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Tribute/Appreciation thread, found out a few hours ago that Wand died of a heart attack due to post surgery complications.
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>>41875345 (OP)
I don't personally know where to find a lot of his art, maybe he was posting to one of those /mlp/ mastodon instances.
>>41875345 (OP)
literally who?
Damn what the fug
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scandianon draw of the same style wand was fond of.
>his final contribution to pony
Not one to speak ill of the dead but...I guess someone likes that.
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>>41875345 (OP)
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his last post was actually pic rel someone just posted that one out of order from his Mastadon https://baraag.net/@Wand_of_Inferno/
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He's in hell now
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oh no no no
>>41875356 Asher Sketch drew that gross stuff, its not fair to attribute it to wanda when he just filled in the colors.
My condolences
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No. Celestia is welcoming him to Equestria.
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wish we got more bee content but i will post the few public items i can find that they made
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a based drawfag we all knew but never cared much who he was when he was alive.
another anon gone, not silently.
>>41875345 (OP)
I never was close friends with him, but I knew him for I wanna say 7 or so years now. I hope that wherever he is now, he's at peace.
>>41875345 (OP)
I really never knew them but I remember seeing their images pop up every so often. Even so, I feel dedicated to making something nice with their little bee gal, everyone deserves a gift at the very end.
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that's the thing, he left something. his art even if itks simple and cute will remain.
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man, why does the world have to be so sad :(
youll get used to it eventually, kid
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>>41875345 (OP)

I didn't know him very well or even for very long personally, but it's very strange to hear he's gone now. World feels a little stranger and colder when a friend's gone like that, and I hope both his family will be okay in the days to come and that wherever he is, he's resting easy.
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>>41875345 (OP)
May you find more flowers to pollinate, beefilly.
>>41875345 (OP)
Rest in Equestria, beefilly.
>>41875345 (OP)
>Wand died of a heart attack due to post surgery complications
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>>41875345 (OP)
Jesus, I didn't know him well but he was always cool whenever I saw his posts. See you space bee...
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>>41875345 (OP)
Lmao, fucker died with a smile on his face.
Godspeed, Anon, I hope you have a fucking good time in Equestria, you sick fuck.
Rest in pollen, fillbee
I can't say I'm terribly fond of the loli art. Rest in pollen all the same.
>>41875345 (OP)
How do you know he passed away?
semitransparent ghostfilly will bee haunting you for all eternity.
His cousin commented on this steam account and other closer friends confirmed he was having issues. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Wand_of_Inferno/
Kek, does his whole family know he was a pedo?
>14/09/22, the fight with cancer is over, I won and cancer is no more!
>Destiny has more plans for me!
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>>41875345 (OP)
what a guy lmao
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Checked his reviews and saw he commented about the DRG community so I went to their discord and he did participate in the community there.
He was one of the beest of us. Never knew him to be angry or even annoying. He was the gentle kind of autist. Even when he was in extraordinary pain he was nothing but kind. Going to miss his bee fillies.
how long beefore allegations coom?
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>>41875345 (OP)
Bee was a member of our Minecraft server and I have many fond memories of the brief few years I knew him.
I'm glad so many anons also appreciated him, it warms my heart.
Rest easy Wanda, Fly high little bee.
>>41875345 (OP)
Didn't know who that was, but that sucks. Rest in peace.
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beefren noooooo
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The last thing Wanda said in the DRG community server before he left was on 9/12/23. A few weeks before that Minecraft screencap, in pic rel you can see he was commenting into the void as if the people there were his friends. Him leaving the dfg server at the time of that Minecraft would lead me to assume you guys gave him the realest sense of community he ever had.
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Rest in pollen beefren.
Makes me sad that this shithole was the best sense of community he got. I don't even know him but now I feel bad.
lol, at least he does not have to bear the heavy burden of being such a loser no more.
He was in our filly discord too, so don't worry he had people to talk too.
He'd often vent to us about his struggles and frustrations and we offered him support both emotionally and financially.
I don't really wanna post caps because they were really difficult and depressing conversations.
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rip beefilly
He's fucking fillies in Equestria now. Their wet cunnies slapping against his dick everyday.
He has lost his ticket, he's not going there.
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Posting for fren. Oh ffs the captcha, jesus christ 4chan, the fuck are you doing?
Gawd. Yeah, I didnt know him well, but he was always wholesome and knowing... fuckoff I need an adult.

Yes, I'll wait the 15 goddamn minutes, someone needs to die in a fire tho
RIP Wand.
Easy to talk shit about someone who isn't alive to defend themself.

Let the dead rest in peace
>Oh ffs the captcha
What about the 15 minute wait timer? lol Yeah that's gonna save the site Hiro.
Rest In peice BeeFillyanon. you will be missed /)
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>>41875345 (OP)
I was absolutely devastated last night to hear about Bee's passing. He was a fun guy who made cute art and had a highly optimistic outlook on life.

Fly high, little bee, and may we see each other again in Heaven one day. /)
I'm glad he did have somebody, thank you guys
>Not Equestria
One job, anon.
But Equestria's in Heaven.
Alright, you win.
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>>41875345 (OP)
I have been not close friends with him but he did some cute drawings and stories.
Desu is not working for me rn, he's been posting some stories in kinderquestria threads.
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This was one of his last posts in the server.
His last was in our meme chat and was just a funny video, that was on the 19th.
Hopefully wherever he is now he feels right as rain.
i also know him from the anon in pone prison threads way back when, he wrote under his name
Ponepaste is afflicted by the gay right now, but his profile is, predictably, https://ponepaste.org/user/Wand_of_Inferno
Rest well, Wando friend. Having a grave beer for you.
>>41875345 (OP)
I hope he's in a better place now. We weren't close, but he was part of /dad/ from before I had joined. A friendly anon who contributed to his favorite threads and struggled with serious health issues. He will be missed.
He was a very good fren. We liked to hang out on pony town. It was so great to see him getting better, we rooted for him.
Good bye, Bee.
>>41875345 (OP)
Never knew him personally, but yet I'am disheartened by his loss. I really liked his bee filly stuff in particular. may bee filly fly high and pollinate many flowers in equestria.
>>41875345 (OP)
Wait? is this the spic who wrote green about the twink warden for pone prison in terrible engrish? I helped him with his english once. Damn shame. I liked the guy. Rest in peace you gay Mexican bastard. Damn, that sucks.

I really liked your shit. You kept trying and improved a lot. Mad respect for that.
Weak. How’s 777 doing? They were gay homosexuals together, right? I hope he’s doing alright.
RIP Wanda, so sorry to hear this. Filly on fren.
he made that after already damning himself, it's just guilty conscience.
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Lol. If only you knew how wrong you are.
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>>41875345 (OP)
Godspeed, Anon. May you pet all the ponies you want in Equestria.
whats this, a picture for bees?
>boosted pedoshit: Oct 17, 2024
>took money for pedoshit: Oct 23, 2024
>made pedoshit: Oct 29, 2024
>vatican crap: Oct 29, 2024
>made more pedoshit: Nov 1, 2024
>bosting pedoshit again: Nov 13, 2024
Speak for yourself trannyfillyfag.
he just turned anonfilly into a donutsteal tranny oc
You can just write your garbage in one post, that makes it easier for us to filter out.
>usual suspects right on time to shit on the dead
Don't give them any attention.
I see so he's part of your reddit groupie.
go back
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Didn't really know him but still
>uwahh we have one less of my discord circlejerkies ;(
Nobody knew this faggot out of a shitty general
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>OP wants to have a pride parade for gay homosexuals
this gets better and better
Please stop giving it attention I beg you
>>41875345 (OP)
RIP, never really knew the guy but he liked ponies so he's a brother in poni, may he find Equestria
>He was in our filly discord too, so don't worry he had people to talk too.
>He'd often vent to us about his struggles and frustrations and we offered him support both emotionally and financially.
So /mlp/ likes discordtrannies now?
hate to tell you anon, but times have changed. most of the anons here have discord friends
Hate to tell you, it's only the homosexual ones. as mentioned here >>41877199
Are you a homosexual too? You sound like one.
gonna cry? piss your pants, maybe?
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>I need to celebrate the death of this guy who made content for the board because he used a chat program I don't like
I don't like discord either, but this is low. You shit up the board on a daily basis but I wouldn't dance on your grave if you had a heart attack.
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Struck a nerve? Do you discord sisters have anything to say about this blue horse on there?
>posting trannymare
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>Tranny general frequenters, can't stop making ponies into trannies everywhere
>not even knowing trixie is a tranny
cant tell if your a newfag or a retarded tranny
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Is that one of the crotchrot canons of your general?
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Reeeeeeeee, Trixie is a lesbian!

Shush, theres no genitals
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>Some unironic faggot died
>B-bu-but he was one of us
You don't speak for me. You're welcome to follow suit and suicide if you're so gay for a barbiefag pedophile.
good lord, I hope you guys are never invited to a wake.
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anon, when you die, nobody will mourn your death. you will die alone
Rest in peace anon.
>Anon [fanfiction rambling, fantasizing about another mans life]
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you are upset because it is the truth
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>this mare is trans! one of us!
>nooo, she is le lesbo
The anontranny allegations are unshakable.
14-year olds gonna 14-year old

The board has become pretty much unusable since Tamerslop.
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>>41875345 (OP)
It's Always sad to hear of an anon's passing.
Hope he rests in peace
>Nooo you're the underage, not the one banevading on xhers phone
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didn't want to make something fussed but wanted to be buzzin’ with Wanda's wholesomeness.
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The shitposter doesn't want you to know this, but you can just choose not engage with him. Him being loud about his garbage opinions doesn't actually affect anyone in any way.
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>Going from anonfilly to trannyfilly to tranny-insert enshrinement
Sadly, they just sockpuppet for engagement to bait in more people. The only thing that'd help is active moderation, but as we saw yesterday, they've apparently got one on the inside.
It's especially obvious when one of the faggot's posts gets a random "based" hours/days later after everyone's done biting the bait.
nu/mlp/ being unable to stop itself from deepthroating bait is a huge problem that won't fix itself overnight.
Who is this mysterious "we" stranger. are you admitting something like banevasion on your phone? Heavens, who could have seen this coming.
ya know what they say
"they do it for free"
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No afterlife, you faggots. Consciousness shuts down permanently. Everything's in the brain. We're all just simple creatures who will cease to exist. But... we can still hope and tell ourselves there's something after, right?
>hypocrite you are
Nobody asked you pedantic faggot
I wonder if he will go to fillyquestria or loliquestria
Neither. He goes to Hell. lol
no, he left it.
ohh anon, thats the same thing
It's Michigan really that bad?
Oh sweet summer child.
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>another vaxx induced heart attack at a relatively young age
Did you also get the planned obsolescence update?
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I talked with him for last time in 2018 when he was in the Dadonequus thread, hurts to know this
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>election tourists successfully b8 about muh trannies and muh foreskin hating skydaddy
>thread becomes an argument between fedoras and christcucks over the election and vaxx for no real reason
I'm frankly glad I don't even check the catalog on this board more than once a week anymore. Even something as simple as paying respects to a cute filly artist that just died is just fuckin impossible. You have to realize that the old guard weren't like this. That this site wasn't always the place where you go to lose all faith in yourself and others and get nothing in return. You think you're preserving your community but all you're really doing is spreading paranoia and cynicism so everyone else is just as irony-poisoned as you. You think trannies are the reason birthrates are down? Or you think feeling like there's no hope, no friendship, and no security for the next generation might be it? But no, gendered bathrooms and the wu-flu matter this much to you that you take this shit to an apolitical board and shit all over everyone that wants to be kind.
Am I lolifag/pedo? No. Do I like loli artists? No, kind of find it gross whether it's human or pony. But he seemed to be a really nice dude to the rest of these fillyfags. That's what matters. He didn't groom anyone, he didn't fuck a dog with a fire-ant-coated wooden stake. So why the drama? Why all this forced, arbitrary negativity every single thread about every single topic no matter what the discussion is about?

You culture warriors will literally die alone and that's what you deserve. Meanwhile the decent folks are just gonna abandon this site realizing that the cancer's all that's left of what they loved. There are better places for anons and even ponyfags to spend our time.

To the other anons who actually came to mourn, don't be sad he's gone, or angry that his name's being smeared. Be happy he was around, and that he introduced some levity and kindness to your lives.
>There are better places for anons and even ponyfags to spend our time.
Are there? Everyone seems to have moved to Discord, and I refuse to use that cancerous platform.
Maybe large servers are cancer, but tight knit friend groups confined to DMs and group calls are better than...whatever the hell's happened to this hellsite.
It's all cancer, as the program sends everything you say to the company's servers and they make no secret of the fact that they look at your messages. That would be okay if I could sign up with just a throwaway email, but I need to give my mobile phone (no) and I even read it sometimes asks for your ID (fuck no).
>That would be okay if I could sign up with just a throwaway email, but I need to give my mobile phone (no) and I even read it sometimes asks for your ID (fuck no).
Just use VPN? Some countries just ask for an throw away email and nothing else
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Paying respects. I only knew him as a friend of friends, yet he was always a kind familiar face on gay furry ex-horse pixel game. Bless him for his contributions to pony.
Do you know who gookmoot is? What he's done both to 2channel and this site?
Your information's out there. Nothing is safe. VPNs get rangebanned and slammed with 15 minute wait times for every post. If you've ever made a purchase of any kind on the internet, someone knows about it. Google AdSense runs the entire internet. Ever watch a youtube video? Your watch time, retention, your location, everything is logged.
If you want friends on the internet, it's time to roll up your sleeves and build your own fucking website, or give in and use services you don't like to network. Which way, green man? Gonna learn HTML? Or stay here and be a miserable, unfun, shitty person who can't talk to anyone anywhere except on a site that is just as unfun and miserable as they are?

THIS SITE IS DEAD. And this thread's a microcosm of how the fuck that happened.
Everything is logged, true, but it's not possible to link it to any of my personally identifiable information (except by perhaps the NSA).
>but it's not possible to link it to any of my personally identifiable information
What make you believe that isn't true? you just didn't did anything relevant but your information can easily be sold anytime, what happened in /pol/ with that anon that wanted to shot someone was the proof enough that everyone is always avaible for anyone that ask the information, your information would be already available for anyone that pay enough
There's being cautious, and then there's being paranoid. I just err on the side of cautious.
Except Hiro sells all the metadata he can and has done so since 2014. And certain boards have been known to have NSA agents working as jannies.
You're just holding onto the bloated corpse of this website for the sole purpose that it's not Twitter or Facebook. The reason 4chan was great was its people -- anonymous as they are, if you replaced them with a bunch of election tourists who only use the site to screech about their politics into the void, it would be irreparably damaged. Case in point, 2016. And we've had. THREE 2016s happen. What you have to do is to move on. Bring a few friends somewhere new. Doesn't have to be a discord server. Doesn't have to be a forum. If you want another imageboard you can do that by migrating trustworthy users to a new place one by one and letting word of mouth do the rest. But this site? This site is not good for getting invested in, taking seriously -- because the people you're interacting with are cynical, openly cruel sadists who would rather drag you back into the bucket than tell you that there's even a little hope left. Cut your losses. Run for the hills.
Then you don't have any option, just trying to create your own platform or try to use the super niche one and be really fucking lucky to convince someone to use it. For example there's one called matrix that's supposed to be a copy of discord with a lot more of privacy but everyone would rather to use discord because everyone is there and everyone just don't have any skeleton in their closet they want to hide so they aren't worry about what some random chinese company would get watching their activity in some random discord channel
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my tribute
This, I've used Matrix too and with just a few friends and a little work, you could really make a channer-type home there. Back when I was terminally political I was in "The Phoenix Project" it's basically a well-regulated right wing community with individual sub-servers you manually get invited to, started by a pretty alright dude named Asha Logos who seems to have abandoned videomaking since, with the overall goal of growing actual communities around shared white identity and an interest in creating real projects around it back when Matrix was called Riot IM. Didn't work out, life got in the way, honestly doubt it's really worth returning anyway. But Matrix I'd be willing to migrate to. I have plenty of 4chan friends I'd be willing to invite there.
>everyone just don't have any skeleton in their closet
Everyone has something that can be used against them. In the near future, even simple wrongthink like saying "niggers" in chat could be enough to impact your future real life, IF you happen to get singled out by them -- that's how they do it, they never use this kind of tactic on groups of people, because then there would be an uproar. Just on a couple that happen to be in the way.
>IF you happen to get singled out by them -- that's how they do it
That sound more like you need to move out to a real state that don't give a fuck about that and stop trying to get into a job that is infested with trannoids, like you know a real job instead of a memejob like the videogame industry
>In the near future, even simple wrongthink like saying "niggers" in chat could be enough to impact your future real life
Maybe and just maybe try to not use your real name or email for your discord account so anything you say there don't affect you IRL
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you have no prove as you've never died.
So your complain it's that you have a really shitty OPSEC
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It took the last few hours, but I built his filly skin from Ponytown in the world he played in.
Cute! What a sweet little tribute <3
Are you ok miss, need to have another mental health check up on the anontranny discord?
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Your irony poisoning shows. Post filly or shut your faggot mouth.
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Cringe combo
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Cringe is dead and ponies killed it. Now dance in the streets, for you are free.
>screencapped groomer cord
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>even when presented immediate proof that the only server anon is in is a non-anonfilly server, he insists on the trans angle
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>recognizes the pozzplaces by channel names
>expects others to do the same
let me guess: all the other circlejerks banned you for being too big of a faggot.
>he was always a kind familiar face on gay furry ex-horse pixel game.
Oh now he's a furry too. Why are you simping for this AIDScase?
The complete and utter irony of you using the term circlejerk while posting on /mlp/ is nothing short of astounding.
/mlp/ is just as much of a circlejerk as any discord server or reddit page.
I stopped coming to /mlp/ a good few years ago because I knew this is what it was becoming without the show that started us to guide it.
I don't blame you for being such an indulgent little faggot who has no concept of what it actually means to be part of a community.
I know you're bitter because you missed the ride, missed the chance to be part of this board at its height, but that's not your fault or ours.
You'll probably reply to this with another strawman or projective argument that speaks volumes of your own insecurities, and it's sad it has to be that way, but one day you'll have an actual friend you care about, who means a lot to you, who's flaws you overlook because they make you smile and laugh. You're probably young and think you're invincible, but one day life will hit you like a fucking freight train and you'll realize you ain't, then you might actually value death, and stop being such a cringy nigger in /mlp/ threads.
good to see the 900 second timer pushed out all the caring anons and now all that's left are twitter trannies and tourists. fuck this website. fuck mare fair. fuck all of you.
There's plenty of care in this thread, once you sift through the shit... I'm sorry Anon. I miss how things used to be, 4chan was never /good/ per say but fuck me it was better than this...
I was just gonna ignore him honestly. I proved that I'm not in any anonfilly servers and in fact only belong to one server, and he insisted on double-replying to it. But still true.
I'll still go. The people willing to travel for the sake of the ride can't all be bad.
But the sentiment definitely resonates.
Skill issue.
Works on my machine
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>>41875345 (OP)
Nice or something good for him
>>41875345 (OP)
He deserved cancer and deserved to die for being an actual pedophile who groomed kids on trannycord, he's burning in hell right now and it's hilarious, here's an audio recording of Beefilly burning in hell
https://youtu.be/aYx67HRpWGg [Embed]
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>blablabla I stopped coming to /mlp/ blablabla
tl;dr Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Very nice, thank you for sharing Anon.
Man cordchildren can't function without names with extensive post-history can you?
thats very sweet, anon
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i love when a thread devolves into the usual back and fourth shit flinging bot posts
every time
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It's genuinely all this hellscape is anymore
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its a hellscape for sure but rays of hope shine through from time to time if you seek them out
>>41875345 (OP)
Generally speaking, it's best to avoid obvious drama-bait threads. The board isn't so bad when you do, minus the circlejerking of course, and depending on luck, same as most boards on 4chan.
drama-bait *and by extension drama-magnets
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>>41875345 (OP)
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This was one anon's comment. I don't know who the artist is at all. I don't really care to look up what he did wrong because I don't spend all my time scanning through the entire history of any drawfag I see just in case they're a bad person.
I used to think that, but when I've had to hide more than a hundred threads at a time, what am I even supposed to look for anymore? It's a waste of effort. It's why I barely even bother with the board anymore. I just show up on the weekend, hide 40 threads right off the bat, check the catalog for anything worth discussing (and usually come up buttfucking empty), keep one thread open for a few days, and eventually give the fuck up on it. At this point I just check in my waifu general, complete one or two jigsaw puzzles, and feel completely unfulfilled.
Like, this thread. How am I supposed to know that this artist who has an overall really positive rep among my friends and threadgoers is a pedo or a lolicon or whatever? How can I just know in advance every possible accusation and the veracity of each one? No, instead I click on a thread to say "yeah I saw that bee filly, rip to him, his fillies were really cute" and what do I see? Endless shitflinging that accuses every user of the board of being a bad person by proxy. It's one thing to do something shitty and be called out for it. It's another to be constantly blanketly shit on by people who are supposed to share a fandom and passion with me. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thread, huh?
picrel. Just shut up. Shut the fuck up. I am BEGGING YOU to shut the fuck up.
Because he smiled and said hello. Can't help that every fan site, con, and gimmick is ran by jaded sellouts.
>>41875345 (OP)
What a shame.
Bee the change you want to see.
Personally, I only use 4chan/the Internet sporadically. I find more use browsing the archives, simply due to the search function (although there is a 4chan search, I don't find it as useful because it doesn't include expired threads).
Given your reactions, I'm guessing you are a post-millennial, so I'll just say that it's best not to attach yourself to "communities" and try to have a greater sense of individuality; the alternative gives way to mobocracy/circlejerking. One generally stops being so emotional, or isn't so passionate, about shitposters in this case.
>Those now screeching about trannies had no problem calling a fat full grown man "Wanda"
Amazing how much one person can shit up a thread
*And use the report function liberally. Moderation might be extremely biased especially depending on the board, and might not do anything, but it's better than not doing so.
I am here yet again to remind you that current year online discourse can only be about two things: Trannies or Chuds.
Once you start seeing this pattern everywhere you'll stop taking everything so seriously.
if you've ever dealt with barneyfag its not surprising
its just weird, sad and funny knowing that some random faggot is seething hard enough to care more about something they're claiming to hate, time and time again

every time i see a rabid retard i always imagine how proud their parents must be, kek
But parents would be proud of /OUR/pedo amirite?
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Thought I'd throw my hat into the ring with a little doodle from a drawpile.

Because his handle was Wand_Of_Inferno, ergo, Wanda.

I hope he's reunited with his 30 beefillies in a happy little colony.

History has taught me that the most vocal critics of lolisho like whoever this retard is have major skeletons in their closet, and they act this way to compensate for the heinous stuff they've done.
There is no 'A' after Wand_ , ergo; you made it up and ignore the self-inserting "Wanda" does. Are all discorders disabled?
>not bee
one job
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And why were you on a homo ex-horse gay furry game that he would be a 'familiar face' to you?
So much drama and faggotry and retardation. I hope i never become an MLP fanartist.
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You mean the silly little chatroom with the pixel pony avatars?
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If I died I don't think anyone would notice here or on my online groups.
I was comatose in bed for like 3 days and my parents didn't notice.
I'm so fucked.
Ponytown? For faggots and trannies.
Why were you comatose?
You know what faggot? Fine you're right. But you can't argue with this:
>fucker died with a smile on his face.
Just like 4chan then
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Much worse as this thread shows.
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the threads i frequent would die if i died tonight
that and a hand full of unfinished stories would be left if i was gone
i already feel like im dying most days anyway
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didnt know him but i saw him around once or twice b4. rip beefilly
Nobody would notice if I died tonight, and that's perfectly fine
So you just bump like a fag? You're life's already pretty much worthless.
All life is worthless. None of you will accomplish anything in the Grand scheme of things. In just 100 years, Nobody will even know who you were
Edgy and angsty? Yes. Doesn't make it any less true though.
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Sad to see one of us go. Loved his goofy little bee drawings, paying my tribute
I'm gonna miss him. I already do. I won't lie and say he was always a ray of sunshine, but damn did he try to be.
Friends shouldn't die like that. I really thought he was gonna get better.
There, done with my angstpost. Go back to your regularly scheduled wannabe moralfagging, shit-tier nihilism, and general reeing.
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>cared for member of a shrinking fandom dies
>thread is full of trolling and people shitting on him
Where are the jannies?
>cared for member
>Where are the jannies?
They're too busy patrolling the threads for a mare with a BMI over 20. Do I sound salty?
you mean a mare with a 30 BMI, all that extra weight happening to be in her teats
Also true.
I never really interacted with him much back when I was a part of the ponytown filly group but was an alright dude the couple times I was around him. May he filly filly in peace wherever he is. rip
I was busy pissing the thin skinned devs off enough to die an honorable permadeath on the battlefield. Where is your honor, marefag?
Dude, drop the fedora. Is 2025 already.
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i wrote alongside him in the anon in pone prison threads under another alias, and even though it was unironically gay, his was one i read and enjoyed
i dont think he ever would have recognized me without an explanation, and i always had it on the back of my mind any time i saw his art to reach out and reminisce
i hate how i always think there'll be more time left.

rest easy beefilly, you've made it.
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Press F to pay respect
No, I don't think I will.
>on an anonymous imageboard
Go back instantly
>say where the jannies are
>only to ask where the jannies are
your post confuses me
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>>41875345 (OP)
>trannyfillyfag died
Would be such a shame if he wasn't one of those fags, so good riddance. Maybe God will have mercy on him and set him straight while he's up there.
Have you tried not being an anonfillyfag/ptfgfag? I guarantee it will improve your experience by a ton.
Anonfilly is the board mascot though
Wand of Inferno ---> Wand of ---> Wandof ---> Wanda, simple as. Hope you get activated someday.
The worst mascot due to Anonfilly being /ptfg/ cancer, unless some kind of miracle happened and you guys somehow erased any and all /ptfg/ connections...
Anonfilly was a fun AU idea that was co-opted by /ptfg/
You know, back when this board was fun and had actual soul.
Is Wanda an oc name? I found a tag of oc:Wanda on derpi and wasnt sure if it was his.
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I don't give a shit about your cultural war, tranies and Trump can suck my dick. Pretty sad about this dude departure, even if I lost contact with him still hurts to lost a fellow horsefucker.
Looking at the pics, it seems to have been used by various people for their respective OCs, but not by Wand himself.
Wanda was a nickname that came from the Wand of Inferno alias.
No idea where it originated, but we kinda just ran with it and Wand never complained.
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>implying it was co-opted
Is this co-opted? Is https://ponepaste.org/9604's literal first sentence after short introduction also co-opted? Likely story. It was cancer from the very start and stayed that way ever since. All Anonfilly should have been is either a literal random filly who has zero connection to Anon or Anon's pony filly daughter.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, the kindest act you could do is killing yourself.
Oooor you could draw a cute picture, it doesn't matter if you're not good, it's for a fellow anon
I hope all of you speaking ill of bee filly grow old enough to taste the bitter juices of regret.
B.A.R.B.I.E.niggers being a protected class while an ancient draw+writefriend can't even get a fucking sticky. Total janny death please.
Then we've got all these spiteful underage newfags who probably only ever heard about this place from LE EPIC MARESCHIZO MEME! shitting up the joint even worse with their twitter-soaked nothing posts. Maybe the doomsayers were right.
Fuck trannies, fuck polniggers, fuck the dip shit faggot jannies that let it get this bad, and most of all fuck the nohooves that never should have been allowed here.
Gonna miss you Wanda, sorry I procrastinated so hard on proofreading your green.
>sorry I procrastinated so hard on proofreading your green.
It's never too late, Anon.
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You can 'shut down and disappear' if you want, bee anon is going to equestria.
>expecting respect
>on 4chan
The high price of freedom, you can be an asshole and have no consequence until you forgot you're in the interweb and then it has.
>>expecting respect
>>on 4chan
>Every board is old /b/
>By the time I got here /b/ was already a porn board
There's disrespect and then there's internet hate machine wannabes. This isn't how people flayed retards like capper alive for ages, and honestly people were a bit more reverent for shit like this in the past.
This is a newfag phenomenon, hard to put to words but when you know you know.
I call it /v/ syndrome, where election tourists show up with the expectation that you're supposed to hate anything and everything and never find something enjoyable to discuss instead
Believe it or not, there used to be a level of decorum to the way the cultures of different boards would act.
There was still plenty of drama, shitposting and cringe, but there was also an understanding that we were here to share our interests with each other without limitations.
Those lack of limitations never meant it was okay to blatantly and unironically shit on everyone and everything with the most vile and disgusting levels of hate imaginable.

This site has gone downhill since the mid 2010s.
It used to be we made fun of mods/Jannies for 'no fun allowed', but now it's the posters themselves that don't want fun.
They'd rather spread pointless hatred and aggression at things they don't actually care about or understand.
They genuinely think 4chan is a place only for racists, bigots and the rejects of society, a site where you are supposed to be constantly nihilistic and aggressive and spit doomer worldviews constantly.
>Climate change
>Beefilly dies
At the very least this thread has proved to me that there still are fellow anons who are at least just as fed up with the current mentality of the board as I am.
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>flood the site with right wing garbage
>baaaaw why is everyone so mean!!!111

It's almost like you did it to yourself, isn't it?
Go back
Just remember, gentlemen, not to give (you)s to baiting tourists. Eventually this wave of vermin have to get bored and fuck off to some other heal, and that can only go faster if nobody pays them any mind.
Anyways may Wand rest in peace. I'm not sure but I hope he rests easy in heaven
Yeah I shouldn't waste my time giving (You)s to fags who can't stop being attwhores on a memorial thread to a nice anon
>faggot complaining about rwers on 4chan
I call it a fractured fandom. This was an inevitability, as election tourist is one in a list of scapegoats. Respect for specific pony tastes has been steadily chipping away since the times of Twilicorn.
This has been claimed for the last 10 or so years.
I'm sad that this thread went so down hill. Can't we just give some respect to Wand?
>USPS picks today to deliver a non-profit letter asking for donation to save the bees "that are dying at an alarming rate"
Insensitive pricks
All atheists should be brutally tortured and murdered
The ones they were talking about 10 years ago did, but a new generation rose up to take up their mantle, and they're even worse than before
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So long Beefilly Anon, I never knew you except in passing pictures, but I'm glad your suffering has ended. Hope you're living free and easy now.
Say hello to SoaringFlight for me, will ya?
It's cyclical. Every time pony gets a boost in public attention, another handful of dedicated, joyless kikes are attracted like flies on shit. See: """BASED MARESCHIZOS””” and tamer flamers. The real ones are just here to have fun, but it seems like the ratio of bona fide new friends and poop golems skews in growing proportion toward the latter.
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>>41875345 (OP)
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>>41875345 (OP)
>Up there
Anon... I
>Tranny mental gymnastics in action
Loving every laugh
>A sticky for an anontranny fag
Totally organic support
Election tourists are older.
>Regret about not reading /ptfg/
Another 41%
Make a xitter post to cry about it
He's going to barbiequestria for his sins. Also, he will never be a pony.
I think he already came.
>he will never be a pony
Naturally, all /tf/troons can't accept this even the ones that splintered off thinking "we're different!" only to run the same gamut.
Maybe you didnt get the memo; this thread is pure and santified by horsepussy

Shutup jannies, you know I'm right even if I am in violation. Tell me you wouldn't smile from the afterlife while people rid your tribute thread of off-boarder trolls through kamikaze horsepron strikes
God dammit, you try to get banned for more hoersmut,....
An underage white knight coming to save the thread's like he's on reddit. How quaint.
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I played tabletop games and drew with him.
He was a good man who had a completely unfair set of circumstances, but he rode through it until the end.
He never let petty things get to him. They were so insignificant compared to the problems he had to deal with on a daily basis.
He was always enthusiastic to hang out, at least until his health started taking a turn for the worse.
Wand wanted to improve his art style every day. He had dreams of going to Mare Fair eventually.
I know he's at peace now. I just wish I had done more with him while he was still here. Please, spend time with your friends. Ask them what they're feeling. Don’t be afraid to talk about what makes you happy, or scared. You really never know when they’ll need to leave.
At least he made it to Mare Fair in the sky.
Funny, Hell was always said to be below the Earth
In equestria, every day is mare fair
Care to spoonfeed? I feel like I know that name from somewhere
>tfw beefillies are dying at an alarming rate
Musician who passed away in 2013.
Note that no one knew of his passing until early 2016.
Also of interest is the 4chan thread where it was posted, as, just like this one, it also had some mumbling newfag doing his """best""" to spit on the dead.
interesting how those with no intrinsic value are the only ones pathetic enough to do this, as if crying for attention would ever make their parents love them
No, the jannies have been absolute sweethearts in this
Cancer had already set in by then. Imagine if the same thread were made about melodicpony.
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imagine thread about spec dying
But he was right?
That would be the most beautiful shitshow of hate. I will unironically piss on his grave when he dies
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Rest in peace friend, hope you're in a better place, wherever that may be
missed this one <3
What's the bet that people that are reeing about the >no hooves underage also post in the filly threads fantasizing about said filly and having a train run on them?
Literally who?
At least he's not a /ptfg/fag which normally would make him automatically better than this guy. Unfortunately, Spec is such an enormous faggot he ends up being as bad.
Any /ptfg/fag is better than spec imo.
How do you not know Spec? He's...that guy that everyone hates. I'm not sure what he did, but I have a disapproving opinion on this guy too because everyone does.
Will someone based draw porn of his OC please
Be the change you want to see, anon
Nah I'm busy making a cool draw of you getting raped by a futamare
Samefagging is still obvious. Congrats on learning to separate the times of your posts, though.
ESL nigger, it's "pedo's".

Anyway, thenk mods and jannies for actually doing something, keep up the work
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haters motivate me to draw beefilly more.
>>41875345 (OP)
Is it a bee x anonfilly fusion or anonfilly in a bee costume
no one knows bee's true identity. his or her cutie mark is covered. could be anypony under this suit.
Why it had to be anonfilly? He could've came up with an original filly OC in a bee costume.
Beecause he was a bee and an Anon.
Probably because I insisted on people being anonfilly back when I played ponytown to retain the anon purity in some weird way (I was still in HS at the time). It was his own unique spin.
He was the only one who really knew, so one day we may know, at the end of the ride
You can't meme him out of hell kiddo.
>the ban from my posts arguing that we should fucking leave people alone and act like human beings finally ended
I'm done. If I get banned again it won't make a difference, I'm going back to solitude. I'm happy to have met a few decent nor/mlp/eople but I'm off the ride and I'll drag those people off of the ride myself if I have to. This shit's a public safety hazard and I'm not letting my friends be Final Destination 3'd because of the sunk cost fallacy. This isn't even a ragequit. It's a sadquit. Knowing everything I halfway enjoy is torn to shreds by all this astroturfed """internet hate machine""" bullshit is depressing. There are no lilypads to jump to anymore, and the water's up to my chin.

Fuck you.
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One day yes, we will know, in the meantime, let's just mourn a hero, or, are we?
Some say he's gone. That he buzzed his last flight, vanished into the night like a whisper on the wind. But I know better. I know he's still out there, watching, waiting. Because legends don’t die. They don’t fade away. They become something more, an idea, a shadow, a guardian.
He was never one for names, never one for fame. Just a quiet protector, a relentless force, a lone sentinel in the neon hive. Some feared him. Some mocked him some even hated him. But we? We knew the truth. We knew what he stood for. What he fought for doing his modest part. An hero? Maybe, maybe not, the future will tell, but to those who remember… to those who still listen to the hum in the night, he will always be more than just a filly in a silly bee costume. he is the buzz in the dark. The sting in the storm. The eternal watcher.
The Beefilly.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91iOtcuIdDg [Embed]
yeah I think I'm done with the board too. don't get off the ride totally, since that isn't necessarily connected to the board, but the place is mostly shitty people now. I was thinking yesterday about how there'll be a grand amount of them at mare fair, and it makes me want to go even less. not many other places online to give a try, but I guess I'll have to find them.
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Don't stop at just the board, go the full distance for him!
for who?
>aislop text
>aislop image
Will you really let a bunch of faggots who weren't even born when 4chan was created bully you away? Fight back you cowards
A decade ago this might have been a valid point. Things change.
Yes who could have a currently up and undeserved thread about them, hmmm.
The board lives on no matter what.
The offboarders, shills, election tourists? They will all go away at one point or another.
Do not fall for "their" blatant samefagging; "they" are but one or two.
Do not be angst because of the janny; they were given a payless job, they can just as easily lose it.
There are still many, many good people here. It just so happens that they speak whereas the inflated minority endlessly shouts.

Kinda regretting bumping now. Eh...
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you know you're really weird
Tamers? Why would anyone kill himself for that hack?
I don't see a tamers appreciation/tribute thread up. Are you sure you're not having a dementia episode?
>>41877630 →
>can't even search the board properly
>still wants everyone to believe "they're" not offboarders
I dunno, you're the one posting like a woman
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>at one point or another
Nearly half my life so far has been spent ponying pony. And only maybe half of that time ponying pony was a positive experience.
I don't believe it's one or two people. I believe it's far more than that. Even mlpol, shithole that it is, has "only" had to deal with someone like Boom Booms for a few years. This is more than that. It's multiple people, on BOTH SIDES, going out of their way to be shitty to each other under some misguided idea of how the internet is supposed to operate. I'm angry because all I ever see here is one or two decent threads and over 100 completely irrelevant threads designed solely to milk (You)s and piss people off. The catalog is radioactive. If I put the energy forth to keep up with the board as a whole, even if I filtered everything I disliked or saw as ragebait, it would leave me with nothing to interact with. And posting my own threads is a no-go because I have jack shit left to discuss and no talent for OC. Anything I make gets slid straight off the board in favor of GOLLY CUNNY UWOOHH TWILIGHT IS FAT FLUTTERSHY'S A FAGGOT IWTCIRD RARITY'S A SLUT APPLEJACK'S CLOACA TRIXIE'S A TRANNY TRUMP TRUMP TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY. It's not the twittards and tumblr tots that forced tranny Trixie into my head, it's the CONSTANT arguments about it HERE, instigated by people I know hate trannies, who just can't shut the fuck up about it. Like picrel. There's no joy in this board save for small dedications to our respective waifus and even THAT gets shit up with metric tons of bait.
I'm tired of it. There's no point in pretending the board is some special thing irrespective of the people in it. The board, the entire site, *is* the people in it. And the people in it are shallow, petty, envious, spiteful, wrathful, and humorless, while pretending they're the old guard of a culture defined by being willing to discuss anything seriously and jokingly, break bread with people no matter how stupid they are to us, share in shared hobbies without judgment, and have a little fucking fun once in a while. You'd think the entire board was typing with one hand while taking cock with the other! Like do you guys know how to exhale? Do you know how to relax your muscles? Do you type hunched over with a scowl on your face? Are you even capable of smiling anymore or are you some husk?
I regret bumping too. I have a job to go back to.
Have you guys tried not being /ptfg/ or anonfilly fags? I guarantee your experience would improve by a lot. If you still insist on being this kind of "people", then maybe it really is for the best that you leave and stay gone for good. Alternatively you could just stick around for rewatch streams and watch the show and then have fun afterwards.
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For anybody wondering, Bilbo is the one shitting up this thread and slandering Bee's good name for almost three days in a row.
>Can't read
>still wants everyone to believe "they're" not offboarders
that really doesn't surprise me
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Nobody's forcing you to reply to retarded posts.
kek that pic, saving it
Anyway, I can't really say much besides that I disagree. Has the board quality decreased? Yes. Has it decreased to the point that there's only 2 decent threads? No.
If you're really having that much trouble finding a decent thread, you can always try going to a general; of course, some are known to be drama-ridden, but many are completely fine.
Or, as >>41883233 said, going to some 4chan Cytube channel like the Rewatch (on Saturdays), Bootleg (just after the Rewatch), Afterparty (24/7), etc. can work just as fine.
Thenk, would've replied to the fag who didn't bother going through the tamers thread.
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>I've found the culprit, girls... A hobbit is ruining our safespace!!
fuggin KEK

This is 100% a (You) problem. You should stop being so negative and embrace positivity. There's no joy because you stubbornly refuse to see it. I don't know why you're doing that, but it's clearly bad for your health. I hope one day you will rediscover joy whether its through a pleasant pony dream or something else.
There's the franchise stream(mlpstream) too, it has frequent(or constant depending on how you're looking at it) secret sessions on top of weekly Monday streams though nowadays they're watching other things as they have finished going through all of MLP(including all the spinoffs and whatnot).
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>letting the shitheads ruin the board
Just ignore them, they are miserable and want to make all of us feel the same.
I should try, I refrained to do anything because I felt like taking advantage of a tragedy but is the least I could do in his memory.
I can sorta see where he is coming from though. The board has become nearly unusable since the 15 minute timer and tamersslop happened. I just don't know where to go, all other pony sites are cancer, and I don't know anyone from /mlp/ that I could meet up in some Discord chatroom or wherever. Oh and I guess there's NHNB, but it's deader than dead.
Post your discord name or an email and I'll at least say hi
Anon, not a good idea itt, or in any 4chan thread in general.
>entire thread is nothing but garbage and vitriol
>hey share your email ^:)
Met a local guy a year ago since he put his email into a /k/ thread and he was cool though he's too busy to hang out. Here I'll put my email down and you can shoot me there, also Im the OP, promise I'm not a troll vinyls@protonmail.com
Nah. New friend applications are over.
>the entire site, *is* the people in it
There's nothing left on this board but the mentally ill and retarded kids.
There's nothing you can do or say on /mlp/ that you can't do better on some other site. It's not even a place for free speech since saying any number of forbidden things will get you quietly erased, reddit style.
/mlp/ is a gathering place for people too abrasive to fit into a community where they have to adopt a username. What did you expect?
did you read the words around that quote
I would if I had one. I've yet to set one up because I don't even know what channel to join. It's not like there's some /mlp/ channel, or at least not that I know of.
>going from 4chan to fucking d*scord
Anon, I get you're dissatisfied with the board, but there's no reason to stoop that low.
As previous anons said, there are various MLP Cytube rooms, if you really want to go somewhere where there's a strong /mlp/ diaspora.
You know, I decided to search around on the archives and online in general about this email (to see if there's any proof that it's legit and all), and I found a very similar one (just a different domain) that's associated with some random guy named Caleb (not gonna post his full details, ofc), and I think I remember this name from somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it... Do you know anything about this? Is that some completely unrelated person's email who just happens to have a same username or does it belong to you?
>good name
Lmao, also it ain’t all bilbo, even if he is a nigger.
>MLP Cytube rooms
Never really enjoyed those. Just seemed to be mostly people spamming emojis.
fagcord detected
Your loss. There are interesting things going on there sometimes like weekly gartic phone sessions and jackbox + movie nights in addition to usual MLP fare mare
>muh both sides
Disgruntled centrists are the third and sharpest tine of the "no fun allowed" trident.
Not controversial or negative.
>just be happy and get excited for new thing
Lol, fuck that normie advice. You'd be singing a different tune if the board didn't fit your tastes. Your condescension is simply an act of self preservation. The landscape has changed and a decade of fake camaraderie is not a healthy thing to get sucked into.
>There are no lilypads to jump to anymore, and the water's up to my chin.
Splendid poetry, anon
>Ai generated image
Would you kindly draw
Jesus fuck, I knew the thread was going to take a turn for the worst the second these fags started shitting on Wanda. But honestly, this thread stoped being a tribute/memorium thread and turned rapidly into "tard #1 being edgy while tard 2-4# keeps feeding into tard 1's faggotry."

I really am sad that Wanda is gone, and I'll forever be grateful for the times and laughs we had togheter. Just a shame that this thread turned out to be just as, if not worse, that the drawthreads over in /trash/.
the idea of policing what other people do to have fun is what tumblrites and twitterites do, Anon. You aren't one of those, are you??
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literalwho is this?
It sounds like they're a obese fat fuck that deserved their "post surgery complications", thanks.
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>A simple filly in a bee costume farming all these (You)s from beyond the grave.
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With all the shitflinging itt, I'd like to let you kind anons know that wand had a solid friend group that cared about and supported him for a long time, and that he was never truly sad or alone
Here's a drawing he made that he didnt post on any boorus
this post sparks joy in my heart
I'm going to miss his wasp and hornet fillies too...
finally he can bee free
>inb4 Anons in the fandom start dropping like flies in 10 years and there's a death general
I'm going to miss his colts.
>>41875345 (OP)
No idea who he was and half of the posts in this thread make no sense but I'm joining this wake for free food and feeling of belonging. Also, I don't know about bees but wasp ponies are fun.
>I'm joining for a feeling of belonging.
Notice how the comments are more relaxed at this time of the day
You're a poopyhead
Hey that's mean :(
That's because the majority of Americans are sleeping or going to sleep
>.t burger night owl
That's really good to hear.
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thing i drew at work
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nigger no matter how many yous you get you finna be dead fr
Cute! Good job fren!
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Did this yesterday and posted on other threads. Now that I've made it I feel less depressed about the situation. Hope we can see us later in Equestria and have a proper talk cause I stopped chatting with him in years.
Making art is cathartic. Good job anon.
It wouldn't have turned out this way if he wasn't an anonfilly/ptfg fag.
Sharty lost
>implying sharty
If anything, sharty would gladly support anonfillyfags and ptfgfags too as they are both equally cancerous.
Well, I wouldn't be so definite as you; if it weren't for the tards, we wouldn't have, e.g. >>41882454.
If not anything else, at least a lot of amazing, sovlful art has come out of this thread. Art which is *still* being made, the most recent as of now being >>41885194 (the one after it was made earlier)
...cautious bump
It keeps happening:
>artist tag
If he's dead how did he post that an hour ago
because anyone can upload anything to any booru, you don't even have to ask an artist's permission to upload their art (on some boorus, at least, others like Derpi have DNP lists, but that's besides the point).
If you go to his Mastodon, you can find it there.
ah, thought he directly uploaded to derpi and the description was first person.
That's immortality
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I was inspired to do the same, and it really was. This is for beefren.
I love all the pollen in fur and mane, lovely
That's a nice bee
what a qt
Remember, if beefilly stings you, it will die afterwards. That's just how bees work, which is kind of sad.
Why would beefilly sting me? I wouldn't show any aggression and with a proportionally scaled stinger to filly sizes, the thing would probably inject enough venom to kill me too, not to mention the stinger would be like having a massive arrow imbedded in your skin
Very Cute. Waiting fifteen Hiroshimoot minutes and making my first post on this board ever to compliment your work.
>waiting 15 minutes to make your first post on this board in this very thread
I don't know what to think.
beefilly and colt QT
rip in bee
Rest with bees.
Geez, it's been already a week since he died...
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It's like the opposite for me now. I see a bee, I think of beefilly.
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yeah,... i think art like ITT is the best hommage to him.
Goodbye bee
Goodbye thread
Goodbye filly
Hello dread
There is no happy future for us
Things will continue to get worse, forever
ohh stop being so negative
anon, it's the cursed month
you'll find out soon enough just how bad things can be
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My only collab with Wanda. Wish we did more.
Wdym cursed month? It's February.
In february: ponies banned from 4chan, /mlp/ created, EQG announced, Twilicorn announced, and the show ending with S9 announced, the pony superbowl ad getting offboarder attention, Capper announced for the movie meaning anthro cats are canon, moot leaving 4chan, derpygate, Anthology 1 gets taken down, G5 Make Your Mark and Winter Wishday specials get announced, and all that is just the stuff that I remember.
February is C U R S E D, and I dread what is coming next because we're already suffering so much for so long I don't know if we can take it.
Nice, can't wait to see how we will be fucked over this year. Life is pain, embrace suffering.
moot left in january but yeah fair game for the rest as far as I know
This thread gives me hope that the board is finally getting fed up with the fillyfags. Hopefully he repented and isn't burning in the afterlife. Seemed like an otherwise nice guy.
Really? I'm getting the complete opposite impression of this thread - zoomers shitting on a productive member of the community even when in death, and oldfags tired of seeing what this board has become. How new are you by the way? Did poopy butts bring you here? It's okay to admit it, not like your posts don't give it away.
I just wanted to comment to say I'm sad he's gone and I like beefilly. Apparently I interacted with him once to wave at him on Dicksword and I think I remember him in the general chat. We weren't close though.
It might get better from here, we're already at rock bottom what do we have to lose
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That was beeautiful anon, you are forgiven for the Ai given the immediacy of the situation
Nigger, I already caught a multi-day ban for posting horsepussy at off-boarders after the 4ccup, I've done my part
First I've ever heard of this chad but a cunnyseur is alright with me
>productive member of the community
You mean to tell me this /trash/ discord fappy talk tier faggot was somehow an esteemed content creator? Are you sure you're not just saying that because he used to be one of your beloved erp butt budies? I have checked his shit, and it looks like bottom of the barrel garbage.
Unironically yes. What have you created that isn't low tier bait?
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If you wanna get circumspect, okay. I'll grant that some of his images are questionable, but I maintain that "those" images are him lewwding himself cuz like most fillies he have a the issues. For fucks sakem are you pissing on the dead cuz you have a piss fetish and want ppl to piss on your corpse? We can piss on you before you're dead if thats what you're into, but for fucks sake, I'm ABOUT to lose my shit, leave the Beee to the flowers and shit. >;_;<
Thank you for this
Do y'all want me to post more, or can we get back to mourning a fren? FFS?
Btw, I failed. I was supposed to leave a sign on one of the HarmonyCon chairs for the PonyTown panel labelled "Reserved for BeeFilly. I bought a card and everything >;_;< srsly gonna miss him, and yes he lives on.
https://youtu.be/1M4U5_Lyzh8?si=kBvLeOddtXQUIQsD [Embed]
>ponytown panel
Those devs aren't ashamed to show up in public? What do they do, talk about their once a year furry accessory update, plans for shittier AI moderation, and plug patreon and ponies at dawn every minute?
A lot of it is that bilbo subhuman, a lot off it is other cancer that's been allowed to fill the board with hate and cancer because the mods don't care if the pony board is attacked. It's why this thread still has posts assailing the dead and the thread about that dlirium game's dev is just full of russians attacking ukrainians and nothing's done about it, while things like the aryanne thread (because of course /pol/shit gets protection) are babysat to make sure nothing negative can be posted there and stay up.
Well, its a mix of issues. On the one hand, alot of anons are dour cuz widening gap between 'now' and end of G4. To that end, having to rely on Tamers, 4cc, and a few other mentionables isn't boding well. Having said, there's hope, but I'm not gonna say it outright cuz A. I'm a dick, and B. I wanna build suspense
I could write a book about Bilbo on the adequate thread and his samefagottry habits on 4chan and on the boorus, he finds pride in this shit, and found ways to evade.
This is an absolute moralfaggot, he even said his views are closer to islam as he can't stop bragging being the new christ.
this faggot is the opposite, has no respect, and needs to be locked in a psychiatric institute.
>white horse bad
You know you're not unlike those attacking the dead here grouping Bee with ptfg and jdb as cancers.
Bilbo got banned from PTFG for being too much of an autistic retard. We don’t claim him.
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I...didn't claim you ever did.
Hi, as a member of jdb we also don’t want him. Perhaps /FOE/ might want him? Wasteland and all.
>/mlpol/ nazis are the cancer destroying the board
>/jdb/ pedos are the cancer destroying the board
>/ptfg/ discords are the cancer destroying the board
>barbie trannies are the cancer destroying the board
>thing I don't like is the cancer destroying the board
It's not that hard to draw parallels guys. Don't be like the fags attacking Bee.
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Yeah, unfunny /pol/shit april fools joke from 8 years ago bad, especially when she gets protection that isn't afforded to /mlp/ regulars and natives.
>all this other shit
You don't get to play this "you're the same" card just because you saw some other retard acting like that was a valid argument.
Wand is dead. Those who knew him have had to suffer not only the loss of a friend, but also jannies deciding it's ok for some spastic faggot to call Wand a "pedophile burning in hell", while the same jannies act very quickly to delete "maybe this charity pack shouldn't include swastikas and nazi horses". Trying to claim the two are equivalent is frankly disgusting, even by the standards of what redditors think 4chan is like.
I stopped lurking 4 years ago. But sure everyone who's tired of this shit is tamers obsessed or whatever weird thing you have on your mind
All of these things are true however
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You making the loss of a friend all about your personal crusade against content you hate and the shitty moderation of this site is frankly disgusting to me. I hardly knew bee as more than a friendly face, but you're pulling a real bitch move here.
>I stopped lurking 4 years ago.
And you came back just to shit on a dead member of the community.
No, as in I've been active for the past 4 years.
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>nooo don't point out flaws in the system
I can tell you're the type that shows up to every thread pointing out issues with a board to shit out "well I think your complaining about the issues is annoying so shut up". Fantastic, you've provided nothing of substance to the conversation and have served to accomplish little more than cry victim about mlpol slop being insulted and attempting to justify allowing flagrant troll posts to attack the subject of a memorial thread.
I never justified the troll posts in any way. Your need to villify me speaks volumes. I provided enough substance to the conversation by paying my respects, and unlike you I did it without jumping to conclusions over which hole the trolls crawled out of.
Welcome to the anonymous internet, when I talk about how my friend who also browsed the board killed himself, there's always the one guy who thinks it's hilarious to mention people who kill themselves don't get to go to Equestria. I'm not getting my ass chafed about that, because if I had any goddamn respect for the man, I'd realize that turning this place into some kind of faggy hugbox where being edgy and mean is verboten would be a huge "fuck you" to his memory. Despite there being so many retards and dumb bullshit on this board, he enjoyed his time posting here, and turning it into some kind of mopey circlejerk probably isn't what he would have wanted. Getting steamed about typical 4chan edgelord shit isn't worth it, but you are giving them the exact sort of response they want with a post like this.

Rest in peace to Beefilly, it appears he had a lot of people in his life who truly cared for him. That's what you should keep in mind, not online retards going for the low hanging fruit to try and make you feel bad. I've been there, it's painful as shit to lose somebody you care about, but anonymous posters aren't under any obligation to be nice. From what I've gathered, he at least hung out in board adjacent circles so I don't think he's going to look any less on memorializing him here because some posters are being assholes, that's just what happens here.
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Can you fillies kiss and have gay sex already?
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>/mlpol/ nazis are the cancer destroying the board
>/jdb/ pedos are the cancer destroying the board
>/ptfg/ discords are the cancer destroying the board
>barbie trannies are the cancer destroying the board
>thing I don't like is the cancer destroying the board
None of these. I'M destroying the board. I'm responsible.
No, get him as far away as possible.
Thank you. I enjoy watching autists lose their shit.
RIP BeeAnon/Wanda
>I could write a book about Bilbo on the adequate thread
Do it.
So what you're saying is we could have a Bilbo panel at MF?
Your obsession is vexing.
Nah, but maybe that's something for Midwest Furfest.
I've never seen an underage b& faggot with such a naked spite for pony and everything good in the world. I'll feel nothing when he inevitably ropes, unless he makes some major changes in his life.
What if he was hired to staff?
I tried to, but turns out you have to dox yourself just to be accepted
... This is just depressing. It wasn't a stomach ache that got you, little bee.
That application hasn't been rejected yet.
this just breaks my heart...
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Proof? Would make it easier to get his stupid ass banned
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I turn 20 the 18th unfortunately, sorry if that makes me ungroomable in your eyes.
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Stop gritting your teeth, it's bad for you.
Subhuman status: Absolute
>>41875345 (OP)
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He'd been going through some stuff for a long time, this one was from last year when his pain medication ran out
He's in a better place anons
That's actually very sad
That's a freudian slip
Why didi he need painkillers and surgery?
Beefrens, stay safe. I thought he was doing better and then he was gone. I'm not okay about it, I wont be okay about it. Bee. FFS
Abandoning thread, thanks for the memories frens, I hope to see a screencap someday. Until next time, or Equestria, whichever comes sooner!
He got dealt a shitty hand. He played it as long as he could.
Cancer and several unrelated medical problems. Dude was damn strong for how fucked up his body was.
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It's always a terrible time when horse enthusiasts pass away.
Yes indeed
Damn, that fucking sucks. Bet the american "healthcare" system didn't help either.
>Dude was damn strong for how fucked up his body was.
Well, he wanted to live.
even worse, he was from south america
Oh... Bro never stood a chance, did he?
He had very strong stomach aches which started in late October/early November last year. He mentioned something about going to the free care hospital where they gave him something to ease the pain and went back home after.
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What is it about chronic diseases that cause someone to be notable.
I don't understand, they get full immunity from drama just because of the chronic illness and end up getting tons of stuff given to them out of pity.

I know a ponyfag who's had seizures for like a decade and needs to wear dentures because of how worn out his teeth are, and that dude has SO much goddamn art he's gotten for free, its insane.

other than that, im sick of cliquefagging, its so fucking annoying, imagine joining a social area just to only talk to 2-3 people in your circlejerk instead of interacting with others, for fucks sake what is the point.
He died of heart attack, which apparently was related to his condition (post surgery complications). Constant and rapid loss of weight definitely put a lot of stress on his body.
Sympathy is a very basic human emotion.
>immunity to drama
Bee had no real drama. It's not like if Woot, Jenny Nicholson, or Databye were in wheelchairs they'd get free passes for stirring the pot.
As for cliquefagging, I have only ever been able to connect to a few individuals at a time. Do not pretend like everyone in an open social platform can get along when /mlp/ self segregates so readily.
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>Sympathy is a very basic human emotion.
yet people are quick to jump on each others throats over the stupidest shit or constantly assume what someone else is saying is in malice.
for example

"A politician can't make a campaign around increasing HRT access, since transgenders are a minority group and they need a majority vote to win elections."

"grr you're transphobic i hate you!!! theres allies and supporters too who'd vote!!"

It's all so tiresome
I think the sympathy that comes is just virtue signalling and trying to fill that void of "I did something good today".

It really sucks being permanently removed from things because people tried to mob you over a misunderstanding or some opinion you have (for example you don't like factorio, which riles factorio fans up for some reason)
I think you're in a dark place when any nice gesture can be misconstrued for virtue signaling. Can one not draw for a total stranger if he thinks it'll brighten another's day? Should nobody have drawn art of that cringe oc by Faust's daughter? Is Flawless art off limits if Tamers is thankful for it? What if the artists remains anonymous?
>It really sucks being permanently removed from things because people tried to mob you over a misunderstanding or some opinion you have
I exclude myself to avoid it altogether now.
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>you're in a dark place
I don't mean to be a emotionfag but here goes, ill put it as simply as possible.

I do not want to burden people with my personal problems, things have been somewhat stressful, especially as of today as I only got less than half of what I was expecting from my paycheck, and I can't find a good deal on a used car so I can move on from minimum wage.

I dunno, its just at one point you lose love/intimacy for things, why does it matter?
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Wand's still alive, you retards. He's just done drawing and wants to focus on life IRL. You guys believed a fucking Steam troll kek holy shit
Well, it's Internet. Everything's possible. But we got confirmations from his family, from Facebook. I'm rather 90% sure it's legit, tho.
alright, post proof
I had hope, but too many people who knew him better have given confirmation. I would give a lot to hear his silly Mexican accent again.
And so, the thread slowly but steadily approaches the bump limit. Rest in peace, Little Bee.
>that spacing
here anon, this will fix your need for lack of spacing.
[32] Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci[ng] velit, sed quia non numquam [do] eius modi tempora inci[di]dunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum[d] exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? [D]Quis autem vel eum i[r]ure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur? [33] At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem reru[d]um facilis est e[r]t expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellend[a]us. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
We can always make another one. kek

We can make a thread dedicated to ALL deceased foalfags.
one last bump for the bee. rest in pollen, wanda!
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Thanks for everything Wanda, have fun in Equestria buddy.
See you in equestria, anon.
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One last post before the thread Falls over, just saw that his profile was updated by family. Pic related
Thass sad.

Bye, Marco.
condolences to your family.

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