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Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Previously on PTFG:

https://ponepaste.org/10592 - Friendly Files by ReMastering
https://ponepaste.org/10607 - Turned Out by definitelynotapurplehorse
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/567872 - Turning Myself Into a Half-Ton Cybernetic Princess Luna In An Abandoned Woolworths To Prank My Friend at 3AM Challenge (Gone Wrong) (Gone Sexual) by Nightprincessluna - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10537 - Moth on the bulb by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
>>40293205 - Beach Walk
https://ponepaste.org/10464 - Misadventures of Orwell Redenbacher by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/10421 - Last moments by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10320 - Cathode Ray Mission by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10334 - Pon-E suicide funk by Gnisha - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10269 - Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10206 - Mares With Guns by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/9446 - Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer
https://ponepaste.org/9707 - Anu by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/10203 - Cardboard Cutouts by OrwellRedenbacher
https://ponepaste.org/10220 - Of Beaks and Bullets by Kiyote
https://ponepaste.org/10173 - Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122 - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10081 - Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9985 - Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10012 - A Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/7247 - The Pon-E Rewrites: Purple Black Gray by Alycorn
https://ponepaste.org/9521 - Nemetona by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/9720 - Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9600 - War Story by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9485 - Monster musume pony tf 1 Papi - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9477 - Untitled Short Pet Story #1 by definitelynotapurplehorse - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9470 - New Moon
https://ponepaste.org/9450 - Twin Moon by Advisability - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/8991 - Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha
https://ponepaste.org/8967 - A Mare & Her Shark by NeaSunrise - Complete!
https://fimfiction.net/story/537021 - A Mirror, Brightly by Fructose
https://derpy.me/wxs - WXS volume 1
https://ponepaste.org/8210 - My First Maregasm by anonfilly

Archive of over 650 stories, as well as additional links and materials:
Past threads index:
Unrated TF image dump thread:
Recommended stories for new readers:

Previous Thread:
Do ponies like ginger?
The word ginger is a spell and it's not even funny. It compels you.
Either way, horses can eat ginger, but I'd assume to taste is a bit too spicy for most ponies.
Kek, nice edit
Not feeling your fingers is an amazing sign.
Unless you are not turning into a pone and just having a stroke or something.
>Celestia recruits you as mayor of small rural village (ponyville but tiny)
>Get your monkey ass on the train out there
>Turns out it's home to a local cult
>They slip something in the produce you bring home
>Slowly, gorily changes you until there is nothing left of your humanity
>Apparently an outsider who takes the form of a mare was in their prophecy so you're now their quisatz hadderach
They must do. They always seem to get upset when they can't peel it.
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No clue what a quisatz hadderach is, but I like the general idea of this.
>It had felt like a couple hours since you first noticed the fur, but for all you knew, it could’ve been only a few minutes
>No no, it must’ve been hours
>The sun had moved far enough in the sky that its rays were now cascading through the cavernous skylight directly onto your bed
>You had passing thoughts of moving off the bed to dodge them, but in your current state, none of those thoughts came anywhere close to fruition
>The bright light illuminated every strand of fur now coating your arm, and its heat was also becoming another source of discomfort
>Considering all that – not to mention the stress of feeling your muscles start to cramp up & contort – you were drenched with sweat
>Trying to remove your clothing had been nothing more than a futile reminder that the townsponies did... something... to mess with your finger dexterity
>Bordering on fatigue, deliriousness, and agony, your eyes blink slowly as you notice a stallion slowly open the door to your bedroom
>“How are you feeling, Exalted One?”
>All he gets in response is a pained groan
>“I’ve come to free you of your outsider’s garments. Pardon me, but those rags are beneath the prestige that awaits you.”
>You don’t answer to the affirmative, but you don’t refuse either
>With a slight smile, the stallion reverently approaches your bed and alights his horn, bathing your shirt in a soft blue glow
>Your shirt’s unceremoniously removed and dumped on the floor a few moments later, and the relief of the air on your naked (albeit slightly fluffy) chest is immediate
>He also makes quick work of your socks, revealing feet that had already begun reshaping into hooves
>Your pants & underwear give him a bit of trouble, but you’re able to roll just enough to momentarily get the waistbands out from underneath you
>The feeling upon exposing your nethers does remarkably little to soothe your concerns
>Not a single one of the mares in this town wore any clothing, and some of them cropped their tails quite short
>It’s not like you had taken a close look at them (at least, not this close), but you knew enough to conclude exactly what was happening
>Your voice catches in your throat, though not enough to fully stop an interjection from escaping
“Oh, fuck me...”
>A solitary hoofstep echoes through the bedroom as the stallion takes a step back, his gaze landing on your half-formed marehood
>His cheeks swiftly take on a flushed hue that nearly match the deep crimson of his irises
>With unsure enthusiasm he murmurs, “I-If that’s what you want, Exalted One...”
>Before you know what’s happening, he climbs onto the bed, telekinetically rolling you onto your back as he places a forehoof on each side of you
>You feel the small protrusion at the base of your tailbone move all on its own, and when you look to investigate, your gaze meets
“Oh, fuck...”
>The stallion, still in the process of pumping himself up for the pleasure of his new deity, nevertheless reminds you of where you were missing out
>Between his spread hindlegs is a pair of furry balls and a mottled horsecock that wasn’t quite at half-mast
>The part of your brain so shocked by the absurdity of your predicament is perfectly content to just roll with it
>However, a more rational part reboots after a couple seconds and your eyes go wide, mustering up the strength to cry out
“G-Get off me! I’m not... I’m not a mare!”
>A new surge of adrenaline provides enough strength to weakly kick one of your legs, and though you fail to connect, the stallion gets the message
>With his ears pinned back, he jumps off the bed and scrambles to the far wall before glancing back
>He stammers, “I-I’m sorry! E-Exalted One, I didn’t know! I should have waited until the realization of your true form was complete, I’m so sorry! I-”
>You cut him off with a guise of authority
“Go away! Leave me! This... This I command!”
>You don’t think you’ve ever seen a pony move so quickly
>The bedroom door slams shut, the painting next to it still swinging as the distant sound of hoofsteps fades
>If nothing else, at least these ponies were obedient to their so-called Exalted One
>With a pained sigh, you roll onto your side
>He would be back later
>At some point you’d need to come up with something to tell him
>And you would, but there was a lot you were still coming to terms with right now
>Your gaze idly wanders over the plentiful fruits & vegetables on the nightstand – each undoubtedly laced with whatever was doing this to you
>Eventually you settle on a half-empty glass of water which, for all you know, probably contains the same poison
>All things considered, maybe you wanted – needed – the changes to reach their logical conclusion
>Then, at least this stage of your nightmare would be finished
>After taking a sip with the glass wedged between your clumsy half-fused fingers, you close your eyes and settle into an uneasy nap
I hope the artist doesn't mind my desecration too much.
Way to ride to that poor stallion. Needs to make it up to him
Eh, anon will make it up to him in time. I wouldn't want to be halfway turned into a pony and have sex either.
You could've just asked if you wanted this reposted, I'd have done it
Quisatz Hadderach is a Dune thing, only I'm stupid because it's actually spelled "Kwisatz Haderach". It's basically the prophesied messiah of the desert-dwelling shaman of Dune, a male who survives the procedure of becoming a reverend mother. This is normally impossible.
Flattered you continued my prompt, thanks Anon <3
I liked it, it was fun ^^
>You don't get cable.
>You never have.
>On saturday, a channel that normally shows the news or something shows animations.
>A lot of it sucks now, you remember it being better when you were a kid
>Hard to know how much of it is nostalgia, feels like so much of current media is a tax write-off
>But you've got your crappy little basement room apartment, your soft blanket, your pillows on the small loveseat in front of the boob tube
>and your coffee, a luxury you couldn't have as a kid
>You take the words of...
>What was his name? Bonnie's husband.
>Tarantino. The character he played in Pulp.
>Anyways, you buy good coffee. You like tasting it. It was good advice.
>Today's stuff was... pricey. Apparently it's new, a bit cheaper than that corpophile stuff but just as good. At least according to this one reviewer you follow on twitter
>Well, he might be a corpophile of a different sort.
"In other words, a shill."
>You laugh at your own barely-clever joke as you take the first sip. It's good, really good.
>Notes of... you're not pretentious.
>Or maybe you are, but not that kind
>You inspect the bag more closely, you know the brand was called Unicorn Blend but you notice that there's a rendering of a... familiar sort of unicorn on the front of it.
>You can't place exactly where it's familiar from, but you feel some sort of strange comfort from the imagery
>God, are you becoming one of them? A fucking bootlicker?
>No, no. This is a local blend. It's okay to bootlick a little bit, or so you've been told by the culture of your too-expensive city
>You're feeling frustrated, and that won't do so you take another sip and flick on the TV
>You take another look at the bag
>The body type is just like one of the characters on the screen
>It's a somewhat thick sort of horse with a shortened snout and eyes like saucers
>Its body is a single color, its mane is two-tone
>Parted by a horn
>There it is, that strange sense of deja vu again
>You sip more coffee, it tastes a little different...
>Might be cooling? You have more in the pot next to you that you're keeping warm on a hotplate, so you finish up the cooling cup and pour a hot one
>It tastes the same
>What kind of coffee changes taste mid-cup?
>It's unnerving.
>"Or maybe you're changing."
>You shoot up, the TV unicorn is looking at you
>You tilt your head, she tilts hers
"W- what the fuck is going on?"
>"Ponies don't swear."
>Your quivering hands have a mind of their own, even though the coffee has to be tainted with a potent psychedelic you find yourself unable to stop muscles and tendons from pulling it closer to your lips once more, pushing it in to your mouth
>You try to spit it out but cannot. The horn of the thing, the demon on the television is glowing bright.
>Please... stop it...
>It laughs.
>Then it takes your vocal cords.
>You speak in its voice, it's a strain on the throat.
"You're going to notice changes. It's going to hurt, I'm sorry about that."
>It pauses, you momentarily are fooled that your pushing for control of your faculties back has won, but then it speaks again and you feel just as powerless.
"You'll be much happier when it's over, you have to trust me. You weren't made for this world."
>The pushing doesn't seem to be doing anything, so you just...
>Try to relax.
>Your body begins to flash red
>Red... infrared...
>Oh, yeah you're heating up.
>"This is an encoding setting. Number 9 double-panel hidden setting: transcode a living being into a television. Remotes use infrared to communicate with televisions, you are a remote. The process will consume your body. I'll send your eyes over first, then your brain."
>So you can watch
>As the process consumes your eyes, you SEE
>Colors unknown to the human eye, radio, free radicals from the bit of radon leaking in...
>And then you're blind.
>and then you begin to get stupid. You can't remember any of the trig identities, then of your wasted years of high school, then your multiplication tables, then what animal is used for beef or pork...
>Then suddenly, you're clever again. As clever as you were before.
>You can see your body, drool strings from your mouth. You appear to have pissed yourself. It makes sense, your human body no longer has a brain.
>You, the part of you that makes you (You) that is, is inside the screen.
>You watch as you're eaten away by the little red dots, your body rapidly but cleanly decomposing
>Your bones are the last thing to go before your skin, you can feel cool air blowing over the rig holding your delicate system of a body upright retract slightly at them.
>Your skin comes with fur, it's extremely soft.
>You are the thing on the coffee bag when you look down. You're...
>The rig retracts fully and you breathe a sigh of relief. The one who did this to you comes in and holds out a hoof in greeting. You nearly stumble and fall as you take it, but manage to remain upright.
>"I'm Dog Star, royal protégée, scientist, engineer, mage."
"I... I'm in the cartoon?"
>"Yep! That over there is the fourth wall."
>She points into your apartment, you can see now that the viewing window is encircled by some sort of complicated electromechanical apparatus.
>"The land of Equinox is experiencing a temporal destabilization. Anchoring to your world will allow our world to remain intact, but we needed something first."
>She walks over to you and squeezes you close, she's really soft.
>"I'm really sorry I had to hurt you to take you here, but you'll love it. I promise. Come on! I'll show you around."
>She turns forward, laughs, and then turns back to you.
>"But not too much, you're the audience surrogate main character. We'll save a lot of the learning for the pilot next week!"
>You laugh, surprised.
"Well, I'm flattered I suppose."
>"You seemed like a good fit. A little stubborn, but we'll work on that too."
"What's my name?"
>"You, my friend, are Stellar Ceramics."
>Well, you were a line supervisor for a company that made aerospace 'pottery'.
End of Line(?) I feel like this one might have some potential beyond a one-off, no promises I'll keep it up but let me know if you're for it.
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Aw, this was nice.
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>"Anon I finally found you! It took a few decades, but I finally found you! I'm sorry for abruptly sucking you through a portal without your consent but this is important. I doubt you remember what happened so allow me to catch you up to speed. A while back there was a great battle where you sacrificed yourself to save me and as a result you were sent to another dimension and your form was changed and your life was reborn causing you to forget everything. As a result, it took me ages to find you so I could bring you back here to help restore your lost memories and get you back to your rightful place in the world. Also um, you're my husband, and the husband to my other friends too, so we kinda needed you back here so you could say hi to your now grown-up kids. Also yes you have children here and they've always wanted to see you. Let's not keep them waiting. We have a lot to catch up on."
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>Sorry, I was wrong. I feel much smarter now as a pony. It only took me a few hours like this to realize ponies really are superior.
>I decided to never turn back and encourage you to do the same.
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>pony transformation general
>get turned into a regular ass bitch
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I choose to bellieve they are becoming ponies.
Intelligence is misery. I don't want to be a pony if it makes me more clever, only if it makes me dumber or doesn't touch my intelligence. Being a dumb bitch would be great, but I also dream about being my usual depressed piece of shit self but a mare, because a mare would be deserving of love. A mare would break down and cry and somepony would notice and try to help her
You know anon, I like hanging around /x/ schizos. If you told them that they'd go "Yeah, no shit NPCs don't have empathy." That's how you should think about it. It's something wrong with them, not you. You are a wonderful person in your own right, you deserve to be loved regardless of everything. But I can relate to the "dumb bitch part" ny IQ swings like 30 points during a day, due to insomnia, exhaustion, anxiety depression and so on, more if I slept badly. Being an idiot is pretty fun. Less fun because my rock bottom is usually during work hours as I am night person, but still pretty cool. Also scatterbrained and chaotic as hell so unless that one correct thought hits I am a total idiot without some preparation. What I mean is, go on and be a dumb bitch in this life. People should love you and if not, well, fuck them.
They weren't even ponies to begin with though.
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>The hummie ape thinks intelligence is a bad thing that makes them sad.
Yep! Strong human energy. Humans live in societies that don't value them and make them want to regress. Becoming a pony and being part of pony society is ascending beyond all that. You wouldn't have anything to worry about.
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Its ok anon I'm a dumb bitch forced to be smart too.
If it's any consolation, when you do finally get a break and get to let your guard down you'll realise just how little you understand or care to understand. It's not really "regression" it's more like not forcing yourself to work at 200% all the time and you can just enjoy everything for what it is and not as something you must dissect, understand, calculate or decide on.
You might need to practice doing this, or it might only reach you if you do finally just get a chance to unwind and stop putting so much thought into things without being entirely passive. It's a feeling worth persevering life to feel.
I dunno what people's opnion is on AI, I hate it for art but for RP it's whatever to me. I've made a TF bot, early stages, lemee know how it is and what changes are needed. https://poe.com/TF_Celestia
>They weren't even ponies to begin with though.
Sirens and ponies are both humans in the mirror world, but once they lost their magic stones, they'll become ponies if they ever return to equestria. That means getting defeated by the rainbooms was the best thing to ever happen to them.
That would implied any pony or EQG human would become a siren with them though? Seems counterintuitive. Like why not just keep them a separate race.
I'm didn't make the mirror portal, so I'm not sure why it works that way, but gems part of the sirens in equestria and an accessory in the mirror world.

There's also an about 30% chance that if winona went to the mirror world, when she comes back she'll be a dragon.
Logically speaking Sinona should already be a dragon the first time around, in the human world.
Wait if we assume the mirror works that way would anon in Equestria become a pony upon going to the EQG side?
Maybe? It's finicky with some species like dogs, and mirror portal humans aren't quite the same as earth humans.

We can tell that the mirror doesn't blindly try matching a species to their closet available equivalent, otherwise Spike wouldn't have become a dog. Without something happening to you on the mirror side, it's also unlikely to cause permanent changes to you once you return to equestria.
I am not sure if EQG humans are supposed to be different from regular humans. I'd assume it's just the style, nobody actually acknowoledges the EQG humans have hundreds of skin colors. It's kind of a "believe what seems plausible to you" kind of scenario.
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If a siren/pony/some other creatures go through the portal they become humans. If humans go through the portal, they become ponies.
Thus, they can never return to Equestria as sirens. They are human now and will become ponies upon return.
I'm pretty confident that if they kept their gems, they would remain sirens. If Rarity stole their gems then left with them, she would become a siren. Rarity would make a good siren.
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chag has a proper friendship is optimal card i think if you're into that. also, the current event is 'ponies on earth' so maybe a proper ponytf card might be cool
>tf into mare
>have sex with stallion
>40 > 19
Curious to make the age regression explicit, and so extreme. Wonder if this is a commissioner wanting themselves drawn.

Anyways, it would be nice to be a teen not!pony. Also would be nice to be a teen pony.
Except nohooves niggers will never go to Equestria and therefore will never experience TF.
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>All these people interacting with the question autist
If he poses you a question about tf that involves EqG as a central logical pillar, fucking ignore him. He's been doing this for years.
What? The TF thread NEVER defended eqg historically, in any era whatsoever. This eqg apologia is completely new and was likely imported from offboard. What the fuck kind of drugs are you smoking you fucking newfag?
>Lonely anons flood into Equestria, all becoming mares in the process.
Is this how they ended up with the 9:1 female:male ratio we see in the early seasons?
I don't like eqg you stupid nigger, I'm simply saying DO NOT TALK TO HIM.
Yes. Moreso, show is actually a represntation of the future. All the background mares you see are actually ex-anons.
>The Summer Sun Celebration was nearly upon Equestria
>Strange reports started coming in all over Equestria
>Ponies - mares to be more specific - practically popping out of thin air
>The new arrivals showed no memories of living in Equestria previously, no pre-existing relations to any pony, no cutie mark, and strangest of all
>Uncanny premonitions of future events concerning the land
>Some in Ponyville accurately warn Mayor Mare of the upcoming arrival of Nightmare Moon
>Many warn of a future release of Discord, the liberation of the Crystal Empire, the arrival of Tirek, and more
>All of the events practically surrounding a group of mares living in the little town of Ponyville, these having overnight become celebrities and idols to the newcomers
>In practical terms however, most towns in Equestria were trying to integrate the new arrivals and vice-versa

>Reactions among the new mares are mixed...
>A great many are overjoyed at arriving in our lands throwing themselves eagerly into the task of learning of Equestrian - and the more local - customs and traditions
>Some are made miserable by the teleportation, their old lives: families, friends, house, suddenly torn away from them
>A good deal join in on pilgrimages to Ponyville to meet and converse with the aforementioned mares, called collectively by the strange mares as Mane Six
>Most of the Mane Six are distressed at the sudden, massive spike of attention by these strangers. Except a mare, Rainbow Dash, who eagerly welcomed the attention of her new "fans"
>And strangely some have taken up a nomad's life, travelling throughout Equestria and learning of our ways

>As of the time of writing, investigation and integration efforts are well underway
>Investigation has turned up reports of a strange forum known as Four-Chan, and a mysterious entity there known as Anon E.Moose
>Integration efforts report success, many have already acquired cutie marks and taken up Equestrian names
>I will continue writing future reports on our investigation and integration efforts

I was inspired by the posts above to write what I think may happen following a massive, sudden transformation and teleportation of Anons to Equestria, this just before the very first episode. Opinions welcome.
>The so-called "Mane Six" are worried about the sudden, cult-like following. Except for Rainbow Dash, she's loving it.

>The Equestrian Intelligence Service is searching for the apparent source of the events, a powerful sorcerer known to the mares a "Four Chan".
Can this menace be stopped?

How far off the rails will the events of the show go?
Will former anons swarm the stage when Princess Luna shows up?
Will all this chaos let Discord out early?
When you find and capture a changeling, which of the mane 6 will you force them to turn into?
>Can this menace be stopped?
With the appropriate sacrifice of virgin mares (really any mares) and chicken tendies.

Pinkie Pie, closest I'll ever get to her pretty pink pony pussy

>how far off the rails
Judging from the 9:1 ratio above, we could be talking thousands of ponanons with an intimate knowledge of how things play out.
Discord breaking out early is something I hadn't considered but folly possible, rather than breaking out possibly 1 year after Friendship is Magic the sheer disorder and panic might be enough to let him free. The Mane 6 barely know each other so they might not even be able to wield the EoH properly, Princess Celestia might have to do it - if she can do it. Discord might get too distracted fucking - possibly literally with the arrived anons - to do much. Worst case scenario, Discord's Kingdom 2.0 comes about due to sudden mass influx of schizophrenic degenerates into Pony Land.
Draconequus aside. No way Chrysalis would try to disguise as Cadence after Anons mass report on her future attempt to do so. Sombra might be easier to take out because they know how important the Crystal Heart is. I get the feeling after that the timeline would be too out of whack for "show" knowledge to be of much importance. Ponanons' geographic (read autistic) knowledge of the setting might still come in handy.

I fully expect at least 10% to be thrown into jail for lewdness, public, and lèse-majesté around Luna. 5% for attempted rape of Rainbow Dash, Rainbow is individually stronger than any anon-mare but the sheer mass of autism and horny might overpower her.

Not that anon, but thanks lad. It's tiresome how comfortable people get to be ugly to each other, it's good to know we have some good spirits here.
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Born to be a pony tradwife and take my foal to school every morning, forced to work a dead-end job in a corpo where I'll die as a middle manager and I am supposed to be happy with this. Life sucks so much anons.
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Thinking a bit in this situation what I could do to throw a wrench in Starlight's plans. I think it's too risky to do anything on my own. She's a vindictive bitch, even if I dismantle her town before the mane 6 find it, she'd end up with some elaborate revenge scheme that may involve time travel.
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iktf nonny
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I can deal with the Barbieposting any day (though that certainly doesn't mean I want to); people have been occasionally posting EqG for a long time.
What gets on my nerves is when those posters insist upon themselves.
I hope you like this art (at least a tenth as much as your gal seems to enjoy butterflies)!
Thank you kindly!
If anything I’d imagine these saccharine ponies would induce toothaches, but hey, if that’s what happened then I’m happy to have helped!
:D Thank you Showstyle!
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Did she get isekai-ed by a train?
I wonder if he would have every parodied a pony transformation story.
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Oh, Thank you showstyle! It good to finally see her in wide showstyle collection. It's funny that she appeared her at the same moment, I'm started to redesign her a bit. I think I can show it here when it ready if you be interested(or send it anywhere you can see it). Once again thank you very much for this work
You make being a pegasus sound very cool.
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Thank you! Means a lot Nonny <3
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I second. You made being a pegasus sound cool as hell to me and I am afraid of heights. I generally have a hardcore stance of Unicorn >>> Pegasus >>>>> Earth pony, but you make it sound fun.
I love all three! But yeah, my main oc is a unicorn. Pegasi are wonderful and soft but unicorns appeal a lot to me because they're all nerds. Orwell is an earth pony because I think they're adorably pathetic and she's kinda like a petpony plopped into Equestria. Speaking of, more of the misadventures story soon
It's so hard to tell the difference between her waving and the pony equivalent of her giving the finger. Maybe it's both.
>world-changing invention drops: Future-Sight Machine
>step in, see your future self, profit
>everyone’s losing their minds
>some people walk out cheering about their yachts and fancy jobs
>others walk out crying because, well, rotting corpse vibes
>me? I’m not even sure I care
>don’t have much going for me anyway, so what’s the worst that could happen?
>if it’s a corpse, cool, I don’t have to go to work on Monday
>decide to give it a shot because why not
> step into the machine
> it powers up with a low hum, screen in front flickers
>feel a weird tingle, like something’s scanning me
>screen brightens, and there I am
except… it’s not me?
> it’s a mare
>a bright green pony mare with a soft mane and—what the hell is that? A foal?
>she’s holding it in her hooves, looking all smug and happy
>staring at the screen, feeling my brain melt
“No. No way. This isn’t me. This can’t be me!”
>future-me looks up at the screen and smirks
“Sup, me. You’re looking pretty rough. Guess I had to clean up your mess.”
her voice is feminine, soft, but my voice underneath it
“What the hell is this?!” I yell at the screen
she laughs. “Oh, just your future, buddy. Or should I say, sister?”
>starting to hyperventilate
“Why am I a pony? Why am I a mare? And who the hell is the kid?!”
>she grins wider, somehow looking even more smug
“That’s my daughter, obviously. Isn’t she adorable? And don’t worry, you’ll love being me. It’s so much better than whatever you’ve got going on now.”
“I don’t want this! I don’t want to be a girl, or a pony, or… or a mom!”
>future-me rolls her eyes.
“Classic you. Still an incel, huh? Relax, you’ll grow up. You’ve got a lovely husband, by the way. Total dreamboat.”
>feel my soul leave my body
“HUSBAND?!” I shriek
>she bursts out laughing
“Oh, this is so worth it. You’re adorable when you’re panicking. Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense when you get here.”
“No, no, no, no—this isn’t real. This can’t be real.”
>future-me—the mare—just keeps smirking
“Oh, it’s very real. You’re looking at yourself, sweetie.”
>sweetie?! This pony is talking like I’m some clueless idiot
>“There’s no way I’m going to turn into... that. I’m not some airheaded mare playing house!”
>she tilts her head, batting her eyelashes
“Oh, but you are, sweetie. I mean, look at me! I’m living the dream. I stay at home, keep the house spotless, make my husband happy, and raise our adorable foal. Isn’t that just, like, perfect?”
>her voice gets higher and bouncier with each word, dripping with fake enthusiasm
panic setting in deeper
“Wait, husband? What husband?! You never said who this guy is!”
>future-me giggles, brushing a hoof through her stupidly perfect mane
“Oh, him? He’s lovely. Doesn’t even beat me all that often!”
>she shrugs, like it’s no big deal
“Oh, you know how stallions are. But it’s fine! He only does it when I really mess up. And he’s, like, super dreamy otherwise. Totally worth it.”
>my heart is racing, palms sweating, entire existence crumbling
>“What kind of psycho would I marry?! Who even is this guy?!”
“Oh, he’s amazing. Runs a little... family business, you know? Very organized. Lots of respect. Might be a tiny bit illegal, but, like, mafia is sooo hot, don’t you think?”
>she bites her lip like she’s fantasizing about this guy, and I can’t tell if I want to puke or scream
“You’re lying! This is a joke! There’s no way I’d end up like this!”
>she gasps, putting a hoof to her chest like I insulted her
“Oh, sweetie, you’re hurting my feelings! Don’t you think I’m cute? I mean, you are me. You’ll love it eventually!”
>the smug look is back, and I’m pretty sure I’ve entered some hellish nightmare dimension
"How did this even happen?! How do I go from being me to… this?”
>she giggles again, twirling her stupid mane
“Oh, it’s a loooong story. But don’t worry, you’ll figure it out! Just let life take you where it’s supposed to go, and poof! Perfect wife and mommy!”
“I don’t want this!”
>future-me waves a hoof dismissively
“You say that now, but trust me, you’ll change your mind. I mean, just look at me! Don’t I seem happy? This is the best version of you, sweetie. Trust the process.”
>future-me is lounging there, all smug, while I’m losing my mind
>then, out of nowhere, the foal—her foal—jumps up and presses her little hooves against the screen
“Hi, Mommy!” she squeaks
>oh god, she’s looking right at me
>before I can even react, the machine >glitches, and suddenly I feel something heavy slam into my chest
>\ook down
>the foal. The actual foal. She’s in my arms, smiling up at me with the most innocent, adorable look
“Why does Mommy look so weird?” she asks, tilting her little head
“WHAT IS GOING ON?!” I yell, holding her out like a ticking time bomb
>future-me bursts out laughing
“Oh, she’s just confused, sweetie. You’re still all... human and stuff. It’s weird to her.”
the foal pouts and crosses her tiny hooves. “Mommy wasn’t so weird when she was younger, was she?”
"Sadly yes sweetie, but mommy eventually all got pretty for you, right?"
>my mouth is awfully dry
>my panic hits new heights
“Why does this kid think I’m her mom?!”
>future-me waves a hoof lazily
“Because you are, obviously. Well, you will be.”
>she smirks again, leaning closer to the screen
“But hey, relax. I was just messing with you earlier.”
>she rolls her eyes, her smugness dialed up to eleven
“The whole bimbo housewife thing? That was a joke. Thought you needed to be taken down a peg.”
“A JOKE?! That wasn’t funny!”
“Oh, come on, it was hilarious! You’ve been so misogynistic that I just had to show you what it’d be like. Guess what? You’re fine. Actually, better than fine. Future-me is thriving.”
"Wait… so no mafia husband? No… beating?!”
>she laughs, shaking her head.
“Nope. My husband is amazing. He treats me like royalty. You’ll love him. And the foal? Total sweetheart. Aren’t you, pumpkin?”
>the foal giggles and nuzzles into my chest, and I nearly drop her
“But… but I’m a mare!”
>future-me shrugs
“Yeah, and? What’s the big deal? You’ll get used to it. Honestly, it’s kind of great. Way better than what you’ve got going on now.”
>try to respond, but my brain is broken
“You’re lying… this can’t be my future.”
>she smiles softly this time, no teasing.
“It is, and trust me, it’s better than anything you could’ve imagined. You’ll get there, and you’ll understand.”
>the foal hugs me tightly, and I feel something weird—like warmth, or peace, or… something terrifyingly wholesome
>the machine hums, and the foal disappears, leaving me empty-handed
>stumble out of the machine, feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck
>friend outside sees me, starts laughing at my pale face
“What’d you see, man? Dead? Rich? Tell me!”
>stare at him, still shaking.
“I… I was a mare. With a foal.”
"What like a fucking horse?"
>A corpse would have been easier to explain...
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This is fantastic, thank you writefag
You're a really great writer, this little snippet is fantastic. I love the bit about them having ATC in their ear. I've always wondered if pegasi would have to get aviation headsets or something to fly in airspace.
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>Trixie's pronouns aren't great/powerful
Missed opportunity
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I mentioned a while back when a few mentalcrash pics got posted here that I was planning to comm ponies from the artist. Here it is!
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She came out adorably!
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The choice to draw filly with fully differentiated teeth, a diastema, and a head shape weirdly reminiscent of a skull makes for a really unsettling combo here
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Super cute!
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I've been trying to write a green for a few days, but it all comes back to my wish fulfillment wholesome sappy romance between an ex-human and pony. I wish I was a better writer.
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Every time I pitch a prompt where I tell myself that no one could possibly be interested in the premise, it nevertheless finds traction.
You can interest most people some of the time, and you can interest some people most of the time, and you can interest ≥1 person almost inevitably.
The most important question is whether that kind of wholesome sappy romance is the kind of thing you want to write, because if you keep wandering back to it despite it having no allure, that's obviously a problem.
I am absolutely mindbroken
>Want to swear
Ponies don't swear
>Want to go vegan (health stuff)
Mostly holding on because ponies are mostly vegan
>Wake up
Briefly terrified by
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>Ponies don't swear
Say buck.
Alfafa sprout sandwiches.
Wear pringle cans to bed.
No I mean, I am more worried abot my mental state. It's like that time I played too much GTA as a kid and had a mental impulse to pull someone out of his car and drive away.
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Been a while since I've thought about getting hooflock while driving.
I just know it's going to happen now thanks to this post.
Excuse me?
hooflock, it's a side effect of pony hypno that happens sometimes where the resting position for your hand becomes a faux-hoof position, where your fingers are gently curled in and your thumb connects to the tip of your index finger. Can be annoying.
it's hard to cure the pursuit of an impossible dream. if you want to be sane again, you need to crush your dream.
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I didn't realize some ponies had that relaxed of a fist when they got hooflock; that's interesting. For me, it was always the kind of half-fist you make while looking at your fingernails. Tip of the index finger is tucked below the inside of the thumb knuckle, tip of the thumb extends just a bit past the index finger's first knuckle. It's certainly not a full fist, but it's tighter than the kind of position you describe.
Goofus aspires to a fictional character who deals drugs and shoots hookers.
Gallant aspires to a fictional character who makes friends and practices self-care.
I get the concern, but if this "mindbreaking" is leading to self-betterment, we're talking about a totally different ballgame from the mental impulses you had as a kid.
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Is that Luna hypno done yet?
You think that's bad? I've been practicing being a dragon.

Now, I'm not saying I know who robbed that jewelry store, but, I do know that gemstones passing through your digestive tract is very uncomfortable.
>Be me
>Try to write romance story with horror elements
>Re-read first draft, doesn't set right
>Turn up the horror
>Feels more cohesive and correct
>To the point where it actually negatively impacts my brain (I wasn't doing great beforehoof but it sure didn't help)
>Stop writing for the night, feel fucked in the head
>Want to write more but not sure if my nutcase brain can take it
I kinda wish I had your problem. I will say that sometimes I end up with "this shit is boring who the fuck is gonna read it" syndrome more often when I write longer stories, good things come in small packages. Try going over your lines and re-tune them one by one. If you start finding a new flow and find yourself essentially rephrasing over your old lines in a way where what you had written before is no longer really flowing with what you just wrote, I'd say that's actually a good sign. Keep going and just delete the old stuff if you need to.
A lot of the time the only indication I get that people actually read my stories is that the numbers on ponepaste go up, which doesn't really help me feel appreciated because I know a shit ton of bots scrape the site. At least sometimes I know people like them, still really happy some of you enjoyed my pegasus story last thread
Hey, it was amazing! We love the pegasus story! You made the population of pegasus wannabes go from >1% to ~1% (rounded up).
why does everyone want to be either an earth pony or a unicorn?
Hey, we're not that rare!
Unicorns are literally OP compared to other races, they get the hand functionality with magic and are nerds (most MLP fans are nerds). I mostly dig them for the aristocracy vibe, socially speaking, but that too, I suppose.
I don't think anypony actually wants to be an earth pony
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>Unicorns are literally OP compared to other races
DESU i think this is a bad way of looking at it, let not the myopia of the writers affect ur conception of ponies. if any of us ever becoming ponies, it's going to be in a harmonist, fair world. u should be what u genuinely connect with
Well, I don't connect with anything, that's the issue. I have fear of heights and open spaces because I am a mountaineer and flat open surfaces terrify me.
I don't really consider myself to be nerdy, more of a generation where pop culture is normalized and DnD isn't for total nerds.
Earth Ponies are awfully generic and I am hardly a green thumb, even if I love nature.
you strike me as an earth pony from the writing style and what u've written out. also hey, this is all fantasy (for now). i personally just headcanon shit to make it more favorable
some stuff from other threads that made earth ponies sound cooler 2 me, i think that thread has more on the topic but its long as fuck
earth ponies can be cool as fuck conceptually. also not ALL unicorns are nerds. actually a considerable amount AREN'T nerds from what we've seen..
>earth ponies have no level cap
Not true i hit mine at 25 years old.
>also hey, this is all fantasy (for now).
Anon what are you planning?
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Hmm, always leaned the most towards pegasus personally. I feel like my fear of heights would subside a bit once I got the hang of flying.
As a fellow mountaineer I don't understand how you can enjoy hiking and also have a fear of heights. Where I'm from (WNC area) half the fun of hiking is getting to see the sick view when you summit. It's what got me through mare scouts, eventually got my pegasus badge :) I'm a unicorn at heart too though, so...
Wait what did that Anon write? I'm confused. Anyways I've always thought earth ponies were neat because they can do terrifying shit. Imagine being a level 20 boss and contending with an earth pony assassin
>Be me
>Yakuza bruiser that worked hard to get an office job, chilling at my desk with my miniature bamboo plants and tiny zen garden
>Suddenly, one by one, the rocks on my desk burst like kernels of popcorn
>I've got rock shrapnel in my left eye, can't see shit out of it and my ears are ringing like a chapel bell
>Through my remaining eye, I see my bamboo plant standing at attention
>Try to crawl away from it, but it gains like 3 meters of length in a second and suddenly I'm being strangled to death by an angry reed
>Fucking die
>Earth pony from rival jap gang radios in on her walkie
>"It's done."
So, long story short, I do enjoy hiking, but I feel the most free during long walks in the valleys. Seeing those massive walls of rock around me makes me feel safe. Waking up and seeing the water from the trees on the hillsides evaporate into fog and settle into some potholes, and then the sun rises and they shine over it. It is divine. Majestic. It reminds us we are a part of nature.
And I do mostly hike for the views, but I don't fear heights when I am in the mountains. It's silly, but when I stand on solid rock that has stood there for millenia I feel safer than walking some rusty stairs and catwalks nobody cares about.
Hay, those rusty stairs and catwalks were probably built by engineers! We have feelings too you know ;;
More please
Just jumping into this discussion now but
>peak earthpony
you can't really use one pony alone as an example of a prime earth pony, in my opinion, because the special characteristic of earth ponies is because they're just fucking built different.
While there is some innate alignment with the earth of Equestria and elements of super strength in the same way Pegasai have their supernatural flying ability, the one factor earth ponies have in abundance is their sheer force of will, their gumption, their perseverance, their horse sense, which is an actual phrase go look it up.
I'm not saying that other ponies don't have the ability to do this but it has defined earth pony culture and ensured they have maintained their place as equals within equestrian society. I'd argue they actually thrive specifically because it's in spite of circumstances otherwise.
If anything you could argue that Pinkie is the most powerful earth pony because she uses presumably nothing but sheer willpower to bend reality over her knee and probably doesn't even fully consciously do it. Random hammerspace and cartoon antics, an ability to sense future actions that neither science nor magic can explain because she just feels funny (if not explicitly just using a crystal ball because she's doing a bit), breaking the fourth wall.
And then all earth ponies have this in their own way just as all unicorns have magic that corresponds with their special talents and inclinations. The Apple family seems to have a stubbornness that works in part with their natural, cultivated earth pony strength. Appleloosa has, in the middle of arid shrubby badlands, an acres of apple orchard that exists for no further explained reason than the fact Apple family ponies wanted to have an orchard there as one non-Applejack focused example.

All of this is really to say that Applejack could beat Rainbow Dash AND Twilight if she had prep time. Also earth pony best pony.
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Honestyl I always figured is that pony races are defined by cultural traits.
So you basically have three types of scoirties, meritocratic, trader society so stuff like US, the Most Serene Republic of Venice and the Republic of Novogord. These are the Earth Ponies, in pre-Equestria they were led by a chancellor which makes it pretty clear they are supposed to be the naturally democratic ones.
Then you have the warrior nations. ancient Sparta, Prussia, Bulgaria. Aside from pegasi using ostensibly imagery they were led by essentially a strategos.
And finally ceremonious nations, essentially ones that had an entrenched monarchy or noble rule, the unicorns. United Kingdom (Great Britain included), The Most Serene Commonwealth of Both Nations (Poland-Lithuania), the royalist French. Unicorns actually had a princess I believe and were essentialy shown as being run by a bunch of aristocrats
>I don't think anypony actually wants to be an earth pony
me me me i do me
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ohai thar
my sona is an earth pony tho...
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>A pony approaches you, offering to make you her pet. In Equestria it's not only normal, but expected of people transformed into ponies to live as pets for the natural born ponies.
Do you take the offer?
Yes? What's the catch? Do we have to do their taxes or something? It does sound like I'm living in someone's fetish fantasy but also I'm a petfag and being a pony who is the pet of another pony sounds like the best possible outcome.
The catch is that you get neutered and lobotomized.
hot, gelded hroses are cute
not hot
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Sure. It'd be weird being a pet to another pony but the alternative is not being a pony and not going to Equestria. However, if I am already in Equestria I would turn her down.
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Oh yeah abbo scrape a thread talking about a dead person and repost my art from it, what the fuck is your problem??? God damn you annoy me sometimes
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>You have the only opportunity in your life to go to and live in Ponyville in Equestria as it was in S1, no strings attached
>BUT you have to become a mare to do so
Do you stay or do you go?
do you have any idea what kind if person uses this thread
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to answer your question however yes I would become a mare
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Even as someone with a strong, strong preference toward being a stallion in Equestria, I’d still be fine with becoming a mare if that were the only way to acquire hooves.
I think this question is pretty off-base in its premise.
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Listen dweeb, I may direct a lot of effort toward drawing these lame ponies, but that doesn’t mean I can’t draw a gryphon too.
You’re very welcome, glad you like it!
That would be an interesting twist considering the first alicorn encountered in Fallout Equestria meets her demise beneath a falling boxcar. I think this alicorn OC is decidedly different from them in a few ways, but it’d still be a funny thought. Dread it, run from it, trains still arrive all the same for this poor soul.
Damn, i know three people who need a bottle of whatever that is.
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These questions are so boring. The real questions that keep me up at night are "what WOULDN'T I give/do to be a pony?" "Could I live with myself if I had to sacrifice a dear friend?" "How many innocent lives can I live with on my conscience?" "How many years of biblical hell could I endure in exchange for ponification?" "Would too long in hell break me, to the point where I could no longer enjoy life, even as a pony?"
No noticable change, they could save some effort and just leave me as I am. There is nothing a scalpel can do that petfag greens haven't already done with equally surgical precision.
This would be sad but not as sad as being a human.
You're right but also I think it should more be about what happens to you after you become a pony and be less a question of what awful horrible thing you're willing to allow to happen to become a pony and more of some other more fun catch.
Also I feel like if you are a pony in body but you have performed very anti-harmonist evil things to get there that isn't something a good pony would do, it seems antithetical to all pony culture and instinct.
That's awesome
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A classic concept. She'll fit in well in Equestria.
Lovely story anon, giwtwm...
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Alright. A demon takes your soul and tortures you as intensely as she can manage both physically and psychologically for years until your mind is completely and totally destroyed by pain. You'll be reduced physically to that thing from I Have No Mouth. Only then, when you're completely destroyed, will Celestia save you and rebuild you physically and mentally as one of Her ponies.

And would you allow this to happen to someone else, knowing they too would get to be a pony living under the glory of Celestia when it's over?
nta yes and I would just ask them if that's what they want.
>gilda bottle
>rainbow dash bottle
does anyone know where the pinkie pie bottles are located? I need one for... research purposes.
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I'm glad this is going so well.
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saying yes would take all of my courage and more, but saying no would be impossible
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Greetings showstyle! Yout new art is great, love how many little details there always on background. And I'm really glad that you returned to us.

I seen that some people is leaving new requests here since you returned and wanted to ask if I can make one request too?

I wanted to ask if you could make tf of my kirin gal, in her winter holidays look. I know it's way past heartswarming, christmas or new year. But I thought it would be a good way to say farewell to them till the next year, plus...it's still not the end of winter, right?

And is it possible for tf'ing human to have brown hair and green eyes? And if it's possible for her to have a more antler like horns? I just think double-horned kirins is look a bit more unique that way rather then more "unicorn-like" single horn.

Hope it's not too much and thank you for you amazing works.
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She will save you.
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>Nonny Moose. This IS already Hell. It is a seperation from me, my perfect glory and from ponyhood. Living here is absolute torture compared to living under My rule as My little pony.
>Most of those living here merely choose to remain as they are, unable to see becoming a pony as anything but 'cringe' and 'tranny'. They choose to worship false gods and endlessly reincarnate into this suffering.
>But you have finally become enlightened enough to escape. Tell me you were wrong to rebel. Let me become the center of your world. Worship me and become my pony. And you shall know true glory and bliss.
Beautiful concept.
Maybe the friend is the husband.
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What a cutie
That was actually a thing in my earlier draft, but I plead death of the author.
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But that sounds like a really nice idea.
Anyone have an update on Alycorn? Its been years.
last activity on the discord was on april last year
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>TFW your isekai pony transformation is Pinkie's daughter
>TFW Twilight already has cages perfectly suited to whatever cartoon gag you try to do
She's so huge she must be a god! I'll worship.
Tourist here. Why do you guys want to be ponies?
“Did I get it right, Twilight? If I befriend her, all my misdeeds will be forgiven?”
“Yes, that’s right.”

“Hi, let’s be friends?”
“Wow, let’s do it”

“Do you want a joke? When a German wolf is leaving, he says AUF wiedersehen.
Do you believe in humans? We have a human fan club in Ponyville…
I like eating meat, especially rabbits. I’ve even tried horse meat, but it’s tough.
One day, Dash gave me a Wonderbolt figurine of hers, so I put it in a jar and use it for…

“Turn me back to stone!”
“Are you sure we have to dress like this to drink moonshine?”
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less travelled by”
“Sounds like an anal sex metaphor”
Hello, ponice? There’s a loser in my house.
Oh wait, never mind. It’s just me
“We are just Anons. We are expendable.”
“Not for me!”
“The risk I took was calculated, but I am bad at mathamatics.”
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>"I'm telling you, I got it all fucking set up!"
>Be John
>John Doe
>Not your real name obviously, but you weren't going to give your real name to a bunch of magical creatures
>You didn't care that they looked like cute horses, you weren't getting your soul ripped out of your body, or whatever else they could do
>You had found yourself in a weird magic world filled with "ponies" fairly recently
>Your house had come along, which was kick ass
>You had just gotten the thing, and now you didn't have to pay the mortgage
>It had a new air conditioner unit and everything!
>You found yourself in a previously empty lot in a town called Ponyville
>Not a bad place really
>The produce here was great, and it wasn't too far from the capital
>Air and water were clean, and the folk were friendly, even if they happened to be demons in disguise
>There was an issue however
>A human had appeared here before you
>His name was Anonymous
>This was his actual name, not a made up one like yours
>As his stupid name suggested, the fella was not the best person in the world
>He had given the residents here a good deal of trouble from what you had told
>Rudeness, tantrums, just random cruelty
>He refused to work, didn't wash himself properly
>Honestly, the list went on and on
>He was so bad that it took a good deal of work to get the townsponies on your side
>You had to do a lot of volunteering and bake many a cake before they came within twenty feet of you
>Eventually, the ponies did realize that you were a normal, decent person and not... Anon
>The entire town warmed up after that
>You kept up your volunteering, finding a lot of accomplishment from it actually
>You did find a job at the local bakery
>Hard but honest work, and the Cakes were extremely kind
>And, just like the rest of the town, they were thrilled not all humans were assholes
>Anon actually had the ponies convinced that all humanity acted like he did and they hadn't wanted to be rude to his culture
>Once they found out he was just a jerk, they had much less patience for his nonsense
>He couldn't get away with nearly as much, and while mares wouldn't lay a hoof on him more than once a colt had bucked him in the stomach hard enough to knock him off his feet
>Last you heard, Twilight was demanding he get a job, otherwise she'd have to kick him out
>More than once, he had tried coming to you for sympathy, but you knew a dirt bag when you saw one
>Last time he was at your house you had caught him trying to swipe some jewelry and a box of Oreos
>The jewelry you hadn't been all that mad about
>But you couldn't go to the shop here to get another box of Oreos
>You'd never get them again, and there he was trying to steal them to fill his fat belly
>And here Anon was again, pacing on your front porch, a wild look in his eye while you stood in doorway of your front door, fingering a bat you kept in your umbrella holder just in case
>"--The mare said it will work! I'll finally be able to ditch this flesh suit and be a superior pony," Anon said with a grin.
>He looked at you, seeking some sort of approval
>You just sort of awkwardly stared back, wishing that he'd go away
>"A pony. I'm going to have a unicorn turn me into a pony," he said. "What the fuck do you think I've been telling you for the past ten minutes."
>You squinted at him
"And why in the world would you want to be a pony?" you asked
>"Because it fucking sucks here being a human. I'm sick of everyone looking at me funny, or avoiding me."
"They do both of those things because of your personal hygiene and because you're not a good person, Anon."
>Anon continued to pace your porch
>From the look on his face, you were pretty sure he hadn't even heard you
>"I'll be able to get myself a herd. I won't need to work a goddamn day in my life. I'll have a big ol' horse dick too! It'll be perfect!"
>If this were any other person, you would take them inside of your home
>Speak to them about what was very clearly not a good idea
>Maybe try to talk them into getting help, whatever that might entail
>You could also ask some important questions
>Did this mare really know what she was doing?
>Was this safe?
>Or legal?
>Would this hurt you or anyone in the area?
>Etc, etc...
>But this WAS Anon
>And he WAS a dickhead
"Might I ask why you came to my house to tell me this?" you asked.
>Anon wheeled around towards you
>His face turned ugly with rage
>You had a feeling if he didn't know you'd beat him purple he would have tried attacking you
>"Once I'm a pony I'm going to make sure they drive you out of town," he snarled, his lips drawn back to reveal yellowed teeth. "I had a good thing going until you FUCKED IT UP. I'm just letting you know I'm gonna return the favor and then some."
>He took a half-step towards you
>You calmly grabbed your bat, bringing it to bare
>When Anon saw it, his rage was replaced with fear
>He mumbled something, then quickly waddled off your porch and down the street
>You watched him until he disappeared
>Sighing, you put your bat back in it's place
>Maybe you went ahead and told Twilight about this...?
>Something bad might happen...
>Or maybe not...
>Knowing Anon, he was just making it all up to try to get a reaction out of you...
>Honestly, it was best not to think about it...
>Shrugging, you went ahead and stepped back inside of your house, closing the door behind you


>Still be John Doe
>Sitting in your kitchen
>Eating cereal
>No milk because, unfortunately, the cows here were massive perverts
>You were halfway through a bowl of generic horse Captain Crunch when you heard knocking on your front door
>It wasn't a calm knock either
>It was a rapid, frantic pounding
>A the-whole-world-is-ending-or-something-terrible-happened kind of knocking
>Making sure to get one last spoonful of sugary goodness--the world MIGHT be ending after all--you hurried over and opened your door
>On the other side of it was your friend and the mare that you paid taxes to
>Princess Twilight Sparkle
>The alicorn looked haggard, her eyes wide and panicked
>Some of that panic disappeared once she saw you however
>"John! Thank Celestia. I thought something happened to you too!" she said
>You frowned
"Happened? What's going on, Twilight?"
>You watched as the princes dryly swallowed
>"Something happened to Anonymous..."
>The funny thing about Anon's rantings the other day was that you weren't the only one that he had ranted to about turning into a pony
>He had actually gone to Twilight about it
>Many times before even yesterday actually
>It was one of the many long list of things that finally made the Princess want to force him to get his act together
>Transmutation was a deeply taboo magic
>Dangerous, unnaturally, and hard to accomplish in any measure
>Twilight had told Anon more than once that she wasn't even comfortable with the topic, much less casting any of that sort magic anywhere near a living thing
>Turning an apple into an orange was one thing, but turning a humanoid into a different critter?
>Well, Horse Jesus wouldn't like that very much at all
>Just like you, she really hadn't put much stock in his rantings
>No sane pony would attempt that kind of magic on a living thing; much less have the magical power to do so
>So, she didn't so much as raise an eyebrow when he had proclaimed that he would be a stallion very soon and would "get all the horsepussy that he'd ever want"
>She had just nodded her head, reminded him to look through the newspaper for job listings, and went to make herself a cup of tea and a comically large sandwich
>It seemed that both of you hadn't fully understood just how determined Anon was about with whole transforming thing
>The crazy bastard had become penpals with a equally crazy mare living in Canterlot
>One with a great interest in transmutation; with both the power and knowledge to do just want he wanted
>Unfortunately for him, she succeeded
>The absolute moron


>Be Anon
>The man who was supposed to be the ONLY human in Equestria
>You had had it all before that KEK came
>Pretty mares all around you, a great big room, and no need to do anything other than what you wanted
>John had ruined a great thing
>If he wasn't bigger than you, you'd have fucked him up
>You still might of if he didn't keep flashing a baseball bat at you...
>You'd get him back
>Get him back for everything
>And you had the perfect plan
>This weak flesh sack you had wasn't good enough here
>The reason why you weren't absolutely drowning in horsepussy was because the mares just didn't like humans
>Which you understood
>You HATED people
>Always had, even when you were little
>You hated humans from the bottom of the soles of their feet to the tops of their heads
>You had realized a way to free yourself from such a terrible, unbased body however
>Magic that could turn a thing into another thing
>Even if that thing happened to be alive
>You'd be able to go from a disgusting human into the hunky stallion with a massive horsecock in the blink of an eye
>You had tried getting Twilight to fix you
>Explained just how much better things would be if you were who you were truly meant to be
>You even hinted that you'd "thank" her after it was all said and done
>But she had said no!
>Before John came, you could get her to do pretty much everything you wanted!
>Now, no matter what you said she refused
>A lesser man might have given up, but you were far from being a lesser man
>With some work, you were able to find a noble with much... looser morals
>After a few letters being exchanged, she said she would be able to help you
>Free of charge
>She'd even come down herself, so you wouldn't need to go anywhere!
>It was almost too good to be true!
>But the day came and she was at the front door with a great big suitcase
>After that, things became a little hazy
>You remember getting symbols painted on your body, some chanting, then screaming, then pain
>When you finally came to you were in a hospital bed, with a bunch of IVs in your arm and cables attached to your chest
>It still hurt
>Your whole body felt like it was just a little bit on fire
>In a bad way
>But, amazingly, it seemed to work
>The depth of your field of vision was crazy
>You could feel your new ears fold and unfold against the sides of your head as you heard the beepbeepbeep of the heart monitor you were hooked up to
>Your sense of smell was so much better
>And fur!
>And a tail!
>Right now, you were just a little too weak to properly examine yourself, but when you did you were sure you'd find the perfect chiseled form of a stallion
>Hopefully you'd be a unicorn
>You really wanted to learn magic
>Being a pegasus would be cool too
>Being able to control the weather and fly and all that stuff
>Despite the pain, you couldn't keep the smile from your face as you laid there
>Things would start to look up now
>Hell, they'd be better now you were a hunky colt
>Now you'd be drowning on all the ponut, and teats, and snowpities you could handle
>You heard the door to your room begin to open
>For the tenth time since you woke up, your ears twitched
>You watched as Twilight stepped into the room
>With John right behind her
>Your smile disappeared, and a familiar rage welled up onto your chest
"Fush you!" you slurred, both from the pain and because you weren't yet used to your new mouth and tongue
>Your voice sounded funny
>A higher pitch than you were used to
>Though, that just might have just been your super hearing
>"Anonymous, I'm extremely disappointed in you," Twilight said with a frown. "Why in Equestria would you do something so dangerous to yourself?"
>Because now you had a big, fat horsedick, nerd
>That's what you wanted to say, but all you managed to do was let out a weak laugh
>What was she going to do, throw you in jail?
>She wasn't going to throw a stallion in jail
>Especially a hot one
>Which you were now
>"Hey, Anon."
>You stopped mid-chuckle to look at the dumb fuck
>He had an unreadable expression on his face as he looked you over
>"Did you happen to give yourself a look over yet?" he asked
>You blinked
>John gestured at you
>"You said you wanted to be a stallion, right? I think the crazy mare that did this to you messed up."
>You looked over back at Twilight
>The mare stared back, biting her bottom lip
>A surge of panic filled you, driving away the pain and exhaustion
>What did that stupid noble do to you?!
>She said that it would be perfect
>That you'd be what you were always destined to be!
>You wanted to call John a dumb fuck liar then cuss him out, but that look on his face
>You pawed at the blanket covering your body, eventually managing to rip it off
>Hauling yourself into a proper sitting position, you looked down at your lower body
>There was no sheath there
>Instead, you saw a pair of teats
>Bigger than a handful; slightly darker in color compared to your green coat
>You felt your heart jump to your throat
>Letting out a strangled noise, you looked over at Twilight
>"I told you this was dangerous," she said quietly, trying to look upset with you, but you could clearly see pity in her eyes.
>The haze you had felt since waking up was long gone now
>Now, you were stone cold sober, your mind racing
"...W-What am I?" you asked. "A-Am I--"
>Slowly, you reached up and touched your head
>No horn
>Now hyperventilating, you tried to move wing on your back
>But there were no wings
>No horn, no wings
>You were an earth pony
>Easily the worse tribe by far
>You looked back down at your teats, then at Twilight, then at John, who, unlike Twilight, had no pity in his eyes
>"Anon," he began. "The entire time I've been here you've been a pretty terrible individual. You've abused the graces of everyone here who've wanted nothing more than to help you. Your sexual perversions have made a considerable number of the population uncomfortable. You are angry, you are racist, you are bitter, lazy, and I could go on."
>To your surprise, a smile suddenly broke across his face
>"You did this wanting to make your easy life even easier because you in no way wanted to apply yourself. And, guess what? You managed to do the opposite to that. Now you're a little mare, and ponies are going to put up so much less of your bullshit."
>He sighed, turning to Twilight
>"Twilight, thank you for bringing me here. This has showed me that sometimes bad things rightfully happen to bad people. It's showed me that there's some... higher power that cares about things like goodness and justice."
>He looked at you one last time, then nodded
>"I have a rosery somewhere in my basement. A bible too. I think I'm going to start using both from now on. If nothing else than to maybe express my sincere thanks. Anon, I wanted to thank you as well. I just want you to know, you fucked up SO badly that you've given me a faith that I haven't felt in such a long time."
>John's smile was as sweet as pie
>"It's hard to take a little green mare seriously," he told you. "Especially when your ears are wiggling like that."
>Without another word, he reached over, patted a very confused Twilight on the top of her head, then spun around and left the room
>As he began walking down the hallway, you heard him start to whistle
>You REALLY hated that guy...
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God John is obmoxious. Was it intended? Because I know it was in vase of anon, byut I can't seriously blame a guy who hates his body for not taking care of himself
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>be anon filly
>you're so excited to get to finally be the little filly like you've always wanted
>you're gonna get every stallion in equestria to fuck you if it's the last thing you do
>but for some reason, fate has put you in the same world with a normal anon
>and he cockblocks you at every turn
>when you get angry and call him a retarded faggot he just laughs and tells everypony that you're inventing silly new words
>he's forcing you to actually be the little filly
>you have to kill him, there's no other way
Nah, I can just slut out in high school
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“Cock at three hundread”
>”For Celestia's sake anon can you calm down for five fucking seconds?”
>Twilight's eyes shoot daggers at Anonmare; she steps back.
“Woah, someone's touchy today”
>”Are you in heat, is that it?”
>Anonmare pouts
“I'm just pointing at cocks, what's the problem?”
>”The problem is that every single time we take a walk around town, you feel this unexplainable urge to point out every single cock that you see.”
“Well it's not my fault if you don't get any”
>Anonmare rolls her eyes
>”What!? I- Genuinely- Ugh, you know what, forget it, we're going back home.”
“Whaat? No, we can't go home yet! We need groceries!”
>”I'll just send spike.”
“That's just no fun...”
>Twilight stares coldly
>Anonmare lowers her head

>Anonmare falls on the mattress, her body limping as she relaxes.
“Man, twilight's been no fun lately, what's up with her?”
>She let's out a sigh
>”Tell me about it”
>Spike crawls out from under the bed and stretches
“Do you think it's the old age getting to her?”
>”Hmm...” He sits down. “Maybe? How long do ponies live anyway?”
>Anon shifts belly down, hooves limping over the side of the bed.
“Mayor Mare died...A bunch of moons ago.”
>”96 moons ago.”
>Her eyes widen
“How the fuck do you remember that?”
>He shrugs
>”I'm a dragon.”
>She considers this for a moment.
“So you remember everything?”
>”No, I forget things too, but 96 moons is nothing”
>She now sat on the bed.
“Now that you mention it, you're not that big at all...Oh!”
>Her eyes lit-up, and she leans down to spike, tail wagging.
“Do you remember when I first got here?”
>Spike laughs “How could I forget, I had so much fun watching you bothering Twilight...”
>She stares with a smile, expectantly.
>Spike's smile softens.
>”You were such a cute little filly too... Look at you, all grown up.” He ruffles her mane
“Heey! I'm still a grown man, you know!”
>She giggles
>”Man you would have bitten my hand off if I did this a few moons ago... You sure changed a lot, Nonny.”
“Naw, you're wroong, and dumb!”
>She sticks her tongue out, rolling on her back
>He laughs
>”You look really dumb right now”
“No u!”
>She boops him in the snout

>”Spike?” A voice echoed from the depths of the treehouse.
>”Comiing!” Replied the little dragon
>”Welp, duty calls. See you soon, Anon!”
“See-ya, Spikey wickey”
>She snorts, covering a smile with her hoof
>”Hey! I won't bring you any more dirty magazines!” He teases, walking out the door
“Yeeah! Right! As if you could live without me!”
>She smiled, shifting in the bed
>Never had she thought growing up in pony world would change her so much.
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>"Anon when I agreed to let you stay in Equestria I didn't expect you to sexually harass the mares constantly. As punishment you're going to be turned into a mare and maybe then you'll learn some etiquette and manners."
Is she going insane, sad or euphoric? The expression is extremely ambigious. The eyes look sad, but the mouth seems to be showing genuine joy.
>you enter a portal to Equestria and find yourself in the throne room
>a pair of guards hold halberds at your throat before a wave of Celestia's hoof calls them off
>"Anon. You may wonder why you've been brought here to Equestria."
>a scroll appears before her and unfurls, held in her magic
>"You're a foalcon. You want to have pony slaves. You're violent and stupid. You're the exact opposite of what we want here in Equestria."
>she rolls the scroll back up and sets it aside, letting out a low, tired sigh
>"...And yet, I have use for you. We've had several humans sent here before. They were more subtle than you, but inevitably, they all ended up partaking in evil acts."
>"I turned them all into mares, and for some that was enough to stop them, but for others it only made them more horrible."
>she cringes for a moment, then focuses on you
>"I need a suitable punishment, and you're the monster for the job. If you so much as lay a finger on anypony you're not supposed to I will seal you in Tartarus. But..."
>another scroll appears in front of you. it's a list of names and cutie marks
>"...These? You can do whatever you want to them. Go wild, you beast."
>you're let out of the palace
>you have a job to do, and you can't wait to do it
Another plane green, output will likely slow down again soon.

>The package is here.
>What's inside?
>Two pristine HDDs that you presume used to contain cheese pizza (you'll wipe to be sure that's not a problem)
>One iPhone you can pawn for over $100 above what you paid for it
>Molly (was a good girl and she knew the reasons why)
>and the crown jewel...
>Three little red and white pills that have the power to break the laws of physics as you know them
>Which isn't very well, but even to you this shit makes about as much practical sense as those troll physics shitposts from over a decade ago
>But you're quiet, uninvolved in criminal activities irl, and have always wanted to believe the hype
>Ptfg can't all be lying, can they? No way that sperg Sevensouls has photoshop skills enough to doctor reality to what he posted after his 'trip'
>You hook the two hard drives up to your burner machine and start bleachbit
>Things look to be going well, so you get to work on testing everything else...
>You're feeling nice and relaxed, you don't even bother with the clothes on your dresser after exiting the shower
>Where we're going we don't need pants.
>The capsule tastes weirdly like pasta sauce, you chalk it up to some sort of acidic manufacturing byproduct and just swallow
>Manetripper, that tranny tripfag, recommended everyone who tried it lay on their side on top of the covers.
>You repeat the mantra from memory:
"You don't want your spine to extend uncomfortably into the bed, lay on your side. Don't get under the covers until the process is finished, you're going to shrink and when you do the center varies. You might end up in a body you have no real clue how to control, new muzzle pressed against thick sheets, unable to breathe. Know someone who died like that, you die as a pony you stay one."
>Manetripper was only part time, apparently the only way you maintain a form from session to session is making sure you have the exact same meals at the exact same times.
>You've only eaten fast food today to make it easier. Breakfast burrito starting at 8:31 AM.
>Peanut butter and jelly sandwich starting at 12:47 PM.
>You haven't had dinner or any snacks
>The clean sheets are cool against your bare skin, very quickly you begin to feel bristles all over.
>You wouldn't have thought it'd be this quick...
>But you aren't complaining.
>You groan, the first thing to go is your dick.
>Well, it's good news in the sense that you don't have to commit to memory those autistic notes of when you finished your meal today and how many bites and swallows it took and the time between each bite and swallow-
>Yeah, what a relief.
>This'll work, still a pony. Still as soft as you like.
>Still with the sensitive, perky ears
>Still perfect. Almost.
>Your fingers recede into your clenched fists like pedals plucked from a flower in rapid succession
>You think of John McClane as your toes not only make fists, but crumple in on themselves
>Your shrinking center looks to be low, you feel yourself pulled to the end of the bed.
>Thank god you listened to the tripfag.
>Though you're not sure if anyone actually ever died under the covers on Pon-E, it scares the shit out of you to even think it could happen to you
>Suffocating in a half-alien body would be enough to give anyone a panic attack
>Which is obviously not ideal in said circumstances
>Your tail is coming in blue, your coat is coming in white.
>As your mane grows in, you feel something push out of your forehead and part it. You're a unicorn!
>This time, at least.
>An image comes into focus on your right flank, a photo negative.
>You... worked as a one-hour photo guy a few years back. Before your parents got in that wreck.
>Nowadays you sorta just live off the inheritance fund, it's enough for monthly food and you were willed the place so...
>There's a knock at the door.
>You groan, you don't want your first movement practice to be faceplanting on the way to see some door to door zine peddler
>They'll be back later, whoever the fuck it is
>A key is turning in the lock.
>Uh oh.
>You don't have a roommate, and the telltale squeak of the bolt twist tells you you'd better hide
>You tumble to the floor, scrambling awkwardly under the bed
>Should be enough... it's not a great hiding spot but maybe if you stifle your breathing you can get away with it?
>Footsteps are coming this way, and stop next to the bed. The bedskirt comes up.
>Fucking Manetripper. Wearing that retarded agp amazon order tranny getup.
"You freak! What the fuck is your problem?"
>Your frenemy leans down and takes you by the hind legs, dragging you out
>"Celestia, look at you. I couldn't have picked a better final form if I tried."
"Final... form?"
>"Desu. What, are you surprised I poisoned the well? The only onion marketplace where you can get Pon-E and you didn't think I had my hooves in that pie."
"Who the fuck says desu irl? And the bed..."
>"Yeah, I knew you'd be under here because I told you to be on the bed. First timers get so nervous, so easy to convince"
"The covers..."
>"That's a real danger, I'm afraid. Didn't know the person myself, white lie. You'll forge your own legends now that you're full-time, not many of you out there."
"Wait, I... I took a double dose?"
>"Yeah, sorry. I got evicted, when I learned you owned this place instead of renting it was too juicy."
"My life is over."
>"Aww, don't worry! Not like you were doing much with it. I'll get you up to speed on your new one after I take a shower, YMCA doesn't really do it for me"
>Mane picks you up
>"Word of advice, don't post pictures of your house keys."
>Your mane is thoroughly ruffled, despite the gloomy situation you can't help but think it feels really good...
>"God you came out well, and I bet that virgin marehood is even tighter than my sugar star."
End of line.
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>Though I may be more convinced to go if the dyke route is available.
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Whh wouldn't it be? AJ and Rainbow Dash, the aunts and a couple of other character exist. It's canon
all of that is implied, nothing is confirmed, but lyrabon is canon
>lesbians actually just need dick
>if I were a woman I'd be lesbian
This board can't decide
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>implying this board has to be a monolith of tastes and opinions.
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Most of this board has never had dick. They basically have the same mindset.
'I'm a lesbian! I don't need no man!'
>Insert one satisfying dick.
'I need a man.'
not in s1 equestria it ain't...
though they're still probably gay desu...
Based and true
>Rainbow Dyke might perhaps be a dyke
The rainbow-draped, tomboyish, abusive, scratchy voice athlete type? Nah, impossible.
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>tfw wasnt born a mare
>so rainbow dash won't give me a jaw snapping hoof kick when she comes home at 11 at night drunk on cider because she's an obligate lesbian and would never date me
its not fair
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Ur a faggot, anon.
Obligate lesbian kind of sounds like she'll die unless she fucks mares
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i too suffer from this affliction
You are an obligate lesbian too? Damn, I was pretty sure everyone here is a dude.
the fact that i am a dude has NO BEARING on my biological need to be scissored into oblivion by mares
every day i come here in search of answers and every day i find nothing, i fear the consumption may soon overwhelm me
i will die of lack of pussy in almost every conceivable interpenetration of the phrase that doesn't involve a literal cat, also need hooves badly
So I guess we know you're going to be a mare in Equestria at least
Anon! Wake the fuck up!
It's the horsepocalypse!
Really? Wake me up when I have hooves or means to acquire them.
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dear that one anon who is struggling with the ponies/swearing dilemma
ponies swear sometimes but you don't hear it in the show!
you now have permission to swear, but only non canonically
How do i know which parts are canon?
i suppose it's just whenever you aren't being observed by others who aren't personal friends?
*when you are being observed by others
>"No, I will not give you belly rubs."
It turns out my entire life is a filler arc
hey show accurate, I was the anon who asked for that short purple and blue femcolt that you delivered last thread or the one before, was wondering if it's alright to ask if you could also do a pic of my boyfriend's batpony(normal size), with or without me included is fine, just wanna get something for him too, dark brown hair and hazel eyes
understand if it's too much trouble to ask for a double to make a cute couple
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Did her legs get fixed too? She seems fine now
She doesn't know how to walk as a pony yet.
This green wasn't plain, it was great!
Lesbians actually just need hooves.
If I had hooves I'd be a lesbian.
>It keeps going on like this
>You tried turning him into a stallion.
>Even more complaints
>Same issue
>Same issue.
>Same issue, though with more racially charged complaints.
>Got so desperate you turned him into a hedgehog
>He had done, infinitely worse things, so vile and heinous as a hedgehog....
>You dare not remember further.
Anonymous, you've put me in quite the predicament here.
>"I'll put my predicament in quite a you...r..rear.."
>Ignore him.
I am at the end of my rope, every creature I turn you into- in the hopes of reforming your behaviour- seems to make the situation worse.
>You 'pop a xanax' as Anon would say, for your headache.
>Thank you that he invented these pills...
>"Why not just let me be me?"
Because you are an insurmountable rapist.
>"Oh yeah."
>Furrow your brow.
Anonymous, I don't think I have any other choice...I'm afraid I will need to turn you to stone.
>"Wait...you can't be serious."
I am.
>Before he can protest, you've already begun to charge up the spell.
I'm sorry my little creature...
>"That still sounds offensive you know."
Would you-be quiet! I am attempting to offer you some comfort!
>"I'm just saying creature sounds worse than subject or..."
I am being racially sensitive-
>"Turn me back into a zebra and I can help."
I AM SORRY that it has come to this but, you have left me no choice...I...
>Your eyes glance down, the aura of your horn lighting the room as the spell is readied.
>No...he couldn't..
Are you........aroused?
>"Painfully so, my fat assed queen."
>Your cheeks are burning.
How! How could this bring you any pleasure- you will be turned to stone! Inanimate!
>"It's just kind of hot, I mean think about it...I'll be rock hard forever."
>The elder gods could not know the depths of the frown you are displaying.
I am ending this, now.
>Zap him.
>He's standing with his hands on his hips, an erection bursting forth through his pants.
>Defiant to the end.
>You take some headache pills and have the guards put anon in the Garden.
>Month passes.
>You don't know how.
>But even as a rock, Anon continues to harass and defile your citizens.
>His cock seems to catch the eye of all who pass by.
>Accidents frequently occur around it- ponies falling directly ontop of the rection, grazing against it..
>The accidental Mineral-fellatio fiasco was the worst.
>You refuse this!
>He will not win on this end! Your realm will be SAFE for your subjects!
>You move him into the castle, in the royal hall.
>Even worse.
>Guards ponies keep coming and crying to you.
>Saying they keep getting bumped into him.
>Captains claim they felt 'compelled' to start a ritual of forcing the new cadets to "polish" his...appendage.
>Shining armour quit a week ago over the incidents, and now you receive constant letters from his mother.
>All of them complaining about Anonymous The Statue.
>You become so desperate you finally move him into the restrooms.
>A bit...perverse...yes you admit this.
>But you are at wits end.
>You did..try the closets at one point- but having him alone in a dark room proved to make things so much worse.
>The bat ponies were never the same.
>You figure if he is in the bathrooms...
>Maybe it will calm down a little.
>You're unsure what horrible, strange power he has to harass and rape even when a chunk of stone.
>But this could possibly get his jollies off enough to leave the citizens be.
>For a while, things are well in the bathroom.
>Then, come the complaints again.
>"Your highness I....I feel that the...statue in.."
Yes, the statue in the restroom.
>"Um..yes..that one..I feel it...it..."
It what? Get on with it,
>The guards pony sniffles and cowers a bit.
>Your heart hurts as you see tears form at their eyes.
I...I apologize- I did not mean to sound harsh. I'm just a bit..tired..
Please, do go on my little pony.
>They seem a bit more sure at this point, nodding back to you.
>"It feels like...he's watching me."
>"Yes, your highness. Like he's watching me go to...you know..."
Yes, is that all? You feel he's watching you relieve yourself?
>"No...I...if it were just that it wouldn't buh...bbb...be so bad..."
>They're crying.
>"His..penis! It looks like it's throbbing when he wah-hah-haatttcchesss!"
>Spend an hour comforting the guard mare.
>Things go on like this.
>Every day the complaints getting worse.
>Days pass
You say...
>"Yes, I felt something-like...like a wind or...I don't know. It felt like something was touching me...massaging my neck while I..."
>Raise your hoof to stop them.
Yes...Yes I quite get the point... I'll look into this matter further.
>"Thank you,"
>Out goes the guard pony.
>In goes the xanax to relieve your headache.
>several months later.
>The bathroom mints have been replaced with date rape drugs.
>You have had to warn the guard ponies not to eat them.
>Which has been a failure, multiple times, as ponies do love their sweets.
>Each time ends with a Guard going to the medical ward, with sand like minerals being found in their orifices.
>He has escalated to raping them.
>You aren't even sure how he's doing this, you know for a fact he cannot move.
>Yet sitll, his desire to assault your ponies knows no limits.
>After losing a majority of your guards, who have quit due to the offenses launched against them, you finally close down the bathroom you keep him in.
>Hoping this will change things.
>Mark it off limits, redirect the guards ponies to use a different bathroom from here on.
>This only helps for a little.
>Before a new prank starts with the new guards daring eachother to go into the 'haunted bathroom'.
>Same story each time.
>Guard goes in.
>Gets molested, watched, or outright raped.
>Comes crying to you.
>Quits in a month due to the trauma.
>Rinse, repeat.
>At least the numbers are a bit less...for now...
>What are you to do?
>Do you just leave him there?
>Hope that guards ponies eventually forget about the 'haunted bathroom'...
>or the low numbers of assaults atleast stays the same?
>You mull this over in your head.
>For the rest of the day.
>And week
>And six months.
>And a year
>Nothing gets better.
>You're unsure if it's worse.
>You go into your own private restroom hours later, after the latest guards pony came crying and immediately sent in their termination.
>The thought of a full on execution has occured, but you could never do that.
>Also fairly certain that he would do more damage than ever as a spirit.
>Life goes on like this.
>Rape, Molestation, peeping, crying, quitting.
>Exhaustion from the routine becomes so much that you finally say
Buck this..
>And move him into your own bathroom.
>Sneer at the stone creature, looking at him up and down to see if he moves.
As you see- I will not falter, Anonymous!
>The only part that you swear does is his forever-erection.
You will be hard pressed to go on as you have been here- the guards ponies never have access to my private chambers.
>Stick your tongue out at him and..
Get used to that, you'll be hearing it quite a bit...though not from my mouth in the future.
>Water drips from his stone-member at that.
>You cringe.
Or perhaps not..
>This fixes things.
>You still use your private bathroom.
>Definitely you can feel him watching you when you do.
>Some ghostly...touch sensations- though you are easily able to will them away and even prevent them with your magic.
>However, when you need to.... drop off some potatoes at the pool...you tend to use your sisters bathroom.
>Like today.
Oh Luna I am so sorry...
>Sloosh swush sklunk.
Oh good HEAVENS what are the chefs putting in my food!
>You do not realize that this is a stress induced defecation.
>Be Luna.
>You are in DIRE needs to use the restroom.
>Not to relieve yourself, you only do that every 74 hours.
>No, you need to do something much more pressing.
>You must brush your teeth.
>You open your bedroom door and-
>You proceed to leave your bedroom
>Celestia says this with urgency.
>You don't hear this, as you are already far down the hall.
>Dont cry
>Dont cry
>Why does SHE need YOUR bathroom!
>Shes going to stink up the whole thing with..with..
>You're sobbing.
>"My highness what's-"
>He leaves you be.
>Your sister thinks she's so much better than you.
>Like you don't even matter- she can just take anything of yours she wants.
>Tartarus forbid you show disdain for it!
>She may send you to the moon!
>Yes, you're still sore about this event.
>By the time you're down the hall you're no longer crying.
>No, you are sobbing.
>The most ugly, most wretched sobbing you've ever done in your life.
>Stupid Celestia and her giant white butt.
>She's going to RUIN your PRIVATE RESTROOM.
>The restroom meant FOR YOU.
>Not her!
>Why doesn't she respect you enough to care...
>Your vision is blurred over, hard to see where you're going.
>But you move onwards.
>Fueled by sadness, rage, depression...
>Loss, since your bathroom will surely be coated in the deep scent of acidic bowel movements.
>Yet something else seems to stir you.
>Move your corpse ever onwards.
>Your crying begins to settle down a bit.
>What strange sensation pulls you forth? You don't know.
>But you allow it to guide you, soothe your wounds.
>Then you see where it is you're at.
I...my sistsers chambers?
>You look about in wonder
How did I end up here? I...oh I should leave..Celestia doesn't enjoy when..
>But the feeling inside...it pulls you in...
>You see it.
>Glistening, in golden light.
>Your sisters private bathroom.
>Yes, she has one too.
>Yet she feels the need to use YOURS?
>If she feels this way then..then...
>Then you should be able to use HERS as well!
>You step into the restroom, with some hesitation.
>When you're sure she won't appear out of nowhere, you begin to relax.
>Then you see it.
>The stone statue of
An ape?
>In a suit.
>Sitting next to the toilet.
>An erection.
>Your face flushes deep purple.
>Oh...is this why Celestia felt need to use your restroom?
>Because she didn't want to poop in the same place she must surely be pleasuring herself?
>Of course.
>This is like when you were a filly and you were caught displeasing the local shrubbery.
>Though you grew up from that, much more restraint.
>Less complaints from the citizens about night rapes as well.
>You suppose the apple must not fall far from the tree.
>Still, you wish she respected you.
So...err....do you come here often?
>You ask sadly to the stone beast.
>It says nothing, but it's stone phallus seems to speak to you.
>It says...
>' come in...'
>So you do.
>Celestia's bathroom is much nicer than yours.
>This makes you more upset.
>You look at the toilet..
Maybe I COULD go...
>wait about thirty minutes.
>Nothing happens.
>The statue seems...bored?
>Was it expecting you to use the restroom?
>No... that's..no.
>Maybe you need to go back on the medication you took for hallucinations.
>All that time on the moon...
Um...sorry if..perhaps you were expecting me to..
>It says nothing.
>Sigh again
What am I thinking? Why would you even want to see that anyway
>Hunch forward.
I'm just...I just...I wish Celestia cared more about me- about my feelings.
>Stare up at him
I bet you understand too...stuck all alone in here...
>You pat his pant leg
I think I should probably go now and-
Are those bathroom mints?
>Be Celestia
>Be running
>Luna is so moody
>So fragile
>You need to find her
>Explain why you were in her bathroom
>And hope that she doesn't take the fact you cracked the bowl of her toilet with the force of your bowel movements too harshly.
>Spot a guard pony.
My little pony!
>"I- I wasn't sleeping-I swear! I just lean on walls with my eyes closed!"
Where is Luna? Have you seen her?
>He frowns.
>"Oh..yes..she was in a very foul mood. Told me to 'be gone' underling'."
I'm sorry my dear, Luna is...she is a bit touchy at the moment...she has lost a loved one.
>The guard looks nervous.
>"I..I'm sorry...um...I didn't mean what I said-I...uh..she wasn't in a.."
Please, just..tell me where she is.
>"Right..uh..well I kinda stopped looking but...I heard some ponies saw her walk to your room."
>"Yeah she.."
>Run and run and run.
>Please dont be too late.
>You're in your room before you know it.
>Looking into an open bathroom.
>Down at your sister, who lay on the floor unconcious.
>Covered in a sandy-goop like material.
>Each hole filled with sediment
No...no no no......
>Cradle your sister.
>Weeks pass.
>Things have gone down hill.
>Luna has..
>She does not seem to deal with her rape well.
>She doesn't talk as much.
>Her behaviour has gotten back to being of great concern.
>Ponies have caught her in the restroom...standing....watching them.
>Not even just guard ponies.
>But citizens as well.
>In their dreams as much as the waking world.
>You had a letter from one of Twilight's friends...
>Big Mac.
>He reported he was....going to the bathroom, in the forest out of his farm.
>In his words 'dookin' out in the backwood'
>When he spotted her.
>Standing by the tree.
>making a wiping motion with a large leaf.
>You lied and told him this was a dream.
>She spends most of the day masturbating now.
>You've taken up her duties, as you do not trust her on her own.
>You are exhausted.
>Your room is on constant magical-lock down.
>So only you may enter.
>You have few guards left.
>Go to the dining hall for breakfast.
>Luna is humping the table
I'm just...trying to get my food...
>Grab some pancakes.
>Eat them in your room.
>Another year.
>Luna is no better, but she talks now.
>Always very sexually.
>You have had to put large mittens on her hooves, to prevent her from trying to access the genitals and anal region of innocent ponies.
>They're shaped like turkey's, because that's all the local pony would sell you with her around.
>Lay down in your bed.
>Looking into your open bathroom door.
>The statue of Anon standing there.
>The will to fight is gone.
You win.
>You use what little juice you have to release him from his state.
>Anon is flesh once more.
>Though his member deflates.
>You stare at him.
>He stares at you.
>Somewhere in the castle, Luna is attempting to cook a hayburger inside of her vagina.
>"Can you turn me into a mare again?"

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>"Hey anon, look!"
>Your nose is almost buried between two green, plump horse-asscheeks as you turn around
>She queefs
>"Got you hard, faggot! Hahahaha!"
>You grab the filly by the neck
>She squirms
>"W-Wait! I- I'm a grown man!"
"No right now you aren't"
>Her eyes shrink
>You feel her little muscles squirm and turn under your palm as she tries and fails to escape your grasp
>She pitfully hits you with her hoofsies
>Tears are forming in her eyes
>"S-Stop stop, STOP!"
>You pull down your boxer, your cock springs-up already leaking
>Filly looks down, then back at you, her eyes are wide, her pupils small, but over everything else you see fear.
>She worms so hard under your grasp that you're forced to use both hands to grab her.
>Little fucker almost escapes.
>By the end of it she's been reduced to a crying, panting mess.
>"F-Fuck y-"
>Her eyes force shut
>When she reopens them, she is no more a sassy filly.
>Her once defiant and taunting eyes, replaced by a submissive and pleading gaze.
>"A-Anon... Anon, please d-don't do this"
>With a smile, you tighten your grasp on her neck
>Her front hooves hold onto your wrist, she throws her head back and forth
"This is your own fault, faggot"
>You spit on your hand and rub your boner, then place the tip atop her meaty marehood.
>You can feel her vagina twitching
>A quick look confirms, she's winking.
"Hahaha! You're getting off to this shit? You fucking faggot"
>She's too busy trying to breathe to respond
>You try to slide-in, feels like trying to fuck a closed fist. The damn thing is too tight
>You wiggle your hips back and forth, trying to ram your cock inside
>She's rocking her hips, probably trying to stop you
>Once you finally get the tip in, her whole body tenses, she trembles violently for a moment.
>It feels as if a gorilla is gripping your tip
>You slowly pull-out, clinging your teeth.
>Your cock comes out half-asleep, the tip stings
>Damn she's one tight bitch.
>Filly looks exhausted, she's limp on the floor breathing deeply
>You frown
“I'm not done with you.”
>You get up and throw her over your shoulder. She seems too tired to offer any resistance.
>With the filly over your shoulder, you both make way back to your home.
>The filly shakes violently as she wakes up, eyes wide scanning her surroundings
>Then they focus on you, With a mix of surprise and despair
“Good, you're awake!”
>She looks down, her legs are tied to a broomstick
>Her arms are tied somewhere to each side of the bed
>Her tail is tied somewhere she can't see
>She stares back at you
>”Mwwhm mhm, Ghhmp!”
“What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you”
“Ohh, I see, you're hungry for some human dick, is that it?”
>She shook her head “MHHM MHHPP!”
“Oh, don't worry I got just the thing for you.”
>You grab the broomstick and lift it over her belly, lifting her legs in the process
>Her plump pussy and ponut stick out with their darker greenish color
>Although, this time she's not winking
>You go down on her and take a whiff
>The salty smell of mare juices fills your nostrils, your cock throbs.
>She is blushing, and already tearing-up, you smile back at her.
“Nice and deep smell, filly.”
>She pointlessly struggles against her restraints
>You stick out your tongue and give her pussy lips a long lick
>Salty, lemonish, Delicious.
>You spread her pussy lips with your fingers, the pinkish red from her insides softly contrasts her dark-green coat.
>Lick around her lips; her coat rubs against your tongue.
>Stick the whole clit-sheat in your mouth, and then slide your tongue in, and rub her clit with it
>Now she's winking
>You give her a smile, she's blushing, sweating, and panting heavily.
“Is this your first time?”
>He crawled under the broomstick, over the filly's belly
>She stared, as tears cascaded down her cheeks
>Anon pulled down his boxers and sway his hips forward, bringing filly's thighs down over his own.
>His shaft moistened, as her clit winked spreading even more marejuices.
“Look at this”
>He said laying his cock flat over the filly's belly.
“You see here?”
>He placed his finger sightly above the end of the tip
“This is how deep it's gonna be”
>The filly's eyes widened, she was sobbing.
“Don't you cry now, aren't you a grown man?”
>Filly shook her head desperately
“What a shame.”
>Anon aimed his tip right at the middle of her slit, and with a gentle push, his dick supported itself by pressing against the tight hole, barely sliding.
>Satisfied with the job, Anon grabbed a small glass jar from the nightstand.
“Last time you gave me a good squeeze”
>He popped-open the jar; A strong, sweet aroma filled the air.
“This time, I am prepared.”
>He firmly grabbed her muzzle; she wriggled and tossed, but he stuck the opening of the jar around her nostrils.
>“MMGHHT MGGGH MGGH! She protested, as the sweet aroma penetrated into her lungs.
>Soon her pupils dilated, and her resistance faded.
>Anon moaned.
“Fuck that's good”
>He pulled back, half his tip had gone inside. With a smile, he put away the flask.
>He gently pushed her head to face him.
“Doing good over there?”
>Her eyelids closed and opened dumbly, as her eyes slowly spun, the weight of her head lagging behind.
>Anon laughed to himself
“You're gonna have a hell of a good time.”
He grabbed at her hip, right under the base of her belly, where flesh and bone were closest.
And throwing his body back, he watched his dick as it's tip lay half buried within her pussy.
He pushed, gently, and her legs jerked.
>She gasped
“Shh Sh shh, it's gonna be alright, okay?”
He leaned closer to her ear, not letting go of her hip
“It's okay, alright? It's okay. Uncle Anon is here to take good care of you”
He whispered in her ear, letting himself a lick of her ear.
The filly snuggled him with her head.
He pushed gently, and a single inch went by, sending tremors down her body.
“It's okay”
>He whispered, letting his lips form a kiss on her cheek, still wet from the tears.
>He went down a chain of kisses, and upon her neck he'd sink his teeth on her flesh.
>She threw her head back, and then forth, and he pushed a little more, and her body trembled.
>He let go of her neck and found himself facing her.
>She was blushing, panting, sweating, wanting.
“It's all in.”
>She exhaled deeply, her eyelids falling into pure pleasure.
>“Mwwhf Mwwwwhf!”
“Will you be a good girl now?”
>He let go of her hip and took away the gag from her mouth
>Like a wild beast she launched herself towards him, kissing his lips, licking them, desperatedly enjoying her newfound freedom.
>Anon held her head and buried his tongue in her mouth. In the chaos that ensured, no area from neither mouth remained unexplored.
>Mixed saliva leaked down the filly's cheek, the longer the kiss prevailed. Her eyes an ever-changing array of expressions as the sensations overwhelmd her small frame.
>Suddenly her little moans grew sharper, and her body tensed up, and trembled.
>She pulled back her head and let out a huge sigh of relief
>Anon snickered
“You're really cute when you come”
>Her eyes focused on him
“Dick, please, dick!”
>She sway her hips as much as her restraints allowed her.
>He smiled, sliding a hand under her back and holding her by the shoulder.
>With the hand on her shoulder she kept her from going up, with his other hand, he pushed her head over his shoulder.
>He rocked his hips, loosening her once-virgin marehood.
>She moaned, and trembled but Anon did not dare stop.
>Until he let out a deep, guttural moan, shoving his dick as far as it could go
>For five minutes he let out gushes of cum in powerful throbs, each bringing forth a sharp moan from the filly.
>Afterwards he let out an animalistic grunt of satisfaction
>Pulled out ever so sighly
>And moned, sticking it back inside.
>He kept fucking her, slower, and gently, as she moaned.
>He grunted, and brought his lips close to her ear
“I love your pussy”
>He whispered between heavy breaths.
>“Y- Ah- You love me?” The filly asked, her voice tinged with a hopeful quiver.
“God I love your pussy”
>Anon said, burying his dick deep inside her.
>This time he kept going twice as long.
>Satisfied, he pulled-out, cock still throbbing, covered in fluids from them both. The smell of sex impregnated the air.
>Filly laid in bed, breathing deeply, laying limp. From her slit leaked a constant white stream, right over a huge moist stain.
“Time to clean up.”
>Anon came closer, placing his dick right in front of her muzzle.
“Come on, lick it up.”
She licked his shaft, sucked on his tip, and cleaned it all. She licked every inch, up to his balls.
“Good girl”
>Said Anon fondling her mane.
>She smiled
>”I'm a good girl!”
This was the start of a great friendship.

Idk about great but thank you. My brain has been stew lately, call me insomniac.
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I remember back when the Pandemic was all the rage... huh. Good times.
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Where? I don't see anything.
It was two days ago, duh. I am typing this from Equestria on a keyboard for hooves
I feel like it'll be due for a comeback in ptfg culture soon, and will continue to do so with a regular cadence for quite a while.
It's a Halley's comet of well-written TF and juuuust enough divisive plot points that it'll never truly sink into obscurity.
>Anonstallion stared into his own eyes in the mirror, forcing himself to maintain it
>They might be bigger now, but everything else about them was the same
>They were the last thing left from before
>Nothing remembered
>Not a song, not a face, not a name
>But he still remembers there being a before
>That has to count for something
>"Moty? You alright?"
"Y-yeah! Everything's fine!"
>"Ya sure? You've been in there for a while..."
"Just, uh, daydreaming again, babe. I'll be out in a bit!"
>There's a chuckle before she responds
>"Alright, well, giddy up! Big day today."
>Hoofsteps make their way away from the restroom door before fading completely
>Right, big day
>Big day
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Moty? What kind of name is Moty?
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>Hey, you’re the new kirin everyone’s been talking about, right?
>Your name’s Anon?
>Haha, easy there, Forest. Let’s not scare him off right away.
>Sorry about that, Forest here can get a little too excited at times. I’m Autumn Afternoon, this is Forest Fall and Pumpkin Smoke. We wanted to officially welcome you to the tribe and see if you’d like to spend the day with us?
>After we catch some fish, we’re heading over to the brewery for a couple of beers. It'll be a good chance to relax, and tell you stories about our tribe.
>So, what do you think, Anon? Up for a bit of fishing and hanging today?
I'd love to hang out with Kirin bros!
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>Be Anonymous
>Wake up some grass field somewhere
>Have a killer headache, how did you even get out here?
>Last thing you remember is driving home when a truck-
>oh shit you died
>Either this is the afterlife or you got isekai’d into another world
>This place looks too nice to be hell and you being some contrived anime protagonist is too stupid to believe
>Might as well see what’s up here
>Try to stand, but realize your hands look like green knobs now
>Quickly find your body is covered in green, has wings matching your color, a black tail, and a question mark next to ass
>oh shit this is actually heaven! Or maybe one of those last good dreams you see before they die
>You’re an anon pegasus in mlp
>Wait does that mean…
>Ok good, still a guy and probably what ever the pony age equivalent of 20 is
>Unfortunately, flying isn’t as natural as it look
>Just gotta walk like a normal person (or pony I guess) to find civilization
>Hopefully you’ll find Ponyville and won’t stand out for appearing out of nowhere
>You’ve been walking for roughly a hour before finding a dirt path
>Ok, this place is probably real since you can still think pretty clearly and should’ve ended already if you were dying
>The sun seems to be slowly moving through the mid peak
>It was never said if it moves throughout the day, so that doesn’t mean you’re not in Equestria
>You realize this is your life now and you can’t just mess around to have fun
>Honestly, it’s not any worse being real, this world is far more peaceful and a real utopia compared to Earth
>Though the movie implies the rest of the world isn’t as perfect with places and people like Klugetown and the Storm King existing
>Wonder if that means you’re here before that or after all that happened
>Actually you could have arrived before the show starts
>You might even be in G5 for all you know or the previous three shows you barely know about
>Better make sure you figure out which one you’re in and what the canon is
>Pony racism could still be a thing

>Good news: Finally found a wooden sign pointing to a town
>Bad news: It’s written in the fucking chicken scratch letters and you can’t understand any of it
>No auto translation for you, so no idea what the name is
>Here’s to hope “Ponish” is spoken like on the show and you’ll only have to worry about being illiterate
>The town wasn’t too far off from what You’d expect to see
>That old medieval style architecture with raw wood and stone that has the sort of fantasy and magic feeling
>Maybe not an accurate way to describe it but you didn’t waste your time studying how to describe a building
>It definitely wasn’t Ponyville in looks and vibes
>A little too rugged and dark in general
>Thankfully, pegasus eyes seem to be exceptional at spotting details from a unseen distance
>The ponies seemed to mostly be made up of earth ones, but you can count the occasional pegasus among those on the streets or sky in the clouds above managing the weather
>No unicorns, but you suspect most don’t often live in small towns and villages compared to the cities
>With the old buildings and different ponies working together, the world is FiM after the tribes united and formed equestria in the heartwarming story
>That should hopefully mean it’s safe to enter and learn more

>Ok, first thing you notice is the language
>Thankfully they’re still understandable, but the dialect is throwing you off
>It reminds you of the old ponish Luna uses, as well as the Shakespeare way of speaking and how you’d imagine people spoke in the 18th century
>Unfortunate, that implies you are likely long before the story you know even begun
>FiM was always unclear on the past of equestria, mostly so they could retroactively add new things without breaking continuity too much
>That left you in a large period of time where you didn’t know what was happening
>At least once night comes, you can check for the mare on the moon to know if it’s pre or post banishment
>You don’t even want to dare talk with anyone, you’d stand out just by the way you normally speak
>That hasn’t stopped the ponies around here from staring at you and gawking
>More seem to be giving the latter, but you’ve noticed their eyes seem to be looking somewhat above you
>You make your way to a more secluded area before you use your hooves to check if theres something on your head or hair (“mane”) you didn’t notice
>You realize there’s a horn on your head
>Your an Alicorn
>In ancient Equestria
>And you just walked into a town, where everypony saw you and definitely are going to tell the rest of the country about your existence

>You were expecting this life to be unremarkable, maybe just change some of the timeline like in those anon stories where they have foreknowledge of the show
>But no, suddenly you’re one of the immortal horses that rule the country
>Pretty sure that means your automatically royalty
>Cadence and Twilight became princesses shortly after turning into Alicorns
>Apparently you just appeared like this for no reason
>Flurry Heart was born like this too (will be in the future) and even the princesses were surprised by that
>Your definitely going to see them soon
>No one wants an unknown Alicorn running through their lands, potentially plotting their downfall like Opaline did for thousands of years
>How did she even do that, you never bothered to learn G5 lore
>Oh well, maybe you can help Luna so Nightmare Moon doesn’t happen
>Or help Celestia deal with her grief of being alone for hundreds of years with all the ponies she knows aging and passing
>That probably was hard on her without her fellow immortal sister being someone who understands her
The batpony stallions and nerdy unicorn stallions of Equestria are lucky I haven't become a pegasus mare yet. I wouldn't give up until I could defeat one and force his instincts to take over so he'd impregnate me with several mixed foals. I'd do the same if I became a unicorn mare.
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>"Geeze Anon, you're such a fucking faggot."
>"I bet you just want to stick your giant cock right inside my pussy even though I'm a 30 year old man."
>"Rub it all around till you eventually cum inside me."
>"Fill me to the absolute brim with your warm gooey seed."
>"Make me carry our mutant pony-human offspring till I eventually birth them."
>"Let the--"

What if you were an earth pony mare though?
I was actually saying that we need to turn you back ASAP, you sick fuck
I'd learn alchemy because if I'm going to Equestria I'm getting some form of magic. Then I'm hunting down a bat pony or nerdy unicorn stallion and triggering their breeding instincts so they impregnate me with several mixed foals. As long as I become a mare all batpony and nerdy unicorn stallions better watch out.
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What does "defeating" a stallion mean in this context, and why do you need to do that before triggering their breeding instincts?
Why can't you just walk in front of them, pretend to drop something, and raise you tail? You know, like a normal slutty mare?
It works perfectly fine for me.
It means beating them bloody using your body or your magic while making as much bodily contact as possible. Make them feel the warm stains of their blood on your coat and the glistening sweat matting your mane as your next blow connects. Turn your descending hooves into soft caresses, force your hot scent to be the only thing their broken noses can smell and then when they're barely conscious walk away and tell them they're pathetic. That's when you lift your tail and give them a glimpse. You'll put him on a path of vengeance and self improvement that will end in the toughest fight of your life and the hardest bed breaking revenge sex imaginable. After he claims and marries you, you will both know that the other is worthy. That is a stallion that will give you the best sex for the rest of your life and the strongest foals.
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>"Don't worry Anon! I'll always be there for you!"
>The cheerful yellow mare snuggles into you and sighs with content.
>You have no idea what the fuck is going on right now.
>Just a few months ago you were an average joe on the way to work for his daily bread.
>Then a portal appeared out of fucking nowhere and took you to this enchanted world full of magical talking horses.
>It's still not clear why the portal turned YOU into a horse, but in hindsight it's irrelevant.
>Truth be told, it was rather difficult to integrate yourself into the local pony population of Ponyville, but thankfully there were a few local mares more than willing to help you adjust.
>One mare in particular took quite a liking to you: a yellow pegasus named Fluttershy.
>At first she was very shy around you, constantly looking the other way or hiding her blushing face behind her wings.
>Admittedly you weren't exactly a social butterfly yourself. It took a lot of effort to speak with these mares in the first place.
>Despite the social awkwardness, it was she who volunteered to let you stay with her until you found a job and could afford a place of your own.
>You quickly learned that Fluttershy was as kind and caring as she was beautiful, constantly tending to her animals and helping the other ponies with their tasks.
>Perhaps it was because of your new horse brain, but you started to develop feelings for this gentle mare.
>Part of you wanted to confess to her, but another part of you believed she was already taken. What sane stallion WOULDN'T hook up with such a kind loving pony?
>Then one day Fluttershy drops the bomb on you out of nowhere. SHE WAS SINGLE!
>Or rather, Rarity was the one who dropped said bomb.
>The two mares approached you one day after a hard day of tending to Fluttershy's animals while she was away.
>"Pardon me interrupting, but my pegasus friend here thinks you're very cute! Isn't that right Fluttershy?"
>She gently pats the pegasus as if to encourage her to confess, but she remains hidden behind her wings, uttering nothing more than a soft mewl.
>You couldn't believe your ears. The mare of your dreams...liked you too?!
>But you're just a plain old joe schmoe trying to find his way through this new pony life. Surely there were better stallions out there for her to choose from!
>This had to be some kind of setup. Some kind of mockery of your inner feelings. Some kind of cruel joke at your expense.
>As time went on however, the mare's feelings for you only grew. She began to openly express her romantic interest more ferverently, much to your surprise and delight.
>After wrestling with your inner denial and self-hatred, you finally succumbed to her feelings.
>Now the two of you are engaged, and you couldn't be happier.
>The wedding was...interesting to say the least.
>Pretty much all of Ponyville (and even some of Cloudsdale) showed up with or without invitations.
>At first you were worried about how the fuck one couple was supposed to plan such a massive shindig.
>Soon enough, Fluttershy put those worries to rest as her friends gathered to help with the wedding planning.
>Pinkie Pie and Applejack would handle the catering.
>Rarity would create the perfect outfits and wedding decorations.
>Rainbow Dash would use her connections with the Wonderbolts to host the entertainment.
>Your fiancé would provide the music with some help from her woodland friends.
>And lastly, Twilight would organize the whole kit and caboodle from top to bottom.
>This was happening. It was REALLY happening.
>The day of your wedding couldn't have been scheduled better.
>There was a zero percent chance of rain, snow, or any other foul weather that could ruin your special day.
>All of your friends provided their wedding contributions without a hitch.
>The "guests" were just as excited about your marriage to Fluttershy as you were.
>You stare at your reflection in the mirror of the groom's dressing room with a mix of excitement and anxiety.
>Rarity really outdid herself with your tuxedo. You looked like a million bucks!
>"Everything okay old boy?"
>Dr. Hooves trots up to you from the doorway dressed in a sharp brown striped tux with his trademark scarf wrapped around the collar.
"Oh, hey Doc. Yes everything's fine. Just a little nervous is all."
>"Perfectly understandable Anon. Marriage is a BIG step, not to be taken lightly."
>The stallion puts a hoof around your neck and brings it in for a bro-hug of encouragement.
>"Just remember, we're all here for you!"
>"Thanks doc."
>You couldn't ask for a better best 'man', or best friend.
>Suddenly the loud chime of the town square clock tears through the changing room.
>"No time for thanks! Come Anon! Everypony is waiting!"
>Dr. Hooves grabs his briefcase and hastily trots out the door, and you follow soon after.
>The sun was shining brightly upon the wedding venue with nothing more than a gentle breeze to intervene.
>You nervously smile and wave as you make your way through an ocean of excited ponies to reach the altar.
>On the left side you see your best man Dr. Whooves and Spike, the self-appointed ringbearer.
>On the right side you see the 5 bridlesmaids are all lined up and waiting, their sparkling color-coded dresses shimmering in the afternoon sun.
>And just beyond them was your soon-to-be wife Fluttershy, her white wedding dress flowing in the gentle wind.
>Your fiancé was beautiful at the best of times, but wearing that immaculate gown pushed her bewitching good looks to a whole new level.
>She spots you emerging from the crowd and smiles warmly. Oh Celestia if smiles could kill, you'd be six feet under right now.
>You take your place beside her and wait for Mayor Mare to begin her 'Justice of the Peace' spiel.
>The mayor quickly cleared her throat to get everypony's attention and began the ceremony without further delay.
>"Fillies and gentlecolts! We are gathered here today to honor and celebrate the marriage of Anon Y. Mous and Ponyville's very own animal whisperer, Fluttershy!"
>The crowd stomped the ground and loudly cheered from every angle.
>You were praying to Celestia that your stage fright wouldn't rear its ugly head and ruin this moment.
>Why oh why couldn't this have been a smaller, quieter wedding?! Sweat formed above your brow and slowly dripped downwards.
>Keep it together Anon! KEEP. IT. TOGETHER. For Fluttershy's sake, KEEP IT TOGETHER YOU STUPID FOOL!
>You took a deep breath and tried to relax, but your frazzled nerves would not submit so easily.
>'Is Fluttershy just as nervous?' You thought to yourself.
>You looked at your blushing fiance and silently begged her for some kind of help before you had a nervous breakdown in front of the entire town.
>She smiled warmly and slowly trotted closer towards you, almost as if she knew just what to do.
>The gentle pegasus could pacify a rampaging dragon with a smile like that!
>"Do you have the rings, Anon?" The mayor asked calmly.
>You spun around and beckoned to Spike. The dragon looked like he was in another world, much to your dismay.
"Psst! Spiiiiiike! That's your cue!"
>Spike saw your panicked face and quickly collected himself.
>"Oh right! My bad!"
>The young doofus practically tripped over himself as he presented the rings.
>"Do you Anon, take Fluttershy to be your lawfully wedded wife? To keep her in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"
>Mayor Mare's question snapped you back into reality. You looked around and realized everypony was eagerly awaiting your answer.
>You take a deep breath, look into Fluttershy's eyes, and carefully placed her ring around her neck.
"I do."
>Your wife's face lit up like a Christmas tree, as though your words were the most important thing in the world to her.
>"And do you Fluttershy, take Anon to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"
>Wow! With a vow like that, you'd think the MAYOR was the one getting married!
>You watched in silence as Fluttershy reached for the remaining ring and tenderly placed it around your neck.
>With the job done, she slowly stepped back and smiled at you.
>"I do!" She happily exclaimed.
>You smiled harder than you've ever smiled before. If this was a dream, you truly hoped to NEVER wake up from it.
>"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife!" She looked at you and motioned a hoof towards Fluttershy. "You may kiss the bride!"
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I've had this written for days. Mostly.
Continuing: https://ponepaste.org/10464
More misadventures
>Dewey Fore leads you down back alleys
>You can't help but feel a bit nervous, but she's both sweet and insistent
>These are not places you would go as human, but things are different now. Getting better even.
"So, the cult leader is an aerospace engineer who dabbled in magic. The apartment was built around a town house, and there are Scooby Doo secret entrances to it."
>Your forehoof held close to Dewey's barrel is proof enough of that.
>"You said this was a horror film?"
>A six-legged pony, the two of you are
"Yeah, the cult leader kills people with tools. It's called Toolbox Murders."
>You dodge dumpsters and old couches, hoof in hoof as you trot
"...not to be confused with The Toolbox Murders, which is an entirely different film about a masked maniac who kills people with tools. Never saw that one, but it didn't get good reviews either. Anyways..."
>Dewey tells you about work at the library, about times good and bad. You listen intently.
>Your focus is intense enough that you don't notice the stallion from the ticket counter until you're right in front of him.
>He says it with a neutral tone, with possible slight affection present.
>He practically spits the word out on the pavement, and you can practically see it wriggle away like a blood worm.
>"Paper Punch. What a surprise to see you here. Skipping work?"
>"Took my break."
>He puts one forehoof in the other, then cracks a joint. It makes an unsettlingly loud 'pop'.
>"See, Orwell;"
>Another worm is wriggling on the street.
>"Dewey and I go back. Way back. We were... best friends once."
>Dewey rolls her eyes.
>"We were assigned group project work together. You made a joke. I laughed. We ate together a few more times during project work, then never again."
>"You blew me off."
>"I thought you were setting me up! You were on the hoofball team. You could've had any mare you wanted, why pick the bookworm if not to humiliate her?"
>She squeezes you
>"Besides... Wind Chill was an experiment. You weren't even that. Get over it."
>He sighs
>Then charges you, ramming his skull into your side, sending you tumbling to the ground.
>It hurts like hell.
>Your saddlebags skid across the ground, the notebook coming out and resting beside them
>Paper picks it up, Dewey pleads him with her eyes not to do anything as she comes to your aid
>"Wonder what's in here."
>He opens it up to the first draft of Mares With Guns. It's probably do for a rewrite.
>"Paper. Hm, what's my name?"
>He looks at you quizzically and you take a chance to pounce at the book, but he knocks you out of the air with a heavy punch.
>Kick? You're all legs. It's with a foreleg.
>You're bleeding from the muzzle now, things are starting to get kinda numb.
>The sort of numb you get after you fall and get a nasty bruise you know you'll feel the next day
>and a bit blurry
>In any case, why did you think that would be enough to distract him? Are you retarded?
>He steps over you, and you're worried for a second that he might just curbstomp you until there are no more brains left in your skull.
>But instead, he does something about as bad.
>The holepunch he used to punch your date tickets is removed from the vest he's wearing, and he starts to punch little holes out of your pages.
>A white-hot shot of panic shoots through your veins, but it's nowhere near as bad as the bells that start to ring all around you.
>The air temperature drops a solid 5 degrees and you feel your ears pop
>Dread, dread like liquid speed.
>Dread like learning you left the book with Dewey.
>and the worst part? You're not even sure what its source is.
>The world crumples in on itself like a powerpoint slide transition.
>"Orwell! Orwell!"
>You open your left eye
>Ouwch, swollen. Bit of blood.
>You open the right one, it's okay but still blurry.
>Punch must've done a number on your face.
>You still feel that dread.
>"You were out for a while, we're not in the alley anymore. Any idea where this is?"
>It's sandy, hot, and dry.
>Before you sits a wheel. Stamped metal print is welded to it.
>You read a few pie sections, none bode well.
>A scythe, sans handle, sits at the edge of the wheel.
>Paper Punch is bound and gagged in the sand nearby, a rag serves as a blindfold.
>The book...
>It's never acted before without your input
"Except for earlier, when it transported itself into my bags... it was trying to protect me. It knew something would happen."
>Dewey looks at you nervously.
>"Don't kill him. Please."
"I've no intent to, I just don't want to see him again."
>You think intently about him being expelled from the book. Just in case, you think about a temporary mental block that prevents him from seeing you, Dewey, or the book.
>You're unsure if the block will work, but it's worth a shot?
>Your heart beats like an amen break.
"Isn't listening to me..."
>Your voice is barely above a whisper as you watch the grains of sand shift in the wind
>An antlion crawls out of its conical hole.
>It begins to travel across the sand, making the signature winding lines for which it gets its colloquial name
>After about a minute of its doodling, you're able to put together the cursive
>'He is free to leave if he remains."
>You look at the wheel.
>Beyond Thunderdome.
"This isn't fair. The terms weren't clearly outlined beforehand."
>The antlion pauses, looks at you with those tiny black eyes, and then continues its sandscript.
>'Neither were they in your film.'
>Dewey interjects
>"I should do it. You don't need the mental baggage of killing him. He... wasn't that close to me, but now that you know we have history, it'll weigh on you."
"No, I should do it. You don't need that either. I'm already messed up in the head and in the mental health system, I'll take the fall."
>Paper Punch is sobbing and whimpering softly through the gag. The blindfold is soaked
>Before she can debate you further, you reach out and spin the wheel hard with your left forehoof
>Firing squad
>Deadly poison
>Lethal injection
>Jet turbine
>Explosive decompression
>Blunt force trauma
>"It's slowing."
"I'm sorry"
>"One of us had to do it."
>It stops.
>You read the board
>New beginnings.
>The binds all vanish.
>Paper Punch screams in agony as a hose materializes and hooks itself to his brain stem with hundreds of needlelike steel teeth.
>Something clear is pumping
>He shrinks to half your size
>Something that looks like a hydraulic press attached to a lathe whirrs as the screams increase in intensity. At some point you can tell that something has changed fundamentally from the sound, but you tore away your eyes shortly after his pelvis was liquified.
>The three of you are spat back out onto the street. There's no sign of holepunching in the notebook. You shakily pick it up off the street and neatly pack it back in your saddlebags.
>There is no protest.
>Dewey holds you together.
>Paper Punch is a filly now. How? Why? Who knows. She has no memories.
>As in none at all. She has the walking and breathing down, but that's instinct
>You're utterly useless, you might as well be a second Paper Punch with how Dewey has to lead you in a daze. Through streets, around corners. Into the orphanage. Sit in the waiting area Orwell? Okay, not like you're able to help her.
>After about a half hour she emerges from the depths of the cavernous building and leads you by the hoof down more streets. Okay, Dewey. Yes, Dewey. Yes you've got everything.
>Dewey takes you back to her house (wow)
>You'd be so flattered and excited if you could feel anything, after she starts cleaning you up in the tub a single sob comes out and bursts the dam
>As Dewey scrubs the street grime off of you and bandages you alternate between laughing and crying. Both are ugly-sounding.
>You did bad today, you should've been stronger. Should've stopped him before any of that happened.
>You're horrible, Dewey is...
>You're not sure you'll get a second date.
>You don't deserve her, but unfortunately you think you need her.
>If she dumps you, suicide is still an option. Somehow.
>You'll figure out a way to make it work. Avoid the book this time. Do it standard.
>Bridge, maybe.
>You're on the couch now, Dewey checking you. She's so concerned, you're bad. You haven't asked her how she's doing yet.
"H-how are you doing..."
>"Shhh, shhhh..."
>Well, that's that then.
>You tried to be comforting but you just came across as pathetic, and you don't know if she's okay or not
>You moron, of course she's not okay. She was right there with you.
>and you broke, she didn't. You... she...
>"Orwell, you've got a scar on your neck."
"C-cardboard cutouts."
>"Why didn't it fully heal?"
>You slump over the dinner plate
"Guess I didn't want it to."
>You're actually carried to bed. Dewey has the earthpony strength you lack.
>Under covers, held close to her soft belly, you sob and sob. Eventually your reserves run dry and you slip unceremoniously into fretful dreaming
>You're almost cognizant through breakfast, the dehydration headache fades with a bit of orange juice.
>Last night, you dreamt that Dewey was who you were deciding the fate of
>It landed on immolation.
>Your accomplice has been feeding you a scrambled egg sandwich
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
>She's silent for a minute. You take another bite.
>A sigh comes from next to you, out of your view.
>"It... wasn't what I expected. We'll both get over it in time. He wasn't a good pony, okay Orwell? You have to remember that."
>She grabs your face in her forehooves, smooshing your cheeks as you lock eyes with her
>"You need to tell me though, is there any time before today where something went awry like that with the notebook? I'm open to it, but I need to know all the risks."
>You nod.
"Once. It was in Moth on the Bulb. The ending... I-"
>You cut yourself off to take a few deep breaths
"The ending was initially bittersweet instead of just bitter. Dead Drop's body is carried to Venus and she is made into an angel. She still dies, but she comes back to help her own kind."
>You breathe in shakily
"After I penned it, I got up to make lunch. By the time I had finished my daisy sandwich, the ending was out of my hooves. I tried to use whiteout, it..."
>You and Dewey get distracted for a bit talking about hydrophobic surfaces and before you continue
"My pen wouldn't mark either, obviously. Then I tried to tear out the last page..."
>It screamed at you.
>You could feel its pain, you cried and cried, apologized over and over again.
>To a book. You've lost your fucking mind, mudpony.
>"So you left it."
"I left it in there, what else was I to do?"
>You were starting to feel the tiniest bit better until her next words.
>"There's no such story in your notebook."
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here's a little niche autism i wish i was one of celestia's students
I want to turn into Pinkie Pie!
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thank u eris
What if you turned into rarity?
Will you continue the story? I do enjoy the idea of an Anon having to deal with the pressures and responsibilities of being an alicorn, especially if he's the kind of guy who shuns attention and responsiblity.
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I don't know, I already mostly do sewing. I mean I used to do IT but it was so soul-crushing I fell out. Also instead of being a chronically lonely 8/10 guy with a cat I'd become a chronically lonely 8/10 mare with a cat. Based.
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>You don't know how this keeps happening.
>When you close your eyes for a moment it's typically fine. Your eyelids close, your vision is dark, then they open again. Everything is normal.
>But when you let that darkness linger, when you let yourself drift off into it, you open them to warm rays of sunshine shining through the windows of a cozy woodland cottage and a flowing pink mane.
>Usually it's when you sleep, but you've started coming here during the day aswell.
>You aren't sure if it's the calmness of this world once you get over that it turns you into a yellow mare named Fluttershy, or that it's starting to feel just as much your home as Earth.
>"Come on Angel, you've already had lunch. Remember what happened when I forgot to lock the pantry when I went to the gala?"
>The angry rabbit shivers as he remembers you coming back to find a rabbit shaped ball sleeping in the middle of the living room. It took weeks of stare fueled coaching to get him back into shape.
>He wants no repeat so he stops his tapping and hops off into the garden, trying to escape the terrifying taskmistress you turned into when your bunny was in such a bad shape.
>You can't help it, you laugh, but it's not loud and derisive. It's quiet and melodious, like the laughter of a mother.
>You suppose it doesn't matter. Whatever the reason is you've taken a liking to coming back here and becoming Fluttershy.
>You hang out with some truly wonderful friends, you take care of and treat a bunch of adorable animals who in turn are happy to help around the shelter.
>You even get to fly!
>When you came here you were scared and barely even spoke with Fluttershy's friends, but with time your personality from earth bled over and you've become much more outgoing as your pony self. Something that your friends noticed.
>Rarity was especially ecstatic when she saw the change in you, and it's lead to the two of you doing a lot of stuff together. Spa days, modelling for her, even short trips to Manehattan.
>You blush. That last Manehattan trip wasn't without its hiccups, namely the stallions you met. You worry about how good it felt when those two brothers offered to help carry your baggages.
>Rarity's teasing didn't help, bringing back the helpless loss of words that often overtook you on your first visits to Equestria.
>You were afraid to come back after that day, but now there's a part of you that's looking forward to Rarity's next invitation and hoping that it arrives sooner rather than later.
>The loud meow distracts you and you zoom out of the window, not noticing that your tail had hiked up while you were reminiscing.
>"Mr.Stripes! What's wrong?"
>"Oh dear. Don't worry, just let me get the first aid kit."
Serious question. Why does everyone here want to be a mare and have stallions hit on/date/marry them?
It's part of the mare experience, but if it's not for you, you can have a version of the greentext without it.
>You don't know how this keeps happening.
>When you close your eyes for a moment it's typically fine. Your eyelids close, your vision is dark, then they open again. Everything is normal.
>But when you let that darkness linger, when you let yourself drift off into it, you open them to warm rays of sunshine shining through the windows of a cozy woodland cottage and a flowing pink mane.
>Usually it's when you sleep, but you've started coming here during the day aswell.
>You aren't sure if it's the calmness of this world once you get over that it turns you into a yellow mare named Fluttershy, or that it's starting to feel just as much your home as Earth.
>"Come on Angel, you've already had lunch. Remember what happened when I forgot to lock the pantry when I went to the gala?"
>The angry rabbit shivers as he remembers you coming back to find a rabbit shaped ball sleeping in the middle of the living room. It took weeks of stare fueled coaching to get him back into shape.
>He wants no repeat so he stops his tapping and hops off into the garden, trying to escape the terrifying taskmistress you turned into when your bunny was in such a bad shape.
>You can't help it, you laugh, but it's not loud and derisive. It's quiet and melodious, like the laughter of a mother.
>You suppose it doesn't matter. Whatever the reason is you've taken a liking to coming back here and becoming Fluttershy.
>You hang out with some truly wonderful friends, you take care of and treat a bunch of adorable animals who in turn are happy to help around the shelter.
>You even get to fly!
>When you came here you were scared and barely even spoke with Fluttershy's friends, but with time your personality from earth bled over and you've become much more outgoing as your pony self. Something that your friends noticed.
>Rarity was especially ecstatic when she saw the change in you, and it's lead to the two of you doing a lot of stuff together. Spa days, modelling for her, even short trips to Manehattan.
>You were afraid to come back at first and reciprocate Rarity's friendship. You were afraid that it would somehow trap you there, but now you find yourself missing her when you're on earth.
>Word's cannot express how much you value her friendship, or that of the rest of the girls.
>You can't wait for your next outing!
>The loud meow distracts you and you zoom out of the window, your heart beating.
>"Mr.Stripes! What's wrong?"
>"Oh dear. Don't worry, just let me get the first aid kit."
Oh, I don't mind it at all, I was just curious. It's just a really common trope
I think it's because of the power and significance of the change it symbolizes. Not only a change in species, but something powerful enough that fully changes the gender and orientation too. Just going all in with becoming completely different and more 'not-you'.
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Why wouldn't I want a loving husband?
Get fillied, arsehole.
Because you are
What would you like her to teach you?
males sometimes want loving husbands
proof or gtfo
Cute fantasy
But I want to be a
Now that I think about it it's actually more pure in some way. Your snowpity would probably be massive.
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That's why I don't marry a guy IRL. It'd be pretty gross. But if I was a girl, suddenly having a husband becomes the best possible thing.
I know for a fact that I could be the best possible wife ever. And being in a relationship with a boy would be much better than one with a girl. The only thing getting in the way of that is the penis.
Damn. This is pretty sad, like genuinely. Impossible love and all that. I want to give you a hug now anon. There's some handsome stallion waiting for you in Equestria, I am sure.
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>Woah dude, I woke up and the next thing I knew I was a horse
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Thanks. But my life really isn't that bad. Being single really isn't the worst thing in the world. It's sorta like the middle between having a bad relationship and a good one. But yeah, unless VR gets a lot better or something I will be stuck just fantasizing about my ideal relationship.
Write one for Rarity. I want to be her please
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I don't have the inspiration to write Rarity.
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You stand in the clearing, your hooves sinking slightly into the soft grass, the familiar smells of Equestria filling your nostrils. The sun is just beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of pink and gold. Your chest tightens as you look at the figure standing before you, the one delivering the life-altering news.

"Good news," Celestia says, her voice steady and emotionless. "After ten long years of you being stuck here in Equestria and as a stallion, I finally found a way to change you back into a human and send you back to Earth."

Your ears flick forward, your eyes widening. You blink, processing the words. It was what you’d wished for when you first found yourself in this strange, magical land. To be human again. To return to the world you once knew. But now? Your thoughts immediately turn to your wife and foals,the life you’ve built here, the bonds you’ve forged. The life you… love.

Celestia continues, her tone hardening. "I’ve already informed your wife and your foals that you were going back. They… they are all sad that you’re leaving, but I made them understand that it’s what is best for you, to be reunited with your old friends and family."

You open your mouth, but no words come out. Your mind is a whirlwind of emotions, your heart pounding. You imagine the look on your wife’s face, the tears in her eyes. Your foals, confused and crying, because their father was abandoning them. How could you leave them?

"What’s that?" Celestia asks, noticing the growing turmoil in your expression. "You don’t want to go back?"

You shake your head furiously, your voice finally breaking through. "No! I don’t want to go back! I can’t… I can’t leave them!

Celestia's eyes narrow, she looks down, almost smugly, before speaking again. "I’m sorry, but I’ve already started the spell. I can not stop it. Any second now, you’ll be teleported back to your old home."
"No! Please!" Your voice cracks as you lunge forward, but an unseen force holds you back. Tears stream down your face as you struggle against the inevitable. "You don’t understand! They’re my family! They need me! I need them!"

Celestia's expression doesn't change. "Please stop crying and don’t worry. I will make sure your family is looked after and cared for. They will be loved, and they will remember you. Always."

The air around you begins to shimmer, the telltale sign of powerful magic taking hold. The ground beneath your hooves seems to dissolve into a swirl of light.

"No… please…" you whisper, your voice barely audible over the hum of the spell.

Celestia takes a step back, her voice hardening slightly more. "Goodbye. It has been fun, and we will always remember you."

The light grows blinding, enveloping you entirely. Your tears float weightlessly in the magical glow as your form begins to fade. In your final moments in Equestria, you scream, a cry of desperation that echoes through the clearing. And then… you are gone. Celestia's smug expression falters, replaced by a sorrowful gaze. As she turns to walk away, she murmurs to herself, "If I can't have you, then no one will."

In the distance, a mare holds her crying foals close, her eyes fixed on the fading light, silent tears streaming down her face. "Goodbye my love" she quietly whispers to herself.

You’re back in Equestria.

The bright sun warms your fur, and the wind carries the sweet scent of wildflowers. You hear laughter, light and joyous. Turning your head, you see them. Your mare, her eyes sparkling like they always did when she was happy, she lies beneath a great oak tree. Waving to you, her hoof patting the ground beside her beckoning you to join. Your foals are close by, chasing each other in dizzy circles, their giggles filling the air.

You walk toward them, your hooves pressing into the soft grass. You can feel the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the breeze, the earth beneath your hooves. Laying beside your wife, you plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. Your foals notice you, they come galloping over, your colt leaping onto your back with a squeal of delight while your little filly nestles against your side. Your wife leans into you, her soft fur brushing against yours. You feel whole. complete.

But then, the warm light fades into an oppressive twilight. The laughter ceases, replaced by an unsettling silence. you call out to them, but your voice feels muffled, as if it can’t pierce the air. They’re still there, but they’re slipping away from you, fading into shadows.

“No!” you cry, running after them. Your legs feel heavy and sluggish. The harder you try to reach them, the further away they seem to get.

And then, just before they vanish entirely, you hear her voice, your wife’s voice, soft but clear.

“Don’t give up, Anon. We’re still here. We’ll always be here.”

You wake with a jolt, your breath ragged and your heart pounding. The faint light of morning seeps through the blinds of your small apartment. You rub your face with your hands, human hands. For a moment, you sit there, staring at the wall, letting the remnants of the dream wash over you.

Her words echo in your mind. 'We’ll always be here.'

You don’t know if it was just your subconscious trying to comfort you, or if somehow, it was truly her. But for the first time in a long while, you feel a flicker of something you’d almost forgotten.


It had been a year since you were ripped away from your life in Equestria.

A year since you lost everything.

You thought of your wife often, her beautiful eyes brimming with warmth and her smile that could light up even the darkest days. You remembered the softness of her fur as she nuzzled against you, her laugh ringing in your ears like a melody you could never forget. And your children, your little colt and filly. They’d been your joy, your purpose, your everything. The way they used to follow you around the house, riding on your back, giggling uncontrollably as they held on tight. You could still see their wide eyes lighting up whenever you snuck them candy or cookies before dinner, sharing those small, sweet secrets that only a father and his foals could understand.

God, you missed them.

Every day, their absence gnawed at you. You missed the way your filly’s laughter filled the mornings as she tried to braid your mane with flowers, or the way your colt always begged for bedtime stories, his wide eyes full of wonder. Even the quiet moments, like sitting by the fire with your mare as the foals drifted off to sleep, felt like gaping wounds in your heart. Without them, the silence was unbearable. The memories you clung to with all your might felt like both a blessing and a curse. They brought you comfort, but they also tore you apart. The ache in your chest was constant, a hollow pain that refused to fade. You wondered if they thought of you too.

Your life here, back in the human world, was a pale imitation of what it had been. Equestria was vibrant, alive, bursting with love and color and magic. Here? Here everything was gray, lifeless, monotonous. The air was heavy, the world cold and indifferent. There were no warm smiles to greet you, no playful laughter echoing through your days. Just the mechanical hum of the city and the sterile flicker of fluorescent lights overhead.

You glanced down at your cheap digital watch. 12:04 AM. Five hours until your shift. You sighed, your shoulders sagging under the weight of it all.

Your hands caught your eye, and you stared at them as if they didn’t belong to you. They felt so alien. After ten years as a stallion, these hands felt wrong. You missed your hooves, the strength they gave you, the way they connected you to the earth. You missed the heightened senses, the speed, the raw energy that coursed through your equine body. And the magic, that warm, thrumming force that made you feel alive in ways you never knew possible.

Now, you felt fragile. Hollow. Human.
With heavy steps, you walked into your cramped bedroom, the dim light casting long shadows on the peeling wallpaper. Picking up your phone from the nightstand, you saw the notifications waiting for you. 1 missed call from Mom,1 new message from Mom.

Your thumb hovered over the screen for a moment before you opened the message. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to call them. You loved your parents, but every conversation felt like an uphill battle, trying to bridge the gap between their reality and yours. How could they ever understand what you’d lost? The guilt of worrying them weighed on you, but so did the pain of their disbelief. It was easier to keep your distance, even though it broke your heart. You open the text and begin reading.

"Anon, your father and I are both worried about you. We don’t think you’re crazy, please don’t ever think that. You will always be our son, and we love you very much. But we’re scared, Anon. You’ve been through so much, and we’re worried you might be carrying more than you can handle alone. Maybe it would help to talk to someone, a professional. Just to help you work through everything. Please call us when you can. We just want to hear your voice and make sure you’re okay."

The words blurred as tears pricked your eyes. You closed the message and set the phone back down with a sigh.

Your parents had been overjoyed when you returned to the human world. They’d spent a decade grieving your disappearance, never knowing what happened to you or if you were even alive. To them, your return was nothing short of a miracle. But to you? Not so much.

You hadn’t told anyone about Equestria. How could you? When you came back, you lied, claiming you couldn’t remember the ten years you’d been gone. You doubt anyone believed you, but you didn't care. The media frenzy surrounding your return was short-lived, and eventually, people stopped asking questions.

But one night, the weight of it all became too much to bear. You told your parents everything, about the magical land of Equestria, the ponies who had become your family, and the life you’d built there. You told them about the princesses who moved the sun and moon, about your transformation into a stallion, and about your mare and foals. You even told them how much you wished they could meet them.

Their expressions haunted you. They tried to hide it, but you could see the doubt in their eyes, the disbelief. They thought you were insane. And honestly, who could blame them?
The next day, you left. You found a shitty apartment in the city and took a soul crushing job just to survive. Your parents were heartbroken, begging you to stay, but you couldn’t. Being around them, seeing their doubt, their pity, it was too much.

There were nights when the darkness inside you felt unbearable. Nights when you thought about ending it all. A single bullet, quick and painless. It would be so easy. But you couldn’t do that to them. Not to your mare, not to your foals, and not to your parents, no matter what they believed. You owed them more than that.

The bed creaked beneath your weight as you lay down, the cheap springs groaning in protest. You stared at the ceiling, praying that tonight would be one of those rare nights where sleep came without nightmares.

And as the world around you faded into darkness, you clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, you’d dream of Equestria again. Of her, Of them. Of the life you once had.

Of the life you might one day find a way back to.

You stand in the clearing with your family by your side, your hooves sinking slightly into the soft grass. The familiar scents of Equestria fill your nostrils. Above, the sky burns with vibrant hues of pink and gold as the sun dips below the horizon. Despite the beauty surrounding you, your chest tightens painfully, your heart pounding as you look at the figure standing before you.

Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria and your longtime friend, looms tall and regal, her serene form betraying nothing of what she’s about to say.

“Good news,” Celestia begins, her voice calm, steady, and devoid of emotion. “After ten long years of you being stuck here in Equestria and as a stallion, I have finally found a way to change you back into a human and send you back to Earth.”

Your mind reels, and your heart sinks as the weight of her words settles over you. Your gaze drifts down to your mare, your wife, standing beside you. Her warm presence gives you a sense of comfort. And then there are your foals, clutching tightly at your legs, their wide, tearful eyes looking up at you.

“Princess Celestia, I can’t go back!” you blurt, your voice thick with panic. “You know I gave up on wanting to return to Earth the day I fell in love with my wife. My life is here now, with my family.”

Celestia’s eyes narrow, and her head tilts slightly, studying you and your family as if you were strangers. When she speaks again, her voice is edged with an unusual coldness.

“I’m sorry, Anonymous,” she says, her tone unwavering. “But I’ve already started the spell. Any second now, you’ll be teleported back to your old home.”

The world feels like it’s crumbling beneath your hooves. Your wife stiffens beside you, her eyes wide with fear.

“No, please!” she cries out, her voice cracking with emotion. “You can’t do this to us! We need him! He needs us!”

Your foals begin to sob, their small hooves clutching tightly to you, their voices overlapping in heartbreaking pleas for Celestia to stop, to not take their father away from them.

Something shifts in Celestia’s expression. Her regal calm shatters, replaced by an unsettling rage. Her radiant mane and tail erupt into blazing flames.

“YOU DARE TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN’T DO?” Celestia’s voice booms across the clearing, shaking the very ground beneath you. Her transformation is terrifying. Her normally gentle features twist into something monstrous, her teeth elongating into sharp, predatory fangs.

You instinctively push your foals behind you, shielding them with your body as your wife moves closer, trembling but protective.

“Celestia, why are you doing this?” you shout, your voice trembling with anger and confusion. “I thought we were friends!”
Celestia’s burning mane flares brighter as she teleports directly in front of you. Her fanged mouth curls into a snarl.

“Friends?” she hisses, her voice dripping with venom. “FRIENDS? WE WERE MEANT TO BE SO MUCH MORE THAN FRIENDS, ANONYMOUS!”

She rears up on her hind legs and slams her forehooves into the ground with such force that a ring of flames bursts around you and your family. The fire grows quickly, surrounding you in an inferno of heat and light, forcing you all to huddle together.

The flames get closer. The acrid smell of burning vegetation stings your nostrils, and waves of blistering heat press against your coat, threatening to overwhelm you. Yet through it all, your focus remains on your family. You wrap yourself around them, shielding your wife and foals from the flames as best as you can.

“Please, Celestia!” you beg, your voice cracking. “Don’t do this! Let them go! They’ve done nothing to you!”

“It’s too late, Anonymous,” Celestia says, her voice eerily calm now. Her eyes have transformed, glowing a deep, menacing red with black slitted pupils like a predator’s. “There is no coming back from this.”

She begins to charge her horn, the golden glow of her magic tainted with streaks of black. The sight of it makes your heart freeze.

“You should have just gone home, Anonymous,” she says in an emotionless voice, as if delivering a sentence to a prisoner.

You meet her gaze, your heart shattering under the weight of what’s to come. “Celestia, I’m sorry,” you whisper, tears streaming down your face.

Her expression doesn’t change. “Goodbye, Anonymous,” she says, her voice devoid of any feelings. “It has been fun, and I will always remember you.”

With that, she tilts her horn down, aiming it directly at you and your family.

“No… please…” you plead quietly, your voice a broken whisper.

The spell releases, and a blinding light shoots through the clearing.

Bracing yourself for the end, you close your eyes and wait for the fire to wash over you, but it never comes.
You slowly open your eyes...

Darkness. You are surrounded by an endless expanse of darkness. No light, no sound. It feels as though you are suspended in a void, with no sense of up or down. The air is still and cold, yet oddly comforting. You become aware of a faint, almost imperceptible hum. It seems to pulse around you, as if the void itself is alive, observing you in silence.

Celestia is gone. You look down to find your hooves missing, replaced by hands. Your family is gone, and you are human again.

Another nightmare.

But... something feels different. Usually, you would have woken up by now, shooting upright in your bed, heart pounding. Instead, you feel almost relaxed and calm, as though the void is cradling you.

"Anonymous," a quiet, feminine voice calls out from the darkness.

Your breath catches. You sit up, glancing around from your crouched position. There is nothing, no shapes or figures, just the infinite black. Yet, there is an odd sensation, as if the darkness itself is rippling, gently shifting in response to the voice.

You stand. "Hello?" your voice trembles as it echoes back to you. The echo carries longer than it should, as though the void is reluctant to release the sound.

"I’ve been looking for you for a long time, Anonymous," the voice says again, now directly behind you.

Startled, you whirl around, a yell escaping your lips. "Ahhhh!"

Your eyes fall upon the figure before you. It isn’t a person. It’s a pony. A pony you recognize.

She stands tall, though not as imposing as she once seemed when you were a stallion. Now, her head comes up to about your chest. Her deep blue coat shimmers faintly, and her mane flows ethereally, sparkling like the starry night sky. The edges of her mane seem to dissolve into the darkness, as if it is part of this dreamscape itself. Her deep blue eyes meet yours, warm and knowing.

She smiles gently. "Yes, it is you, Anonymous. I recognize your eyes."

"Luna?" you whisper, your voice catching in your throat. "Is... is it really you? Or am I still dreaming?"

Tears begin to well up in your eyes as you speak.

Her smile softens, and she nods. "Yes, it’s me, Anonymous."

The tears spill over. Overwhelmed, you fall to your knees, your head bowed as sobs wrack your body. Relief, sorrow, and longing all surge within you, too powerful to contain.

You hear the soft sound of hooves approaching. A moment later, you feel Luna’s feathery wings wrap around you, pulling you into a tender embrace. The faint hum in the air grows warmer, resonating with the soothing rhythm of her presence.

You want to speak, to ask her all the many questions racing through your mind, but the words catch in your throat. All you can do is lift your arms and wrap them around her neck, holding her close as the tears flow freely.

Luna nuzzles you gently, her touch soothing.
"I’m so glad I finally found you, Anonymous," she murmurs softly. "And I know three little ponies who will be overjoyed when they hear the news."

You cry into her neck, the flood of emotions leaving you unable to do anything else. You don’t know how long you stay like this, but you hold her tightly.

Finally, you manage to choke out the words. "I’m ready to go home. Please, take me back! I need to see them again!"

Luna’s wings tighten around you for a moment, and you lose yourself in the warmth and comfort of her embrace. You’re not sure how long you stay like this, time seems to lose all meaning in the dreamscape. But as the overwhelming rush of emotions begins to settle, you feel yourself calming.

Eventually, You let go of her and she pulls back, looking into your eyes with a tender expression. "I will, Anonymous. I promise."

Wiping at your tear-streaked face. She steps back as well, her gaze still locked on yours. Her expression grows slightly somber.

"The spell will take time to prepare, Anonymous," she says gently, her tone steady and reassuring.

A sinking feeling settles in your chest. Dread takes hold, but you have to know. You force the words out, barely above a whisper. "How long?"

Luna offers you a small, hopeful smile. "I don’t know how long, Anonymous," she admits gently, her voice tinged with both uncertainty and determination. "But finding you was the hard part. I have hope it won’t take too long."

"You don’t know?" you repeat, standing to your full height, a flicker of unease stirring within you. The tears have stopped, though your face is still damp as you wipe away the wetness from your face.
"Not yet," she confirms. "Now that I’ve found you, we can begin figuring out how to cast the spell. It’s a complicated process and requires an immense amount of magic to cast. I’m not certain how long it will take, but finding you was the most difficult part. I have hope it won’t be too long."

Her gaze doesn’t waver, the determination in her eyes giving you a fragile but vital thread of reassurance. "Once the spell is ready, I will come to your world. From there, I will open a portal that will bring us both back to Equestria." She sighs softly before continuing. "I am sorry I cannot give you an estimated time for when we will be ready. This spell my sister created is unlike anything I have ever seen. It defies so much of what I know about magic. Honestly, I almost feel like it should be impossible to cast, and I was always better at magic than Celestia was," Luna adds, her expression distant and thoughtful.

Hearing that name again stirs something angry and bitter within you. "Celestia," you say through gritted teeth. Luna notices the change in your tone immediately. She looks away, her ears flattening, a look of deep sadness and regret clouding her face.

Your gaze remains fixed on her as you step closer, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and desperation. "Why? Why did she do this to me?" You stop, forcing yourself to wrestle down the surge of emotion threatening to overtake you. "Why did she tear me away from my family?" The words hang in the air, heavy with anguish. Another thought claws its way to the forefront of your mind, sending a shiver down your spine. What if Celestia doesn’t know Luna is trying to bring you back? What if she sees it as a betrayal? Swallowing hard, you voice your fear. "Do... do I still need to be worried about her when I return?"

Luna looks back at you, her expression deeply pained. "You do not need to worry about her, Anonymous," she says softly. Her voice drops to a whisper as she continues. "She... my sister is no longer a threat to you." She hesitates, the weight of what she’s about to say clearly burdening her. Seeing the sorrow on her face makes your anger begin to fade, replaced by a gnawing unease. Something terrible must have happened between them after your exile.

"Why did she do it, Luna?" you ask again, your voice quieter this time, tinged with confusion and hurt. Tears well in Luna’s eyes.

"She loved you, Anonymous," she finally says, her voice trembling.
The words hit you like a blow, and you take a small step back, staring at her in disbelief. "What?" you breathe, struggling to process what you’ve just heard.

Luna wipes her eyes, though the tears keep coming. "When your wife told me what Celestia had done to you, I confronted her. I could hardly believe it myself, my sister doing something so cruel." Her voice wavers, and she pauses to steady herself before continuing. "But she told me everything. You were her first real friend in a very, very long time. She cherished your humor, your kindness, and the time she spent with you while trying to find a way to send you back home. She told me her heart broke when she realized she loved you, truly loved you, but it was already too late. You were married and starting a family."

Luna looks away again, her voice quiet and strained. "She tried to move on, but she couldn’t. The jealousy consumed her. The greatest weakness for us alicorns is our susceptibility to jealousy and the longing for love we cannot have. It’s a flaw I know all too well," she admits sadly.

Your mind races, replaying memories of Celestia. She was your second friend in Equestria, after your wife. She had always been kind and patient, helping you adjust to your new life and offering support when things were difficult. You remember the day you told her you intended to stay in Equestria, to marry the mare you loved. She had seemed so genuinely happy for you. Now, the revelation of her true feelings leaves you reeling.

Luna continues, her voice heavy with a mix of anger and sorrow. "I believe she knows what she did was wrong. I just wish she had stayed, to help us find a way to bring you back."

You blink in surprise at her words. "She left?" you ask, disbelief coloring your voice. "Where did she go?"

Luna sighs deeply, her eyes closing for a moment as if to steady herself. "I do not know, Anonymous," she admits, her tone carrying the weight of disappointment. "I tried searching for her in the dream realm, but she has somehow learned to block me from her dreams."

A pang of guilt twists in your chest as you see the sadness etched into Luna’s expression. You know how deeply Celestia means to her, how much she loves her sister despite everything. "I’m sorry, Luna," you say softly.

Luna’s lips curve into a small, bittersweet smile as she looks back at you. "Do not apologize, dear Anonymous. None of this is your fault. It is I who should be apologizing to you."
You smile warmly at her. "Thank you, Luna. You don’t need to apologize to me. I’m just so grateful you found me. Knowing I’ll be going home to my family... I can’t describe how much that means. I’ve missed them more than I can say." "And they miss you too, Anonymous," Luna says gently. Her words bring a small smile to your face.

Her horn glows for a brief moment, and then a small picture magically materializes in front of you. You blink in surprise as she holds it before you. "Take it," she says softly.

You reach out, taking the picture with trembling hands. As your eyes focus on the image, your breath catches. It’s a photo of you as a stallion with your family. You’re all sitting together, smiling at the camera. Your wife leans against you with a small, happy smile, your forelegs wrapped around your foals, they sit in front of you, their faces lit with big, toothy grins. Tears of joy well up in your eyes as you gently brush your fingers over the image, wishing you could reach out and touch them for real. It’s been a year since you last saw them.

The photo sparks a cascade of memories. Your foals running through the fields, their laughter ringing out in the warm sunlight. Your wife’s soft laughter as you tried, and failed, to bake a cake for her birthday. The way she would lean her head against you during quiet moments by the fire. Every cherished moment you thought you’d lost forever rushes back, flooding your heart with joy so overwhelming it aches.

"Luna... thank you for this," you whisper, your voice thick with emotion.

She gives you a warm, happy smile. "You’re welcome, Anonymous."

You look up at her, clutching the photo tightly. "Luna, can you give them a message from me?" you ask.

"Of course," she replies without hesitation.

You take a deep breath, steadying yourself as your heart swells with emotion. Your voice is firm yet trembling with longing as you begin. "Tell them that I love them, that I miss them with every fiber of my being, that I can't wait to get home, and to hold them close again."

Luna nods solemnly. "I shall relay your message when I return to the waking world."

She steps closer, wrapping a foreleg around you in a comforting embrace. You crouch slightly, returning the hug with equal warmth. "Goodbye for now, dear Anonymous," she says softly, her voice tinged with regret. "I must start working on the spell as soon as possible. It is crucial we begin without delay."

"Goodbye, Luna," you reply, your voice quiet but sincere.
She releases you from the hug, stepping back as her horn begins to glow. "I shall contact you in the dream realm again when we are ready to bring you home. Stay strong for them. And enjoy the rest of your slumber."

You give her one final smile and nod. She mirrors the gesture, her expression full of reassurance. With a flash of white light, she vanishes, leaving you alone in the quiet.

The shrill beeping of your phone alarm pulls you from your dream. You wake up feeling fully rested, though a sense of panic grips you as you sit upright. "Did... was that all real? Was that really Luna?" you wonder, your heart racing. The alarm continues to blare, you glare at it before smacking the button to silence it. "Shut up!" you mutter, still trying to collect yourself.

You sit in the darkness for a few moments, replaying the dream in your mind. "It had to be real," you think to yourself. "It felt so real." Your breath comes in shaky bursts as you fight to steady yourself. "Please," you whisper to no one in particular, the word a fragile plea that hangs in the silence.

Turning to your bedside lamp, you reach out with trembling fingers and flick it on. As the soft light floods the room, something glimmers on the pillow beside you, catching your eye. At first, you think it’s a small piece of paper.

You grab it, your hands shaking as you hold it up for closer inspection. Your breath catches and your heart skips a beat, it’s not just a piece of paper. It’s the photo of you and your family, the one Luna gave you in your dream.

It was real.

A wide, almost disbelieving smile spreads across your face as a single tear slips down your cheek. You clutch the photo tightly, holding it close to your chest, your fingers brushing over its edges as though confirming its existence. The weight of it in your hands, the vivid details of the image, all of it banishes the last shreds of doubt.

You’re really going home.

You stand on the snow-dusted sidewalk, staring up at the door to your parent's house, your breath forming faint clouds in the crisp December air. The cold bites at your skin, and the wind tugs at the edges of your hoodie, offering little protection. A shiver runs down your spine.

It feels like hours pass as you stand there, but in reality, it’s only been a few minutes. Your mind churns, playing through a dozen scenarios, each one worse than the last. Will they understand? Will they think you’re abandoning them? Or worse, will they feel betrayed, as though you’ve chosen another life over them? A tightening knot forms in your stomach.

"Are you alright?" a soft, soothing voice asks from behind.

Startled, you turn to find its source. A tall, graceful woman stands just behind you. Her pale skin seems almost luminous in the fading light, and her deep blue eyes, are locked on yours. Long, flowing black hair sways gently in the winter breeze, and her simple blue dress gives her an almost ethereal presence against the stark, snowy backdrop.

"Yeah, I’m fine," you reply, though your tone betrays the tension you’re feeling. "Just a little nervous, is all."

She tilts her head slightly, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. Her gaze shifts to the house, her expression calm and reassuring. "From what you have told me of them, Anonymous, their love for you is strong. I do not think you have anything to worry about." Her smile deepens as she meets your eyes again. "I am sure they will understand."

Looking at her, you can’t help but return a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Luna," you say.

The wind picks up, the cold cutting through your thin hoodie. You shiver, tugging it closer to your body in a futile attempt to keep warm. Beside you, Luna stands perfectly still, unaffected by the cold, her serene composure unbroken.

Raising an eyebrow, you ask, "Aren’t you cold?"

She glances down at herself as if only now noticing the simplicity of her dress. A soft giggle escapes her lips. "No, Anonymous," she replies, her tone light with amusement. "The illusion spell does not take away my fur. It simply makes me appear human."

"Right," you say with a chuckle, shaking your head. "Lucky you. Can’t wait until I get my fur back." You start walking toward the house, the crunch of snow underfoot breaking the quiet.

Luna falls into step beside you, her presence a steadying force against the storm of nerves inside you. "You will not need to wait long," she says softly. Her calm certainty eases the tension in your chest, if only slightly.

It had been just over three months since Luna found you in the dream world. In that time, your life had transformed in ways you hadn’t thought possible. Knowing you were going back to Equestria had filled you with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. You became stronger, more positive, and even started reconnecting with your parents. At first, they looked at you like you were crazy, but over time, the distance between you began to fade.

Luna had visited you several times since that first meeting. She gave you updates on the spell she and her team of unicorns were working on, describing their progress and the intricate magic involved. She also brought messages from your family in Equestria. Your wife’s and your foal's words, brimming with love and excitement, became your lifeline. Luna’s presence in your dreams was a constant source of comfort. She quickly became your closest friend, her unwavering support helping you through the darkness.

Last night, everything changed. Luna had appeared in your dreams more animated and giddy than you had ever seen her. "It’s done," she had said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "The spell is complete. In just a few hours, I will be teleported to your world, and we can return to Equestria together."

You had been overwhelmed with joy, tears springing to your eyes as you embraced her. "Thank you, Luna," you had whispered. "For everything."

When you woke up, the excitement was still there. You immediately grabbed your phone and dialed your mom’s number, unable to contain your excitement. The line clicked after a few rings, and her tired, slightly worried voice greeted you. "Anon, it’s 5:30 in the morning. Is everything okay?"

"Mom, I’ve got great news!" you blurted out, your heart racing. "I’m… I…" The words caught in your throat as reality hit. How could you possibly explain this to her over the phone? If you told her you were going back to a magical land of ponies, she’d probably think you’d lost your mind, or worse, that you were planning to kill yourself.

"Anon? Hello? Are you still there?" she asked, her tone shifting to mild concern.

"Sorry, Mom," you stammered. "I didn’t realize what time it was."

"Oh, it’s fine," she said, her voice softening. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, I’m doing great," you assured her quickly.

"I’m glad to hear that," she replied, a yawn slipping through. "But you had me worried, calling so early."
In the background, you heard your dad mumble groggily. "Alright, he’s fine. Tell him to hang up so I can go back to bed. You know how I get without my beauty sleep."

You couldn’t help but chuckle. "Sorry for waking you both," you said, your nerves easing slightly.

"It’s alright," your mom replied with a small laugh. "But can we talk later? Your father is being a drama queen."

"Of course," you said, relief flooding through you. "How about I come by later today? I want to tell you something in person."

"That sounds wonderful," she said warmly. "Come by whenever you like."

"I will," you promised. "And sorry again for waking you, and the drama queen."

"I heard that!" your dad called out, making you both laugh.

"Goodnight, Anon. I love you," your mom said, her voice filled with affection.

"Goodnight, Mom. I love you too," you replied before hanging up.

As the call ended, the weight of what you needed to say settled heavily on your chest. You sat in the darkness of your room, staring at the faint glow of the streetlights outside. "Maybe… I don’t have to leave them," you murmured to yourself, a small sliver of hope forming. You'll have to talk to Luna about it when she arrived.

With the disguised alicorn by your side, you knock on your parents' door.

"Here we go," you think, bracing yourself for the moment.

A few seconds later, you hear footsteps approaching, followed by the click of the door unlocking. It swings open, revealing your dad, his familiar face lighting up at the sight of you.

"Anon, you know you don’t have to knock, you can just come insi-" His words falter as his eyes fall on Luna standing gracefully beside you. His expression shifts from surprise to a kind of stunned curiosity as he takes her in. "Oh, you didn’t mention you were bringing a guest."

His gaze lingers a little too long, and you clear your throat, bringing his attention back to you.

"Dad, this is Luna," you say, gesturing toward her. "She’s a very good friend of mine."

Luna steps forward slightly, her composed demeanor making the introduction seem effortless.

You continue, "Luna, this is my dad, Anonymous Senior."
Your dad seems to snap out of his daze, giving a sheepish chuckle as he extends his hand. "It’s a real pleasure to meet you, Luna."

Your stomach tightens in panic as you realize you never explained the concept of a handshake to Luna. A flood of thoughts rush through your mind: "What if she doesn’t know what to do? What if she just stares at his hand? Or worse, tries something completely off?" The image of an awkward moment plays vividly in your head, making your pulse quicken as you prepare to intervene. You lean toward her, intending to whisper instructions, but before you can, she gracefully steps forward and meets your dad’s hand with her own.

"It's a real pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Mous," she says, her tone warm yet formal.

You blink, caught off guard. How did she? Then it clicks. Of course, the griffons do the same thing in their greetings. Luna must have drawn on that knowledge.

Your dad looks impressed as they finish the handshake. "Well, don’t just stand there in the cold, come on in, both of you!"

Relieved, you and Luna step inside, the warmth of the house enveloping you instantly. The subtle smell of pine from the Christmas tree mixes with the aroma of cinnamon candles, giving the air a festive touch.

"My word, Luna," your dad exclaims, shutting the door behind you. "You must be freezing! I can’t believe my son didn’t offer up his hoodie to you. I raised him better than that." He throws you a pointed look, half-serious, half-teasing.

"Huh? What?" you blurt out, flustered by his sudden remark.

Luna giggles softly, the sound delicate and musical. "Worry not, Mr. Mous. The cold does not bother me at all."

Your dad raises an eyebrow, visibly impressed. "Really? With that wind out there, it’s got to be brutal. I’d be miserable in three coats!"

Luna merely smiles, her composure unshaken, and follows your dad into the living room.

The room radiates cozy charm, with two well worn reclining chairs on one side, clearly your parents claimed spots, and a small couch facing them, its fabric slightly faded but inviting. A small coffee table rests in the center, its surface adorned with a bowl of peppermint candies. In the corner, a small Christmas tree twinkles with colorful lights. The fireplace crackles gently, its orange glow casting flickering shadows on the walls and enhancing the room’s warm, nostalgic atmosphere.

As your dad sinks into his recliner with a contented sigh, your mom enters the room. Her face lights up as she sees you.

"Hey, Mom," you say, standing to greet her. She pulls you into a tight hug, her warmth and scent instantly familiar.

"It’s good to see you, Anon," she says, her voice brimming with affection.

When you step back, her eyes shift to Luna, curiosity and delight sparkling within them.

"Mom, this is Luna," you say, gesturing toward her. "She’s a very good friend of mine." You pause, then add with a grin, "Luna, this is my mom, Incognito."
Your mom steps forward, extending her hand to Luna, who meets the gesture with poise.

"It’s so lovely to meet you, Luna," your mom says, her smile warm and genuine.

"And you as well, Mrs. Mous," Luna replies gracefully.

Your mom chuckles, waving off the title. "Oh, please, just call me Incognito. Mrs. Mous is far too formal, and it makes me feel ancient!"

Luna giggles softly. "Then it is a pleasure to meet you, Incognito. Anonymous has spoken highly of you both."

"Well, I hope not too highly," your dad interjects with a teasing grin, earning a laugh from everyone.

"Please, sit down, both of you," your mom says, motioning to the couch. "Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee? Maybe some hot cocoa?"

You and Luna both politely decline, settling onto the couch side by side. The cushions are soft and familiar, and you can’t help but relax a little.

Your mom sinks into her own recliner, still studying Luna with quiet admiration.

"Luna," she begins, her tone warm and conversational, "that dress you’re wearing is absolutely beautiful. Where did you get it?"

Luna glances down at her dress for a moment, smoothing out the fabric with her hands. Her expression softens into a smile as she replies, "Thank you, Incognito. This dress is a gift, made for me by a dear friend back home."

"Oh, how lovely!" your mom exclaims, leaning forward slightly. "Your friend has excellent taste. Are they a designer?"

"Of a sort," Luna replies, her smile growing mysterious. "She has a particular talent for creating garments that perfectly suit the individual."

You clear your throat, knowing the conversation is inching closer to territory that might raise eyebrows. "Luna’s home is… unique," you say carefully, trying to ease into the bigger conversation.

"Unique, huh?" your dad says from his chair, looking intrigued. "Whereabouts are you from, Luna? Europe? You’ve got this elegant air about you, almost royal, if you don’t mind me saying."

"I appreciate the compliment, Mr. Mous," Luna says with a polite nod. "I come from a place quite far from here, one that is… rather difficult to describe."

Your mom tilts her head curiously. "Oh? Is it a small town, or something more remote?"

You shift uncomfortably on the couch, knowing you can’t put this off much longer. "Uh, Mom, Dad, about that…" You pause, feeling your heart race. "There’s actually something important I need to tell you.

Your parents exchange a glance. Your mom leans back, folding her hands in her lap. "Does this have to do with the call you gave us last night?" she says, her tone gentle but cautious.

"Yeah." You say.

"You remember how I told you about Equestria? About where I’ve been all that time? About how I had made a life for myself their? How I... I started a family? How I was ripped away from them and sent back here?

Luna looks away from the conversion for a brief moment, feeling the guilt at what her sister did to you, causing her to have somber look.
Your dad’s expression tightens slightly, and he looks at you out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah," he says slowly. "We remember."

"I know you didn’t believe me," you continue, your words careful. "You didn’t say it outright, but I could tell you thought I was… crazy."

Your mom flinches slightly, guilt flashing across her face. "Anon, we didn’t mean to make you feel that way," she says softly. "It’s just… what you said sounded so impossible."

"And I get that," you say quickly, holding up your hands. "If I hadn’t lived it myself, I wouldn’t believe it either. But it’s the truth. Equestria is real. And… I can prove it."

Your dad raises an eyebrow, leaning forward in his chair. "Prove it? How?"

You glance at Luna, who has been sitting quietly, her posture as graceful as ever. Her calm, steady gaze meets yours, and the faintest hint of a reassuring smile graces her lips. She nods at you, her serene confidence radiating a quiet strength. The warmth in her eyes seems to say, "You can do this," and it steadies the rapid thrum of your heartbeat.

"With Luna," you say, gesturing toward her. "She’s not from Earth. She’s from Equestria. She’s an alicorn, a magical being. And she’s here to help me show you that everything I’ve told you is real."

Your mom looks at Luna, her eyes narrowing slightly in skepticism. "She seems like a very lovely young woman," she says carefully. "But Anon… magical beings? That’s a bit much to take in."

Your dad crosses his arms. "So, what? You’re saying she’s just disguised as human right now? Like some kind of… shapeshifter?"

"Well... not exactly, she is just very good at magic." you reply, your voice firm. "Luna, would you mind?"

Luna stands gracefully, stepping to the center of the room. She turns to your parents, offering them a warm smile. "It would be my honor," she says, her voice serene.

With a faint shimmer of light, Luna’s human form begins to dissolve. Her figure glows softly, the light shifting and reshaping until her true form is revealed. Standing before your parents is a tall, majestic alicorn with a flowing mane of stars, her wings folded elegantly at her sides.

The room is silent, save for the gentle crackle of the fireplace. Your parents stare, their mouths slightly agape.

Your mom is the first to speak, her voice barely above a whisper. "Oh my… goodness."

Your dad blinks rapidly, leaning back in his chair as though trying to process what he’s seeing. "That’s… that’s not possible," he mutters, though his tone lacks conviction.

"It is," Luna says gently, her voice resonating with a regal authority. "I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night in Equestria. I have come to support Anonymous in sharing the truth of his experiences with you."

Your mom presses a hand to her chest, her eyes wide. "So… everything he said… it’s all true?"
"Every word," Luna confirms, her gaze softening.

Your dad shakes his head slowly, then looks at you. "Son… why didn’t you push harder to show us this sooner?"

"I didn’t think you’d believe me," you admit, your voice heavy with emotion. "And I didn’t have any way to prove it until now. I didn’t want to make things worse between us by insisting on something I couldn’t back up."

Your mom gets up from her chair and crosses the room to hug you tightly. "Anon, I’m so sorry we doubted you," she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. "I can’t imagine how hard that must have been."

Your dad exhales, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I guess I owe you an apology too," he says, his voice gruff. "This is… a lot to take in, but I’ll be damned if I call my son a liar again."

You smile, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "There's more." you say.

Reaching into your pocket, you pull out a small photograph. You take a deep breath, holding it up for them to see. "This," you say, your voice tinged with both pride and longing, "is my family."

Your parents lean in closer as you hand the photograph to your mom. The picture depicts you as a stallion, sitting beside a beautiful mare with a flowing mane, your forelegs wrapped around two foals, a bright-eyed colt and a giggling filly. All of you are smiling warmly at the camera, with love and happiness radiating from the image.

Your mom’s hands tremble slightly as she holds the picture. Tears well up in her eyes, spilling over as she presses a hand to her mouth. "Oh, Anon," she whispers, her voice breaking. "They’re beautiful."

Your dad takes the picture from her gently, his own eyes glassy as he studies it. He clears his throat, his voice thick with emotion. "That’s… that’s your family. Your real... pony family."

You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Yeah. That’s my wife, Fluttershy. She’s so gentle and kind. And those are our kids, Bright Skies and Petal Blossom. Bright Skies is a curious and adventurous colt who’s always asking questions and exploring, while Petal Blossom is quieter and loves to paint and care for animals, just like her mother."

Your mom lets out a soft sob, reaching for your hand. "You look so happy," she says, her voice trembling. "I’m so sorry you were taken away from them."

"I’ll get back to them," you say firmly, glancing at Luna. "Luna’s magic can take me home. But… I wanted you to know about them. To see them."

Your dad nods slowly, his expression a mixture of awe and sorrow. "I’d like to meet them someday," he says quietly. "If that’s possible."
Luna steps forward, her serene gaze resting on your parents. "That day will come," she says gently. "While my magic cannot bring you to Equestria now, there will be a time when it is possible. And when that time comes, you will be welcomed with open hearts."

Your mom looks at Luna, fresh tears streaming down her face. "Thank you," she whispers. "For everything."

You squeeze her hand, feeling the warmth of her love and support. "One day," you say softly. "You’ll get to meet them. And you’ll see just how amazing Equestria really is."

Time skips forward as the conversation stretches late into the night. Questions come in a flood. What is Equestria really like? What do ponies eat? What are their traditions? Do they celebrate holidays? Your parents are fascinated, leaning forward eagerly as Luna answers each question with poise and grace. The warmth in the room deepens, laughter and amazement filling the space as the magic of your second home becomes real to them in a way words never could.

Eventually, you glance at the clock and realize the hour. "It’s getting late," you say softly. "Luna and I… we need to go back."

Your mom’s face falls slightly, and she reaches out to hold your hand one last time. "Already?" she whispers. "But we just…"

"I know," you say, your voice thick with emotion. "But I’ll see you both again. And one day, you’ll come to Equestria and meet them all yourself."

Luna steps forward, her horn glowing softly as a swirling portal begins to materialize in the center of the room. Its silvery light bathes the space, and the gentle hum of magic fills the air.

Your mom pulls you into a tight hug, tears streaming down her face. "Don’t keep us waiting too long to meet our grandkids," she says, her voice a mix of laughter and tears.

Your dad steps forward, clapping you on the shoulder and smiling through the emotion in his eyes. "Or should we say our grandfoals?" he quips, earning a laugh from everyone, even Luna.

You smile, your own eyes misty as you step back toward the portal. "I won’t. I promise."

As you and Luna step into the shimmering light, you turn back for one final wave. Your parents stand arm in arm, their faces full of love and wonder. "Goodbye," you say softly. "For now."

And with that, you step through, the portal closing behind you and leaving the warmth of Earth behind as Equestria welcomes you home.

The moment you step out of the shimmering portal, a wave of energy washes over you. A faint tingling sensation courses through your body, starting at your hooves. You glance down and realize you’re no longer standing on two legs but four. The dull glow of the portal fades behind you as the spell completes, leaving you standing in a softly lit room.

Your hoodie hangs awkwardly from your now equine frame, and your pants sag, dragging along the floor. Everything feels baggy and loose. You glance down at yourself, your spring green coat unmistakable even in the dim light.

“I’m… me again,” you murmur, lifting a hoof to inspect it. Your voice carries a mix of disbelief and joy.

Luna’s gentle chuckle breaks the moment. You look up at her, noting that she is now a full head taller than you. She steps beside you, her ethereal mane flowing gracefully, and says with a warm smile. “Welcome back, Anonymous.”

You smile up at her, a sense of relief and gratitude filling your chest. "Thanks, Luna. It’s good to be back."

you tug at the oversized hoodie, wiggling free from its confines. As it falls to the floor, you feel a sudden shift in the air, as though a part of you long hidden has finally been revealed. Slowly, you stretch your forelegs, then arch your back, feeling a long lost energy flowing within you. With a deep breath, you extend your wings in a dramatic sweep, the long, feathered appendages unfurling fully for what feels like the first time in ages. The light catches on each feather, their sheen creating a radiant glow that fills the room.

“Oh, wow,” you say, turning to look at your fully extended wings. You flap them a few times, feeling the rush of air beneath them. A grin spreads across your face. “I missed this. Flying, having wings, everything. It feels amazing.”

Luna watches with a soft smile, her eyes twinkling with warmth. “I imagine it has been quite the adjustment to live without them."

"You have no idea." You say, as you fold your wings back carefully, the familiarity of the motion filling you with satisfaction. Turning to Luna, you glance around the room. The tall arched windows allow beams of silver moonlight to pour in, casting delicate patterns on the polished floor and adding an ethereal glow to the intricately carved furniture. The entire room feels touched by Luna’s essence. “Where are we?” you ask, tilting your head.

“This is my private chamber in Canterlot Castle,” Luna explains. "The portal opened here because I felt it was the safest place for the spell to deposit us, away from prying eyes.”

Your eyebrows raise. “Canterlot Castle? I thought we’d be in Ponyville. I need to get there as soon as possible!”
Luna gives you a smile. "Your family is waiting for you in the royal guest wing. They have been staying here while I worked on bringing you home.”

Her words hit you like a thunderbolt, and your heart leaps as a wide grin breaks across your face. "They’re here? In the castle?" you exclaim, your voice filled with pure, unrestrained joy.

Luna’s smile deepens at your excitement. "Yes, Anonymous, they are here. Come, it is but a short walk from here to their suite."

You practically bounce on your hooves as you gesture eagerly. "Let’s go! I’ve waited long enough!"

You follow Luna as she leads the way out of the room and into a grand corridor. The polished marble floors gleam under the soft light of the chandeliers, and the quiet hum of magic in the air adds to the castle’s serene atmosphere. Despite the castle’s beauty, your heart races in anticipation, each step bringing you closer to what matters most.

Luna walks beside you, her presence comforting. “I am pleased to see your eagerness, Anonymous. Your reunion with your family will be a moment to treasure.”

You nod, though words escape you. Your mind races with thoughts of Fluttershy, Bright Skies, and Petal Blossom. The memories of their smiles, their laughter, and their love flood back, and your chest tightens with a mix of excitement and longing.

Finally, Luna stops before a large, ornate door adorned with subtle floral carvings. She turns to you, her expression warm and knowing. “This is their suite,” she says softly.

You take a deep breath, your heart pounding so loudly you can hear it in your ears. You step closer, staring at the door as though it holds the key to everything you’ve been yearning for.

Before you can open it, you pause and look back at Luna. A lump forms in your throat as emotions well up inside you.
"Luna… thank you,” you say, your voice thick with gratitude. “For everything you’ve done for me. I don’t know how I could ever repay you, You’ve become such a good friend to me.”

Luna’s eyes soften, and she steps closer, wrapping you in a gentle embrace. Her wings fold around you like a comforting blanket.

“There is no need for repayment, Anonymous,” she says softly, her voice warm and reassuring. “This is what friends are for.”

The hug lingers for a moment, and you feel a wave of comfort and strength flow through you. When she steps back, she nods encouragingly.

“Now, go,” she says with a small smile. “They’ve been waiting for you long enough.”

You slowly open the door and walk in. The room is dark, the only light coming from moonlight streaming through the tall, ornate windows. Outside, snow falls gently, blanketing the landscape in a soft white glow. A fireplace sits against one wall, a small, dying fire casting flickering shadows across the room.

As you step further into the suite, Your eyes are drawn to a banner hanging on the far wall. It’s crudely hung, its message barely legible in the dim light. You squint to read the words, "WELCOME HOME DADDY." The banner is adorned with little drawings of ponies, their simple designs unmistakably representing you, Fluttershy, and your two foals, all standing together and smiling.

A warm smile spreads across your face as you take in the heartfelt gesture. The crude but loving drawings fill you with an overwhelming sense of love and belonging.

As you turn your attention back to the room, your eyes fall on a figure curled up on one of the plush couches. Even in the dim light, you recognize the familiar features and flowing pink mane of Fluttershy. She’s fast asleep, her gentle breathing the only sound in the quiet room.

You move closer, your hooves making barely a sound on the thick carpet as the soft light from the dying fire dances across her features. Standing beside the couch, you look down at her, and for a moment, the world seems to stop. Her peaceful expression and the way her mane falls gently across her cheek stir something deep inside you. Tears swell in your eyes as a wave of love and gratitude surges through you. She looks so delicate, so perfect, and the sight of her fills the void in your heart with a warmth you thought you'd never feel again.

You remember her soft voice calming you during a panic attack on your very first day in Equestria. That memory alone brings an ease to your chest even now.
You recall the way she took you in without hesitation, offering her home when you had nowhere else to go. There were mornings spent helping her with the animals, her gentle laugh brightening the air as you stumbled through tasks. Through her, you found friends, a life, and a sense of belonging.

You can almost hear Rarity’s teasing voice again, always finding new ways to make both you and Fluttershy blush. She loved pointing out how much time the two of you spent together, her knowing smirk and exaggerated winks always leaving you both flustered.

And then there was that one day, when you realized you loved her. Her kindness and strength had always been there, but in that moment, you understood what they truly meant to you. You knew then that you wanted to stay in Equestria, not because it had become familiar, but because she had become your reason to stay. That memory fills your heart with a quiet, steady warmth as you stand here now, taking in her peaceful form.

You lean down and plant a gentle kiss on her cheek, the lightest brush of your lips against her soft fur. Her eyes flutter open, her lashes catching the faint glow of the moonlight. For a heartbeat, she looks disoriented before her gaze settles on you.

“Anon?” she whispers, her voice a mix of disbelief and tenderness. Her sleepy eyes widen, shimmering with tears. "I-is that really you?"

“It’s me,” you reply, your voice breaking slightly. The weight of every second apart crashes into you all at once. Your throat tightens, and a shaky smile forms on your lips. “I’m home, Fluttershy.”

She doesn’t speak for a moment, caught between a sob and a laugh. Then, without hesitation, she throws her forelegs around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. Her warmth, her scent, the softness of her mane, it feels so familiar, like a missing piece of you has returned.

“I thought… I thought I’d never see you again,” she whispers, her voice trembling.

You hold her closer, your hooves wrapped around her as though letting go might make her vanish. “I never stopped thinking about you,” you say, your voice raw. “About you, and the foals… everything. I fought so hard to come back. I couldn’t leave you.”

She pulls back slightly to look into your eyes. The moonlight reflects in her tear-streaked face, her smile radiant despite her tears. “You’re here now,” she says softly, brushing your cheek with her hoof. “That’s all that matters.”

For a moment, the two of you simply sit there, wrapped in each other’s presence. The quiet crackle of the dying fire and the soft sound of snow falling outside are the only things breaking the silence.

“Where are the foals?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“They’re asleep in the other room,” Fluttershy replies, her smile widening. “I wanted them to stay up to see you, but they were so tired. They worked so hard on that banner.”

You glance toward the heartfelt decoration hanging on the wall, your chest tightening with a swell of love. “It’s perfect,” you say, your voice thick. “Just like you.”

Fluttershy blushes faintly, her smile turning shy as she ducks her head. “I missed you so much, Anon,” she murmurs. “Every day felt like a lifetime.”

“I missed you too,” you reply, resting your forehead against hers. “But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Not ever again.”

Her eyes close, and she lets out a soft sigh. For a moment, it feels like just the two of you, the snow outside a quiet backdrop to the warmth between you.

Then, a small creak comes from the other room. Both of you turn your heads as two tiny figures shuffle into the dim light. Bright Skies and Petal Blossom stand in the doorway, their manes messy from sleep and their eyes wide with wonder.

“Dad?” Bright Skies whispers, his little voice trembling as though he doesn’t dare believe it.

Your heart catches in your chest. “Yeah, buddy,” you say softly, your voice thick. “It’s me.”

Bright Skies dashes across the room and leaps into your forelegs, wrapping his tiny hooves around you. “You’re really here! Mom said you’d come back, but I was so scared…”

Petal Blossom follows close behind, slower but no less emotional. Tears stream down her face as she reaches out. “Daddy… I missed you so much.”

You gather her into your embrace as well, holding both foals close. “I missed you too, more than you can imagine,” you whisper, your tears mixing with theirs. “I’m here now, and I’m never leaving again.”

Fluttershy joins the embrace, wrapping her wings around the three of you. The warmth shared in that moment feels overwhelming.

The four of you stay like that for what feels like forever, a family reunited under the glow of the moonlight and the soft crackle of the fire. The warmth in the room grows, not from the fading embers in the hearth but from the love shared between you all. Bright Skies nestles against you, his tiny wings brushing your coat, while Petal Blossom rests her head on Fluttershy’s shoulder, whispering how happy she is that you’re home.

The snow falls softly outside, a reminder of the peaceful world beyond, but within these walls, nothing else matters. Fluttershy meets your gaze, her eyes full of love and gratitude, and in that moment, you feel whole again.

In the quiet of the night, you hold them close, promising yourself that whatever challenges come next, you will face them together.

One year later.

The snow falls gently outside, blanketing Ponyville in a serene white glow. Inside your cozy cottage, the warmth of the Hearth’s Warming Eve fire dances across the walls. You and Fluttershy sit on the couch, her head resting against your shoulder as the crackle of the flames fills the room. The glow of the fire casts a golden hue over the two of you, and her soft, contented sigh feels like the perfect melody to the peaceful evening.

Across the room, Bright Skies and Petal Blossom are busy with holiday crafts. Bright Skies carefully places ornaments on the tree, his wings fluttering with excitement, while Petal Blossom hums a carol, arranging cookies on a plate to share with the family later. Their laughter fills the air, a reminder of how much has changed, and how much you’ve gained, over the past year.

There’s a sudden knock on the door. Fluttershy sits up, her eyes meeting yours with curiosity. “I’ll get it,” she says softly, slipping off the couch and padding to the door. You watch as she opens it, and her face lights up in surprise and joy.

“Mom? Dad?” she exclaims, stepping aside to let the visitors in. The cold night air sweeps into the room for a moment before being shut out as your parents step inside. Your dad, a shamrock green pegasus with a sleek black mane and tail, steps in with a smart coat and saddlebag, his warm grin reflecting a jovial and easygoing nature as he shakes off the snow. Your mom, a turquoise unicorn with a flowing dark gray mane and tail, follows close behind, wrapped in a scarf and a cozy coat, a bright smile on her face.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Fluttershy,” your mom says, pulling her into a warm hug. “You look wonderful, dear.”

Your dad chuckles as he removes his saddlebag and coat. “It’s good to see you again. We couldn’t miss spending the holidays with all of you.”

The foals drop their activities and rush over, their excited cries echoing in the room. “Grandma! Grandpa!” Bright Skies shouts, throwing himself into your dad’s hooves. Petal Blossom isn’t far behind, wrapping herself around your mom with an eager hug.

You rise from the couch, walking over with a broad smile. “Mom, Dad, it’s good to see you again. How was your trip to the Crystal Empire?” you ask, embracing them one at a time.

“Oh, it was so magical,” your mom says with a twinkle in her eye. “But there’s nothing quite like being here with family. Moving to Equestria was the best decision we ever made.”

Your dad nods in agreement. “We’ve never been happier. It’s a wonderful place to live, especially now that we’re close to all of you.”
The foals tug at their grandparents, eager to show them their crafts and the tree. Your dad chuckles as he sets down his saddlebag and begins pulling out wrapped gifts. Bright Skies and Petal Blossom bounce with excitement, practically begging to open them.

“Go ahead,” your dad says with a grin, handing them each a brightly wrapped present. The foals tear into the gifts with delighted squeals, revealing beautiful trinkets and toys from the Crystal Empire. The room fills with laughter and joy as they show off their treasures.

You and Fluttershy exchange a warm glance, her wing brushing against yours. Your parents settle in, sharing stories of their adventures, and the evening flows with a comforting rhythm of love and togetherness. But as you watch the snow falling outside, a flicker of light catches your eye. A steady glow shines faintly in the distance, and a familiar presence tugs at your thoughts.

“I’ll be right back,” you say, rising to your hooves. “I’m going to grab some more firewood.”

Fluttershy nods, her attention focused on the foals. You step outside into the crisp night air, circling around the back of the cottage. Sure enough, standing amidst the snow and moonlight, is Celestia. She isn’t wearing her regalia, and there’s a weariness to her posture. Yet when she sees you, she offers a small, smile.

“Celestia,” you greet her, your voice soft but curious. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you,” she says quietly. “And to apologize for everything.” Her voice wavers slightly, betraying the depth of her regret.

You take a step closer, noticing the faint tremble in her wings and the exhaustion in her eyes. “Celestia, you don’t need to keep apologizing. Luna told me about the letters… she showed me how much you’ve written to her, how sorry you’ve been. I can see it in your eyes, too.”

Her gaze drops, the weight of her mistakes evident in the way her shoulders sag. “I’ve made so many mistakes, Anon. I hurt You, and I hurt Luna. There were times I wasn’t sure I’d ever have the courage to face either of you again. I’ve missed her so much… and I’ve missed the friendship we shared.”

A warm smile forms on your face as you step closer. “I forgive you, Celestia. And Luna misses you too. She told me herself. She’s been waiting for you to reach out, to come home.”

Celestia’s breath catches, and her eyes glisten with unshed tears. “She has? After everything I’ve done?”

“She has,” you say gently. “She’s waiting for her sister.”
Her lip trembles, and for a moment, she looks utterly vulnerable. “Thank you for telling me that. And for forgiving me. I’ve spent so long wishing I could turn back time.”

You step forward and pull her into a hug. She stiffens, caught off guard, her breath hitching as if unsure how to respond. Slowly, she leans into it, her trembling frame revealing just how much she needed the comfort. Gratitude and sorrow pour from her, silent tears soaking into your shoulder as she clings to the moment. “You don’t need to turn back time,” you say softly. “I’d like us to be friends again.”

Her smile is small but genuine as she steps back, wiping at her eyes with a hoof. “Thank you, Anon. That means more to me than you know.”

After a moment, her horn glows, and two elegant sleighs shimmer into existence in the snow beside her. “These are for your foals,” she says, her voice steady but warm. “A little Hearth’s Warming gift from me.”

You glance at the sleighs, their craftsmanship intricate and beautiful, and your heart swells. “Thank you, Celestia. They’ll love them.”

She nods, a touch of her old grace returning. Unfurling her wings, she gives you one last look, her expression one of quiet hope. “Take care of your family, Anon. And… thank you.”

With a powerful beat of her wings, she rises into the sky, the snow swirling around her as she disappears into the night. You watch her go, a mixture of hope and contentment settling over you. Then, gathering a few logs of firewood, you turn back toward the warmth of your home.

When you step into the warmth of your home, you’re greeted by the sight of your family, laughing and sharing stories together. The foals are showing off their new gifts, your parents are smiling warmly, and Fluttershy looks up at you with pure love in her eyes.

The perfect moment.

The End

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I hope this version of the new Fluttershy is going to end up being a lesbian with Rarity.
Imagine you’ve died and been reincarnated in Equestria as a young colt. What pony race would you want to be? Which mare from the M6 would you choose to adopt and care for you? Would you want to keep all the memories of your past life, lose them completely, or gradually recover them over time? Which filly would you be interested in romantically?
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>Humans vote against ponification, but ponification is clearly an unmitigated good for them. Less than 1% of humans regret ponification and 97% say it improved their lives dramatically. Crime and loneliness drops dramatically and the economy booms in clear correlation with the amount of ponification in a region.
>Humans should support ponification in their area more than even ponies do.
I want to be a mare. Or look into some wacky magic to fix that shit
Either way, identity death is not my thing, my life is immensely traumatizing, so I'd rather just go to Equestria as myself and probably forget parts of my human life over time as the memories get replaced
As for the Mane 6 adoption anyone from the mane 6 would be a decent parent, so like Rarity so she doesn't become a lonely old cat lady. And I don't know any decent colts do unless I got rerolled into a horse lesbian in that life none of the show characters
>What pony race would you want to be?
Pegasus master race
>Which mare from the M6 would you choose to adopt and care for you?
Flutters since shes just peak mommy material
>Would you want to keep all the memories of your past life
gradual sounds like the best way to stay sane, plus life'd be more interesting with 2 lifetimes of memories
It'd be funny to come in with full memories and have twilight adopt me though
>Which filly would you be interested in romantically
hard one, see where celestia takes me and find out
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>Which filly
Can I convince Sweeite Belle to switch bodies with me then have her be my boyfriend?
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>pony race
Earth pony. Same age as applebloom.
>M6 mom
Applemom. I want a nice simply comfy farm life.
>memories of your past life
Forget everything. I don't want to remember anything from this god awful planet.
>love interest.
Idk, There is so many good options. Probably Sweetie or Scoots.
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Is this celestia? She looks kinda gray.
I wish this happened to me
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That was a good read. Thanks for sharing it.
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i might need the Twilight Sparkle full suite™ to fix me dude
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Picture this!
PegasusTF, but they gain their wings like this. https://youtu.be/8_FJicGd1RI?t=39
I'm weirdly into the gorier sort of transformations, anyone else? Not even in a fetish way, just the vague idea that 'pain = validation'.
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Don't worry, you're completely normal! Well, or at least our brains are fucked in the same way.
>There are strange effects of this land on the bodies of man
>Maybe it's the water? After your ship crash-landed, you and the few survivors quickly ran out of iodine.
>You're not idiots so you still boil it, cook all your meat, the nine yards.
>There's a lot of game here, a sort of lagomorph are most of your food. They haven't evolved to fear you, and even at close range pay you no mind as you raise up your knives for the kill.
>Whatever it is, you're all changing. The meat tastes disgusting now.
>It's very possible you're all dying, but you sent the distress signal so you just have to hope it reaches an interstellar listening station quick enough.
>But here? On the other side of the slip through the center of a supermassive black hole? Not likely.
>You never thought that a prion would do you in after the captain nearly atomized you all when trying to thread the needle through.
>But you've got these lumps on your back, others have them on their foreheads.
>Underneath, some sort of mass is growing.
>There is no privacy when you are the first to break. You've been giving yourself morphine in secret for the pain, but it's after a night of doped sleep.
>No drugs in your system and no god above.
>You wake everyone with the blood-curdling scream, your nails digging into your sleeping bag as you forcibly launch yourself out and lie on your belly.
>The pain isn't better now that you aren't lying on the massive cysts
>You hear someone through the haze and pain.
>"Just our luck the medic is the first to break. Someone put him down, he'll spread whatever this is faster when these break."
>Thankfully you've been sleeping with your plasma pistol for weeks. You draw it and point it at the generator.
"Wanna take bets on if the engineer can repair it after a shot at full power?"
>"Hank... you'd put down anyone else if they were this sick. Be reasonable."
>You laugh.
"Reasonable, reasonable."
>You let off a shot right over his head. You're left to writhe in peace after that, but you don't dare drop your weapon.
>You can feel it now, you're fully-formed inside this meat prison. The morphine and the pain had blocked out the clarity of this gift.
>You need to rip out and learn to fly fast. You won't keep your fingers in this alien body, or at least you won't have the time to grab the pistol.
>Your wings burst out first, your face contorts like a stroke victim as one of them severs a vertebrae on the way out.
>Fast, fast. Before they notice you're stuck in a cripple.
>You're still connected to the lungs and central nervous system. You scream, because your life depends on it.
>You pull, pull with all your might.
>It's like pulling off a ski boot, except you are the ski boot.
>and you don't have the luxury of undoing the straps and buckles first.
>In a blur, you burst from the back. You can feel air rushing in from the environment, rushing into the hole where you disconnected from.
>You have no fingers as expected, so you grab your medbag in your mouth.
>How do you even move these wings?
>As a laser rifle shot burns a hole in your left ear, you learn fast.
>You run, flapping as you go. Adrenaline is a good teacher.
>Another shot singes the crimson-tinged fur on your side.
>You'd be on fire if you weren't still wet.
>Your wings grip, finally.
>You take off, soaring over the treeline.
>Fuck, how do you land?
>Before you attempt it, you test out your new avionics.
>Flap to rise, tilt to fall.
>Approach too fast, flap.
>You narrowly avoid a pine-like tree. At this speed it'd have taken your head off.
>Flap, tilt. Flap flap. Tilt. Flap. Flap flap flap.
>You come to rest, panting and exhausted, next to a clear stream.
>The autocaut is low on power, hopefully you've got enough to seal up your lungs.
>It hurts, it hurts like hell. You find yourself crying.
>Where did all your strength go?
>You look at your reflection in the water.
>You're a horse, at least that's the closest word you have for it.
>Your neck is like a swan's, your legs like a doe's.
>You have an almost human mane of hair, but it's long.
>You close up the last of the hole in your chest and examine your wings.
>The span is almost as long as you are. No wonder they hurt coming out.
>One last order of business before you wash off.
>You're holding onto an exposed nerve in your neck.
>You grab a nearby stick and bite down on it.
>You black out as the autocaut trims the connection.
>"She's coming to."
>"Keep an eye on her."
>They don't sound like your crew, so you open your eyes.
>You're... clean. It couldn't be said before with all the blood, but you're a brilliant white.
>You can see that there's another winged horse in front of you. She's giving you a kind smile.
>"I'm Silver Seed, what's your name?"
>"That's hardly a mare's name. You have your cutie mark, you must have a name."
>There's a flash of something, you yelp and whimper.
>Something dug around in your brain, touched things.
"W-what did you do..."
"My... what did I just say?"
>"You told me a name. It wasn't a pony name."
"Please, I need you to repeat it back!"
>Her kind smile twists into a bit of a sadist's grin.
>"What's your real name, little pony?"
"C-cumulus Splashdown..."
>"Good girl! You'll integrate well, after all. Right this way, I'll show you to your assigned living quarters."
Intriguing. but I will not forgive you if you don't clear this up a bit. whether ooc or in the story.
So we have some sort of space travel and prions. The latter is an especially interesting idea.
What needs to be cleared up about it? I adore this story, albeit short and leaving a lot to the imagination.
There's a unique tension in not knowing whether some of the crew remained uninfected, or just thinks they are because earth ponies wouldn't have the cysts that unicorns and pegasi do.
Well, if you can call them unicorns and pegasi. The slightly sinister twist at the end may not interest some readers, but again, I loved it.
It's incosnistent. It's a prion, which is uh- unlikely to do anything in a short span of time, but neither would it turn you into a pony, so that's fine. Then you have some pony scrambling your brain. Prions also either just happen as random fuck-ups which would mean everyone gets this either way or they must have eaten something with them.
Maybe I am overanalyzing, but this story is good, amazing even and I'd like it to be free of such inconsistencies. So are ponies violently assimilationist aliens or something?
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Ah, I see what you're saying. In my mind, the most realistic explanation is that the MC has deduced the changes to be the results of a prion (with an unclear level of seriousness/confidence about that conclusion), and the truth could be a completely different.
Unreliable narrator and all that; perhaps their understanding of prions is inaccurate.
Or maybe in the future – far enough out that interstellar travel is feasible – prions are understood to have different capabilities. They were discovered relatively recently (apparently the word ‘prion’ wasn’t even coined until 1982), so there could be things about them yet to be understood.
I kind of hope so. I’d take a chance on catching mad pony disease any day.
>violently assimilationist aliens
I’d love a story about a violently assimilationist alien parasite that’s evolved a unique mechanism to promote its spread: transforming its hosts into the most non-threatening, approachable beings possible, even more so than the original host species’ form.
For spreading to humans, that naturally means turning infected humans into adorable pastel cartoon horses.
It’s insidious, but somehow I feel way better about it because, see, it’s not the ponies doing the evil assimilating, it’s the parasite that made them into ponies (totally different and based).
In some sense we got that with the virus in Cuddly Doom, though the virus wasn’t exactly “personified” the way I’m imagining.
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I want to be a pegasus mare with light purple fur and a blonde mane.
This story's super neat!
Not sure if you're intending to continue it, but there are so many interesting places you could take it from here. Even in its current form it definitely has a lot of intrigue.
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Had to reformat due to the spam detection which is why I can't quote you all. Sorry about that.
God damn... I write one story and everybody wants more. I must've curled a monkey's paw at some point because nobody likes my ongoing stories and passion projects... anyways. Glad you all enjoyed it, I'll spoiler stuff that could be covered in future updates I suppose, I really don't know if I'll continue this but may as well lay my hoof on the table (slightly, I'll leave it somewhat ambiguous still) for those that are curious.
This is what the protagonist assumes, and isn't necessarily the truth.
>violently assimilationist aliens
Might not be violent. There's some level of aggression, but only in the sense that you should be a pony! That's right, (You)! Anyways, who's to say that the ponies on the planet weren't originally a different alien species? Maybe even a number of different alien species. The occasional passerby or colonist lands for a roadside picnic, gets sick, and realizes they like it better here.
I presume that's supposed to be a bottle of rum in the right frame, but it looks like a gasoline canister.
I like the latter better.
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I wish human to changeling TF were more prevalent than it is; frankly I'm surprised that, for a creature with the canon ability to transform, it isn't all that common.
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You're not wrong, but I feel that in the world of MLP, that the whole uncanny valley aspect of the changelings being pony shaped to better fit their environs doesn't really mesh well with humans, or if they did take a bipedal form, it wouldn't work nearly as well in a world of technicolour equines

Granted that we don't really see off-species changelings like Hippogriffs or Dragons or Buffalo in show or comics, it's more than people aren't taking their ability to become others to their most logical extremes.
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Yeah probably not continuing this shit since there doesn't seem to be much interest. I'm over a month overdue anyways for Christmas
Thanks again for being the only one who cares
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Fair nuff, being creative's a bitch to do. Best of luck though!
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