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Previous Thread: >>41775900

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/9092 (All Four Pie Sisters)

Cosmic Butthole:
https://ponepaste.org/4863 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/4864 (Mane 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4865 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9741 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/10028 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/10231 (Fluttershy)

https://ponepaste.org/10319 (Shy Girls)
https://ponepaste.org/10721 (Mane 7)

https://ponepaste.org/10501 (Various)

https://ponepaste.org/10523 (Luna)

https://ponepaste.org/9699 (Pinkie Pie)
https://ponepaste.org/10573 (Fluttershy)

https://ponepaste.org/9098 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/3985 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/7060 (SciTwi)

Magna Anon:
https://ponepaste.org/9460 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/3235 (Rarity)
https://ponepaste.org/3940 (Pinkie)
https://ponepaste.org/4395 (RD)
https://ponepaste.org/4987 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/6019 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/8602 (Coco)

Less Recent Writefags:

Archival Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/FingerbangingMLP (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)
Thread Resources: http://derpy.me/b783H
FimFiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang
Applications: http://derpy.me/tQSuG
Discord: https://discord.gg/jXfKyJP
Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zOXWA9Sk2Jx3mRzic0F-SMfBReeRLRXz/edit?usp=drive_link
>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history. Quite literally as of now.
Previously: https://ponepaste.org/10555
>Before you know it, you’re dabbing the paper towel all over Goldie’s hair.
>The giggle she lets out is cuter than you would have found it 20 minutes ago.
>It takes only a minute or two, but her lustrous hair is looking pristine once again.
>Damn, she’s even hotter than you realized, now that you’re up close and personal with her.
>Those deep green eyes of hers silently say something to you by locking with your gaze.
>It’s up to your imagination to decode what was said between this shared glance between the two of you.
>Something about that had an impact on your eyes, because they’re really upping their attention to Goldie now.
>Your two friends converse as you watch the orange haired girl in your dorm room begin to down the can of beer.
>She leans back a little bit while showing off that this definitely isn’t the first beer in her life she’s gulped down.
>Those soft locks of hair draping from her head gently fall away from her shoulders and dangle behind her back.
>The pair of mounds of her chest stick out the more she arches her spine.
>Indentations from her bra cups being enough to keep you invested in everything Goldie is doing.
>A funny feeling enters you while watching the front of her throat pulsate with each swallow.
>The beer being gulped down can faintly be heard.
>It’s a good thing you already wrapped up your homework session; no way you’d pay attention to that now that there’s a great looking girl getting buzzed in your dorm room.
>Even if she’s not looking, you have a hunch that Goldie knows you’re checking her out.
>Maybe she’s reveling in it.
>Did she already finish her beer?
>She actually did?!
>”Damn, sister.” Your roommate picks up on the green light to get comfortable with a chick that won’t shy away from downing a whole beer in front of three guys she just met.
>Maybe you lost track of how many minutes have actually gone by, maybe you all have.
>Maybe this whole thing is some kind of set-up and you’re actually the one potentially walking towards a dangerous set of circumstances.
“That was the last beer too, I think.” You comment with your eyes politely averting themselves as soon as Goldie sees where they’re looking.
>”There’s two more beer cans in the mini fridge.” Announces your roommate in an unintentionally dopey tone, having officially counted them this time.
>College moment.
>”Well we’re kind of already fucked up.” Slurs your other friend, responsible for the absence of… a few… of the other 9 beers no longer accounted for.
>”Wrong, YOU’RE already fucked up. I’m still sober, and Goldie here still had the least beers out of all of us, right?” Your roommate peers around the tiny dorm room.
>He sure said that loud enough to be heard from the hallway.
>Good thing the only other ears in the whole building are asleep and/or behind closed doors.
>You really want your own door to close after your drunk friend leaves with the assistance of your less drunk roommate walking him back to his dorm building on campus… with Goldie still in the room with you.
>But you already know that’s crossing a line no matter which way you choose to look at it.
>However, this sentiment gets swept closer to the rug after Goldie takes it upon herself to snag the other two beers from the chilly mini fridge shelf.
>”Sorry, I’ve just been thirsty all day.” She murmurs what may or may not just be a weak excuse to get actually drunk.
>That scenario of your roommate and friend leaving for the other part of campus together still might not happen on account of you having to go with them.
>Unless that friendly approach from before bleeds over into now and they encourage you to spend some “alone time” with this chick.
>Regardless of how her supposed roommate would feel about that.
>You got two prying eyes trying to pierce through Goldie's clothing as she continues with her second beer.
>The next batch of things you talk about with her go in one ear and out the other.
>Still, you managed to keep the vibe going with the idea that you're not checking this girl out as you can almost sense her judgement eroding in the very air of the dorm itself.
>Eroding to the combo of time and alcohol like ocean waves softening a rocky ledge over thousands of years.
>Your friend and roommate figure that you're not going to go back outside with them if you don't have to, but they've already pieced together the implications of you staying behind alone with Goldie.
>But they don't seem to be saying much, despite reading the demeanor you've been giving off that Goldie seems to be less and less able to pick up on despite being less drunk than your friend (for now at least).
>"Fuck, my hangover tomorrow's gonna be a pain in the ass..." Your drunk friend makes an effort to climb back up the side of your bed and succeeds.
>Goldie giggles at him, blushing a little bit after glancing over at you.
>That grin of hers says a lot more than her tongue ever could, at least while it's outside of your mouth.
>The two other guys are too caught up in the atmosphere of "maybe this girl actually wants it with our bro and we should let our home-dawg score his bone in peace" to care at this point, it seems.

I'll just start the thread off with this for now, but I'll come back later with both more of this and a late New Year's green if anyone's interested in that.
I don't remember what exactly the New Year's green would entail, but I have every confidence it'd be a good read either way. I've got most of an update ready, but will need to leave for work soon. So I'll probably get my update on the horny ponies in the human world green out tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to both!
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Why does this image cause such arousal?
Bouncy Ponka
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>>41891528 (OP)
>unironically posting one of the three princesses as the OP that looks terrible in the show
God, frogposters are pathetic.
nice OP picture. caught my attention immediately
Threadly encouragement post!
I just wanted to take a moment to say all art and all greens are appreciated here!
Since I can't do art, I have to leave it there for that. But good art speaks for itself!
But writers I can encourage a bit more.
A quick glance will reveal that erotica prevails here, and that is fine.
But if you have different ideas you are encouraged to post them too! This is a VERY diverse setting and pretty much all genres have a place here!
An alternate universe, super science, and magic are ALL native to this setting!
(So are musical numbers, but I suspect I'm the only one THAT crazy.)
The length is decided only by the needs of the story and the author! While we have several long running greens going, short ones are very welcome too!
Please post when you are able. ( I mean, if you notice someone is posting a batch, maybe give them a few minutes to finish so everyone has story clarity of course.)
In short,
We want you to write!
Everyone enjoys a lively thread!
Thank you for your time!
I don't think it's arousal.
Not that I'm one to talk.
Candy does that.
>Your dad nods with approval before returning to his dinner at the table
>Then your mom tells you dinner is ready, and invites Pinkie to join and have some too
>She looks like she seriously considered it, but politely declined before excusing herself and leaving
>You have dinner like normal, and head to bed
>You worry your parents would have questions, but thankfully pony Pinkie didn't make your parents suspicious
>After that you get ready for bed and go to sleep
>Wondering what tomorrow might bring as you drift off to dreamland
>You come into a very vivid dream with Luna
>It's immediately obvious to you this isn't vice principal Luna, not even a dream version of her
>This Luna wears an elegant dark blue dress with a moon theme like royalty with a black tiara to match
>"My apologies if I've made a mistake, as I've never tried to visit the dream of a resident outside my realm. Art thou this 'Anonymous' human I've heard much about? If so, Princess Twilight had much to say about thou, as well as her friends.", she first says
You politely nod in response before saying, "Yes, I'm Anonymous, but I prefer 'Anon'."
>Then properly introducing herself, "I'm princess Luna, princess of the night and dreams. If thou find it acceptable, I would like to enter your world and partake in your human world activities."
"That's fine, and I'm not a king or anything in my world. I'm actually a common citizen. Nobody from your world really needs my permission to come over.", you explain to her
>You kind of feel like you're opening the floodgates saying that, but it's not like you could stop anyone from there coming here anyway
>"Interesting, and what of my counterpart in your world?", Luna asks
"She's vice principal of the school I attend. In case the term 'vice principal' isn't familiar she's mainly in charge of enforcing school rules and handling unruly students, with this she's stern but fair.", you explain to her
>"That sounds like me, but...", she says while starting to blush before continuing
>"Do you have, 'relations' with my counterpart in your world?", she asks as you felt awkward about how you'd answer, but honesty had to be the best policy here
"No... In fact, that wouldn't be allowed. Mainly on concerns that a relationship between a student and school staff would introduce favoritism or be the result of the school staff abusing their authority."
>The blush leaves her face with clear disappointment on her face as she says, "Truly disappointing, but I suppose that makes sense..."
>Though that didn't stop her from immediately pivoting to, "Wouldst thou want to, regardless of said rules?"
>She didn't even wait for you to respond to that, but your facial reaction may have told her 'yes'
>"Let us do a little role playing, I shall let thou's sub-conscious bestow upon me my counterpart's outfit, and thus I shall pretend to be her in a relationship with thou.", she said before her outfit shifted and morphed to take the shape of Luna's formal blouse and pants
>She then approaches before holding up your chin in a dominant fashion to make you look up at her
>"Thou hast behaved quite beneath your station...", she says as you can't help saying something about it
"Uhmmm, I don't mean to be rude, but you're talking in a very antiquated fashion for our world...", you say as she doesn't seem shocked by this
>"I also get this criticism in my own kingdom, tis a side effect of being banished for as long as I was. Let me try this again using more contemporary speech.", she says before clearing he throat and setting up making you look up at her into her eyes again
>"You've been a very naughty boy, Anon...", she says in a somehow stern and flirtations manner at the same time
You blush and hard swallow before playing along, "What exactly did I do wrong, mistress?"
>"You've neglected my needs, and ignored my feelings...", she said while concentrating hard like she's tapping into something
>She then kisses you and starts making out with you while holding you close
>During the make out session she starts making mention of you spending time with her while acting cold
>Almost like it was actually vice principal Luna talking
>Making you feel really confused about what's going on and what kind of dream it is
>Your mind starts to get foggy and your sense dull as the dream falls apart before ending
>Going to black as you realize you've woken up, and just still have your eyes closed
>Still having clear memory of the dream you have no idea what to think about it or if it could've actually been real in any way
>Though you knew there was no sense worrying about it, and it'd be probably be best to just move on like it was nothing more than a strange dream
>So you get up and get ready for a new day at school
>You'd definitely get more shenanigans like the previous day, but it'd be better to just roll with the punches instead of worry
>On your way to school you see Rainbow run up to you, and you think your 'roll with the punches' mindset will be put in practice sooner than you thought
>Since you're positive this is the pony Rainbow since human rainbow either sleeps in and rushes to school at the last second, or would already be practicing in the field
>As much as she's your friend it wouldn't be normal for her to intercept you on your way to school just to say 'hi'
>Then it gets more intense than that as Applejack makes her own appearance
>"Ready for another rodeo, sugar cube?", she says as it becomes clear this is the pony Applejack
>"Hey! I was here first, and you've done him already when I got interrupted! Get in line or wait for your turn later!", Rainbow retorts as Applejack looks down at her withing a taunting smug grin
>Applejack puffs out her chest close to Rainbow's face to point out Rainbow's short height, and small chest
>"I'm sure that strapping young man there would prefer a roll in the hay with a real woman.", Applejack said putting emphasis on 'real'
>She looks down at Rainbow who's already getting red in the face (cutely) before adding, "What's with your human version's body anyway? You look like a little girl!"
>This is obviously getting under Rainbow's skin
>"I'll have you know I'm 'lithe' and 'athletic'! Unlike back home when we could actually compete at running, I could run circles around you lumbering fat human body now!", she retorts angrily
>Applejack gets a little grumpy at being called 'fat', and lifts up Rainbow by her armpits
>"Looks like little Dashie is getting a little grumpy. Maybe she needs to put down for a nap?", she said condescendingly as it looks like they're about to come to blows
>You step in to try and diffuse things
"Alright, ladies, let's just take a step back and try to let cooler heads prevail.", you say as they both look at you like they want you to butt out
"A bit of banter is one thing, but I think things are getting a little too heated. You're friends after all, and neither of you are getting any if you start brawling in the street here.", after saying this Applejack begrudgingly puts Rainbow down
>"I may have gone a bit too far with my teasing... I'm sorry.", Applejack said with her head turned down covering her face with her cowboy hat
>"I'm sorry I called you fat too... You're all muscle and no fat. I was just angry.", Rainbow admits which must have been hard knowing her pride even if it's not the same Rainbow you know particularly well
>You nod at them approvingly as they make up, but then look to you expectantly
>"So, what now?", they both say almost in sync with each other
>Thinking about it for a bit despite how absurd what you were about to say might have seemed as little as two days ago
"Well... It wouldn't be fair to keep Rainbow left hanging, and I'll see Applejack later after shop class.", you say as Rainbow beams with excitement
>"How about you tell me how sexy I am before we start~?", she says while puffing out her flat chest proudly
>Applejack concedes and turns to leave, but not before telling you, "Alright, I'll see you later then. You'd better not tire yourself out too much before my turn."
>With just you and pony Rainbow, you take her off to the side before starting with complying with her request
"You're extremely sexy, Dashie. You have such a firm and perfectly proportioned ass, what's called a 'delicious flat chest', and your smug pride only makes everything else about you that much better.", you say trying your best
>Though you don't think she particularly appreciated you admitting she's flat even if you phrased it as a positive
>She still blushed profusely before saying, "L-let's just get this show on the road then!"
>She strips off her athletic shorts as it becomes even more apparent that it's a common theme for the pony versions to not wear underwear
>Then strips off your pants before jumping at you as you're forced to catch her in your arms
>Holding her portable body by the thighs while she held onto your shoulders
>Her extremely tight pussy gripping you while you thrust into her
>Though she taunts you to go faster
>You do her best, but it never seems to be fast enough for her
>'faster', 'harder', 'about 20% faster AND harder', are just a few of the ways she teased and taunted you to try and get you to thrust into her faster
>Good thing you didn't have PE every day, because this would likely leave you burnt out for it
>When she felt you were going to cum, she wore a smug face before telling you, "You want to cum inside Rainbow Dash, don't you~?"
>You take your hand off her thighs and quickly wrap your arms around you as best they could despite struggling to reach all the way around you
>Squeezing her with the strongest embrace you could and she wrapped her legs around you right before you blew your load in her
>A look of pure bliss on her face as her cute little legs twitched at your sides
>The thought occurs to you she really is portable and you could probably take her wherever you wanted right now
>Though instead you go to set her back down
>At least if she'd let you
>She clings to you saying, "Don't do that, not yet!"
You chuckle before telling her, "I would, but I'll be late for school if I just stay here and keep fucking you. There'll be more later."
>"You promise?", she says with some skepticism as you can't help but just think she's cute
"Promise", you say making sure to sound as confident and sure about it as you could
>With this she lets you set her back down and you both get cleaned up
>Though there was something special about seeing her slide her tight athletic shorts up over her creampie after making sure it wouldn't leak (too much)
>After being distracted by that you rush to get to school unsure how long exactly that 'detour' took
>When you arrive at school you notice you have a bit of time to spare
>Yet the craziness showed no signs of slowing down
>You see what looks like principal Celestia in an undersized top with no bra, and a short skirt trying to talk to students like she's one of them
>Going full, 'how do you do, fellow kids?'
>You even think you overhear her ask if they've seen you and call you her boyfriend
>Then you're unsure if to think the day is saved or not when the real principal Celestia shows up
>Because of her yelling you hear her perfectly clearly
>"Is this some kind of joke?! Whoever you are, to my office, NOW!", the real principal yells to the imposter pretending to be a student and drags them off by the ear
>While the regular students who witnessed this stand dumbfounded and clearly wonder if there were secretly hardcore drugs in whatever they last ate
All for the moment, but my schedule will be more open write today and tomorrow. So I'll see what I manage to get written relatively soon.
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>page 8
I’m assuming everybody’s watching the winter cup
>tfw you have to be in charge of a school with moody and rebellious teens
>Then there's crazy magic and shit too
I probably should have specified I didn't mean "later today" when I said that, but you still have the floor tonight if you finish your next part by then. I'm a little caught up in multiple projects right now.
You've been characterizing the girls very well so far. Great job with that part.
>>You see what looks like principal Celestia in an undersized top with no bra, and a short skirt
No problem at all with this image.
Keep this thread posted.
>Girl dyes the inside of the back of her hair only
I have no idea when or where this started, but it’s so cute and I love it!
Dashie is best as always
Wish I could stay up to bump it
Could someone update both the Kemono entries (Patreon and Pixiv Fanbox) of Uotapo? The pages are getting outdated.
Dat Luna
>Tfw your horse counterpart is one of the god queen for her entire race while you are just a childless 35 year old vice principal of some public school in a flyover state judging some horrendous show from bunch of little shit.
>Though she might feel better about how long she's gone without getting laid if she found out her god queen counterpart hasn't gotten laid in thousands of years
>After that you were starting to think Celestia would handle it all herself, and you wouldn't have to get involved
>Just when you were starting to think that the intercom buzzes to life
>"Anonymous, please come to the principal's office.", Celestia said in a very annoyed and impatient tone
>You wouldn't dare see how mad principal Celestia could get if you delay in going
>So you rush right over
>After closing the door behind you, you see the two Celestias in a stare down
>The Celestia pretending to be a student seemingly unaffected by the lecturing and dressing down she no doubt already got from her other counterpart
>You sit down feeling genuine fear of being involved in this confrontation and sink into the chair as if hoping you could hide
>"Could you please make sense of what's going on here, and talk some sense into her? She clearly seems to know you.", she starts with a heavy sigh and pinching her nasal ridge
>"She just won't drop the act that she's a student, and even keeps saying she's your girlfriend despite having never been around before.", Celestia adds before blushing a little
>"Not that I would know if you have a girlfriend, but I think I'd have seen her at least once around here if she really had such a close relationship with you.", adding again, but she still wasn't done
>"Why does she have to look so much like me anyway?!", she blurts out and finally seems to be done
>You think you have an idea, but aren't sure how to explain
>One way you could start with is certain 'incidents' before that are seldom talked about
"Well, you know the 'incidents' we don't normally talk about where what can only be described as 'magic' is used?", you say as she raises an eyebrow while staying frustrated
>"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?!", she asks impatiently
"You see... I'm not completely sure, but I think I can confidently say she's a counterpart of you from the other world where the magic comes from. People from that world where everyone there is normally ponies have been coming through lately...", you try explaining
>Principal Celestia seems truly exasperated before saying, "You didn't think to tell me about this sooner?"
"How would I?! I'd just sound like a lunatic if I said 'pony people from another dimension are coming in from a magic portal'! Would you even believe me if I said something like that without another version of you sitting right in front of you?!"
>She thought about it some more before saying, "Okay, probably not..."
>Then principal Celestia turns her attention back to her pony counterpart who seemed to be just amused by the conversation up to this point
>"So can you drop the act now? Are you really a 'pony counterpart', and what are you really doing here?"
>"Fine, I am.", the pony Celestia starts before continuing, "I'm Princess Celestia, and the ruler of the kingdom Equestria where I'm from. I thought I could just wing it with a fake identity here to effectively take a vacation and get away from the royal duties and responsibilities for a bit."
>"I'll admit not doing due diligence to discover my counterpart's position in this world was a mistake... I doubted I'd even have one.", she concedes while looking away, unable to look her counterpart in the eyes while saying that
>"Though why say a student is your boyfriend? Do you have any idea how much trouble that would cause if I hadn't intervened quickly?", your principal asked her with an annoyed tone
>The royal counterpart paused for a bit looking up in deep thought about how she'd explain it before answering
>"Well, I wanted to have some fun with him since my number one pupil and her friends were, and they said multiple women with the same guy is normal here.", saying as your principal looked at her unsure if she's serious
>"I'll have you know it's not normal here, and school staff are not allowed to have relations like that with students. So either differentiate yourself more from me, or don't be so 'familiar' with my students.", your principal chided her
>Then she turns to you like it's your turn to get scolded
>"Have you really been 'seeing' multiple women?", she asked with her arms folded tapping the desk with agitation
"I mean... Yes, but it's hardly my fault! The women coming through the portal were pretty aggressive and forceful about it! Their Applejack for example lassoed me and tied me up before having her way with me! Not much room to say 'no' there!", you protest
>"And do you know why they were so aggressive and just assumed you'd be down for it?", Celestia asked you like she was hinting at something and felt you should know the answer to it
"Because I'm a guy? I mean... It's pretty safe to assume a guy is horny most of the time...", you say even having a gut feeling that's not what she meant
>"Wrong!", she tells you before saying, "Anyone with eyes can see you go around being all sweet and flirty everywhere, and those six you're always around are practically your girlfriends even if you play dumb and don't take the hints that they want you.", she tells you sternly
>You aren't so flirty all the time, right?
>How were you 'flirting' before the pony versions escalated things rapidly?
>You don't remember actually hitting on anyone before
>"Not just them either, even with me!", she says with both anger and bashfulness before adding, "Always acting helpful before letting your eyes rest on my chest, looking up at me when I'm close with your lips looking like you're begging me to just lean in and kiss you, and just tempting me to just take you for myself..."
>She then blushes deeply realizing what she just admitted to before saying, "That's it! You're getting detention for a week!"
"For what?!", you ask with disbelief
"For being a man whore! That's why!", your principal tells you
"It may be immoral, but it's not specifically against school rules!", you say like you hope you can lawyer your way out of it
>"I have discretion to give detention for things that aren't specifically mentioned in school rules! Just take it on the chin and be glad I'm not calling your parents about it!", She tells you and you sink in your chair in defeat
>"Wow, you sound like you really need to get laid.", the royal Celestia comments in a somewhat teasing fashion
>"Like I'd take that from you, and you're not helping!", she says before the wheels start turning in her head
>"Okay, how about we make a deal here?", your principal says before laying out the idea
>"I'll register you as a foreign exchange student, and you dress more appropriately while doing stuff like styling your hair different to look more like a different person.", she says as the royal counterpart looked eager to accept, but she wasn't done yet
>"But!-", she said with a dramatic pause before adding what comes after that, "You will have to occasionally swap with me, and let me pretend to be the foreign exchange student."
>"Why would I do that?", the royal Celestia asked indignantly
>"You said you wanted a break? Well I need one too! Don't think I'll go through all this and pull strings without getting anything myself from it! Take the deal or you get nothing!", the principal said firmly putting her foot down
>"Fine, we'll do it your way.", the royal Celestia concedes
"Why would you do that though? Couldn't you just actually go on vacation?", you ask and they both look at you funny
>"Honestly, are all boys in your world so dense? Can you really not understand why an older woman would want to feel young again, and forgo their responsibilities? Just for a bit?", the royal Celestia chides you teasingly
>"You'll see why in due time, just make sure your young man whore body is kept ready for your 'foreign exchange student sweetheart'~.", the principal say teasingly and flirtatiously
>The royal Celestia chuckles and chimes in dog piling on you, "That's right, and I'll be seeing you soon, boy toy~."
>"Not especially soon.", the principal corrects her before adding, "You need to learn how to be a principal first if you're going to be able to swap places with me."
>Grabbing her counterpart by the ear and making it clear she's not going anywhere until the human world's rules and social norms for a principal have been drilled into her soul
>Your principal then turns to you saying, "You're free to go now, but you've still got detention for a week. Don't think I've forgotten that."
>She then does the double finger 'I'm watching you' hand gesture as you get out of the chair and leave
>Closing the door behind you, you hope the rest of the day won't be so nerve wracking
>You go to your first class today, which was a home ec class
>Pinkie had convinced you to take the class with her because cooking is a valuable skill, and Fluttershy is there too
>Though knowing now how Pinkie really feels about you, you can't help wondering if there was another reason for it
>Actually, Pinkie would often act 'wifely' with you in the class
>Dear god, you feel like an idiot
>Sure, you just chalked it up to Pinkie being playful, but now it feels like you were ignored a bright neon sign right against your eyeballs that said "Pinkie wants to be your wife!"
>Actually, why was Fluttershy there?
>She's never seemed super interested in cooking...
>You can't stand around thinking about it too much and head into the class
>Pinkie waves to you energetically and inviteds you over while Fluttershy shyly fidgets at the table you normally have the class with them at
>From the start it seems like this wouldn't be a normal iteration of the class
>Pinkie seemed even more knowledgeable about cooking as she expertly went step by step with what we were told to try to cook before the teacher even told us the next steps
"Pssst, are you the pony Pinkie?", you whisper in her ear
>"Yeppers~!", Pinkie said without bothering to whisper
>Though she lowered her voice more after thinking about what she'd say next before saying, "She took the day off to talk with her family more seriously, and asked me to cover for her."
>You don't think that bodes well for you
>"Sorry I'm stealing the thunder from 'Momma Flutters' being so good at cooking today~."
>She said teasingly half to you, and half to Fluttershy who reacted with an angry blush
>"Are you the pony Pinkie?", Fluttershy asked queitely with anger rising in her voice
>"Yeppers~!", she repeated they same way she did when you asked
>"It seems I'm going to need to have a serious talk with my pony counterpart...", she said as you worried for them
>It must be embarrassing giving other pony counterparts the wrong idea about her
>"I told her about that kink in confidence!", she hissed under her breath into Pinkie's ear
>Uhmmm, what?
>"Don't be so embarrassed about it Fluttershy, we all have our thing~.", Pinkie told her reassuringly
>Fluttershy then covers her ears symbolically before saying, "My sweet, innocent, little Anon... Don't listen to such perversions."
>"Would you feel better if he wasn't turned off by knowing this about you?", Pinkie asked her
>"Not in class...", FLuttershy whispered with a blush before adding, "I-I guess I wouldn't be as mad if he'd indulge me with it..."
>A fierce blush comes across your face remembering what the pony Fluttershy said at the end of fucking you
"H-how would I 'indulge' you with it?", you asked quietly seriously unsure what they're talking about, but not saying you wouldn't do it
>>41898468 (You)
All for right now, more possibly later today or tomorrow depending on how my writing efforts go.
>You've been characterizing the girls very well so far. Great job with that part.
Thanks, man. Also Maud is possibly the best to force herself on you stoically.
I should totally have a part where Anon ends up at the rock farm that's become a lionesses den waiting as a trap for him with the Pie sisters all wanting to jump him. One or both versions of the Pie sisters. Maybe Cloudy too.
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>Maud is possibly the best
...at being pure Sex
Which reminds me of a characterization I really like with her.
>Maud being super casual with sex, but very sensitive to more innocent affection
>She'll drain you dry without hesitating, but will become very flustered and act like it's a major declaration of love if you kiss her
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And when it... 'comes' to Maud's first time...!
Also reminds me of an idea I did in a different story earlier concerning Mud Briar and his status as a canon boyfriend.
>Maud having her first time with Mud Briar and shattering his hips
>The relationship is short lived because her grinding his hip bone into dust ends the relationship
>Which doesn't bode particularly well for Anon, but he's sturdier than Mud Briar
>He'll be fine, right?...
I love those booba
>Pinkie giggles before whispering in your ear, "Isn't it obvious from how I called her, 'mommy Flutters', act like she's your mom~. She's here to 'take care of' her sweet little boy, and make sure you know how much she loves you~."
>You know it can't literally be acting like she's your mom if it's a 'kink' and 'perverse'
>Fluttershy looks like she's about to hyperventilate as she whispers, "W-we can't do that here... It's too much..."
>Though Pinkie pushes you closer to her, saying, "Go on, Nonners~."
"I think Fluttershy is right, it seems like something that should be done more in private.", you say before pointing out that other people in the class were starting to glace over to you three suspiciously
>Not much, but enough to give you pause about giving them anymore reason to watch what you're doing
>"You've got a lot on your plate, Nonners~. Maybe you should try to keep a schedule for this stuff~.", Pinkie says tauntingly
>You might seriously consider that, if you were the one even making decisions about it
"You're talking like I'm in charge.", you say as Pinkie giggles
>Fluttershy seems confused about what Pinkie is referring to, but asks you "Could you please come over to my place tonight?"
"I'll have to ask my parents, but I'll do it if I can. Also I'd have to go after detention...", you say as Fluttershy seems concerned
>"Detention?! Did Celestia give you detention when she called you to her office?!", she asks having clearly heard the intercom announcement calling you to her office
"Yeah... For a week. I don't really want to openly talk about why, but it's not as serious as it sounds...", you try to reassure her
>"Come on, Nonners, don't leave ME hanging! Tell me, tell me~! What'd you do~?!", Pinkie taunts and teases you
>You whisper as quietly as you can in pony Pinkie's ear about Celestia being mad about pony Celestia showing up and taking it out on you, while saying it's for you being a 'man whore'
>Pinkie struggles to not laugh out loud before whispering back in your ear, "You are though~."
>You couldn't argue with that
>Fluttershy seemed consistently worried about you while also looking forward to the idea of having you over to her place tonight
>The rest of the class goes relatively smoothly, and after class you head to the next one
>You're surprised to go between classes without being jumped, but somehow it happens
>You don't share the next class, social studies, with anyone you knew, besides it being taught by Cheerilee, but it looked like that changed this time
>Cheerilee looks embarrassed and indignant as she introduces 'a new student' to the class
>It's pony Celestia in her top with no bra and short skirt
>Looks like 'dressing more appropriately didn't happen today, but at least her hair in done differently into a ponytail and curls rather than loose and straight
>She also has glasses on now and fake braces
>"This is Sunny, and she's a foreign exchange student...", she says like she's barely able to not just call out who she's convinced is Celestia pulling some shit
>Though the class starts commenting on how they'd seen her and Celestia in the same place, or at least hearing about it
>"Hey there, sorry if I looked too much like my aunt Celestia. I just got here from our home country and didn't realize how much our family resemblance would be since it's been a while since I last saw her.", she explains as the class seems to accept that
>Cheerilee still seems suspicious of it, but after hearing the students seems to decide to let her doubts rest for now
>Throughout the class 'Sunny' sits next to you and flirts with you in typical teenage ways
>She even tries passing a note to you that Cheerilee intercepts
>Cheerilee reads it and blushes before saying, "No passing notes in class!"
>Returning to her desk with a huff she scowls at Sunny and seems to more believe she's a legitimate teenager and not Celestia pretending
>While Cheerilee is distracted and grumbling 'Sunny' whispers in your ear, "Meet me behind the school during break."
>She then grabs and squeezes your crotch before snapping back to a normal position when Cheerilee looks forward again
>After class ends it's time for that break
>You think you'll split up and meet where she wanted, but she clearly gets the idea you can just go there together
>Via her picking you up by your stomach and carrying you there
>Cheerilee is very flustered watching her carry you off with her having no doubt seen the note the probably said to meet her there
>She takes you out to the back of the school where delinquents often hang out
>Pinning you against the wall and yanking your pants down before mounting you
>You struggle to hold her up because of her size as her cougar pussy enveloped your cock
>Fighting through it knowing she'd think you're implying she's fat if you complain about it
>Despite it more being about her height and overall size rather than her being fat
>After you thrust up into her and she bounces up her body slams back down on you with staggering force
>"Hey, this is my territory, dorks!", someone yells with a somewhat familiar voice
>Looking over with your strength waning you see it's Gilda
>"Can't you see my boy toy's dick in me?! I'm busy, bitch, fuck off!", Sunny snaps at her as Gilda looks shocked finally realizing what she walked in on
>You lean back more against the wall putting as much of your combined weight with her as possible to save your strength during this interruption
>She stares at your dick in her for a second, before coming to her senses but with a deep blush
>"This isn't over, bitch! You'll regret this!", Gilda says before stomping off in a huff
>"You can continue now, Anon. You're not to say I'm overweight, are you?", she says as you nervously shake your head
"O-of course not, Sunny! Your curvy body is perfect the way it is! I'm just a little out of shape, that's all!", You say before starting to thrust up in her again
>She scowls a little feeling like you're still saying she's overweight, maybe she's more sensitive about it than you thought
>"Also, without that brat Gilda here anymore I don't think we have to worry about anyone else showing up, you can just call me Celestia.", she says apparently not wanting to be called 'Sunny' if she doesn't have to
>"Be a little more passionate about it too! Act more like we're teen lovers having indiscriminate sex like monkey brained animals!", she commands you
>You feel like you're going to cum when you thrust up into her and bounce her curvy cougar body on you as hard as you can
"I-I'm gonna cum, my goddess!", you tell her as she scowls at you again
>"I'm not the pony bitch! Quit being so dense, Anon!", she says as the realization you're having sex with your principle pushes you over the edge, and makes you cum in her
>During your orgasm you slide down the wall to the ground as Celestia stays to the hilt on you
"It's you... Then what's up with the fake braces and glasses?", you ask her
>"The glasses may be costume glasses, but the braces are my real braces from when I was a teenager...", she tells you with some embarrassment
>You can't help trying to imagine a teenage Celestia with braces on
>It's kind of cute actually
>"Now shut up and kiss me!", she says before locking lips with you
>Her braces make it somewhat awkward to kiss her, and you're worried about her braces cutting the inside of your mouth
>Though you suppose that's part of the 'teenage experience' she wants to recreate
>After a bit of that and Celestia getting done enjoying the afterglow with your cum leaking from your principal's pussy around the base of your shaft she stops and gets off of you
>"Now, if anyone asks confronts you about it you did this with 'Sunny', okay. 'Celestia' the principal is still in her office, understand."
"Crystal clear!", you say while unsure exactly how to react with her acting authoritative while also not waning you to treat her like she's principal
>"So, what are you going to call me when I'm like this?", she asks you like it's a quiz
"Mistress Sunny?", you respond unsure about it
>"That's fine, I guess, but say it more clearly like you mean it.", but without much time she helps you both get cleaned up instead of pushing you on it more
>"Now get to class, and don't be late.", she commands you, and you head off not daring to disobey
>At least you would if the intercom didn't buzz to life with an announcement related to you
>"Anonymous and Gilda, please report to the guidance councilor's office.", is heard over the intercom as you're really confused about that one
>Hoping it'll be short you go over there
>In the office Chrysalis is sitting at her desk with Gilda sitting with her arms folded in a huff
>"Now that Anon's here, let's discuss your relationship here.", Chrysalis starts
>"What the hell are you talking about?!", Gilda protests
>"Now, now, Gilda, let me finish.", Chrysalis says before continuing
>"Cheerilee tells me Anon here is falling in with a bad crowd and being pushed around by a flirty delinquent. Who else could it be but you, Gilda?"
>Gilda huffs before answering, "It's that new transfer student that looks like a dorky teenage Celestia! That's who should be here instead of me! I'm innocent here!"
>"Now, now, Gilda, let's not pretend you haven't been jealous of Anon's more straight laced friends, and wished he'd hang out with you instead. I'm no one to just believe rumors like that anyway.", she said as Gilda fumed
>"A new student that looks like Celestia? That's just silly. Sure I like rumors, but couldn't it have been more believable?", Chrysalis commented sounding amused
>"It's great you've convinced him to give you a chance, but don't cause trouble with your teenage romance drama crap, okay?", Chrysalis adds as Gilda explodes
>"Fuck you! I'm serious about it being that other bitch! Also did you really have to say that shit with Anon here?! These sessions aren't supposed to be snitched on!", she screamed angrily
"Not to specifically defend Gilda, but it's true. It was a new girl, Sunny who disrupted Cheerilee's class flirting with me.", you say as Gilda sticks out her tongue at you like a bratty kid
>Chrysalis sighs, "Not you too, Anon... I thought you were more mature than that.", she says before adding, "Dating a delinquent isn't that bad you need deny it so hard. Just kiss and make up with her, and maybe help her fly right while you're at it."
>"I'm serious, I'm not dating her! How is it like I'm so popular?!", You say as they both look at you like they think you're joking
>"You ARE popular, Anonymous. A cute boy who's eager to please and does whatever girls want? What's not to like about that~.", she says in an almost flirty way
>"He doesn't do whatever I want!", Gilda pouts while glancing over at you putting extra emphasis on 'I'
>"Well, then maybe that should change a little~?", Chrysalis says while looking at you
"Even if I'm not dating her?", you ask as it feels like you're getting 'too many girlfriends'
>"Well, I say you are dating me!", Gilda retorts, now leaning into it
>"See how good it feels when you're honest?", Chrysalis says as you're further pressured
"Would you really want to date the boy equivalent of a town bicycle?", you say thinking she expects to have you all to herself now
>"Did I stutter, dork? I know you are, and I'm saying I want my turn!", she says as you're floored
>"Maybe don't call your boyfriend a dork?", Chrysalis tells her
>"It's a term of endearment when I call him that, okay?!", Gilda doubles down on it
>Chrysalis sighs and just accepts she won't convince Gilda otherwise
That'll be all for a little while. Hopefully the thread is down for me going all in on Anon being a popular man whore. Though I think the idea of Anon having already been known as a man whore well before the start of the story is an amusing idea.
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Loving the stuff with Celestia and Chrysalis here. Pinkie is a cute too. The pacing feels a tad bit fast but that might be just me.
>Hopefully the thread is down for me going all in on Anon being a popular man whore. Though I think the idea of Anon having already been known as a man whore well before the start of the story is an amusing idea.
I say go for it.

Also, I feel like I should hold off on posting the New Years green in here until there hasn't been green in a while, because it turned out to be at least 20 or 21 posts, even longer than the Milky Way one and I don't wanna bury anyone else's posts.
Not to say I don't have other greens on the way, though.
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I meant to quote >>41899595 too.
I'd say the pacing probably is fast, but that might have more to do with what kind of green it is. Though it could feel slower paced if he spent more time with some characters who aren't quick to fuck. I'm not sure if it aligns well with the earlier parts, but the idea of Anon thinking he had a normal reputation when everyone basically already saw him as a man whore with him being practically the only person who didn't know seems funny to me. The main six could've also at least somewhat seen him this way, but were just too nice and polite to say so.
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>I'd say the pacing probably is fast, but that might have more to do with what kind of green it is
Yeah, I agree. Actually meant to say that in my post you just responded to but I guess I should have been more clear.
>The main six could've also at least somewhat seen him this way, but were just too nice and polite to say so.
I think that's pretty funny too. I'm looking forward to what may come next, and since he made it clear the next update likely isn't tonight, I'll go ahead and try to get something posted myself in the coming hours at latest.
This actually has been me talking with you about my green. Maybe I should actually use a name so it's more clear if I'm doing that as opposed to someone else chiming in.
I'm not actually as sure about the resto f the school day, but one minor thing I want to do with Anon at Fluttershy's place is her doing the Gordan Ramsay meme where she dotes on Anon, but then yells "You fucking donkey!' at Zypher.
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Ah, okay. I see. Personally, I'd say it's fine to not use a name if you don't want to, saying it's you is fine as long as there aren't trolls out there trying to impersonate people and start shit. I myself used to use a name and tripcode until I got bored of it. I usually just make a change on something on my ponepaste account nowadays to confirm that it's actually me if I need to.
That would be pretty cool of an idea. Maybe you'll flesh it out between now and whenever you start building up your next update. I'm looking forward to it regardless.
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we need a story about anon shyly asking out dean cadence
Probably my favorite idea based on that image is if Anon has a crush on her, and says something that's not intended to be asking her out. Yet she interprets it that way anyway and assumes he's all hers right away. Which he doesn't argue with since he actually does like her even if he might be a little concerned about how possessive she gets and his quickly.
A Cadence is fine too...!
Very fine indeed
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Hey apples.
Is there any place to watch Equestria Girls with friends?
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I kinda prefer regular Twilight Sparkle over Sci-Twi.
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Why not have both?
I respectfully disagree. I personally prefer Sci-Twi being more overtly nerdy with a cute school uniform and glasses.
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Very cute, good work.
The rewatch stream thread is one, I imagine. If they play equestria girls there.
The Thicc Seven
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Casual Pinkie makes me happy
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>The girl who seems entirely innocent
>Until she reveals she's not
I agree but those colors in that pic are fucking with me, man.
No matter what the colors, Sunset can fuck this man. Me
I hear that
Need them to sandwich me. My life would be complete.
Neat vibe
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>rush down the hallway
>stop dead in your place
>see this
What do?
Instant boner
Make tender love to her and call her "Mommy".
>"Now, kiss and make up, and then head back to class.", Chrysalis says before pushing your heads together to make you kiss
>Gilda gives you a very awkward and sloppy kiss before embracing and mashing her lips into yours
>After that she tells you, "We'll talk about this more, later, dork. Also let that Sunny bitch know I swiped you."
>She grabs your crotch as you start going and seems reluctant to actually let you leave
>"You'll see him in detention, Gilda. No need to keep him from going, he's very late for class at this point.", Chrysalis tells her
>"Why would I care about being late to class?", Gilda remarks
>"You may not, but Anon does, and you should. What will you do if you don't graduate?", Chrysalis tells her not even commenting on Gilda's hand gripping your crotch
>"It's thug life for life, for me. What do I need a diploma for?", Gilda retorts
>"That's not a job, Gilda... Sure I like bad girl tough bitch stuff, but you can have that AND set yourself up for success. It doesn't have to be just one or the other.", Chrysalis tries to reason with her
>You wonder if you really have to be here for Gilda's counseling, but Gilda literally having you by the balls keeps you in place
>Gilda doesn't seem to want to budge, and Chrysalis turns to you for help, "What do you say, boyfriend? What do you think?"
>You still don't think of yourself as Gilda's boyfriend
>Really, you only remember Gilda being a bitch to you like everyone else
>Before now you never would've suspected she'd want a relationship like this
>You guess you want her to do well and be less of a delinquent
"How about this? If you actually go to your classes and get passing grades in all your classes, I'll reward you. For a whole weekend or something like that. I'll stay with you doing anything you want, anything.", you say as Gilda raises an eyebrow
>She seems to consider this, but then turns it down
>"Nah, I can't do that. My grades are too far into the toilet to save them at this point.", Gilda says actually sounding like she feels bad about it
>If only because having you all to herself for a weekend if she could do it is out of reach
>Yet, it gets Chrysalis thinking, "Having you reward her for good behavior is an interesting angle though..."
>Chrysalis thinks about it more before making a proposal
>"Maybe a carrot and stick approach would be even better~.", Chrysalis says with a devious grin
>"What 'stick'? I'm already basically in permanent detention.", Gilda says thinking there's nothing that can threaten her
>"Anon, would you give me full reign to decide how you'd reward Gilda and for what, and if she fails to do it I'd get the reward intended for her~?"
>"You wouldn't?!", Gilda blurts out, but the look on Chrysalis' face says she's serious
>Serious in a perverted way you didn't expect with how professional she'd been up till this point
>Though there was always something in the back of your mind that made it seem like Chrysalis was a cougar
>So this isn't THAT shocking
>The way Chrysalis had described why you were popular earlier comes to mind
>She actually did kind of say it like that's how SHE felt about you as well rather than just saying that how other girls would feel
"I'm sure I'll regret this, but go ahead...", you say feeling like you're playing an even more dangerous game than you had already been up till now
>Chrysalis grins with her hands folded looking like a full on villain, "Excellent, let's see if Gilda starts to fly right, or if I sink my fangs in you..."
>You almost forgot that Gilda was cupping your dick and balls in her hand until she unconsciously squeezed from being tense
>It starts to hurt as you tap her shoulder like you're tapping out of wrestling
"Too tight! Too tight!", you say before hugging and kissing her hoping that would distract her enough she lets go
>Which it definitely works
>With Gilda's head spinning in your arms you quickly let go, and make your escape
>Gilda standing in a gaze when you glanced back to see if she was running at you to tackle you
>You guess that's one way to get away from Gilda if you're cornered by her
>Almost wishing you'd tried that earlier
>Actually, it might not work later if she's not caught off guard by it anymore
>You arrive around the tail end of math class
>Applejack is there having clearly struggled more than usual without you
>"Where were you, Anon?!", she asked a little frustrated
"Things have been a little crazy lately, sorry about that.", you say as she quickly accepts the apology
>You're no math genius, but you and AJ putting your heads together definitely helps both of you get through it easier than either of you alone
>Doing your best, you manage to catch up with the class making up for the time you weren't there
>You were so absorbed into trying to do fast work that you hardly even notice when class ends
>She pats your back, "Class is over, sugar cube, thanks for the hard work, and sorry for blowing up at you like that. I was just feeling a little overwhelmed."
"It's fine, I didn't take it personally or anything. Though like I said, things have been getting a little crazy lately, and I didn't mean to leave you hanging.", you reassure her
>"What do ya mean by 'things getting crazy'? Ya'll have said that twice now.", Applejack asked with some concern
"It'd be awkward to fully explain, but I'll just say it has to do with pony people coming through a portal, you'd talked with your counterpart right?", you say before asking in turn
>"Yeah, not sure how she's make things 'crazy' though, but I gotta go get lunch, we'll talk more about this later.", she says as you're about to part way outside the classroom
>Practically the second human Applejack turns her back to you to leave, you feel a lasso fall over you and tighten around your chest and arms
>Because it happened so suddenly and was so tight on your stomach you loudly gag
>Which makes human Applejack turn back around in time to see her Pony counterpart pulling you in like a lassoed animal and tying you up
>"Hey, what do Y'all think yer doing?!", human Applejack calls out her counterpart
>"I'm just nabbing him for a little roll in the hay. You don't mind, right?", her pony counterpart said sounding confident her human counterpart would be fine with it
>"Come on! I thought ya'll had more of a moral compass than that!", human Applejack chided her before adding, "Sure, he may be easy and a pushover for girls, but that doesn't mean you should abandon proper courtship!"
>You were shocked that Applejack of all people would say that about you
>Sure it's true, but you didn't think Applejack would say that, and you couldn't resist asking if she really thought that
"Do you really think I'm a man whore too, Applejack? I mean sure I'm being treated more like one lately, but did you think that even before a couple days ago?", you ask
>Human Applejack looks at you like she's unsure if you're messing with her or not
>"I mean... Weren't you doing stuff with the other girls all along? Sure, I want to do things proper with you and not just treat you like a piece of meat, but you're not going to say something like you weren't have sex with Pinkie, right?", Applejack says in response
>Well, you can't say you haven't now
"I have now... Though I hadn't before her pony counterpart got involved and massively escalated things for her...", you say as Applejack looks at you with a raised eyebrow
>You feel like she's doubting your honesty
"I really thought I was known as a normal decent guy before! It's only within the last couple days I'm finding out anyone sees me as a man whore!", you say as Applejack seems to believe you more
>"I'm not sure if ya'll are truly dense, or just didn't want to see the signs... Though ya ARE a good guy. If ya'll were just some low life man whore I'd want nothing to do with ya'll.", Applejack almost sounds reassuring even if brutally honest
>Pony Applejack stood patiently while holding your tied body over her shoulder before asking, "Can I go fuck him now?"
>"Were ya'll listening at all?! No! Don't do that!", the human counterpart yelled at her
>"I think I see how it is...", pony Applejack said before adding, "You want to get a turn before I fuck him more, right?"
>"Not that either! Treat him with some respect, and show some restraint! Especially here at school! This is no place for stuff like that!", she says before adding in a way the felt comical, "How would you have a 'roll in the hay' if there's no hay, and it's not in the barn as god intended?!"
>"God", pony Applejack questions sounding confused
>"Never mind that! Not getting into religion right now!", human Applejack shuts down that line of questioning
>"I didn't think my human counterpart would be such a wet blanket... Especially after the things you said you did with him. Was that a lie, and I thought you were honest like me?", pony Applejack teases her
>Human Applejack fumed before responding
>"I didn't lie! You misread! I said they were things I wanted to do when the time was right! Not things I'd already done!", she clarified to her Pony counterpart
>"What's the hold up? Ya'll aren't gettin' any younger, and I'm sure Granny would love to see her great grand kids while she's still around.", Pony Applejack says
>"Hey now! Leave her out of this! My granny isn't like yours! She lives in our society and knows girls don't start having kids as young as they did when she was our age!", Human Applejack argues with her human counterpart more
>Though pony Applejack only grinned
>"Ya'll sure about that~? I've chatted with your Granny while offering to help out around your farm while I'm here, and she commented on how she wishes you'd stop pussyfooting around and wrap 'that boy you like' around your finger already~.", she said teasing her human counterpart further
>Human Applejack hid her blushing face under her hat tipping it down
>"Do you think saying that helps?!", she said with exasperation
>Pony Applejack chuckled before walking over and handing your tied up body to her putting you over her shoulder
>"Here you go, you decide what to do with him~. Though invite him over to the farm sometime, and I'll see how your barn hay holds up~.", pony Applejack says before smugly leaving
>Applejack stands there holding you on her shoulder thinking deeply with a deep blush
>Clearly being very tempted to take advantage of you being tied up and at her mercy
>Though she lets you down and unties you
>"Although I untied ya'll... Could ya join me for lunch, please?", she asks cutely with an even deeper blush
>You eagerly nod being completely unable to consider saying 'no'
>Going to the cafeteria, both both get food and find a table
>Where Applejack sits on your lap eating her food
>Her being bigger than you makes it hard to eat your own food while she's on your lap, but you don't dare complain
>She grinds her hips on your lap occasionally as you're unsure if she's doing that on purpose or unconsciously
>Applejack occasionally feeds a bite or two of food to you like a cute couple while encouraging you to do the same with her
>You worry about people looking at you two funny, but nobody is
>Everyone around seemingly treating it like this is completely normal and expected with you
>Further proving you'd already had an entirely different reputation than you thought, and for longer than you thought
>After lunch you give Applejack a quick kiss in parting as she gives a very cute flustered response to it
>Then it was time for your next class, just this one and one more before the school day is over
>At least before you remembered detention...
All for now, I'm not sure when Gray is going to update, but he's seriously free to post his update whenever it's ready regardless of when I might or might not have an update myself. I'll really only post updates in small batches at once and always link my posts to each other. I'd rather see Gray update when ready rather than hesitate because I might have an update soon.
I love AJ’s straightforwardness so much m8. Great work! Looking forward to the next part.
Once again, VERY nice! Loving the cast expansions as well as the deeper focus on Applejack.
Now I'm about to post and when I get to Sunset, you'll see my original idea that somehow led to pony sex tourists. :)
Oh I'll give you a backdrop. In King of the Castle by Cosmic Butthole, which I'm continuing from, Sunset and Anonymous share their first time having sex together.
But CB also makes it clear that Sunset grew up as a horse. So it follows she would grow up thinking she would only ever have sex as a horse. But it turns out that all of her sexual activity has been purely human. Does it HAVE to be that way though?
>As expected by now, the girls had changed their seating order again. From left to right it was Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Sunset, empty space for me, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow.
>As I made my way down the aisle to the girls, Twilight stood up, held up a flat disc about the size of a nickel, and said "Let me change your battery real quick while you're standing up please."
"Of course." I said formally. "Please let me know what I can do to make it easier for you." she also took my refills and passed them down the line so I was left holding nothing.
>Twilight responded with "Already done! But I'll tell you after the movie ok?" and she came in close and tight against my chest and put both her hands on my butt and gave a playful squeeze. Then she sat down and let me pass.
>Then Pinkie stood up and held her arms out for a hug "C'mere Nonny!" she said with a giggle. And when I stepped in for the hug, she pulled my into a brief, but deep, kiss. and then she released me and sat down.
>Rarity and Sunset both went with a simple kiss toll.
>As I sat down, Sunset told me "Alright Anon, the next activity is a little experimental and you have to wear some equipment for it. First is the bluetooth transmitter that hooks on your belt in the back. There we go. And next are the special gloves.."
> The gloves were thin latex gloves with circuitry inside of them and small pads on the fingertips. They fit over my wrists and coming off the end of them was a wire that plugged into the transmitter on either side.
"These gloves look delicate." I said.
>Sunset said "Yeah they actually are. We can probably expect a finger sensor or two to stop working while we're using them tonight."
"I'll be as gentle as I'm allowed." I said
>Suddenly Fluttershy spoke up, "You always are, with me." she said with a smile as I turned to face her. It was then I noticed she was wearing a silk bathrobe that covered everything below her neck.
"And it's always so worth it." I languidly said to Fluttershy. Then I snapped back closer to reality and said, "Alright, so with fragile equipment we can expect some issues from even proper use. That begs the question of what is proper use or how am I expected to use these?"
>Fluttershy giggled and stood up, got in front of me and faced me and opened her robe. She was wearing a cream colored lacey bra and panty set with a garter belt holding up matching stockings. Couldn't see her shoes, but they sounded like high heels.
Before she could speak I held up a finger and said "Boyfriend due diligence. You look.. stunning." and then I went back to a respectful quiet.
>Fluttershy responded with a gentle "Thank you Anon. Now this is focused on my bra and panties. Please touch me with at leat two fingers please?"
>Sunset broke in with "Wait! We forgot the earpiece. Hold still a sec Anon." and she put something in my ear. When she was satisfied she said "Ok go ahead."
"Can do." I said as I reached out and touched the side of her left breast with two fingers. When I did, a tone sounded and a blue light appeared in that area of her bra. "Woah." I said.
>Fluttershy then said "Try somewhere else with three fingers please." and I did so on her right breast. A different tone and a red and yellow light appeared. I tapped a few other places and differing tones and lights happened depending on where I touched.
"This is an amazing idea!" I said. "Now before Fluttershy's voice causes me to ruin these pants, I assume I need to test the lower place?"
>Fluttershy had a beaming smile while she simply nodded. The panties reacted in the same way as the bra had. For a fleeting moment I wanted to play the five tones from Close Encounters of the Third Kind on her lingerie, but it would take to long and that wouldn't be paying proper attention to Fluttershy.
"Looks like that works." I said. "Do we need to test anything else?" I asked.
>With a giggle Fluttershy said "Just how much longer you can last." And she laid a yellow hand towel on my lap and then straddled me. (Apparently she had jumped the gun on having the battery in my pants replaced. But we're all human so not a big deal.) I smiled at her in turn and grabbed two big musical handfuls of her behind..
>Fluttershy said "I got the idea because you always seem to play my body like a musical instrument when you're doing boyfriend stuff with me."
"I'm just trying my very best to read the signals you give me." I said. Now let's get her going. "Just like any good boy should do for his Mommy!"
>Fluttershy had a Mommy Domme fetish. Which meant she liked to be in charge so she could spoil and care for me. It also meant she had a STRONG reaction to being called Mommy. So strong I avoided the word entirely if we weren't being passionate.
>Now that I had said that trigger word, all hints of shyness and timidity went away. She leaned her ample bosom into me and aggressively kissed me. Her pelvis was also grinding pretty insistently on mine. We were off to the races!
>For a brief moment I considered trying to play Beethovens fifth symphony, but my 'read' on Fluttershy said no. Instead I reverted to reading what her body was saying it wanted with more emphasis on dragging my fingers across her lingerie.
>But I had a growing problem in that I needed to outlast her and I had concerns there. So I had to fight a little dirty.
When we next came up for air, I said "Thank you for all of this setup Mommy! It's really wonderful!" She gave a big smile before going back in for deep kissing and her pace became more frantic. And before I knew it, she had gone stiff in ecstacy. I had forgotten that the girls had also been getting worked up as the evening went on.
>I rode it out with her and held her close as she melted into my arms. This part was always nice too. "Such a good boy." she managed to drawl out.
>We stayed like that until Sunset gave a tactful "Ahem." and we knew it was time.
"Hey." I said gently. "Would you like me to get you some popcorn? Maybe something to drink too?"
>Fluttershy responded with "That could be nice. I'd really appreciate that Anon." and I got lost in her eyes again until Sunset gave a polite cough.
"Whoops!" I admitted. "Sorry everyone. I guess it's been a longer evening than I realized with so many pretty ladies paying attention to me." and that got a round of bashful giggles. "So time to order up I guess."
>Turned out everyone wanted a popcorn and a water to close out the movie. I had to inform them it would take two trips to carry all of that back and then it was off to the snackbar!
>As I approached the snackbar the attendant had her hands on her chin and was just openly leering at me. It was also easy to notice some popcorn on the floor just past the trash can. Again.
I walked just past the popcorn, looked down at it, then looked at the attendant, and asked "Really?"
>She said "Well I'm not allowed to take pictures of you or post about your visit until tomorrow, so yeah. If I HAVE to be at work, I'd like to enjoy SOMETHING."
"Fine." I said as I turned around and bent over at the hips to pick up the popcorn and throw it away properly. Then as I approached the counter I said "Although it may be wiser to wait more like a week before posting about us honestly. Oh the order is eight small popcorns and eight waters. Which means I need to make two trips."
>She replied with "Gotcha. But why should I wait to post? She said that too now that I think about it." as she scooped popcorn at a normal rate instead of delaying.
"Look, anything I say will sound like I'm bragging to try to impress you." I said. "And I don't want you to take it that lightly. You noticed we have a Canterlot Police escort?"
>That caused a momentary pause in her work as she said "Yeah.."
"Well there's a reason for that." I said. "And you DON"T want any part of it. Asking you to wait a week was a kindness for YOUR protection because you're unlikely to see us again in the near future. But it's your choice really. Please make it a good one."
>I don't think I convinced her, but that was her call. "Order's ready." she said.
"Ok, thank you." I said as I paid. "I'll take half this trip and be right back for the rest." To which she nodded.
>When I got back to the theater, I noticed the girls had NOT changed their seating order this time. Also they were all back in their original clothing they entered the theater in. I dropped off the first half of the order and went back for the rest.
>Upon returning to the snack bar, there was more popcorn near the trashcan and the attendant was openly leering at me like I was a choice cut of meat. It was a little annoying but I wasn't going to sour a deal my girlfriends had made. No I would fulfill their promise of my behavior and make them proud.
>So this time I threw in an extra wiggle or two with a smile. Then I collected the rest of my order and went back to my girlfriends. I distributed the rest of the order and went to sit down between Sunset and Fluttershy. Strangely, no one molested me this time.
I turned to Sunset and said "Well I'm guessing it's your turn now my queen. What do you have planned I wonder?"
>Sunset looked at me with an innocent grin and said "Oh I didn't plan anything for you tonight my king."
>That honestly seemed like a fairly weak opener. Nothing had been planned TONIGHT and that was plain. But among the things I needed to know about Sunset is she is a schemer. And a fairly good one too! And she wanted to know if I was at least willing to TRY to keep up with her!
"Hmmm." I said "Then perhaps it's time for me to expose.. my own preparations!"
>This got a chorus of "oooo's" as I got up and dug into my backpack and got out a deerstalker cap and a toy calabash pipe. Together they would create the signature look of Sherlock Holmes.
"My dear Sunset." I said "I propose to play one of your FAVORITE games. Boy detective!"
>Sunset had a very wide grin! Leading with mental stimulation had been the correct play here. " I DO like that game Anon. But what mystery could you possibly solve?" she asked.
"Elementary my dear Sunset." I declared. "I plan to solve the mystery of your missing plan! You say you didn't plan anything tonight, but in fact, none of you did. No all the planning was done WELL before tonight! This includes yours of course."
>Sunset said "Oh really? Well what is it then?"
"All in due time my dear. All in due time." I said. "You know how this goes after all. The stage must be set before the grand reveal. So I take you to the breakroom of the animal shelter we ALL volunteer at. It seems there's been a specific theme of the videos playing in there for the past week."
>Sunset said "But since we ALL volunteer there, how can you single out my plan?"
"While you're not wrong, there is, of course, more. It seems you tried to distract me before I said what the theme was just now." I said. I couldn't let her take control of this conversation or I would fail. And she wanted to enjoy that. "They were, in fact, a specific type of animal husbandry video across the week. That alone raises an eyebrow."
"But that's not the only theme I noticed! In all of our activities tonight, you girls have had me play a more active role than I normally would! This seems rather premeditated to me. You all want me to be more proactive, and so I will be."
>Sunset recognized her cue, saying "And are you saying these two themes relate somehow?" with a wicked grin.
"I am indeed!" I said with quiet zeal. "Being told to be more proactive is why I need to reveal your plan for tonight after all."
>Sunset then said "Well that all sounds very clever Anon. But you still haven't said what my supposed plan IS."
"I can agree with that." I said "But there's another theme to reveal yet. All of you ladies still really like horses. Now as a comic book nerd myself, please understand I'm not about to throw any stones about liking childish things. That's not where I'm going with this. But even among a group that likes horses, Sunset stands well above the rest of you!
"You've all seen the pictures she's drawn of herself as a unicorn of course." I said. "No one else here has done that or asked you to do it for them Sunset. With that said Sunset, I'd like to ask you. Those animal husbandry videos. What animal were they ALL on?"
>Sunset had a wild smile "They were on Horses Anon."
I lightly stomped my foot twice and said "Correct!" And then I leapt over my chair and bent over behind her head. "By the way. In those videos how long did it say horses normally take to do the deed?"
>Sunset said, a little shakily "They don't take very long at all. They can't or predators would take advantage."
"Right." I said and clacked my teeth near her ear twice. "And you've had the rest of the girls working me up all throughout tonight. So how long do you think *I* might last?"
Sunset was taking deep breaths "N-not very long."
"What a coincidence." I said and then breathed out through my nostrils on the back of her neck. "So tell me Sunset. Are you ready for me to tell you your plan now?"
>Sunset's breathing was getting quicker when she said "Say it boy detective."
I stomped twice on the floor and said "Yes! I think that your plan is for me to take you into the ladies room so we can fuck like horses while the others watch. Am I right Sunset?
>Sunset got up from her chair, turned around and got back in the chair on her knees and started eagerly nodding as she came in for a kiss.
>I hugged her as we kissed and I took in her scent. Was her perfume.. hay scented? Wow, that's commitment!
I broke from the embrace and said "Pardon me ladies, but could you cover us from the snack bar attendant as we go into the ladies room please?"
>The girls gave their assents and Rainbow and Applejack were first into the ladies room and conducted a security sweep. And while they were doing that, the other girls meandered across the hall with me crouched down behind them.
>Once we entered, the advance squad signaled all clear and Sunset embraced me and shyly said "Oh Anon, I've been wanting to do this with you for some time now. I wanted you to know I was lifting my tail for YOU alone."
"I'm so glad you chose ME to be your stallion." I said "I want to make ALL of your dreams come true. But I need to take my shoes and pants off first to do that dear."
>Sunset said with a lusty smile "Don't take to long lover. You're not the only one that's gotten worked up tonight after all." And I managed to take my shoes and pants off before she finished talking.
"I can tell that from how hard the nipples on your teats are." I said and stomped twice "Shall we use this stall for our celebration my dear?" I asked while choosing a random nearby stall.
>Sunset said "Yes but we have to be quick. There's no telling if there are any dangerous animals near!"
>I had wanted to do more foreplay, but what the lady wants, the lady gets! And as we moved into position. Rainbow quietly asked the other girls "What kinds of animals are dangerous to something big like horses anyway?"
>Applejack responded with "Well stuff like lions."
>Rarity added in "And tigers."
>Twilight then said "And bears."
>Fluttershy reacted with "Oh my!"
>I pressed my erect member against the back of Sunset's skirt and rolled up her shirt to fondle her teats and nipples real quick. Then as I brought my hands back I grabbed some of her hair and leaned forward to put it in my mouth.
>Then I rolled up her skirt and pushed her soaked panties to the side. Then I placed my member at her heated entrance. After a very short pause I straightened up my posture which pushed me inside her and lightly pulled her hair with my teeth!
>Ten seconds later I was unloading the evening into Sunset Shimmer as she rocked her hips around me. Then she turned around and rubbed noses with me in an eskimo kiss.
>Meanwhile back in the theater, Scootaloo looked to the back of the theater and said "Oh. Looks like they've all gone somewhere." in a somewhat nonchalant fashion.
>Billy immediately reacted with a "What?!" and craned his head around to look at.. empty seats. "Should we look for them? Where could they have gone?" he asked worriedly.
>Apple Bloom said "If all of them went somewhere without telling us, then they're in the ladies room. You wanna go in there?" she asked casually.
>Billy replied with "Umm not really? But why would they all go in there? I don't get it."
>Sweetie Belle replied with a grin Billy couldn't read "Well Billy, since you asked, my guess is Anon is fucking Sunset senseless in there. It looked like it was her turn after all. Lucky girl."
>Billy looked like he wasn't sure what to do with that info and said "Are we gonna tell on them?" he asked plainly conflicted.
>Scootaloo said "We were only asked to report on what we saw. Did you actually SEE anything besides empty seats Billy?"
>Billy responded with "Well no. But it sounds like you girls did."
>Sweetie Belle had a wide grin while she said "Well yes we did Billy. But to be honest we let the girls pay us off so all the parents will hear about is hand holding and chaste kisses from us."
Billy said "Huh. Ok. I guess the question I have then is why would you agree to that? It kinda feels like I'm letting Anon down somehow?"
>Apple Bloom responded with " Well Billy, the answer to the first part is, as girls ourselves, we understand why his girlfriends want a free hand because we'd want the same on a date night ourselves."
>Sweetie Belle then added "And Billy, you've got to remember those are his girlfriends. No one is going to protect him more fiercely except maybe his parents. Or put another way, can you see Fluttershy allowing ANYTHING that would harm Anonymous? Also we warned Anonymous before we came in the theater that we were giving his ladies a free hand, so he had his choice to run or go along with it."
>Billy pondered for a moment and said "Well I guess that makes some kind of sense. You raise a good point about Fluttershy and I feel better that he had a choice. And Anon would NEVER run from his girlfriends! Now I guess all I have left is some light curiousity about what did they all actually do?"
>Scootaloo said "Yeah we tried to handle business properly with Anon in mind. And we COULD tell you about what they did, but you should know first there's a price you'll pay."
>Billy started to look a little scared and said "What do you mean by price? What could you want?"
>Apple Bloom moved in to calm him "It's not that kind of price Billy. We don't need you to DO anything so you can relax on that front. No what we mean by 'price' is the fact that a healthy young man, such as you, is going to have a natural.. anatomical reaction upon hearing what girlfriends get up to with boyfriends. And that reaction would be seen, also naturally, by us. That's all we mean by price. We only wanted you to be aware of what would happen."
>Billy was relaxed by that answer. "Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining that to me. You're right in that would probably happen. But it's like you say, I'm a young guy and that reaction happens to me a LOT and at times I can't always predict. So it's not really a scary price because at some point you ladies will probably see it anyway. Actually it's kind of a relief to know it won't offend you if I'm honest. I had worried about that."
>Scootaloo replied a gentle smile "No that won't offend us Billy. In fact, if it happens at times like at school and you want us to help cover for you, we'd be glad to help you then too. Like you said, it's all part of being a healthy young man. So with all of that said, You want us to tell you don't you?"
>Before Billy could answer, Anon and the girls came back and all the Crusaders mentally swore at their bad timing.
>And soon the credits were rolling and Sunset called out to everyone "Ok folks it's time to pack up and go!"

>And then we were all out in the hallway after having triple-checked that we hadn't forgotten anything. Rarity went up the hallway towards the snack bar saying "Come on now Anonymous. We have a lovely purple evening yet planned for you darling!"
>Applejack spoke up and said "Uh Rarity? That's the wrong direction to leave. Mall's closed so we have to use the fire exit remember?" She was also pointing her thumb over her shoulder to the other end of the hallway where the Crusaders had a bit of a head start.
>Everyone had a good chuckle at that, including Rarity who turned back towards our group.
>That's when it went wrong. Pinkie was doing some twitching when suddenly my senses expanded and I stopped emoting. For some reason I had dropped into combat mode and several things started happening.
>From around the corner by the snack bar a strange woman came around the corner. She had green shoulder length hair and black skin and was dressed all in black leather. In her right hand, held up, was a small gun pointed at the ceiling.
>At the same time three women emerged from the last theater before the exit, blocking it. Two of them were lightly dressed, holding pistols pointed down, and looked like their color had been partially washed away. The third was also dressed in black leather and had magenta hair sticking up with the sides of her head shaved with black skin and a noticeable magenta scar on her throat. She had a two pronged wand pointing upwards.
>The green haired lady leveled her gun and fired twice. And our Canterlot Police escorts went down with a shot to the throat each. They had still been reaching for their holsters.
>Rarity was turning toward the sound of the gunshots when she was shot in the shoulder and seemed to faint. Collapsing to the carpeted ground!
>Then a purple glow wrenched the thrice fired gun from her hand and crumpled it! At that point I was also vaguely aware that Twilight's hair had grown MUCH longer and something else was on the top of her head sticking out of her hair.
>At the other end of the hall, a small glowing ball was bouncing towards the three women. The lady with the magenta hair ducked back into the theater entryway while the other two just looked at the ball until IT EXPLODED!! The two women were taken OFF OF THEIR FEET by the blast and hurled into the walls of the hallway.
>Pinkie now had a yellow and blue stripe in her hair which now went to the floor.
>The woman with the magenta hair emerged from the theater again and started advancing on the Crusaders. The Crusaders all had their backpacks held in front of them as they had drilled so many times to do. They were also starting to harmonize.
>Rainbow asked "What are we gonna do?"
>Sunset stood up and said "I'll tell you."
>"Rainbow Dash, open up our exit and then go to the lobby and harass any enemies we haven't seen!"
>"Applejack, save the kids and retrieve the officers!"
>"Fluttershy, secure our exit and keep us from being followed!"
>"Pinkie and Twilight, keep assisting from range when you can!"
>"Anonymous, you're coming with me to get Rarity!
>"Crusaders.. HIT IT!"

I'm not sure If you're done posting or not, but I'm leaving for work right about now and wanted to respond to you before leaving. So apologies in advance if you weren't done and I end up interrupting you.

I'm definitely sure it'll get to a point where trying to manage the cast realistically would become untenable. Where I'd mostly just end up focusing on girls more based on who hasn't had the spotlight in a while and possibly based on audience requests. I'm even somewhat considering doing more standalone parts kind of like Gray does, but without putting as much effort into a coherent timeline as Gray. I commend his worth ethic in managing to do that, but I'd prefer a more free wheeling approach if I do my own take on it. Anon ending up at a lioness den version of the rock farm is something that could be more of a stand alone part. Maybe even Anon spending a significant amount of time at Applejack's farm. Might even have more stand alone parts more for the reason of them being longer parts that would be harder to fit into a fast paced and flowing narrative rather than modeling it after what Gray does.
Hello again everyone! And now we finally get to the part I've been dying to write. Superhero combat!
But before we get all into that there's other stuff to address.
I feel like I kinda choked on Fluttershy here if I'm honest. Nice scenario, interesting accessories and details and I just couldn't manage to bring it all together in a way that I was happy with. Sorry about that.
And I couldn't give it more time because I had other characters to get to.
But Sunset got a proper treatment even if the sex had to be meh as a result.
Speaking of, Sunset has only ever had sex as a human, but what if that made her feel as if she was missing out? That was my premise. And when someone asked for ideas about human Starlight, I was thinking she had the opposite issue. She's only ever had sex as a horse and then the girls tell her about sex as a human.. And then it went through being refined by the group.
The aside with the Crusaders was something I came up with on the fly. As a young man I got erections so often it wasn't worth noticing. And as I was so oblivious to girls it never occurred to me back then that they might notice.
And now we get to the superhero stuff.
Entirely fair. But the scenario demanded it. Look this fight takes place in a hallway and Rarity up makes it a walk in the park. But I prefer superheroes to struggle and EARN a win.
Also in the show, I feel Rarity was overused as the team powerhouse. To be fair there were reasons for this like her powers were simple and visual and an instant cast.
Another reason is EQG really wasn't devoted to being a proper superhero show. Heck I feel it was barely a lightweight magical girls show. Powers normally were shown in the last two minutes and 30 sec of that had to go to Sunset. Leaving the other girls to often just strike a pose and everything is solved.
EQG never really seemed to know how to use Fluttershy's powers and the time limit made that worse.
But here, I have her taking down drones across Canterlot and Anon will help her apply her powers in new ways!
EQG at least got creative with Pinkie, but she was never allowed to cut loose.
And actual teamwork with the powers didn't really happen on the show either.
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When I saw that I worried for a second Rarity got killed and I missed it. Getting any of the main girls killed I think would be very out of place for what's built up here. Though besides that I think Rarity getting a little injured isn't all that big a deal.
I think I vaguely recall asking for a back view of this pic a long ass time ago. Either way it was something I wanted. Based drawfag.
Yeah her life isn't in danger as long as she gets medical aid in a very reasonable time frame. It's like I said, I needed her out of this fight or the big bad is gone for good in about 5 seconds. And it's also my job to establish that the big bad is an actual threat. That said, the rest of the girls have plenty of firepower and I plan to keep evolving the ways they use them. Like I did for Fluttershy by letting her give standing orders to animals about drones in and around Canterlot without having to constantly focus on it.
Also my inner advertising nerd now wants to see
every few posts.
It'll be interesting to see more of how you write combat. Looking forward to that.
Also an idea for the horny ponies coming to the human world green with it being more comedic.
>Setting up introductions of characters where they're set up like they're serious and dangerous threats, but then they turn out not to be in a more silly twist
Fun stuff as always Tuesday
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Scorpdk knows how to make them titlicious
Really activates the neurons that way like damn
Titlicious Sci-Twi activates my neutron
>You'd worry about that bridge when you crossed it
>For now, it was time for History class with Sunset
>She's been the most distant of the friend group you're accustomed to
>Sunset always seems especially uninterested in history class
>Hardly ever seeming to pay attention to the class
>Though when you arrived today she seemed very interested in talking with you, and seemed worried about something
>She prompts you to sit close and whispers in your ear
>"Have ponies from Equestria really been coming here?", she asks you with worry
"Yeah, why do you sound worried? I wouldn't think you'd be scared of ponies.", you whisper back somewhat teasingly
>She wasn't particularly amused, but told you, "I hadn't said anything about it before, but I'm actually from there myself... They're not gunning after me, are they?"
You shake your head before reassuring her, "No, no, none of them mentioned you. They're actually coming over with me as their goal."
>This confused her a little, "Why would ponies come over here for you?"
>You could feel yourself blushing as you think of how you'd explain it
"You uh, you know how I've got a reputation as a man whore... Right?", you whisper as she just nods without hesitation
>Part of you kind of wished she would've hesitated a little, but you shouldn't expect anything else at this point
"Well, the other girls in our group basically unwittingly convinced their pony counterparts that they should come get a piece of me...", you add in whisper as she looks at you like she's unsure if you're serious
>"Do they really think sex here is that good?", she asks in a whisper inquisitively
"I guess... Pretty much all of them besides pony Twilight have been wanting to fuck me any chance they get. I guess also pony Rarity who's pushing me to go on a date with her before she fucks me.", you whisper back as Sunset takes this information in calmly
>She touches your hand and her eyes flash, which you'd never seen her do before
>The events of the past couple days since you first encountered pony Pinkie flashed through your mind
>Sunset finally has a blush after this
"What was that?", you ask her plainly being seriously confused
>"I can read minds, I didn't use that on you before to respect your privacy, but I just couldn't resist using it this time.", she explains
>Though after that she sits with a deep blush seeming unsure what she wants to do or say next
>Then she whispers under her breath, "How are they so okay with just coming over and having sex with a human right away?..."
>You're not sure what she means, but maybe because you're just so used to being a human
>She doesn't have to read minds to know what you're thinking
>"I mean... Just imagine if you went though the portal?", she whispers to you before adding, "Suddenly being a small horse, with your body suddenly being so different and awkward to move around in... Would you just see a mare and be like, 'time to fuck!'?"
"I guess it would be kind of hard to answer what I would actually do in that situation, and it's kind of hard to fully picture...", you say as she raises an eyebrow
>"You'd fuck a horse?", she asks like she's judging you
"Hey now, I'm a guy. I think you're underestimating how horny boys are and how hard wired we are to want sex... Would what I find hot be altered by being in a horse body?", you say before asking
>Sunset seemed genuinely unsure how to answer that
>"I mean, I don't think what I find attractive really changed all that much, but I've been here for quite a while...", she said quietly while awkwardly avoiding eye contact
>She got very quiet the rest of class and kind of hid her face behind her history text book
>Sometimes seeming like she's actually reading it, and sometimes clearly just using it to hide her face
>After class she scurries off with clear purpose as you wonder where she's going so fast
>Though you worry about going to your last class
>While thinking it's been a bit since your were intercepted on your way to class it happens
>Sci-Twi with her glasses fogged up breathing heavily runs at you and tackles you into an embrace, and starts making out with you
>Almost like the way Pinkie might have done it, but definitely feeling different
>She breaks the kiss with a strand of saliva between your mouths before saying why she's doing this, "I know we don't share any classes today, but I just couldn't go a day without seeing you after yesterday!"
>Twilight huffs heavy hot breaths and kisses you again
>"I spent all night masturbating while huffing the scent of your boxers... Did you masturbate while sniffing my panties~?!", she said before asking in an extremely perverted and excited voice
>You don't even remember what you did with the panties she handed you
>They might still be in the pocket of the pants you wore which were now in your dirty laundry hamper
>Now feeling a sense of urgency to remember to take them out of there and put them somewhere more private and hidden before your mom finds them
"I, I sure did!", you lie to play into her fantasy
>She blushes deeper and giggles with giddy excitement in an overtly perverted and horny way
>"I bet you can't wait to fuck me senseless again, can you~?", she says while jumping up and wrapping her legs around you
>"You just can't wait to put your dick back where it belongs, and treat my delicate and innocent schoolgirl body like it's your own personal cum dump~...", she say clearly lost in her own world
>You definitely wouldn't call her 'innocent' at this point
"Of-of course! Ever second I'm not ramming my cock in you and filling your womb is agony!", you say before adding, "Yet I've got to go to my last class, and you know what they say... Good things come to those who wait.", you tell her further playing along with her
>She seems to accept this even if she'd prefer you just fuck her now
>Getting off of you before saying as a trail of arousal ran down her thigh, "D-don't keep me waiting too long! B-boyfriend!"
"How about tomorrow morning?", you say as she energetically nods while drooling before scampering off
>The last class is one that typically goes by without incident
>Though you're not sure how confidently you can say that now
>It's a writing class with nobody you really know
>The only real thing of note is there's this girl who sits in the corner and scowls at you
>She wears a frumpy sweater with her admittedly large chest resting on the table, and she peers up over her book with taped glasses at you with such angry eyes
>You're not even sure who she is, much less what you may have done to anger her
>Yet every time in this class she just sits there and scowls at you without ever confronting you
>This time wasn't really any different
>You'd be tempted to go see what her problem with you is, but you've got enough on your plate without opening that can of worms
>There's a gut feeling you won't be able to avoid addressing this forever, but for now you think you can safely put it off
>The class ends after being assigned the next writing assignment, and then you're off... To detention
>In detention there were some usual suspects you knew were trouble makers, including Gilda, who was excited to see you
>Some of the other delinquent girls comment on 'fresh meat' before Gilda snaps at them
>"He's mine, bitches! Back off!", laying claim to you as she insists you sit next to her
>You might have hesitated to do so before, but you're actually glad to take her up on her offer now
>'better the devil you know than the one you don't'
>Though after you sit next to her, Luna clears her throat
>"Don't think you're going to 'play around' here, Gilda. This is supposed to be a punishment.", Luna scolds her noticing Gilda was a little 'too' giddy about the prospect of you being here with her
>Gilda not only ignores Luna, but seems even more determined to flirt and mess around with you than if Luna just hadn't said anything
>It doesn't take much of this to get under Luna's skin
>She orders you out of your current spot, and has you sit next to her instead
>"Hey, you trying to steal my boyfriend now?!", Gilda accuses her
>Luna's face turns red with what you think is more anger than being flustered
>"That's absolutely NOT what I'm doing! I know better than anyone I can't date a student! I'm just separating you kids when you're in detention because YOU can't control yourself!", she explains angrily while treating Gilda like a spoiled brat
>Gilda huffs and pouts with her arms folded like she actually is just a little brat
>It's kind of amusing though you don't want to dunk on her knowing it'd definitely cost you later if she directs her anger at you and not Luna
>Though the longer you spend sitting next to Luna the more that 'strange dream' about a princess Luna creeps back into your mind
All for right now. I think I'll go with this day being Thursday with the class schedule starting with PE being M/W/F, and this being the T/TH class schedule. This also makes is so there's just one more school day before the weekend. Where some more things outside of school can happen. Like having a date with pony Rarity.
Thank you for adding the element of characters getting down after masturbating to each other. That’s always hot in stories.
Glad you like it, but I wonder if it still counts as that if it's only one way? With Anon only playing along without having actually masturbated to her. Also some commentary with it is I kind of winged it after realizing after I forgot to say anything about what Anon did with the panties. So I just kind of worked it in there that Anon just put them in his pocket and forgot about them. With their fate if he will now retrieve them and hide them better, or if his mom will find them doing the laundry first is still to be determined.
I think it makes it very interesting. Creating a lewd reaction based off of something that didn’t actually happen is just as fun in my opinion. I also think the panties staying a secret would be the better idea because the excitement that comes with can last longer anyway.
A Catnata is fine too
I would this cat
>I would this cat

This Catnata gives me wood
>You try to toe a line of obeying Luna while also not overtly pissing off Gilda
>This tug of war continue until the end of detention when Gilda storms off clearly wondering why it's like everyone is against her
>Though you stay behind as Luna sighs and consolidates paperwork looking like she's wrapping things up
>With the dream fresh in your mind, you wonder what might happen if you just show her a little care and empathy
"I'm sorry about all this, Luna... Is there anything I can do to help?", you ask as she gives you a weary look
>"What's gotten into you so suddenly?", she says clearly wondering if there's some ulterior motive to it
>Then something comes to mind
>"My sister gave you detention without really saying what the reason for it was... What's that about?", she asks sounding suspicious of it
>You blush and hesitate to answer as she seizes on the assumption it's suspicious
>"Oh ho ho~... You've got some dirt on my sister, don't you~?", she said as you started to feel cornered, and she turned completely towards you going into interrogation moderating
>It's definitely true you do...
>Her arrangement with her pony counterpart would be a huge deal if it got out
>Luna got up close and grabbed your face with both hands making you look her in the eyes
>"Let's hear it... If it's good, I'll reward you well~.", she says as you're unsure what that 'reward' might entail
"Well, uhmmm... Have you heard about 'pony counterparts' of people here showing up?", you start as she reacts like you're wasting her time
>"Yes, my sister alerted me of that and that I should keep an eye out for doppelgangers acting suspiciously.", she said as you could now move on with it
"Did she tell you what she and her pony counterpart are up to?", you ask the leading question as she raised an eyebrow knowing you now had new information to share with her
>"No, continue.", she demanded
"Well... The new transfer student 'Sunny' is her pony counterpart, and they made an arrangement to swap places periodically.", you say before continuing with a blush, "While also having 'Sunny' with a relationship with me..."
>Luna's eyes went wide, and she wasn't sure if you were messing with her before determining you were serious
>"Well, that certainly is big... Though it doesn't answer what you go detention for.", Luna tells you circling back to the original question
>You may as well come out and say it
"For being a man whore...", you say with some shame
>This seemed to make sense for Luna, too much sense even
>"As you should get detention for that!", she said sternly now seeming mad at you
"Why are you mad?! You said you'd reward me!", you retorted having become curious what the reward would have been
>"Sure, but that doesn't mean you should be a man whore without punishment!", she said sounding angry and flustered
>"You need someone to teach you how to be more principled and loyal!", now saying as you're tempted to question it
"Is that 'someone' you, and 'loyal' to who?", you ask as she blushes deeper
>"It could be me to teach you to behave right, and 'loyal' to whoever you choose!", she answered more like she wanted to get out of saying anything incriminating
"You say 'behave right', but I'm in too deep with women dominating me to just become monogamous...", you say somewhat complaining about how unrealistic it seems to you to pick one and tell all the rest 'no'
>She scowls before saying, "Maybe if I'd started training you sooner you wouldn't have become so feral and unruly..."
>It kind of seemed like it before, but it kind of sounds like she's talking about you like you're a dog
>"Also if you can't choose, I might as well try to train you to be loyal to me...", Luna said as you knew it would lead to this
"What happened to not wanting a relationship with me because it's not allowed?", you point out as she seems undeterred
>"So you're saying you'll let my sister break that rule, but not me?", Luna said very angrily and sternly
"O-of course not! Mistress Luna! I just wanted to make sure you're serious about it!", you say before realizing you let 'mistress Luna' slip by mistake because of the dream
>She looked you over with an unsure expression before asking, "This may sound like an odd question, but did you have a strange dream with my pony counterpart?"
"Well... Yes, did you?", you answer before asking in turn
>She doesn't answer you, but reaches in her desk before pulling something out of a locked box
>"'Mistress Luna' has a nice ring to it, but I'm not asking you to be my 'boyfriend'...", she says while hiding what she's pulling out of the box
>"I also have your 'reward' for you...", Luna says purposely building suspense before quickly latching something around your neck
>It's a spiked collar like a dog would have
>The print is too small to read without being close up, but the tag has your name on it
>"I'm telling you to be my pet~.", she says sounding like a dominatrix
"I-Isn't this worse than being your boyfriend?!", you say feeling this would be more scandalous and more of a violation for her to do that
>"It's technically not against the rules to have a 'teacher's pet' even if it's more 'real' than normal~. Besides, we already established you're fine with going outside the rules, don't pretend you aren't.", Luna tells you as you have no argument against that
>"You won't always be able to wear that, but wear it when you can. For me~.", adding after grabbing you by the collar and fiddling with the tag with one of her fingers
>It makes you blush profusely thinking about how she already had that ready and had been practically waiting for the right time to 'use it'
>"You may be a bad boy now, but I'll train you right~.", she said sounding even more like a dominatrix
>Though she's not done musing on the situation
>"Maybe it's not fair to call you a 'bad boy', you're good deep down, but you keep letting bad mistresses get you in trouble and encourage you to misbehave...", Luna comments as you think back to getting in trouble because of stuff like Pinkie's pranks you got involved in
>Now thinking that even back then she might have been fantasizing about dominating you to keep you for herself and make you behave the way she wants
>"Leading you astray from who you should have been loyal to all along.", adding as you feel that suspicion is confirmed
"Did something like this happen in a dream you had involving your pony counterpart?", you ask out of being too curious about it
>She reacted like you were reading her mind looking shocked
>"Well, Yes, but what happened in your dream?", she returned, not wanting to share details without hearing about yours first
You decide to oblige her, "Your pony counterpart introduced yourself to me, and asked if I wanted a relationship with you before concluding without me actually saying either way that I did."
Then gathering your thoughts before continuing to the really intimate and embarrassing to say out loud part, "They she talked dirty about me being a bad boy while being mad at me for neglecting her and not treating her like a sexy woman I wanted."
>"So, is that why you stayed behind and acted different?", she asked like she really wanted to know
"Yes, I planned to just show a bit of caring and empathy since I actually felt bad about how could I'd acted towards you before when I just saw you as an enforcer to be afraid of... I had seriously doubted any part of the dream could be real, and didn't expect things to go like this."
>"I appreciate your honesty... Though now that it has gone this far, could you please play along with how my dream went, and continue where we left off?", she asks more humbly and bashfully
"What did I do in your dream though?", you ask thinking she'd be more open to telling you now
>Yet she blushes a deep crimson before saying while looking up and way, "Ne-never mind, let's not do that..."
"Why not, what did I do?", you ask again pressing her
>"You were naked wearing only the collar posing like a dog begging with a stiff erection, and said very intimate things about wanting me to own you and how you'd dedicate yourself to me with very lurid details I don't think I could repeat out loud..."
>You back down from pressing her further
"Yeah, that's probably too much. Especially to do here at school, even if it is after the school closed for the day...", you say and she agrees
>Though you wouldn't leave her with nothing
"I think I've got to get going, but-", you say awkwardly and pause before adding, "Later in a more private setting I could try doing some of that for you..."
>You then lean in and give her a kiss before leaving
>You hear her call out to you, "I want to see you wearing the collar the next time I see you!"
>As you leave the front of the school, you consider calling Fluttershy when you see her waiting outside her mom's car
"You didn't have to wait. Sorry I took so long, I had detention.", you tell her
>"I remember, you told me about it earlier. Though what's that on your neck?", she asked pointing at the collar
>You quickly unlatch it and stuff it in your pocket not wanting to explain it
"It's nothing!", you say before going with her
>You get in her mom's car with Fluttershy as her mom said, "Don't worry about asking your parents, I already did that."
"Thanks, Mrs.Shy.", you tell her politely
>She then takes off driving you to their place
>Fluttershy fidgets with her hand like she wants to hold your hand, but doesn't want to do it with her mom there
>Once there Fluttershy tells you, "I've got something to show you, wait right here~!"
>She then goes up to her room, and quickly comes back wearing an apron with a big heart on the chest of it with 'mommy' hand stitch embroidered over the heart
>"I'm going to cook you something myself, let me take care of you tonight~.", she said very sweetly once she was sure her parents had left to their own devices
"Thanks-," you say before looking around to make sure it's just you and her in earshot, "M-mommy."
>She blushes a bright crimson hearing you say that, and comes over and embraces you like she wants to cradle you in her arms
>Cooing and rocking you back and forth in her arms
>"My sweet Anon, my sweet sweet Anon... You're such a good boy~. You make mommy proud~.", she says as 'good boy' sounded different before she referred to herself as 'mommy' because of what you'd just gone through with Luna
>While she's cuddling you and rocking you in her arms she kisses you on the cheek a couple times
>Then there's a crash somewhere else in the house that startles both of you
>A voice resonates in the house, "Sis! Please help! I fell and spilled my latte all over myself"
>You can tell she's about to yell as you cover your ears when she took in a very deep breath
>"You fucking donkey! Pick yourself up and get yourself cleaned up on your own! You aren't an infant! Aren't you embarrassed with yourself being so pathetic?!", she yelled at him as you felt there was some serious contrast to how she was treating you versus him
>She sees your reaction and feels the need to explain herself
>"Well, Anon... If I didn't dote on you I know you actually can take care of yourself, and you're always polite and grateful...", she explains before her expression turns dark and angry
>"My worthless brother Zephyr on the other hand...", She starts before continuing, "He never tries to take care of himself, he's greedy, arrogant, spoiled, and ungrateful. There just isn't enough tough love in the world to fix him..."
>Fluttershy then calms herself down and turns her attention back to you, "I'll get dinner started soon, my sweet Anon~."
Definitely all for tonight. I have tomorrow off work. So I'll see what I can write up then.
Fuck... I should have proofread more. Normally I don't have a whole lot of typos and catch most of them with a quick skim during the post cool down, but there's way too many here. I'll fix it in the pone past, and I apologize.
I think you made Luna very cute
nice dubs, also a great story.
Looking forward to more
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...but(t) Big Tits also helps
Damn I wish I was a chair
Beautiful moon woman.
A Luna is fine too
she just looks so soft
Very much so
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

Or, if you want to finish it yourself, here is the incomplete painting (it too is NSFW):
I'd say if I had a thing when it comes to writing it's making characters cute. It's certainly my favorite thing to do, and it's great news to me to hear something like that. I'd even say I it's hard for me to not make villainesses cute. Like even if they're supposed to be bad and an antagonist I will still make them cute.
Yeah you do it well
Great art. I know I probably said this before but your artstyle is really adorable.
Fine updates, gentlemen. I also agree with what that other guy said about the cute villainess archetype.
I guess I can post now. I should have clarified that it's at least 20 posts or something, but if it's cool that I post whenever then I'll just go ahead.
Based on this art drawn by Pshyzo:

>The pale ceiling is the first thing to greet Wallflower's slowly opening gaze.
>Her first instinct to sit up requires more energy and less dizziness than she has.
>"Wha...t... time is it?"
>She rolls around groaning, without it being too long before she realizes she's on the floor's carpet and not her bed.
>The fibers brushing against her nipples and agitating them was a clear giveaway.
>Wallflower feels it happening as she's dragging herself forward in search for a nightstand clock that's further away than she thought.
>"Ahn..." She reacts to the feeling, sensing it occurring directly against her nipples.
>The couple of seconds it takes for her to put two and two together feels like several minutes, but she gets there:
>Why was she lying on the floor with her tits fully exposed?
>Wallflower's eyes shoot open as much as they can while she feels around herself for her Xmas outfit that must have slipped down.
>Only to find her hands probing the bare skin of her entire exposed torso.
>Panic springs forth within Wallflower as she then moves her hand further down to find that there's nothing covering her waist or crotch either.
>Wallflower's body is completely nude.
>"The fuck...?"
>Her first instinct is to cover herself with her hands, cupping one hand over one breast and forearm over the other, while her other hand is cupped over her bare crotch.
>This gives her the opportunity to sense with her hands that her nipples are suspiciously completely erect, and there's a lot of slick moisture on her pussy.
>Running her fingers in circles on each spot confirms each of these facts.
>What... why... how...
>It's only after Wallflower finds herself unable to stop working her fingers on herself does she finally remember what it was that led to this.
>The sins that had transpired and caused her to wind up naked on the floor with her body feeling all... sexually worked up...
>Back into Wallflower Blush's mind the series of events begin to flood while she touches herself.
>She shuts her eyes and begins to make her motions more consistent and deliberate.
>While slowly beginning to get off to how everything ended up leading to this moment.
>”It’s still pretty chilly outside.” Comments Celestia.
>”That’s fine, we can still have some fun inside.” Luna looks to the balcony with a grin.
>Wallflower already knows what that grin means; she’s done this enough times before to understand where this is going later tonight.
>Celestia slowly stirs the giant pot of liquid ingredients.
>”Well I’m not going to be participating this time.” Declares Celestia with her heart not fully in the words she says. “I already had enough… fun… last year.”
>Her statement is met with the distant sound of the TV chattering only as Wallflower and Luna silently raise their eyebrows at her lie.
>”I mean it!” Celestia blushes. “Sometimes, it’s nice to just… celebrate a holiday normally, y’know.”
>”Maybe if you didn’t have us around.” Wallflower giggles, glancing at the Xmas themed outfits on the coat rack.
>”Well it’s still true.”
>”Yes, sister. All of it.” Coos Luna with her face inches away from Celestia’s ear. “And here we all are. Right in close proximity to one another.”
>Celestia knows deep down how badly she has longed to rekindle the special kind of fun she would have, but wants to demonstrate that she does indeed have more ‘class’ than getting horny every other holiday or two.
>This is a lot of eggnog she’s making; this pot she’s stirring is only the first of about five or six.
>She’s still steadfast in her stance that this New Years party will be normal and have guests over to (non-sexually) have a good time.
>”Look, just remember this for me, okay?” Luna gently places a hand on her big sister's shoulder. “When you get dressed for the occasion, if you want the occasion to be the same as what mine’s going to be, just don’t put on your underwear underneath your outfit. Keep everything ‘easy access’.”
>Celestia fights inside to keep the rebellion of lust down, but Luna’s words keep the cause strong within her.
>And that was before Luna’s hand started gliding down the white and purple stripes of Celestia’s shirt down her back.
>”I guess I’ll find out if this stays on or not later at the party tonight.” Luna trails her fingertips along the indentation of Celestia’s bra through her shirt.
>”We can still get drunk if we want…” Promises Celestia. “But I just want to see what it’s like to have a normal party this time.”
>”We did that… back when we were kids. It was boring, don’t lie.” Luna trails her hand further down Celestia’s back while Wallflower watches with a lip bite. “Can’t rely on just the event or occasion to make your own moments memorable. That’s why so many people freezing their asses off watching the ball drop have to take pictures and hope something else exciting happens. Otherwise, all they really have are crummier pictures of the ball dropping than the official ones you see on TV and news articles. And those only serve to prove that you were in fact… present… no different than thousands of others. But some of the best memories are those you’ll be glad there’s no pictures of~”
>Luna's hand had made it to Celestia’s bottom halfway though that monologue, and gave her soft buttcheek a promising squeeze right through those purple pants and panties to really help her big sister pay close attention to her words.
>A crowd on the TV can be heard roaring in applause.
>Celestia lets out a quiet groan feeling her little sister put her hand all over her cake.
>”Just a little reminder of what you’d be missing out on, dear sister~”
>Celestia secretly bites her lip in response, unaware that Wallflower could see her do so.
>Lost in the heat of the moment after Luna’s grope lingered a bit, Celestia takes a forbidden ingredient and spikes the eggnog she’s preparing with it.
>This is how it’d go for the rest of the eggnog as well, all the way from the counter to the green crate to carry all of the spiked eggnog in.
>Celestia is faced with a confusing mental conflict that still has her go through with inviting guests.
>To show that she’s “serious” about having this be a normal party.
>…A normal party where all the eggnog is spiked.
>"So... then I told her that, we... could just throw a NEW Year's party this time since last year's was Christmas!" Luna takes another sip from her mug containing the last of the normal eggnog.
>But there's something else on the way...
>8:30 pm.
>”We should watch a movie before coming over next time.”
>”Yeah, we only have a whole year before that next time happens.”
>”Oh hush, it could be a party for any occasion. Not just New Years.”
>”But it wouldn’t be at Luna and Celestia’s place. Unless it’s a Halloween party, I guess.”
>”See, there we go. I think they had a Halloween party last time, did they?”
>”There was one the year before last, I think they…”
>The voices of the arriving guests disappear into a chorus of echoes in the stairwell leading up to the floor of the apartment they’re headed to.
>”Here come more of them.” Celestia calls over into the living room from the apartment’s balcony, but Luna is out of earshot.
>Wallflower is busy somewhere else as well, and Celestia decides to walk into the open corridor outside the front door herself to greet the guests after they appear around the corner.
>Just a little way to tease them with the possibility that she may have heard them talking while they were approaching the front door.
>Though they should have known by now that they could be heard from the balcony, but the more fun little moments for Celestia the better.
>By 9 pm, the apartment starts to fill up with almost an equal number of male and female guests.
>And the usual casual chatter that comes along with that.
>The eggnog for the party hasn’t been announced as ready yet, so everyone’s just going to have to wait impatiently until Principal Celestia is done with the refreshments.
>The darkened sky outside the sliding glass door to the balcony has a few distant fireworks accompanying the reflection of the city party on the TV screen in the glass.
>At some point between 9:30 and 10:00, both Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna have emerged in their Xmas outfits with a secret twist they’re not telling anyone about.
>”Oh wow, I love your outfit, Wallflower!” A guest compliments the girl’s short little red Xmas dress with a Santa hat, arm gloves and thick kneesocks to match it.
>”Thank you! I love your coat!” Wallflower responds from the deep gratitude the rare unprompted attention made her feel.
>Very “showy” outfits like this one usually help with that…
>”Aaaaaaaaand the eggnog is done!” Beams Principal Celestia while she carefully struts into the living room with the crate of eggnog bottles in her arms.
>That wasn’t the flash that just zoomed across the room to the alcohol, that was Vice Principal Luna in her slightly darker red Xmas outfit that’s a little more closely designed to actually be worn during the winter instead of summer unlike Wallflower’s outfit.
>”There’s enough mugs available for everyone! I’ve left the cabinet door open where you can get them.” Celestia announces before muttering under her breath to Luna who’s been holding a mug for several minutes now. “Of course some of us knew where they were…”
>Wallflower leans against the wall watching Vice Principal Luna gulp down her first mugful of eggnog of the night.
>With how the temperatures tonight possibly getting chilly outside, Wallflower is glad she didn’t have to walk over here after it started getting dark.
>This tube top-like Xmas outfit she has on would have allowed any cold gust of wind to lick goosebumps onto her skin.
>Though, the arm-gloves and thick kneesocks prove to be a great help in helping keep her limbs warm aside her upper thighs.
>The full-on Xmas robe Vice Principal Luna chose to wear does more justice in terms of coverage, despite her thinner striped kneesocks.
>But both of them willingly paid the price of *only* wearing these outfits with no underwear underneath for the sake of… secret excitement…
>Just because Principal Celestia decided on making this party “as normal as possible” doesn’t mean a little bit of undercover fun can’t be had.
>Wallflower knows it and Luna knows it.
>Just under these festive garments of holiday cheer are their bare naked bodies right in close proximity of the party guests.
>It may not be as exciting as other instances from the past (so far), but it’s enough to help the two at least feel as though they’re naked in public.
>The night has been dragging on with nothing else exciting really happening anyway, making it no different than your standard New Years party.
>Not much fun in just standing around talking about mundane moments that weren’t even as special as this yearly event.
>No wonder people decide to get drunk just to enjoy it.
>Wallflower Blush now gazes upon Vice Principal Luna with envy, wishing she could reach the drinking age faster and join her.
>But that risk taker who loves to strip in public in her already had other plans long before this day could arrive.
>Luna stands next to the table with the delicious aftertaste of eggnog soothing her lips and tongue.
>She soon holds the mug upside down over her face to savor those last few drops she won’t take for granted.
>”That sure is a lot of eggnog.” Wallflower points out the multiple bottles worth of the spiked drink in the crate. “Are you sure everyone’s gonna be able to finish that?”
>If this were Celestia Wallflower was talking to, she’d tell her she could “break the rules” by having whatever is left over in the days after the party.
>But Luna just mischievously raises an eyebrow at Wallflower with a knowing smirk.
>”What they don’t know can’t hurt them.” She alluded to the nature of her and Wallflower’s attire. “If anyone asks, you got the non-alcoholic version.” (there is none)
>What Luna didn’t expect was how potent the spiked eggnog would be, or how much the guests would be having.
>She didn’t really think about it that far after getting distracted by the Xmas outfit excitement.
>Wallflower isn’t hesitant to fetch her own ceramic mug from the cabinet and pour some eggnog out of the bottle.
>Time to figure out what it was Luna’s been enjoying this whole time.
>And the taste that slips past Wallflower’s lips is very telling.
>Luna’s “I know, right?” glance gives Wallflower all the approval she needs to take an even bigger sip of this creamy drink.
>”Mmhhh…” Her voice barely echoes into the mug after she gulped down enough to make enough space in it.
>She cutely shuts her eyes and loses herself in the taste of the delicious eggnog she gulps down, both hands holding the mug.
>A couple of the other guests begin to drink more and more of the eggnog too.
>Vice Principal Luna has begun to down more of her second mugful of spiked eggnog by 10:30 pm, already beginning to feel warmer all over her body.
>Wallflower is barely halfway done with her first mugful of eggnog, but she figured it’ll start to affect her earlier than it’s affect Luna at this same amount since she’s more lightweight than the school’s Vice Principal.
>”Won’t be long before the countdown now.” One of the guests watches the shot of the news camera panning to the ball on the TV screen.
>And so, the special night slithers on...
>Principal Celestia finally notices Wallflower drinking out of her eggnog mug.
>A twinge of concern makes its way to her mind, but only for a split second.
>She figures it’s not that big of a deal.
>Wallflower continues to enjoy her spiked eggnog in peace while exchanging glances with Vice Principal Luna.
>Celestia is careful not to inebriate herself with too much of the spiked eggnog, not as careless about it as her sister and student are.
>The Xmas outfit Principal Celestia has on is also just as red as the other two, except it’s a more publicly appropriate sleeveless turtleneck sweater that turns into a knee-length dress at the lower half.
>Just something both festive and appropriate for this normal party with spiked eggnog.
>A male guest doesn’t take long to notice Wallflower showing off her bare upper thighs and bare shoulders… with armgloves and kneesocks to lewdly emphasize the focus them.
>But he averts his eyes away from her.
>But someone who doesn’t do so is Luna.
>Another couple of sips of the thick silky beverage has her checking Wallflower out from across the room.
>That strapless little Xmas dress is really short now that Luna thinks about it.
>Wallflower constantly has to tug the top back up after it occasionally slips down enough to start showing too much of her cleavage… a necessary task for one who isn’t wearing a bra underneath.
>But she’s not wearing panties either, knowing tugging the mini dress up too far will expose her naked soft ass and bare pussy to anyone looking.
>She’s been careful not to raise her legs up too high, even though the risk of someone seeing excites her so.
>She soon pulls the top of her dress up once again; there’s juuuust enough fabric over Wallflower’s naked body to cover everything it needs to.
>But it’s not like Wallflower is afraid of her nipples slipping out after another swig or two of the eggnog.
>She really just likes the feeling of the fabric dragging across her bare braless nipples underneath that begin to stiffen a tiny bit in response… just enough to almost show through and give Luna something nice to look at as she still ogles her body in this moment.
>Ignoring other people at the party talking about sports and tv shows and whatnot, Wallflower reciprocates by noticing the front of Luna’s Xmas outfit open into a cleavage revealing gap after its belt is loosened slightly.
>She lids her eyes into the outfit’s slowly opening at Vice Principal Luna’s visible cleavage that shows even more when the woman leans forward to pour her third serving of spiked eggnog.
>The secret between the two of them becomes even more exciting when her eyes are able to pick up on the small mounds showing how perky Vice Principal Luna’s naked breasts just underneath the red fabric are.
>Luna instantly notices where Wallflower’s Blushing eyes are wandering and silently giggles, purposely leaning forward again for no reason.
>Other than to give Wallflower a better view.
>The hairs on the back of Luna’s neck stand up as soon as she realizes there might be even more eyes looking down her top at her soft braless tits…
>All Wallflower would need to do is locate the memory stone and this can be taken as far as she wants without consequences.
>The evidence of Wallflower’s lack of underwear starts to become more evident as her own nipples continue to stiffen from arousal against occasionally dragging fabric, and now clearly show through her outfit.
>The attention this gradually begins to bring her was already welcome before this point.
>But the eggnog may have done wonders in making Wallflower almost want to demand attention to her body.
>Luna’s still giving her the most attention, complimenting her state of “pokiness” with a grinning lip bite.
>After Luna takes another long swig of her current mugful of spiked eggnog, Wallflower does the same… ready to feel even better with her body’s thinly wrapped nudity beginning to become noticeable.
>It’s just after 11 pm now, and Wallflower Blush needs to refill her ceramic mug if she wants more eggnog.
>Swinging her hips with her smooth inner thighs rubbing together each step, Wallflower Blush saunters over to the crate of alcoholic eggnog on the table in the living room where Vice Principal Luna stands.
>”Hey there…” Luna checks Wallflower out with prying eyes. “Must be chilly in here~”
>Wallflower Blush deviously giggles as she feels Vice Principal Luna’s eyes leering her body, lingering the most over her erect nipples poking through her small Xmas dress that has absolutely nothing under it except Wallflower’s naked body~
>”I was gonna ask you the same thing… Vice Principal Luna~” Wallflower notices Luna’s big perky nipples doing the same through that fabric as her own do…
>”Perhaps we’re both deviating from the dress code tonight, aren’t we?” Vice Principal Luna speaks as though they’re back in the hallways, for playfulness of the moment.
>”I’m not in trouble, am I~?” Wallflower Blush pours more alcoholic eggnog into the mug she’s holding.
>”I’m sure I can get us both off if we do get in trouble.” Vice Principal Luna pours herself another mugful of eggnog as well.
>”I can help you get us off if you want.” Wallflower promises with her eyes studying her Vice Principal’s curves.
>”It can surely be arranged~, I’m sure my dear big sister wouldn’t mind…”
>All of the other guests have had their own share of the eggnog as well.
>Albeit not the amount so far that Wallflower chugs down the second half of solely for the sweet creaminess of it.
>Luna licks her lips at her with a wanting glare that watches the girl gulp down the same beverage that made her loosen up her own restraint (and outfit’s belt) around these party guests.
>Wallflower Blush goes back to checking out Vice Principal Luna’s gradually unraveling Xmas outfit that dares to display more of her cleavage.
>Vice Principal Luna giggles knowingly. “See anything you like~?” She watches Wallflower Blush accentuate her own cleavage with a gentle press from both her arms before facing away and tugging her short Xmas dress up to break the bottom’s tension into slipping up and exposing Wallflower’s soft underbutt… “I know I do~”
>It’s soon past 11:30 pm.
>Luna paces herself with the next eggnog she’s drinking while watching Wallflower down her next one.
>The curve of Wallflower’s lovely soft rear was only enough to hold the bottom of her mini Xmas dress over it until she tugged the slutty garment up just a little bit too much.
>Now as they partially peek out, the soft undersides of Wallflower’s nude buttcheeks jiggle to her stumbling around, in turn making the already hiked up bottom of the clingy little Xmas dress ride up her increasingly bare cheeks even more~
>A lot of eyes are on Wallflower Blush’s sexy ass from behind her back… she can feel their gazes…
>She can feel the lowest section of the fabric continue to drift upward along her bare skin, scrunching more and more at her wide hips.
>The excitement bubbling up inside of Wallflower causes her to teasingly swing those hips with a deepening blush knowing what a couple of guys behind her must be seeing.
>Everyone else has had at MOST a mug and a half’s worth of the spiked eggnog, while Wallflower is now on to eagerly pouring her third one.
>Everyone at the party in the living room who’s paying attention can now see more and more of Wallflower’s bare naked ass as she scans the dark sky outside of the sliding glass door leading to the balcony.
>”Miss Wallflower Blush…” Vice Principal Luna approaches her from behind, enamored eyes on the prize and voice quiet enough to just between the two of them. “Your dress~…”
>The oscar would have to go to someone else who’s better at pretending they didn’t know what was going on.
>But Wallflower tries her darnedest to act surprised through her excited giggling.
>”Oh my~…” Wallflower makes no effort to pull the front over the tiny bit of her exposed vulva peeking out for the world to see.
>The soft slap of Vice Principal Luna’s hands colliding with Wallflower Blush’s naked buttcheeks in a lustful grab is louder than either of their voices are.
>Even the reactive giggle that subsequently escapes Wallflower was quieter.
>A few of the guests have already dedicated their attention to the two of them by now.
>Still trying their best not to glance over at the show going on and pretend to either not know or not care.
>But their acting isn’t much better than Wallflower’s right now.
>The guests who actually haven’t noticed what’s going on, meanwhile, are starting to feel the effects of the spiked eggnog for themselves.
>It drives a couple of couples to start up buzzed makeout sessions, as soon as they quickly migrated to a corner of the apartment that’s more private.
>The more Vice Principal Luna presses and brushes herself up against Wallflower from behind in a feeble attempt at “covering her”, the more the contact messes with her Xmas outfit’s belt, causing it to loosen even more.
>There’s nothing else keeping the front of Luna’s buttonless, zipper-less, Xmas robe from flying all the way open but that one belt, and she knows it all too well.
>Meanwhile, this intense brushing up against the bottomless girl in front of her is only caused by non-serious fight Wallflower puts up trying to stop Luna’s hands from lifting the bottom of her clingy little dress up even more…
>Wallflower gasps anxiously, turned on by both feeling Vice Principal Luna’s naughty hands insistently assisting the bottom of her dress in getting scrunched all the way up to her waist and beyond, and feeling the softness of Vice Principal Luna’s big luscious tits deliciously pressing onto her back.
>With the back of her shoulders feeling an idea of just how much of Vice Principal Luna’s cleavage must be showing from how much soft bare skin she feels there.
>”Want me to turn you around~?” Luna teasingly challenges, getting very little actual objection out of Wallflower.
>Wallflower can see her reflection in the glass of the sliding door, a preview of the jaw droppingly sexy bottomless display the guests would witness.
>Her Xmas outfit gets further scrunched up to her midriff as if she wasn’t exposed enough, soon forced to hike up high enough to even expose Wallflower’s bellybutton~
>Luna drunkenly gropes Wallflower’s tits, running her fingers up and down her erect nipples to nudge them into stiffening even more… “Wanna show everyone our secret~?” Her hands drops to caress the smooth skin of Wallflower’s bare tummy.
>Wallflower’s heart beats at a drumroll’s pace while Luna tightly holds her from behind and begins to spin her around.
>She can only half heartedly kick her legs, arms restrained by Luna’s immobilizing bear hug from behind.
>A side view of Wallflower’s leg, naked all the way up past her bare hip with an obvious absence of panties, soon catches the male attention in the room even more than her sexy reflection they could barely see in the sliding glass door.
>No one seems to see anything wrong with this, not even the female guests.
>In fact, no one even notices the clock going past 11:45 pm as the ball drop on TV gets ready to happen in the coming several minutes.
>Wallflower’s and Luna’s breathing each increase in pace as lustful adrenaline charges through their veins to the drumrolls of each of their heartbeats.
>Wallflower’s labored breaths hitch in her throat when she sees the reflection of how many guests are curiously looking.
>Curiously watching.
>Celestia was off in the kitchen sneaking a few secret bites of the cake when she caught one of the couples making in the laundry room.
>Instead of confronting them, she averted her blushing gaze and pretended not to notice.
>But these two seemed to actually not notice this encounter for real, lost in eachother’s mutually locking mouths in their intimate moment of couple’s bonding (fueled by the eggnog Principal Celestia spiked).
>Secretly working on the slice of cake on the tiny paper plate, Principal Celestia darts her eyes back and forth wondering if anyone will catch her sneaking a preliminary slice for herself before the cake is presented after midnight.
>Her gluttony has overridden her guilt, her cheeks puff out as she chews the sweet fluffy goodness of the morsels in her mouth that distract her from the noises coming from the living room:
>Wallflower cackles loudly while LunaMs hands can’t help but feel her up in the process of spinning her around. “Wait… lemme put my drink down first!”
>A couple of drops had already made their way to the carpet in front of the sliding glass door.
>Still not enough to beg Celestia to vacuum them up.
>Wallflower picks the ceramic mug back up as Luna stands in the way of everyone’s view of her.
>Looking down, Wallflower Blush bites her lip at the beautiful sight of Vice Principal Luna’s absolute cleavage, the edges of the open upper half of her loosening Xmas robe barely clinging onto her big supple swaying tits~
>Even this alone would be a sweet sight for hungry eyes, and are already a soft pair of assets for Wallflower’s drunkenly groping hands…
>Luna gets ready to take one final chug of her spiked eggnog while letting Wallflower explore her busty exposed chest as if this were the first time.
>”You helping me with my outfit…, Miss Wallflower Blush~?” Vice Principal Luna mutters in a low seductive drunken slur.
>”Something like that…” Wallflower lustfully massages her vice principal’s improperly clothed tits with a lidded gaze. “I definitely see something I like~”
>Luna finished her final chug of eggnog for now, letting some of it drip out the side of her mouth as she sets the mug down then reaches around to grope Wallflower’s soft naked asscheeks… pulling the bottomless girl closer.
>Wallflower lets the kiss be initiated and encouraged, leaning into it as much as Luna does.
>She gently bucks her hips into Luna’s presence in agreement with the vice principal’s groping pull, still groping her big supple boobs sincerely enough to make the outfit fall away more and allow Vice Principal Luna’s areolae to slip out into Wallflower’s direct touch.
>The sweet taste of the eggnog is shared between mouths as their lips lock deeper and deeper, opening the mashing encounter for tongues to begin expressing how deep and intimate they want the kiss to REALLY get~
>Wallflower Blush tangles tongues with Vice Principal Luna, needing more of that eggnog on her tastebuds that was left behind in Luna’s mouth…
>A needy moan is exchanged back and forth between their softly latched together mouths tasting one another, like a lewd game of tennis with sounds of their drunken arousal leaving their lungs and tickling one another’s faces…
>The two of them enthusiastically continue making out with fiery passion in their eyes.
>The lack of coherence in their motions greatly made up for in pure untamed fervor for one another.
>All of which is felt between lips and tongues mixing eggnog and saliva together between the wet course surfaces cooperating in a lick-wrestling match.
>And the passionate moans grow longer along with the amount of minutes that have gone by.
>Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna are lost together, wrapped up in this drunken embrace made up of hands groping asscheeks and other hands groping breasts.
>Heads tilting at opposite angles to ease the mutual locking of softly mashing lips staying wide open to let the course wet surfaces of their tongues tightly intermingle against one another coated in warm saliva and eggnog.
>Wallflower didn’t realize Vice Principal Luna was directing her away from the sliding glass door and back into the middle of the living room.
>Wallflower’s sexy naked asscheeks and thighs tantalizingly jiggle every time she takes a step…
>And Vice Principal Luna makes damn sure to keep Wallflower’s Xmas dress scrunched up so everyone can see the beautiful form of Wallflower Blush’s lower nudity still featuring kneesocks that don’t cover what matters most.
>The spiked eggnog has already gotten to everyone’s heads, containing a lot more of something special than Principal Celestia realized she had put into it.
>It has become blatant and un-ignorable.
>They stop in their tracks at the sight of Wallflower’s bottomlessness she doesn’t yet realize everyone can now plainly see.
>Luna’s hands grope Wallflower’s bare asscheeks and gently spank them to put arousing ripples into their jello-y softness.
>Still lost in the passionate kiss, Wallflower mashes lips and tongues with Vice Principal Luna for at least another minute.
>She let’s out a long sigh after the kiss finally breaks, feeling butterflies dancing around her head as her lidded eyes cries pupils in a daze of disoriented love and lust.
>A quick glance around to read the room finally makes it dawn upon her:
>Wallflower Blush glances down upon her bare naked lower half, nothing covering her naked pussy as her lone dress is still scrunched up above even her lewd bellybutton…
>Wallflower deeply blushes beet red in the face with her clumsy hands trying to pull her intentionally malfunctioning Xmas outfit back over her nudity.
>”W-wait… I-“ Wallflower fails to even pull the fabric back over her sexy bare tummy, suddenly ambushed with another disarming kiss from Luna that ceases her futile efforts to cover her beautiful bottomless nudity…
>Many eyes are laid upon the bare wide hips and soft thighs that beg for attention.
>Wallflower feels the figurative drumroll of her heartbeat intensify into terrified but horny thunder when she processes the absolute amount of eyes staring straight at her sexy naked pussy.
>Luna’s grip on Wallflower’s arms by the elbows keep her from even covering her smooth bare pussy with her hands…
>Wallflower’s mind spins and races back and forth trying to figure out where she last remembers putting the memory stone.
>But her train of thought gets all scrambled up again when the distraction of Luna’s tongue sliding and pushing hers around into wrestling it back take over.
>Wallflower’s hands aimlessly flail with no certainty or strength without even covering an inch of her exposed body back up.
>She stays exposed with everyone staring at her naked pussy while she can only focus on swapping more saliva with Vice Principal Luna in the open-mouthed liplocking~
>Their tongues repeatedly invade eachother’s mouths and share the same faint eggnog taste that lingers in their mixing saliva…
>Luna grabbed the mug Wallflower had set down while the girl was entranced by their excited tongues rubbing and pressing against one another…
>The kiss slightly breaks several times with thick strings of saliva connecting their mouths and tips of their tongues before the deep kissing is addictively dove back into like the two of their liplocking mouths are too magnetically attracted to be kept apart.
>Wallflower sighs through her nose while feeling Luna’s free hand continuously massage her naked buttcheeks with a few erotic light spanks… sending another slight ripple across her soft flesh every time…
>As the punishing hand spanks Wallflower’s soft naked asscheeks, the rewarding one gets ready to help her mouth drink more forbidden eggnog as soon as the wild sloppy kiss loudly parts for long enough…
>It’s clear to both of them that they’re drooling over eachother, because of the long stretch of their mixed saliva that spans between their wet parting mouths as their amorous bedroom eyes stay fixed in eachother’s gazes while in front of everyone in the living room.
>Luna guides Wallflower’s mug of spiked eggnog to the girl’s lips and encourages her to swig almost all of what’s left into her mouth.
>Doesn’t give Wallflower time to swallow it before diving into round 2 of deep, deep kissing.
>The thick creamy load of eggnog is made to be shared between their passionately locked-together mouths.
>Their jousting, mutually prodding tongues immerse themselves in the sweet delicious taste of the silky eggnog.
>Happily trapped together deep inside of this thirsty, horny makeout session.
>Wallflower’s tongue frantically licks Luna’s tongue that licks directly right back onto her licking…
>So many ways Wallflower could think of to describe this interaction with Vice Principal Luna.
>Little by little, the murky, creamy load of eggnog gets split up into two and swallowed down each beautiful young lady’s throat in a sensual conversation of lewd gulping…
>Still making out the sweetness of the eggnog, Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna stay lost in the sexy taste of eachother’s deeply liplocking mouths and furiously wrestling tongues.
>Coating their wet, beyond-friendly tongue-wrestling match in several quiet strained groans together~
>”Mmmmmmmmhhhh~… mmmmmmmwuh~…” Vice Principal Luna finally releases Wallflower Blush, and lets the countless strands of their mixed saliva getting longer between both sets of lips and tongues tell everyone watching how deeply they made out with one another.
>Vice Principal Luna feels the front of her Xmas robe falling even further open, now loose enough to give everyone a view straight inside at where her sexy erect nipples softly nudge into the fabric from the inside now~
>With disoriented lidded eyes, Wallflower Blush reflexively yanks her hot little Xmas dress back down on one side the best she can, only finding that she accidentally grabbed the middle of it, above where the bottom was scrunched up.
>The bottom of the fabric didn’t even make it to Wallflower’s naked pussy at first, but the top has been forced down enough to let Wallflower’s naked tits slip out into the open…
>Wallflower watches the guests stare at her exposed nipples before the chilly draft in the room making her bare nipples harden all the way makes her realize what just happened with her clothes.
>Wallflower’s delayed drunken reaction only weakly tugs one side back up with her free mugless hand the best she can while Vice Principal Luna feels the belt of her own Xmas outfit come all the way undone, not bothering to fix it…
>Luna’s robe is forced to finally give in completely and limply fly open for all the guests to gaze upon her drunken nudity…
>Wallflower’s horny gaze locks onto Luna’s unveiled nakedness, ogling Luna’s big soft swaying tits, sighing in excitement at Luna’s smooth bare pussy, and drinking in all the rest of of Luna’s lovely curves that strike her eyes with lust at once.
>She didn’t notice Luna grab her wrist and bring the mug up to her own mouth to steal half of the last of her eggnog.
>Stealing it only to share it~
>”10! 9! 8! 7! 6!…” The voices on the TV aren’t even noticed by anyone in the entire apartment.
>Principal Celestia realizes with a mouthful of her second slice of cake that she’s about to miss the big moment and rushes out to the living room.
>Only to discover the beginning of the real fun.
>Wallflower's stoic drunken gaze has gone blank as she stays lost in the disarming sensation of Luna’s tongue once again prodding into her mouth, forcing her own tongue to prod back in response~
>Luna wants both Wallflower’s and her own pussy to be completely exposed at once, and her own wide open Xmas robe is weakly slipping down her arms away from her shoulders, displaying her sexy naked body that touts nothing else but a thin tight pair of striped kneesocks~
>Wafflower is too lustfully tranquilized by the deep tongue kiss coupled with Vice Principal Luna’s soft naked breasts mashing into her to pull the fallen top of her Xmas outfit all the way back over her own exposed tits~
>Luna’s knee intentionally pushes the bottom of Wallflower’s outfit back up on one side to successfully expose Wallflower’s naked pussy once more~
>All while Wallflower only manages to pull her outfit up on that side enough to briefly cover one of her tits while the other one stays fully exposed, jiggling deliciously while Wallflower stumbles back against the wall before Luna’s larger naked breasts softly brush and graze against Wallflower’s naked chest as the top of her own outfit falls all the way back down~
>Celestia feels a shiver dance up her spine that can’t decide if it’s mortified, embarrassed, or aroused: “LUNA WE HAVE GUESTS OVER!”
>Principal Celestia rushes over to the lewd scene driving a stake into the heart of the appropriateness of her party as the fireworks continue to flash and sound off outside.
>”We we’re.. th-this was supposed to be…” The words can’t form a complete sentence under Principal Celestia’s already dwindling authority.
>She stammers while trying to shield Luna and Wallflower from view, scrambling her hands all over them in attempt to re-dress them.
>But the attempt is too clumsy and uncoordinated, unable to pull the falling robe back up from Luna’s elbows or get the top of Wallflower’s mini dress to stay over her tits.
>”What are you two doing?! We have guests!!” Shivers Celestia with her trembling hands accidentally brushing up against smooth warm bare skin too many times to keep a blush from forming under her wandering eyes…
>After a few more rushed seconds, Celestia opts to push Luna into the bedroom as she places the blame squarely on her for this.
>But her hands sunk from Luna’s upper back to her lower back… then to her soft round ass as soon as curiosity slipped the action into Celestia before she could correct herself.
>”C-cover yourself up!” Celestia couldn’t stop herself from giving Luna’s soft naked asscheek a turned-on squeeze. “I mean it!”
>Celestia’s eyes watch Luna’s bountiful naked breasts enticingly sway with a few lewd jiggles that beg for her hands to “cover” them~
>”This is the party now, sister…” Luna runs her hands along her older sister’s curves with a slur in her speech. “The guests love seeing us…”
>”No they d-“ Celestia’s breath hitches in her throat the second she notices the surprising number of both male and female guests with their hands inside of their underwear.
>”Wha…” Principal Celestia looks on in sheer disbelief as the very people she wanted to shield the lewd from view of are playing with themselves to the very sight.
>”Th-they don’t want to see…” Celestia resumes anyway but knows how false her words would be, trailing off as she sees pairs of underwear being pulled down to give space for erect cocks to receive slow rhythmic strokes that will speed up the longer this continues.
>Celestia was too distracted by the sudden chance in her circumstances to see how Wallflower took her Xmas outfit the rest of the way off.
>But the removed dress flies into Celestia’s face after several more seconds, and the woman yanks it away from blocking her view only to find -albeit festive armgloves and kneesocks- a very naked Wallflower Blush masturbating back to the guests masturbating to her state of decorated nudity~
>She’s lost all control and restraint, stroking her middle finger between her bare vulva lips with enough force to gently shake her soft bare tits around for the guests stroking and rubbing to her.
>All of their attention is on Wallflower’s proudly naked assets and privates that are accentuated by the armgloves and kneesocks concentrating the focus to them.
>Luna suddenly eyes her sister up and down. “You secretly wanted to join us all along, didn’t you?”
>”Wh-what? No I…” Celestia trails off again when she figures out what it was that gave it away.
>Principal Celestia could try to talk her way out of it all she wants, but Luna knows Celestia’s nipples well enough to point out that Celestia herself isn’t wearing a bra under her Xmas outfit.
>Celestia hadn’t realized the groping her hands have been doing on her sister’s tits, but gently squeezing the soft naked swaying funbags turned Celestia on enough to make her own nipples get harder and harder through the top of her sweater dress, revealing the truth to anyone looking.
>”Why fight it? You’re dressed for the occasion, and you’re getting really turned on too~!”
>Celestia looks around the room but only feels Wallflower hug her from behind and push her into her naked sister, sandwiching her between the two.
>”Th-that’s not true! Let me go this instant!” Celestia’s begs turn into meaningless words as they hang in the air.
>”I noticed too…” Wallflower gropes Celestia from behind, surveying with her fingers the damning evidence of her erect braless nipples poking out through her clothing…
>Luna plants a deep searing kiss onto Celestia’s lips before she could object.
>Wallflower can also be tasted in this kiss, Celestia recognizes the girl’s flavor on Luna’s tongue as the unnecessary evidence intoxicates Celestia’s train of thought into derailing enough to get her to obediently endure the long deep kiss with her little sister.
>Lost too in the wonderful taste of Luna’s mouth and the delightful feeling of Luna’s squeezable breasts cupped in her hands, Celestia can sense her defenses rapidly eroding as she stands still in aroused shock.
>Wallflower suedes the opportunity to survey Principal Celestia’s curves wrapped in that clingy Xmas sweater dress, noting the lack of indentations on Celestia’s sexy wide hips as well.
>”You’re not wearing panties either.” Wallflower openly declares while Celestia and Luna finally break their not-so-one-sided kiss with a moist pop between their mouths.
>”I-It’s not true…” Celestia looks over to the guests, unconfidently sticking by her blatant lie.
>Principal Celestia feels Vice Principal Luna and Wallflower Blush gently feel her up while facing her towards the drunkenly aroused guests now gratifying themselves to her being included in this erotic picture.
>Principal Celestia’s squirming body is throughly examined and felt up by Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna.
>They caress their hands up and down Celestia’s beautiful curves with little to no restraint.
>The scent of the alcoholic eggnog in their hot breaths tells Celestia all she needs to know about how inevitable what she has brought upon herself is.
>With a panicked lip bite, she tries her best not to stare at the lewd way the guests are gratifying themselves to her erotic situation.
>Wallflower and Luna feel intense flattery for being enjoyed on this special night in this way, with Luna letting her robe fall all the way to the floor in a silky little mountain of dark red.
>”My dear sister here isn’t wearing any underwear either~!” Chimes Luna with her face bright red with intoxicated arousal. “She was naked under that outfit too the whole time! She knew where this party was going~…”
>The words already feel like they’ve stripped Celestia bare through sound alone.
>”N-not true!” Trembles Celestia, the power in her voice wavered by eager hands cupping her soft breasts with a few playful squeezes… fingers and soft smooth skin separated by nothing but one thin layer of fabric that Celestia’s stiffening nipples proudly poke through~
>”How about you join us, sister…” Luna begins to slide her open palm down Celestia’s lower back, forcing a tingle up her spine before letting her caressing hand linger on Celestia’s big soft buttcheeks that jiggle in their clingy fabric prison after a lewd firm spank~
>The squeal Celestia let’s escape her lungs gives away the arousal she’s trying her best to hide under that no-nonsense exterior that “totally wanted a normal party”.
>But her horny shame begins to wind up like a toy when Luna’s and Wallflower’s hands work together to hold Celestia in place while dragging the bottom of her clingy sweater dress up, revealing more and more of Principal Celestia’s soft smooth thighs…
>With a series of excited giggles becoming harder to hide inside, Celestia panics and almost genuinely tries to pull herself free before Luna peppers sweet little kisses up and down her neck, stunning her.
>The part of Celestia that wants to order the guests not to stare at her compromised state of sexual peril gets quieter but more desperate as more of Celestia’s sexy thighs are exposed inch by inch.
>Her situation is quickly spiraling out of control, and it cannot be escaped or reversed.
>Celestia twists her body more to somehow stop her naked legs from being fully unveiled to the leering crowd, unwittingly showing off her curves for their enjoyment while multiple hands caress her and feel her body all over.
>Even feeling herself getting felt up like this makes her body shudder with anxious arousal, responding *very* positively to all this playful sexual touching.
>Celestia tries her best to hold the bottom of her outfit over herself, with her hands outnumbered and the bottom of her clingy sweater dress getting forced up by hands dragging the bottom of the fabric to her hips more and more.
>Celestia yelps to everyone being able to see her sexy thighs now completely exposed, no longer dressed “appropriately”, but Wallflower and Luna keep going anyway…
>Principal Celestia swore she was wearing panties, but the truth is exposed when the middle of her outfit is scrunched at her tummy.
>The bottom is slowly dragged up the soft wobbling roundness of Principal Celestia’s naked bubble butt~
>The fabric is hiked all the way up her buttcrack by Wallflower’s groping hand upon those big soft cheeks that has its turn to make them jiggle with a couple of kinky spanks~
>”I… I-I…” Principal Celestia can’t pretend anymore as the bottom of her Xmas outfit is lifted away along her smooth skin,
>Wallflower and Luna just keep going, exposing Principal Celestia’s naked pussy to all the guests’ self-gratifying delight~
>”No. Panties.” Insistently concludes Luna with her hand snaking its way around Celestia’s creamy naked thigh towards her bared crotch.
>Celestia panics again with her hands desperately trying to tug the bottom of the fabric back over her exposed pussy despite the cat already being out of the bag.
>She only loses to Wallflower’s continued advances and finds her outfit scrunched up above her cute bellybutton to now also expose her sexy tummy…
>It didn’t take a lot to pull the cloth all the way up Principal Celestia’s sexy midriff, especially after the back was forced to free Celestia’s big soft naked ass that was packed inside of that clingy fabric.
>But the heaving softness of Principal Celestia’s huge boobies still puts up a fight despite her beautiful bottomless state already telling enough truth.
>There’s nothing Celestia can say anymore… everyone knows she was just as horny and underwear free as the other two, and the guests have no problem with it, instead furiously masturbating to her delicious state of increasing exposure…
>Luna’s naughty hand finally makes it to Celestia’s sexy naked pussy and juts it’s way between her smooth bare vulva lips to her sensitive clit…
>Celestia’s heart races like a jackrabbit in response to Luna making her curl her toes and tense up all over her body with each sensual rub along the slit of her bared sex~
>Luna’s fingers insisted that Celestia’s supple sex begin to drool for her and the guests.
>Not giving her big sister a break until she feels that slipperiness spread all the way to her inner thighs.
>Am electrifying shock of unbridled lust tumbles it’s way up from Celestia’s core along her spine to the back of her neck where her hairs stand up.
>Celestia trembles.
>She shoots her hips around, unable to escape the incredible treatment from Luna’s nimble fingers.
>With a louder and more high pitched squeal, Celestia trembles even harder as she can do nothing but endure.
>Oh what a cruel fate Luna has brought upon her poor sister.
>Holding her still, completely bottomless before the party guests, horny and humiliated while everyone stares her down and masturbates to her semi voluntary exposure…
>Wallflower runs her hands up and down Celestia’s sexy naked curves, caressing from her silky thick thighs all the way up to just below Principal Celestia’s smooth armpit with the fabric bunched in her rising grip…
>With no drive left to stop Wallflower and Luna from continuing to strip her all the way naked, Celestia surrenders to the truth everyone already knew.
>The fabric still resists with tension at the underside of Principal Celestia’s busty pair of breasts, but it’s only another second before the material gives up and lets those big bouncing tits finally drop all the way out with a soft slap, showing everyone how much Celestia’s bare nipples hardened from the stimulation she’s enduring from Luna.
>Celestia’s face stays as red as her Xmas outfit now bunched up beneath her chin while her naked breasts gently shake to Luna fingering her for all to see, big hard erect nipples shamelessly perking out at all onlookers.
>Celestia watches their eyes study and explore her beautiful nude form, like they’re working their tools and equipment to paint a picture with sexual fluids of Principal Celestia’s sexy naked body she was forced to let them see…
>The male guests are stroking their erect lengths of their shafts and the female guests are stroking between their moistening vulvas.
>The inside-out red fabric is lifted to cover Celestia’s face, but she can still feel the guests staring at and frantically masturbating to her soft curvaceous naked body~
>She almost feels disassociated with what she can’t see, and responsively leans into Wallflower and Luna groping her soft assets and caressing her voluptuous curves~
>The wild blind excitement emboldens Principal Celestia into swinging her naked hips for the masturbating crowd~
>Luna’s fervently rubbing and stimulating fingers draw clear moisture onto themselves and Principal Celestia’s smooth naked vulva lips their persistent stroking is nuzzled between… Celestia’s sensitive clit takes a rewarding punishment that refuses to let up…
>Wallflower Blush squeezes Principal Celestia’s bare tits and ass to boast how soft and jiggly this woman’s naked assets are while she almost dances up against the hands feeling her up and masturbating her.
>Vice Principal Luna does the same as Wallflower with one hand and aggressively plays with Principal Celestia’s drooling naked pussy with the other, demonstrating to the masturbating guests that Principal Celestia’s beautiful naked body is feeling the same excitement they are~
>Celestia’s trapped hot breaths fill the tiny space inside her uplifted Xmas outfit, each huff seen puffing in and out where her mouth is from the outside.
>Luna plants her mouth right onto where she sees this, locking lips with Celestia through the sweater’s fabric with Celestia knowingly kissing back at Luna’s lips before her heavy breathing is finally freed to the open air once more.
>Not a lot of further pulling is needed to assist the scrunched and tangled Xmas outfit all the way up Principal Celestia’s raised arms to her wrists.
>Luna’s lips have been impatiently waiting to seize Celestia’s lips directly with her own, as passionately as her fingers have been working Celestia’s lower lips and petals between them.
>She captures her dear big sister’s lips in a searing kiss, urgently parting them with her tongue and again spreading the sweet taste of alcoholic eggnog into Celestia’s pleadingly whimpering mouth…
>Wallflower captures Principal Celestia’s stiff bare nipples between her own lips one at a time.
>The two sisters mix saliva while the guests continue to furiously masturbate to Celestia getting driven to the edge of climax.
>”Cum for the guests, sister~” Luna sighs into Celestia’s mouth through a few saliva strands between their lips.
>She gives Celestia one last deep liplock and then releases her.
>Principal Celestia stares at the guests physically enjoying the sexual display she’s now at the center of.
>Principal Celestia shudders in wanton excitement while Vice Principal Luna works those fingers between her bare slippery vulva lips into overdrive.
>She feels her horny student pulling her sexy bare nipples outward one at a time with thirsty sucks as the coil at her core threatens to break at any second.
>The masturbating guests can see it in Celestia’s eyes that stare right back at them…
>”It’s true… I was naked and horny under my outfit all along~!” Principal Celestia confesses in a squealing voice. “I spiked the eggnog~! I… WANTED this~!”
>Upon hearing the full truth finally ring out of her rapidly panting lungs, Principal Celestia uncontrollably bucks her hips as that coil at her core finally breaks and forces her into an explosive orgasm…
>She couldn’t reverse it if she wanted to~
>”I’M CUMMING~~!!! I AM CUMMING FOR ALL OF YOU~~!!!” Principal Celestia loudly announces to all the guests masturbating to her spasming, orgasming naked body, scrunched and tangled Xmas outfit binding her wrists far above her head~ “WATCH ME CUM~~~!!!”
>Vice Principal Luna, who helped her sister both verbally and physically confess the truth, hears soaked squelching noises accompanied with a dripping feeling of hot clear juices coating her hand…
>Principal Celestia embraces the overly exciting feeling of all the masturbating guests witnessing her climax crash through her body like an avalanche of boulders, letting out all kinds of animalistic hollers, squeals and other horny noises she didn’t know she was capable of making.
>Her entire nude frame trembles with mindless delight to wave after wave of electrifying pleasure.
>The punishing reward for confessing what she needed to acknowledge she did to the beverages.
>Only makes sense for her to be the first to come at her own party.
>After her skin has gotten slippery with sweat, Celestia managed to break free of the embrace, her continuing orgasm leaving her shuddering naked body not even know what it’s doing anymore.
>The sweater dress is tossed in the opposite direction while Celestia stumbles over to the front door of her apartment.
>She tries the handle but it doesn’t budge.
>It won’t even unlock, except she (and everyone else) is on the *inside* this time!
>”Oh NOW this fucking thing stops working flawlessly!!”
>Principal Celestia spins around to find the masturbating guests closing in on her after having followed her to this now dead end she’s cornered in.
>In front of them is a completely naked Vice Principal Luna, now working her fingers at her own naked pussy, using her dear big sister’s clear juices all over her hand as extra lubricant~
>Her other hand takes a final swig of the eggnog Celestia spiked, preparing to share it with her sister~
>Celestia has already unwittingly started playing with her own wet naked pussy as she faces Luna doing the same to her, missing that heated pleasure so…
>She tries to form an excuse, not realizing how close she still is to the threshold of orgasm, ready to cross it yet again:
>”Luna… sister… I can expl-gaaAaaAAAHH~~~!!”
>There’s no explaining left to do.
>Luna captures Celestia’s sweet lips in another deep liplock, placing the empty ceramic mug onto a nearby half wall.
>Each woman’s big soft pair of naked breasts deliciously mash together, symmetrically docking with erect nipples flicking and poking one another while their busty supple flesh against supple flesh sublimely grazes together soft skin against soft skin~
>Celestia’s mouth is immediately breached by Luna’s tongue that quickly finds and forces an eggnog-soaked wrestling match with Celestia’s tongue~
>”Mmmmmmhhh~” Celestia moans into her little sister’s liplocking mouth, then Luna responds by moaning back into her big sister’s quickly-liplocking-back mouth “ Mmmmmmhhh~”
>Their lidded eyes are locked in a gazing contest, tongues prodding and tangling back and forth in eachother’s eggnog sharing mouths that almost completely stay liplocked together~
>The creamy beverage leaks out a little every time their lips barely part so they can re-collide and passionately lock again, dribbling down both of their chins…
>Drips of the creamy goodness land on Celestia’s and Luna’s deliciously docking cleavage, soon trickling down between their repeatedly pressed together pairs of breasts to find its way down their smooth tummies to their naked pussies, each of which is now getting played with by the other sister~~
>Celestia and Luna lean against the door and slide down it to the floor together, guests to the party closing in on them and teetering towards their own climaxes.
>Fully surrendering to this fate together this time, Luna and Celestia moan and giggle into eachother’s mouths between gulps of warm creamy spiked eggnog.
>Grabbing and squeezing eachother’s big soft naked asscheeks while playing with eachother’s wet naked pussies and mashing supple busty pairs of tits together before noticing the first hot ropes of cum getting blasted onto them.
>Wallflower meanwhile “dances” around with a few of the horny guests in the middle of the living room.
>Her lewd armgloves and kneesocks staying on to channel the focus of all the attention on her to her sexy naked body.
>Wallflower Blush lets the horny guests pull and shove her around.
>Wallflower Blush’s soft assets enticingly jiggle to her curvy form twisting and jolting against many hands manhandling her to the carpeted floor~
>They feel her up, grab her soft ass, suck her perky tits, tongue kiss her mouth, and lick her smooth armpits and tummy before holding Wallflower’s soft thighs open while pinning her onto her back~~
>A rush of ecstasy overtakes Wallflower as the tip of one of the guest’s cock pushes its way between her soft folds, penetrating her wet entrance as the glans submerged itself with a sudden lubricated break in tension~
>The sliding glass door leading outside to the night plainly displays everything going on in the not-so-dark room…
>Wallflower drunkenly hopes the whole city is watching as the long hard cock drives it’s entire length deep into her womanhood.
>Each of Wallflower’s joyful yelp's pitches gets higher and higher between her wheezing breaths to every thrust inside of her.
>Wallflower’s cute bellybutton gets pushed forward by the cock bulge that coincides with each thrust making her bare jiggling tits softly sway to every new motion pounding her naked body.
>Straining against her own climax threshold, Wallflower Blush has it all slip out of her control anyway as the guest’s cock begins uncontrollably flinching in ejaculation stuffed inside of her clamping pussy.
>He pushes himself in all the way to his balls-deep base and fills Wallflower’s womb with the white Xmas she previously missed.
>This was the first of very many.
>It took Wallflower a few days to remember that she blasted the memory stone's magic so hard that she even forgot using the artifact itself.

Oh yeah, and the ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/10719

Also drawing right now too.
Nice stuff. Also I'd kind of like to get your take on an idea I have to do some more stand alone parts for the setting with pony people invading the human world. Mainly for the sake of doing longer parts that might feel like the drag on if I try to just shove them into the green as it is. I was also thinking parts like that could 'take place' during the Summer. Just like have a more nebulous time period during the Summer where more disconnected focused scenarios in that world can happen like Anon ending up at the rock farm as a lioness den.
>You politely wait in the dinning room at the table while Fluttershy cooks
>Taking glances into the kitchen you can see Posey Shy watching over and supervising Fluttershy's cooking
>Though not needing to do much because Fluttershy is doing pretty good with it
>Looks like she really was learning a lot form the home ec class
>She makes some delightful breaded chicken as well as fried and buttered veggies
>When she brings it in from the kitchen for you it's picture perfect
>Clearly hand crafted with pure love
>You don't even care if it tastes particularly good, you're going to act like it's the best stuff you'd ever tasted
>"It's hot from the oven, so let it cool down a bit before eating~.", Fluttershy told you in her usual ultra sweet and caring voice like an angel
>Then she gets another idea and sits close next to you
>Cutting off a bite size piece of the breaded chicken, she blows on it herself before hand feeding it to you
>You heavily blush from her doing this at the table in front of her family, but then you noticed she was blushing even more
>The breaded chicken actually is really well done and tastes great with whatever seasonings she used
>After you swallow she eagerly waits for your commentary
"It's amazingly good, Fluttershy. I don't know what seasonings you used, but it's really well done. Thanks for going to the trouble of cooking this for me.", you say graciously while praising her
>Fluttershy smiles sweetly before saying, "It's no trouble at all~. I'm just so happy you like it~."
>All the while Zephyr looks jealous with obvious latte stains still on his clothes, and also looks like he doesn't have much appetite for what Posy Shy made for the rest of the family
>You feel like you shouldn't pick a fight with him, but you do it anyway
"Maybe you wouldn't be treated like such a punk if you showed some appreciation. Your mom still made that with love and care for you.", you tell him as he grumbles before picking up a bite of his food
Right before the bite of food enters his mouth you quickly say, "Bitch."
>Fluttershy nearly spits out her food snorting a laugh while eating
>He brings the bite of food back away from his face to ask curtly, "What was that?"
You consider not going further with it but gor for it, "I called you a bitch."
>Though like a bitch he backs away from the conflict, "Oh, that's what I thought..."
>Then puts the food in his mouth and starts eating
>Meanwhile Fluttershy continues to hand feed you the food she made for you
>Seeming even happier to do so after you called out Zephyr like that
>Though Mr and Mrs Shy seem conflicted about it
>Perhaps also satisfied with you calling him out, but perhaps feeling you went too far with calling him a bitch
>After dinner you're shown a guest room to stay in for the night
>Fluttershy insists on tucking you in and giving you a good night kiss on the cheek
>She then goes back to her room, and you drift off to sleep
>Where you have another dream coming face to face with the pony Luna
>Though she seems very pleased as she's about to talk to you
>"My human counterpart is dreaming very pleasantly and very happy thanks to your better treatment of her. You have my thanks.", she tells you clearly feeling a sense of connection with vice principal Luna
>"I would not have expected it, but I share much in common with your Luna.", she further tells you as you wonder what specific things they share in common
>Though you don't have to wonder long as she elaborates on it herself
>"She may not have as many subjects, but she rules in a way. As well as her feelings of loneliness and isolation that resonate well with me, and her feelings of sibling rivalry with her Celestia lording over her nearly mirror my own."
>You couldn't just 'wait' to see if she'd bring up one particular aspect of her counterpart
"Do you also share in common wanting me to be a 'pet'?", you ask somewhat worried about the answer despite your burning curiosity
>She blushed profusely becoming very flustered remembering human Luna's sex dream about you
>"It was... A very strange and perplexing way to breed... Even among the strange dream sequences I'd seen it stands out.", she commented as it seemed like a 'no'
>"However... The idea of having a human male as a pet sounds... Interesting.", she says as a chilling tingle runs up your spine
>"I'm usually rather reclusive, and only venture outside the castle when visiting dreams. Yet your real seems an incredibly intriguing place. I may venture forth to your realm to see what all the fuss is about.", she lightly muses
>She seems ready to dismiss you before saying in parting, "Treat my human counterpart well. Be a good companion to her, and I may see you soon."
>With that the dream fades to an end
>You wake up feeling a very warm and soft sensation around you
>As your senses fully come back online you realize Fluttershy in sleeping with you now hugging you from the side like you're a body pillow
>Having clearly snuck in and slid into the bed with you once she was sure her parents were asleep
>Though the top of her chest is visible she's clearly wearing a night gown and is fully clothed even if in bed with you
>With it clearly not being time to get up yet, you go back to sleep though this time sleep normally
>Now being woken up by Fluttershy as she kisses you awake with kisses to the cheek standing over the bed
>"Good morning, my sweet Anon. Did you rest well~?", she asks acting more motherly with is just being you two
"I did, mommy Flutters~.", you say before pulling her into an embrace and cuddling with her a little
>She melts like butter in your arms adorably
"You were so cute, sleeping with me too, Mommy~.", you say as she reacts like she got caught doing something naughty
>"H-how did you know that?!", she asked very nervously
"I briefly woke up in the middle of the night before going back to sleep, and you were hugging me like I was a body pillow. It was seriously cute.", you tell her a little teasingly
>She fiercely blushes and stammers before you reassure her, "Sure, your parents might have had more to say about it if they caught you, but I don't think you did anything wrong."
>You pat her head a little, but she remains very flustered
>So you just cuddle with her a little more and she eventually calms down
"I'll get ready for school, and then let's go have breakfast.", you say as she nods before leaving to let you get ready with some privacy
>Once ready you go quickly eat some cereal with Fluttershy's family before heading out
>On the way to school you're walking with Fluttershy and Zephyr
>Though Fluttershy walks much closer to you while Zephyr keeps his distance
>Then you encounter Rainbow Dash
>She first looked to Fluttershy like she was mainly here to meet with her, but is pleasantly surprised to see you
>"Anon, I didn't expect to see you here!", Rainbow saws before getting a smug look on her face
>"Are you going to say I'm the best~? I heard from a 'certain someone' you think I'm the best~.", she said flirtatiously as you think back to having sex with the pony Dashie
>Then Zephyr speaks up instead of you, "You're the best, Dashie! Your cute portable body is the best and I could die happy if I could feel your tight cunny on my cock! Uuuuoooohhh!"
>Rainbow looks at him with disgust, "I didn't ask you! Shut up, creep!"
>Fluttershy dogpiles on him, "Don't be such a creep, Zephyr. Don't make my friend get a restraining order against you."
>She pats your head before encouraging you, "Now, why don't you tell Rainbow what you think like a good boy~?"
"Of course I'm your biggest fan, Dashie! Any competition you're at I'll be there to cheer you on. Any time you want help with anything I'll answer your call right away, and you're an athlete without equal!", you say with pride
>Dashie blushes profusely while Fluttershy pats your head some more
>"See, Zephyr. This is how you praise a girl you like. Though just leave Rainbow alone. You have to realize at this point she doesn't like you. Find a different girl to flirt with properly and not be a creep."
>Zephyr looked absolutely bodies, which he deserved
>"Hope you're ready for PE, Anon! I won't be going easy on you! If you're going to get in top shape, you have to go full steam!", she tells you fully intended to push you like a fitness trainer
>Changing the topic away from Zephyr and ignoring him
>Rainbow comes to your side and joins you during the walk to school
>Her and Fluttershy gradually getting into an arms race of getting closer to you
>Until they were both pressed into your sides hanging off your arms
>You almost worried they'd get into a tug of war over you
>Especially as you noticed Rainbow was staring with envy at Fluttershy's large chest
Got a little bit more here. I've got big things in store for the weekend in the story. I just need to come up with good stuff to happen now before that.
So was this dropped or what?I remember it was updated once but is the writefag dead? I really like this kinda story,where there are actual acknowledged differences between egg humans and earth humans.
Spectacular greens, both of you
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Thank you for sharing this one gray. It’s perfect.
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There's no EQG Pinkie thread up so I'm posting this here.
That was from here?
Candyass is pure Sex in stockings
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Cute teenage Cadence
>Need a good green idea with teen Cadence
Not sure but it is an equestria girls fic so might as well try but after reading some fics here I’m fairly sure this is just another slutquestria girls sub
>”Cadence! That uniform breaks school dress code!”
Hi, I once requested a nude edit of Sunset Shimmer (and got it delivered) here.

I have moved (back) to the /trash/ Edit Thread since then in order to request further edits, including naturally sagged breast while maintaining the same size (among others), and recently got one.


While I could notice some changes, the editor there failed to make her breast not to defy the gravity.

So I'd like to request here that Sunset Shimmer is given a naturally sagged breast.

You can remove the background or give a new one, if you have no idea how to deal with it.
Yes, Rarity would command the Typhoon-class Red October with MHD propulsion
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Oh no… they are cringe!
i physically winced at this
Is Rarity a dom or a sub?
I could see her going either way. Could depend on her mood.
>Sometimes she wants to be a dominant mistress
>Sometimes wants to act as a submissive damsel
Also she might lean more towards being dominant when she's older and more of a cougar.
>As if this wasn't busy enough Twilight was waiting for you at the entrance of the school
>Which made you remember you promised to do it with her before school
>She definitely looked horny for it standing there with a heavy blush, fogged up glasses, and drooling a bit while twitching
>Twilight practically ignored that Fluttershy and Dashie were with you as she moved to take you with her
>Fluttershy got flustered by how Twilight was acting and backed off
>Though Dashie seemed kind of naive about it and didn't want to leave your side
>"Whatcha up to, Twilight?", Dashie asked innocently
>Twilight stammered and struggled to answer once actually confronted about what she intended to do with you
>She's very eager and straight forward about it when alone with you, but can still by shy and reserved about it with others
>"It's uhhmmm, private... If you don't mind.", she said trying to be indirect about it
>Dashie doesn't seem to take the hint at all
>Still insisting on coming along, "C'mon, don't be like that! We're friends now, right? No need to be all reclusive and shit!"
>You really want to step in and say something about it, but you're not sure how without just bluntly saying 'I'm gonna go have sex with her'
>"If you don't mind, I was going to exercise with Anon. Would you want to do that?", Dashie adds
>Twilight is bashful and looks away while saying, "I was going to do a 'special' kind of exercise with him..."
>Dashie still play innocent as you unintentionally go in for the killing blow with a Freudian slip wanting to say something about exercise
"Yup, a very special kind of sexercise, errr, I mean exercise.", you say and try to correct yourself despite having already said it
>Dashie looks at Twilight with disbelief, "You? Pushing for sex?", she askes before adding, "I thought your were a super straight laced girl?"
>Twilight's face is a deep red at this point and Flutteshy has left the awkward situation entirely
>"S-sorry for secretly being a pervert!", Twilight blurts out before adding, "But I'm way too pent up and horny to not do it with him now! So please don't interfere!"
>Dashie finally backs off, but not before teasing both of you
>"Fine, but don't wear him out too much. If he falls too far before he won't get a good view of my ass running behind me~.", she said smugly before Twilight grabbed your hand and ran off with you
>She doesn't take you to the library again because there's more people there around this time
>Instead taking you to a more secluded spot outside the school
>Twilight then takes off her panties and shoves them in your pocket before insisting on getting your boxers that are more 'fresh' with your scent
>With your pants off you hand them over and she starts sniffing them right away laying on the ground with her legs spread
>Pushing you to mount her while she's holding your boxers to her nose
>Which you oblige her with without needing much persuasion as her tight pussy clamps down on you
>Even without a lot of people around she suppresses her moans with you boxers pressed into her face just on the off chance there's someone who would hear her scream and moan
>Her legs tightly wrapped around you while she looks surprisingly cute looking like she's hiding her face, even if it's again, with your boxers
>When you got close to cumming she insisted you cum inside while tightening her legs around you
>You didn't really even think about the fact that you had her in a mating press until you were pumping her womb full of cum
>After having not been drained in a while you practically feel your spunk overflowing in her and leaking out around the base of your shaft
>Twilight kisses you passionately in the afterglow of it while holding your boxers in front of her chest now, and clearly wants more
>Though the bell to go to your first class rings, and things are cut 'short' for her
>As you're both getting back up and fixing yourselves up you notice Dashie recording with her phone from behind a tree
>When she noticed you looking her way she stammers and quickly defends what she's doing
>"I don't mean anything bad by it! I just... I just kind of doubted you two were really going to do it, and started recording on reflex before I realized what I was doing!", she explained
>You trust she wouldn't use it to blackmail you, and react with the first thing that comes to mind
"Could you send me a copy of it?", you say actually curious how the video looks
>"S-sure thing!", she said stammering with a nervousness that was uncharacteristic for her
>Within short order you get a text from her with the video attached
>You don't have time to watch it now, but maybe later
"Let's get to PE.", you say as calmy as you can
>"Of course, and you better not be worn out from that!", Dashie told you returning more to her usual self
>Twilight had a deep red face as she told you, "Till next time... Also you should definitely come over to my place some time."
>Giving you a kiss on the cheek in parting before running off
>Now without her panties and leaking cum a little
>You get to the locker room and change into your PE clothes before joining the PE class
>Doing some stretches before being sent to the track again
>Before the running starts Dashie whispers in your ear, "If you beat me, you'll get to fuck me~."
>You actually feel a little ragged after pounding Twilight in a mating press, but not too much
>Not that it matters a whole lot
>You're sure you couldn't win against her in a race even if you were at your best
>Though you know Rainbow expects you to at least try to win
>So you put in your best effort to at least make it seem like you're trying to win and get to fuck her
>Even if you don't have any faith you actually could win
>During the race she often looked back at you with an extremely smug and teasing expression
>Which actually did motivate you to genuinely try to win in a way
>Like you might expect, Dashie didn't just let you win, and you lost
>While you stood hunched over and dressed with sweat heaving she did have something to say as consolation
>Whispering in you ear, "I can't risk getting pregnant, but if you keep doing your best maybe I'll still 'reward' you another way~."
>Kind of like you thought she didn't actually intend for you to win
>Merely wanting to have fun with you and get excited from the idea you'd want to fuck her without actually letting it happen
>She pats your back like she's congratulating you for your efforts before sending you off
>You're extra thorough in the showers from how sweaty you were as the hot water feels heavenly on your sore muscles
>Then as you shuffled to your next class your legs felt like they were made of lead
>When you get there Fluttershy is concerned for you while also extremely Flustered
>"D-did you r-really... With Twilight?", she asks as you nod wearily
>"Is that why you're so worn out? That must have been intense...", she says while applying some cold water to her napkin and wiping your forehead
"It wasn't just that... Dashie really gave me a work out in PE...", you say as she almost gasps super loud before catching herself
>"W-with Rainbow too?!... In the middle of class?!", she misunderstands and almost draws the attention of the rest of the class to her
"No, no... Not like that. She pushed me to run as much as I could and try to win against her on the track. Of course I couldn't do it, but I really got quite a workout trying.", you explain more clearly
>She calms down a little and shifts more towards doting on you and trying to help you recover
>You think you've recovered about as much as you can in the short term, and would need actual rest in order to fully recover
>One thing for sure is that as sore as you feel right now you'd surely be a lot more sore tomorrow
>Yet there was something very soothing about her doting and trying to heal you
>Hardly paying attention to the actual class itself and quickly catching up with what the class went over towards the end
>After the class you're heading off when the pony Fluttershy intercepts you, but the human Fluttershy intercepts her
>"He's very worn down, so please be gentle with him.", she tells her pony counterpart and they nod as they gently hold your hand and take you with them
>Instead of pushing you to fuck her she lays your head in her lap and softly hums a melody
>The pony Fluttershy's humming has an almost supernatural softness behind it that lulls you to sleep
>It's a very short nap considering that it was only a school break
>Though at the end of it she wakes you up with a kiss to your cheek, and sends you on your way
>Even if it was short, you feel a lot more rested than you would've expected
>Not 100%, but a lot better than you did before
>When you're arrive at shop class with Applejack you start to doubt this feeling of being better rested will last
All for this update. Will Anon's stamina improve to meet the challenges that lie ahead, or will he crumble and succumb to death by snu snu?
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you know you're old when you prefer your girls dressed and cute rather than naked
Do both. He holds up all the way until the VERY end and THEN he falls to the snu snu.
That's certainly one way to end a green. Though I don't really intend to do a bad end here. That was more of a tease with the actual answer leaning more towards the former.
If he does die from snu snu it'd be much later in an epilogue where it happens with him at a ripe old age.
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Being able to focus on things other then 'touch vagina' does not make you old, it makes makes you mature. Small but significant difference.
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Did we ever get a resolution to the shimmer paradox?
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No, G4 got obliterated before we could get the arc where Sunset (forma del hooves) continually living in the human world was causing harm to Sunset (forma sans hooves).
Stories not based on sex are welcome even if they tend to not be as popular. Though the thread is literally named after touching vagina. Like seriously, fingerbanging someone is literally touching vagina.
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I thought it meant making "bang bang" noises while pointing at things like you're holding a gun...
Nah, named because of the first stories in the thread involving fingering girls.
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I thought it was because of the girls fingerbanging in the show...
I love when we get newfriends that probably didn’t realize yet that this general has been going since 2013.
I mean that in a good welcoming way.
Sonata would be making noises while I 'bang-bang'-ed her
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>congratulates you for taking a dump
why is she like this
She’s a voyeur
Hebe Fleur omorashi...
>iwtcird grimmace
>bobbing up and down
they knew what they were doing... THEY FUCKING NEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING...
Oh, they more than knew what they were doing when they came up pun very much intended with Rarity revealing her Other Side
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I'm so glad they were able to put cleavage into her music video.
>"You know... for kids!"
It is for kids. It's just that some parts are more for kids than others.
>Ponka will never be your “extra fun” babysitter as a kid
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>WHOA THERE BUSTER!! What did we say about blowjobs?
>THAT'S RIGHT!! No blowjobs until after dessert! And WHEN'S dessert time?
>THAT'S RIGHT!! ALL THE TIME!! He hahah heh *snort* heh haha!
>Take out your balls. Now.
Possibly even better and more suited to the thread.
>You're a teenager like Pinkie instead of a little kid
>Pinkie still ends up looking after you because you're sick of injured.
>Pinkie engages in 'extra fun' with you
Unfff just imagine…
Will she do the secret butt fun too?
I would prefer the secret tiddies and pussy fun
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Hi again.
Warning: NSFW

Could someone remove the remaining parts of clothing off this humanized Rarity, and apply some gravity to her breasts? The zero-gravity boobs are weird as fuck, you know.

But if redrawing the breasts is out of your capacity, or if you are busy right now, you can just remove that part first. Boobs with correct physics can wait, I guess.
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This Applejack art is driving me crazy.
Especially the YEEEHAWWW! pic.
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Also NSFW warning*
I'm going to post it in the /trash/ thread.
She is cute. A CUTE!
Good stuff.
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Grace in pixel style!
(I have smaller samples too).
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Also, a Grace flag
So adorable!
If you want, you can play her game:
(Grace Sonic 1 Forever)
Unzip this folder:
Go to "mods" & enable Grace mod & Music Mod & Labyrinth Mod
Make sure the Options under Abilities & Visuals are the same.
(Note: Turn off Peelout)
(Might have to restart after enabling mods).
That looks super interesting I’ll have to give that a try.
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have something i drew of cadence
Nicely done!
>Also drawing right now too.
You’re drawing too? Neat.
Best wrestling match.
>Rainbow asked "What are we gonna do?"
>Sunset stood up and said "I'll tell you."
>"Rainbow Dash, open up our exit and then go to the lobby and harass any enemies we haven't seen!"
>"Applejack, save the kids and retrieve the officers!"
>"Fluttershy, secure our exit and keep us from being followed!"
>"Pinkie and Twilight, keep assisting from range when you can!"
>"Anonymous, you're coming with me to get Rarity!
>"Crusaders.. HIT IT!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bNf5BDiFKs [Embed]
>The Crusaders started singing on Sunset's command with Sweetie Belle taking the lead and the other three on backup.
>The words appeared again. And again it was good advice because we had been unprepared. But if things worked out we could worry about that later. Sunset and I took off at a run towards Rarity and the green haired lady, Sunset was sticking to the right side of the hallway and me to the left to give Twilight and Pinkie a clear line of sight.
>I heard alarms coming from the doors Rainbow had been told to open and then something human sized passed us going at least four times our speed and leaving a trailing afterimage of a rainbow and went into the lobby.
>Billy moved to the center-front of the Crusaders diamond formation. They had jokingly discussed what to do if someone from the cartel attacked them and now they were putting it into action. Billy was the bait to stop and tangle up the attacker while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom would attack from the flanks. Sweetie Belle was in reserve to assist whoever might need it.
>Now that the exit doors were open, Fluttershy gave a formless scream in their direction to summon all the animals in the area to her. But it would take time for them to even start to arrive.
>Commander Tempest was closing in on the younger kids in the hopes the older ones wouldn't throw explosives near them. Their singing had paralyzed the drones instantly, so at least one of these kids could do that. But which one? It looked like they had had some training too, but the gap in experience was far to great for that to make much difference. The one in the back of their formation was the main singer. Worth a shot.
>Twilight was engaging the green haired lady from range using her telekinesis (TK) with very limited results. She seemed intent on staying near Rarity, and however Twilight pushed her, she soon countered. "She's strong!" Twilight managed to get out. But only Pinkie heard her because Fluttershy was still making noise.
>Small birds were starting to fly in through the exit doors.
>Sunset reached the green haired lady at the same time I reached Rarity. Sunset threw a hard right cross to her jaw that landed! The green haired lady's head barely moved. Suddenly she batted Sunset away from her. It didn't even look like a serious attack to me but Sunset impacted the wall. Sunset would be down for a few seconds but she wasn't seriously hurt was my read.
>Also noticed that Sunset now also had longer hair and what looked like some kind of animal ears on the top of her head?
>Meanwhile I had lifted up Rarity in a princess carry in front of me. The green haired lady dashed forward as I finished standing up and grabbed my throat with her right hand. Then she LIFTED me, as I held Rarity, with just one hand! And she said "I am Lady Chrysalis. And you and yours will be sacrificed for my power and glory!"
>This.., was not an ideal situation for me! Caught by the throat, hands and arms occupied holding Rarity, and air would start being harder to come by soon. Still had my legs and I'm still to ornery to just go down though!
>Commander Tempest vaulted over Billy, who was to surprised to respond other than turning around. As she landed, she pressed the trigger on the stun wand and electricity arced between the two prongs as she closed in on the child with the two toned pink and purple hair.
>Applejack caught the wand before it hit Sweetie Belle! Then she crushed it and spun around to help bleed off momentum and bring her other hand down in an overhead strike which connected solidly. "You stay away from mah friends!" She shouted. Then she said "Okay kids, move out."
>The Crusaders nodded and started walking to the door at a uniform pace. Said door now had more animals coming through like several squirrels and a couple small dogs.
>Commander Tempest had been knocked down to the ground and her head was more than a little fuzzy, but she tried to get back up and get back in the fight. Unfortunately for her, Applejack noticed.
>I got my right foot on Lady Chrysalis' left hip. Then I twisted my body to the left for two reasons. Firstly to make it easier to get my left foot onto her right collarbone, and secondly to get her right hand behind my left shoulder.
>More animals were coming through the exit including several rats, cats, rabbits, a german shepard and a labrador retriever, and two owls. But they allowed the Crusaders by without incident.
>Applejack grabbed Commander Tempest by the ankle.
>I got my left foot onto Lady Chrysalis' right collarbone, which basically made it look like I was in a crouching position carrying Rarity.
>The Crusaders crossed the exit threshold, immediately facing the previously unseen sides with their backpacks still held in front of them, wary of any enemies the animals might have ignored.
>Rainbow Dash let go of a stanchion from the snack bar line that she had been carrying at high speed. The stanchion hit Lady Chrysalis on the back of the left knee and she became unsteady.
>Applejack swung Commander Tempest into a nearby wall, taking the fight completely out of her, but keeping the hold on her ankle.
>I straightened my legs, pushing against Lady Chrysalis' chest. But that wasn't the most important part. The important part was my shoulder was positioned to bend and possibly break her wrist due to the body mechanics of the situation. Even if her powers would protect her wrist, there was the psychology to consider. Pretty much everyone would let go rather than risk losing their wrist and thus, effectively, their hand.
>After all, with both wrists, something lost could be caught again much easier with both wrists still intact. Being also surprised by Rainbow's attack only helped my odds here. She DID let go though, so I was able to backflip and land in a standing position so smoothly that only an East German judge could hate it.
>As I landed I noticed that Rainbow was helping Sunset to stand up. Rainbow also had much longer hair, animal ears, and.. feathered cherubic wings that matched her skin tone?!?
>Remembering the speed that Lady Chrysalis had when she dashed at me, I fell backwards into a backward somersault and emerged standing up again. I hated to jostle Rarity like this, but if we were caught again it wouldn't matter.
>Applejack shouted "Twilight!" And took two steps forward and THREW Commander Tempest! Twilight understood and used her TK to extend the range of the throw while arcing it around herself and Pinkie and directly into Lady Chrysalis!
>Lady Chrysalis had just managed to stand back up when she was hit and went down again.
>Sunset looked like she was having more difficulty shaking off the hit than I had guessed so I decided to focus attention away from her and Rainbow and onto myself.
"I am Anonymous." I said. "I will not forgive. I will not forget."
>And then, seeing Sunset start to move down the hall again, I left it at that, turned around, and started moving down the hall again myself. Rainbow went back towards the snack bar.
>Lady Chrysalis knocked Commander Tempest off of her and started to stand up again when two explosions happened around her. Pinkie was back in play with our increased distance away from the enemy!
>Sunset slowed down to talk to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, change in plans. She's to powerful so get the animals out please."
>Fluttershy nodded and gave another short, formless scream. After which the animals started heading out.
I slowed down to talk to Twilight. "Hey Twilight, is there any way you might help Pinkie Aim?" I asked. I also noted that both Twilight and Fluttershy had animal ears and also feathered cherubic wings that matched their skin tone.
>Pinkie and Twilight looked at each other in surprise and got BIG smiles! Pinkie then turned away from the enemy and brought out two handfuls of candy from her pockets and started charging them in a sequence visible to Twilight.
>Under Twilight's direction, the charged candies flew out of Pinkie's hands to her left, to her right, and over her. Then they started orbiting Lady Chrysalis about five feet away and out of her reach. Then a candy timed out and exploded BEHIND her!
>Lady Chrysalis stumbled forward several steps and missed another candy getting a lot closer to her left..
>BOOM! This one took her off of her feet and into the wall! Then Twilight kept putting candies into her stomach as they were about to explode. Kicking her backwards and away from the exit.
>Sunset and I reached the exit followed closely by Fluttershy.
>Timing it carefully, Rainbow came down the hall carrying the snack bar attendant.
>Applejack shouted at Twilight and Pinkie "Time to go ladies!"
>With that, Twilight and Pinkie started running for the exit. Applejack was the last out with the fallen officers.
>Apple Bloom called out to me saying "Anonymous, we'll be ready for Rarity and the officers in about a minute." She was sitting on a camping blanket watching a full size air mattress inflate! The other Crusaders were getting supplies ready.
"That looks awesome kids!" I said.
>Sunset took a deep breath and said "Ok good job everyone!" like we were finished.
I spoke up "Excuse me, but I don't think we're finished here yet. Twilight, since we don't know the extent of her powers, can we put some heavy things against that door please?"
>Twilight looked at Sunset, who nodded, and started pushing small cars up to the doors.
"Fluttershy, if it's possible, can we have a few animals watching out for us?" I asked. "I'd like some warning if they come at us again."
>Fluttershy also looked at Sunset first and waited for her to nod. Which she did.
>Sunset said "Anon.."
"Ok," I said, "I'm sorry if I'm outside the chain of command, but my logic is this. If we were on a farm we would follow Applejack's lead. Because of relevant experience. If we were all playing soccer, we'd follow Rainbow Dash for the same reason. Am I correct?"
>Sunset said " Yeah.."
"Great." I said. "What I would like to propose is, due to my experiences at Bullworth, that when it comes to being attacked in a premeditated fashion and it's aftereffects, that I also have relevant experience. Plus I have no problems if you have to say no due to things I'm currently unaware of. Next up are more ideas for saving folks. Interested?"
>Sunset smiled and said "I see. Let's hear it."
"Rainbow Dash I have two ideas for you. First, when we opened that fire exit it tripped an alarm and now we'll have first responders coming that don't know this was a combat zone. I would like you to find them and warn them using phrases like 'shots fired' and 'officers down' and let them know we are in the north parking lot. Second, find a dedicated ambulance and get them here in a similar fashion."
>Then we both looked at Sunset who nodded instantly.
"And that's all I've got until the kids need first aid advice. I only wanted to protect us and friendlies." I said to Sunset. Then I said "Oh those are horse ears. I suppose that makes a kind of sense. They look good on you." I said with a smile.
>Pinkie said "Wow Nonny! You seem to be taking us having super powers REALLY well!"
"Well.., we're all going to have a talk about that once we're safe and Rarity and everyone can participate. But the short version is, as a comic book nerd, coping with this is in my wheelhouse. It also means I find understanding your powers easy so far. Heck if it wasn't raining we could have this all wrapped up inside of a day."
>Sunset's eyes went wide and she asked "How?"
"Animals could track their scents if Fluttershy asked. After that it's just a matter of informing the CPD." I said. "But the rain takes that off of the table I'm afraid."
>Apple Bloom spoke up. "Anon we're ready for Rarity!"
"Thank you kids." I said with a heartfelt smile. "My guess is she fainted from shock when she was shot. You kids know what to do for that?" I asked.
>Scootaloo said "Elevate her head and feet."
>Sweetie Belle said "Cover her with a blanket."
>Billy said "Bandage the wound and stop the bleeding."
>Apple Bloom added "Then when the first responders get here, let them take over and answer their questions."
"Top notch answers kids!" I said as I laid Rarity down. "Also at least check the officers for vitals. I don't really have much hope but we'll all feel bad if they can be saved and we didn't try."
>All four said "Right!" in unison as they did their work.
The song was chosen because I figure Billy still has a pretty limited catalogue. (It makes sense as a do-wop primer I figure.)
The Crusaders pulled their weight in this fight because they took out the six drones in the lobby we didn't see in addition to the two we did. But did you spot their tactical mistake against Commander Tempest?
And we see that our heroes must deal with some after-effects of their fight rather than just cut away to the hospital with Rarity in a bed.
Next time as we close out Mid Terms, the girls revelations have consequences and did you think Sunset DIDN'T use her power? Information gleaned only raises more questions and leads directly into the next part Travel is Good for the Soul!
Woo nice! Interesting outfit choice of her having somewhat baggy clothes. Was there a reason behind that or was it a random decision?
Was great to see everyone working together in that lady chrysalis scene. Looking forward to more!
...and there's so much of her TO hug.
Pinkie is such a sweetie.
It just felt right. No real creative reason other than "this feels right".
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Still rough around the edges because of Krita's interface.
But I'll leave it here since I'm going to do more Cadance stuff since "Derpy" STILL hasn't shown up yet but I'm really trying to make that happen. As well as more of the other story concerning her, I haven't forgotten.
Paste: https://ponepaste.org/10750
>"Wizards can't have electric guitars!"
"Yeah huh!"
>This petty back and forth with your friend has been going on for several minutes and will continue until you've won...
>Or until you two part ways on the way back to your houses after leaving the school bus.
>"Wizards didn't have electric ANYTHING back then, you stupid idiot!"
"Wizards are magic! They can do whatever they want!"
>"Electricity is NOT magic!"
"How do YOU know?"
>"Because it just isn't, okay?!"
"Explain Palpatine in Star Wars, then! He zaps people with electricity all the time."
>"Doesn't count. Not magic."
"What do you mean that isn't magic? The Force is totally magic!"
>"They never called it magic, dooface!"
"So what? They didn't have to."
>"Not. Magic."
"That's stupid, it's obviously magic!"
>"Okay, so is Superman magic?"
"Um... well..."
>"C'mon, answer me! If Palpatine is magic then so is Superman!"
"That doesn't count. Superman's superpowers come from the sun."
>"What's the difference? Why wouldn't that be magic by your logic?"
"Because the sun is the SOURCE of his power! It's not magic that comes out of nowhere."
>"Except his ability to turn the sun into his powers would count as magic, right?"
"That's not the same, you dork. Palpatine is magic, Superman has superpowers."
>"No, stupid!"
"So wizards are more like Palpatine and can have electric guitars. End of story."
>"And you're calling ME a dork?"
"Yeah, yeah I am. Dork."
>"You're dorkier!" Your friend shoves you into the springy barrier of someone's hedge.
>In reflexive retaliation, your lurch right back out at him with vengeance in your glare, shoving your friend twice as hard over the border separating concrete from asphalt.
>Your bad luck is the shrill screech of a car's tires, and your worse luck is your friend's pained yelp after the grill of the car collides with his arm.
>The loudness of the sound of him hitting the asphalt of the street spells out bad news for you.
>Stare up through the passenger's side window at the driver's distraught expression that still shines through the window tint.
>With a saucer-wide pair of eyes that look like they were the ones between the car's headlights instead.
>The weight of your shock holds your tongue down, keeping you from being able to utter a single word; your fight or flight response chooses the latter.
>The pitter patter of your tennis shoes against the pavement is the only thing your mind is able to process for the second or two it takes for your friend to process the pain sinking in and start letting out bloodcurdling screams of agony.
>And the only thing making the screams quieter is the continued pitter patter of your tennis shoes that distances you from the scene.
>All the way until you're too far away to hear the screams clearly.
>Which does take a while.
>But your mind has slipped into survival mode
>Didn't even realize you've ran clear past your own house.
>But that's the least of your problems.
krita is fun and has some amazing utility. i've moved on to CSP for some QoL features, but it was a hard choice. 9/10 program to draw with.
>Does it matter who was wrong regarding magic and superpowers?
>Does it matter that your friend was the one who shoved you first?
>Does it matter that you were the one who shoved him into the street?
>No, No, and Yes.
>At least, that's what you're told as your Playstation 2 is carried out of your room by your mom while your dad yells at you.
>"I can't believe how disappointed in you I am!" His infuriated stare matches his booming voice echoing off the walls. "I've had enough trouble with your brothers, and now YOU?!"
>Too stubborn to see the fault in your actions, you sit on the side of your bed and glare daggers up at him, knowing your two brothers are listening through the wall giggling at you finally getting grounded too like the crabs in the bucket they are.
>"You can give me that look all you want, you're not tough! You need to learn self-control, and by God I am going to smack in into you if I have to!"
>His open palm whipped across your face as he said that, letting off a reverberating slapping sound you just know made your brothers have more difficulty stifling their laughter in the other room.
>Red in the face from yelling so much, your dad glares down at you in enraged disappointment, his now slightly pained eyes hinting that cliché of "that hurt me more than it hurt you" in response to the slap across your face he delivered.
>You're not really sure what to do next, so you just sit there on your bed while your father continues to berate you, swearing he's going to raise both you and your younger twin brothers right.
>That land-ruling wizard with an electric guitar you've always imagined yourself as, right now, is still sat atop his bed with his parents taking turns scolding him and telling him he should be thankful his friend from school is alive and only in the hospital with minor injuries.
>Really cramps your style, doesn't it?
>The situation itself was still juuuuuuust serious enough to warrant an exchange of insurance information between the parents.
>It both does and doesn't help that the driver had recently been driving extra carefully ever since almost running over a neighbor's pet, and here's why:
>The owner had stopped in front of the car holding her hand out, and the driver was confused until he saw her pick the tiny leopard gecko off of the street.
>She kindly waved him off like it wasn't his fault, but he's felt so guilty and paranoid ever since that he always drives extra slowly and carefully now.
>And because of that, your friend was not killed, in the light of the car not hitting him so hard on account of the driver's guilty paranoia.
>But that also meant the car coming up quietly enough behind the two of you to not be easily noticed during your heated altercation.
>And you shoving your friend out into the street was something the driver had NOT expected.
>Good thing that gecko really lowered the cost of that would-be vehicular tragedy, albeit somewhat helping it happen at the same time.
>After spending the longest feeling day of your life cooped up in your room without TV or video games, you mope with tiny storm clouds over your head.
>Your bitterness blinds you from the fact that your friend got hurt pretty badly the other day.
>The negative sentiment would have had you acting out a gruesome murder with your action figures on the floor had your parents not also taken them out of your room too in order to punish you with the absolute absence of fun.
>You've been told you're too old to play with action figures these days anyway.
>Well if you're not gonna do that, or play video gams, or watch TV, what the hell are you even gonna do for fun in here?
>There is nothing else can can think to do in here but sit and stare at the ceiling waiting to fall asleep.
>This is how every single day during your two week grounding goes... coupled with your parents warning you to be grateful that you weren't grounded for a month.
>That already happened once when you fought (and very quickly lost to) a rainbow haired girl at school after teasing another shy pink haired girl, who was her friend, apparently.
>That was the worst month of your life (so far), and was even worse than the echoes of that first girl's punches she had delivered that you still felt several days later.
>The teasing you gave the shy girl was paid back to you sevenfold when other boys at school teased you for getting beat up by a girl, even though they knew deep down she'd whoop them as well if they stepped to her.
>That's how your grounding got extended to a month in the first place: getting into a turbulent fight with one of the other boys laughing at you and finally reclaiming some dignity amongst your peers.
>But even half of that month long timeframe sucks to not be allowed to do anything fun.
>You'd be the dominant older sibling if your younger brethren had not been doubled into twins who can use strength in numbers.
>Their taunting is the worst because all three of you are already grounded together for various antics, and you're all stuck together like Hatfields and McCoys trapped in an elevator together.
>Except this time, all your last names are the same, and your mom and dad can't figure out how they're going to keep track of all three of you troublemakers whenever you're supposed to stay grounded when home alone.
>What's when they settled on hiring that pink girl with bright hair to be your babysitter.
I wrote this for both of these ideas at once because I can't decide who the pink girl is, Pinkie or Cadance? (note: this probably won't end up going lewd because I feel like my last two greens already did enough of that until I continue my other like three)
I'm interested to see what you're going to do in the next update regarding Sunset. Great work, man.
You're right, it's indeed fun.
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(Can't quote too many posts in one post anymore)
>where more disconnected focused scenarios in that world can happen like Anon ending up at the rock farm as a lioness den.
This one sounds like something that could happen at the end of a lot of action scenes, so Anon underestimates the situation he's up against. I'm 100% for it taking place during the summer, as I'm planning to do with a future sleepover green I've put off rewriting for many years.
Oh hey, I didn't expect to see you in this thread. Great work on that one! You caught me at the perfect time, I'm about to go crazy in here.
I'm always more than happy to go against the grain regarding lewd vs. non-lewd.
Blessed Gracefren.
yeah, I kinda jump between threads as I please.
Teen Cadence
There’s not enough of her
Something to do with lust magic I’m sure
what the FUCK is twilight's problem?? only THREE???
Sci-Twi is a frigid womanlet.
Twilight is more aroused by the cerebral, the intelligent, the mental...
Oh I am mental.
What I like has been called mental many times.
fukken herbert west up in that bitch
so she'd be into erp?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLlzEeyQXJo [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQu71l1WQ3g [Embed]
Nice booba. Love that smug grin and selfie angle she’s at.
Who's route will you do first?
Well maybe if I could understand what they were saying I would have an answer for that
Some of the hottest stuff I’ve read in a long time
Perhaps Flutters because she would take things the slowest and would be the easiest to get the hang of. Pinkie was unsurprisingly talking a mile a minute there.
>This feeling was intensified when you saw 'Sunny' at the shop class
>Wearing her undersized shirt with now bra, short skirt, glasses and braces
>Applejack was very suspicious of her, and only glared at her more when she openly flirted with you
>You remember this is only the second day 'Sunny' has been around, and you can probably expect her to be in more of your classes going forward
>The more 'Sunny' clung to your side and acted like your girlfriend the more Applejack questioned her
>Clearly getting flustered and jealous when the cougars large and hardly constrained melons pressed into you with her nipples bleeding through the top
>There's no way any student would normally be allowed to be dressed like that, but the principal would no doubt block any punishment for it
>Trying to get her to admit to being principal Celestia
>Though this 'Sunny' actually does pretty good at avoiding that
>Yet there was one moment that made it clear to you who she was
>Applejack practically yelled at her, "Why are you pretending to be a student?! You're clearly too old to be a student! What is wrong with you?!"
>'Sunny' responded with, "I am a student! I'm sorry if you're jealous of my well developed body, but that's your problem not mine. Also I'll have you know in my home country I'm royalty, and I'd have you thrown in the dungeon for being so hostile and insolent with me!"
>This is pretty clearly the pony Celestia
>The teacher gets involved and tells 'Sunny' and Applejack to break it up and stop fighting
>Both of them are reluctant but agree to stop, for now
>Though both glaring at each other like it definitely isn't over
>Their confrontation would surely continue after class, and you'd have to see what kind of conflict it is
>When class ended like you thought, the two squared up with each other outside the classes
>Pressed up against each other staring each other down with neither willing to back down at all
>"You're pretty cocky, I'll give you that. I know someone like you back where I'm from, but she knew how to behave around royals.", 'Sunny said basically telling human Applejack to be more subservient to her
>"I don't care if you're royalty where you're from as a foreign exchange student. Here, you're just a student like me. You have no authority.", Applejack retorted
>Pony Celestia found it hard to argue against that
>So instead she pivoted to bringing you up
>"I could tell you were jealous of me flirting with him. Why even both competing if you aren't going to take the leap with him?"
>Applejack fumed before being pushed to respond, "Well, maybe I will!"
>Celestia pushed her on it, "You will? I thought you were going to take things slow, and do things the 'proper way'?"
>To which Applejack responded, "That's what I wanted to do, but that clearly won't work! With all the aggressive women like you after him if I don't show more initiative I'll just lose out!"
>It was then you realized while they were so focused on each other you could just leave
>Instead of waiting around for the competitive sex where they see who can break your hips first, you can leave
>So you quietly slowly back away until you're out of earshot and then leave at a quicker pace
>You actually manage to get to your last class on time after not fully getting sucked into that cat fight
>"Sorry about not being here last time, darling. I had this nasty cold, and simply couldn't be here.", Rarity tells you as it's clear this is the human Rarity
"It's no problem, your health comes first. Though lets try starting back up from where we left off.", you tell her as she nods happily before picking up her script
>You actually get into practicing your roles with you and her as the main guy and girl in the play
>She's flirty with you because she's supposed to be as the main love interest in the story
>Though unlike before you're wondering more if the flirting might be real
>When the idea of the characters going on a date comes up in the play, you see this as an opportunity
"Just theoretically, how do you feel about going on a real date?", you ask her testing the waters
>"Why, I'd love to. In fact, you should have asked earlier.", she said with a tinge of jealousy in her voice
>"Before you say anything about it, I know my pony counterpart got you to agree to go on a date with her, and you should go on that date with me instead. Don't you agree, darling~?", she said pushing you to agree
"Well, it would be pretty rude to stand her up after I agreed to that, wouldn't it?", you ask in turn
>"I'm not going to let you back away from a date with me after asking either! It's not really the same thing as standing her up if you're still going on a date with Rarity...", she blurts out before doing some mental gymnastics unwilling to back down
>You kind of waffle on it before being pushed to agree to go with her after your detention, and just see what happens as far as her pony counterpart
>After that you continue to do rehearsals, but she's more aggressive and possessive with her lines than she was previously
>When class ends you go to detention
>On the way remembering your collar from Luna, and putting it on before entering the classroom detention was held in
>Luna has you sit next to her from the start instead of letting you sit next to Gilda
>Gilda is already fuming while the rest are content to tease you about the collar and being a teacher's pet
>Not quite knowing how real that was, especially not being able to read the tag from where they sat
>Gilda loudly complained about it, "He should be my pet, not hers! He's my boyfriend! I should be leading him by a leash with him following all my commands!"
>Luna had some choice words about it, "Maybe you'd be doing better and getting more of what you want if you behaved better?", Luna scolded her coldly as Gilda shut up and pouted a lot more quietly after that
>You doubted Luna knew about Chrysalis' deal with Gilda, but it did have an amusing ring to it with you knowing
>Did Gilda do any of the 'good behavior' goals Chrysalis set for her, or not?
>If you were a betting man you'd wager for the second option instead of the former
>Though you were kind of concerned about Gilda's tastes in what she wants apparently being influenced by what she saw here
>Especially when you sort of overheard her grumbling about how the collar you were wearing wasn't cool enough, and how she'd have you wearing one that's better
>Something about being pitch black with big spikes or something like a punk rocker might actually wear
>Though the other girls were more wiling to just have fun with teasing you, and saying Luna should have a leash on it too
>Even saying maybe it should be a choke collar and how she would need to just pull on it randomly
>You blush profusely through all of this imagining if Luna could more blatantly act like a dominatrix with you in detention
>When detention was over Gilda stayed behind with you and Luna
>While you were unsure if she was waiting to catch you doing something with Luna, or waiting for a chance to do something with you herself
>Gilda came up to you and embraces you from behind while starting to toy with the tag on your collar
>Her chest pressing into your back as she pressed as much into you as she could
>"It's after school, after detention, and you have no power over me anymore~.", Gilda teased while implying she'd be taking you with her
>Luna remained calm and messed with her, "Taking care of a pet is a lot of responsibility. Do you really think you can do it?"
>Gilda gripped you in her embrace tighter from anger being talked down to like a little kid who's asking for a puppy
>"Oh yeah?! What are you saying that 'care' should look like?!", Gilda retorted, which makes you think she's baiting Luna into saying something inappropriate she can get Luna in trouble for
>Though the face that Gilda doesn't have her cell phone out to record or anything else you think could be recording makes you wonder if that's really it
>Luna lifted your chin with her finger to make you look into her eyes as she said, "You'd have to discipline him, keep him on a short leash, and keep him loyal. As well as making sure his 'needs' are met."
>"I haven't had much opportunity to start with that, and it's a long uphill battle...", she adds looking into your eyes sternly before turning her gaze to Gilda
>"How would you discipline him if you can't even discipline yourself?", she asked as Gilda's embrace tightened on you even more
>They both glare into each other's eyes in a stand off when Rarity interrupts it wearing a very formal and sparkly red dress
>"Oh my, what seems to be happening here?", she asks somewhat teasingly
>"Nothing!", both Luna and Gilda say almost in unison
>"That's good, I'm here to pick up Anon to go on a date. So why don't you hand him over?", she said as they both looked at each other like they're unsure if they want to keep fighting or team up
>Gilda stays defiant of Luna, "We'll settle this later! A duel we can agree on! Loser becomes the winner's bitch!"
>"Fine.", Luna responds as they both seem to be plotting what they would do if they had the other at their mercy
>Though for now they release you to go with Rarity
>Going with her she reveals she can drive and has a hand-me-down car from her parents
>Using it, she takes you to a high end restaurant she really likes
>Only to find her pony counterpart waiting there as if knowing about it
>Neither of them willing to back down, you end up going on the date with two of Rarity
>The waiter at the entrance and other patrons do double takes looking at the situation
>You, by all appearances, seem to be on a date with a girl and her clone
>The two insist there are difference between them and how they're dressed
>Yet the differences they point to are very minor
>Like that their dresses are different shades of red, but you honestly can't tell the difference
>You'd be hard pressed to say which one is which based on how they're acting as well
>The only way you'd have any real hope of knowing which is which is by keeping track of which was which before you sat down at the table
>As you chit chatted and engaged in small talk the two girls tried to differentiate from each other more and more
>Actually getting frustrated when they actually failed to point out much that was different about their tastes in fashion or anything else they talked about
>At one point they both blamed each other for 'ruining' the date, and set up two separate times to go on a new dates with you separately
>You feel relieved this happened before they got food orders because you were unsure if you could afford the food here
>The two leave before you do, and as you're leaving the person at the entrance stops you
>You apologize for the disruption and say they're twins as an explanation
>They seem to buy that as an explanation and accept your apology
>After you leave you realize Rarity left in her car without you
>Though you think you know the way home from here
>As you start walking you end up cutting through an alley
>Where you're accosted by a dark figure and you're scared of being mugged
>Though it just turned out to be Chrysalis in a formal dress with swiss cheese holes in it
>You'd wonder if it was tattered if it wasn't for the fact the holes were perfect circles with no obvious sign of tearing
>"What's a handsome young man like you doing around here at this time of night~? Don't you know there's dangerous women around~?", she teasingly questioned you
>She's no doubt just teasing you
"I kind of got ditched, and I'm just on my way home. I'll try to stay out of trouble, Chrysalis.", you tell the councilor wanting her to not worry about you too much
>She chuckles while looking at you with a predatory gaze that made your instincts urge you to run
>"So my reputation proceeds me. Though if you know who I am, you should address me properly as 'queen'~.", she said while cornering you and pinning you against the wall
>Her large breasts pressing into her as her eyes seemed to take on a supernatural green sheen
>Practically glowing as your mind felt foggy and your body felt weak
>She slid down your pants and pushed you down to land on your butt against the wall before mounting you
>Her similarly holed panties pushed to the side before your cock slipped into her
>Looking even more predatory as you felt powerless to do anything to resist or escape despite alarm bells loudly blaring in your mind about it
>Chrysalis riding you powerfully and dominantly while you wondered what would happen to you
>Would she kidnap you?
>Enslave you?
>You inescapably build up to cumming inside her and blow your load with no control over your body
>Your cum oozing out of her while she looked very pleased with herself
>"You're head over heals for me, aren't you~?"
>You couldn't deny there was a pull that made you want to be hers
>That wanted you to submit and let her take you with her
>She continued without needing you to respond
>"Good! Then you'll have no choice but to...", here it comes, "Take me with you and put me up in your house as your lover!"
>Wait, what?
"Aren't you going to take ME with you to YOUR place?", you question being confused about what's going on now
>Her hold over your mind seems to weaken as she seems embarrassed and unwilling to answer that
>When you show no sign of backing away from that line of questioning she relents
>"I don't HAVE a place, okay?!", she admits before adding, "So let my stay with you!"
"I can't do that!", you say as desperation starts to spread across her face
>"I don't have anywhere to go here! I can't return to Equestria! Why can't you let me stay with you?!", she whines
>It couldn't be more clear now this is the other world's version instead of the councilor from your school
"I still live with my parents. I can't just invite someone to stay with me on my own, and my parents' place isn't a boarding home for wayward cougars.", you say pointing out how ridiculous it is
"Have you considered trying to stay with your counterpart in this world?", you ask her offering an alternative to living with you
>"I have one of those?", she asks before shaking her head as if shaking off the thought, "That's besides the point though! I have needs and have to sustain myself!"
>What does she mean with that?
"Yeah, your counterpart here is the councilor at my school, and I'm sure she had food.", you say despite having the feeling she didn't mean sustaining herself with food
>"I need 'love' to sustain myself! I need to drain love from others to sustain myself! Men, preferably...", she said as you did kind of feel yourself 'drained' more so than just from physical exertion
"How does that work? Do they somehow actually have less love than before? Love is an emotion that can't be quantified, how is it actually drained?", you ask thinking out loud
>"Don't do that! Stop trying to apply logic to it! It's magic damn it!", she complains asserting that it can't be explained
>She fully wraps herself around you now showing a refusal to let go
>"I'm not going anywhere! I'm going with you regardless of you liking it or not!", she told you stubbornly
>She simply won't listen to reason
"I still can't just put you up in my parent's house. It's not my decision to make, even if I wanted to.", you try telling her
>"I'll talk to these 'parents' of yours!", she says before adding more a demanding tone, "I'm your queen, and I demand you take me with you!"
>She starts riding your dick again
>"I'm going to drain this rebelliousness out of you!", she declares clearly intending to fuck you into submission
>You still couldn't really force her off of you, and could only really grab her wide hips
>Her cougar pussy gripped and milked you while her hips pumped up and down on your shaft
>Forcing you to cum in her again before long
>She kept going and your stamina seemed to drain unnaturally fast
>The way she's draining you of your energy and your cum reminds you of a succubus
>She may not have horns, wings, or a devil tail but pretty much everything else lines up
>Until your vision darkened and you actually passed out while the last of your cum spurted into her
>The next thing you knew you were back home laying in bed with your mom hovering over you
>"Thank goodness you're awake, are you okay?!", she asked and embraced you
"Yeah, I feel worn down but besides that... How did I get home?", you ask her as she quickly explains
>"This nice woman said you passed out on your way home, and brough you back home after finding our address in your wallet.", she said as Chrysalis no doubt tricked your parents into thinking she saved you instead of being the reason you passed out
>"She's staying in our guest room now, and I'll let her know how you're doing.", she said before giving you a kiss on the forehead before leaving
>Checking the time on your phone it's Saturday morning now
All for right now. I'd had this part with Queen Chrysalis in mind and wanted to do it for a while. Though her showing up in Tuesday's green before I managed to get to this part is quite a coincidence.
Also I've got a villainess idea with Queen Umbra showing up, but I'm not sure when or if I'd do it.
Chrysalis’s little moments of vulnerability are always great, I can never get enough of that.
The joke about Anon's place not being a 'boarding home for wayward cougars' is one of the things I most wanted to do with it. Also the contrast between it seeming like Anon's in serous danger only for her to be defanged.
I can't decide cause they're all so cute.
No sweat. There just aren't a huge amount of MLP villains so overlap is going to happen. Also I am loving your story!
Maybe I wasn't clear, but I more meant a coincidence in a fun way. Especially with how differently you and I did the same character. In that way how we did Chrysalis can directly contrast each other.
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More Celestia & Luna
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hot tongue kiss
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This is really good art.
Top qt3.14
I would
Applejack without hat just feels wrong.
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>"It's time for your Valentine's Day French Kiss!"

I'm not saying Pinkie's tongue is long, but she can tell you what you had for lunch: yesterday

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs_XDadEgH4 [Embed]
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praise the sunbutt!
you guys might like some of these
Green anon, please.
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She cute
I wanted to focus on females for awhile cus I mostly draw males as it is, male humans at any rate, ponies not withstanding. But i can do an anon and some girl some time. Any suggestions? dont expect it anytime soon, however.
https://files.catbox.moe/rtklwn.png also, another drawing
Nice work
>Starlight Glimmer
Oh yes. Very yes.
>>41891528 (OP)
Should we have a late Hearts&Hooves thread on /trash/? Captcha and rl have been filtering me.
Dew it.
Would lick ice cream with
I like.
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Do you know what this thread needs?
More of the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!
I want to recruit Trixie to have her work on the effects of our play
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Why is Trixie always so smug? There's a couple of reasons why...!
I wish they’d playfully bully me
This was incredible. So was the Milky one.
Anchor for the full nude edit of two different Cogbrony pics.

Here are what I've been requesting, by the way.

1. Remove the top from Wallflower blush.

2. And merge the following images to remove all clothings and cowprint from both Sci-Twi and Fluttershy.

As always, if you need references for the way the artist draws nipples, switch your booru filter to either "Maximum Spoilers", "18+ R34", "Everything" or similar, and search for:
artist:thebrokencog, -edit, sideboob, nipples
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>And now the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE will make Anonymous disappear inside her magic box!
They never knew what hit them
Sex jokes as magic tricks are great,
>Also if she made his balls move without touching them by making him cum
That's one talented girl right there...
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Lookit her go!
As always
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I just finished watching all the Equestria Girls movies.
I heard they were all bad with the exception of Rainbow Rocks, but not really. Actually, the weakest link for me was EQG's Legend of Everfree.
The original MLP EQG movie I think I liked the best & even Friendship Games.
One good thing about the Legend of Everfree is I really like Swi-Twi in her camp everfree outfit and the rest.
I have to agree, plus Gloriosa was underrated.
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Unleash the Magic cosplay version
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Vp73HlCBg [Embed]
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Rainbow Rocks (the Dazzlings genuinely are that good) > Legend of Everfree (EQG was starting to go full horny) > Friendship Games > Equestria Girls

For me, it's not that the movies are bad, it's that the animated shorts totally eclipse the movies once we got the Summertime Shorts. From June 2017 until G4's end EQG hit its stride... even if Mirror Magic was pretty "ehh" and is an exception.
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Cafeteria song cosplay
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPSJfIioFKU [Embed]
Actually kinda cute. Thanks for sharing!
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Under Our Spell cosplay
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNVd5rA6Thw [Embed]
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Not to be racist or nothing but I don't understand yellow fever.
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Here is one with white girls, lmao
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_FrcQPIa5w [Embed]
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I think this is Russian.
This is a good cosplay too with white girls
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTQLP1TobfM [Embed]
so what
does someone pay them on onlyfans to do this
These are great, anon
Nice cosplay
>I didn't feel great about asking the kids to look after the officers who were very likely dead, but the logic was sound. We weren't doctors and the kids were as qualified as any of us at first aid. But the older kids here were more able to keep everyone secure, so it was a logical division of labor that everyone recognized.
>Twilight had finished pushing 4 small cars against the exit doors we had used and said "Juniper, how are you holding up?" to the snack bar attendant. Whose name was apparently Juniper.
>Juniper took a moment to respond "I-I don't know what to say about ANY of this. I saw people get SHOT. And then everything else was like a scene from an action movie. But here we are still looking at three folks that have been shot. This is actually REAL and it scares me that any of this happened!"
>Twilight said "I understand. And being frightened is a very understandable reaction to all of this. But you survived. You made it out. That is a win. You get to go to sleep tonight in your own bed and continue your life.
>Just then, Rarity started to stir with a groan and that got everyone's attention. But that's all it was, was a groan.
>Juniper asked "Will she be okay?"
"We're all hopeful she will be." I said "All we can do for her is first aid but we've got medical help on the way and she should get to a hospital within the hour."
"In other news, there's no sign of round two coming and I'm taking that as a positive." I said. "Because every second they delay is a second this place is closer to getting swarmed with CPD. No at this point I'm guessing they've ran if they could."
>Sunset said "That's good to hear. But we'll be on hand to help detain them if they haven't."
>Just then Rainbow appeared and said "I'm back." and we heard multiple sirens approaching.
>Juniper then asked "Um, what am I gonna tell my boss?"
>Twilight answered "Let the police handle it, but offer them the contact info and ask politely. Then do what they say."
>Juniper nodded and said "Okay."
>Then the sirens arrived. Mostly police but also two ambulances and a fire engine. The ambulance crews took over for the Crusaders and everyone except Rarity had to give statements. While we were giving statements, Rarity was taken to a hospital and we were assured we would see her as soon as possible.
>When the CPD was ready, Twilight and Applejack cleared the cars away from the exit and the police swept the theater and did a sweep of the mall as well. They found the eight scared and frightened girls who had suddenly had their brainwashing removed by the Crusaders singing, but no sign of Commander Tempest or Lady Chrysalis. (Commander Tempest was identified from international wanted posters found by Twilight.)
>They also found the bloodstains and other battle damage right where we said it would be. Lady Chrysalis' damaged pistol was also recovered. Our parents and families were all contacted and it was explained we would spend the rest of the night in protective custody at a CPD safehouse. The police processes took about two hours before we were taken to the hospital to see Rarity.
>Rarity was awake and alert when we arrived. Her shoulder area was bandaged and her arm was in a sling so everyone was gentle in giving her a hug. The Crusaders were tired out and fell asleep in a pile together with Billy in the center on some seats as we brought Rarity up to speed on what had happened.
>Turned out Rarity's arm was in a sling for two days to promote proper healing. After that she was just to avoid strenuous activity for the next few days. She was given a doctor's note to that effect for the next week of school.
>Rarity was discharged within fifteen minutes of us arriving and then we were off to the CPD safehouse, which turned out to be a campground with several furnished multi-bedroom cabins on the outskirts of town. The girls got a cabin for the ten of them and Billy and I got a separate cabin for the two of us.
>Once we got our bathroom breaks out of the way, Billy said "Hey Anon, I've got a question about something that happened tonight.."
"Oh you've probably got more than one," I said, "Because I know I do. But what's topping your list just now?"
>Billy smiled at that and asked "What did we do wrong against that lady tonight? I mean, we trained and even had a battle formation that seemed good. But she was able to ignore it like it was nothing. If Applejack hadn't come in time she would have hurt Sweetie Belle."
"Well Billy, I looked at her wanted poster and it gave some details." I said. "But the basic takeaway for your question is this. She has you guys hopelessly beat in terms of experience. Now don't get me wrong, you guys have done pretty well, but she was just beyond you. Your static formation just gave away the initiative in her eyes. That's fatal."
>Billy blinked and said "Gave away the initiative?"
"Yeah." I said. "In other words, she had the choice of how, when, where, and who to attack. And all you could do is react in a way she can predict."
>Billy then asked. "Ok, I see what you're saying, but what's the answer to that?"
"The only way you have a chance," I said, "is if you can strike first in a way she can't see or predict. But if you manage to DO that, then you have to KEEP hitting her and not let up. This isn't a fight against a school bully. This lady has forced hundreds of kids our age to be enslaved prostitutes' for the cartel. This isn't a fight you can show mercy in. You let her up and you say goodbye to your family, your freedom, and your friends."
>Billy said "Okay, I think I get it. Might even have an idea too."
"Good." I said, "You can tell your friends in a minute."
>Now Billy was confused "What are you talking about?"
"Well, my girlfriends and I still need to have a conversation tonight." I said. "Which means I'll be going over there and your friends will come over here. We've only had this time because ladies take longer in the bathroom. Just one more thing I need to tell you."
>Billy asked "What's that?"
"No sex tonight." I said. "You kids have been through a LOT tonight. Rarity was shot and her sister was almost beaten. That's mucking up your thoughts right now. And theirs too. Sex is an important decision and you want a clear head. I'm going to tell your friends too."
>Billy looked embarrassed and asked "Wait, why?"
"It's important everyone understands the ground rules equally." I said. "Plus if I don't, I can't face your parents."
While Billy grumbled, I got my phone and fired up our group chat. "Hey ladies, before you bring me over I have one detail for the kids."
>Applejack asked "How'd you know?"
>Sunset said "Called it! :)"
>Rarity said "A gentleman caller in the middle of the night? How scandalous! Also do hurry please."
>Rainbow asked "What's the detail for the kids?"
"I already told Billy, but no sex tonight." I typed.
>There was a pause of over a minute. Then Twilight said "They are... curious to hear your reasoning."
"I bet they are." I typed. "Did they threaten my ankles or my pelvis?"
>Rainbow said "They were both on the list. But seriously why?"
"Of course." I typed. "During the sleepover, all that was on my mind was you girls and now I'm happily your boyfriend. But tonight was like an action movie. Friends shot, threatened, assaulted with also explosions and beatings. All of this is going through Billy's mind and it's a BIG distraction! If they want a relationship like ours, then tonight is just for being friends."
>Rarity said "He's right. We worked HARD on the proper setup so Anon had to look at US."
>Applejack said "Anon has a fair point. Like us, Billy's thinking about next time."
"And he already has an idea he wants to share with his friends." I typed. "Not me, but THEM."
>Sunset said "That calmed them down. They know you want the best for all of them. So anything else?"
"Nope. All good here and ready to receive the girls." I typed. Then I said to Billy "Get under the covers and do what you can to warm up that bed. It's cold out there."
>Billy nodded and started exhaling under the covers for his friends.
>Our respective bedrooms had a clear line of sight, so Twilight floated the girls over one at a time and then grabbed me and the window was shut behind me.
>Billy smiled warmly at his friends and said "Alright I know it was cold out there so I've been trying to warm the bed up. Also I'm wearing everything except my shoes, so no worries there. Come on in."
>In unison the younger girls said "Thank you Billy." and climbed in under the covers.
>Apple Bloom suddenly exclaimed "Oh, he's a heater!"
>Scootaloo asked "How do you mean?"
>Apple Bloom answered with "It's something Granny taught us. Some folks have a higher body temperature and always seem to radiate heat and be warm to the touch. Other folks can have a lower body temperature and parts of their body, like the bottom of their feet, can feel downright cold."
>Sweetie Belle said "So being a heater is a positive thing?"
>Apple Bloom answered "Technically it depends on the area around you. If we go through a heat wave in the middle of summer, it might not be great. But right now it's ABSOLUTELY positive!"
>Billy said with a smile "Glad I can help." Then after a moment he somewhat timidly said "Hey girls?"
>In unison they answered "Yes Billy?"
> Billy continued "I keep thinking about what happened tonight. We did great with the singing and took eight folks with guns out of the fight. But that Commander Tempest lady was REAL trouble. And since they didn't get Anon, they're GOING to try again. So I asked Anon about what we could do if we had to face her again.."
>Scootaloo asked "What did he say Billy?"
>Billy seemed a bit annoyed saying "That the experience gap between us and her was overwhelming. But then he said the only way we stand a chance is to take her by surprise somehow. We have to strike FIRST in a way she doesn't see coming... And then we have to keep hitting her until we put her down like Applejack did."
>Billy brightened up a bit and said "So I had an idea. There's an old kung-fu movie I want to show you girls called Little Heroes of Shaolin. I think there may be some moves in there we can learn to use..."
>Meanwhile in the girls room, Twilight had me suspended in front of her telekinetically while saying "Oh this gives me SO many ideas!"
>Rainbow, Sunset, and Pinkie chimed in in unison saying "Right?" with BIG smiles.
>But something was amiss. To figure out what I looked around the room. Rarity was naturally a bit more subdued due to her injury, but fine. Fluttershy read as normal, then I focused on Applejack..
"Twilight," I said softly with concern "Put me down for a moment please." which she gently did.
"Applejack," I said gently as I faced her "Are you ok?"
>She seemed a little surprised to be called out, started to say something, stopped, and then said "Not entirely, no. Anon I gotta ask you. Are you afraid of us? Of me?" In that moment her tough stoicism was gone and she was just a scared little girl.
I gave her a warm smile and said "Come here and give me your hand please. Now you know that actions are worth more than words. Doubly so from a tricky person like me. So I'm going to guide your hand to the biggest trust gesture I can think of." And I guided her hand to my balls and then I put my wrists on her shoulders.
"Now Applejack," I said, "I trust and love you just like I trust and love all of my girlfriends. And what you're holding is my most vulnerable place. The place where all of our kids are going to come from. Does that help put your mind at ease?"
>She gave a smile while nodding and kissed me. And after that she said "Anon, every so often you are truly amazing."
"I credit those that inspire me." I said with a smile.
>Sunset cleared her throat and Applejack and I broke the embrace and paid attention. "Is everyone else ok?" she asked and got affirmative responses. "Now Anon is going to want to talk about our powers. So Anon, what can you tell us about them?" she asked with a wicked grin.
Unfazed I said "Well the familiarity and ease of use tell me you've had powers for quite some time. Likely since before you met me. The ponytails and horse ears indicate a shared origin. Of the ones I've seen, they tend towards the physical, with Fluttershy being the exception thus far. Sunset has a transformation, but I haven't seen a visible power."
"And I don't know about Rarity. Also I've no intention of pressing for information on whether or not Sunset or Rarity have powers. If they want me to know, they'll tell me. As to the source of the powers, I'm pretty sure Sunset will tell me it's magic."
>Sunset said with a big smile "Excellent! Full marks with bonus points for respecting Rarity and I. But I'll tell you about my power because it's important to our next steps. I can see the memories of someone when I touch them. And I punched Lady Chrysalis as you know."
"Interesting." I said. "Information transfer. In some ways similar to what Fluttershy does."
>Sunset responded with "That's a new take, but anyway, I confirmed a lot of what we knew and learned some things we didn't. From the top, the source of her power is a magic crystal that only she can touch safely and sometimes talks to her. It has told her that if she kills the green boy with love enough for seven, she will gain enough power to take on an army.
>Sunset continues "But if she 'seasons' him first by torturing and killing his loves in front of him before killing him, no power on earth will be able to stop her. But if he becomes a legal man then all of that is no longer on the table."
>Sunset says "Also, the ability to break the brainwashing is apparently VERY rare, but Canterlot keeps popping out folks that can do it. Much to their frustration. That's it."
>Twilight asks "Do the folks that can break the brainwashing have anything in common or any tells? Something is really bugging me here."
Sunset responds with "She didn't know any, but I'd love to hear your thoughts."
>Twilight's brow is furrowed in concentration "Ok let's list the individuals that can break the brainwashing. First was Anonymous, and if you infer from our shared vision of Pinkie, then I probably can to. We can test that easily. Next was Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. They tested their recordings in the Canterlot jail with just them and were successful. And there was also Principal Cadence and the Crusaders.
>All of a sudden Twilight said "Holyfuckingshit!! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!! I know why they can break the brainwashing!" Then she started to hyperventilate. Soon enough she got herself under control and said "Drop the titles and put 'Princess' in front of the names!"
>"Princess Twilight Sparkle."
>"Princess Celestia."
>"Princess Luna."
>"Princess Cadence."
>All of the girl's jaws dropped.
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you lost me." I said.
>Then all the girls turned their heads to me and said in unison "Holy shit!"
>Sunset was the next to speak "A male Alicorn, That could explain SO much."
>Twilight corrected her "No. TWO! By this logic, the Crusaders effect was done by Billy!"
>Sunset gulped "Two she says.."
"Ladies, the attention is nice, but I'm missing something still." I said "Apparently something that affects me AND Billy. Like what's an Alicorn?"
>Sunset yawned and said "Ok Anon, we're going to have to tell you a LOT more than we expected to. Enough to break up across several sessions. But first thing to tell you is we're going on a trip to where I grew up! Slide the beds together girls and pile in cause we're all about to pass out."
And that ends the Mid Terms chapter of Duties of the King! Tune in next week when
>You're seriously not going to address it?
Again, what?
>You're in WAIFU country here! The thread is called FINGERBANG for fuck's sake!
And in other news, water continues to be wet. What's your point?
>You actually told clearly horny characters NOT to have sex?
Yes, and then I justified it. Honestly I kinda hoped Applejack still being a bit unsure of her powers or the whole 'male alicorn' reveal would be the big impact here. Anyway, let's close this with a line clearly ripped off from the X-Men..

NEXT WEEK in Duties of the King: Travel is Good for the Soul!
Welcome to Equestria Anonymous! Hope you survive!
Definitely taking things in a direction I wouldn't have expected. Kind of makes me feel less apprehensive about doing something crazy in my own green.
Queen Umbra invading seizing Anon's house, only for her to quickly get distracted from conquering the rest of the world by the distractions of streaming content and junk food.
Might as well address this to all of the writers out there.
Do not fear the crazy.
EMBRACE the crazy!
The secret origin of my green was that I wanted to make a stupid dick joke.
Ok let me back up and give context. Most know that I'm continuing with permission from the story King of the Castle by Cosmic Butthole https://ponepaste.org/10028
I lucked into that story a little more than halfway through the setup phase on my first time looking at Fingerbang. I was enthralled and got into the habit of giving regular feedback, often presenting some off the wall idea or other.
Then for the dick joke, I had to stretch all the way into using the Elements of Harmony transformations, which I was learning really didn't seem to be something done here. (Oh no one was against it, it's just superhero antics aren't that needed for the sex stories that prevail here.) The joke was that Anon's hair wasn't what grew when he transformed.
I kept on giving feedback and then the story ended. CB had a part 2 in mind but had no clear idea when it might happen. (Being fair, part 1 took around a year to get out. Pretty much anyone would want a break.)
I was eager for the story to continue. I had an idea about explaining why the psychology of the story worked so well, but couldn't quite get it to work. I also had all of these ideas floating inside my head that I had presented as feedback earlier that would never get used.
Or would they?
So I started the green with the basic idea that somehow I would use almost all of the ideas I had presented (Ok probably not strip Mario Kart.). That included the superpowers.
So I wrote up what would become part two and realized I was missing a potential stronger opening. HOW was it going to be announced that Anon was now dating seven ladies? It obviously HAD to be done on the first day back but I didn't have an idea. So I looked at the characters and asked what they would come up with based on what I've seen?
Aw fuck. I got an answer that made sense, but damn.
Singing. They had to sing.
This was.. just a few steps beyond using superpowers. But dammit, it was RIGHT!
So you'd think I'd just have them sing the one time then right?
NOPE! No brakes on this crazy train!
Didn't even have an end for the story in mind until about 2-3 months in.
Embrace. The. Crazy.
I mean, it's a natural aversion to not want to get too crazy with it. Though I suppose just going through with crazy ideas is more entertaining than keeping things more grounded.
Ooh we’re gonna be traveling
The shorts are great.
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>AI gets the hands right but now fucks up one of her shins
Sweet Sunny Flare
She’s cute too
The nude version leaked recently right?
Awwwh that is so freaking cute!
Magical Girl Aria
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there isnt an eqg twilight thread and i dont want to make a slide thread so im posting this here
Don’t know the context but pretty funny
... her face when she picks up the book with her mouth...
... it makes me feel things...
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>"I told her about that kink in confidence!"
stupid sexy Flutters
Many will have a kink for Flutterpunk
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remembering how pinkie's mane just inflates when she transitions back from the pinkamena mood made me imagine her tits and hips do the same thing, if she was humanized that is. still a wip.
>When Pinkamena she has very modest breasts and hips
>When turning back to Pinkie they turn back to generous funbags and wide hips for partying
That could definitely be fun.
and if she's wearing pinkamena clothes, they become really tight or just outright tear and pop when she becomes pinkie again
It just works
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This in red would be a dream.
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Watch as she tackles her next challenge: full OLL and PLL.
Love it.
What do you guys think about Sour Sweet?
>The drunken singing doesn't start until the voices, of course, they are coming form the hallway.
>Your friend and roommate are drawing too much attention to themselves and could spoil your moment.
>Nag them to shut their pie holes through gritted teeth, and they clumsily obey with only a few seconds of delay on their part.
>Somewhere within yourself, you'll have to find forgiveness for them.
>For they are but a couple of drunken young men stumbling their way back to one of their dorm rooms on party night.
>Hopefully, no one prone to suspicion got woken up enough to peek their heads out their doors.
>No one does.
>You sit alongside the edge of your bed with this girl you just met as she's over halfway through her second beer.
"So you just came over here to chill and hang out?" You dangle your shoes above the floor.
>"Yeah... my roommate can be quite the handful sometimes." She tells you.
"Well what is she doing right now?"
>"Probably something on her computer."
"So she's that type?"
>"Kinda... it's hard to explain, but I don't wanna talk about my roommate right now." Goldie shrugs it off like it's not worth discussing further.
>You sit with Goldie on the edge of your dorm room bed for several more minutes, the two of you like two birds on a power line.
>She starts to eye the mini fridge as she finishes her second beer, visibly swaying at first, then swaying even more to the point where she's starting to gently bump into you.
>You want to talk about her roommate some more to distract her with some more conversation until you can find an opportunity to shut the door with her inside the dorm room with you.
>But there's nowhere else that topic can go despite there being probably a lot to do with that.
"You like to listen to metal?" You ask her.
>"Eh... yeah. Not my favorite genre though." Her lidded eyes start to carry a glazed appearance to them.
>You give her a nod while noticing the brand new absence of tiny little splashing noises inside the beer can she's holding.
>She really did come here to unwind while her roommate is apparently distracted with something.
>You take a look at the open door and consider your next course of action while Goldie eyes the mini fridge again.
>The little voice in your brain telling you that this isn't right loses its fuel when the blood from your brain rushes down to somewhere else.
>Causing a tension to start up in the front of your pants a little more every time you feel Goldie's soft shoulder brush up against you.
It continues!!
>>41891528 (OP)
Sorry for the delay.
>one off
Very nice. :)
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>”Why must you fight the inevitable and keep running away? Let it happen.”
That recently drawn?
The bpd-isms can work, but it's a bit too "anime" if that makes sense. If it's a "sweet on the outside, sour on the inside" kind of thing then it'd be much more bearable. Personally, I would've written the Shadowbolts like how Sugarcoat is written; an exaggeration of the elements of harmony. So they're too honest, too kind, too loyal, etc.
Don’t do it Anon
Likely is.
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Did you know underscore is a hindrance to Desu's search engine?
I'm making this up but I need you to make a gallery and upload everything you've ever made. Including teasers and unfinished work.
Emphasis on need.
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A Twicat is fine too
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I’m noticing a lot of things
Very fine indeed
When you're so beautiful that the forest fights for you
Whoa, is this a newer one?
The /trash/ NSFW thread is dead again.
You wanna make a new one?
I'm busy, and I'm on a smartphone.
It's from Shonuff. He draws Fluttershy sometimes.
Just as Scorpdk usually draws Diamond Tiara being fucked and she's loving every second of her dicking & wombfilling, I have no doubts that Shonuff44 has a thing for Flutters.
...and who can blame him? Such a busty beauty
Man, that outfit on her is incredibly hot. I want to serve this hot military girl!
Very Sexy
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I'm not a neet anymore and that means I need your help to keep it afloat.
Not only that the new captcha keeps kicking me out.
Give me a couple of days.
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Vanilla EQG smut is not degenerate enough to survive in a place like /trash/.
>degenerate enough
Gif related is my face when.
It did multiple times, just not this time.
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Contemplate the aroma
I know, I just haven’t seen that one by him before
>ponytail dash
my only weakness
Travel is Good for the Soul.

>Our Saturday morning got a later start than we hoped due to getting lectured by the CPD over changing our sleeping arrangements. Then we called in a multi-family meeting at Sugarcube corner so we could give an accounting of the fight to our families and show we were all doing fine. As we suspected, we couldn't save the officers, but it was appreciated that we hadn't just given up on them.
>Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna also showed up at Sugarcube Corner as well to hear the tale. So we were able to inform them, as well as our families, that after the coming school week, we would be taking a week off for an interdimensional research trip. There were two things dictating that time frame. First, we wanted Rarity to make a full recovery. Second, estrus would catch us if we stayed longer.
>Apparently estrus wouldn't normally be that big of a deal, but somehow I would be viewed like a celebrity, so it was wise to avoid tempting fate. I hadn't yet been given a lot of information to help me frame that, so it wasn't easy to understand.
>The Crusaders would NOT be coming with us. Instead they would spend more time at Sweet Apple Acres trying to fill in for Applejack so things there didn't fall behind. Billy was looking forward to learning about farm work because I had done it without complaint.
>On Sunday my girlfriends and I had a pot luck at Sunset's place. The stated goal was to start my Equestrian education, but it was also a purple drink party with several rest breaks as we had school the next day.
>So I learned that Equestria was a world with many striking similarities to our own. Some of the place names were familiar, and some had a horse twist to them. Speaking of horses, the Equestrian natives we could expect to deal with identified as ponies. More exactly, they identified as one of four different types of ponies.
>Earth Ponies were closest in form to the horses we had here. They had a tendency to be stronger for their size than other types.
>Pegasi had wings. In addition to flight, this let them walk on clouds somehow and they could also influence the weather.
>Unicorns had a single horn and were telekinetic. With practice and ability, they could also cast magic spells.
>And lastly there were Alicorns. Possessed of Pegasi wings and Unicorn horns, they had the most powerful magic and tended to lead nations. There were only four known and two of them had lived over a thousand years. They were considered royalty and to be addresses with the title of 'Princess' before their name.
>When we went there, we would all turn into ponies ourselves and speak the language. This would in part be predetermined by a known pony native counterpart. Applejack and Pinkie would be Earth Ponies. Rainbow and Fluttershy would be Pegasi. Rarity and Twilight would be unicorns. (Princess Twilight was an Alicorn, but she had ascended.)And it turned out that Sunset was an Equestrian native who would return to being a Unicorn in her native land.
Sunset was watching me VERY closely when this was definitively announced. So I got ahead of the doubts that were looming and said "Immigrant or not, you're still the same amazing person who chose to give a shy, scrawny, and overlooked boy a chance. You were the first one to believe I could become a king. You're still my Queen and I'm going to rely on you even more when we visit your home. Any doubts, questions, or desire to touch my balls?"
>Sunset gave a wide grin and said "No my King. No doubts, no questions, and we'll talk about the other thing when my turn comes again."
"Come to think of it, I have one question and comment of a very minor nature." I said. "I'm guessing that, in THIS world, you really haven't traveled beyond Canterlot right?"
>Sunset said "Well no I haven't my King. Is that a problem?"
"Not at all." I said. "It just resolves an inconsistency. Basically on the rare times when I talk about life before and outside of Canterlot, you've given me the same reactions as my other girlfriends and now I understand why is all. You see, in this world, I find that Canterlot is a somewhat idyllic place. But folks that haven't been outside of it don't have the perspective to see that in the way that Billy and I do."
>Sunset then asked" So should I travel around outside of Canterlot?"
"Oh please no." I said. "In Canterlot is the happiest I've ever been. I want to state that VERY clearly. If I never have to leave here again then you will hear no complaint from me! And that's WITH the murderous international criminal hunting me! With that said, on with the lessons please."
>Actually our Twilight seemed to be a bizarre case. Her transformed state in our world clearly had wings. But in Equestria she was a glasses-wearing Unicorn. It was interesting, but not something I was likely to resolve in my first visit there.
>Speaking of me, as had been mentioned earlier my girlfriends suspected I might be an Alicorn over there. And Billy might as well. And as I had learned, Alicorns were treated as royalty so I had to learn 'proper' manners in addition to everything else. Sunset, while not a Princess herself, WAS however a student of Princess Celestia and so I could expect an encounter with her regardless of what I was when over there.
>Additionally Princess Twilight Sparkle was hosting us and seeing to our accommodations and itinerary. Naturally we were asked if we had any requests and on a whim I suggested visiting a school. Kids would be amazed while also being unfiltered. Meaning there was every chance we might learn as much as the kids. My suggestion was accepted enthusiastically.
>Other things that would seem immediately important were our new body and being an herbivore. In some ways our bodies would adapt fairly well. Like we would not have much trouble walking on all fours as a for instance. But we would no longer have hands and fingers and that might wear on us. Apparently it was somehow possible to grip things with your front hooves but the logic of it was difficult to explain. We would learn by experience on that.
>And then came the change in diet. Basically we wouldn't notice the lack of meat. Our hosts would also help us to understand portion sizes for our new bodies as well. I was told to look forward to something called a 'hayburger'. Well it would probably be best to just try everything we were served while there.
>Earth Ponies would have the least complicated transition.
>Pegasi would have two more limbs with their supporting muscles and skeletal structure. Learning to fly would require practice. Just learning how to move new limbs without injury would be a process.
>Unicorn Telekinesis would also require practice. (Maybe we should bring some juggling beanbags to practice?) Learning magic spells on the first visit wasn't really our goal.
>And Alicorns would have these issues complicated by a LOT of power. I could probably expect to break a few things if I was one.
>Also, since Alicorns were so rare, I could expect some unearned instant Elvis-level celebrity. Even more so than normal, I would need to keep my friends around me. I would need their insight and their protection from ambitious mares with seduction schemes from an unfamiliar culture.
>I mean I could probably trust the Princesses, and if I suspected a native had swapped with one of my girlfriends I could ask local knowledge questions to get to the truth. The odd one to deal with there was Pinkie. For her I would have to put in some more effort.
>The reasons for me to be extra cautious were rooted in the power of Alicorns and simple biology. Alicorns were both a powerful military asset and state-level actors. The more Alicorns Equestria had, the more powerful their military would be and the more land they could manage.
>And of the four current Alicorns, only one was likely to have children anytime soon. I didn't know the gestation times, but if we assume 1 child a year as an aggressive schedule with a fifty percent chance of the child being an Alicorn, it would take eight years (plus time to raise) to double the current Alicorn population.
>But as I was a male I could just impregnate anyone willing. Even if we assumed a mere five percent of my offspring were Alicorns, then it would only take eighty pregnancies for me to double the current Alicorn population. Something I could in theory do in about two to four months (vs eight years!) And there was no real reason to think anything other than I actually had a fifty percent chance at my offspring being male either.
>Princess Celestia may well be an entirely benevolent ruler, but I couldn't afford to trust that as a reason for her to ignore simple math. This too needed further and careful thought.
>Sure the thought of just staying in my own world had crossed my mind, but that was a worse option. I just had to think of the proper angle to deal with Princess Celestia to prevent becoming the national sextoy. In other words Celestia could be talked to and reasoned with.
>But Lady Chrysalis very specifically wanted to KILL me. And it had taken our entire team, okay minus Rarity, to fight our way out of that ambush! Dividing our forces and sending only a few to Equestria was a much worse choice than negotiating with Princess Celestia.
>Plus Sunset naturally wanted to show off her boyfriend, er, "special somepony" to everyone she knew. And on principal I refused to disappoint her. So I was going, and all of my "marefriends" were coming too.
>Sunset also did NOT fail to mention my nights would be active while we were there as well! For Sunset, well she really just wanted to experience what 'normal' sex for her should always have been before coming to Canterlot. I thought it was kind of a wholesome desire on her part honestly.
>The others were taking a cross of 'when in Rome' and 'glass half full' attitudes about sex on this excursion. There would be no parents present to restrict us from having sex at night, but we would be in our pony forms and not every fetish and desire they might have over here would have an exact translation.
>Rainbow and Fluttershy both said that, if I could manage it, they would like to try sex on a cloud. And no one begrudged them for wanting that.
>And that was where we ended Sunday night and went back to our homes.
>Monday came and I was dressed in Pinkie's colors with the caption "Party on!" on my top and matching briefs that wouldn't be an issue until I had to change for PE.
>Quite naturally there were many folks that wanted to know about what had happened on Friday night. We told them there would be a presentation at lunch to look forward to.
>We just didn't tell them who would be giving it.
>Lunchtime came and a fair amount of students sat much closer to the theatrical stage than normal. Many just sat on the floor close to it with their lunch, looking forward to the show that Principal Celestia had signed off on. And the curtains went up.
"HELLO CANTERLOT HIGH!" I said from center stage as the crowd applauded in response.
"I understand that you guys might want to know about what happened on friday night?" I asked the crowd. "Well you're going to hear all about it. Also here in the front row, the Manga club is going to be taking notes and they hope to have something out for you later this week. Some of the proceeds from that will go to the CPD survivors fund, so please buy a copy."
"And before we get into it, I need to tell you something." I said. "I'm not the one that's going to be telling you the story."
>That caused some murmurs.
"The reason why is pretty simple really. My girlfriends and I need to be planning our next steps. Also as upperclassmen, we have a duty to help underclassmen grow and develop." I said. "So besides me and my girlfriends, there were four other fellow Canterlot students there." I said as I held up four fingers.
"And they did you proud!" I declared.
"When literal GUNSHOTS and actual EXPLOSIONS happening around them."
"They didn't freeze."
"They didn't panic."
"No. They followed their training, and then they followed our orders." I said. "And because of that, everyone made it out of there."
"Were they scared?" I asked. "Of course they were. We ALL were!"
"But there's something you need to know about when you're scared." and I paused for a two count.
"That's the only time you can be brave."
"So without further adieu," I said "You might know them as The Crusaders, but their names are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Billy "New Boy" Blanks!" And they came out onto the stage as their names were called and I handed Billy the microphone and left the stage.
>Billy said "Thank you Anonymous! Wow what an introduction." And turning to the girls he said "No pressure right?" with a smile.
>Billy wasn't an incredibly polished storyteller, but he let raw emotion into his voice that helped the crowd feel they were IN the story. The Crusaders took turns telling the story and acting out various parts of it with the help of some props and wigs from the drama department, Applejack's Stetson, and a few telekinetic assists from Twilight as needed and some charged sprinkles from Pinkie.
>They covered from our entrance into the hallway to our exit. The more intense action was done in slow motion thanks to Twilight's TK assisting. And while, in fact, the Crusaders had been facing away from most of the action during the event, it was also true they had paid close attention when everyone gave their statements. So they clearly knew their stuff.
>They closed the presentation with the song they had sung, explaining that it had been chosen because they were still growing Billy's song catalogue and it was the best available fit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bNf5BDiFKs [Embed]
>Apparently that was going to be The Crusaders theme song for awhile, based on the crowd reaction.
>After that, the kids took a bow and handed the microphone to Principal Celestia, who reminded the students of the importance of not talking to strangers either in person or online about anything at Canterlot High. And then transitioned into more normal school announcements and the cafeteria resumed a normal atmosphere.
>Later in the week it was quietly confirmed that Billy and Twilight could break the brainwashing. Billy's ability to do so was kept absolutely top secret.
>The Manga club had something out by Thursday at Canterlot High. By Friday every comic store in Canterlot either had some or had placed an order. The Manga club avoided copyright trouble with Disney by only covering expenses and donating the rest of the proceeds to the CPD survivor's fund charity. Being able to show work experience on a popular work would be the Manga club's profit.
>Then it was finally Saturday morning.
>Time for us to leave for Equestria.
>We were packed incredibly lightly for a week long trip. But we didn't need to bring clothes (Breathe Rarity!), food, or much of anything really. Mostly what we had packed was what we needed to do our homework for the week of school we would miss.
>Our portal to Equestria turned out to be on the podium of the Wondercolt statue in front of the school. Which explained the long standing mystery of why something about that statue had always seemed odd.
>We did final checks and proceeded to enter the portal in ten second intervals, because apparently it was pretty common to stumble and fall a bit when coming out of the portal. I was the last one in.
>We had also been warned that our senses would go haywire during the, subjectively, twenty second trip. I was NOT expecting the words to appear.
>Then I was looking down at a room filled with what my gi.. MAREfriends would look like in pony form. A green horse-shape came out and collapsed. (Why was my vision getting fuzzy?)
>Sunset's voice said "Anonymous? ANONYMOUS!!!"
>And the room was then filled with urgent sounding screaming I couldn't quite make out..
Dang, sound like his journey into the land of ponies is off to a rough start.
She’s the perfect size for her uniform
She’s very cute. God I wish I could just fuck like rabbits with her then cuddle in between the sex.
He’ll surely make ends meet.
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Game Time Started
lol nice

More uniformed Fluttershy:
How many Glorios' drawfriends are there?
>it's not The Sims
9/10 you tried.
I don't know if I can manage to keep one up long along myself.
Give a paywalled artist to spam in the next humanized/eqg thread.
I want to have sex with an eqg

Uniformed Fluttershy is so nice, she lets Derpy wear her hat:

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Ooh neat!
Diamond Tiara is eager...!
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Just imagine Gloriosa inviting her friend over, and she sees that it's a total pigsty and asks, "Why are we in your brother's room?" And then Gloriosa responds, "What are you talking about? This isn't his room."
>Gloriosa's room being like a guy's room
>If just to complete a theme her brother's room was like a girl's bedroom
>He's got a bunch of stuffed animals and shit
>Refers to them as "collectibles"
Second artist handle?
I'm getting a Final Fantasy character for some reason.
>one off
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>the walls of Timber's room are plastered with My Little Pony posters
I have found a lot of Charliexe and Anxiety-Chan while looking for Riouku.
And one asshole sent me a misnamed chocolate pack.
>nobody's updated metalhead97's page on kemono in 7 months
>metalhead97 is "leaving"
>so much art is about to be permanently lost
bros, is it over?
It'll appear on ex eventually
Everything does
Interesting vid collection
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You'll have to help me keep >>41985049 up and running.
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celestia fukken wept
>her vulva is visible through the see-through part of her panties
Enjoy yer vacay!
do high school girls have these figures irl
yes, i´ve even seen some with even bigger proportions in recent times, hell, back when I was in highschool they had proportions almost exactly like these, they have only been getting bigger and bigger in recent times
>There's this "rated T for teens" space alien shooter game you've been playing for some number of weeks now.
>Unable to get past a few certain levels for quite some time, due to you being too dumb to figure out how to use a simple game mechanic that was always right there in the manual you didn't read.
>Oh, the hours of toil you underwent sitting on your bed trying to figure out how to simply leave a room on the map.
>Having already gotten the gist of blasting the green spacesuit aliens with antennae with your laser gun, you were quite frustrated by this simple obstacle.
>Almost insulted by how it would hold back a space warrior such as yourself from doing what you do best.
>There was no reason for that to have been such an ordeal for you, and your aggravated grunt of "OH COME OOOOOOOOONN!" angrily sang through the walls over to your younger twin brothers' room the moment you figured out how to get to the next room in the game.
>It was through an air vent connected to the floor you had to press a button to open which you weren't used to pressing when you were busy racking up that kill streak.
>So many hours wasted, but you used the wrath as something to take out on the next batch of enemies that didn't stand a chance against you.
>You've been ready for the final boss for several levels by now.
>The next day or two had been spent working your way towards the final level in the game where you would face the final boss, now extra powered up from your little mishap with not knowing a game mechanic that should have been easy to figure out.
>Each day included a few hours of playing until you either got tired or had to go do your homework or some other stupid stuff that got in the way.
>Once again, you were on a roll.
>Inching closer to that final battle you were SURE you were going to win against that pesky final boss you had been taunting back from your bed after he taunted you from in the game.
>You were charged up all day at school, excited to get back home and defeat that final boss once and for all.
>...And then you got grounded after your friend was hit by a car.
>Your console was hauled out of your room while your father berated you, killing your whole vibe in addition to ruining your day and entire next month.
>This entire chain of events was going through your mind every day when you sat on your bed without your console in your room... or your TV plugged in to be able to even be switched on.
>Only reason why the TV itself wasn't hauled out of your room was because it's one of those bulky heavy box TVs that are too much of a hassle to lug around, especially up and down a flight of stairs.
>So your parents just settled on taking the cables and wires away; you can't even turn the darned thing on regardless.
>You were supposed to feel bad about what you did.
>But you just want the video game back so you can complete it.
>There's an opportunity rearing its head right around the corner just for you:
>The entire weekend your parents are going to be away in about another week or so from now.
>And it looks like they may be taking your two younger twin brothers with them for the family trip.
>You're convinced that your parents are just gullible, because they still haven't seemed to learn how you are with sitters.
>A long history of you being nasty and annoying to past babysitters is your battle record, which shouldn't have been continued since you've gotten older now.
>Too old to need any more of that lame corny babysitter stuff, but still know how ungovernable you've become whenever your parents aren't home and it's just you and your little legion of brothers running the place like Lord Of The Flies.
>It's more or less something you're ashamed to be proud of.
>No sitter can tame you, you've taken on sitters who were both men and women, all of whom were middle aged and didn't have the stamina to keep up with three little brats running around spilling chocolate milk and hitting the walls with mini hockey sticks at 11 at night.
>And nowadays, your goal is less to annoy the sitter (which can easily be done) and more to break into the basement room you know your console and wires are so you can beat that video game already.
>Of course, that can't happen until the upcoming 3-day weekend during which the trip takes place, lest your younger brothers tell on you out of "if we can't play video games then neither can you" spite.
>You only remind yourself of this due to the fact that you're also being babysat tonight too, along with your two brothers.
>Obviously, your parents want to get this brand new sitter they just hired to get used to dealing with you before leaving for 3 days.
>She will deal with three of you for one day before dealing with one of you for three days.
>Sounds straightforward enough for your parents, but it sounds like a challenge to you.
>All you're imagining is how your favorite characters in Saturday morning cartoons would approach this new episode of your life.
>You can't wait to find ways to make this babysitter crack around the edges then cave in just like all the others before her.
>Looking forward to using the tiny screwdriver from the tool shed in the backyard to unlock the door in the basement.
>Whoever this babysitter turns out to be, you'll analyze her methods tonight and see what it takes to either slip past her guard or exhaust her into giving up trying to control you.
>In your bedroom, you do your little evil laugh because you're also the villain as well as the main character in this Saturday morning cartoon that is your life.
>Nevermind the fact that you're too old to watch Saturday morning cartoons and not have it be at least a little weird for your age, at least that's what some of your friends at school have been giving you the vibe of.
>Eh, screw them.
>She's here.
>You see a car pull up in the driveway, hearing what must be music coming from inside the vehicle, but your view of whoever gets out is blocked by the corner of the roof over the garage as usual.
>It doesn't take your parents long to respond to the doorbell ringing, and the front door is swung open before you know it.
>"Hi!" A bright and cheerful voice chimes into the front room, evoking a very friendly reaction from your parents. "The uhh... Elf family?"
>Yup, she has the right place, and this is the sitter you've had to prepare for.
>A few minutes of your parents conversing with the babysitter go by before the sounds of your two younger brothers entering the front room dissipates it all into more hellos and stuff.
>In your room you sit, like a brooding demon just waiting to emerge from the shadows as you plan your dramatic entrance.
>You want this babysitter to remember this moment, the day she met her worst nightmare.
>Practice your evil grin in the mirror, putting on your favorite T-shirt you love to wear on special occasions when you're you're the most yourself.
>It feels like your favorite suit of armor.
>Your black T-shirt with super rad looking skulls and bones on it.
>It's what you put on either when you're gonna spend the day doing something really cool and fun, or when you're about to do bad things like the little villain you are.
>And it just so happens that both are the case on this day.
>Only a few minutes later and your parents are calling up the stairs for you. "Come down and meet Cadance!"
>Oh, what a foolish mistake they made, calling you downstairs and having yet another doomed babysitter watch over you when you're even too old for one these days anyway.
>They will rue this day!
>Menacingly open your bedroom door and slither down the second floor hallway, soon peering over the bannister like a ruthless emperor looking down his nose at gladiators in the Colosseum.
>Candy pulled up into the driveway after making sure she was at the right house.
>The bubblegum from her mouth stretches as far as it can go as she blows her last bubble for the day, letting the sweet morsel give off a loud pop before turning off the engine of the car her parents just got her.
>The thumping EDM she was playing through the speakers goes silent.
>Candy can hear herself breathe once more.
>The house towers over her after she opens the door and lets the breeze brush by her smooth shoulders.
>After finding somewhere reasonable outside to throw away the discarded bubblegum, she shuts the door and stretches for a brief moment while she knows no one can see her at this vantage point yet.
>Especially no one inside the house... don't want to get the family suspicious about the way she arrived dressed like this.
>Tight denim jeans with a clingy black tank top with shoulder straps too thin to hide her bra straps decorating her silky skin.
>A distant daytime owl hoots in the distance as another gentle breeze tickles Candy's shoulders.
>Candy licks her lips once then slips into a jacket before appearing before the parents, then heads up to the front door.
>Rings the doorbell once and waits, wondering if these three she's to watch over are going to be loud or quiet.
>The mother and father answer the door at the same time.
>"Hi! The uhh, Elf family?" Candy gives them a friendly point to indicate she's taking a guess.
>"That's us!" The father answers. "Come on in!"
>"You must be..." The mother begins, not remembering the sitter's name off the top of her head yet.
>"Cadance. Right?" The father fills in.
>"That's me." A very bubbly Cadance puts on her family-friendly persona while humbly trotting into the front room. "It's nice to meet you, your house looks so pretty!"
>"I just rearranged all the pillows and curtains the other day!" The mother responds with a warm smile. "I'm glad you like it!"
>"See? I knew the tapestry was a good idea!" The father joins in again, looking over at the large canvas of a beautiful forest path draped over one of the far walls.
>"Oh hush, I never said not to put it up!" The mother playfully puts her hands on her hips and laughs. "I just didn't want you going up on that ladder too many times."
>Candy plays along with the friendly introductory conversation with the parents for some time before the sound of small tennis shoes galloping against the hard kitchen floor diverts everyone's attention towards itself.
>"Oh, here's two of our sons now!" The father swallows his previous disappointment to still proudly introduce his sons to a new person, prior to hoping that disappointment won't have a reason to resurface this time.
>"Hey there, little guys! Aren't you just adorable!" Candy leans down a little bit to pat them on the heads while they play "Cowboys And Indians" with little plastic toy guns in the midst of circling around their parents introducing them by name to the pink girl from the local high school.
>Amused, Candy looks on at them, but is glad she's not going to have to put up with them for more than just today and tonight if she she remembers is correct.
>Hopefully, she can send them to bed early or something so she can have some peace and quiet once it's nighttime.
>"They're the youngest ones." The mother starts. "I'm sure you can see they're quite the handful."
>"Oh that won't be a problem. They're only for today and tonight, yes?"
>"Yep. It's our older one who's gotten himself in a little trouble recently." The father starts off but doesn't go too far into detail. "He's the one you'll have to keep an eye on."
>"No problem." Candy nods as the daytime owl hoots outside once again.
>She almost wants to give you a look as she sees you peer over the bannister within the next couple of minutes.
>At very first sight, she can tell that you're one of those troublemakers that try to look mean.
>Not knowing how adorable they are when they do so.
>Your slow descent down the stairs isn't nearly as menacing as you think it is, but Candy doesn't bother popping your bubble for now.
>"This is Cadance. She's gonna be hanging out here for today until we get home." Your father steps aside so you can see her.
>This sitter is nowhere near as old as you thought she'd be.
>She looks way closer to your age than your parents' ages.
>There's a little hint of something you don't know how to identify that you swallow instead of your childish pride.
>It happened right when you saw her, but you didn't think anything else of it after you parents started talking to you again about how they're about to leave.
>They were waiting for Cadance to arrive so they could head off.
>Damn, they really didn't want to deal with you for any longer today, and you weren't even doing anything besides staying grounded.
>Which, of course, made its way into the conversation.
>A conversation that led to your father giving the babysitter the keys to his tool shed.
>He gives you a look that says "you think I didn't find out last time you used my screwdriver kit to unlock doors?".
>It's explained that you're not allowed to play video games or watch TV, and that the basement room the console and wires are locked inside of is to remain off limits with the door locked.
>You begin to fume, smoke coming out of your ears and a tea kettle noise rising from your throat.
>"Make sure he doesn't pickpocket the keys off of ya." You dad takes one last verbal jab before getting his jacket.
>Only a couple of minutes later and your parents are out the door, leaving you and your two brothers alone with this babysitter you just met.
>It happened before you could even process it; you were just about to go back into your room and continue being your cringe self when the door shut while your brothers innocently continued their little game in the living room.
>There wasn't enough time to get the introduction out of the way before she started up the stairs.
>Your parents already drove away by the time it's too late to flee to your room... you didn't know you were supposed to flee.
>For it's also already too late regarding something else you're not aware of yet.
>You don't understand the soon-to-last implications of Candy jingling the keys in front of you, dropping them into your hands.
>You don't realize it yet, but she's gaining leverage.
>"It's okay. I'm a cool babysitter." Candy grins.

Nice oceanside background.
>"Inside you are two wolves"
Very cute!
Is this a crossover between your story and the one with portal selves? Pretty cool if it is.

Also, guess I'll make the next thread since it's kinda dead right now. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Oh, and here's the updated paste link since I ran out of character space: https://ponepaste.org/10750
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Sus af behavior from Cadence but god I wish that was me
Very cute shimmy!
Microsoft Excel
formerly known as twitter.
I don’t remember that artist turbo locking content. You sure you aren’t getting him confused with someone else?
>Is this a crossover between your story and the one with portal selves? Pretty cool if it is.
Sorry but those are different works from two different authors, although I can claim to have helped inspire the sex tourist one. And those have been a LOT of fun!
Duties of the King was always going to go to Equestria in my ongoing quest to cover lesser touched lore.
I would say that Anon is having a bit of trouble with the commute, but that feels like I'm kicking a dead horse.
Ah okay, it just kinda felt that way from what I was reading and I may have gotten the chronological order of everything confused.

Anyway, I guess I'll make the next thread now. Might try going back to fetching archive links for the OP too when I get the chance.
I probably wouldn't have my green with ponies coming to the human world have Anon go to Equestria. I'm not ruling it out, but I'd say I'm leaning towards keeping things in the human world. Also I realize it's been a while since I updated and I'll try to get something going for early on in the next thread.
Alternate versions are locked behind a paywall. A bunch of sketches and I think some exclusive drawings too.
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New Thread:
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