Unlike Celestia, Lunas ovaries haven’t dried out due to age and inactivity.
>>41862616Yeah, they died just from inactivity
>>41862616Her eggs have been replaced with moon rocks
>>41862621>Nightmare moon found a particularly smooth moon rock and used it as a dildo to entertain herself for a thousand yearsNo wonder she was so easily defeated, she was just a coomer.
>>41862616unequivocally kill yourself
>>41862616Luna is also shown to be better with kids in the show. She is mother material.
>>41862616Neither the ovaries of Luna, nor the ovaries of Celestia are dried up. They can be fertile whenever they want to.
>>41862824>been alive for 1000+ years>still not a single child between themi'm sorry anon...
Stop making fun of her, she just needs help.
>>41862854Nobody has been worthy of their princepuss, and you know it.
>>41862876until now>enter anon
>>41862854They're waiting for me
>>41862918Exit anon.
>>41862922>enter anon>anon cums
>>41862854I reject your headcanon, and substitute my own. And there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me. Celestia and Luna can be fertile whenever they choose to be. Don't like my take? Cope, seethe, and reeee more, I guess.
>>41863273As far as reproduction goes, you might as well be humping a pair of porkchops. But I guess that wouldn't remind you enough of your mother.
>>41863343>Invited to cope, seethe, and reee more>Proceeds to do soPottery.
>>41862616Both mares are fertile, both release one egg every 17 months
>>41863498Based and fertility-pilled.
>>41863498No, clearly they are only fertile during the Summer and Winter Solstices, respectively. That's why there's this giant celebration; to try and distract themselves from the excessive alicorn horniness they experience.Cadance, as princess of love, is always fertile and it's only by the grace of Shining Armor being really sneaky with condoms that the Crystal Empire isn't drowning in alicorns.
>>41863626My apologies, I meant seventeen of our months, not their months
>>41862854Alicorns are are normally infertile, yes, but fortunately with the birth of Flurry heart, Cadence has discovered that love magic can restore even an Alicorn's fertility. For the first time in equestrian history, both Celestia and Luna can start the family they always wanted.
>>41865419That's the real reason they retired, so they can finally settle down with a family they've always dreamed of.
>>41862616Celestia has had a kingdom’s worth of stallions to choose from for one night flings for 1000 years. Meanwhile Luna was stuck on the moon for a millennia with NO DICK.