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>>41920985 (OP)
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>>41920985 (OP)
My horsewife
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Do you, now...
>>41920985 (OP)
Wouldn't this scuff her ponut?
Looks like after
>>41920985 (OP)
She sitting
see >>41921588
This changes nothing.
>LITERALLY negative ass
Nice it's after a
>bad night sleep
Freudian slip
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>>41920985 (OP)
Indeed, sit Sunny...
>>41920985 (OP)
Sunny Sleep
I want to sleep next to her on a cloud
yes, she's consumed by guilt after raping (You)
>comes in and hugs her
I'll just >rape and then we're even.
Sunny quit sitting on my marefriend
The rare mare chair
>>41920985 (OP)
lol your generation is dead
Just got a new episode. How many years since FiM had a new episode?
It goes out the same way it comes in.
Dial 1-800-BOINK-A-HORSE
I got the Posey one
Wow, G5 mares are completely butlers, aren't they?
There's just a hinge there where their hind legs ant tail attach.
BUTTLESS, not butlers.
oops, my bad
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That's funny, Sunny
Sun up
>>41920985 (OP)
buttless mare
You mean rump
We're sundowning that term
Don't lower your ears at me!
I'll forgive and forget
>>41920985 (OP)
What if instead of Sunny, her name is Gloomy and she is the emo version
>Most of her life she was seen as the town weirdo with only Hitch as her friend

Huh, that's just sad.
I want to pet her
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>>41920985 (OP)
What did you do to her you monster
it's so cute!
She had a nightmare
I called her the buttons on her satchel cute
>>41920985 (OP)

Sunny Panic
Why is she in the closet?
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Sunny transform
or she's feeling somepony's tongue...
That's when the bats changed the timeline
I just said I prefer a milkshake
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That's why Izzy is so important to her
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Sunny I was in the pool
In what pool?
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Sunny pic that looks the POV is about to propose. Would propose to sunny
Mares dont know about shrinkage
>no ass
gen 4 succeeded because it had sex appeal. gen 5 failed because it had none.
So would I
Based fellow sunnyfag
How could you be so cruelhouse in the poolhouse?
Sunny quit putting me down
Why would she kill you?
>not gunna make it!
>not gonna be my day
Sometimes "putting someone down" means killing that someone.
I think.
She's justified
What dod you do?
Oh ok I meant for her to stop insulting
Sunny would never do that unless it's meant to be playful. Atleast imo.
I legally moved Sprout into the Bright House
She's happy, right?
Look at her chest
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I want to kiss her
While she's making the ooo?
She Oooohing
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>sunny before asking me on a date
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Sunny Cosplay
I want to hug her
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>ends up making out with me
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Sunny loves her idol
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Yes, certainly
That's punishment?
he didnt think that through
She wanted jto punish me, but it ended with just making out. Somehow.
Nice teef
too scary no want
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Would be better without twilight , Cadance , and Flurry
Opaline is also missing...
>LITERALLY negative T
>>41920985 (OP)
Jesus she sits so fast! Reckless sitting. She's gonna get a pussy splinter or sit on a sharp rock and end up hospitalized!
She likes to live dangerously
Thass cute
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So pretty!
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Yes miss sunny.
Horse rape?
hate rape
Hate rape who?
aint no way
forced hugging
Tiny pony brain takes time to compute
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Pretty amre
>>41920985 (OP)
"...on my face..."
>https://youtu.be/KkJnd9rSAQ8 [Embed]
thas racis!
You forgot to mention that her entire family was viewed as lunatics by Maretime Bay.

Schizo Sunny
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Buck teeth
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She was also a vandal and petty criminal
>petty criminal
Oh no! She's meeting all my standards!
>can cook
>can make a sandwich
>petty criminal
>and much more
Perfect housewife material
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What kind of standards are those?
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But why does she keep kissing my food
Exacting ones
Sunny no watch out!
This needs the Star of David edit.
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Would smooch her
Sunny would never jew that
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Don't push her! >:(
Sun Knee
Saturday Sunny
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"Fuck you twilight"
>proceeds to plow sunny infront of her
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It would be hot to see Sunny and Twilight fuck
She'll turn her into smoothies
I'm glad Opaline killed you
You know what she meant
Such smugness
She should be
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Dubs of truth
Atta girl
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Happy Sun
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She's the happiest girl on the planet
What's the full pic?
She doesn't look happy here!
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She will be.
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But she does make me the happiest man
I am the most based man on the planet. And the most prettiest wife ever.
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*And I have the most prettiest wife ever.
I hate myself.
Look at how they massacred my girl...
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cope. FiM had 9 seasons and a movie and was popular for a decade. your generation is dead
>generation is dead
one trick pony eh?
more like a one trick tranny
That special was peak Sunny. It was all downhill from there....
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Seem far worse.
Was it? Huh
Better than tyt s2 Sunny
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Huh intresting
Nice braid
Now thats a rare Sunny
I love her fat cheeks
sun on her bun
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Thise green eyes...
What's shaking the brighthouse?
Pipp jumping around
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I want her to call me by name
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"Hey An...Ar...Hey You!"
Assume the position!
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Eh anon is enough
>pats sunny
Is there a better res of this beauty
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Kind of like Rarity, but with more trash
Nopony is trashier than Rarity.
Ok coomer.
It didn't have to be a Bestiality 101 course, but they seemed to be afraid to make the g% ponies appealing. In a primarily visual medium aimed at children, that's a bad idea.
Kids know that ugly things are evil.
You can still fap to them
Well, yeah, to the r34 versions that actually have butts.
Being aware of reality isn't "cooming".
Please don't be mean to them. Magic has just returned, so it's going to take a while for their asses to come back
Ah, true, the booty is the seat of magical power.
Sunny shit(in my mouth)
Run! Run! That anon is actually a robot toilet!
Explains twiggy
Smile Sunny
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Seek medical attention.
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Because I'm out of shape and you're so fast!
It's a minor injury, a first aid kit will suffice.
You will be a successful actor, but will not be able to become a famous actor.
That doesn't sound bad. Imagine being a famous actor, sounds like hell
I'd get cancelled on twitter faster then musk after heiling
You gotta keep trying Anon
Sunny was so cute.
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She still is.
I would pull her buck teeth with my own teeth
That sounds like a fucked fetish...
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Bump for wife
shit, I meant as in a kiss
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>>41920985 (OP)
>>41920985 (OP)
On my face
Her eyes are voids...
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Those are eyelids I think
Literally Vogelfag. If you waifu Sunny you are waifuing Vogelfag. Or maybe Lauren Faust in disguise who took over the nickname Vogelfag.
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Who is vogelfag and why should I care?
Maniacal spammer who said the show stopped being good after Faust stepped down as executive producer. Kept yelling about how dogshit season 2 is and nobody believed him. Went a little batshit insane with the spam when he was used to /co/ shitting on reboots/remakes/newer seasons, but was met with crickets from the MLP fandom when nobody else but him hated season 2.
Had some very drastic opinions about the show and its future.

Kept calling out the jew by the same nickname as his. Nobody believed him for 8 long years till a bunch of email leaks happened.
Took a break and returned to review G5 saying it's at least far better than G4 season 2 & season 9 which was worse than The Room tier.

Kind of a tsundere in the sense that he views the best in people and thinks you're not stupid you're just not trying. Constantly imagines you as a hot man or woman behind the screen rather than an obese zit-faced lisp-voiced literal special eds retard. Has the mentality of an angry teacher.
Would criticize anything no matter how low-brow with such fervor you'd think he's an actual critic, writer, artist who feels genuinely offended over what he deems art & ideals attacked and insulted.
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Nice essay
TYT put her on a harsh diet
Sadly he's also a Tailsfag
This reminds me of a funny picture.
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I did. Just barely, though
Embrace the fuzz
Shouldn't be rhat hard. Just need an electric metal cutter
What funny picture? And I do speak the truth. He was literally using his handle in a /trash/ Tails thread
Right looks better. But would look even better with lefts manestyle on right.
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The one where he sits on the bench
I can agree
>>41920985 (OP)
*Sunny slit*
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>>41920985 (OP)
Theres no way she didn't scuff her pussy doing that
Sunny kissu for the sunnfu
What's rule 12?
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Law where I take sunny home
I love her bangs
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do you think that's how it will go? i don't, the world is too complicated and too unpredictable.
Home is anywhere with sunny
I'd rather go to Sunny's home
That is also an option

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