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This is the Pregnancy General, not stillborn and ready to be borne again. We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists, storytellers, and others again; may this general get quicker and continue quickening.

For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread, there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan, the premiere pregnancy imageboard:

That thread is the fourth in a series, and here are the prior Pregchan threads, which have been archived here:

The last thread is archived in multiple places, although issues with Pregchan mean both are just a little incomplete:

Because of that drama with Pastebin, here are two archives of our greentexts:

Here's a list of some artists and writers who use these threads:

Here's a question to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth:
Would you ask your wife to let you nurse once her milk came in?

Last Thread: >>41860293
and then they fucking EXPLODE.
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>>41913074 (OP)
My trade with T72B is nearly done and I've already posted the first three of his sketches in Pregchan. Here's the third. Don't worry, Bundle Joy will be much bigger in the final thing. I think I'm going to use it as cover art for "Darling Dam's Day" when it's finished.

Is this going to be a recurring post now?
Looks good, almost didn’t see the thread was up
These are both really adorable
It’s really slow today
I do hope that GFM comes back with more Rarity this thread
>>41913074 (OP)
That OP AI? They look so soulless.
No, that's Jotun22, a very nice artist with a very nice style.
I want to be under a pregnant mare
Anything you’re working on at the moment?
Who are the best pregfags to commission stuff from?
That’s a pretty good question
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I'm nearly done with that trade, then I've got to write my entry for the Born to Silly artpack. I also need to add another chapter to my "Sweaty Short Stories with Pregnant Pony Workouts" anthology.

I'm still kind of stuck on exactly what to write for the artpack, so I'll listen to any suggestions.

Here are some artists I can recommend: Whiterabbit95, Fancy Blue, Flash Equestria Photography, Carnifex, Jotun22, Ikakins, Witchtaunter, and Czu. Note only the first three are fellow pregfags, although I think Czu may also like it. I can let you know the best way to commission these artists, if you're interested.
I’m gonna have to check out some of those artists
I really don’t know the kind of stories they’re looking for for that pack.
Well I’m looking forward to the new short story
Expect some cover art with a heavy Mrs. Cake soon.
Equestria's population is going to explode after I impregnate everypony.
That’s the spirit
I’m sure they’ll need it
>>41913074 (OP)
Looking at this pic, I would like to ask for someone to recommend me good fics about Spike getting Rarity pregnant (whenever it's adult Spike or the teen show Spike)?
There's a few hours left in Cigusa's latest poll. Pregnant Applejack was winning, but then someone changed his vote. Does that guy use these threads too? I left him a message on Pregchan. I'm consistently surprised how few people vote each month.
I really need to readjust my patreon/subscribestar stuff soon, thank you for reminding me.
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No, it's fine. Pregnant Applejack won after all. I wonder if he saw my message here or not. It's been a while since I've posted this great Applejack. I still need to get some more edits made, but Carnifex doesn't want to do them right now.
I really like this one
I may be able to remember the title, but do you mind hyper pregnancy? There's at least one guy who likes Sparity, but he's also into absurd growth stuff.

No u.
Sure. How hyper are we talking about,car sized or full school sized?
That’s good to hear, can never have enough pregnant AJ
Fingers crossed for a Rarity update
Impregnate Tracy in celebration of THREE STARS
You sure that’s a good idea?
I'm willing to make that sacrifice. Remember me, bros.
Hope it works out for you anon
Yeah he goes a bit too big for my taste personally.
all g
Well now I feel kinda bad, I don’t dislike the art just not too into macro
>>41913074 (OP)
What a lovely belly
Sorry, lol.

The guy goes from that to galactic proportions as he keeps writing. It's probably not to your tastes, but no other Sparity comes to mind right now. I don't like Sparity at all, so I don't read it.

Here's an old Sparity sketch drawn for these threads, fuck, over 11 years ago.
That’s really cute, I wonder if unicorns check in on their foals like that often.
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I still need to scan this, or take a better photo of it. He added some colour before he shipped it to me.
Even just as a sketch it’s nice
Bundle Joy is a sweetheart, but does she have any foals of her own or just surrogacies?
In her original conception, Bundle Joy was a young mother who learned of her talent after her coltfriend gave her triplets with a single drop of cum. I mostly ignore this when I write about her, so you can think of it or disregard it as far as she goes.
Oh I never really knew her original story
I'm going to upload some stuff to Pregchan in a bit. I can't upload it here.
I’m on the edge of my seat
Those were really good anon
The comic’s cute
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Yep, I can post one version of it here. I don't feel like trying my luck with the more explicit version.
That’s fair
Looks great
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Here, I'll share the lineart with you guys early. I'm going to use this as cover art for this story:

I wonder how Catross is doing.
That might be my new favorite Mrs Cale pic
Very cute
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We'll see which one comes out nicer, but I think you're right.
I'll upload some more stuff later today.

I may be done with this trade by tomorrow, so you can expect to see his half soon enough too.
Sounds awesome
Alright, everything's in Pregchan, but I can post this here. This is cover art for this story:

The full quality is too large to post here. You can also find everything making its way through the boorus.
Very nice stuff
I really like that, wish Aero did more preg stuff
>wish Aero did more preg stuff
You got your wish. He will be.
Those Pinkie’s you got were great
Very cute Dash
Very nice
Here's a Hearts & Hooves Day YCH with the Cakes:

The earlier work is in Pregchan, but it's a YCH, so there's not much. I'll upload something else with Cup Cake later.
Oh my
Lovely Bundle
Mr. Cake’s a lucky guy
Alright, here's that other piece with Mrs. Cake. The full quality of either version is way too large to post here. Here's where I've uploaded them:


The first of each pair has the paternity mark, and the second doesn't. The version with it is the new cover art for this story:

I hope you enjoy the artwork, and the story.
Great stuff
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I miss snspony, hope he’s doing okay
You do great work
Thank you, and bump.
Yeah I’m looking forward to more shorts and Eris
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Well, I just finished my futa story as my half of a trade with T72B, so I'll be able to share his half of the trade with you shortly. Unlike me, he works very fast. I'm going to see if I can start and finish something for Born to Silly, but the extended deadline is in just a few days. After that, I'll definitely be free to work on a few more short stories and maybe finish another chapter of Chaotic Conception this month.
Sounds awesome and that Chrysalis is great
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I like her
Thumbs up
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I love this pose and angle at her. I want to watch her squirm on her butt and swing them around as she shifts herself back and forth.
That’s a cute story
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What do you think are her favorite games?
Is that fucking Custer’s Revenge
She’s such a cutie
This is very cute. Who drew this? It looks like one of those collaborative drawing tools, right?
Get off 10 quick
Yeah lmao
I drew it in the /create/ magma
I wonder if I should add a story about this to my exercising anthology once it's finished.
I don’t see why not
>I drew it in the /create/ magma
Fucking nice. Pregnant Cream Heart is rare, and you gave her a cute little belly.

Yeah, I'm thinking back to what one guy said in one of our previous threads, about how the real workout would be getting the tight pants on at all, and I think I'll go with that angle once it's finished.
Yeah getting workout clothes over those bellies would be a hassle
Off 9
That’s a great pic
>I'm going to see if I can start and finish something for Born to Silly, but the extended deadline is in just a few days.
I lost a day to work on it, the deadline is actually in a few hours, kek. I'll still be able to finish something, but don't expect anything great, just something short and sweet.
Alright, I got that done well enough, and bump.
That’s perfectly fine
Great to hear
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Very nice anon
She’s adorable
Remember this?
I think so? It was made in response to those weird ass Pinkie Pie mouthpiece images wasn’t it
That’s hotter than it should be
It is very lewd
Just a quick bump before bed
Okay, NOW I can get some writing done. I'll let you decide what I write next:
>new chapter of Chaotic Conception
>new chapter of Sweaty Short Stories with Pregnant Pony Workouts
>new chapter of Tiny Stories with Huge Pregnant Ponies
>new chapter of Sexier Short Stories with Particularly Pregnant Ponies
>new Celestial Princesses anthology
Personally I’m leaning toward chaotic conception but I’d also really like to see another workout story
Cute mare
I’m gonna go with Chaotic Conception since it’s been awhile
These Raritys are so nice
Also voting for Chaotic Conception.
Off 9
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Alright, I really need to get that next chapter out, yeah. I hate that I've taken so long with this story.

Anyway, check out this adjusted cover art:

Some early outlines of this adjustment are over in Pregchan. This is much closer to my original conception for the story than the first sketch Czu completed for me. Isn't it silly, and hot?
I definitely like that the cake is more defined now
Looking forward to it
Very nice
I do hope gfm comes back with more Rarity soon
This is a really great picture, and checked
I liked the new chapter of your short story collection, always love seeing Fluttershy content
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Thank you. I don't usually consider them worthy of posting here, but I should probably reconsider.
I doubt anybody would mind
This guys’ a stuff is great
That's a really interesting idea. In this case it looks like it's supposed to be the uni-babby who's communicating with Bundle Joy.
If you actually think about it, couldn't Twilight just zap babbies in and out of their mothers and avoid labour entirely with the right spell? It looks like Bundle Joy's just a surrogate who's being paid to be an incubator.
Next question, did Spoiled Rotten use an incubator for Diamond Tiara's pregnancy?
"Of Course NOT! No Mare Worth her crust would EVER resort to one of THOSE!"
wish I could have been to MareFair
It looks like other people are commissioning Jotun22 for pregnancy again.

>That's a really interesting idea. In this case it looks like it's supposed to be the uni-babby who's communicating with Bundle Joy.
Yes. I paid Ja0822ck and told him to draw her however he wanted, so long as it was cute. He made her downright adorable. I plan to pay him for some weird Queen Chrysalis artwork this year, if he's there, and if he lets me.

I do have a story with prominent prenatal magic, and accompanying artwork, if you're interested.

>It looks like Bundle Joy's just a surrogate who's being paid to be an incubator.
That's hot, literally.

>Next question, did Spoiled Rotten use an incubator for Diamond Tiara's pregnancy?
I remember someone in these threads suggesting a CMC episode where it's revealed that Bundle Joy carried most of the class, including Silver Spoon, after Diamond Tiara starts some shit about it. That was only, what, a decade ago?

Mare Fair was fucking awesome. Try to come this year, man.
That is a nice swimsuit
I can’t wait to see how Caramel reacts to how big Eris got over what to him is probably no time at all, or the possibility of Eris realizing she could make more kids since she got more of him.
Incubator Bundle Joy is kinda hot
>a story with prominent prenatal magic, and accompanying artwork
Yeah I'd like to see more of it. It sounds interesting. Do you have unborn uni's carrying their moms around with spells and things like that?
>Mare Fair
I wish I could go but I can barely afford Babscon
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>Yeah I'd like to see more of it. It sounds interesting.
Here you go. It's pretty short, although it's my longest short story in an anthology:

This artwork was meant to be a translation of an old anthro piece, with a similar idea featuring Tempest Shadow, to true pony artwork with Rarity or Twilight Sparkle. I got inspired and started a new anthology, however. On the topic of Tempest Shadow, just wait for something.

>Do you have unborn uni's carrying their moms around with spells and things like that?
No, not yet, but I like your idea.

>I wish I could go but I can barely afford Babscon
You should do what Uteuk did and ask people to take photographs of your OC for you, so you can be there in spirit. Do you have one?
>>41913074 (OP)
How do you know she's gregnant and not just a fatass
Well hopefully she’d have shown you the test
Here's something you'll like to see: >>41972159 →

Fat doesn't kick when you poke it.
That’s really nice
Looks good
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The longer this goes on, the more realistic this size seems for twins. What do you think?
Seems right to me
Up off 9
Yeah I feel like ponies wouldn’t make doors with big pregnancies is mind
Poor Harshwhinny
>forced pregnancy
L--Lewd. Imagine if she had to stay knocked up or else her womb would explode.
>Seed (1994)
I'm not seeing the forced pregnancy, but I guess that could be hot.
Very impressive
She deserves it
I think Pinkie’s really cute and needs more pregnancy art
I didn't know that was against the rules, lol. No regrets.

I'll see if I can get an Eris chapter finished in the next few days. I feel so rusty for some reason.
I can’t wait to see what you do for her
Great to hear, good luck
Yeah didn’t expect that to be the case
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Here's the linework. It's looking really good so far.
Very nice
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I’m half expecting Eris to just drop Caramel in her womb to introduce him to the kid, not like she doesn’t have the space
I wish I were that bug.
She is pretty nice
What a belly
Okay, the pack's live now: https://borntosilly.com/

Here's my post on it if you want a few more details, very few:
Almost two months later... Yes, I am still around from time to time. Irl thingies fucked me over and I never got to finish that Twilight story. I'm happy you liked it, anon.
Well it’s always something you can go back to eventually
Maybe one day!
Gotta try and stay above all this fucking Linky spam
Just got to put a few foals in her to slow her down.
True enough
I can dream
This is almost done. She's going to need to eat more than one happy meal for that brood.
Looks good
That’s a lot of grubs
what does a pony fetus taste like?
Well if they were any good there’d be no ponies so probably bad
Slow day today
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Love pusspuss’s pregnancy stuff
Off 9
Really love the glow
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I haven't been able to write a single word, fuck.

I think I may have to work on something short while I finally start on this again, but I think you guys will like to see it in any case. It's something that wasn't in that list from earlier.
Well you tried
It happens, love that Tempest pic
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Here's something new from Fancy Blue.
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This is the latest from Cigusa.
Sorry for the long hiatus. Been busy procrastinating.
No worries happens to everyone
Good to see you back
That’s really good
rarity's body will be destroyed after pregnancy...
She’d get it back, she takes care of herself.
Always love seeing AJ stuff
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Check this out.
That’s really nice
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Indeed, and now it's finished. I got a really great deal on this, only $30.
It’s fantastic
Oh good we’re back
Looks really good
Well I’m sure when you’re back to writing it’ll be good
Board seems fast today, but probably just because it died yesterday
Very cute pic
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What a cutie
Things sure seem fast lately
Great to see you
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Well at least Cadence doesn’t seem too upset.
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I'm finally getting some writing done, so expect something within the week. Eris is going to take longer just because that requires more care than short stories.

Here's an update on that Rarity commission. She has a lot of lather under those tight pants. Damn, I've got way too much stuff to write about for you guys, but I'll try to get it done sooner or later.
I hope this guy does some more Fluttermaid eventually
Sounds great can’t wait to see what you’ve got
Learning that horses froth like that was interesting
So I was curious if you had ideas for what you wanted to do with Pinkie or Fluttershy yet
What a belly
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Very cute
Applebloom is so lucky
I want to rub her belly so bad
How nice
What a nice pic
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Here's a question for the next thread, which I'll ask now: How would you start with your pregnant wife in bed? What do you think she would do for you?
I’m really not sure, probably oral
Pregnant mares should be lifted by their tails more often.
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I feel like Twilight will usually want to start off with a snack. For the foal, of course.
She tries her best
she doesn't need her hands
So majestic
Alright, if all goes according to plan, I should have something for you later today, or tomorrow.
Sounds great
Quick bump
Okay, I'm basically done, but it's going to be early tomorrow. I'm starting a new anthology for a commissioner.
Looking forward to it
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This guy’s art is fantastic
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I come to you with a new short story, and more on the way. This is a commission, and my commissioner requests that he remain anonymous. Here's the anthology:

Tossing and Turning, Inside and Outside

Tempest Shadow loved to feel her foal moving inside her. It was a unique feeling and reminded her of his presence, as if he were easy to ignore; it let her know he was healthy, and the whole experience was a special bond he’d only ever have with her. She knew she’d miss carrying him around everywhere she went, even though that would be overshadowed very easily by watching him grow and learn about the world with her, in addition to finally having an appearance for him that wasn’t purple and spherical. Nevertheless, her thoughts about his movements were less enthusiastic after an hour of lying in bed unable to sleep.

She dragged her body uncomfortably across the bed by pushing against the sheets with a foreleg. His movements weren’t the only problem. There was some pressure deep inside her that would neither build up nor dissipate; it simply was, and had been since she’d lain in her attempt to sleep. She opened her eyes and looked down at her bump, barely visible in the darkness. Tempest sighed and managed to roll herself onto her back. She felt some relief, overshadowed by the weight of a foal pressing her guts deeper into her body than she thought they could go. She could once carry heavy equipment around all day, and did, so it never ceased to amaze her just how different a tiny weight felt when it was inside where she couldn’t just drop it for relief. She flopped onto her other side, and waited for what she knew would come.

While she was comfier, he apparently wasn’t; his random poking and prodding at her from the inside continued for a minute or two, eventually leaving him comfortable—or just too lazy to move—and not her. She shifted, again, to find some position that would satisfy both of them, and seemingly found it; still, she could feel a similar soreness building up in her body, this time in her back, and knew it would only worsen in the coming minutes. Tempest groaned. She continued rolling in the same direction to get her belly between the rest of herself and the mattress. She winced, and he didn’t much like it either, going by the hoof jamming itself into her ribs. Tempest took some pressure away with her forelegs, and started to stand on the mattress with her hindlegs; it crossed her mind that her current position looked an awful lot like what caused her current situation, but she was too tired to smile or even roll her eyes at the thought. She let her back stretch out for a few moments before extending her forelegs too.
She stood on the mattress, exhausted. She didn’t have enough pillows to build a mound so she could attempt to sleep upright, and she tried to ignore the whispering thought that it would be harder for her to make a pillow mound without her magic—with a broken, useless horn. She took a deep breath, and decided to walk around for a few minutes. Getting down was the hardest part. Tempest didn’t care to jump around much—it seemed inconsiderate to jostle her little passenger, and he was more than willing to complain about it—and this meant she had to step down hoof-by-hoof. Fortunately, she sleepily remembered a large step given to her as a foal shower gift to allow her to get on and off the bed without squishing her belly along the way every time. She turned to face that side of the mattress and gently stepped down, dragging her navel along the edge of the mattress but not nearly as much as she would’ve otherwise. Tempest yawned, and started to absentmindedly wander around her small home. She ran through her mental checklist: She didn’t need to pee; she wasn’t hungry; and, while she could drink some water, she preferred to keep her bladder empty before going to bed lately.

Ponies talked about the sounds of little hooves echoing throughout their homes, but she hardly knew the sounds of her own hooves here. Without trying, she found herself standing before the door to her nursery, and pushed it open. Moonlight illuminated the room through the window, and tears formed in her eyes as she looked at all of the gifts and toys the ponies of Ponyville had so generously given to her for her foal’s sake: A crib one mare had no longer needed, a stuffed ursa minor doll a foal had outgrown, and so many other things they’d given to her so that they’d continue to be used. She rubbed her eyes, and reminded herself to repay the townsponies—her fellow townsponies—in any way she could whenever the opportunity showed itself. It was then that Tempest remembered one more gift. She pulled the door shut and walked to her hall closet to get it.
It was shoved in the top of the closet where it was difficult to get. That thought about her ruined horn returned to her, but then she thought about how her foal would so happily grab things in his magic for her once he was older, and that thought was enough to bring a smile to her face instead of a frown. She reared against the doorframe and managed to loosen it with her forehoof enough to drag it down. It was some kind of body pillow, shaped similarly to an arch but more narrow, or like two pillars with a connecting segment. She only vaguely remembered getting it but, if anything could help her sleep, it would probably be the pillow. She grabbed it in her mouth and walked back to her room. She roughly tossed the body pillow on the bed before less roughly putting herself back on; even with the step helping, she had to suck in her gut to get back up easily. She figured the connected part should go under her head, moving it before lying down on it. She squirmed on it for a moment before she moved her legs closest to the mattress underneath the pillow, and rotated herself a bit to prop her belly up on the side with her other legs. It felt as if she were hugging a pony, but while standing on two legs. He adjusted his position within her, and she realized afterwards how that soreness wasn’t returning to any part of her body. “Tired yourself out in there?” She snuggled more deeply into the pillow. “Good.”

Sleep was finally coming to Tempest—she could ignore his occasional gentler movements—but he seemed nearly done. Her brow furrowed when she felt another pressure building up, in her bladder.
Good stuff
Oh wow a whole collection just for Tempest
Cute story
Not bad

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