check whether sites use CRL or OCSP? Checking some sites in the certificate viewer I see mentions of both CRL and OCSP.And on a related note, will this affect certbot? As far as I can tell OCSP stapling is not the default. It looks like it is an extra option that must be specified.
>>41896812Please tell me this is hyperbolic.
>>41897535It's not. 294831 sites, if not manually reconfigured, will return certificate error in browsers when trying to load on May 7th, 2025.
>>41897543Hmm, I checked all MLP sites I know, including ones in the OP, none of them are affected.
>>41897571A bunch of domains of Xaekai's are affected, so CyTube/MLPA is in danger
>>41897580Oh, this would suck big time.
>>41897125>And on a related note, will this affect certbot? As far as I can tell OCSP stapling is not the default. It looks like it is an extra option that must be specified.So it seems>Additionally, a very small percentage of our subscribers request certificates with the OCSP Must Staple Extension. If you have manually configured your ACME client to request that extension, action is required before May 7. See “Must Staple” below for details.
>>41896812What can they do to prevent that?
>>41899482Remove "Must Staple" setting from their config
>>41899923So it's "only" a threat to sites that are not properly maintained then?
Are there any pone link shorteners?
>> is the only one I know.>ETAlel
>>41900348Admin here, piece of shit always dies whenever I change anything on my server whatsoever, looking into it...
>>41890583Make artist tag (counting "screencap" and "artist needed" as artist tags, but NOT suggesting them) mandatory on upload the same way rating is, with automatic suggestion of your artist tag(s) if you have links, that needs to be explicitly interacted with to add the tag.
>> was working?I have not been using it since the last time it broke for months
Ponepaste gives a 500 error if, when trying to log in, you input a username that doesn't exist. It only seems to happen in that circumstance, as the site will return the login page with an "Incorrect username or password." error banner if you input the wrong password but with an existing username.It still logs in properly if you put in the correct info, so I guess it's not too too important, but I couldn't figure out if I had the wrong info or there was a problem with logging in in general for a while there.
New thread when?
>>41902064Someone add horsewords to the OP