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>Jesus christ what is this
Because OP is a faggot and the ABOOSE well is giving out endless buckets of serotonin.
>What kind of content can be expected in here?
The goal of these threads generally is to share and create content revolving around abuse. That said, we also welcome broader sadfic as well.
Remember to not just post images or bump notifs though, try and also post prompts, OC, etc. Don't be scared to contribute! Only scootaloo needs to be scared.
Story Index:
Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276
Nebulus's Character Analysis Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/2412
Last thread went pretty god damn well I say, we about hit the thread limit.
chad angel putting fluttershy in her place.
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Link last thread pls
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We are so back.
Lurking for now. I plan to finish the Derpy green if the thread stays afloat. Not sure how quick I will be, but I have the outline finished.

Archive for the last thread:
Looking forward to it
When a proper anon wizard gets there and uses Stone to Flesh, Equestria is fucked.
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Derpy just cant catch a break.
The green really activated the abuse chromosomes
Abuseniggers get the rope.
>The commotion made everyone in the house wake up.
>Granny Smith helped the girls take Sweetie Belle out of the bathroom.
>While Mac, like a rabid dog, was ready to throw Rarity away.
>He was only stopped by Applejack, who told him that she would speak with Rarity.
>After saying that, she closed the door behind her, staying in the bathroom with her friend.
>She helped Rarity sit on the toilet, and finally asked.
>”What were you thinking?”
>Just like her sister, when she was interrogated by Cherilee some months ago, the young woman stared at her knees.
>Applejack, firmly grabbed her by the arms and forced her to see her in the eyes
>”Please, answer me. What were you thinking when you broke- wait a minute, what’s that in your nose?”
>Rarity cleaned her nose with her finger.
>Oh this? It’s nothing…
>Applejack softly held her friend’s face.
>”It’s over, Rarity. He is in prison, Sweetie Belle is getting better, why are you doing this to yourself?”
>It’s been a while since another human being showed her any kindness.
>However, it felt like needles to Rarity.
>”Don’t touch me!” Rarity sobbed, while throwing away Applejack’s hands.
>That just pissed the southern girl.
>”Enough! I’m tired of you pushing everyone around you!”
>She slightly opened the door, looking for Mac still outside the bathroom.
>”Can you bring me my clothes, Big Mac? Make sure the girls sleep tight, alright? I’ll be gone for a while”
>Minutes later, he brought to her a pair of boots some jeans and her hat.
>After dressing up, she pulled Rarity to follow her.
>”Come, we’ll use the window to get out, I don’t want you to scare the girls anymore.”
>”I can’t.” She answered
>”Now why the hell can’t you go out through the same place you got in?”
>With tears in her eyes and mascara running down her face, Rarity said.
>”Because I want my baby sister!”
>Be anon
>Your existence just manifested itself on equestria
>Currently you stand in the middle of a clearing, unsure where you are.
>All in all though, something weirder is going on, deep inside of you
>You feel this strange energy flowing through your body
"What the fuck"
>You have always been a larping fag, so your first instinct is to try and cast a kamehameha with it
>Surprisingly, a few sparks do come out of your hands
>You stare at your hands, dumbfolded, a myriad of emotions bubbling inside of you
>A devious smile forms in your face
"I'm a wizard...", you beckon.

Anon wizard, level 1.
Location: Unknown, some weird forest.
Goals: Learn stone to flesh, ???
>What to do?
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Cope. Abusechads RUN this board.
forgor pic
No one in this thread makes it to Equestria
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Yes, please.
Mareschizo abuse green when
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Does this count as abuse?
inb4 rarijack happenings
I'd say it's a bordercase
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>You've been living in Equestria for a few months now.
>The first day was very confusing, being presented before a horse god, but things quickly calmed down when you were sent to Ponyville.
>It's peaceful. A kind town. Everyone looks out for eachother.
>Or, well, you thought.
>You often go on late-night walks since you haven't quite gotten used to pony society's tendency to rise and settle with the sun.
>This lets you see a different view of it. Quieter, for sure, but also a less comfortable side.
>You get to see the few town drunks stumble home. They don't seem very harmonious.
>You also get to see a filly - that orange pegasus, Applejack's little sister is friends with her - trotting around town.
>You've asked about her before, apparently she's an orphan from out of town.
>It's spoken about very casually, like it's just a fun fact.
>She often sleeps over at her friends' houses, but that's not what you see late at night.
>You see her stop at seemingly random houses. And every single time, the door's opened by a stallion.
>She's let inside and the door shuts.
>One time you see her spend a solid minute preparing to knock, entirely frozen with her hoof raised.
>You can guess what it's about, of course. You're not stupid.
>But you mind your own business, figuring it's not your place.
>It eats at you though.
>After weeks of seeing this, you decide to at least talk to her.
>She's having a picnic with her two pals. She hasn't brought anything but the other two seem happy to share.
>Notably, the other two are sitting. She's standing stiff, having to awkwardly walk over to grab food with just one hoof.
>Applejack's little sister notices and looks concerned. "Y'sure you don't wanna sit down?"
>The pegasus shakes her head, putting on what's clearly a fake smile. "I-I'm okay! I just... slept in an awkward position last night." Her laugh is weak.
>It seems the earth pony's used to it though, just flicking her tail and getting back to eating.
>You approach and ask if she'd be willing to talk to you about what you've seen at night.
>Her eyes are as wide as they can be. She sputters for a moment, falling into a sitting position where she lets out a little, pained squeak.
>Rarity's little sister chimes in. "What's he talking about, Scootaloo?" Her head tilts.
>The panic is obvious. "He just!.. when I don't sleep over at your guys' places I go on /all sorts/ of cool adventures at night! He's probably just jealous!"
>Once again, the other filly buys it, looking genuinely excited. "You should let us tag along next time!"
>"Pssh. Maybe." Scootaloo waves a hoof dismissively before looking up at you. "We can talk about... that stuff. After I hang out with my friends." She glares up at you.
>You relent, backing away and wishing them all a good time.
>It's a few hours later.
>You're sitting in the park reading a book, enjoying yourself as best as you can.
>Then you hear the distinctive pattern of little hooves in a canter, coming right up to you.
>"Don't you /ever/ talk about that when my friends are around!"
>You look down at Scootaloo. While she's clearly furious, you can see the tears in her eyes.
>You quickly apologize and then ask her about what you've seen.
>"Don't act like you don't know! What, is this some sort of... some game!? You're trying to make fun of me by making me say it!?" Her little wings flare as she yells at you.
>You shake your head and try and explain your perspective. You don't approve of it. You want to help.
>"S-... so what!? You're not gonna help! Nopony does!" She's still yelling but the anger's fading fast and you can see the tears beginning to flow proper.
>You suggest that she could stay with you at the library. Twilight's been happy to have you there while you've been helping with interdimensional research, after all.
>The filly's face scrunches up at that. "I asked her! I-... she was new in town, she was supposed to care!.. but..."
>She drags a hoof across her face to wipe her eyes clean, smearing a little dirt into her fur. Her head dips down.
>"...S-she told me that she's trying to... t-to understand different pers-... perp-..." She pauses for a second. "...She sees things their way."
>"The only pony in town that /actually/ cares is Rainbow Dash, she-..." Scootaloo takes in a shuddering breath. "S-she's gonna let me move in as soon as I can fly! So..."
>There's just a hint of hope in her voice for a moment, but it's gone after. She continues to look down at the grass. "Just... don't tell Applebloom or Sweetie Belle or any of the other fillies, okay? They don't know."
>You agree to that much and say you're gonna try and figure out some way to help, even a little.
>She nods slightly. "...Yeah." Her tone's far too dull for her to actually believe you.
>Then she turns and walks away.
>The librarian won't make eye contact with you, her magic filtering through dozens of papers that are clearly very important. "I understand it's... distressing, but different places have different standards for these things."
>A tome detailing Ponyville's crop yields slides out from a bookshelf and presses against your chest. "I come from Canterlot, where there's always bountiful resources available. Things are complicated here."
>"There simply isn't that much capacity in Ponyville. It's a stable population with a stable output of food, matched to the current population. If they started taking care of every hungry pony that came into town..." You can hear her voice get a little shaky.
>Good. If she said that with any level of confidence you'd be finding out if horse noses break like human ones.
>She looks over to you for a moment, towards your eyes for a fraction of a second before shifting down.
>"Tightly closed hands is an... aggression indicator, right?" Her ears pin back. She looks genuinely guilty.
>You ask her if she plans to toss you out the moment you stop being useful.
>Her eyes wide and she shakes her head quickly. "N-no! No no of course not! You're my friend, friends help eachother!"
>Those papers drop to the floor as she closes the distance between you two, trying to rear up and hug you.
>You immediately press a hand against her shoulder and push her away. She twists and lands back on all fours, but her expression looks like you just hit her.
>Her wide eyes look up at you, jaw shaky.
>You ask her what the difference is. Why's she refusing to help Scootaloo?
>"I-I!.." She pauses for a bit before shutting her eyes, taking in a weak gasp of air. "...You're here under order of Princess Celestia. Just like me. That... that makes things different. It shouldn't, but it does."
>"They listen to the princess. But if I help Scootaloo, it'd be like... I just spat in their faces. That I think I'm better than them."
>You state it loud and clear. She should help. What's happening right now is wrong. You're disgusted with what you're seeing.
>Each word hits her worse than the last.
>Her horn lights up and she picks up a nearby paper, shoving it against her face to hide it from you. You can hear the sobs regardless.
>"I-I know I'm being a bad pony right now... I know... I'm sorry... I just... I finally have friends who love me... I don't wanna lose them..."
>The paper slowly becomes transparent as tears soak through.
>You shake your head and leave the library.
I can't really think of where I'd take this so this will probably not be continued, but hopefully someone will get something out of it.
The green glim did last thread seemed to be dumped all at once. Not sure why glim can't do it one post at a time. A drip feed is better than no feed, and that would help keep the thread up.
Have you posted this before? I thought it sounded kinda familiar but maybe it's just my imagination.
Nope, wrote just now. Not exactly an original concept though so you probably ready someone else doing the same concept.
Pretty good. Anon seems pretty powerless at the moment due too leeching off twilight so maybe have him seek out house/employment elsewhere so he can try to help. The main conflict could be Anon's disgust with twilight/ponyville/pedo-stallions, so he could maybe leave with Scootaloo or just beat the shit out of the stallions who's partaken in her "services".
I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but Angel looks like he is riding a chariot and he's whipping his steed to go faster.
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Seconding this. Id be really interested to read that
Definitely think you should continue
>I can't really think of where I'd take this
I have ideas, but typing it would ruin the surprise for anons
You have a great base for a heart-shattering story
>>[No input]
>>Dice roll [4]
>>Anon wanders aimlessly thorugh the forest.

>You venture deeper into the forest, the trees closing in around you like the walls of a prison.
>Their bark is blackened, their branches gnarled and twisted into grotesque shapes.
>The ground beneath your feet is soft, almost spongy, and you try not to think about what might be buried beneath it.

>The humming starts low, a discordant melody that sets your teeth on edge.
>You follow it, your steps faltering as the forest grows darker, the air colder.

>You find the source of the sound in a small clearing, bathed in the sickly green light of a guttering flame.
>The creature perched on a jagged rock is no fairy. Its body is a grotesque amalgamation of insect and pony, its chitinous shell glistening with a slick, oily sheen. Its wings are tattered, their edges frayed like torn parchment, and its eyes, it's too many eyes glow with a malevolent light.
>“Well, well,” the creature croons, its voice a rasping, guttural thing that sends shivers down your spine. “What have we here? A lost little human?”
>You swallow hard, your throat dry. “I’m not lost,” you say, your voice trembling despite your best efforts. “I’m here for power.” [Mission: learn stone 2 flesh]
>The creature laughs, a sound like nails on a chalkboard. “Power, you say? How quaint. And what, pray tell, are you willing to do for it?”
>You hesitate, but only for a moment. “Anything.”
>The creature’s smile widens, revealing rows of needle-like teeth. “Anything? How delightful. You see, little human, power comes at a price. And I have just the task for you.”
>It hops down from the rock, its movements unnaturally fluid, and circles you like a predator sizing up its prey.
>“I want a pony,” it says, its voice dripping with malice. “An unicorn, to be precise. They have something I want. Bring her to me. And make sure she’s... cooperative.”
>You feel a chill run down your spine. “What do you mean by ‘cooperative’?”
>The creature’s eyes gleam with cruel amusement. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. A little pain can be quite persuasive... don’t you think?”
>“And if I do this... you’ll give me power?”, you ask with a trembling voice.
>The creature nods, its grin widening. “Oh, yes. Power beyond your wildest dreams.”
>You take a deep breath, your mind racing. This is it. Your chance to become something more. Something powerful. Something feared.
>“Deal,” you say, your voice steady now.
>The creature laughs, the sound echoing through the forest. “Excellent. Then go, little wizard. Prove your worth. And when you return... we’ll see just how far you’re willing to go.”
>You turn and walk away, the creature’s laughter ringing in your ears. The forest seems darker now, the shadows deeper. But you don’t care. You have a task to complete. And nothing will stand in your way.

Anon wizard, Level 1.
Location: Creepy clearing.
Goals: "Persuade" an unicorn into the creepy clearing, learn stone 2 flesh
>What to do?
>>41883511 (OP)
Ah yes, the non-whites containment thread.
Thank you for the bump saar :^)
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uwu what's that
Any unicorn? A filly would probably be easier to deal with. go find Swibble
>>Input: Any unicorn? A filly would probably be easier to deal with. go find Swibble
>>Anon: Make your way to ponyville & Find an unicorn filly

>Any unicorn should work, right? That’s what you tell yourself as you trudge through the forest, the creature’s twisted grin still burned into your mind.
>It didn’t specify what kind of unicorn it wanted, and you’re not about to go back and ask for clarification. You’ve got a job to do, and you’re going to do it.

> After what feels like an eternity of walking, you finally reach the treeline; A railway stretches out before you, cutting through the landscape like a scar.
>To your left, the tracks lead to a distant bridge, its silhouette barely visible against the horizon. To your right, the railway plunges into a deep, jagged cliff, the kind of place where bad things happen to stupid adventurers. Straight ahead, a dirt path winds its way toward a looming mountain range.
>You pause, trying to recall what little you know about Equestria’s geography. Ponyville was near a forest, right? but you don’t remember a cliff.
>You shake your head and decide to head left, toward the bridge. If Ponyville is anywhere, it’s probably that way.

>The walk along the railway was long and tedious, but after what feels like hours, you finally spot a cluster of houses in the distance. Relief washes over you as you quicken your pace, the promise of civilization pulling you forward.
>As you reach the outskirts of Ponyville, the houses come into clearer view. They’re rustic and charming, just the way you always imagined.
>You see a filly standing by one of the houses, her small frame bent over a wooden bucket as she fills it with chicken feed. She’s not an unicorn, but her presence is a good sign. Maybe she knows where to find one.

Anon wizard, Level 1.
Location: Ponyville periphery.
Goals: Find an unicorn filly, "Persuade" it or any other unicorn into the creepy clearing, Learn stone 2 flesh to free chrisalis & company.
>Approach filly?
>Keep walking?
>Something else?
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Abusechads keep winning
>abuseniggatry get
Just further proof of our superiority over the rest of the board.
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lame get
abusefags won...
>Wasted on a CYOA greentext
>Wasted on a CYOA greentext
As compared to?
hes just upset abusechads got it
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>Good evening Anons.
>We've had reports of domestic violence sighted around this thread.
>I'm sure upstanding citizens of Equestria such as yourselves wouldn't happen to know anything about that... Right?
"Good day ma'am."
>teleports behind her
>360 unzips dick
>hip drive cocka in ponut
"Heh, nothing personnel Toppy."
>instantly cums with the force of a thousand suns
>she's launched across the street
>do a 720 and walk away
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>yet another disgraceful get
This is why /mlp/ will never be good again.
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you know what they say about curiosity
it killed the catpony!
hopefully she had a quicksave kek
twilight made me do it
I don't go on the catalog much anymore, glad you guys are still around. I wrote this a little while ago (PTFG keep in mind so...)
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Would also like to mention that I have other tf abuse stories. If anybody wants to read them, just let me know.
>If anybody wants to read them
I don't see the harm in posting it. Worst case scenario is that you don't get any (you)s. Just refrain from posting transformation pictures.
>>[No input]
>>Anon approaches the filly
>You approach her cautiously, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. She’s a small earth pony with a lavender mane and a purple coat, her flank conspicuously blank. No cutie mark. She barely glances at you as you speak.
>"Hello, little one," you say, your voice dripping with false cheer.
>She looks up for a split second, her eyes dull and uninterested. "Hey," she mutters before turning back to her task, clearly unimpressed by your presence.
>You stand there for a moment, awkwardly shifting your weight from one foot to the other. This isn’t going as planned. But you’re not about to give up. Not when so much is at stake.
>"Do you know where I might find an unicorn?" you ask, trying to keep your tone light.
>The filly doesn’t even bother to look up at you this time. Her voice is flat, disinterested, as she mutters, "Dunno." She pauses for a moment, her small hoof idly stirring the chicken feed in the wooden bucket. Then, almost as an afterthought, she glances up at the sun, squinting against its harsh light.
>"At this time?" she says, her tone still bored. "They’re probably in school."
>You blink, caught off guard by the casualness of her response. School. Of course. Why didn’t you think of that? But before you can ask her anything else, she’s already turned her back on you, her attention fully absorbed by the task at hand.
>You stand there for a moment, feeling like an idiot. School. That’s where the unicorns would be. And if you’re lucky, they’ll be young, inexperienced, easy targets.
>You keep marching forward, the dirt path crunching under your boots as the schoolhouse slowly comes into view. It’s a quaint little building, almost laughably innocent-looking, with its bright colors and cheerful design. But to you, it’s a goldmine.
>You pause, leaning against a nearby fence as you consider your options. Waiting for the fillies to come out after school seems like the easiest plan, but the thought of loitering around a schoolyard makes your skin crawl. You’re not an idiot, you know how this looks.
>Some creepy stranger lurking outside a school, staring at little fillies? Yeah, no. That’s a one-way ticket to getting your ass kicked by an angry mob of overprotective ponies.
>You’re not entirely sure how Equestrian laws work, but you’re willing to bet they’ve got something in place to keep their kids safe. And kidnapping? That’s probably high on the list of "things that will get you turned into a permanent lawn ornament."
>Just as you’re weighing the risks, a voice cuts through your thoughts like a knife.
>You turn, your heart skipping a beat, to see a yellow stallion standing a few feet away. His eyes are narrowed, his expression a mix of curiosity and suspicion. He’s not huge, but there’s a quiet strength in the way he carries himself, like he’s not afraid to throw down if necessary.
>"You’ve been staring at the school for a while now," he says, his voice calm but firm.
>You freeze, your mind racing. This guy’s clearly onto you, and you’re not sure how to talk your way out of this one. Do you play it cool? Make up some excuse? Or just bolt and hope he doesn’t follow?
>"Uh, yeah," you stammer, trying to sound casual. "Just... admiring the architecture. It’s, uh, a nice building."
>The stallion raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Right," he says slowly, his gaze never leaving yours. "Well, if you’re just here to admire the scenery, maybe you should do it somewhere else, partner."
>His tone is polite, but there’s an edge to it that makes your blood run cold. This guy’s not messing around, and you’re not about to test him.
>"Yeah, of course," you say, forcing a smile. "I was just leaving."
>You take a step back, then another, the stallion watches you go, his eyes boring into you until you’re out of sight.
>Once you’re sure he’s not following, you let out a shaky breath. That was too close. Way too close.
>You decide to play it cool and wait it out, wandering aimlessly around town until the fillies are released from school. But as you walk, you can’t ignore the stinging glances shot your way. Ponies whisper behind your back, their voices low and suspicious. You try to brush it off, but the tension in the air is palpable.
>By the time you reach the outskirts of the town square, the whispers have turned into something more tangible. A few ponies are definitely following you, keeping their distance, but their eyes never leave you.
>You quicken your pace, your heart pounding as you duck into a narrow alleyway.
>You dive into a bush, the leaves scratching at your skin as you crouch low, trying to steady your breathing. The sound of hoofsteps grows louder, and you can hear the ponies murmuring to each other as they search for you.
>Just as you’re about to bolt, a whisper creeps behind you.
>"Hello, Anon."
>You freeze, your blood running cold. Slowly, you turn your head to see a mare sitting amidst the trash, her green coat dull and dirty, her dark mane a tangled mess. Her chubby frame is slumped against the wall, and her tired eyes regard you with a mix of boredom and mild curiosity.
>She pops a few berries into her mouth, chewing lazily as she studies you. "What brings you to these parts?" she asks, her voice flat and unimpressed.
>You hesitate, unsure how much to reveal. This mare might be your ticket out of this mess, or she might turn you in to the ponies hunting you. Either way, you don’t have many options left.
>"Just... passing through," you say, trying to sound casual.
>The mare raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Uh-huh. And the ponies looking for you? They just... lost their favorite chew toy?"
>You wince, realizing there’s no point in lying. "Alright, fine. I’m in a bit of trouble. But I’m not here to cause any harm."
>The mare snorts, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. "Sure you’re not. That’s why you’re hiding in a bush, right?"
>You glare at her, but before you can retort, she leans closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Look, I don’t care what you’re up to. But if you want to stay out of trouble, you’re gonna need help. And lucky for you, I’m feeling generous today."
>You narrow your eyes, suspicious. "What’s in it for you?"
>The mare shrugs, popping another berry into her mouth. "I’ve got my reasons. Now, are you gonna sit here and wait for them to find you, or are you gonna trust me?"
>"Fine," you mutter, your voice low and reluctant. You don’t have much of a choice, and something about this mare, her tired eyes, her nonchalant demeanor, the question mark on her flank, tells you she’s not your average pony. Maybe she’s just as much of an outcast as you are. Or maybe she’s playing some kind of long con. Either way, you’re out of options.
>The mare smirks, clearly pleased with your decision. "Good choice," she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She pushes herself up from the ground, brushing dirt her chubby frame with a casual flick of her hoof. "Follow me. And try to keep up."
>You nod, your heart still pounding as you glance back toward the alley. The sound of hoofsteps is getting closer, and you can hear the ponies calling out to each other, their voices sharp and urgent.
>The mare doesn’t wait for you. She’s already moving, her hooves surprisingly quiet as she slips through the shadows. You hurry after her, your boots crunching softly against the dirt. She leads you through a maze of narrow alleyways and hidden paths, her movements confident and deliberate.
>As you follow her, you can’t help but notice how well she knows this place. She ducks under low-hanging clotheslines, squeezes through gaps in fences, and even climbs over a stack of crates with ease. It’s clear she’s done this before...whatever "this" is.
>Finally, she stops in front of a small, rundown building tucked away in a corner of the town. The sign above the door is faded, but you can just make out the words: "The Dusty Horseshoe."
>The mare pushes the door open and gestures for you to follow. "In here," she says.
>You hesitate for a moment, glancing around to make sure no one’s watching. Then, with a deep breath, you step inside.
>The interior is dimly lit, the air thick with the smell of stale ale and old wood. A few ponies are scattered around the room, their voices low and their eyes wary. They glance up as you enter, but the mare shoots them a look, and they quickly turn away.
>She leads you to a table in the corner, far from prying eyes, and gestures for you to sit. "Stay here," she says. "I’ll be back in a minute."
>You nod, sinking into the chair as she disappears into the crowd. Moments later, she returns, sliding a mug of something dark and frothy across the table.
>"Drink," she says. "You look like you need it."
>You take a sip, the bitter liquid burning your throat. It’s not great, but it’s better than nothing.
>The mare leans back in her chair, her tired eyes studying you. "So," she says, her voice casual. "You gonna tell me why half the town’s looking for you, or am I supposed to guess?"
>You hesitate, then decide there’s no point in hiding it. "I need to find a unicorn," you say, your voice low.
>The mare raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "A unicorn, huh? What for?"
>You shake your head. "It’s... complicated."
>The mare leans back in her chair, her tired eyes narrowing as she studies you.
>"Is it the weird creepy thing in the forest?" she asks.
>You freeze, your mug halfway to your lips. The liquid inside sloshes as your hand trembles slightly. The mare smirks, clearly enjoying your reaction.
>"How do you know about that?" you blurt out, your voice a little too loud. A few ponies at nearby tables glance over, but the mare shoots them a look, and they quickly turn away.
>She leans forward, her smirk widening. "Anon, you’re a dumb fuck. How do I know your name?"
>Your jaw drops. She’s right. You hadn’t even thought about it. How does she know your name? You open your mouth to ask, but she cuts you off with a wave of her hoof.
>"Relax," she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I’m not a mystic. But I do know about the thing in the forest. Because, unlike you, I’ve been around long enough to figure out how this world works."
>She pauses, her expression turning serious. "That thing in the forest? It’s God. Or at least, it thinks it is. And it’s there to grant wishes."
>You stare at her, dumbfounded. "What the hell are you talking about?"
>The mare rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed by your lack of understanding. "Think about it, genius. How did you end up here? In Equestria, of all places? You didn’t just stumble through a portal, did you?"
>You shake your head, still trying to process what she’s saying. "I... I don’t know. One minute I was in my world, and the next I was in that forest."
>The mare nods, as if that explains everything. "Exactly. You were brought here. Just like I was."
>You blink."Wait, what? You were... "
>She smirks, a bitter edge to her smile. "Yeah. I was once like you, Anon. A human. I ended up in Equestria, just like you did. But unlike you, I tried to settle in with the locals. They were nice enough, I guess. Tolerant. But humans don’t fit here. Sure, the ponies are friendly, but you’ll never truly belong. Not like they do."
>She pauses, her gaze distant, as if reliving a memory. "One day, I was out collecting herbs near the Evertree. That’s when I saw it... It was terrifying. But it promised me the world. Said it could grant my deepest wish..."
>You lean forward, your curiosity piqued despite yourself. "And...what did you wish for?"
>The mare’s smirk fades, replaced by a look of bitter resignation. "Can you guess?"
>"You wished to become a mare?"
>She nods. "Sort of. I became a filly, I wanted to truly fit-in, you know? I wanted a new-beginning, to start-out from scratch... But it wasn’t what I expected. My mind was still the same... It was humiliating. And even after all that, I never really fit in."
>She glances down at the question mark on her flank, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. "Never really got a cutie mark..."
>"So...You became a hobo?" you reluctantly ask.
>The mare leans forward, her tired eyes locking onto yours with a sudden intensity. "I'm not a hobo," she says, gesturing to the small pile of berries on the table, "I collect these, and sell them. It’s not a glamorous life, but it’s enough to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly. This rundown place?" She jerks her head toward the dimly lit room around you. "It’s my home. For now, anyway."
>She pops another berry into her mouth, chewing slowly. "I eat them too, sometimes. They don’t hit me like they used to though."
>You stare at her, trying to piece together what she’s saying."Okay... but why are you helping me?"
>She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a low, conspiratorial tone. "Once every so many years, a human pops up in Equestria. No one knows why or how, but it happens, and guess what? That thing in the forest? It doesn’t care about ponies. It only deals with humans. And you, my friend, are a human."
> You glare at her, but before you can respond, she continues,
>"I don’t care what your wish is. I don’t care how many unicorns you have to mangle to get it. That’s your business. But here’s what I do care about: I want to go back. Back to the real world. Back to being human. I don’t want to be a pony anymore. I don’t want to live in this fucking world anymore."
>You can see the desperation in her eyes.
>"So here’s the deal," she continues, her voice steady now. "You help me, and I’ll help you. You want to make a wish? Fine. But when you do, you make sure one of those wishes is for me. You get me out of here. Back to how things were before all this bullshit started. Do that, and I’ll help you with whatever you need."
>"You’re serious?"
>She nods, her expression deadly serious. "Dead serious. I’ve been stuck here long enough. I’m done playing nice. I’m done pretending I belong. I just want to go home."
>You swallow hard, "Alright, I’ll help you get back to the real world."
>The mare grins, her teeth stained with berry juice. "Good."

>>Anonmare has joined the party!

Anon wizard, Level 1.
Location: "The dusty horseshoe"
Goals: "Persuade" it or any other unicorn into the creepy clearing
Learn stone 2 flesh to free chrisalis & company
help Anonmare return to the real world (?).

>>What to do?--
>Ask something to Anonmare?
>Proceed to capture a filly unicorn?
>Something else?
Do tell me if you guys don't want me to keep going with this. I have fun doing it, but don't really wanna bother whatever is going on here.
Do the ponies know that the thing in the woods asks the humans to kidnap ponies? Seems like they may not trust us.
Ask if the other ponies trust her. Get her to help us persuade a unicorn to follow us to the forest.
Why not? Do it up
a little spark is good
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Yeah don't worry. To avoid flooding the thread I'll just post the links. Fair warning that all of these stories are at least a bit gay:
https://ponepaste.org/10206 (incomplete, don't know if/when I'll continue)
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Misty getting Kek'd
>arrive in Equestria
>armed with nothing but a pepper shaker
Ponyville will surrender by sundown.
why do I find ponies sneezing hot
Sneezing is like a little orgasm. Tension and release.
A Muffin-Free You is a Better You.
>You lean back in your chair, eyeing the mare with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "Do the other ponies trust you?" you ask, your tone cautious.
>She lets out a sharp, bitter laugh, her messy mane bouncing as she shakes her head. "Oh, sure, Anon. Everypony totally trusts someone like me." She gestures to herself, her dirty, unkempt coat, her tangled mane... "I mean, who wouldn’t trust the mare who sells weird berries and lives in a rundown shack? I’m practically the town’s favorite citizen!"
>She rolls her eyes, clearly amused by her own sarcasm, before letting out a long, tired sigh. "Look, let’s cut to the chase. You need an unicorn, right?"
>You nod, confirming her assumption.
>Yeah, that’s a bit troublesome," she says, her tone shifting to something more serious. "Pegasus wings? They snap easy if you know what you’re doing. Earth ponies? They’re buff, sure, but a good rope can take care of that. But unicorns?" She pauses, her lips curling into a smirk. "That magic is tricky business."
>She chuckles at her own stupid pun before continuing. "Anyway, unicorns... you’ve got to saw off their horn and stop them from screaming. Simple, right?"
>"I was planning to capture a filly for the task," you admit, your voice low.
>The mare stares at you for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Then she lets out a low whistle. "Damn, Anon. You’re one sick motherfucker."
>You shrug, not bothering to defend yourself. Desperate times, desperate measures.
>She leans back in her chair, her smirk fading as she considers your plan. "Honestly? Capturing a filly is probably a good idea. They’re smaller, weaker, and less likely to put up a fight. But let me make one thing clear, this job isn’t going to be clean. Not even close. You’re gonna have to get your hooves dirty, and I mean really dirty. You sure you can handle that?"
>You straighten up, and meet her gaze. “Yeah,” you say in a steady voice, despite the knot in your stomach. “That was the plan. And it still is the plan.”
>The mare raises an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smirk. “Well, well, look at you, all bold and determined. I’m almost impressed.” Her tone is dripping irony.
>You don’t respond, instead finishing the last of your drink in one long gulp. She does the same, slamming her mug down on the table with a satisfied sigh. Without another word, the two of you stand and head for the door, the dim light of the bar fading behind you as you step out into the cool evening air.
>Now outside, you walk side by side, the dirt path crunching softly under your boots and her hooves. The stalking seems to have stopped for now, but you can still feel the occasional curious glance hitting you from the shadows. Ponies peek out from behind curtains or pause in their tasks to watch you pass, their eyes lingering just a little too long.
>You keep your head down, trying to ignore the attention, but the weight of their stares is hard to shake. The mare, however, seems completely unfazed. She walks with a casual confidence, her messy mane swaying as she hums a tune under her breath.
>“Relax, Anon,” she says, her voice low but teasing. “They’re just curious. You’re the new freak in town, after all. Give it a few days, and they’ll find something else to gossip about.”
>You nod, though her words do little to ease the tension coiling in your chest.

Anon wizard, Level 1.
Location: "The dusty horseshoe"
Goals: "Persuade" it or any other unicorn into the creepy clearing
Learn stone 2 flesh to free chrisalis & company
help Anonmare return to the real world (?).

Party: Anonmare

>>What to do?-- you can describe actions to any level fo detail
>Look for fillies in school?
>Look for fillies somewhere else? (ask anonmare)
>Something else entirely?
I wanted to write far more for this one, but I really don't want to take away you guys agency, (you) is the most important factor in this story, anon.
Is this set during the show? If we have outside knowledge we could head to the cmc clubhouse. Or even just talk snips or snails into going into the woods with us.
Otherwise, ask Anonmare where we might find a unicorn foal. I'd rather talk one into following us into the woods than actually get into a fight, but needs must. Also, can we practice more magic? We could make finger sparkles earlier.
>>Is this set during the show? If we have outside knowledge we could head to the cmc clubhouse. Or even just talk snips or snails into going into the woods with us.
>>Otherwise, ask Anonmare where we might find a unicorn foal. I'd rather talk one into following us into the woods than actually get into a fight, but needs must. Also, can we practice more magic? We could make finger sparkles earlier.

>The silence between you stretches, before you finally break it. “So... is the show, uh, real?”
>Anonmare shrugs nonchalantly. “Yeah, it’s real. Or at least, it was. Why? You a fan or something?”
>You scratch the back of your neck, feeling a little embarrassed. “I mean, if it’s real, couldn’t we just head to the CMC clubhouse?”
>She lets out a dry laugh, shaking her head. “Oh, Anon. You’re a few years too late for that. I used to hang out with those three from time to time, but they’re all grown mares now. Last I heard, Apple Bloom’s the only one still around. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo moved out of Ponyville ages ago.”
>You frown. “So where are we supposed to find a foal, then?”
>The two of you stop at a small, run-down shop. The shopkeeper, a grizzled old stallion with a patch over one eye, doesn’t ask any questions as you buy a coil of rope, a saw, and a large sack.
>You can't help but feel some unease as your plans begin to materialize in front of you.
>As you step back outside, Anonmare answers your question. “We’ve got a couple of options. For starters, fillies still hang out in the old clubhouse. The Crusaders might’ve grown up, but their little group kind of became a permanent thing. I don’t know any of the fillies who are into it now, but I’m sure four or five of them still gather there from time to time.”
>“Beyond that, the school’s always a good option. But...” She glances up at the sky, squinting at the position of the sun. “Classes won’t be over for about two hours.”

>Your eyes drift towards the sack of tools. Unease washes over you, as the otherwise mundane objects now irradiate an unexplainable grim aura. “Can’t we just, maybe, convince a filly to follow us into the woods?”, you mutter.
>The mare stops dead in her tracks and turns to stare at you, her expression a mix of disbelief and amusement.
>“Let me get this straight” she begins, “You’re a tall, hairless ape no one’s ever seen before, and I’m... well, let’s just say I’m not exactly the most respectable pony in town. You really think we can just walk up to a filly, ask her to follow us into the woods, and she’ll say yes?”
>She shakes her head, letting out a dry laugh. “Even if we do convince one, we’d have to avoid every single pony on the way out of town. One wrong move, and someone’s gonna suspect something’s fishy. And trust me, Anon, you do not want to deal with an angry mob of ponies.”
>You let out a frustrated sigh, the weight of the situation pressing down on you. “Come on, do we really have to saw a filly’s horn?”
>Her smirk vanishes, replaced by a look of cold seriousness. “Anon,” she says, her voice low and steady, “what do you think that thing in the woods is going to do to that filly?”
>You freeze. You hadn’t considered that. Not really. “I... I don’t know,” you stammer. “Consume her?”
>The mare smiles bitterly. “That's right, you don’t know. But let me tell you something, compared to what that thing is capable of, we're doing nothing. So, please, can you man the fuck up?”
>You frown, and open your mouth to say something, but then realize you don’t even know her name.

>“Uh... what’s your name, anyway?” you ask, the question awkward and out of place.
>She raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by your attempt to change the subject. “Clover,” she replies flatly. “My name’s Clover.”
>You blink, slightly surprised. “Clover? Not... Anonmare?”
>She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, Clover. When I started over, I picked a new name. Figured it was part of the whole ‘fresh start’ thing. Not that it did me much good in the end.”
>You nod, the name settling in your mind. “Well, Clover,” you say, your voice tentative, “can I at least try to convince a filly before we hit her in the head with a brick and cut her horn off?”
>Clover lets out a long, frustrated sigh, as if dealing with a particularly stubborn child.
>“Fine,” she says, her tone wrapped in exasperation. “But if you ruin this...”
>You quickly nod, a strange mix of relief and fear washing over you. “I won't ruin it.”
>Despite the pressure, you can’t help but feel a small spark of hope. At least you’ll have a chance to do this the “right” way.
>Clover shakes her head, muttering something under her breath about “idiot humans” as the two of you continue walking.
>As you walk, your mind drifts to the strange energy flowing through you.
>You figure now’s as good a time as any to practice your magical skills.
>You concentrate on your hands, focusing on the sensation of that weird, tingling power. After a moment, a semi-translucent piece of plastic-like material forms in your palm. It’s faint, almost ghostly, and it dissipates the second you lose focus.
>You try again, this time picturing an apple in your mind.
>You grit your teeth, pouring more effort into the spell, but all you manage to produce is a smoky afterimage of what looks like a badly drawn circle.
>The frustration is real, but so is the tiny spark of pride that flickers in your chest. You can do magic. You’re not sure what it is or how to control it, but it’s there.
>As you try again, your concentration becomes so intense that you don’t notice the uneven ground beneath your feet. You trip, stumbling forward and nearly crashing into Clover.
>She sidesteps you with surprising ease, shooting you a look that’s equal parts annoyed and amused.
>You smile awkwardly, brushing yourself off. Maybe this is not the best place to practice magic.
>Clover rolls her eyes. The two of you continue walking in silence, the town slowly giving way to an open area. The sun is beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the ground.
>Clover stops suddenly, turning to face you. “Alright, big boy,” she says, her tone all business now. “Time to choose. We’ve got two options.”
>She sits on the ground and holds up her right hoof, ticking off the first option. “The school. It’s right around the corner, and fillies will be coming out in about an hour or two as the sun sets. We know it’s full of fillies, so the odds are good. But-” she pauses for a moment, “with fillies comes the teacher watching over them, and probably a few grown-up ponies passing by. It’s risky.”
>She raises her left hoof. “Option two: the clubhouse. It's about forty minutes to an hour of walking. By the time we get there, we'll be almost out of sunlight, but it’s secluded. It’s on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, so we’re basically guaranteed no grown-ups will be around." she again pauses for a moment, "Problem is, we don't know if any of the fillies will be there. But it’s worth a shot.”
>She lowers her hooves. “Or, option three: we head back to the Dusty Horseshoe, get smashed, and call it a day. Your call.”

Anon wizard, Level 1.
Location: Ponyville.
Goals: Kidnap a filly or any other unicorn into the creepy clearing
Learn stone 2 flesh to free chrisalis & company
help Anonmare (Clover) return to the real world (?).

Party: Anonmare (Clover)

>>What to do?
I would rather wait at the clubhouse away from prying eyes. Maybe give it a couple of hours to see if any foals turn up, and if not I'll take you up on that drink whilst we think up a better plan.

Whilst we wait, ask clover how her wish worked. What did she give it? If we only get one wish, we need to think of a good way to word it to make sure we get exactly what we want.
Oh you want to be friends with society now? I'm going to make you make my bitch and you will like it.
>>I would rather wait at the clubhouse away from prying eyes. Maybe give it a couple of hours to see if any foals turn up, and if not I'll take you up on that drink whilst we think up a better plan.
>>Whilst we wait, ask clover how her wish worked. What did she give it? If we only get one wish, we need to think of a good way to word it to make sure we get exactly what we want.

>“I’d rather wait at the clubhouse, away from prying eyes,” you say, your voice firm despite the unease gnawing at your gut.
>“Maybe give it a couple of hours to see if any foals turn up. And if not... well, I’ll take you up on that drink while we think up a better plan.”
>Clover nods, “Alright, the clubhouse it is”
>The two of you turn and make your way toward Sweet Apple Acres, the sun sinking lower in the sky with every step.
>By the time you reach the fence marking the farm’s boundaries, the sun is already setting, painting the landscape in breathtaking golden hues. The sky is a canvas of pink and gold, the kind of view that would make you stop and stare under different circumstances.
>You walk through the apple orchards, twigs crunching under your step.
>After a few minutes, the Cutie Mark Crusader's clubhouse comes into view.
>The two of you find a thick bush nearby and crouch behind it, the leaves providing just enough cover to keep you hidden.
>As you settle in, your mind drifts back to Clover’s story.
>“So,” you whisper, “what was it like? The wish you asked for from that... thing in the woods. How did it work? What did you give in exchange?”
>Clover’s expression darkens as she recalls the memory. “It wasn’t that complicated,” she begins, in a low voice. “The thing didn’t specify any limits for my wish. I brought it a pony... An earth pony. And...” She trails off, her gaze dropping to the ground.
>“I had to wear its skin like some sort of coat...” Her voice is hollow, devoid of emotion. She takes a shaky breath.
>“I emptied my stomach. Next thing I know, I’m a filly in the hospital. Apparently some traveling merchant found me on a path at the outskirts of town and brought me in.”
>“Did you ever try to ask for another wish?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
>Clover shakes her head. “I tried approaching its lair once. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not after... what I saw it do to that earth pony.”
>Your frown. “So all that stuff about the beast only fulfilling human wishes... that’s a lie?”
>She shoots you a sharp glance, her eyes flashing with frustration. “It’s not a lie!” she snaps, her voice rising slightly before she catches herself and lowers it again. “It’s... a hypothesis.”
>You stare at her, your anger bubbling to the surface. “A hypothesis? What the hell do you mean, a hypothesis?”
>Clover’s eyes narrow, her own temper flaring. “Well, fuck you, Mr. Fancy Pants! Don’t you think more ponies would’ve made wishes if that thing cared about them?”
>The two of you are so caught up in your argument that you don’t notice the soft footsteps approaching until a small, trembling voice cuts through the tension.
>“P-please don’t fight...”
>You both freeze, turning to see a little filly standing a few feet away. She’s a unicorn, her mint-colored coat and curly orange mane catching the last rays of sunlight.
>She’s dressed like a pirate, complete with a tiny wooden sword lying in the grass beside her. Her wide, teary eyes are fixed on you, filled with a mix of fear and curiosity.
>Clover shoots you a pointed look, her eyes practically screaming, So, you’re gonna do your talking magic now, right?

Anon wizard, Level 1.
Location: Sweet apple acres, close to CMC clubhouse.
Goals: Kidnap a filly or any other unicorn into the creepy clearing
Learn stone 2 flesh to free chrisalis & company
help Clover return to the real world (?).

Party: Anonmare (Clover)

>What to do?
We've been trying to make up our minds about this thing we found in the woods. Oh, you wouldn't mind giving a second opinion would you? It would definitely stop us arguing.
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>Not like how she feels towards her mommy
>But it is a feeling that compels her
>As if everything is going to be okay with Anon around
>Almost in a trance she sits there letting him work his magic on her hooves
>She doesn’t know what she’s feeling inside exactly, but it’s warm and it’s nice
“...And done.”
>Derpy sits there looking at Anon without actually looking at him
“Hello? I need to get washed too you know”
>He pokes her tummy with his finger
>Broken out of her daze, Deryp's stomach grumbles as she scrunches her face at him
>Anon puts his hand in the water and feels around
>Feeling a little numb, he pulls up on the drain stopper
>The water begins to suction towards the new opening
>Derpy’s attention turns to the mini whirlpool in front of her
“Wanna grab some grub soon?”
>Still sitting in the tub, she turns her head back to Anon with a slight tilt
>With a smirk he explains
“I thought that being a pegasus and all that you would understand.”
>She still looks perplexed
“Ah, nevermind. Food. Wanna get food?”
>Her eyes light up and she nods her head quickly
“Alright, once I am done with my shower we can go out somewhere.”
>With the last of the bath water funneling down the drain, Derpy gets up and shakes her body and flaps her wings
>Anon is hit with a mist of cool and warm water
>He grabs the towel off of the sink and hands it to her
“Do you think you can manage to finish drying yourself off?”
>She looks at the towel and then back at him
“We will get to eat food sooner”
>Without hesitation she grabs the towel with her mouth and hops out of the bathtub
>Anon guides her out of the bathroom and then closes the door
“I’ll be quick, just dry off out here.”
>Finally alone, he undresses and gets into the tub
>He pulls the shower curtain around and encloses himself in white
>Anon closes his eyes and clears his mind as he lets the warm water wash over him
>With a towel wrapped around his waist he walks out of the bathroom
>He spots Derpy on the couch and casually strolls to his room
>Not realizing that she is staring at his shirtless form while blushing
>Heading to his room he calls back to her
“Getting dressed real quick and then we will head out.”
>Anon walks to his closet and picks out his usual black pants and white shirt
>The clothing is rough but that's all he could afford
>Rarity’s quote for her original design would have costed him weeks in bits
>Thankfully, she begrudgingly accepted the more economical approach
>”These are hardly even fit for farm ponies, but if that’s what you want darling…”
>She had a week's worth of clothes done for him within an hour
>The shirt is a tad tight in the neck and the pants a bit baggy, but they work
>Fashioned out, Anon heads back to the living room
>Derpy is rolling around on the couch
“Uh, Derpy. What are you doing?”
More Derpy. Let's fucking go.
poor thing
>Derpy stops and turns her head to face him
>Her left eye is looking down at the couch and her right eye is pointing vaguely in his direction
>Anon walks over and looks at the couch
>There are wet spots all over the cushions
>He sighs
“Derpy, I meant for you to use the towel…”
>Derpy gets off of the couch and walks over to the bathroom
>She picks up the towel that is lying on the floor next to the door and brings it over to Anon
>He takes the towel from her as she smiles at him
>He gives her a quick rub down with the towel
“Looks like you already did a good job…with the couch.”
>Putting the towel down he walks over to the door
>A heavy growling noise can be heard right behind him
>He turns around, Derpy is looking up at him hungrily
>Anon cannot help by smile
“Already learning new words? There is a bright pony inside you somewhere.”
>Derpy’s expression turns serious
“Patience, but yes. Ever been to The Hay Burger? It’s not high end or anything, but it will hit the spot.”
>Derpy look looks at him confused
>”whats a hay b-borgar”
“You’ve never been there?”
>”been where?”
>Anon raises his eyebrow
“It’s a restaurant in town. They have burgers.”
>She still looks confused
>’I know that she lived a sheltered life, but how does she not know about hay burgers?’
“Follow me and we will go eat yummy food.”
>Derpy’s demeanor changes instantly as she jumps up in excitement
>”yay lets go!”
“Alright Derpo, that’s the spirit.”
>Anon feels his stomach start to vibrate as it gurgles at him
“And the timing couldn’t be better.”
>He opens the door and waits for Derpy to exit before closing it
>Anon leads in the direction to The Hay Burger, it’s not far from his house
>Although he gets a discount at Café Hay, he doesn’t feel like going there on his day off
>And he is in the mood for something greasy
>Derpy walks next to Anon and smiles up at him
>”what food are we going to eat?”
“Well, probably hay burgers. But I haven’t decided yet. They have some really tasty grilled cheese sandwiches too.”
>With a contemplative stare, she questions him again about this mysterious hay burger
>”anon whats a hay burger?”
“You really don’t know?”
>She continues to stare at him
“It's basically fried hay in a bun with some other stuff, like veggies and cheese. You probably had one before.”
>”i dont think mommy made that for me…”
>Derpy frowns
>”or the white ponies”
“Um, it’s okay if you haven’t had one before. Today will be your first hay burger, it will be great.”
>She starts to smile again
“Oh look, and that’s what it looks like”
>Anon points to the sign on top of the building in front of them
>It has a hay burger and a soft drink on the sign on top of the roof
>Derpy looks up in awe
“Alright, we made it. Let’s head inside.”
>Anon opens the door and beckons Derpy to go inside
Good stuff anon!
>She giddily trots inside of the restaurant
>Anon follows up behind her and looks around
>It seems fairly empty for dinner time
>’Nice, no line either’
>He walks up to the register with Derpy at his side
>A younger looking stallion with braces greets him
>”Welcome to The Hay Burger. Can I take your order?”
>Anon notices the nametag on his uniform
>’Karl? What kind of name is that for a pony’
>Anon shrugs and is about to place his order when Derpy cuts in
>”hay burger”
>Borderline deadpan, Karl replies
>”Yes ma’am. What kind of hay burger would you like?”
>”a big one”
>Karl stares are her blankly
>Anon interrupts the bumbling dialogue
“I’ll place the order for us.”
>Derpy agrees, ”okay”
>Karl turns his face towards Anon with the same detached expression
>’Damn. Imagine being a wagie named Karl in Ponyville. Some ponies really do get the short end of the stick’
>Realizing that time doesn’t freeze while his thoughts are rambling, Anon prepares to give Karl the order
“I will have the grilled cheese sandwich with a medium side of onion rings. Derpy will take the double hay burger with cheese and extra veggies. And two iced teas.”
>As Karl takes down the order, Anon looks down at Derpy
>’I’ve seen how much she can eat, I should get more food’
“Actually, make that two double hay burgers please.”
>”Your total will be 6 bits”
>Anon glady pulls out the requested coins and hands them over to Karl
>Although he doesn’t make a lot at Café Hay, the basics in Ponyville are all quite inexpensive
>Food used to be such a large part of his budget back on Earth
>“Your food will be right out. You can take a seat anywhere you like.”
“Thanks Karl.”
>Derpy also chimes in, “thank you!”
>For the first time in the conversation Karl shows some emotion when hearing his name
>”You’re welcome.”
>Anon makes his way to the closest empty table
>Spotting some crumbs and pieces of lettuce, he moves along
>Derpy walks ahead of him towards a window seat
>She looks back at Anon and waves at him
>Anon smiles
>His heart is filled with affection at seeing her so excited over her hay burger debut
>Some of the other seated ponies look over and give the odd couple strange glances
>Anon pretends not to notice, he doesn’t want to make Derpy uncomfortable
>’Although, I am not sure she would notice even if I told her’
>Anon takes a seat on what appears to be a wooden barrel made into a stool
>Derpy sits on the one next to him
>The seats are close enough for her to lean against him
>As she slips into his personal space her face is tilted up at him with her tongue hanging out of her mouth
“You’re silly.”
>Derpy’s stomach suddenly roars out
>Anon can feel her body shake in response
“anon im hungry”
“Me too Derpo, me too.”
>She closes her eyes as he pats her on the head
>Anon turns around and sees a young earth pony balancing a tray of food on her head
>She looks mildly annoyed
>”Grilled cheese, two double hay burgers?”
>He reads her name tag in his head
>’Sugar Twirl. That seems fairly normal I guess’
“That was quick. And yup, that’s us. And there should be fries, onion rings, and iced two teas.”
>The brown and white splotched mare rolls her eyes and places the tray on the table
>”It’s all here.”
>Derpy’s full attention is on the fast food feast in front of her
>Her eyes go wide and she licks her lips in anticipation
>As the server is about to leave she does a double take when she looks at Derpy
>”Um, ma’am?”
>Derpy has everything blocked out except for the food before her
>Anon taps Derpy’s wing with his index finger
“Hey Derp, she wants you.”
>With noticeable effort Derpy breaks her concentration on the food and innocently looks over at the server
>The server gives a suspecting glance to Anon and then resumes talking to Derpy
>”Are you okay filly?”
>Derpy responds without hesitation, ”yes i have hay burgers now”
>Sugar Twirl raises her eyebrow at Derpy’s response
>”No, I mean your face.”
>Derpy frowns. In her mind she thinks that Sugar Twirl is talking about her eyes
>When she was really little her mommy would take her in town, but that was a long time ago
>She remembers that ponies would point and stare at her, and sometimes even laugh
>When they would get home she would see her mommy crying
>That made her sad
>Before Derpy can think too much about her past, Anon fills the awkward silence
>’Well crap, I can’t just tell her that my friend here got beat up by fillies. That would sound weird’
“Uh, she got into an accident. But she’s better now”
>Sugar Twirl looks at Anon apprehensively
>”Is that so huh?”
>Derpy finally responds
>”i…i fell.”
>Sugar Twirl starts to piece together that Derpy may be a bit special and decides to back off
>At this point she just wants to finish her shift and see her coltfriend
>”Whatever you say, enjoy the meal.”
>She gives Anon a skeptical glare before walking away
>Derpy’s nostrils register the food next to her
>She smiles with glee as she sticks her face into the first thing she sees
”Hey, those are mine.”
>Derpy ignores Anon as she chows down on the onion rings
>Sighing in defeat, he grabs his grilled cheese sandwich before Derpy, Devourer of All, can get to it
>He takes a bite into the sandwich and immediately spits it out
>Derpy looks over at him for a second but then continues munching
>Already done with the onion rings she has moved onto her first hay burger
>Anon sneaks a few hoof-shaped fries while Derpy is distracted with her burger
>As if Derpy has the renown Pinkie Sense, she turns her attention to her fries and begins to mercilessly devour them
i cant help but shake the feeling anon is gonna end up in prison by the end of this story
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“Hey Derpy. Take your time.”
>She tries to say something but her mouthful of potatoes prevents her voice from translating into a coherent sentence
>Anon hands her the iced tea
“Drink this before you eat anything else.”
>Anon picks his sandwich back up and takes a cautious bite
>Hot but not burning, thick creamy cheese overwhelms his taste buds
>’Now this is the stuff’
>Derpy slurps down her tea in a few gulps and returns to feasting on her fries
>Anon speculates as he watches her, ’Luckily the large actually comes with a lot. She already housed a double hay burger like it was nothing’
>As he finishes the first half of his sandwich, Derpy is already starting her second burger
“How are the burgers Derp?”
>Anon takes a sip from his tea as he enjoys the spectacle
>She turns her face while she is still chewing and smiles
>By the time Anon finishes the other half of his sandwich he realizes that Derpy is watching him intently
>He takes another sip of his tea and then offers it to her
>While still looking at him she quickly gulps the remaining liquid
“Are you still hungry?”
>She shakes her head
>”im full”
”I didn’t know that was possible, we will need to come here again.”
>As she smiles and nods in agreement, Anon realizes how messy her face is
“Here, hold still.”
>He brings up a napkin and starts wiping off the crumbs and sauce
>Derpy patiently waits for him
>She has become used to being taken care of by Anon over the past several days
>After a few more napkins Anon pulls back and takes a look
>There are still some dried mustard stains on her cheeks but Anon shrugs
“I think that’s the best we can do for now.”
>Anon stands up from the stool and grabs the messy serving tray
>Derpy follows him as he brings it to the counter
>Karl nods at him in thanks, knowing that some ponies simply leave the trays on their table
>Anon walks over to the door, garnering a few curious glances from the other customers
>As they make their way to the road Anon asks Derpy the big question
“So, what do you want to do next? I’m off from work tomorrow too.”
>As they aimlessly slow-walk to nowhere, Derpy ponders the query
>A lightbulb turns on in that noggin of hers
>Before Anon can respond, she changes her mind with a frown
>”i mean…lets go home”
>She goes quiet and her head hangs low
>Anon stops walking and kneels down next to her
>With his hand, he raises her head to his
>Her eyes are sad, and her bruised eye is still not fully open
“Derpy, we will go to the swing. You don’t have to worry about anypony hurting you with me around.”
>Her right eye swirls around as though it’s in thought
>And her left eye looks directly at Anon
“I promise.”
>Derpy’s smile slowly etches its way back onto her face
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She is at her best when she's losing. Her dynamic with Opaline was the only interesting aspect of g5. At least for me. Sunny is a top tier design when drawn in the g4 style.
I like how she looks pissed off
>Just wait until it's my turn to use my overpowered cartoon logic super Pinkie assgrab move, bitch
breathers. yes or no?
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Chicken butt
>As the other slaves trot by Derpy on their way to the mines, there is fearful muttering amongst the throng
>Several of them avoid her tormented stare all together, unable to face the reality they are living in
>Even so, they cannot escape the anguished moans of her suffering
>And the endless wailing of her cacophonous sobbing >Punished for her ineptitude and clumsiness, Derpy serves as an example to the others of how fate will be cruel to those who fail their master
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Punish Your Slave Day should be an annual holiday that happens regardless of how well they are doing. It's important to maintain the master and slave dynamic.
And if they fail? Harsh punishment is required.
dead thread. i guess abuse"chads" got too cocky...
I already said in the last thread we should have just did one. But there was the promise of some greens coming so I'll bump for now.
Honestly I agree with you on that, but I was glad someone made it anyway just because I was hoping the greens would get finished this thread. I guess we will see.
>Abusechads have more thread etiquette than the average generalfag
Celestia be damned, they can't keep winning...
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>no fat flank retard gf

It's more of a mask to wear at the special Opera performance
The goth apparel and makeup to suit up with for the club
A fun place to hangout and be creative without restrictions
Imagine the costume you would wear at the secret mlp meetup
Basically, aside from a few irregulars, abuse is here and has been here from the start.
It has its place. And yes, there is a lot less content than the normal stuff.
But understand it's a marathon not a race
>Gray skies.
>Crisp Autumnal air.
>A faint scent of gasoline in the wind.
>And the sound of bells chimes, distantly.
>A barn is burning down.
>"I wanna die,"
>Pinkamena Diane Pie is her name.
>You are Anonymous.
>And you're trying to figure out how to save this mare.
>And yourself.
>Be (you)
>Twilight chirps
>"I've been going over the finances-and you just HAVE to see this..."
>She pulls you aside, grin on her face so wide she could split the world in half with it.
>"That man-ga"
Close enough, what about it?
>"Well....it's doing fantastically is all,"
>She says with a slight deadpan.
>"Sheesh... I came here to give you good news! This is the best any of your works has ever done. Can't you be a little more...I don't know...excited?"
I am! I am, really!
>Force a smile.
I always knew my skills would put me ahead! I mean, after all, I AM an incredible writer.
>Twilight snortles.
>"Oh, Anon- atleast we can say you're really confident!"
>You smile again.
I'm alot of things! I can be even more for money, gold, diamond rings.
>Twilight laughs again
>You cringe inside, but ever so carefully do you hide it.
>"Anon, be se-heehehe...be serious! We really need to talk...see if this is how well your sales did for this work you put out...if we..."
>Twilight tries to talk to you more- tells you how to keep up, how to widen your reach, be a better and stronger author.
>You listen to none of it.
>You are...
>Everything about you.
>Your face.
>There are no redeeming traits.
>Your entire personality is fake.
>The ponies don't know this.
>Or maybe they do but they aren't telling you.
>Maybe it was all a joke.
>It had to be, right?
>After years of failing at art on earth.
>Being a miserable author with no income.
>In Equestria, here, you finally start to gain some kind of notoriety.
>But you hate everything you write still.
>How could they possibly fucking like it?
>But they do.
>Thoughts like this swirl about in your head, like whirlwinds in thorn trees.
>They keep twisting and turning and colliding at the beams of your mind, well past when you and Twilight part ways.
>Your stomach rumbles as you wander aimlessly through ponyvile.
>That's why you went out on a walk before Twilight pulled you aside.
>You're hungry.
das chickun crusher
This is based off of a fic, it's not perfect but I liked the first chapter (where the image is from). Scarlet Harvest was bad enough to make me stop reading. Cheerilee kinda loses all reasonable motives other than self-preservation, which feels like a significant downgrade after she had a strong start in chapter 1.
Not bad
>With that, the unique couple walk along the road
>Anon draws a quick map of their route in his head
>’Alright, we basically head back past my house and the park is right there. First we take-’
>His thoughts are interrupted as he feels her warm body press against him as they walk
>Looking down, Anon sees Derpy’s head looking up at him as she nuzzles into him
>His heart flutters as she smiles brightly
>Without a care in the world, she leans on Anon and relies on him to guide her to her special spot
>Anon is about to say something but quelches those unspoken words
>Blushing and feeling slightly embarrassed, he focuses his gaze back to the road
>’Alright, one of us has to pay attention’
>At least that’s his coping mechanism for shying away from her beaming cuteness
>They continue to walk along the road, garnering a curious glance here or there from the sparse townponies still roaming around
>The sun is beginning to set as they approach the entrance to the playground
>There is wooden split rail fencing loosely placed around the perimeter, it has seen better days
>Some sections of wood are missing, some are rotting, or the rails haphazardly lay on the ground
>But to Derpy, this is her safe space, or at least it was, until the day Silver Spoon took that away from her
>’But that’s in the past. This is her domain again’
>As Anon plays the role of the unknown savior in his head, he can feel the warmth to his side leaving him
>Unhappy at the sudden loss he frowns
>Derpy giddily trots ahead once she notices the swing
>Up until then she didn’t even realize they were there
>Derpy calls out to the inanimate object as though it is her long lost friend
>Anon walks quickly to catch up with her
>By the time he arrives she’s already sitting on the humble swing
>It’s a worn wooden plank attached to rope
>’I wonder how long this thing will last. I should be able to fix it if it comes to it though’
>Derpy smiles and waves at him with her foreleg
“Look at you. Only a fool would keep a mare from her swing.”
>Derpy giggles as Anon pats her on the head
>Anon puts his arm down and realizes how close he is to her
>Seated on the swing, her face comes up to his chest
>She’s blushing as she looks up at him
>Anon stands there and freezes up
>She still has a blotch of dried mustard on her cheek, but it only makes her more adorable
>’...do I go for the kiss or…’
>Derpy doesn’t seem to notice him freaking out internally
>She’s just happy to be here
>Anon is taken out of his awkward predicament as a gray hoof boops him in the nose
“Hey, what was that for?”
>Derpy’s only response is more giggling
>With the non-existent situation defused, Anon walks behind her and gives her a little push
>She turns her around to try and see what he’s up to
“Look ahead, I will give you a boost.”
>Derpy is unsure of what he is doing but agrees
>He pushes a little harder this time
>She starts to kick her legs back and forth
>Anon takes a small step back as she builds up momentum
>Derpy giggles with glee as she propels in the air
>Being at her favorite spot with Anon is a like a dream come true
>She feels her elation rising as his firm but gentle hands continue to push her to even further heights
>Anon starts to let up on the pushing
>’That’s probably the safest height I’m comfortable with’
>He continues to catch her when she returns downwards and gives a fake push
>’As long as she’s having fun’
>Anon smiles as he continues to guide her swinging
>Failing to resist her contagious laughter, he joins in
“Haha, Derpy you’re a pro at this!”
>Seeing that she is starting to lose altitude, he gives her one last big push
>Derpy rockets up to the sky and giggles uncontrollably on the descent
>Anon steps back and lets her glide on her own
>He walks in front of the swing so he can watch her
>Derpy tries her best to look at him while she’s swinging, but her eyes are not cooperating
>Anon chuckles as he watches her try to maneuver her head
>Eventually she stops kicking her legs and slowly rocks back to the ground
>She jumps off of the swing and charges at Anon
>Unable to dodge her in time, he is hit with the full force of her energy
>Anon cringes as the pain flares up from his bruised stomach
>He wobbles for a moment, but Derpy is holds onto him tightly
>He looks down and he sees her wrapped around him
>Her eyes are closed as she snuggles her face into his stomach
>The sharp pain dies down but he’s still sore from the unexpected impact
“You need to watch out, you’re still healing you know”
>”And so am I” Anon mutters to himself
>Derpy pays him no mind as she continues to rub her face into him
>’I wonder if this is how it’s like being Lulu. I could get used to it I suppose, if she actually washed me that is’
>Anon hugs her back as they stand there in silent peace
>He looks up to the sky and notices that the sun is moving lower in the sky
>’Does Celelstia actually move that thing every so often or does she have a spell that does it for her? Alicorns are weird’
>As Anon contemplates how powerful alicorns are, he can feel Derpy yawning into him
>Against his will, he yawns in response
“Alright Derpo we should head home. It’s been a long day and Luna is about to take over for Celestia.”
>As Anon breaks the hug Derpy looks up at him
>Anon isn’t sure how much she knows about the princesses, so he just shrugs
“Uh, yeah. Lulu.”
>They make their way out of the park and head to Anon’s house
>He is delighted to feel her body pressed against his as she leans on him
>Anon’s body greedily absorbs her pony warmth as though it’s a required resource
>’Yeah, I could get used to this’
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Do you have an abusefu? Is she the same as your waifu?
your waifu is my abusefu
>Pinkie is about to die in a barn fire
>Anon is a depressed comic writer
>Twilight is his boss, and he's hungry
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>Somewhere in Equestria Anon is having fun with his newly found plaything.
>But it looks like Rainbowshine needs to be properly disciplined before being added to the collection.
Preferred method of punishment?
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Abuse thread
Post pics, talk about it, greentext it.
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>By the time they get back to Anon's house the sun is no longer visible
>He opens the door and walks to the bathroom
"I'll be right out Derp, make yourself at home."
>Anon walks into the bathroom
>As he turns around to close the door he almost bumps into a certain pegasus
"Hey, I need some privacy."
>Derpy doesn't get the hint and continues standing in the doorway
>Tilting her head sideways she questions the green human
>Anon has to think for a second
>But nothing suitable pops up
"Because I just do, okay."
>Satisfied with his response, Derpy backs up and closes the door on him
>Anon stands there baffled before taking care of his business
>As he lets his stream loose he thinks about everything that's happened
>'Today has felt like 3 days in one'
>Giving his penis a final flick he washes up at the sink
>Walking into the living room he looks for Derpy but she's not there
>He peeks his head into the bedroom
>No response
>Only one place left
>The kitchen
>As he walks in he sees Derpy at the pantry
"Still hungry after all those burgers?"
>Derpy turns around with orange crumbs on her face
>"lulus hungry"
>He notices that she is holding her Luna plushie
"Ah I see. A princess must have a royal appetite."
>Derpy giggles as she holds the half bitten carrot to Lulu's face
>Anon watches without interfering
>After several seconds, Derpy turns the carrot towards her face and takes a bite
>She returns her gaze back to Anon as she chews loudly
>Anon grabs a glass of water and takes a sip
"Is Lulu thirsty?"
>Derpy nods
>He walks over and holds the glass to the worn plushie's face
>Derpy smiles as Anon quenches Lulu's thirst
>She blushes when he brings the glass to her face
>He tips the glass as she opens her lips
>Her left eye is looking up at Anon and her other is swirling around between Luna and the floor
>She continues to gulp down the refreshing liquid until nothing is left
"It looks like Lulu was really thirsty."
>Anon smirks at Derpy before putting the glass on the table
"I know you're tired, I'll make sure the bed is set up for you and Lulu."
>Derpy's demeanor changes at the mention of his bed
>"what about you?"
"I have the couch. It worked fine last night."
>"its wet"
>Anon starts to remember the incident before they left for dinner
>A wet pony drying herself on his couch
>'why do I feel like she has a better memory than I do'
>As Anon visualizes the wet spots on the couch Derpy walks closer to him
>She looks serious
>"lulu wants you to sleep with us"
>Anon almost spits out the water that he already swallowed
>A familiar weight finds itself on Anon's shoulder
>'Now is your chance to smash that jiggly booty, she's literally asking for it'
>The tiny toothy grinned version of himself looks him in the face
"Oh no."
>Derpy raises her hoof in discomfort
>Her face starts to quiver like she's going to cry
>Realizing he spoke out loud, he attempts to calm her down
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haha yes!
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"Wait, that's not what I meant Derpy. I need a minute please."
>'Are you going to make this cutie cry or dick her down already? There's only one option Champ'
>Suddenly, Anon feels a disturbance on his other shoulder
>With radiant wings spread, angel-anon points an accusatory finger at his adversary
>'Begone foul demon!'
>Devil-anon rolls his eyes
>'Who invited this goody good?'
>Derpy apprehensively watches Anon as he looks back and forth to his shoulders
>'Her purity must be maintained Anon, you know this'
>Anon's eyes dart to angel-anon
>'Hey idiot. She's looking at you. Give her what she wants already'
>Anon starts to tune them both out as he focuses on her sad face
>'Anon don't d-'
>Back to being alone with her, the room feels uncomfortably silent
>He walks up to her and hugs her
"Of course I'll sleep with you and Lulu."
>She hugs him back and buries her face into him
>He can feel her smiling through his shirt
>They stay like that for several minutes, enjoying each other's embrace
>Derpy is the first one to pull away
>"beddy byes?"
"Yes, Derp. Let's get ready for bed."
>Anon walks to his room
>Derpy sleepily but cheerily follows him
>Pony beds are a bit small for Anon so he made sure to get a larger one
>It's big enough to accommodate himself, but it will be a squeeze with Derpy
>Anon can start to feel his heart race
>'Am I about to sleep in the same bed with the mare I like? What if I can't control myself? What if she kicks me again'
>Derpy runs over and jumps to the bed, but her aim is slightly off
>Anon's panicked thoughts are cut short as he feels something knock into him
>He falls into the bed face first
>Feeling something heavy but soft on his back, he can only assume that it's Derpy
>Through a muffled mouthful of blanket he calls out to her
"Hey, what are you doing!"
>As the weight slides off of him he can hear Derpy's voice, it also sounds suppressed
>"are you okay anon?"
>As he sits up he sees a moving blob covered in a blanket
>The only thing visible is a plump gray pony butt wiggling in his face
>Mere inches away from her marehood, he sits there and just stares
>Her musk fills his nostrils as he is mesmerized by her mottled vulva
>His brain goes into single-cell mode as Mr. Anon comes out of his slumber
>Derpy manages to get unstuck from the blanket and turns around to face Anon
>His face is completely red as his growing boner is trying to break free of his pants
>Derpy's face is within breathing range
>He can feel her hot breath slowly mingling with his own
>Derpy blushes and stutters on her words
>"i-im sorry...i...i"
>Before she can continue her stammering, Anon kisses her
>Her eyes go wide as she feels his moist lips connect with hers
>Anon closes his eyes and wraps his arm behind her head, pulling her closer
>Derpy's eyes swirl around as she tries to process what is going on
>As if on instinct, her lips start to move on their own
>Without even realizing it she's kissing him back
Whipping is the nice go-to for me. Certain situations may demand something more complex.
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FUCK Linky
>Do you have an abusefu?
No, but I have a few ponies that I like to see get abused. Why? Because it's hot and I'm probably sadistic.
>Your waifu
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Comic time!
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>>41883511 (OP)
mighty fine to see the aboose thread on teh first page
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an klassik
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Poor derpo
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>molesting the retard pony
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Where is that Derpy green at now?
I actually thought we were gonna have a good thread for once
>for once
>New green and art was dropped in the last thread and this one
>Same with the previous Bully & Abuse threads
You're not an abusefag I take it. Stay at your own peril.
who is the mare on the left? oc?
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>Anon holds the kiss, enjoying every moment
>Leaning back on the bed, he pulls Derpy with him
>Their kiss ends but they continue looking at each other as they lie down
>Derpy is partially on top of Anon with her forehooves hugging his torso
>One of her rear hooves is straddling his leg
>The bulge in Anon’s pants is reaching its limit
“Derpy I-”
>Before he can finish his sentence, she leans in to kiss him
>With her eyes still open she blushes as she locks lips with her newly found sweetheart
>Anon keeps his eyes open so he can look at her face for a little longer
>His heart is pounding and his brain is incapable of fully formed thoughts
>Acting on instinct he closes his eyes and engages his tongue
>Derpy’s lips resist initially, but Anon gently prods them open
>Her eyes go wide at the new sensation
>Not very experienced with the risqué Frenchman technique himself, Anon’s tongue bumbles about inside of her mouth
>Derpy moans lightly as Anon tries to wrap his tongue around hers
>Elusively her tongue seems to evades his as though they are playing tag
>As they continue the dance of tongues, he grabs her body and rolls her on top of him
>Anon can feel moisture soaking through to Mr. Anon making him twitch aggressively
>Her hips straddle his waist and her eyes go wide as she feels a bump poke her special area
>Derpy’s rear left leg involuntarily kicks the bed and pushes her upwards on an angle
>The kiss breaks and she lands on her side next to him
>She scrunches her face and looks embarrassed
>”i-im sorry…”
>Anon’s monkey brain is past words, he pulls her back on top of him and resumes kissing her
>Her marehood finds its way back to his hardened bulge
>Derpy moans loudly in Anon’s mouth but she manages to control her leg enough so it only kicks a little bit
>Her body raises slightly and her hips come back down on the barrier containing Mr. Anon
>Anon’s cock throbs as the weight of her body bears down on him as she moans again
>Their tongues no longer play tag, but are intertwined in a vigorous grapple
>Anon puts his hand on Derpy’s butt and pushes her down on him as he moves his hips, grinding against her moist marehood
>She continues to moan and as her rear left hoof weakly tries to push away
>But Anon’s grasp on her booty is firm
>As they continue to aggressively swirl their tongues, Anon can feel his pants becoming completely soaked from her mare juices
>One small thought makes it through the concupiscent wall of fog engulfing his head
>’She’s ready’
>Whether this was Anon’s own thought or devil-anon’s, it doesn’t matter. Angel-anon left long ago
>Reaching with his free hand, he pulls down on his pants
>Due to the positioning and her weight on top of him it takes several moments as they continue to sloppily makeout
>Eventually Mr. Anon slides out
>Pinned down by her marehood, his dick is facing against his body and pointing upwards
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>Unleashed from his excruciating prison, Mr. Anon waggles apocalyptically underneath her wet vulva
>Derpy moans as she inadvertently rubs against his engorged member
>Anon decides to intervene and uses both hands to lift her waist upwards
>Due to the shift in pressure, her face forcefully pushes against his
>Slightly uncomfortable for the both of them, this moment continues until Anon uses his other hand to guide his cock
>The tip of his cock makes contact
>But it’s jabs the inner part of her leg, smearing her with precum
>Readjusting his coordinates as though he is an artillerist, he moves his cock slightly to the right
>They both moan as his tip touches her marebits
>Target acquired
>Letting go of her hips, gravity takes care of the rest
>Mr. Anon feels her lips wrap around him
>Derpy’s tongue stops moving as Anon continues to prod her with his own
>Instead of her leg instinctively kicking to get out of the situation, her hips start moving on their own
>She slams down on Anon’s pelvis with all of her might
>Mr. Anon is overwhelmed, as though he’s been caught inside of a nuclear shockwave, desperately trying to hold on to dear life
>Both of them experience sensory overload as Anon cock is hilted deep inside of her marehood
>Derpy breaks the kiss and starts moaning loudly as she quivers on top of the green human’s cock
>Her wings fully extend outward as she lets out a loud pleasureful cry
>Derpy’s guttural grunting sends Anon over the edge as he can feel her cumming on his dick
>A rush of mare juices envelopes Mr. Anon in a whirlpool of ecstasy
>Anon grabs her butt with both of his hands and pulls her down on his cock
>Mr. Anon erupts with the force of a volcano, unleashing its molten loads inside of the gray pegasus
>Derpy desperately tries to wiggle free from Anon as they both cum
>The pleasure is too intense for her virginity to handle
>But Anon strongly grasps her to him
>He his husky grunts fill the room as he pumps load after load inside of the ditzy mare
>His thick ropes continue to pulse inside of her vagina
>Derpy’s eyes google around in a euphoria as her lips squeeze Anon’s throbbing cock
>Mr. Anon was waiting for this day, but even he was not prepared for the result
>As his cock continues to twitch and unleash itself inside of her, Anon grabs her face with his hand and starts to kiss her
>Derpy’s tongue haphazardly swings inside of his mouth as the both continue to moan
>Eventually Mr. Anon seizes the flood of white goo and begins to shrink
>Derpy breaks the kiss as she lays on top of Anon panting, her tongue hangs loosely outside of her mouth
>Drenched in a combination of Derpy’s sweat and his own, Anon’s sternum raises up and down quickly as catches his breath
>With dick still inside of her, Mr. Anon dribbles its last drops as they rest there together
>He holds her head to his chest and runs his hand through her mane
>Derpy’s right eye is looking up at him as she blushes, her other is still swirling around as though it’s lost in a sea of stimulation
>They lay there in blissful peace for some time
>But Mr. Anon has risen from the dead
>His dick may have been flattened, but it is a greedy dick
>Still inside of her entryway, Mr. Anon begins to rise
>Derpy shuffles in Anon’s grasp as she feels his penis expand inside of her
>She starts to moan as her walls instinctively clamp around his member
>Anon blushes as his blood beings to travel south
>Derpy never finishes her sentence, her mind is too overburdened with hormones
>Their pelvises a sticky mess, Anon uses all of his willpower to pull his cock out
>Mr. Anon feels a terrible coldness descend upon him.
>Where are the blazing depths of love? The world can be a cruel place.
>Derpy gasps in surprise at the sudden loss of his cock
>Before she can say anything, he rolls her over and gets on top of her
>One of her eyes is looking up at him lovingly, and her other is looking directly at this cock hovering above her marehood
>Anon gives her a quick kiss and then reaches down to his phallus
>Aiming Mr. Anon he makes contact
>Derpy looks at him in pain as his cock thrusts against her ponut
>Sealed up tight, there is no penetration
>Anon knows he found the wrong hole, but is extremely tempted to move forward anyway
>There is no wrong hole in his eyes
>But then he looks at her distressed face and draws from his rapidly depleting willpower once more
>Between labored grunts he tries to speak softly to her
>Aiming a little higher he finds her special place
>Gently but briskly, he enters his special somepony once more
>Derpy lightly moans as Anon slowly enters her
>Now with Mr. Anon back in his sanctuary he focuses his attention back to Derpy
>Wanting to savor every second of this special moment
>He leans down and gives her another kiss
>She amicably returns it
>No longer using tongues, they go back to light kissing
>He slowly but powerfully thrusts back and forth inside of her
>As they moan between kisses, he puts his hand on the side of her head and plays with her ear, twirling it around with his finger
>Derpy’s reddened face looks up at Anon with love
>As they both passionately move their hips in rhythm Derpy breaks the kiss
>Anon feels a torrent of fluid rushing over his cock
>Derpy whimpers as her hips start to shake
>Her sultry moan thunders in Anon’s ear as he is firmly presses down on her
“Oh Derpy!”
>Anon cannot hold himself back and starts to cum
>Mr. Anon unleashes a new wave of fluid
>Derpy’s marehood clasps his green cock, holding it as though Mr. Anon was merely her prey from the very beginning
>Derpy continues to moan as Anon thrusts inside of her
>Overcoming the intense stimuli, he makes sure to keeping thrusting to fill her up with as much of his seed as possible
>The moving of hips dies down as Anon jettisons his remaining load
>Unable to move, Derpy wraps her forehooves around his back as she continues to moan is bliss
>Mr. Anon appears to be satisfied as he slowly but surely deflates
>They lay there for a while
>Fully drained, Anon pulls his cock out
>Derpy pants heavily as she holds onto Anon with all of her might
>Anon brings his face to hers
>They boop noses and he smiles at her
>With some brain activity returning, Anon is beginning to form thoughts again
>’wow, just wow..’
>Both of them are stunned and enamored
>Derpy is the first one to speak up as she stares at him with adoration
>”anon…i wuv you”
>Anon’s heart flutters at the bold declaration
>But he doesn’t even need to think to respond
“Derpy, I love you so much.”
>Her smile widens as she squeezes him
>Anon gets off of her and lays next to her
>She faces him as she is still smiling
>They both go in for a small kiss at the same time
>Derpy giggles as he hugs her close to him
>”beddy byes?”
>Anon chuckles, realizing that was supposed to be what happened previously
>Both he’s not complaining
>Neither is Mr. Anon, or devil-anon
“Yes Derpy, it’s time for bed.”
>Without missing a beat, Derpy reminds him of her princess plushie
>’Uh, really? We just made love and you are thinking about Lulu?’
>Anon muffles his negative thoughts, he wants nothing more than to please this mare
“Of course, she will be sleeping with us too.”
>Sitting up, he scopes around the bed
>He spots Lulu sitting on the edge of the bed
>He reaches and grabs her as Derpy watches him lovingly
>Handing her the plushie, she puts it in the between the two of them
>Anon’s nose wrinkles at the smell
>’I really need to clean that thing for her. For me’
“I have an idea Derp.”
>He crouches above her and traverses to her other side
>Her head cranes around trying to follow his movements
>Anon hugs her from behind, forming a big spoon
“How is this?”
>Derpy’s tired body doesn’t try to move
>She simply smiles as she hugs her Luna plush
“i wuv you anon”
“I love you too Derpy, goodnight.”
>Not even bothering to turn the light off, Anon closes his eyes
>As he fades into the dream realm, he can feel her warm body becoming one with his own
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>Anons most likely gonna get lynched by a ponyville hate mob by the end of the story

Doesnt matter though, had sex. Hot retarded sex. Hope they let her at least see the foal every now and then after im dead.
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unf instant boner
They are still warm. Do you think the the gravedigger fucks them before burying the bodies?
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>Do you think the the gravedigger fucks them before burying the bodies?
He should. Some could also dig the bodies from their graves. Better fuck them before they get too stiff.
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Any fun things one can do with her while she's petrified?
Hot glue
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picrel is the the only correct option
free her and be her sidekick for her evil shenanigans, non of that reforming garbage.
unpetrify her rump and start hitting it.
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retard morning sexo when
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>P-please no more
that only makes me want to keep going
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remember to discipline your slave(s)
Bullying mares, demeaning mares, whipping mares, beating mares up, talking down to mares, making fun of mares, branding mares, cutting mares, kicking mares, farting on mares, karate chopping mares, smacking mares, knuckle sandwiching mares, pushing mares over, chaining mares, biting mares, tying mares up, raping mares, breaking into mares' houses, capturing mares, enslaving mares, making mares cry, forcing mares to walk the plank, putting mares in cages, amputating mares, denying mares their cuddle time, snuffing out a mares' snowpity
Putting mares in muzzles
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That's hot.
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I saw someone post the final part in the last thread so I'd figured it deserved to be fully posted. The comic was only just recently finished, it was going on for a while. Also, the artist said there may be a continuation.
Seems odd that 32 wasn't the end. Feels like they were starting a new story arc after derpo, then it just ended.
Yeah the pacing for the comic felt kinda off. Especially since it just abruptly ends.
yes, 32 seemed like the end. the section after that seems like an epilogue. And on the last post, this was written:

>With the changelings vanquished, the Crystal Empire experiences a period of peace. King Sombra spends the coming days relaxing with his wife, a much needed respite after the war. Flurry Heart covetously enjoys her “Hubby” time while keeping herself amused with domestic politics and her subjects. Brave Dawn continues to competently serve Flurry Heart and is awarded more time with his mother, Luster Dawn. Aquamarine carefully waits on King Sombra’s whims, wishing the utmost to avoid punishment. The Guard Commander grows restless without the changeling conflict, and regrettably his servants bear the brunt of his barbaric cravings. The Executioner still works closely with Flurry Heart. Whether she wants a certain pony silenced or for him to show hospitality to anypony unfortunate enough to find themself in the dungeon
>”Ponice, open up!”
>Anon grumbles as he hears banging outside of his room
>Not paying it any mind as he holds onto Derpy’s warm body, he groggily opens his eyes
>He smiles as he watches her snore for a moment
>But then his heart jumps as he hears a thundering clamor outside of his room
>Anon gets out of the bed as Derpy begins to open her eyes
>Before he can respond to Derpy, the wind is knocked out of him as he is tackled to the ground by a burly stallion in a blue uniform
>He can hear a commanding female voice in the back
>”Ponice, you are under arrest!”
>As the pony on top of Anon tries to suppress him, he elbows the officer in the face
>The brown earth pony grunts and flops off of Anon
>As he stands up to face his morning ambushers, he reels in pain, dropping to his knees
>The white unicorn looks down at him with disgust as she holds her baton in midair, ready to strike again
>Anon clutches his already bruised stomach and groans, tears of pain forming in his eyes
>Unable to move or speak, he kneels there helplessly
>Now fully awake, Derpy jumps out of the bed and runs over to her lover
>Before she can reach him, Zende and another nurse pony rush over and grab onto her
>Derpy bucks the unlucky nurse stallion in the chest, he drops to the ground in a lump
>Using Derpy’s off balance posture to her advantage, Zende sweeps Derpy’s forelegs out from under her
>Derpy drops to the ground hitting her face
>She moans in pain as her previous bruises flare up
>Anon gets a second wind of adrenaline as he watches the zebra nurse subdue his special somepony
>As he stands up, another stallion in uniform rams into him, knocking him down
>”Stop resisting!”
>Anon sees stars as the bulky stallion uses his hooves to pin his left arm
>Before he can swing with his right arm, the stallion he elbowed earlier gets on top of him
>”anon help!”
>Futilely, Anon struggles against the two stallions on him, but the weight is overbearing
“Derpy…I’m comin-”
>Before he can finish calling out to her, he is silenced as a hoof hits him square in the mouth
>Derpy cries frantically as Zende tries to pin her down
>”anon anon!”
>With one last rush of adrenaline, Anon bites the brown earth pony holding his right arm
>Using all of his force he draws blood as his teeth crush down onto a foreleg
>”Ahhh, BUCK!”
>With one stallion off of him, Anon uses his free arm to swing a fist of fury at the other officer’s face
>With a loud Thwack, the gray stallion is knocked aside
>Before Anon can get up, the mare officer brings her baton down on his head
>Anon’s head bounces on the ground and he losses consciousness
>Derpy looks over and breaks down
>”no!!!!! anon!!!!”
>Before she can further draw from her adrenaline pools, the mare officer uses her magic to tie Derpy’s rear hooves together while Zende controls her upper half
>The two stallions secure the limp green man, tying him up securely as they pant heavily
>”Bucker almost took my leg off.”
>The other officer smirks as his bloody muzzle drips blood on his captive
>”At least you didn’t get hit in the face by the deranged monkey.”
>As they struggle to drag Anon out of the room, they look to their leader
>”Sheriff, we secured the criminal. Permission to lock him in the wagon.”
>Without looking back at them she responds, ”Permission granted.”
>She looks down at Derpy’s bruises and grits her teeth with hatred
>Now fully restrained, Derpy wiggles around on the ground as Zende tries to comfort her
>”Relax Ms. Hooves, we are here to help you. That wicked creature cannot harm you anymore.”
>”The name is Sheriff Aurora. I’m sorry for what you went through Ma’am. You aren’t this monster’s first victim either.”
>As the Sheriff occupies Derpy’s attention, Zende jabs Derpy’s flank with a needle
>She yelps into her mouth gag
>Zende goes over to check on the nurse pony laying on the ground
>The sheriff looks at her for an answer
>”He may have a fracture but he is still breathing.”
>Aurora turns her attention to the now motionless pegasus in the room
>”And her?”
>”I gave her two times the normal sedative dose. But aside from her facial injuries, she seems to be healthy.”
>Derpy’s once frantic self is calmly lying on the ground. Her eyelids look heavy as her teary eyes swirl around. Scanning for Anon.
>”But we need to take her to the Ponyville Hospital for testing.”
>”Understood. Once we get the prisoner secured in the station we can assist with the escort to the hospital.”
>As the zebra nurse nods in thanks, the stallion in blue uniform walks in and starts searching the room
>”Collect anything that looks out of place. Although we already have plenty of evidence, more cannot hurt. I don’t want this scumbag ever seeing the sun again.”
>”Yes, Sheriff.”
>Aurora notices the Luna plushie on the bed and picks it up with telekinesis and drags it in front of her face
>Her nose curls up at the overbearing smell of dried sweat and mucus
>”Sergeant, take this.”
>Zende recognizes the plushie and interjects
>”Ah, that is Ms. Hooves’ doll. She is quite attached to it. I can take it.”
>Aurora looks over at the nurse
>”Sorry, but this is evidence now. Move it out sergeant.”
>Zende is about to speak up again, but realizes it’s a lost cause as the stallion walks out of the house with Derpy’s most prized possession.
Kek he's fucked
>Derpy tries to wiggle and say something, but her body is too weak
>The only countermeasure she is able to muster is more tears
>Zende looks down at the gray pegasus with sympathy
>The other nurse pony starts to stand up, shaking his head
>Still disoriented, he looks at the other ponies in the room
>”What the hay happened?”
>Before Zende can speak, Aurora takes control of the conversation
>”We secured the criminal, and you may be injured.”
>The stallion nurse checks himself quickly
>”I’ve been through worse.”
>Zende speaks up and says, “We can untie her now that the sedative has fully kicked in, but leave her wings bound.”
>As the two nurse ponies unravel Derpy’s bindings, Aurora walks outside to the prison cart
>Anon grumbles as he opens his eyes
>The first thing he sees is a white unicorn glaring at him
>”If it wasn’t for Equestrian Law, you would already be dead.”
>Anon begins to remember everything that just happened and spits out a mouthful of blood
>Aurora continues to stare at him with icy daggers
“Derpy is my friend…my special somepony, I would never hurt her!”
>”Anything else, maggot”?
>The hairs on Anon’s back raise as though he can feel someone looking at him
>Or rather, somefilly
>In the distance, he can spot Silver Spoon watching him
>Her reddened eyes look at him in anguish
“Officer, it was her! Silver Spoon, she's over there!”
>As Anon starts yelling and causing a ruckus, Silver Spoon gives him one more glance before turning and walking away
>”Aurora uses her magic to grab onto his clothes
>She slams him into the iron bars so that he is facing her
>”You have some nerve mentioning the names of your victims so casually.”
>Before he can say anything else, she uses telekinesis to wrap a gag around his face
>Anon’s yapping gets muffled
>His eyes go wide as he sees Derpy slowly walk out of his house, accompanied by two nurse ponies
>She notices him in the cage and changes her direction
>Her voice doesn’t work but he can read her lips as she says his name
>In her mind she is running faster than a race horse, but the nurse ponies hover on each side of her as she walks at a snail’s pace
>Anon yells into his gag as he tries to call out to her
>”Alright, let’s get this dirtbag to the station, make it quick.”
>Anon slumps down as the momentum of the cart jerks him
>As the ponice plod and clop along the road, Derpy slowly but surely shrinks into the horizon
>Anon’s last memory of Derpy is of her hoof extended as she calls out to him


I tried to hint at that without being too obvious, because I didn't want it to seem like it came out of the blue. And although this post says Fin, there will be an afterwards of sorts
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I knew this wasn't going to end well
but still what the fuck
I think it's abuse because of Twilight's angry face.

It looks like he just forced her to swallow. But if she agreed to suck his dick, which is look like, then it wouldn't be rape. Light abuse at most. And I reckon that's a common thing between couples irl.
Very light abuse at most
Here is abuse
Does anyone have fun plans for valentines? A favored slave gets a treat, or maybe the opposite?
jesus christ
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Anon did nothing wrong in the eyes of love!
Is she mad that the pineapple was being added, or removed?
Have a blessed day abusefags
Wake Up bitches.
I know that there is a Misty hate thread. But this isn't a hate thread at all. I love cute ponies, and also abusing them. Granted, g5 falls a bit flat in the "do I give a fuck to a abuse them?". The answer is no, generally. But Misty, she has value to me. At least before she betrayed Opaline.
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I hope derpy is pregnant. it's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.
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Does tamers like abuse or is it just a gag
Flutterbitch is hot
considering he just had ponies stabbed to death in the last episode, yes
is the pooping and farting a gag? maybe, but there's no way he's not into it to an extent with the sheer volume he includes.
Horns make good handlebars

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Bully mares berate mares badger mares besmirch mares belittle mares take mares out on dates and then dump them
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abduct mares and put them in your dungeon
abandon mares after marrying them
badmouth mares and make them feel bad
bait mares into entering your home
chain mares to the wall as decoration
choke mares to assert dominance
dupe mares into becoming your friend
detain mares with authority and purpose
ensnare mares with booby traps
embarrass mares publicly
flog mares on their buttocks
forbid mares from having rights
grope mares' teats against their will
grapple mares into submission
hunt mares for sport
harvest mares' foals for slaves
I like lashing my disobedient slaves when they are subpar, however, I understand that's the "boring" option. What is another suggestion?
>in case you didn't notice this is an active crime scene
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That's an unusual 'horn' ya got there
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introduce mares to rape
insult mares daily
jerk mares with a leash
judge mares with righteousness
keep mares in the basement
knock mares down to the ground
lash mares until they beg for mercy
lock mares in their room and throw away the key
manipulate mares into doing your bidding
mentor mares who enjoy abuse
nail mares to wooden planks because it's fun
normalize mares suffering
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t. Spike
oppress mares at every turn
outlaw mares having fun
partition mares in cells
pluck mares' wings
qualify mares for high interest loans
quiz mares with unsolvable riddles
remind mares of their place
ration mares so they go hungry
shove mares into lockers
summon mares to court
tickle mares until they get hysterical
tether mares with rope and chain at all times
undermine mares and their desires
upset mares by stealing their foals
violate mares by publicly mounting them
volunteer mares to work in the mines
“Come here, you sexy naughty pony.”
“Shut UP! I’m gonna put this on you.”
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One Year Later
>Derpy stares outside of her window
>Like she does everyday
>She’s not allowed to leave the house anymore, no more swing
>Her despondent eyes whirl around, waiting for Anon to make his appearance
>To rescue her from her solitude
>But just like yesterday, he never arrives
>Zende told her that Anon was evil, and that's why the blue ponies took him away
>But she knows that's not true
>How could her favorite person be bad?
>She wishes she could cuddle with Lulu
>But the blue ponies took her away too
>Another warm tear slides down her cheek as she sniffles
>She begins to remember her recent stay at the hospital

>Derpy is lying in bed, bracing her hooves against the side-rails
>Soft beeping of monitors fill the air as the tension builds
>She doesn't know what's happening as she looks up at the ceiling of the bright sterile room
>Her face contorts in pain as another contraction hits
>The nurse tries to comfort her, "You’re doing great. Just breathe."
"i cant...i cant”
>The doctor stands at the foot of the bed, watching the monitor.
>"It’s okay, Ms. Hooves. Just focus on your breathing. In and out, nice and slow. You’re almost there."
"it hurts so much!"
>The doctor does his best at giving her a reassuring smile
>"I know. But you're doing an amazing job. Let's try to make it through this one."
>Derpy takes a deep breath, wincing in agony as the contraction continues
"help me..."
>The doctor steps closer to Derpy
>”I’m going to guide you through it. You’re not alone.”
>The contraction starts to ease, and Derpy exhales with relief
>”Good. We’re getting closer, Ms. Hooves. Just a little longer.”
>The nurse walks next to the doctor, waiting to assist once the foal arrives
>Derpy closes her eyes, summoning all of her strength.
>Another contraction hits. This one feels more intense.
"Uhgoooh...somethings coming!"
It's gonna be an abomination, isn't it? Even if it's not there is no way they will let her keep it.
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>The doctor holds her hoof
>”We’re almost there. Keep pushing”
>Derpy looks at him as she wails out
“oohhh, it hurts!”
>Derpy pushes with everything she has left
>”It's here!”, the nurse exclaims excitedly
>A tiny pegasus plops out of the labored mare, the nurse wraps the newborn in a towel
>Derpy breathes heavily as her tongue hangs out of her mouth
>Still moaning as the throbbing aches continue in her special area
>The nurse walks the foal over to Derpy
>The miniature green pony in her grasp is crying its eyes out
>”Here he is! Your adorable baby colt.”
>Delirious and out of it Derpy looks over at the nurse
>One of her eyes looks down and sees the foal staring back at her
>For a moment he stops crying
>The doctor rushes over to the nurse and angrily whispers in her ear
>“I-I'm sorry doctor...”
>With a saddened glance at Derpy, the nurse turns away and then briskly walks out of the room
>The green foal begins to cry again as he loses sight of his mother
“wait is he my baby?”
>The doctor steps in front of Derpy’s line of sight, cutting her off from the nurse and her son
>She looks up at the doctor and asks in quiet voice
“am…am i mommy?”
>The doctor stands there awkwardly for a moment before responding
>”Ahem. Um…no.”
>Derpy frowns as she waits for him to continue
>”Ms. Hooves, something really bad happened to you…but you are fixed-”

>Derpy’s retrospection is interrupted by a boom of thunder
>Heavy rain pours down and slaps against the window
>Her wings hang limply to her sides as she starts to sob uncontrollably

here is the paste, I fixed some errors but I still need to give it another once over at one point

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>"Whaddya mean Anon and Derpy dont live happily ever after and raise their foal with loving care!?"
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>As Anon curses at his predicament he notices that he's completely naked
>And that he still has a boner
>Berry Punch is leaning out of her window tending to her shrubbery
>As she's fluffing her bush she notices the green man and his cock
>She peers over at him with curiosity
>Anon covers his dick and runs back into the house
Very good green! It's funny!
Wait no don't end it yet. I wanna see what happened to anon from his POV.
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>Wait no don't end it yet
Well, I ended it. I only write occasionally, and I'm not great at it. But sometimes I'm inspired by threads like this. And other things.
But I understand your interest in knowing what happened to Anon. I may expand on that in the future, but I highly doubt anytime soon. And definitely not in the lifetime of this thread.
I wanted to leave Anon's fate open-ended, but with implications of it being a heavily negative outcome. Best case scenario, he served a sentence of sorts, and then was exiled from pony lands. Maybe he finds himself in a new adventure in creature territory? Someone else can feel free to pick up what happens to Anon. Just know that it will not be by my hand, or in the vein of my original vision. If I do a continuation, I will post it to my paste.
Anyway, this has been enjoyable for me to write. There were times I had to stop due to irl stuff, lack of inspiration, and other instances where I just found it too depressing. I love Derpy very much (contrary to what my greens would imply). I like sad stories like this, but I also enjoy the happy ones.
I believe that special needs Derpy is overly slept on, and I would love to read a happy version of this at one point. Probably don't post that kind of story in an abuse thread, but Derpy threads are never rare to find.
However, this is an abuse thread. So let the tears flow!
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This was maybe one of the most beautiful endings I've seen in an abuse green, I think honestly this whole adventure was incredibly special. The way Anon was done here had been nothing short of fantastic- we see a very faulted green man here, who learns towards the end how to be kinder...only for it to all fall apart because of silver spoon. He (and derpy) also give us really interesting insight into their Equestria, and how it's social system can enable different sorts of abuse.
This was funny in places, tragic in others, and touched on derpy's character in an utterly fascinating way.
Again, that ending? That ending really, really brought this together for me. We see the entire culmination of her character in the story here. Her lack of agency, her desire to be treated kindly, her loneliness. My god, you can feel just how little control over her life she has here. How isolated she is. It's heart breaking, but it's also breathtaking.
I hope to see more greens from you in the future, this one has been an absolute treat.
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NTA- I'm the one who just wrote a mini-review of your abuse green.
> I love Derpy very much (contrary to what my greens would imply). I like sad stories like this, but I also enjoy the happy ones.
I can tell you love Derpy, you have a very strong handle on her as a character! Not only that but, again, the green was beautiful IMHO. It's one thing to say you appreciate a character, it's a whole other level to make something meaningful and true to her though.
>I believe that special needs Derpy is overly slept on, and I would love to read a happy version of this at one point. Probably don't post that kind of story in an abuse thread, but Derpy threads are never rare to find.
HUGE agreement here, special needs Derpy is a really rich concept to explore. There's alot of opportunity for heartbreak...but also a more innocent slice of life, where you let it.
(Also yeahhh definitely wouldn't post a "happy" green here...but abuse comes in all colours. No reason we can't have some happy endings in other greens.)
>So let the tears flow!
To any others, this anon is talking it up way too much
But thanks for the review. That made me feel tingly inside and more warranted writing it. And more importantly, I'm glad you enjoyed it
>He proceeds to put the collar around your neck, looping it all too tight.
Daddy....it...it hurts....
>Anonymous looks down at you, his eyes burning with anger.
>Nose scrunched up...he's so much like a foal.
>Yet YOU'RE the one who has to call him daddy?
Sorry Daddy....I'll be good...
>"That's a good little filly, isnt it?"
>He pats his lap.
>"C'mere sexy."
Yes Daddy.
>Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap.
>Wet sounds of fucking fill the house.
>You used to own a cloudominium.
>Anon made you sell it to move in with him.
>Plap Plap
>"Unnngghhh...you like that don't you, you fucking horse?"
Yes Daddy, Dashie likes it alot.
>You try to moan while you say that.
>You try to do alot of things to make him happy.
>"Good...uuggh FUCK..."
>His hand grabs the back of your collar, your heart begins to beat a little faster.
>"Good filly..."
>With that, suddenly his hand yanks back the collar as hard as possible- you hear a snapping sound.
>Something hatefully warm fills your insides.
>You don't notice it too much..
>Because you seem to
>B e f aallinngg
>A sl e e p
>"Stupid fucking horse."
>He whispers to you, while the doctor is out of the room.
I'm sorry...
>"You're sorry WHAT?"
I'm sorry Daddy,
>You look up at the ceiling.
>"Fucks sake.... Big strong Dashie the athlete can't handle a little bit of foreplay..."
I really didn't mean to! I-
>Machines beep around you.
I just...I told you it was really tight and...and...
>Anon raises his hand, which promptly squeezes a whimper right out of you.
>"Good girl."
>Your head is swimming.
I'm sorry
>"Damn fucking right you are."
>He sighs.
>"Doctor says you're gonna be out atleast a month, since you just had to go and 'break your neck'."
>Anon's hand glides up and down your tummy, though, you can't really feel it.
>Hard to feel much of anything.
>You groan.
That's so uncool! I...
>Anon glares
I should've been more careful...
>You sigh in relief when he pets your mane.
>"There we go, who's my smart little pony?"
Heh...I ammm...
>"That's right....Daddy's special little filly"
>He's so gentle...he must really know you're in pain now.
>That smile on his face.
>Anonymous loves you.
>He just has his quirks.
>You really are the one at fault, you shouldnt've complained.
>Feel so stupid you cause all of this, you make things so much harder on him.
>"Oh! Oh dear,"
>Nurse Redheart blushes furiously.
>"I just came by to give Dash her medication, I didn't mean to interrupt you two!"
>"Oh no, not at all! I was just worrying over my special somepony here,"
>His special somepony...your heart melts.
>You love it when he calls you that.
>"Well shoot, this one's a keepr isn't he Miss' Dash?" giggles the nurse pony
Darn right he is! And he's allllll mine!
>He smiles and you feel like, for a moment, you don't really need any pain meds after all.
>That doesn't stop her from giving you them though.
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I just hate it when I'm getting plapped by anon and I oopsie my neck like that
>Twilight gets sent to Ponyville
>But instead of making friends, she just eats hayburgers and reads books all day
>When NMM arrives, the elements of harmony are not there to stop her
>NMM takes Twilight as a trophy
>Although Twilight is not very accomplished in this timeline, she's still Celestia's pupil and has a knack for magic
>NMM treats Twilight harshly as she molds her into a worthy pupil of the moon
>After years of dedication to her new master, Twilight becomes even more twisted and consumed by hatred than NMM
>She eventually challenges her for the throne of the universe
>The balance of power is favored towards NMM, but Twilight has secretly acquired some friends, taking a delayed play from her old mentor
That could be an interesting story idea. And who would be these "friends" she acquired? Would it be corrupted/jaded/desperate versions of the m6? Maybe they aren't even evil, but are willing to help Twilight just to defeat NMM, even though they know Twilight is darkened.
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More like these
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weigh mares at the slave market
wrestle mares and put them in headlocks
whip mares until their flesh falls off
x-ray mares using unsafe methods
yell at mares to make them scared
yank mares around on a leash
zap mares with currents of electricity
evil baby shenanigans
Beating up mares is fun. But where are all the stallionfags at
fuck that sent me back- somewhere there's a really good green of (braeburn?) coming onto Anon, which sends anon into a homophobic breakdown where he beats the fuck out of him.
Need to find that one.
agitate mares by poking their ponuts repeatedly
acquaint mares with the nono-stick
block mares in the road and tax them
brand mares with searing iron
con mares and take their bits
capture mares and put them in bindings
dangle mares upside until their blood rushes to their head
degrade mares by saying mean things to them
enlist mares who are willing to serve you
execute mares who disobey
kek, I would read it
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Lovely thread
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any good reverse abuse greens?
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whats reverse abuse
He probably means ponies abusing anon. Technically, the Derpy green in these threads was a combination of abuse spread around between Derpy and Anon. But it is was not solely focused on anonbuse. I think there a couple short ones though in the last thread, i forgot. There should also be some anonbuse pics. Anon abuse is always fun, because that little shid has it coming in a lot of scenarios.
frighten mares with jump scares
fail mares on tests even if they passed
gamble mares for more mares
grab mares by the pussy
haul mares around in large sacks
hypnotize mares and make them do crimes
I recently finished reading "The Piano Man" on FIMfiction after another anon mentioned it last thread. Maybe check that out if you want some human being abused by pone.
Yes, that was worth the read. Not my fetish, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
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Piano man is great, I'll keep posting the green-ified version here soon.
We definitely have some, I think there's a couple in the old index. Most of it is anonfilly but definitely a few human anon.
There's an old suicidal anon green that falls under anonbuse, If I can find it I'll start posting that one too.
Something really interesting about the abuse threads is they've lead me down an archival rabbit hole. I'm finding old greens and art I haven't seen in years.
I think moondancer should definitely be one, but lean in on her being a depressed neet.
You should write this, you have good ideas.
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import mares from Saddle Arabia
interrogate mares if they are hiding something
jab mares with medical needles that serve no purpose
jail mares whether they committed crimes or not
know mares and everything about them
knit mares ill fitting dresses
I woke up ready to bully a mare. Or maybe a filly. I'm going to pull her mane and spit in her face. I want her to grit her teeth in pain as she pleads for me to stop. When I Iet go she will drop to the ground and cry as she looks up at me.
>when you ask Dash out
Does this appeal to anyone?
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>Does this appeal to anyone?
Spanking thread? Yes. Story about OCs? Not as much. What characters are involved?
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limit mares to one meal per day
launch mares to the moon
mark mares with permanent markers
milk mares when they are pregnant and sell it
neglect mares and make them feel unwanted
nominate mares for the squid games
The characters:
Woodworking colt: bullied by 2 of his classmates, now he's getting revenge
Taproot: His master, teaching him woodworking
The two bullies: a colt and filly who bully him at school

The story is about him designing a paddle to be used on the bullies, then guiding the bullies' parents in how to spank their foals.
>revenge story
>oc only
I'm not all that interested, but I do like spanking.
offer mares freedom only to tell them you were joking
observe mares from the shadows
probe mares in the ponut for science
paddle mares on their rumps until they cry
question mares who act suspicious
queue mares in long lines to pleasure you
redden mares' butts with your dominant hands
relocate mares away from their foals
bully bumpin
seal mares in dusty old tombs with spooky skeletons
slap mares in the face
teach mares their place in the world
tolerate mares only as subordinates and slaves
understand mares and how they operate
use mares however you please
visualize mares as how they will fit into your destiny
verify mares' compliance to the law
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>ywn be in an abusive relationship with Pinkie
Why even live. Fuck this gay earth
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Kick me please.
Oh and Great One.
Hanging fags just makes sense, especially when they are fillies.
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Guh guh guh guh guh guh
https://youtu.be/Dcj2gKd2nUs?si=uIzIKfNPjcFBC0E_&t=43 [Embed]
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oopsie whoopsie doopsie
How much mail do ponies even send/receive? I doubt there are mega corps sending spam mail everyday. So that would leave things like letters from an actual person.
I'm working on an organization chart detailing the ranks and positions of my compound/operations.

Master (me)

Officer caste:
Right hand pony
Left hand pony
Slaver lieutenant
Guard lieutenant

Privileged caste:
Slavers: 10~ ponies
Guards: 40~ ponies
Head servants: 8~ ponies
Researchers: 4~ ponies

Standard caste:
Maids: 20~ ponies
Laborers: 60~ ponies

Lower caste:
Laborers (hard labor): 60-100~ ponies
Bed warmers (privileged caste and above get to use them as rewards): 15~ ponies

Punished caste:
Slaves serving out a punishment, could be temporary or permanent.
Tf you even need that many ponies for?
How many ponies do you need?
>A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can't.
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Running a compound/estate/fortress thingy will need a lot of ponies. But most of them are needed for the mines and other natural resources that fall under my domain. The Laborer category is very broad, but some of them will be doing crafting, farming, cooking, to name a few. Not to be confused with the hard laborers. I want my operations to not only be self sufficient, but highly profitable. And I will be buying and selling slaves as demand requires.
Most anons just want a waifu and they will be happy, but I want more.
Use trebuchets to catapult mares into Canterlot
nta but 2 or 3 should be good
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Slap mares with the cum sock
Make mares sniff my unwashed balls
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Step on mares' pancakes and then make them eat it
Pegasus are for bullying and beating
Bully the pegasus, beat the pegasus.
I like when mares cry, fillies too. Maybe even stallions and colts!
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I am going to check out a book from Twilight's library and never return it.
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Happy Derpy Day!!!
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Derpy in the daytime
Derpy in the evening
Derpy in the morning
Derpy in the night!
Derpy Derpy Derpy Derpy!
Everybody gets down on Derpy Day
everyday should be derpy day
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Derpy Day should be a holiday
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Taking your slave for walks is a healthy bonding experience for the both of you.
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And with that, Derpy Day comes to a close.
ding dong ditch mares
takes mares on dates only to then dump them publicly
put fake hearts and hooves days letters in mares' mailboxes
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Derpy Day is over but it's Mother's Day in Georgia
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oh no!
Abusing my horse wife by continuing to kiss her after she laughs and tells me to stop
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Based, just make sure you both had some fun before you get too deep into the 1on1 fun
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At least she can still hear, right?
And a big Happy Mother's Day to all the Georgian mamas!
>Why aren't you smiling
When I go to Equestria, I'll be going when Dash is still a filly. I will bully her, she will not rainboom, she will only fly when absolutely necessary. And by the time we graduate she will be my little insecure slut that does anything I want. It's just that simple.
butt slam mares into other mares likes it's bowling season
lift up mares and shame their teats for being too small
hit on young mares in front on old mares
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You end it on that? No blind Derpy bullying?
Feel free to post what you have
>bullying blind derpy
That's ripe for a green
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