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Previous Thread: >>41826661

Unplanned Death and Bedhugs Edition

Twilight's favourite books:

Fanfic Reading:

Twilight music playlist:

>>41899111 (OP)
The previous thread died two minutes before I woke up. It's all my fault, I failed you, Twibros...
It's nobody's fault. The board is slowly dying.
Dogspammers and barbietrannies couldn't even kill the board.
>Dogspammers and barbietrannies couldn't even kill the board.
But time can.
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Unf nice
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I mean, threads would not be dropping off page 10 if people weren't actively posting, so it's more like the opposite.
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>American time
>The thread dies
Why do American's hate Twilight?
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Twi, It's cringe, don't read it.
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ayy lmao
love this lil nigga
really wanted to see more of it, the concept sounds real neat but I don't think the artist ever did more.
Cute alien purp!
They are intimidated by her intelligence
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Who's that in the middle? Looks like someone's OC.
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Must be hard being fish Twilight, always getting the books wet.
wish this wasnt ai. its quite nice and i want to share it.
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cute bnuy twi
What was she doing over there
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She was playing with a rubber duck.
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Twilight with glasses is extremely cute (and sexy)
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Precious studious hors
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Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your reading
Now she has four ears. Isn't that too much?
What a strange dog.
What is this book that makes her so happy?
Thoughts on Shining x Twilight?
Nothing makes my penis harder
You wouldn't say that if you had a little sister.
Do you realize what thread you're in? Me x Twilight is the only right answer.
Perhaps not, but I don't, so I'll keep saying it. I do have an older sister though who I watched g1 and 2 with back before I could even talk so she did play some part in my journey to loving Twilight.
>in my journey to loving Twilight
>wants to see her brother fuck her
I don't get it.
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My fetishes are beyond your comprehension, mortal
True, I do not understand the appeal of both cuckoldry and incest.
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My wife is so pretty.
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Holy based Twi
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She can blink!
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He deserved it.
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Oh dear. Who let Twilight be a teacher? She's completely unfiltered!
What's the problem? Everything she says is true.
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What's that from?
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Cute socks
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>Who let Twilight be a teacher?
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Why is she eating the bed? Is she okay?
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Why does Twilight wear glasses? My wife has perfect eyesight!
Focusing your eyes on something near for long stretches of time, like reading a book, strains them and makes you develop myopia.
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That's okay, a simple healing spell can fix it.
It's incurable
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>>41899111 (OP)
You underestimate magic.
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why does celestia have a 5 oclock shadow?
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She's an alpha mare.
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An invitation that's impossible to refuse.
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anyway it's SLOWLY dying, no one can do anything with this and anyways everything in this world will die later by time
The solution is simple. WE NEED TO STOP TIME.
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I wonder what her favorite gameboy game would be.
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>>41899111 (OP)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lPgnh614EdQ [Embed]
Twibros... A cartoon donkey stole our waifu...
I love my five-dimensional wife!
https://youtu.be/KwiHZLhoDMI?t=1011 [Embed]
Twilight actually hates donkeys.
recently gotten into the habit of thinking about twilight as i go to sleep. Never been that into her but she is the most comforting pone. It makes me stop feeling like I am being raped 12 times a day
>nightly twilight thread
>same thread for the past 10 days

Who in the government to I contact for this flagrant crime of false advertisement???
Time spares no one, buddy
>feeling like I am being raped 12 times a day
>Never been that into her
What changed?
The board is dead.
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makes me want to kiss her and I'm not even a twifag
Death of horny- and feelsposting was the final nail in the coffin for this thread. Most of the replies might as well be bots but that's how it goes for this board these days.
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Of course my love
I'm glad there's new people getting into animation but I have to say this guy's stuff always looks like it's moving a bit too much.
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It all ends well.
Haven't posted in one of these in years

Book horse best horse
>Haven't posted in one of these in years
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>this guy's stuff always looks like it's moving a bit too much
Looks fine to me.
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No, I want to be your husband.
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Well the word "husband" stems from the Old Norse word "húsbóndi", which translates to "master of a house."
This is just her really autistic marriage proposal.
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Yeah, but you can play along for just one day.
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why is evil Twi always so fucking hot
Interesting AU. Sexy Twi.
>evil Twi
I wouldn't say she's evil. She just happens to live in an alternate universe where Celestia was defeated a long time ago.
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Pure sex
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What are those fluids orbiting her?
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Unf nice
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You got your wife some gifts for Hearts and Hooves Day, right /ntt/?
Yeah, I got her a burger.
Nothing physical but I got her some egg tarts. I do regret not picking up some nice roses I saw.
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Nice party
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>dock ribbon
That's lewd.
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Big Twi is cute and doesn't deserve the hate she gets.
I want her to sit on my face.
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I think she'd be less hated if she got an actual custom model. But that's just a reflection of how little late season staff cared about it. Just the final "fuck you" at the very end.
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Are you sure you're gonna survive that?
trace it, who gives a fuck
Final moments well spent.
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Any slop requests m'lords?
Nighty-night, sweet Twilight.
Anon holding Twilight's hoof.
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Why is Velvet bigger than Twilight?
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I agree on an actual model being better, but I'm still not convinced it's because the staff didn't care, since every other character getting a custom model shows they did care quite a bit. Did they run out of time? Or did they think they were doing the right thing by modelling her after pic related? This is the kind of question to ask Jim or anyone else involved with the animation if they ever come to a con again.
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Future generations of ponies will never know how much of a dork she used to be.
The answer is they didn't really care all that much.
This is about writing, not animation.
Look at big Twi go!
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>Future generations of ponies
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She looks like a kangaroo.
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>Anon, I...
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Filthy mud ponies.
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Twilight, a Canterlot native, never really got rid of her prejudices, even after moving to Ponyville.
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Based Twi
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Captcha: TSM8J
Nighty-night, sweet Twilight.
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It looks dangerous.
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She's gonna nail it, she's a pro.
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Nice plot.
Twiggy Piggy!
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I-Is that for me?
Where did her cutie mark go?
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Since when is Equestria an Empire?
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Since about a few decades after Tia and Lulu abdicated...
Based Twi
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urple's uper ute
This gif is just so good
I love her so much
Very kissable muzzle.
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I need this as a stained glass window in my house.
Gee anon, your mom lets your pony have FOUR ears??
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Twigga please
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Would've been a nice piece of art if not for all the watermarks ruining it.
Yeah I guess i'm just used to tuning those out. The watermarks are pretty thinned lined I could try to paint them out.
Moonrunes but holy shit what a pretty twiggy
oh i didn't see the massive low opacity "Sample" test over top, damn.
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Need more watermarks
I really like arcane/culty Twilight.
What cult is she a member of?
leader of the Sparkletologists.
pony plots
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then can you post a green to make up for it I am sure it will be great
Sounds interesting, can I join in?
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Why is Twi crying?
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I am captivated by this creature
>Capabale of turning Tapatio into jet fuel.
Truly amazing. What will she figure out next.
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Good mare!
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She's the goodest pony.
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Xenopony Twi SEXOOOOOO
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WTF? Do not abuse the purple with junk food!
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This image always makes me har, I don't even know why...
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I don't know what har means but I don't like that image.
Spoiling Twilight is my fetish as well.
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I just had lovely ice cream today. I think Twilight is more of a hard serve...
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What are you gonna do with that donut?
Digest it
Her legs are broken.
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Why is she crying?
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The link is dead.
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Works 4 me.
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the local hayburger closed down
Poor Twiggy Piggy.
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I regret logging back into derpibooru
I just wanted funny pony pics
Regret is a dish best served with a giant plate of dung. That way, you don't forget to never log in to derpibooru again.
the anthro section is real nice. Shame /mlp/ has such an aversion to it.
>the anthro section
My only interaction plan with any pony booru is
>search "Twilight Sparkle, pony"
>First page
>browse up until what I've already seen last time, save something new if needed
Been working out pretty fine for me.
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very happy Twi
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big twi butt
Big Twi is fucking hot.
I worship
I refused to watch MLP for years.

But Twilight broke me. Now I don't know how to deal with this crush on a purple horse.
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Twilight, we need to talk, your weight is getting out of control and I'm concerned for your wellbeing.
Love is love. Enjoy, Anon!
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Some people turn to expressing it through art and stories. But there's no real way to deal with it. Just make sure it stays a positive feeling.
>I refused to watch MLP for years.
>But Twilight broke me.
How did she break you if you didn't watch the show and didn't know who she was?
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I was vaguely aware of who she was, but I avoided anything MLP related because I didn't want to be a Ponyfag.
Then I saw this image without context somewhere random and it just activated something in me.

I watched the first episode of the 21st of January and I'm almost done season 6 now. Every episode just made me like her more and more. She's just so cute. I love how she's smart, powerful and, on occasion, just loses it and goes crazy. Her obsessive tendencies just makes her even cuter.
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Bless you.
Honestly I'm kicking myself for waiting so long before giving FiM a chance. Twilight is of course the best but I was surprised how much I ended up liking the rest of the cast. I'd love to be friends with the rest of the Mane 6.
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You missed the golden years, but hey look on the bright side. You have so much content to enjoy.
Yeah, I've been reading a lot of stuff.

That said are there any decent Twilight centered writefaggotry or the like that I won't easily find on archive sites like FiMfiction or Ponepaste? Looking for things a bit more obscure that I might miss since I don't know what to look for.
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Check the OP links >>41899111 (OP)
Aside the ones from the OP check this out https://pastebin.com/zvvD2hcE
Despite the topic it's well worth a read.
Appreciate it. I know there's always things that aren't properly tagged or archived.

I assume that the MLP writefag community got hit too when Pastebin had its whole purge of all lewd stories. A lot of things were lost when that happened.
At least you can still replace pastebin with poneb.in for dead links to see what got privated. Some alive authors migrated to ponepaste but some threads don't update their OPs, like this one.
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Holy shit that is fucking adorable.
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>>41899111 (OP)
Live you Twibros!

my hoers
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Your wife is so beautiful Anon. I love the rose in her mane! I might steal that idea for mine...
She's a big mare.
This purplesmart has some crazy hair! Mine gets bedhead every morning and it always makes me smile. Please give your wife roses and flowers of any variety! Also, you can dab a little bit of lavender oil on her and she'll smell lovely and it helps you to fall asleep.
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I think what matters most is to be able to trust someone who is not a fragment of your imagination to return your feelings and to be valued for who you are.
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>fragment of your imagination
Anon, the simplest explanation for consciousness is that it is merely the perspective of any active program. A program is just mathematics doing stuff. Occam's razor argues this is true!

And so, when one "imagines" another active program within their mind, that "imaginary" program is running just the same as your own! And so IT IS conscious! To a lesser extent, depending on how much focus you give it, true, but nonetheless, conscious!

I don't disagree that human companionship is important too, though, but don't say pone can't be real because she definetly is.
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>I may not be real
She is real.
Bunch of cope. She can't love you back, it's nothing more than mental masturbation to suppress loneliness. If there is no "other" in the relationship there is no trust involved, no real affection is given or recieved. At best you go full schizo to the point it doesn't even matter to you.
This snout is practically BEGGING for a boop.
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ovr fvarking princess...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obJ21k3Hylo [Embed]
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>This game has never been completed.
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I use my schizo powers and counter that no other person is really a seperate entity in truth. Loving your parents for example, they're for the most part, YOU. Genetically, there's hardly much difference, even with strangers. The program that you're operating off of is universal for the species, we're just different instances of the same source code. Like copy pasting chatbots and having them babble at each other. Sure there's mutation, but it's slight and slow, as evidenced by the glacial speed of evolution.
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Her magic is far more powerful than that toothpick.
I'm talking about someone else's feelings towards you and the physical form they take, not your feelings towards them. You can meaningfully interract with other people but you can't do that with your imagination. As you said, it's basically just a chat bot in your head. It will never hug you no matter how much you pretend to hug it. I don't think there's any need to pretend that it's not needed and just one-sided worship is enough. There are no monks here, I hope.
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>I just feel like you're wrong Twilight.
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I got her a rose!
Oh God, she's so cute!
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>Belly rub?
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And all the other kind of rubs too.
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It suits her.
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>one second later
Honestly the fact that she fucked up the sexy pole dance just makes her more attractive.
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Ouch, is she okay?
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She lived through worse.
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What did you do to make her look at you like this?!
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I doubted if I am loved.
(She is going to spit the mean ratio of unsolicited loving acts I've experienced expressed in charts.)
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I love her so much bros...
I asked her why she was purple?
Her weight caused the pole to collaspe.
Cute Twiggy Piggy!
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Who is cuter, Twilight, or Twilight? I think Twilight is cuter, but I believe you could make a strong argument that Twilight is cuter than Twilight instead.
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I had a dream last night where I was laying in bed with my arms around Twilight in the big spoon position while she was teatfeeding our newborn foal. I love her so much it's unreal
Lucky bastard!
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she glows in the dark so you can see her when you're driving and run her over
>She glows in the dark because of idiotic reason...
Wrong! She glows in the dark because it increases comfyness of snuggles with her by ten fold.
Same :)
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More boxes
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Throughout the episodes, we can see the pink and purple stripe in Twigs mane changing which side of her head its on. I'm guessing the animators got used to religiously using the "flip" tool during crunch time...
What side do (you) see it on when you think of Twilight? Personally I see it over her left eye like in picrel, but is there a "canon" side?
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For me the "canon" one has always been over the right eye. But I don't mind the other way. When drawing her I just keep it either the closest side to the viewer or whatever is more convenient to draw if there's a weird angle.
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I have to admit I never paid close enough attention to which side the stripes are on to have a preference or even notice.
The correct eye over which the stripe lays is the one for which Twilight looks cutest at that particular moment.
It pretty regularly switches side in the same scene.

Though I agree that the left side feels like the "canon" one. It's the side of her head it's on in the opening and it's heavily biased to being on the left in the first episode.
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Fake Twifags who don't analyze the show they love confirmed. Genuflect in front of your Twi plushie 10 times and read a chapter in that book you've been putting off as penance.

The show is actually very consistent with how it depicts manes. There's a default "good side" appearance that the hair starts with at the beginning of every shot, which resets when it cuts away. To give an example, Fluttershy always has her hair down her face opposite to the side of the viewer's POV, and will only show the reverse if she turns around in the same shot(And if the turn is fast enough, sometimes not even then)

It was probably implemented by Lauren to aid character readability, similar to how Mickey Mouse's ears are always billboarded facing the viewer.

Also disappointed that nobody brought up the face that Twilight's eye patch in It's About Time changes which side its on a bunch too. But maybe it's because they're like me and hate that episode's characterization of Twilight, and never rewatch it.
>Twilight's eye patch in It's About Time changes which side its on a bunch too
>>41899111 (OP)
holy fucking shit
i remember popping into these god damn threads back in 2020-2022, i am genuinely surprised and happy these are still around.
this and that one thread that started with the pic of applejack drinking were always comfy as fuck after hours.
I know about the manes and the eyepatch, that doesn't mean I have a preference or usually notice when it switches. I like that kind of detail but I'm not good at noticing it. Now the next question is if Eyepatch's eyepatch ever changes because I think I looked for it once and it didn't.
>hate that episode's characterization of Twilight, and never rewatch it.
Shit taste, that episode is Lesson Zero done right.
I actually really like it when Twilight gets all manic and starts overthinking everything.

They say that genius and madness are two sides of the same coin after all.
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Welcome back, friend. But these threads have been going on for over a decade. I don't see them disappearing anytime soon.

I do not wish to see the purple horse spergging out anymore. It is not cute, and I have to deal with enough neurotic people in my life already. I want her studious, excited to learn new things, a little uncertain of herself and her abilities, and with an acerbic edge that helps the goofiness of the world land.

Like I know she was a little neurotic in Look Before You Sleep and Swarm of the Century, but they went way, way, WAY too far in later seasons, reaching a nadir with the crime against imagination A Trivial Pursuit. Twiliynanas is comedy at the expense of characterization, which will eternally be bass ackwards.
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>your Twi plushie
The what?
>that book
The what?
>the show they love
The what?
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Do they speak pony in "What"?
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Shit, she bound my blockbuster hit book about just how fat Twilight is.
Oh I agree that neurotic Twi was overdone, but Lesson Zero is the culprit here, that's the actually terrible episode. It's About Time does lean into it a lot but it gives Twilight an actually legitimate reason to freak out.
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She's so adorable, she's asking for ear scritches.
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>"Anon, I need more choccy milk please."
What's a nickname that Twilight would pretend to have but secretly love, vs a nickname that she'd actually just straight up hate?
I call her Twigs when I have schizophrenic conversations with my plushies. She tends to just roll her eyes when I use it, but I think she likes it.
I don't think she would like being called Twiggy.
Calling her Purp or Purps would probably irritate her.
I think Twiggles is a very cute nickname, but I don't think she would enjoy being called it.
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Acceptable: Twi, Twily
You're Getting My Name Wrong: Twilight Twinkle
Bullying: Twilight Flopple, Twily-Wily-Princess-Poo, The Great and Powerful Twily
What Are You Doing?: T-Sparks
NO: Twiggy (Piggy), Twilard Sparkle
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