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Previous >>41732575

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB
Music Is Coming (Part 3) by Alexander Grey
- https://pastebin.com/4c5BLWLd

Shamelessly stolen writing guides:
- https://pastebin.com/V1ujiyJt
- https://pastebin.com/whCQ2GpX
- https://pastebin.com/bnMmZ2T3

Other Shadowbolt links: https://pastebin.com/wYy0FyrA
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There we go. Right number.
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Sour Sweet deserves to be raped.
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That green a few threads ago with that was fine as hell. Don't remember the writefag ever making a paste for it. I don't remember any of the >rape greens having pastes actually.
Considering going finding them myself to make pastes of them then add it to the OP.
Sour will go here i guess
There actually was a green about that? Hah, gotta browse the archives then. For some reason I rarely read Shadowbolt Thread...
Two actually
Already started deep diving for them before you posted, will start making pastes I guess, don't see a reason not to
off to a bad start.
Well, more like a little ball rolling.
Someone posted a muscle Sour Sweet, and people joked how she would show off, saying stuff like "I can take anyone on".
Anyway, one pointed out that human numbers > strenght of one, so basically it turned into a massive correction rape orgy.
It was followed by therapy group rape: since Sour would mouth off again, the "the-rapist" just called a bunch of cons in good conduct, let her do her thing, and Sour rape part 2 happened.
OK I know that older one. Thanks for sharing.

Deep Sour Sweet rape lore, haha.
NGL I actually really like that one too
Looking forward to it anon
>>41895996 (OP)
Have any of you guys here read Samey90's Shadowbolt fics?
It’s good
I don't think so. Are they good?
Still a kino pic
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The true Shadow 6, with a knock off Twilight too.
>He doesn't know Moondancer was the original Twilight
Pretty sure that none of them have c nor d cups.
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Beautiful girls
Sweet kitties
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Dang Sour Sweet indeed is hot. I want to hatefuck her.

You know those girls who accuse men of rape after an ONS they decided they didn't like?
Sour would do the opposite.
That definitely sounds like her
The opposite, eh?
>Sour Sweet decides she really liked the one night stand, and uses the threat of accusing you of rape to blackmail you into a longer term relationship with her
or just otherwise
>Sour Sweet is very dismissive of you when deciding to have a one night stand with you
>Then becomes very possessive of you after deciding she liked the one night stand
I was thinking that second option, but with actual intended rape happening.

Now I think I'm not the first to come up with this idea. I might have read that in some story/green.
There is a kind of yandere appeal about a girl flipping from being disinterested and condescending towards you all the way to obsessive possessiveness practically in an instant.
Post the previous deliveries here too please.
That’s why she’s so hot.
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sorry for delay
i hope you like twintails
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almost like Sunny, eh?
10/10 suff.
Thank you so much anon.
Holy hell I think I’m in love
>i hope you like twintails
Well I do now
"Shadow Girls" girlsband presenting:
Baby Shadow
Scary Shadow
Ginger Shadow
Sporty Shadow
Posh Shadow
No bra style as an added bonus.
Great set
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All the way until she likes it (and then doesn’t)
I don't want her to like it.
She yelled at Twilight after all >:(
>I don't want her to like it.
This one seems very 2000s like
Thank you!
She's sour, then sweet, sour again, and so on.
It never ends
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Cute sisters
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Whenever one is sour, the other is sweet.
You think Majorette/Sweeten Sour (maybe I'll remember those names this time) is bipolar too?
"Sweeten Sour" may imply that, but I'm sure this name only comes from the fact she looks very similar.

But I really like the idea of them being sisters.
If Sour Sweet is the one girl that says something mean behind your back, and then something sweet in front of you, does that mean Majorette/Sweeten Sour spits her facts in front of you with no filter, but when she is alone/in private she says the sweetest things? Or it can be something nice yet not appropiate, like "start winning, stop sucking! I'm shaking my tits and ass for you! Get a point already!"
I have another idea - they're both bipolar and their disorders are "synchronized", but always opposite. Meaning whenever Sour Sweet acts nice, Majorette is a cunt and vice versa.
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Ok guys, I just finished watching Friendship Games for the first time and I have to say... these girls are adorable.
I know there are stories in the OP and everything but any particular place to start?
Depends what you're looking for.
Something that doesn't include sex, and if it does, something cute/romantic.
I'll eventually read the rest that don't fit that description anyways
Maybe treating Miss Sweet in that that case.
I wrote a few long ago



Sunny Flare (they are the same story, only different end):
we would have more if one autists wasn't caling every new lurker a samefag.
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>Fag tries to rewrite history again
Just find a thread you like already
>”You wanna squeeze my tits don’t you?~” Sour says, offering them
>Squeeze them gently
>She slaps you for touching her
That means you should be squeezing harder.
Or for longer, to which I would happily oblige.
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They be cute
If the anon who wrote all the other rape greens comes back I hope he writes one of her
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To boner, or not to boner, that is the question.
the answer is indeed boner
Maybe some day I'll get into bodybuilder girls kink.
Nice pic still.
It’s a good pic for sure
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Imagine the world where everyone considers not speaking in public.
>We should use them to distract the team
After what happened to you, I feel both the enemy AND ally team will help (you) revive "old memories" with all your friends.
I'd love to live in a world a little more like there.
Sugarcoat would finally smile
That’s be precious
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I like to imagine that Sugracoat, being so blunt with insults and straightforward with her irritation would also be equally tactless with adoration towards someone. Like inviting someone she secretly likes - who has zero clue about it or maybe even sees her for the first time - to hang out, and immediately becoming frustrated when her feelings are not reciprocated, most likely insulting the same person because of that despite her own feelings. I wonder if it'd bother her a lot deep down, it'd make it seem like she's clumsy and socially inept despite her oh-so-superior attitude otherwise. Some people would probably love to see her embarrassed though. Rumors spread fast in high school.
I would hug an embarrassed sugarcoat, and tell her it's all okay.
cute and sexy
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Cute kitties
with cute pussies
Has a ring to it
>Pin her down
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I want to put headphones on her tits.
I see she has no bra on
Bet she has no panties on either
She put her bra down there instead.
That sounds hot.
When I'm done sniffing her panties, she'll put them on her head.
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which Shadowbolt would be the most ticklish?
Sugarcoat, secretly.
the smuggest
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Of all time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVV-fo1iz-E [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOUkY_Z9eBk [Embed]

You decide.
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So unimpressive. Those aren't even butts, they're "utts'. Sticc asses.
Why are you gay?
Blackest nigga of the thread
Both then
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Winning the wet t-shirt contest
Cute glasses
Hot underboob too
I want her to insult me so much its unreal
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I would tell her all of my secrets solely so her insults would hit harder.
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>"You have a girl's cacoëthes. I hope you know what that word means... No, I'm not going to call sexual deviancy a fetish."
And she's dressed like that right after you told her your perversion.
>I'm not going to call sexual deviancy a fetish.
It counts!
she even looks hot in that outfit
>”Fancy words don’t make you smart, sugarcheeks”
She's gonna go bald from all that thinking.
Bald on the crotch at least
Love when the towels are that small as if they’ll dry them off or cover everything
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I was about to say "nice", but then I looked at the filename.
Still nice though.
What’s wrong with the filename?
Is it?
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Just waiting for someone to come by that window and see the goods.
With a camera
Derpibooru ID leading to an 8-year old pic.
I thought some drawfriend made it now.
Oh I see
>consensual sex
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Got damn those tits are sexy
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Sweet outfit
Sour outfit
>"It's the wrong word and you would know that had you paid attention in sociology class."
Don't tell her you were checking out her big butt.
It's very cute!
Don't tell her she has a big butt.
She hopes you like her despite of it.
In the EqG world to say sex is always the act.
The duality of sour sweet enjoyers
That’s the spirit
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>"Are. We gonna. Fuck?!"
Damn she’s cute
She wants to?
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What's with the wings?
Pixie tinkerbell smurf.
Looks like it.
Her insults mean nothing when the bus drives over a bumpy road
Trying to entice Winx audience.
Looks more like she wants to win
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She just hopes to cum first.
But she doesn't know I'm faster than her...
Neat shameless self-own.
I am speed B-)
When Anon doesn't want to rape you again
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Poor thing
Give me a quick rundown on Lemon Zest's color theory.
Color theory?
>”Get back over here and pound me, Anon!”
Sometimes life is simply unfair to ones who are too willing.
She will find a way to make anon lose control around her
i'll bet
While I untie the front knot too
Wouldn’t that just make her rape Anon back?
Misplaced usage of the word “theory” by pompous art degree dweebs.
I still don't get it.
She’s really cute
Even better
I love the cleavage window meant for titfucking
No, you're supposed to put your nose in there.
That works too
eyes are a little far apart there
It's because she's very good at chess.
I see
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Good show
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Favorite episode is sour sweet versus horny men in her room who broke in
No, that was your room.
Sour Sweet was in my room when we did that to her? Sweet.
Good fuckery
bad fuckery
>anon got raped
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That’s fucking hot
Sweet cheeks
I wonder if anyone likes to lick sand.
I'd be the first to
Moderately okay fuckery
Just enough battery life for taking Anon’s lust inside of herself
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based filename and hot image
Yeah, I like this pic.
Contrary to 3D ponies, I feel like EqGs are kinda weird (these most common models at least). But at certain angles they look... good.
I agree
Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t really
Fortunately there are some better looking models out there. Not a Shadowbolt though:
I find 3D ponies a lot weirder. Pony anatomy doesn't translate well to some 3D models, human model rigging seems easier in this regard.
Damn that was one long outage
To each their own I guess. I love Gmod ponies.
Don't get me wrong, I love them too since it's basically THE classic even if they're imperfect.
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Actually I'm slowly starting to like Gmod/SFM EqGs as I browse the booru. Depends on the character.
Sindroom’s models seem to be less uncanny to me.
I forgot the names but there are good ones out there
What happened
From last night to some time this morning I couldn't get the captcha to load at all, and it seemed like that was down. Pretty sure that's what they're talking about.
Ah okay. Must’ve missed it.
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Nice nice nice!

>Insert coin
I'm inserting something, alright.
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Multiple times
What is she doing in this picture
She's about to kick the stupid machine that stole her money.
Or she's going to pee on it.
Or both.
Cannot unsee
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It's okay, I don't mind
This was a nice set
>”local EqG goes ooooo”
Hot EqGs in my area?
Also I doubt this mouth shape would make pure "ooooo" sound. I don't know what kind of sound it would actually make either. "0000"?
EQG niggers get the rope.
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Round girls
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Two of them
I guess it’s be zeroes so she’s like a machine to insert coins into
See? I was right all along.
And now I'm out of coins...
Make like Mario Luigi and get more!
At least you’re more honest about your butthurt than that currently absent samefag was
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Now I have a headache.
I wanna make it go "pbbbt", like someone fisting a jar of miracle whip
he's just another wannabe with expiration date
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Its less fun that way
Cute and checked
But only when it comes to Sour Sweet.
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Cool art
You sure that’s the sound effect you wanna go with?
Listening to sour sweet will do that
That skirt is essentially a tutu
here you can see a lady who carries an entire general
Yeah. Inside her.
She must be really strong
Unf yes do go on
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