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Sunny and Izzy are adorable! And maybe a /g5m/ thread, I guess?
>>41912548 (OP)
Please enlighten me why the fuck would I watch g5 over g4 like its not good the pony designs are ugly and the fucking story and characters suck
>>41912548 (OP)
There simply isn't enough 69 art of these two
>implying g4 had a good arc
Posey :)
What didn't you like about it?
>>41912548 (OP)
Yeah, they're pretty good.
Just watch both fag, it's all the same franchise.
you can like more than 1 thing
>>41912548 (OP)
Never watched G5 but Izzy is cute asf ong fr.
Imma keep it a buck...you're right
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Why are this fucking mares so fucking gay? Not even the presence of a masculine stallion like Hitch was enought to make Sunny not gay. (Maybe it was because she doesn't had a father).
Pick one, and only one
I call bait, you know you won't watch it even if we explained it to you, just to stir some drama
the dragon killed hitch, its a conspiracy!
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Is it? I thought everyone knew
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So is it a nice perfume or rank and fetid
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found a sunny thread here 𝟪chan.moe/mlp/res/1252.html
I ain't clicking on that shit.
izzy, you fiend! Posey was right all along...we should've never canceled her
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Hitch is for Zipp
>afraid of a hyperlink
The zoom is strong in this one.
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Thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal...
Zipp is for Pipp
>>41912548 (OP)
I love my don kuban cossacks flag horsewife
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Sunny is a raider and a terrorist. Make of that what you will
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That fits the cossack theme kinda. Kinda. Very lightly
Were there any cossack terrorists. Maybe? I dunno.
Hitch is for Sprout
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People are always rushing through life...
You gotta remember to stop and smell the flowers once in a while!
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I love my horse wife
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Keep my head away from there!
This makes too much sense and I don't like it.
Izzy would play out this entire scenario AND force her friends to watch. Even her giving birth
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Izzy, please stop trying to assault my face with your crotch
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Smeeeeeeellll the flowerrrrrrrsssss!
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Yes, good.
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Pipp got a new friend
Zipp looks adorably small here
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She is, relatively speaking, small.
A queen needs to be taller
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What a cutie. She’s so serious.
She's always on duty!
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I would defeat tamers in an AoE match easily.
Underrated duo.
Hey, Pipp weighs just as much!
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I found the bread!!! Have a gloomy Thursday everypony!
>>41912548 (OP)
What style would have worked for a 2D MYM? Is it impossible to simplify it enough for 2D animation without going into beanmouth territory?
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I like the early merch style
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>>41912548 (OP)
I still think it's hilarious that G5 and it's comic literally retconned G4's final episode out of existence.
>In The Last Problem, Twilight is as tall as Celestia and Equestria is fully united
>In G5 which is only 75-200 years later, Twilight is normal pony sized in all appearances and is probably dead
>Spike is a lanklet instead of a giga chad
>Opaline's entire plan to get all the magic is literally just a successful version of the division that happened in the final battle in G4
>>41912548 (OP)
lol your generation is dead
Pot calling the kettle black
We just got a new episode
I love Izzy's ponytail
This one would have worked. Also the earth pony mare is pretty, is that Minty?
The one on the right is Minty.
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Love your sister
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how fucking much does she weigh??
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Happy hearths warming g5 chads

https://youtu.be/137leRU3vGk?feature=shared [Embed]
>the colt with the racoonicorn
You just know
Why does the animation look so good yet so cheap?
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Hey, those are MY sleep paralysis demons
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She looking tall and green
She's an amarezon
These all look like she's pissed herself.
Take a sniff to find out for sure
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No thank you
Why is she so smug?
She saw it
Wanna know the worst part about G5 being a sequel to G4? It's the fact that it never explains where the hell Celestia, Luna and Cadence fucked off to despite it only being like, 200yrs max in the future. Like, it implies that Twilight Obi-Wan'd herself, but not what happened to those three... Or Flurry Heart.
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Likely was meant to show up later on. But since the show(s) ended so soon they had no way to get to that point.
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>that church
Is jesus real in mlp
How would Pipp and Zipp react?
Jesus is real everywhere
Good find
Try to break them up before accepting Sunny as their new mommy
Do I have two wives now?
They have one concubine
So me? Hell yeah I'll to fyck two cute mares WOOOO
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The timeline has changed
Still would hoofhold
Whet about winghold?
>implying G% was any better than G4
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It was better
>having to endure the awkwardness of knowing your best friend bangs your mom
Cute and funny
Adorable howl
>Yeah thats me in the corner
I love a mare with curls!
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You have a great taste, anon.
Why do they have a humanlike teeth structure?
cute sisters
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Best walk back home boy
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Posey was banned after that S3 Wishentine Incident. The after party? You should've seen what Posey was saying
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So pretty
She always is, though
Get off the counter!
She is the largest of the mane 5/6, except for i think Hitch and even then it's only slightly.
What the fuck is zipp doing
She can't help it, it's the consequences of being evolutionary descendant from animu moeblob cats
>"Use that spray bottle sunny"
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Zipp we will declaw you!!!!
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Is it defined by the amount of bits of your ponyfans?
>0 likes, comments, shares
>on a dog picture on the internet
Zipp uploaded it
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Inhumanly tall
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They're ready and willing
Inponily large?
Would plap mom sunny
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Stealth alicorn
Wrong. Alicorns are no longer beeg
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Purple Smart is Smol Ponkle. Big Ponk no longer canon.
She grew them for me so I could give them to her
take this sharting pony out of here
Explain opaline then
Git 'er out of here!
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She's only a bit taller than Worst Pone... Though honestly I think it's more that the people making G5 forget that Purple Smart became Sun Butt sized.
I actually don't mind alicorns being smaller. It just means they're easier to carry around compare to before
Them being taller was supposed to be a clear indicator that they are abominations and must be purged with Allah's light.
No one forgot it's due to the fact that g5 production started before g4 ended so there was no purple giraffe.

Hasjew wanted to have it launch shortly after canning g4 so there wouldn't be much time in the oven waiting for new poni. But then you have retarded Discovery jew liscencing that means they didn't even own the rights to the older seasons so no way they would reference them.
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Why did he run?
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Her powers are too strong
>Imminent Vine Rape
Assume the position
She's too dangerous to walk around unsupervised
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That bitch Cray Cray
Stop getting trips over my perfectly sane and devoted mare friend... Windy quit hitting me I meant you
No.. no he's right. Bitch do be crazy
Yes she is
What did they see?
They secretly eat meat
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Jokes on him.. he's the one they want
Gotta be the purple tail
Well, they're the guests of honor
It looks like they're watching Anon hurt himself and they're powerless to help
>tfw Anon whips out his dick and starts helicoptering it in the middle of town again
While making noises, too
Which mare would do it with him there.
Oh... that's intesting
G5 Mares
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Here they are
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What did she do?
Oh... suicidal
Fuck you pip
Face the wall and you'll find out soon
You going to blow her back out?
Yes, certainly
It was Rocky in drag
It irritates me that G5 was so shit when the characters were so fun and likable.
It was badly managed
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But your mane is gorgeous like that
Except for Misty. She can due in a fire
She's such a wet blanket
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She cute
I like a thick mane with lots of body and volume
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The chud mare
That's a stalion on the right!
They should've gotten his amarezon equivalent
> his amarezon equivalent
Whos that?
>Anon kidnaps two mares and takes them to his goon cave
Why is Anon's lair expanding?
To fit more mares
One of them is a boy
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Get Hitch outta here
If you had a goon cave spell, wouldn't you?
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Something wrong?
Why did you post a gif of these ponks getting electrocuted?
That expression
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that entire episode has some rare posers
Is that glitter?
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I think it was magic water or something. I forget
Big exhales
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Brutha eww
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dahlia my beloved
Whos that?
im scared to know
Oh damn, I didn't even realize. I guess she's like Rarity in that her mane style is very much part of her identity. She looks hot as hell with that short haired look. More mature, too.
Izzy with Zipp’s mane is so unrecognizable I thought it was a background mare
I do not like it, not one bit.
Hi Zipp
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Yeah, but he’s a twink. That makes him acceptable here, if not downright desirable.
Poor Dahlia...
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Get some sleep Izzler
She's staying up until (you) sleep with her
Maybe he's on an all-nighter
These trucker pills are amazing
Jazz does spund a lot like gas
True, true
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And on the face
Jazzercise it
ZH has the best ones
Good idea
We worship mares and put them in a pedestal
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She really needs her sleep
Those puffy red eyelids...
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