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With hearts and hooves day coming up here on /bug/ we come together to ponder the best way to celebrate the big day with your special somebuggy to give them all the love you can, while trying to avoid loving the wrong bug. (bugs are seriously hard to tell apart sometimes ya know)

>>Some bug writing from last thread:

>"The holes in the loop"
continued from last thread

>green about two bugs going out

>"bug scare"
short story with an accompanying comic

>"On Redemption - ONGOING"
ongoing green linked from /aie/

>>Some old links:

Old Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223

Very Old /bug/ Pastebin: https://poneb.in/PjB4LKgd

BuggyCYOA archive: https://ponepaste.org/4086

Previous thread: >>41776589

>>Question of teh thread:
>what is your ideal way to celebrate hearts and hooves day with your special somebuggy (or somepony)?
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>>41917623 (OP)
first for danganya
>my story is in the OP
Awesome. I never did get another prompt.

>what is your ideal way to celebrate hearts and hooves day with your special somebuggy (or somepony)?
The traditional gift is impregnating her, right?
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>never did get another prompt.
fuck im so sorry i never thought of another one
ill try to think of one still lel

>The traditional gift is impregnating her, right?
sounds about right as traditional bug gifts go
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Kickin' it with Kevin
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kevin is best bug
would hang out with him all day every day if i could
also nice
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>luv muh hive
>luv muh bugmom
>give er all me love
>simple as
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Idk why Kevin gives me extreme splatim vibes
weirdest thing ive heard all week kek
goodnight bugs
dont let the bedbugs bite unless you want them to that is
How would Changelings react to a person with haphephobia (fear of touch and being close to others)?
>i would say >rape but any bug with any sense would know that is a very unfulfilling source of emotion when forcibly ripped from someone in that way
>feel like bugs would be trained in some capacity to deal with people and ponies that avoid contact and relationships
>not only with them being trained in the art of social manipulation to become another creature to harvest love but also being trained in psychology to an extent to understand those around them that avoid physical and emotional contact better to better harvest love for the hive
>i can imagine a bug getting to know a person with a fear of touch or closeness
>helping them work through it over time effectively making that person a better host for the hive by making them more receptive to hugs
>my head canon being that hugs are the most love producing nonsexual contact a bug can engage in besides, you know, behind closed doors plutonic cuddling
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>hi anon!
Cute bug. Would sit next to.
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>pictured: anon sitting down next to kevin
I swear someone made an edit to this pic.
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i made an edit of the lyra version
after seeing you say that i made this shitty edit for you
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God I want to fuck her.
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>>41917623 (OP)
>my heavy heart aches
>yearning again for true love
>only in my dreams
Teaching the Changelings about regicide
very rude
i just wanna love her
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRqrPhh9NpE [Embed]
>im like bigfoot stompin thru your hive again
>lookin for eggs (lookin for eggs)
>me bee
>sip love
>make honey
buzzt buzzt
Changelings. What's the point? Annoying buggers, though the meat isn't bad.
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superbly offensive, you have alerted the swarm
say your prayers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU0Q82oTDoo [Embed]
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she cool
whats teh reference? is she just a ninja?
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Oh, right, that was it, now I remember.
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lmao thank you for adding kevin to the full one
that is so awesome
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Get back to work!
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sorry queenie but the derp has already taken over
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remembering spike's changeling song
i dont thing changelings need to change
i like them how they are
>observing their lives
>theyll never know the real me
>but would they want to?
That's a small bug
For you
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heh heh
everybug ready for hearts and hooves day coming up?
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>triple threat
>thorax talks about a group of renegade changelings that wanna stay with the old way of feeding
>could have been a whole episode of the nu hive being devided and thorax having to come to a resolution with his people
>its pretty much entirely resolved in the last quarter of the episode by way of a conversation with ember
>only brought up again with the introduction of his brother
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who is best bug?
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C'mon, you know.
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Thorax when he was only a little gay.
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If you mean the best bug species at being bugs then cockroaches.
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>"Here at /mlp/, we put the 'cock' into 'cockroachpony'."
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I mean I would.
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top contender, because mom
shiny wings thorax was best thorax yes
what makes COCKroaches better than changelings?
best bug bro at the very least
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>what makes COCKroaches better than changelings?
Well, they don't turn fucking GAY and betray their queen leading to their total extinction. Cockroaches are much harder to get rid of and they're a lot better at invading other's homes too.
Yeah but they're stupid, smell horrible, and everyone hates them. Oh wait...
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But bugs are not supposed to smell good or be pretty or likeable. They're supposed to adapt, survive and reproduce. And what did changelings do? Adapted to fucking die out. They suck at being bugs. But I still love them.
you make a very compelling argument, if inadvertently, for cockroach pone/changeling hybrids
they would be the ultimate lifeform
>not gay
anon, I...
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>A roachling disguises as a pet
>Can adjust its appearance to be the cutest one for anyone
>Slight mind control keeps an owner strongly attrached to it
>Can also make it's owner want to have more pets
>Gets normal food completely for free, but is capable of surviving on the streets
>To get love all it needs to do is to act cute from time to time
>The hive disguises itself as an animal shelter
>Can have mind controlled people run it too
>Acts agressively to other pets when the owner is away, playful and chill when observed
>Low maintenance, some pets, ear scratches and full bowl is all it needs
The perfect parasite. AKA a cat.
talking in another thread about bug mares and someone saying female bugs shouldnt be called mares
im still gonna call em bugmares but if any, what specific name is there for female bugs?
is there even a name?
If they were actual bugs they'd be workers or warriors.
This isn't going to end well...
Male changeling - a drone.
Female changeling - a worker.
Female changeling who lays the eggs - a queen.
>RoachLings are just turbo cats
absolutely golden stuff anon kek
would be the good basis for a story where the only thing that crosses over to the human realm is roachlings where no one questions their existence cuz changeling mind control magic
>mfw h&h day is tomorrow
is that like actual terminology?
In real hive insects? Yes.
I don't think Chrysalis or the show staff knows what Drones are in nature.
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>or the show staff knows what Drones are in nature.
without a doubt lol
the most they did was use bug anatomy for changeling names
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Funnily if taken at face value it would mean changelings are by overwhelming majority, male.
I guess it could work either way if there's just a Queen spawning them all.
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I should have said funnily because they're all mare-sized males to boot.
at face value yeah males could be the in a higher distribution vs females much like an inverse of how pony populations seemingly have way more mares than there are stallions walking around
but personal head canon i got says that changelings are like ponies in their gender distribution in their population
with mares being more common than stallions
kinda like bees with most of the population of their hive being female and there being a handful of males in the hive for pretty much the soul purpose of mating
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In my headcanon, only the queen has genitalia, and the others are basically males but with nothing down there. She has to find new ponies to rape in order to make more changelings.
i mean yeah, that could work as a mode of copulation
leans even more into the whole parasite thing that changelings already have kek
I headcanon that males are actually rare, and having a bunch of drones is a sign of power and prestige, since it takes a huge hive to produce them.
Chrysalis's swarm is mostly drones because her crown is actually a go-crazy amplifier artifact, like the alicorn amulet, that lets her make all of her eggs turn out male, if she wants.
in bee hives typically theres 100 female worker bees for every male drone bee
makes sense, like you said that a high number of males in a hive symbolizes its power
never thought about it like that
Personally my headcanon was that Chrysalis was on a nuptial flight to establish her own hive, which is why she only had drones with her during ACW.
>one day of the year
>hearts and hooves brought together
>to feed every bug
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How can I, a changeling, steal the maximum amount of love from the ponies over the next 24 hours?
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refer to your infiltration training
>fast love acquisition isnt high output love acquisition
unless you had a host prior to hearts and hooves day all i can say is good luck
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happy hearts and hooves day everyling!!
Dropping the Chryssy Valentines from 2013
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hell yeah chryssy dump :D
one of the most unbelievably cute versions of this that ive ever seen
i will always love her
>i will always love her

That's her favorite meal.
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id gladly give it all to her
every bugs favorite day of the year <3
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A decade ago there were these great threads every year on H&H Day, threads where ponies would be going on dates with Anon, various Anons in the comments saying what happened on the date and the OP playing out the story. (This has been against the rules since 2013) and there was always a plot twist where it turned out to be Chrysalis in disguise, manipulating lonely Anon on his loneliest day to feed off his love. I miss peak /mlp/.
That reminds me of an old fic but I cannot remember the fucking name of it. Luna hunts down Chrysalis and kills her.
plenty of good cyoa after the rp thread ban though
pretty much the same thing
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>id love to take chryssi out for a nice picnic on hearts and hooves day
>somewhere quiet and out of the way, like the grassy hills outside ponyville
>maybe under the shade of an old oak
>bring a thermos of hot water for the tea and set up a nice little kettle to steep while we talk
>spend the day chatting and listening to music
>cuddle under the stars before packing up for the night
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would give all my love
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPan651rVMs [Embed]
This one?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xtuZVp2MIg&t=10s [Embed]
sick cover art
Yeah, that's it. Still love the ending.
>im a changelin
>see me change
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmMudOmN_7U [Embed]
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>post canterlot wedding, shiny still has daily nightmares about bugs
>secretly scared as shit when thorax is around (were talking the small era after thorax is revealed but before to where and back again)
>still secretly scared of changelings after they go rainbow colored and talk funny
i wish bugs were real....
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>The Rarities
I love changelings so much. Definitely the most underrated type of ponies in MLP.
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always been my favorite since i seen them for the first time
i like them because they look so cool and have sharp fangs, the shapeshifting is a cool bonus
>one must first ponder the bug plot before attempting further action
I feel that. Plus, I’ve always had a fascination with bugs and insects.
>a fascination with bugs and insects.
liked dinos as a kid
scary stuff with sharp teeth will always be bad ass
>type of ponies
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Do you guys prefer it when Changelings are more animalistic, acting purely on instinct and the need for survival, or when they have an established society and culture with history and such?
>skulking in the dark
>dreaming of a full belly
>for someponie's heart
They are ponies though. They even have the characteristics of ponies.
Both are cool, so it’s hard to decide, but I think the dark and mysterious changelings are way cooler than the bright and colorful ones.
i prefer them as being refined but a mix of the two through a scifi lens is something sinister im thinking up
>changelings are far different from ponies
>they evolved far different than them
>sure they can keep up a ficade of blending in with polite society and the ponies that keep it but when the mask is off at the end of the day they are still bugs
>bugs still running off instinct and pheromone
>they have no real capacity for interaction or deeper feeling past finding new ways of satisfying their hunger for love, they simply possess the ability to flawlessly imitate ponies to get the emotion they need
>they have the tools to observe and emulate to a perfect degree but no need to do so for themselves as an individual
>like the ability to see themselves as anything other than a gatherer of substance for their hive was lost in their minds evolutionarily
>that when revealed as the parasite they are, they have no course of action past lashing out like the cornered animal they are
>an animal with no capacity to reason with their accuser once their disguise is gone
>sure they can keep up a conversation as their mark and remember details of who they replaced to a tee
>but its all instinct and magic that runs their brains and keeps them in line, nothing more
>"We are ponies with insect characteristics."
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>ches bug :D
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the smuggest of bugs
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love her to deth
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thoughts on fluffle?
very idw lookin
Cute. I like her sister's design. As for her relationship with Chrysalis, I'm indifferent.
which sister?
>you will never replace Rainbow Dash to steal Scootaloo's love for her
>you will never reveal it and laugh in Scootaloo's face after you've had your fill
>you will never reverse the bodysnatch by freeing Rainbow Dash and replacing Scootaloo to steal Rainbow Dash's love for her instead
that is one of one of the most twisted schemes to get the most love possible from a situation
and i love that a real bug could only think of it, such a wonderful plan
Maybe it's because I'm still partially trapped in my edgy teenager phase but I'll always like the combination of red (and its variations) and black. Her horn being the Marker from Dead Space is a pretty neat detail, too.
I'm gonna change
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>Flurry brought up by changelingphobic dad
>hooks up with Chrysalis to spite him
>still partially trapped in my edgy teenager phase
its not a phase if its what you like anon kek
you can like cool bad ass looking stuff
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>teenage flurry sneaking out her window at night to see chyssi in town
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reformed mom plot ftw <3
an good bug thred
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I should get something with her, showing her interacting with her mirror in Queen Chrysalis, emphasizing the difference between them.

Any ideas yet?
>interacting with her mirror in Queen Chrysalis
you could translate that into art literally maybe?
like reformed chryssi looking into the mirror pool that pinkie used that one time, looking down into it seeing regular chryssi looking back at her?
kind of a stretch but ive never seen a changeling interact with the pool
maybe the innate magic in changelings messes with the mirror pools magic bringing out alternate reality versions of a creature instead of just clones when the cloning ritual is done
i dunno just something i thought up
No, I don't think that would work well. I just had the idea of Reversalis smushed up against Queen Chrysalis highlighting some differences between them. As for writing ideas, something unrelated to Reversalis would probably be better, since I could write about my scenario well enough as it is.
>I just had the idea of Reversalis smushed up against Queen Chrysalis highlighting some differences between them.
that sounds like it would be nice to see, at least the visual in my head of it sounds nice
nise design all except for the midget horn lmao
How do they get out if she doesn't have a vagina?
Now do they slowly crawl out one by one or go SPRRRRRLLLLLTTTT gushing out?
They go SPRRRRRLLLLLTTTT gushing out one by one, unless you subscribe to the alternative explanation:
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I wasn't on board with your pregnant Chrysalis idea.
But then I read your story.
*le sigh*
Thank you. Which one?
i read the reply above and i was about to link that very piece of art lel
the vibe of that one is stuck in my mind since i seen it, i love the vibe of it with her smiling like that
makes me happy
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I wasn't and still am not but bitching is fruitless if you're not getting paid for it so I usually just hide and ignore it all.
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many such cases lel
From Love to Changelings

I still don't accept it as a headcanon, but at least I can see some of the appeal.
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>bugfags see this and say "hell yeah"
>wwyd if there was a bug in front of you RIGHT NOW!!???
aw fuck im late
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwSUJM2EyqE [Embed]
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>i come to terms with the reality of living around bugs the more i fantasize it
>i love changelings like nothing else but real bugs still fuck me up really bad
>thinking about the sound of lings flying around, or even the sound of being in the hive
>imagined a bug as big as a changeling, with wings that big
>closest comparable thing that came to mind was a giant wasp's wings
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXf4ocadnnE [Embed]
>just a recording like this fucks with me so bad, makes my blood run cold
>and then im thinking of that sized up by a hundred to be what a changeling would sound like
>thinking about how i need to train myself to get less freaked out by that sound
>would be rude to jump every time a bug fren takes flight or passes by
>go to Equestria
>find Chrysalis
>she agrees to be my waifu
>she takes me to the hive
>all the changelings sound like mosquitos
I'd kms myself
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good morning to all teh bugs of teh hive
double checked
super cute pic
id teach my bug how to troll
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chryssy filly uoh
Do NOT sexualize the youngling queens
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but filly chryssy erotic though ToT
>scuttling, shrieking
>seeking out fresh red hot love
>her empty heart cries
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ill always love my bug mom, even if she turns into a grandma
this one wasnt bad
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super pretty on model mom art wew
they make more?
>queen Chrysalis killed my grandma's dog in my dream last night
wtf bugmom?
Poor dog :(
yeah it fucking sucked, and i shit you not i even had to burry him too
a lot of running around this hotel full of changelings besides what happened to the dog
i remember some of the bugs wanted to catch me and others were helping me
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hyper evil chryssi is fucked up
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Damn, she sure loves her cetchup
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>acquire teh paper bugmom
>give teh paper bugmom all your love
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>me be
>an bug
>replaced some poor sap in a small pony town
>getting bored with living his life
>decide to go on vacation
>tell host that i need to visit family out of town or some shit
>go to manehattan
>make up a new pony to be every day
>spend my nights stalking ponies in dark alleys, scaring the shit out of them
>baring fangs, hissing, ripping just enough love from them to leave em spooked, ect.
>once awareness of changelings in the area hits a high i leave
>get back home and live life as normal again
>do it all again a few months later in another big city
>its the simple pleasures in life that keep a bug sane
bzzt bzzt
bzzt bzzt
you drawed that?
"Did I step in dog shit?"
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I like bugs, but this simply will not do. . .
just my brain making dreams its not her fault
>hyper evil chryssi is fucked up
Yeah, maybe just stick with hyper chryssi.

Just kidding, she's more fun when she's cartoonishly and unapologetically evil. So it's hyper, hyper evil chryssi for me.
>maybe just stick with hyper chryssi.
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i wonder what this looks like on 4chin
it does work lol
if youre reading this open the pic and switch between yotsuba and tomorrow
you got any commissioned art in teh works?
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preggy bug <3
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Of course, here's the stick figure doodle I gave Jotun22. Do you even need to see his sketch after this?
need more bugmom animation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZJFFJNnu0c [Embed]
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Just kidding, here's the latest sketch. This is based on the ending scene of this story I wrote based on different artwork:
Make your choice /bug/
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would have been funnier if you left me with the first pic lel
looks dope though
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turning canon chryssi into fanon chryssi is the ideal scenario that makes me feel warm and fuzzy but getting used by canon chryssi as her personal infinite source of love in her hive makes muh dick hard
I personally prefer wifeing up a random Changeling and starting a small business selling Love Honey or some other Changeling product that Ponies don't normally have access to. Either that or loving her so damn much that she metamorphosizes into a Queen, herself and we start our own hive. You become a sort of King that nobody respects because despite having a huge army, you never use it because you can't stand the thought of your babies getting hurt. XD
>starting a small business selling Love Honey or some other Changeling product
reminded me of this small green i wrote a while back
>You become a sort of King that nobody respects because despite having a huge army, you never use it because you can't stand the thought of your babies getting hurt.
would make for a very sweet ending to a story
>"the king who loved too much"
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real bug problems
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
checked ha
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>I personally prefer wifeing up a random Changeling and starting a small business selling Love Honey or some other Changeling product that Ponies don't normally have access to.
Based fantasy.
That was a nice read. Elytra is a good name.
ohhhhhhh daaammmmnnnnnnn sick art fuck yeah
thanks anon, im glad you liked my story enough to do that
Enter Queen Drugalis
bug horse pussy appreciation from our frens on v
dirty stinky hippy and bugmom aint a combo i dig lel
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>wake up
>pull off covers
>front of boxers covered in green goo
>mfw the bugs got in and raped me in my sleep again
>wake up
>pull off covers
>no green goo on front of boxers
>didnt get raped by bugs in my sleep
>or loving her so damn much that she metamorphosizes into a Queen, herself and we start our own hive
With Blackjack and Hookers, right anon?
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thanks fren
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No problem.
Queen Cutealis
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i love how pretty my mama is <3
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cute art anonski
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>deep in canterlot
>green blood stains on the brick top
>never washed away
I want to cum inside changeling!
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whos gonna tell him?
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Tell me what?
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Tell him anon.
>would have been funnier if you left me with the first pic lel
Yeah, but I didn't want to wait to share it with you guys.

>looks dope though
Indeed. Here's the linework: >>41981030 →
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hoof holding iz better
thoughts on bug wings?
I agree that oldlings should've had elytra. They look like they do and something went wrong in production.

Skittles are ugly otherwise though.
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in badlands, changeling cums inside YOU
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We're not in the badlands. Changeling is getting cummed inside of or it's going to get introduced to Jimmy. . .
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Different kind of Bug horse
Elytra is the best design change and likely the only good one of the sparklebugs
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iz bughorse enough
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>Skittles are ugly otherwise though.
no doubt about it
>heart always empty
>hungry for a dose of love
>will you give me some?
I thought it was because they were starving. Skeletons were trimmed down, forming holes in many places. Non-vital muscle groups were atrophied: Fangs were stuck in position. Elytra were unopenable because of the lost muscles, so the wings were twisted out so they could still be used.

My big gripe with the nulings is the wing-tails. It should have been bug-abdomens on them, and the cheeselings.
>starting a small business
Has anyone ever used the idea of a changeling business of pizza delivery with "celebrity" delivery ponies?
You could license out the likenesses of famous ponies and have your 'lings disguise themselves to get some adoration while they deliver pizzas.
this is just changeling brothel with extra steps
SHH! You want the fuzz on our case, or something?!
That's a good one!
>Non-vital muscle groups were atrophied: Fangs were stuck in position. Elytra were unopenable because of the lost muscles, so the wings were twisted out so they could still be used.
not a bad head canon
imagined the wholes to be like an allegory or somethin
>There are literally holes in them because they don't have enough love.
Yep, that there is an allegory.
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>a well worn trifold pamphlet hangs from anons refrigerator beneath a magnet
>on its front it bares the company's emblem displaying celestia at its center with an overly long horn
>the bold text below it reads:
>"CALL OUR TOLL FREE ORDER LINE NOW: arcane orb call coordinate [1,555,555,5555]."
>on an inner fold it reads proudly:
>"spice up your delivery experience today with a pizza pie topped with anything under the sun delivered by anypony (or anything) under the sun!"
>"some well loved examples include:
>princess celestia
>princess luna
>queen chrysalis
>princess twilight sparkle
>pop idol sapphire shores
>a big rock
>and anything else under the sun that you could think of!!"
>the back cover of the pamphlet reads a short history of the company:
>"originally opened as a delivery service out of las pegasus by a group of three changeling sisters, their main draw was selling pizzas delivered by princess celestia herself
>after quickly gaining popularity and noticing copy cat businesses marketing cheap imitations of their business model, they patented their business and named it LONGHORN PIZZAtm!
>after an expansion of their locations the three sisters decided to take their business a step further not only offering to their customers on demand delivery to any location called from by whatever form requested but also a choice of any conceivable topping imaginable no matter how outlandish! (fees do apply proportionally for rarer and impossible to find topping items)"
>a big rock
Gasp! Is Maud and Boulder's relationship hitting a rocky patch?
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>maud orders rock pizzas exclusively by massive rocks to be delivered to her cave when boulder isnt around
>>41917623 (OP)
It's weird that I've never seen changeling tyranids despite the colors being pretty striking.
are those the ones that can shapeshift and take pieces of other races?
Yeah kinda.
Genestealers, yeah.
which one do i believe? lol
Genestealers are a subspecies of Tyranids. They mutate other species into servants and prepare planets for Tyranid invasion.
neat, would have never know otherwise
Cute. I love pregnant drones in more ways than one.
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>in more ways than one.
go on...
This is nearly done. He put a lot more in there than I expected. She's going to need to eat more than one happy meal for that brood. Changelings would definitely eat meat if they could.
How many more arts of her are you going to commission?
How many artists told you to fuck off?
'ate 'rysalis, simple as.
omg he went wild with that one lel
it looks so awesome already
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>How many more arts of her are you going to commission?
I'll keep doing it until it bores me. I've got one that's a trade in progress, at least three other commissions of it happening right now, and a few more in negotiation. I've started asking artists who specialize in changelings or Queen Chrysalis herself for their takes. I've also started to return to artists I've commissioned for it before rather than only asking new people.

>How many artists told you to fuck off?
Only two who just didn't want to draw all of the little foals in there come to mind right now. Oh, and Pony Quarantine didn't like the idea, but then he drew the birthing one right in front of me at Mare Fair after we talked about various things. I hope I didn't bug him with it, lol.

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preg drone takeover shhhhhhhh
i want to make a video of queen chrysalis with this song but i dont know where to start
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WflAReA2cqs [Embed]
does anyone know a good editing software for video?
i love her and i need to do this for her
>so the wings were twisted out so they could still be used.
what if the wings are illusory like the rest of their magic
that their outer elytra dont move anymore so they just magic up some working ones onto their backs as a substitute
It's neat how MLP can have villains that are genuinely threatening. Because remember, it's a girls show (from 2011), if you can believe that.
That's like trying to save money on rubber by replacing your car's tires with rocket engines.
Magicking up a pair of wings would be spending love energy that you already didn't have to spare.
The first MLP villain kidnapped ponies and turned them into a heavy metal album cover.

Yeah, that was cool.
>The first MLP villain
G1 tirek?
>when caught in death's grasp
>which god does a bug pray for?
>does he think of mom?
I never really thought about Changeling reproduction until I listened to fanfic about a pregnant scout finding the EQG mirror after the failed Canterlot wedding, go through it to escape capture, and giving birth/laying an egg in the human world. Like, it's just the setup to the story but it's one of the things I remember the most for whatever reason. Some times I imagine wrapping arms around a pregnant Changeling. The one in the story was still pretty nimble in the story so I'm not really sure what it'd look like.
very rude >:(
>a pregnant scout
Careful, new mom. I don't think Chrysalis will allow some kind of gamergate revolution to take hold.
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>dream just woke up from about being bug
>in the hive a task force opportunity pops up for infiltrators, which i am
>big bounty board of high love yield targets with high payouts for capture and retrieval
>go on a mission with a couple other lings to work at an outdoors and fishing shop to intercept a vip filly scout thats gonna come though
>do a bunch of fishing at some point and make a bunch of bits selling a mountain of fish to a pony in the store
>it all goes down hill from here
>stocking some shelf with knives or something
>above a case of really nice looking knives theres a paper with tips and tricks to foraging in the wild taped on the wall
>a snooty looking canterlot pony is having some conniption about the paper
>somepony before him went around the paper with a red pen and "corrected" what it was talking about
>he cant take it and starts correcting what the other pony was inaccurately correcting with his own red pen
>try to tell him its not necessary and to stop
>he keeps doing it and says something along the lines of "somepony as stupid as you wouldnt understand"
>i snap and start bashing his face with my hooves
>leave him in a heap on the ground
>the mark we were sent to capture is in the growing crowd behind me
>shes laughing
>i hoof her in the face a few times too before making my way to the exit
>i break down and cry in the entrance doors to the shop
>somepony is trying to console me and scolding me for messing up my mane
>i wake up
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>Some times I imagine wrapping arms around a pregnant Changeling
its a very nice thing to imagine, yes
id read a fic about a rogue ueen taking over the hive but without the gamergate
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>*puts you and everypony you know into cocoons*
>heh, nothing personnel poni
wrong tongue
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>chrysalis gets ahold of anon
>they do the sex
>he escapes the hive while she sleeps
>she starts to show a few days later
>there is only one grub inside her womb
where does it go from here?
do bugs need to sleep or does the love they get keep them going?
or does their desire for love keep them going?
i need to sleep
How much bug is too much?
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I'm not sure. I can tolerate a lot of bug, but your bug tolerance may vary.
no such thing as too much in my eyes
thats such a strangely cute design
Really interesting seeing what insect traits different people choose to implement.
I think it's the two eyes.
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i really dig when people redesign or just draw lings cooler or more bug like and in doing so give them a bunch of bad ass looking spikes
(even though spikes and spines are evolutionarily selected for in creatures that are predated upon by much larger creatures if i rember correctly,
brings fourth some interesting inadvertent implications)
Thats's how you get bug filly
It's how you do holes without actually giving them holes.

In my opinion, peak bug
>It's how you do holes without actually giving them holes.
like theyre a substitute? why not have both?
Chrysalis if she deer
Aren't the antlers only on males?
yeah, simply a misinformed artist trying to emulate thorax's look
ive seen it a lot when people make reformed chryssi art with antlers
i prefer the white chryssi design instead of the idw reformed look personally
Then it must be her r63 counterpart. All hail the reborn King Imago!
that tumblr pic >>41997473 would work well as a reformed r63 chryssi
probably the only ive ever seen kek
>>41996974 →
aww its dead, i was having fun writing that
The antlers are only on Thorax and Pharynx, none of the other males have them.
Too many gives structural integrity issues, they're trying to avoid. Hence minimal holes. Could make them spiracles and sensory organs if you don't mind them not going all the way through. then you could have the full number.
do they count as kings or princes?
arent those breathing organs? i remember reading that word before
>Too many gives structural integrity issues
i do get what you mean though
If I recall correctly, they are referred to as "King" and "Prince". That sort of implies a more mature form. Like you would expect a beard on a man, but not a boy. And antlers are usually on males, for deer.
General purpose intakes, only breathing if they are the spaghetti mesh that allows oxygen to diffuse. They don't actually breathe in or out through them and are more similar to fish gills than lungs n the other side.
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This should be done later today. She's all upset about the new clothesline only lithe ponies can wear.
Hey, look, a reasonable number!
heh heh very cute as always
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Look at that, she's already done.

Yeah, don't worry, I had her expanded a little.
Artistic liberty and such.
i've never liked that white design
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>that white design
its what i imagine she would go to if she went skittlebug
rather the preferable depiction i imagine in my head
hmmm changelings breathing like real bugs through their legs is not an idea i relish
now if youll excuse me im gonna try and not think about that
The only animals on earth as far as I know that have forked tongues also use them to breathe and smell (I think). Changelings aren't purely insectoid aesthetically, they possess some mammal and reptile traits as well.
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>forked tongues also use them to breathe
ehhhhh i dunno about the breathing part but tasting the air to smell is a thing
changelings tasting emotion on the air like a snake is a very cool feature for sure besides it just making them look cool as fuck when they hiss
Some birds have forked tongues. Mostly hummingbirds, can you guess what they use them for?
The answer is "stabbing."
>The answer is "stabbing."
pardon me but w h a t?
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The tip of their tongues are forked and hardened to collect nectar better, males decided to weaponize it, by making harder and sharper, also making it worse at collecting nectar at the same time.
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fucken brutal
headcanon'd as an adaptation for lings lol
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feel like thats connected to a fic
its too sad looking not to be kek
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>wat do?
Don't make me get Dr.Seuss in here again.
i dont see no ham on that plate, boy
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i am partial to shy sweater chryssy
don't tell her what happened, but eat all the eggs
Big Chryssi eggs
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>the equestrian bureau of health and ethics advises that citizens to avoid over fraternization with changelings if possible
remember, it is not only bad for YOUR health to over feed changelings
>Don't make me get Dr.Seuss in here again.
you like a medium or something? gonna do a seance?
bugs can still be sensitive even if you think they look scary
they still deserve love
>exhaled, even here
>the hive pushes me away
>in time I may stay
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I did not realize I was that drunk when I wrote that last night, damn
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>overdoes it
every FUCKING time
you new here?
Not every time. What do you expect from me?
That one always makes me smile, so much cute going on kek
Would she hurt a fly?
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She'd tear its wings off and watch it run around on its legs with amusement.
Isn't that like killing your uncle?
a Queen would have little reason to trifle with such lowly creatures
she has more important prey to pursue
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Imagine being french kissed by her.
how selfish....
that she won't even let me watch her eat teh spagoot...
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Thoughts on her swords?
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I'd wheel her into combat
hardcore as fuck
I would gladly lay my life on the line if only to see her use them in battle
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>>41917623 (OP)
ridiculous propaganda pushed by neo hyvists
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She cute
>ywn shower chryssi with unconditional sappy love until she starts to like it
And would be a good wallpaper if colored
love that face
only though appreciation of the bugbutt does one find inner peace
dear god....
a bump to surpass all bumps, the bug bump
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I'd like to find myself in 'er piece, if you know what I mean.
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How crude
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>>42019274 →
such is life for a bug
what a shame
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Just give her time to digest after every meal and she'll be fine
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>letting her live a moment in my presence without receiving constant love from me
dont think thats possible, lad
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>have you visited the love bank today, anon?
>bugbutt but sparkly now
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What I wouldn't give to be with her right now.
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its a feel we all know well
i would give my life for her
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she would only have but to ask and i would give her my everything
what a dream to be with her for even a moment
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need moar dork chryssy

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