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A thread all about nerdy girls

Stories about nerds

https://ponepaste.org/2308 (Silver Spoon)
https://ponepaste.org/5324 (Wallflower Blush)
https://ponepaste.org/7743 (Juniper Montage, Moondancer, Wallflower)
https://ponepaste.org/4347 (Moondancer)
https://ponepaste.org/993 (Sci Twi)
https://ponepaste.org/703 (Sci Twi)
>>41884297 (OP)
Glasses thread? GLASSES THREAD!
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>>41884297 (OP)
>"Can Trixie be a nerd too?"
>>41884297 (OP)
Shame the Sci Twi thread died
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Would you this mare?
Wait, there was a sci twi thread?
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Yeah >>41876886
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Ah damn, I didn't see it when it was around.
>>41884297 (OP)
Is Silver Spoon a nerd?
Yes. She wears the glasses oh em gee so she must be such a neeeeerd
sliderfag was active
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No imo. She just wears glasses
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Sex with Moondancer
Canon Silver, sure. But fanon Silver is defintly a nerd, she's into Warhammer. Board games and /tg/ in general, plus Weezer if I remember right.
She is a qt tho
Shame we never saw her in eqg
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I know :(
Sex with Moondancer after a few days without a shower
We could have at least gotten a cameo
>>41884297 (OP)
Boy, Twi is about to explode out of that outfit.
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I fucking love Sci-Twi so much
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That makes it better
These two are so fucking hot
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They're both my wife
That was my intention.
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Juniper, underappreciated, and underloved.
Our wife
In the middle of the street
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Sweaty nerd sex
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The best kind
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poor wagie Juni
>glasses thread
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBVggGXGxxc [Embed]
Underrated cutie. She has been since the first movie, and not many give her love.
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She doesn't even have a single green on ponepaste
What were they thinking?
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Well we know there was an animator who knew of 4ch and included it into the show. Maybe this was just a reference to certain custodial staff on this site
Shes cute
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She is a lucky nerd with a bf, and the MV where she gets him is just pure sweetness.
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God that smile.
Would hugg and fugg
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I vaguely remember seeing her briefly in one of the movies, the one with the high school competition.
Really? I'll have to go back and watch the special
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As long as rewatching EqG is always a good idea, don't bother guys, I checked that.
She only appears in Forgotten Friendship, but - as someone said in a derpibooru comment - not in the way that everybody wanted.
Damn, hoed
So adorable, i want to protect that smile
>She only appears in Forgotten Friendship
She does?
Oh I get it now. She appears when Sunset goes to Equestria. I forgot that was part of the plot
Yep, and I rewatched that scene just now. What I posted is everything we see of her. It's like a one-second shot.
Also I like how you utilize Fausticorn as replacement Moondancer flag. That's clever haha
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I can't take credit for the idea. I saw another Dancerfag do it first
God, this pic triggers some good memories.
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https://youtu.be/O1puRnV6gwE [Embed]
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What kind of memories?
The good ones!
Sweet puppies
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Love the leggings
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Love em
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This is one of my fav Sugarcoat images
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When I said we should spend some time outside, this isn't what I meant.
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Is Wallflower a nerd?
She needs glasses
She's a weeb and neet so yes
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Um, that's a mare, not a girl.
k you're right.
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She is very cute
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My dream
I miss this artist. He made good sci twi stuff.
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Fantasyblade was the GOAT of Sci-Twi porn
>she's sitting human ponut-on-valve
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So cute, love her dress & sweater combo
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Shouldn't that book say "husbandos"? Or....
shes gay for twi, she needs (you) to dick her down and show her the error of her ways
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>"How do you do fellow nerds?"
You are not fooling me, Rarity. You ain't a nerd, you are a Stacy.
Even with the glasses it's not enough
Shes more preppy than nerdy
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"You might pretend to be a nerd but let's see how dorky you are in bed"
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Now this is a nice Moondancer. I like how happy she looks here
>Dick her down
That is easy. The problem is trying to find the hole. Ugh... so bushy.
That's the fun part!
I bet is like that one Scary Movie scene
I wonder how they were convinced to wear that.
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cute and unf
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I like how she tries to be sexy
Aw how cute
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQH91B-YAyY [Embed]
i'll stick with the OG
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEWwZNUafKo [Embed]
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for more barbie armpits unf
She would make a killing with those videos
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Even needs have the cutest butt.
Both are cute
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>>>41926536 →
i would unironically do a thorough examination of my girlfu's body
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If you've spent any time on Deviant Art you'll know girls will husband-o the most unhuman of male-voiced toons.
Then keep them growing up.
>>41884297 (OP)
https://youtu.be/watch?v=lPgnh614EdQ [Embed]
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Nice art
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I wonder what are they reading
50 Shades of Anon

>"We did it Moondancer, we finally have physical proof of Anonymous' sexual fetishes."
>"It was hard work, but it payed off. Now, with this book we obtained Twilight, we can make him bend to our experiments."
>"Yes! Now, let's open the book and prepare!"
>The girls open it, only finding a mess of letters and numbers
>"Huh? What is all this?"
>"Looks like... onion codes? He uses the darknet?"
>"Pedophilia? That explains his attitude with the CMC.... is only onion links."
>"Maybe we got scammed? The guy almost gave us the book for free. He wanted to get rid of it."
>"That can't be... Maybe you can analyze this? I have to help the girls today, so..."
>"Don't worry Twilight, I'll decipher this by tomorrow. Everyone can instal Tor easily these days."

---The next day---

>"Hello Moondancer, how are you? Found anything fun?"
>Like if she has been through Hell, Moondancer turns without any light in her eyes
>"Burn the book Twilight. Him being a pedophile would've been preferably to what I found in those links."
>"Wha- what are you saying?"
>A green boy dressed in a suit comes closer
"Good morning, ladies."
>Horror sets in Moondancer, starting to have a panic attack
>"Moondancer! Anonymous, what did you do?!"
"Go ahead Moondancer, tell her what you found."
>"NO! NO! NO! You can't make me!"
"But I can: floor tiles, dog knees, chicken eggs."
>The girl screams as Twilight looks completely lost
>"That's.... it?"
"Ehehehe... hahaha.... haHA... HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
>Twilight didn't knew, but it was all about autism
>Anonymous' fetish is autism, so deep and so cringe, even the most deranged men feared it

>Anonymous, lord of Autism
would kek again
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From the koikatsu thread >>41937311 →
Nice. The library won't be as quiet soon.
Smash the nerds
>>41939750 →
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unf indeed
She needs the real deal
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Twilifgt Sparjke
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love the pout
Nice ass, love these japanese uniforms
Is here really gone?
>single-handedly make the turboslut a thing
based indeed
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Did he? I thought it all started because of how horny Sci Twi was on the yacht
Nah, all started back when Sci Twi showed interest in the cute Camp Counselour.
Nice bunny suit
Well, he left an archive link in his Patreon where you can take all his works, both pony and not-pony, and one final post with Sci Twi getting a bouquet with 3 large flowers a representation of the children she got during highschool as the selected turboslut saying that he would go into an indefinitive hiatus.
Imagine going to her and saying
>You aren't getting away from me, womanlet.
>We're going to get engaged.
>Then we're getting married in the field where your parents are buried and it's going to be lovely.
>We’ll invite my family and friends.
>Then on our honeymoon we're conceiving the first of several foals, enough to help me run this struggling body in old age.
>You won't tell anypony else about this permanent arrangement and you won't look at another man in a provocative way again.
>Or else.
Underrated nerd
And then she'd smile like in the gif
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>Feat Starlight Glimmer as the present
Prepare to have your spotlight stolen, Juniper. Again.
Just another day in the life of Juniper
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The new uniform suits her
Maybe she was fated to direct, not to be a protagonist.
>>41884297 (OP)
>>41941972 →
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Still surprised they got away with a video like this
But honestly, why wouldn't they?
It's our "problem" that we find it sexy.
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this was originally /r/ in a nerdy thread
and this is a nerdy thread so i guess i should post it here
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i forgot to add a funny number
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i wonder if the original /r/equester is still around
Why 35?
"You must be at least this old to satisfy this teenager."
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Nerdy Twis get bullied.
This reminds me of a pretty hot video.

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