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We talk about the best chudmare in all of MLP. Post pictures, draw art, post AI voice overs, make websites dedicated to her, make video edits of her, make stories about her, discuss the episodes she appeared in, and pour your heart out for her.

Previous Thread:>>41899946
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>Posey peeks her head out of the snow barrier.
“Good, they’re all tired out. We can go home now.”
>”Is Anon out there? I think the game isn’t over until one surrenders.”
“Come on, Sundae, it’s almost twilight soon. Can’t they just put a hold on this stupid game til tomorrow?”
>Sundae shrugs before quickly putting a hoof on her throbbing horn, still wincing in pain.
>Posey grumbles as she gets up and trots out of her spot.
>”Where are you going?”
“I’m getting Anon and whoever's in charge of that rebel group to stop this nonsense.”
>Before Sundae could reply, Posey started her journey through the battlefield.
>All around were tired ponies either lying down or huddling next to small campfires to keep warm.
>To say it wasn’t eerie for Posey would be a lie.
>trying not to show them her uneasiness from their wartorn appearances, she kept her head lifted up in a snooty position and her eyes closed.
>When she finally reaches the enemy’s side, she lets go a sigh of relief. Who knew she would see such a scene today.
>Looking around, she notices the trenches are quiet. No, not quiet, but dead silent.
>Posey trots around the outer rim of the trench, looking down at the oddly empty trench.
>But knowing Posey’s luck, trouble was brewing for her.
>Before she knew it, she felt the ground right in front of her take a sharp 90 degree dip.
“Ugh… bucking stupid hole… OW!!!”
>The yellow pony looks down at her newly acquired sprained ankle, swelling red and soar.
>Now needing to find a way out of this trench, she limps on her three hooves. Every second is a painful one as the warm sprain sends a sharp sense of pain to her entire front right hoof.
>After minutes of constant limping, she notices a door in front of her field of vision.
“Hope there’s some aid in there.”
>Soon she was at the door, and lifted a hoof to the door.
“Thank Hoofness, it’s a push door.”
>Entering the room, the first thing that catches her eye is th-”
“Stairs… Of course it can’t be that simple.”
>But needing medical supplies badly and knowing that it will most likely take longer to find an exit from the trenches, she trudges down the flight of stairs.
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Windy's design is unf
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Cum inside Posey
Too many new threads are being made here, and this thread died...
I'll come inside her cottage and have tea with her
Surprising amount of raids within a rather short period of time.
Earth Mare Posey is not my lover
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The duality of Posey
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It's that powerful of a word.
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My little Posey is hurted, and I'm devastated. She needs some tender love and care, post haste!
Maybe one day. Only after marriage, of course.
She's so CUTE. How can any other mare compare?
>"Eyup, that Anon ain't right I tell you h'what."
Whet brand does she drink?
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I feel a little bad for neglecting /mlp/ and the Posey thread
https://youtu.be/yXs3mmLPvLg?t=57 [Embed] At least Posey was in this episode and Pipp's dress is nice
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She's just like me. Except I use blackout blinds and earplugs
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She's not really the luckiest pony, fren
It's perfectly fine. Sometimes we all have to get away from this site.
Chud Weiser.
It's a-okay, Anon. This board can be downright demoralizing at times, and life can be all so tiresome, so it's completely understandable to need to take a break. I just recently got back into the swing of things myself.
She just can't catch a break, can she... Also, cute rumpa draw, Poseyfren! I like the way her hair looks as if it just whipped around and is now billowing a bit. The bow atop her head has some really nice shading and overall shape to it, too!
Keep up the good artwork drawfrens
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She was awake the whole time!
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>>41905098 (OP)
i want to put my ween inside posey
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Nice mane.
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Posey’s had enough of your shit
More hardcore than Luna's cutie mark.
I'm sorry, Posey, but that flank was made to be slapped.
Just another day for her.
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Her first orgasm.
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She approaches.
Glad you enjoy it!

>Opening the door to a crack, he looks out… His men didn’t make it… They barely even lifted a hoof before they were gunned down by heavy snowfire.
>Cursing to himself quietly, he begins to creep towards the door that connects to another room.
>But soon, he sees the door beginning to shift.
>Anon thoughts run rapidly throughout his brain; he needs to find a hiding spot.
>Looking around revealed that hiding is not an option.
>Rampily looking about, he sees a freezer.
>Approaching the freezer and opening its door reveals a whole stockpile of snowballs.
>Anon grabs a hold of a snowball and stands away from the door, his arm reeled to throw the snowball.
>The pony guard trots into the room and BLAM! His face is hit by the snowball.
>The stallion falls to the ground, dazed and surprised.
>After grabbing onto another snowball from the freezer, Anon walks through the door into a doctor’s office.
>Seeing the doorway to his left, he slides up against it and peers through it.
>Moving his head back quickly, he narrowly dodges the barrage of incoming snowballs through the doorway.
>Peeking his head out again, Posey is in his line of sight.
>Posey whips her head around, her face beat red and glaring right at the human with the meanest look a pony could manage.
>You back away, grimacing at her reaction.
>A barely audible voice is heard from one of the rooms.
>Posey, ignoring the voice, barrages past Anon into the doctor’s room.
>The yellow mare was about to rummage through the cabinets until a nurse appeared from one of the rooms.
>Looking from the mare to the hoof, she nods and opens up a cabinet for the supplies.
>Hobbling over to the examination bed, Posey struggles.
>”Posey! What happened?!” exclaimed Dahlia as she entered the room.
>Sensing that the yellow mare was busy with her predicament, Dahlia helps Posey onto the bed.
Posey stunned us with the mean look!
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Sad to see her feeling that remorseful
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That *is* soulful
Oh my goodness...
Trips of truth.
>picks the horse up
Why would you do that? She hates not having her hooves on the ground
Smug ass hornheads thinking she can get away with that shit
The queen of mean
I would do it for fun
You're mean!
It's what I did with sunny
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>>41905098 (OP)
thass cute
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She just wanted to show her the power of love
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>Hooveholding with Posey...
I hope you all have a happy Valentine's day Posey frens!
Thanks, Anon. I'll keep trying to improve and doodle when I can.
>Poser is all huffy-puffy, still in immense pain from the sprain, also Dahlia done showed up.
Very niceu lil green update, fren! I'm curious how this'll all conclude.
Happy Hearts Warming, everyanon!
May your Posey give you the happiness you can't get from another human beingHH2V.
belly :0
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Still uppity after all these years, those unicorns.
I hope she loved the lolly!
Full of candy.
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Yes, she love it. It was a good date.
Give me your breaking news!
She likes it
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Silly creatures
Posey has clout.
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>”NO! I WON’T AGREE WITH SURRENDERING!!!” Sprout retorts as his hooves slam against the table with a loud THUMP!
>“Look, the day’s almost done, you’re low in men, you’re low in supplies, and I’m positive your team is low on morale. Why not just toss the towel and call it a day?” Anon retorts with his feet on the table and leaning back in his chair.
>”SAYS YOU! The one that should be begging for mercy is YOU! Do you see!? You’re by yourself and in my territory, you stubborn baboon!”
>”How Rich! Coming from you!”
>”Are you calling me stubborn!?”
>”You’re more than stubborn! You’re arrogant, foolish, egotistical, and a lot more that I will gladly list off!!!”
>The two leaders, snouts butting up against one another, fall back and look for the source of the voice.
>Posey’s front left hoof slams on the ground as she hobbles close to Sprout.
>Sprout falls off his chair and feels his ego shrink as he stares into the pinprick eyes of the rage induced mare.
>”O-O-Okay…” Sprout whimpers before Posey backs away.
>hurryingly getting back on his chair and doing his best serious face, he coughs onto his hoof.
>”Okay, Anon, let’s make a truce. Youuuu…” Sprout halts as he feels the glaring eyes of Posey burn through his skin.
>”and I quit this fight and…”
>”And... And... FINE. You get to celebrate your stupid victory during this ceasefire, but I will win next time.”
>”... Sounds good to me. Let’s shake on it!”
>Anon reaches his hand out, causing Sprout to flinch with disgust at the weirdly shaped appendage with its small wriggly tubes sticking out at the end.
>”I ain’t touching that!”
>Anon looks back at Posey and then shrugs.
>After going up the stairs and out of the bunker, Anon, his team, and Posey are walking back to their side.
>News of Anon winning the war spread like wildfire and before anypony knew it, ponies on Anon’s side were celebrating their victory.
>”Man, that was fun, right, gang?”
“Hardly, Anon. I was forced here, get kicked out of my own team, and have this STUPID brace on me! I’m TIRED, COLD, and GRUMPY. ”
>Everypony in the group rolled their eyes at the rambling mare as she continued on her tirade.
“And another thing! I don’t want to be a part of this stupid game if it continues next— next— ACHOO!!!”
>Looking down in her snout, Posey notices it reddening and dripping mucus.
>”Here comes the pegasus!”
>Windy’s hoof holding the spoon full of soup swishes about in the air, trying to entice the bedridden earth pony to open her mouth.
“You’re all dead to me.”
>Windy flinches back as Posey's coldhearted statement fills the room.
>The pegasus looks back to everyone that’s important in this green for their input.
>The only one that gave an answer was Anon and that was a shrug.
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Oh no, she touched grass..
It killed her..
Fashion model.
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Please go on
So romantic...
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>You ain't never leavin' Maretime Bay, Django!
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Needs a spiderweb on the elbow and a celestial Phoenix on an arm
Maybe she's trying to hide from Izzy.
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Bulky. She could crush my skull easily
I want to manhandle Posey
And that's a good thing
Earth pony strength.
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She's in the know
https://youtu.be/MrtJ1MqfrSc?t=178 [Embed] new posey
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Posey's face when her thread reaches page 10.
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I like the heart-shaped nostrils
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>An alarm on a phone sounds out in the dark bedroom. Its annoying scream piercing your ears, making you scrunch up your face.
>You reach out with your hand and slap the snooze button.
>You groan with displeasure as you reel your hand back to your side.
>You were about to doze off until you felt a pair of strong hooves wrapped around you, her fetlocks brushed against your skin.
>Turning around, you see your resting wife scooting closer and cuddling you.
>You’ve been married to Posey for about a year and a half, and you’ve been enjoying every living moment being with her.
>Sure, she can be grumpy and hard to handle at times, but you two stick to each other through the worst of days.
>You didn’t want to wake the sleeping pony up, but you know that neither your boss nor Posey’s boss will be pleased to know that one of their employee’s arrived late.
>You lightly tap on Posey, trying to wake her up.
>You smile as Posey scrunches up her snout.
>She’s just so adorable, even if she snores and sometimes drools.
>You tap on her again, causing her to slowly flutter her eyes open and let out a snort.
>You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at her snort.
>”Ughhh… What time is it, Nonny?”
It’s about 5:30, Pose. We should get up.
>”Just five more minutes...”
Well, guess I won’t be brushing you in the shower.
>Shooting her eyes wide open, she raises her head as you’re already up and out of bed.
>Soon Posey and you are in the bathroom. You begin to turn on the shower faucet as Posey is taking off her nightgown.
>You turn around to see her completely in the nude. Well, she’s normally in the nude because your wife’s a horse.
>Her long flowing mane, her beautiful yellow coat, her green eyes, her everything. It’s all beautiful to you.
>As she passes by you, you feel a flick of her tail hitting against your leg.
>”You better hurry or you just woke me up for nothing.”
>You quickly undress yourself and hop into the shower.
>You soon feel the two yellow hooves wrap around your stomach.
>You look down to see the sexy wet mare hugging you tightly with hearts in her eyes.
Hold on a sec, dear. Let me get comfortable.
>You scoot around as Posey is still holding onto you tightly.
>You finally manage to reach the tile counter at the far edge of the shower.
>After sitting down, you felt the yellow mare hugging you tightly.
>You couldn’t help it but smile as you reach your hand to her ears and begin to scritch them.
>Posey lets out a soft nicker as her body quivers from all the pleasure she is receiving from her human.
>”Nonny, you have such a magical touch…”
>Hearing her words of love fills your heart as you continue, now brushing your hand through her pink flowing mane.
>With your right hand, you reach over to Posey’s vanilla body wash and pump the substance onto your hand.
>As you pet Posey chin with your left, you begin to rub the body wash on your wife’s back.
>Posey’s back lifts in conjunction with your rubbing and scritching on her back.
>Soft sighs of pleasure escape your wife’s mouth.
>You two continue on with your shower for 10 minutes.
>After cutting off the faucet, Posey opens the door and you reach over to the rack to grab a towel.
>Bending down on one knee, you start drying Posey mane first.
Any new art pieces at the Houvre Museum?
>”Yes, there’s going to be one from prehistory that’s arriving next month. I’m going to be the one to reveal the new piece!”
>You smile at Posey’s gleefulness as you finish off drying her mane and begin to dry her coat.
That’s nice. Speaking of art, I’ve been thinking of trying out pottery.
>Posey’s head turns around to look at you with her big green eyes, her smile never wavering.
>”Really? I would gladly sh– wait. You just want to learn pottery so you can see me in pottery class.”
>You look at the smirking mare and let out a chuckle.
That’s just a bonus; I just prefer you teaching than anypony else.
>Your mare wife lets out a little blush before quickly hiding it as you continue on drying, now working on her barrel.
That's what a real man wants.
A lovely wife for love and care.
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Nice Posey.
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Pure joy.
I love that look for Posey!
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First time trying out digital art
I like this.
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As it should be
She dropped it on the ground, right? Right?
I actually thought that said Posey Posey.
Old shitty art of Posey; I wanna try out different eye and mane style
Based Posey plushie as always.
Full of love (cheap chocolates).
>But that's none of my business, *sips*.
At long last, the snowball war saga has concluded. I enjoyed every little update, and it's also been nice getting more green in this general. Lastly, I see the universal law that poor Posey just cannot catch a break is still in full effect. Some things never change, huh?
Poor girl, she really can't handle her pasta..
This was wonderful, especially the whole bathing/brushing portion. Lovely little green, Anon!
Very nice first digital draw, Anon! I quite like her rear end, it looks rather pleasant.
Really cute older Posey drawing, fren! I like those eyes a lot, actually. Both the pupils and the eyelashes look gorgeous. This is a nice mane style as well, looks like she undid the ponytail.
A real man.

I'll try to take more photos and share them here.
Grunge Posey?
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Posey's VA plays this mermicorno btw, basically the same voice too
Thank you for enjoying my art and greens!
I always thought a g4 Posey would look way better with Rarity's eye shape.
I love the messy mane Posey has.
Horn and wings?
Why Posey, WHY?!?!?!
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and a fish tail! absolute abomination, how far she has fallen
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Glad to hear Posey's voice again and in a main role since the Jews at Hasbro don't know a good character to make the lead when they see one.
I also want to see Squishella and Posey make out.
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>Posey "about time you got done in there, a mare cant wait too long. No where is the toilet seat and the sink. Oh its one of those well".
>Posey closes the door
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It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
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It's dangerous to go alone without Posey. She's ready for anything.
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It's good that Posey is always strapped.
mmm, Ponytail with long bangs draped over one side of her face
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I agree. She could use some peace.
And they don't even kick her out because she's too based
I do like how her mane is very reminiscence of G1 Posey
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Looks like 80s hair more than g5 Posey
damn, I meant to reply to this >>41973229
Artists, you know the drill.
Posey and Squishella makeout sesh
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Checked and cute.
I like her outfit!
I agree.
This must be Pipp's doing.
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No hornheads or featherbrains around here. All is good.
Beauty personified...and a flower
>The room goes quiet again as you continue working on her barrel and down her legs.
>Pondering to herself, Posey speaks up.
>”Sweet Celestia, I don’t know what to eat this morning.”
How about the usual? You always have the same ole same ole ever since I’ve known you.
>”I know that. It’s just that I, I don’t know, feel like trying something different.”
>You place your finger on your chin, deep in thought.
I see. I’m sure we have something other than eggs.
>You finish drying off Posey at her tail. You place the wet towel on the shower door to dry.
>Grabbing your towel, you begin drying off.
>But noticing something different, you pull the towel off and see it’s completely dry.
>You stand there, befuddled at the situation.
>A feminine laugh knocks you back to reality.
>You look over to see your pony wife giggling at the situation.
>”You’re really silly, Nonny! You’re already dry!”
>Looking down at your body, you see it’s completely dry.
>You sheepishly smile before letting out a chuckle.
>After placing the towel on the rack, you and Posey enter the bedroom to get dressed.
>Leaving the master bedroom, you begin the way to the kitchen through the short hallway.
>Taking a left, you enter the kitchen to begin looking through the cabinets.
>Scouring through them, you finally found what you were looking for. The pan.
>Getting it out, you place the pan on the stove and turn around.
Alright, now I need to make the mix.
>You walk over to the pantry and open its door.
>Getting down low, you grab a hold of two containers, one with flour and the other with baking soda as the label.
>Walking back to your cooking quarters, you see Posey entering the kitchen.
>Setting the containers on the counter, you turn and head back to get sugar.
>”Anything new going on out there?”
Eh, just continuing on with the expansion project. With all these new businesses and ponies coming in, the mayor wants us to expand the town north.
>”Egh! Why do they have to come here and ruin the peacefulness of Maretime Bay!?!
>You walk back to your cooking quarters with the sugar container in your grasp.
Probably some business colts see promise in some real estate or tourists wanting to move in.
>leaning to one side, you open the refrigerator to grab some more ingredients.
>”Bleh, tourists and snobby business colts, I had to report some of them for ‘oohing’ and 'ahhing' at the scenery for way too long and way too loud.”
>You chuckle a bit as you shut the door after grabbing all the items and return to the counter.
That’s my Posey!
>Posey blushes as you pull out a whisk from a drawer.
>”So you’ll be late again?”
Most likely.
>Posey sighs as you create the pancake batter.
>Hearing her sighs made you feel bad for her. You have to find a way to soothe her feelings.
Don’t worry, dear. How about we take a holiday to Paradise Gardens after we get through this project? You’ve always wanted to go there.
>Posey, being caught off guard, splutters at the gesture.
>”Really!?! I mean— Are you sure we have the money to take such an expensive trip?”
>Hearing her excitement turn into doubt made you roll your eyes while pouring the batter into the scolding hot pan.
I’m positive, Pose. This past year and a half has been hectic for the both of us, and we haven’t been able to have our honeymoon due to our jobs. So what do you say?
>Posey places a hoof on her chin in thought as you flip one of the pancakes on its other side.
>”You got me; let’s do it.”
>You smile as you hear Posey’s attitude heighten.
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Posey as the traditional wife mare melts my heart.
Is there anything like this with sunny. I found a few but they can't quench my thirst
Too cold outside? Or do you want me inside this time?
Anon she wants her husbando not you.
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Chudwife for every anon!
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>Posey meets Chud-anon after he got /fit/ so he could actually win fights after shouting racial slurs
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Poser found on a shitty TYT board game
They chose a flattering image of her
Trips of truth.
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Those eyes are the ones that has seen one way too many unicorns.
Steelsoul is a poser? When was this
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Sorry, Posey. I shouldn't have sent that
>Entering the dining room after cooking the pancakes, you place the plates on the table and take your seat next to your beautiful wife.
>Posey looks down at the plate full of hot syrupy pancakes, uncertainty painting her face.
>You begin eating your hotcakes, enjoying the flavor of butter and maple syrup.
>At the corner of your eye, you catch your little pony poking her meal with a fork.
Not hungry?
>You slice a piece of the pancake and place it in your mouth, but you notice her leaning on her right hoof and still picking at her food.
>Noticing that you were watching, she slices a piece of her meal and begins to eat.
>You shrug it off and continue on with your meal.
I heard Zipp is moving back home to form an aerial team.
>”Really, then who’s going to take over her job here?”
Hitch told me that it’s somepony named Fern. Apparently she’s a natural in her work and has a dragon as her companion.
>Posey lets out an audible groan of displeasure from the news.
>”Really? Why do we need a dragon in our town? They are the absolute worst with all their brutish nature, forcefulness, loudness, and don’t get me started on the hoarding!”
Well, let’s just hope it’s not a baby or a hoarder.
>As the two of you continue on with breakfast, you remember Posey mentioning an art piece.
Say, you didn’t talk about the significance of that piece. What’s it about?
>The small expression of anxiousness loses its luster as it is unseen by you as you take another bite of your pancakes.
>”The piece is an artifact way before Celestia and Luna’s reign. It’s a clay tablet with writings on it describing trade routes.”
That’s pretty cool. So how was it found?
>”It was found on the site of an ancient city down south.”
>You nod as you finish the last of your meal.
>Now noticing Posey hasn’t eaten over half of her breakfast, worry begins to brew in your gut.
“You haven’t eaten your food.”
>”I’m not hungry…”
>Something about Posey is off to you, her mood has taken a downturn.
Are you sure?
>Before you could reply, your wife gets up from her seat and leaves the dinner room.
>You just sit there in your lonesome, hearing the TV turning on to the blaring sound of the news coming from the other room.
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She's mad because the low quality.
>Sieg Heil!
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Dahlia is right an Earth Pony needs to sing the Earth Pony songs
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That face is pure lol
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Get that spider-mare down from therr!
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After realizing that my PC components are already a bit outdated to render Misty's millions of hairs...
I started another little project, but this time for everyone's favorite chudwife.
A nice hobby while I gather the money to build a new PC...
I love chudmare thanks drawfren
Hell yeah
You're welcome! I love drawing her!
Pleasant eyes.
These are good.
>Getting up from your seat, you grab the plants and return to the kitchen.
>Your mind goes on over what just happened. You’ve known that she gets moody from time to time, but not as often after she’s started taking management classes for her temper while dating.
>You enter the kitchen, place your plate in the sink, and place Posey’s plate on the counter.
>Returning to the living room, you place yourself right next to your wife.
>You look at her; she’s too busy focusing forward to notice you.
>Turning your head to focus on the TV, the weather forecast is on the screen.
Looks like we’ll have a sunny day today.
>Only silent ‘Uh-huh’ is audible from Posey’s mouth.
>Replacing the forecast, the TV blares out an advertisement of weight loss pills starring a charismatic guru earth pony.
>You roll your eyes at the scam, remembering such commercials fooling the gullible back home, so it wasn’t a surprise to see snake oil salesponies trying to get a quick buck.
>Your eyes ignore the boring commercial and instead, look over at your beautiful wife.
>”Am I fat, Nonny?”
What do you mean?
>Posey turns around in her seat, showing her slightly chubby belly, and presses her hooves against her soft tummy.
>”Look at me!!! I’ve been eating with Pipp too much!!!”
>You were taken aback at the sudden change.
>You place your hand on her mane, softly brushing it.
Aw Posey, you’re not fat.
>”But I am!!! Why would you want to stay with an ugly fat mule like me!?”
>Your heart aches from hearing her self-doubt.
>After quickly turning the television off, you reach over and hug Posey.
>Your wife begins to softly cry onto your shirt.
Come on Posey, you know I still love no matter what.
>Posey doesn’t reply as you continue to brush her mane.
And you’re not a mule; you’re the most wonderful and beautiful mare I have ever laid my eyes on.
>The motion of petting her mane and caressing her ears slowly calms down the yellow mare.
Feeling better?
>”I am… Thank you, Nonny…”
>The two of you hold on to each other in silence with the only sound being the ticking of her father’s grandfather clock hanging on the wall.
Glad to be helpful, dear. You know I’m always here if you need to discuss anything.
5 minutes and she's already making smoothies as well as Sunny
She knows Izzy's about to ruin that sign
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Maretime Bay hasn't been the same after Izzy
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She's always on duty!
Is she really the type to pierce her ear?
She speaketh the truth
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From time to time. She doesn't seem like the type of traditionalist that's angry about pierced ears

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